




Diajukan sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Doktor dalam Program Doktor Linguistik pada Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Sumatera Utara di bawah pimpinan Rektor Sumatera Utara Prof. Dr. Runtung Sitepu, SH., M.Hum. untuk dipertahankan dihadapan sidang Terbuka Senat Universitas Sumatera Utara


HERLINA SURBAKTI NIM: 128107011 Program Doktor (S3) Linguistik



Nama Mahasiswa : Herlina Surbakti Nomor Pokok : 128107011 Program Studi : Doktor (S3) Linguistik

Menyetujui Komisi Pembimbing

(Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D.) Promotor

(Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A.) (Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S.) Co-Promotor Co-Promotor

Ketua Program Studi Dekan

(Prof.T. Silvana Sinar, M.A.,Ph.D.) (Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A.)

Tanggal Lulus:

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Diuji pada Ujian Disertasi Terbuka (Promosi) Tanggal:

PANITIA PENGUJI DISERTASI Pemimpin Sidang: Prof. Dr. Runtung Sitepu, SH., M.Hum. (Rektor USU) Ketua : Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. (USU Medan) Anggota : Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. (USU Medan) Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S. (USU Medan) Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D. (UNIMED Medan) Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd. (UNIMED Medan) Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (USU Medan) Dr. Roswita Silalahi, M.Hum. (USU Medan)


Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D.

Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A.

Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S.


Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D.

Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd.

Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A.

Dr. Roswita Silalahi, M.Hum.


Judul Disertasi


Dengan ini penulis menyatakan, bahwa disertasi ini disusun sebagai syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Doktor Linguistik pada Program Studi Linguistik Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Sumatera Utara adalah benar merupakan hasil karya penulis sendiri.

Adapun pengutipan-pengutipan yang penulis lakukan pada bagian-bagian tertentu dari hasil karya orang lain dalam penulisan disertasi ini, telah penulis cantumkan sumbernya secara jelas sesuai dengan norma, kaidah, dan etika penulisan ilmiah.

Apabila dikemudian hari ternyata ditemukan seluruh atau sebagian disertasi ini bukan hasil karya penulis sendiri atau adanya plagiat dalam bagian-bagian tertentu, penulis bersedia menerima sanksi pencabutan gelar akademik yang penulis sandang dan sanksi-sanksi lainnya sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Medan, Januari 2016


Herlina Surbakti


Kebanyakan cederatulang di Sumatera Utara diobatioleh‖Guru Pertawar Penggel‖. Dokumentasi untuk pemulihan tulang secara tradisional jarang ada, bahkan mungkin belum ada sama sekali. Untuk melestarikan pengetahuan ini, catatan tertulis otentik pengetahuan medis Karo ini harus dibuat tersedia untuk orang Karo dan semua masyarakat . Penelitian ini berjudul ―DOCUMENTATION AND TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES OF TRADITIONAL KARONESE MEDICAL TEXT ON FRACTURED BONE SETTING‖metode kualitatif, etnografi participant dalam wawancara pengumpulan data adalah prosedur yang digunakan oleh ―Guru PertawarPenggel dan herbalis yang tinggal di pedesaan Sumatera Utara dan metode kualitatif digunakan mendokumentasikan dan menggambarkan penerjemahan. Wawancara yang dalam dilakukan dengan empat pertawar penggel dan dua orang herbalist, salah satu dari pertawar penggel praktek di Medan, dua di Munte dan satu di Sukababo serta dua herbalist di Pancur Batu diwawancarai tentang koleksi tumbuh- tumbuhan. Transkripsi wawancara diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Karo (ST) kedalam Bahasa Indonesia (TT1) dan dari Bahasa Karo (ST) kedalam bahasa Inggris (TT2). Wawancara dilakukan dengan empat guru dan dua orang herbal. Dari 395-22 sumber data yang dianalisis, (147 data dari ST ke TT1,129 data dari ST ke TT2) yang diterjemahkan dengan menerapkan teknik tunggal, (51 data dari ST ke TT1, 44 data dari STke TT2) yang diterjemahkandenganteknikkupletdan 2 data dari ST ke TT2 yang diterjemahkan oleh teknik triplet. Teknik penerjemahan dari ST kedalam TT2 dianalisis (130 data dari ST ke TT1, 99 data dari ST ke TT2) menerapkanteknik Literal (69 data dari ST ke TT1 dan 62 data dari ST ke TT2) dengan teknik pinjaman murni (9 data dari ST ke Data TT1,10 data dari ST ke TT2) established equivalent (1data dari ST ke TT1, 2 data dari ST ke TT2) dengan Teknik calque dengan total 209.183 = (84%, data dari ST ke TT1 dan 71% data dari ST ke TT2), Juga, data penekanan bahasa target digunakan adalah: Selain (20 data dari ST menjadi data TT1, 38 dari ST kedalam TT2), penghilangan (5 data dari ST menjadi data TT1, 9 dari ST kedalam TT2), Transposisi (14 data dari ST ke TT1, 21 data dari ST kedalam TT2) dan adaptasi (3 data dari ST ke TT2) dengan total 39,71 = (16% data dari ST kedalam TT1 dan 29% data dari ST kedalam TT2). Kesimpulannya adalah penerjemah telah menggunakan teknik harfiah yang paling setara dari penekanan bahasa sumber dalam menerjemahkan dari ST ke TT1 adalah 84% dan dari ST ke TT2 adalah 71% data. Oleh karena itu, terjemahan dari―Translation Techniques Of Traditional Karonese Medical Text On Fractured Bone Setting‖ terbukti menghasilkan penerjemahan yang penekanannya ada pada Bahasa Sumber. Ini bukan hanya layak tetapi juga diperlukan agar istilah pengobatan tradisi Karo dapat dijaga dengan baik dalam terjemahannya. Kata kunci: obat tradisional Karo, teknik penerjemahan, Pengobatan Patah Tulang



The majority of bone injuries in are treated by traditional bone setters. Documentation of traditional bone setting is rare, if existent at all. To preserve this knowledge, authentic written records of Karonese medical knowledge should be made available to Karonese and all Indonesian Society. This study is entitled “Documentation And Translation Techniques Of Traditional Karonese Medical Text On Fractured Bone Setting”qualitative methods, ethnography and participant were used in data collection.Interviews were conducted with four bonesetters and two herbalists. From 395-22 data sources analyzed, (147 data from ST into TT1,129 data from ST into TT2) were decoded by applying single techniques, (51data from ST into TT1, 44 data from ST into TT2) were decoded by couplet techniques and 2 data from ST into TT2 were decoded by triplet techniques. The translation techniques from the Karonese into English analysed (130 data from ST into TT1, 99 data from ST into TT2) are Literal (69 data from ST intoTT1,62 data from ST into TT2) are pure borrowing (9 data from ST into TT1,10 data from ST into TT2) are established equivalent (1data from ST into TT1 ,2 data from ST into TT2) are Calque Techniques with a total of 209,183= (84%, data from ST into TT1 and 71% data from ST into TT2) , Also, target language emphasis data used are: addition(20 data from ST into TT1,38 data from ST into TT2), deletion (5data from ST into TT1,9 data from ST into TT2) , Transposition (14 data from ST into TT1, 21 data from ST into TT2) and adaptation (3 data from ST into TT2) with total of 39,71=(16% data from ST into TT1 and 29% data from ST into TT2).The conclusion is the translator has used the most literal equivalent of source language emphasis translation techniques in translating fromfrom ST into TT1 is 84% and from ST into TT2 is 71% data. This is not only feasible but also necessary so that the original Karonese medical terms can be faithfully preserved in the translation. Therefore, most data that are as many as 84%, 71% were being translated using the translation techniques that oriented towards source language and 16% data from ST into TT1 and 29% data from ST into TT2 of are decoded using of the Target Language Emphasis Methods of translation which were dominated by Word-for-word, Literal, Faithful, Adaptation and free Translation methods. Therefore, the translation of “Translation Techniques Of Traditional Karonese Medical Text On Fractured Bone Setting”was proven to be resulted as a Source Language Emphasis orientation. A language-source-oriented approach to translation is not only highly desirable, but is also self-respecting and Easily Achieved.

Keywords: Karonese traditional medicine, translation technique, Fractured Bone Setting.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ACKNOWLEDGMENT First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Rector of University of Sumatera Utara Prof. Dr. Runtung Sitepu, SH, M.Hum., Dean of Faculty of Cultural Sciences and Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A, who have accepted me as a Ph.D students of this university and provided the Faculty to support learning at the department of Linguistics, University Of Sumatera Utara. I owe an immense debt to Head of Linguistics Studies Program of Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatrea Utara, who is also my promotor, Prof.T. Silvana Sinar, M,A., Ph.D., for her directives, and gentle reminders. More importantly, is the wisdom, foresight, energy, and determination through the University's Linguistics Studies Program that has provided an academic framework devoted to the development, improvement, and control objectives in maintaining and preserving local wisdom through the field of Translation Studies.. Without this innovative endeavor, I would never have had the opportunity to be involved in this study. I also would like to extend my thanks to Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. who inspired me to choose my subject The Translation of Karonese Traditional Medical Text in Fractured Bone Setting. Kindly, he was willing to act as my co-promotor, and provided efficient oversight in the planning and execution of this study. In particular, Dr. Lubis helped me to understand the importance of translation as a way to preserve the local wisdom of North Sumatra. My thanks also go to Dr. Muchizar Mukhtar, M.S., who was willing to act as a second co-promotor, for supervision, planning and implementation of this research, and especially for his encouragement to join the graduate program at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of North Sumatra. My special thanks go to my examiner, Prof. Saragih, M.A, Ph.D of University Of Medan (UNIMED) Studies and Prof. Busmin Gurning, Ph.D of University Of Medan (UNIMED)I am deeply indebted to Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. as an examiner, who patiently has helped me in translating research Source Text and helped me a lot on the terms in Traditional Karonese medication. I am also very grateful to Dr. Roswita Silalahi, M.A. on criticisms both as an examiner and as a lecturer; she taught me many things about translation I had not known before. I would also like to thank both of my professors who taught and participated in the process of determining the title that I chose, Prof. Roger T. Bell and Prof. Dr. Zubaidah Ibrahim-Bell. Last, but not least, my thanks are dedicated to my late mother, Terdun S. br Ginting, for her love and her spiritual support during her life time, as in all my activities. I am deeply grateful to my brother, Armensyah Surbakti, and my nephew, Adam, who helped with technical support and to my daughter Zoya Agina Yohanna who was willing to live away during my studies. Medan, Januari 2016


Herlina Surbakti



NamaLengkap : HerlinaSurbakti Tempat/Tgl. Lahir : Kabanjahe, 29 Agustus 1955

NIP : N/A Pangkat/ Golongan : N/A Pekerjaan : PensiunanGuruSekolah Int‘l Instansi : Jakarta International School

Nama Ayah : P. H, Surbakti NamaIbu :TerdunS.J. Br Ginting Alamat Kantor : N/A No hp : 081288666639 Alamat e-mail : [email protected]


1. SD Yayasan Pembangunan Didikan Islam, Padang Bulan, Medan Baru, lulus tahun1966 2. SMP PerguruanDipanegara, PadangBulan, Medan Baru. Lulus thn 1970 3. SMA Negeri 4, Medan, lulus tahun 1972 4. FakultasSastra, JurusanBahasaInggris,Universitas Sumatera Utara, lulus tahun 1979 5. Master of Arts in TEASOL, School For International Training lulus tahun 1992 6. Program Doktor (S-3)Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan,BidangTerjemahan


1) IBT, FULBRIGHT, PusatBahasa, Universitas Sumatera Utara 2012 - 2013 2) Jakarta International School Jakarta, Indonesia 3) Indonesia Australia Language Foundation/Kelian Equatorial MiningKalimantan Timur, Indonesia 1993–1994

4) School for International Training,Brattleboro, Vermont, USA 1991-1992

5) South Kent School Ambassador Program, South Kent, Connecticut, USA 1991 6) MohawkValley Resource CenterUtica, New Yo1990 7) Overseas, The British Council, Jakarta1979-1984


1) Voluntary Service Overseas, Secretary to the Field Directors 1979 - 1984

2) English Language Training International1986-1989 Assistant Director of Studies

3) The Consortium of the Experiment in International Living and Save the Children, Galang, Indonesia.Testing Dept.1984 - 86


1) Professional Learning Community Leadership Training by Dr. Austin …, Jakarta International School, Jakarta, Indonesia, (August 2009) 2) Restitution by Diane Gossen, Jakarta International School, Indonesia, (1-5August 2007) 3) The Six Traits of Writing: Self Assessment Through the Language of the Traits- Judy P, Sept 7, 2007 4) American Education Reaches Out, State Departments of America, World Languages, Curriculum Writing Institute, the Potomac School, Alexandria, VA (June 2007) 5) UnderstandingByDesign, by Jane Smith, ACDC presenter, Jakarta International School, Indonesia. (October 2006) 6) Differentiated Instruction, Midwest Conference, Indianapolis, IN (June 2006) 7) derating, by Peter Round, Jakarta International School, Indonesia (January to April 2006) 8) Examining Student Work: JoellenKillion, Director of Special Projects NSDC, March 17-19, 2006 9) Differentiated Instruction: Indianapolis, USA July 2006 10) Making a Difference – Going Deeper- Specific Topics In Differentiated Instruction, Jakarta, 24-25 September 2005 11) Developing Teaching Materials, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (July 2005) 12) Performance Assessment, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (August 2004) 13) An Adaptive School, Working in Cooperation and Collaboration, Bob Garmston, Jakarta International School, October 2004 14) Learning Strategies, Language Proficiency Interviews, Technology, George Washington University and Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (July 2003) 15) Developing Teaching Materials, The British Council, Malyi, Hungary, (July 2002) 16) Integrated Thematic Instruction, by Susan Kovalik, St. Petersburg, FLorida (June 2001) 17) Techniques for Teacher Education and Curriculum Writing, School For International Training Extension, Brattleboro, VT (June 2000)

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 18) Advanced Educational Technology, Thailand Summer 1997(Face to face)- April 1998 (on Line) 19) Advanced Educatioal Technology, Michigan State University. Thailand 1999 20) Teacher Refresher Course, St, Claire, Oxford, England, (July 1997) 21) Restitution by Diane Gossen, Jakarta International School, Indonesia, (September 1998) 22) Writing Course, East Asia Regional Conference of Overseas Schools, Pattya, Thailand (Summer 1996) 23) HTML course, Jakarta International School, Jakarta, Indonesia 1995 24) Certificate of Training and Service,Consortium of the Experiment of International Living and Save the Children Foundation, Galang, Riau Province, Indonesia (1984 - 1986)

F, KONFERENSI GURU SEKOLAH INTERNASIONAL YANG DIHADIRI 1) East Asia Teacher Conference(ETC), Kotakinabalu Malaysia, 2011 2) East Asia Teacher Conference(ETC)Conference, Lumpur, 2008 3) East Asia Teacher Conference(ETC), Bangkok, 2007. 4) Differentiated Instruction, Midwest Conference, Indianapolis, IN (June 2006) 5) East Asia Teacher Conference(ETC), Ho Chi Minh City, 2005 6) East Asia Teacher Conference(ETC), Bangkok, 2004 7) East Asia Teacher Conference(ETC), Bali , March 2001 8) South East Asia Teacher Coference (SEATCO), Bangkok, March 2000 9) South East Asia Teacher Coference (SEATCO), Jakarta, March 1999 10) South East Asia Teacher Coference (SEATCO), Bangkok, March 1998 11) South East Asia Teacher Coference (SEATCO), Kuala Lumpur, March. 1997 12) South East Asia Teacher Coference (SEATCO), Singapore, March, 1996 13) South East Asia Teacher Coference (SEATCO), Jakarta, March, 1995. 14) The Intercultural Education, Training and Research SIETAR Conference, Amstrdam, 15) Horn and Hilversum, (May 1986)




ABSTRAK ...... i ABSTRACT ...... ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...... iii RESUME ...... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... viii LIST OF FIGURES ...... xi LIST OF TABLES ...... xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...... xiii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Backgroud of the Study ...... 1 1.2 The Problems of the Study ...... 6 1.3 Objectives of the Study ...... 6 1.4 Significances of the Study ...... 6 1.5 The Scope and Limitation of the Study ...... 8 1.6Description of Terms ...... 10 1.7Data Source Translated into Indonesia as TT1 and into English as TT2 ..12

CHAPTER II : THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 14 2.1 Introduction ...... 14 2.2Definition of Translation ...... 16 2.2.1 The Approach to Translation ...... 17 Approach ...... 18 Approach in Translation ...... 19 2.2.2Translation Strategies ...... 20 2.3Linguistics and Translation Study ...... 35 2.4Translation Assessment ...... 38 2.4.1Criteria and Assessor Number ...... 42 2.5Previous Studies ...... 42 2.5.1Interlingual Translation ...... 54 2.5.2Translation Equivalence ...... 56 2.5.3Equivalence ...... 60 Exists at Different Levels ...... 60 2.5.4The Concept of Culture ...... 62 2.6Karonese Society ...... 65 2.6.1Current Karo Ethnix Domicile ...... 66 2.6.2Karo Language ...... 66 2.6.3Karo Tradition and Customs ...... 68 2.6.4 Karonese Local Wisdom ………………………………………..69 2.6.5“Guru” or Healer in Karonese Society ...... 69 2.6.6Kind of Medicines and Treatment in Karo Traditional Medication 70 2.7Research Construction ...... 75

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METODOLOGY ...... 77 3.1 Research Design ...... 77 3.1.1Research Approaches ...... 79 3.2 Place and Time of the Research ...... 80 3.3 Research Ethics ...... 80 3.4 Data and Data Sources ...... 81 3.5Data Collection Techniques ...... 82 3.5.1Interviews ...... 82 3.5.2Interview Protocol ...... 84 3.6Data Analysis Techniques ...... 84 3.7Data Validity Testing Plan ...... 85 3.8Translating the Source Text into the Target Text ...... 85 3.8.1Comparison of Translation Techniques of Source and Target Texts88 Techniques Molina & Hurtado Albir (2002) 89

CHAPTER IV: DOCUMENTATION OF TRADITIONAL KARONESE MEDICAL TEXT ON FRACTURED BONE SETTING 95 4.1 Introduction ……...... 95 4.2Research Paradigm ……...... 100 4.2.1 The Philosophy and the Local Wisdom ...... 107 4.2.2The Local Genius ...... 113

CHAPTER V: EXPOSURE OF DATA AND RESEARCH FINDINGS …...... 114 5.1 Introduction ...... 114 5.2Translation Technique ...... 128 5.2.1 Translation from Karonese (ST) into Bahasa Indonesia (TTI)...... 128 Single Technique ...... 128 Technique ...... 130 Equivalent ...... 131 Pure Borrowing Technique...... 132 Technique ...... 134 Technique ...... 135 Transposition Technique ...... 136 Translation Technique...... 137 + Pure Borrowing Technique ...... 138 Technique + Calque ...... 139 Addition + Pure Borrowing Technique ...... 140 + Transposition Technique...... 140 + Pure Borrowing ...... 141 + Pure Borrowing Technique...... 141 + Transposition Technique...... 142 5.2.2Translation from Karonese into English ...... 142 Single Technique ...... 143 Technique ...... 144 Equivalent ...... 145 Pure Borrowing Technique ...... 147 Technique...... 149 Technique ...... 149 Transposition Technique ...... 150 Technique ...... 151

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Translation Technique ...... 151 + Pure Borrowing Technique ...... 153 Technique + Calque...... 154 + Establishes Equivalent Technique 155 + Pure Borrowing Technique...... 155 + Transposition Technique...... 156 Deletion + Pure Borrowing ...... 156 Pure Borrowing Technique...... 157 Transposition + Pure BorrowingTechnique 157 Translation Technique ...... 158 + Addition + Pure Borrowing Technique 159 + Calque + Pure Borrowing Technique... 159 5.3Method of Translation ...... 160 5.3.1Method of Translation from Karonese (ST) into Bahasa Indonesia (TT1) ...... 160 5.3.2 Method of Translation from Karonese into English...... 164 5.3.3 Medical Terms in Traditional Karonese Medication...... 168

CHAPTER VI:DISCUSSION OF RESEARCH FINDINGS……...... 183 6.1 Translation Technique ...... 183 6.2 Translation Method ...... 186

CHAPTER VII:CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS……...... 189 7.1 Conclusion ...... 189 7.2 Suggestions ...... 192 7.3 Implications ………………………………………… 193



Figure 2.1: Map of disciplines interfacing with Translation Studies (Hatim and Munday 2009: 8) Figure 2.2: Top-down approach translation Figure 2.3: The relationship between ST and TT1 Figure 2.3a: Nida and Taber‘s process Figure: 2.4: The Process of Translation According to Larson Figure 2.4a: Nida‘s Three-Stage System of Translation (from Nida and Taber 1969: 33) Figure 2.5: Holmes and Tour‘s Conception of Translation Studies Figure 2.6:A V diagram Translation Approaches (Newmark, 1988: 45) Figure 2.7: A Functional Theory of Language Figure 2.8: The Regions of Karonese Society Figure 2.9: Framework of Translation SL into TL Figure 3.1: This is a Script Written in The Language and Writing Karo Figure 7.1: Implication Diagram


Table 5.1: Single Translation Technique from ST to TT1 Table 5.2: Couplets Translation Technique from ST to TT2 Table 5.3: Single Translation Technique from ST to TT2 Table 5.4: Couplets Translation Technique from ST to TT2 Table 5.5: Triplet Translation Technique from ST to TT1 Table 5.6: Usage Frequency of Translation Techniques Table 5.7: Orientation of Translation Techniques Table 5.8: Usage Frequency of Translation Techniques Table 5.9: Orientation of Translation Techniques Table 7.1: Orientation of Translation Techniques from ST to TT1 Table 7.2: Orientation of Translation Techniques from ST to TT2


SL = Source Language

TL = Target Language

ST = Source Text

TT1 = Target Text 1

TT2 = Target Text 2

TM = Traditional Medicine

CM = Complementary Medicine

WHA = World Health Assembly

WHO = World Health Organization



1.1 Background of the Study

Globalization has promoted the practice of translation as a tool to improve cross-cultural understanding. Although reading and writing are not traditionally part of the culture in Indonesia, it recently has become more prevalent as a result of globalization. With this study, it is expected that Karonese cultural traditions that have been eroded due to the insistence of Indonesian and English language, can be recorded. This study was conducted as a way to preserve the oral tradition of Karo

Ethnic Society by recording interviews, transcribing and translating them from

Karonese into Indonesian and from Indonesian into English. This type of research should continue in North Sumatra because ancestral traditions are still being practiced in daily life by the people who live in rural areas and there is a concern that without considerable documentation, their knowledge and traditions may disappear.

As a result of globalization, there is an increase of mobility and a growing relationship between the world community of speakers of many languages. Although this may change, English is currently the language in which most communication is now taking place worldwide. It has become almost a necessity for people to speak

English if they are to enter a global workforce and interact with professionals throughout the world. While speaking the same language has a multitude of benefits,

there is a concern that languages which have relatively small numbers of speakers will be threatened.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Charles Darwin in "The Origin of Species‖ stated that a species can survive and pass through a series of challenges and violent nature if the species is able to adapt to change. It's not the stronger molecular makeup that will cause it to survive, but rather its ability to adjust to changes - i.e., climate, famine, drought, etc. Those creatures that have a natural intelligence and flexibility to respond to changing circumstances will survive; others will become extinct. Similarly, globalization presents the individual and the nation with challenges of survival. Those who intelligently adjust and "ride over the wave" will excel and be able to succeed in the international arena. For the Indonesian people, success will only be possible if they are provided with an awareness of their cultural values and are able to adapt to socio- cultural influences from other countries. Without the cultural toughness, foreign culture will eliminate Indonesian culture completely (Purba, 2013).

Individual adaptation and adjustment to the changing global and social environment is the key to success. However, before adapting to the globalization era, one needs to understand one‘s own cultural values and beliefs in order to be able to adapt to other cultures. Indonesian children should therefore be aware of and understand their family's cultures and the values and beliefs of their ancestors held dear.

Education today is school-based and ignores the importance of local knowledge and wisdom. In this era of globalization development focuses on mainly economic growth. The purpose of this dissertation partly is to examine knowledge and local wisdom in Karonese Community. Karonese Indigenous knowledge which is unique to Karonese society. It is the systematic body of knowledge acquired by local people through the accumulation of experiences, informal experiments, and an intimate understanding of the environment. Indigenous knowledge evolved from years

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA of experience and trial-and-error problem solving by people working in their environments. Source of knowledge management relating to their production derive from their local knowledge and traditions originated by their ancestors. In this case to overcome health problems of fractured bones. Fractured Bone Setting is done by a

Healer, "Guru Pertawar Penggel‖ by using different kinds of traditional medicines such as medicinal oil known as‗minak pengalun‘, ‗sembur‘, ‗tawar‘ and ‗dampel‘ made specially by the healer in the treatment of related problems including muscles, and bones for example: sprains, bone shifted, bruise, fractured bones to crushed bones. Traditional treatments are not as complicated as modern methods in hospitals where patients have X-rays or under extreme circumstances, amputations. The traditional healer, ―Guru Pertawar Penggel‖, only sees to the bone or muscles that are problematic, then sets it to the normal position using his/her touch alone. Then the bone setter smeares special oils made by the healer him/herself. The fracture is then propped up by a buffer made of bamboo or wood and the like and the patient is sent home with traditional herbal medicine or tawar, minak and kompres.The traditional

Medical Treatment Systems in Karonese culture are still being used today but have been dwindling as a result of the competition with modern practices. Karo medicine is a system of medicine based on cultural beliefs handed down from generation to generation. The concept includes mystical and magical rituals (spiritual therapy) as well asphytotherapy, which is the study of the use of extracts of natural origin as medicines or health-promoting agents. Phy totherapy medicines differ from plant- derived medicines and other treatments that cannot be explained by modern medicine.

It is alarming if we do not conserve the treatment of these fractures. This research may encourage the Indonesian government in order to support traditional medication available for bone setting and provide subsidies to support for clinics that

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA exist in Indonesia, particularly in North Sumatra. Secondly for University of North

Sumatra, knowing there are so many herbals that available and are in use, it might be a good idea to build a herbarium in North Sumatra. Last but not least, one of the objectives of this study after having documented, described and analyzed ―The

Translation Traditional Karonese Medical Text in Fractured Bone Setting‖, is to introduce it to Indonesian as well as the International Community including the World

Health Organization.

To catch up with our neighboring countries and the rest of the world, like it or not as a nation we are increasingly required to use more translation practice. We establish diplomatic relations, economic ties, education development, military and cultural exchanges experience and other cooperative relationships with one another.

In doing so we usually use two different languages. Science and technology developed rapidly in developed countries resulted in third world lagged far behind.

The only way for the third world to be able to bridge the gap which is getting bigger is a strong translation team to translate the books of science and technology into

Indonesian is a necessity.

Translation has been a "bridge" that connects the two people who do not understand each other. Books such as religion, culture, literature, art, politics, technology, and science have been translated from one language to another. Many different countries such as Japan, Malaysia and China have done a lot of translation in order to transfer knowledge and technology from developed countries, which in turn can improve the economy and prosperity of these countries. By contrast, Indonesia and in particular in North Sumatra the translation/interpretation studies has not been encouraged or desirable as much as other interdisciplinary studies. So far there has been no college in North Sumatra that produces a dissertation on the translation.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Discrepancy between the growths of translation studies with a variety of other linguistic disciplines should be considered and addressed in view of the contribution of translation to accelerate the progress of a country and the smooth communication across culture. Translation theory translation applies to all human languages and all kinds of scientific, political, social, religious to culture text.

The characteristics and structure of a text is not the same with one another.

Scientific texts, for example, is not tied to any culture, e.g

“After being heated for hours the oil separates from the residue. The oil will be on the top and the residue is at the bottom.” while in the cultural texttranslator is not only dealing with the differences linguistic structure of both languages but also dealing with the cultural gap that underlie the source language (SL) and target language (TL).e.g

In the Wisdom of the Karonese traditional bone setting practice, the leaves of

“Surat Dibata” are used as drink medicine to cure any internal injuries, to make

“kuning” and “minak pengalun”, the medicine to heal sprains, cracked and fractured bones.

Thus the translation of cultural texts faces more problems and challengesof translation requires more varieties of translation strategies.

Indonesia inhabited by hundreds of ethnic groups which makes the country multicultural and multilingual. Indonesia is famous for its distinctive cultural richness and diversity like no other. However,these beautiful and diverse cultural background, are not widely known outside of Indonesia because of the language barriers. In the era of globalization where a country's dependence on other countries is getting higher the intensity of international communication are increasingly high therefore it is not

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA enough when science and technology alone that we absorb from developed countries by means of translation. For example Karoland is an area of North Sumatra, which has specific culture in practice such as traditional medicine, Karo medicine is very diverse ranging from nursing mother to the treatment of fractures. This particular study is about the translation strategies used in translation of the ―The Translation of

Traditional Karonese Medical Terms in Fractured Bone Setting‖.

1.2 The Problems Of The Study

The subject matter of this research is detailed and formulated as follows:

1) How did the Karonese Medical Text on fractured bone setting documented?

2) What techniques of translation are used in translating ―The Traditional

Karonese Medical Text in Fractured Bone Setting‖

3) What is the model of translation proposed for translator?

1.3 Objectives Of The Study

1) To describe how the Karonese Medical Text on fractured bone setting


2) To describe the translation techniques used in translating ―The Traditional

Karonese Medical Text in Fractured Bone Setting‖

3) To propose a model for translation.

1.4 Significances of the Study

Theoretically, findings of the study are expected to enlarge the horizons in the theories of translation specifically those related to specific fields such as ―Techniques and Methods in translation Traditional Karonese Medical Terms in Fractured Bone

Setting‖ and be the references for further studies in the translation sphere.The significances of the study can be theoretical and practical Significance such as follows:

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1) Theoretically, the findings of this study can be used as the proposed model

that can be applied and used for other studies by other practitioners.

Furthermore, the analysis of documentation for Karonese medicine can be as

contributing in terms of empirical study and method of analysis

2) Practically, the research findings are expected to be useful to provide young

people of Indonesia, specifically the Karonese young generation, with

knowledge of translating old legacy into English and Bahasa Indonesia. In

order to be successful in today's era of globalization, our young people need to

be adaptable and aware of their own cultures which include values, beliefs and

behavior so as to keep them in the right track to face the competition in the in

today‘s Indonesia, youth frown upon the traditions and values of their parents

and in many ways, have lost their identity. It is for this reason the Ministry of

Education has created programs to nurture the dignity of the mother tongue

and local wisdom. This research project has the potential to instill a sense of

pride among Karo youth in particular, as they learn how Karo traditional

medicines can benefit society as a whole. By raising awareness of their

ancestral values and beliefs, Karo youth will also change their attitudes and

behavior to become more productive members of society of 21st century era.

3) Thirdly, the focus on traditional medical practices of Karonese is also in line

with the World Health Organization's (WHO) recommendations. This study

will be the first step in raising WHO's awareness of traditional medical

treatments that have been in practice in the Karonese society for hundred of

years so that further research might be supported by the Indonesian


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4) Equally important is the fact that a student at this University‘s Medical School

might consider combining Traditional Karo practice with Modern medicine.

1.5 The Scope and Limitation of the Study

Karonese medical treatment includes many health problems such as treatment for scabies, chicken pox, swelling, epilepsy, diarrhea, syphilis and gonorrhea, pregnant mothers, and other predominant illnesses. This study will concentrate on the study of

“Techniques and Methods in translation Traditional Karonese Medical Terms in

Fractured Bone Setting”. The translationis from Karonese into Indonesian and from

Indonesian into the English language.

Treatment of fractured bones using Karonese traditional methods and medicine has long been known by the people of North Sumatra. However, other treatments and other forms of treatment of Karonese still need to be documented as alternative treatments to the community at large. Until now, most Kerosene traditional medicines and methodologies are still passed down orally from generation to generation.

This study aims to show that the source-oriented approach to translation using the most literal equivalence that are closely attached to the terms of the source language is not only feasible, but also desirable, even necessary, if the concept of the original Karonese can be faithfully preserved in the translation. It also aims to show that such an approach illustrates a comprehensive and accurate transmission of knowledge from one culture to another.This research focuses on the translation process through interviews of four Karonese bone-setters and a traditional herbalist.

One bonesetter practices in Juhar, one in Medan and two other practices in desa

Munte, in the District of Tanah Karo. The herbalists are from Pancur Batu.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The translation units are assessed by word, phrase, clause, and sentence level contained in the interview of four people - Guru Pertawar Penggel or the bone setters and the herbalist. Because this research focuses on the translation process, translation strategy will be the focus of this study. Thus, statements about translation techniques, methods of translation, translation ideology and matters concerning the quality of translation is concluded based on the study of the product and to link it with the translator directly.

To complete this study involves the compiling translation techniques that are applied to the translation of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in the text from the interviews of four Traditional Karonese Fractured Bone Setters and a couple herbalist which is recorded and transcribed by the researcher and translated from Karonese into

Indonesian and from Indonesian into English by Dr. Matius Sembiring. Describing the translation method set used, assessing the impact of the techniques, methods, and ideology of the text on the translation quality.

The documents being used will be the recordings of:

1. Interviews with ―Guru Pertawar Penggel‖ or practitioners of traditional

Karonese bone setter.

2. Interviews with people who understand the herbal plants of the rainforest in

North Sumatra thatprovide ingredients for traditional medicines, traditional

medication; and providers of traditional Karonese medicines.

1.6 Description of Terms

The terms used in this dissertation are terms commonly used in the field of translation studies. The use of these terms needs to be clarified to avoid

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA misunderstandings. There are also terms used in the field of translation which are not consistent. The terms in question are as follows:

1) Source Language and Target Language

Source Language is the language from which a text is to be translated into

another language; while the Target Language is a language into which a text has

to be translated. If someone translates a text from Indonesian into French then

Indonesian is the source language and French is the target language.

2) Translation Techniques

The categories used to analyze translations allow us to study the way

translation works. These categories are related to text, context and process.

Textual categories describe mechanisms of coherence, cohesion and thematic

progression. Contextual categories introduce all the extra-textual elements related

to the context of source text and translation production. Process categories are

designed to answer two basic questions. Which option has the translator chosen to

carry out the translation project, i.e., which method was chosen? How has the

translator solved the problems that have emerged during the translation process,

i.e., which were chosen? However, research requirements may make it important

to consider textual micro-units as well. Molina & Albir (2002).

3) Translation Methods

Newmark (1988) mentions the difference between translation methods and translation procedures. He writes that, ―while translation methods relate to whole texts translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language. He continuous to refer to the following methods of translation: a. Word-for-word translation: in which the SL word order is preserved and the

words translated singly by their most common meanings, out of context.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA b. Literal translation: in which the SL grammatical constructions are converted to

their nearest TL equivalents, but the lexical words are again translated singly,

out of context. c. Faithful translation: it attempts to produce the precise contextual meaning of

the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. d. Semantic translation: which differs from 'faithful translation' only in as far as

it must take more account of the artistic value of the Source Language text. e. Adaptation: which is the freest form of translation, and is used mainly for

plays (comedies) and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually

preserved, the SL culture is converted to the TL culture and the text is

rewritten. f. Free translation: it produces the TL text without the style, form, or content of

the original. g. Idiomatic translation: it reproduces the 'message' of the original but tends to

distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where

these do not exist in the original. h. Communicative translation: it attempts to render the exact contextual meaning

of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily

acceptable and comprehensible to the readership.

Newmark (1991) writes of a continuum existing between "semantic" and

"communicative" translation. Any translation can be "more, or less semantic—

more, or less, communicative—even a particular section or sentence can be

treated more communicatively or less semantically." Both seek an "equivalent


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1.7 Data Source Translated Into Indonesian as TT1 and into English as TT2

Since the time of Indonesia's independence,Karo cultural traditions have eroded considerably because of the government's insistence to teach and use the national language at schools. This, coupled with the current era of globalization, has caused many parents in urban and rural areas to diminish the importance of local languages.

For many Indonesian families, it is most to learn English. Parents do not realize that if today's youth do not have a strong mother tongue, they will not be able to learn a second language or third language as well. One of the goals of this research is to preserve local knowledge andKaro oral traditions, specifically in regard to treatment of bone fractures.

Why are all three languages, Karonese as the source text, Bahasa Indonesian as the first target text, and English as a second target text, important in this study?

Karo language as the source language is no longer respected by the younger Karo generation who do not speak it anymore. Therefore, to to enable them to understand the text, they have to read it in Indonesian. Similarly, if target text I (TT1) is written in Indonesian, young people from various ethnic groups in Indonesia will be able to understand the text. As English is an international language, the international community will be able to fully understand what is written in the study. Therefore, all three languages are used to maximize the capacity of this study to the , the people of Indonesia and the international community, particularly the World

Health Organization (WHO).

According to some philosophers, language is a tradition. Kaelan (1998)

Treatment of bone fractures is Karonese Local Wisdom in the form of oral tradition and has been in practice for hundreds of years. However, these treatments may

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA gradually become extinct if young people no longer speak or understand Karonese or consider traditional Karonese medication as an option. As one of the objectives of this study is to describe and analyze "The Translation of Traditional Medical Karo in

Fractured Bones Text Settings", the writer encourages the younger generation in

Indonesia, especially Karo, to be proud of their cultural identity while simultaneously gain skills to communicate with the international community in order to cooperate, collaborate and compete in a globalized world.




2.1 Introduction

A professional translator is required to have linguistic mastery of both the

Source Language and Target Language. It is not just being able to speak both languages, but s/he should be able to detect the differences and similarities between the two linguistic features of the language.Hatim and Munday (2009) wrote that

Translation is a multi-disciplinary discipline and that Translation requires the contribution of various sub-disciplines of linguistics such as semantics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, analysis discourse, contrastive linguistics, cognitive linguistics, and other disciplines such as philosophy, language engineering, cultural studies and literature.

Thus, translation should not be based only on one theory; rather, it should be based on a number of theories (eclectic) that are mutually related and supportive of each other. This type of translation corresponds to ‗interlingual translation‘ and is one of the three categories of translation described by the Russo-American structuralist

Roman Jakobson in his seminal paper ‗On Linguistic Aspects of Translation‘

Jakobson in Hatim and Munday (2009).


Figure 2.1: Map of disciplines interfacing with Translation Studies (Hatim and

Munday 2009:8)

Jakobson‘s categories are:(1) intralingual translation, or ‗rewording‘: ‗an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language‘;(2) interlingual translation, or ‗proper translation‘: ‗an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language‘: (3) inter-semiotic translation, or ‗transmutation‘: ‗an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of non-verbal sign systems‘.

Intralingual translation occurs, for example, when we rephrase an expression or when we summarize or otherwise rewrite a text in the same language. Intersemiotic translation occurs if a written text is translated, for example, into music, film or painting. It is interlingual translationbetween two different verbal languages, which is the traditional, although by no means exclusive, focus of translation studies.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Translation has several meanings. It can be referred to as a general subject field: a product or a text that has been translated or the process of the act of producing the translation. Translation is associated with cognitive processes that occur in the brain while the translator translates. This is a process that cannot be observed with the naked eye. The translating process can be seen in the behavior of the translator, when the translator opens a dictionary and reads it, and so on., The process of translation between two different languages involves the translator changing an original or the source text (ST) into written text or target language text (TT1).

2.2 Definition of Translation

According to Nida (1964), translating means generating a message that is the closest andmost appropriate expressions from a source language to the target language. Translation can consist of words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs and text that are called "forms" (form or surface structure)Nida and Taber (1969). Meanwhile,

Beekman and Callow (1974) said that the translation is to convey a message from one language into another language. Newmark (1981) states that: ―translation is the transfer of a written message from source language text into the target language text‖;

Larson (1984) sees translation as the transfer of messages from the source language text into the target language text using grammatical and lexical forms of the appropriate target language. De Groot (1997) defines translation as an activity redefining source language text into the target language text.

The accuracy of translation can be achieved through the translator's mastering of the source language (SL) and the target language (TL).This involves the mastery of grammar and vocabulary as well as the culture of both the source language and the target language. An effective translation must show that the translator has sufficient knowledge of the material translated, including the socio-cultural context of both the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA source and the target languages. Regardless of differences in the definition of the term "translation", the experts agreed on the basic principles of translation that isunderstanding the process of translation as described above. The process of translation refers to a linguistic operation carried out by the translator in an attempt to divert the source language text message into the target language, and translated into three stages, i.e., 1) the source language text analysis phase, in order to understand the message, 2)the stage transfer of messages, and 3) the stage of restructuring,Nida(1964).

2.2.1 The Approach to Translation

After Holmes (1972/2000) declared translation studies an independent scientific field, translation became the object of extensive research. This is easily understood because translation is most oftenthe highlighted aspects of the target readers and it is real that the data is easily accessible in an effort to uncover the phenomenon of translation. Fairclough (1995), Perez Calzada (2007) assert that translation research is identical to factors which are developing out of the center as well as factors which are growing towards the center, causing the emergence of contradictions such as translation studies of literal versus non-literal, and product versus process. The last two of the most interesting contradictions are the linguistic approach versus the cultural aproach. Linguistic Approach

At first, translation was regarded as an operating language alone. It can be seen with the work of a language approach that was used to assess the translation,

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Vinay and Darbelnet 1958 in Catford (1965). These works were widely discussed by experts as a work that tries to uncover the activities of translation using linguistic approach, Munday (2001), Molina and Hurtado Albir (2002). Vinay and Darbelnet reviewed the translation by performing a comparative analysis between English and

French. They observed the text body of the source and target language to reveal differences and similarities between the two languages. Darbelnet identified two general strategies: Direct translation and Oblique translation. Derived from both of these strategies are seven translation procedures. Three fell under the category of

Direct translation strategy: borrowing, calque and literal translation. The remaining four procedures fell under the category of Oblique translation:, they are transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation, Hatim and Munday (2004).

In assessing both strategies, it can be concluded that both of the strategies fall on the classic contradiction they are the literal translation method versus the free translation method (Direct translation vs. Oblique translation). Although Vinay and

Darbelnet did not mention the term shift in their work, it is clear to us that the strategies and procedures they found led us to the talks of the translation shifts by the translator because of the differences in language and culture in order to get good translation results. The text equivalence is a situation where a translation is considered equivalent with the source text. Due to this classification, when a dispute between formal correspondence and the equivalence of the text, it can be concluded that shifts occurred.Shifts may include level and category. With direct quote from Catford

(2000: 141), ‖Translation shifts are thus departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from the Source Language to the Target Language‖.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Cultural Approach in Translation

This approach is currently undergoing rapid growth. Snell-Hornby (1990) is a character who raised the issue of translation in cultural perspective. This approach makes sense because it is a translation of cultural transaction. Both practitioners and experts acknowledged that cultural translation is a translation of the behavioral aspects that make up itself. Venuti (1995) stated that the translation method applied translator oriented writers or readers much influenced by the culture and ideology.

Language is part of culture that is closely related to the way of thinking, so that a particular cultural community will have its own way of thinking and usually in the present way of thinking through language. Therefore, when one studies a foreign language one will also automatically will learns the related culture. For example an

Indonesian world views in contrast to an American world view. The most fundamental relationship of language and culture is that the language should be studied in the context of culture and culture can be learned through language learning.

Different cultures will produce different words because every culture has a different concept. Therefore, translating is not limited to cross-language transfer but also on cross-cultural transfer as well. English only has meaning in cultural background into the container. The existence of cultural differences that inspires language usually causes problems in finding the exact same translation. For those who embrace the cultural approach, research translation using language approach, especially formal language, not able to explain the behavior of the translator. Language cannot be separated from the cultural aspect.

The translation approaches used directly affect the quality of the translation.

There are two theories approaches to translation (see Baker, 1992; Newmark,

1988):bottom-up and top-down. When the translator begins with lingual units smaller

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA than the text - words, phrases, clauses, and sentences – the translator applies the bottom-up approach. On the other hand, when the translator starts from the highest level, the text, and continues to a lower level, then the translator is applying the top- down approach (see Baker, 1992: 6; Hervey, Higgins, and Haywood, 1995: 1).

Procedures and measures in the top-down approach is illustrated through the triangles

Figure 2.2: Top-down approach translation

2.2.2 Translation Strategies

Translation strategies are part of the translation process, which are applied while the translation process takes place. Lorscher (2005) defines translation strategy as the procedures a translator uses in solving the problems of translation. Therefore, a strategy for translation begins with the realization that there are problems that must be solved during the translation process. A strategy is terminated when those problems are solved or when the translator realizes the problems are unsolvable.

The word strategy is used in a wide context. In translation studies, strategy is a general term with some differences in meaning and perspectives. When referring to

Translation, strategy has its own characteristics. Inexperienced translators are sometimes deceived when they translate words or phrases word for word with the use of a dictionary, they fail to understand that the problem remains and changes must be

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA made at a different level of translation. Many believe that word-for-word translation is irrelevant; instead, solving the problem is the most important functions of a strategy

According to Dr. Miremadi (1991), translation problems can be divided into two categories, lexical and syntactic. A lexical problem occurs, when words are entities that refer to an object or a conception one language but cannot be replaced with a word in another language when referring to the same concept or object. In the analysis of lexical problems, he divided lexical problems into five subcategories: i.e.:

1) Straight/Denotative: This kind of meaning refers to the words of the source text that can be matched with the target text, the words "without missing image" (i.e., mother, father, etc.), 2) Lexical Meaning: refers to the words or phrases that seem equivalent, although in this situation may not occur; translator should be aware of implied intention of the words, 3) Metaphorical Expressions: This subcategory refers to the problematic issues in translating idioms and similar expressions. Broeik

(1981), offers the following suggestions for translating idiomatic expressions: a)

Distinguishing between regular expressions and metaphors, b) Have access to resources to translate single metaphor, c) Be aware of the different contexts and constraints they use in metaphors, d) Be aware of the constraints on the translation, and the delivery of messages such as Semantic Void: This subcategory includes the words and/or expressions that represent concepts that cannot be found in other specialized communities. Close equivalent can be found, although the exact equivalent concepts cannot. According to Dr. Miremadi (1991), this may happen in two cases: the subject of extra-linguistic factors that have specific references in the speech community but not in the target community, and subject to the intra-linguistic factors such as concepts that may exist in two language communities, but the structure of its use may be completely different, Dagut (1931) argues, Dr. Miremadi (1991)

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA mentions, that this case occurs when the expression of lexicalization systems differ from one another. Proper Name The final subcategory in this group is the proper name issue. Although the correct name of the individual can be transcribed from one language to another, sometimes they carry a special meaning, which does not exist in the target speech community. (e.g., Jadi Ateta, Karonese name. Jadi means to become and ateta means our heart therefore ―Jadi ateta‖ translation is: “To Become

Our Heart” although in real meanging in Karonese it is “Our Love”).

A. Syntactic problem is another major category of problems of translation. Nida

(1975) stated thatone can find no two languages that have the exact same system

of structural organization.

These differences include: Word Language. Languages differ from each other in the formation of an internal Word Language classification. Grammatical relations These differences exist between the language in a way that is a constituent of the function of a sentence in that sentence. Word order, Style, pragmatic aspects. Given all these problems, the translator is expected to deliver a clear message from the source text to the target text. Although, there is no completely accurate translation between two languages, the ways in which a translator approaches the two language systems, that is, the strategy used by the translator, determines the effectiveness of the translation.

As Chesterman (1997) argues, the general characteristics of translation strategy are as follows: Classification intended: firstly, to read and understand the text; secondly, analyze the differences between source and target text, and only then determine the type of strategy to be used. Finally, write the equivalent text in the target language. Lorscher (1996) identified nine basic elements, which he called, the building blocks translation strategy. They are as follows:

1) Realizing a translational Problem RP

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2) Verbalizing a translational Problem VP

3) Searching for a possible solution to a translational Problem SP

4) Solution to a translational Problem SP

5) Preliminary Solution to a translational Problem PSP

6) Parts of a Solution to a translational Problem SPa, SPb…

7) Solution to a translational Problem is still to be found SPø

8) Negative Solution to a translational Problem SP=ø

9) Problem in the reception of the Source Language text PSL

Hatim and Munday (2004) stated that some of the major issues associated with the translation of the form and content strategy involve literal and free translation.

This division can help identify specific problems of translation is too literal destructive comprehensibility. However, the real problem underlying the translation lies in areas such as the type of text and audience.

Chesterman (1997)argued that taxonomy strategy can be presented with a simple translation. In his statement, Chesterman (1997) does not refer to the replacement of the source text with their equivalent in the target text; it means that this replacement cannot be the only task of the translator and it was not enough.

Normal type changes made by the translator can be classified as: a) the words used in the source text; b) the structure of these words; c) the natural context of the source text.

Thus, according to Chesterman (1997), local translation strategies can be categorized into changes in semantics, syntactic, and pragmatic; each group has its own subcategories. Also, there is no clear distinction between them, making it

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA difficult to say which strategies are appropriate to use. In the following subsections,

(1997) Chesterman classification of translation strategies are described as:

B. Syntax Strategy

Local strategiesto change the grammatical structure of the target text in relation to the source text. Chesterman (1997) presents the first syntactic strategy, the literal translation. He believes that this is a strategy of "default".

1) Literal meaning: It means the translator follows the source text as close as

possible without having to follow the structure of the source language.

2) Loan translation: This follows the structure of unfamiliar source text for the

target text readers.

3) Transposition: Another term Chesterman (1997) borrowed from Vinay and

Darbelnet (1958) refers to any change in the class of words, e.g., changing

adjectives into to nouns.

4) Shifting Unit: This is a term that has been borrowed from Catford (1965) at

the level of morpheme, word, phrase, clause, sentence and paragraph. (Can

you explain this better???)

5) Paraphrase changes in structure: This strategy refers to the changes in the

internal structure of noun phrases or verb phrases, although the source

language sentence itself may be translated by the appropriate phrase in the

target language.Clause

6) Structural Change: This is a term that refers to a strategy in which changes

affecting the composition of the constituent phrases or clauses. For example, a

change from active to passive.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 7) Sentence structure changes: This is a term which refers to changes in the

structure of the sentence unit. This basically means that a change in the

relationship between the main clause and the subordinate.

8) Changes in Cohesion: The way in which parts of the sentence are joined

together is called cohesion textual changes. Cohesion is a term that refers to

the strategies that affect intra-textual cohesion, and is especially true for

pronoun references, ellipsis, substitution or repetition.

9) Level shift: With the term, Chesterman (1997) means phonological,

morphological level, syntactic and lexical. This level is presented with a range

in a variety of languages. (Can you explain this better?)

10) Amendment Scheme: This refers to the rhetorical schemata such as

parallelism, alliteration and rhythm and rhyme in poetry.

C. Semantic Strategy

Chesterman classifies a second group (1997), semantic strategy,that has its own subcategory.

1) Synonyms: In this strategy the translator chooses the closest synonym, which

is not a literal translation of the word or phrase.

2) Antonym: In this strategy, the translator uses words with opposite meanings.

The word is mostly combined with negation.

3) Hyponymy: Hyponymy is a relationship between two words in which the

meaning of one of the words includes the meaning of the other word.

Examples are: apple- fruit; car- vehicles; tool- furniture; cow - animal.

4) Converses: Converses are pairs of words that refer to a relationship from

opposite points of view, such as parent/child or borrow/lend. It is often the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA case that the two words are interdependent; in other words, one cannot exist

without the other.

5) Change Trope: In a linguistically sense, a trope may be a word, phrase, or

image used in a new and different way in order to create an artistic

effect.Formal name used for figurative or metaphorical called figurative

meaning using the term or phrase to compare two things that are not

associated with the express purpose of their similarities. This relates to the

type of strategy called figurative change strategy.

6) Abstract Changes: Another type of strategy in the list of changes in refers to

replacing a more abstract term with a more concrete idea, or vice versa.

7) Changes in Distribution: This is the kind of strategy where the same

semantic components are distributed over more (expansion) or less

(compression). (Can you provide examples?)

8) Change Emphasis: This strategy increases, decreases or changes the thematic

focus compared to the original subtitles.

9) Strategy Paraphrase: This is the latest strategy in the list. According to the

overall meaning of the source text, it is possible to create a liberal estimate

translation. In this strategy, some lexical items can be ignored.

D. Pragmatic Strategies

1) Cultural filtering: According to Chesterman (1997 as cited in Bergen nd), the

first type of strategy in this group is screening culture. It can be described as a

concrete realization, at the level of language, a universal strategy of

domestication or target-oriented cultural translation. This strategy is generally

used when translating culture-bound items.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2) Changes in firmness: In a change of strategy firmness some information from

the source text may be added; or removed to make the text

3) Change of Information: The next type of information change strategy similar

to the previous strategy; here, however, changed information is NOT implicit

in the source language text.

4) Changes in Interpersonal: This strategy is used to affect the entire style of

the text to make it more or less information, technical etc.

5) Speech acts: There is another strategy change in the nature of the source text

of the speech act, either required or not required (eg reporting to the

command, or from direct to indirect speech).

6) Change Visibility: This is a strategy that increases the "presence" of boththe

source text writer or translator (eg footnote added by the translator).

7) Coherence Change: Another strategy is similar to the change coherence

cohesion changes mentioned in the previous section (strategy syntax). The

only difference is that, the problem of changes in the micro-structure level

cohesion (eg, sentences or paragraphs), but changes in textual coherence

involves a higher level (ie combining paragraphs are different from each other

in a way that is different from the source text).

8) Partial translation: This is a strategy that refers to translate part of the text,

not the whole text (eg, song or poem).

9) Trans-editing: As Bergen also stated, according Stetting (1989), another

strategy that may be mentioned in this section are trans-editing refers to the

extensive editing of the original text when necessary (ie changing the

organization of resources text, word -said or etc.)

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The strategy presents a classification above Chesterman (1997), quoted by Bergen

(nd). It is clear that all strategies can be in certain cases "to change something,‖

This strategy level translation work different from each other; and as Bergen (nd) stated can cause terminological confusion among researchers who are concerned with the study of translation.

As Venuti (2001) states, from Vinay and Darbelnet's (1958) viewpoint, the translator can choose to translate the two main methods are called: direct translation/literal and oblique translation.When literal translation is not possible because ofdifferences in the lexical and syntactic between the two languages, translation sloping used.

Oblique translation includes seven sub-categories are as follows:

1. Loan: is used to overcome the meta-linguistic differences. This is the simplest

strategy of translation that means using a source language term in the target text.

2. Calque: This is a special type of loan expression literally translated into the target


3. Literal translation: it means the rendering of the source language text into the

equivalent idiomatic or appropriate grammar in the target language.

4. Transposition: replacing one word with another class without changing the

meaning of the message.

5. Modulation:the change in angle of view (eg changing part of speech).

6. Equality: This refers to a method of rendering two situations with different styles

and structures; The two texts including the source text and the text equivalent of a

target text.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 7. Adaptation: which refers to the situation when cultural differences occur between

the source language and the target language. Thus, the translation can be

considered as a special kind of equality that equality situational.

The strategy above is in accordance with the classification of Vinay and

Darbelnet (1958), which shows some similarities with the Chesterman

classification; However, as we can see above (1997) classification is obviously

more detailed Chesterman. All the strategies mentioned above is a theory that is

named differently by different theorists.

There will be a clear boundary between them. In addition, they are just a few

strategies that can be used by translators, and it seems that there are different

options that a translator possible when doing translations. However, there is no

hierarchical order strategy more or less frequently used. Baker (1992) offers eight

taxonomy of translation strategies, which are used by professional translators.

E. Baker taxonomy: Mona Baker (1992) lists eight strategies that have been used by

the translator, to address problematic issues while performing the task of


1) Translation by more general words

2) It is one of the most common strategies to deal with various types of

nonequivalence. As Baker believes, it works right in most, if not all,

languages, because in the field of semantics, the meaning does not depend on


3) Translation by more neutral/less expressive word

4) This is another strategy in the field of semantic structure.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 5) Translation by cultural substitution

This strategy involves replacing certain cultural items or expressions with the target language items to consider its impact on the target reader. This strategy makes the translated text more natural, more understandable and more familiar to readers of the target.The decision to use by the translator of this strategy will depend on: 1) The extent to which the translator is given a license by the people who commission translations and 2) The purpose of the translation

a) The translation uses the word loan or loan word plus explanation

This strategy can be used in dealing with specific cultural goods, modern concepts and buzz words. Using the loan with this explanation is very useful when the word is repeated several times in the text. At the first time the word is mentioned by explanation and the next time the word could

b) Translation by paraphrase using related words

This strategy is used when the source item in lexicalized in the target language, but in a different form, and when the frequency of certain forms used in the source text is clearly higher than it would be natural in the target language.

c) Translation by paraphrase using words that are not related

Paraphrasing strategies can be used when the concept of the source item is not lexicalized in the target language. When the meaning of a complex source item in the target language, a paraphrasing strategies can be used instead of using words that are related; may be based on modifying the super-ordinate or simply to make clear the meaning of the source element.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA d) Translation by omission

It some kind of drastic strategy, but in fact may even be useful to eliminate translate words or phrases in some contexts. If the meaning is conveyed by a particular item or expression does not need anymore in understanding the translation, the translator uses this strategy to avoid lengthy explanation.

e) Translation by illustration

This strategy can be useful when the target of similar goods not include some aspects of the source item and similar items refer to a physical entity that can be described, mainly to avoid over-explanation and should be concise and to the point. It is obvious, each theory offers/its own strategy according to his/her perspective;

However, (1992) taxonomy Baker translation strategy including the applicable set of strategies, because it shows the strategy used by professional translators. Thus, this definition shows the implementation of this strategy, i. e. not only is it a set of strategies, but also can be tested by a professional translator to see to what degree they work if at all.In this study, general translation, translation issues and especially the translation strategies are described, and different theories of translation strategies mentioned. This suggests that the different theories indicate various definitions of translation strategies according to different perspectives. Moreover, it is mentioned that Baker (1992) list of the most valid set of strategies. Not only the name of the strategy, but she also shows the respective application.

8.Translation Techniques

Molina and Albir (2002) defines a translation technique as a procedure to analyze and classify how equivalence translation in progress and can be applied to various units lingual. Under this proposed version of the translation techniques and

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Albir Molina (2002). They defined seven basic procedures operating on three levels of style: lexis,distribution (morphology and syntax) and message.

The procedures were classified as direct (or literal) or oblique, to coincide with their distinction between direct (or literal) and oblique translation. Literal translation occurs when there is an exact structural, lexical, even morphological equivalence between two languages. According to the authors, this is only possible when the two languages are very close to each other.

The literal translation procedures are:

1) Borrowing. A word taken directly from another language, e.g., the English

word bulldozerhas been incorporated directly into other languages.

2) Calque. A foreign word or phrase translated and incorporated into another

language,e.g., fin de semaine from the English weekend.

3) Literal translation. Word for word translation, e.g., The ink is on the table

and L’encre estsur la table.

Oblique translation occurs when word for word translation is impossible.

Theoblique translation procedures are:

1) Transposition. A shift of word class, i.e., verb for noun, noun for preposition

e.g.,Expéditeur and From. When there is a shift between two signifiers, it is

called crossedtransposition, e.g., He limped across the street and IL a traversé

la rue en boitant.

2) Modulation. A shift in point of view. Whereas transposition is a shift between

grammatical categories, modulation is a shift in cognitive categories. Vinay

and Darbelnettranslation techniques revisited 499500 Meta, XLVII, 4,

2002postulate eleven types of modulation: abstract for concrete, cause for

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA effect, means forresult, a part for the whole, geographical change, etc., e.g.,

the geographical modulationbetween encre de Chine and Indian ink. Intraday

and Scavée (1979) studied this procedure in depth and reached the conclusion

that it is qualitatively different from theothers and that the others can be

included within it.

3) Equivalence. This accounts for the same situation using a completely

different phrase,e.g., the translation of proverbs or idiomatic expressions like,

Comme un chien dans unjeu de quilles and Like a bull in a china shop.

4) Adaptation. A shift in cultural environment, i.e., to express the message using

a differentsituation, e.g. cycling for the French, cricket for the English and

baseball for theAmericans.

5) These seven basic procedures are complemented by other procedures. Except

forthe procedures of compensation and inversion, they are all classified as

opposing pairs.

6) Compensation. An item of information, or a stylistic effect from the ST that

cannot be reproduced in the same place in the TT1 is introduced elsewhere in

the TT1, e.g., theFrench translation of I was seeking thee, Flathead. From the

Jungle Book Kipling used the archaic thee, instead of you, to express respect,

but none of the equivalent French pronoun forms (tu, te, toi) have an archaic

equivalent, so the translator expressed the same feeling by using the vocative,

O, in another part of the sentence: En verité, c’est bien toique je cherche, O


7) Concentration vs. Dissolution. Concentration expresses a signified from the

SL with fewer signifiers in the TL. Dissolution expresses a signified from the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA SL with more signifiers in the TL, e.g., archery is dissolution of the French tir

a l’arc.

8) Amplification vs. Economy. These procedures are similar to concentration

and dissolution. Amplification occurs when the TL uses more signifiers to

cover syntactic or lexical gaps. According to Vinay and Darbelnet, dissolution

is a question of langue and adaptation of parole, e.g., He talked himself out of

a job and Il a perdu sa chance pour avoirtrop parlé. The opposite procedure is

economy, e.g., we’ll price ourselves out of the marketand Nous ne pourrons

plus vendre si nous sommes trop exigeants.

9) Reinforcement vs. Condensation. These are variations of amplification and

economy that are characteristic of French and English, e.g., English

prepositions or conjunctions that need to be reinforced in French by a noun or

a verb: To the station and Entrée de lagare; Shall I phone for a cab? and

Voulez-vous que je téléphone pour faire venir unevoiture? Mallblanc (1968)

changed Vinay and Darbelnet‘s reinforcement for over-characterization,

because he found it was more appropriate for the traits of French and German.

He pointed out that German prepositions, such as, in can be translated into

French as dans le creux de, dans le fond de, or, dans le sein de.

10) Explicitation vs. Implicitation. Exploitation is to introduce information from

the ST that is implicit from the context or the situation, e.g., to make explicit

the patient‘s sex when translating his patient into French. Implicitation is to

allow the situation to indicate information that is explicit in the ST, e.g., the

meaning of sortez as go out or comeout depends on the situation.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 11) Generalization vs. Particularization. Generalization is to translate a term for

a more general one, whereas, particularization is the opposite, e.g., the English

translation of guichet, fenêtre or devanture by window is a generalization.

12) Inversion. This is to move a word or a phrase to another place in a sentence or

a paragraph so that it reads naturally in the target language, e.g., Pack

separately … for convenient inspectionand Pour faciliter la visite de la douane

mettre à part

2.3 Linguistics and Translation Study

The researcher has to do a library study prior to determining the suitable theory as the base of the study because translating is a complex scientific activity.

The objective of the study is to provide an overview of the restriction and weakness of the theories that will be used as a theoretical basis for "Techniques and Methods in translation Traditional Karonese Medical Terms in Fractured Bone Setting " The researcher will use diverse theories which are eclectic in nature. Eclectic study supports different concepts of reference based on various theories as long as they are in line with the substance of the study. This activity cannot be avoided because of the nature of translation which is a complex science. Translation activity is an activity of transferring messages from SL into TL which implies that the translation must be equivalent with the source language. The translated text should contain all the fine distinction of language that clearly can be easily recognized by the target language readers. Prior to this research, a literature review should be undertaken by the researcher. This will help reinforce the theories that will be used. Larson stated (1988) that a translation is the transfer of meaning from the source language into the target language. In this process, there is also a replacement from the source language into the target language form. The meaning must always be maintained in translating the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA source language into the target language although the form can be changed.

Translation is a process of transferring the logical meaning of the source text to be on agreement with Target Text. There are several important concepts in this definition, they are: 1) Process of translating (Shuttle worth & Cowie, Bell Menfredi in Siahaan).

This is a process of obtaining the logical meanings of ST and transferring them to the

TT1. 2) Translating as a product of the translation process (Bell, 1991:13; Manfredy,

2008:21). As a product, it refers to the translation as TT1, it functions the same as

ST(Catford, 1965: 20; House, 2001:247). The function is to provide a logical meaning which is similar to the ST. 3)this refers to the translation as equivalent. This means that they are the same, and are used to assess the quality of the translation that shows the nature and degree of the relationship between ST and TT1(House, 2001:247;

Shuttle & Cowie, 1997: 49). Based on the three theoretical concepts described above, the translation is defined as the acquisition and transfer of the meaning of the ST equivalent to TT1.

Figure 2.3: The relationship between ST and TT1

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA These concepts were also inspired byTaber‘s translation process.

Figure 2.3 a: Nida and Taber's process

The researcher determines the ideology to translate from ST to the TT1, including the ideology of domestication and foreignization of Vennuti. In the

"Techniques and Methods in translation Traditional Karonese Medical Terms in

Fractured Bone Setting"as ST to TT1 this translation strategy will be applied.

Translation strategy is a way to translate certain linguistic units from one language to another (Sembiring, 2013). Therefore, they are aware of the plan in selecting the source text and in selecting methods in solving problems encountered in the process of translation from the source language into the target language. This selection is based on linguistic and translation competence to support the acquisition, storage and use of the message or the meaning of the source language to be translated into the equivalent of TT1(Venuti 1998: Silalahi 1999). A model strategy can be applied in the process of translating from ST to TT1. It is one of the three stages described by

Seguinot 1989 in Siahaan (2013),i.e. 1. Translating without interruption; 2. Fixing errors of the translation surface 3. Leaving the monitor for a qualitative stylistic error to improve the translation. Such a strategy is considered as a conscious plan (Kriing:

Losher; Cohen in Siahan 2013) in selecting an ST to translate and a method in solving the problem faced in the process of translating an ST into a TT1, a strategy is an

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA experiential one with flexible stages which favor the acquisition, storage and utilization of the message or meaning of the ST to be translated into an equivalent target text, Venuti (998). In this research the concept of the translation strategy is by following the one containing three stages. Since the Source Text is a product of translation, the first step to be taken is to correct the surface error of the translation and leave the monitor for qualitative stylistic error to improve the translation,

Seguinot (1989 in Siahaan)

2.4 Translation Assessment

In the era of globalization, the world is getting smaller because communication and information systems have become increasingly sophisticated. In order toexchange of information more quickly and to enhance relationships between cultures, translation activities have become progressively more important.

Translations are done by individuals to individuals. The global demand for businesses to look for markets around the world, has created a need for translation in all areas.

Additionally, readers of a text often wonder why some translations are considered "good" and others "bad.‖ Are there any means of measurement or guidelines for assessing the quality of a particular translation? This assessment measurement should be based on the norms of objective. Based on the work of Nida and Taber (1969) and Newmark (1988), a translation is considered "good" if the translation is oriented toward the reader/listener of the Target Language. Therefore, it is critical that the translator demonstrate a mastery of both the Source Language and the Target Language. Knowledge of the two cultures is also critical. The ability on setting standards for the assessment of translation is usually problematic.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Evaluation of a translation becomes difficult because of the gap between theory and practice. However, if there is a rubric that leads to this goal, the rubric can describe aspects of translation and determine factors that should be taken into account in assessing the translated text. This project provides a translation quality assessment model to measure the quality of the translated text of Karo language into Indonesian and also from Indonesian translated into English. The translation quality being measured include the accuracy of transfer of messages, the level of acceptance and readability of the translation.

The text intends to study ―The Translation Of Traditional Karo Medical Terms

In Fractured Bone Setting‖. The accuracy of the transfer rate is set by how precise the message content or text message was transferred from the source language into the target language1 and from the target language 1 translated into the target language II.

The level of translation was rated on the basis of whether the content or message of the source language text was disclosed in accordance with the rules, norms and the prevailing culture in the target language.

Translated text readability level refers to the degree of ease a text translation is understood by the target audience. The levels of acceptance and readability of the translation are done simultaneously in one section. However, the determination of equivalents is never separated from its context.

A rubric based on the text as the unit of translation (Farahzad, 1992)

No. Item Score Score

1 Accuracy 20%

2 Appropriateness 20%


4 Naturalness 20%

4 Style of discourse/choice of words 20%

The Rubric With All Four Criteria For Each Item Score

Items 4 3 2 1 Score 1 Accuracy All supportive Almost all Most There is no facts are reported supportive supportive clear accurately. facts are facts are conclusion, reported reported the paper just accurately. accurately. ends. 2 Appropria Information Information Information Information teness clearly relates to clearly clearly relates has little or the main topic. It relates to the to the main nothing to do includes several main topic. It topic. No with the main supporting details provides 1-2 details and/or topic. and/or examples. supporting examples are details and/or given. examples. 3 Cohesion Translator makes Translator Translator Translator no errors in makes 1-2 makes 3-4 makes more grammar or errors in errors in than 4 errors spelling that grammar or grammar or in grammar or distracts the spelling that spelling that spelling that reader from the distract the distract the distracts the content. reader from reader from the reader from the content content the content. 4 Naturalnes All sentences Almost all Most sentences The sentences s sound natural and sentences sound natural are difficult to are easy-on-the- sound natural and are easy- read aloud ear when read and are easy- on-the-ear because they aloud. Each on-the-ear when read sound sentence is clear when read aloud, but awkward, are and has an aloud, but 1 several are stiff distractingly obvious or 2 are stiff and awkward repetitive, or emphasis. and awkward or are difficult difficult to or difficult to to understand. understand. understand. 5 Style of Translator uses Translator Translator uses Translator discourse/ vivid words and uses vivid words that uses a limited choice of phrases that linger words and communicate vocabulary words or draw pictures phrases that clearly, but the that does not in the reader\'s linger or writing lacks communicate

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA mind, and the draw pictures variety, punch strongly or choice and in the or flair. capture the placement of the reader\'s reader\'s words seems mind, but interest. accurate, natural occasionally Jargon or and not forced. the words are clichés may used be present and inaccurately detract from or seem the meaning. overdone.

The purpose of the above assessment model is to measure the quality of the translated text of Karo language into Indonesian (TT1) and from Indonesian (TT1) into English (TT2). Translation quality that is measured includes the accuracy of the transfer of messages, the level of acceptance and the readability of the translation.

2.4.1 Criteria and Assessor Number

To maintain the validity and reliability of assessment results, the prototype translation assessment model proposed is an odd number and a minimum of 3 assessors for each aspect being assessed. Someone who wants to serve as an assessor for the quality of translation must meet some requirements. For accuracy for example, the requirements that should be met are: 1) Translators are professional and experienced in the field of translation of scientific texts from English into Indonesian or vice versa, 2) Competency in translation must be good, such as linguistic competence, discourse competence, culture competence culture, science competence, strategic competence and transfer competence, and 3) Have the knowledge of declarative and procedural or operative processes.

The requirements that must be met to be an assessor are: 1) Mastering the use of standard grammar, in this case the grammar of Karo language, Bahasa Indonesia and English. 2) Mastering the science of translation text, and 3) be familiar with the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA technical terms in the translation field being assessed. For readability, the criteria is to possess the ability to read and understand the text in Karonese, Indonesian and

English very well. .

2.5 Previous Studies

―Techniques and Methods in translation Traditional Karonese Medical Text in

Fractured Bone setting‖ translation Strategy Research, taking the work of translation as its object. The question of strategies and methods in translation is to overcome the problem of lacking equivalence and techniques which is a central issue in translation studies. The translation techniques and methods to express the ideology of the translator that impact on the quality of the translation. So far the same topic has not been found locally. This study will involve cultural information and cultural attitudes of the Source Language to The Target Language. Researchers/Translator may have difficulties in linguistic issues and the process of translation issues. The problem that might rise is a matter of grammar/linguistic and cultural issues category includingthe culture associated with the Karoland in abroader sense (Deliserdang, Langkat and the

Karo Highlands) geography and attitudes toward treatments. Hopefully these problems will be over come with the translation procedure. Similar studies to the

―Techniques and Methods in Traditional Karonese Medical Text in Fractured Bone setting‖ by other researchers with similar topic has never been done.

However a research written by Silalahi entitled IMPACT OF



INDONESIAN is a research that analyzes a translation as a product. The study of translation as a product in which researcher takes the work of translation as an object

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA of study. Researcher examined the methods and strategies(techniques) to address the problem of equivalence and techniques chosen to be the focus in this study. Methods and techniques used in the translation as product have a very strong impact on the ideology of translators and translation quality.In this study eight translation techniqueswere used to translate ―Medical-Surgical Nursing‖ from English into

Bahasa Indonesia. They are literal, pure borrowing, naturalized borrowing, calque, transposition, modulation, deletion, and addition technique. The researcher found out thatLiteral translation appears to be used the most, followed by pure borrowing, naturalized borrowing, transposition, calque, modulation, deletion, and addition.

Theoretically, all the techniques mentioned are oriented to source language. This means that the translator tended to choose literal, faithful, and semantic translation methods. Thirdly translation techniques and the selection of translation methods tend to be based on the adoption of the ideology of foreignization. Similar to this study the overall, the techniques are directing the translation methods use toward source languge. In that respect the Traditional Karonese Medical Text on Fractured

BoneSettingqualitative methods, ethnography and participant in data collection interview in documenting procedures used by bone setters and herbalist living in rural

North Sumatra and qualitative methods were used in describing the translation, Deep interviews were administered with four bone setters and two herbalists, one bonesetter was practicing in Medan, two in Munte and one in Sukababo as well as two herbalists in Pancur Batu were interviewed about the herbs collections. The transcription of the interview was translated from Karonese (ST) into Bahasa Indonesia (TT1) and from

Karonese (ST) into English (TT2). The result showed all the bonesetter interviews revealed how they became bone setters, and all of them claimed that they inherited the skills from their ancesstors directly or indirectly. Interviews were conducted with four

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA bonesetters and two herbalists. From 395-22 data sources analysed, (147,129) were decoded by applying single techniques, (51,44) couplet techniques and 2 triplet techniques. The translation techniques from the Karonese into English are literal

(130,99), pure borrowing (69,62), established equivalent (9,10), Calque (1,2) with a total of 209,183= (84%,71%), Also, target language emphasis data used are: addition(20,38), deletion (5,9) , Transposition (14,21) and adaptation (3) with total

39,71=(16%,29%) Therefore, the conclusion is the translator has used the most literal equivalent of source language emphasis translation techniques in translating from ST into TT1 (84%) and from ST into TT2 (71%). This is not only feasible but also necessary so that the original Karonese medical terms can be faithfully preserved in the translation.

For the International research a dissertation written by Wissman was found.

This dissertation is related to the topic of this research Entitled: Translation of

Chinese Medical Terms: A Source-Oriented Approach Submitted by Nigel Arthur

Richard Wiseman to the University of Exeter as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of

Philosophy in Complementary. From the title alone the relevancy has been detected.

This study shows that the variation of the terminology is not an accidental product; it reflects the different objectives regarding the development of Chinese medicine in Western countries. Chinese people would like to present the concept of

Chinese medicine in an actual framework according to historical references, at the same time they also try to adjust the framework of Chinese medicine both for modern medicine and for the health value that is complementary. The author would like to present the views of the Chinese people; the author has been in China and adopts the source language translation orientation which is quite literal.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA However, the Chinese who supported the adaptation method tends to adopt the target language orientation approach, for they are less interested in accessing their medical heritage contained in the primary text, they work using only secondary texts.

Delivering authentic Chinese medical knowledge available to the West as a prerequisite for the necessary adaptations this study presents the case for a source language orientation that is generally using literal equivalence approaches. This shows that such orientation in the translation of terminology is widely recognized by the translation theorists, philologists, linguistics historians, terminologists, and that it applied for practical reasons in the case of delivery of a highly successful cross- cultural knowledge. It is only natural dealing with vagueness of Chinese medical concepts using source language orientation methods. The proposed methodology defined in at least one set of principles and described in detail. So according to the findings the translation methods used tend to orient towards the source language is proven as the translator tends to keep the authenticity of the contents of the texts.

Indeed it can clearly be seen that there is relevance between this study and Wisman research in the translation of Chinese traditional medicine. The similarities are both researching traditional medicines and in both studies there are a lot of terminology or names of the herbs which are not contained in the target language, therefore translator tended to use translation techniques that lead to the use of methods of translation which oriented towards the source language. Likewise, the first study by Silalahi, that the majority of the translation techniques used by the translator in the "Medical-

Surgical Nursing" are techniques that are oriented towards the methods which are also oriented towards the source language.

So it can be concluded that because the translator deem it necessary to maintain a sense of the terms of medical terminology closer to the source language

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA therefore technique, methods and ideology all tended towards the source language.

As Wissman (2000) says, that such orientation in the translation of terminology is widely recognized by the translation theorists, philologists, linguistics historians, terminologists, and that it applied for practical reasons in the case of delivery of a highly successful cross-cultural knowledge‖.

Therefore the previous two studies by Silalahi and Wisman are relevant and motivate or encourage the present studies. In other words there are direct relations between both the first and the second relevant studies to the present studies.

The third paper entitled: "Tai-khampti Traditional Medicinal Plants to cure fractured bones‖, by Sheelawati Monlai1, p. Lalramnghinglova 1, 3 and.

Arunachalanm tried to document the medicinal plants traditionally used to heal fractures by Khampti tribe of Arunachal Pradesh. They are well-known as a traditional herbal doctors who use wild plants on the right day on their calendar coupled with their charm, would accelerate the recovery. Part of the plant used is not the same from a Bonesetter to another. Some use the top and others using the bottom part of the plant. There are 23 medicinal plants which are documented as an important ingredient to heal broken bones. Traditional medicinal plant species distributed in 13 families and 21 genera of plants. Asclepidiaceae, Zingiberaceae and Vitaceae is the most dominant family with 3 genera and 3 species of medicinal plants from each family. Other families in this group are chloranthaceae, Taccaceae and Araceae, followed by Caprifoliaceae, plumbaginaceae, Rubiaceae, bignoniaceae, Orchidaceae,

Arecacea, Cyperaceae and aspleniaceae.

This paper reinforces that the subjects of this study in the ―Techniques and

Methods in translation Traditional Karonese Medical Text in Fractured Bone setting‖ related to the treatment of fractures in Khampti tribe of Arunachal Pradesh in India

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA which a purpose to record all wild plants used in the treatment of fractures and this is very similar to what has been done in the study of Traditional Karonese Medical

Texts in Fractured Bone setting that is to note and take pictures of all the herbs after the interview was conducted.

The fourth paper entitled: fracture management in traditional Indian medicine

By Dr Hemant D. Toshikhane, MS (Ayu) 1 and Dr. HJ Sangeeta, MD (Ayu) 2.

Ayurveda is a complete science of life, we can get a detail explanation in prevention of disease in healthy individuals as well as how to manage the disease to recover. One of the common problems and challenges of the modern world is the trauma and injury management system framework that occur due to trauma in general. Such bone injury traumas are also described with classification and their treatment in traditional

Ayurvedic. Such orthopedic conditions are well-defined and documented in a book by the name Bhagna Chikitsa1. This paper presents a historical perspective of fracture management in the tradition of Ayurveda.

Comment: This paper discusses how to overcome the trauma caused by injury to the skeleton. This kind of trauma described in traditional Ayurveda books, this explanation has been classified and explained well contained in the book named

Bhagna chikitsa 1. This paper presents a historical perspective of how to manage fractures in the tradition of Ayurveda. So its relevance is merely validateing that in other part of the world, there is also a traditional fracture healing in this case specifically on how to deal with the trauma if any parts of the human skeleton are injured. This problem can be for material for further research in the ―Traditional

Karonese Medical Text in Fractured Bone setting ―

The fifth paper entitled: The role of traditional bone setters in Africa: experience in calabar, Nigeria by AM Udosen, OO Otei and O. Onuba. Department of

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Surgery, University of Calabar and University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar,

Nigeria. This paper examines the ability of Bonesetter in Nigeria by visits to clinics of fractures and interviewed the Bonesetter. The findings are almost all Bonesetters in

Calabar, Nigeria do not have formal education. Their knowledge is the heritage/legacy which is supernatural and did not want to reveal the secrets of their treatment. They do not know about anatomy, physiology and source of complications.They do not have a basic knowledge of the investigation and treatment of wounds. Most of their clients are in (Traditional Bone Ccenters) due to poverty, ignorance and superstition. It is difficult to stop the fracture treatment in traditional

Nigerian society but maybe the complication can be stopped if the TBS Bonesetters are invited to attend some basic education and control.

The training is specialislize in the field of orthopedics and Grammatology as well as the provision of adequate equipmentt in health institutions whose purpose is to reduce the rate of patients who "left the hospital and went into treatment centers

Traditional Bonesetters against medical advice". There are differences and similarities between traditional medical in Nigeria and in North Sumatra. The equation is most

Bonesetters never take part in education about fracture. The difference is in the Karo generally speaking a trauma caused by a problem in the human skeleton always be cured by traditional Bonesetter

The sixth paper entitled: fracture treatment by Bonesetters in central Ghana:

Patients explain Reviews their choices and experiences by marcel j. h. arie¨s1,

Hanneke joosten1, harry h. j. wegdam1 and Sjaak van der Geest. Understanding the factors that predispose a patient to choose good treatment of fractures Bonesetter or at hospital and second of all it is to explore the experiences of patients with

Bonesetter‘s. Methods In-depth interviews with 46 patients with fractures as

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA evidenced by radiology at a district hospital in central Ghana. Results of traditional healers, Bonesetter, plays an important role in the health system of Ghana. During the three-month period, 14 patients with proven fracture left hospital for treatment by

Bonesetter. Hospitals are considered to be the only institution where emergency care can be provided and reliable, extensive diagnostic facilities and treatment of ore available for the treatment of bone fractures. Patients opt for treatment Bonesetter, guided by the severity of the fracture, the availability of services, their financial status and past experiences of healing methods used by different Bonesetters based on the principles of shared comparable.

The conclusion was that the treatment of fractures can serve as a model for respect and co-existence between traditional medicine and efficient biomedical medicine. Here the client experience with Bone-setters were also positive and the suggestions was to make a cooperation between the traditional invitation Bonesetters existing hospital.The paper titled seventh Utilization of traditional bone-setters in the treatment of bone fracture in Ibadan North Local Government Owumi, BE, Taiwo,

Patricia A. and Olorunnisola, USA. International Journal of Humanities and Social

Sciences Invention The World Health Organization recommends the integration of traditional medicine and modern medicine. Traditional medicine including traditional treatment of fractures is not well received in Nigeria.

Although traditional fracture treatment is still supported by society and practitioners that exist in almost every part of the country. The research focused on the cause of the fracture and the use of traditional Bonesetter in Ibadan under the explanations of functionalism and the theory of modernization. This study used quantitative and qualitative methods, with a survey of eighty-eight (88) patients and in-depth interviews given to eight (8) Traditional Bonesetter and (4) patients.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The majority (69.5 percent) of respondents were in the age range 18-47 years. The findings showed that there were more (55.7%) male patients than female (44.3%).

Most (85.7 percent) reported fractures are a major cause of motorcycle accidents road traffic, while friends had a great influence in the selection of traditional bone setting as a form of treatment among patients

All patients responded that they were willing to recommend the traditional bone-setters. Bonesetters traditionally well protected and found to be relevant in the treatment of fractures in society, especially in Ibadan.The study recommends maximum support and funding from the government in training and the establishment of traditional bone-setters in Nigeria. Integration of traditional medicine as well as traditional bonesettings with modern medicine should be encouraged in Nigeria.

Figure 2.4The Process of Translation According to Larson.


Figure: 2.4aNida’s Three-Stage System of Translation (from Nida and Taber

1969: 33).

According to Holmes‘ and Toury‘s conception of translation studies (TS) in theory and practice, there are two central guiding points, which are pure and applied in translation.

Fawcet, Gracia and Parker, (2010) quote Holmes‘ and Toury‘s Conceptions of

Translation Studies.

Figure 2.5 Holmes and Toury’s Conception of Translation Studies

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Holmes, (2000:176-177) in Venuti divides TS into pure and applied research, then pure research is divided into theoretical and descriptive research. The diagram shows that the descriptive research has three orientations, which are product oriented, process oriented and function oriented‘ His diagram was applied to serve as a point of orientation to translate the sourceText into the targetText.

Regarding the research questions of this study, the researcher is focusing on one of Holmes‘ and Toury‘s concepts of translation studies, i.e product oriented. In the process of translating Karo Traditional Medical Terms text in the Karo society into English, the researcher will study the translated text based on the reference of the cultural semantic equivalence. If the translator aims to introduce the text to foreign readers with different expressions in another language, then the foreignizing method isused to keep the original expressions. There are three different kinds of translation, i.e.(1) intralingual translation, or ‗rewording‘: ‗an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language‘;(2)interlingua translation, or ‗translation proper‘: ‗an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language‘;(3) intersemiotic translation, or ‗transmutation‘: ‗an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of non-verbal sign systems‘.

Only the second category, interlingua translation, is deemed 'translation proper' by Jakobson.(Hatim and Munday, 2004)The theories of linguistics concerning translation of the terms of ―Language for Specific Purpose‖ a method of second or foreign language teaching and training need to be considered as well in translating

The Translation of Traditional Karonese Medical Terms. This method focuses on immediate and very particular needs of learners who need that language as a tool in their job. Enough literature has been accumulated on this subject, and a comprehensive theory of the new translations have emerged. To understand the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA difficulty surrounding translation of traditional Karonese medical terms of Karonese medical treatment, the translator must understand something of the trends in translation theory. Those are the theory of loan and the theory of terminology. A loan- word "to claque" as a verb means to borrow a word or phrase from another language while translating its components so as to create a new lexeme in the target language.

2.5.1 Interlingual Translation

Interlingual Translation will be reflected on when translating the Karo

Traditional Medical Terms into English. The texts include material of instructions, dialog among patient and healer. Karo medication is a part of ritual in Karo healing tradition which has been in use since the existence of the Karo ethnic for hundreds of years. The meaning of the cultural text of Karo Traditional Medical terms and their moral values are very difficult to transfer into English. Translation theories are needed in the process of ―Techniques and Methods in translation Traditional Karonese

Medical Terms in Fractured Bone Setting‖.The strategies cannot be separated from linguistics, because SL and TL have the same position as objects in the center of analysis.

In the meantime, according to Nida and Taber (1969), a translation is the disclosure of the message in the source language to the target language and the closest natural equivalent, which is the first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. The main purpose of a translation is to give back the message from the source text; at the same time the translator must make grammatical and lexical synchronization as well.

According to Bell (1991). The aim of translation is to reproduce as accurately as possible all grammatical and lexical features of the situation into the contextual

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA meaning of the TL, at the same time all the factual information contained in the original text must be retained in the translation. In using the theory of translation, it is necessary to manage the rules of grammar and how the SL text transferred to another, and also deal with the issue of not adding anything, and not leaving anything out.

Some words of Karo Traditional Medical Terms Text which are related to cultural terms and syntactic rules are untranslatable and a logic about untranslability is needed.

2.5.2 Translation Equivalence

Equivalence is the most significant. This is an emphasis on a reproduction of message rather than the transferring of its form. In a translation, meaning and content are two things that should be prioritized. The translation that is unidentified as a translation is the best translation, which means that the translation should be flowing as normal as possible for speakers of the target language. Translation should produce a reasonable equivalent that does not show awkwardness in the grammatical and stylistic of the target language.

The translation process consists of three stages: analysis, transfer and restructuring. In the analysis process, the translator analyses the content of a message based on the source language grammar and meaning. At this stage the source language sentences were broken down into units of grammatical structure which include basic sentences, words and phrases to capture the meaning of existing component analysis technique. The second phase, transfer, i.e. the transfer of materials that have been analyzed to be translated from the source language into the target language. The last stage is restructuring, in which the translators prepare

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA materials that have been diverted and aim to create an overall message that can be received by the target language community, Tjandra (2005).

Newmark (1988) believes that most cultural words are not easy to detect, since they are associated with a certain language and so cannot be translated literally. Many cultural customs can be described in ordinary language, e.g. I have cold feet. Please,

Gentlemen, Ladies where literal translation would alter the meaning and the translation may include an appropriate descriptive-functional equivalent. He claims that translation theory is derived from comparative linguistics. For Newmark translation means shifting meanings from a text of one language to another language with the functional meaning. He proposed three propositions related to whether the form of linguistic resources can be preserved in the target language. If a text is concerned with linguistic form, then the translation must be as close as possible to the source language text in the form of linguistic terms, such as in literary works.

If a linguistic form overlooks the source text, the translation does not need to be made as close as possible to the source text in the form of linguistic terms.

Examples of this type are text in the encyclopedia article. The latter, a better written text, the closer the linguistic forms in text language translation with the source text, whether in the form of linguistic text was overlooked or not. In this sense the word

'important' and 'well written‘ being the keyword but the two words are not measurable. However, for a moment this proposition can mediate the debate between the extreme left (which argues that the translations would be faithful to the source language)and far right (which argues that the translation should be faithful to the target language).

Besides the problem of vagueness of the word "important" and" well written",

Newmark intends to bridge the gap between the opinion that tends to favor the source

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA language and the linguistic forms in favor of the target language. In other words,

Newmark would counsel translators to not get caught up in the debate between literal translation(faithful to the source language support linguistic forms)and the free translation. This is also reflected on his semantic and communicative translation theory. Newmark (1988) divided translation into eight methods of process of translating, four of them are oriented to the Source Language and the other four are oriented to the target language. All the eight methods are put in the form of a flattened

V diagram.

SL Emphasis TL Emphasis

Word-for-word translation Adaptation

Literal translation Free Translation

Faithful translation Idiomatic translation

Semantic translation Communicative translation

Figure 2.6: A V diagram Translation Approaches (Newmark, 1988: 45)

The further definitions of translation methods.

1) Service translation, i.e. translation from one's language of habitual use into

another language. The term is not widely used, but as the practice is necessary

in most countries, a term is required.

2) Plain prose translation. The prose translation of poems and poetic drama

initiated by E.V. Rieu for Penguin Books. Usually stanzas become paragraphs,

prose punctuation is introduced, original metaphors and SI. culture retained,

whilst no sound-effects are reproduced. The reader can appreciate the sense of

the work without experiencing equivalent effect. Plain prose translations arc

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA often published in parallel with their originals, to which, extra 'careful word-

for-word comparison1, they provide ready and full access.

3) Information translation. This conveys all the information in a non-horary

text, sometimes rearranged in a more logical form, sometimes partially

summarized. And not in the form of paraphrase.

4) Cognitive translation. This reproduces the information in a SL Converting

the SL grammar to its normal TL transpositions, normally reducing any

figurative to literal language. I do not know to what extent this is mainly a

theoretical or a useful concept, but as a pre-translation procedure it is

appropriate in a difficult, complicated stretch of text. A pragmatic component

added to produce a semantic or a communicative translation.

5) Academic translation. This type of translation, practiced in some British

universities, reduces an original SL text to an ‗elegant' idiomatic educated TL

version which follows a non-existent; literary register It irons out the

expressiveness of a writer with modish colloquialisms. The archetype of this

tradition. Which is still alive at Oxbridge.' the important thing is to get the

flavor of the original, was R. L. Graeme Ritchie, evidently a brilliant teacher

and translator, who was outstandingly more accurate than his imitators. I quote

tiny scraps of Ritchie's weaknesses: La Notre-Dame avanca - 'The Notre-

Dame worked her way in; La plmehromlla les objets - The rain obscured

everything; Cette vie se surpassera par le martyre et le martyre ne tardera

plus -That life was to Transcend itself through martyrdom and now martyrdom

was not to be long in coming, Newmark (1988)

Newmark‘s theory of translation will be applied to transfer message of the specific culture bound terms in The Traditional Karonese Medical Text on Fractured

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA BoneSetting. Newmark‘s (1988) procedures such as descriptive equivalent, paraphrase, couplets, notes transference and shifts or transportation procedures proposed by Newmark.

2.5.3 Equivalence

Translational equivalence is the similarity between a word (or expression) in one language and its translation in another. Translation Equivalence is one of the procedures used in the translation. This happens on the order of words, grammar, textual and pragmatic level. Equivalent translations are designed to Achieve the same or similar effect on the target of the text, Equivalency must be understood as a similarity.

By studying samples taken from a particular language the total meaning of equality in the translation does not exist. The reason is simple, that the meaning is mainly owned by the language and culture. Also it was found out that some of the language only uses a single word Also while there are languages that use two or three words to refer to the same concept. Because the idea of equality has taken a lot of attention from the theory of translation, Reviews their study has led to the emergence of many kinds and types of translation equivalence. Equivalence Exists at Different Levels

a. Equivalence at word level: 1)Word is the smallest unit which we expect to

possess individual meaning. 2) Bollinger and Sear(1968): Word is the smallest

unit of language that can be used by it. 3) Morpheme is a constituent part of

word which can't be further analyzed.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA b. Equivalence above word level: 1)it refers to collocations made in terms

of what is typical or untypical. 2) New collocations are made naturally by

analogy or because speakers create unusual collocations purposefully.

3)Recurrent collocation: collocation with history of recurrence in language

that become a part of our standard linguistic repertoire and we don't stop to

think about them while reading a text. 4) Non-recurrent collocations:

collocation with little or no history of recurrence and catch our attention and

strike us as unusual. c. Grammatical equivalence:1) Grammar is organized along two main

dimensions: morphology (covers word structure) and syntax (covers

grammatical structure). 2) Grammatical choices are obligatory; they are more

resistant to change. 3) Grammatical rules are more resistant to manipulation by

speakers. d. Textual equivalence:1) Thematic and information structure: 2) Theme: it is

what the clause is about(known/old information). 3) Rhyme : it is what

speaker says about the theme.(unknown/new information. e. Function of Language: Newmark (1988) classifies six functions of a

language, which are expressive, informative, vocative, aesthetic, phonic and

multilingual functions. The researcher will apply the informative and the

multilingual functions for her study. Newmark (1988) proposes using

functional theory in the process of translating

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Three Language Function Expressive (autoritative Informative Voctive (directive or persuasive

Translation Theory Semantic Communicative

Transation Theory frame of reference Problems Contextual factors Translatio Procedures

Theory of translating Textual Refrential Cohesive Natural Levels

A Functional Theory of language, Newmark (1988:20)

Figure 2.7A Functional Theory of Language

2.5.4 The Concept of Culture:

One of the most important approaches to translation is the socio-semiotic or cultural approach which means that translation is not restricted to the meanings of sounds, words, grammar and rhetoric but it goes beyond mere correspondences to cultural presuppositions and value systems which create a different world picture specific to every culture,Nida (1985).

The anthropologist Malinowski's (1962) definition of culture is "the fullest context of all human activities. It is the vast instrumentality through which man achieves his ends both as an animal that must eat, rest, and produce; and the spiritual being who desire to extend his mental horizons, produce works of art and develop systems of faith". Havilland (1975) defines culture as "a set of rules and standards which when acted upon by the members of a society produce behavior that falls within a range of variance that readers consider proper or acceptable‖ Davaninez had

(2009) argues that culture is a set of beliefs, ideas, attitudes, customs, behaviors,

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA festivals, cuisine and clothing‘s that differ from country to country‖. Culture consists of the abstract ideas, values, and perceptions of the world that inform and are reflected in people‘s behavior. Culture is shared by members of a society and produces behavior that is intelligible to other members of that society. Cultures are learned rather than inherited biologically, and all the different parts of a culture function as an integrated whole. {Haviland, 2005 #16}

The social system that is used is visible through our use of language. This system includes the social context of language use which naturally takes the existence of a particular society for granted. Society has implicit and explicit values, norms and laws, and with all its particular conditions of life: economic, social, political and cultural,cf Davis (1977).

Culture is defined as the way of life and its manifestations, which are unique to a society that uses a particular language as a means of expression,Newmark

(1988).Culture may be defined as a set of beliefs, which control the behavior patterns of a society. These beliefs include religion, economy, politics, literature and language.

Thus, language is an integral part of culture, and translation involves two cultures, the culture of the source language (source culture) and the culture of the target language

(target culture),Aziz and Muftah (2000). Language is a reflection of the culture and personality of the language user. Culture affects the way a speaker to understand his world. This principle has very broad implications on one‘s translation work. If a translation is an influence of language, thoughts and culture, it is certain that a precise translation as the original may not be achieved. In practice, the possibilities depend on the objectives and how deeply the source text embedded in the culture. If the translation is more oriented towards the source-text it will be increasingly difficult to translate it to the target text. Likewise, if the text is embedded in the culture, even

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA then it will be difficult to translate. Associated with the translation of culture it manifests in two ways. First, reference of vocabulary items somehow specific to a particular culture. Secondly, the concept or fact common reference but presented in a way that is specific to the culture of the source language. In practice, however, it is suggested that the translator should consider the purpose of the translation to the translation of words or expressions of culture-bound. The translation procedures discussed should also be considered.

For a long time it was believed that only language alone involve in translation. Cultural perspective was never brought into the discussion. It can be seen in the following definitions. The first definition presented by Cartford (1965). He stated that the translation is the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language. In this definition, the most important thing is the equivalent textual material. Equality here is still vague because culture is not taken into account. Similar definition is when Savory (1968) states that the translation is made possible by the same kind of thinking behind the different verbal expressions. Followed by an explanation, Nida and Taber (1969) in the translation process as follows: Translating consists of reproducing the text in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.


Figure 2.8 The Regions of Karonese Society

An overview of the district of domicile of Karonese community can be seen as what is described by J.H.Neumannin the book of life of the Karo lanternin cultured,Sarjani Tarigan (2009), i.e.: In the picture description above shows the domicile of Karo, that there are some Karo ethnic who live-in coastal areas and coexist with the Malay population, and gradually the two ethnic groups mingled with each other and acculturated. Thus, Karo people scattered and acculturated with the other ethnics, resulting in the nicknames on the basis of differences in areas such the community of: Karo Kenjulu, Karo Teruh Deleng, Karo Singalor Lau, Karo Baluren,

Karo Langkat, KaroTimur and Karo Dusun.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.6.1 Current Karo Ethnic Domicile

1) Karo Kenjulu District is part of the , including Kabanjahe,

Berastagi, Tiga Panah, Barusjahe, Simpang Empat and Payung Districts.

2) KaroTeruh Deleng including Kuta Buluh, Payung, Lau Baleng and Mardinding


3) Singalor Lau District covers TigaBinaga, Juhar and Munte.

4) Karo Baluren District, Tanah Pinem and Tigalingga District.Tanah Pinemis part

of Dairi regency.

5) Langkat District covering Padang Tualang, Bahorok, Salapian, Kwala, Selesei,

Lau Bingei, Binjei and District.

6) KaroTimur covers Lubuk Pakam, Bangun Purba, Galang, Gunung Meriah,

Dolok Silau and Silima Kuta District. These regions are in the areas of Deli

Serdang and Simalungun Regency.

7) Karo Dusun covers Sibolangit, Pancur Batu, Namorambe, and Sunggal

Kutalimbaru, STM-Hilir, STM-Hulu, Hamparan Perak, Tanjung Morawa, Sibiru-

biru District.

2.6.2 Karo Language

Karo society has its own customs which are different from the other ethnics in

North Sumatra. Although they are different, the tradition has a purpose to educate the collective community with good manners, love and respect that they perform to all of the Karonese community and outsiders. Karonese society is one of the ethnic groups that the western anthropologist dumped into a group called Batak in North Sumatra without their consent. Today for some reason, most Karonese are trying to assert their cultural identity and they refused to be lumped together with the other ethnics. Karo

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA has 5 mergas or clans practicing patrilineal Wollams (2004) describes highland areas of Tanah Karo Simalem is considered as the center of Karo Tradition. Karo language in this region is not greatly influenced by foreign languages and the existence of kinship and life are still very strongly maintained.

Karo language is widely spoken in North Sumatra. Karo people are generally the speakers of Bahasa Indonesia which make them to be at least bilingual because many are also speakers of other ethnic languages. Karo language is their mother tongue and is only used as their spoken language and Bahasa Indonesia as the national language and used in schools and as a written language. Therefore it is not common to see the text in Karo language and so it is not common to see Karonese stories or traditions being translated into the English language. In this research the researcher will only study ―Techniques and Methods in translation Traditional Karonese Medical

Terms in Fractured Bone Setting‖ text translated by Dr. Matius Sembiring.

Example: The word Nini in Karonese is ambiguous. 1)Nini can mean grandmother or grandfather in Karo kinship system. For example: "Ia niniku" which means he or she is my grandmother or my grandfather. Meanwhile, if it is used outside the kinship terms Nini is used to call on the magical superpower. For example:

Nini simada kerangen enda which means "The superpower who Rules this rain forest.

Therefore, if we ask for a "tawar" to a "Guru", he would recite the incantation to suit our needs in this case forthe“tawar‖ for healing fractured. i.e.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Doa didalam Bahasa Tabas bas Cakap Karo Prayer in English Indonesia ―Bismillahirrahmanirrah Dengan nama allah With the name of God the im, Allhambulillah yang maha pengasih merciful. Praise be to God hirabil alamin. O nine lagi penyayang. Segala the Lord of the Universe. O simada kerangen pasu- puji bagi Allah Tuhan niny, the owner of pasundu tawar penggel semesta alam. O nini wilderness, bless this enda gelah lampas yang empunya hutan medicine for fractured bone malem tulan si penggel e belantara, Berkatilah so as it healed immediately. enda kubuat bahan- obat patah tulang ini I'm here to take the materials bahan man minak kuruk agar patah tulang for the Kuruk Benga Pupuk benga ras bulung segera sembuh. Saya i.e. the crow pheasantoil and gagaten harimau. Enda disini mengambil gagaten Arimo. I would kari kerina ku kuningken bahan-bahan untuk apply this oil on the broken ku sipenggel. Emaka minyak kuruk benga bone. Please, do not let this mindo aku gelah dan daun gagaten treatment efforts to fail. persdandu tulan si enggo arimo. Minyak ini akan Please do not disappoint penggel. Ula banndu saya oleskan pada me.Thank you. peninggeren enda tulang yang patah. tunggul.‖ Janganlah sampai usaha pengobatan saya ini gagal. Janganlah kecewakan saya.

2.6.3 Karo Tradition and Customs

Karo ethnic is a patrilineal community, but the children still carry their mother‘s family name.It is called bere-bere. A child whose father‘s surname isGinting and the mother‘s surname is beru Surbakti, will have a child with the full name of

Fullan Ginting bere-bere Surbakti. Merga in the Karo family name is etymologically derived from a word meaning meherga which literally means priceless; this shows how the surname is very valuable to Karo tradition.

2.6.4 Karonese Local Wisdom

Karonese Indigenous knowledge which is unique to Karonese society. It is the systematic body of knowledge acquired by local people through the accumulation of experiences, informal experiments, and an intimate understanding of the environment.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Indigenous knowledge evolved from years of experience and trial-and-error problem solving by people working in their environments. Source of knowledge management relating to their production derive from their local knowledge and traditions originated by their ancestors. In this case to overcome health problems of fractured bones. Fractured Bone Setting is done by a Healer, "Guru Pertawar Penggel‖ by using different kinds of traditional medicines such as medicinal oil known as‗minak pengalun‘, ‗sembur‘, ‗tawar‘ and ‗dampel‘ made specially by the healer in the treatment of related problems including muscles, and bones for example: sprains, bone shifted, bruise, fractured bones to crushed bones.

2.6.5 Guru” or Healer in Karonese Society

“Guru” is a common terminology in Karonese society as a reference applied to a person who acts as a healer. The ―Guru” has a role in religious rituals or ceremonies in traditional Karo. For Karonese, ―Guru‖ is a term for someone who has the expertise of a range of traditional beliefs and practices, such as: fortune telling, ceremonial rituals, associated with spirits or supernatural beings as well as the treatment and cure of diseases etc. ―Guru”has a detailed knowledge about a variety of matters relating to human life.

“Guru” has gathered, registered and put the biggest part of his/her knowledge in society. To perform a ritual well, “Guru” must follow certain rules, a case that shows the ability to do much. He should know the story that explains the origin of the ritual that is often associated with the origin of the world. He should know which plants are needed to perform a ritual and he should know the actions and mantra- mantra that should be explained to others.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA In everyday life in Karonese rural communities, there are several references to the types of “Guru”, such as ―Guru sintua and Guru singuda/Guru sibeluhniktikWari

(―Guru‖ who is in good view of the days to computation time, direction and place),

“Guru nendung”(oracle by asking the unseen spirits) also referred to as the ―Guru sierkatakerahungna‖ ―Guru perseka-seka‖ someone who has a whistling sound in the neck as the voice of the unseen spirit, “Guru si dua lapis pengidahna” A ―Guru‖ with a double sight (someone who can see the spirits of the unseen).

Karonese believe that only those selected few can be ―Guru‖. The role of the

―Guru‖ is deemed to have been determined for a person from birth such as having certain birth signs or even since he was in the womb of the mother by word or the will of God the creator. In this case, the role of a “Guru” is already a destiny of the

Almighty. The general opinion, including the “Gurus” say that if the process of birth is not special or is similar to many others or does not have certain physical characteristics, then he/she cannot be a ―Guru‖ of any type, Bangun (1986).

2.6.6Kinds of Medicine and Treatment in Karo Traditional Medication

1. Fractured Treatment

Fractured Treatment is done by a ―Guru Pertawar Penggel ‖ (Healer for a fractured bone) through a variety of ways and using different kinds of traditional medicines such as compress, and tawar/medicine made by the GURU in the treatment of related problems including tendons, muscles, and bones for example sprains, bone shifted, whiplash, broken bones to crushed bones.

The process of the treatment is not as complicated as modern medication in hospitals where patients have to take X-rays or if it is considered unlikely to be helped the leg or arm should be amputated. Meanwhile with the use of the traditional medication, the “GuruPertawar Penggel” only sees to the bone or tendons that are

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA problematic then touch it and return it to the normal position at the touch alone. After that smeared minak alun/massage oil made by the “GuruPertawar Penggel”.

2. Oukup/Steam bath:

Oukup or steam bath is a type of treatment that is designed to speed up the muscles strengthening for new mothers. However, lately Oukup evolved into treatment not only for new mothers but with a better technology it can be of service for anyone. Potion composed of dozens of varieties of citrus, dozens of different types of rainforest roots, dozens of types of rainforest leaves boiled in a pot traditionally and now, one can even use a rice cooker instead. You can sit in a chair and cover yourself with a plastic cover and put the steaming rice cooker underneath the chair or you can find Oukup places along Jl. Jamin Ginting, Medan.

3. Kesaya (Spices from the kitchen)

Kesaya is a kind of tawar(medicine) made to treat colds and to increase appetite. Kesaya is composed of ingredient that generally are the spices of the kitchen such as garlic and onions, alia(ginger), pepper, rainforest leaves, salt and sour juice cekala stem from the rainforest.

4. Dampel:

Dampel is juice from the leaves of the rainforest, farmland, commonly used to treat itches, allergies and as mosquito repellent. There are also the material dampel emergency leaves around the yard with the same function.

5. Surung-Surung:

Surung-Surung is medicine used for newborn babies and new mothers. The function is to strengthen the muscles of the mother and the baby also keeps them warm. Materials for Surung-Surung are betel leaf, Gambier, lime, pepper and ginger.


Sembur is a medicine consisting of rice, rainforest leaves, ginger, pepper, calamus, nutmeg, and roots of medicinal plants that are all roasted and then ground into a coarse substance. How to use it? It is sprayed using the mouth onto body parts that are considered necessary. This has the benefit that the saliva among others treats colds and stomach aches.

7. Kuning/Param:

Param is a medicine that is made from rice (a special rice flour), kesaya and herbal leaves. There are many types of Sembur, and can be broadly divided into several types:

1) Kuning las/param panas is used to keep you warm (Karo Highland can

be as cold as 15 centigrade)

2) Kuning bergeh/param dingin is used for food poisoning, abdominal

pain, or a sudden illness.

3) Kuning Serdang is used for rashes, insect sting allergy, swelling or

disease that comes all of a sudden.

4) Kunin gagi-agi is param for the newborn.

8. Tambar penguras or draining medicine:

The materials are not entirely known but are composed of hundreds of different types of leaves and roots from the forest. Then the ingredients are dried and then ground into powder to be mixed with water use of ‗sitabar‘ banana tree juice.

Nowadays, the medicine is mixed with low alcohol content (12-19%).

9. Alun (massage):

Alun is a treatment that aims to normalize the function of muscles and veins

(blood flow). The difference with fractured medicine, alun is limited to the recovery

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA of the main functions of the muscles or tendons, as well as one of the compositions of the gut because of certain things. Alun actually cannot be done by just anyone because it can be bad. Alun also is used to repair the uterus, cervix, removal of the uterus, abortion, as well as for men who have problems with sexual dysfunction.

10. Baja:

Baja is a type of medicine used to treat toothache or other bone‘s pain. The material is orange or hazelnut tree trunk, the material is burned in coal-fire then swiped the iron or the machete swipe to produce oil. The Oil produced is calledbaja,

How to use it? Just insert and apply it into the painful tooth. For bone‘s painyou just apply it along the path of the skeleton and joints.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.6.7ResearchConstruction

Figure 2.9: Framework of Translating SL into TL


This research started by interviewing four bone setters, working two herbalists and two helpers to work in the field which resulted in collecting the collection of 395-22 data sources analyzed, (147 data from ST into TT1,129 data from

ST into TT2) were decoded by applying single techniques, (51data from ST into TT1,

44 data from ST into TT2) were decoded by couplet techniques and 2 data from ST into TT2 were decoded by triplet techniques. The translation techniques from the

Karonese into English analysed (130 data from ST into TT1, 99 data from ST into

TT2) are Literal (69 data from ST intoTT1,62 data from ST into TT2) are pure borrowing (9 data from ST into TT1,10 data from ST into TT2) are established equivalent (1data from ST into TT1 ,2 data from ST into TT2) are Calque Techniques with a total of 209,183= (84%, data from ST into TT1 and 71% data from ST into

TT2) , Also, target language emphasis data used are: addition(20 data from ST into

TT1,38 data from ST into TT2), deletion (5data from ST into TT1,9 data from ST into

TT2) , Transposition (14 data from ST into TT1, 21 data from ST into TT2) and adaptation (3 data from ST into TT2) with total of 39,71=(16% data from ST into

TT1 and 29% data from ST into TT2). The conclusion is the translator has used the most literal equivalent of source language emphasis translation techniques in translating from from ST into TT1 is 84% and from ST into TT2 is 71% data. This is not only feasible but also necessary so that the original Karonese medical terms can be faithfully preserved in the translation. Therefore, most data that are as many as

84%, 71% were being translated using the translation techniques that oriented towards source language and 16% data from ST into TT1 and 29% data from ST into

TT2 of are decoded using of the Target Language Emphasis Methods of translation

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA which were dominated by Word-for-word, Literal, Faithful, Adaptation and free

Translation methods.



3.1 Research Design

This study used qualitative research method, Qualitative research is characterised by its aims, which relate to understanding some aspect of social life, and its methods, Bricky and Green (2007) This is usually done when the researcher wants to deepen the understanding of a situation or issue, or when a very new field of study or vague that it becomes important to test the unknown variables that can affect a particular phenomenon. There are several kinds of descriptive qualitative research methods and the ones which are compatible with this study, they areEthnography which involves a field-based study lengthy enough to surface people's everyday norms, rituals, and routines in detail andParticipant-observer study where the researcherconducts field-based research based on the researcher locating in the real- world setting being studied,Yin (2011)

It is therefore important to involve the use of strategy such as searching for library materials, ask the opinion of experts, and conducting interviews followed by materials found in different geographical settings. Qualitative data is often referred to as soft data. The data in question can be texts, interviews, conversations, books, newspapers, pictures, observations, sound etc. In the social sciences, qualitative methods are useful for studying the phenomenon of perceived through our senses to obtain empirical sequence.

Qualitative methods focus on how individuals perceive and interpret their social reality. This shows that the picture of the social world that is constantly changing properties because of its ability to build and individual creativity.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Qualitative methods disputed as too subjective, it is difficult to do over again, unrepresentative and sometimes difficult to understand what exactly has been investigated.

Researchers have a great influence on the research and the methods used.

Because of the subjective nature it is difficult to say whether the qualitative study is a reflection of the reality of the researcher or the social reality under study,Bryman

(2012). The study design serves to establish structures that direct and guide researchers on how to use a particular method concretely and analyze the data collected. The research design used in this study is the study of some cases through a detailed and thorough research. In most qualitative studies, field work, whether from the participant-observer or a variety of interviews, conducted by a solo researchers.

However, some qualitative research are deliberately involving additional people to help with field work.

The role of people in the field is not the same as the role of the most demanding, others may be called to serve as a companion to researchers who accompanies the main primary but did not do formal research function. Sometimes, the need may be for personal security—as when a female researcher is to visit the homes of young adult males, to conduct evening interviews (e.g., Royster, 2003 in

Yin 2011).

Multiple sources of evidence rather than relying on a single source alone, Yin (2011)

In other situations, the need may be culturally based—as when the holding of a private interview between a researcher of one gender with a person of the other gender would appear to be socially inappropriate and jeopardize the researcher‘s

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA standing in the community being studied (e.g., Menjívar, 2000, pp. 246–247 in Yin


3.1.1 Research Approaches

Research approaches design is considered as an "outline" for research, dealing with at least four problems: which questions to study, which data are relevant, what data to collect, and how to analyze the results. The best design depends on the research question as well as the orientation of the researcher. Every design has its positive and negative sides. When conducting the study explicitly, a research design is very important because it is like a roadmap for an explorer.

This study is ethnography andparticipant-observer descriptive qualitative research.The qualitative nature of this anthropological study concerned with The ―Techniques and

Methods in Translation Traditional Karonese Medical Terms in Fractured Bone

Setting‖. This research will describe the problems of translation of the ST into the

TT1 so that all the problems can be expressed. There are two steps that must be taken, i.e.: (a) contrastive analysis and (b) cross-cultural comparison. Contrastive analysis performed to reveal the extent of the source language linguistic system (Karo) is different or the same with Indonesian and English. While cross-cultural comparison was conducted to determine the extent to which the culture of the two languages differ in various aspects.

3.2 Place and Time of the Research

The location of this research is spread in the different parts of North Sumatra i.e. in the Karo highlands and the lowlands that are in Deli Serdang, Langkat, and

Southeast Aceh Districts. Three of the Guru pertawar penggel living in the highlands

Guru Perangin-angin lives in Sukababo and two of them live in Munte.Another

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA person came from Sibolangit, Deli Serdang and lives and practice in Medan. Both herbalist Pa Fernando and Nande Fernando live and work in Pancurbatu, Deli

Serdang. There is also an assistant Eddy Ginting who is familiar with herbs come from districts Doulu Berastagi to look for the herbs in the rainforest. It is recommended to have multiple sources of evidence rather than relying on a single source alone,Yin (2011).

These herbal plants are also from areas of rainforest in the area around Mount

Sibayak include protected forests which are located in Deli Serdang, Langkat, Karo and Southeast Aceh District protected Leuser forest cover in North Sumatra. Data collection began in January 2015 and completed in June 2015 new.

3.3 Research Ethics

The objects under study are including human in the interviews. Therefore, we must be careful to avoid adverse interviewee,Fontana & Frey (2005).

The resulting knowledge depends on social relationships of interviewer and interviewee, which depends on the interviewer's ability to create an atmosphere in which the subject feels free and safe to talk about matters to be announced later.

Again, this requires a balance between the interests of the interviewer in getting information of interest while respecting the ethical integrity of the subjects interviewed,Fontana & Frey (2005).

This research involving humans as study participants, the researcher also considers ethical issues in this regard within the cultural mores of Karonese. For example to collect the herbal leaves one has to perform a certain ritual to show respect to the maker of the universe. Participation in this study is fully voluntary. Researcher

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA gave a letter of introduction from the Head of Linguistics Department of USU, the four Guru pertawar penggel, two herbalists and one assistant researcher on herbals.

Researchers inform prospective participants that the information provided will be used solely to assist in research and write about the treatment of fractures.

Researcher stressed the desire to examine the treatment of fractures to be more recognized by the public both nationally and internationally. Furthermore the results of the interviews will be given to the participants to be reviewed.

3.4 Data and Data Sources

The main data source of this study is a semi oral tradition of Karo society

―The Translation Traditional Karonese Medical Terms in Fractured Bone Setting‖

This semi oral tradition will then be recorded using a tape recorder. The data source will be The recordings of:

1. Interviews with four “Gurupertawar penggel‖ or practitioners of traditional

Karonese bone setters located in different areas of Eastern part of North Sumatra..

2. Interviews with people who understand the herbal plants of the rainforest in North

Sumatra that provides ingredients for traditional medicines, traditional medication;

and providers of traditional Karonese medicines.

3. Finding the plants in the rainforest in the district of Deliserdang, Langkat, Karo

and Southeast Aceh help identified by omeone who recognized the herbs, Eddy

Purba of Desa Doulu on the slope of Mt. Sibayak.

The data are words, phrases and sentences of the texts of transcription of interviews which includes of sixty herbal terms in Karonese and translated into Indonesian and from Indonesian translated into English. Among the herbs used in this study there

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA were twenty eigtht that the researcher could not find the equivalence therefore they were untranslatable from Karonese into Indonesian and from Indonesian into English.

3.5 Data Collection Techniques

3.5.1 Interviews

Interview method which researcher selects was an individual interview. Types of interviews were applied to the study is an open interview format and semi-standard or semi-structured.

Kvale (2007) defines a semi-structured interview as an interview aimed at obtaining a description of the life of the world with respect to interpreting the meaning of the phenomenon described. Berg (2009) asserts that semi-standard interview involves asking a number of questions that have been determined with specific topics.

Typically, these questions were asked in each interview participants in order that a systematic and consistent, but the interviewer allowed to investigate further beyond the answers to standard questions that have been prepared,Berg (2009).

In this kind of interview, the question may reflect an awareness that each individual understands the world in a variety of ways,Berg (2009). That way researchers approach the world from the perspective of the subject. Semi-structured interview is flexible. This allows the interviewer to ask a series of questions structured, allowing for comparisons during the interview, and allows the interviewer asking questions spontaneously in response to questions during the interview,Berg(2009).And in a way gives strength to participants who were being interviewed. Because of these advantages, the researchers considered important to use a semi-structured interview.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Researchers used individual interview format with a semi-structured open- ended questions to interview the four Guru pertawar penggel. Researcher chose an individual interview because with doing so researcher can explore personal views and experiences of participants in detail.

Gaskell 2000 in Yin (2011) asserts, there are a number of advantages of individual interviews. First, the interview can be scheduled at a time and place that is convenient for the participants. Secondly, this is done to focus attention on certain individuals to interview one by one. By interviewing participants individually, the result will be much more detail about personal experiences, decisions and actions sequences can arise through follow-up questions that may occur during the interview and focus on motivation in the context of the detailed information about the specific circumstances of a Guru. What and how the interviewee expressed developed can be associated with other characteristics associated with individuals, Gaskell 2000 in Yin


3.5.2 Interview Protocol

In this study, researchers interviewed four Guru pertawar penggel and two herbalists. Researcher contacted them and made an appointment to meet with each of them and provide them with a letter of introduction from the Head of

Linguistics/Translation and intrepretation Studies Department. The first interview with the Guru pertawar penggel Awai Gurusinga who practice in Jl. Jamin Ginting,

Medan. The researcher met with him several times however with the other three Guru pertawar penggel, the researher met once with each of them and the to follow –up continued by Dr. Matius Sembiring. While for the two herbalists researcher met many times initially every other Saturday morning from the month of May 2014 until April

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2015 and continued to meet once aweek since the research to the rainforest started.

Whenever there were new pictures the researcher had to confirm to the herbalist and they explained in detail about herbs founded. For every meeting there were only five to seven herbs they managed to describe to me.

3.6 Data Analysis Techniques

Researchers interpret data from interviews with each Guru pertawar penggel and herbalists. Interpretation of the story in qualitative research is needed to make meaningful research results, for the research report readers,Quartaroli 2009 in Yin

(2011). Researchers data interpretation is on going and interactive, Quartaroli 2009 in

Yin (2011). That is a process of constantly questioning, reading, re-reading and looking for patterns. In this process, if the researche found that at one point they needed more data from one of the Guru pertawar penggel, the researcher interviewd him again until research questions were answered.

Activities involved in analyzing the data to assign a number to a text item.

3.7 Data Validity Testing Plan

Internal validity refers to how a person in accordance with the results of research on real events. Validity must be assessed in terms of interpreting the experience of researchers. Ratcliffe concluded there was no way that ensures universal validity; there is only the idea of validity, Ratcliffe 1983 in Yin (2011). For validation purposes researcher interviewed four “Guru pertawar penggel” from different places.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3.8 Translating the Source Text into the Target Text

To produce an accurate translation that can be understood and acceptable to the readers of the target language, especially those aspects that are relevant language such as word, phrase and sentence, the context of the situation, cultural context, and the context of ideology. Once these steps are completed, the next step is the translation of the data which is ―The Medical Texts in Traditional Karo Medication‖ text into the target language. The translation process will be carried out through two main steps, i.e. the translation stage and the Evaluation Stage. These steps have neen done by the translator Dr. Matius Seembiring, M.A.

1) Source Text Analysis

a. In this first step the translator will adopt the Top Down approach that is to

study things that are beyond text such as ideology, cultural context and genre

of the text. Then to better understand the meaning of the texting each

paragraph, to note the meaning of the opening and closing text. In a text there

are usually key words that are being repeated over and over. Understanding of

the key words is very important to help understand the overall meaning of the


2) The Transfer

The steps are:

a) To transfer the meaning of the source text (ST) into the initial draft of the

target text (TT1). (by Dr. Matius Sembiring)

b) To transfer the meaning of (TT1) into the initial draft of the target text (TT2).

(by Dr. Matius Sembiring)

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA c) To find the equivalent matching words both in the linguistic and cultural

meaning of the target language.

d) To make a list of Source Text words that has no equivalent in the Target Text


e) To make a list of words in the source that has no equivalent in the target

language and search strategies what will be implemented to resolve the issues.

3) First Draft

In this third step the translator begin writing the initial draft by looking at the

meaning of a paragraph at a time. Having understood the meaning of the

paragraph correctly the translator will start writing in the target Text as natural

and clear as possible. When it is done the translator will have to check it again; to

make sure whether there is missing information, inappropriate transfer of

meaning or improper sentence structure.

4) First Draft Revision

In this initial draft there are usually rudimentary repairs might have to be done.

Reading the TT2 to find whether there are errors such as grammatical errors, word choice, collocation or the stylistics.

1) The accuracy check.

2) Write a second draft after finding several irregularities in the initial draft.

3) Evaluation

Evaluation is done to make sure that the translation is accurate and readable.

To implement the assessment two instruments/rubric will be created. One rubric will assess the accuracy and the readability of the T1 called ―accuracy rating instrument and the other one is called ―readability rating instrument‖. Both of these rubrics are

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA instruments with a scale from 1-4. Assessors will give rank to the questions that had been prepared beforehand. Description of assessment is written on each rubric.

The evaluation is done by people who are competent and experts in the field of translation and will be even better if the appraiser knows the material translated in this case the Karonese traditional medical. After all rubrics collected the writer will revise the draft, especially in the areas of accuracy, readbility and Stylistics. When they are all cheked, the writer has reached the final stage that is the writing of final draft. (by

Dr. Matius Sembiring).

3.8.1 Comparison of Translation Techniques and Methods of Source and

Target Texts

Translation is a complicated and complex job, especially in the translation of specific cultural and traditional medicine. To the translator has to be competent in both linguistics of the source language and the target language, he also knows and understands the cultures that instigate both languages when he produces an accurate translation that can be understood and accepted by the readers of the target language.

Especially about the aspects that are relevant to a language such as words, phrases and sentences, the context of the situation, the cultural context, and the ideology context.

The last step is to analyze the translation of Karo Traditional medicine data.

The data are analyzed in the following procedures:

1) Putting together translation techniques that are applied to the translation of

words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in the text of ―Techniques and Methods

in translation Traditional Karonese Medical Terms in Fractured Bone Setting‖

which is recorded and transcribed by the researcher and translated into

Indonesian and English by Dr. Matius Sembiring. This research is a qualitative

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA descriptive-which will describe the problems of translation of the ST into the

TT1 is qualitative.

2) Assessing the impact of the techniques, and methods used of the ―Techniques

and Methods in translation Traditional Karonese Medical Terms in Fractured

Bone Setting‖

3) Finding out the terminologies used in ‖Translation Medical Terms in Karo

Traditional Medication‖. Translation Techniques Molina & Hurtado Albir (2002)

Molina and Albir (2002) defines a translation technique as a procedure to analyze and classify how equivalence translation in progress and can be applied to various units lingual. Under this proposed version of the translation techniques, Albir

Molina (2002). They defined seven basic procedures operating on three levels of style: lexis,distribution (morphology and syntax) and message.

The procedures were classified as direct (or literal) or oblique, to coincide with their distinction between direct (or literal) and oblique translation. Literal translation occurs when there is an exact structural, lexical, even morphological equivalence between two languages. According to the authors, this is only possible when the two languages are very close to each other.

The literal translation procedures are:

1) Borrowing. A word taken directly from another language, e.g., the English word

bulldozerhas been incorporated directly into other languages.

Example from the text:

ST Kam ngei erbansa Minak, tawar ras kuning e? 43 TT1 Andakah yang membuat minyak, tawar dan kuning itu?


Kapal-Kapal Garantula' turah i bas batang kayu galang TT1 ikerangen tua iteruh deleng. 107 'Kapal Kapal Garantula', grow on large trees in the rain forest TT1 up in the mountain slope.

2) Calque. A foreign word or phrase translated and incorporated into another

language,e.g., fin de semaine from the English weekend.

ST E enggo faktor keturunen. 25 TT1 Itu sudah faktor keturunan.

Kenca bahan pulung kerina emaka proses erbahan tambar ST mulai imulai salu mbaca bacaka: Bismillahirhamanirrahim. 309 After all materials are gathered, the process of making the oil TT1 starts by saying Bismillahirahmanirrahim.

3) Literal translation. Word for word translation, e.g., The ink is on the table and

L’encre estsur la table.

Sample from the text:

ST Tang-tangna kuperiksa lebe kondisi tulan si penggel e. 29 TT1 Pertama saya periksa dulu kondisi tulang yang patah.

Adi nambari tulan penggel kai langkah-langkahna sampai ST malem? 28 TT1 To fix a broken bone, what steps do you have to take to heal?

Oblique translation occurs when word for word translation is impossible.

Theoblique translation procedures are:

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1) Transposition. A shift of word class, i.e., verb for noun, noun for preposition

e.g.,Expéditeur and From. When there is a shift between two signifiers, it is

called crossedtransposition, e.g., He limped across the street and IL a traversé la

rue en boitant.

Sample from the text:

I ban kalak Karo gelarna tabu tabu erkiteken bulungna ras bijina ST iban jadi tambar kalak tabun. 101 Orang karo menyebutnya Tabu-tabu oleh karena daun dan TT1 bijinya digunakan sebagai obat ayan.

Tang-tangna kuperiksa kondisi tulan si penggel e. ST 30 First, I check the condition of the fractured bone. TT1

2) Modulation. A shift in point of view. Whereas transposition is a shift between

grammatical categories, modulation is a shift in cognitive categories. Vinay and

Darbelnettranslation techniques revisited 499500 Meta, XLVII, 4, 2002postulate

eleven types of modulation: abstract for concrete, cause for effect, means

forresult, a part for the whole, geographical change, etc., e.g., the geographical

modulationbetween encre de Chine and Indian ink. Intraday and Scavée (1979)

studied this procedure in depth and reached the conclusion that it is qualitatively

different from theothers and that the others can be included within it.No sample

from the text

3) Equivalence. This accounts for the same situation using a completely different

phrase,e.g., the translation of proverbs or idiomatic expressions like, Comme un

chien dans unjeu de quilles and Like a bull in a china shop.


ST Sendep sendep, 87 TT1 Paku ekor kuda,

ST Sendep sendep, 88 TT1 Scouringrush horsetail

4) Adaptation. A shift in cultural environment, i.e., to express the message using a

different situation, e.g. cycling for the French, cricket for the English and

baseball for theAmericans.

These seven basic procedures are complemented by other procedures. Except

forthe procedures of compensation and inversion, they are all classified as

opposing pairs.

ST E enggo faktor keturunen. 26 TT1 It runs in the family

5) Compensation. An item of information, or a stylistic effect from the ST that

cannot be reproduced in the same place in the TT1 is introduced elsewhere in the

TT1, e.g., theFrench translation of I was seeking thee, Flathead. From the Jungle

Book Kipling used the archaic thee, instead of you, to express respect, but none of

the equivalent French pronoun forms (tu, te, toi) have an archaic equivalent, so

the translator expressed the same feeling by using the vocative, O, in another part

of the sentence: En verité, c’est bien toique je cherche, O Tête-Plate.

6) Concentration vs. Dissolution. Concentration expresses a signified from the SL

with fewer signifiers in the TL. Dissolution expresses a signified from the SL

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA with more signifiers in the TL, e.g., archery is dissolution of the French tir a


7) Amplification vs. Economy. These procedures are similar to concentration and

dissolution. Amplification occurs when the TL uses more signifiers to cover

syntactic or lexical gaps. According to Vinay and Darbelnet, dissolution is a

question of langue and adaptation of parole, e.g., He talked himself out of a job

and Il a perdu sa chance pour avoirtrop parlé. The opposite procedure is

economy, e.g., we’ll price ourselves out of the marketand Nous ne pourrons plus

vendre si nous sommes trop exigeants.

Sample from the text:

Banci ka I ban man peridin buang sial ST 149 Di yakini dapat digunakan sebagai ramuan mandi untuk TT1 membersihkan tubuh dan untuk mandi buang sial.

Banci ka I ban man peridin buang sial ST 150 It is believed that it can be used as bathing potion to cleanse TT1 the body and to get rid of bad luck,

8) Reinforcement vs. Condensation. These are variations of amplification and

economy that are characteristic of French and English, e.g., English prepositions

or conjunctions that need to be reinforced in French by a noun or a verb: To the

station and Entrée de lagare; Shall I phone for a cab? and Voulez-vous que je

téléphone pour faire venir unevoiture? Mallblanc (1968) changed Vinay and

Darbelnet‘s reinforcement for over-characterization, because he found it was

more appropriate for the traits of French and German. He pointed out that

German prepositions, such as, in can be translated into French as dans le creux

de, dans le fond de, or, dans le sein de.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 9) Explicitation vs. Implicitation. Exploitation is to introduce information from the

ST that is implicit from the context or the situation, e.g., to make explicit the

patient‘s sex when translating his patient into French. Implicitation is to allow the

situation to indicate information that is explicit in the ST, e.g., the meaning of

sortez as go out or comeout depends on the situation.

No sample from the text

10) Generalization vs. Particularization. Generalization is to translate a term for a

more general one, whereas, particularization is the opposite, e.g., the English

translation of guichet, fenêtre or devanture by window is a generalization.

No sample from the text

11) Inversion. This is to move a word or a phrase to another place in a sentence or a

paragraph so that it reads naturally in the target language, e.g., Pack separately …

for convenient inspection and Pour faciliter la visite de la douane mettre à par




4.1 Introduction

Since Indonesia gained its independence from the Dutch, Indonesia has become a modern country where the abstract of the school-based education for a long time have ignored the importance of indigenous knowledge or local wisdoms. The developments of globalization become the foundation of our attention focused on economic growth. One of the aims of this paper is to introduce indigenous knowledge and local wisdoms to the younger generation with the problems resulting from modern development. Young people would get lost because of the negative effects of globalization that goes and then spread in the community. The traditional communities are trying to solve their problems,they began by studying the problem collectively, to recover the wisdom and local knowledge remains, and integrating it with new knowledge as shown in No. 8 of 16 Habits of mind of Art Da Costa used in

Project Based Learning. Problems can be solved and development continued according to the age we are living in. Therefore, we can take a conclusion that the community is an assist of our culture, where the environmental and social impacts are positive.


The various materials of existing traditional medical text on fractured bone setting as cultural heritage of Indonesia. The documentation of Karonese traditional medicine included noting specific skills and practices that are based on Karonese beliefs, customs and cultural experiences in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of physical illness. The term "alternative medicine" can also be used as a term for traditional medicine. Both of these terms refer to the health care practices that are part of the cultural tradition and are not integrated into the public health care system.

Karonese traditional medicines are widely made from plants that consist of herbs, herbal materials, and herbal products, which usually contain ingredients consisting of an active part of a plant, or in combination with other natural materials. Herbal ingredients consist of raw plant material such as leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, stems, wood, bark, roots, rhizomes or other plant parts, which may be entirely fragmented or powdered. Ingredients for traditional medicines in addition to herbs include fresh juices, vegetable oils, animal oils, plant oils, grains and powder of dried herbs.

Karonese herbal products include ingredients that are dried and crushed or powdered herbs, or extracts, tinctures and fatty oils of herbal ingredients which are

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA produced by extraction, distillation fractionation, purification, concentration, or physical or other biological processes. They also include preparations made by steeping or heating herbal ingredients into a drink. Finished herbal products and mixture herbal products may contain excipients in addition to the active ingredient.

Finished products or products that are mixed with certain chemical active substances, including synthetic compounds, are not considered to be herbal products. The traditional use of herbal medicines refers to the long history of the use of these medicines. Its use has been well established and widely accepted as treatment that is safe and effective. Therefore, such products should be accepted and approved by the government. Therapeutic activity refers to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of physical and mental disease. Active ingredients refer to ingredients of herbal medicines with therapeutic activity. In herbal medicines where the active ingredient has been identified, the preparation of these medicines should be standardized, which, if adequate analytical methods are available. In the case where it is not possible to identify the active ingredients, the whole herbal medicine may be considered as one of the active ingredients.

The study of traditional Karonese medical text on fractured bone setting as an empirical data, Participant observation has been the hallmark of anthropology and sociology studies. Qualitative data collection methods, such as interviews, observation, and analysis of documents, have been included in the umbrella term

"ethnography". The purpose of this paper is to discuss the interview and observation, particularly participant observation and document analysis as a tool for collecting data in qualitative research studies.

Ethnography qualitative research emphasizes exploration of the nature of certain social phenomena, not to test hypotheses about it. The tendency to work primarily

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA with "unstructured data" -that is, data that have not been encoded at the point of data collection as a set of analytical categories of investigation, closed investigations on a small number of cases (maybe even only one case) a detailed analysis of data involving explicit interpretation of the meaning and the function of human action; product of this analysis primarily takes the form of verbal description and explanation.

The researchers prepared interview questions for the first guru pertawar Mr. Awai

Gurusinga. This interview followed Karonese ethnic practices so that the conversation first includes an exchange about one‘s family information such as family names where someone is originated from, etc. In the Karonese cultural society one cannot hold a serious conversation before become acquainted.

Interview: Part I

Questions 1 to 11 are all questions to get to know each other.

1. Mejuah juah, kai berita?

2. Ise gelarndu?

3. Kai kin dai atendu kujenda?

4. Gelarku Herlina br Surbakti, kam ise gelarndu?

5. Adi bage erkai siban tuturta?

6. Kam bru Surbakti bre apai kin kam?

7. Adi bage ma erturang kita?

8. Janari kin kutanta?

9. Kam ja narikin asalndu?

10. Banci dage kam ku wawancarai?

11. Mengenai kai kin wawancaraindu aku?


Open ended Questions regarding Traditional Karonese Medical…

12. Turikendu sitik uga mbarenda maka kam banci jadi pertawar penggel?

Please tell me how you became a bone setter?

13. Adi nambari tulan penggel kai langkah-langkahna sampai madaan?

To fix a broken bone, what steps do you have to take?

14. Kam ngei erban Minak, tawar ras kuning e?

Did you make the medication oil, tawar and kuning?

15. Kai nge langkah-langkah nambarisa ngadi-ngadi madaan?

What steps do you take to treat the broken bone until it is healed completely?

16. Uga carana erban minak pengalun e?

What the steps do you take to make the medication oil?

17. Lit nge tabasna erban tambar penggel e?

Is there a magic mantra to make the medicine for cracked or fractured bones?

18. Kai alat alat si la banci lang bas nambari tulan penggel e?

What are the necessary tools to treat fractured bones?


1) Banci katakendu kerina ramuan-ramuan erbahan minak pengalun?

Can you tell me all the ingredients for the medicinal oil?

2) Tolong terjemahken sitik kerina gelar ramuan ramuan enda adi la lit

terjemahena tolong terangkendu?

Please tell me all the translation of these herbs in Indonesian or can you please

explain it in Karonese if there is no equivalence?

All these available herbs are sold in the form of dried leaves, roots, flowers, fruits and seeds. Therefore, researchers should appoint two assistants to take photos of

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA herbal plants that grow in the forest. Edi Ginting is a villager who is also a healer and recognizes all the herbs and Adam Alexander is the photographer. On the first day of the mission to the rainforest, the researcher and the two assistants searched for half a day and only found seven kinds of herbs. To identify the seven herbs, the researchers took them to the herbalists who then explained each herb.

4.1.1 The Maintenance and Revitalization

4.2 Research Paradigm

Documentation of this research is done by using a phenomenological approach which assesses the traditions of fracture treatment in Tanah Karo (Lowlands and

Highlands of Karo). A paradigm is a philosophy, methodology, theory and axiology, for documentation of this tradition and the hystory. A qualitative approach is rooted in the philosophical tradition with different epistemological and ontological assumptions. 1) Epistemology - is the theory of knowledge, assumptions and beliefs about the nature of knowledge.

How do we know about the world? What is the relationship between the questioner and the known? 2) Ontology - concerning the existence and the Philosophy of assumptions and beliefs that we hold about the nature of being and its existence. 3)

Paradigm - a model or framework derived from the worldview or belief system about the nature of knowledge and its existence.

Paradigm is divided into scientific community and how to guide the research community to act in connection with the research 4) Methodology - how do we get knowledge about the world or "an articulated, theoretically informed approach to the production of data" (Ellen, 1984, p 9).

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The translation of the text into Indonesian and English language for local, national and international publication.

The following are the names and pictures of the herbs to make medicines for

fractures including "minak pengalun" are as follows:


Cakap Karo Bhs. Indonesia English Picture

Nilam 1. Nilam patchouli

2. Pegaga Pegagan Centella

3. Kaciwer Kencur Cutcherry

4. sere wangi Serai wangi Lemon Grass

5. Sabirata Sabirata Paniculata

6. Kayu Putih Kayu Putih Cajuput

7. Binara Baru Cina Mugwort

Paku Ekor Scouringrush 8. Sendep-sendep Kuda horsetail

9. Kumis Kucing Kumis Kucing Java Tea


11. Pia Bawang Merah Shallot

12. Lasuna Bawang Putih Garlic

13. Bahing Gara Jahe Merah Red Ginger

14. Urat Ketang Akar Rotan Rattan's Root

Bamboo‘s 15. Urat Buluh Akar Bambu Root

Sugar palm‘s 16. Urat Poula Akar Aren/enau root

17. Urat nipah Akar Nipah Nypa roots

18. Urat mayang Akar Pinang Betel-nut root

19. Urat tualah Akar kelapa Coconut roots

20. Tualah ijo Kalapa hijau Coconut

21. Pala Pala Nutmeg

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 22. Buah Ketang Buah rotan Rattan‘s fruit

23. Serei wangi Serai wangi Lemon grass

Red Lucky 24. Pedem-pedem Pohon saga seed

25. Lada Merica Black paper

26. Cengkeh cengkih Clove

Tabeh-tabeh 27. Lemak Kuda Horse‘s fat kuda

Tabeh-tabeh 28. Lemak harimau Tiger‘s fat arimou

Lemak Kuruk Lemak Burung Pheasant 29 Benga But-but Coucal‘s fat

Tabeh-tabeh Lemak 30 Kambing Ram's Fat Kambing jantan Bajar

Tabeh-tabeh Lemak Kura- 32 Turtule‘s fat Leibo kura

Asar Kuruk Sarang burung Greater 33 Benga but-but Coucal‘s nest



























4.2.1 The Philosophy and the Local Wisdom

The harmony between nature and everything in it, and the Creator is a unity that can not be separated. Living the values espoused by a group of man and nature

(the environment), including an appreciation of the Creator through the local knowledge of the local community is also called the way of life.

Although, the Hindu influence to Karoland at the beginning of the first century believed to be a milestone in the early history of Karoland (from pre-history), which for the first time Pallava script (Wenggi) introduced, even though the language of instruction in the manuscripts in Sanskrit. (Perbegu also called Pemena as religion was evidence of Hindu-Buddhist influence in Haru (Karoland). Since the 5th century the influence of Buddhism to the Archipelago included in Karoland (Haru).

It was clear that the script has been used and taught Until about 1872, in the village district (Deli-Serdang) traditional teachers who taught ―reading‖ and "writing" in the local language was in the currency of gold, Drahams/dirhams. (This is the evidence to suggest that local wisdom karo culture that included Physician-including

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the healing of broken bones have been recorded. The next generation did not have the power to conserve the traditional writings when the West introduced Latin script.

It can be defined as a traditional ritual ceremony organized by the villagers since the first century to the present in the form of relatively fixed manner. The ceremony is conducted by the public because it meets the needs of both individual or group for their lives (Dept.P & K, 1985). Religious ceremony itself is related to the belief system of the community. In this case the Karo ethnic group who call their belief PERBEGU/PEMENA.

Most Karonese live in the Highland and Lowland embraced Islam or

Christianity massively after communism was banned in Indonesia. During this period they were accused of having no religion (atheist) and many of them disappeared and the rest should pick a religion Christianity or Islam.

The Karonese Tradition of Treating Bone Fractures has been in practice for hundreds of years. We can see evidence from the following quote: ‖Not much ancient literature that can support when did the Karo writing (script) began to exist or used widely in the Karo land, but there are some love poems, prophecys, poetrys, turi -

Turin (fairy tale), mangmang/Tabas (mantra), the book ketabib-an (Book of treatment), lament/moans (bilang-bilang), the book of ermayan/silat (martial arts), as well as the story of the history of the interaction in the form of correspondence between the kingdom of Haru (Karo) with other kingdoms, such as: Johor, Malacca,

Portuguese, and Aceh (although not explained what language and script used) were found. (Sembiring, 2008)


Figure 3.1: This is a Script Written in the Language and Writing Karo

Although, the influence of Hinduism to Karo at the beginning of the I (first) century believed to be a milestone in the beginning of the history of Karo (out of pre- history), which for the first time the script Pallava (Wenggi) introduced, even though the language preface was in Sanskrit (Pemena as a religion is an evidence of the influence of the Hindu-Buddhist in Haru (Karo)). During the 5th century the influence of Buddhism to the archipelago began including in Karo (Haru).

Another evident that Karonese has been used and taught Up until around

1872, in the dusun district (Deli-Serdang) the traditional teachers who teach reading and "writing" in the local language was still being paid in the currency of gold, draham/dirhams. (This is to show that the Karonese wisdoms including healing of the fractured bone settings have been recorded and the current following generation did not have the power to preserve the writing when the western transcription was introduced by the Dutch. Now we have to record again something that we have lost).

This Traditional rituals can be defined as a ceremony organized by the village community since the first century until now in the form of relatively fixed manner.

The ceremony is practiced by the community because it meets the needs of either individually or groups for their lives (Dept.P & K, 1985). Religious ceremony itself relates to the belief system of a certain community groups. In this case the Karonese ethnic group who called their belief PERBEGU/ OR PEMENA. This ethnic group only embrace Islam or Christian in after Communism was crushed in Indonesia 1965.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA During this period of time they would be accused of having no religion therefore they were communist and they were disappearing and never return.

Traditional religious ceremonies intended in this paper is a ceremony associated with traditional beliefs of Karonese called perbegu or pemena. (Begu in

Karo language is the spirits when one is dead and it is called Tendi when one is alive) while the guru is a term for someone who are considered to have the expertise doing various practices in traditional beliefs, such as fortune telling, planning ritual, associated with tendi/spirit or supernatural beings, care and healing disease. There are several kinds of guru who are considered to have detailed knowledge depending on various matters and their expertise. In traditional Karonese, the word "guru"/teacher in modern school are people who are considered knowledgeable in modern Bahasa

Indonesia. In everyday life there are several designations for types of GURU, such as:

1. The eldest and the youngest Guru.

2. Guru who is an expert in view of the good days with the timing, direction and


3. Guru nendung (fortune teller who communicate invisible spirits ) is also

known as a

4. Guru Perse perseka-seka, someone who has a whistling sound in the neck as a

token of the occult spirit,

5. Guru who can see the invisible spiritsl

6. Guru perjinujung (someone who accompanied and assisted by unseen spirits to

carry out healing and ritual ceremonies),

7. Guru Sibaso (someone who can relate to and invite the spirits of the occult to

enter the body so possessed and experts in the ceremony of summoning the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA spirits of the dead, and invite the spirit to enter the body as a medium

(intermediate) to speak with surviving relatives.

8. A Guru who is expert in making someone trance (an expert invited unseen

spirits enter the body of another person so as to be possessed),

9. Guru Nabas (an incantation), Guru permang-mang (a person who is an expert

in the delivery of prayer through song),

10. Guru pertapa (hermit),

11. Guru pertawar (healing with herbs), with Reviews These GURUs are included


12. Guru perbegu Ganjang (custodian of evil spirits),

13. Gurus peraji-aji (expert witchcraft or poison gatherers)

14. Guru baba-baban (talisman experts also called guru perberkaten

15. Guru si majak panteken (experts making pangir/panggir as cure, repellent

reinforcements, or as a deterrent, these Guru usually have what is called

tungkat angel) (Build 1986).

According to the beliefs of the Karo only those options can be Gurus. The role of a GURU is deemed to have been determined at birth through certain birth signs. Even the role of the Guru is considered since S/he was in the womb of the mother by word of ―dibata mada tenuang‖ or the will of “God the creator”. In this case, the role of the Guru has a destiny of the Almighty. ―Public opinion including the

Guru says that a person if the birth process is not privileged, or do not have certain physical characteristics, S/he can not be a Guru of any kind. ― (Build 1986).

In his article titled "De Bataksche Guru" in Mededeelingen van Wege het

Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap, Neumann (1910) considered as a "collection of information", historian, expert in healing, theologians, economists, and also an

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA "encyclopaedia" who were wandering in the midst of society. S/He has collected, registered and used some of the knowledge that exist in society.

To perform a ceremony well, a guru must follow certain rules, to clearly demonstrate his ability. He must know how to explain the history of the ritual that is often associated with the origin of the world. He must know which plants are required to carry out a ceremony or to be the ingredient of the medicine and he must explain the actions and spells to the other participants, S/He also is the custodian of the old stories, traditions and myths which is a treasure trove of Karo literary(Ginting, 1986).

All healing gurus always start the mantra by saying

―Bissmillahirrahmanirrahim‖ and usually they do not eat pork. Methodology is a framework (quotation definition) in documentation of Etnography research methods.

Etnography is a description of the life of the tribes who lived and still live since the ancestors until today. Object ethnographic study is people living tradition since the days of the ancestors and engaged in current developments in accordance with the times. In this documentation Traditional Fractured Bone Setting is masyarakan Karo tribe who historically cecara living today under the influence and development of science and technology.

When conducting research, for six months the researchers lived with the people even if the researcher does speakers aslai Karo language. The aim is that the method that goes ethnogaphy can be done efficiently, effectively obtaining speakers and actors viewpoint Traditional Fractured Bone Setting. Participation is done through observation and interviews and perform rituals that are required in the life of


Traditional Fractured Bone Setting oral tradition, which is a special form of language that is used by guru pertawar penggel, the majority of ethnic karo

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA vocabulary derived from herbs found in the rain forest in the area. The oral tradition is part of the copyright and literature inventory that has long lived in the tradition of a society, people who have known both written and yet, in this case Karo society of his time had been documented drug-obatanya in language and writing Karo.

This research is a qualitative study using ethnography Definition to perform textual analysis of Traditional Fractured Bone Setting this research data is a recording of medical tradition, data in the form of oral speech is the main data that became the focus of the analysis. Data collected through interviews and observations. In collecting the data, researchers serve as a key instrument. It is also used observation guide, the guide of electronic recording devices in data retrieval.

Based on the results of the research, it is recommended the following: the semi oral tradition ―Traditional Fractured Bone Setting‖ used as a means of education as a document to determine the policy preservation of culture, as a strategy policies to develop the soft skills, and as basic ideas to find new ideas for further research. In this case the pictures of the herbs will be included as the material for the interviews, The interviews transcribed into text as the data source for the study entitled:

Documentation of Traditional Karonese Medical Text on Fractured Bone Setting.

4.2.2 The local Genius

The local genius of Traditional Karonese Medical Text on Fractured Bone

Setting is as distinctive ability of Karonese man as the creator of this socio-cultural heritage. The steps in the processing of the text are useful for the sake of human health which accompanying peoples‘ life. It is said to be a high level of creativity bearing the benefit of human life. It is proven by millions of people since the tradition transmitted orally from one to the other generation and being kept until now. It is a

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA promising business for the future generation innovating the process of conducting the oil production. It is also readiness of the healer a local genius reflected on how he conducted the healing.




5.1 Introduction

This chapter is divided into five parts. The first part is the activities to be carried out by the researcher. In the preliminary steps methods used are a

Ethnography qualitative method which involves a field-based study lengthy enough to surface people every day norms, rituals and routines in detail and a participant observer data collecting interviews conducting field-based research based on the research locating in the real World setting being studied. First of all the four bone setters were interviewed. Secondly, based on the bone setters' recommendation two herbalists were interviewed and further research was implemented by two assistants, one who knows the field recognized the plants and the other was a photographer. The herbalists describe all the herbs and put all of them together in the data sources. The researcher transcribed the text and hand it over to the translator. The third part is an exposure to a variety of data about the translation techniques used in translating the word, phrase, clause, and sentence contained in the text of ―Translation Traditional

Karonese Medical Text in Fractured Bone Setting‖ Karonese as Source Text ST),

Indonesian as Target Text 1 (TT1) and English as Target Text 2 (TT2). The second part presents data on the translation method applied in translating the word, phrase, clause, and sentence contained in the text of ―Techniques and Methods in translation

Traditional Karonese Medical Text in Fractured Bone Setting‖ Karonese language as

ST, Indonesian as a TT1 and TT2 English as the fourth part is the data association with the ideology embraced by the translator. The fifth data is a discussion of how

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the challenge of translation techniques and methods determine the translation technique which is more dominant in ―Translation Traditional Karonese Medical Text in Fractured Bone Setting‖ Karonese as Source Text ST).

The second part is an exposure to a variety of data about the translation techniques used in translating the word, phrase, clause, and sentence contained in the text of ―Translation Traditional Karonese Medical Terms in Fractured Bone Setting‖

Karonese as Source Text ST), Indonesian as Target Text (TT1) and English as Target

Text (TT1). The third part presents data on the translation method applied in translating the word, phrase, clause, and sentence contained in the text of ―Techniques and Methods in translation Traditional Karonese Medical Text in Fractured Bone

Setting‖ Karonese language as ST, Indonesian as a TT1 and TT2 English as the forth part is about the data associated with the ideology embraced by the translator. The fifth part is a discussion of how the challenge of translation techniques and methods determine the translation technique which is more domiant in translation Karonese

Traditional Medical Terms.

Presentation of translation techniques are done prior to the identification of the methods of translation used. This was done because the method oftranslation is at a higher level than thetranslation techniques . This can only be identified if all translation techniques are known and have been identified in advance. That is why, three things are definitely having an impact on the quality of translation. Quality translation requires transfer of messages accurately, translation disclosure in accordance with the rules, norms and prevailing culture in the target language, and the use of aspects of language that is easily understood by the reader. Wheather a translated text is easy or difficult and understood by readers has nothing to do with

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the field of study, but it is related to the use of aspects of language, such as the use of words, terms, and sentence construction. This research data sourced documents are interviews with four Karonese bonesetters "pertawar penggel" and two Karonese herbalists. Karonese text is as source text data, the Indonesian text as the first target text data and the English text as a second target data.

Karo language data areconsisting of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences.

Data in the form of words and phrases are generally positioned as a sub-headings of

Karo traditional medicine. Tangible data clauses and sentences in general are part of conversation and stories and the paraphrased sentences are to explain the names of herbs which mostly consists of parasite plants that mainly grows in the rainforests in

Karoland and Aceh (protected forest Leuser).

Analysis of the difference between Karonese (ST) and Bahasa Indonesia (TT1)andbetween Karonese (ST) and English (TT2) K Turikendu sitik uga mbarenda makana kam banci jadi guru pertawar 23 penggel?

BI Tolong ceritakan bagaimana Anda bisa menjadi ―guru pertawar penggel‖?

In bahasa karo ―turikendu sitik‖ is equivalent to ―tolong ceritakan‖ in Indonesian. ‗turikendu‖ is the equivalent of ―ceritakan‖ in bahsa karo ―ceritakan‖ comes before ―sitik‖ while in indonesian ―tolong‘ is followed by ceritakan. Therefore in Bahasa Karo the verb comes before ―the adverb‖ and in Bahasa Indonesia it is the other way aeound.

47 K Ramun kai saja iprosesndu jadi minak pengalun, tawar ras kuning?

BI Ramuan apa saja yang anda proses menjadi minyak pengalun, tawar dan kuning?

In the Karonese sentence above there is a phrase "I prosesndu jadi" and the equivalent in Indonesian is "anda proses menjadi" so if it is written litterally, the phrase in Karonese would be "Iprosses (ndu) jadi ". The Karonese prefix ―I‖ is always followed by the verb in this case ―proses‖ plus ndu while in the Indonesian the phrase is

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA started by the word ‗anda‘ and followed by the word ―process‖ plus the word ―menjadi‖. Therefore we can conclude that the grammar of Indonesia in this case is very different from the grammar of the Karo language . The prefix ―I‖ plus the verb ―prosess‖ and followed by the personal pronoun ―anda‖ while the Indonesian word in the first- person pronoun is followed by the verb.

65 K Adi udan wari ia erkubang-kubang tapi adi las wari ia rabu-abu.

BI Kalau hari hujan ia berlumpur tapi kalau hari panas ia berdebu.

In Karonese sentences there is a phrase ―udan wari‖. ―Udan‖ is an adjective meaning rainy and ―wari‖ is a noun which means ―day‖. While in the Indonesian phrase it is ―hari hujan‖ ―hari‖ the noun means ―day" and ―hujan‖ is an adjective. This is again more evidence that in Karonese the adjective ―udan‖ describes the noun ―wari‖ while in Indonesian the noun ― hari‖ is written after the adjective "day". 394 K Fungsina Mantra emkap gelah pasien percaya diri jadi tambah gegehna emaka pinakit lampas madaan.

BI Fungsi mantra adalah agar pasien percaya diri sehingga kekuatannya bertambah dan penyakit lekas sembuh.

The above sentence written in Karo is "tambah gegehna" while in the Indonesian, it is written "bertambah kekuatannya". "tambah " is an verb in Karonese while ―gegehna‖ is an adjective and they can not be reversed. Whereas in Indonesian ―kekuatannya‖ is an adjective and "bertambah" is a verb. These words are interchangeable without changing the meaning. Therefore we can draw the conclusion that in Karo language the verb will always follow the adjective while in Indonesian they are interchangeable without changing the meaning.

26 K E enggo faktor keturunen. E It runs in the family Translation of the Karonese sentence into English language is an idiomatic translation that if translated word for word will have a completely different meaning.

28 K Adi nambari tulan penggel, kai langkah-langkahna sampai malem? E To fix a broken bone, what steps do you have to take to heal. The Karo sentence above contains the phrase ―Kai langkah- langkahna sampai madan‖ while the equivalent in English translation is ―What steps do you have to take to heal? Comparing the two sentences, in Indonesian there is implied meaning but in English all the implied meanings have to be stated. ―What steps to take to heal.‖ This would be incorrect. It should be writtenWhat steps do you have


39 K Tang-tangna kuperiksa kondisi tulan si penggel e. E First, I check the condition of the fractured bone. In the first sentence is the Karo language phrase "tulan si penggel e" and in the second sentence in English there is an equivalent phrase that is "the fractured bone". What is not the same in both of these phrases is the position of the article "the" in English, and also the word "e" which functions as an article in Karo language. In English the word "the" is used before the noun and the word "e" is used after a noun in Karonese. Therefore, we can draw the conclusions that the word e in Karonese is always placed after a noun.

38 Emaka isiram salu minak pengalun sekali nari.

Subsequently the fractured bone area is doused with minyak pengalun once again. In the above Karo sentence there are words that are implied in the phrase ‗Emaka isiram‖ meaning " emaka tulan si penggel e I siram". While in the English language all the words must be actually stated. Subsequently the fractured bone is doused . (Not sure what you mean by ‗doused‘?? Not a word I am familiar with in this context – check with a doctor if it‘s a medical term. If it‘s a literary term then I think it might be wrong)

48 Ramun kai saja iprosesndu jadi minak pengalun, tawar ras kuning?

What kinds of herbs do you processed into minak penalun, tawar and kuning? The difference between the Karo sentence and the English sentence is in the phrase: "Ramun kai saja" in Karonese and "What kind of herbs" in English. In Karonese the sentence starts with the word "ramun" and is followed by the question words ―Kai saja‖, on the other hand in English the word herbs is written written after the question words"What kind of". Therefore we can conclude that in Karonese we start the sentence with the noun followed by the question words. On the other hand in English we start the sentence with the question words followed by a noun.

30 K Tang tangna kuperiksa kondisi tulan si penggel e.

E First of all I check the condition of the broken bone.

The word E in Karo language is equivalent to the English article ―the‖. E in Karonese is placed after the noun, while the English article ‗The‖ is placed before the noun. So it can be concluded that the definite article "The" always come before the noun in English and

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the word E in Karonese is always placed after the noun.

Translation from ST into TT1

No Lang. Data Source Technique Remarks Deletion + pure borrowing Deletion Technique is a translation technique that is realized by eliminating The word ―mbarenda” Turikendu sitik elements of the ST text. The removal of the elements of shows that this has uga mbarenda happened in the makana kam ST is generally caused by a K (ST) past. In Indonesian banci jadi guru lack of grammatical equivalents. In the context of the word pertawar mbarenda which penggel? such removal it is an obligatory that generated a means before is translation that does not redundant and the infringe the rules of the TT. phrase ―Guru pertawar penggel 23 is a pure Borrowing is a borrowing. translation technique in deletion and literal which translator borrowed so the translation Tolong the word or phrase of the ST. technique is a ceritakan The borrowing can be pure triplet technique of bagaimana BI or naturalized. Pure puure borrowing, Anda bisa (TT1) Borrowing refers to the deletion and literal menjadi ―guru lending ST word or phrase in and the method of pertawar full without any adjustment translation was penggel‖? of pronunciation. For literal. example, the hard disk in the ST is maintained in the TT.

Adi nambari tulan penggel Addition K (ST) kai langkah- Addition technique This sentence ST langkahna commonly applied in has been sampai malem? translation activities. The translated into 27 Untuk megobati addition in question is TT1 using patah tulang, additional information that addition BI apa langkah- basically does not exist in the techniques. (TT1) langkah yang di ST. ambil sampai pulih. Tang-tangna Adaptation The ST has been 29 K (ST) kuperiksa lebe Adaptation. A shift in translated into TT1 kondisi tulan si cultural environment, i.e., to using reduction

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA penggel e. express the message using a technique different situation, e.g. however, in ST Pertama saya cycling for the French, the word (e) has BI periksa dulu cricket for the English and been reduced and (TT1) kondisi tulang baseball for the Americans. added the word yang patah. (yang) into TT1,

Encage tulan si Literal penggel e itarik Literal Technique is a K (ST) gelah mulihken technique in which the ST has been ku posisi tang- translator translates a word translated into TT1 tangna, or an expression literally. using literal This technique requires 31 Lalu tulang translation matching the lexical that are yang patah itu techniques and still tied with the ST but BI ditarik untuk word for word lexical composition that (TT1) dikembalikan translation method forms a phrase have already ke posisi adapted the rules of the TT semula.

Encage Literal + pure borrowing ibereken ka Literal Technique translation K (ST) tawar ipanna is a technique in which the gelah meter translator translates a word pergegeh tulan. or an expression literally. This technique requires matching the lexical that are still tied with the source language but lexical composition that forms a ST has been phrase have already adapted translated into TT1 the rules of the target using a triplet language. translation

Lalu diberikan technique 41 Borrowing is a translation pula tawar literal+addition technique in which translator dimakan pasien +pure borrowing BI borrowed the word or phrase untuk technique and (TT1) of the source language. The mempercepat word for word borrowing can be pure or penguatan translation naturalized. Pure Borrowing tulang. method. refers to the lending source language word or phrase in full without any adjustment of pronunciation. For example, the hard disk in the source language text is maintained in the target language text.


Turikendu sitik DeletionTechnique is a uga mbarenda translation technique that is makana kam realized by eliminating K (ST) banci jadi guru elements of the source ST was translated pertawar language text of the target into TT2 by using penggel? language. The removal of the literal and addition elements of the source techniques and 24 language is generally caused by a lack of grammatical the method being Please tell me equivalents. In the context of used was Literal E how did you such a removal it is an Method (TT2) became a bone obligatory that generated a setter? translation that does not infringe the rules of the target language. Translation of ST intoTT2 is an idiomatic E enggo faktor K (ST) keturunen. translation which reproduces the 'message' of the Adaptation original sentence. Adaptation. A shift in The translation cultural environment, i.e., to tends to distort the express the message using a shades of meaning 26 different situation, e.g. by choosing a cycling for the French, colloquial and cricket for the English and idiom is not in the E It runs in the baseball for the Americans. (TT2) family ST.The translation techniques use were Variation and deletion and the method was Idiomatic.

Tang-tangna Transposition kuperiksa Transposition is a translation To translate from K (ST) kondisi tulan si technique by changing ST into TT2 The penggel e. grammatical category. This literal technique technique is similar to the was being used 30 First, I check technique of shifting and the translation E the condition of categories, structures and method was word (TT2) the fractured units. The verb in the source for word‘ bone. language text, for example, is converted into a noun in the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA target language text. Emaka The translation of Transposition kupasang curu- K (ST) Transposition is a translation ST into TT1 the curu papan technique by changing literal technique entahpe buluh. grammatical category. This was being used technique is similar to the therefore the 36 technique of shifting Then I mounted method of E categories, structures and boards or translation was (TT2) units. The verb in the ST, for bamboo buffer. also Literal example, is converted into a noun in the TT. method. Encage Pure borrowing + literal ibereken ka Literal Technique translation tawar ipanna is a technique in which the K (ST) gelah translator translates a word mempercepat or an expression literally. pergegeh tulan. This technique requires matching the lexical that are A couplet of still tied with the source Literal and pure language but lexical borrowing composition that forms a techniques were phrase have already adapted being use in the rules of the target 42 Then ―tawar‖ is language. translating from given to be ST into TT2 and E taken in order to Borrowing is a translation the translation (TT2) accelerate the technique in which translator method was Word strengthening of borrowed the word or phrase for word method. bones. of the source language. The borrowing can be pure or naturalized. Pure Borrowing refers to the lending source language word or phrase in full without any adjustment of pronunciation.

43 K (ST) HS: S Kam ngei erbansa Minak, tawar ras kuning e?

BI (TT1) T Andakah yang membuat minyak, tawar dan kuning itu?

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

44 K (ST) S Kam ngei erbansa Minak, tawar ras kuning e? E (TT2) Q Did you make the medicational oil, tawar and kuning?

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 45 Technique Pure borrowing + addition K (ST) AG: J Kaka sidiberu si erban tambar e kerina. BI (TT1) J Kakak perempuan yang membuat obat-obatan ini semua. Technique Literal 46 K (ST) J Kaka sidiberu si erban tambar e kerina. E (TT2) A My elder sister makes all the medicine. Technique Transposition 47 K (ST) HS: S Ramun kai saja iprosesndu jadi minak pengalun, tawar ras kuning? BI (TT1) T Ramuan apa saja yang anda proses menjadi minyak pengalun, tawar dan kuning? Technique Pure borrowing + literal 48 K (ST) S Ramun kai saja iprosesndu jadi minak pengalun, tawar ras kuning? E (TT2) Q What kinds of herbs do you processed into minak penalun, tawar and kuning? Technique Calque + pure borrowing + literal 49 K (ST) AG: J Mbue macam-macamna. BI (TT1) J Banyak ragamnya, Technique Reduction 50 K (ST) J Mbue macam-macamna. E (TT2) A There are many different kinds of ingredients. Technique addition 51 K (ST) Termasuk serabut serabut urat erbage-bage palem ras buluh, minak tualah ijo, bulung-bulung kerangen ah, kesaya-kesaya, ras tabeh-tabeh binatang BI (TT1) Termasuk serabut-serbut akar bermacam-macam palem dan bambu, minyak kelapa hijau, herbal dari hutan hujan Sumatra, bumbu dapur dan lemak lemak binatang. Technique literal 52 K (ST) Termasuk serabut serabut urat erbage-bage palem ras buluh, minak tualah ijo, bulung-bulung kerangen ah, kesaya-kesaya, ras tabeh-tabeh binatang E (TT2) Including veriaties of palm roots, and bamboo roots, green coconut oil, herbs from Sumatra rainforest,pepper, garlic, shallot, ginger, cloves, nutmeg and fats of animals Technique Pure borrowing + literal 53 K (ST) Hasil wawancara ras dua kalak ahli herbal, pasangen dilakina ras diberuna I Pancur Batu nari BI (TT1) Hasil wawancara dengan dua orang herbalists, pasangan suami dan istri dari Pancur Batu Technique Literal 54 K (ST) Hasil wawancara ras dua kalak ahli bulung- bulung kerangen, pasangen dilakina ras diberuna

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA I Pancur Batu nari E (TT2) The interviews result with two herbalists, a couple from Pancur Batu Technique Literal + Established Equivalent

55 K (ST) Endam ramuan-ramuan erban Minak Pengalun, Tawar ras Kuning. BI (TT1) Berikut ini adalah ramuan-ramuan untuk membuat Minyak Pengalun, Tawar dan Kuning. Technique Literal + pure borrowing 56 K (ST) Endam ramuan-ramuan erban Minak Pengalun, Tawar ras Kuning. E (TT2) The followings are herbs, animal fats and roots as the ingredient to make MedicationOil, Tawar and Kuning. . Technique Literal + pure borrowing 57 K (ST) Pegaga lgunaken man obat kulit, ganggun syaraf ras pehuli peredaren dareh, BI (TT1) Pegagan digunakan untuk obat kulit, gangguan saraf dan memperbaiki peredaran darah. Technique literal 58 K (ST) Pegaga lgunaken man obat kulit, ganggun syaraf ras pehuli peredaren dareh, E (TT2) Cantella are wild plants that grow in the fields, road sides, and the rice field embankments. Technique additional

59 K (ST) KACIWER; BI (TT1) KENCUR; Technique Established equivalent 60 K (ST) KACIWER; E (TT2) CUTCHERRY Technique Established equivalent 61 K (ST) Kaciwer enda sifatna rendah hati, seri ras pergeluhna, La jurgak I erguna man jelma sienterem. BI (TT1) Kencur ini tanaman yang rendah hati, mirip dengan kehidupannya yang tidak angkuh dan berfaedah untuk orang banyak. Technique literal 62 K (ST) Kaciwer enda sifatna rendah hati, seri ras pergeluhna, La jurgak I erguna man jelma sienterem.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA E (TT2) Kutcherry is a root plant which is down to earth, resembles its life which is useful to the human race. Technique literal 63 K (ST) Bas kerina pulungen tawar pergeluhna rusur jadi kuan-kuan si ertina uga pe la tengteng BI (TT1) Didalam ramuan obat-obatan Karo, kehidupan kencur selalu menjadi pepatah yang berarti apapun tindakannya selalu tidak pas. Technique addition 64 K (ST2) Bas kerina pulungen tawar pergeluhna rusur jadi kuan-kuan I bas kalak Karo si ertina uga pe la tengteng E (TT2) This plant is usually found among Karonese medicinal ingredients. Kutcherry‘s life became a saying in Karonese which means it was never acceptable Technique addition 65 K (ST) Adi udan wari ia erkubang-kubang tapi adi las wari ia rabu-abu. BI (TT1) Kalau hari hujan ia berlumpur tapi kalau hari panas ia berdebu. Technique literal 66 K (ST) Adi udan wari ia erkubang-kubang tapi adi las wari ia rabu-abu. E (TT2) When it rains, it covered with mud and when it is dry, it covered with dust. Technique literal

67 K (ST) SERAI WANGII, BI (TT1) SERAI WANGI Technique Established equivalent 68 K (ST) SERAI WANGI, E (TT2) CITRONELLA Technique Established equivalent 69 K (ST) Kalak Karo ras kalak Melayu enggo ndekah nggeluh berdampingan. E maka mbue kata-kata cakap karo seri ras cakap melayu. Contohna : Saluar seri ras bahasa Malaysia Seluar ertina celana ibas bahasa melayu/Malaysia.. BI (TT1) Orang Karo sudah lama hidup berdampingan dengan orang melayu. Jadi banyak kata –kata didalam bahasa Melayu yang sama dengan bahasa melayu. Contohnya: saluar pada bahasa

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Karo dan seluar pada bahasa melayu/malaysia Technique literal 70 K (ST) Kalak Karo ras kalak Melayu enggo ndekah nggeluh berdampingan. E maka mbue kata-kata cakap karo seri ras cakap melayu. Contohna : Saluar seri ras bahasa Malaysia Seluar ertina celana ibas bahasa melayu/Malaysia.. E (TT2) Karonese have long coexisted with the Malays. So many words in Karonese simiar or even the same with the Malay words. Examples: saluar, capah, belacan, belanga, serai wangi etc Technique literal 71 K (ST) I bahan gelarna Serai wangi perban aromana merim. BI (TT1) Namanya di buat seraiwangi oleh karena aromanya wangi. Technique literal 72 K (ST) I bahan gelarna Serai wangi perban aromana merim. E (TT2) Wangi means fragrant we named it serei wangi because the aroma lingers. Technique addition

73 K (ST) SI TELU-BULUNG, BI (TT1) PAMAMAN/KALIMANTAN Technique Established equivalent 74 K (ST) SI TELU-BULUNG, E (TT2) TIT-BERRY Technique Established equivalent 75 K (ST) Sitelu bulung termasuk tumbuhen si bulungna lit telu lambar bas sada tangkai. BI (TT1) Sitelu bulung adalah tumbuhan yang daunnya ada tiga helai dalam satu tangkai. Technique literal 76 K (ST) Sitelu bulung termasuk tumbuhen si bulungna lit telu lambar bas sada tangkai. E (TT2) Tit-berry is a plant with unique leaves, there are always three leaves on each stem. Technique additional 77 K (ST) Emaka I bahan kalak karo gelarna si telu bulung. BI (TT1) Jadi orang Karo menamakannya si telu bulung yang artinya adalah si tiga daun. Technique addition

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 78 K (ST) Emaka I bahan kalak karo gelarna si telu bulung. E (TT2) This is why the Karonese call it "si telu bulung" which means "the three leaves." Technique Additional


To continue please see Appendix 2

5.2 Translation Technique

5.2.1 Translation from Karonese (ST) into Bahasa Indonesia (TT1)

In this study the data are identified by applying the technique of translation. In addition, the data also found by applying two (couplet) and three (triplet) transalation technique at once. Of the 209-11 data source being analysed, there are 147 identified as decoded data by applying a single technique, 51 with the decoded data by appling the couplet translation techniques. Meanwhile, there is no translation by applying triplet translation techniques. Single Technique

As mentioned briefly above, a single technique refers to the application of one technique alone in translating research data both tangible words, phrases, clauses, and sentences from Karonese into Bahasa Indonesia. In this study seven single techniques were being in used, they were literal, pure borrowing techniques, Established equivalent, Equivalent, reduction or deletion techniques, addition techniques, transposition techniques.


Table 5.1: Single Translation Technique from ST to TT1

Technique Single Technique Variety Total

1. Literal 90 2. Pure borrowing 23 3 Established equivalent 9

4. Addition 13 Single 5. Reduction/Deletion 3 6. Transposition 9 Total 147

Single Translation Technique from ST to TT1

2% 6%

9% Literal Pure borrowing 6% Established equivalent Addition 16% 61% Reduction/Deletion Transposition

Chart 5.1: Single Translation Technique from ST to TT1

From all seven single techniques above, the literal technique is most widely used

(90), followed by pure borrowing Techniques (23), Addition techniques (13),

Transposition technique (9), Established Equivalent technique (9), reduction

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA technique (3). Meanwhile, other single technique, such as, modulation techniques, and naturalized technic are not found on this data. Literal Technique

Literal Technique translation is a technique in which the translator translates a word or an expression literally. This technique requires matching the lexical that are still tied with the source language but lexical composition that forms a phrase have already adapted the rules of the target language.

In this study the researcher identified 90 Karonese language data translated into Bahasa Indonesia by applying the literal technique. The 90 data are data number:

29 31 33 35 37 39 45 51 53 57

61 65 69 71 75 85 110 112 115 117

119 121 128 143 145 147 154 156 158 175

177 179 181 183 186 188 190 192 197 199

206 236 241 246 248 260 262 264 266 268

270 272 276 280 284 286 288 292 296 298

306 308 314 318 320 322 324 326 330 334

336 338 340 344 346 348 352 354 356 358

364 366 368 370 372 374 378 382 384 386

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The followings sentence was being translated from Karonese into Bahasa Indonesia using the literal techniques.



29 Tang-tangna kuperiksa lebe kondisi Pertama saya periksa dulu tulan si penggel e. kondisi tulang yang patah Equivalent

Translational equivalence is the similarity between a word (or expression) in one language with the translation in another language. Thus, a translation equivalent is a corresponding word or expression in another language. The following are the sample of used established equivalent Techniques from Karonese into Bahasa


59 67 73 83 87 91 95 99 79

 The following are the sample of used establised equivalent Techniques from

Bahasa Indonesia into.English


ST TT1 59 kaciwer









99 KUNDUR; TABU TABU Pure Borrowing Technique

Borrowing is a translation technique in which translator borrowed the word or phrase of the source language. The borrowing can be pure or naturalized. Pure

Borrowing refers to the lending source language word or phrase in full without any adjustment of pronunciation. For example, the hard disk in the source language text is

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA maintained in the target language text. On the other hand, naturalized borrowing is understood as the borrowing of words or phrases followed by adjustment of pronunciation.The word "computer", for example, translates into a komputer. The second type of technique is different from the above borowing, lending culture refers to the transfer of the source language into the culture of the target language.

In this study it has been identified the data that is translated by Pure

Borrowing techniques as many as 23 from ST into TT1 and into TT2, Here are the data numbers:

105 114 125 130 135 138 151 164 167 174

185 194 203 208 213 222 225 230 235 238

243 250 255












Additional techniques commonly applied in translation activities. The addition in question is additional information that basically does not exist in the source sentence.

The presence of additional information in the target sentence is intended to further clarify the concept of the original author trying to convey to reader the target language. Example: She Came late translates into an old lady came too lat. There are 13 identified data from Karo (ST)translated into (TT1) Indonesian in this study.

The data numbers are:

27 63 77 89 108 149 220 278 282 290

294 300 304


 The followings are some sample sentences from the source text which were

translated into Bahasa Indonesia (TT1) using the addition techniques.



27 Adi nambari tulan penggel kai Untuk megobati patah tulang, apa langkah-langkahna sampai langkah-langkah yang di ambil malem? sampai pulih. Technique

Deletion Technique is a translation technique that is realized by eliminating elements of the source language text of the target language. The removal of the elements of the source language is generally caused by a lack of grammatical equivalents. In the context of such a removal it is an obligatory that generated a translation that does not infringe the rules of the target language. The removal of this kind is optional. However, this deletion technique is often used as an "excuse" by translators to cover the inability to find the equivalent of the source language words in the target language. On the other hand, thorough deletion refers to removal of whole elements contained in the phrase, clause, or sentence in question. Data sources are not translated or removed from the target text.

 The followings are some sample sentences from the source text which

were translated from Karonese (ST)into Englsih (TT2).



49 Mbue macam-macamna. Banyak ragamnya, Transposition Technique

Transposition is a translation technique by changing grammatical category. This technique is similar to the technique of shifting categories, structures and units. The verb in the source language text, for example, is converted into a noun in the target language text. Structural shift technique commonly applied if the structure of the source language and target language are different from each other. Therefore, a shift in the structure is mandatory. The mandatory nature of the shift in the structure of the force on the translation from English into Indonesian to avoid interference that may cause translation grammatical unacceptable and difficult to understand. Here are the source data numbers:

81 101 103 274 312 350 360 362 392

 The followings are some sentences from data source translated using

transposition techniques from Karonese language (ST) translated into

Bahasa Indonesia (TT1)

DATA KARO BAHASA INDONESIA ST TT1 81 Pia ertina menipes, rupana Pia berarti tipis, warna merah dan Megara Kulita menipes erlapis- kulitnya tipis berlapis-lapis. Itulah lapis emaka gelarna pia ban sebabnya orang Karo

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA kalak Karo. menamakannya Pia. Couplets Translation Technique

As mentioned previously, in addition to a single technique there are also found couplet techniques, which is a combination between the two translations techniques applied in determining the equivalent in the target language. The combination of two of translation techniques : Literal technique + pure borrowing technique, Literal technique + calque technique, literal + Transposition technique, Addition + Pure

Borrowing technique, Addition + Transposition Technique, deletion + pure borrowing technique, and Transposition + Pure Borrowing Technique

Table 5.2: Couplet Translation Technique from ST to TT2

Technique Couplet Technique Variety Total

1 Literal + pure borrowing 38

Couplet 2 Addition + Pure Borrowing 5 3 Addition + transposition 2 4 Deletion + pure borrowing 2 5 Transposition + Pure Borrowing 2 6 Literal + Calque 1 7 Literal + Transposition 1 TOTAL 51

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Couplet Translation Technique from ST to TT1 2% 2%

4% 4% Literal + pure borrowing 4% Addition + Pure Borrowing 10% Addition + transposition Deletion + pure borrowing Transposition + Pure Borrowing Literal + Calque 74% Literal + Transposition

Chart 5.2: Couplet Translation Technique from ST to TT1

Table 4.2 above shows that in 8 variants couplet technique, a blend literal technical and pure borrowing technique is applied in a dominant position (38), followed by a mix of Addition and Pure Borrowing technique (5), Addition technique and Transposition technique (2). The frequency use of the other techniques variant is very low. All the five variant couplet techniques will be described below. Literal + Pure Borrowing Technique

There were 38 data translated with Couplet techniques with a variation of

Literal and Pure Borrowing Technique in this study Including the following numbers:

41 43 47 55 106 123 126 131 133 136

139 141 152 160 162 165 168 170 172 195

201 204 209 214 216 228 231 233 239 244

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 258 302 316 332 342 388 390 394

The data included in this category are basically dominated by the application of the literal technique shown by the wording adjustments based on the rules that apply in the target language. This technique requires matching the lexical that are still tied with the source language but the lexical composition that forms a phrase have already adapted the rules of the target language. It is shown in the following examples:

 The following are sentences from the source data that has been translated

from Karonese (ST) into Bahasa Indonesia (TT1) using Literal and Pure

Borrowing Technique



41 Encage ibereken ka tawar ipanna Lalu diberikan pula tawar gelah meter pergegeh tulan. dimakan pasien untuk mempercepat penguatan tulang. Technique + Calque

A combination of literal technic + calque happened on research data below.

Sentence structure adjustment in translation is understood as an attempt to produce a translation that can be acceptable to the target language.

Meanwhile, the interference structure of the source language in the target language as the hallmark of calque technique arise as a result of the inability of translators in finding the exact equivalent in the target language. Therefore, the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA translator tends to not only perform structural interference but also lexical. Intended data is data numbered: 25



25 E enggo faktor keturunen. Itu sudah faktor keturunan. Addition + Pure Borrowing Technique

This study has identified a variant couplet techniques which is a combination of addition and pure borrowing techniques. The data is number 211, 223, 226, 253 and

256. They have been translated from Karonese language into Bahasa Indonesia

DATA CAKAP KARO BAHASA INDONESIA ST TT1 211 Kapal-kapal tawar ipuh enda Tumbuhan jenis parasit ini biasa banci jadi ramuan minak digunakan untuk membuat minyak, pengalun, kuning seri ras kapal- param dan kuning seperti tumbuhan kapal sideban. parasit lainya. Addition + Transposition Technique

Additional techniques commonly applied in translation activities. The addition in question is additional information that basically does not exist in the source sentence. The presence of additional information in the target sentence is intended to further clarify the concept of the original author trying to convey to reader the target.

Example: She Came late translates into an old lady came too late. Transposition is a translation technique by changing grammatical category. This technique is similar to the technique of shifting categories, structures and units.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA  The following is a sentence from the source data that has been translated from

Karonese into Bahasa Indonesia using Addition and Transposition Technique.



218 Gedang bulungna seh 6cm, Daunya bisa mencapai 6cm belangna seh 4 cm panjangnya, dan lebarnya 4cm Deletion+ Pure Borrowing

 The following is sentence from the source data that has been translated from

Karonese language into Bahasa Indonesia using Deletion and pure

borrowing techniques.

DATA KARO BAHASA INDONESIA ST TT1 23 Turikendu sitik uga mbarenda Tolong ceritakan bagaimana Anda makana kam banci jadi guru bisa menjadi ―guru pertawar pertawar penggel? penggel‖? Transposition + Pure Borrowing Technique

 The following sentence is from the source data that has been translated from

Karonese into Bahasa Indonesia using Transposition and pure borrowing




93 Binara ibahan kalak Karo gelarna Orang karo menamakannya BINARA perban bungana mbentar melala, oleh karena bunganya yang kecil- adi kena las matwari rupana kecil berwarna putih kalau kena sinar matahari akan berkilau. Berkilau erbinar. E maka bana kalak Karo sama dengan erBINAR, gelarna BINARA. Erbinar ertina ersinar, Literal + Transposition Technique

 The following sentence is from the source data that has been translated from

Karonese into Bahasa Indonesia using Literal and Transposition techniques.



310 Enda enggo pulung kerina Ini semua ramuan obat patah tulang ramuan-ramuan tambar penggel sudah terkumpul, Nini. e Nini

5.2.2 Translation from Karonese into English

In this study the data are identified by applying the technique of translation. In addition, the data also found by applying two (couplet) and three (triplet) transalation technique at once. Of the 209-11 data source being analysed, there are 152 identified as decoded data by applying a single technique, 44 with the decoded data by appling the couplet translation techniques. Meanwhile, there are 2 translated by applying triplet translation techniques.


As mentioned briefly above, a single technique refers to the application of one technique alone in translating research data both tangible words, phrases, clauses, and sentences from Karonese into English. In this study seven single techniques were being in used, they were literal, pure borrowing techniques, Established equivalent, reduction or deletion techniques, addition techniques, transposition techniques, adaptation techniques.

Single Technique

Table 5.3: Single Translation Technique from ST to TT2

Technique Single Technique Variety Total

1. Literal 66

2 Pure Borrowing 23

3. Established equivalent 9

4. Addition 29

Single 5. Reduction/Deletion 7

6 Transposition 17

7. Adaptation 1

Total 152

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Single Translation Technique from ST to TT2


11% Literal 5% Pure Borrowing 43% Established equivalent

19% Addition Reduction/Deletion Transposition 6% Adaptation 15%

Chart 5.3: Single Translation Technique from ST to TT2

From all seven single techniques above, the literal technique is most widely used

(66), followed by Addition techniques (29), pure borrowing Techniques (23),

Transposition technique (17), Established Equivalent technique (9), reduction technique (7), and Adaptation technique (1) Meanwhile, other single technique, such as, modulation techniques, and naturalized technic are not found on this data. Literal Technique

Literal Technique translation is a technique in which the translator translates a word or an expression literally. This technique requires matching the lexical that are still tied with the source language but lexical composition that forms a phrase have already adapted the rules of the target language.

In this study the researcher identified 66 Karonese language data translated into English by applying the literal technique. The 66 data are data number:

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 28 62 66 70 86 111 134 144 146 148

155 157 159 163 176 178 180 187 198 200

205 237 242 247 249 260 263 271 273 277

279 281 287 293 301 303 307 313 315 321

323 325 327 331 333 335 337 339 341 343

347 349 353 355 357 367 369 371 373 375

379 381 383 385 387 389

 The followings sentence was being translated from Karonese into English

using the literal techniques.

DATA KARO ENGLISH ST TT2 28 Adi nambari tulan penggel kai langkah- To fix a broken bone, what steps langkahna sampai malem? do you have to take to heal. Established Equivalent

Translational equivalence is the similarity between a word (or expression) in one language with the translation in another language. Thus, a translation equivalent is a corresponding word or expression in another language. The following are the sample of used established equivalent Techniques from Karonese into Bahasa


60 68 74 80 84 88 92 96 100

 The following are the sample of used establised equivalent Techniques from

Bahasa Indonesia into.English










100 TABU TABU BOTTLE GOURD Borrowing Technique

Borrowing is a translation technique in which translator borrowed the word or phrase of the source language. The borrowing can be pure or naturalized. Pure

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Borrowing refers to the lending source language word or phrase in full without any adjustment of pronunciation. For example, the hard disk in the source language text is maintained in the target language text. On the other hand, naturalized borrowing is understood as the borrowing of words or phrases followed by adjustment of pronunciation.The word "computer", for example, translates into a komputer. The second type of technique is different from the above borowing, lending culture refers to the transfer of the source language into the culture of the target language.

In this study it has been identified the data that is translated by Pure

Borrowing techniques as many as 23 from ST into TT1 and ST into TT2, Here are the data numbers:


105 114 125 130 135 138 151 164 167 174

185 194 203 208 213 222 225 230 235 238

243 250 255












Additional techniques commonly applied in translation activities. The addition in question is additional information that basically does not exist in the source sentence.

The presence of additional information in the target sentence is intended to further clarify the concept of the original author trying to convey to reader the target language. Example: She Came late translates into an old lady came too lat. There

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA are 29 identified data from Karo (ST)translated into (TT2) Indonesian in this study.

The data numbers are:

50 58 64 72 76 78 90 116 120 150

184 191 221 265 267 275 283 285 289 291

295 297 299 305 319 345 359 365 391

 The followings are some sample sentences from the source text which were

translated into English (TT2) using the addition techniques.



50 Mbue macam-macamna. There are many different kinds of ingredients. Reduction/Deletion technique

Deletion Technique is a translation technique that is realized by eliminating elements of the source language text of the target language. The removal of the elements of the source language is generally caused by a lack of grammatical equivalents. In the context of such a removal it is an obligatory that generated a translation that does not infringe the rules of the target language. The removal of this kind is optional. However, this deletion technique is often used as an "excuse" by translators to cover the inability to find the equivalent of the source language words in the target language. On the other hand, thorough deletion refers to removal of whole elements contained in the phrase, clause, or sentence in question. Data sources are not translated or removed from the target text.

 The followings are some sample sentences from the source text which

were translated from Karonese (ST)into Englsih (TT2).



24 Turikendu sitik uga mbarenda Please tell me how did you became a makana kam banci jadi guru bone setter? pertawar penggel? Transposition Technique

Transposition is a translation technique by changing grammatical category. This technique is similar to the technique of shifting categories, structures and units. The verb in the source language text, for example, is converted into a noun in the target language text. Structural shift technique commonly applied if the structure of the source language and target language are different from each other. Therefore, a shift in the structure is mandatory. The mandatory nature of the shift in the structure of the force on the translation from English into Indonesian to avoid interference that may cause translation grammatical unacceptable and difficult to understand. Here are the source data numbers:

30 34 36 38 40 46 82 98 102 104

118 122 189 193 311 361 363

 The followings are some sentences from data source translated using

transposition techniques from Karonese language (ST) translated into

English (TT2)



30 Tang-tangna kuperiksa kondisi First, I check the condition of the tulan si penggel e. fractured bone. Adaptation Technique

Data Number 26

 The following sentence is from the souce data translated using

Adaptation techniques from Karonese translated into English



26 E enggo faktor keturunen. It runs in the family Couplets Translation Technique

As mentioned previously, in addition to a single technique there are also found couplet techniques, which is a combination between the two translations techniques applied in determining the equivalent in the target language. The combination of two of translation techniques : Literal technique + pure borrowing technique, Literal technique + calque technique, literal + established equivalent technique, Addition +

Pure Borrowing technique, Addition + Transposition Technique, deletion + pure borrowing technique, Adaptation + Pure Borrowing technique, and Transposition +

Pure Borrowing Technique

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Couplet Technique Table 5.4: Couplet Translation Technique from ST to TT2

Technique Couplet Technique Variety Total

1 Literal + pure borrowing 30 2 Addition + Pure Borrowing 4 3 Addition + transposition 3 4 Deletion + pure borrowing 2 Couplet 5 Adaptation + Pure Borrowing 2 6 Literal + Calque 1 7 Transposition + Pure Borrowing 1 8 Literal + Established equivalent 1 TOTAL 44

Couplet Translation Technique from ST to TT2 2% 2% 2% 5% Literal + pure borrowing 5% Addition + Pure Borrowing 7%

9% Addition + transposition 68% Deletion + pure borrowing

Chart 5.4:Couplet Translation Technique from ST to TT2

Table 4.2 above shows that in 8 variants couplet technique, a blend literal technical and pure borrowing technique is applied in a dominant position (30), followed by a mix of Addition and Pure Borrowing technique (4), Addition technique

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA and Transposition technique (3). The frequency use of the other techniques variant is very low. All the five variant couplet techniques will be described below. Literal + Pure Borrowing Technique

There were 30 data translated with Couplet techniques with a variation of

Literal and Pure Borrowing Technique in this study Including the following numbers:

42 52 56 107 124 127 129 132 137 140

142 153 161 166 169 171 173 202 207 210

212 217 229 234 240 245 257 259 317 395

The data included in this category are basically dominated by the application of the literal technique shown by the wording adjustments based on the rules that apply in the target language. This technique requires matching the lexical that are still tied with the source language but the lexical composition that forms a phrase have already adapted the rules of the target language. It is shown in the following examples:

 The following are sentences from the source data that has been translated

from Bahasa Indonesia (ST) into English (TT2) using Literal + Pure

Borrowing Technique



42 Encage ibereken ka tawar ipanna Then ―tawar‖ is given to be gelah mempercepat pergegeh tulan. taken in order to accelerate the strengthening of bones.


A combination of literal technic + calque happened on research data below.

Sentence structure adjustment in translation is understood as an attempt to produce a translation that can be acceptable to the target language.

Meanwhile, the interference structure of the source language in the target language as the hallmark of calque technique arise as a result of the inability of translators in finding the exact equivalent in the target language. Therefore, the translator tends to not only perform structural interference but also lexical. Intended data is data numbered: 309



309 Kenca bahan pulung kerina After all materials are gathered, emaka proses erbahan tambar the process of making the oil starts mulai imulai salu mbaca by saying bacaka: Bismillahirahmanirrahim. Bismillahirhamanirrahim. Literal + Established Equivalent Technique

This study also identified one target data generated through the application of a mixture of Literal Technique and Established equivalent Technique. Here is the data translated from Bahasa Indonesia into English using literal and established Technique.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA DATA KARO ENGLISH ST TT2 54 Hasil wawancara ras dua kalak The interviews result with two ahli bulung-bulung kerangen, herbalists, a couple from Pancur Batu pasangen dilakina ras diberuna I Pancur Batu nari Addition + Pure Borrowing Technique

This study has identified a variant couplet techniques which is a combination of addition and pure borrowing techniques. The data is number 224, 254, 44 and 196.

They have been translated from Karonese into English.



44 Kam ngei erbansa Minak, tawar Did you make the medicational oil, ras kuning e? tawar and kuning? Addition + Transposition Technique

Additional techniques commonly applied in translation activities. The addition in question is additional information that basically does not exist in the source sentence. The presence of additional information in the target sentence is intended to further clarify the concept of the original author trying to convey to reader the target.

Example: She Came late translates into an old lady came too late. Transposition is a translation technique by changing grammatical category. This technique is similar to the technique of shifting categories, structures and units.

 The following is a sentence from the source data that has been translated from

Karonese into English using Addition and Transpositional Technique.



219 Gedang bulungna seh 6cm, The leaf can reach 6 cm long and belangna seh 4 cm 4cm wide Deletion+ Pure Borrowing

 The following is sentence from the source data that has been translated from

Karo into English using Deletion and pure borrowing techniques.



215 Lancing kerangen turah bas Lancing Kerangen grows in temperate taneh kerangen berhawa rain forest mbergeh. Adaptation + Pure Borrowing Technique

 The following sentence is from the source data that has been translated from

Karonese into English using Adaptation and pure borrowing techniques.



227 Siang-siang turah itepi kerangen, Siang-Siang is an herbaceous plant gedang batangna lebih kurang that grows in the temprate rain forests sada meter ganjangna, rupana and has pink-colored flowers. The merah jambu. Ganjang batangna height of the tree can reach lebih kurang sada meter. approximately one meter

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Transposition + Pure Borrowing Technique

 The following sentence is from the source data that has been translated from

Karonese into English using Transposition and pure borrowing techniques.



94 Binara ibahan kalak Karo gelarna The Karonese call this plant Binara perban bungana mbentar melala, because it has small white flowers adi kena las matwari rupana that glitter under the sun. . Er BINAR means to glitter in English. erbinar. E maka bana kalak Karo gelarna BINARA. Erbinar ertina ersinar, Triplet Translation Technique

Triplet Translation technique refers to a combination of three translation techniques applied in translating a phrase, or sentence. In this study identified there are 2 variants of the triplet technique (See Table 5.5).

Table 5.5: Triplet Translation technique from ST to TT1

Technique Triplet Translation Technique Total

Triplet 1 Calque + pure borrowing + literal 1 2 Amplification + pure borrowing + additional 1 TOTAL: 2

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Triplet Translation technique from ST to TT2

Calque + pure borrowing + literal 50% 50% Amplification •+ pure borrowing + additional

Chart 5.5: Triplet Translation technique from ST to TT1 Literal + Addition + Pure Borrowing Technique

Two data have been identified in this study using a variant triplet technique which is a combination of literal, addition and pure borrowing techniques. The data number: 393. The data have been translated from Karonese into English



Mantra fungsina gelah pasien The function of the Mantra had percaya diri jadi tambah gegehna been only to reassure the client. emaka pinakit lampas madaan. The purpose had been to make them confident that he/she would be strong and had speedy recovery.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Literal + Calque +pure borrowing technique

 Structural differences between Karonese, the source language (ST) and

English as the target language (TT2) required the application of Literal +

Pure Borrowing + Deletion technique. One data has been identified in this

study using a variation of triplet techniques which is a combination of literal,

Calque and reduction techniques. The following data have been identified:



48 Ramun kai saja iprosesndu jadi What kinds of herbs do you processed minak pengalun, tawar ras kuning? into minak penalun, tawar and kuning?

5.3 Method of Translation

5.3.1 Method of Translation from Karonese (ST) into Bahasa Indonesia (TT1)

In sub-section 1 it has been explained that there are 147 data has been

translated with a single technique data 51 couplets.

Preferred single technique consists of:

1. Literal 90 2. Pure borrowing 23 3 Established equivalent 9 4. Addition 13 5. Reduction/Deletion 3 6. Transposition 9 TOTAL 147

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Couplet technique has seven variants, they are:

1 Literal + pure borrowing 38

2 Addition + Pure Borrowing 5 3 Addition + transposition 2 4 Deletion + pure borrowing 2 6 Transposition + Pure Borrowing 2 7 Literal + Calque 1 8 Literal + Transposition 1

TOTAL 51 Overall, based on the above descriptions there are 7 translation techniques are being used, which included in single technique, couplet technique, and triplet techniques. The seven of the translation techniques are: 1) Literal Techniques, 2) Pure

Borrowing Techniques, 3) Established equivalent Techniques, 4) Calque Techniques,

5) Deletion/Reduction Techniques, 6) Addition/Amplification Techniques, 7)

Transposition Technique. (See Table 4.6)

By frequency of use in the whole data of this study, it is known that the Literal

Technique tops (130), followed by Pure Borrowing Technique (69), Addition

Technique (20), transposition Technique technique (14), Established Equivalent (9),

Deletion Technique (5), Calque technique (1) in theory, of eight translation techniques above, four translation techniques, they are literal techniques, established equivalent, Borrowing technique and Calque, oriented to the language and culture of the source language. While four other translation techniques, they are the addition techniques, the deletion techniques, transposition techniques, Adaptation techniques oriented around the target language and culture.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 5.6: Usage Frequency of Translation Techniques

Technique Variation

No. Technique Single Couplet Triplet Total

1. Literal 90 40 - 130

2. Pure borrowing 23 46 - 69

3. established equivalent 9 - - 9

4. Calque - 1 - 1

5. Addition 13 7 - 20

6. Deletion 3 2 - 5

7. Transposition 9 5 - 14

8. Adaptation - - - 0


100 80 60 40 20 Single 0 Couplet Single Triplet

Chart 5.6: Frequency Of Usage Of Translation Techniques

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Table 5.7 below shows that, overall, the technique of translation- source oriented language is used as much as 209 times (84%) while the frequency of occurrence of technical translation in the target language-oriented one is used 39 times (16%).

Therefore, the conclusion is that translators tend to apply the translation methods that are oriented in the source language. The translation method in question is the literal translation, semantic translation and faithful translation method.

Table 5.7: Orientation of Translation Techniques

(248) Percentage

Literal 130

Pure borrowing 69 Source established 209 84% Language 9 equivalent Orientation Calque 1

Addition 20

Target Deletion 5 Language 39 16% Orientation Transposition 14 Adaptation 0


Source Language Oriented Techniques

Target Language Oriented Techniques


Chart 5.7: Percentage of Data

5.3.2 Method of Translation from Karonese into English

In sub-section 1 it has been explained that there are 152 data has been translated with a single technique data 44 couplets, 2 data triplet techniques.

Preferred single technique consists of:

1. Literal 66 2 Pure Borrowing 23 3. Established equivalent 9 4. Addition 29 5. Reduction/Deletion 7 6 Transposition 17 7. Adaptation 1 TOTAL 152

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Couplet technique has eight variants, they are:

1 Literal + pure borrowing 30

2 Addition + Pure Borrowing 4 3 Addition + transposition 3 4 Deletion + pure borrowing 2 5 Adaptation + Pure Borrowing 2 6 Literal + Calque 1 7 Transposition + Pure Borrowing 1 8 Literal + Established equivalent 1 TOTAL 44

There are 2 variants triplet technique, they are:

1. Calque + pure borrowing + literal 1 2. Amplification + pure borrowing + additional 1 TOTAL 2

Overall, based on the above descriptions there are 8 translation techniques are being used, which included in single technique, couplet technique, and triplet techniques. The seven of the translation techniques are: 1) Literal Techniques, 2) Pure

Borrowing Techniques, 3) Established equivalent Techniques, 4) Calque Techniques,

5) Deletion/Reduction Techniques, 6) Addition/Amplification Techniques, 7)

Transposition Techniques and 8) Adaptation Technique. (See Table 4.9)

By frequency of use in the whole data of this study, it is known that the Literal

Technique tops (99), followed by Pure Borrowing Technique (62), Addition

Technique (38), transposition Technique technique (21), Established Equivalent

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA (10), Deletion Technique (9) Adaptation technique (3), Calque technique (2) in theory, of eight translation techniques above, four translation techniques, they are literal techniques, established equivalent, Borrowing technique and Calque, oriented to the language and culture of the source language. While four other translation techniques, they are the addition techniques, the deletion techniques, transposition techniques, Adaptation techniques oriented around the target language and culture.

Table 5.8: Usage Frequency of Translation Techniques

Technique Variation

No. Technique Single Couplet Triplet Total

1. Literal 66 32 1 99

2. Pure borrowing 23 37 2 62

3. established equivalent 9 1 - 10

4. Calque - 1 1 2

5. Equivalent - - - 0

6. Addition 29 7 2 38

7. Deletion 7 2 - 9

8. Transposition 17 4 - 21

9. Adaptation 1 2 - 3


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Single Couplet Single Triplet

Chart 5.8: Frequency Of Usage Of Translation Techniques

Table 5.9 below shows that, overall, the technique of translation- source oriented language is used as much as 173 times (71%) while the frequency of occurrence of technical translation in the target language-oriented one is used 71 times (29%).

Therefore, the conclusion is that translators tend to apply the translation methods that are oriented in the source language. The translation method in question is the literal translation, semantic translation and faithful translation method.

Table 5.9: Orientation of Translation Techniques

(244) Percentage

Literal 99

Pure borrowing 62 Source established Language 10 173 71% equivalent Orientation Calque 2

Equivalent 0

Addition 38 Target 71 29% Language Deletion 9

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Orientation Transposition 21

Adaptation 3

29% Source Language Oriented Techniques Target Language Oriented Techniques


Chart 5.9: Percentage of Data

5.3.3Medical Terms In TraditionalKaronese Medication

Nature has provided abundant resources that can be utilized by humans.

Among the creatures that live on Earth, Humans are creatures of the Earth's inhabitants who have the most resourceful and adaptable to the environment than any existing creators on Earth. The traditional society know how not to exploit nature so as not to endanger any species in the rainforest.

Through the forces of creativity, taste, and intention base on experiences, that have been tested for hundreds of years and even centuries and they have the experience the human evolution. Karo ethnic is one of the earliest ethnic groups that exist in the eastern part of province of North Sumatra, inhabiting a region which includes the highlands, the upstream known as Karo Gugung, and the low land known

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA as Karo Jahe that is: Langkat Hulu, Deli Hulu, Serdang Hulu, and Southeast Aceh and part of Dairi.

Each ethnic group has its own identity that is the hallmark of those who supported the idea of collective jointly called culture. Karonese are culturally very attached with the kinship system that is a system of strong patrilineal tradition as one part of Indonesian culture, which still maintained its integrity. The potential of this culture is one of the authorized capitals of a very high value the Karonese community who spread in the region of eastern part of North Sumatra. In general, as traditional communities in Indonesia, the Karonese organize their daily lives adhering to the harmony of life that is reflected in the customs and traditions of Karonese, where

Karonese believe that humans from birth until death cannot be separated from their social properties.

Therefore, the Karonese manage, use and maintain the natural resources of plants and animals as forms of understanding on how Karonese manage natural resources in their environments. This reinforces our expectations that the Kerosene already for centuries knows the sorting or grouping biodiversity system which they used and utilized for the needs of daily life, such as the need for medication.

Modern medicine in the previous century has grown rapidly. This does not mean that the traditional treatment in making use of herbs as ingredients have disappeared, at least not in the countryside. In this case the Karonese certainly have been able to identify the types of plants that are known and used for medicinal materials. During the interview with four bonesetters and two herbalists there are almost 100 kinds of leaves, roots , fruts and animal‘s oil used as the ingredients for healing cracked and fractured bones. Not all of them can be translated into

Indonesian and English.1) To describe the medical terms of the Translating

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ―Karonese Traditional Medical Terms are being translated‖ There are 395 data source of Karonese sentenced al together. However, the data was reduced by the first 22 sentence. These 22 sentenced are mainly the introduction in Karo language which they take very seriously and another 22 sentences. Therefore the remaining data source are 351. Miles and Huberman (1994:10)Data reduction is not something separate from analysis. It is part of analysis. The researchers decision, -- which data chunks to code and which to pull out, which patterns best summarized a number of chunks, which evolving story to tell—are all analytic choices. Data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpened, shorts, focuses, discard, and organizes data in such a way that ―final conclusion can be drawn and verified. As Tesch (1960) points out it also can be seen as ― data condensation‖

Karonese medical terms: During the interview of the four bone setters and two herbalist there were about 70 ingredients found as the ingredients for making the traditional medicine for treating broken bones including a medicinal oil,kuning and sembur. Some of the herbal ingredients equivealent can be found easily and some were not very easy. The ones which have the equivalent in Indonesian can be found in the google translation easily. Some others could be found through Japanese language and many were very unique to the rain forest of Sumatra. Most of them were parasite plants. This became obvious after the process of translation. Here are they are all were completed with a rea picture The researcher found 33 herbs with equivalences in the translation from the ST into TT1 and from TT1 into TT2. The translation from ST into TT1 such as ―Gumis Kucing into Kumis Kucing ― are equivalent with Cat‘s whiskers similar or look like the plant stemen,. The herb is popularly known as Java tea in English and is used widely in the form of herbal tea in Asia. Java tea was possibly introduced to the West in the early 20th century. Nilam in Source language is

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA exactly the same in the TT1 while in TT2 the equivalence is Patchouli. This name is originally from India. The word derives from the Tamil patchai and ellai. The equivalent of Pegaga in SL is Pegagan in TT1,while in English (TT2) it is commonly known as centella asiatica, a small, herbaceous, annual plant of the family Mackinlayaceae or subfamily Mackinlayoideae of family Apiaceae, and is native to wetlands in Asia.[2][3] It is used as a medicinal herbin Ayurvedic medicine, traditional African medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine and

Indonesian (Karo)Tradition medicine.

Kaciwer is the Source Text and the equivalence in Bahasa Indonesia or TT1 is Kencur while in English it is known as cutcherry or resurrection lily, is a monocotyledonous plant in the ginger family, and one of four plants called galangal.

It is found primarily in open areas in Indonesia, southern China, Taiwan, Cambodia and India, but is also widely cultivated throughout southeast. The name Kayuputih in the Source language is Kayu putih which mean literally the White bark‖ and the bark of the tree is white and it is originally from the maluccas and Australia and the equivalence in English TT2 is Cajuput. I believe the original name is Kayu putih and became Cajuput in English. The equivalence of sendep-sendep is Paku Ekor Kuda in Bahasa Indonesia(TT1) scouring rush,scouringrush horsetail and in South Africa known as snake grass, It is a native plant throughout the Holarctic Kingdom, found in North America, Europe, and northern Asia and the Karo Highland. The equivalence of Uratbuluh in the Source language (SL) is Akar bamboo in TT1 and Bamboo roots in TT1.

Pala in the source text is literally means Pala in the TT1 while in TT2 it is equivalent wit nutmeg since Pala is native to the island of Banda I believe the original name is Pala. Cengkih equivalence in the TT1 is Cengkeh and in the TT2 it is Clove.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Cloves are used in Karonese medicine, Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Chinese medicine and western herbalism and dentistry where the essential oils used as an anodyne (painkiller) for dental emergencies. Cloves also are used as a carminative, to increase hydrochloric acid in the stomach and to improve peristalsis.The equivalence of the Karonese word Buah Ketang is Buah Rotan in TT1 and Rattan froots in English or TT2 Rattan Fruits can be used as a material for making medicines, rattan fruit is believed to stop bleeding, relieve pain, eliminate injuries trauma from fractured bones andbruises. Karonese Lada is equivalent with the word merica in

Bahasa Indonesia (TT1) and pepper in English (TT2) "pepper" has its roots in the Dravidian word for long pepper, pippali or Lacina in Karonese and Cabai in

Bahasa Indonesia.Ancient Greek and Latin turned pippaliinto the Latin piper, which was used by the Romans to refer both to black pepper and long pepper, as the Romans believed that both of these spices were derived from the same plant. Today's "pepper" derives from the Old English pipor. The Latin word is also the source of Romanian piper, Italian pepe, Dutch peper, German Pfeffer, French poivre, and other similar forms.

The Karonese Taditional Medical Terms with Equivalences In Tt1 And Tt1


L. Siceraria (Molina) Standl. (calabash or bottle gourd)- 1 subsp. In Afr. & Am., 1 in As. & Pac. Perhaps domesticated independently though that in E Polynesia poss. disp. From Am., that in OW known to pliny & prob. Cult ‗Hoabhinan‘ culture 8000-3000 yrs ago; young fr. Ed. (dried & peeled = Kampyo used in sushi), locally medic. (purgative), mature fr. With tough pericarp used for flasks, cups, dippers, penis-sheats (NG) etc. many diff. shaped forms cult. ()Mabberley, 2008


A. vulgaris L. (mugwort [OE mucg = midge], N temp., natur Aus.) – tundra veg. of ice Age GB (now only anthropogenic), one of the oldest herbs (terpenoids & sesquiterpene lactones) known worn on Tynwald Day in Isle of Man, Ivs a condiment,

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA improving digestion, relieving depression, restoring menstruental flow & easing child delivery, smoked as tobacoo subs.( Mabberley, 2008)


A. Pinnata (Wurmb) Merr. (A.saccharifera, sugar-pal, gomuti, ejow, Mal.) – widely cult., male spadices tapped for syrupy sap evaporated to produce palm sugar (jiggery), palm wine or toddy, (when distilled) arrack, sago from trunk, good fibre from leaf sheaths, hapaxanthic (Hottum‘s Model).( Mabberley, 2008)


Equisetum L. Equisetaceae. Incl. Hippochateae 15 almost cosmop. (exc. Australasia; Eur. 10). R: BNH 8(1963)42, NH 30 (19778). Horsetails. Bell‘s Model; alks incl. nicotine but toxicity due to thiaminase breaking down the vitamin thiamine (like silica poss. antiherbivores (? Dinosaurs)); local medic., long used to staunch blood flow & poss. treatment of Alzheimer‘s Disease; extract in cosmetics as silica used in collagen synthesis; affinity for gold in solution & concentrate it more than any other pl. but indicators because only 0.25 mg of gold per kg of stems or rhizomes. Up to 13 m long.(Mabberley, 2008)


A. pavonina L. (red sandalwood, SE As. to Aus., invasive Seychelles, SE US) – Street tree, red dye from heartwood used for forehead spot of brahmins, seeds used as beads (Circassian seeds) & weights by goldsmith (A. =goldsmith in Arabic). NB.Ganda system of Ind. Based on Abrus precatorius (q.v.), but derived from a system with double that seed wt. &Adenanthera seeds are twice as heavy as Abrus seeds. Mabberley, 2008)


C. citratus (DC). Stapf (lemon grass, cultigen from ?As., cult Florida) –fls rare, serai(sereh) of As. cooking, scent (citral) for soaps.(Mabberley, 2008)


A. Cepa L. (cultigen, onion, poss. derived from A. oschaninii B. Fedtsch. But known from Dead Sea Chalcholithic, (c.3500-3000 BC))- flavor due to dipropyldisulphide, propanethiol), 2 groups: Cepa =onion, single bulbs to over 5 kg without bulbs in infls. (6 types grown at time of pliny) – word prod. 12M tons per annum (esp. Med., Jap., US), much dehydrated or powdered as well as marketed fresh (‗2lbs‘ a day enough to cause anaemia, though high in anti-oxidant quercetin), blanched forms in Catalonia = calcots (Calcotada Festival in Jan.), damaged tissue releasing sulphurous volatiles (hence weeping –avoided by breathing through nose only) 10, compounds interacting

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA to inhibit platelet aggregation & thereby blood-clothing & thrombosis, infl. Stalk pith used as in Turksih Wine.(Mabberley, 2008)


C. asiatica (L). Urb. (gotu cola, pantrop. To Chile, NZ etc.) grown as cover crop, ivs ed., extract (largely from Madag.) used in W skin ointments to promote healing & filk med, to treat leprosy, active agents being pentacylic triterpenoid derivatives esp. asiaticoside, though depressant of C nervouse system.(Mabberley, 2008)


M. fragrans Houtt. (nutmeg, Moluccas) – comm. Nutmeg cult. In Mal & Grenanda (WI), seedlings sexed by color reaction with ammonium molybdate, when ground the seed used as flavoring for milk puddings, biscuits etc. though exceed is toxic (myristicin), hallucinatory & addictive with reputation as aphrodisiac (in GB carried in a pocket as health talisman), fimbriate aril is mace used in flavoring for fish, doughnuts etc., oil medic. Also used to scent toothpaste cigarettes, candles, soap, etc.(Mabberley, 2008)


A. Paniculata (Burm.f.s Nees (kariyat, indomal– bitter stomachic & tonic, subs. For Munronia pinnata, for hypertension & diabetes (Sabah), claimed to stimulate immune system. (Mabberley, 2008)

Cakap Bhs. English Latin Picture Karo Indonesia

Nilam Pogostemon 1. Nilam patchouli cablin Benth

Centella 2. Pegaga Pegagan Centella asiatica

Kaciw Kaempferia 3. Kencur Cutcherry er galangal

sere Serai Lemon 4. Cymbopogon wangi wangi Grass

Sabirat Andrographis 5. Sabirata Paniculata a paniculata

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Kayu Kayu Melaleuca 6. Cajuput Putih Putih leucadendra

7. Binara Baru Cina Mugwort Artemisia argy

Sendep Paku Ekor Scouringru Equisetum 8. - Kuda sh horsetail hyemale sendep

Kumis Kumis Orthosiphon 9. Java Tea Kucing Kucing aristatus

Euphorbiaceae 10. Lulang Jarak Jatropha .

Bawang 11. Pia Shallot Allium Cepa Merah

Bawang Allium 12. Lasuna Garlic Putih sativum

Bahing Jahe Alpinia 13. Red Ginger Gara Merah purpurata

Urat Akar Rattan's Calameae.s 14. Ketang Rotan Root root

Urat Akar Bamboo‘s 15. Bambuseae Buluh Bambu Root

Urat Akar Sugar Arenga 16. Pola Aren/enau palm‘s root pinnata

Urat Akar Nypa 17. Nypa roots nipah Nipah fruticans.

Urat Akar Betel-nut Areca 18. mayan Pinang root catechu.roots g

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Urat Akar Coconut 19. Cocos nucifera tualah kelapa roots

Tualah Kalapa 20. Coconut Cocos nucifera ijo hijau

Myristica 21. Pala Pala Nutmeg fragrans

Buah Rattan‘s Calameae. 22. Buah rotan Ketang fruit fruit

Biji Bottle Biji Lagenaria 23. tabu- guord‘s Kundur siceraria tabu seed Pedem Pohon Red Lucky Adenanthera 24. - saga seed Pavonina pedem

Black 25. Lada Merica Piper nigrum paper

Cengk Syzygium 26. cengkih Clove eh aromaticum

Tabeh- Lemak Equus ferus 27. tabeh Horse‘s fat Kuda caballus kuda Tabeh- Lemak Panthera tigris 28. tabeh Tiger‘s fat harimau fat arimou Lemak Lemak Pheasant Centropus 29 Kuruk Burung Coucal‘s sinensis Benga But-but fat Tabeh- tabeh Lemak Capra 30 Kambi Kambing Ram's Fat aegagrus ng jantan hircus Bajar

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Tabeh- Lemak Turtule‘s 32 tabeh Testudinidae Kura-kura fat Leibo Asar Sarang Greater Centropus 33 Kuruk burung Coucal‘s sinensis Benga but-but nest

The researcher found 33 herbs with equivalences in the translation from the

ST into TT1 and from TT1 into TT2. The translation from ST into TT1 such as

―Gumis Kucing into Kumis Kucing‖ are equivalent with Cat‘s whiskers similar or look like the plant stemen,. The herb is popularly known as Java tea in English and is used widely in the form of herbal tea in Asia. Java tea was possibly introduced to the

West in the early 20th century. Nilam in Source language is exactly the same in the

TT1 while in TT2 the equivalence is Patchouli. This name is originally from India.

The word derives from the Tamil patchai and ellai. The equivalent of Pegaga in SL is

Pegagan in TT1,while in English (TT2) it is commonly known as centella asiatica, a small, herbaceous, annual plant of the family Mackinlayaceae or subfamily

Mackinlayoideae of family Apiaceae, and is native to wetlands in Asia.[2][3] It is used as a medicinal herbin Ayurvedic medicine, traditional African medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine and Indonesian (Karo)Tradition medicine.

Kaciwer is the Source Text and the equivalence in Bahasa Indonesia or TT1 is

Kencur while in English it is known as cutcherry or resurrection lily, is a monocotyledonous plant in the ginger family, and one of four plants called galangal.

It is found primarily in open areas in Indonesia, southern China, Taiwan, Cambodia and India, but is also widely cultivated throughout southeast. The name Kayuputih in the Source language is Kayu putih which mean literally the White bark‖ and the bark of the tree is white and it is originally from the maluccas and Australia and the equivalence in English TT2 is Cajuput. I believe the

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA original name is Kayu putih and became Cajuput in English. The equivalence of sendep-sendep is Paku Ekor Kuda in Bahasa Indonesia(TT1) scouring rush,scouringrush horsetail and in South Africa known as snake grass, It is a native plant throughout the Holarctic Kingdom, found in North America, Europe, and northern Asia and the Karo Highland. The equivalence of Uratbuluh in the Source language (SL) is Akar bamboo in TT1 and Bamboo roots in TT1.

Pala in the source text is literally means Pala in the TT1 while in TT2 it is equivalent wit nutmeg since Pala is native to the island of Banda I believe the original name is Pala. Cengkih equivalence in the TT1 is Cengkeh and in the TT2 it is Clove.

Cloves are used in Karonese medicine, Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Chinese medicine, anwestern herbalism and dentistry where the essential oilis used as an anodyne (painkiller) for dental emergencies. Cloves also are used as a carminative, to increase hydrochloric acid in the stomach and to improve peristalsis.

The equivalence of the Karonese word Buah Ketang is Buah Rotan in TT1 and

Rattan froots in English or TT2 Rattan Fruits can be used as a material for making medicines, rattan fruit is believed to stop bleeding, relieve pain, eliminate injuries trauma from fractured bones andbruises. Karonese Lada is equivalent with the word merica in Bahasa Indonesia (TT1) and pepper in English (TT2) "pepper" has its roots in the Dravidian word for long pepper, pippali or Lacina in Karonese and Cabai in

Bahasa Indonesia.Ancient Greek and Latin turned pippaliinto the Latin piper, which was used by the Romans to refer both to black pepper and long pepper, as the Romans believed that both of these spices were derived from the same plant. Today's "pepper" derives from the Old English pipor. The Latin word is also the source of Romanian piper, Italian pepe, Dutch peper, German Pfeffer, French poivre, and other similar forms.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Karonese Taditional Medical Terms With Picture But The Equivalence

Could Not Be Found In Both Indonesian (Tt1) And English (Tt2).


























There are twnty different herbs which consist of plants that grow as parasites on large timber trees deep in the rainforest of Sumatra. The translator could not find the equivalence both in Indonesian as TT1 and in English as the TT2 for all of them.

Therefore the translator has been using pure Borrowing where the name of these herbs have been used as the name in the source language, consequently the technique used in the translation have been always the technique that directs the translator to use source text orientationtranslation method.(Please see the analisys on page: 103-




The findings of the study have been presented at length in Chapter V.

Consequently, in Chapter VI, the result will be discussed in sequence. First of all the discussion will be concerning the use of various translation techniques in this study.

This will be followed by a discussion on research findings relating to the selection of translation methods. Then proceed with a discussion that is focused on the research findings related to the determination of the ideology of translation. At the end of this chapter the research findings related to the techniques, methods of translation will be discussed.

6.1 Data Sources Calculation

According to the calculation in the previous chapter, the total number of data source of this study is 395. In of all these data source there are 227 data that have been translated by the application of the single techniques, 117 data have been translated by the application of couplet translation techniques and 7 of the data translated by the application of triplet translation techniques. It is obvious that the number of data translated by single techniques is more than the overall number of data that is rendered with compound techniques.

This is related to the nature of translation techniques which is directed to the smallest level. In other words, the translation techniques generally applied on lingual unit that is under the level of a sentence or clause. The techniques that applied to the translation of a sentence or a clause will be varied because a sentence or a clause is built from lingual units that is at the smallest level,

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Based on the frequency of usage of the whole data of this study, it is known that the Literal Technique is on top (269), followed by Pure Borrowing Technique

(126), Addition Technique (31), Established Equivalent Technique (21),

Transposition Technique (17), Deletion Technique (12)Adaptation Technique (4),

Calque Technique (3).

The Literal Techniques and Pure Borrowing Techniques have been used a lot in this study due to two main factors. Firstly, changes in the wording to be done or adjusted to the wording in the target language (TT1) and (TT2) through the application of Literal Techniques. If it is not done then the resulting translation would violate the rules that apply it in the target language,i.e. (TT1) and (TT2) or in the source language.Such translations will generally give rise to distortion of meaning that will make readers have difficulty in understanding the translation. Secondly, the translated text is the Translation of Traditional Karonese Medical Terms in Fractured

Bone Setting‖, in which there are many names of herbs derived from Leuser rain forest and rain forest in Deli Serdang with names in Karonese and there were no equivalence both in Bahasa Indonesia or in.English.

Basically, the translator can take three ways to deal with the terms of the

Traditional medicine. The first way is to find an equivalence in Indonesian or English or other international language. The second way is to borrow these terms without any changes or pure. The first way is used by the translator is to use herbs dictionaries available on the Internet. All the words that came from Karo language detected nothing but instead of words from the Indonesian language. English and Japanese can all be found.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Traditional herbal Karonese medicine are consisting of the types of parasites plants that grow in large trees in the Lauser rainforests mostly absent in Indonesian counterpart especially in English. This is all due to all herbs used come from rain forests around the Karo people's living environment itself. As a result of differences herbs used normally in accordance with the existing plants in a cultural environment to accommodate the terms of treatment in traditional Karo medicine.

Therefore most of Herbal used are the herbal derived from parasitic plant that grows on trees growing hundreds of years in the middle of the jungle so many that have names as metaphors and do not have equivalent Example: "Surat Dibata", has no equivalent in the Malay language or Indonesian language, then translated out of context will become "Surat dari Tuhan" in Indonesian, and "Letters from God" in

English. Similarly, the term Tapak Raja Sulaiman in Karonese language translated in

Indonesian as "King Salomon’s Footprints". ―Gagaten Harimau‖ also does not equivalent both in Indonesian and in English. However, if it is translated out of context it will become ―Tiger‘s nibbles‖. There is also an herb called "Sirang-Sirang" in Karonese which means "Selamat Tinggal” or ―Selamat Jalan” in Indonesian and it means "Farewel" or “Good Bye’ in English.

This interpretation would be very confusing for readers who do not understand the target language with concepts contained in these terms therefore do not try to find its equivalent in the target language because it could lead to misunderstanding. So the term should be borrowed purely by using ―pure borrowing‖ translation technique without disturbing the concentration of the target language readers by additional particulars because the additional information will distract the target language readers in reading subtitles.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA In the light of legibility, providing additional explanations regarding technical terms would be very disturbing for the reader to understand the contents of a translation. Therefore, additional information should be placed in an appendix. So the third way is the way in which the translator, by borrowing terms in the field of traditional medicine through the technique of pure borrowing. Therefore this study has proven that Pure Borrowing Technique and Literal Technique the most effective way of being applied in ttanslation Karonese medical terms in the field of traditional medicine.

6.2 Translation Techniques

There are four translation tchniques used in this studies which are more inclined towards the Source Language i.e. Literal Techniques, Pure Borrowings, established equivalent techniques and calque plus four translation techniques that are oriented to the target language, i.e.: Deletion Techniques, Transposition Techniques,

Addition Techniques, Adaptation Techniques. Four technical translation-oriented there are 419 data(87%) while the frequency of occurrence of translation techniques oriented target language is 64 data(13%). Therefore, the conclusion is that the translator tend to apply translation methods that are oriented in the source language emphasis.

The translation method in question are Literal Translation Method, Faithful

Translation Method, and Semantics Translation Method. Defining the translation method is also in line with the implementation of translation techniques. Newmark

(1988) suggests that the selection of a method is limited to aspects which affect the text of the target languageitself that is the target reader factors, language and culturalnorms, and translation functions. Given the translation communication takes

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA place as a result of third party, mediation in this case the translator, the translator factors also affect the resulting product. The translator as agent communicators

(Hatim and Mason 1990, 1997) have their own perspective of the text that it faces are realized with the interpretation of the source text messages through the background of his life experience. Does he understand the philosophy of the people who work as

Guru Pertawar Penggel. In addition, the existing sociocultural factors translation process takes place also affects the translation. “The Text Of Medical Terms In

Traditional Medication Karonese”the source of research data. Matters discussed in it related directly to the Karonese public trust which usually never in exposed to anyone other than immediate family members. Therefore, it is not surprising that translators tend to apply the technique of Pure Borrowing and Literal Translation Technique in handling tmedicational terms as one of the main characteristics of the text ―The translation of Medical terms in Karonese Traditional Medication‖.

The translator tries to orient its translation in the source language as an effort to maintain the loyalty of the target language text content in the source language text.

The results showed that there were dominant translation technique underlying the decision-making process is done by translator, they were Literal and pure borrowing techniques. The emergence of ideology reflects that the translator himself believed that the target language readers should learn more about the subject of the translation that is on ―Translation of Medical Terms in Traditional Karonese


He wants to maintain the contents of the source language text message as faithful as possible in the target language text. Therefore, the overall analysis of the data showed that translators tend to apply foreignisation ideology that is reflected

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA from the dominant application of Literal Translation Techniques, Pure Borrowing technique.

In the first chapter, it has been stated that this study aims to formulate translation techniques are applied in translating the word, phrase, clause, and sentence in the text of ―Traditional Karonese Medical Text on Fractured Bone

Setting‖Fractured. The description of the translation method set out in translating the word, phrase, clause, and sentence in the text of Traditional Karonese Medical Text on Fractured BoneSettingTo interpret translation ideologies adopted by the translator to translate the word, phrase, clause, and sentence contained in ―Techniques and

Methods in translation Traditional Karonese Medical Terms in Fractured Bone




In the first chapter, it has been stated that this study aims to formulate translation techniques are applied in translating the word, phrase, clause, and sentence in the text of ―Traditional Karonese Medical Text on Fractured Bone

Setting‖Fractured. The description of the translation method set out in translating the word, phrase, clause, and sentence in the text of ―Techniques and Methods in

Translation Traditional Karonese Medical Terms in Fractured Bone Setting‖. To interpret translation ideologies adopted by the translator to translate the word, phrase, clause, and sentence contained in ―Techniques and Methods in translation Traditional

Karonese Medical Terms in Fractured Bone Setting‖.

7.1 Conclusions

1. It has been identified that the data is translated not only by a single technique but

also couplet, and triplet technique. There are 351 of the data source are being

analyzed, there have been identified as many as 227 data translated using Single

Tecnique 117 data using Couplets Translation Techniques and 7 data with triplet

techniques. Based on the frequency of usage in the overall appearances or

research data Literal technique comes first with (269), followed by Pure

Borrowing Technique (126), Addition Technique (31), Established Equivalent

Technique (21), Transposition Technique (17), Deletion Technique (12)

Adaptation Technique (4), Calque Technique (3).

2. Of eight translation techniques that are applied, four translation techniques, which

are Literal, Pure Borrowing, Established Equivalent and Calque Techniques are

oriented to the language and culture of the source language, while four other

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA translation techniques, namely Addition techniques, Deletion/Redection

techniques, Transposition and Adaptation Technique, oriented to Target language

and the target culture. Thus, the Methods chosen by translator are Literal,

Faithful, word for word, Adaptation, Idiomatic and Free Translation Method.

3. This research started commence by interviewing four bone setters, working two

herbalists and two helpers to work in the field which resulted in collecting the

collection of 395 - 44 data source is 351 data source. These 351 data source

which is in Karonese were transcribed, analyzed by the researcher and translated

into Bahasa Indonesia as TT1 and from Indonesian into English as TT2 by Dr.

Matius Sembiring, M.A. In this study, researchers identified 483 Data from Karo

language translated into Indonesian and from Indonesian translated into English

by applying 269 data used literal translation techniques, 21 data used established

equivalent translation techniques, 126 data used pure borrowing translation

techniques , 31 data used addition translation techniques, 12 data used deletion

translation technique, 17 data used transposition, 4 data using Adaptation

translation techniques and 3 data used Calque translation technique.

The transcription of the interview was translated from Karonese (ST) into Bahasa

Indonesia (TT1) and from Karonese (ST) into English (TT2). The result showed all the bonesetters interviews revealed how they became bone setters, and all of them claimed that they inherited the skills from their ancesstors directly or indirectly.

Interviews were conducted with four bonesetters and two herbalists. From 395-22 data sources analysed, (147 data from ST into TT1,129 data from ST into TT2) were decoded by applying single techniques, (51data from ST into TT1, 44 data from ST into TT2) were decoded by couplet techniques and 2 data from ST into TT2 were decoded by triplet techniques. The translation techniques from the Karonese into

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA English analysed (130 data from ST into TT1, 99 data from ST into TT2) are Literal

(69 data from ST intoTT1,62 data from ST into TT2) are pure borrowing (9 data from

ST into TT1,10 data from ST into TT2) are established equivalent (1data from ST into

TT1 ,2 data from ST into TT2) are Calque Techniques with a total of 209,183=

(84%, data from ST into TT1 and 71% data from ST into TT2) , Also, target language emphasis data used are: addition(20 data from ST into TT1,38 data from ST into TT2), deletion (5data from ST into TT1,9 data from ST into TT2) , Transposition

(14 data from ST into TT1, 21 data from ST into TT2) and adaptation (3 data from ST into TT2) with total of 39,71=(16% data from ST into TT1 and 29% data from ST into TT2)

The conclusion is the translator has used the most literal equivalent of source language emphasis translation techniques in translating from from ST into TT1 is

84% of the and from ST into TT2 is 71% data. This is not only feasible but also necessary so that the original Karonese medical terms can be faithfully preserved in the translation. Therefore, most data that are as many as 84%, 71% were being translated using the translation techniques that oriented towards source language and

16% data from ST into TT1 and 29% data from ST into TT2 of are decoded using of the Target Language Emphasis Methods of translation which were dominated by

Word-for-word, Literal, Faithful, Adaptation and free Translation methods. Therefore, the translation of ―Translation Techniques Of Traditional Karonese Medical Text On

Fractured Bone Setting‖was proven to be resulted as a Source Language Emphasis.

This is not only feasible but also necessary so that the original Karonese medical terms can be faithfully preserved in the translation. Karo translation traditional medicine research is the first translation of research done in the Department of

Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, University of North Sumatra. Therefore, to further

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA research in the field of translation studies of source orientation approach, other medical fields from various languages that exist in North Sumatra are still need to be studied in order to prove that translation traditional medicine tends to use techniques that are oriented to the Source labguage orientation. A language-source-oriented approach to translation is not only highly desirable, but is also self-respecting and

Easily Achieved.

7.2 Suggestions

1. For 0ther researchers in translation. Raising the issue of traditional medicine as

credible subject matter. This is the first study done on the level of dissertation at

the University of North Sumatra. This study tries to raise the issue of traditional

medicine as a subject. This is done so that the field is not eroded by The primary

purpose of this study is to preserve Sumatran traditional medicine while advanced

technology becomes more predominant. Additionally, this study is a clear

indication of the importance of protecting natural resources, particularly medicinal

plants that benefit local populations in particular.

2. For other researchers in traditional medicine, especially in the treatment of bone

fractures healing with herbal oil, This subject might be of interest to you to develop

for further study.

3. This research may encourage the Indonesian government in order to support

traditional medication available for bone setting and provide subsidies to support

for clinics that exist in Indonesia, particularly in North Sumatra.

4. For USU knowing, there are so many herbals that available and are in use, it might

be a good idea to build a herbarium in North Sumatra.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA One of the objectives of this study after having documented, described and analyzed

―The Translation Traditional Karonese Medical Terms in Fractured Bone Setting‖, is to introduce it to Indonesian as well as the International Community including the

World Health Organization.


Results of this study have two implications. The first implication is to be used to help the development of the treatment of fractures as a written documentation and electronic sources of fracture and the second implication relates to the innovation of fractured bone setting itself in North Sumatra.

Ontology refers to the shape and nature of reality and what is known (Guba &

Lincoln, 1994). While Heron and Reason (1997) explains, this encounter is transactional and interactive. "To touch, see, or hear something or someone does not tell good about us all or myself or about the existence out there.It's telling about the stateof our interrelatedness and presence. Subjectivity we can feel the participation of existing and illuminated by it", so community-based research is the study of understanding and meaning of community as they are experienced directly.

Etymologically it can be seen regarding science and logic. Epistemology refers to the nature of the relationship between people who know and what is known.

Guba and Lincoln (1994) state that orthodox science, since trust in "changing the world" can be known, requires a knowledgeable person to objectively adopt postures

"to find out how things are actually" (p.108) There is a presumption that the person who is knowledgeable and what is known is a separate and independent entities that do not affect each other. This search for the "truth"; for the facts in terms of objectively measurable empirical data is held in high regard.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The evidence mentioned is proven by the fact that the technique used in the translation of Traditional Karonese Medical Text on Fractured BoneSettingrelates to mostly the literal translation procedures which are generally pure borrowing techniques, literal techniques, calque techniques and word for word techniques. The translator chooses the techniques that he thinks effective to achieve the equivalence of the source text to the target text. This being the case, it appears dominant due to logical methods used in the technique of the translation. Furthermore the translator develops new approaches moving from one technique to the second one. The translator uses application of the oblique translation procedures which are transposition, adaptation etc.

By contrast, community-based research is based on an epistemology that supports the superiority of practical knowledge. In a community-based study, the knowing participation in the known and the proof of evidence produces at least four interdependent ways - experiential, presentational, propositional, and practical (Heron and Reason, 1997; Heron, 1996). This research resulted in a new method of documentation called the theory of translation techniques. The techniques used are mostly source language orientation that is included in the literal translation procedures. They are: Borrowing: a word taken directly from another language.

Calque: a foreign word or phrase translated and incorporated into another language.

Literal translation: word for word translation. Meanwhile, Oblique translation occurs when a word for word translation is impossible. The oblique translation procedures are: transposition, adaptation etc.

In another research (Wisman,2000)found that the natural of the manufacture of chinese traditional medicine are considered second class in China. In connection

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA with this, the idea of improved form of Chinese medicine wowld be more acceptable than the standard Chinese medicine, This shows why the primary drive using western medical terminology to represent traditional Chainese medical concept must come from China, (Wisman, 2000) stated ―…in highly successful instances of cross- cultural transmission of knowledge in Chinese medicine, a source oriented approach is especially desirable, even necessary, for dealing with the fuzzinesss of Chinese medical concepts, and further more it is perfectly feasible,‖

Informatics era is the era of electronic communication, and it's time to think about the state institution documentation and innovation in fractures bone setting.

Documentation of treatment of fractures traditionally is an attempt to utilize and pass on local knowledge to future generations. Innovative fracture treatment can be carried out in North Sumatra by:

1. Creating a traditional hospital for the setting of bone fractures as has

been done in China and India.

2. Establish alternative medical department faculty as has been done by

the government of the PRC and India.

3. Forprotection, development, utilization, awards, empowering local

wisdom in Indonesia

There are lots of possibilities to be achieved by a research project on the medicine of fractures and bone setting. Hopefully researchers will be interested in putting the idea put forward. And as a result funding would become available from the government. In this project not only fracture patients would be helped, but many jobs would be created in local clinics.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Now with the encroachment on forest lands, the raw material for the manufacture of oil pengalun is already scarce. If such material is currently the only drug with the most reliable results, then people must learn to cultivate most of the raw materials. The economy of the local community will be strengthened.

Labor may be needed for the provincial level:

North Sumatra Province which consists of 25 counties comprising 250 k; each district consists of 10 villages so the sum of all villages is 250,000 times 5 village workers absorbed bias workers reaches 12, 500 workers.

For the urban level, the calculation is different. We take the example of the city of

Medan which is composed of 30 districts with 300 villages, the necessary manpower will reach 1500 people.

Strategy: protection, preservation, development, utilization, inheritance and awards.

Establishment of educational institutions and hospitals where counseling, training regeneration, of tourism and ecotourism, some function and meaning of local knowledge,i.e.: 1.Impacts the conservation and preservation of natural resources. 2.

Impacts human resource development, for example with regard to life-cycle ceremonies. 3. Impacts development of culture and science, 4. Serves as advice, trust and abstinence 5. Enhances meaningful social integration for example ceremonies communal/relatives. 6. Enhances meaningful social, for example in the agricultural cycle ceremonies

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA From the description of these functionsit is evident just how wide of an influence the realm of local knowledge has; ranging from the very theological in character until the very pragmatic and technical.


Documentation of Traditional Karonese Medical Text on

Fractured Bone Setting

Local Wisdom

Theoretical Practical

New Method of Translation

Technique Responsibility:

1. Provincial Fractured Bone government 1. Create a Problems : 2. District government Traditional Normally the 3. District Hospital patience treated 4. City district 2. Establish in the home of 5. RW / RT guru 6. Comm alternative unity pertawarpenggel medicine with a limited department primitive 3. Protect, equipments Develop, utilize, Strategy empower and award local wisdom of

Indonesia Art Generation Research 1. Protection Extension Training documenting 2. Preservation Tourism /

3. Development Ecotourism 4. Utilization 5. Legacy The establishment 6. Celebration of clinics and World Local Educational Genius Award Institutions Festival

Figure 7.1: Implication Diagram


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1 HS: Mejuah juah!

3 AG: Mejuah-juah, mari kubasken.

5 HS: Bujur.

7 AG: Kundulken, kundulken.

9 HS: Aku br Surbakti, bere-bere Ginting Suka aku.

11 HS: Gelarku Herlina.

13 AG: Aku Gurusinga mergaku. Bere-bere…aku. Gelarku Awai.

15 HS: Adi bage er turang kita.

17 HS: Kakandu aku sebab aku tuan

19 HS: Aku mahasiswa S 3 USU, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, bagian Interpretasi ras Penerjemahen, Jurusen Linguistik.

21 HS: Maksud kerehenku enda gelah banci kam ku wawancrai mengenai nambari tulan penggel cara tradisi Karo.

23 HS Turikendu sitik uga mbarenda makana kam banci jadi guru pertawar penggel?

25 AG E enggo faktor keturunen.

27 HS Adi nambari tulan penggel kai langkah-langkahna sampai malem?

29 AG Tang-tangna kuperiksa lebe kondisi tulan si penggel E.

31 AG Encage tulan si penggel E itarik gelah mulihken ku posisi tang- tangna,

33 AG Emaka iolesken minak, sope ibaluti salu perban.

35 AG Emaka ipasang curu-curu papan entahpe buluh.

37 AG Emaka isiram salu minak pengalun sekali nari.

39 AG Kenca piga-piga wari iolesken ka kuning bas bagin si megusgus,

41 AG Encage ibereken ka tawar ipanna gelah meter pergegeh tulan.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 43 HS Kam ngei erbansa Minak, tawar ras kuning E?

45 AG Kaka sidiberu si erban tambar E kerina.

47 HS Ramun kai saja iprosesndu jadi minak pengalun, tawar ras kuning?

49 AG Mbue macam-macamna.

51 AG Termasuk serabut serabut urat erbage-bage palem ras buluh, minak tualah ijo, bulung-bulung kerangen ah, kesaya-kesaya, ras tabeh-tabeh binatang

53 Hasil wawancara ras dua kalak ahli herbal, pasangen dilakina ras diberuna I Pancur Batu nari

55 HG Endam ramuan-ramuan erban Minak Pengalun, Tawar ras Kuning.

57 HG Pegaga lgunaken man obat kulit, ganggun syaraf ras pehuli peredaren dareh,


61 HG Kaciwer enda sifatna rendah hati, seri ras pergeluhna, La jurgak I erguna man jelma sienterem.

63 HG Bas kerina pulungen tawar pergeluhna rusur jadi kuan-kuan si ertina uga pe la tengteng

65 HG Adi udan wari ia erkubang-kubang tapi adi las wari ia rabu-abu.


69 HG Kalak Karo ras kalak Melayu enggo ndekah nggeluh berdampingan. E maka mbue kata-kata cakap karo seri ras cakap melayu. Contohna : Saluar seri ras bahasa Malaysia Seluar ertina celana ibas bahasa melayu/Malaysia..

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 71 HG I bahan gelarna Serai wangi perban aromana merim.


75 HG Sitelu bulung termasuk tumbuhen si bulungna lit telu lambar bas sada tangkai.

77 HG Emaka I bahan kalak karo gelarna si telu bulung.

79 HG PIA,

81 HG Pia ertina menipes, rupana Megara Kulita menipes erlapis-lapis emaka gelarna pia ban kalak Karo.


85 HG I gelari lasuna erkiteken sada tapi la ia tonggal, sada ngkibul tapi bas gulatna banci seh sepuluh.


89 HG Sendep-sendep ibahan kalak Karo gelarna perban perturahnya erngawan-ngawan si sambung sambungen.



93 HG Binara ibahan kalak Karo gelarna perban bungana mbentar melala, adi kena las matwari rupana erbinar. E maka bana kalak Karo gelarna BINARA. Erbinar ertina ersinar,


97 HG Kalak Karo gumis kucing banna gelarna sebabna bentuk mahkota bungana mirip ras gumis kucing


101 HG I ban kalak Karo gelarna tabu tabu erkiteken bulungna ras bijina iban jadi tambar kalak tabun.

103 HG Ramun si la dat terjemahennan si melalana emkap kapal-kapal si turah bas batang kayu galang ibas kerangen tua.


106 KT Kapal-Kapal Garantula' turah i bas batang kayu galang ikerangen tua iteruh deleng.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 108 KT Simbelah bulungna megara, simbelah nari meratah.

110 Bulungna banci jadi ramuan erbahan kuning, minak herbal, tambar sesak, kanker, tambar latih biasana isemburken ku bagin daging si mesui

112 KT Kapal-kapal enda turah ibas setiap bagin batang kayu galang.


115 KT 'Kalincayo' enda tumbuhen perdu turah i kerangen tua iteruh deleng.

117 KT Gedangna kira-kira sada setengah meter

119 KT Gedang bulungna kira-kira 8 cm, belangna seh 4 cm.

121 KT Kenca seh gedangna sada meter, perturahna pe mole

123 KT Bulungna banci i ban jadi ramuen 'Oukup', kuning, minak alun man tambar tersiher, tulan regat entah pe penggel


126 KT Dua Ngawan/Tawar Terunggu, em kap kapal-kapal si turah i deher urat kayu, biasana surindan dua ngawan enda i jumpai i kerangen tua erkiteken kayu galang I kerangen tua.

128 KT Bulungna banci I gunaken jadi ramuen erbahan 'kuning' ras minak pengalun



131 KT Kapal-kapal Cuping Kera emkap tanamen si numpang turah bas batang kayu galang ibas kerangen si mbergeh.

133 KT Bulungna banci I gunaken jadi salah sada ramun erban kuning ras minak pengalun.


136 KT Kapal-kapal Kayu Idup turah bas batang kayu galang ibas kerangen tua I teruh deleng.


139 KT Surat Dibata gara, biasana turah langsung bobo taneh ibas kerangen si mbergeh.

141 KT Seri ras Surat Dibata Ratah, gedang bulungna she kira-kira 8cm, belangna she kira-kira 5cm.

143 KT Urat bulungna, bas pangkalna nari she ku pucukna kerina jelas ras pinter.

145 KT Tapi serat si kusamping la teratur

147 KT Kearifan lokal suku Karo ibas pengobaten tradisionil , bulung Surat Dibata igunaken jadi tambar inemen nambari pinakit arah bas, bahan erban kuning, minak pengalun nambari tersiher, tulan si retak ras penggel

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 149 KT Banci ka I ban man peridin buang sial


152 KT Surat Dibata ratah, biasana turah leket bas batu-batu galang ras batu terjal ibas kerangen daerah mbergeh.

154 KT Gedang bulungna seh kira-kira 6 cm, belangna she kira-kira 4cm

156 KT Urat bulungna bas pangkalna nari seh ku pucukna kerina jelas ras pinter.

158 KT Tapi urat-urat si ku samping la teratur.

160 KT Ibas kearifan lokal kalak Karo, ibas pengobaten tradisionil tulan penggel, bulung Surat Dibata igunaken jadi tambar inemen.

162 KT Gunana gelah nambari kerina luka, erban kuning, minak pengalun gelah nambari tersiher, tulan retak ras tulan penggel.


165 KT Si Jergal em kap tanamn lumut ia biasana turah i bas tebing- tebing bas kerangen, i pakai erban Kuning ras minak nambari patah tulan enda turah i bas kerangen berhawa dingin Ia turah i bagin dasar hutan hujan


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 168 KT Tumbuhen enda jenis kapal-kapal turah bas batang kayu galang atau bas uratna entahpe bas batangna

170 KT Biasana tawar paliten enda turah bas kerangen tua I daerah deleng melas entahpe mbergeh

172 KT Bulung tawar paliten enda biasana I ban jadi ramuen kuning ras minak guna nambari tersiher, retak ras tulan penggel


175 KT Tanamen njoler belo kerangen asalna Indonesia

177 KT Tumbuhen enda tumbuhen waren banci nggarang seh 15 m kudatas.

179 KT Batangna coklat meratah-ratah, bentuk bulungna bagi pusuh telap ujungna.

181 KT Belo kerangen enda turah i daerah las ras mbergeh

183 KT Biasana ia turah tertandei ku batang kayu


186 KT Tanemen enda njoler idatas batang kayu galang.

188 KT Turah bas kerangen tua berhawa mbergeh. (Sibolangit.Sibayak)

190 KT Kapal-kapal enda banci I jadiken ramuun minak pengalun, inemmen, entah pe kuning.

192 KT Tanamen enda banci ka nambari kerina pinakit dalam.



195 KT Kapal-kapal Jantung, turah sebagai parasite I datas batang kayu galang I daerah kerangen Leuser.

197 KT Bulungna turah er lapis-lapis seperti jantung pisang tapi kapal- kapal enda bentukna kibul bagi kol.

199 KT Mbue gunana. Banci nambari ermacam-macam pinakit dalam.

201 KT Banci jadi ramuan minak pengalun, inemmen tambar ras kuning.


204 KT Kapal-kapal tawar aji turah sebagai parasit, turah njoler idatas batang kayu galang.

206 KT Bulungna igunakan sebagai ramuan erban minak alun, kuning ras inemen.


209 KT Kapal-kapal tawar ipuh turah leket bas batang kayu galang I daerah deleng.

211 KT Kapal-kapal tawar ipuh enda banci jadi ramuan minak pengalun, kuning seri ras kapal-kapal sideban.



214 KT Lancing kerangen turah bas taneh kerangen berhawa mbergeh.

216 KT Lancing kerangen enda banci turah lebih dari sada meter gedangna

218 KT Gedang bulungna seh 6cm, belangna seh 4 cm

220 KT Iban jadi salah sada ramuan erban kuning ras minak pengalun tambar tulan penggel.


223 KT Pucuk ring-ring enda turah ibas kerangen berhawa mbergeh, banci i gunaken jadi obat inemen untuk nambari luka dalam, kuning ras minak nambari tulan penggel


226 KT Siang-siang turah itepi kerangen, gedang batangna lebih kurang sada meter ganjangna, rupana bungana merah jambu. Ganjang batangna lebih kurang sada meter.

228 KT Bas pengobaten tradisi Karo, bulung siang-siang I ban jadi ramuan kuning ras minak nambari memar, tersiher, retak ras tulan penggel



231 KT Waren gegeh turah bas dasar hutan hujan, tanamen enda njoler turah bas kerangen berhawa sejuk.

233 KT I bas pengobatan tradisional karo, waren gegeh biasana iban jadi obat inemen, minyak pengalun ras kuning nambari memar retak ras patah tulan


236 KT 'Minak Pengalun' I bahan bas urat-urat ras bulung-bulung kerangen tambar , tabeh-tabeh nipai, leibo, kambing bajar, ras kuda


239 KT Ikan-ikan Enda tanamen herbal, Biasana turah I daerah kerangen si er hawa mbergeh.

241 KT Bulungna banci I jadiken jadi tambar gatel-gatel, minak alun entahpe peridiin



244 KT Kapal kapal siligen negri turah njoler das batang kayu galang I kerangen tua.

246 KT Biasana I jumpai I daerah mbergeh daerah Sibolangit ras deleng Sibayak.

248 KT I ban jadi salah sada bahan erban minak pengalun, kuning ras inemmen tambar.


251 KT pera-pera enda turah I daerah kerangen si mbergeh hawana.

253 KT I gunaken jadi ramuen erbahan minak alun, kuning ras jadi inemen nambari pinakit dalam.


256 KT Peldang Dilah Hantu hara enda turah lekket bas batang kayu I daerah pegunungan.

258 KT Bulungna banci I ban jadi ramuan erban minak pengalun, menjadi ramuan mandi erpangir ras erban kuning.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 260 MUP La ndekah kenca aku ernipi ndai reh pasienku si tang-tangna

262 MUP aku pe langa bo teksakel aku beluh nambari

264 HS Kai nge langkah-langkah nambarisa ngadi-ngadi malem?

266 MUP sipentingna lebe si pasien musti tenangken

268 MUP E maka tulan si penggel E kupepinter ras ku ulihken posisina ku posisi tang-tangna. 270 MUP Kenca mulihken ku inganna mis kutama kapasna si enggo celupken ku minak pengalun 272 MUP Emaka ku perban salu perban elastis

274 MUP Kenca i perban emaka ipasang curu-curuna gelah tulan E lanai ergeser. 276 MUP encage i siram salu lau kompres si enggo i sediaken

278 MUP Kenca sada bulan, curu-curuna enggo banci i tang tangi.

280 MUP Tulan si penggel ndai enggo mulihi normal kondisina kenca telu bulan.

282 HS S: Uga carana erban minak pengalun E?

284 MUP Kerina ramuan-ramuan ndai i pepulung lebe.

286 MUP Emaka tangger santan kelapa ijo.

288 MUP Kenca enggo i tangger erjam-jam tading minak arah das ampasna arah teruh leket ku belanga.

290 MUP Jadi sope denga I botolken pebergeh ka lebe.

292 MUP Adi ampasna E jadi ramuan utuk erban kuning

294 MUP Tama tepung beras ras kesaya silima-lima.

296 MUP Kenca kerina bahan E i giling halus emaka I campurken kerina tama sitik launa gelah banci i puluri jadi kuning galangna biasana asa guli.

298 MUP Kenca dung ipuluri emaka ijemur ibas las matawari

300 MUP Kenca kerah kerina emaka ikemas ibas kantong –kantong plastik kitik.

302 MUP Untuk makesa buat dua entahpe telu kuning tama sitik lau gelah ia

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA lunak emaka i olesken ibas daerah si ermasalah.

304 HS S: Lit nge tabasna erban tambar penggel E?

306 MUP J: Mulai sanga kita mulai pepulung herbal I bas kerangen.

308 MUP Kenca bahan pulung kerina emaka proses erbahan tambar mulai salu mbaca: Bismillahirhamanirrahim.

310 MUP Enda enggo pulung kerina ramuan-ramuan tambar penggel E Nini

312 MUP Sampatindu aku gelah manjur tambar enda ula sampe peninggaren enda tunggul

314 HS Kai si la banci lang bas nambari tulan penggel E?

316 Curu-curu; perban; minak pengalun; ras tawar

318 MUP Turi-turin pertawar penggel in Taneh Karo

320 MUP Bas kearifan budaya Karo lit sada nacam perik istimewa gelarna Kuruk Benga.

322 MUP Kuruk Benga enda takalna mbiring tupana, sayapna megara rupana janah ikurna mbiring rupana.

324 MUP Adi erbahan asarna Kurukbenga enda la bali ras perik-perik sideban.

326 MUP Kuruk Benga enda cinep bas taneh i semak-semak kira-kira 50 meter jarakna bas asaena nari.

328 MUP Enca cinep emaka ia erdalan ia bobo taneh lewat semak-semak menuju asarna.

330 MUP Asarna pe la seri ras asar perik se deban

332 MUP Contohna adi lit api ibas semak-semak, kerina meseng kecuali asar kuruk benga ndai ngenca utuh la meseng.

334 MUP ―Turiturin Guru Pertawar Penggel ras Kuruk Benga‖

336 MUP Nai, sada kalak Guru Pertawar Penggel memperdateken cara-cara Kuruk Benga njaga anakna si penggel tulan nahena.

338 MUP Setiap wari perik kuruk Benga E mbaba bulung si mbue macamna gelah nambari tulan anakna si penggel.

340 MUP La seh sada minggu tulan sayap si penggel E enggo madaan. Kuruk Benga enda buatina ramuen bulung-bulung kerangen


342 MUP Kenca perdateken guru pertawar penggel ndai maka ia tersungkun sungkun ugange cara perik ndai nambari adi tulan sayap anakna si penggel.

344 MUP Perban pertawar penggel enggo ietehna sunahen nambari tulan nahe, asangken nambari tulan kabeng.

346 MUP Gelah banci i pelajarina emaka harus me penggelkena tulan kabeng anak Kuruk Benga ndai.

348 MUP Mulih -ulih Kuruk Benga pe mbaba bulung bulung setiap wari ku asarna. 350 MUP Pertawar penggel pe mulai memperhatiken bulung kai si babana ku asarna, catatna kerina ngadi ngadi tulan kabeng malem

352 MUP Kabengna pe madaan kurang dari sada minggu

354 MUP Endam turi-turinna uga maka Guru Pertawar Penggel Kalak Karo i angkana kerina ramuan-ramuan bulung-bulung si ni perluken guna nambari tulan si penggel.

356 MUP Pemeteh enda i peseh bapa nari ku anak asa gundari, Jadi ise pe banci jadi Pertawar Penggel.

358 MUP Adi tandaina kerina bulung-bulung ramuan erban minak tawar penggel


362 SS Kerina bahan bahan bulung-bulung ras minak binatang i siapken lebe termasuk santan tualah ijo, 364 SS Ilasken lebe santan tualah ijo ngadi-ngadi jadi minak.

366 SS Kenca jadi minak emaka ipebergeh.

368 SS Encage tama minak E ku bas panci.

370 SS Cu ci belangana encage tama minak tualah ku belanga laskenka ngadi-ngadi luam..

372 SS Emaka sitik-sitik tama bahan bahan si enggo I sediaken kubas minak.

374 SS Pekitiki apina, tangger ngadi ngadi luam emaka mateken kompor.

376 SS Adi enggo ka luam sekali nari enggo banci mateken apina.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 378 SS Timai sampe mbergeh emaka tama minak sienggo jadi ku bas botol.

380 SS Encage kerina ampas minak si tading bas belanga i olah ka jadi kuning.

382 SS Tama kesaya si lima-lima, tepung beras gelah kental, pala ras cengkih.

384 SS Kerina I giling ngadi melumat emaka I aduk ngagi-ngadi rata,

386 SS Ipuluri asa guli galangna entah pe kitiken. E maka i jemur bas las matawari.

388 SS Bagem carana generasinta siperlebe erlajar pepulung bulung- bulung obat mujarab man tulan retak tah pe penggel.

390 SS Jadi adi tehndu ras tandaindu kerina ramuen bulung-bulung E, kam pe banci ka nge jadi Pertawar Penggel.

392 SS Labo mantra si pepalem pinakit.

394 SS Mantra fungsina gelah pasien percaya diri jadi tambah gegehna emaka pinakit lampas madaan.

396 SS Endam turi-turin Kuruk Benga ras Pertawar Penggel kalak Karo. Bujur! Mejuah-juah!

AG= Awai Gurusinga

KT= Kornelius Tarigan

HG=Herlina bru Ginting

Meriah Ukur P. Kacinambun

Edi Suranta S. Meilala

Syahidin Sembiring

HS= Herlina Surbakti





1 K Mejuah juah!

BI Selmat Pagi!

3 K Mejuah-juah, mari kubasken.

BI Mujur-mujur saja, silakan masuk!

5 K Bujur.

BI Terima kasih!

7 K Kundulken, kundulken.

BI Silakan duduk!

9 K Aku br Surbakti, bere-bere Ginting Suka aku.

BI Saya beru/anak Surbakti. Ibu saya beru Ginting Suka

11 K Gelarku Herlina.

BI Nama saya adalah Herlina

13 K Aku Gurusinga mergaku. Bere-bere…aku. Gelarku Awai.

BI Marga saya Gurusinga dan ibu saya beru … Nama saya adalah Awai.

15 K Adi bage er turang kita.

BI .Jadi kita bersaudara

17 K Kakandu aku sebab aku tuan

BI Kam panggil kakak pada saya sebab saya lebih tua.

19 K Aku mahasiswa S 3 USU, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, bagian Interpretasi ras Penerjemahen, Jurusen Linguistik.

BI Saya adalah mahasiswa S3, USU, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, bagian interpretasi dan Penerjemahan Jurusan Linguistik.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 21 K Maksud kerehenku enda gelah banci kam ku wawancrai mengenai nambari tulan penggel cara tradisi Karo.

BI Maksud kedatangan saya adalah mewawancarai kam mengenai penyembuhan patah tulang tradisi Karo

23 K Turikendu sitik uga mbarenda makana kam banci jadi guru pertawar penggel?

BI Tolong ceritakan bagaimana Anda bisa menjadi ―guru pertawar penggel‖?

25 K E enggo faktor keturunen.

BI Itu sudah faktor keturunan.

27 K Adi nambari tulan penggel kai langkah-langkahna sampai malem?

BI Untuk megobati patah tulang, apa langkah-langkah yang di ambil sampai pulih.

29 K Tang-tangna kuperiksa lebe kondisi tulan si penggel E.

BI Pertama saya periksa dulu kondisi tulang yang patah.

31 K Encage tulan si penggel E itarik gelah mulihken ku posisi tang-tangna,

BI Lalu tulang yang patah itu ditarik untuk dikembalikan ke posisi semula.

33 K Emaka iolesken minak, sope ibaluti salu perban.

BI Kemudian dioleskan minyak sebalum dibalut dengan perban.

35 K Emaka ipasang curu-curu papan entahpe buluh.

BI Lalu dipasang penyangga papan atau bambu.

37 K Emaka isiram salu minak pengalun sekali nari.

BI Lalu disiram dengan minyak pengalun sekali lagi.

39 K Kenca piga-piga wari iolesken ka kuning bas bagin si megusgus,

BI Sesudah beberapa hari, dioleskan kuning pada daerah yang memar.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 41 K Encage ibereken ka tawar ipanna gelah meter pergegeh tulan.

BI Lalu diberikan pula tawar dimakan pasien untuk mempercepat penguatan tulang.

43 K Kam ngei erbansa Minak, tawar ras kuning E?

BI Andakah yang membuat minyak, tawar dan kuning itu?

K Kaka sidiberu si erban tambar E kerina.

BI Kakak perempuan yang membuat obat-obatan ini semua.

47 K Ramun kai saja iprosesndu jadi minak pengalun, tawar ras kuning?

BI Ramuan apa saja yang anda proses menjadi minyak pengalun, tawar dan kuning?

49 K Mbue macam-macamna.

BI Banyak ragamnya,

51 K Termasuk serabut serabut urat erbage-bage palem ras buluh, minak tualah ijo, bulung-bulung kerangen ah, kesaya- kesaya, ras tabeh-tabeh binatang

BI Termasuk serabut-serbut akar bermacam-macam palem dan bambu, minyak kelapa hijau, herbal dari hutan hujan Sumatra, bumbu dapur dan lemak binatang-binatang.

. K Hasil wawancara ras dua kalak ahli herbal, pasangen dilakina ras diberuna I Pancur Batu nari

53 BI Hasil wawancara dengan dua orang herbalists, pasangan suami dan istri dari Pancur Batu

55 K Endam ramuan-ramuan erban Minak Pengalun, Tawar ras Kuning.

BI Berikut ini adalah ramuan-ramuan untuk membuat Minyak Pengalun, Tawar dan Kuning.

57 K Pegaga lgunaken man obat kulit, ganggun syaraf ras pehuli peredaren dareh,

BI Pegagan digunakan untuk obat kulit, gangguan saraf dan memperbaiki peredaran darah.




61 K Kaciwer enda sifatna rendah hati, seri ras pergeluhna, La jurgak I erguna man jelma sienterem.

BI Kencur ini tanaman yang rendah hati, mirip dengan kehidupannya yang tidak angkuh dan berfaedah untuk orang banyak.

63 K Bas kerina pulungen tawar pergeluhna rusur jadi kuan-kuan si ertina uga pe la tengteng

BI Didalam ramuan obat-obatan Karo, kehidupan kencur selalu menjadi pepatah yang berarti apapun tindakannya selalu tidak pas.

65 K Adi udan wari ia erkubang-kubang tapi adi las wari ia rabu- abu.

BI Kalau hari hujan ia berlumpur tapi kalau hari panas ia berdebu.




69 K Kalak Karo ras kalak Melayu enggo ndekah nggeluh berdampingan. E maka mbue kata-kata cakap karo seri ras cakap melayu. Contohna : Saluar seri ras bahasa Malaysia Seluar ertina celana ibas bahasa melayu/Malaysia..

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA BI Orang Karo sudah lama hidup berdampingan dengan orang melayu. Jadi banyak kata –kata didalam bahasa Melayu yang sama dengan bahasa melayu. Contohnya: saluar pada bahasa Karo dan seluar pada bahasa melayu/Malaysia

71 K I bahan gelarna Serai wangi perban aromana merim.

BI Namanya di buat seraiwangi oleh karena aromanya wangi.



75 K Sitelu bulung termasuk tumbuhen si bulungna lit telu lambar bas sada tangkai.

BI Sitelu bulung adalah tumbuhan yang daunnya ada tiga helai dalam satu tangkai.

77 K Emaka I bahan kalak karo gelarna si telu bulung.

BI Jadi orang Karo menamakannya si telu bulung yang artinya adalah si tiga daun.

78 K Emaka I bahan kalak karo gelarna si telu bulung.

K This is why the Karonese call it "si telu bulung" which means "the three leaves."

79 K PIA,


81 K Pia ertina menipes, rupana Megara Kulita menipes erlapis- lapis emaka gelarna pia ban kalak Karo.

BI Pia berarti tipis, warna merah dan kulitnya tipis berlapis-

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA lapis. Itulah sebabnya orang Karo menamakannya Pia.



85 K I gelari lasuna erkiteken sada tapi la ia tonggal, sada ngkibul tapi bas gulatna banci seh sepuluh.

BI Dinamakan Lasuna karena ia satu tetapi ia tidak tunggal, satu buah tetapi siungnya bisa mencapai sepuluh.



89 K Sendep-sendep ibahan kalak Karo gelarna perban perturahnya erngawan-ngawan si sambung sambungen.

BI SENDEP-SENDEP ADALAH NAMA YANG DIBERIKAN ORANG Karo kepada Paku ekor Kuda karena dalam pertumbuhannya. Ia tumbuh seruas demi seruas. Ruas didalam bahasa Karo adalah Sendep.



93 K Binara ibahan kalak Karo gelarna perban bungana mbentar melala, adi kena las matwari rupana erbinar. E maka bana

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA kalak Karo gelarna BINARA. Erbinar ertina ersinar,

BI Orang karo menamakannya BINARA oleh karena bunganya yang kecil-kecil berwarna putih kalau kena sinar matahari akan berkilau. Berkilau sama dengan erBINAR,



97 K Kalak Karo gumis kucing banna gelarna sebabna bentuk mahkota bungana mirip ras gumis kucing

BI Orang Karo menamakannya gumis kucing karena bentuk mahkota bunganya mirip dengan Kumis Kucing.



101 K I ban kalak Karo gelarna tabu tabu erkiteken bulungna ras bijina iban jadi tambar kalak tabun.

BI Orang karo menyebutnya Tabu-tabu oleh karena daun dan bijinya digunakan sebagai obat ayan.

103 K Ramun si la dat terjemahennan si melalana emkap kapal- kapal si turah bas batang kayu galang ibas kerangen tua.

BI Ramuan yang padananya tidak ditemukan. kebanyakan tumbuhan kapal-kapal pada pohon-pohon besar yang ada di hutan hujan.



106 K Kapal-Kapal Garantula' turah i bas batang kayu galang ikerangen tua iteruh deleng.

BI Benalu Garantula tumbuh pada pohon-pohon besar di hutan hujan dilereng gunung..

108 K Simbelah bulungna megara, simbelah nari meratah.

BI Sebelah daunnya berwarna merah dan sebelah lagi berwarna hijau

110 K Bulungna banci jadi ramuan erbahan kuning, minak herbal, tambar sesak, kanker, tambar latih biasana isemburken ku bagin daging si mesui

BI Daunnya bisa digunakan sebagai salah satu ramuan param. Minyak herbal, obat sesak, kanker dan kelelahan biasanya disemburkan pada bagian badan yang sakit.

112 K Kapal-kapal enda turah ibas setiap bagin batang kayu galang.

BI Benalu ini tumbuh pada setiap bagian pohon kayu besar.


115 K 'Kalincayo' enda tumbuhen perdu turah i kerangen tua iteruh deleng.

BI Kalincayo' adalah tanaman perdu yang tumbuh pada hutan hujan dingin di kaki gunung.

117 K Gedangna kira-kira sada setengah meter

BI Tingginya kira-kira satu setengah meter.

119 K Gedang bulungna kira-kira 8 cm, belangna seh 4 cm.

BI Panjang daunnya kira-kira 8 cm, lebarnya mencapai 4 cm.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 121 K Kenca seh gedangna sada meter, perturahna pe mole

BI Setelah tingginya satu meter, tumbuhnya pun merunduk

123 K Bulungna banci i ban jadi ramuen 'Oukup', kuning, minak alun man tambar tersiher, tulan regat entah pe penggel

BI Daunnya bisa di buat menjadi ramuan 'Oukup' (Mandi Uap Karo), minyak untuk mengobati terkilir, retak dan patah tulang.


126 K Dua Ngawan/Tawar Terunggu, em kap kapal-kapal si turah i deher urat kayu, biasana surindan dua ngawan enda i jumpai i kerangen tua erkiteken kayu galang I kerangen tua.

BI Dua Ngawan/Tawar Terunggu adalah tumbuhan parasit yang tumbuh pada bagian bawah/dekat ke akar pohon-pohon besar dihutan hujan.

128 K Bulungna banci I gunaken jadi ramuen erbahan 'kuning' ras minak pengalun

BI Daunnya dapat digunakan sebagai ramuan untuk membuat, 'kuning' dan minyak herbal.


131 K Kapal-kapal Cuping Kera emkap tanamen si numpang turah bas batang kayu galang ibas kerangen si mbergeh.

BI Benalu Cuping Kera adalah benalu yang tumbuh di pohon- pohon besar ditengan hutan hujan dingin.

133 K Bulungna banci I gunaken jadi salah sada ramun erban

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA kuning ras minak pengalun.

BI Daunnya dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu ramuan untuk, 'kuning' dan minyak herbal Karo.


136 K Kapal-kapal Kayu Idup turah bas batang kayu galang ibas kerangen tua I teruh deleng.

BI Benalu Kayu Idup tumbuh pada pohon besar didaerah hutan hujan dilereng gunung.


139 K Surat Dibata gara, biasana turah langsung bobo taneh ibas kerangen si mbergeh.

BI "Surat dibata Gara" biasanya tumbuh langsung diatas tanah dihutan hujan dingin.

141 K Seri ras Surat Dibata Ratah, gedang bulungna she kira-kira 8cm, belangna she kira-kira 5cm.

BI Sama dengan tanaman Surat dibata Ijo, panjang daunnya bisa mencapai 8cm dan lebarnya mencapai 5 cm.

143 K Urat bulungna, bas pangkalna nari she ku pucukna kerina jelas ras pinter.

BI Urat daun, dari pangkal sampai ke ujung semua jelas dan lurus.

145 K Tapi serat si kusamping la teratur

BI Tetapi, serat yang kesamping tidak teratur

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 147 K Kearifan lokal suku Karo ibas pengobaten tradisionil , bulung Surat Dibata igunaken jadi tambar inemen nambari pinakit arah bas, bahan erban kuning, minak pengalun nambari tersiher, tulan si retak ras penggel

BI Kearifan Lokal suku Karo, dalam pengobatan tradisional Karo, daun "Surat dibata" digunakan sebagai obat minum untuk menyembuhkan setiap luka dalam, membuat patam dan minyak, untuk menyembuhkan keseleo, retak dan patah tulang

149 K Banci ka I ban man peridin buang sial

BI Di yakini dapat digunakan sebagai ramuan mandi untuk membersihkan tubuh dan untuk mandi buang sial.


152 K Surat Dibata ratah, biasana turah leket bas batu-batu galang ras batu terjal ibas kerangen daerah mbergeh.

BI "Surat dibata ratah" biasanya tumbuh menempel pada batu atau tebing curam, di dalam hutan hujan dingin.

154 K Gedang bulungna seh kira-kira 6 cm, belangna she kira-kira 4cm

BI Panjang daunnya mencapai sekitar 6 cm, dan lebar sekitar kira-kira 4 cm

156 K Urat bulungna bas pangkalna nari seh ku pucukna kerina jelas ras pinter.

BI Urat daunnya, dari pangkal sampai ke pucuknya semua jelas dan lurus.

158 K Tapi urat-urat si ku samping la teratur.

BI Tetapi, urat-urat yang ke samping tidak teratur.

160 K Ibas kearifan lokal kalak Karo, ibas pengobaten tradisionil tulan penggel, bulung Surat Dibata igunaken jadi tambar


BI Dalam Kearifan Lokal masyarakat Karo, dalam pengobatan tradisional patah tulang, daun "Surat Dibata" digunakan sebagai obat minum.

162 K Gunana gelah nambari kerina luka, erban kuning, minak pengalun gelah nambari tersiher, tulan retak ras tulan penggel.

BI Gunanya untuk menyembuhkan semua luka, membuat kuning, minyak herbal Karo, untuk menyembuhkan keseleo, retak dan patah tulang.


165 K Si Jergal em kap tanamn lumut ia biasana turah i bas tebing- tebing bas kerangen, i pakai erban Kuning ras minak nambari patah tulan enda turah i bas kerangen berhawa dingin Ia turah i bagin dasar hutan hujan

BI Si Jergal merupakan jenis lumut yang biasanya tumbuh pada tebing, digunakan untuk membuat Kuning dan minyak untuk menyembuhkan patah tulang, dan tanaman ini

Tumbuh di hutan hujan dingin


168 K Tumbuhen enda jenis kapal-kapal turah bas batang kayu galang atau bas uratna entahpe bas batangna

BI Tumbuhan ini adalah jenis kapal-kapal yang tumbuh pada akar pohon pohon yang tinggi

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 170 K Biasana tawar paliten enda turah bas kerangen tua I daerah deleng melas entahpe mbergeh

BI Biasanya tawar paliten ini tumbuh pada hutan hujan di daerah pegunungan panas atau dingin

172 K Bulung tawar paliten enda biasana I ban jadi ramuen kuning ras minak guna nambari tersiher, retak ras tulan penggel

BI Daun tawar paliten ini biasanya dijadikan ramuan membuat kuning dan minyak untuk menyembuhkan keseleo, retak dan patah tulang


175 K Tanamen njoler belo kerangen asalna Indonesia

BI Tanaman sirih liar menjalar berasal dari Indonesia

177 K Tumbuhen enda tumbuhen waren banci nggarang seh 15 m kudatas.

BI Tumbuhan ini tumbuhan rambat bisa merambat hingga 15 meter keatas.

179 K Batangna coklat meratah-ratah, bentuk bulungna bagi pusuh telap ujungna.

BI Batangnya berwarna coklat kehijauan dengan daun berbentuk hati runcing ujungnya.

181 K Belo kerangen enda turah i daerah las ras mbergeh

BI Sirih hutan ini dapat tumbuh di daerah panas dan dingin

183 K Biasana ia turah tertandei ku batang kayu

BI Biasanya ia tumbuh bersandar di pohon kayu,



186 K Tanemen enda njoler idatas batang kayu galang.

BI Tumbuhan ini merambat diatas pohon kayu besar.

188 K Turah bas kerangen tua berhawa mbergeh. (Sibolangit.Sibayak)

BI Tumbuh di hutan hujan berhawa dingin. (Sibolangit/Sibayak)

190 K Kapal-kapal enda banci I jadiken ramuun minak pengalun, inemmen, entah pe kuning.

BI Kapal-kapal ini dapat dijadikan sebagai ramuan minyak herbal Karo, minuman, param maupun kuning

192 K Tanamen enda banci ka nambari kerina pinakit dalam.

BI Tumbuhan ini dapat menyembuhkan segala penyakit dalam.


195 K Kapal-kapal Jantung, turah sebagai parasite I datas batang kayu galang I daerah kerangen Leuser.

BI Benalu Jantung, Tumbuh di daerah lauser, sebagai tanaman parasite pada pohon besar, di daerah hutan lindung Leuser.

197 K Bulungna turah er lapis-lapis seperti jantung pisang tapi kapal-kapal enda bentukna kibul bagi kol.

BI Daunnya tumbuh ber lapis-lapis seperti jantung pisang tetapi bentuknya mirip kol.

199 K Mbue gunana. Banci nambari ermacam-macam pinakit dalam.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA BI Banyak manfaatnya. Bisa mengobati bermacam-macam penyakit dalam,

201 K Banci jadi ramuan minak pengalun, inemmen tambar ras kuning.

BI Dapat dijadikan ramuan minyak herbal, minuman obat dan kuning.


204 K Kapal-kapal tawar aji turah sebagai parasit, turah njoler idatas batang kayu galang.

BI Kapal-kapal tawar aji tumbuh sebagai parasite, merambat pada batang pohon besar.

206 K Bulungna igunakan sebagai ramuan erban minak alun, kuning ras inemen.

BI Daunnya dapat digunakan untuk menjadi bahan minyak pengalun, param dan minuman


209 K Kapal-kapal tawar ipuh turah leket bas batang kayu galang I daerah deleng.

BI Kapal-kapal tawar ipuh tumbuh lengketb pada batang kayu besar dipegunungan.

211 K Kapal-kapal tawar ipuh enda banci jadi ramuan minak pengalun, kuning seri ras kapal-kapal sideban.

BI Tumbuhan jenis parasit ini biasa digunakan untuk membuat

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA minyak, param dan kuning seperti tumbuhan parasit lainya.


214 K Lancing kerangen turah bas taneh kerangen berhawa mbergeh.

BI Lancing Kerangen tumbuh pada dasar hutan hujan yang dingin

216 K Lancing kerangen enda banci turah lebih dari sada meter gedangna

BI Lancing kerangen ini bisa tumbuh lebih dari satu meter tingginya,

218 K Gedang bulungna seh 6cm, belangna seh 4 cm

BI Daunya bisa mencapai 6cm panjangnya, dan lebarnya 4cm.

220 K Iban jadi salah sada ramuan erban kuning ras minak pengalun tambar tulan penggel.

BI Digunakan menjadi salah satu ramuan membuat kuning dan minyak herbal karo untuk patah tulang.


223 K Pucuk ring-ring enda turah ibas kerangen berhawa mbergeh, banci i gunaken jadi obat inemen untuk nambari luka dalam, kuning ras minak nambari tulan penggel

BI Pucuk ring-ring tumbuh di daerah hutan hujan yang sejuk,

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA tumbuhan ini biasa digunakan untuk obat minum untuk mengobati luka dalam, membuat kuning, dan untuk membuat minyak mengobati tulang yang retak dan patah.


226 K Siang-siang turah itepi kerangen, gedang batangna lebih kurang sada meter ganjangna, rupana bungana merah jambu. Ganjang batangna lebih kurang sada meter.

BI Siang-Siang adalah tanaman perdu tumbuh didaerah hutan hujan yang berudara sejuk atau dingin, bunganya berwana merah jambu, tinggi pohonya lebih kurang satu meter

228 K Bas pengobaten tradisi Karo, bulung siang-siang I ban jadi ramuan kuning ras minak nambari memar, tersiher, retak ras tulan penggel

BI Pada pengobatan tradisi Karo, daun siang siang dibuat untuk ramuan kuning dan minyak untuk menyembuhkan memar, terkilir, retak dan pada tulang


231 K Waren gegeh turah bas dasar hutan hujan, tanamen enda njoler turah bas kerangen berhawa sejuk.

BI Waren Gegeh adalah sejenis tumbuhan yang merambat yang dapat ditemukan di dalam hutan hujan sejuk

233 K I bas pengobatan tradisional karo, waren gegeh biasana iban jadi obat inemen, minyak pengalun ras kuning nambari

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA memar retak ras patah tulan

BI Didalam pengobatan tradisi Karo, Waren Gegeh biasa digunakan untuk membuat minuman obat, membuat minyak dan kuning untuk mengobati patah tulang


236 K 'Minak Pengalun' I bahan bas urat-urat ras bulung-bulung kerangen tambar , tabeh-tabeh nipai, leibo, kambing bajar, ras kuda

BI 'Minyak Herbal Karo 'yang dibuat buat dari berbagai-bagai akar dan daun-daun obat dari hutan hujan, lemak ular, kura- kura, kambing jantan dan kuda


239 K Ikan-ikan Enda tanamen herbal, Biasana turah I daerah kerangen si er hawa mbergeh.

BI Ikan-ikan ini termasuk tumbuhan perdu, biasanya tumbuh di daerah yang dingin.

241 K Bulungna banci I jadiken jadi tambar gatel-gatel, minak alun entahpe peridiin

BI Daunnya bisa digunakan untuk obat gatal gatal, dapat dijadikan minyak herbal karo dan ramuan air mandi.



244 K Kapal kapal siligen negri turah njoler das batang kayu galang I kerangen tua.

BI Kapal kapal siligen negri ini termasuk tumbuhan benalu yang menjalar pada batang pohon besar di daerah hutan hujan.

246 K Biasana I jumpai I daerah mbergeh daerah Sibolangit ras deleng Sibayak.

BI Biasanya hanya dapat ditemukan pada daerah yang dingin daerah sibolangit dan gunung sibayak.

248 K I ban jadi salah sada bahan erban minak pengalun, kuning ras inemmen tambar.

BI Digunakan untuk ramuan membuat minyak herbal Karo, param atau kuning dan minuman obat.


251 K pera-pera enda turah I daerah kerangen si mbergeh hawana.

BI pera-pera tumbuh di daerah hutan hujan yang dingin

253 K I gunaken jadi ramuen erbahan minak alun, kuning ras jadi inemen nambari pinakit dalam.

BI Tanaman ini di gunakan sebagai ramuan untuk membuat minyak obat, kuning/param. Juga sangat baik untuk mengobati penyakit dalam.



256 K Peldang Dilah Hantu hara enda turah lekket bas batang kayu I daerah pegunungan.

BI Peldang Dilah Hantu hara menempel pada batang pohon, tumbuhan ini biasa tumbuh pada daerah pegunungan yang dingin.

258 K Bulungna banci I ban jadi ramuan erban minak pengalun, menjadi ramuan mandi erpangir ras erban kuning.

BI Daunya dapat digunakan untuk membuat minyak herbal Karo, mandian pangir dan param atau kuning.

260 K La ndekah kenca aku ernipi ndai reh pasienku si tang-tangna

BI Tidak lama setelah saya bermimpi itu datanglah pasien saya yang pertama.

262 K aku pe langa bo teksakel aku beluh nambari

BI Saypun percaya tak percaya saya dapat menyembuhkan.

264 K Kai nge langkah-langkah nambarisa ngadi-ngadi malem?

BI Apa langkah-langkah yang harus diambil sampai sembuh?

266 K J: sipentingna lebe si pasien musti tenangken

BI Yang terpenting adalah adalah pasien harus ditenangkan.

268 K E maka tulan si penggel E kupepinter ras ku ulihken posisina ku posisi tang-tangna. BI Lalu tulang yang patah diluruskaan dan dikempalikan pada pososi semula. 270 K Kenca mulihken ku inganna mis kutama kapasna si enggo celupken ku minak pengalun BI Sesudah kembali pada tempatnya, lansung saya tempeli dengan kapas yang sudah dicelupkan kedalam minyak pengalun.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 272 K Emaka ku perban salu perban elastic

BI Kemudian saya perban dengan perban elastis.

274 K Kenca i perban emaka ipasang curu-curuna gelah tulan E lanai ergeser. BI Sesudah di perban maka penyaganya pun dipasang supaya tulang tidak bergeser lagi. 276 K encage i siram salu lau kompres si enggo i sediaken

BI Kemudian di siram dengan air kompres yang sudah disediakan. 278 K Kenca sada bulan, curu-curuna enggo banci i tang tangi.

BI Sesudah satu bulan lamanya maka penyangga sudah bias dibuka. 280 K Tulan si penggel ndai enggo mulihi normal kondisina kenca telu bulan.

BI Tulang yang patah sudah kembali normal kondisinya setelah tiga bulan.

282 K S: Uga carana erban minak pengalun E?

BI T: Bagaimana caranya untuk membuat minak herbal Karo?

284 K Kerina ramuan-ramuan ndai i pepulung lebe.

BI Semua ramuan-ramuan diperlukan dikumpulkan terlebih dahulu,

286 K Emaka tangger santan kelapa ijo.

BI Panaskan santan kelapa hijau.

288 K Kenca enggo i tangger erjam-jam tading minak arah das ampasna arah teruh leket ku belanga.

BI Setelah dimasak selama berjam-jam sehingga minyak berada di permuaan dan ampasnya berada menempel pada kuali.

290 K Jadi sope denga I botolken pebergeh ka lebe.

BI Jadi sebelum di masukkan ke dalam botol didinginkan terlebih dahulu.

292 K Adi ampasna E jadi ramuan utuk erban kuning

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA BI Ampasnya di jadikan bahan untuk mebuat param.

294 K Tama tepung beras ras kesaya silima-lima.

BI Ditambah tepung beras dan bahan lainnya seperti: lada, kencur, bawang putih bawang merah dan

296 K Kenca kerina bahan E i giling halus emaka I campurken kerina tama sitik launa gelah banci i puluri jadi kuning galangna biasana asa guli.

BI Sesudah semua bahan digiling halus maka semua dicampur ditambah sedikit air sehingga adonan bias dibulat-bulati menjadi kuning yang biasanya sebesar kelereng.

298 K Kenca dung ipuluri emaka ijemur ibas las matawari

BI Sesudah selesai di bulat-bulati maka di jemur dibawah terik matahari.

300 K Kenca kerah kerina emaka ikemas ibas kantong –kantong plastik kitik.

BI Sesudah kering semua maka kuning itu dikemas didalam kantong-kantong plastik kecil.

302 K Untuk makesa buat dua entahpe telu kuning tama sitik lau gelah ia lunak emaka i olesken ibas daerah si ermasalah.

BI Menggunakanya cukup diambil dua ataupun tiga “kuning” ditaruh air secukupnya supaya lunak, lalu di usapkan/oleskan pada bagian yang sakit.

304 K S: Lit nge tabasna erban tambar penggel E?

BI T: Adakah manteranya dalam membuat obat retak atau patah tulang? 306 K J: Mulai sanga kita mulai pepulung herbal I bas kerangen.

BI Mulai dari ketika mulai mengumpulkan herbal di hutan.

308 K Kenca bahan pulung kerina emaka proses erbahan tambar mulai salu mbaca: Bismillahirhamanirrahim.

BI Sesudah bahan terkumpul semua. Proses pembuatan minyak di mulai dengan mengucapkan Bismillahirahmanirrahim

310 K Enda enggo pulung kerina ramuan-ramuan tambar penggel E


BI Ini semua ramuan obat patah tulang sudah terkumpul, Nini.

312 K Sampatindu aku gelah manjur tambar enda ula sampe peninggaren enda tunggul

BI Tolonglah saya supaya obat ini menjadi obat yang manjur jangan sampai saya gagal.

314 K Kai alat alat si la banci lang bas nambari tulan penggel E?

BI Apakah alat alat yang diperlukan untuk mengobati patah tulang?

316 K Turi-turin pertawar penggel in Taneh Karo

BI Legenda Guru Pertawar Penggel di Tanah Karo

318 K Bas kearifan budaya Karo lit sada nacam perik istimewa gelarna Kuruk Benga.

BI Dalam Kearifan Lokal budaya Karo, ada sejenis burung yang special bernama Kuruk Benga.

320 K Kuruk Benga enda takalna mbiring tupana, sayapna megara rupana janah ikurna mbiring rupana.

BI Burung but-but ini kepalanya berwarna hitam, sayapnya berwarna maroon dan ekornya berwarna hitam.

322 K Adi erbahan asarna Kurukbenga enda la bali ras perik-perik sideban.

BI Dalam membuat sarang burung but-but ini berbeda dengan burug-burung lain.

324 K Kuruk Benga enda cinep bas taneh i semak-semak kira-kira 50 meter jarakna bas asaena nari.

BI Burung but-but ini hinggap di atas tanah di semak-semak kira-kira 50 meter jaraknya dari sarangnya.

326 K Enca cinep emaka ia erdalan ia bobo taneh lewat semek- semak menuju asarna.

BI Sesudah hinggap ia akan berjalan diatas tanah di semak- semak, menuju sarangnya.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 328 K Asarna pe la seri ras asar perik se deban

BI Sarangnya juga istimewa

330 K Contohna adi lit api ibas semak-semak, kerina meseng kecuali asar kuruk benga ndai ngenca utuh la meseng.

BI Misalnya apabila ada kebakaran di sekitar sarang, semuanya terbakar kecuali sarang burung but-but .

332 K ―Turiturin Guru Pertawar Penggel ras Kuruk Benga‖

BI ―Cerita Guru Pertawar Penggel dan Burung But-but‖

334 K Nai, sada kalak Guru Pertawar Penggel memperdateken cara-cara Kuruk Benga njaga anakna si penggel tulan nahena.

BI Pada zaman dahulu kala, seorang pertawar penggel memperhatikan cara burung But-but merawat anaknya yang menderita patah tulang kaki.

336 K Setiap wari perik kuruk Benga E mbaba bulung si mbue macamna gelah nambari tulan anakna si penggel.

BI Setiap hari burung But-but itu membawa bermacam-macam daun-daunan untuk mengobati tulang anaknya yang patah.

338 K La seh sada minggu tulan sayap si penggel E enggo madaan. Kuruk Benga enda buatina ramuen bulung-bulung kerangen nambari anakna.

BI Tidak sampai satu minggu tulang sayap anaknya yang patah sembuh. Burung but-but ini mengambil herbal dari hutan hujan untuk menyembuhkan anaknya.

340 K Kenca perdateken guru pertawar penggel ndai maka ia tersungkun sungkun ugange cara perik ndai nambari adi tulan sayap anakna si penggel.

BI Setelah observasi ini Guru Pertawar Penggel menjadi ingin tahu bagaimana burung itu menyembuhkan kalau yang patah adalah sayapnya.

342 K Perban pertawar penggel enggo ietehna sunahen nambari tulan nahe, asangken nambari tulan kabeng.

BI Karena pertawar penggel mengetahui bahwa lebih sulit

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA menyembuhkan tulang sayap dari pada tulang kaki.

344 K Gelah banci i pelajarina emaka harus me penggelkena tulan kabeng anak Kuruk Benga ndai.

BI Agar bisa belajar dari burung But-but maka Guru Pertawar penggel mematahkan sayap anak burung itu.

346 K Mulih -ulih Kuruk Benga pe mbaba bulung bulung setiap wari ku asarna. BI Lagi-lagi burung But-but itu mebawa daun-daun obat kedalam sarangnya. 348 K Pertawar penggel pe mulai memperhatiken bulung kai si babana ku asarna, catatna kerina ngadi ngadi tulan kabeng malem

BI Guru Pertawar Penggel pun mulai memperhatikan dan mencatat daun apa saja yang dibawanya pulang sampai sayap anak but-but itu sembuh.

350 K Kabengna pe madaan kurang dari sada minggu

BI tidak sampai seminggu sayapnya pun sembuh

352 K Endam turi-turinna uga maka Guru Pertawar Penggel Kalak Karo i angkana kerina ramuan-ramuan bulung-bulung si ni perluken guna nambari tulan si penggel.

BI Jadi inilah legenda bagaimana Guru Pertawar Penggel mengenal semua daun-daun herbal dari hutan hujan yang di perlukan untuk menyembuhkan patah tulang.

354 K Pemeteh enda i peseh bapa nari ku anak asa gundari, Jadi ise pe banci jadi Pertawar Penggel.

BI Pengetahuan ini kemudian disampaikan dari Bapak kepada anak dan seterusnya. Siapapun bisa menjadi Pertawar Penggel 356 K Adi tandaina kerina bulung-bulung ramuan erban minak tawar penggel

BI Apabila orang itu mengenal semua daun-daun ramuan untuk membuat minyak obat patah tulang.



UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 360 K Kerina bahan bahan bulung-bulung ras minak binatang i siapken lebe termasuk santan tualah ijo, BI Persiapkan semua bahan, daun-daun herbal dan minyak binatang termasuk juga santan kelapa ijo, 362 K Ilasken lebe santan tualah ijo ngadi-ngadi jadi minak.

BI Terlebih dahulu panaskanlah santan kelapa hijau sampai menjadi minyak.

364 K Kenca jadi minak emaka ipebergeh.

BI Sesudah menjadi minyak lalu didinginkan.

366 K Encage tama minak E ku bas panci.

BI Lalu masukkanlah minyak kedalam wadah.

368 K Cu ci belangana encage tama minak tualah ku belanga laskenka ngadi-ngadi luam..

BI Cuci kuali lalu minyak kelapa dimasukkan kedalam kuali lalu di panaskan lagi sampai mendidih.

370 K Emaka sitik-sitik tama bahan bahan si enggo I sediaken kubas minak.

BI Lalu sedikit demi sedikit bahan yang sudah disediakan dimasukkan kedalam minyak

372 K Pekitiki apina, tangger ngadi ngadi luam emaka mateken kompor.

BI Api dikecilkan, panaskan sampai mendidih lalu kompor dimatikan.

374 K Adi enggo ka luam sekali nari enggo banci mateken apina.

BI Kalu sudah medidih sekali lagi maka api dapat di matikan.

376 K Timai sampe mbergeh emaka tama minak sienggo jadi ku bas botol.

BI Tunggu sampai dingin lalu minyak dimasukkan kedalam botol.

378 K Encage kerina ampas minak si tading bas belanga i olah ka jadi kuning.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA BI Sesudah itu semua ampas minyak yang tertinggal dalam kwali diolah menjadi kuning.

380 K Tama kesaya si lima-lima, tepung beras gelah kental, pala ras cengkih.

BI Ditambah tepung beras untuk membuat kental, lada, bawang putih, bawang merah, jahe merah cengkeh.

382 K Kerina I giling ngadi melumat emaka I aduk ngagi-ngadi rata, BI Semua di giling sampai halus lalu diaduk sampai rata,

384 K Ipuluri asa guli galangna entah pe kitiken. E maka i jemur bas las matawari.

BI Di bulat-bulati sebesar guli atau lebih kecil dan di jemur dibawah terik matahari.

386 K Bagem carana generasinta siperlebe erlajar pepulung bulung- bulung obat mujarab man tulan retak tah pe penggel.

BI Beginilah caranya generasi terdahulu kita belajar mengumpulkan daun-daunan obat mujarab untuk patah maupun retak. 388 K Jadi adi tehndu ras tandaindu kerina ramuen bulung-bulung E, kam pe banci ka nge jadi Pertawar Penggel.

BI Jadi kalau anda tahu semua ramuan daun-daunan, anda juga bisa menjadi Pertawar Penggel.

390 K Labo mantra si pepalem pinakit.

BI Bukan Mantra yang menyembuhkan penyakit

392 K Mantra fungsina gelah pasien percaya diri jadi tambah gegehna emaka pinakit lampas madaan.

BI Fungsi mantra adalah agar pasien percaya diri sehingga kekuatannya bertambah dan penyakit lekas sembuh.

394 K Endam turi-turin Kuruk Benga ras Pertawar Penggel kalak Karo. Bujur! Mejuah-juah!

BI Inilah cerita tentang Burung But-But dan Pertawar Penggel Orang Karo. Terima kasih, Mejuah-juah.


1 K (ST) HS: S Mejuah juah!

BI (TT) T Selmat Pagi!

3 K (ST) AG: J Mejuah-juah, mari kubasken.

BI (TT) J Mujur-mujur saja, silakan masuk!

5 K (ST) HS: Bujur.

BI (TT) Terima kasih!

7 K (ST) AG: Kundulken, kundulken.

BI (TT) Silakan duduk!

9 K (ST) HS: Aku br Surbakti, bere-bere Ginting Suka aku.

BI (TT) Saya beru/anak Surbakti. Ibu saya beru Ginting Suka

11 K (ST) HS: Gelarku Herlina.

BI (TT) Nama saya adalah Herlina

13 K (ST) AG: Aku Gurusinga mergaku. Bere-bere…aku. Gelarku Awai.

BI (TT) Marga saya Gurusinga dan ibu saya beru … Nama saya adalah Awai.

15 K (ST) HS: Adi bage er turang kita.

BI (TT) .Jadi kita bersaudara


17 K (ST) HS: Kakandu aku sebab aku tuan

BI (TT) Kam panggil kakak pada saya sebab saya lebih tua.

19 K (ST) HS: Aku mahasiswa S 3 USU, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, bagian Interpretasi ras Penerjemahen, Jurusen Linguistik.

BI (TT) Saya adalah mahasiswa S3, USU, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, bagian interpretasi dan Penerjemahan Jurusan Linguistik.

21 K (ST) HS: Maksud kerehenku enda gelah banci kam ku wawancrai mengenai nambari tulan penggel cara tradisi Karo.

BI (TT) Maksud kedatangan saya adalah mewawancarai kam mengenai penyembuhan patah tulang tradisi Karo

23 K ST Turikendu sitik uga mbarenda makana kam banci jadi guru pertawar penggel?

BI TT1 Tolong ceritakan bagaimana Anda bisa menjadi ―guru pertawar penggel‖?

Technique Delition+pure borrowing

25 K ST E enggo faktor keturunen.

BI TT1 Itu sudah faktor keturunan.

Technique Literal+calque

27 K ST Adi nambari tulan penggel kai langkah-langkahna sampai malem?

BI TT1 Untuk megobati patah tulang, apa langkah-langkah yang

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA di ambil sampai pulih.


29 K ST Tang-tangna kuperiksa lebe kondisi tulan si penggel E.

BI TT1 Pertama saya periksa dulu kondisi tulang yang patah.

Technique Literal

31 K ST Encage tulan si penggel E itarik gelah mulihken ku posisi tang-tangna,

BI TT1 Lalu tulang yang patah itu ditarik untuk dikembalikan ke posisi semula.

Technique Literal

33 K ST Emaka iolesken minak, sope ibaluti salu perban.

BI TT1 Kemudian dioleskan minyak sebalum dibalut dengan perban.

Technique Literal

35 K ST Emaka ipasang curu-curu papan entahpe buluh.

BI TT1 Lalu dipasang penyangga papan atau bambu.

Technique Literal

37 K ST Emaka isiram salu minak pengalun sekali nari.

BI TT1 Lalu disiram dengan minyak pengalun sekali lagi.

Technique Literal

39 K ST Kenca piga-piga wari iolesken ka kuning bas bagin si megusgus,

BI TT1 Sesudah beberapa hari, dioleskan kuning pada daerah yang memar.

Technique Literal

41 K ST Encage ibereken ka tawar ipanna gelah meter pergegeh tulan.

BI TT1 Lalu diberikan pula tawar dimakan pasien untuk mempercepat penguatan tulang.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Technique Literal + pure borrowing

43 K ST Kam ngei erbansa Minak, tawar ras kuning E?

BI TT1 Andakah yang membuat minyak, tawar dan kuning itu?

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

K ST Kaka sidiberu si erban tambar E kerina.

BI TT1 Kakak perempuan yang membuat obat-obatan ini semua.

Technique Literal

47 K ST Ramun kai saja iprosesndu jadi minak pengalun, tawar ras kuning?

BI TT1 Ramuan apa saja yang anda proses menjadi minyak pengalun, tawar dan kuning?

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

49 K ST Mbue macam-macamna.

BI TT1 Banyak ragamnya,

Technique Reduction

51 K ST Termasuk serabut serabut urat erbage-bage palem ras buluh, minak tualah ijo, bulung-bulung kerangen ah, kesaya-kesaya, ras tabeh-tabeh binatang

BI TT1 Termasuk serabut-serbut akar bermacam-macam palem dan bambu, minyak kelapa hijau, herbal dari hutan hujan Sumatra, bumbu dapur dan lemak binatang-binatang.


. K ST Hasil wawancara ras dua kalak ahli herbal, pasangen dilakina ras diberuna I Pancur Batu nari

53 BI TT1 Hasil wawancara dengan dua orang herbalists, pasangan suami dan istri dari Pancur Batu

Technique Literal

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 55 K ST Endam ramuan-ramuan erban Minak Pengalun, Tawar ras Kuning.

BI TT1 Berikut ini adalah ramuan-ramuan untuk membuat Minyak Pengalun, Tawar dan Kuning.

Technique Literal + pure borrowing

57 K ST Pegaga lgunaken man obat kulit, ganggun syaraf ras pehuli peredaren dareh,

BI TT1 Pegagan digunakan untuk obat kulit, gangguan saraf dan memperbaiki peredaran darah.

Technique Literal



Technique Established equivalent

61 K ST Kaciwer enda sifatna rendah hati, seri ras pergeluhna, La jurgak I erguna man jelma sienterem.

BI TT1 Kencur ini tanaman yang rendah hati, mirip dengan kehidupannya yang tidak angkuh dan berfaedah untuk orang banyak.

Technique Literal

63 K ST Bas kerina pulungen tawar pergeluhna rusur jadi kuan- kuan si ertina uga pe la tengteng

BI TT1 Didalam ramuan obat-obatan Karo, kehidupan kencur selalu menjadi pepatah yang berarti apapun tindakannya selalu tidak pas.

Technique Addition

65 K ST Adi udan wari ia erkubang-kubang tapi adi las wari ia


BI TT1 Kalau hari hujan ia berlumpur tapi kalau hari panas ia berdebu.

Technique Literal



Technique Established equivalent


69 K ST Kalak Karo ras kalak Melayu enggo ndekah nggeluh berdampingan. E maka mbue kata-kata cakap karo seri ras cakap melayu. Contohna : Saluar seri ras bahasa Malaysia Seluar ertina celana ibas bahasa melayu/Malaysia..

BI TT1 Orang Karo sudah lama hidup berdampingan dengan orang melayu. Jadi banyak kata –kata didalam bahasa Melayu yang sama dengan bahasa melayu. Contohnya: saluar pada bahasa Karo dan seluar pada bahasa melayu/Malaysia

Technique Literal

71 K ST I bahan gelarna Serai wangi perban aromana merim.

BI TT1 Namanya di buat seraiwangi oleh karena aromanya wangi.

Technique Literal




Technique Established equivalent

75 K ST Sitelu bulung termasuk tumbuhen si bulungna lit telu lambar bas sada tangkai.

BI TT1 Sitelu bulung adalah tumbuhan yang daunnya ada tiga helai dalam satu tangkai.

Technique Literal

77 K ST Emaka I bahan kalak karo gelarna si telu bulung.

BI TT1 Jadi orang Karo menamakannya si telu bulung yang artinya adalah si tiga daun.

Technique Addition

78 K ST Emaka I bahan kalak karo gelarna si telu bulung.

K TT2 This is why the Karonese call it "si telu bulung" which means "the three leaves."

Technique Additional

79 K ST PIA,


Technique Equivalent

81 K ST Pia ertina menipes, rupana Megara Kulita menipes erlapis-lapis emaka gelarna pia ban kalak Karo.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA BI TT1 Pia berarti tipis, warna merah dan kulitnya tipis berlapis-lapis. Itulah sebabnya orang Karo menamakannya Pia.

Technique Transposition



Technique EE

85 K ST I gelari lasuna erkiteken sada tapi la ia tonggal, sada ngkibul tapi bas gulatna banci seh sepuluh.

BI TT1 Dinamakan Lasuna karena ia satu tetapi ia tidak tunggal, satu buah tetapi siungnya bisa mencapai sepuluh.

Technique Literal



Technique Eastablishe equivalence

89 K ST Sendep-sendep ibahan kalak Karo gelarna perban perturahnya erngawan-ngawan si sambung sambungen.

BI TT1 SENDEP-SENDEP ADALAH NAMA YANG DIBERIKAN ORANG Karo kepada Paku ekor Kuda karena dalam pertumbuhannya. Ia tumbuh seruas demi

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA seruas. Ruas didalam bahasa Karo adalah Sendep.

Technique Addition



Technique Established equivalence

93 K ST Binara ibahan kalak Karo gelarna perban bungana mbentar melala, adi kena las matwari rupana erbinar. E maka bana kalak Karo gelarna BINARA. Erbinar ertina ersinar,

BI TT1 Orang karo menamakannya BINARA oleh karena bunganya yang kecil-kecil berwarna putih kalau kena sinar matahari akan berkilau. Berkilau sama dengan erBINAR,

Technique Transposition + pure borrowing



Technique Established Equivalence

97 K ST Kalak Karo gumis kucing banna gelarna sebabna bentuk mahkota bungana mirip ras gumis kucing

BI TT1 Orang Karo menamakannya gumis kucing karena bentuk mahkota bunganya mirip dengan Kumis


Technique Transposition + pure borrowing.



Technique Established Equivalence

101 K ST I ban kalak Karo gelarna tabu tabu erkiteken bulungna ras bijina iban jadi tambar kalak tabun.

BI TT1 Orang karo menyebutnya Tabu-tabu oleh karena daun dan bijinya digunakan sebagai obat ayan.

Technique Transposition

103 K ST Ramun si la dat terjemahennan si melalana emkap kapal-kapal si turah bas batang kayu galang ibas kerangen tua.

BI TT1 Ramuan yang padananya tidak ditemukan. kebanyakan tumbuhan kapal-kapal pada pohon-pohon besar yang ada di hutan hujan.

Technique Transposition


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 106 K ST Kapal-Kapal Garantula' turah i bas batang kayu galang ikerangen tua iteruh deleng.

BI TT1 Benalu Garantula tumbuh pada pohon-pohon besar di hutan hujan dilereng gunung..

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

108 K ST Simbelah bulungna megara, simbelah nari meratah.

BI TT1 Sebelah daunnya berwarna merah dan sebelah lagi berwarna hijau

Technique Addition

110 K ST Bulungna banci jadi ramuan erbahan kuning, minak herbal, tambar sesak, kanker, tambar latih biasana isemburken ku bagin daging si mesui

BI TT1 Daunnya bisa digunakan sebagai salah satu ramuan param. Minyak herbal, obat sesak, kanker dan kelelahan biasanya disemburkan pada bagian badan yang sakit.

Technique Literal

112 K ST Kapal-kapal enda turah ibas setiap bagin batang kayu galang.

BI TT1 Benalu ini tumbuh pada setiap bagian pohon kayu besar.

Technique Literal


115 K ST 'Kalincayo' enda tumbuhen perdu turah i kerangen tua iteruh deleng.

BI TT1 Kalincayo' adalah tanaman perdu yang tumbuh pada hutan hujan dingin di kaki gunung.


117 K ST Gedangna kira-kira sada setengah meter

BI TT1 Tingginya kira-kira satu setengah meter.

Technique .Literal

119 K ST Gedang bulungna kira-kira 8 cm, belangna seh 4 cm.

BI TT1 Panjang daunnya kira-kira 8 cm, lebarnya mencapai 4 cm.


121 K ST Kenca seh gedangna sada meter, perturahna pe mole

BI TT1 Setelah tingginya satu meter, tumbuhnya pun merunduk

Technique Literal

123 K ST Bulungna banci i ban jadi ramuen 'Oukup', kuning, minak alun man tambar tersiher, tulan regat entah pe penggel

BI TT1 Daunnya bisa di buat menjadi ramuan 'Oukup' (Mandi Uap Karo), minyak untuk mengobati terkilir, retak dan patah tulang.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal


126 K ST Dua Ngawan/Tawar Terunggu, em kap kapal-kapal si turah i deher urat kayu, biasana surindan dua ngawan enda i jumpai i kerangen tua erkiteken kayu galang I kerangen tua.

BI TT1 Dua Ngawan/Tawar Terunggu adalah tumbuhan parasit yang tumbuh pada bagian bawah/dekat ke akar pohon-pohon besar dihutan hujan.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Technique Pure Borrowing + literal

128 K ST Bulungna banci I gunaken jadi ramuen erbahan 'kuning' ras minak pengalun

BI TT1 Daunnya dapat digunakan sebagai ramuan untuk membuat, 'kuning' dan minyak herbal.

Technique Literal


131 K ST Kapal-kapal Cuping Kera emkap tanamen si numpang turah bas batang kayu galang ibas kerangen si mbergeh.

BI TT1 Benalu Cuping Kera adalah benalu yang tumbuh di pohon-pohon besar ditengan hutan hujan dingin.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

133 K ST Bulungna banci I gunaken jadi salah sada ramun erban kuning ras minak pengalun.

BI TT1 Daunnya dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu ramuan untuk, 'kuning' dan minyak herbal Karo.

Technique Literal + pure borrowing


136 K ST Kapal-kapal Kayu Idup turah bas batang kayu galang ibas kerangen tua I teruh deleng.

BI TT1 Benalu Kayu Idup tumbuh pada pohon besar didaerah

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA hutan hujan dilereng gunung.

Technique Literal + pure borrowing


139 K ST Surat Dibata gara, biasana turah langsung bobo taneh ibas kerangen si mbergeh.

BI TT1 "Surat dibata Gara" biasanya tumbuh langsung diatas tanah dihutan hujan dingin.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

141 K ST Seri ras Surat Dibata Ratah, gedang bulungna she kira-kira 8cm, belangna she kira-kira 5cm.

BI TT1 Sama dengan tanaman Surat dibata Ijo, panjang daunnya bisa mencapai 8cm dan lebarnya mencapai 5 cm.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

143 K ST Urat bulungna, bas pangkalna nari she ku pucukna kerina jelas ras pinter.

BI TT1 Urat daun, dari pangkal sampai ke ujung semua jelas dan lurus.

Technique Literal

145 K ST Tapi serat si kusamping la teratur

BI TT1 Tetapi, serat yang kesamping tidak teratur

Technique Literal

147 K ST Kearifan lokal suku Karo ibas pengobaten tradisionil , bulung Surat Dibata igunaken jadi tambar inemen nambari pinakit arah bas, bahan erban kuning, minak pengalun nambari tersiher, tulan si retak ras penggel

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA BI TT1 Kearifan Lokal suku Karo, dalam pengobatan tradisional Karo, daun "Surat dibata" digunakan sebagai obat minum untuk menyembuhkan setiap luka dalam, membuat patam dan minyak, untuk menyembuhkan keseleo, retak dan patah tulang

Technique Literal

149 K ST Banci ka I ban man peridin buang sial

BI TT1 Di yakini dapat digunakan sebagai ramuan mandi untuk membersihkan tubuh dan untuk mandi buang sial.

Technique Amplification


152 K ST Surat Dibata ratah, biasana turah leket bas batu-batu galang ras batu terjal ibas kerangen daerah mbergeh.

BI TT1 "Surat dibata ratah" biasanya tumbuh menempel pada batu atau tebing curam, di dalam hutan hujan dingin.

Technique Literal + Pure borrowing

154 K ST Gedang bulungna seh kira-kira 6 cm, belangna she kira-kira 4cm

BI TT1 Panjang daunnya mencapai sekitar 6 cm, dan lebar sekitar kira-kira 4 cm

Technique Literal

156 K ST Urat bulungna bas pangkalna nari seh ku pucukna kerina jelas ras pinter.

BI TT1 Urat daunnya, dari pangkal sampai ke pucuknya semua jelas dan lurus.

Technique Literal

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 158 K ST Tapi urat-urat si ku samping la teratur.

BI TT1 Tetapi, urat-urat yang ke samping tidak teratur.

Technique Literal

160 K ST Ibas kearifan lokal kalak Karo, ibas pengobaten tradisionil tulan penggel, bulung Surat Dibata igunaken jadi tambar inemen.

BI TT1 Dalam Kearifan Lokal masyarakat Karo, dalam pengobatan tradisional patah tulang, daun "Surat Dibata" digunakan sebagai obat minum.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

162 K ST Gunana gelah nambari kerina luka, erban kuning, minak pengalun gelah nambari tersiher, tulan retak ras tulan penggel.

BI TT1 Gunanya untuk menyembuhkan semua luka, membuat kuning, minyak herbal Karo, untuk menyembuhkan keseleo, retak dan patah tulang.

Technique Literal + pure borrowing


165 K ST Si Jergal em kap tanamn lumut ia biasana turah i bas tebing-tebing bas kerangen, i pakai erban Kuning ras minak nambari patah tulan enda turah i bas kerangen berhawa dingin Ia turah i bagin dasar hutan hujan

BI TT1 Si Jergal merupakan jenis lumut yang biasanya tumbuh pada tebing, digunakan untuk membuat Kuning dan minyak untuk menyembuhkan patah tulang, dan tanaman ini

Tumbuh di hutan hujan dingin

Technique Literal +pure borrowing



168 K ST Tumbuhen enda jenis kapal-kapal turah bas batang kayu galang atau bas uratna entahpe bas batangna

BI TT1 Tumbuhan ini adalah jenis kapal-kapal yang tumbuh pada akar pohon pohon yang tinggi

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

170 K ST Biasana tawar paliten enda turah bas kerangen tua I daerah deleng melas entahpe mbergeh

BI TT1 Biasanya tawar paliten ini tumbuh pada hutan hujan di daerah pegunungan panas atau dingin

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

172 K ST Bulung tawar paliten enda biasana I ban jadi ramuen kuning ras minak guna nambari tersiher, retak ras tulan penggel

BI TT1 Daun tawar paliten ini biasanya dijadikan ramuan membuat kuning dan minyak untuk menyembuhkan keseleo, retak dan patah tulang

Technique Pure borrowing + literal


175 K ST Tanamen njoler belo kerangen asalna Indonesia

BI TT1 Tanaman sirih liar menjalar berasal dari Indonesia

Technique Literal

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 177 K ST Tumbuhen enda tumbuhen waren banci nggarang seh 15 m kudatas.

BI TT1 Tumbuhan ini tumbuhan rambat bisa merambat hingga 15 meter keatas.

Technique Literal

179 K ST Batangna coklat meratah-ratah, bentuk bulungna bagi pusuh telap ujungna.

BI TT1 Batangnya berwarna coklat kehijauan dengan daun berbentuk hati runcing ujungnya.

Technique Literal

181 K ST Belo kerangen enda turah i daerah las ras mbergeh

BI TT1 Sirih hutan ini dapat tumbuh di daerah panas dan dingin

Technique Literal

183 K ST Biasana ia turah tertandei ku batang kayu

BI TT1 Biasanya ia tumbuh bersandar di pohon kayu,

Technique Literal


186 K ST Tanemen enda njoler idatas batang kayu galang.

BI TT1 Tumbuhan ini merambat diatas pohon kayu besar.

Technique Literal

188 K ST Turah bas kerangen tua berhawa mbergeh. (Sibolangit.Sibayak)

BI TT1 Tumbuh di hutan hujan berhawa dingin. (Sibolangit/Sibayak)


190 K ST Kapal-kapal enda banci I jadiken ramuun minak pengalun, inemmen, entah pe kuning.

BI TT1 Kapal-kapal ini dapat dijadikan sebagai ramuan minyak herbal Karo, minuman, param maupun kuning

Technique Literal

192 K ST Tanamen enda banci ka nambari kerina pinakit dalam.

BI TT1 Tumbuhan ini dapat menyembuhkan segala penyakit dalam.

Technique Literal


195 K ST Kapal-kapal Jantung, turah sebagai parasite I datas batang kayu galang I daerah kerangen Leuser.

BI TT1 Benalu Jantung, Tumbuh di daerah lauser, sebagai tanaman parasite pada pohon besar, di daerah hutan lindung Leuser.

Technique Literal + pure borrowing

197 K ST Bulungna turah er lapis-lapis seperti jantung pisang tapi kapal-kapal enda bentukna kibul bagi kol.

BI TT1 Daunnya tumbuh ber lapis-lapis seperti jantung pisang tetapi bentuknya mirip kol.

Technique Literal

199 K ST Mbue gunana. Banci nambari ermacam-macam pinakit dalam.

BI TT1 Banyak manfaatnya. Bisa mengobati bermacam- macam penyakit dalam,


201 K ST Banci jadi ramuan minak pengalun, inemmen tambar ras kuning.

BI TT1 Dapat dijadikan ramuan minyak herbal, minuman obat dan kuning.

Technique Literal +pure borrowing


204 K ST Kapal-kapal tawar aji turah sebagai parasit, turah njoler idatas batang kayu galang.

BI TT1 Kapal-kapal tawar aji tumbuh sebagai parasite, merambat pada batang pohon besar.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

206 K ST Bulungna igunakan sebagai ramuan erban minak alun, kuning ras inemen.

BI TT1 Daunnya dapat digunakan untuk menjadi bahan minyak pengalun, param dan minuman

Technique Literal


209 K ST Kapal-kapal tawar ipuh turah leket bas batang kayu galang I daerah deleng.

BI TT1 Kapal-kapal tawar ipuh tumbuh lengketb pada batang

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA kayu besar dipegunungan.

Technique Pure borrowing +literal

211 K ST Kapal-kapal tawar ipuh enda banci jadi ramuan minak pengalun, kuning seri ras kapal-kapal sideban.

BI TT1 Tumbuhan jenis parasit ini biasa digunakan untuk membuat minyak, param dan kuning seperti tumbuhan parasit lainya.

Technique Pure borrowing + additional


214 K ST Lancing kerangen turah bas taneh kerangen berhawa mbergeh.

BI TT1 Lancing Kerangen tumbuh pada dasar hutan hujan yang dingin

Technique Literal= pure borrowing

216 K ST Lancing kerangen enda banci turah lebih dari sada meter gedangna

BI TT1 Lancing kerangen ini bisa tumbuh lebih dari satu meter tingginya,

Technique Pure borrowing =literal

218 K ST Gedang bulungna seh 6cm, belangna seh 4 cm

BI TT1 Daunya bisa mencapai 6cm panjangnya, dan lebarnya 4cm.

Technique Addition +transposition

220 K ST Iban jadi salah sada ramuan erban kuning ras minak pengalun tambar tulan penggel.

BI TT1 Digunakan menjadi salah satu ramuan membuat

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA kuning dan minyak herbal karo untuk patah tulang.

Technique Additional


223 K ST Pucuk ring-ring enda turah ibas kerangen berhawa mbergeh, banci i gunaken jadi obat inemen untuk nambari luka dalam, kuning ras minak nambari tulan penggel

BI TT1 Pucuk ring-ring tumbuh di daerah hutan hujan yang sejuk, tumbuhan ini biasa digunakan untuk obat minum untuk mengobati luka dalam, membuat kuning, dan untuk membuat minyak mengobati tulang yang retak dan patah.

Technique Additional +pure borrowing


226 K ST Siang-siang turah itepi kerangen, gedang batangna lebih kurang sada meter ganjangna, rupana bungana merah jambu. Ganjang batangna lebih kurang sada meter.

BI TT1 Siang-Siang adalah tanaman perdu tumbuh didaerah hutan hujan yang berudara sejuk atau dingin, bunganya berwana merah jambu, tinggi pohonya lebih kurang satu meter

Technique Pure borrowing + addition

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 228 K ST Bas pengobaten tradisi Karo, bulung siang-siang I ban jadi ramuan kuning ras minak nambari memar, tersiher, retak ras tulan penggel

BI TT1 Pada pengobatan tradisi Karo, daun siang siang dibuat untuk ramuan kuning dan minyak untuk menyembuhkan memar, terkilir, retak dan pada tulang

Technique Pore borrowing + literal


231 K ST Waren gegeh turah bas dasar hutan hujan, tanamen enda njoler turah bas kerangen berhawa sejuk.

BI TT1 Waren Gegeh adalah sejenis tumbuhan yang merambat yang dapat ditemukan di dalam hutan hujan sejuk

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

233 K ST I bas pengobatan tradisional karo, waren gegeh biasana iban jadi obat inemen, minyak pengalun ras kuning nambari memar retak ras patah tulan

BI TT1 Didalam pengobatan tradisi Karo, Waren Gegeh biasa digunakan untuk membuat minuman obat, membuat minyak dan kuning untuk mengobati patah tulang

Technique Pure borrowing + literal


236 K ST 'Minak Pengalun' I bahan bas urat-urat ras bulung- bulung kerangen tambar , tabeh-tabeh nipai, leibo,

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA kambing bajar, ras kuda

BI TT1 'Minyak Herbal Karo 'yang dibuat buat dari berbagai- bagai akar dan daun-daun obat dari hutan hujan, lemak ular, kura-kura, kambing jantan dan kuda

Technique Literal


239 K ST Ikan-ikan Enda tanamen herbal, Biasana turah I daerah kerangen si er hawa mbergeh.

BI TT1 Ikan-ikan ini termasuk tumbuhan perdu, biasanya tumbuh di daerah yang dingin.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

241 K ST Bulungna banci I jadiken jadi tambar gatel-gatel, minak alun entahpe peridiin

BI TT1 Daunnya bisa digunakan untuk obat gatal gatal, dapat dijadikan minyak herbal karo dan ramuan air mandi.

Technique Literal


244 K ST Kapal kapal siligen negri turah njoler das batang kayu galang I kerangen tua.

BI TT1 Kapal kapal siligen negri ini termasuk tumbuhan benalu yang menjalar pada batang pohon besar di


Technique Pure borrowing + literal

246 K ST Biasana I jumpai I daerah mbergeh daerah Sibolangit ras deleng Sibayak.

BI TT1 Biasanya hanya dapat ditemukan pada daerah yang dingin daerah sibolangit dan gunung sibayak.

Technique Literal

248 K ST I ban jadi salah sada bahan erban minak pengalun, kuning ras inemmen tambar.

BI TT1 Digunakan untuk ramuan membuat minyak herbal Karo, param atau kuning dan minuman obat.

Technique Literal


251 K ST pera-pera enda turah I daerah kerangen si mbergeh hawana.

BI TT1 pera-pera tumbuh di daerah hutan hujan yang dingin

Technique Pure bprrowing + delition

253 K ST I gunaken jadi ramuen erbahan minak alun, kuning ras jadi inemen nambari pinakit dalam.

BI TT1 Tanaman ini di gunakan sebagai ramuan untuk membuat minyak obat, kuning/param. Juga sangat baik untuk mengobati penyakit dalam.

Technique Pure borrowing + addition



256 K ST Peldang Dilah Hantu hara enda turah lekket bas batang kayu I daerah pegunungan.

BI TT1 Peldang Dilah Hantu hara menempel pada batang pohon, tumbuhan ini biasa tumbuh pada daerah pegunungan yang dingin.

Technique Pure borrowing + additional

258 K ST Bulungna banci I ban jadi ramuan erban minak pengalun, menjadi ramuan mandi erpangir ras erban kuning.

BI TT1 Daunya dapat digunakan untuk membuat minyak herbal Karo, mandian pangir dan param atau kuning.

Technique Pure borrowing

260 K ST La ndekah kenca aku ernipi ndai reh pasienku si tang- tangna

BI TT1 Tidak lama setelah saya bermimpi itu datanglah pasien saya yang pertama.

Technique Literal

262 K ST aku pe langa bo teksakel aku beluh nambari

BI TT1 Saypun percaya tak percaya saya dapat menyembuhkan.

Technique Literal

264 K ST Kai nge langkah-langkah nambarisa ngadi-ngadi malem?

BI TT1 Apa langkah-langkah yang harus diambil sampai sembuh?

Technique Literal

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 266 K ST J: sipentingna lebe si pasien musti tenangken

BI TT1 Yang terpenting adalah adalah pasien harus ditenangkan.

Technique Literal

268 K ST E maka tulan si penggel E kupepinter ras ku ulihken posisina ku posisi tang-tangna. BI TT1 Lalu tulang yang patah diluruskaan dan dikempalikan pada pososi semula. Technique Literal

270 K ST Kenca mulihken ku inganna mis kutama kapasna si enggo celupken ku minak pengalun BI TT1 Sesudah kembali pada tempatnya, lansung saya tempeli dengan kapas yang sudah dicelupkan kedalam minyak pengalun.

Technique Literal

272 K ST Emaka ku perban salu perban elastic

BI TT1 Kemudian saya perban dengan perban elastis.

Technique Literal

274 K ST Kenca i perban emaka ipasang curu-curuna gelah tulan E lanai ergeser. BI TT1 Sesudah di perban maka penyaganya pun dipasang supaya tulang tidak bergeser lagi. Technique Transposition

276 K ST encage i siram salu lau kompres si enggo i sediaken

BI TT1 Kemudian di siram dengan air kompres yang sudah disediakan. Technique Literal

278 K ST Kenca sada bulan, curu-curuna enggo banci i tang tangi. BI TT1 Sesudah satu bulan lamanya maka penyangga sudah bias dibuka. Technique Amplification

280 K ST Tulan si penggel ndai enggo mulihi normal kondisina kenca telu bulan.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA BI TT1 Tulang yang patah sudah kembali normal kondisinya setelah tiga bulan.

Technique Literal

282 K ST S: Uga carana erban minak pengalun E?

BI TT1 T: Bagaimana caranya untuk membuat minak herbal Karo?

Technique Amplification

284 K ST Kerina ramuan-ramuan ndai i pepulung lebe.

BI TT1 Semua ramuan-ramuan diperlukan dikumpulkan terlebih dahulu,

Technique Literal

286 K ST Emaka tangger santan kelapa ijo.

BI TT1 Panaskan santan kelapa hijau.

Technique Literal

288 K ST Kenca enggo i tangger erjam-jam tading minak arah das ampasna arah teruh leket ku belanga.

BI TT1 Setelah dimasak selama berjam-jam sehingga minyak berada di permuaan dan ampasnya berada menempel pada kuali.

Technique Literal

290 K ST Jadi sope denga I botolken pebergeh ka lebe.

BI TT1 Jadi sebelum di masukkan ke dalam botol didinginkan terlebih dahulu.

Technique Amplification

292 K ST Adi ampasna E jadi ramuan utuk erban kuning

BI TT1 Ampasnya di jadikan bahan untuk mebuat param.

Technique Literal

294 K ST Tama tepung beras ras kesaya silima-lima.

BI TT1 Ditambah tepung beras dan bahan lainnya seperti:

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA lada, kencur, bawang putih bawang merah dan

Technique Amplification

296 K ST Kenca kerina bahan E i giling halus emaka I campurken kerina tama sitik launa gelah banci i puluri jadi kuning galangna biasana asa guli.

BI TT1 Sesudah semua bahan digiling halus maka semua dicampur ditambah sedikit air sehingga adonan bias dibulat-bulati menjadi kuning yang biasanya sebesar kelereng.

Technique Literal

298 K ST Kenca dung ipuluri emaka ijemur ibas las matawari

BI TT1 Sesudah selesai di bulat-bulati maka di jemur dibawah terik matahari.

Technique Literal

300 K TT1 Kenca kerah kerina emaka ikemas ibas kantong – kantong plastik kitik.

BI Sesudah kering semua maka kuning itu dikemas didalam kantong-kantong plastik kecil.

Technique Amplification

302 K ST Untuk makesa buat dua entahpe telu kuning tama sitik lau gelah ia lunak emaka i olesken ibas daerah si ermasalah.

BI TT1 Menggunakanya cukup diambil dua ataupun tiga “kuning” ditaruh air secukupnya supaya lunak, lalu di usapkan/oleskan pada bagian yang sakit.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

304 K ST S: Lit nge tabasna erban tambar penggel E?

BI TT1 T: Adakah manteranya dalam membuat obat retak atau patah tulang? Technique Amplification

306 K ST J: Mulai sanga kita mulai pepulung herbal I bas kerangen.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA BI TT1 Mulai dari ketika mulai mengumpulkan herbal di hutan. Technique Literal

308 K ST Kenca bahan pulung kerina emaka proses erbahan tambar mulai salu mbaca: Bismillahirhamanirrahim.

BI TT1 Sesudah bahan terkumpul semua. Proses pembuatan minyak di mulai dengan mengucapkan Bismillahirahmanirrahim

Technique Literal

310 K ST Enda enggo pulung kerina ramuan-ramuan tambar penggel E Nini

BI TT1 Ini semua ramuan obat patah tulang sudah terkumpul, Nini.

Technique Transposisi + literal

312 K ST Sampatindu aku gelah manjur tambar enda ula sampe peninggaren enda tunggul

BI TT1 Tolonglah saya supaya obat ini menjadi obat yang manjur jangan sampai saya gagal.

Technique Transposition

314 K ST Kai alat alat si la banci lang bas nambari tulan penggel E?

BI TT1 Apakah alat alat yang diperlukan untuk mengobati patah tulang?

Technique Literal

316 K ST Turi-turin pertawar penggel in Taneh Karo

BI TT1 Legenda Guru Pertawar Penggel di Tanah Karo

Technique Literal + pure borrowing

318 K ST Bas kearifan budaya Karo lit sada nacam perik istimewa gelarna Kuruk Benga.

BI TT1 Dalam Kearifan Lokal budaya Karo, ada sejenis burung yang special bernama Kuruk Benga.


320 K ST Kuruk Benga enda takalna mbiring tupana, sayapna megara rupana janah ikurna mbiring rupana.

BI TT1 Burung but-but ini kepalanya berwarna hitam, sayapnya berwarna maroon dan ekornya berwarna hitam.


322 K ST Adi erbahan asarna Kurukbenga enda la bali ras perik- perik sideban.

BI TT1 Dalam membuat sarang burung but-but ini berbeda dengan burug-burung lain.

Technique Literal

324 K ST Kuruk Benga enda cinep bas taneh i semak-semak kira-kira 50 meter jarakna bas asaena nari.

BI TT1 Burung but-but ini hinggap di atas tanah di semak- semak kira-kira 50 meter jaraknya dari sarangnya.

Technique Literal

326 K ST Enca cinep emaka ia erdalan ia bobo taneh lewat semek-semak menuju asarna.

BI TT1 Sesudah hinggap ia akan berjalan diatas tanah di semak-semak, menuju sarangnya.

Technique Literal

328 K ST Asarna pe la seri ras asar perik se deban

BI TT1 Sarangnya juga istimewa

Technique Deletion

330 K ST Contohna adi lit api ibas semak-semak, kerina meseng kecuali asar kuruk benga ndai ngenca utuh la meseng.

BI TT1 Misalnya apabila ada kebakaran di sekitar sarang, semuanya terbakar kecuali sarang burung but-but .

Technique Literal


332 K ST ―Turiturin Guru Pertawar Penggel ras Kuruk Benga‖

BI TT1 ―Cerita Guru Pertawar Penggel dan Burung But-but‖


334 K ST Nai, sada kalak Guru Pertawar Penggel memperdateken cara-cara Kuruk Benga njaga anakna si penggel tulan nahena.

BI TT1 Pada zaman dahulu kala, seorang pertawar penggel memperhatikan cara burung But-but merawat anaknya yang menderita patah tulang kaki.

Technique Literal

336 K ST Setiap wari perik kuruk Benga E mbaba bulung si mbue macamna gelah nambari tulan anakna si penggel.

BI TT1 Setiap hari burung But-but itu membawa bermacam- macam daun-daunan untuk mengobati tulang anaknya yang patah.

Technique Literal

338 K ST La seh sada minggu tulan sayap si penggel E enggo madaan. Kuruk Benga enda buatina ramuen bulung- bulung kerangen nambari anakna.

BI TT1 Tidak sampai satu minggu tulang sayap anaknya yang patah sembuh. Burung but-but ini mengambil herbal dari hutan hujan untuk menyembuhkan anaknya.

Technique Literal

340 K ST Kenca perdateken guru pertawar penggel ndai maka ia tersungkun sungkun ugange cara perik ndai nambari adi tulan sayap anakna si penggel.

BI TT1 Setelah observasi ini Guru Pertawar Penggel menjadi ingin tahu bagaimana burung itu menyembuhkan kalau yang patah adalah sayapnya.

Technique Literal

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 342 K ST Perban pertawar penggel enggo ietehna sunahen nambari tulan nahe, asangken nambari tulan kabeng.

BI TT1 Karena pertawar penggel mengetahui bahwa lebih sulit menyembuhkan tulang sayap dari pada tulang kaki.


344 K ST Gelah banci i pelajarina emaka harus me penggelkena tulan kabeng anak Kuruk Benga ndai.

BI TT1 Agar bisa belajar dari burung But-but maka Guru Pertawar penggel mematahkan sayap anak burung itu.

Technique Literal

346 K ST Mulih -ulih Kuruk Benga pe mbaba bulung bulung setiap wari ku asarna. BI TT1 Lagi-lagi burung But-but itu mebawa daun-daun obat kedalam sarangnya. Technique Literal

348 K ST Pertawar penggel pe mulai memperhatiken bulung kai si babana ku asarna, catatna kerina ngadi ngadi tulan kabeng malem

BI TT1 Guru Pertawar Penggel pun mulai memperhatikan dan mencatat daun apa saja yang dibawanya pulang sampai sayap anak but-but itu sembuh.

Technique Literal

350 K ST Kabengna pe madaan kurang dari sada minggu

BI TT1 tidak sampai seminggu sayapnya pun sembuh

Technique Transposition

352 K ST Endam turi-turinna uga maka Guru Pertawar Penggel Kalak Karo i angkana kerina ramuan-ramuan bulung- bulung si ni perluken guna nambari tulan si penggel.

BI TT1 Jadi inilah legenda bagaimana Guru Pertawar Penggel mengenal semua daun-daun herbal dari hutan hujan yang di perlukan untuk menyembuhkan patah tulang.


354 K ST Pemeteh enda i peseh bapa nari ku anak asa gundari, Jadi ise pe banci jadi Pertawar Penggel.

BI TT1 Pengetahuan ini kemudian disampaikan dari Bapak kepada anak dan seterusnya. Siapapun bisa menjadi Pertawar Penggel Technique

356 K ST Adi tandaina kerina bulung-bulung ramuan erban minak tawar penggel

BI TT1 Apabila orang itu mengenal semua daun-daun ramuan untuk membuat minyak obat patah tulang.

Technique Literal



360 K ST Kerina bahan bahan bulung-bulung ras minak binatang i siapken lebe termasuk santan tualah ijo, BI TT1 Persiapkan semua bahan, daun-daun herbal dan minyak binatang termasuk juga santan kelapa ijo, Technique

362 K ST Ilasken lebe santan tualah ijo ngadi-ngadi jadi minak.

BI TT1 Terlebih dahulu panaskanlah santan kelapa hijau sampai menjadi minyak.


364 K ST Kenca jadi minak emaka ipebergeh.

BI TT1 Sesudah menjadi minyak lalu didinginkan.


366 K ST Encage tama minak E ku bas panci.

BI TT1 Lalu masukkanlah minyak kedalam wadah.


368 K ST Cu ci belangana encage tama minak tualah ku belanga laskenka ngadi-ngadi luam..

BI TT1 Cuci kuali lalu minyak kelapa dimasukkan kedalam kuali lalu di panaskan lagi sampai mendidih.


370 K ST Emaka sitik-sitik tama bahan bahan si enggo I sediaken kubas minak.

BI TT1 Lalu sedikit demi sedikit bahan yang sudah disediakan dimasukkan kedalam minyak


372 K ST Pekitiki apina, tangger ngadi ngadi luam emaka mateken kompor.

BI TT1 Api dikecilkan, panaskan sampai mendidih lalu kompor dimatikan.


374 K ST Adi enggo ka luam sekali nari enggo banci mateken apina.

BI TT1 Kalu sudah medidih sekali lagi maka api dapat di matikan.


376 K ST Timai sampe mbergeh emaka tama minak sienggo jadi ku bas botol.

BI TT1 Tunggu sampai dingin lalu minyak dimasukkan kedalam botol.


378 K ST Encage kerina ampas minak si tading bas belanga i olah ka jadi kuning.

BI TT1 Sesudah itu semua ampas minyak yang tertinggal dalam kwali diolah menjadi kuning.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 380 K ST Tama kesaya si lima-lima, tepung beras gelah kental, pala ras cengkih.

BI TT1 Ditambah tepung beras untuk membuat kental, lada, bawang putih, bawang merah, jahe merah cengkeh.

Technique Amplification +transposition

382 K ST Kerina I giling ngadi melumat emaka I aduk ngagi- ngadi rata, BI TT1 Semua di giling sampai halus lalu diaduk sampai rata,

Technique Literal

384 K ST Ipuluri asa guli galangna entah pe kitiken. E maka i jemur bas las matawari.

BI TT1 Di bulat-bulati sebesar guli atau lebih kecil dan di jemur dibawah terik matahari.

Technique Literal

386 K ST Bagem carana generasinta siperlebe erlajar pepulung bulung-bulung obat mujarab man tulan retak tah pe penggel.

BI TT1 Beginilah caranya generasi terdahulu kita belajar mengumpulkan daun-daunan obat mujarab untuk patah maupun retak. Technique Literal

388 K ST Jadi adi tehndu ras tandaindu kerina ramuen bulung- bulung E, kam pe banci ka nge jadi Pertawar Penggel.

BI TT1 Jadi kalau anda tahu semua ramuan daun-daunan, anda juga bisa menjadi Pertawar Penggel.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

390 K ST Labo mantra si pepalem pinakit.

BI TT1 Bukan Mantra yang menyembuhkan penyakit

Technique {iteral + pure borrowing

392 K ST Mantra fungsina gelah pasien percaya diri jadi tambah gegehna emaka pinakit lampas madaan.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA BI TT1 Fungsi mantra adalah agar pasien percaya diri sehingga kekuatannya bertambah dan penyakit lekas sembuh.

Technique Transposition

394 K ST Endam turi-turin Kuruk Benga ras Pertawar Penggel kalak Karo. Bujur! Mejuah-juah!

BI TT1 Inilah cerita tentang Burung But-But dan Pertawar Penggel Orang Karo. Terima kasih, Mejuah-juah.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal





2 K (ST) S Mejuah juah!

E (TT1) Q Good morning!

4 K (ST) J Mejuah-juah, mari kubasken.

E (TT1) A Good Morning! Please come in.

6 K (ST) Bujur.

E (TT1) Thank you!

8 K (ST) Kundulken, kundulken.

E (TT1) Please sit down!

10 K (ST) Aku br Surbakti, bere-bere Ginting Suka aku.

E (TT1) I am a daughter of Surbakti. My mother is beru Ginting Suka.

12 K (ST) Gelarku Herlina.

E (TT1) My name is Herlina.

14 K (ST) Aku Gurusinga mergaku. Bere-bere…aku. Gelarku Awai.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA E (TT1) My family name is Gurusinga. My mother‘s family name is… and my name is Awai.

16 K (ST) Adi bage er turang kita.

E (TT1) So you are my brother/cousin!

18 K (ST) Kakandu aku sebab aku tuan

E (TT1) You cal me big sister because I am older than you.

20 K (ST) Aku mahasiswa S 3 USU, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, bagian Interpretasi ras Penerjemahen, Jurusen Linguistik.

E (TT1) I am an USU PhD. Student. Faculty of Cultural Science, Linguistic Department, Translation an Interpretation Section.

22 K (ST) Maksud kerehenku enda gelah banci kam ku wawancrai mengenai nambari tulan penggel cara tradisi Karo.

E (TT1) My intention to come here is to interview you about healing the fractured bones in Karonese tradition.

24 K ST Turikendu sitik uga mbarenda makana kam banci jadi guru pertawar penggel?

E TT2 Please tell me how did you became a bone setter?

Technique Delition

26 K ST E enggo faktor keturunen.

E TT2 It runs in the family

Technique Adaptation

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 28 K ST Adi nambari tulan penggel kai langkah-langkahna sampai malem?

E TT2 To fix a broken bone, what steps do you have to take to heal.

Technique literal

30 K ST Tang-tangna kuperiksa kondisi tulan si penggel e.

E TT2 First, I check the condition of the fractured bone.

Technique transposition

32 K ST Encage tulan si penggel e itarik gelah iulihken ku posisi tang-tangna,

E TT2 The fractured bone is set to the original position by pulling it.

Technique delition

34 K ST Emaka iolesken minak, sope ibaluti salu perban.

E TT2 Then the oil is applied before wrapping it with a bandage..

Technique Transposition

36 K ST Emaka kupasang curu-curu papan entahpe buluh.

E TT2 Then I mounted boards or bamboo buffer.

Technique transposition

38 K ST Emaka isiram salu minak pengalun sekali nari.

E TT2 Subsequently the fractured bone area is doused with minyak pengalun once again.

Technique transposition

40 K ST Kenca piga-piga wari iolesken ka kuning bas bagin si megusgus,

E TT2 After a few days, kuning is applied to the bruised area.

Technique transposition

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 42 K ST Encage ibereken ka tawar ipanna gelah mempercepat pergegeh tulan.

E TT2 Then ―tawar‖ is given to be taken in order to accelerate the strengthening of bones.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

44 K ST Kam ngei erbansa Minak, tawar ras kuning e?

E TT2 Did you make the medicational oil, tawar and kuning?

Technique Pure borrowing + additional

46 K ST Kaka sidiberu si erban tambar e kerina.

E TT2 My elder sister makes all the medicine.

Technique transposition

48 K ST Ramun kai saja iprosesndu jadi minak pengalun, tawar ras kuning?

E TT2 What kinds of herbs do you processed into minak penalun, tawar and kuning?

Technique Calque + pure borrowing +literal

50 K ST Mbue macam-macamna.

E TT2 There are many different kinds of ingredients.

Technique addition

52 K ST Termasuk serabut serabut urat erbage-bage palem ras buluh, minak tualah ijo, bulung-bulung kerangen ah, kesaya-kesaya, ras tabeh-tabeh binatang

E TT2 Including veriaties of palm roots, and bamboo roots, green coconut oil, herbs from Sumatra rainforest,pepper, garlic, shallot, ginger, cloves, nutmeg and fats of animals

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

. K ST Hasil wawancara ras dua kalak ahli bulung-bulung kerangen, pasangen dilakina ras diberuna I Pancur Batu nari

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 54 E TT2 The interviews result with two herbalists, a couple from Pancur Batu

Technique Literal + Established Equivalent

56 K ST Endam ramuan-ramuan erban Minak Pengalun, Tawar ras Kuning.

E TT2 The followings are herbs, animal fats and roots as the ingredient to make MedicationOil, Tawar and Kuning.

. Technique Literal + pure borrowing

58 K ST Pegaga lgunaken man obat kulit, ganggun syaraf ras pehuli peredaren dareh,

E TT2 Cantella are wild plants that grow in the fields, road sides, and the rice field embankments.

Technique additional



Technique Established equivalent

62 K ST Kaciwer enda sifatna rendah hati, seri ras pergeluhna, La jurgak I erguna man jelma sienterem.

E TT2 Kutcherry is a root plant which is down to earth, resembles its life which is useful to the human race.

Technique literal

64 K ST Bas kerina pulungen tawar pergeluhna rusur jadi kuan- kuan I bas kalak Karo si ertina uga pe la tengteng

E TT2 This plant is usually found among Karonese medicinal ingredients. Kutcherry‘s life became a saying in Karonese which means it was never acceptable


66 K ST Adi udan wari ia erkubang-kubang tapi adi las wari ia rabu-abu.

E TT2 When it rains, it covered with mud and when it is dry, it covered with dust.

Technique literal



Technique Established equivalent

70 K ST Kalak Karo ras kalak Melayu enggo ndekah nggeluh berdampingan. E maka mbue kata-kata cakap karo seri ras cakap melayu. Contohna : Saluar seri ras bahasa Malaysia Seluar ertina celana ibas bahasa melayu/Malaysia..

E TT2 Karonese have long coexisted with the Malays. So many words in Karonese simiar or even the same with the Malay words. Examples: saluar, capah, belacan, belanga, serai wangi etc

Technique literal

72 K ST I bahan gelarna Serai wangi perban aromana merim.

E TT2 Wangi means fragrant we named it serei wangi because the aroma lingers.

Technique addition



Technique Established equivalent

76 K ST Sitelu bulung termasuk tumbuhen si bulungna lit telu lambar bas sada tangkai.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA E TT2 Tit-berry is a plant with unique leaves, there are always three leaves on each stem.

Technique Additional

78 K ST Emaka I bahan kalak karo gelarna si telu bulung.

K TT2 This is why the Karonese call it "si telu bulung" which means "the three leaves."

Technique Additional

80 K ST PIA,


Technique E. Equivalent

82 K ST Pia ertina menipes, rupana Megara Kulita menipes erlapis-lapis emaka gelarna pia ban kalak Karo.

E TT2 Pia in Karonese means thin, red in color and the skin layers are very thin. That‘s why the Karonese called shallot as pia.

Technique Transposition



Technique EE

86 K ST I gelari lasuna erkiteken sada tapi la ia tonggal, sada ngkibul tapi bas gulatna banci seh sepuluh.

E TT2 It is called lasuna because it is one but in one garlic there can consists of ten or morecloves;

Technique Literal




90 K ST Sendep-sendep ibahan kalak Karo gelarna perban perturahnya erngawan-ngawan si sambung sambungen.

E TT2 SENDEP.SENDEP is the name given by the Karonese to SCOURING RUSH HORSETAIL because it grows section per section. Sendep in Karonese means section.

Technique Addition



Technique Established equivalence

94 K ST Binara ibahan kalak Karo gelarna perban bungana mbentar melala, adi kena las matwari rupana erbinar. E maka bana kalak Karo gelarna BINARA. Erbinar ertina ersinar,

E TT2 The Karonese call this plant Binara because it has small white flowers that glitter under the sun. . Er BINAR means to glitter in English.

Technique Transposition + pure borrowing




98 K ST Gumis kucing ban kalak Karo gelarna sebabna bentuk mahkota bungana mirip ras gumis kucing.

E TT2 The Karonese named this plant as Gumis Kucing because the flower crown is just resembles the cat‘s whiskers.

Technique Transposition




Technique Established Equivalence

102 K ST I ban kalak Karo gelarna tabu tabu erkiteken bulungna ras bijina iban jadi tambar kalak tabun.

E TT2 The Karonese call itTabu-tabu because the leaves and the seeds can cure epilepsy. Epilepsy in Karonese is ―to have TABU‖, and they called it TABUN.

Technique Transposition

104 K ST Ramun si la dat terjemahennan si melalana emkap kapal-kapal si turah bas batang kayu galang ibas kerangen tua.

E TT2 Ingredients that the equivalents were not obtained.mostly are parasite plants that grew on large trees in the rainforest.

Technique Transposition


107 K ST Kapal-Kapal Garantula' turah i bas batang kayu galang ikerangen tua iteruh deleng.

E TT2 'Kapal Kapal Garantula', grow on large trees in the rain forest up in the mountain slope,.

Technique Pure Borrowing + literal

109 K ST Simbelah bulungna megara, simbelah nari meratah.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA E TT2 The leaves are green in one side and are red on the other side.

Technique Transposition + addition

111 K ST Bulungna banci jadi ramuan erbahan kuning, minak herbal, tambar sesak, kanker, tambar latih biasana isemburken ku bagin daging si mesui

E TT2 The leaves can be made into Kuning, medicational oil, medicine for shortness of breath, cancer, and the cure for extreme fatigue by spraying it onto the problem area.

Technique Literal

113 K ST Kapal-kapal enda turah ibas setiap bagin batang kayu galang.

E TT2 Usually they grow in every part of the big trees.

Technique Reduction


116 K ST 'Kalincayo' enda tumbuhen perdu turah i kerangen tua iteruh deleng

E TT2 'Kalincayo' are herbaceous plants that grow in the temperate rain forests at the slope of the mountains.

Technique Addition

118 K ST Gedangna kira-kira sada setengah meter

E TT2 It is about one and a half metres tall.

Technique Transposition

120 K ST Gedang bulungna kira-kira 8 cm, belangna seh 4 cm.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA E TT2 The leaves reach a length of approximately 8 cm and the width up to 4 cm.

Technique Addition

122 K ST Kenca seh gedangna sada meter, perturahna pe mole

E TT2 The growth is ducking when reaching one meter tall.

Technique Transposition

124 K ST Bulungna banci i ban jadi ramuen 'Oukup', kuning, minak alun man tambar tersiher, tulan regat entah pe penggel

E TT2 The leaves can be used as one of the ingredients of 'Oukup' (Karonese steam bath) and to make oil for sprains, cracked or fractured bones.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal


127 K ST Dua Ngawan/Tawar Terunggu, em kap kapal-kapal si turah i deher urat kayu, biasana surindan dua ngawan enda i jumpai i kerangen tua erkiteken kayu galang I kerangen tua.

E TT2 Dua Ngawan/Tawar Terunggu is parasitic plants that grow on the bottom / close to the roots of large trees. they grow in temperate rain forests

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

129 K ST Bulungna banci I gunaken jadi ramuen erbahan 'kuning' ras minak pengalun

E TT2 The leaves can be used as one of the herbs to make 'kuning' and oils for medicinal fractures

Technique Pure borrowing + literal



132 K ST Kapal-kapal Cuping Kera emkap tanamen si numpang turah bas batang kayu galang ibas kerangen si mbergeh.

E TT2 Kapal-kapal Cuping Kera is parasistic plants that grow in the temperate Rainforests.

Technique Pure borrowing _+literal

134 K ST Bulungna banci I gunaken jadi salah sada ramun erban kuning ras minak pengalun.

E TT2 The leaves can be used as an ingredents for 'kuning' and Karo herbal oils ingredients,.



137 K ST Kapal-kapal Kayu Idup turah bas batang kayu galang ibas kerangen tua I teruh deleng.

E TT2 Kayu Idup parasite plant grows in big trees of temprate rainforest on the mountain slopes.

Technique Literal + pure borrowing


140 K ST " Surat Dibata gara, biasana turah langsung bobo taneh ibas kerangen si mbergeh.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA E TT2 "Surat Dibata Gara" usuallly grows directly on the temperate rain forest ground,

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

142 K ST Seri ras Surat Dibata Ratah, gedang bulungna she kira-kira 8cm, belangna she kira-kira 5cm.

E TT2 Similar to Surat Dibata Ijo plants, the leaves of this plant can reach 8cm long and 5cm wide

Technique Pure Borowing + Literal

144 K ST Urat bulungna, bas pangkalna nari she ku pucukna kerina jelas ras pinter.

E TT2 The vein of the leaf, from the base to the tip are, all clear and straight

Technique Literal

146 K ST Tapi serat si kusamping la teratur

E TT2 However, the veins to the side are irregular

Technique Literal

148 K ST Kearifan lokal suku Karo ibas pengobaten tradisionil , bulung Surat Dibata igunaken jadi tambar inemen nambari pinakit arah bas, bahan erban kuning, minak pengalun nambari tersiher, tulan si retak ras penggel

E TT2 Local Wisdom of the Karonese traditional bone setting practice, the leaves of "Surat dibata" are used as drink medicine to cure any internal injuries, to make kuning and medicinal oil, to heal sprains, cracked and fractured bones

Technique Literal

150 K ST Banci ka I ban man peridin buang sial

E TT2 It is believed that it can be used as bathing potion to cleanse the body and to get rid of bad luck,

Technique Amplification


153 K ST Surat Dibata ratah, biasana turah leket bas batu-batu galang ras batu terjal ibas kerangen daerah mbergeh.

E TT2 "Surat Dibata‖ usually grow attached to rocks or steep cliffs , in the temperate rain forest

Technique Literal +pure borrowing

155 K ST Gedang bulungna seh kira-kira 6 cm belangna she kira-kira 4cm

E TT2 The leaf‘s length is approximately 6 cm and the width is about 4cm.

Technique Literal

157 K ST Urat bulungna bas pangkalna nari seh ku pucukna kerina jelas ras pinter.

E TT2 The veins of the leaf, from the base to the tip, are all clear and straight

Technique Literal

159 K ST Tapi urat-urat si ku samping la teratur.

E TT2 However, the veins to the side are irregular.

Technique Literal

161 K ST Ibas kearifan lokal kalak Karo, ibas pengobaten tradisionil tulan penggel, bulung Surat Dibata igunaken jadi tambar inemen.

E TT2 In Karonese Local Wisdom, the traditional treatment of fractures, "Surat Dibata" leaves are used as a medicinal drink.

Technique Pur borrowing +literal

163 K ST Gunana gelah nambari kerina luka, erban kuning, minak pengalun gelah nambari tersiher, tulan retak ras tulan penggel..

E TT2 Used to heal any wounds, to make kuning, medicinal oil to heal sprains, cracks and fractures.



166 K ST Si Jergal em kap tanamn lumut ia biasana turah i bas tebing-tebing bas kerangen, i pakai erban Kuning ras minak nambari patah tulan enda turah i bas kerangen berhawa dingin Ia turah i bagin dasar hutan hujan

E TT2 Si Jergal is a kind of moss that can grow on cliffs, usually used to make Kuning and medicinal oil to cure fractured bones, and this plant grows in temperate rain forest.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal


169 K ST Tumbuhen enda jenis kapal-kapal turah bas batang kayu galang atau bas uratna entahpe bas batangna

E TT2 This plant is a type of Kapal-kapal that grows at the roots and trunk of big trees

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

171 K ST Biasana tawar paliten enda turah bas kerangen tua I daerah deleng melas entahpe mbergeh

E TT2 Usually tawar paliten can be found in the temperate or warm rain forest.

Technique Pure Borrowing + literal

173 K ST Bulungna biasana I ban jadi ramuen kuning ras minak guna nambari tersiher, retak ras tulan penggel

E TT2 The leaves are usually used to make kuning and oil to cure sprains, cracked and fractured bones

Technique Pure borrowing + literal


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 176 K ST Tanamen njoler belo kerangen asalna Indonesia

E TT2 The creeper wild betel, originally from Indonesia

Technique Literal

178 K ST Tumbuhen enda tumbuhen waren banci nggarang seh 15 m kudatas.

E TT2 This plant is a creeper it can creep up to a height of 15 meters

Technique Literal

180 K ST Batangna coklat meratah-ratah, bentuk bulungna bagi pusuh telap ujungna.

E TT2 The trunk is greenish brown with spired heart-shaped leaves

Technique Literal

182 K ST Belo kerangen enda turah i daerah las ras mbergeh

E TT2 It can grow in hot and cold areas

Technique Deletion

184 K ST Biasana ia turah tertandei ku batang kayu

E TT2 Usually this wild betel leans on a tree

Technique Amplification


187 K ST Tanemen enda njoler idatas batang kayu galang.

E TT2 This plant is creeping over big trees.

Technique Literal

189 K ST Turah bas kerangen tua berhawa mbergeh. (Sibolangit.Sibayak)

E TT2 Grow in cold temperate rainforests. (Sibolangit / Sibayak)


191 K ST Kapal-kapal enda banci I jadiken ramuun minak pengalun, inemmen, entah pe kuning.

E TT2 This parasite plan can be used as a medicinal herb oils, medication oil. drinks, param or kuning,

Technique Addition

193 K ST Tanamen enda banci ka nambari kerina pinakit dalam.

E TT2 This plant can also cure all internal diseases.

Technique Transposition


196 K ST Kapal-kapal Jantung, turah sebagai parasite I datas batang kayu galang I daerah kerangen Leuser.

E TT2 Kapal-kapal Jantung, grows in the Leuser area, as a parasite plant on large trees, in the Leuser protected forest areas.

Technique Addition +pure borrowing

198 K ST Bulungna turah er lapis-lapis seperti jantung pisang tapi kapal-kapal enda bentukna kibul bagi kol.

E TT2 The leaves grow in layers like a banana flower but shaped like a cabbage.

Technique Literal

200 K ST Mbue gunana. Banci nambari ermacam-macam pinakit dalam

E TT2 This plant has many benefits. Can treat various internal diseases,

Technique Literal

202 K ST Banci jadi ramuan minak pengalun, inemmen tambar ras kuning.

E TT2 Can be used as medicinal oil ingredient, medicinal


Technique Pure borrowing + literal


205 K ST Kapal-kapal tawar aji turah sebagai parasit, turah njoler idatas batang kayu galang.

E TT2 This parasitic plant can grow cold areas and creeping up on the trunk of a large tree.

Technique Literal

207 K ST Bulungna igunakan sebagai ramuan erban minak alun, kuning ras inemen.

E TT2 The leaves can be used to be a material of medicational oil, kuning and medicational drinks.

Technique Literal + pure borrowing


210 K ST Kapal-kapal tawar ipuh turah leket bas batang kayu galang I daerah deleng.

E TT2 Kapal-kapal tawar ipuh are parasites that attaches to big trees in the mountain area.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

212 K ST Kapal-kapal enda banci jadi ramuan minak pengalun, kuning seri ras kapal-kapal sideban.

E TT2 This parasite plants can be used as an ingrediants to make medicinal oil, kuning/param like any other parasites.

Technique Literal + pure borrowing


215 K ST Lancing kerangen turah bas taneh kerangen berhawa mbergeh.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA E TT2 Lancing Kerangen grows in temperate rain forest

Technique deletion +pure borrowing

217 K ST Lancing kerangen enda banci turah lebih dari sada meter gedangna

E TT2 Lancing kerangen can grow more than one meter tall,

Technique Pure borroing + literal

219 K ST Gedang bulungna seh 6cm, belangna seh 4 cm

E TT2 The leaf can reach 6 cm long and 4cm wide

Technique Addition +transposition

221 K ST Iban jadi salah sada ramuan erban kuning ras minak pengalun tambar tulan penggel.

E TT2 The leaves are used for making Kuning, and medicinal oil to cure fractured bones.

Technique Additional


224 K ST Pucuk ring-ring enda turah ibas kerangen berhawa mbergeh, banci i gunaken jadi obat inemen untuk nambari luka dalam, kuning ras minak nambari tulan penggel

E TT2 This shrub plant, pucuk ring-ring grows in temperate rain forests. The leaves can be used as a drink medicine to cure internal problems to make kuning and oil, to treat sprains, cracked and broken bones.

Technique Additional + pure borrowing


227 K ST Siang-siang turah itepi kerangen, gedang batangna lebih kurang sada meter ganjangna, rupana merah jambu. Ganjang batangna lebih kurang sada meter.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA E TT2 Siang-Siang is an herbaceous plant that grows in the temprate rain forests and has pink-colored flowers. The height of the tree can reach approximately one meter

Technique Pure borrowing + addaptation

229 K ST Bas pengobaten tradisi Karo, bulung siang-siang I ban jadi ramuan kuning ras minak nambari memar, tersiher, retak ras tulan penggel

E TT2 In the treatment of Karo tradition, the siang-siang leaves are used to make kuning and medicinal oils. These are used to heal bruises, sprains, cracks and fractures

Technique Pure borrowing + literal


232 K ST Waren gegeh turah bas dasar hutan hujan, tanamen enda njoler turah bas kerangen berhawa sejuk.

E TT2 Waren Gegeh is a creeping plant that can be found in the temperate rain forests

Technique Pure borrowing + addaptation

234 K ST I bas pengobatan tradisional karo, waren gegeh biasana iban jadi obat inemen, minyak pengalun ras kuning nambari memar retak ras patah tulan

E TT2 In traditional Karo medication, Waren Gegeh is used to make medicational drinks, medicational oil and kuning, for the healing of cracked and fractured bone

Technique Pure borrowing + literal


237 K ST 'Minak Pengalun' I bahan bas urat-urat ras bulung- bulung tambar kerangen, tabeh-tabeh nipei, leibo, kambing bajar, ras kuda

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA E TT2 Karonese Medicational oil made from various roots and leaves of the rain forest herbs, the fat of , snake, turtle, rams and horses

Technique Literal


240 K ST Ikan-ikan Enda tanamen herbal, Biasana turah I daerah kerangen si er hawa mbergeh.

E TT2 Ikan ikan is an herbaceous plant, usually grown in a cold area.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

242 K ST Bulungna banci I jadiken jadi tambar gatal-gatal, minak alun entahpe peridiin

E TT2 The leaves can be used to cure itching and can be used as oil and herb for bath water.

Technique Literal


245 K ST Kapal kapal siligen negri turah njoler das batang kayu galang I kerangen tua.

E TT2 Kapal kapal siligen negri included in parasites plant, which spread on the trunk of a large tree in the rainforest.

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

247 K ST Biasana I jumpai I daerah mbergeh daerah Sibolangit ras deleng Sibayak.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA E TT2 Usually only be found in cold regions and mountain areas of Sibolangit and Sibayak.

Technique Literal

249 K ST I ban jadi salah sada bahan erban minak pengalun, kuning ras inemmen tambar

E TT2 It is used to make herb oil, kuning and medicational drinks.

Technique Literal


252 K ST pera-pera enda turah I daerah kerangen si mbergeh hawana.

E TT2 Pera-pera grows in the cold rain forest.

Technique Pure borroing + delition

254 K ST I gunaken jadi ramuen erbahan minak alun, kuning ras jadi inemen nambari pinakit dalam.

E TT2 This plant is used as an ingredient for making medicinal oil, kuning / param, also very good for treating internal dseases.

Technique Pure borrowing + addition


257 K ST Peldang Dilah Hantu hara enda turah lekket bas batang kayu I daerah pegunungan.

E TT2 Peldang Dilah Hantu hara attached to the tree trunks, these plants are usually grown in mountainous temprate area

Technique Pure borrowing

259 K ST Bulungna banci I ban jadi ramuan erban minak pengalun, menjadi ramuan mandi erpangir ras erban kuning.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA E TT2 The leaves can be used to make medicational oil and Mandian pangir, param or kuning

Technique Pure borrowing +literal

260 K ST La ndekah kenca aku ernipi ndai reh pasienku si tang- tangna

E TT2 Not long after my dream my first patience came to me from another village.

Technique Literal

263 K ST aku pe langa bo teksakel aku beluh nambari

E TT2 I hadn't had any confident that I could heal.

Technique Literal

265 K ST Kai nge langkah-langkah nambarisa ngadi-ngadi malem?

E TT2 What steps are you taking to treat this until it is healed completely?

Technique Amplification

267 K ST J: sipentingna lebe si pasien musti tenangken

E TT2 The most important is the patient should be made calm.

Technique Amplification

269 K ST E maka tulan si penggel e kupepinter ras ku ulihken posisina ku posisi tang-tangna. E TT2 Then the brken bone is set to the normal position

Technique Deletion

271 K ST Kenca mulihken ku inganna mis kutama kapasna si enggo celupken ku minak pengalun

E TT2 After the bone is set, immediately I apply some cotton wool that I have dipped into the ― medicational oil‖

Technique Literal

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 273 K ST Emaka ku perban salu perban elastic

E TT2 Then I put an elastic bandage on.

Technique Literal

275 K ST Kenca i perban emaka ipasang curu-curuna gelah tulan e lanai ergeser. E TT2 After the bandage is on then you put the splints on to prevent the fratured bones to dislocate. Technique Amplification

277 K ST Encage i siram salu lau kompres si enggo i sediaken

E TT2 Then dose with compress water that has been provided. Technique Literal

279 K ST Kenca sada bulan, curu-curuna enggo banci i tang tangi. E TT2 After one month, then the buffer can be opened.

Technique Literal

281 K ST Tulan si penggel ndai enggo mulihi normal kondisina kenca telu bulan..

E TT2 The broken bones are back to the normal condition.after three months

Technique Literal

283 K ST S: Uga carana erban minak pengalun e?

E TT2 What are the steps you have to take to make the medicational oil?

Technique Amplification

285 K ST Kerina ramuan-ramuan ndai i pepulung lebe.

E TT2 You must first prepare all the necessary materials such as leaves, roots and fats.

Technique Amplification

287 K ST Emaka tangger santan kelapa ijo.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA E TT2 Boil the green coconut milk.

Technique Literal

289 K ST Kenca enggo i tangger erjam-jam tading minak arah das ampasna arah teruh leket ku belanga.

E TT2 After being cooked for hours the oil separates from the residue. The oil will be on the top and the residue is at the bottom.

Technique Amplification

291 K ST Jadi sope denga I botolken pebergeh ka lebe.

E TT2 So before you put it into bottles you have to cool it down first.

Technique Amplification

293 K ST Adi ampasna e jadi ramuan utuk erban kuning

E TT2 The residue is made to be the material of making kuning.

Technique Literal

295 K ST Tama tepung beras ras kesaya silima-lima.

E TT2 You add some rice flour and other ingreients such as pepper, cutcherry, garlic and schallot.

Technique amplification

297 K ST Kenca kerina bahan e i giling halus emaka I campurken kerina tama sitik launa gelah banci i puluri jadi kuning galangna biasana asa guli.

E TT2 After all the ingredients finely ground then all mixed and add a little water so that the dough can be made as little round paste which is usually the size of marbles or even smaller.

Technique Amplification

299 K ST Kenca dung ipuluri emaka ijemur ibas las matawari

E TT2 When they are done then you put them to dry under the sunshine.


301 K ST Kenca kerah kerina emaka ikemas ibas kantong – kantong plastic kitikplastik

E TT2 After all dry completely, then packed them in small plastic bags.

Technique Literal

303 K ST Untuk makesa buat dua entahpe telu kuning tama sitik lau gelah ia lunak emaka i olesken ibas daerah si ermasalah.

E TT2 To use them just take two or three "kuning" put a little water to soften them, and then rub it on the problem areas.

Technique Literal

305 K ST S: Lit nge tabasna erban tambar penggel e?

E TT2 Is there a magic mantra to make the medicine for cracked or fractured bones? Technique Amplification

307 K ST J: Mulai sanga kita mulai pepulung herbal I bas kerangen. E TT2 Starting from when we began collecting leaves in the rain forest. Technique Literal

309 K ST Kenca bahan pulung kerina emaka proses erbahan tambar mulai imulai salu mbaca bacaka: Bismillahirhamanirrahim.

E TT2 After all materials are gathered, the process of making the oil starts by saying Bismillahirahmanirrahim.

Technique Literal +_calque

311 K ST Enda enggo pulung kerina ramuan-ramuan tambar penggel e Nini

E TT2 All potions for fractures have been collected, Nini. (In karo Language nini can mean grand mother but in this case Nini means God!)


313 K ST Sampatindu aku gelah manjur tambar enda ula sampe peninggaren enda tunggul

E TT2 Please help me so that this oil and ―kuning‖ will be good medicine. Please do not let me fail.

Technique Literal

315 K ST Kai alat alat si la banci lang bas nambari tulan penggel e?

E TT2 What are the necessary tools to treat fractured bones?

Technique Literal

317 K ST Turi-turin pertawar penggel in Taneh Karo

E TT2 The Legend of the Bone Setters in Karoland.

Technique Literal +pure borrowing

319 K ST Bas kearifan budaya Karo lit sada nacam perik istimewa gelarna Kuruk Benga.

E TT2 In the existing Karonese local knowledge/wisdom, there is a unique bird species named 'Kuruk Benga' greater coucal(Centropus sinensis)

Technique Amplification

321 K ST Kuruk Benga enda takalna mbiring tupana, sayapna megara rupana janah ikurna mbiring rupana.

E TT2 Greater Coucal has black head feather, maroon- colored wings feather and a black tail. Feather.

Technique Literal

323 K ST Adi erbahan asarna Kurukbenga enda la bali ras perik- perik sideban.

E TT2 In making its nest, the Coucal is different from other birds.

Technique Literal

325 K ST Kuruk Benga enda cinep bas taneh i semak-semak

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA kira-kira 50 meter jarakna bas asarna nari.

E TT2 This coucal will perch on a point about 50 meters from the nest on the ground in the bush.

Technique Literal

327 K ST Enca cinep emaka ia erdalan ia bobo taneh lewat semek-semak menuju asarna.

E TT2 After perching then it will walk on the ground through the bushes towards it‘s nest.


329 K ST Asarna pe la seri ras asar perik se deban

E TT2 The nest is also unique

Technique deletion

331 K ST Contohna adi lit i je api ibas semak-semak, kerina meseng kecuali asar kuruk benga ndai ngenca utuh la meseng.

E TT2 For example, if there is a fire in the bushes, everything might be burnt, except the Coucal's nest.

Technique Literal

333 K ST ―Turiturin Guru Pertawar Penggel ras Kuruk Benga‖

E TT2 ―The story of a bonesetter and the Greater Coucal.‖

Technique Literal

335 K ST Nai, sada kalak Guru Pertawar Penggel memperdateken cara-cara Kuruk Benga njaga anakna si penggel tulan nahena..

E TT2 Many, many years ago a Karonese Bonesetter watched a bird taking care of its chick whose legs were broken.

Technique Literal

337 K ST Setiap wari perik kuruk Benga e mbaba bulung si mbue macamna gelah nambari tulan anakna si


E TT2 Every day the bird brought back to its nest different kinds of leaves to cure the chick‘s broken leg.

Technique Literal

339 K ST La seh sada minggu tulan sayap si penggel e enggo madaan. Kuruk Benga enda buatina ramuen bulung- bulung kerangen nambari anakna.

E TT2 It took approximately one week for the chick's broken bone to be healed. The Coucal apparently used rainforest herbs to heal the chicks.

Technique literal

341 K ST Kenca perdateken guru pertawar penggel ndai maka ia tersungkun sungkun ugange cara perik ndai nambari adi tulan sayap anakna si penggel.

E TT2 After this observation, the bone setter became curious as to how the bird would treat the chick if its wings were broken.

Technique Literal

343 K ST Perban pertawar penggel enggo ietehna sunahen nambari tulan nahe, asangken nambari tulan kabeng.

E TT2 The bone setter already knew that it was easier to heal a leg bone; healing broken wings was much more challenging.

Technique Literal

345 K ST Gelah banci i pelajarina emaka harus me penggelkena tulan kabeng anak Kuruk Benga ndai.

E TT2 To be able to learn from the Coucal, the bone setter had to break the wings of the chick.


347 K ST Mulih -ulih Kuruk Benga pe mbaba bulung bulung setiap wari ku asarna. E TT2 Again and again, the Coucal brought more leaves to the nest.


349 K ST Pertawar penggel pe mulai memperhatiken bulung kai si babana ku asarna, catatna kerina ngadi ngadi tulan kabeng malem

E TT2 The bone setter marked and recorded the process until the wings healed.

Technique Literal

351 K ST Kabengna pe madaan kurang dari sada minggu

E TT2 It took less than one week for the broken wings to be cured


353 K ST Endam turi-turinna uga maka Guru Pertawar Penggel Kalak Karo i angkana kerina ramuan-ramuan bulung- bulung si ni perluken guna nambari tulan si penggel.

E TT2 So this is the tale of how the Karo Bones setter learned about the herbs needed to fix fractured bones.

Technique Literal

355 K ST Pemeteh enda i peseh bapa nari ku anak asa gundari, Jadi ise pe banci jadi Pertawar Penggel. E TT2 This knowledge has been passed on from one generation to another so that anyone can become a bone setter. Technique Literal

357 K ST Adi tandaina kerina bulung-bulung ramuan erban minak tawar penggel

E TT2 Providing the person knows and recognizes all herbal leaves for medical oil ingredients for fractured bones.

Technique Literal


E TT2 The step by step to make the medicinal oil to cure factured bone.


361 K ST Kerina bahan bahan bulung-bulung ras minak binatang i siapken lebe termasuk santan tualah ijo, E TT2 Prepare all the ingredients including herbal leaves, animals fat including green coconut milk.


363 K ST Ilasken lebe santan tualah ijo ngadi-ngadi jadi minak.

E TT2 First of all heat the green coconut milk until it become oil.


365 K ST Kenca jadi minak emaka ipebergeh.

E TT2 After the coconut milk changed to become oil then cool it down.


367 K ST Encage tama minak e ku bas panci.

E TT2 Then put the oil into a container.

369 K ST Cuci belangana encage tama minak tualah ku belanga laskenka ngadi-ngadi luam..

E TT2 Wash the Chinese wok and coconut oil is poured in and then heated it again to boiling.


371 K ST Emaka sitik-sitik tama bahan bahan si enggo I sediaken kubas minak.

E TT2 Then little by little the material that has been provided put into the oil.


373 K ST Pekitiki apina, tangger ngadi ngadi luam emaka mateken kompor.

E TT2 Reduced fire, heat to boiling and then turn off the stove.


375 K ST Adi enggo ka luam sekali nari enggo banci mateken apina.

E TT2 If the oil is boiling once again the stove can be turned off.


377 K ST Timai sampe mbergeh emaka tama minak sienggo jadi ku bas botol.

E TT2 Wait until the oil cool down then put them into bottles.


379 K ST Encage kerina ampas minak si tading bas belanga i olah ka jadi kuning.

E TT2 Then the remnant of oil is processed into paste to make the kuning.

Technique Literal

381 K ST Tama kesaya si lima-lima, tepung beras gelah kental, pala ras cengkih.

E TT2 Put some rice flour to thicken, pepper, garlic, shallot, ginger, nutmeg and cloves.

Technique Literal

383 K ST Kerina I giling ngadi melumat emaka I aduk ngagi- ngadi rata, E TT2 Grind and mix it all until evenly distributed.

Technique Literal

385 K ST Ipuluri asa guli galangna entah pe kitiken. E maka i jemur bas las matawari.

E TT2 Make them round as big as marbles or smaller and dry them under the the sun.


387 K ST Bagem carana generasinta siperlebe erlajar pepulung bulung-bulung obat mujarab man tulan retak tah pe

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA penggel. E TT2 Thus this was how the older generation knew how the collection of leaves as the most effective medicine for cracked or fractured bones.

Technique Literal

389 K ST Jadi adi tehndu ras tandaindu kerina ramuen bulung- bulung e, kam pe banci ka nge jadi Pertawar Penggel.

E TT2 Conceivably, if you knew and recognize all the necessary foliage and learned how to prepare the leaves, you too have the possibility to be a bone setter/healer.

Technique Literal

391 K ST Labo mantra si pepalem pinakit.

E TT2 It had never been the Mantra which makes recovery.

Technique Amplification

393 K ST Mantra fungsina gelah pasien percaya diri jadi tambah gegehna emaka pinakit lampas madaan.

E TT2 The function of the Mantra had been only to reassure the client. The purpose had been to make them confident that he/she would be strong and had speedy recovery.

Technique amplification + pure borrowing + additional

395 K ST Endam turi-turin Kuruk Benga ras Pertawar Penggel kalak Karo. Bujur! Mejuah-juah!

E TT2 Well, this is the story of ―Kuruk Benga‖ the Coucal and the bone setters. Thank you. ‗Mejuah-juah’(God Bless you!)

Technique Pure borrowing + literal

HS= Herlina Surbakti

AG= Awai Gurusinga

KT= Kornelius Tarigan


Meriah Ukur P. Kacinambun

Edi Suranta S. Meilala

Syahidin Sembiring



Karonese Bahasa Indonesia English Adi Apabila, bila, jikalau, kalau If Ah itu That Alun urut Masasge Ampas Ampas Dregs Ampasna ampasnya Dregs Angkana Dia mengerti He understands Arah Arah Direction Asa Sampai To Asalna Asalnya Origin Asangken Daripada Of the Asar Sarang Nest Asarna. Sarangnya Nest Babana Bawanya Carried it Bagem Begitulah That Bagi Seperti As Bagin Bagian Section Bajar Jantan Manly Ban Buat For Banci Bisa, Dapat Can, Can Bas Dalam In Batangna Pohonya The tree Belanga. Kuali Crock Belangna Kualinya Cauldron Belo Sirih Betel Beluh Bisa, Pandai Can, Clever

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Biasana Biasanya Usually Botolken Dimasukkan ke Botol Put Bottles Buat Ambil Take Buatina Diambilinya takes Bujur! Terimakasih Thank you Buluh Bambu Bamboo Bulung Daun Leaf Bulung-bulung Daun-daun Leaves Bulungna Daunya The leaf Campurken Dicampurkan Mixed Carana Caranya The trick Celupken Dicelupkan Dipped Cengkih. Cengkeh Clove Cinep Hinggap Perch Cuping Kuping Ear Curu-curu Penyanggah Patah tulang Buffer Fractures Dareh Darah Blood Das Diatas Above Dat Dapat Could Datas Diatas Above Deher Dekat Close Deleng. Gunung Mountain Denga Masih Still Dibata Tuhan God Diberuna Istrinya His wife Dilah Lidah Tongue Dilakina Suaminya Her husband Dung Selesai Finished E Itu It

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Em Itulah It is Emaka Jadi So Encage Sesudah itu After that Enda Ini This Endam Inilah This is Enggo Sudah Already Entahpe Bisa juga Can also Erbage-bage Berbagai-bagai Various Erbahan Membuat Create Erban Membuat Create Erbansa Membuat Create Erdalan Berjalan Walk Ergeser. Bergeser Shift Erguna Berguna Useful Erjam-jam Berjam-jam For hours Erkiteken Dikarenakan, Oleh karena Because, therefore Erkubang-kubang Berlumpur-lumpur Muddy-mud Erlajar Belajar Learn Ermacam-macam Bermacam-macam Many kinds of Ermasalah. Bermasalah Problematic Ernipi Bermimpi Dream Erpangir Cuci Rambut Hair washing Ertina Artinya That is to say Galang. Besar Big Galangna Besarnya Magnitude Ganggun Gangguan Interference Ganjang Tinggi High Ganjangna Tingginya Height Gara Merah Red

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Gedang Panjang Long Gedangna Panjangya The length Gegeh Kekuatan Power Gegehna Kekuatanya Gelah Supaya So Gelarna Namanya His name Generasinta Generasi kita Our generation Guli. Kelereng Marbles Gunaken Digunakan, dipakai Used, worn Gunana Gunanya Pointless Gundari Sekarang Now Guru Pertawar Penggal Dukun Patah Bone Setter Hawana. Hawanya Hawanya Ia Dia She Ibaluti Dibungkus, Dibalut Wrapped, Wrapped Iban Dibuat Be made Ibas Didalam In the Ibereken Diberikan Be given Idatas Diatas Above Idup Hidup Life Ijemur Dijemur Dried Ijo. Hijau Green Ikemas Dikemas Packed Ikerangen Di Hutan In the forest Ikurna Ekornya Tail Ilasken Dipanaskan Be heated Imulai Dimulai Begins Inemen Minuman Beverages Inganna Tempatnya Place

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Iolesken Dioleskan Topical Ipanna Dimakanya Dimakanya Ipasang Dipasang Installed Ipebergeh. Didinginkan Chilled Ipuluri Dibulat-bulatkan Dibulat-rounded Ise Siapa Who Isemburken Disemburkan Spouted Isiram Disiram Doused Itarik Ditarik Withdrawn Itepi Ditepi On the edge Iteruh Dibawah Below Iulihken Kembalikan Return Jadiken Jadikan Make Janah Sambil While Jarakna Jaraknya The distance Je Disitu There Jelma Orang People Jumpai Dijumpai Found Jurgak Sombong Arrogant Ka Lagi Again Kabeng. Sayap Wing Kabengna Sayapnya Wings Kaciwer Kencur Kencur Kai Apa What Kaka Kakak/Abang Sister / brother Kalak Orang People Kam Kamu Ye Kapal-kapal Benalu Parasite Kenca Hanya Only

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Kerah Kering Dried Kerangen Hutan Forest Kerina Semua All Kesaya Bumbu Dapur Herbs Kesaya-kesaya Bumbu Dapur Herbs Keturunen. Keturunan Ancestry Kibul Bulat. Bundar Round. Round Kitiken. Dikecilkan Be diminished Kondisina Kondisinya Her condition Kuan-kuan Pepatah Proverb Kubas Kedalam Into The Kudatas. Keatas To The Top Kuning. Param Param Kupepinter Saya Luluskan I Luluskan Kuruk benga Burung But-but But bird-but Kusamping Kesamping To side Kutama Saya Taruh My Place Labo Tidak Not Lampas Cepat Fast Lanai Tidak Lagi No longer Lang Tidak Not Langa Belum Not yet Las Panas Hot Las-ken-ka Panaskan Lagi Heat Again Latih Lelah Weary Lau Air Water Launa Airnya The water Lebe. Dulu Past Lebo Kura Kura Turtle

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Leket Lengket Sticky Lit Ada Exist Luam Mendidih Boil Madaan Sembuh Recover Maka Maka Then Makana Makanya Therefore Makesa Memakainya Wear Malem Sembuh Recover Man Makan Eat Mantra Mantra Mantra Matawari Matahari Sun Mateken Matikan Turn off Mbaba Bawa Bring Mbaca Baca Read Mbarenda Dulu Past Mbergeh. Dingin Cold Mbiring Hitam Black Mbue Banyak Much Megara Merah Red Megusgus Memar Bruised Mejuah-juah! Salam Greetings Melalana Banyak Much Melas Panas Hot Melumat Halus Smooth Memperdateken Memperhatikan Notice Meratah. Hijau Green Meratah-ratah Kehijau-hijauan Greenish Meseng Hangus Scorched Mesui Sakit Sick

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Minak. Minyak Oil Mis Langsung Straight Mole Merunduk Stoop Mulih Pulang Return Mulihi Kembali Return Mulihken Kembali Return Musti Harus Must Nahe Kaki Leg Nahena. Kakinya His legs Nai Dulu Past Nambari Mengobati Treat Nambarisa Mengobati Treat Nari. Dari From Ndai Tadi Last Ndekah Lama Old Ngadi Berhenti Stop Ngadi-ngadi Istirahat Break Ngawan Luas Broad Ngenca Saja Only Nggarang Merangkak Crawl Nini Nenek Grandmother Nipai Ular Snake Njaga Jaga Watch Njoler Melata Slither Numpang Menumpang Ride Olah Diolah Be treated Olesken Dioelskan Dioelskan 'Oukup' Oukup Oukup Pala Pala Nutmeg

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Palem Palem Palm Paliten Paliten Paliten Pancur Pancur Pancur Pangkalna Pangkalnya Hilt Pasangen Pasangan Pair Pe Pun Too Pebergeh Dinginkan Cool Pegaga Pegagan Gotu kola Memperbaiki, Repair, Beautify Pehuli Mempercantik Pekena Memperbaiki Fix Pekitiki Memperkecil Minimize Pelajarina Pelajarinya Learn it Peldang Anggrek Orchid Pemeteh Pengetahuan Knowledge Pengalun Minyak Pengalun Oil Pengalun Penggel Patah Broken Penggelkena Patahkanya Patahkanya Pengobaten Pengobatan Treatment Pepalem Menyembuhkan Cure Pepulung Mengumpulkan Collect Perdateken Perhatikan Note Peredaren Peredaran Circulation Pergegeh Kekuatan Power Pergeluhna Kehidupanya Kehidupanya Peridiin Mandian Mandian Perik-perik Burung-burung Birds Perluken Perlukan You need Pertawar Tabib Physician

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Perturahna Pertumbuhanya Pertumbuhanya Peseh Menyampaikan Convey Piga-piga Beberapa Some Pinakit Penyakit Disease Pinter. Lurus Straight Posisina Posisinya His position Pucukna Pucuknya Bud Pulung Kumpul Gather Pulungen Kumpulan Collection Puluri Bulat-bulati Round-bulati Pusuh Batin Inner Rabu-abu. Berabu-abu Berabu-ash Ramuan Ramuan Concoction Ramuan-ramuan Ramuan-Ramuan Potions Ras Sama Together Regat Retak Cracked Reh Sampai, Tiba Until, Arrived Rupana. Rupanya Apparently Rusur Selalu Always Sada Satu Single Salu Dengan With Sampatindu Anda Tolong Your Help Sampe Sampai To Sanga Waktu Time Sediaken Sediakan Provide Seh Sampai To Serai Serai Serai Seri Sama Together Sideban. Yang lain Another

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Sidiberu Yang Perempuan The Woman Sienggo Yang sudah Which are already Sienterem. Masyarakat Luas Wide community Sifatna Sifatnya Nature Simbelah Sebelah Next Sipentingna Yang Penting The Important One Yang Terdahulu Which Siperlebe Accomplished

Sitik Sedikit Little Sitik-sitik Sedikit-sedikit Little by little Sope Sebelum Before Sungkun Tanya Question Surindan Benalu Parasite Tabasna Doanya Prayer Tabeh-tabeh Lemak Fat Tading Tinggal Stay Takalna Kepalanya Head Tama Taruh Place Tambar Obat Drug Tanamen Tanaman Plant Tandaina Dikenalnya Known Tandaindu Kamu Kenal Do you know Taneh Tanah Ground Tangger Direbus Boiled Tang-tangna Mula-Mula, Pertama kali Early, First time Tawar Obat Drug Kamu Tahu, Anda Tahu You Know, You Tehndu Know

Telap Tajam Sharp Tenangken Tenangkan Calm

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Tengteng Tepat Right Terjemahennan Terjemahan Translation Tersiher Terkilir, Keseleo Sprains, Sprain Tertandei Bersandar Lean back Teruh Bawah Under Timai Tunggu Wait Tualah Kelapa Coconut Tulan Tulang Bone Tumbuhen Tumbuhan Plant Tunggul Kecewa Disappointed Turah Tumbuh Grow Turikendu Ceritakan Tell Turiturin Cerita Story Turi-turinna Ceritanya Story Udan Hujan Rain Uga Bagaimana How Ujungna. Ujungnya Ends Ula Jangan Do not Ulih Hasil Result Ulihken Membalikan Reverse Urat Akar Root Uratna Akarnya Its roots Urat-urat Akar-akar The roots Waren Tumbuhan Menjalar Creeper plant Wari Hari Day



K Tanaman sirih liar menjalar berasal dari Indonesia

I Sirih liar menjalar ini berasal dari Indonesia

E The creeper wild betel is originally from Indonesia

DUA NGAWAN Dua Ngawan/Tawar Terunggu, em kap kapal-kapal si turah i deher urat K kayu, biasana surindan dua ngawan enda i jumpai i kerangen tua erkiteken kayu galang I kerangen tua.

Dua Ngawan/Tawar Terunggu adalah tumbuhan parasit yang tumbuh pada I bagian bawah/dekat ke akar pohon-pohon besar dihutan hujan.

Dua Ngawan/Tawar Terunggu is parasitic plants that grow on the bottom / E close to the roots of large trees. they grow in temperate rain forests

IKAN IKAN Ikan-ikan Enda tanamen herbal, Biasana turah I daerah kerangen si er hawa K mbergeh.

Ikan-ikan ini termasuk tumbuhan perdu, biasanya tumbuh di daerah yang I dingin.

E Ikan ikan is an herbaceous plant, usually grown in a cold area.

KALINCAYO K 'Kalincayo' enda tumbuhen perdu turah i kerangen tua iteruh deleng. Kalincayo' adalah tanaman perdu yang tumbuh pada hutan hujan dingin di I lereng gunung.

'Kalincayo' are herbaceous plants that grow in the temperate rain forests at E the slope of the mountains. KAPAL KAPAL CUPING KERA Kapal-kapal Cuping Kera emkap tanamen si numpang turah bas batang kayu K galang ibas kerangen si mbergeh.

Benalu Cuping Kera adalah benalu yang tumbuh di pohon-pohon besar I ditengan hutan hujan dingin.

Kapal-kapal Cuping Kera is parasistic plants that grow in the temperate E Rainforests.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA KAPAL KAPAL GARA Kapal-Kapal Garantula' turah i bas batang kayu galang ikerangen tua iteruh K deleng.

Benalu Garantula tumbuh pada pohon-pohon besar di hutan hujan dilereng I gunung..

'Kapal Kapal Garantula', grow on large trees in the rain forest up in the E mountain slope,.

K Simbelah bulungna megara, simbelah nari meratah.

I Sebelah daunnya berwarna merah dan sebelah lagi berwarna hijau

E The leaves are green in one side and are red on the other side.

KAPAL KAPAL JANTUNG Kapal-kapal Jantung, turah sebagai parasite I datas batang kayu galang I K daerah kerangen Leuser.

Benalu Jantung, Tumbuh di daerah lauser, sebagai tanaman parasite pada I pohon besar, di daerah hutan lindung Leuser.

Kapal-kapal Jantung, grows in the Leuser area, as a parasite plant on large E trees, in the Leuser protected forest areas.

Bulungna turah er lapis-lapis seperti jantung pisang tapi kapal-kapal enda K bentukna kibul bagi kol.

Daunnya tumbuh ber lapis-lapis seperti jantung pisang tetapi bentuknya I mirip kol.

E The leaves grow in layers like a banana flower but shaped like a cabbage.


K Kapal kapal siligen negri turah njoler das batang kayu galang I kerangen tua. Kapal kapal siligen negri ini termasuk tumbuhan benalu yang menjalar pada I batang pohon besar di daerah hutan hujan.

Kapal kapal siligen negri included in parasites plant, which spread on the E trunk of a large tree in the rainforest.


K Tanemen enda njoler idatas batang kayu galang.

I Tumbuhan ini merambat diatas pohon kayu besar.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA E This plant is creeping over big trees.

K Turah bas kerangen tua berhawa mbergeh. (Sibolangit.Sibayak)

I Tumbuh di hutan hujan berhawa dingin. (Sibolangit/Sibayak)

E Grow in cold temperate rainforests. (Sibolangit / Sibayak)


K Kapal-kapal tawar aji turah sebagai parasit, turah njoler idatas batang kayu galang.

I Kapal-kapal tawar aji tumbuh sebagai parasite, merambat pada batang pohon besar.

E This parasitic plant can grow cold areas and creeping up on the trunk of a large tree.


K Kapal-kapal tawar ipuh turah leket bas batang kayu galang I daerah deleng.

I Kapal-kapal tawar ipuh tumbuh lengketb pada batang kayu besar dipegunungan.

E These plants are parasites that attaches to big trees in the mountain area.

KAYU IDUP Kapal-kapal Kayu Idup turah bas batang kayu galang ibas kerangen tua I K teruh deleng.

Benalu Kayu Idup tumbuh pada pohon besar didaerah hutan hujan dilereng I gunung.

Kayu Idup parasite plant grows in big trees of temprate rainforest on the E mountain slopes.


K Lancing kerangen turah bas taneh kerangen berhawa mbergeh.

I Lancing Kerangen tumbuh pada dasar hutan hujan yang dingin

E Lancing Kerangen grows in temperate rain forest

K Lancing kerangen enda banci turah lebih dari sada meter gedangna

I Lancing kerangen ini bisa tumbuh lebih dari satu meter tingginya,

E Lancing kerangen can grow more than one meter tall,


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 'Minak Pengalun' I bahan bas urat-urat ras bulung-bulung kerangen tambar , K tabeh-tabeh nipai, leibo, kambing bajar, ras kuda

'Minyak Herbal Karo 'yang dibuat buat dari berbagai-bagai akar dan daun- I daun obat dari hutan hujan, lemak ular, kura-kura, kambing jantan dan kuda

Karonese Medicational oil made from various roots and leaves of the rain E forest herbs, the fat of , snake, turtle, rams and horses

PELDANG LIDAH HANTU HARA Peldang Dilah Hantu hara enda turah lekket bas batang kayu I daerah K pegunungan.

Peldang Dilah Hantu hara menempel pada batang pohon, tumbuhan ini biasa I tumbuh pada daerah pegunungan yang dingin.

Peldang Dilah Hantu hara attached to the tree trunks, these plants are usually E grown in mountainous temprate area


K pera-pera enda turah I daerah kerangen si mbergeh hawana.

I pera-pera tumbuh di daerah hutan hujan yang dingin

E Pera-pera grows in the cold rain forest.

PUCUK RING RING Pucuk ring-ring enda turah ibas kerangen berhawa mbergeh, banci i gunaken K jadi obat inemen untuk nambari luka dalam, kuning ras minak nambari tulan penggel

Pucuk ring-ring tumbuh di daerah hutan hujan yang sejuk, tumbuhan ini I biasa digunakan untuk obat minum untuk mengobati luka dalam, membuat kuning, dan untuk membuat minyak mengobati tulang yang retak dan patah.

This shrub plant, pucuk ring-ring grows in temperate rain forests. The leaves E can be used as a drink medicine to cure internal problems to mke kuning and oil, to treat sprains, cracked and broken bones.

SI JERGAL Si Jergal em kap tanamn lumut ia biasana turah i bas tebing-tebing bas K kerangen, i pakai erban Kuning ras minak nambari patah tulan enda turah i bas kerangen berhawa dingin Ia turah i bagin dasar hutan hujan

Si Jergal merupakan jenis lumut yang biasanya tumbuh pada tebing, I digunakan untuk membuat Kuning dan minyak untuk menyembuhkan patah tulang, dan tanaman ini Tumbuh di hutan hujan dingin

E This plant is a kind of moss that can grow on cliffs, usually used to make Kuning and medicinal oil to cure fractured bones, and this plant grows in

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA temperate rain forest

SIANG SIANG Siang-siang turah itepi kerangen, gedang batangna lebih kurang sada meter K ganjangna, rupana merah jambu. Ganjang batangna lebih kurang sada meter.

Siang-Siang adalah tanaman perdu tumbuh didaerah hutan hujan yang I berudara sejuk atau dingin, bunganya berwana merah jambu, tinggi pohonya lebih kurang satu meter

Siang-SianG is an herbaceous plant that grows in the temprate rain forests E and has pink-colored flowers. The height of the tree can reach approximately one meter

SURAT DIBATA GARA Surat Dibata gara, biasana turah langsung bobo taneh ibas kerangen si K mbergeh.

"Surat dibata Gara" biasanya tumbuh langsung diatas tanah dihutan hujan I dingin.

"Surat Dibata Gara" usuallly grows directly on the temperate rain forest E ground,

SURAT DIBATA RATAH Surat Dibata ratah, biasana turah leket bas batu-batu galang ras batu terjal K ibas kerangen daerah mbergeh.

Tanaman "Surat dibata" biasanya tumbuh menempel pada batu atau tebing I curam, di dalam hutan hujan dingin.

The plants of "Surat Dibata‖ usually grow attached to rocks or steep cliffs , E in the temperate rain forest

TAWAR PALITEN Tumbuhen enda jenis kapal-kapal turah bas batang kayu galang atau bas K uratna entahpe bas batangna

Tumbuhan ini adalah jenis kapal-kapal yang tumbuh pada akar pohon pohon I yang tinggi

This plant is a type of Kapal-kapal that grows at the roots and trunk of big E trees

Biasana tawar paliten enda turah bas kerangen tua I daerah deleng melas K entahpe mbergeh

I Biasanya tawar paliten ini tumbuh pada hutan hujan di daerah pegunungan


E Usually tawar paliten can be found in the temperate or warm rain forest.

WAREN GEGEH Waren gegeh turah bas dasar hutan hujan, tanamen enda njoler turah bas K kerangen berhawa sejuk.

Waren Gegeh adalah sejenis tumbuhan yang merambat yang dapat I ditemukan di dalam hutan hujan sejuk

Waren Gegeh is a creeping plant that can be found in the temperate rain E forests



1 Binara Baru cina.(sundamala) Chinese mugwort

2 Gumis kucing Kumis kucing Java tea

3 Kaciwer Kencur Cutcherry

4 Lasuna Bawang putih. Garlic

5 Pegaga Pegagan Cantella

6 Pia Bawang merah Shallot

7 Sendep sendep Paku ekor kuda Scouringrush horsetail

8 Serai wangi Serai wangi Citronella

9 Si telu-bulung Pamaman/kalimantan Tit-berry

10 Tabu tabu Kundur Bottle gourd