Backgrounder Saskatchewan’s 2018‒19 federal Gas Tax Fund allocations The Government of Canada has delivered the first of two more than $30.9 million federal Gas Tax Fund (GTF) instalments to Saskatchewan for the 2018-19 fiscal year. The funding will flow through the provincial government to the following 749 communities on a per capita basis. In total, the GTF will provide Saskatchewan with over $61.9 million this fiscal year for local infrastructure projects. By the end of 2018-19, more than $665.8 million will have been provided to Saskatchewan through the federal Gas Tax Fund since the program was launched in 2005. The following table indicates the 2018-19 federal GTF allocation for Saskatchewan’s participating communities. Recipient Allocation 2018-19 Bangor $2,880 Abbey $7,199 Barrier Valley No. Aberdeen No. 373 $63,602 397 $31,175 Aberdeen $37,497 Battle River No. 438 $68,797 Abernethy No. 186 $24,226 Battleford $254,469 Abernethy $12,270 Bayne No. 371 $30,862 Air Ronge $65,292 Beatty $3,944 Alameda $21,409 Beaver Flat $2,504 Albertville $8,764 Beaver River No. 622 $63,664 Alice Beach $2,817 Beechy $14,961 Alida $8,201 Belle Plaine $4,132 Allan $40,565 Bengough No. 40 $20,595 Alvena $3,443 Bengough $19,594 Annaheim $13,709 Antelope Park No. Benson No. 35 $30,674 322 $9,390 Bethune $25,040 Antler No. 61 $36,120 Bienfait $48,828 Aquadeo $5,258 Big Arm No. 251 $12,520 Arborfield No. 456 $28,358 Big Quill No.
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