1 CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 susan wabuda Ph.D., F.R.Hist.S. Associate Professor of History Department of History Fordham University 441 East Fordham Road Bronx, New York 10458-5159 http://faculty.fordham.edu/wabuda/ tel.: (718) 817-3945 fax: (718) 817-4680 wabuda@fordham.edu Education Ph.D., Cambridge University (1992), working under the supervision of Patrick Collinson, Regius Professor of Modern History. Thesis: “The Provision of Preaching during the Early English Reformation, with Special Reference to Itineration, c. 1530-1547”. M.A., Wesleyan University (1980), working under the supervision of Stephen D. White. Thesis: “Anne Askew (c. 1520-1546): A Study of Women and Religious Dissent in England”. B.A., Southern Connecticut State (1979), magna cum laude. Professional Experience Associate Professor, Fordham University, Rose Hill, Bronx, New York: 1991-Present. Tenured, 1999. Administrator of the St. Robert Southwell, S. J. Lecture Series at Fordham University, 2007-Present. Advisor to the St. Edmund Campion Institute for the Advancement of Intellectual Excellence at Fordham University, especially for prestigious scholarships and fellowships, including the Gates- Cambridge Scholarship and other distinctions for the United Kingdom: 2003-Present. Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, Department of History, Rose Hill, Fordham University: September 2001-December 2003. Visiting Professor, St. Mary’s College, Strawberry Hill, University of Surrey, United Kingdom: April-May 2001. 2 Professional Organizations Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (elected 1999) American Historical Association American Society of Church History Church of England Record Society (charter member) Ecclesiastical History Society North American Conference on British Studies Society for Reformation Research Fellowships Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.: I was awarded a Short- Term Fellowship at the Folger Shakespeare Library for my project “Cranmer’s Women”, February-April 2013. Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C..: I was awarded a Short- Term Fellowship at the Folger Shakespeare Library for my project “Latin Polemical Writings and Latimer’s Library”, September- November 2006. Fordham University Faculty Fellowships: I was granted Faculty Fellowships for research and writing: in Summer 1997, Spring 2001, Fall 2005, Spring 2010. Prestigious Seminars and workshops Folger Institute, Folger Shakespeare Library: I participated in a Fall Weekend Workshop, “Reassessing Henry VIII”, 5 and 6 November 2010. Folger Institute, Folger Shakespeare Library: I participated in a Fall Weekend Seminar on “The University Cultures of Early Modern Oxford and Cambridge”, led by Professor Nicholas Tyacke, in October 2008. Folger Institute, Folger Shakespeare Library: I was invited to participate in a Fall Weekend Seminar, “The Early Modern Bible”, led by Professor Jaroslav Pelikan, in September 2002. National Endowment for the Humanities: I was invited to participate in “Society and Religion in Early Modern England”, the first Summer Institute led by Professor David Cressy and Dr. Lori Anne Ferrell at the Claremont Graduate Schools, Claremont, California (July- August 1993). Bursaries and other awards British Federation of University Women: I was awarded a Theodora Bosanquet Bursary for research in London (August 1989). Trinity College, Cambridge University: I was granted a Trinity College Bursary (1988-1991); and The Eddington Fund assisted my travel in July 1989 and December 1990. 3 Faculty of History, Cambridge University: I held an Archbishop Cranmer Studentship (1989-1991); and The Lightfoot Fund assisted my research in April 1989. Cambridge University: I held an Overseas Research Student Award (1988-1991). Department of History, Southern Connecticut State College: I was Awarded the Phipps Essay Prize in History (June 1979). SELECTED Citations 2009 I have been quoted concerning Henry VIII’s economic policy in “Oh, Henry”, an article by Susan Adams appearing in Forbes magazine, February 16, 2009 (volume 183, no. 3), pp. 76-77. http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2009/0216/076.html I have been mentioned in “The Real Henry VIII”, an article by Barrymore Laurence Scherer, appearing in The Wall Street Journal, April 1, 2009, p. D7. pUBLICATIONS i. Books 2002 Preaching during the English Reformation (Cambridge: University Press). Paperback edition, 2008. 1998 Belief and Practice in Reformation England: A Tribute to Patrick Collinson from His Students, eds. Susan Wabuda and Caroline Litzenberger (Aldershot and Brookfield, Vermont: Ashgate). This is a volume of essays by ten of Patrick Collinson’s former students, with an introductory chapter by Norman Jones. The title of my own contribution is: “The Woman with the Rock: the Controversy on Women and Bible Reading”, pp. 40-59. II. Articles and essays 2014 “Lost at Paul’s Cross: Unrecorded Sermons”, in Paul’s Cross and the Culture of Persuasion in England, 1520-1640, eds. Torrance Kirby and P. G. Stanwood, Studies in the History of Christian Tradition Series, vol. 171 (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014), pp. 439-451. 2013 “Receiving the King: Henry VIII at Cambridge”, in Henry VIII and the Court: Art, Politics and Performance, eds. Thomas Betteridge and Suzannah Lipscomb (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2013), pp. 163-178. 2009 “The Reformation of the English Church under Henry VIII”, in Vivat Rex!: An Exhibition Commemorating the 500th 4 Anniversary of the Accession of Henry VIII, by Arthur L. Schwarz, a Catalogue of the Exhibition held at The Grolier Club, 47 East 60th Street, New York, New York 10022, from 4 March to 2 May 2009, and at The Folger Shakespeare Library, 201 East Capitol Street, Washington, D.C. 20003 from 18 September to 31 December 2010 (New York: The Grolier Club, 2009), pp. 30-44. 2008 “From Manuscript to Codex to E-Book: the Interactive Foxe”, New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, IV: Papers of the Renaissance English Text Society 2002-2006, ed. Michael Denbo, Renaissance English Text Society, 7th Series, Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, vol. 345 (Tempe: Arizona State University Press, 2008), pp. 13-22. 2007 “Queen Regnant: Mary Tudor and Her Early Champions 1553-1554”, The Joan Henderson Lecture, Occasional Paper No. 2, St. Mary’s University College, Twickenham (London, 2007). 2004 “Triple-Deckers and Eagle Lecterns: Church Furniture for the Book in Late Medieval and Early Modern England”, in The Church and the Book, vol. 38 of Studies in Church History, ed. R. N. Swanson (Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press), pp. 143-152. 2002 “Sanctified by the Believing Spouse: Women, Men and the Marital Yoke in the Early Reformation”, in The Beginnings of English Protestantism, eds. Peter Marshall and Alec Ryrie (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 111-128. 1998 “`Fruitful Preaching’ in the Diocese of Worcester: Bishop Hugh Latimer and His Influence, 1535-1539”, Religion and the English People 1500-1640: New Voices, New Perspectives, ed., Eric Josef Carlson, vol. 45 of Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies, pp. 49-74. 1994 “Bishops and the Provision of Homilies, 1520 to 1547”, The Sixteenth Century Journal, vol. 25, pp. 551-566. 1993 “Equivocation and Recantation During the English Reformation: the `Subtle Shadows’ of Dr Edward Crome”, The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, vol. 44, pp. 224-242. “Henry Bull, Miles Coverdale, and the Making of Foxe’s Book of Martyrs”, in Martyrs and Martyrologies, vol. 30 of Studies 5 in Church History, ed. Diana Wood (Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 245-258. “Setting Forth the Word of God: Archbishop Cranmer’s Early Patronage of Preachers”, in Thomas Cranmer: Churchman and Scholar, eds. David Selwyn and Paul Ayris (Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press), pp. 75-88. 1991 “Acton Court and the Progress of 1535”, with David Starkey, in Henry VIII: a European Court in England, ed. David Starkey (London: Collins & Brown), p. 118. “Bishop John Longland’s Mandate to His Clergy, 1535”, The Library, series 6, vol. 13, pp. 255-261. 1990 “Shunamites and Nurses of the English Reformation: the Activities of Mary Glover, Niece of Hugh Latimer”, in Women in the Church, vol. 27 of Studies in Church History, eds. W. J. Sheils and Diana Wood (Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 335-344. iii. encyclopedia entries and brief biographies 2008 “Marian Martyrs (act. 1555-1558)” an on-line theme article for The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, which was first posted in October 2008, and was highlighted again in late 2014. It is available at http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/theme/95582 2006 “Hourglasses in the Church” and “Preaching” in Puritans and Puritanism in Europe and America: a Comprehensive Encyclopedia, eds. Francis J. Bremer and Tom Webster, 2 vols. (Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, 2006), vol. 2, pp. 415-416, 488-491. 2004 “Text Commentary Relating to Hugh Latimer” in John Foxe, Acts and Monuments, the Variorum Edition [online] (hrionline, Sheffield, 2004). Available at: http://www.hrionline.ac.uk.foxe/. The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, eds. H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison (Oxford: University Press, 2004), the following entries for sixteenth-century figures: Bishop John Bell of Worcester (vol. 4, pp. 947-948); Augustine Bernher, religious reformer (vol. 5, pp. 451-452); Katherine Bertie, Duchess of Suffolk (vol. 5, pp. 486-487); Richard Bertie, landowner (vol. 5, pp. 493-494); Henry Bull, 6 theological writer (vol.8, pp. 589-590); Edward Crome, religious controversialist (vol. 14, pp. 287-288); Thomas Garrard, protestant reformer (vol. 21, pp. 515-516); Robert Glover, protestant martyr
THE BEGINNINGS OF ENGLISH PROTESTANTISM PETER MARSHALL ALEC RYRIE The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge ,UK West th Street, New York, -, USA Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, , Australia Ruiz de Alarc´on , Madrid, Spain Dock House, The Waterfront, Cape Town , South Africa http://www.cambridge.org C Cambridge University Press This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge Typeface Baskerville Monotype /. pt. System LATEX ε [TB] A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library hardback paperback Contents List of illustrations page ix Notes on contributors x List of abbreviations xi Introduction: Protestantisms and their beginnings Peter Marshall and Alec Ryrie Evangelical conversion in the reign of Henry VIII Peter Marshall The friars in the English Reformation Richard Rex Clement Armstrong and the godly commonwealth: radical religion in early Tudor England Ethan H. Shagan Counting sheep, counting shepherds: the problem of allegiance in the English Reformation Alec Ryrie Sanctified by the believing spouse: women, men and the marital yoke in the early Reformation Susan Wabuda Dissenters from a dissenting Church: the challenge of the Freewillers – Thomas Freeman Printing and the Reformation: the English exception Andrew Pettegree vii viii Contents John Day: master printer of the English Reformation John N. King Night schools, conventicles and churches: continuities and discontinuities in early Protestant ecclesiology Patrick Collinson Index Illustrations Coat of arms of Catherine Brandon, duchess of Suffolk.
Durham Research Online Deposited in DRO: 04 May 2017 Version of attached le: Accepted Version Peer-review status of attached le: Peer-reviewed Citation for published item: Ryrie, Alec (2016) 'The nature of spiritual experience.', in The Oxford handbook of the Protestant Reformations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 47-63. Oxford handbooks in history. Further information on publisher's website: https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199646920.013.3 Publisher's copyright statement: This is a draft of a chapter that was accepted for publication by Oxford University Press in the book 'The Oxford Handbook of the Protestant Reformations' edited by Ulinka Rublack and published in 2016. Additional information: Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in DRO • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full DRO policy for further details. Durham University Library, Stockton Road, Durham DH1 3LY, United Kingdom Tel : +44 (0)191 334 3042 | Fax : +44 (0)191 334 2971 https://dro.dur.ac.uk The Nature of Spiritual Experience ABSTRACT This article surveys the question of how early Protestantism was experienced by its practitioners, using the perspective of the history of emotions.
Challenging the Whiteness of Britishness: Co-Creating British Social History in the Blogosphere
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies Special Issue – September 2015 Challenging the Whiteness of Britishness: Co-Creating British Social History in the Blogosphere Deborah Gabriel, Bournemouth University, UK Abstract Blogs are a valuable medium for preserving cultural memory, reflecting the various dimensions of human life (O’Sullivan, 2005) and allowing ordinary individuals and marginalised groups the opportunity to contribute to the ‘dialogue of history’ (Cohen, 2005:10). The diverse perspectives to be found in the blogosphere can help deepen understanding of historical moments. Such examples include 9/11 (Cohen, 2005), the London bombings in 2005 (Allan, 2006) and Hurricane Katrina (Brock, 2009). Using critical race theory (CRT) as a theoretical framework and cultural democracy as the conceptual framework, this study examines the symbolic power of counter-storytelling through the blogosphere. The findings reveal that in relation to coverage of the UK ‘riots’ in 2011 and the Stephen Lawrence verdict in 2012, African Caribbean bloggers advanced alternative perspectives of the events and appropriated blogs as a medium for self-representation through their own constructions of Black identity. In so doing they performed a vital role as co- creators of British social history. 1 Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies Special Issue – September 2015 Introduction Historical archives in Britain often exclude or fail to capture the presence and experiences of people of colour (which dates back to the 17th century with the first arrival of slaves from the west coast of Africa), resulting in a ‘whitenening of Britishness’ Bressey (2006:51). The term is defined as a process through which the exclusion of a person’s skin colour in historical records results in the assumption of a white identity (Bressey, 2006).
Audience Attitudes to the Licence Fee and Public Service Broadcasting Provision Beyond the BBC
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Seventeenth-Century Perceptions of the Henrician Reformation in Print Culture Clare W
Eastern Illinois University The Keep Student Honors Theses History Spring 2013 Seventeenth-Century Perceptions of the Henrician Reformation in Print Culture Clare W. Smith Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/hist_students Part of the European History Commons Recommended Citation Smith, Clare W., "Seventeenth-Century Perceptions of the Henrician Reformation in Print Culture" (2013). Student Honors Theses. 3. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/hist_students/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the History at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Honors Theses by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact tabruns@eiu.edu. Seventeenth-Century Perceptions of the Henrician Reformation in Print Culture Clare W. Smith Honors Thesis Eastern Illinois University - History Department April 2013 Dr. Newton Key, Advisor Table of Contents Acknowledgments…………………………………………………………………………..Page i Introduction………………………………………………………………………………...Page 1 Chapter 1 Henry VIII in High Literature (Histories)……………………………………….Page 4 Chapter 2 The King and the Cobler: Henry VIII in the Low Literature of Abridgements, Ballads, and Chapbooks………………………………………………………….Page 14 Chapter 3 Lasting Images of Henrician Reformation in Stuart Era……………………...Page 24 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………...Page 38 Bibliography………………………………………………………………………………Page 40 Acknowledgments This thesis would not have been possible without the support of many individuals in my life. Although I cannot thank every person along the way who has contributed to the completion of this project, there are some it would be wrong not to acknowledge: My parents, Philip and Irene Smith, who have encouraged me not only in writing my thesis but every adventure of my life.
00220469_71-1_00220469_71-1 04/01/20 2:40 PM Page 1 The Journal ofThe Journal Ecclesiastical History 71 The Journal of Ecclesiastical History Vol. No. 1 January 2020 Volume 71 Number 1 January 2020 CONTENTS i ARTICLES St Edith of Polesworth and her Cult NIGEL TRINGHAM 1 The The Rus Archbishop Peter at the First Council of Lyon ALEXANDER V. M AIOROV 20 Thomas Wolf c. Richard de Abingdon, 1293–1295: a Case Study of Legal Argument SARAH B. WHITE 40 Durham Cathedral and Cuthbert Tunstall: a Cathedral and its Bishop during the Journal Reformation, 1530–1559 ELIZABETH BIGGS 59 The King James Bible: Crown, Church and People KENNETH FINCHAM 77 Vol. The Fight for Inheritances in the Papal States during the Restoration, 1814–1830 of CHRISTOPHER KORTEN 98 71 Instructing the Heavenly King: Joseph Edkins’s Mission to Correct the Theology of No. 2020 1 January Hong Xiuquan CARL S. KILCOURSE 116 Ecclesiastical The Troubled Knot: Tying Church Discipline to ‘Christian Marriage’ in African Contexts JENNIFER C. SNOW 135 THE EUSEBIUS ESSAY PRIZE AND THE WORLD CHRISTIANITIES ESSAY PRIZE 154 REVIEWS 155 History BOOKS RECEIVED 226 AUTHORS’ ADDRESSES iii ® Cambridge Core MIX For further information about this journal Paper from please go to the journal website at: responsible sources cambridge.org/ech ® Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 26 Sep 2021 at 19:03:14, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. 00220469_71-1_00220469_71-1 04/01/20 2:40 PM Page 2 The Journal of Ecclesiastical History Editors Copying James Carleton Paget, University of Cambridge This journal is registered with the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Alec Ryrie, University of Durham Danvers, MA 01923, USA (www.copyright.com).
Archived BBC Public Responses to Complaints 2020 BBC News, Royal
Archived BBC public responses to complaints 2020 BBC News, Royal Family coverage, January 2020 Summary of complaint We were contacted by viewers who were unhappy with the level of coverage given to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's announcement that they will be 'stepping back' as senior royals. Our response In our editorial judgement, the announcement that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex planned to quit their frontline roles was a major news story of great constitutional significance as well as widespread public interest. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have a very high profile at home and abroad and their decision affects the entire Royal Family, as well as raising questions about the levels of public support they enjoy and their charitable roles too. We appreciate viewers may not agree with how this story was covered, but we also made space for other major stories, including developments in Iran and Australia, both of which we have given extensive airtime. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBC World Service, Sinhala, January 2020 Summary of complaint We received a number of complaints about BBC Sinhala correspondent, Azzam Ameen, with concerns over his conduct during the Sri-Lankan presidential election. Our response Editorial impartiality is the foundation of the BBC’s global reputation as a trusted news source and this is something which cannot be compromised. The BBC has taken appropriate action as a result of this serious breach of its Editorial Guidelines. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question Time, BBC One, 16 January 2020 Summary of complaint We were contacted by viewers who were unhappy with the audience makeup of the programme.