
Unit Conversions



1 = 12 ____1 ft or ____12 in 12 in 1 ft

1 yd ____3 ft 1 = 3 feet ____ or 3 ft 1 yd

1 = 5280 feet ______1 mile or ______5280 ft 5280 ft 1 mile

Time 1 min 60 sec 1 minute = 60 ______or ______60 sec 1 min

1 hr 60 min 1 = 60 minutes ______or ______60 min 1 hr

1 24 hr 1 day = 24 ______or ______24 hr 1 day

______1 ______7 days 1 week = 7 days or 7 days 1 week

Volume (Capacity) 1 = 8 fluid ______1 cup or ______8 fl oz 8 fl oz 1 cup

1 pt 2 cups 1 = 2 cups ______or ______2 cups 1 pt

______1 qt 1 = 2 or ______2 pts 2 pts 1 qt

______1 ______4 qts 1 = 4 or 4 qts 1 gal


1 = 16 ounces ______1 lb or ______16 oz 16 oz 1 lb

1 2000 lbs 1 ton = 2000 pounds ______or ______2000 lbs 1 ton How to Make a Unit Conversion

STEP1: Select a unit conversion factor.

Which unit conversion factor we use depends on the units we start with and the units we want to end up with. units we want Numerator Unit conversion factor: units to eliminate Denominator

For example, if we want to convert minutes into seconds, we want to eliminate minutes and end up with seconds. Therefore, we would use 60 sec . However, if we want to convert seconds into minutes, 1 min we want to eliminate seconds and end up with minutes. Therefore, we would use 1 min . 60 sec Note: Unit conversion factors are always equal to 1. Therefore, when we multiply any by a unit conversion factor, we are not changing the value of the measurement, only the units.

STEP 2: Multiply the original unit by the unit conversion factor.

For example, to change 5 minutes into seconds:

5 min 60 sec 5 min = x = 300 se c 1 1 min

However, to change 300 seconds into minutes:

300 sec 1 min 300 sec = x = 5 min 1 60 sec

In the above examples, we cross canceled the like unit from the numerator and denominator, just like we would cancel common factors when reducing fractions. This makes it easy to see which units we end up with.

For example, to convert 21 feet into : 7 21 ft 1 yd 21 ft = x = 7 yd 1 3 ft 1 Also, we may need to use more than one unit conversion factor if there is not a direct conversion factor.

For example, to change 3 to cups:

3 gal 4 qt 2 pt 2 cups 3 gal = 1 x 1 gal x 1 qt x 1 pt = 48 cups