Critical Assessment of the Arctic´S Geostrategic Importance During World War I and World War II
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UNIVERZITA KARLOVA FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD Institut politologických studií Sabrina Pastorková Critical assessment of the Arctic´s geostrategic importance during World War I and World War II Bakalářská práce Praha 2017 Autor práce: Sabrina Pastorková Vedoucí práce: PhDr. Irena Valková, Ph.D. Rok obhajoby: 2017 Bibliografický záznam PASTORKOVÁ, Sabrina. Critical Assessment of the Arctic´s geostrategic importance during World War I and World War II. Praha, 2017, 46 s. Bakalářská práce. Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut politologických studií. Vedoucí práce PhDr. Irena Valková, Ph.D. Abstrakt v češtině Tahle práce se věnuje role Arktidy během první a druhé světové války. Její cílem je posouzení strategického významu Arktidy založené na analýze kritických geopolitických teorií Sira Halforda Mackindera a Generála Karla Haushofera. Analýza je doplněná o historický přehled vojenských aktivit na Arktidě během dvou světových válek. Použitá metoda v téhle interpretativní studii Arktického regionu je komparace. Využíváme historicko-analytický přístup, který zohledňuje roli systémových struktur makrosociálních jevů a zároveň specifické chování aktérů v jednotlivých případech. Jde o základní pokus o komparativní historií, která je součástí této analyticko-popisné komparativní studie. Porovnáváme odlišné přístupy klasických geopolitických teorií vůči Arktickému regionu. Následně se věnujeme vojenské aktivitě od začátku první světové války do konce druhé světové války v Arktickém regionu. Věnujeme se otázkám zdrojů, mořských cest a roli Aljašky. Práce je zakončená kritickým posouzením přístupu geopolitických teorií k Arktickému regionu a jejich potenciální korelaci s vojenskou aktivitou první a druhé světové války. Abstract in English This work is devoted to the role of the Arctic region during World War I and World War II. It is aimed to assess the strategical importance of the Arctic based on the analysis of classical geopolitical theories of Sir Halford Mackinder and General Karl Haushofer. The analysis is supplemented by historical outline of military activities in the Arctic during world wars. The method used in this interpretative study of the role of the Arctic region is comparison. We use historical-analytic approach which takes into account the role of system structures of macrosocial features and specific behaviour of actors in particular cases. It is a basic attempt to a comparative history which is a part of the analytical-descriptive comparative study. We compare different approaches of the classical geopolitical theories towards the Arctic region. Subsequently, we focus on military activities from the beginning of the World War I till the end of World War II in the Arctic. We deal with significant issues such as resources, transport routes or the role of Alaska. The work is concluded by critical assessment of their approaches and their potential correlation with military operations of World War I and World War II. Klíčová slova Arktida, První světová válka, Druhá světová válka, Sir Halford Mackinder, General Karl Haushofer, Heartland, panregiony, klasická geopolitická teorie Keywords The Arctic, World War I, World War II, Sir Halford Mackinder,General Karl Haushofer, Heartland, pan-regions, classical geopolitical theory Rozsah práce: 88 475 (včetně mezer) Prohlášení 1. Prohlašuji, že jsem předkládanou práci zpracovala samostatně a použila jen uvedené prameny a zdroje. 2. Prohlašuji, že práce nebyla využita k získání jiného titulu. 3. Souhlasím s tím, aby práce byla zpřístupněna pro studijní a výzkumné účely. V Praze, dne 19.5. 2017 Sabrina Pastorková I am very grateful to PhDr. Irena Valková, Ph.D. who supervised and helped me to realize this work. I also thank my family and the closest ones for continuous understanding and support. PROJECT OF BACHELOR´S THESIS Institute of Political Sciences IPS FSV UK in Prague Name: Sabrina Pastorková Study field: Political Science and International Relations (Bc.) Year of submission: 2015/2016 Type of thesis: Bachelor´s thesis Presupposed date of finish: Summer semester 2017 Title: Critical assessment of the Arctic´s geostrategic importance during World War I and World War II Supervisor: PhDr. Irena Valková, Ph.D. (PhDr. Michael Romancov, Ph.D.) Semester of submission: Summer semester Reason of the choice of the topic: The Arctic Region very recently started to be very important and interesting for several actors of international relations (not only arctic states incorporated them into their policy priorities). It was caused by researches concerned with mineral resources that could potentially be hidden under ice as well as global warming which might make them accessible. However, I chose the topic of my work to analyse the history of this region and its geostrategic importance in the first half of 20th century. Long before that people realized the potential which was hidden in the region – they either predicted the possibility of sea routes or the mineral resources of the region. In the first conflict of 20th century the region was used for transporting supplies from American continent to Europe. The Arctic was not a place of war clashes, however played significant role in supplying which only attests its importance. In 1917 this cooperation between western allies and Russia had to end due to the October Revolution. During World War II was the territory used again for creating a corridor between Russia and the West for transporting much needed goods, nevertheless the situation gets complicated because of the Nazi occupied Norway. During this period also takes place militarization of the region and building military bases in the Arctic. The reason for choosing this topic of my work is my interest in the two world conflicts. My work will offer a new point of view on the wars which are fundamental for Europe even these days. Presupposed goal: The goal of my bachelor´s thesis is for the main part conducting two parts of case study focusing on the reflection of the Arctic region in scientific literature aimed at geopolitical and strategic theories in the period of the World War I and II. Subsequently, using of the comparative analysis I will compare the results of critical discursive analysis of chosen texts. The primary goal of my work is answering my research question: What was the strategic role of the Arctic region like during World War I and II? What way was the discourse about the region changing? Methodology of the work: In my bachelor thesis I would like to concentrate on historical comparative analysis. It will be a case study focused on the importance of the Arctic region during the two world wars with the use of critical approach. It means examination of the theories that were gaining ground and had an impact on thinking (their speeches) of leaders and politicians, by qualitative methods. These theories are changing the way in which the Arctic region is perceived and that is the reason why I would like to be concerned with them. I get to choose from two ways of assessment of the theories´ influence on the reality. Firstly, I can analyse statements of politicians before and after the emergence of the theories. Second option is to analyse changes (increase/decrease) in numbers of war activities and capacities n the Arctic in connection to the theories which emerged (before/after) and therefore might have impact on their allocation. In both cases will be very important to define the right type of actor (e.g. politician) which is relevant for the needs of my work. The selection will depend on accessibility of information. Basic definition of the topic: The work will be a case study of the Arctic region in two significant and shaping periods. I will focus on the political discourse and changing importance of the area. In the first half of the 20th century are emerging geopolitical theories which take into consideration strategic role of the Arctic in forming next moves in the conflict. One of them is Mackinder´s theory of Heartland from 1919. This theory was later elaborated by several authors such as Spykman´ s theory of Rimland. Mackinder´s theory presupposes the existence of territory covered by ice over the Pivot area – Heartland and impacted geostrategic theories of that period. This means that in my work I will focus on the theories which influence strategies of the actors of the conflict and incorporate in their calculations the Arctic. I will take account of the time of their emergence, what was their consequence, and perhaps how could they influence the conflicts. Presupposed structure of the work: 1. Introduction 2. Methodology 3. The Arctic Region a. General definitions of the region b. World War I and the Arctic i. Geostrategic theories of World War I 1. Mackinder´s theory, … c. World War II and the Arctic i. Geostrategic theories of World War II 1. Haushofer´s theory, … d. Comparative analysis of the periods 4. Conclusion Basic literature: DODDS, Klaus a David ATKINSON (eds.). Geopolitical traditions: a century of geopolitical thought. London: Routledge, 2000. Critical geographies, 7. DRULÁK, Petr. Jak zkoumat politiku: kvalitativní metodologie v politologii a mezinárodních vztazích. Vyd. 1. Praha: Portál, 2008. CHATURVEDI, Sanjay., ATKINSON, David (ed.). The polar regions: a political geography. First published. New York: Published in association with the Scott Polar Research Institute by J. Wiley, 1996. Routledge advances in international relations and global politics, 7. FLINT, Colin, ATKINSON, David (ed.). Introduction to geopolitics: a century of geopolitical thought. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2011. HOUGH, Peter, ATKINSON, David (ed.). International politics of the Arctic: coming in from the cold. First published. London: Routledge, 2013. Routledge advances in international relations and global politics, 7. MACKINDER, H J. The geographical pivot of history (1904). The Geographical Journal. 2004,170(4), 298-321. DOI: 10.1111/j.0016-7398.2004.00132.x. ISSN 0016- 7398. OFFERDAL, Kristine a Rolf TAMNES. Geopolitics and security in the Arctic: regional dynamics in a global world. New York, NY: Routledge, 2014. SPYKMAN, Nicholas J. a Helen R.