
JWST Proposal 1262 (Created: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 5:00:13 PM Eastern Standard Time) - Overview

1262 - Integral Field at z > 8 Cycle: 1, Proposal Category: GTO

INVESTIGATORS Name Institution E-Mail Dr. Pierre Ferruit (PI) (ESA Member) - ESTEC [email protected] Dr. Santiago Arribas (CoI) (ESA Member) (Conta Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas [email protected] ct) Dr. Roberto Maiolino (CoI) (ESA Member) (Cont [email protected] act) Dr. Chris J. Willott (CoI) (CSA Member) Dominion Astrophysical Observatory [email protected] Dr. Thomas Martinsson (CoI) (ESA Member) Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC/INTA) Inst. Nac. de T [email protected] ec. Aero. Dr. Bruno Rodriguez Del Pino (CoI) (ESA Member) Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC/INTA) Inst. Nac. de T [email protected] ec. Aero. Dr. Javier Alvarez-Marquez (CoI) (ESA Member) Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC/INTA) Inst. Nac. de T [email protected] (Contact) ec. Aero. Dr. Alvaro Labiano (CoI) (ESA Member) Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC/INTA) Inst. Nac. de T [email protected] ec. Aero. Luis Colina Robledo (CoI) (ESA Member) Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC/INTA) Inst. Nac. de T [email protected] ec. Aero. Gillian Wright (CoI) (ESA Member) United Kingdom Technology Centre [email protected]

OBSERVATIONS Folder Observation Label Observing Template Target MIRI EGSY8P7 3 MRS-EGSY8P7 MIRI Medium Resolution Spectroscopy (3) EGSY8P7-MIRI-MRS 4 MIRIM-EGSY8P7 MIRI Imaging (4) EGSY8P7-MIRI-IMAGER MIRI MACS1149-JD1 5 MRS-MACS1149-JD1 MIRI Medium Resolution Spectroscopy (14) MACS1149-JD1-MIRI 1 JWST Proposal 1262 (Created: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 5:00:13 PM Eastern Standard Time) - Overview Folder Observation Label Observing Template Science Target 6 MIRIM-MACS1149-J MIRI Imaging (14) MACS1149-JD1-MIRI D1 NIRSpec observations 7 MACS1149-JD1-NIRS NIRSpec IFU Spectroscopy (13) MACS1149-JD1-NIRSPEC pec 8 EGSY8P7-NIRSpec NIRSpec IFU Spectroscopy (2) EGSY8P7-NIRSPEC

ABSTRACT This APT is for NIRSpec-IFU and MIRI observations of two EoR sources, one Lyman-alpha emitter (EGSY8p7) in the EGS cosmological field, and one [OIII] emitters in the MACS1149 Frontier Field. The two are spectroscopically confirmed at a of 8.68 and 9.11, respectively. They will be observed by both the NIRSpec and the MIRI GTO teams to cover the UV and optical (Halpha and other lines) rest-frame.

NIRSpec: The NIRSpec-IFU observations are part of the NIRSpec GTO of Assembly IFS survey. The NIRSpec-IFU observations are performed at R100 and R2700. The specific band for the high-resolution observations is aimed at including the most important emission lines (from ~ H-beta to H-alpha).

MIRI: MIRI is the only instrument onboard JWST able to detect the H-alpha line for sources at redshifts beyond 6.7, the key diagnostic line to establish the instantaneous formation, as well as the Ly-alpha and ionizing continuum escape fractions for sources during the Epoch of (EoR) of the . Deep MIRI spectroscopy of the H-alpha line with the medium resolution integral field spectrograph (MRS) of one bright Ly-alpha spectroscopically confirmed sources at z>8 in the Extended Groth Strip (EGSY8p7) will be obtained, as well as mid-IR imaging of the host galaxy and nearby fields with the MIRI imager and filters F770W and F1000W. A similar observational scheme will be used for MACS1149_JD1


These two galaxies will be observed using the NIRSpec-IFU as part of the “Physics of Galaxy Assembly IFU survey” program. Observations will be done with grating/filters PRISM (R100) and G395H/F290LP (R2700). By combining with the MIRI observations (see below), we take advantage of the "smart accounting" option to save slew overheads. 2 JWST Proposal 1262 (Created: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 5:00:13 PM Eastern Standard Time) - Overview

No TA (target acquisition) is included, as it has been checked that there is a large fraction of guide with GAIA .

A 8-point dither pattern ("medium" cycling) provides a good compromise between an amplitude (~0.5 ") large enough to "jump" the failed open microsutthers and to deal with other sources of background, while keeping a large FoV with complete exposure time (~2.5"x2.5"). This dither pattern also allows a good sub-pixel sampling.

No extra background exposures are included. For R100 it was considered that there will be a relatively large number of spaxels free from galaxy emission to derive the background. For the R2700, in addition, the goal is to study the emission lines and therefore the background should be less relevant.

Even though the contamination by bright targets leaking through the MSA is expected to be small for the PAs selected (see above), we take an extra leakage exposure for R100 in one pointing in order to be able to understand the effects of the surronding field.

The IRS2RAPID reading mode was selected to maximise S/N, providing also good temporal resolution for CR detection/rejection. ------


MIRI observe two spectroscopically confirmed EoR sources, the Ly-alpha emitters EGSY8P7, and the [OIII[ emitters MACS1149_JD1 with redshifts of 8.7 and 9.1, respectively. The main purpose of the program is to get the H-alpha emission line and the spectral range around it ([NII], [SII]) as well as the HeI 1.083 microns line. Nearby, adjacent fields will be simultaneously imaged with the F770W and F1000W filters. In addition, we request the imaging of the host galaxy with the IMAGER using the F560w filter.

The dithering strategies (4-pt+2-pt., point source) were selected to optimize the PSF and detector effects for channel 1 of the MRS (H-alpha line is located in this channel for the two sources).

The PA constrain (PA_V3 = 167 degrees) for EGSY8p7 has been selected to avoid bright stars that can saturate de simultaneous IMAGER

3 JWST Proposal 1262 (Created: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 5:00:13 PM Eastern Standard Time) - Overview observations, and to be in a low background regime emission in Channel 1 of the MRS. Low background conditions are required to minimize the impact of background in the observations and signal-to-noise ratio for these very faint galaxies at high redshifts.

4 Proposal 1262-TargetsIntegralFieldSpectroscopyatz>8 Fixed Targets Extended=NO Description=[High- galaxies, Lyman-alphagalaxies] Category=Galaxy Comments: (14) Description=[Lyman-alpha galaxies,Primordialgalaxies] Category=Galaxy Comments: CoordinatesfromHashimotoetal.(2018) (13) Extended=NO Description=[Emission linegalaxies,High-redshiftgalaxies] Category=Galaxy Comments: (4) Extended=NO Description=[Emission linegalaxies,High-redshiftgalaxies] Category=Galaxy Comments: (3) Extended=YES Description=[Emission linegalaxies,High-redshiftgalaxies] Category=Galaxy Comments: (2) # EGSY8P7-NIRSPEC Name MACS1149-JD1-MIRI MACS1149-JD1-NIRSPEC EGSY8P7-MIRI-IMAGER EGSY8P7-MIRI-MRS Equinox: J2000 Dec: +525357.71(52.89936d) RA: 14207.1667(215.0298613d) Equinox: J2000 Dec: +525326.60(52.89072d) RA: 14208.5000(215.0354167d) Equinox: J2000 Dec: +525326.60(52.89072d) RA: 14208.5000(215.0354167d) Target Coordinates Equinox: J2000 Dec: +222445.70(22.41269d) RA: 114933.5800(177.3899167d) Equinox: J2000 Dec: +222445.70(22.41269d) RA: 114933.5800(177.3899167d) 5 Targ. Coord.Corrections Miscellaneous Proposal 1262-Observation3IntegralFieldSpectroscopyatz>8 Spectral Elements Dithers Template Acquisition Fixed Targets Diagnostics Observation 2 2 2 1 1 1 # 2 1 # F560W AcqFilter 1 # Extended=NO Description=[Emission linegalaxies,High-redshiftgalaxies] Category=Galaxy Comments: (3) # (Visit 3:1)Warning(Form):OverheadsareprovisionaluntiltheVisitPlanner hasbeenrun. bright pointsourcesinthemid-IR fields andwouldthereforebeusednotonlyforastrometricpurposesbutalsoscience.Itisimportanttoavoidpotentitalcontamination effectsinsectionsoftheimagerduetosaturationaround Comments: ThespecificrangeofPAforMIRIobservationshasbeenselectedsuchtoavoidthepresencebrightstarsinsimultaneousMIRIM fieldwhileMRSisprime.TheseMIRIMimagesareincosmological Observing Template:MIRIMediumResolutionSpectroscopy Diagnostic Status:Warning Proposal 1262,Observation3:MRS-EGSY8P7 EGSY8P7-MIRI-MRS Name MEDIUM(B) MEDIUM(B) MEDIUM(B) MEDIUM(B) Range Wavelength MRSSHORT MRSLONG IMAGER MRSSHORT MRSLONG IMAGER Detector Equinox: J2000 Dec: +525326.60(52.89072d) RA: 14208.5000(215.0354167d) Target Coordinates F770W F1000W Filter 4-Point 4-Point Dither Type CHANNEL1 Primary Channel SLOWR1 SLOWR1 FASTR1 SLOWR1 SLOWR1 FASTR1 Pattern Readout 42 42 120 42 42 120 Groups/Int 2 2 6 3 3 9 xp Integrations/E 6 Targ. Coord.Corrections POINT SOURCE Optimized For YES Simultaneous Imaging NONE Target POINT SOURCE 1 1 1 1 1 1 h Exposures/Dit Dither 2 Dither 2 Dither 2 Dither 1 Dither 1 Dither 1 Dither 4 4 4 4 4 4 Total Dithers POSITIVE NEGATIVE Direction FULL Imager Subarray Miscellaneous 8 8 24 12 12 36 Integrations Total Tue Sep1422:00:13GMT2021 8122.573 8122.573 8047.616 12231.639 12231.639 12076.974 Time Exposure Total Wkbk.Calc ID ETC Proposal 1262-Observation3IntegralFieldSpectroscopyatz>8 Special Requirements Background Limited.nomorethan40%aboveminimum Aperture PARange122.0to180.0Degrees(V3180.0) 7 Proposal 1262-Observation4IntegralFieldSpectroscopyatz>8 Special Requirements Spectral Elements Dithers Template Fixed Targets Diagnostics Observation Background Limited.no morethan40%aboveminimum Aperture PARange126.83425324to 184.83425324Degrees(V3122.0to180.0) 1 # 1 # FULL Subarray Extended=NO Description=[Emission linegalaxies,High-redshiftgalaxies] Category=Galaxy Comments: (4) # (Visit 4:1)Warning(Form):OverheadsareprovisionaluntiltheVisitPlanner hasbeenrun. bright pointsourcesinthemid-IR fields andwouldthereforebeusednotonlyforastrometricpurposesbutalsoscience.Itisimportanttoavoidpotentitalcontamination effectsinsectionsoftheimagerduetosaturationaround Comments: ThespecificrangeofPAforMIRIobservationshasbeenselectedsuchtoavoidthepresencebrightstarsinsimultaneousMIRIM fieldwhileMRSisprime.TheseMIRIMimagesareincosmological Observing Template:MIRIImaging Diagnostic Status:Warning Proposal 1262,Observation4:MIRIM-EGSY8P7 EGSY8P7-MIRI-IMAGER Name F560W Filter 4-Point-Sets Dither Type FASTR1 Readout Pattern Starting Point Equinox: J2000 Dec: +525357.71(52.89936d) RA: 14207.1667(215.0298613d) Target Coordinates 80 Groups/Int Number ofPoints 3 Integrations/Exp Points 1 Exposures/Dith 8 Targ. Coord.Corrections 6 Starting Set Dither 1 Dither 1 Number ofSets 4 Total Dithers POINT SOURCE Optimized For 12 Integrations Total Miscellaneous POSITIVE Direction 2686.239 Time Total Exposure Tue Sep1422:00:13GMT2021 DEFAULT Pattern Size ID ETC Wkbk.Calc Proposal 1262-Observation5IntegralFieldSpectroscopyatz>8 Spectral Elements Dithers Template Acquisition Fixed Targets Diagnostics Observation 2 2 2 1 1 1 # 2 1 # F560W AcqFilter 1 # Extended=NO Description=[High-redshift galaxies,Lyman-alphagalaxies] Category=Galaxy Comments: (14) # (Visit 5:1)Warning(Form):OverheadsareprovisionaluntiltheVisitPlanner hasbeenrun. bright pointsourcesinthemid-IR fields andwouldthereforebeusednotonlyforastrometricpurposesbutalsoscience.Itisimportanttoavoidpotentitalcontamination effectsinsectionsoftheimagerduetosaturationaround Comments: ThespecificrangeofPAforMIRIobservationshasbeenselectedsuchtoavoidthepresencebrightstarsinsimultaneousMIRIM fieldwhileMRSisprime.TheseMIRIMimagesareincosmological Observing Template:MIRIMediumResolutionSpectroscopy Diagnostic Status:Warning Proposal 1262,Observation5:MRS-MACS1149-JD1 MACS1149-JD1-MIRI Name LONG(C) LONG(C) LONG(C) LONG(C) Range Wavelength MRSSHORT MRSLONG IMAGER MRSSHORT MRSLONG IMAGER Detector Equinox: J2000 Dec: +222445.70(22.41269d) RA: 114933.5800(177.3899167d) Target Coordinates F770W F1000W Filter 4-Point 4-Point Dither Type CHANNEL1 Primary Channel SLOWR1 SLOWR1 FASTR1 SLOWR1 SLOWR1 FASTR1 Pattern Readout 39 39 105 39 39 105 Groups/Int 3 3 9 3 3 9 xp Integrations/E 9 Targ. Coord.Corrections POINT SOURCE Optimized For YES Simultaneous Imaging NONE Target POINT SOURCE 1 1 1 1 1 1 h Exposures/Dit Dither 2 Dither 2 Dither 2 Dither 1 Dither 1 Dither 1 Dither 4 4 4 4 4 4 Total Dithers POSITIVE NEGATIVE Direction FULL Imager Subarray Miscellaneous 12 12 36 12 12 36 Integrations Total Tue Sep1422:00:13GMT2021 11371.602 11371.602 10578.452 11371.602 11371.602 10578.452 Time Exposure Total Wkbk.Calc ID ETC Proposal 1262-Observation5IntegralFieldSpectroscopyatz>8 Special Requirements Background Limited.nomorethan40%aboveminimum Aperture PARange275.0to287.0Degrees(V3287.0) Aperture PARange115.0to135.0Degrees(V3135.0) 10 Proposal 1262-Observation6IntegralFieldSpectroscopyatz>8 Special Requirements Spectral Elements Dithers Template Fixed Targets Diagnostics Observation Background Limited.no morethan40%aboveminimum Aperture PARange279.83425324to 291.83425324Degrees(V3275.0to287.0) Aperture PARange119.83425324to 139.83425324Degrees(V3115.0to135.0) 1 # 1 # FULL Subarray Extended=NO Description=[High-redshift galaxies,Lyman-alphagalaxies] Category=Galaxy Comments: (14) # (Visit 6:1)Warning(Form):OverheadsareprovisionaluntiltheVisitPlanner hasbeenrun. bright pointsourcesinthemid-IR fields andwouldthereforebeusednotonlyforastrometricpurposesbutalsoscience.Itisimportanttoavoidpotentitalcontamination effectsinsectionsoftheimagerduetosaturationaround Comments: ThespecificrangeofPAforMIRIobservationshasbeenselectedsuchtoavoidthepresencebrightstarsinsimultaneousMIRIM fieldwhileMRSisprime.TheseMIRIMimagesareincosmological Observing Template:MIRIImaging Diagnostic Status:Warning Proposal 1262,Observation6:MIRIM-MACS1149-JD1 MACS1149-JD1-MIRI Name F560W Filter 4-Point-Sets Dither Type FASTR1 Readout Pattern 1 Starting Point Equinox: J2000 Dec: +222445.70(22.41269d) RA: 114933.5800(177.3899167d) Target Coordinates 120 Groups/Int Number ofPoints 2 Integrations/Exp Points 1 Exposures/Dith 11 Targ. Coord.Corrections 4 Starting Set Dither 1 Dither 1 Number ofSets 4 Total Dithers POINT SOURCE Optimized For 8 Integrations Total Miscellaneous POSITIVE Direction 2675.139 Time Total Exposure Tue Sep1422:00:13GMT2021 SMALL Pattern Size ID ETC Wkbk.Calc Proposal 1262-Observation7IntegralFieldSpectroscopyatz>8 Special Requirements Spectral Elements Dithers Template Fixed Targets Diagnostics Observation Aperture PARange259.892975to263.892975 Degrees(V3121.00000015to125.00000015) Aperture PARange33.892975to60.892975 Degrees(V3255.00000015to282.00000015) 3 2 1 # 1 # NONE TA Method Description=[Lyman-alpha galaxies,Primordialgalaxies] Category=Galaxy Comments: CoordinatesfromHashimotoetal.(2018) (13) # (Visit 7:1)Warning(Form):OverheadsareprovisionaluntiltheVisitPlanner hasbeenrun. Comments: ThePAisrestrictedtominimisepotentialMSAleakagecontamination Observing Template:NIRSpecIFUSpectroscopy Diagnostic Status:Warning Proposal 1262,Observation7:MACS1149-JD1-NIRSpec MACS1149-JD1-NIRSPEC Name PRISM/CLEAR PRISM/CLEAR G395H/F290LP Grating/Filter D NRSIRS2RAPI D NRSIRS2RAPI NRSIRS2 Pattern Readout CYCLING Dither Type Equinox: J2000 Dec: +222445.70(22.41269d) RA: 114933.5800(177.3899167d) Target Coordinates 33 33 31 Groups/Int 1 1 p Integrations/Ex MEDIUM Size 1 false false Leakcal true 12 Targ. Coord.Corrections true true Dither 1 Starting Point false NONE NONE Autocal NONE 1 8 8 Total Dithers 8 Number ofPoints 1 8 8 Integrations Total Miscellaneous 496.022 3968.178 18206.935 Time Total Exposure Points Tue Sep1422:00:13GMT2021 Wkbk.Calc ID ETC Proposal 1262-Observation8IntegralFieldSpectroscopyatz> Special Requirements Spectral Elements Dithers Template Fixed Targets Diagnostics Observation Aperture PARange260.892975to275.892975 Degrees(V3122.00000015to137.00000015) Aperture PARange79.89297485to 82.89297485 Degrees(V3301.0to304.0) 3 2 1 # 1 # NONE TA Method Extended=YES Description=[Emission linegalaxies,High-redshiftgalaxies] Category=Galaxy Comments: (2) # (Visit 8:1)Warning(Form):OverheadsareprovisionaluntiltheVisitPlanner hasbeenrun. Comments: ThePAisrestrictedtominimisepotentialMSAleakagecontamination Observing Template:NIRSpecIFUSpectroscopy Diagnostic Status:Warning Proposal 1262,Observation8:EGSY8P7-NIRSpec EGSY8P7-NIRSPEC Name PRISM/CLEAR PRISM/CLEAR G395H/F290LP Grating/Filter D NRSIRS2RAPI D NRSIRS2RAPI NRSIRS2 Pattern Readout CYCLING Dither Type Equinox: J2000 Dec: +525326.60(52.89072d) RA: 14208.5000(215.0354167d) Target Coordinates 33 33 31 Groups/Int 1 1 p Integrations/Ex MEDIUM Size 1 false false Leakcal true 13 Targ. Coord.Corrections true true Dither 1 Starting Point false NONE NONE Autocal NONE 1 8 8 Total Dithers 8 Number ofPoints 1 8 8 Integrations Total Miscellaneous 496.022 3968.178 18206.935 Time Total Exposure Points Tue Sep1422:00:13GMT2021 Wkbk.Calc ID ETC