Pershing Missile Bursts Into Flames

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Pershing Missile Bursts Into Flames FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ’ by Larry Wright CARS/TRUCKS BOLTON Services For Sale 1^ FDR SALE Bolton Democrats iThrift shop ‘roses’ Manchester cagers Windy, cold today; 1974 F IA T 128 SPORT L — No relief tonight MANCHESTER — SERVICES RDUSERDLO” To be used for parts. Coll need candidates lhave varied motives outscore Rockville . Condo, Northfleld Green, I^DFFERED iSijDDDDS Phil after 5pm, 528-1332. 3 bedrooms, 2 V2 baths, all Also Panasonic AM /FM ... page 10 ... page 11 ... page 15 ... page 2 appliances. $71,900. F.J. car radio. SplleckI Realtors: 643- ODD JOBS, Trucking. USED REFRIGERA­ TORS, WASHERS, 2121. ‘ Home repairs. You name CHEVROLET - 1981 - Ranges - clean, guaran­ It, we do It. Free esti­ Citation. 4 door, 4 speed, mates. Insured. 643-0304. teed, ports and service. power steering, low mi­ CONDOMINIUMS Low prices. B.O. Pearl & leage. Clean. Call 646- Son, 649 Main Street, FOR SALE BRICKS, BLO.CKS, 2148. STONE — Concrete. 643-2171. Chimney repairs. No lob GOVERNMENT S U R ­ OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, too small. Call 644-8356. ELECTROLUX CARPET 12 to 3pm - Northwood PLUS CARS and SECRETARY - Good typ­ SHAMPOO ATTACH­ TRUCKS, under $100. Condos, 553A Hilliard St., M E N T — Excellent con­ ing skills, machine trans­ HOUSECLEANING — Now available In your_ large 2 bedroom, IV2 Personalized service for dition. $40. Call 649-7951. cription In busy Insu­ bath, gas heat, central areo. Call 1-1619) 569-0241, rance office. Vernon your' home. Bonded and ifflanrkBtpr HrralJi air, carport. Assumable 24 hours. Insured. Manchester and KING SIZE BEDS­ e e a < ii 4-Li ' * ** CotiifHav/ - l o n area. Call 872-6200 for mortgage. $58,900. Call Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm ^ Saturday, Jan. 12, 1985 — Single copy: 25« appointment. surrounding towns. The PREAD — Shades of blue 647-1008. and green print. $10. Call HONDA 1981 - Excellenf Houseworks, 647-3777. condition,. ApproxI' 649-7951. ^ S IT U A T IO N motelv 75,000 miles. Reg­ TAROT CARD ularly serviced. Good ^ W A N T E D I « 1 BUSINESS READINGS-Counsellng. REFRIGERATOR - Ex­ lU^PROPEIITY cellent condition. Frost- tires. $5600. Call Joe days Three Gl’s die CLER K — Process ship­ Serious, sincere only. $15 659-1311, evenings 643- session. Call Jeanne 649- free, asking $240. Call ping and Invoice docu­ WILL DO ACCOUNTS 9972. ments for fast paced RECEIVABLE, PAYA­ MANCHESTER — 39,000 6839. after 5pm, 289-7805. Unarmed ■Warhead manufacturing concern. BLE. My home. Write sq. ft. Industrial building. EL CAMINO - 1966. 6 Pershing 2 Some phone work. Figure City water and sevyer, MATURE MALE will Box S, c/o Manchester CELEBRITY CIPHER MISCELUNEDUS cylinder, automatic, aptitude *a must. Full Herald. parking, 2000 amp. ser­ CaiabrHy CIphar cryplogramt ara craatad from quotatlont by drive, shop, run errands, must sell by Sunday. ^ rs h in g 2 time, Monday through vice, loading docks. F.J. famoui paopla. pMl and praaanl. Each lattar In lha cfphar standt emmisslon test, etcetera. ^ FDR SALE for anolhar. Today'a cfUa; M »quat$ L . 1 Cheap. 643-7256. Pershing missile Friday. Competetive I WILL BABYSIT In my SplleckI Realtors, 643- Call 649-1226. Height: by CONNIE WIENER wage and benefit pack­ home for second and 2121. CAR RADIO — Excellent 1974 CHEVROLET Accident 32.9 feet age. Call for an appoint-' third shifts. Please call EXPERIENCED condition. High powered. ment, 646-1737. Plllowtex M ANCHESTER - attrac­ •*V W L K JA W M JIR , CWIK8UE, TRUCK - Custom 10, 647-8721 anytime. M O TH ER will babysit In Includes Dolby NR, Bass Standard, 6 cylinder, The rocket motor of a Re-entry Corp. EOE. tive Main Sf. clothing my home. Prefer Infont QVMR QJLWK. AUWA’B QUJ V and Trebble controls and $475. Call 643-8820 after WILL BE COMPANION boutique. Good terms. or non-school children. more. $90. Call 646-1063 U.S. Pershing 2 nuclear Diam eter: V ehicle CASHIER-TELEPHONE to elderly woman to Allbrio Realty, 649-0917. 647-7585. SPm-___________________ bursts into flames after 4:30pm. OPERATOR- drive, bank, doctor and WL W8AVKX. AUWA’B AUP missile ignited during a 3.3 feet RECEPTION IST - 40hour 1976 OLDSMOBILE CU­ appointments. Part time. (YOU NAME IT WE DO ANTIQUE BUREAU, TLASS SUPREM E HEILBRONN, West Germany danger to the German civilian the rear end. training exercise while week. No weekends. Ex­ Phone 649-9093. REAL ESTATE JAUPC DPCBJK GUJ V PKOJE.” IT ), Handyman services. Bedroom vanity and coat cellent benefits. Must be We do remodeling, paint­ BROUGHM - Power (UPI) — The rocket engine of an population," an official state­ Griffon said the rocket engine WANTED rack. $99 tor all, but will Steering, power brakes, unarmed U.S. Pershing 2 missile ment released by the brigade ignition was the first accident of mounted on its able to type. Apply In — AVKW AICKPC. ing, repair work, clean­ sell separate. Call 643- W eight: person to Mr. Carter, air conditioning, AM /FM accidentally ignited during a said. its kind to occur to his ACTIVE ‘N’ ABLE ing, paneling and moving 1516 after 5:30pm. transporter truck near Carter Chevrolet, 1229 Real Estate PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "Let people eat overboiled cassette, snows, no rust. knowledge. 15,840 lbs. R E A LTY Needs listings! small lobs. Coll John training exercise Friday, killing The brigade's statement said Main St., Manchester. caulllloweivll that's what makes them happy. Good taste 649-8087. Very good condition. three U.S. soldiers and injuring three soldiers were killed and The Pershing 2 is a two-stage, Heilbronn, West If you're selling your often goes with sell-consciousness." — Arthur Gold. HOSPITAL BED - 3-way Asking $1800. Call 643- HOMES property call Jack electric remote control. 7207. seven others in an intense blast seven were hospitalized for ballistic missile with a single EASY ASSEMBLY 0 0 FOR SALE Lappen at 643-4263. Mattress, fitted sheets, of heat, an Army spokesman injuries. Five of the injured were warhead capable of striking G erm any. WORK! $600per 100. Gua­ almost new. $900. Wheel­ said. released after treatment, the targets in the Soviet Union in less UPI ranteed payment. No ex- MANCHESTER — For DO YOU have a bicycle r n APARTMENTS chair, excellent condi­ The accident took place at 2 brigade said. An army spokes­ than 10 minutes. The rocket perlence/No sales. De­ sole by owner. Five room AEROBICS - Small tion, $200. 649-9777. tails, send self-addressed no one rides? Why not Rentals 1 ^ FDR RENT classes In my Manchester p.m. (8 a.m, EST) inside a man earlier had said four were measures about 3 feet in diame­ Second Ranch, 2 bedrooms, fam­ A RARE CLASSIC - 1966 sta m p e d envelope: ily room, aluminum sid­ offer It for sale with a home. Call otter 4pm., maintenance tent at the Army's killed, including two burned to ter and 32 feet long. want ad? Call 643-2711 to WOOD FOR S A L E -$75.00 Ford Galaxy 500 Convert­ Propulsion ELAN VITAL-173, 3418 ing, new roof, recently FOUR ROOM APART­ 643-9898. per cord, unspllt. Call Waldheide training area in hills death outright and two others Griffon said both U.S. military place your ad. ible, V a restored, engine Enterprise Road, Fort remodeled bath, city util­ a iiR D D M S M E N T — Heat and hot Rick at 623-4142. southeast of the city of Heil- who died en route to the hospital. authorities and German police S tage Pierce, Florida, 33450. ^ '■ F D R RENT water. Fully appllanced and transmission In per­ bronn, about ,50 miles north of The identities of the casualties were investigating the cause of ities, move-ln condition. fect condition. Very, very Principles only. Coll af­ kitchen, two bedrooms. PAINTING/ FOR SALE - Executive Stuttgart, the military said. were withheld pending notifica­ the accident. He could not FUEL OIL TRUCK HOMES $475 per month. Lease clean. Low. low mileage. ter 4:30pm, 649-1286,9am- MANCHESTER — Pri­ desk, blond wood, 34 Inch Can be registered now. "It appears that a rocket tion of their families in the specify exactly .what kind of D R IV E R -C lass II L i­ 4pm, Saturday and Sun­ and security deposit. Call PAPERING FOR SALE vate home, separate X 60 Inch. Good condition. Don't pass up the oppor­ motor accidentally ignited dur­ United States. training was taking place when it cense. Dependable fuel day. Reduced $64,900. OD 289-4781. modern both/entrance. $85. Also refrigerator tor tunity to own a rore ing training," said Maj. Michael A White House spokesman said happened. Local German fire oM delivery East of the 15 minutes to Hartford. CEILINGS REPAIRED college or cottage. $70. ROCKET' River. Full time. Insu­ or R EPLACED with dry- classic with lust a little Griffon, spokesman for the 56th President Reagan, when told of fighting units as well as military References required. Call Charlie, 646-9700. work. Very reasonable. emergency equipment were rance benefits. Call 647- Call 643-8830. wall. Call evenings, Gary U.S. Artillery Brigade to which the accident, "was distressed MOTORS' 9137. ALTHEA ROBERTS McHugh, 643-9321. Call 647-7259 after 6pm. the missile unit belongs. and expressed sorrow over the summoned to the scene after the SELLS MANCHESTER! M ANCHESTER - Cleon, C E N TR A L LARGE One Griffon said the missile was loss of life. But the spokesman. accident. First NURSES AIDES- Newly quiet room. Near busline bedroom apartment with NAME YOUR OWN MDTDRCYCLES/ unartned at the time of the Robert Sims, said the mishap Griffon described the accident created full time posi­ and shopping.
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    MODRE NOVICE 2005•2006, STEVILKAˇ 2 ISSN 1854-3340 BrezplaËen izvod WWW. .COM 1 MODRE NOVICE KlasiËna postaja Vitranc, ta lepa gora, ki se strmo glas o Kranjski Gori, ob najbolj atraktivnih tekmah pa se je spuπËa na podkorensko stran, pro- pod Vitrancem zbiralo tudi na desettisoËe gledalcev. Glede ti Kranjski Gori pa so njene strmine priljubljenosti med gledalci se je Vitranc lahko meril celo z precej blaæje, primerne tudi za bliænjo Planico, kjer se zmeraj tare obiskovalcev. manj izurjene smuËarje, je æe dol- Na Vitrancu so se od nekdaj kalili naπi alpski tekmovalci, ga desetletja neloËljivo povezana z marsikdo med njimi je posegel prav po svetovnem vrhu. Tudi naπim smuËanjem. Zagnani smuËar- na Vitrancu so prijatelji smuËanja videli najveËje uspehe do- ski delavci, zveËine nekdanji tekmo- maËih tekmovalcev. Ob menjavah generacij so najbolj vidne valci, so æe zgodaj pripeljali v Kranj- uvrstitve vËasih izostale, toda najbolj zvesti privræenci smuËa- sko Goro prireditev s svetovno elito alpskega smuËanja. Pokal nja so to znali razumeti. Vitranc, kakor so poimenovali svoje tekmovanje, je kmalu za- Tudi letos se obetata pod Vitrancem dva lepa smuËarska dne- slovel po vsem smuËarskem svetu, s Ëasom pa postal klasiËna va. Nedvomno bosta oba priloænost za prijeten izlet v naravo in postaja moπke karavane svetovnega pokala. Pot navzgor, pro- za snidenje smuËarskih prijateljev, za udeleæence svetovnega diranje k svetovnemu slovesu, kajpak ni bilo preprosto. To pokala v veleslalomu in slalomu pa sploh ni skrbi, da ne bodo vedo zlasti πtevilni smuËarski delavci, ki so na tekmovalnih poskrbeli z atrakcijami v podkorenski tekmovalni areni. progah prebedeli marsikatero noË tudi v najtrπih razmerah, Predsednik SmuËarske zveze Slovenije prav tako pa funkcionarji, ki so se vsako leto posebej trudili, mag.
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