Library Bo Oki for High Schools

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Library Bo Oki for High Schools DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1 91 7, No. 41 11, Library Bo oki for HighSchools COMPILED BY MARTHA WILSON SUPERVISOR OF SCHOOL LIBRARIES MINNESOTA 4, WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE ion ti ADDITIONAL COPIES OF TRLS F LZCATION MAY BE PROCUBLD FROM THE surERLITENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT ?RENTING OFFICE WASHINGTON' D. C. AT 15 CENTS PER COPY 4 ft CONTENTS. 1 m rod tietion S Page. Clamificati on for school libraries 5 -,. Ulamitication foKgricult tire 7 Magazines for teachers and school, libraries 10 Auth6rities for notes 13 - General reference gooks , 16 16 Library economy . Psychology'. 20 . Conduct of life, ethics 23 Mythology v.. 2i 22 Politics and government -. .. Economics - 23 Education. ., 29 11 igh schools 32 Ind ust rial .ed ucat ion 33 ... 34 Colleges and universities, college life s ... 34 Commerce, commercial geography , Folklore, legends . 35 Science (general), Aaturest94 37 Mathematics - 38 Astronomy . 39 Plwsics 39 6" .. Chemistry, mineralog 40 Geology, physical geography 41 Biology o 41 Botany 44 Zoology, essays of animal life, 45 Vocational guidance 46 .. Physiology, hygiene, and physical training 49 . Engineering 50 - Agriculture (general). 51 Country life 53 53 Farm management .. Soil's 54 r Plant husbandry, pests. 54 Field crops .55 /Horticuquro 55 Forestry,. 56-- Aniinal industry .4 -58 Dairy 57 Other agrictiltural industries b8- 58 4 CONTENTS. Page. Home economica Food, nutrition, serving House planning and equipment 69 Textiles and clothing Home management . 61 -st ('are of the sick, children C2 Business, communication, transportation 62 Manual training and shopwork Fine arts (general). photography 66 Drawing and design, ntecbanical drawing 67 Music a 69 Outdoor amusements. sports 70" Indoor amusements, amateur theatricals 71 Literature (genenal) 73 Study and teaching 73 Composition and rhetoric (English language) 74 Poetry and drama (Izenerl collections) 76 Debating, public speaking 77 Reading and speaking (collections) 78 American literature 79. English literature 87 German language and literature 8 99 Scandinavian literature 109 French literature. 100 Greek and Latin languages and literature 191 Fiction 102 Travel 120 Biography 123 Ancient history 134 Modern history (general Enropeanl. .. History of England 143 Indian life and history 146 American history 146 Discovery 149 Colonial . 149 Revolution 150 Constitutional to Civil War 131 Civil War 152 Recent. 153 North Atlantic States 151 Southeastern States 154 Central States 155 The West, . 155 Directory of publishers 156 157 A: LIBRARY BOOKS FOR filchSCHOOLS. INTRODUCTION. , This list is basedon the .Minnesota Achool library High Schools, 1913-14. list, Books fsr The number of titleshas been Materially increased to include thesuggestions of many specialists in the Bureau high-school teachers, of Education, high-schoollibrarians, public librarians, and commissionworkers. The suggestions and demands of teachers ofspecial departments Tor comprehensive listson partkular subjects have insistent, and the result been somewhat is that some divisions,notably agriculture, aro out of proportion to therest of the list. The effort haslyeen to provide a thoroughlystandard list of tested 1,00ts fora foundation library, to include as much freshmaterial' as possible, and to suggest.books of ieterest.and the high-school value to pupils of age.Some' of the titles givenare felt to be rather advanced for suchuse.They are included at the suggestion ofexpe- rienced teachers anddoubtless' with the guidani.S are valuable for reference. of such teachers The list is planned tobe of general usefulness, but schoolswill wish to supplementit-for purely local material. interest are included Moretitles of general than are needed in'a high-school library town where there is in a . a good public library, andwhere the hightchool library may properlybe limited to books tion with the work commonly used in. &rm,- and life of the school.Many towns with high schools are lacking inadequate public library nhool library must facilities, and the high- provide books for homereading.. Arrangemfmt of the list.The list is classifiedaccording to a raodifi- cation of the Deweydecimal classification, nesota List, 1913 -14, in differing from. the Min- being more detailed.For the most part, second sununary ofthe Dewey decimal the divisions, in which the classification is used.Pot schools are apt to havemany books, or where tla use indicatessubdivisions, more detailed- In adapting this claasification is given. classification t.oa particular' school, having erable collection of a consid- hooks, .comparison withthe abridged decimal classification-is recommended. Alter due .considerationof classification. school libraries,. adaptations used bk. high- experience in organizationof high-school libraries, 6 LTBR.1711* ROOKS FOR rrimr setrooLs. and consultation with librarians, the public library 'inlet ice of :wrong- lug biography as a separate clam has been adopted. In class D21, Individual Biography, the list, is arranged alpha- betically by the name of the person about whom the book is 'writ tor: the name of the author following. - 're assist in the organization pf the libraries a group of books has been added under library economy. Classification outline follow the Introductioin. biitiosot..----Tlie best book Mr the least money is the usual criterion for inclusion in a school library list.' Many cheap editions are limed here, but not always the cheapest in price, when the book Was felt, to be decidedly inferior in appearance, paper, and typography.A number of tides formerry available in good 'cheap editions. can no longer be obtained in this form and must nobe quoted in the original editions. Some fine editions are included for reference ind library' use, with a cheaper edition for home reading.Library bindint,., specified for all books listed in Everyman's Library.The additional Cost of this edition, as compared with the trade Avila', is slight and an obvious saving when the differ- once in wear is considered. Prict.a.---List prices only are given.These have Weft verified repeatedly, but owing to.unsot.tred business conditions at th6 time of publication, are subject to change.Since the copy for this list was prepared die prices of all books in Dteon's Everyman's Library (library Witting), Houghton's Riverside' Biographical Series, and 110It'silome University Library have advanced from ,50' cents to 60 cents. Aanotaiiona.Verybrief descriptiveannotationsaregiven. Those are,Sti the mane, uttapied fr011a the A. L. A. catalogue, and the A. t. A. Book-list. Library If Congrtse card numbers.A new feature of this list is the addition of order numbers for Library of Congress catalogue cards. These are given to aid the high-school librarian:, who have ,few or no bibliographical ads... When sending in orders in the form of card numbers taken from this list it is suggestae that a brief to that effect be giyen at head of order, e. g."From "Fm Bu. Ed. Bu I. 41."In a small !Ventage of cases the cards btaines1 from such orders will be for different editions', but the variation is usually slight and the card cad be adapted by, making slight changes in S. e number given following the slanting line indicates the minim number of cards needed in cataloguing the books.Further infoation should be obtained from the Library of Congress before sen first order. Subject headings. In the assignment of subject hea ngs care nku4 be taken to insure uniformity in the use .of terms. /..The headings which tyre given on the Library of Congress cards should be compared with the A. L. A. List oU Subject Headings, or with the Subject f e CLASSIFICATION FOS SCHOOL LIBRAKIES. Index to filo A. L. A. Book-list andthe Aram). A. L. A. Headingsfor Juvenile Catalogues. 'Subject headingsfor agricultural bulletins should be .verified -withthe Agricultural Index,publisltbd by the II. W. Wilson Company, WhitpPlains, N. Y. The following suggestive outline for climilication* for high-school . libraries includes more ilF4sionsthan -are used in this list: 4CLAA.SSI FICAT 1 oNFOR .SCII(50L LIBRARIES. "The 10 climes of the Dewey decimalclassification, ahoiiug the relation jertsuti some of the subdivisions used for schoe14.; ofihu abb. 000 General works. 020Library el-ononty. 029i.teftlrencti'aids. I c 030 Gene T1 Oneycl 'pea ias. 100 Philosophy. -1`A Psychology. (70Ethic's. 900 Religion. 220Bible stories. 290 Mythology. 300: Sociology. 310St.ittstics. 3'.1`0 Government. 330Economics." -310EtIticatfon--General works. 3; l *Principles and practice of tvaching. 1Teachers.baiatice.t'ertca i oh . Schou) organiza lion and atiministrat . .5 Goyemtnent and disciplityl. .6 School buildings and equi 'men!. Grounds. 7School hygiene. .9Et I (teat ion of popcia1 chit:A(4s, 372Elementary education.Story telling. 373 Secondary schools. 371Self-education. tensitm leaching. 71 Home and ['so of senool buildings. 373 Methods. 5 at ore study.Science. .51Mathematics. , . 61Physiology and hygierie. 62Industrial exity-ation.(lobs. .63AgrieultuneL School garden. 61 Domestic economy. 7 Art.Munk} .8 Reading.English. 9 llistory and'eivies. .91Geography. 377Religious, ethical instruction. 37g Colleges and univensitieo. 379Relation of state to education. .1Rural ectools. 394 Commerce. Commercial geography. 390_ Customs. 398Folklore.' 8 LIBRARY BOOKS FOR IIIWI SCHOOLS 500 Science. 6 510 Mathematics. 520 Astronomy. 530Physics. 540 Chemistry. 550 Geology.PhysiCal geography. 570Biology. 571Primitive life. 580 Botany. 590Zoology. 000 Useful arts. 607Vocational
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