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Laugs-Tidende CHRISTIAN DEN FJERDES LAUGS NYTAARSBREV 2020 Laugs-Tidende CHRISTIAN DEN FJERDES LAUGS NYTAARSBREV 2020 Visit by US Travel Agents A salute welcomed 21 American travel agents The 21 American guests, who were special guests a presentation of the guild’s brothers. They were also to Aalborg and North Jutland, arrived on their informed about the history of the guild before they got last evening of the visit to Nytorv in Aalborg. Here a key to the secret entrance to the premises. they were received with a salute, fired by Aalborg To find this secret entrance, the newly initiated were Kanonlaug before entering Jens Bang Stenhus to led around in the city under musical guidance to the be initiated into the Guild of Christian the Fourth entrance, where one of the new members, on behalf of all the others, tested that the key could open the door. The 21 Americans had been guests since Thursday, Oc- Back in the wine cellar, the new members were tober 3, and were invited to Aalborg and North Jutland invited to the galla dinner of the Guild of Christian by a number of companies to experience our Region. the Fourth, consisting of two wonderful red sausa- The 21 people are executive travel agents in the United ges, a glass of beer and a glass of potatojuice (snaps). States, and were invited to come and experience Aal- After the ceremonial the travel agents and their hosts borg and North Jutland. went to a farewell dinner at the Utzon Center, which This Monday evening - the last night of their adven- marked the final of the visit to Aalborg and North Jut- ture tour - the 21 tourist agents were to finish their tour land. in North Jutland in Aalborg, with being admitted in the Guild of Christian the Fourth. Chiefbencher Niels Voss Hansen warmly welcomed the guests to Christian the Fourth Guild in the old wine cellar in Jens Bang’s Stenhus. The guests were festi- vely presented to the guild and its activities, including 2020 New Year’s greetings The year has been a quiet year without the big events went as usual nice and well. We handed over ties and such as Jubilee etc. scarves as usual. But the ceremony in the hills drowned We’ve had 15 initiations including 277 people, pretty in rain and storm. much the same as last year. The Oslo branch paid us a visit on May 27 where we At the General Assembly on February 27th, two initiated 10 Norwegians and 8 Danes. There were 70 “new” board members were inaugurated, Ole Bech spectators, so there were high spirits in the cellar. Kristensen, as Laugskældermester and Torben Røgild In October, we had the initiations of 19 US travel as Treasurer. agency people. The visit was organized by Atlantic This year’s Initiative Award went to Volunteers at Link and was the last event in a five day tour of North Aalborg University Hospital represented by Tina Marie Jutland. It was a great success with a lot of good humor. Aarup and Vibeke Rasmussen. The guild was invited to celebrate Prince Joachim’s The Aalborg Award went to Leif Ervolder for his gre- 50th birthday at Sølyst near Copenhagen. We were well at efforts for LOA (an old ship). represented by vice chief bencher Jens- Christian Sch- This year’s soldier was Sergeant Brian Dorum, Air midt. Transport Wing. After 28 years Jens Scultz has wanted to leave the In April we gave a pat on the shoulder to Joakim board as he has moved from the city. Many thanks to Bove Winkler and his girlfriend Dorssa Goodari. To- Jens for the work he has done for the guild, this also gether they had saved a person from drowning, a gre- applies to Mrs. Charlotte who also has contributed to at achievement, which we honored with a symbolic the well-being of Guild. amount and a bouquet. In 2018, the Foundation of the Guild did not pay any The same happened on December 6th, when the donations due to the interest rate. It is a little better this Guild honored 2 police officers who had rescued a man year, when on December 11th we donated DKkr 40,000 from drowning by jumping into the cold water. They to several good causes. were each given a symbolic amount and a bottle of As usual, the work of the Board has been inspiring Laugsbitter. and pleasant, if there are problems they are solved with This year we were invited to Odense, to GF “Gil- a smile. Despite changes of board members in the re- deting”, where Per Iversen, Keld Trudslev and the un- cent years, the board acts as a team with the same spirit dersigned participated. Per Iversen and Keld Trudslev as before. played fantastic music. A special thanks to all the institutions and people we On May 4, in cooperation with Folkekirkens Hus, we have been in connection with during the year for an ex- participated in an community singing. cellent cooperating. Also in the month of May we were visited by a jour- A special thanks to the board, which good work and nalist from the New York Times, he and four others humor makes it easy to be a chief bencher. were spontaneously initiated. It provided an excellent article in the New York Times. Niels Voss Hansen This year we also had initiations from, our “old fri- ends” Unmilpoc, Inger Røisland and several more. I usually mention that the Rebild Party took place in Chief bencher sunshine! This did not happen this year, the tent lunch Happy recipients of “The Good Spirit Prize” from Christian the Fourth Guild sen, who when not at school, is in the kitchen of the restaurant Textur of Vesterbro in Aalborg. Five benchers meet in restaurant “Texture”,where Sebastian, to his surprise, was meet with a trumpet solo, a speech from Chief bencher Niels Voss Hansen, who handed over the diploma and money. The motivation from Tech College was: Sebastian is diligent, careful, has great professional knowledge and respect for raw materials, is a good friend and have a good humor. Every year, Christian the Fourth Guild donates a One of the good things about Christian the Fourth price of 1.000 kr. and a diploma, to a student in Guild’s “Good-Spirits-Prize is, that one does not have each of Aalborg’s high Schools and Tech College. to be the wisest or most capable/diligent student - but combining it does not harm. The price is awarded to a student: Who with his/her The chief bencher also told Sebastian to use the good humor, positive attitude and happy disposition money a little bit senseless here close to Christmas. has been creating a good atmosphere Each year the Guild Visits one school and is han- ding over the diploma and money in person, and in- struct the recipients to use the money wisely, that is, something nice to him/her and his/her friends. This year we visited the business school in Turøga- de - and here the “The Good-Spirit-Prize” went to Kristian Appelgren Pedersen from 3 C. With the following motivation: Kristian is full of humor, has a positive attitude, and he certainly spreads good atmosphere at the school. Tech College had apprenticechef Sebastian Peder- 21 years in the same place at the Annual Guild Meeting me members were that they all were engaged in Aal- borg Corporate Sports. On the company’s 50th anniver- sary they all were initiated in the guild. At the same time they also became honorary mem- bers in Aalborg Firma Sport. At that time we agreed to meet again, and it has become a tradition that we meet every year at the An- nual Guild Meeting in Christian the Fourth Guild, and we have now done that for 21 years. It is Svend Aage Nymann who gathers us all together, and we are the- refore happy participants every year, and have always reserved this table below the stairs, where we have our A bunch of happy people at a table in Duus Wine permanent place. Cellar proved to be members of the Guild and that It is nice both to meet the old friends, but also to was of course why they were at the Annual Guild come here every year and take part in the activities of Meeting. the Guild. We are of course not quite young anymore, but we will continue to meet as long as we can, and But there is more behind this. We found one of the hap- have a good evening in company with each other and in py participants Erik Christiansen from Støvring. the company of Christian the Fourth Guild. He could tell that the factual reason why they beca- Two police officers saved 35 year old man from drowning Christian the Fourth Guild has given them a ”pat on the shoulder” At a small ceremony in Christian the Fourth’s After staying in the cold water, the two police of- Guild the two officers, Frank Pedersen and An- ficers quickly stripped off their wet clothes and were ders, were given a “pat on the shoulder” from the given a blanket to warm up while getting into the heat Guild. of a car. Both had managed the stay in the cold water very well, and were soon back in service. A man had fallen into the fjord, and was about to The Guild thought it was a heroic deed, and de- drown. Then the two officers jumped into the cold cided to honor the two officers with a “pat on the water (one degree C) and hold him until they were shoulder”, consisting of a small amount and a bottle able to get him back on the quay and taken to Aalborg of “Laugsbitter”.
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    PROGRAMME GOING OFFSHORE CHALLENGES OF THE FUTURE POWER GRID Aalborg, Denmark About CIGRE Founded in 1921, CIGRE (International Council on Large CIGRE counts more than 3500 experts Electric Systems), is an international non-profit association working together in structured work for promoting collaboration with experts from around programmes. Their main objectives are to the world by sharing knowledge and experience. CIGRE’s design and deploy the power system for mission is ‘To be the world’s foremost collaborative the future, optimise existing equipment technical reference organisation for all aspects of the and power systems, and facilitate access electric power system’. to information, while protecting the environment. • 60 national committees, in more than 90 countries • 15000 members and growing • 1250 member organisations The CIGRE Danish National Committee was founded in 1946. It is a great pleasure for the Committee to welcome the first CIGRE international Symposium on Danish soil. About the Aalborg Symposium The main theme of the symposium is GOING OFFSHORE and its main purpose is to provide a forum for recent research results and system operations experience related to the rapid transformation and challenges imposed on networks and markets by increased amounts of renewables in the energy mix. Offshore wind power is among the most promising candidates to meet the climate goals of United Nations and a strong growth is foreseen in the years to come. The changes from traditional electricity generation methods and patterns into including offshore wind power as a major source put forward technical challenges to power systems both offshore but also onshore. The objective of the symposium therefore addresses recent technical advances and policies that allow transmission and distribution networks to enter their next era, in particular those related to offshore generation, transmission and distribution.
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