The Gazette PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY AUTHORITY OF THE QUEEN’S PRINTER/Publiée chaque semaine sous l’autorité de l’Imprimeur de la Reine


Volume 111 REGINA, friday, July 24, 2015/REGINA, VENDREDI, 24 JUIllET 2015 No. 30/nº 30

TABLE OF CONTENTS/TABLE DES MATIèRES PART I/Partie I progress of bills/rapport sur l’état des projets de loi (Fourth Session, Twenty-Seventh Legislative Assembly/Quatrième session, 27e Assemblée législative)...... 1582 ACTS NOT YET PROCLAIMED/LOIS NON ENCORE PROCLAMÉES...... 1582 Acts in force on ASSENT/lois entrant en vigueur sur sanction (Fourth Session, Twenty-Seventh Legislative Assembly/Quatrième session, 27e Assemblée législative)...... 1586 Acts in force on specific dates/lois en vigueur à des dates précises...... 1587 ACTS IN FORCE ON SPECIFIC EVENTS/LOIS ENTRANT EN VIGUEUR À DES OCCURRENCES PARTICULIÈRES..... 1587 ACTS PROCLAIMED/LOIS PROCLAMÉES (2015)...... 1589 Minister’s Order/ArrÊtÉ ministÉriel...... 1590 The Cities Act...... 1590 CORPORATE REGISTRY NOTICES/AVIS DU REGISTRE DES SOCIÉTÉS...... 1595 The Co-operatives Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les cooperatives ...... 1595 The Business Corporations Act...... 1596 The Business Names Registration Act...... 1615 The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif...... 1635 Correction Notices...... 1637 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS/AVIS AUX ANNONCEURS...... 1638/ 1639 1582 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

progress of bills/rapport sur l’état des projets de loi (Fourth Session, Twenty-Seventh Legislative Assembly/Quatrième session, 27e Assemblée législative) ______Government Bills/Projets de loi émanant du gouvernement Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétique) Entrée en vigueur 179 The MRI Facilities Licensing Act...... Proclamation ______

Private Members’ Bills/ Projets de loi émanant des députés Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétique) Entrée en vigueur 607 The Buy Local Day Act...... On Assent 608 The Fairness for Saskatchewan Businesses in Government Procurement Act...... Proclamation 610 The Public-Private Partnership Transparency and Accountability Act...... Assent 609 The Residents-in-Care Bill of Rights Act...... Proclamation 612 The Respect for Diversity – Student Bill of Rights Act...... Proclamation ______

Acts not yet proclaimed/Lois non encore proclamées ______

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Aboriginal Courtworkers Commission Act, S.S. 1995 Assented to May 18, 1995...... A-1.1 The Archives and Public Records Management Act, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015...... A-26.11 The Child and Family Services Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003...... 17 The Consumer Protection and Business Practices Act, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, sections 114 to 116 and 118 to 120; subsections 121(2) and 122(3) to (9) not yet proclaimed...... C-30.2 The Credit Union Act, 1998, S.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998, clauses 2(1)(v), subsection 9(2), clause 10(c), Parts VI and XXI, clauses 440(1)(o) to (s) and (hh), and subsection 440(2) not yet proclaimed...... C-45.2 The Credit Union Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, clause 3(b) not yet proclaimed...... 8 The Credit Union Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012...... 9 The Education Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013/Loi de 2013 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation, L.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, sections 11 and 12 and clause 38(1)(c) not yet proclaimed...... 9 The Education Amendment Act, 2015/Loi de 2015 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation Assented to May 14, 2015, sections 3, 4, 6, 7, 10 and 11 not yet proclaimed...... 6 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1583

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Enforcement of Judgments Conventions Act, S.S. 1998/Loi sur les conventions sur l’exécution de jugements, L.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998...... E-9.13 The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012,/Loi de 2012 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur l’exécution des ordonnances alimentaires, L.S. 2012. Assented to May 16, 2012, section 6 not yet proclaimed...... 13 The Enforcement of Money Judgments Act, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, clause 93(1)(k) not yet proclaimed...... E-9.22 The Enforcement of Money Judgments Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015...... 7 The Fee Waiver Act, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015...... F-13.1001 The Film and Video Classification Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006 Assented to May 19, 2006, sections 1 to 11 and 13 not yet proclaimed...... 20 The Fire Safety Act, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015...... F-15.11 The Forest Resources Management Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, section 53 not yet proclaimed...... 13 The Health Care Directives and Substitute Health Care Decision Makers Act, 2015, S.S. 2015/ Loi de 2015 sur les directives et les subrogés en matière de soins de santé, L.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015...... H-0.002 The Health Information Protection Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 17(1), 18(2) and (4), and section 69 not yet proclaimed...... H‑0.021 The Health Information Protection Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015...... 12 The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, section 13 not yet proclaimed...... H-3.01 The Horned Cattle Purchases Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002...... 20 The Human Tissue Gift Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015...... H-15.1 The Insurance Act, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015...... I-9.11 The International Protection of Adults (Hague Convention Implementation) Act, S.S. 2005/Loi de mise en oeuvre de la Convention de la Haye sur la protection internationale des adultes, L.S. 2005 Assented to May 27, 2005...... I-10.21 The Land Surveys Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 29, 2000, section 22 and Parts IV and VII not yet proclaimed...... L-4.1 The Land Titles Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012...... 19 The Lobbyists Act, S.S. 2014 Assented to May 14, 2014...... L-27.01 The Local Government Election Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015...... L-30.11 The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Act, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... M-2.01 1584 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Mental Health Services Amendment Act, 2014, S.S. 2014 Assented to May 14, 2014...... 16 The Midwifery Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 7(2) to (5), sections 8 to 10 not yet proclaimed...... M-14.1 The Municipalities Amendment Act, 2014, S.S. 2014 Assented to May 14, 2014, section 7, 8 and 10 not yet proclaimed...... 19 The Naturopathic Medicine Act, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015...... N-3.11 The Personal Property Security Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, sections 4 to 8 not yet proclaimed...... 26 The Pharmacy Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015...... 17 The Podiatry Act, S.S. 2003 Assented to May 27, 2003, clauses 14(2)(n) and (o) not yet proclaimed...... P-14.1 The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Act, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... P-16.101 The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001, section 15 not yet proclaimed...... 30 The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, section 7 not yet proclaimed...... 25 The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002, section 4 not yet proclaimed...... 22 The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... 27 The Public Health Act, 1994, S.S. 1994 Assented to June 2, 1994, subsection 73(5) not yet proclaimed...... P-37.1 The Public Health Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 17, 2004, section 7 not yet proclaimed...... 46 The Queen’s Bench Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012/Loi de 2012 modifiant la Loi de 1998 sur la Cour du Banc de la Reine, L.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012...... 29 The Regional Health Services Act, S.S. 2002 Assented to July 10, 2002, 65(1) and (3), not yet proclaimed...... R-8.2 The Registered Teachers Act, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015, sections 1, 19 to 48, 50 to 57 and 59 to 63 not yet proclaimed...... R-15.1 The Residential Tenancies Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015, section 21 not yet proclaimed...... 19 The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... 30 The Saskatchewan Employment Amendment Act, S.S. 2014 Assented to May 14, 2014, sections 1, 2 and 5 to 9 not yet proclaimed...... 27 The Saskatchewan Insurance Amendment Act, 2003, S.S. 2003 Assented to June 27, 2003, clauses 3(a), (c) and (f), that portion of clause 3(h) which repeals clauses 2(1)(p), (q), (r), (t), (u), (w), (bb), (cc), (ff), (kk), (ll), (mm), (ww) and (bbb) of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act, clauses 3(k) and (m), section 4, subsection 13(3), sections 14, 37, 38 and 39, clauses 97(a) and (b) and that portion of clause 97(c) which enacts clause 97(c.1) of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act not yet proclaimed...... 38 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1585

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Saskatchewan Natural Resources Transfer Agreement (Treaty Land Entitlement) Amendment Act, 2001, S.S. 2001 Assented to June 28, 2001...... 41 The Saskatchewan Pension Plan Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... 30 The Saskatchewan Pension Plan Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015...... 20 The Securities Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007, subsection 10(3), that portion of section 42 that repeals section 118 of The Securities Act, 1988 and section 58 not yet proclaimed...... 41 The Securities Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to December 3, 2008, sections 12 and 14 (that part of section 14 that repeals section 45 of The Securities Act, 1988), section 33 not yet proclaimed...... 35 The Securities Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012, clauses 3(e), (g) and (h), sections 7, 12 to 15, 22 and 31, not yet proclaimed...... 32 The Securities Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, subsections 3(1) to (6), (8) to (14) and (16) to (20); sections 9, 11, 13 to 16, 18 to 29 and 31; clauses 32(1)(a) to (f) and 32(2)(a); subsection 32(3); sections 33 to 35 and 37 to 42; clauses 46(a) to (k), (m), (n), (p), (q), (s) and (t); and sections 47 and 48 not yet proclaimed...... 33 The Social Workers Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to May 14, 2008, that portion of section 5 that adds clause 18(2)(b) and that portion of section 6 that adds subsection 21(3), not yet proclaimed...... 23 The Social Workers Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013...... 35 The Ticket Sales Act, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, section 4 not yet proclaimed...... T-13.1 The Tobacco Control Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, clause 3(c); section 5; that portion that adds subsection 6(7); section 15; those portions of clause 17(b) that add clauses 30(c.11),(c.12) and (c.14) not yet proclaimed...... 34 The Trust and Loan Corporations Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, clause 44(a) and section 57 not yet proclaimed...... T-22.2 The Victims of Crime Amendment Act, 2011, S.S. 2011/ Loi de 2011 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur les victimes d'actes criminels L.S. 2011 Assented to May 18, 2011...... 21 The Vital Statistics Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015/Loi de 2015 modifiant la Loi de 2009 sur les services de l’état civil, L.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015...... 26 Note: This table is for convenience of reference and is not comprehensive; it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Tables of Saskatchewan Statutes published by the Queen’s Printer. Please refer to the Separate Chapters and the Tables for any additional information regarding Proclamation dates and Coming into Force dates for the Statutes listed above./Le présent tableau a pour but de faciliter la référence et n’est pas complet; il est utilisé en conjonction avec le Tableau des lois de la Saskatchewan (Tables of Saskatchewan Statutes) publié par l’Imprimeur de la Reine. Veuillez vous référer aux chapitres tirés à part et au Tableau pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements relatifs aux dates de proclamation et d’entrée en vigueur des lois susmentionnées. 1586 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

acts in force on assent/lois entrant en vigueur sur sanction (Fourth Session, Twenty-Seventh Legislative Assembly/Quatrième session, 27e Assemblée législative) ______

Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Appropriation Act, 2014 (No. 2), S.S. 2014 (Assented to December 8, 2014)...... 173...... 32 The Appropriation Act, 2015 (No. 1), S.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015)...... 182...... 2 The Class Actions Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015/Loi de 2015 modifiant la Loi sur les recours collectifs, L.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015)...... 147...... 4 The Degree Authorization Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015...... 143...... 5 The Education Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015/Loi de 2015 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation, L.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015), sections 1, 2, 5, 8 and 9 come into force on assent)...... 163...... 6 The Family Farm Credit Repeal Act, S.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015)...... 159...... 8 The Government Relations Administration Act, S.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015)...... 168...... G-5.101 The Health Administration Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015)...... 149...... 10 The Income Tax Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015, but is retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from January 1, 2015; section 3 is retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from December 21, 2002; section 4 is retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from January 1, 2012; section 5 is retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from February 27, 2004; section 8 is retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from January 1, 2014; sections 12 and 13 are retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from April 1, 2015; subsections 14(2) and 15(2), clause 17(1)(b) and subsection 17(3) are retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from march 19, 2015; section 16 is retroactive and deemed to have been in force on and from June 26, 2013...... 178...... 13 The Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015/Loi de 2015 modifiant la Loi de 2007 sur l’Assemblée législative, L.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015)...... 180...... 14 The Lloydminster Constituency By-election Act, S.S. 2014 (Assented to November 17, 2014)...... 160...... 31 The Mohyla Institute (1958) Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015)...... 904...... 01 The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code Amendment Act, 2014, S.S. 2014 (Assented to December 8, 2014)...... 171...... 33 The Statute Law Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015)...... 153...... 21 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1587

Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Statute Law Amendment Act, 2015 (No. 2), S.S. 2015/Loi no 2 de 2015 modifiant le droit législatif, L.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015)...... 154...... 22 The Victims of Domestic Violence Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015)...... 144...... 24


Acts in force on specific dates/Lois entrAnt en vigueur à des dates prècises ______

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Traffic Safety Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015) Specific Date: April 30, 2015...... 23


Acts in force on specific events/ Lois entrAnt en vigueur à des occurrences particulières ______

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Archives and Public Records Management Consequential Amendments Act, 2015, S.S. 2015/Loi de 2015 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Archives and Public Records Management Act, L.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Archives and Public Records Management Act...... 3 The Fee Waiver Consequential Amendments Act, 2015, S.S. 2015/Loi de 2015 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Fee Waiver Act, L.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Fee Waiver Act...... 9 The Health Care Directives and Substitute Health Care Decision Makers Consequential Amendments Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Health Care Directives and Substitute Health Care Decision Makers Act, 2015/Loi de 2015 sur les directives et les subrogés en matière de soins de santé...... 11 The Local Government Election Consequential Amendments Act, 2015, S.S. 2015/ Loi de 2015 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Local Government Election Act, 2015, L.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Local Government Election Act, 2015...... 15 1588 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Act...... 13 The Officers of the Legislative Assembly Standardization Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Legislative Assembly Amendment Act, 2015...... 16 The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Consequential Amendments Act, 2013, S.S. 2013/Loi de 2013 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Act, L.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Act...... 24 The Registered Teachers Consequential Amendments Act, 2015, S.S. 2015/Loi de 2015 portant modifications corrélatives à la loi intitulée The Registered Teachers Act, L.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Registered Teachers Act...... 18 The Representation Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: notwithstanding subsection 23(2) of The Constituency Boundaries Act, 1993, this Act comes into force on the day following the day the Twenty-Seventh Legislative Assembly is dissolved or is determined by effluxion of time ...... R-20.5 The Saskatchewan Pension Plan Amendment Act, 2013 (No. 2), S.S. 2013 (Assented to May 15, 2013) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Pooled Registered Pension Plans (Saskatchewan) Act...... 31 The Statute Law Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015) Specific Event: section 23 comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 The Lobbyists Act; subsection 64(3) and Schedule 3 come into force on the coming into force of Part XXI of The Credit Union Act, 1998...... 21 The Victims of Domestic Violence Consequential Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015/Loi de 2015 portant modification corrélative à la loi intitulée The Victims of Domestic Violence Consequential Amendment Act, 2015, L.S. 2015 (Assented to May 14, 2015) Specific Event: comes into force on the coming into force of section 1 of The Victims of Domestic Violence Amendment Act, 2015...... 25 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1589

acts Proclaimed/lois proclamées (2015) ______The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 2015: The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2014, S.S. 2014, c.7/Loi 2014 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard, L.S. 2014, ch.7. Clauses 3(b) to (e), sections 7 to 20, 25, 29, 30, 32, 38, 49, 50, 52, 55 and 57, and clauses 59(b) to (d) and (f) to (m) proclaimed in force June 22, 2015. The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015, c.1/Loi de 2015 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hazard, L.S. 2015, ch.1. Proclaimed in force June 30, 2015. The Athletics Commission Act, S.S. 2014, c.A-31.1. Proclaimed in force March 9, 2015. The Child Care Act, 2014, S.S. 2014, c.C-7.31/Loi de 2014 sur les garderies d’enfants, L.S. 2014, ch.C-7.31. Proclaimed in force June 15, 2015. The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010, S.S. 2010, c.E-10.22. Proclaimed in force June 1, 2015. The Film and Video Classification Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006, c.20. Section 12 proclaimed in force April 1, 2015. The Forest Resources Management Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010, c.13. Proclaimed in force January 5, 2015, except section 53. The Health Care Directives and Substitute Health Care Decision Makers Amendment Act, 2014, S.S. 2014, c.13. Proclaimed in force April 22, 2015. The Informal Public Appeals Act, S.S. 2014, c.I-9.0001. Proclaimed in force January 1, 2015. The Powers of Attorney Amendment Act, 2014, S.S. 2014/Loi de 2014 modifiant la Loi de 2002 sur les procurations, L.S. 2014, ch.22. Proclaimed in force January 1, 2015. The Regional Parks Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c.R-9.11. Proclaimed in force April 6, 2015. The Registered Teachers Act, 2015, S.S. 2015, c.R-15.1. Sections 2 to 18, 49 and 58 proclaimed in force July 1, 2015. The Residential Tenancies Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015, c.19. Sections 1 to 20 and 22 to 25 proclaimed in force July 1, 2015. The Seizure of Criminal Property Amendment Act, 2014, S.S. 2014, c.6. Proclaimed in force January 1, 2015. The Wildfire Act, S.S. 2014, c.W-13.01. Proclaimed in force March 31, 2015. The Wildlife Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015, c.27/Loi de 2015 modifiant la Loi de 1998 sur la faune, L.S. 2015, ch.27. Proclaimed in force July 1, 2015. *Note: A proclamation appearing in this list for the first time is indicated in bold print./Une loi proclamée qui figure pour la première fois dans cette liste apparaît en caractères gras. 1590 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

minister’s order/ArrÊtÉ ministÉriel ______

The Cities Act [sections 43, 43.1, subsection 44(1) and section 51] ______

Alteration of boundaries — BETWEEN THE CITY OF SASKATOON AND THE RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF CORMAN PARK NO. 344 1 Pursuant to sections 43, 43.1 and 51 of The Cities Act, the Council of the City of Saskatoon has submitted an application to annex land to the Minister of Government Relations in the form prescribed by the Minister together with: (a) a map showing the proposed alteration of boundaries which involves withdrawing territory from the Rural Municipality of Corman Park No. 344 and adding it to the City of Saskatoon; (b) a certified copy of the resolution from the Council of the City of Saskatoon requesting the proposed alteration of boundaries; and (c) a certified copy of the complementary resolution from the Council of the Rural Municipality of Corman Park No. 344.

2 As it is considered desirable to alter the boundaries of the City of Saskatoon, the undersigned hereby orders, pursuant to subsection 44(1), and section 51 of The Cities Act that: (a) the boundaries of the City of Saskatoon and the Rural Municipality of Corman Park No. 344 be altered by withdrawing from the rural municipality and adding to the city the territory described in Schedule A; (b) Schedule B is conclusively deemed to be the legal description of the boundaries of the City of Saskatoon; and (c) the alteration shall take effect on and from September 1, 2015. Dated at the City of Regina, in the Province of Saskatchewan, the 10th day of July, 2015.

Sheldon Green, for Keith Comstock, Assistant Deputy Minister for and on behalf of the Minister of Government Relations. ______

schedule A The boundaries of the City of Saskatoon are altered by withdrawing from the Rural Municipality of Corman Park No. 344 and adding to the City of Saskatoon the territory described as follows, all West of the Third Meridian, in the Province of Saskatchewan: (1) That portion of Township 37, Range 6, consisting of: (a) Parcel A, Plan No. 84S39736 in the south-west quarter of Section 13; (b) Parcel A, Plan No. 102089820 in the south-east quarter of Section 11; and (c) Parcel A, Plan No. 102076321 in the south half of Section 12; (2) That portion of Township 37, Range 5, consisting of: (a) that portion of the north-west quarter of Section 23 lying west of Surface Parcel Nos. 135805967 and 131687758, EXCEPTING Parcel A, Plan No. 63S09313; (b) the west half of Section 26; THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1591

(c) that portion of the south-east quarter of Section 26 lying west of the westerly bank of the South Saskatchewan River and west of Parcel B, Plan No. 00SA13357; (d) that portion of the north-east quarter of Section 26 lying westerly of Public Reserve R, Plan No. 73S01203; (e) the north-east quarter and south half of Section 35 EXCEPTING Parcel C, Plan No. 92S11476; (f) Road Plan No. 95S47169 in the south-east quarter of Section 34; (g) Road Plan and Buffer Strip MB1, Plan No. 102018147 within the south-west quarter of Section 7; (h) Sections 29 and 32 lying west of Provincial Highway No. 12, Plan Nos. 101219611, 97S48730, 86S11307 and 74S07633; (i) Parcel C, Plan No. 59S01639 and Parcel D, Plan No. 60S05428 within the north-east quarter of Section 20; (j) the north-west quarter section 20, EXCEPTING Road Plan No. 84S39112 and Provincial Highway No. 16, Plan No. 66S10239 and 87S43193; (k) that portion of the north-east quarter of section 19 lying north-easterly of Provincial Highway No. 16, Plan No. 66S10239, EXCEPTING road Parcel B, Plan No. 101997502; (l) Section 30 lying north-east of Provincial Highway No. 16, Plan No. 69S04290; and (m) the south half and north-east quarter of Section 31. (3) That portion of Township 36, Range 6, consisting of: (a) the following portions of Section 21: (i) that portion of Parcel E, Plan No. 83S15509 within the south-east quarter; and (ii) that portion of the north-east quarter lying north-westerly of the north-westerly limit of Provincial Highway No. 7, Plan No. 93S37402 and northerly of Parcel Q, Plan No. 101616410; (b) the following portions of Section 22: (i) portion of the south-west quarter lying easterly of the west limit of rail Parcels A and B, Plan No. 63S11744, easterly of the westerly limit of Parcel E, Plan No. 83S15509, and easterly of the easterly limit of rail Parcel T, Plan No. 63S07985; and (ii) portion of the south-east quarter lying northerly of Rail Plan No. E4207; (c) that portion of the north-west quarter of Section 13 lying southerly and easterly of Provincial Highway No. 762, Plan No. 91S37657; (d) the north-east quarter of Section 13; and (e) that portion of the south-east quarter of Section 13 lying north of the northerly limit of Road Plan No. 64S13929, EXCEPTING Parcel A, Plan No. 101616173 and Parcel B, Plan No. 101948519; (4) That portion of Township 36, Range 5, consisting of: (a) that portion of the south-east quarter of Section 11 lying north of the westerly production of the north limit of Parcel B, Plan No. 101456557 and west of the east boundaries of Parcel J, Plan No. 102075094 and Provincial Highway No. 11, Plan No. 62S06532; (b) Parcel J, Plan No. 102075094 and Provincial Highway No. 11, Plan Nos. 62S06532 and 91S45109 within the north-east quarter of Section 11; (c) Parcel C, Plan No. 102015986 in the south-east quarter of Section 18; 1592 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

(d) that portion of the south half of Section 17 lying northerly of the southerly limit of Rail Plan No. CX1921; and (e) Parcel A, Plan No. 101456197, Parcel B, Plan No. 101456221, Parcel A, Plan No. DJ1388, Parcel B, Plan No. FS2865, Parcel X, Plan No. 89S47428 within the north-west quarter of Section 9, EXCLUDING Provincial Highway No. 219, Plan Nos. 60S07374, 101906209, 101932477 and FS2865; (5) That portion of Township 36, Range 4, consisting of: (a) that portion of Parcel EE, Plan No. 102028586 lying south of the northerly limit of Provincial Highway No. 16, Plan No. 00SA09742, Ext 1 within the south-west quarter of Section 17. ______

schedule B The boundaries of the City of Saskatoon shall comprise the territory in the Province of Saskatchewan lying within: (1) Township 36, Range 4, West of the Third Meridian described as: (a) that portion of the south-west quarter of Section 16 lying northerly of the northerly limit of Provincial Highway No. 16, Plan No. 00SA09742 and westerly of the south-westerly limit of Canadian Pacific Railway right-of-way Plan No. 15207; (b) the following portions of Section 17: (i) lying north of the northerly limit of Provincial Highway No. 16, Plan No. 00S09742; and (ii) that portion of Parcel EE, Plan No. 102028586 lying south of the northerly limit of Provincial Highway No. 16, Plan No. 00S09742, Ext 1; (c) that portion of Section 18 lying north of the northerly limit of Provincial Highway 16, Plan No. 00S09742; (d) Sections 19 and 20; (e) legal Subdivisions 13 and 14 within the north-west quarter of Section 21; (f) the following portions of Section 28: (i) the north half and the south-west quarter; and (ii) legal Subdivisions 2 and 7 within the south-east quarter; and (g) Sections 29 to 33 inclusive; (2) Township 37, Range 4, West of the Third Meridian described as: (a) Sections 4 to 9 inclusive; and Sections 17 and 18; (b) the south-west quarter of Section 16, (c) the south half of Section 19; and (d) the south-west quarter of Section 20; (3) Township 36, Range 5, West of the Third Meridian described as: (a) that portion of the north-east quarter of Section 2 lying north of the centre line of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way, Plan No. CT3530, and lying west of the westerly limit of Provincial Highway No. 11, Plan No. 62S06532; (b) that portion of section 10 lying north of the centre line of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way and yards, Plan No. CR3926; THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1593

(c) section 11, EXCLUDING Parcel A, Plan No. 102095906, Parcel A, Plan No. 101456524, Parcel B, Plan No. 101456535, Parcel A, Plan No. 101456546, Parcel B, Plan No. 101456557, and portion of Provincial Highway No. 11, Plan No. 62S06532 lying south of a line described as being the westerly projection of the north limit of Parcel B, Plan No. 101456557; (d) Section 9, EXCLUDING Provincial Highway No. 219, Plan Nos. 60S07374, 101906209, 101932477 and FS2865; (e) Sections 14 to 16 inclusive; (f) the north half of Section 17, and that portion of the south half of Section 17 lying northerly of the southerly limit of Rail Plan No. CX1921; (g) the following portions of Section 18: (i) the north half; (ii) that portion of the south half lying to the west of the west bank of the South Saskatchewan River; and (iii) Parcel C, Plan No. 102015986; (h) Sections 19 to 36 inclusive; and (i) that portion of the south-west quarter of Section 13 lying north of Provincial Highway No. 16, Plan No. 66S23625; (4) Township 36, Range 6, West of the Third Meridian as follows: (a) the following portions of Section 13: (i) the north-west quarter, lying southerly and east of Provincial Highway No. 762, Plan No. 91S37657; (ii) the north-east quarter; and (iii) the south-east quarter lying north of the northerly limit of Road Plan No. 64S13929, EXCEPTING Parcel A, Plan No. 101616173 and Parcel B, Plan No. 101948519; (b) Section 22, EXCEPTING the following portions: (i) within the south-west quarter: portion lying westerly of the easterly limit of rail Parcel T, Plan No. 63S07985; westerly of the westerly boundary of rail Parcels A and B, Plan No. 63S11744 and northerly of Parcel E, Plan No. 83S15509; and (ii) within the south-east quarter: portion lying south-easterly of the north-westerly limit of Rail Plan No. E4207; (c) the following portions of Section 21: (i) Parcel E, Plan No. 83S15509 within the south-east quarter; and (ii) that portion of the north-east quarter lying north-westerly of the north-westerly limit of Provincial Highway No. 7, Plan No. 93S37402 and northerly of Parcel Q, Plan No. 101616410; (d) Section 23, EXCEPTING, within the south-west quarter, Road Plan No. 64S05529; (e) Sections 24 to 27 inclusive; (f) the north half of Section 28; (g) the north-east quarter of Section 29; (h) the east half of Section 32; and (i) Sections 33 to 36 inclusive; 1594 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

(5) Township 37, Range 6, West of the Third Meridian as follows: (a) Sections 1 and 2; (b) the south half of Sections 3 and 4; (c) the south-east quarter of Section 5; (d) Parcel A, Plan No. 102076321 in the south half of Section 12; (e) Parcel A, Plan No. 102089820 in the south-east quarter of Section 11; and (f) the following portions of Section 13: (i) the south-east quarter; (ii) Parcel A, Plan No. 84S39736 in the south-west quarter; and (iii) the most southerly 402.336 m in perpendicular width throughout of the north-east quarter; (6) Township 37, Range 5, West of the Third Meridian as follows: (a) Sections 1 to 6 inclusive; (b) the following portions of Section 7: (i) the east half; (ii) within the south-west quarter: Legal Subdivisions 3 and 6, Road Plan and Buffer Strip MB1, Plan No. 102018147; and (iii) that portion of the north-west quarter comprising: (A) the most easterly 389.534 m in perpendicular width throughout; and (B) portion of Parcel A, Plan No. 73S24023 within the north-west quarter; (c) Sections 8 to 16 inclusive; (d) the following portions of Section 17: (i) the south half; and (ii) that portion of the north-east quarter lying north of the north-easterly limit of Provincial Highway No. 16, Plan No. 66S13138 and its production south-easterly; (e) Section 18, EXCEPTING Parcel A, Plan No. 101459347; (f) that portion of the north-east quarter of Section 19 lying north-easterly of Provincial Highway No. 16, Plan No. 66S10239, EXCEPTING road Parcel B, Plan No. 101997502; (g) that portion of Section 20 lying north-easterly of the east limit of Provincial Highway No. 16, Plan No. 66S1023; (h) Sections 21 to 24 inclusive; (i) legal Subdivisions 3 and 4 of the south-west quarter of Section 25, EXCEPTING Parcel Y, Plan No. 96S20090; (j) Section 26, EXCEPTING Parcel B, Plan No. 00SA13357 and portion of the north-east quarter lying easterly of the westerly limit of Public Reserve R, Plan No. 73S01203; (k) Section 27; THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1595

(l) the following portions of Section 28: (i) the east half and; (ii) that portion of the north-west and south-west quarters lying to the east of the easterly limit of Provincial Highway No. 11, Plan No. 95S47169; (m) Sections 29 and 32 lying west of Provincial Highway No. 12, Plan Nos. 101219611, 97S48730, 86S11307 and 74S07633; (n) Section 30 lying north-east of Provincial Highway No. 16, Plan No. 69S04290; (o) the south half and north-east quarter of Section 31; (p) that portion of the south-east quarter of Section 33 lying south easterly of the easterly limit of Provincial Highway No. 11, Plan No. 95S47169; (q) the following portions of Section 34: (i) the south-east quarter; and (ii) that portion of the west half lying south-easterly of the easterly limit of Provincial Highway No. 11, Plan No. 95S47169; and (r) the north-east quarter and south half of Section 35 EXCEPTING Parcel C, Plan No. 92S11476. Unless otherwise specified, the sections and portions of sections described in the above schedules include the adjoining south and west road allowances, intersections thereof and widenings thereto by plan of survey. For description purposes, the land acquired by plan of survey for widening to an adjoining road allowance is deemed to be part of the road allowance. The said plans of survey are of record with Information Services Corporation of Saskatchewan.



The Co-operatives Act, 1996/Loi de 1996 sur les coopératives ______

NOTICES OF AMENDMENT (2015) Name: Date: Amendment: Precious Tots Co-operative Preschool Jne. 11 change of name Stoughton Early Learning Jne. 15 changed the minimum and maximum number Facility Co-operative of directors; changed the objects and purposes

CO-OPERATIVES RESTORED TO THE REGISTER (2015) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Stoughton Early Learning Facility Co-operative Jne. 15 Saskatchewan The Gibbs Community Co-operative Association Limited Jne. 11 Saskatchewan 1596 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

NOTICE OF STATEMENT OF DISSOLUTION AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS (2015) The Weldon Co-operative Association Limited Take notice that the members of The Weldon Co-operative Association Limited, on the 21st day of April, 2015, passed a Special Resolution authorizing the voluntary dissolution of the said co-operative under the provisions of The Co-operatives Act, 1996, and the resolution was approved June 10, 2015, by the Registrar of Co-operatives, pursuant to section 161 of the Act. Further take notice that Bill Morris of Burgis Beach SK was appointed Liquidator and hereby serves notice to any person indebted to the co-operative to make payment to the Liquidator, and any person possessing property of the co-operative to deliver it to the Liquidator within 30 days of this notice. Additionally, persons having claims against the co-operative are hereby notified that such claims, accompanied by proof of claim, must be filed with the Liquidator within two months of the date of this notice after which time the property of the co-operative will be distributed in accordance with the resolution to dissolve, having regard to the claims of which the Liquidator has notice. ______

Amin Bardestani, Registrar of Co-operatives. ______

The Business Corporations Act ______

CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION (2015) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 101284664 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 3 Box 1044, Pilot Butte rental properties 101284707 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 6 74-33rd St. E, Saskatoon retail 101284731 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 6 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon holding company 101284742 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 6 11429 Railway Ave. E, miscellaneous services North Battleford 101284751 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 6 2077 Edgar St., Regina property management; renovations; business consultant services 101284752 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 6 Drawer 280, 1103 Broadway holding company Ave., Moosomin 101284786 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 7 1-50 Kenderdine Rd., real estate holding company Saskatoon 101284787 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 10 610 Walmer Rd., Saskatoon investment holding company 101284790 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 7 Box 70, Weyburn holding company 101284797 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 7 150 Saga Cres., Saskatoon trucking 101284818 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 7 329-4th St. E, Saskatoon import wholesale food products 101284824 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 7 Box 610, Swift Current holding company 101284828 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 7 106 Hunt Rd., Saskatoon transportation THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1597

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 101284834 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 7 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina holding company 101284835 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 7 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina holding company 101284848 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 8 Box 520, North Battleford holding company 101284853 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 8 Box 905, North Battleford holding company 101284880 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 8 732 Weldon Ave., Saskatoon consultant services 101284907 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 8 300-133 King St., Toronto ON holding company 101284910 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 8 300-133 King St., Toronto ON holding company 101284912 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 8 300-133 King St., Toronto ON holding company 101284913 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 8 300-133 King St., Toronto ON holding company 101284914 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 8 300-133 King St., Toronto ON holding company 101284948 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 9 Box 1583, Moose Jaw rental property holding company 101284961 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 9 Box 37052, Regina construction 101284981 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 9 21-5th St. NE, Weyburn farming 101285021 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 10 238 Kenosee Cres., Saskatoon restaurant 101285045 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 10 Box 905, North Battleford holding company 101285050 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 10 2650 Dorsey Pl., Regina real estate development and rental services; buy/sell residential and commercial property 23-7 Farms Ltd. Jly. 2 Box 52, Bracken farming A & R 3 Enterprises Ltd. Jly. 6 202-1338 McCormack Rd., fast-food restaurant Saskatoon services AAA Window Cutting Jly. 9 Box 37052, Regina concrete cutting and coring and Coring Inc. services ADM Farms Ltd. Jly. 3 Box 238, Beechy farming Adventure Productions Inc. Jly. 7 15068 Prestwick Blvd. SE, film production Calgary AB Ally Holdings Corp. Jne. 10 911 Coppermine Way, investment holding Martensville company Bakken Vapes Inc. Jly. 6 1211-4th St., Estevan sell vaporizers Bergquist Jly. 8 Box 188, Wynyard residential and commercial Construction Corporation construction and renovations Black Label Code Jly. 10 489-2nd Ave. N, Saskatoon computer programming Programming Services Inc. services CNR Mobile Auto Care Inc. Jly. 9 1459 Fort St., Regina automobile detailing; window tinting services; install stereo systems, alarms and command starters 1598 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Cormik Enterprises Inc. Jly. 9 Box 2378, Swift Current property development services D.K. Operations Ltd. Jly. 9 1578 McAra St., Regina Japanese cuisine restaurant Devo’s Plumbing and Jly. 7 Drawer 280, 1103 plumbing and heating Heating Ltd. Broadway Ave., Moosomin services DGW Food Co. Ltd. Jne. 8 727 Trent Cres., Saskatoon import/export and sell food products Dr. Hoda Hosseini Jly. 6 300, 15-23rd St. E, Saskatoon periodontal professional Periodontal Prof. Corp. corporation Dr. Mandana Nematollahi Jly. 6 300, 15-23rd St. E, Saskatoon periodontal professional Periodontal Prof. Corp. corporation Dr. Mark Inman Medical Jly. 7 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon medical professional Professional Corporation corporation Dr. Melad Shawush M.D. Jly. 9 600, 2103-11th Ave., Regina medical professional Prof. Corp. corporation Dr. Torri Medical Prof. Corp. Jly. 9 204-3988 Albert St., Regina medical professional corporation ECC Construction Inc. Jly. 6 1547 Anson Rd., Regina new commercial construction and renovations Fine Edge Roofing Ltd. Jly. 9 4 Poplar Rd., Riverside roofing supply and Estates, Saskatoon installation services Formula 1 Real Estate Jly. 7 146-1st Ave. NW, Swift Current real estate services Services Inc. Gino Welding Ltd. Jly. 10 123-615 Confederation Dr., pipe and metal structure Saskatoon welding services GPE Fluids Inc. Jly. 6 Box 1855, Kindersley oilfield services Hidden Hill Dairy Ltd. Jly. 8 Box 473, 138-3rd St., Dalmeny dairy farming services High Yield Grain Marketing Inc. Jly. 7 Box 1148, grain marketing services Horizon Yardworks & Jly. 10 106-303 Lowe Rd., Saskatoon lawn care; landscaping; Consulting Inc. consultant services Inman Holdings Ltd. Jly. 7 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon holding company Iron Stucco Ltd. Jly. 8 2821 Grant Rd., Regina stucco services; construction Jayson Elenko Real Jly. 7 374 Albert St., Regina real estate professional Estate Prof. Corp. corporation Joe’s Gluten-Free Foods Ltd. Jly. 9 2912 Rae St., Regina produce and sell gluten-free baking and edible products; investments; holding company K & D Operations Ltd. Jly. 9 1578 McAra St., Regina Japanese cuisine franchise restaurant Kait & Nevaeh Jly. 7 223 Ash St., Saskatoon convenience store Holdings Corporation THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1599

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Kellen Holding Co. Ltd. Jne. 10 610 Walmer Rd., Saskatoon investment holding company LDH Agronomy Consulting Ltd. Jly. 6 500, 128-4th Ave. S, Saskatoon agronomy consultant services Lelamar Business Jly. 8 2832-24th Ave., Regina business management; Management Services, Inc. bookkeeping; tax and financial statement preparation; payroll; notary public; wealth management services LHT Lengyel’s Heavy Jly. 8 A4, 116-103rd St. E, Saskatoon industrial and commercial Trucking Ltd. product transporation LML Engineering 2015 Ltd. Jly. 2 2040 McIntyre St., Regina mechanical consultant services Number One Enterprises Inc. Jly. 9 407-5611 Gordon Rd., Regina transportation; construction; heavy-duty mechanical services Ordinary Farms Ltd. Jne. 15 9 Tufts Cres., Outlook farming Paron Septic Service Ltd. Jly. 10 Box 544, Maidstone haul liquid waste; septic services Petald Holdings Ltd. Jly. 10 1500, 410-22nd St. E, real estate holding company Saskatoon Pitura Ag Services Inc. Jly. 10 500-616 Main St., Saskatoon agronomist services Pizza Bite Inc. Jly. 6 2, 606-22nd St. W, Saskatoon pizza restaurant Prairie Adjusters Ltd. Jly. 8 Box 2088, 707 Grabowski Cres., insurance adjustment Warman services Pulse Commodities Group Inc. Jly. 3 923 Hunter Rd., Saskatoon pulse processing services Randhawa Khehra Jly. 9 Box 4416, 303-114 Broadway convenience store Enterprises Ltd. Ave. S, Melfort Regina Beach World of Jly. 6 Box 504, Regina Beach rent kayaks, stand-up Water Rentals Inc. paddle boards and tire tubes Rickshaw South Jly. 10 2733-23rd Ave., Regina film production Productions Inc. Ridgeview Enterprises Ltd. Jly. 9 Box 500, Lloydminster grain farming; livestock; gravel; construction equipment; bookkeeping services Scout Land Services Ltd. Jly. 6 1400-2002 Victoria Ave., Regina mineral and surface rights consultant services Skin By Design Laser Jly. 10 Box 171, Dilke laser skin aesthetic services Aesthetics Inc. South Saskatchewan Hockey Jly. 5 2211 Cross Pl., Regina hockey school and skills Skills Academy Ltd. training services 1600 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Strawberry Developments Ltd. Jly. 8 A-2215 Emmett Hall Rd. E., real estate development Regina services Textrem Drywall Ltd. Jly. 9 676 Cornwall St., Regina drywall services; interior wall systems Tisdale Rentals Ltd. Jly. 7 Box 760, Tisdale rent construction tools, trailers and equipment Ultra R/C Hobbies Inc. Jly. 10 213-3rd St. E, Saskatoon sell remote control cars, trucks, airplanes and helicopters WSG Home Services Ltd. Jly. 8 406-27th St. W, Saskatoon handy-man; house-sitting services Zarquby Apparel Inc. Jly. 9 812 Emerald Park Rd., sell apparel online Emerald Park

CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION (2015) Name: Date: Incorporating Head or Main Type of Jurisdiction: Registered Office: Business: 1040647 B.C. Ltd. Jly. 8 British Columbia 201-290 Wallinger holding company Ave., Kimberley BC 682534 N.B. Inc. Jne. 9 New Brunswick 1700-1 Germain St., educational publisher Saint John NB 9224769 Canada Ltd. Jne. 12 Canada 600, 105-21st St. E, holding company Saskatoon SK AMSC Insurance Jly. 8 Alberta 300, 8616-51st Ave., employee benefits Services Ltd. Edmonton AB insurance broker Blanchard Automotive and Jly. 6 Canada Box 927, 280 Canadian Tire Aviation Inc. Lakefront Ave., franchise store owner Cochrane ON Brobbel West Ltd. Jly. 7 Alberta NE 25-43-17 W2M, farming Star City SK Coalision Inc. Jne. 10 Quebec 619 Rue Le Breton, design, manufacture, Longueil QC market and sell clothing and accessories Dent Clinic Canada 2015 Inc. Jly. 8 Alberta 10, 3092 Dunmore autobody repair Rd. SE, Medicine services Hat AB Enviroanalytics Group LLC Jly. 3 Missouri USA 303-1650 Des Peres environmental Rd., Saint Louis consultant services MO USA THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1601

Name: Date: Incorporating Head or Main Type of Jurisdiction: Registered Office: Business: Exlservice Philippines, Inc. Jne. 10 Philippines 6th flr., One E-com collection agency Center, Harbor Dr., Mall of Asia Complex 1308, Pasay City Philippines Inca Fa Retailer, Ltd. Jne. 9 Canada 231 Russell Rd., sell imported goods Saskatoon SK Invisor Investment Jne. 30 Ontario 224 Kerr St., investment Management Inc. Oakville ON management services IRI Core-GP, LLC Jly. 2 Delaware USA 1209 Orange St., general partner of a Wilmington DE limited partnership USA MAA Infosys Inc. Jne. 22 Canada 28-215 Pine House install security Dr., Saskatoon SK systems Martin Livestock Limited Jne. 15 Manitoba 110-11th St., livestock services Brandon MB Minus Fifty Software Ltd. Jne. 23 Canada 410, 475-2nd Ave. S, software development Saskatoon SK services MNL Financial Service Inc. Jly. 8 British Columbia 3120-8888 Odlin financial services Cres., Richmond BC Mytech Trading Group Ltd. Jne. 29 Manitoba 1701 Plessis Rd., convenience store and Winnipeg MB gas station Pagnotta Industries Inc. Jly. 6 Alberta 3269 Parsons Rd., contract structural Edmonton AB concrete and construction management services Parallel Mechanical Ltd. Jly. 10 British Columbia 3674 Hilborn Rd., construction Quesnel BC Sanford C. Bernstein Jne. 29 New Brunswick 1000-44 Chipman investment dealer (Canada) Limited Hill, Saint John NB Sitech Western Canada Jly. 9 British Columbia 1200-200 Burrard install and sell Trimble Solutions Ltd. St., Vancouver BC and Cat worksite technology; consultant services SJP Consulting Services, Inc. Jly. 8 Alberta 3300, 421-7th Ave. technology project SW, Calgary AB consultant services in the energy industry Storcap 2 Inc. Jly. 7 Ontario 4305 Fairview St., loans and investments Burlington ON T. Flannery Consulting Ltd. Jne. 10 Manitoba Box 397, 129 Souris consultant services in St., Melita MB the oil industry The Raw Juice Company Ltd. Jly. 10 Alberta 300, 714-1st St. SE, juice truck Calgary AB 1602 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

CERTIFICATES OF AMALGAMATION (2015) Name: Amalgamating Date: Registered Office: Main Type of Corporations: Business: 101271273 101271273 Jly. 1 800, 230-22nd St. shelf company Saskatchewan Ltd. Saskatchewan Ltd.; E., Saskatoon K.V. Holdings Ltd. Dynamic Heavy Haul Ltd. Dynamic Energy Jly. 1 51-1st Ave. NW, move oil rigs and Enterprises Ltd.; Swift Current equipment Dynamic Heavy Haul Ltd. Quest Line Locators Ltd. 101274069 Jly. 1 800-1801 Hamilton oilfield services Saskatchewan Ltd.; St., Regina Quest Line Locators Ltd.

CERTIFICATE OF CONTINUANCE (2015) Name: Date: Precontinuance Mailing Address: Main Type of Jurisdiction: Business: Custom Homes Inc. Jne. 25 Alberta 401-1916 Dewdney residential Ave., Regina construction

CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT (2015) Name: Date: Amendment: 625792 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 4 changed name to Flame Tech Combustion Services Inc. 101100269 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 15 changed name to Flying U Holdings Ltd. 101147389 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 10 changed name to Huberdale Farms Ltd. 101222489 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 9 changed name to Holmgren Thoring Farms Ltd. 101229494 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 15 changed name to Red Safety Management Inc. 101271387 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 7 changed name to Central Prairie Transport Ltd. 101278002 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 12 changed name to Ultimate Carpet Cleaning (2015) Ltd. 101280438 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 5 changed name to MKG Enterprise Ltd. Brazen Clothing Ltd. Jne. 16 changed name to 101105280 Saskatchewan Ltd. Canwest Trading Co. Ltd. Jly. 6 changed name to Canwest Commercial & Land Corp. Fine Touch Dental Services (East Side) Inc. Jly. 8 changed name to Prairie West Dental Management Services Inc. Kalana Holdings Ltd. Jly. 7 changed name to Maidstone Pharmacy Inc. RG Blakley C.A. Professional Corporation Jne. 10 changed name to RG Blakley CPA Prof. Corp. York-Sask. Dry Cleaners Ltd. Jly. 6 changed name to Poier Holdings Ltd. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1603

CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT (Extra-Provincial Corporations) (2013)

Name: Incorporating Date: Amendment: Jurisdiction: A.M. Castle and Co. (Canada) Inc. Ontario Jan. 1 changed jurisdiction to British Columbia

(2014) Name: Incorporating Date: Amendment: Jurisdiction: S & V Planning Corporation British Columbia Dec. 16 changed jurisdiction to Ontario

(2015) Name: Incorporating Date: Amendment: Jurisdiction: Flying J Canada Inc. Ontario Jan. 1 amalgamated into Flying J Canada Inc. Hershey Canada Inc.; The Allan Ontario May 31 amalgamated into Hershey Candy Company Limited Canada Inc. Louis Dreyfus Commodities Alberta Jne. 29 changed jurisdiction to British Yorkton Corp. Columbia Louis Dreyfus Commodities Canada Jne. 29 changed jurisdiction to British Yorkton Investment Inc. Columbia Rob Enterprises Inc. British Columbia May 15 changed jurisdiction to Ontario

CERTIFICATES OF DISCONTINUANCE (2015) Name: Date: New Jurisdiction: Dr. A.D. Bazylak Dental Prof. Corp. Jly. 8 Alberta Dr. Nathan Nieviadomy Dentistry Professional Corporation Jly. 1 Ontario GC Contracting Ltd. Jly. 6 British Columbia Gtech Combustion Inc. Jly. 9 British Columbia


Name: Date: 216-1st Avenue South Properties Ltd. Jne. 12 310-6th Avenue East Properties Ltd. Jne. 12 623847 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 15 101183952 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 11 101197837 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 10 1604 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: 101252365 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 12 101274134 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 16 Abbey Community Development Corporation Jne. 11 Absolute Fitness Corp. Jne. 4 Arteca Innovations Ltd. Jne. 15 Balcarres Bearing & Auto Ltd. Jne. 9 Canora Agencies Ltd. Jne. 10 Dondor Holdings Inc. Jne. 15 Hain Engineering Ltd. Jne. 10 Koch Minerals Ltd. Jne. 16 M & S Contracting Inc. Jne. 11 Sui Yuan International Development Incorporated Jne. 10 Tai Hua Investment Group Limited Jne. 15 Tiger Trade Ltd. Jne. 10 Valley View Hotel Ltd. Jne. 15

CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER (2015) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 101035581 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 11 Saskatchewan 101036455 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 6 Saskatchewan 101100269 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 15 Saskatchewan 101147389 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 10 Saskatchewan 101236494 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 10 Saskatchewan Aerus Canada, Inc. Jne. 9 Ontario Bilan Farms Inc. May 20 Saskatchewan Blue Packet Enterprises Inc. Jne. 10 Saskatchewan Cudlow Holdings Ltd. Jne. 15 Saskatchewan Dr. Beverley Janice Saul-Duke Medical Professional Corporation Jne. 16 Saskatchewan Dream-Works Customs Ltd. Jne. 11 Saskatchewan East Poplar Simmentals Inc. Jne. 10 Saskatchewan Eddy Consulting Ltd. Jly. 6 Saskatchewan FNJO Holdings Inc. Jne. 15 Saskatchewan Gerry’s Automatic Transmission Ltd. Jne. 12 Saskatchewan Interprovincial Specialty Coating Ltd. Jne. 12 Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1605

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Jorgenson Contracting Ltd. Jly. 3 Saskatchewan Kidgard Juvenile Products, Inc. Jne. 15 Saskatchewan Logo Truck Wash & Lube Ltd. Jne. 26 Saskatchewan Prairie Fire Salon and Gift Studio Company Ltd. Jne. 15 Saskatchewan Qball Mechanical Services Ltd. Jne. 11 Saskatchewan Sachs’ Holdings Ltd. Jne. 9 Saskatchewan Sakaw Resource Management Inc. Jne. 11 Saskatchewan T & L Obrigewitsch Acres Ltd. Jne. 11 Saskatchewan Three J Aerial and Agro Ltd. Jne. 10 Saskatchewan Tisdale Animal Clinic P.C. Ltd. Jne. 9 Saskatchewan Tracy Sundquist Painting Ltd. Jne. 10 Saskatchewan Twonies Tax in Dollar Store Ltd. Jne. 11 Saskatchewan Vacation Holdings Inc. Jne. 16 Saskatchewan Victoria Canadian Immigration Consultancy Inc. Jne. 19 Canada

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 290 (2015) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 5G Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 313720 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 564730 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 610020 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 623788 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 627604 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 627905 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101003914 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101004131 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101041131 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101051911 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101065004 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101079014 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101079704 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101079861 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101080004 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101094893 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 1606 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 101095829 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101095848 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101116182 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101136844 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101136860 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101136960 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101137355 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101137758 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101137759 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101156007 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 8 Saskatchewan 101156361 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101177213 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101177367 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101198258 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101198486 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101198715 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101199349 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101199440 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101199514 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101200097 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101222743 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101222798 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101223045 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101223996 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101224184 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101224501 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101224555 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101248123 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101248153 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101248246 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101248516 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101248534 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101248662 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101248682 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1607

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 101248687 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101248727 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101248809 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101248827 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101248866 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101248930 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101248931 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101248933 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249095 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249159 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249281 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249304 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249363 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249444 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249495 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249516 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249532 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249546 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249555 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249569 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249741 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249771 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101249912 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101250078 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101250121 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101250165 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 101256334 Saskatchewan Ltd. Jly. 9 Alberta 1196088 Alberta Ltd. Jly. 8 Alberta 5234396 Manitoba Ltd. Jne. 30 Manitoba 6538399 Manitoba Ltd. Jly. 8 Manitoba 954490 Ontario Inc. Jne. 30 Ontario 7766025 Canada Inc. Jne. 30 Canada A & A Hair Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan A World of Pets Store Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 1608 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Able Websoft Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Advanced Collision Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan All Clear Sewer Service Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan All-Sask Logistics Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Alpha Industries SK Ltd. Jne. 30 Canada Amiggo Holding Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Ancheta Homes Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Applied Process Technology International, LLC Jne. 30 Virginia USA Appssistance Inc. Jne. 30 Canada Arab Observer for the Multimedia Incorporated Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Ariba Enterprises Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Artesian Arts Company Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Ashworth Construction Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Aspen Canada Medical Management Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Aspen Medical Fund Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Astare Limited Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Atch Contracting Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Azath Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Canada B & K Storage Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Bailey Farms Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Baillargeon Chemical Sales Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Balon’s Aerial Spray Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Banctec (Canada), Inc. Jne. 30 Canada Barley Mill Brew Pub Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Bedframe Properties Inc. Jne. 30 Canada BEZ Painting Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Body Z Rock Landscaping Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Bohr Contracting Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Breland Enterprizes Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Brookfield Global Relocation Services Limited Services/ Jne. 30 Ontario Globaux de Relogement Brookfield Limitée Business Printers Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Butchko Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan C.D.R. Aggregates Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Caan Management Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1609

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Cameron Venture Group Inc. Jly. 9 Alberta Can-Am Travel Stops Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Canadian Capital Investment Corp. Jly. 9 Alberta Canbridge Connection Consulting International Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Canwest Financial Corp. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Caribou Bottoms Cloth Diapers and Accessories Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Cascatta Homes Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan CDA Holdings Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Central Pole Inspection and Maintenance Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Ceylon Hotel 2014 Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Chaparral Enterprises Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Ciba Vision Canada Inc. Jne. 30 Canada Circle R Transport Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Clay’s Delivery Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan CND Pilot Services Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Coal Creek Cattle Co. Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Colin Strauss Consulting Inc. Jly. 9 Alberta Colossal Construction Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Comfort Plumbing Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Complete Realty Solutions Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Cowessess Urban Developments Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Cowessess Wind Developments Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Crai-Ford Farms Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Creative Auto Solutions Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan D & E Facca Trucking Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan D-Kamp Services Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan DAAE Farms Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Davlen Farms Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Dechief Farms Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Del/Reo Snow Services Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Deli House Catering Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Dhain Developments Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Dhoom Carriers Inc. Jne. 30 Canada Diamond B Transport Ltd. Jly. 6 Alberta 1610 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Dirge Computer Security Services Incorporated Jne. 30 Canada Dirty Water Productions Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan DJD Interiors Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Dr. Anil R. Sharma Medical Prof. Corp. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Dr. Imran Ibrahim Medical Professional Corporation Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Dr. K.F. Habib Medical Prof. Corp. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Dwayne Ouellet Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Canada END Enterprises Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan E.F. Contractors Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Elite Management Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Esmachiol Technology Solutions Incorporated Jne. 30 Canada ESP Media Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Esri Canada Limited Jne. 30 Ontario Etceteras Ladies Boutique Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Ezy-Track Weld Path Markers Inc. Jne. 30 Canada Fireside Security Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Flatline Welding Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Flattop Carriers Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Fouillard Steel Supplies Ltd. Jne. 30 Manitoba Fresh Clean Building Maintenance Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Frie Investments Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Full Throttle Farms Ltd. Jly. 10 Saskatchewan FY Construction Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan G & G McCutcheon Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Gabes Golf Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Gartner Developments Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Gasfrac Energy Services Inc. Jly. 7 Alberta General Urban Constructors Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Getz Enterprises Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Got Maintenance, Welding Building Cleaning? Corp. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Greg Velanoff Enterprises Ltd. Jne. 30 Canada Guns N’ Hoses Framing Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan H.H. Fast Investments Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Hartnett Oilfield Services Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1611

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Heppner Farms Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Hicke Developments Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Holt Sales and Service, Inc. Jne. 30 Iowa USA Honesty Property Company Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Hong Tao International Investments Group Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Horizon West Management Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Huaze Energy Inc. Jne. 30 Canada Hunter Productions Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan ICF Consulting Canada, Inc. Jne. 30 Ontario IFIA Enterprises Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Image Homes Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Image Realty Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Independent Insulators Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Insta-Rent Ltd. Jne. 15 Ontario J & M Dahl Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan J.L. Labour Supply Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan James G Walford Trucking Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Jingting & Jie Garments Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Joint Systems & Hardware Solutions Ltd. Jly. 9 Saskatchewan JTH Custom Trucking Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Juanam Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan KRB Safety Consulting Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Kallio Farms Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Kap Restaurant Group Corp. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Katok Contracting and Equipment Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Kelly M. Dyck Medical P.C. Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Keystone Automotive Industries On Inc. Jne. 30 Canada Kim’s Smart Home and Office Spaces Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Kirsch Farm Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Kite Valuation Group Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan KKR SCF Loan Administration, LLC Jne. 30 Delaware USA KMC Mechanical Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Kohfa Technology Solutions Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Korre Contracting Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan 1612 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Kv Concrete Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan L-Spec Construction Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Lars Thompson Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Lawntec Yard and Landscape Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Ljs Concrete Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Luyan Medical Supplies Corp. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan M Davidson Contracting Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan M.J.B. Holdings Limited Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Malik Auto Care Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Manreet Trucking Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Maple Leaf 2011 Energy Income Management Corp. Jne. 10 Canada Maple Leaf 2012 Energy Income Management Corp. Jne. 10 Canada Maple Leaf 2012-II Energy Income Management Corp. Jne. 10 Canada Medix Industrial Paramedics Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan MFS Investment Management Canada Limited/MFS Gestion de Jne. 30 Canada Placements Canada Limitée Modern Electric Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan MPG Consultants Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan N.R.A. and Associates Management Consulting Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan National Salvage & Service Corporation Jne. 30 Indiana USA New Leaf Design Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Newrock Energy Corp. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Northern Fortune Investments Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Oiler Oilfield Contracting Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Old Iron Transport Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Olympia Mutual Funds Inc. Jly. 6 Alberta P.T.B.K. Consulting Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Pappa Jack’s Donuts & Pizzeria Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Paris Beauty Corporation Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Parsons Brinckerhoff Halsall Inc. Jne. 30 Ontario Pass Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Paul’s Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan PDMD Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Perran Consulting Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Philipchuk Acres Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1613

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Phoenix Geological Consultants Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Pinch Software & Development Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Planetary Energy Systems Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Plungerboy Plumbing and Heating Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Prairie Health Center Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Prince Financial Services Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Prolux Painting Corporation Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Prosask Traders Corp. Jne. 30 Canada Pura Vida Mechanical Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Quality Life International Trading Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Queen of Hearts Consulting Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Qwest Energy Financial Corp. Jne. 30 Canada R.A.G. Oil Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Radium Trucking Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Rahma Properties Inc. Jne. 30 Canada Regina Hotshot Transport Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Reid’s Auction (Canada) Inc. Jne. 30 Canada Rekab Oilfield Services Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Rever & Associates Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan RKR Contracting Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Rock Star Leasing Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Rolling Iron Compression Limited Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Roscoe Enterprises Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Roset By Reid Saskatoon Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan RP & NP Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan RSP (Regina) Legal Prof. Corp. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan RU Mechanical Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Ruecker Rentals Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan S.D. Agencies Limited Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Sakimay Developments Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Sakimay Retail Entities Inc. Jly. 10 Saskatchewan Sandy Bay General Store Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Sanpat Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Saymab Properties & Renovations Inc. Jne. 30 Canada 1614 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Schulz Investments Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Secag Investigative Services Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Sedley Auto Parts Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Shakti Sons Inc. Jne. 30 Canada Shin & Lee Enterprise Ltd. Jly. 9 Alberta Silverado Drilling Corporation Jly. 7 British Columbia Single Six Transport Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Slavjanka Trans Co. Ltd. Jne. 30 Manitoba Snell Welding Incorporated Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Soilvision Systems Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Sonlight Farms Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Sophia Li Real Estate Professional Corporation Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Sparkles – Gymnastics and Dance Studio Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Spenmo Enterprises Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Spoil My Ride Detailing Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Srigs Trucking Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Strecker Enterprises Limited Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Strokes and Ladders Painting and Renovations Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Styles for Success Hair Design Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Surprisehergifts Ltd. Jne. 30 Canada Synergycanada Int Ltd. Jne. 30 Ontario Teliphone Navigata-Westel Communication Inc./Communication Jne. 30 Canada Teliphone Navigata-Westel Inc. Tesfa Development Stars Corp. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan The Second Cup Ltd. Jne. 30 Ontario The Wascana Financial Group Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Thunder Meadow Farms Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Tobin Lake R.V. Leisure & Storage Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Tool Whisperer Directional Consulting Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Trenouth Family Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Tresco Contracting Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Twenty Two Electric Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Tyros Properties Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan TYS Concrete Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Unrau Capital Corp. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1615

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Unsaturated Soil Technologies Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Valleau Construction Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Vantage Construction Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Vcentury Consulting Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan VFA Canada Corporation Jne. 30 Nova Scotia Vics the Moving Man Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Wajo Enterprises Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Walsh Acres Manor Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Wanyuan Foods Ltd. Jne. 30 Canada Waste Management of Canada Corporation Jne. 30 Nova Scotia Waterfront Plumbing and Hot Tub Services Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Wells Fargo Financial Retail Services Company Canada/Société Jne. 30 Nova Scotia Financière Wells Fargo Canada, Services de Détail Western Premium Property Renovations Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Wik Signs Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Wilf’s Auto Body & Painting Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan World Tickets Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan XS Cargo GP Inc. Jly. 9 Alberta Ziyutec Inc. Jne. 30 Canada Zones Holdings Ltd. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan ZYP Holdings Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan


Amin Bardestani, Director. ______

The Business Names Registration Act ______

CANCELLATIONS (2015) Name: Date: Place of Business: Bakken Vapes Jly. 6 Stoughton Bar Trek Properties Jne. 15 Saskatoon Cinco Design Jne. 26 Saskatoon Day to Day Cleaning Services Jne. 16 Regina Evan’s Transport Jne. 30 Lumsden 1616 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Place of Business: Formula 1 Real Estate Service Jne. 30 Swift Current Ham Brothers Ranch Jne. 12 Frontier Hyundai Financial Services Jne. 12 Toronto ON Joe’s Gluten-Free Foods Jly. 7 Regina K & R Renovations Jne. 11 Regina Kia Canada Financial Services Jne. 12 Toronto ON LHT Lengyel’s Heavy Trucking Jly. 8 Saskatoon Maple Leaf 2012-II Energy Income Limited Partnership Jly. 6 Regina Prairie Ancestors Research Services Jne. 15 Regina Prairie Law Group Jne. 29 Saskatoon Pulse Commodities Group Jly. 3 Saskatoon Randhawa Khehra Enterprises Ltd. Jly. 9 Melfort Services Financiers de Kia Canada Jne. 12 Toronto ON

SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP REGISTRATIONS (2015) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 9X Contracting & Jly. 9 Box 410, Asquith contract custom woodwork: Custom Woodwork cabins, barns and sheds A Gradkowski Jly. 9 1438 Hunter Rd., Saskatoon bloodstain pattern analysis, Forensic Consultant fingerprints and crime scene reconstruction consultant services for the criminal justice system Adanac Pilot & Trucking Jne. 12 Box 32, Pambrun trucking; construction Anchor Storage Jly. 6 1509 Ashley Dr., Swift Current cold storage services Andrey’s Your Jne. 8 30 Kenderdine Rd., Saskatoon grocery store Independent Grocer Arrowhead Grill Restaurant Jly. 10 250-103C Packham Ave., restaurant Saskatoon Autumn Spring Construction Jly. 5 1204-14th St. E, Saskatoon construction; carpentry services Aw Custom Coat Renewal Jne. 11 205-1524 Rayner Ave., special coating services Saskatoon for concrete, counters, walkways, floors and tables Berkshire Hathaway Jly. 3 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina insurance products Specialty Insurance Big Du Refreshments Jly. 7 Box 361, 311-2nd Ave. N, vending machine services Beechy THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1617

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Bindi Store Jly. 11 192 Manitoba Ave., Yorkton retail costume jewellery, essential oils, incense and Indian God idols Blue Mountain Adventure Park Jly. 9 962-102nd St., North adventure park with Battleford cross-country skiing; zipping; swimming; paint ball; rock wall climbing; hiking; camping Blush and Vine Floral Jly. 7 106-1001 Temperance St., floral design and décor Design Company Saskatoon Brazen Clothing Jne. 16 Box 1197, Moosomin retail clothing Carlos Studio 32 Jly. 12 3410 John A Macdonald Rd., media production Saskatoon Chrisrod Cleaning Services Jly. 6 4135-33rd St. W, Saskatoon residential and commercial cleaning services Chuzzybest Interbiz Enterprises Jly. 6 14-79 Angus Rd., Regina construction; import/export goods; merchandising services Conar Constructions Jly. 7 Box 99, Hafford residential construction and renovations Crionna Consulting Jly. 10 1614 Morgan Ave., Saskatoon spiritual care and educational services Crystal Grove Farm Jly. 6 NW 25-44-15 W2M, Tisdale raise and breed angora goats, sheep, alpacas and llamas; prepare, process and market mohair and fibres; agricultural tourism and educational opportunities Day to Day Cleaning Services Jne. 16 313 Greer Crt., Regina residential and commercial cleaning services Jne. 11 100-445 W 6th Ave., Vancouver travel agency BC Excel Roofing Jne. 30 600 Forget St., Regina roofing services Flux Motion Graphics Series I Jly. 6 230-1911 Park St., Regina animation production Fourth Generation Jly. 6 1803 Dieppe Cres., Estevan farming Steinke Farming Frank Communications Jly. 6 1322-9th St., Estevan sell and service IT equipment; consultant services Freedom Adventures Jly. 8 5 Madison Cres., Saskatoon motorcycles; personal training; tours; mobile amusement rides Fuel2go Micro Markets Jly. 7 1617 Kilburn Ave., Saskatoon healthy alternative vending machine services 1618 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Functional Fitness with Jly. 6 435 Evergreen Blvd., personal and group fitness Jill Egroff Saskatoon training; nutritional consultant services Good Spirit Ag Systems Jly. 3 Box 1684, Canora sell and install grain monitoring and automation electronic systems Growlers Restaurant Jly. 10 250-103C Packham Ave., restaurant Saskatoon Hall’s Instrumentation Jly. 10 Box 847, Oxbow manufacture and sell truck instrumentation Herbert Family Restaurant Jly. 9 709 Herbert Ave., Herbert restaurant Homecraft Construction Jly. 7 Box 2966, Lloydminster residential construction and electrical services Hummingbird Consulting Jly. 8 152 Salisbury Dr., Saskatoon educational consultant: adult education; writing materials; workshops and presentations Ideal Body Care & Wellness Jly. 9 Box 96, 121-3rd St. S, massage therapy Martensville Insomniak Media Jly. 6 1211 Kerr Rd., Saskatoon photography Insurance Marketplace Canada Jly. 7 764, 2010-11th Ave., Regina insurance and financial services J Jewitt Enterprises Jly. 9 1334 Athol St., Regina repair and maintenance; cleaning; delivery services; mobile road side assistance Kings Corner Clothing Jly. 10 11 Betts Ave., Yorkton clothing store Kingswood Academy Jne. 30 600, 105-21st St. E, Saskatoon private independent educational services Kingswood Children’s Academy Jne. 30 600, 105-21st St. E, Saskatoon private independent educational services Kolla Construction Jly. 9 Box 471, Cudworth contract new residential construction, renovations, framing and concrete services Kuya Ed Cargo and Jne. 12 5124 Dewdney Ave., Regina door-to-door cargo boxes General Services and general services Lakeview Gardens Jly. 8 700-1914 Hamilton St., Regina garden centre Les Celliers La Salle Jly. 6 441 Courtneypark Dr. E, sell alcoholic beverages Mississauga ON Lil’ Peanuts Home Daycare Jly. 6 8743 Wascana Gardens Pl., home-based childcare Regina Living Skies Window Tinting Jly. 6 559 Laurier Dr., Prince Albert automobile window tinting services Mg Decks Plus Construction Jly. 6 218-203 Tait Pl., Saskatoon construction; framing; finishing carpentry services THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1619

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Mind Hack Ventures Jly. 10 11 Hastings Cres., Regina educate and inspire others through online videos and blogs Mountain Mama’s Homestead Jly. 8 Box 3032, Battleford skin care products; home-grown produce Mr. Mo’s Asian Cuisine Jly. 10 1A-800 Central Ave., Saskatoon restaurant Nick’s Custom Designs Jly. 6 3617-50th Ave., Lloydminster general contractor North Country Ranches Jly. 10 Box 3220, Nipawin electric fencing supplies; sell livestock and grain; custom farm services One Step Above Roofing Jly. 9 1622 Bradwell Ave., Saskatoon roofing services Onyx Jewellery Company Jly. 7 27 Indigo Cres., Moose Jaw men’s and women’s jewellery PGP Thermal Jne. 16 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina supply turbines for power generation Phil’s Farm and Barn Security Jly. 9 155-11th St. E, Prince Albert farm and barn security services Plowshare Ag Solutions Jne. 16 91 Ross Dr., Yorkton agricultural consultant; soil sampling; crop planning; field scouting services Polar Stone Canada Jly. 10 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon flooring services Prairie North Inflatables Jly. 9 Box 195, Christopher Lake rent/sell Zorb balls, bouncy castles and kites Prairie Sky Kitchens Jly. 6 1017-3rd St., Estevan sell and install kitchen cabinets Prairieland Glass Jly. 9 Box 424, Southey glazing; glass installation services QT Nails & Spa Jly. 9 598-15th St. E, Prince Albert beauty, nail and spa services Raine Aesthetics Jly. 9 414 Willow Bay, Estevan aesthetic services: facials, laser hair removal, skin rejuvenation, microdermabrasion and chemical peels Re/Max Beaver River Realty Jne. 12 Box 1028, Cold Lake AB real estate Regina Funeral Jne. 26 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina funeral and cemetery Home & Cemetery supplies and services Reliable Fencing Jne. 19 84 Athabasca St. W, Moose Jaw fencing services Rendezvous Hotel Jly. 10 Box 18, Edam hotel Rick’s Mobile Rv Repair Jly. 6 4, 226-10th St. E, Saskatoon mobile RV repair and maintenance services Ridgerunner Performance Jly. 8 Box 293, Unity sell vehicles, parts and accessories 1620 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: Rock N Wood Creations Jly. 9 Box 221, Loon Lake sell rock crystals; woodworking services S.F. Arbitrage Solutions Jne. 10 Box 500, 5016-48th St., risk management; financial Lloydminster services S24 Construction Services Jly. 8 834 Edward St., Estevan construction, renovations and remodelling services Saga Biotek Solutions Jly. 6 2966-37th St. W, Saskatoon design, manufacture and distribute biomedical applications; consultant services; imports/exports; investments Sapir Jewelry, Accessories Jly. 9 110 Oxford St., W, Moose Jaw Reiki therapy; sell jewellery and Reiki Therapy and fashion accessories Seabuckwild Beverages Jly. 8 Box 460, Osler produce and distribute beverages Shop P.A. Its Worth the Drive Jne. 16 3315-1 Place Ville Marie, monthly newspaper Montreal QC publication promoting Prince Albert Soul Journey Wellness Jly. 9 Box 791, Grenfell Body Talk; wellness consultant services Tanis Brisebois Hair & Jly. 6 Box 296, Arborfield beauty salon Make-Up Artistry The Partysmiths: Hand-Made Jly. 10 1211 Ave. D N, Saskatoon hand-made party supplies Party Supplies Theodore’s Bakery Jly. 6 Box 343, Martensville bakery Thinkers & Doers Jly. 6 4135-33rd St. W, Saskatoon event management services Events Management Thunder Hills Store (2005) Jly. 7 Box 26, Weyakwin retail groceries and gas TJ’s Bobcatting and Hauling Jly. 7 Box 81, Annaheim landscaping; Bobcat and hauling services TLH Bookkeeping Services Jly. 6 1605 Argyle Ave., Saskatoon accounting and bookkeeping services Uplifting Esthetics and Jly. 9 122-3rd Ave. NW, Prince Albert massage therapy and Massage Therapy aesthetic services Vintage Gold N Things Jly. 10 Box 1, Site 501, R.R. 5, buy/sell/consign precious Saskatoon metals and antiques Weenie Wagon Jly. 9 Box 76, Broadview food truck

PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATIONS (2015) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: 247 Piloting Services Jly. 10 305 Stone Terr., Martensville operate pilot trucks for oversized loads THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1621

Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: A & E Sewer & Water Service Jly. 7 2327 McTavish St., Regina clean and unclog sewer and drain lines; plumbing installation and repair services Athome Overhaul Jly. 10 Box 29, Zealandia cleaning; junk removal services Biggar Life Endeavours Jly. 9 Box 46, Biggar martial arts; Taekwondo; Muay Thai; hypnosis; life coaching services Duo Plant Studio Jly. 10 R.R. 6, Site 601, Comp. 133, manufacture and sell plant Saskatoon arrangements; air plants and succulents Eminent Property Management Jly. 7 205-110 Shillington Cres., property management Saskatoon services Fab Parties Boutique Jly. 7 122 East Hampton Blvd., party planning and Saskatoon decorations Hysuick Enterprises Jly. 10 Box 614, Indian Head landscaping; Bobcat; tree removal services Jor-Jen Enterprise Jly. 9 Box 204, Borden sell used automobiles; landscaping services Keymobo Marketing Jly. 8 14-102 Pawlychenko Lane, text marketing services in Saskatoon the restaurant, real estate and automotive industries Make Sit Happen: Dog Jly. 11 621-20th Ave. E, Regina dog walking services; Walking and Obedience obedience classes Mitra Research and Consulting Jly. 9 209 Rosewood Gate N, food and bio-processing Saskatoon research and consultant services; process food Non Stop Nailing Carpentry Jly. 8 64 Folley Cres., Lanigan roofing; carpentry services Nothing But Passion Jly. 7 Box 130, 109-1st Ave. S, Harris provide wellness courses Awareness Work and support services online Onemain Solutions Jne. 11 1500-1874 Scarth St., Regina insurance Randhawa Khehra Jly. 6 Box 4416, Melfort convenience store Enterprises Ltd. S & M Leggings Jly. 10 Box 853, Broadview women’s apparel; sell leggings, shirts, dresses and skirts

EXTRA-PROVINCIAL LIMITED PARTNERSHIP REGISTRATION (2015) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Business: IRI Core I, L.P. Jly. 2 1500, 410-22nd St. E, manage real estate Saskatoon investments 1622 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015


Name: Date: Beldon Bison Ranch Jne. 15 Krywy Farms Jne. 9

EXPIRATIONS (2015) Name: Date: Place of Business: 02cool Auto Parts & Salvage Jly. 2 Regina 1st Gear Rebuilders Jly. 2 Dalmeny 3d Land Joint Venture Jly. 2 Unity 4-L Concrete Jly. 2 Martensville 4-L Excavating Jly. 2 Martensville 4sure Insulations Jly. 2 Bruno Jly. 2 White City A Classic Automobile Rental Jly. 2 Wynyard A Plan B Bed and Breakfast Jly. 2 Beauval A-1 Industrial Services Jly. 2 Regina A.O. Smith WPC Canada Jly. 2 Regina A2Z Enterprise Jly. 2 Regina Absolute Style Jly. 2 Saskatoon Academic Potential Educational Services Jly. 2 Saskatoon Admyred Studio Jly. 2 Canora Afab Home and Yard Jly. 2 Regina Al International Program Counselling Jly. 2 Saskatoon Alexus Holdings Jly. 2 Bienfait All Around Cleaning Jly. 2 Regina All Home Renovations Jly. 2 Air Ronge All in One Business Solutions Jly. 2 Regina Alpha Construction Jly. 2 Saskatoon Angie’s Sewing Services Jly. 2 Saskatoon Antenna Consulting Services Canada Jly. 2 Chatham ON Arden’s Landscape Maintenance Jly. 2 Wynyard Armstrong Acres Jly. 2 Melfort Arson Entertainment Jly. 2 Edam Asian Sweet, Samosa and Pizza Factory Jly. 2 Langham THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1623

Name: Date: Place of Business: ASQ Canada Jly. 2 Milwaukee WY USA Associated Integrated Care Group Jly. 2 Saskatoon Athena Events Jly. 2 Langham Atlas Copco Thiessen Jly. 2 Regina Atlas Insulation Jly. 2 Yorkton Au Naturel Candles & Accessories Jly. 2 Willow Bunch Aurora Translation Jly. 2 Broadview Auto Trader Western Jly. 2 Regina Avcore International Jly. 2 Regina Avenue Second Hand Store Jly. 2 Estevan AWI Insurance Brokers Jly. 2 Calgary AB B & L Repairs (1997) Jly. 2 Regina B & S Auto Sales Jly. 2 Ebenezer B.H. Distributors Jly. 2 Regina Backyard Letterpress and Paper Company Jly. 2 Saskatoon Badland Bin Builders Jly. 2 Maple Creek Bar Six Farms Jly. 2 Spiritwood Bargain Trader Western Jly. 2 Regina Barks Ventures Jly. 2 Smeaton Barrys Bobcating Services Jly. 2 Grandora Battlefords and District D.S.T. Enhanced Private Jly. 2 North Battleford Home Care and Services Battlefords Massage Therapy Jly. 2 Battleford BDK Enterprizes Jly. 2 Regina Bear Necessities – for Women Jly. 2 Buena Vista Beckhuck Design Jly. 2 Estevan Beijing Alternative Health Centre Jly. 2 Saskatoon Bengough Cafe Jly. 2 Bengough Bev Axani’s Small Business Administrations Jly. 2 Macklin Big City Welding Jly. 2 Saskatoon Big Deal Painting Jly. 2 Moose Jaw Bigg Entertainment Jly. 2 Turtleford Birch Moon Botanicals Herbal Care Products Jly. 2 Saskatoon BJ’s Patio Screen Jly. 2 White City Blomidon View Consulting Jly. 2 Regina 1624 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Place of Business: Blondie’s Auto Detailing Jly. 2 Gull Lake BLT Farms Jly. 2 Saskatoon Blue Fox Painting Jly. 2 Regina Blue Skies Ventures Jly. 2 Regina Body & Sole Personal Care Studio Jly. 2 Saskatoon Body Lyrics Fitness Jly. 2 Regina Boreal Vac & Pressure Services Jly. 2 Cochrane Borealis Glass Boutique Jly. 2 Saskatoon Brian McGown’s Lumber & Logging Jly. 2 Spiritwood Brightwater Senior Living of Saskatoon Jly. 2 Regina Brisk Road Maintenance & Operator Training Jly. 2 Kyle Brittany Lindenbach Photography & Co. Jly. 2 Balgonie BTQ Electrical Solutions Jly. 2 Regina Budget Rent-A-Car of Regina Jly. 2 Saskatoon Budget Rent-A-Car of Saskatoon Jly. 2 Saskatoon Building Esteem for a Stronger Tomorrow Consulting Services Jly. 2 Regina Bush Bunny Customs Jly. 2 Mayfair Busy Boys Electrical Jly. 2 Surrey BC Buy and Sell Trader Western Jly. 2 Regina C Doidge Cabinets Jly. 2 Regina Cambrian Counselling Services Jly. 2 Norquay Canada Fresh Air Supply Jly. 2 Saskatoon Capstone Financial Group Jly. 2 Regina Carey Health and Security Jly. 2 Yorkton Caribou Automotive Jly. 2 Air Ronge Carla Stadnick Consulting Jly. 2 Regina Carson Welding & Maintenance Jly. 2 Regina Cat’s Cradle Crafts Jly. 2 Warman Cathedral Roofing Jly. 2 Regina Cecile’s Bistro and More Jly. 2 Battleford Cee-Ara Excavating and Landscaping Jly. 2 Yorkton Certified Property Inspection Services Jly. 2 Saskatoon Charfish Irrigation Jly. 2 Weyburn City Home Centre Jly. 2 Saskatoon THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1625

Name: Date: Place of Business: City Slicker Magazine Jly. 2 Regina CJS Acres Farm Partnership Jly. 2 Krydor CK One Home Accents Jly. 2 White City Clean Sweep Janitorial Service Jly. 2 Estevan Coleman Enterprises Jly. 2 Leask Comfy Toes Jly. 2 Saskatoon Costa Blanca Jly. 2 Regina Country Heart Farm Jly. 2 CPR Painting Jly. 2 Regina Craddock Farm Financial Jly. 2 Humboldt Creative Avenue Arts Collective Jly. 2 Regina Crocus Hill Trail Rides Jly. 2 Leask Crooked Valley Collectibles Jly. 2 Unity Crossfit Villains Jly. 2 Regina CRS Film Productions Jly. 2 Saskatoon Cut to Fit Woodworking Jly. 2 Regina D & L Health Enterprises Jly. 2 Prince Albert D. Salahub Service Jly. 2 Saskatoon D.R.K. Excavating Services Jly. 2 Fort Qu’Appelle Dancing Star Consulting Jly. 2 Saskatoon Darwin Roske Consulting Jly. 2 Regina Datum Exploration Jly. 2 Calgary AB DB Equipment Jly. 2 Regina Deanna Miller Design Jly. 2 Saskatoon Desi Home Care Jly. 2 Saskatoon Digital Aerial Surveys Jly. 2 Saskatoon Do-Wa BBQ Jly. 2 Regina Doerksen JH Spraying Jly. 2 Carrot River Donna’s Country Kitchen Jly. 2 Saskatoon Double Bar L Farms Jly. 2 Nokomis Dream Again Stables Jly. 2 Swift Current Duker’s Auto Restorations and Painting Jly. 2 Whitewood Dunlap Motors Jly. 2 Vanscoy Dura Products Jly. 2 Calgary AB 1626 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Place of Business: E & M North East Grain Farms Jly. 2 Tisdale Eastern Art Jly. 2 Regina Easy Rent A Car Jly. 2 Regina Eclipsa Photographic Jly. 2 Regina Eco-Friendly Lawn Services Jly. 2 Moose Jaw Ecoplans Jly. 2 Thornhill ON Edwards Jly. 2 Mississauga ON Edwards Canada Jly. 2 Mississauga ON Elite Salon & Studio Jly. 2 Saskatoon Elly’s Flowers & Trees Jly. 2 La Ronge Ennis-Flint Jly. 2 Calgary AB Equals Financial Advising Jly. 2 White City Equipment Trader Western Jly. 2 Regina Essential Bookkeeping Services Jly. 2 Regina Everest Painting and Finishing Jly. 2 Saskatoon Executech Promotions Jly. 2 Regina Eyespy Photography Jly. 2 Regina Fadznfunk Purses Jly. 2 Lloydminster Fanatika – Clothing and Memorabilia Jly. 2 Montreal Lake Feeling Threads Jly. 2 Saskatoon Fiddler’s Tired Iron & Treasure Shop Jly. 2 Hudson Bay Fieldstone Inn Vacation Farm Jly. 2 Regina Final Touch Stucco & Repairs Jly. 2 Lloydminster Fishermans Choice Distributing Jly. 2 Regina Fit for Life Personal Training Jly. 2 Yorkton Flatland Photography Jly. 2 Saskatoon Foam Lake Truck Wash & Service Jly. 2 Foam Lake For His Glory Gift Shop Jly. 2 Moose Jaw Forest Hall Green House & Garden Center Jly. 2 North Battleford Fowlie Farms Jly. 2 Canora Freedom Cheerleading Jly. 2 Saskatoon Freedom West Ventures Jly. 2 Blaine Lake Fremos Enterprise Jly. 2 Maple Creek FYI Signs Jly. 2 Swift Current THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1627

Name: Date: Place of Business: G & K Tank Cleaning Jly. 2 Gull Lake G & S Distributors Jly. 2 Winnipeg MB G’s Auto Sales Jly. 2 Humboldt G. Ernst Trucking Jly. 2 Holbein Gala Home Video ‘97 Jly. 2 Langenburg Gardens on Demand Jly. 2 Edenwold Gayland and Angi Panko Farms Jly. 2 Moose Jaw GCA Motorsports Jly. 2 Regina GE Canada Interactive Services/Services Interactifs GE Canada Jly. 2 Mississauga ON GE Technology Finance Jly. 2 Mississauga ON Glen’s Lens Photography Jly. 2 Regina Global Geotherm Jly. 2 Prince Albert GM Welding Jly. 2 Loreburn GMHRV Modular Homes Jly. 2 Grenfell Goby Law Office Jly. 2 Estevan Golden Property Management Company Jly. 2 Regina Golden View Industries Jly. 2 Biggar Green-Ippso Professional Services Advisory Jly. 2 Saskatoon Greenfield Policy Consulting Jly. 2 Saskatoon Guru Homes, Renovations and Real Estate Jly. 2 Saskatoon H & H Taichi Studio Jly. 2 Saskatoon Hague Bigway Foods Jly. 2 Hague Hair of the Dog Pet Salon Jly. 2 Esterhazy Handy Helpers Renovations Jly. 2 Regina Hard-Pan Acres Jly. 2 Pangman Harder Windows Jly. 2 Saskatoon Hartness Plumbing & Heating Jly. 2 Maple Creek Hawreluik Construction Jly. 2 Foam Lake Hayday Limo Jly. 2 Saskatoon HDI-Gerling Canada Jly. 2 Regina Hhkd Renovations Jly. 2 Regina Hodgson Insurance Services Jly. 2 St. Louis Hoium’s MVP Sports Jly. 2 Weyburn Home Finder Western Jly. 2 Regina 1628 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Place of Business: Hourd Oilfield Rentals Jly. 2 Carlyle HR Cleaning Jly. 2 Saskatoon HYAM Farms Jly. 2 Swift Current Hydroflare Plumbing and Heating Jly. 2 Langham I.P.K. Painting Jly. 2 Regina IBM Global Technology Services Jly. 2 Markham ON ICF Marbek Jly. 2 Toronto ON In ‘N Out Pizza Jly. 2 Saskatoon In Fit Mitts Jly. 2 Regina Industrial Paving Jly. 2 Regina Informed Home Inspections Jly. 2 Saskatoon Integrated Equine Therapy Jly. 2 Saskatoon Integrated Water Saskatchewan Jly. 2 Regina International Academy of Tactical Training Systems Jly. 2 Saskatoon Iris Photography Jly. 2 North Battleford Istanbul Development Jly. 2 Saskatoon Jameswood Jly. 2 Melville JBL Driver Services Jly. 2 Vaudreul-Dorion QC JCR Enterprises Jly. 2 Moosomin Jeanneau Farms Jly. 2 Prud’Homme Jerry’s Trailer Storage Jly. 2 North Battleford JND Renos Jly. 2 Saskatoon Johnson Office Support Services Jly. 2 Regina Josh’s Contracting Services Jly. 2 Biggar Joyce Rayhawk Ranch Jly. 2 Livelong JR Custom Application Jly. 2 Paradise Hill JR. Printing Jly. 2 Avonlea K & S Sign Shoppe Jly. 2 Melfort K’s Cutting Edge Marketing Solutions Jly. 2 Regina Kaufhold Painting Jly. 2 Candle Lake Kay-Dee’s Tidal Waves Tavern Jly. 2 Glen Ewen Kaz Cleaning Jly. 2 Sedley Khan S Halal Fried Chicken Jly. 2 Regina Kim and Carla Leduc Farm Partnership Jly. 2 Moose Jaw THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1629

Name: Date: Place of Business: Kim Menzies Art Jly. 2 Regina Kim Robitaille, Bookkeeper Jly. 2 Stoughton Koskie Knight & Associates Consulting Jly. 2 Saskatoon Krimzon Consulting Jly. 2 Saskatoon Krochak Trucking Jly. 2 Yorkton Krooked Transport Jly. 2 Marsden Kruger Construction Jly. 2 Dalmeny Kuzzy’s Landscaping and Construction Jly. 2 Wadena La Bella Vita Salon Jly. 2 Prince Albert Lagom Fabrication, Installation, and Renovation Jly. 2 Saskatoon Lane Designs Jly. 2 Regina Larlham Bilingual Communication Jly. 2 Saskatoon Lavigne Holdings Jly. 2 Lloydminster LCB Construction Jly. 2 Melfort Leduc Seeds Jly. 2 Assiniboia Lepps Nightclub Jly. 2 Martensville Lien Thanh Oriental Restaurant Jly. 2 Saskatoon Lifestream Communications Jly. 2 Regina Linda’s Printing Place Jly. 2 Saskatoon Lisowec Construction Jly. 2 Wolseley Live Better for Life Coaching Jly. 2 Saskatoon Lobert’s Electric Jly. 2 Moosomin Lone Prairie Dairy Jly. 2 Warman Losa Chic Boutique Jly. 2 Yorkton Lost Lake Organic Farms Jly. 2 Hafford Lyon Renovations Jly. 2 Weyburn M. Olson Renovation Contracting Jly. 2 Saskatoon Mabel Hill Farm Jly. 2 Nipawin MacLaren’s Renovations (Saskatoon) Jly. 2 Saskatoon Madison Resource Solutions Jly. 2 Tisdale Making Memories Gift Baskets Jly. 2 Balgonie Maple Creek Motor Inn Jly. 2 Fort Qu’Appelle Maria’s Sports Photography Jly. 2 Carrot River Mashriq Transport, Co. Jly. 2 Regina 1630 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Place of Business: Mason Road Farm Jly. 2 Invermay Maverick Furs & Leather Tannery (2012) Jly. 2 Unity Maximum Performance Enterprises Jly. 2 Moose Jaw Mayfair Tire Jly. 2 Saskatoon MC/Wade Property Rentals and Development Jly. 2 Kelvington McCormick Rankin Jly. 2 Thornhill ON Metropolitan Knowledge International Jly. 2 Thornhill ON MFK Solutions Jly. 2 Regina MH Bella Photography Jly. 2 Saskatoon Mirror Image Concrete Polishing Jly. 2 Earl Grey Monarch Plumbing and Heating Jly. 2 Regina Moose Head Inns Jly. 2 Kenosee Lake Moose Jaw Computers Jly. 2 Moose Jaw Morning Mist Water Products Jly. 2 Rosetown Mr. Electric Regina Jly. 2 Regina Mums Takeout Jly. 2 Pelican Narrows Murdock Painting & Wallcovering Jly. 2 Saskatoon Nancy and Joan’s Lunchbags Food Service Jly. 2 Milestone Nationwide Trucking Logistics Jly. 2 Regina Ninjutsu Training Centres of Central Canada Jly. 2 Saskatoon Northern Sky Timber Frame Homes Jly. 2 Martensville Oceanic Experience Wellness Jly. 2 Regina Over the Edge Construction Jly. 2 Regina OY Designs By Mandi Jly. 2 Regina P & D Hauling Jly. 2 Saskatoon P & D Marketing & Auctioneers Jly. 2 Allan P.R. Fin. Jly. 2 Regina Pampered Sheep Farms Jly. 2 Wolseley Parker Moto Sports Jly. 2 Regina Parkland Trading Jly. 2 Blaine Lake Party with Elegance-Rentals Jly. 2 Cudworth Patzack Meats Jly. 2 Moose Jaw PDP Investments Jly. 2 Victoria BC Perfection Custom Stucco Jly. 2 Saskatoon THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1631

Name: Date: Place of Business: Pete Lawrence Photography Jly. 2 Saskatoon Phikaz Auto Services Jly. 2 Saskatoon Pinnacle Minerals Jly. 2 Saskatoon Pipers Lake Quilt Shop Jly. 2 Shell Lake Polyscope Polymers B.V. Jly. 2 Regina Poorboy’s Motorsports Jly. 2 Weyburn Pops Welding Jly. 2 Regina Postech Regina Jly. 2 Milestone Poverty Hill Paint & Crome Jly. 2 Moosomin Prairie Skidsteer Services Jly. 2 Saltcoats Prairies Conseils Plus Jly. 2 Regina Prestige Concrete Coating Jly. 2 Regina Priority Wireless Communications Jly. 2 Prince Albert Purdee Designs Longarm Quilting Jly. 2 Pilot Butte Purely Fresh Photography by Ally Jly. 2 Regina Qiaojia Immigration Consulting Jly. 2 Lloydminster Quadratus Construction Jly. 2 Wynyard Quick Connect Custom Truck Wash Jly. 2 Silton R & B Lubricants Jly. 2 Oxbow RJM Trucking Jly. 2 Osler R. Hordenchuk Partnership Jly. 2 Moose Jaw R.E.I. Decorating Jly. 2 Torquay R.G.L. Consulting Group Jly. 2 Naicam Radzoo Consulting Jly. 2 Moose Jaw Raven’s Edge Development Jly. 2 Regina Rayad Equipment Sales Jly. 2 Aberdeen Red Root Healing and Support Jly. 2 Regina Reed Country Sales Jly. 2 Fort Qu’Appelle Reflections Auto & Window Glass Jly. 2 Prince Albert Regina Halloween Essentials Jly. 2 Regina Regina Mobile Tire and Auto Jly. 2 Regina Reindeer Lake Trout Camp Jly. 2 Prince Albert Reinhart Industries Jly. 2 Regina Resonance – Creative Body Breath and Voicework Jly. 2 Regina 1632 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Place of Business: Right at Home Builders Jly. 2 Moose Jaw Right to your Door Liquor Delivery Jly. 2 Prince Albert Rising Sun Construction Jly. 2 Cowessess Rollback Haul & Tow Jly. 2 Saskatoon Romance Ranch Agri Sales Jly. 2 Saskatoon Rosie’s Liquidation Center Jly. 2 Tisdale RS Contracting Jly. 2 Prince Albert Rubicon9 Media Jly. 2 Saskatoon S and L Outfitters Jly. 2 Annaheim Salon Beleza Jly. 2 Canwood Saskatoon Stamp Centre Jly. 2 Saskatoon Jly. 2 Saskatoon Scuttle Buck Angling Jly. 2 Chitek Lake Season’s Edge Recreation Jly. 2 Nipawin Seawood Jly. 2 Thornhill ON Select Technology Jly. 2 Regina Sew Special Jly. 2 Saskatoon Shah Ge Construction Jly. 2 Saskatoon Sharon Van Cleave Child Care Centre Jly. 2 Saskatoon Sharp’s Painting Jly. 2 Saskatoon Shoot First Films Jly. 2 Swift Current Shoppers Drug Mart (#410) Jly. 2 Saskatoon Signature Homestyles Jly. 2 Calgary AB Silver Cloud Mfg. Jly. 2 Lisieux Silver Goddess Boutique Jly. 2 Oxbow Simple Joy Gift and Coffee House Jly. 2 Milestone Simpson’s Stock Management Jly. 2 Kyle Simtec Plumbing & Heating Jly. 2 Outlook Site360 Consulting Jly. 2 Thornhill ON Skyswept Designs Jly. 2 Swift Current Sleep Thai Boxing Jly. 2 Yorkton Small Engine M.D. Jly. 2 Vanscoy Smeaton Repair Jly. 2 Smeaton Soul to Sole Daycare Jly. 2 Regina THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1633

Name: Date: Place of Business: Soulful of Mother Nature: An Agency for Creativity Jly. 2 Regina South East Massage Therapy Jly. 2 Regina South Hill Medical Clinic Jly. 2 Moose Jaw St. Brieux Ag & Auto Jly. 2 St. Brieux Star City Car Wash Jly. 2 Star City Steady Arc Welding & Fabrication Jly. 2 Saskatoon Steelhead Consulting Jly. 2 Carlyle Still with no Hill Photography Jly. 2 Regina Success International Ent. Jly. 2 Estevan Sui Feng Holding Company Jly. 2 Regina Sunearthyou Gift Ideas Jly. 2 Yorkton Super P Lawn Care Jly. 2 Swift Current Supreme Cleaning Jly. 2 Saskatoon Synergy Sales Jly. 2 Regina T & T Beauty Nail Salon Jly. 2 Regina T’NT Small Motors Sales & Service Jly. 2 Edam Tabco Jly. 2 St. Catherines ON Tall Timber Trails Jly. 2 Meadow Lake Target Driving School Jly. 2 Nipawin Tatar Renovations Jly. 2 Regina Tbox Advertising Jly. 2 Regina Tcp Properties Jly. 2 Regina Terrasoft Intelligent Computing Jly. 2 Regina That Place Family Restaurant Jly. 2 Lucky Lake The Hudson Bay Tattoo and Hair Co Jly. 2 Hudson Bay The I Lash Gallery Jly. 2 Regina The Original Basket Boutique – Regina North Jly. 2 Regina The Stuff Mart Jly. 2 Prince Albert Time Well Spent Enterprises Jly. 2 Regina Tims Towing Jly. 2 Foam Lake Tip Top Renovations Jly. 2 Ebenezer TNT Roofing Jly. 2 Estevan Top Choice Interiors Jly. 2 Saskatoon Top Home Construction Jly. 2 Fort Qu’Appelle 1634 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Place of Business: Toros Steakhouse Jly. 2 Trader Publications (Sask.) Jly. 2 Regina Jly. 2 Regina Trails for Tails Pet Care Jly. 2 Saskatoon Treck Enterprises Jly. 2 Strasbourg Trithardt Construction Jly. 2 Holbein Truck Trader Western Jly. 2 Regina TST Services Jly. 2 Regina Tumax Service and Towing Jly. 2 Porcupine Plain Twillight Acres Jly. 2 Prince Albert Two Stage Performance & Racing Jly. 2 Regina Ukrainian Village Jly. 2 Regina Ultimate Floor Installations Jly. 2 Regina Vicstar Holdings Jly. 2 Estevan Vintage Vibe Jly. 2 Moose Jaw Wallman’s Painting & Decorating Jly. 2 Lipton Warman Corner Service Jly. 2 Warman Wayne Boyer Trucking Jly. 2 Chitek Lake Welsey Kayne Enterprises Jly. 2 Victoire West Harvest Inn Jly. 2 Saskatoon Western Auto Credit Jly. 2 Regina Westgate Drycleaning Jly. 2 Saskatoon Weswood Furniture & Dezign Jly. 2 Maple Creek White Crane Enterprises Jly. 2 Grenfell White Home Renovations Jly. 2 Prince Albert Whitestar Livestock Services Jly. 2 Prince Albert Whole Soul Connection Jly. 2 Moose Jaw Whytek Consulting Jly. 2 Battleford Wild Rose Bed & Breakfast Jly. 2 Saskatoon Wild Stucco Construction Jly. 2 Saskatoon Wind Acre Contracting Jly. 2 Langenburg Winds of the West Adventure Tours and Financial Services Jly. 2 Caronport Woods Trucking Jly. 2 Prince Albert Worrall Cycleworx Jly. 2 Regina THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1635

Name: Date: Place of Business: Wu Lin Trading Jly. 2 Regina X Stream DJ & Media Jly. 2 Battleford Yogurt in Love Jly. 2 Mont Nebo Yorkton Car Care Center Jly. 2 Yorkton Zest Modern Home Decor and Accessories Jly. 2 Canora


Amin Bardestani, Director. ______

The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif ______

CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION (2015) Name: Date: Mailing Address: Main Type of Activities: Deaf Youth Empowerment Jly. 6 300, 110-21st St. E, Saskatoon provide opportunities to International Inc. empower deaf youth Kindersley Innkeepers & Jly. 6 Box 1510, Kindersley membership for hospitality, Hospitality Association Inc. food and hotel service providers Kingswood Children’s Jne. 30 600, 105-21st St. E, Saskatoon private independent Academy Incorporated educational services

CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION (2015) Name: Date: Incorporating Head or Main Type of Jurisdiction: Registered Office: Activities: Prairie Organic Jne. 29 Canada 50 Caldwell Dr., promote organic Development Fund Yorkton agriculture and trade

CERTIFICATE OF CONTINUANCE (2015) Name: Date: Precontinuance Mailing Address: Main Type of Jurisdiction: Business: Pardons Canada Jne. 24 Canada 600, 105-21st St. E, provide pardons Saskatoon

CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT (2015) Name: Date: Amendment: Collaborative Lawyers of Saskatchewan Inc. Jne. 30 changed name to Collaborative Professionals of Saskatchewan Inc. 1636 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

Name: Date: Amendment: Listen to Dis Voice Community Arts Group Inc. Jne. 5 changed name to Listen to Dis’ Community Arts Organization Inc. N.E. Sask. Organic Crop Improvement Jne. 5 changed name to Transcanada Organic Association Inc. Chapter No. 3, Inc.

CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER (2015) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Angler Young Angler Saskatchewan Inc. Jne. 18 Saskatchewan Esterhazy & District Donors Choice Inc. Jne. 8 Saskatchewan KKTLE Holdings Corp. Jne. 8 Saskatchewan Mendel Art Gallery Foundation Inc. Jne. 29 Saskatchewan New Hope Horse Club Inc. Jne. 8 Saskatchewan Saskatoon Family Network Inc. Jne. 5 Saskatchewan Third Avenue Christian Centre Inc. Jne. 19 Saskatchewan

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 272 (2015) Name: Date: Jurisdiction: 101222722 Saskatchewan Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Austrian Canadian Edelweiss Club of Regina Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Bangladesh Association of Queen-City Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Battlefords Army Cadets No. 2537 Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce Executives of Saskatchewan Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Christ Embassy Christian Centre Jne. 30 Ontario Dark Bridges Film Festival Inc. Jne. 22 Saskatchewan Dreamland Optimist Club of Birch Hills Inc. Jne. 22 Saskatchewan El Morro Foundation Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Kehiew Holdings Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Kerrobert Economic Development Committee Corp. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan La Société Historique de la Saskatchewan Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Langham Skatepark Campaign Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Lawrence Trafford Evangelistic Association Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Lucky Bucks Bingo Association Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Marieton Heritage Site Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Métis Urban Housing Association of Saskatchewan Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015 1637

Name: Date: Jurisdiction: Metro Pet Foundation Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan National Native Addictions Partnership Foundation Inc. Jne. 30 Canada Neuanlage Grace Mennonite Church Jne. 30 Saskatchewan North America Asian Artist Association Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan North Battleford Business Improvement District Corp. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Northeast Children’s Festival Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Northwest Regional Victim Services Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Oskana Minor Hockey Development Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Prince Albert Métis Nation Local No. 7 Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Prince Albert Métis Women’s Assoc. Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Psychology Association of Saskatchewan Corp. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Administrative Tribunals Association Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Chinese Business & Commercial Investment Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Association Inc. Saskatoon Bangla Academy Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Self Help and Recreation – Education P.A. Incorporated Jne. 30 Saskatchewan Sepak Takraw Saskatchewan Inc. Jne. 29 Saskatchewan Yorkton Transitional Homes for Youth, Inc. Jne. 30 Saskatchewan


Amin Bardestani, Director. ______

corrections ______

The Business Corporations Act ______

That the name Ventas Canada Management ULC, where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, May 8, 2015, page 955, line 45, should not have appeared. ______

That the date of amalgamation of Sunderland Capital Ltd., where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, February 13, 2015, page 283, line 43, should have read January 1, 2015. ______

That the name Building Specialty Sales Ltd., where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, July 3, 2015, page 1439, line 11, should not have appeared. 1638 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, july 24, 2015

That the name Wrolson Farms Ltd., where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, June 26, 2015, page 1328, line 6, should not have appeared. ______

The Business Names Registration Act ______

That the name A Taste for Leather, where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, June 26, 2015, page 1334, line 34, should not have appeared. ______

The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif ______

That the name Make-A-Wish-Foundation of Northern Alberta, where it appeared in The Sasaktchewan Gazette, June 26, 2015, page 1347, lines 18 and 19, should have read Make-A-Wish Foundation of Northern Alberta. ______

That the name Kinette Club of Sturgis Inc., where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, July 3, 2015, page 1451, line 31, should not have appeared. ______

That the name Saskatoon Highland Dancing Association, where it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette, May 15, 2015, page 1035, line 21, should not have appeared.



PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for submissions to The Saskatchewan Gazette is 5 p.m. on the Monday of the week of publication. If a holiday occurs within the week of publication, the deadline is set back to 5 p.m. of the previous Friday. Please allow yourself at least one full week to ensure mail delivery of Gazette submissions. Publication of any material received late will be delayed until the following week’s issue. All material for publication in The Saskatchewan Gazette must be submitted electronically (MS Word or WordPerfect) accompanied by a signed hard copy to the Office of the Queen’s Printer, Saskatchewan Justice, B19-3085 Albert St., Regina SK S4S 0B1, tel. (306)787-2367, or by E-mail: [email protected]. Each document or disk must be complete in the form required for publication and must be separate from the covering letter. Signatures on all documents must be typewritten or clearly printed immediately below the written signatures.

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AVIS AUX ANNONCEURS SACHEZ QUE: La date de tombée pour les soumissions à la Gazette de la Saskatchewan est le lundi à 5 p.m., la semaine de la parution. En cas de jour férié à l’intérieur de la semaine de parution, la date de tombée sera remise un jour avant, soit le vendredi à 5 p.m. Pour les envois de soumissions à la Gazette par la poste, veuillez prévoir une semaine au complet. La parution de tout matériel reçu en retard sera remise au numéro de la semaine suivante. Tous les documents qui paraîtront dans la Gazette de la Saskatchewan doivent être soumis électroniquement (MS Word ou WordPerfect) et accompagnés d’une copie papier signée et envoyée au bureau de l’Imprimeur de la Reine, ministère de la Justice de la Saskatchewan, B19-3085, rue Albert, Regina SK S4S 0B1, tél. 306-787-2367, ou par courriel: [email protected]. Chaque document ou disquette doit être complet, conformément aux normes de parution, et doit être séparé de la lettre d’accompagnement. Les signatures sur les documents doivent être dactylographiées ou écrites lisiblement en lettres moulées et doivent apparaître immédiatement en dessous de la signature écrite.

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