NATIONAL SECURITY and DEFENSE of the REPUBLIC of MOLDOVA the Institute for Public Policy

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NATIONAL SECURITY and DEFENSE of the REPUBLIC of MOLDOVA the Institute for Public Policy Institutul de Politici Publice NATIONAL SECURITY AND DEFENSE OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA The Institute for Public Policy 1 2 The Institute for Public Policy NATIONAL SECURITY AND DEFENSE OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Edition supervisers: Dr. Arcadie Barbarosie, Dr. Viorel Cibotaru Study conducted by the Institute for Public Policy within the international project Strategic assessment of the national security and defence of the Republic of Moldova in collaboration with EURO-ATLANTIC CENTRE OF MOLDOVA CONFLICT STUDIES RESEARCH CENTRE, THE ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY SANDHURST, CAMBERLEY, SURREY, GREAT BRITAIN SCOTTISH CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY, GREAT BRITAIN Editura Arc Chiºinãu, 2002 3 CZU 355.1(478)+32.001(082) N 26 Edition supervisers: dr. Arcadie Barbarosie, dr. Viorel Cibotaru Translators: Stelian Rusu, Nicoleta Culava Editor: Genoveva Bolea Cover design: Mihai Bacinschi Computerized editing: Natalia Dolghi The book is published in the Republic of Moldova. The Open Society Institute, Program LGI/PPCI (Budapest) and Soros Foundation Moldova financed the development of studies included in this book. The opinions included do not reflect necessarily the positions of financing organizations. THE INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICY The Institute for Public Policy is an independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit organization, committed to the values of individual liberty, democratic society, rule of law, free market economy. Through research, publications, policy recommendations and public forums the Institute provides political, business, academic community and media leadership with a deep analysis of public policy issues confronting our society in order to improve the policymaking process. Institute for Public Policy activity is consolidating on the following fields: educational policies, European integration, corruption, public opinion polls, conflict management, national security and defense. The Institute collaborates with similar organizations and institutions from other European countries in order to exchange views and experts, to develop comparative studies. Descrierea CIP a Camerei Naþionale a Cãrþii National security and defense of the republic of Moldova / The Institute for Public Policy. Ch.: Arc, 2002 (Tipogr. Centralã). 316 p. ISBN 9975-61-249-0 355.1(478)+32.001(082) The Institute for Public Policy Address: MD 2001, Moldova, Chisinau, Bulgara St. 28 Tel: +373 (2) 276-785; 276-786 Fax: +373 (2) 270-507 E-mail: [email protected] Website: ISBN 9975-61-249-0 © Institutul de Politici Publice M 157-216© Editura Arc 4 Table of Contents Foreword ..............................................................................................................................7 OLEG SEREBRIAN Geostrategic perspectives of the Republic of Moldova ...................................................11 IURIE PINTEA Identification of existing and potential dangers for Moldovas main national interests............................................................................................................34 The problems of permanent neutrality .............................................................................67 ION MASTAC The concept of national security of the Republic of Moldova for the new milenium ...........................................................................................................87 OLEG GRAUR The armed forces of the Republic of Moldova an evaluation of the existing capacities, dimensions, and missions ........................................................................ 107 VALERIU PROHNITSKY The economic security of a small state. Guidelines for the Republic of Moldova ...... 154 NICOLAE CHIRTOACA Democratic control over the military sphere in Moldova ............................................. 221 ELLA AKERMAN ºi GRAEME HERD Putins Near Abroad Policy after September 11 ........................................................... 242 Materials of the International Conference July 20-21 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Strategic Assessment of the National Security and Defence of the Republic of Moldova VICTOR GAICIUC The speech given in the international conference ........................................................ 253 5 VALENTIN BENIUC National security dimension and the consolidation of the Moldovan state ................ 256 JACK PETRI Defense planing: civilian and military cooperation ....................................................... 260 NATALIA BELITSER Some factors of the national security of Moldova and Ukraine: similarities and differences ......................................................................................... 268 SATO KEIJI Comparative study of national security: The cases of Transnistria and North Korea. What kind of obstacles lay in the way towards negotiation? .................................... 273 NICOLETA MUNTEANU Conflicts in Moldova and the Outside World. Comparative study ............................... 282 OCTAVIAN SHOFRANSKY Moldovenisation: search for national identity or an exposive political compromise ... 293 NICU POPESCU Scenarios of NATO extension and the Membership Action Plan Members................. 297 TREVOR WATERS Volunteer reserve forces; a contribution to defence in a democracy ........................... 302 VICTOR MORARU A marathon with obstacles: mass-media and the itinerrary of Europeen integration ..... 308 6 FOREWORD Everyone knows that victory can be obtained by a simple combining of military factors with others: political, diplomatic, economic, technical and scientific, cultural, moral, demo- graphic, geo-climatic, etc. All these factors must be integrated within a general concept designed to assure the amplification, correlated use and, as a consequence the channelling of all the energy and possibilities of the nation (human, material and spiritual) in order to achieve victory. This concept is nothing more than the concept of national defence. When a nation is rich in economic resources, in military training, spirituality and especially rich in patriotism, that nation, regardless of historical juncture, will be victorious. Having a particular importance for each of the European states, the process of building and implementation of national security strategies has a vital significance for countries undergoing transition. The success achieved in this process represents the necessary premises for sustainable economic development and signifies the accomplishment of the necessary conditions for better integration with the European Union. The examples of Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Baltic states are quite telling. In the end the cases are rather significant because, starting practically from similar condi- tions to Moldova in the nineties, the Baltic countries managed to create a modern security framework, a fact which stimulated the widening and multiplication of the links with Euro- pean countries, as well as economic prosperity. In comparison with the successes of these countries, the Republic of Moldova, after a decade from its declaration of independence, does not have a coherent strategy of national security nor of the consolidation and development of stability . In this context, a big problem for Moldovan society is to revise its security strategy, as well as the entire system of defence and national security. We cannot doubt the fact that economic stability and prosperity, as well as the attraction of foreign strategic investments, are directly dependent on the general climate of security, on the assurance of security for the investments, on territorial integrity and solution, and of the Transdnistrian conflict, and on the quality and efficiency of the system of national security and defence. Unfortunately, one of the major national problems that predetermines the fragility and vulnerability of the entire state institution is the insuf- ficient and often superficial attitude towards the issues of national security and defence. The policy promoted by the government teams and political parties, focusing efforts on the accomplishment of immediate objectives (most of them of economic or social in nature) 7 often ignores the promotion of the true values and national interests of strategic conno- tation, and fails to accomplish the development and affirmation of a clear option accepted at the national level regarding national strategic objectives and security and defence policies. This inversion of priorities and the ignorance of the role of security stimulate the continuous aggravation of the state of the national security system, as well as undermine possibilities for sustainable economic development and European integration. Unlike other countries, in Moldova the contribution of civil society institutions, non- governmental organizations in the acknowledgement, study or influence of the solving of national security and defence problems is still very modest. Consequently, one can mention the activities with more or less permanent character of the Euro-Atlantic Centre from Moldova, the Viitorul Foundation, some academic institutions (such as the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences, the Department of History and Political Science of the State University of Moldova, the Invisible College of Moldova, the Free International Univer- sity of Moldova, the Academy of Public Administration, etc.). We can add in this context the initiation, on January 1, 2001,of the research program Strategic assessment of the national security and defence of the Republic of Moldova, by the Institute for
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