Gas Tax Fund / Fonds De La Taxe Sur L'essence
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GAS TAX FUND / FONDS DE LA TAXE SUR L’ESSENCE Approved Projects as of May 31, 2017 Estimated Total Estimated Municipality Type Project Category Project Title Project Cost Gas Tax Funds Abbey VL Community Energy Systems Cypress Regional Hospital $20,000.00 $20,000.00 Abbey VL Wastewater Lagoon Excavation $5,100.00 $5,063.75 Abbey VL Wastewater Sewage Lift Station Control and Pump Upgrade $17,944.36 $17,944.36 Abbey VL Drinking Water Water Treatment Plant/Lift Station Pump $8,759.12 $8,759.12 Abbey VL Drinking Water WTP Controls, Pumps and/Curbstop Replacement $6,152.91 $6,152.91 Abbey VL Drinking Water Well Pump Upgrade $1,780.37 $1,780.37 Abbey VL Drinking Water Replace Residential Water Meters $14,460.68 $14,460.68 Abbey VL Drinking Water Upgrade Water Treatment Plant Controls and Wiring $1,506.14 $1,506.14 Abbey VL Drinking Water Replace Pump at Well #4 $1,715.25 $1,715.25 Aberdeen T Capacity Building PSAB 3150 Compliance $10,000.00 $7,001.17 Aberdeen T Drinking Water Sask Water Potable Water Supply $384,290.63 $384,290.63 Abernethy VL Drinking Water Water Works Improvement $130,000.00 $79,048.48 Abernethy VL Drinking Water Construct New Well $610,000.00 $57,898.40 Air Ronge NV Local Roads and Bridges Air Ronge Street Paving $1,398,517.42 $619,461.25 Air Ronge NV Drinking Water La Ronge Regional Water System $1,311,000.00 $79,557.92 Alameda T Community Energy Systems Municipal Building Energy Conservation $212,199.59 $77,940.00 Alameda T Local Roads and Bridges 1st and 2nd Crescent Upgrade $10,167.00 $10,167.00 Alameda T Drinking Water Installation of Water Services to New Subdivision $207,538.54 $137,108.53 Albertville VL Community Energy Systems Restoration of Community Centre $6,791.74 $6,791.74 Albertville VL Community Energy Systems Community Centre Roof Upgrade $103,100.00 $18,163.01 Albertville VL Local Roads and Bridges Resurface and Sand Seal - Part 1 $14,500.00 $7,021.80 Albertville VL Local Roads and Bridges Resurface and Sand Seal - Part 2 $12,654.45 $12,654.45 Albertville VL Recreational Infrastructure Renovate Community Centre $55,000.00 $39,050.19 Albertville VL Drinking Water Raw Water Upgrades $7,305.81 $7,305.81 Alice Beach RV Local Roads and Bridges Reconstruct 2 km of Road $61,000.00 $14,230.35 Alice Beach RV Recreational Infrastructure Construct Boat Launch $25,000.00 $20,901.77 Alida VL Local Roads and Bridges Reconstruct 1 km of Road $33,005.96 $11,000.89 Alida VL Drinking Water Pressure Tanks for Pumphouse $3,118.04 $3,118.04 Allan T Local Roads and Bridges Pavement Upgrade Phase 1 $99,413.40 $99,413.40 Allan T Local Roads and Bridges Pavement Upgrade Phase 2 $70,000.00 $66,153.00 Allan T Local Roads and Bridges Allan Pavement Project $111,000.00 $55,105.89 Allan T Drinking Water Water Meter Replacement $24,305.19 $24,305.19 Alvena VL Drinking Water Well and Waterworks Upgrade $17,787.20 $17,787.20 Alvena VL Drinking Water Curb Stop Replacements $8,000.00 $8,000.00 Annaheim VL Community Energy Systems Humboldt Health Services $58,733.99 $11,817.70 Annaheim VL Local Roads and Bridges Grid #756 $40,000.00 $22,265.31 Annaheim VL Wastewater Sewerline Installation $145,000.00 $115,412.46 Antler SA Community Energy Systems Hall Energy Retrofit $4,000.00 $2,131.53 Antler SA Drinking Water Water Mains and Hydrants $18,580.01 $13,167.30 Aquadeo RV Local Roads and Bridges Upgrade Roads including Main Access Road $133,054.70 $24,813.60 Aquadeo RV Drinking Water Aquadeo Waterworks Upgrade $490,430.00 $33,965.11 Arborfield T Community Energy Systems Municipality Building Energy Retrofit $17,776.18 $17,776.18 Arborfield T Community Energy Systems Municipal Building Energy Retrofit $6,765.00 $6,765.00 Arborfield T Local Roads and Bridges Sand Seal Streets $88,480.18 $74,740.81 Arborfield T Wastewater Upgrade Sewer Lift Station West of Block 26 $45,000.00 $45,000.00 Arborfield T Drinking Water Water Treatment Plant Upgrade $305,000.00 $40,948.79 Archerwill VL Community Energy Systems Community Hall Upgrades $24,550.00 $6,005.00 Archerwill VL Community Energy Systems Municipal Office Upgrades $21,046.00 $8,425.40 Archerwill VL Wastewater Sewer Line Upgrade $16,171.08 $16,171.08 Archerwill VL Wastewater Lagoon Expansion Study $9,425.64 $9,425.64 Page 1 May 31, 2017 Estimated Total Estimated Municipality Type Project Category Project Title Project Cost Gas Tax Funds Archerwill VL Drinking Water Water Plant Upgrading $3,288.80 $3,288.80 Archerwill VL Drinking Water Water & Sewer Upgrading $9,023.73 $9,023.73 Archerwill VL Drinking Water Reverse Osmosis Treatment Plant Construction $525,000.00 $85,108.03 Arcola T Solid Waste Decommission Landfill $193,850.00 $193,850.00 Arcola T Drinking Water Arcola Water Treatment Plant Upgrade $595,000.00 $182,149.00 Arran VL Capacity Building PSAB 3150 Compliance $2,500.00 $1,540.02 Asquith T Local Roads and Bridges Reconstruct East Avenue Roadway and Drainage $107,005.47 $107,005.47 Asquith T Drinking Water New Water Treatment Plant $1,965,000.00 $116,923.54 Asquith T Drinking Water Water Feeder Main/Sewer Trunk Line $660,000.00 $110,000.00 Assiniboia T Local Roads and Bridges Repave Two Streets $641,000.00 $320,000.00 Assiniboia T Drinking Water Water Main & WTP Upgrades $3,002,754.00 $487,190.00 Assiniboia T Drinking Water 3rd Avenue West Utilities Expansion $327,097.00 $31,766.64 Assiniboia T Drinking Water Radio Read Meter Replacement Program $107,678.61 $107,678.61 Assiniboia T Drinking Water SCADA Utilities System Replacement Program $240,422.87 $240,422.87 Assiniboia T Drinking Water Radio Read Water Meter Replacement Program Phase 2 $234,258.10 $223,744.61 Atwater VL Community Energy Systems Window Replacement & Basement Insulation $5,527.00 $5,094.89 Atwater VL Community Energy Systems Doors on Memorial Hall $2,583.07 $2,583.07 Atwater VL Recreational Infrastructure Construct Wheelchair Accessible Washroom $35,000.00 $12,666.60 Avonlea VL Drinking Water Water Treatment Plant and Reservoir $413,732.00 $272,601.78 Aylesbury VL Capacity Building PSAB 3150 Compliance $4,000.00 $1,581.03 Aylesbury VL Wastewater Dredging Lagoon $20,000.00 $7,211.31 Aylesbury VL Drinking Water Water Treatment Plant Upgrades $3,537.50 $3,250.00 Aylesbury VL Drinking Water Water Well Pumphouse Upgrades $3,000.00 $2,000.00 Aylesbury VL Drinking Water Water Well Pumphouse Upgrades - 2 $5,000.00 $2,529.93 Aylesbury VL Drinking Water Replacement of Chlorine Pump at Water Plant $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Aylsham VL Community Energy Systems Replace Furnace at Drop In Centre $5,800.00 $5,800.00 Aylsham VL Local Roads and Bridges Lagoon Road Construction - 1km $7,014.00 $7,014.00 Aylsham VL Local Roads and Bridges Reconstruct South Avenue Curve $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Aylsham VL Wastewater Lagoon Upgrade $8,277.70 $8,277.70 Aylsham VL Drinking Water Upgrades to Water Wells-Pumphouse $20,378.50 $15,273.00 B-Say-Tah RV Community Energy Systems Upgrade Village Shop Energy Efficiency $19,859.24 $19,859.24 B-Say-Tah RV Local Roads and Bridges Recap a Portion of Lakeview Avenue $12,285.00 $12,285.00 B-Say-Tah RV Recreational Infrastructure Build Basketball and Tennis Court - Skating Rink $50,000.00 $40,000.00 B-Say-Tah RV Wastewater Correct Drainage to Avoid Spring Flooding $11,755.00 $11,755.00 Balcarres T Community Energy Systems Rink Ice Plant $230,000.00 $118,067.81 Balcarres T Local Roads and Bridges Repaving Elgin Street $30,000.00 $29,218.58 Balcarres T Local Roads and Bridges #310 Highway Project $255,000.00 $29,356.00 Balcarres T Local Roads and Bridges Pave Streets $175,237.18 $175,237.18 Balcarres T Wastewater Sewage Water System Assessment $9,705.96 $9,705.96 Balcarres T Drinking Water Reverse Osmosis Membrane Replacement $21,584.33 $21,584.33 Balcarres T Drinking Water Water Well and Distribution Pump Upgrades $23,079.14 $23,079.14 Balgonie T Community Energy Systems Recreation Facilities Energy Retrofits $92,107.00 $79,773.05 Balgonie T Community Energy Systems Community Hall Roof Project $50,622.00 $50,622.00 Balgonie T Community Energy Systems Arena Lighting $35,260.00 $35,260.00 Balgonie T Community Energy Systems Upgrade Community Hall Lighting $29,531.50 $29,531.50 Balgonie T Community Energy Systems Replace Arena Compressors $22,000.00 $22,000.00 Balgonie T Local Roads and Bridges Walking Path $75,000.00 $44,701.00 Balgonie T Recreational Infrastructure Construct 2 Playground Structures $72,266.68 $72,266.61 Balgonie T Wastewater Storm Water System Project $29,549.00 $29,549.00 Balgonie T Wastewater Lift Station Upgrade - Westview $20,355.00 $20,355.00 Balgonie T Wastewater Lift Station Upgrade - Suburban Lift $22,190.00 $22,190.00 Balgonie T Drinking Water Westview/Westsprings Water Main Installation $175,000.00 $157,453.31 Balgonie T Drinking Water Water Meters $36,667.30 $36,667.30 Balgonie T Drinking Water Upgrade Water Treatment Plant $123,516.34 $123,516.34 Bangor VL Community Energy Systems Shingling Community Hall $8,000.00 $7,538.97 Bangor VL Local Roads and Bridges Replace Sidewalk $5,448.00 $5,448.00 Bangor VL Wastewater Rebuild Lagoon Berm $2,650.00 $2,650.00 Page 2 May 31, 2017 Estimated Total Estimated Municipality Type Project Category Project Title Project Cost Gas Tax Funds Bangor VL Drinking Water Water Treatment System $10,000.00 $8,111.34 Bangor VL Drinking Water Renovate Pump House $3,593.00 $3,593.00 Battleford T Community Energy Systems Arena Roof Retrofit $383,930.00 $383,930.00 Battleford T Local Roads and Bridges Alternate Access Road $250,000.00 $31,250.00 Battleford T Local Roads and Bridges Asphalt Pavement $375,000.00 $163,136.27 Battleford T Local Roads and Bridges