United States Chess Federation April 1971-Price 85 Cents
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United States Chess Federation April 1971-Price 85 cents • ' c 21ST ANNUAL MAY 29-31, 1971 • PHILADELPHIA, PA • THREE DAYS-SIX ROUNDS-AT THE BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HOTEL The winner will be recognized IS thl 1971 U.S, Amateur Champion. Open to all USCF members except Rated Masters. TWO SEPARATE GROUPS FOR MORE FUN, MORE COMPETITION! GROUP ONE GROUP TWO Open to any non-Master Open to all rated below 1800 or unrated. Modified Pairings used in first two rGunds. If you .,. Rlted below 1800 or Unrat.d, specify Group On. or Group Two when you ent.r. Tournament Director: Wm. Golehberg, TROPHIES TO 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th in eoch Group • Top Two ClossA,8,C*,D,*ondWomen* Top Closs E*, Unrated·, Junior· under 21, 18, 16, 14 tPlayers in both Group One and Group Two eligible for these trophies. In detl'rmining trophy winners. One Bonus Point will be added to the Game Point Scores and the Tie Break Totals of those playing in Group One. The Bonus Point is to compensate for the difference in strength of Group One opponents as compared with Group Two opponents, Only Group One players are eligible for Class B trophies, as Class B players who choose Group Two may win the five place trophies in that group. ADVANCE ENTRY URGED. Entry fee Group One, $12 (luniors under 21, $8) ,nd Group Two, $10 (juniors under 21, $6) if post marked not lat.r than May 22; $2 additional If paid leter. Late entries will be Iccepted from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., Saturday, May 29 it the Blnjlmin Franklin Hotel. Advlnee entrants nled not arrive until 1:00 p.m. Advlnc, .ntries, so identified and with your compl.t, name and address, should be sent with check or monlY order payable to "USCF" to this Iddress: U.S. Chess Fed.rltion (Amatlur), 479 Broadway, 'Newburgh, N.Y. 12550. TiJIMI Control: 50 movl' In 2 hours, then '5 move. per hour. PLEASE BRING YOUR CHESS CLOCK, IF YOU HAVE ONE. SCHEDULE FORMER CHAMPIONS Round 1-1:00 p.m., Saturday, May 29 U.S. Amaleur Women's Amateur 1942 E. S. Jackson, Jr. 2-7:30 p.m., Saturday, May 29 1943 Dr. Ariel Meng1trin i 3-11:00 a,m., Sunday, May 30 1944 E. S. Jackson, Jr. 1945 Paul Ellis 4 5:30 p.m., Sunday, May 30 1955 Clinton L. Parmelee Kathryn Slater 5-9:00 a.m., Monday, May 31 1956 John A. Hudson Kathryn Slater 1957 Harry Lyman Rosalie De Serrano 6 3:30 p.m., Monday, May 31 1958 Dr. Erich W. Marchand Greta Fuchs 1959 Russell Chauvenet Lisa Lane 1960 Raoul L. Benedicto Greta Fuchs Pleue m.ake room reserv.ations In Idvane, by writfng diredly J961 Edgar T. McCormick Greta Fuchs too J962 Dr. Max Cohen Adele Goddard BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HOTEL Sen Greenwald (tie) 1963 Kenneth Clayton Cecilia Rock 9th and Chestnut Sts. 1964 Michael Hai/pam Zenaida H. Wagner Eelesia Cestone Philadelphia, Po. 19105 1965 Frank Street 1966 Thomas Lux Zenaida H. Wagner J967 Ronald Lohrman Rachel Guinan Tell them you are coming for the U.S. Amateur Che .. Ch"m· 1968 Stephen lones Greta Olsson Michael Shahade (tie) pionshlp .and wi.h to take advantlge of these ,"cill '~m 1969 Kimball Nedved Greta Olsson rates: $18 for one In .a room, $24 for two in I room. 1970 Charles Weldon Helen Warren 182 CHESS LIFE & REVIEW Announce the Matel 1 White to move 2 Black to move Right at the start, get the So be it for minus credit. best solution. Not just mate For a plus, just prove the but the speediest, and with given solution wrong: double Mate of course is your objective here. Make it in four all variations truly indicated. credil Or find a dual solu· teen; perfect In twelve; excellent. In ten; good. See solutions For any omission on your tion: take one and a half (per table of contents) in order to check on your tally. part, deduct credit of some points. Find a dual but not Righto? Jack Straley Battell sort: we suggest one-half the given solution-take but point minimum. one. 3 White to move 4 Black to move 5 White to move 6 Bleck to move Have checks; will you re Announce what Fischer Rectify the deficiencies in Reduce White's position to veal a mate? may for Taimanov. White's game. one solid error. 7 White to move 8 Bhlck to move 9 White to move 10 Black to move In one blow, assure your Scout out here shrewd play To your full board, add Anyone mate is too easy self a kayo. and no bluff. lodgini gratuitous. in this arena. 11 White to move 12 Black to ~vo 13 White to move 14 Black to move Look, solve, then paste in King for your prey, make Sure·fire is your mate if Tally once more to com your hi·H! the mate clear. you make it sure. plete your taUy, APRil., 1971 183 VIII VII llllFE & Volume XXVI Number 4 April, 1971 EDITOR: Burt Hochberg U/litNI Statl''< Che.<.< fi",/eratio/l ASSOCIATE EDITOR CONSULTING EDITOR Jack Straley Batten I. A. Horowlh: President Dr. Leroy Dubeck Vice-President Frank Skoff Secretary Eric Bone CONTENTS Immediate Past President Marshall Rohland Execufive Director E. B. Edmondson Announce the Mate, by J. S. Sattell (Solutions p. 215).. .. J 83 Regional Vice-Presidents Chess Caviar, by J, S. Bottel l ........................................ 185 NEW ENGLAND ... Benjamin Landey, Fred Townsend. Ralph Williams EASTERN .. William A Difficu lt Rood Ahead, by Bozidof Kozic ...................... 186 Goichberg, Denis Barry, Al Highduchek MID-ATLANTIC .. Bobby G. Dudley, Lewis Wanted: Qualified FIDE Judges, by Fred Cramer .......... 189 Hucks, James Politowski SOUTHERN ... Samuel Observotion Point, by Mira Radojcic .............................. 190 Fulkerson, Jack Randall. Donald Schultz GREAT LAKES .. James Grau, J. D. Brattin, Rating Reports Received ................................................ 192 Thcodore Pehnec NORTH CENTRAL .. -. Richard Vcrber. Dale Gustafson, Aleksander Liepniecks The Art of Positional Play, by Sammy Reshevksy ............ 194 SOUTHWESTERN . Ken Smith, George E. Bailey, Dr. Alfred Sorenson PACIFIC ..• Col. Over the Boord, by Dr. Petor Trifunovic ........................ 195 Charles Daly, Russell Miller, Harvey Presley How Not to Organize on Exhibition, by David National Chairmen and Officers Schanholtzer .............................................................. 198 ARMED FORCES CHESS .. Maj. Arthur Joy BYLAWS ... James Van Horn In the Arena, by Pol Benko ............................................ 199 CHESS EDUCATION ... Dale Gustafson Keres Annotates .............................................................. 201 COLLEGE CHESS ..• Peter Meschter COUNSEL. & TREASURER ... David Hoffmann Chess life Here & There ................................ 206, 2 J 4, 215 INDUSTRIAL CHESS A. Pavitt JUNIOR CHESS . Armed Forces Championship .......................................... 207 MASTERS AFFAIRS MERIT AWARDS Lorry Evans on Chess ...................................................... 208 NOMINATIONS . What's the BEST Move?, by Lorry Evans ....................... .212 I I I Benko's Bafflers, by Pal Benko ........................................ 216 . George Niagara Fa lls Open ........................................................ 217 CERTIFICATION • • • Postal Chess, directed by Jock Straley Battell ................ 218 I . _ . Maurice Kasper Tournament Life .............................................................. 222 _ . Eva Aronson WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL . .• Kathryn Slater WORLD CHESS FEDERATION (F.I.D.E.) Fred Cramer, Vice-President. Zon c 5 (U.S.A. ) THE ESS 0",. Con'" P/roto ... Yugoslavia's No. 1 player, Grand· master Svetozar Gligoric, who has been touring the U. S. dur ing March and April. See Miro Radojcic's affectionate tribute to his friend in "Observation Point" on page 190. Photo by Milos Pet ronic, Belgrade. CHESS LIFE & REVIEW is published monthly by USCF, 479 Broadway. Newburgh, N.Y. 12550. Second class postage paid at Bast Dubuque, Illinois. Authorj~ed as second·elass mail by the Post Office Dept. at Bast Dubuque) Illinois and ior payment of postage in cash. NOn·memDer l.yr. subscription: ~ . 50; foreign, $10; single COpy, 85¢. Change e>f address: Allow six weeks notice; please give us both the new address and the old addr2ss, ineludfnli! the num· bers and dates on the top line or your st<:- ncll. Address all communications, and make all checks payabl ... to: UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION 479 Broadway, Newburgh, N.Y. 12550 lB4 CHESS LIFE & REVIEW Black must develop and must stop 18 Q-K5ch (17 ... K-R4 18 Q-K5ch, P-N4 19 QxR, QxR 20 QxPch loses to 20 ... Q-R3 21 P·N4ch or 20 ... K-N5 21 Q-R3ch), but it is too late now. 17 ... QxBP of course loses to 18 R-K5ch. 18 QxN QxBP 20 R-K5ch K-R3 ess 19 P-B4ch K·R4 21 R-R5ch And Black resigned. • Flohr breaks the apparent or semi duplication of tactics to floor his foe. aVlar NEO·GRUENFELD A. Dunkelblum S. Flohr Belgium Czechoslovakia 1 P-Q4 N-KB3 5 PxP NxP 2 P.QB4 P.KN3 6 N·KB3 B-N2 3 P·KN3 P·B3 7 0-0 0·0 4 B-N2 P-Q4 8 P·KR3 P-QB4 BREVITIES FROM THE OLYMPIADS Here Flohr reverts in effect to the 7th Olympiad, Stockholm 1937 spirit of the Gruenfeld; his sacrifice is not a permanent one. 9 PxP N·R3 10 P·B6 •.•. The short, short of this Olympiad may .. Q· N3 may be better, but White has Though this Pawn cannot be held, this have had some sort of moral significance. a strong attack in any event. mode of reversion gives Black a much 14 Q·RS 8·Q1 too useful Knight file for his Rook. It CLOSED SICILIAN REVERSED is hard to propose a plan for White, Ozols Reid The main threat is 15 N-B7ch; and 14 Latvia .. P-N3 15 NxQBP, PxQ 16 NxQ leaves however, as the Gruenfeld Bishop is ex Scotland erting a disconcerting effect. 1 P·QB4 P·K4 B.N2 P-03 it still operative.