NEW ZEALAND CHESS SUPPLIES P.O.Box 42{q) Wainuiomata Phone (04)564-8s78 Fax (04)564€578 New Zealand Email : chess.chesssupply@ xtra.co.nz Mail order and wholesale stocklsts ol the wldest selecuon of modern chess Iitorature ln Ausualasla Chese sets, boards, clocks, stationery and all playlng equiPment Dlstrlbutors of all leadlng brands ol chess computera and eoftware. Chess S€nd S.A.E. lor brochure and catalogue (state your lnterest). Official maeazine of the New Zealand Chess Federatiur (krc.) PLASTIC CHESSMEN'STAU NTON' STYLE - CLU B/TOURNAMENT STANDABD gOmm King, solid, exba weighted, wide felt base (ivory & black matt fnish)$28.OO 95mm King solid, weighted, felt base (black & white semi-gloss finish) $17.50 Volume 25 Number 3 Jrure 1999 $3.50 (incl. GST) 98mm King solid, weighted, felt base (black & white matt finish) $24.50 Plastic container with clip fight lid for above sets $e.m FOLDI NG CH ESSBOARDS - CLUB/TOU RNAMENT STAN DARD 48O x 48omm thick cardboard (green and lemon) $6.00 45o x 45o mm thick vinyl (dark brown and otf white) $14.50 VINYL CHESSBOARDS . CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANOARD 4fi x 47O mm roll-up mat tyP€, algebraic symbols at borders to assist move recognition (green and white) $9.00 440 x 440mm semi-llex and non{olding, algebraic symbols as above (dark brown and off-white) $9.0o cHESS MOVE TTMERS (CLOCKS) Turnier German-made popular windup club clock, brown plastic $8O.OO Standard German-made as above, in imitafron wood case $88.00 DGT otficial FIDE digital chess timer $169.00 SAITEK digital game timer $129.00 CLUB AND TOURNAMENT STATIONERY Bundle of 20o loose score sheetrs, 80 moves and diagram $7.0O Bundle of 5OO loose score sheets, 8o moves and diagram $15.0O Score pad, spiral-bound, 50 games, score she€ts as above $S.5O Score book, spiral bound, lies flat at any page, 50 games of 8O moves, with index and diagram lor permanent record $7.m Artyfax peel-andstick symbols (4oo pieces) plus 20 diagram blocks $4.0O MAGNETIC CHESS 190 x lsomm (1smm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces S19.5O 27o x 2OOmm (24mm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces (NZ made) $15.0O Standing pocket set 125x 125 mm (1Smm b & w squares) $5.0O Standing 325 x 325mm (38mm squares, 65mm King) $24.50 WE ARE BUYING CHESS LITERATURE OF ANY AGE AND ANY CONDITION. TOP PRICES PAID. Please contact us with details for an offer. English grandmaster in Hamilton tournament EVERYTHING FOR CHESS AT N.Z.C.S. 2 New Zealand Chess STOP PRESS Oftrcial journal of the New Zealand Chess Tribute to Ortvin Sarapu New Zealand Chess Federation (hc.), published in February, The August issue of NZ Chess will be Vol 25 Nurnber 3 June 1999 April, Jrure, August October, December. dedicated to the memory of IM Ortvin Sarapu. Contents Editorial correspondence, copy and advertis. Most of the issue will give biographical ing inquiries should be sent to background, personal reminiscenc€s, playrng The 1999 North Island Championship was dominated by English GM Stuart Conquest, New Zealand Chess record and annotated games (some well 4 and everyone enjoy his games - most of tlem were about 20 moves. There was c/- 103 Koromiko Road known, others not so well known) of New will also a tough battle the which Nigel Hopewell shared Bob Smith. Gonville Zealand's late "Mr Chess." for title, with Contributions are coming from a variety Wanganui of 8 In the new forrnat of the N.I. tournament, there was a separate Reserve Championship, sources, but additional (memories information which was keenly contested between Ryan Trass and Bruce Kay, the latter Opinions expressed in articles, letter and and tributes, corrunent games, or brief on enjoylng his best tournament result in several years. other conkibutions are those of tlte authors. game scores) will be welcome. This must Letters on chess topics are welcome; limit 150 reach the editor by Saturday, August 7. 9 Igor Bjelobrk maintained his top placing in the junior ranks, although the late arrange words and marked 'for publication.n In order to keep the August issue clur for ments meant that some players who would have liked to play missed out. EDITORIAL this purpose, publication of the June issue was delayed to give readers an upto{ate report on Editor, Ted Frost. I I M Russell Dive and Alexei Kulashko particpated in the first zonal in the new Oceania the North Island Overseas news editor, Peter Sfuart. Championship, including thc zone, with some surprising results. games of English GM Shrart Conquest. ST]BSCRIPTIONS 16, The mid-year rating list does not present any major surprises in the top rankings. Subscription payments should be sent to Asian Team Championship Three players have indicated tl'rat thcy urc 22 FM Bob Smith has always suffered in the Waitakere Trust Open from his intensive work Treasurer, NZCF available for the Championslrip, Asian Team in organising the event, but this year he broke through and snatached a well-merited P O Box 216 played ()nc being in Shenyang in Octobcr. solo victory. Shortland Street more player is a possible. Anyone intcrcstcd Auckland should contact NZCF immediately, bccau*- rr 25 Bruce Barnard reigrs supreme in New Zealand's postal chess, taking the NZCCA Championship for the second year in succession. ANNUAL SI]BSCRIPTION RATES golno go decision should be made this rn<xrtlr New Zealand, $20.00 Changes of address and coutacts 26 There's not much regional news, but Vivian Smith has held her national women's title and Australia, South Pacihc, $US12.00 airmail A number of clubs have advised NZCI; ol Russell Dive has been interviewed regularly on the currelt Kasparov v The World East Asia, N America, $US15.00 airmail changes in ofEcers, meeting times, etc. 'lhcsc match on the Intemet. Europe, $USl17.50 airmail, $12.50 economy changes are included in the list ofclubs on thc 27 NM Peter Shrart's overseas news section is shortr than usual, but there's still plenty of Rest of world, $US20.00 airmail, $US15.00 inside back page of this issue of NZ Cfres.s. play. economy variety in the recent Back issues available - send for details TIIE NEXT ISSIIE: Tributes to Ortvin Sarapu will be the feature of this special issue, ADVERTISING RATES although usual features will still appear. Full page, $NZ$45.00 Half-page or full column, $N222.50 1999 South Island Championship Ilalf column, NZ $12.00 in the new St John Ambulance rooms, Monday, 20 September to Friday, 24 September COPY DEADLINE South lsland Rapid, Sunday, 19 September Entry fees, Championship (iuniors Rapid (juniors August issue, Saturday August 7. Cover picture: The participation of English $60 $30); $30 $15). (50 playing Homepage : http://ourworld.compuserve.com/ grandmaster Stuart Conquest was a highliglrt For accommodation at Bing's Motel metres from venue), homepages/nzchess of the 1999 North Island Championship, hcld contact Peter Voss,20 Percy St, Blenheim (phone or fax 03 578-8219) in Hamilton from July 4-9. This issuc contlirrs Some private board could be available, but must be arranged early. Email to editor: [email protected] a full report. NZ Chess 1999 North Island Championship By Ted Frost The 1999 North Island Charnpionship was Conquest enjoyed playrng those games just as different, it was memorable and it was excit- much as readers will enjoy playing them over. ing. While there was a tough frght for the title, The visiting GMs excellence over the board the differences arose liom other factors. was matched away from it - there was a With so few non-metropolitan clubs and no continuous flow of comment about his friend- advance offers to host the tournament, tlamil- liness and his readiness to analyse and advise. ton Chess Club stepped into the breach again, The phrase uA wonderfirl ambassador for but introduced some refreshing changes. chess' was voiced more than once, with the NZCF and other clubs cooper;ated in changing hope that he would refurn to New Zealand at the rules to divide the toumament in two and some time in the future. enable overseas players to compete in the On the evening before the last round Suart championship with the hope that it could be played a simul against 22 opponents, and did FIDE-rated and have FIDE titles on offer. not fare as well as he would have liked, These goals were achieved in part. As part of four losses and two draws - the Howick-Pakuranga's advance efforts to build losses to Philip IIan, Philip Rossiter, Ralph international interest in the coming Congress, Hart amd Bjelobrk, Igor and the draws to Smith drew with Ilair in round 7 to reach 5, Conques(S - Spain,G Paul Spiller had been in touch with a number Mark Sinclair and Graham Pocock. while Hopewell won from Spiller and Spain R2 [Bol] ofmasters overseas, and he was able to give 2.exd5 Wxd5 3.0c3 Se5+ 4.Qe2 c6 Race for the title from Marner to bring thern to 4%, just half a 1.e4 d5 Hamilton the great news tJrat English GM 5.d4 Wc7 6.Qe5 Of6 7.9d2 Qfs 8.OR e6 While first place in the tournament was point back. Bjelobrk dropped out of conten- Shrart Conquest could play. Shurt was not 9.Qxf6 gxf6 10.Oh4 Qg6 ll.fa fs 12.(H) Od7 never in doubt, the rerl rarn, took place for tion by meeting Conquest in this round. able to come to Congress, but one ofhis prizes 15.6hr EadS 16.9e3 second place and the Norttr Island title.
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