EHPC Meeting Agenda
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EAST HORSLEY PARISH COUNCIL Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer: Mr Nicholas Clemens East Horsley Parish Council Office, Kingston Avenue, EAST HORSLEY, Leatherhead KT24 6QT Telephone: (01483) 281148 e-mail [email protected] draft as at 20th July 2020 Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held by Video Conference, on Monday 13th July 2020 at 7.30pm. ATTENDANCE: Robert Taylor (Chairman) Councillors; Stephen Skinner, Aileen Aitcheson, Colin Carmichael, John Carr, Steve Punshon, Stephen Groom. Clerk Nick Clemens, SCC Councillor Julie Iles, GBC Cllrs Catherine Young and Chris Barrass and 3 members of the public. 33 To Receive and Accept Apologies for Absence. in accordance with LGA 1972, Sch12, Para 40 1 Andrew Franklin 34 Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests by Councillors on any of the agenda items below in accordance with The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012. (SI 2012 No. 1464). 2. None 35 To Agree and Sign the Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 22nd June 2020. 3. The minutes of the previous meetings were agreed as an accurate record. They were signed by the Chairman. 36 Chairman’s Comments 4. The Chairman feels that the external café style tables currently being used by Quaich customers had produced the appearance that Vision 33 had envisaged in its plans. This may mean that extensive re-design of the area may not be necessary. 37 SCC & GBC Update 5. SCC Cllr. Julie Iles reminded the Council that Active Travel projects should be forwarded to her as soon as possible. 6. Julie Iles told the meeting that Electric Charging Points were going to be installed in Surrey Towns, she had urged that this should be extended to rural areas. She advised the Council to send suitable locations in East Horsley for consideration. Colin Carmichael is looking at potential sites. 7. Julie Iles informed the meeting that a new Community Fund would shortly be open for funding applications 8. Julie Iles told the meeting that Horsley Library would not be re-opened until social distancing requirements could be met. Residents could use digital offer and select and collect service via Guildford library. 9. Julie Iles updated the meeting on SCC proposals for Track and Trace Covid-19 infections. 10. GBC Cllr. Catherine Young commended the PC on its response to the DMP Consultation. The lack of mention or reference to Neighbourhood Plans and the lack of backup policies to support current Local Plan Policy P2 Greenbelt needs addressing. 11. Catherine Young informed the meeting that Longreach SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space) work has commenced on this last week. It is 24 hectares and will have parking for 24 cars (not tarmac). 12. Catherine Young updated the meeting about the Former Airfield at Wisley – Taylor Wimpey have started their rounds of early public engagement. Leaflets have gone out and residents can sign up to the webinars on 16th and 18th July. 13. Catherine Young informed the meeting that a new Director for West Horsley Place is Ben Pearce. Details on their website. July 2020 Minutes 14. Catherine Young informed the meeting that they are still as Ward Councillors receiving very good feedback from businesses that have received grants which has been very helpful through these difficult times. 38 Questions from Members of the Public 15. St. Martins Church are concerned that additional burial land has not been found. The Chairman agreed to meet with representatives of the Church to discuss the problem. 39 Planning & Environment Committee 16. The Council reviewed the report on Planning & Environment Committee Meetings held since the previous council meeting (Appendix 4). 40 Financial Matters 17. The list of cheques issued since the previous meeting were approved, these totalled £3823.97. (Appendix 5) 41 To Agree the Social Media Policy 18. The Council adopted the policy prepared by Stephen Groom. He was thanked for the work he had done in preparing the policy 42 To Agree Funding for the Farmers Market 19. The Council agreed to initial funding of £1000. It is the aim of the CIC to repay this in this financial year. Localism Act 2011 43 To Agree the Date of the Autumn Litter Pick 20. The Council agreed that it would be desirable to hold a litter pick but consideration of Covid-19 requirements need to be considered. The Village Appearance TG will consider the procedures and notify Councillors of the date and process. 44. To Discuss the Proposed Summer Event 21. The Council agreed to postpone the event as public safety cannot be guaranteed and DeVere may not be open in September. Stephen Skinner and Steve Harvey were thanked for the programme they had proposed and it was hoped to hold a similar event in 2021 a date of 4th July is proposed. 45. To Agree Changes to the Christmas Events 22. The Council agreed to change the Volunteers Party to The Chairman’s Thank You Party. 23. Renaming the Volunteer of the Year Award. The Council did not support changing the name of this award. 24. The Council supported establishing a new award, The 2020 Chairman’s Award(s) For Community Service. To recognise those who have gone the extra mile during a very difficult time for the community. 46. Task Group Progress Reports 25. Communications Task Group. (Andrew Franklin) Stephen Groom reported that renewals for the Business Directory had gone well and was fully subscribed. Arrangements have been made to display the newsletter at Horsley and Effingham stations. The proposed new housing development event will be held once Covid-19 allows community events. The group are proposing to use village notice boards to promote the work of the Council. 26. Community Activities & Allotments Task Group.(Stephen Skinner) No additional report. 27. Road Safety and Maintenance. (Andrew Franklin) No Report. 28. Village Appearance Task Group. (Aileen Aitcheson) The next meeting is on 22nd July. The new flowers in the planters are maturing into a fine display. The Village Warden has reported Oak Processionary Moth in trees at the junction of Forest Road and The Ridings. 29. Business Liaison Task Group (Colin Carmichael). The first farmers market will be held on 15th August, the venue will be Kingston Meadow as Station Parade is not July 2020 Minutes suitable during Covid-19. It is proposed to hold 3 events at Kingston Meadow. Volunteers for the event are needed. 30. Woodland, Meadow and Footpath Task Group. (John Carr.) There have been reports that there are a many fallen trees in The Forest. Enquiries will be made to Surrey Woodland Trust. 31. Railway Task Group (Stephen Groom) Four sub-groups have been established with 15 volunteers. There is a Strategy Group, Friends of Horsley and Effingham Stations and an Accessibility Group. 32. Vision Task Group. (Antony Etwell.) No Report 47. Report on External Meetings 33. Aileen Aitcheson attended a video conference meeting of Neighbourhood Connectors 48. To Approve the Date of the Next Meeting of the Council 34. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday September 7th at 7.30pm by video conference. N Clemens Clerk & RFO 20/07/2020 July 2020 Minutes EAST HORSLEY PARISH COUNCIL Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer: Mr Nicholas Clemens East Horsley Parish Council Office, Kingston Avenue, Leatherhead, Surrey KT24 6QT Telephone: (01483) 281148 e-mail [email protected] Appendix 4: PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Report New planning applications considered by the Committee between 12th May 2020 & 29th June 2020 and dealt with under delegated authority: Application Committee Response Land to the rear of 3 Bishopsmead Parade, Ockham Road South, East Horsley, KT24 6RT No Objection Ref. No: 20/P/00873 5 Old Lane Gardens, Cobham, KT11 1NN Objection Ref. No: 20/P/00908 Heathmont, High Park Avenue, East Horsley, Leatherhead, KT24 5DB Ref. No: 20/P/00920 Objection Woodlands, The Warren, East Horsley, Leatherhead, KT24 5RH Ref. No: 20/P/00952 No Objection Little Malt House, Ockham Road North, East Horsley, Leatherhead, KT24 6PU Ref. No: 20/P/00990 No Objection DECISIONS reported by Guildford Borough Council between 3rd June 2020 &29th June 2020 Only applications approved by Guildford Borough Council to which the Parish Council had objected, and applications refused by GBC or withdrawn, are reported here Reference Location P&EC Response GBC Decision None APPEALS Submitted or Decided between 3rd June 2020 & 29th June 2020 Reference Location Proposal Appeal Appeal Outcome Submitted Decided 19/P/02169 Land north of Erection of a detached 15.06.2020 Wayfarers, The house. Warren, East Horsley, Leatherhead, KT24 5RH July 2020 Minutes Appendix 5: PAYMENTS APPROVED Payments Authorised by Councillors between 1st June 2020 & 1st July 2020 Paymen Date Payee Reason Powers Amount Signatory Signatory t £ 1 2 Type Internet 09.06.20 Gristman Stump Highways Act 1980 SJS JC Tree Surgery Removal 210.00 Internet 09.06.20 Village Highways Act 1980 SJS JC Jason Lee Warden 866.25 Internet 09.06.20 Toilet LGA 1972 s111 SJS JC Jason Lee Cleaning 620.00 Internet 09.06.20 B Aldred Comms Co LGA 1972 s142 693.75 SJS JC Internet 30.06.20 TCWS Newsletter LGA 1972 s142 576.00 JC SP Internet 30.06.20 R Taylor Chairman Exp LGA 1972 s111 83.97 JC SP Internet 30.06.20 LGA 1972 s111 JC SP ACS Lap Top 756.00 Internet 30.06.20 Unity Trust Qtly Charge LGA 1972 s111 18.00 Total 3823.97 Standing Orders and Direct Debits Currently In Force Frequency Payee Powers Amount £ VAT reclaimable Monthly Surrey County Council - LGA 1972 £510.93 No employer and employee s.111 pension contributions Monthly Scottish & Southern Electricity Highways Act Variable Yes (SSE) - streetlighting 1980 £35.00 Monthly Mr & Mrs Little (Storage) LGA 1972 s111 £90.00 No Monthly PlusNet broadband, phone line LGA 1972 s.111 Variable Yes rental and calls £38.00 Monthly Clerk Salary LGA 1972 £1,566.75 No s.111 Monthly Guildford Borough Council - Road Traffic £131.42 Yes parking enforcement Act 1984 Monthly Smile It Office 365 LGA 1972 £81.60 Yes Application s.142 Annual Information Commissioner – LGA 1972 £35.00 No registration under the Data s.111 Protection Act July 2020 Minutes .