Lufthansa 747Sto Europe City Aucktaild 109 Queen Street Telephone 31 Szalsls2g New Zealand Sludy Composer Emil Melnjchenko I

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Lufthansa 747Sto Europe City Aucktaild 109 Queen Street Telephone 31 Szalsls2g New Zealand Sludy Composer Emil Melnjchenko I NEw ZEALAND t CHESS J:"" Resistered at post orrice Ho, werinston as a masazine AUGUST 1983 Lufthansa 747sto Europe City AUCKtAilD 109 Queen Street Telephone 31 SZAlSlS2g New Zealand sLudy composer Emil Melnjchenko I NEW ZEALAND CHESS is published bi-nonthly (February, April, June, NEW ZEALAND CHESS Vol.9 No.4 AUGUST 1983 August, October & December) by the SETS New Zealand Chess Association. Back in stock are the popular plastic, Editori PETER STUART Unless otherwise stated, the views Staunton pattern chess sets - narrow Associate Editorsi T0NY DOITJDEN (otago), VERN0N SlvlALL 1canter.uurq), expressed may not necessarily be base variety, king height 9.5 cn, MICHAEL WHIfE (wettinqton), IM ORTVIN SARAPU those of the Association. Price: 1 -9, $S.50 each; 10+, $8.50 each CANDIDATES BROUHAHA competing successfully at a Los Angeles ADDRESSES BOARDS meet at about the same timel semifinal matches, Kasparov v In any event, one cannot have very A11 articles, letters to the Editor, A new chess board in rigid plastic, The two Korchnoi and Ribli v Smyslov, were much syupathy for the Soviet position etc should be sent to the Editor, 5.3cm squares, brorrm & white, available originally due to start by the end of in view of their delay in first pro- P.W, Stuart, 24 Seacliffe Avenue, folding or non-folding. 0n1y fron NZCA! July but, following strenuous objections testing the venues and then givlng Takapuna, Auckland 9. Unpublished Price: 1-9, $3.50 each; 10*, $3.00 each manuscripts cannot be returned to the playing venues by the USSR Chess their reasons; it is almost as thou8h unless a stamped, addressed return Federation, both mtches have been post- they wished to ensure that there would envelope is enclosed. cL0cr(s poned for one week and are now scheduled be insufficient time to solve the to comence on 6th August. tproblemst, Subscriptions, changes of address Swiss Looping - metal case - possibly As intimated in our June issue, there and advertislng enquiries should sti1l the best chess timer available. were, by the 15 May deadline, three be addressed to the Administration Price: $89.00 each (quantity discount offers to organise the Kasparov-Korctnoi CHANDLER EARNS GM TITLE! Officer, New Zealand Chess Associa- on application), match - from the United States (Pasa- Murray Chandler gained his third and tion, P,O. Box 8802, Symonds St, dena), Netherlands (Rotterdam) and Spain GM norm a 3Z-pLayer Auckland. final in strong 0rders to: NEt^l ZEALAND CHESS ASSOCIATION (Las Palnas). There were no bids for the Swiss tournament at Amsterdam during the P.O. BOX BBO2, SYMONDS ST, other mtch. Kasparovrs first choicewas Iatter half of July. Murray finished AUCKLAND 1. Palmas second DEADL I NES Las with Rotterdam while first equal with Hungarian GM Gyula Sax Korchnoirs only preference was for ahead of super-GMs Jan Timan (Nether- The deadline for boEh copy and Rotterdam. (Czechoslova- advertising is the lands) and VIastimil Hort 6th of the nonth In the case of K v K the FIDE ?resi- kia) who shared third place. Chandler's preceding the monEh oI issue. LATE NEWS denE, f'lorencio Campomanes, selected title should be confirmed during the the venue according to FIDE Statutes. FIDE Congress in Manila later in the SUBSCRIPTION RATES CANDIDATES SEMI-FINALS: Neirher of rhe In a compromise between the players' year; he thus becomes the first Austra- Soviet players, Kasparov and Smyslov, choices, Campomanes chose Pasadena which lasian player to earn the top title. These rates are annual and are in turned up for their semi-finals against had offered the best conditions. New Zealand dollars: Since leaving school at the age of 15, Korchnoi and Ribli. Tbus Korchnoi and Subsequently to Ehe 15 May deadline Chandler has devoted his life to chess - Chess Federa- Surface mail - Ribli were awarded vi.ctories and will now the United Arab Emirates always with the GM title as an objective. New Zealand $6.50 p)-ay ofl in the firral later in the year. tion offered to organise the Ribli v His first top-level result came at the Other countries $8.00 The Sovietrs ostensible reason was that Smyslov match and, as there were stj-Il age of 15 when he shared first place in tr'IDE President Campomanes had not taken no other bids, the UAE was awarded the New Zealand Championship Airmaif - t]ne L915116 - lnto account the playersr wlshes when match by FIDE on 1 June. the second youngest New Zealand champion Australia & Sth Pacific $10.80 deciding the match venues but there The venues decided upon by Ehe FIDE (exc1. ever, North America & Asia appears Eo be nore to lt than that with President were quickly accepted by the Middle East) Chandler represented New Zealand in $11.80 some even saying 1t was all a plot to Hungarian Chess Federation (on behalf (Penang) Europe, South America, the lsE Asian Team Champlonship ensure that Karpov reigns for at least of Ribli) and Korchnoi. ir 1974, the World Junior Championship Africa & I,liddle East 913.00 another three years! Only on 2J Jure did the USSR Chess of 1975 and the Haifa Olympiad in 1976. Federation protest at both venues a1- His next break-through, however, came ADVERTISING RATES AMSTERDAM: The leading scores: t-2 IM though Smyslov reportedly was agreeable when he won the Asian Junior Champion- Chandler & GM Sax 8/711' 3-4 GM Timn & to playing in Abu Dhabi as long as he at Baguio City in 1917, and wlth Eull page half-page or colum ship $40, GvI Hort 7\i 5-6 IM Short fENG) & IM van could add wife and personal doctor to ir the IM rirle. $20, half-colum $,I0, Club Directory der Sterren (NLD) li 7 Kuijf (NLD) his delegation - a condition imediately listing (6 (+ 6r; Murrayrs first GMnormcame in a New issues) $6 $2 for 8-12 G){ Henley (USA), GM vanderWlel agreed to by the UAE Chess Federation. change in copy). York tournament in April 1980 and he (NLD), Gl'lRee (NLD), GM Seirawan (USA) & It was not until mid-July Ehat the came close to gaining further norms on gave reason AC KNOWLEDGEMENT GM Lobron (BRD) 6; 13-20 IM Sunye (BRz) Soviet Chess Federation its a number of occasions over the next IM f'ranco (PAR), Borm (NLD), Ilq vanWij- for not agreeing to the Pasadena venue; couple of years. He had to wait three Thanks are due to IBM for their gerdea (NLD), IM Langeweg fM,D) , Boersma they were worried that, the Los Angeles years norm (achieved at donation of the IBM Selectric type- rclosed' for his second (NLD), Yo9el (NLD) & IM B6hm (NLD) 5\. area being a area, their diplo- Dortmund in April) but then his third writer used to produce this magazlne. mats and consular staff could not enter fol lowed in quick successjon. Pasadena except by giving 48 hours Congratulations Murray I notice. This does noE seem a big prob- lem as the Soviet swimmer Salnikov was AAA 11 Can You See the Combinations ? Wellington Queen's Birthday Weekender Solutions on page 100 MIKE WHITE Organised by the Irtellington Chess were f ollowed by: 3-4 C.I"l.Ker & J, Club and directed by John Preston, the Hemela 3; 5-6 M.A.Gordon & S.Aburn 2!; 1983 Queenrs Birthday Weekend Tourna- 7 G.McQuinlan 2; 8-9 J.R.Simons & D. ment aftracted a field of thirty-eight McDonaLd 1%; 10 P.D.t,lalk1in 0. iAvru{";ffi,i% to the comfortable l^Iellington Cultural Centre. SARFATI ttlcLAREN, French Tarrasch: vwa% , - vru The A-grade expectedly turned into I e4 e6 Z d4 d5 3 Nd2 Nf6 4 e5 Ng8?! another contest dominated by the youth 5 Bd3 b6 6 Ne2 Qd7 7 Nf3 Ba6 8 h4 ''%%% of Wellington chess, Perhaps the 36 Bxd3 9 Qxd3 h5 10 Bg5 c5 11 c4 Nc6 %%'/2, moves in 90 ninutes tlme control con- 12 cxd5 Nb4 13 Qd2 Nxd5 14 0-0 c4 15 tributed but generally the standard of Qc2 Rc8 16 a3 NgeT 17 Ng3 b5 18 Nd2 VY1,g, ,,E% play was a little disappointing even on Nc6 19 Be3 a5 20 Nde4 a4 2l Qe2 96 the top boards. 22 Nc5 Bxc5 23 dxc5 Nxe3 24 Qxe3 Qd4 Leonard Mclaren eventually triumphed 25 Qxd4 Nxd4 26 Radl Nf5 27 Ne4 Ke7 by a fu11 point wirh 4'</5. ne defeated 28 Rd2 RhdS 29 Rfdl Rxd2 30 Rxd2 Nxh4 Capper and Dive comfortably enough and 31 Rd6 Rb8 32 Rb6 Rxb6 33 cxb6 Kd7 No. 1 l,Jhite to move No.2 White to move then Ker who misplayed a superior end- 34 Nd6 Kc6 35 b7 Kc7 36 Nxb5+ KxbT game. The Sarfati-Mclaren clash saw a 37 Nc3 95 (sealed) 38 Ne4 Kc6 39 Nxg5 dubious move in the French which Jona- Ng6 40 NxfT Nf4 41 Kf1 Kd5 42 93 Nd3 ,NH' than didnrt manage to refute and Leonard 43 Ke2 Nxb2 44 KdZ Kd4 45 f4 c3+ 46 won the knight ending where again his Kc2 Nc4 47 Nd6 Nxa3+ 48 KcI Kd5 49 % opponent may have missed some chances. Ne8 Nb5 50 Kc2 a3 51 Kb3 Kd4 52 t5 ifr"ffi ""ffi i "ffi, /flt In view of the fact that John Preston Kd3 53 f6 c2 54 t7 clQ 55 fSQ Qc2+? '%d%,r: was directing, Mclarenrs last round 56 Kb4 Qb2+ 57 Ka5 Nd4 58 Qfl+ Qe2 tt1 'ry" % w, draw with Fenella Foster of six moves 59 Qb1+ Qc2 60 Qf1+ Kc3 61 Nd6 Kb3 could be termed provocative (Fene1la 62 Nb5 Qd2+ 63 Ka6 Qe2 64 Qbl+ Ka4 ,%7ru tt',ru made the offer).
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