Malay Book Publishing and Printing in Malaya and Singapore 1807-1949 Volume 2: Appendix

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Malay Book Publishing and Printing in Malaya and Singapore 1807-1949 Volume 2: Appendix Centre for Publishing Studies Department of English Studies University of Stirling Scotland MALAY BOOK PUBLISHING AND PRINTING IN MALAYA AND SINGAPORE 1807-1949 VOLUME 2: APPENDIX MD. SIDIN AHMAD ISHAK ihII 4ja A Dissertation submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy November 1992 TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 2: APPENDIX INTRODUCTION ii ABBREVIATIONS viii SYSTEM OF TRANSLITERATION ix LIST OF PSEUDONYMS x SECTION ONE A CATALOGUE O MMAY IR1ff1TED ECXOIKS 1921 I9I9 PART ONE: BOOKS LOCATED 1-207 PART TWO: BOOKS BELIEVED TO BE PUBLISHED BUT WHICH COULD NOT BE LOCATED 208-223 PART THREE: MALAY BOOKS PUBLISHED IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND TURKEY 224-242 SECTION TWO A CATALOGUE OIP RJIL1[S1HIiERS, IPRINTIR1IS IOOJKSELLERS AND AUTHORS tU 1AIMAYA AND S1TGMORJE 1921149k9 PART FOUR: PUBLISHERS 243-254 PART FIVE: PRINTERS 255-264 PART SIX: BOOKSELLERS AND DISTRIBUTORS 265-277 PART SEVEN: AUTHORS 278-295 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this catalogue is to trace and record all printed books in the Malay language published in Malaya and Singapore from 1921 to 1949. In order for the reader to be able to judge the thoroughness of this catalogue, a few words about the method used to locate materials will be indispensable. During this process, all relevant libraries and archives in Britain, Malaysia and Singapore were inquired of and visited. A few personal collections were also examined. These collections, public and private - totalling more than thirty locations, but twenty of them were found to be relevant - form the first category of sources. While the majority of books from these sources is accessible for scrutiny, a few were not available during this study for various reasons. Whereas some books had been loaned to borrowers or taken away for preservation purposes, some were simply missing. A few of the missing books were, unfortunately, found to be rare materials. The second category of sources consists of book notices, advertisements and reviews in periodicals and other printed materials published during the period under study. A number of titles from these sources could not be located, and therefore only if there is enough evidence to suggest that the title advertised, reviewed or mentioned had actually been published will it be entered. A total of 1,739 titles of books on various subjects were obtained from these two categories of sources. They are arranged in two parts. The first part 11 consists of 1,561 titles (90%) of books which have been located and the second part, a list of 178 titles (10%) is believed to be published but which could not be located during this study. This catalogue is an author catalogue containing entries under the names of people (and organisations) responsible for the existence of the document. The entries, arranged alphabetically, are all main entries or principal document. No added entries are provided. Therefore, all titles are listed only once even if they have several volumes or several parts published separately in different years or written by several authors. Each entry contains as much bibliographical information as possible, namely the publisher, printer, year of publication, number of pages, page-size and size of book, category of book, edition size, method of printing, type of script used, source of reference and location. Not all entries have complete information. Many have only basic items because they were not available for examination or were not registered in the government gazettes. Detailed explanation of main items is given below. 1. AUTHOR The author is the first item in the ently. When the author is unknown, the arrangement is based on titles and these are placed at the beginning of the catalogue. The author is not necessarily the original writer of the book. Many works are translations, adaptations and transcriptions. As the concern of this study is the Malay works, the author of the Malay version is more important and therefore the entry is under his or her name. In this case, the name will be preceded by the notation [transl.], [adapt.] or [transcb.], whichever applies. 'U If the original writer is known, the name will appear after the title. If an editor is involved, his or her name will also appear after the title. First names are used for all Malay names for listing order, while surnames are used for non-Malay names. All acquired and inherited titles such as Sheikh, Raja, Tengku, Syed, Wan, Nik, Haji and Dato' are placed at the end of the name, after a comma. Pseudonyms are entered and a reference is always made to direct the catalogue user to the real name if it is known. A list of pseudonyms is provided in the preliminary pages for quick reference. 2. TITLE INFORMATION The main title is the second item in the entry. Whenever possible, main entry title cataloguing is done from a sample of the title page. Introductory words or phrases or articles in the title are eliminated. For a translation or adaptation, the original title, if known, is indicated after the Malay title. 3. PUBLISHER AND PRINTER INFORMATION The names of both the publisher and printer are given, with the name of the printer in parentheses immediately following the publisher's name. Some books were published by individuals or organisations which were not normally publishers. In these instances, their names are given as the publishers. The distributors or sponsors are also indicated if known. Some publishers and printers ignored the obligation to print their names on the book and therefore some entries have no information on this item. iv 4. METHOD OF PRINTING Malay books during this period were either typeset or hand-lithographed. If hand lithography was used that will be indicated in the entry. No indication is given to books printed by letterpress. The printing method for titles unavailable for examination is also not indicated. 5. TYPE OF SCRIPT USED A large number of books used Jawi script. If this script was used, no indication is given. Otherwise, the word 'Rumi' will be written, meaning that it was written in a Romanised alphabet. No script indication is given for titles unavailable for examination. 6. BOOK CATEGORY A categorisation based on subject has been specially formulated by the author to suit the various subjects of Malay writing. A total of seven main categories were formed. They are as follows: i. Literature ii. Islam iii. Nonfiction iv. School Text v. Language vi. Baba vii. Christian These categories are sub-divided into several smaller classifications. Books about whose contents there is no information are categorised under 'Unknown'. Books containing other subjects or the mixture of various named categories are grouped under 'Miscellaneous". V 7. EDITION SIZE The only source of information on the edition size of a book is the "Memoranda of Books" in the Straits Settlements Government Gazette and the Federated Malay States Government Gazette. The edition size for almost all of the registered books is given, based on this source. Some books were published several times, and the figure given is the total number of units printed for all editions registered. Another source is the preface of a book, which sometimes mentioned its print-run, but this is not always reliable because it was normally used for promotional purposes. 8. REFERENCE AND LOCATION Registration numbers for books registered under the relevant law are given with a prefix 'GG' or 'GGM' to denote Straits Settlements Government Gazette and Federated Malay States Government Gazette respectively. The registration numbers for publications notified in the Straits Settlements Government Gazette are arranged sequentially from first to last but they do not always correspond with the year the books were published. While a few books were registered late, others were in advance to their date of publications. Books without reference numbers were not normally registered by the publisher or author and thus not notified in the "Memoranda of Books" published quarterly in the gazettes. The locations of the books are also given. Various abbreviations are used to indicate these locations. A complete list of the symbols used for references and locations is provided in the preliminary pages of the catalogue. When a location has a different edition, the year of the vi edition is given in parentheses immediately following. Otherwise the edition or version is similar to the entry. This catalogue is organised in two sections. The first section, a bibliography of Malay printed books, is divided into three parts: one, books which could be located, and two, books believed to be published but which could not be located. The third part of this section contains books published in the Middle East and Turkey and it serves as an appendix to Chapter Four of the text in Volume 1. The second section, containing four parts, is a directory of establishments and individuals involved in the printing and publishing of Malay books during the period under study. This catalogue is considered an early work and therefore it has its limitations. Locating and examining materials needs substantial amounts of time, effort and travel. Books in private or personal possessions are impossible to discover, unless the owner or keeper of the publications comes forward. Not realising that the materials are rare copies, the owner may abandon them or leave them to disintegrate through lack of proper preservation. Further editions of this catalogue are needed to present fuller data, to add new titles and new locations and to update the record. Readers of this catalogue are invited to offer addenda
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