Chapter Xxviii

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Chapter Xxviii Digital Scan by All Rights Reserved. CHAPTER XXVIII. In Deed Book B, page 140, under date of August 6, 1791, is recorded a deed by which Jacob Beeson and Elizabeth, his wife, conveyed to David Jennings, Jacob Murphy, Samuel Stevens, Jonathan Rowland and Peter Hook, trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church at Uniontown, and their successors in office, for the sum of five shillings, the lots laid off in " Jacob's Addition" known as Sos. -37 and 28, bounded on the south by Peter street, extending eastward and westward on said street one hundred and forty-five feet and running back one hundred and fifty feet. Most of the frontage of these lots was laid off for a burying ground and lots were sold for interment, and members of the foremost families of the town and vicinity and useful members of society were here buried under the shadow of the little church in which they loved to worship. Several ministers of the gospel here rest awaiting the resurrection morn, and several who fought in defense of their country sleep here. Doubtless this ground was used for burial purposes before the date of the deed as one tombstone still standing and in good condition testifies. The following is a very incomplete list of the persons buried in the old Methodist Episcopal burying ground, as it is impos- sible to identify those whose graves have no markers, and some of the stones have become entirely illegible, while others have been removed when the bodies were removed: A brief mentior? of some of the former citizens of the town in its early history is attached. Alexander, Anna, died March 25, 1833, in 69th year. Adams, John S., died October 20, 1843, age 19 months, 20 days. Xddis, Elizabeth, died October 28, 1833, age 72 years. Beebee, Alexander, died March 19, 1818, age lp5years. Beebee, Mary P., died June 25, 1851, in 21st year. Bierer, George, died February 14, 1868, age 1 year, 11 months. Document is not to be posted on any other Web site but Digital Scan by All Rights Reserved. 640 History of Uniontown, Pennsylualtia. Bierer, Everhart, died April 24, 1852, age 1 year, 4 months. Bunting, Sarah A., died February 26, 1856, age 39 years, 11 months, 8 days. Brownfield, Elizabeth, died August 5, 1813, age 1 year, 14 days. Blackford, Hannah D., wife of Rev. A. M. Blackford, born April 27, 1817, died October 16, 1845. Brownfield. Thomas, died April 27, 1829, in 63rd year. Bunting, James R., died November 20, 1868, in 16th year. Bunting, Daniel, born February 14, IYW, died December 2, 1852, 15 years, 9 months, 8 days. Barry, Richard, died September 8, 1836, age 7 years, 9 months, 19 days. Barry, George, died September 21, 1848, age 3 years, 6 months, 8 days. Bunton, Ruth Ann, died July 17, 1844, age 24 years, 4 months, 8 days. Bunting, Nancy, died August 21, 1841, age 4 years, 4 months, 16 days. Bennett, Elizabeth Laeticia, died Aug. 7, 1843, age 6 months, 4 days. Bunting, Virginia, born November 3, 1842, died October '7, 1851. Bunting, Mary, died November 3, 1850, age 17 years, 3 months, 13 days. Battelle, Mary ~sabella,died January 1, 1843, age 4 years, 8 months, 28 days. Brownfield, Elizabeth, died August 3, 1835, in 63rd year. Bryan, William, died July 26, 1850, aged 5 years, 5 months, 20 days. Bailey, Jacob, died November 14, 1831, age 4 years, 4 months, 3 days. Bunton, Robert, died July 27, 1545, age 8 years, 10 months, 27 days. Black, Catharine Fletcher, died January 21, 1845, age 85 years. Brant, John R., born November 20, 1836, died April 2, 1839. Brant, Eliza, born April 14, 1846, died April 3, 1847. Bugh, Ann Grant, died October 7, 1851, in 49th year. Boyle, Mary, died April 17, age 22 years, 9 days. Document is not to be posted on any other Web site but Digital Scan by All Rights Reserved. Document is not to be posted on any other Web site but Digital Scan by All Rights Reserved. History of Uniontom, Pennsylvania. 641 Bunton, James, died March 16, 1857, age 67 years, 4 months, 3 days. Bunton, James, died October 2, 1843, age 6 months, 4 days. Eoyle, Margaret, died July 29, 1562, age 78 years, 5 months, 21 days. Boyle, James, born July 13, 1780, died May 11, 1845. Eugh, James L., died November 23, 1874, in 80th year. Crossland, Catharine, died February 6, 1868, age 84 years, 10 months, 18 days. Crossland. Elijah, died October 3, 1860, age 7'8 years, 2 months, 17 days. Crossland, Catharine, died July 27, 18'78, age 74 years, 3 months, 23 days. Crossland, Caleb, died January 6, 1861, age 14 years. Crossland, Joshua. Crossland, Ellis Eaily, died March 23, 1514, age 3 years, 18 days. Crossland, Milton Eaily. died August 16, 1839, age 1 year, 6 months, 10 days. Criswell, llary, died July 28, 1812, age 34 years. Cole, Priscilla A,died June 20, 1874, age SO years. Catlin, Ann. died December 5, 1826, in 45th year. Campbell, Anne, died July 6, 1899, age 52 years, 4 months. Crothers, Rachel, died July 17, 1840, in 33rd year. Carpenter, James W., died June 2, 1848. aged 2 years, 9 months, 11 days. Coburn, Clifford I<., died July 8, 1856, age 4 years, S months, 12 days. Carey, Rebecca, died September 26, 1903, age " about 100 years.)' Danforth, Laura, born July 4, 1844, died January 4, 1846. Danforth, Charles, died September 18, 1853, in 45th year. Danforth, James, died August 27, 18.51, age 3 years, 4 months, 9 days. Danforth, Charles, died July 27, 1851, age 5 years, 3 months, 19 days. Dutton, William, died September 12, 1840, in 60th year. Dutton, Ann, died July 13, 1840, age 55. Dutton, David A., died June 23, 1839, age 23 years, 2 months. 117days. Document is not to be posted on any other Web site but Digital Scan by All Rights Reserved. 642 History of Uniontown, Pennsylvania. Dessellms, Gabriel, died February 11, 1869, age 84 years, 9 months, 11 days. Dessellms, Kesiah, died April 5, 1822, age 40. Downard, Jacob, died April 7, 1820, age 72. Daughaday, Rev. Thomas, died October 12, 1810, in 33rd year. Dutton, Lucy Ann, died March 30, 1847, in 33rd year. Dutton, Elizabeth, died February 8, 1851, age 32. Darby, Mary Hannah, born June 25, 1844, died October 13, 1844. Darlington, Thomas, died May 6, 1856, age 86 years, 2 months. Dessellms, Ann, died September 30, 1827, in 31st year. Ebert, Mirtilda, died September 23, 1800, age 15 months, 19 days. Ebert, Abraham, died August 3, 1812, age 9 months. Entriken, Jane, died September 14, 1813, in 67th year. Evans, Sarah B., died December 21, 1832, age 4 years, 4 months, 16 days. Evans, John, died January 27, 1833, age 2 years, 14 days. Ebert, Lucinda, died , 1830. Ebert, Eliza L., died August 20, 1829, in 27th year. Ebert, Mary M., died May , age 23. Ebert, George, died September 16, 1827, age 73. Freeman, James C., died July 2, 1531, age 14 years, 9 months, 6 days. Frasher, Margaret, died October 3, 1805, age 21 years, 2 days. Frasher, Joseph, born January 1, 1752, died July 20, 1834, age 85. Fisher, Samuel, born November 13, 1808, died June 22, 1849. Fisher, Frances G., died July 31, 1843, age 37 years, 9 months, 20 days. Fisher, Joseph, died June 19, 1869, age 65 years, 9 months, 16 days. Fisher, John, born August 27, 17'77, died December 15, 1853. Fisher, Henry, born January 25, 1831, died October 17, 1845. Fisher, Amelia F., died September 9, 1845, age 9 years, Y months, 14 days. Document is not to be posted on any other Web site but Digital Scan by All Rights Reserved. History of U~liontown,Pennsyhnia. 643 Fisher, Margaret, died September 28, 1841, age 32 years, months, 11 days. Fisher, Nancy, died December 23, 1840, age 59 years, months, 26 days. Fisher, Catherine, born April 16, 1840, died December 1840. Faucett, Elizabeth, died March 3, 1872, in Nth year. Flemming, Rev. Thornton, died November 20, 1846, age years, 1 month, 8 days, having preached the gospel as a Metho- dist Episcopal minister for sixty-one years. Flemming, Sarah, wife of Rev. Thornton Flemming, died December 10, 1837, in 60th year. Grant, John, died February 27, 1841, age 74. Grant, Hester, died May 20, 1857, age '78. Grant, George. Grant, Elizabeth, died October 5, 1849, in 68th year. Graham, Hugh, died August 30, 1848, in 18th year. Greenland, Mary, died February 15, 1812, age 6 months, 4 days. Greenland, Eli Francis, died March 22, 1823, age 1 year, 6 months. Greenland, Abner, died April 23, 1830, age 46 years, 9 months, 16 days. Greenland, Garrett T., born April 2, 1810, died April 7, 1883. Greenland, Jane, died February 20, 1860, in 73rd year. Griffith, Charles Greenberry, died July 7, 1839, in 49th year. Griffith, Martha Louisa, died March 5, 1839, in 18th year. Gregg, James, died June 30, 1835, age 34 years, 8 months, 17 days. Gregg, James, died April -25, 1810, age 53 years. Gregg, Nacca, died November 11, 1847, age 87. Gregg, Eli M., died June 5, 1866, age 62 years, 26 days. Gregg, William, died January 23, 1828, age 33 years, 3 months, 2 days. Gorley, Jane Eliza, died April 14, 1839, age 17 years, 7' months, 27 days.
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