The Metric System: America Measures Up. 1979 Edition. INSTITUTION Naval Education and Training Command, Washington, D.C
DOCONENT RESUME ED 191 707 031 '926 AUTHOR Andersonv.Glen: Gallagher, Paul TITLE The Metric System: America Measures Up. 1979 Edition. INSTITUTION Naval Education and Training Command, Washington, D.C. REPORT NO NAVEDTRA,.475-01-00-79 PUB CATE 1 79 NOTE 101p. .AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing .Office, Washington, DC 2040Z (Stock Number 0507-LP-4.75-0010; No prise quoted). E'DES PRICE MF01/PC05 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Cartoons; Decimal Fractions: Mathematical Concepts; *Mathematic Education: Mathem'atics Instruction,: Mathematics Materials; *Measurement; *Metric System; Postsecondary Education; *Resource Materials; *Science Education; Student Attitudes: *Textbooks; Visual Aids' ABSTRACT This training manual is designed to introduce and assist naval personnel it the conversion from theEnglish system of measurement to the metric system of measurement. The bcokteliswhat the "move to metrics" is all,about, and details why the changeto the metric system is necessary. Individual chaPtersare devoted to how the metric system will affect the average person, how the five basic units of the system work, and additional informationon technical applications of metric measurement. The publication alsocontains conversion tables, a glcssary of metric system terms,andguides proper usage in spelling, punctuation, and pronunciation, of the language of the metric, system. (MP) ************************************.******i**************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best thatcan be made * * from
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