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Search List R © Skoumal Krisztián V.2021.03.13 Sorszam Kod Nev Szul.* Telepules* Apa Anya Nr. Code Name Born* Town* Father Mother 1. ACE4000410203825007001 RAAB Daniel <1809 Kisszeben Sabinov (SK) 2. CRECD018N0113907019002 RAAB Janos 1859 Alsogalla Tatabanya (H) RAAB Janos MANHERZ Maria 3. RCE4000300085885141020 rabenaui RAAB Miksa 1830 Klagenfurt (A) rabenaui RAAB Karoly HUBNER Johanna 4. ZSE4000310339890004001 RAABOTERN Johanna 1872 Nemetszentpeter Sanpetru German (RO) RAABOTERN Simon RUFF Terez 5. CRECD015N0113905453024 RAB Ilona 1883 Purkerecz Purcareni (RO) RAB Mihaly SIPOS JANOS Anna 6. RFE1606003029919007011 RAB Janos 1882 Nagyszolos Vynohradiv (UA) 7. CRE3645483400940104002 RAB Lajos 1921 Mandok (H) RAB Lajos BORBELY Eva 8. RCE3800090351963081007 RABAR Eva 1898 Komjat Velyki Kom'yaty (UA) RABAR Janos SZTIPSZKY Elvira 9. CRK3645493300913011042 RABECZ Gyorgy 1913 Csaroda (H) RABECZ Sandor KOZAK Maria 10. CRK1606001115900261058 RABECZ Janos 1900 Csonkapapi Popovo (UA) RABECZ Sandor KOZAK Maria 11. CRK3645493300913011041 RABECZ Jozsef 1913 Csaroda (H) RABECZ Sandor KOZAK Maria 12. CRK3645493300938100024 RABECZ Margit 1938 Beregdaroc (H) RABECZ Janos PRECZNU Anna 13. NRCK160612E21911016029 RABEL Jozsef 1911 Nagygejoc Velyki Heivtsi (UA) RABEL Jozsef GERELY Erzsebet 14. NRCK160612E21924078031 RABEL Sandor 1924 Nagygejoc Velyki Heivtsi (UA) RABEL Jozsef GERE Erzsebet 15. ZSE1606016055892003028 RABENSOHN Chave Golde 1868 Stry Stryi (UA) RABENSOHN Osias MERMELSTEIN Malke 16. ZSE1606016055892004032 RABENSOHN Rachel 1865 Stry Stryi (UA) RABENSOHN Osias MERMELSTEIN Malke 17. ZSE3683836000875025001 RABINAK Adolf 1849 Csabrendek (H) RABINAK Kalman STEINER Rozalia 18. ZSE3683836000875354001 RABINAK Adolf 1849 Csabrendek (H) RABINAK Kalman STEINER Rozalia 19. CREW005015649917047024 RABINEK Dezso 1894 Budapest (H) RABINEK Adolf BECK Hermina 20. RCE4000300085880111011 RABITSCH Janos 1851 Becs Wien (A) RABITSCH Jozsef HARTLIEB Maria 21. RCE4000300085870049010 RABITSCH Josephus Felix 1843 Volosca Volosko (HR) RABITSCH Josephus LELSCHNIGG Josepha 22. RFE1606001077859004002 RAC Erzsebet 1838 Badalo Badalovo (UA) RAC Peter 23. RFE3645483600892482007 RAC Eszter 1873 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RAC Janos 24. CRE3645493100911059023 RAC Gizella 1895 Tarpa (H) RAC Jozsef ESZE Eszter 25. CRK3645483600938145017 RAC Jolan 1938 Lonya (H) RAC Janos RAC Jolan 26. CRE3645493100909030006 RAC Rozalia 1887 Tarpa (H) RAC Istvan KOVACS Agnes 27. RFE3645483600884473008 RAC Sara 1864 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RAC Andras 28. CRK3645493100910009123 RAC Zoltan 1910 Tarpa (H) RAC Mihaly SZARKA Mariska 29. RFE3645483600886475008 RAC Zsuzsanna 1861 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RAC Jozsef 30. RFE3645483600890479005 RAC Zsuzsanna 1871 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RAC Ferenc 31. GCK4030720000870001006 RACOBU Michailu 1870 Temesvar Timisoara (RO) RACOBU Mihaiu N. Catarina 32. RFK1606001125889007028 RACZ ♂ 1889 Botragy Batrad' (UA) RACZ Andras GERO Julianna 33. IRCK400300102000669020 RACZ Adam Alajos 1893 Temesvar Timisoara (RO) 34. RFK1606001035857008001 RACZ Agnes 1857 Haranglab Horonhlab (UA) RACZ Istvan CZURI Sara 35. RFE1606001029841018007 RACZ aka LACZKO Peter <1826 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Jozsef * 1/66 *; * © Skoumal Krisztián V.2021.03.13 Sorszam Kod Nev Szul.* Telepules* Apa Anya Nr. Code Name Born* Town* Father Mother 36. RCE4000315400842008017 RACZ Albert 1813 Gyorok Ghioroc (RO) 37. CRK3645480000943132048 RACZ Andor 1943 Vasarosnameny (H) RACZ Bela ROZSA Zsuzsanna 38. RFK1606001125891014003 RACZ Andras 1891 Botragy Batrad' (UA) RACZ Andras GERO Julianna 39. CRK3645483600913084015 RACZ Andras 1913 Kislonya Lonya (H) RACZ Julianna 40. RCE1606001147906008001 RACZ Andras <1890 Macsola Mochola (UA) RACZ Mihaly DANCS Eva 41. RFE1606001055861001002 RACZ Andras 1837 Nagybegany Velyka Byihan' (UA) RACZ 42. RFE1606001082876050005 RACZ Andras 1850 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Andras 43. CRK3645483600919125006 RACZ Andras 1919 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Janos LACZKO Lidia 44. IRCK400300102000670037 RACZ Anna 1929 Temesvar Timisoara (RO) 45. CRE1606017270922048004 RACZ Antal 1897 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Andras TAKAR Julianna 46. RFE1606003029940063018 RACZ Bela <1924 Baktaloranthaza (H) 47. CRK3645493700908043135 RACZ Borbala 1908 Barabas (H) RACZ Sandor LENGYEL Rozalia 48. NRFE160612E06909017003 RACZ Borbala 1889 Kistarkany Mala Dobron' (UA) RACZ Jozsef SOLYMOS Erzsebet 49. CRH3645483600922003014 RACZ Borbala 1850 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Ferenc ARVA Borbala 50. RFK1606001082883030001 RACZ Erzsebet 1883 Botragy Batrad' (UA) RACZ Andras GERO Julianna 51. CRE1606017270940109014 RACZ Erzsebet 1910 Lonya (H) RACZ Janos LACZKO Lidia 52. CRH1606001104895047046 RACZ Erzsebet 1845 Nyiradony (H) RACZ Mihaly RACZ Flora 53. IRCK400300102000670017 RACZ Erzsebet 1920 Temesvar Timisoara (RO) 54. IRCK400300102000670041 RACZ Erzsebet 1933 Temesvar Timisoara (RO) 55. CRE1606017270940107007 RACZ Etelka 1922 Lonya (H) RACZ Ferenc TOTH Julianna 56. CRE3645483400932050005 RACZ Ferenc 1909 Tiszaadony (H) RACZ Bertalan KECSKES Rozalia 57. RCE3800090351893055004 RACZ Frigyes 1856 Mezovari Vary (UA) RACZ Zsuzsanna 58. CRH1606001104896182127 RACZ Gyula 1896 Beregszasz Berehove (UA) RACZ Karoly HEGEDUS Julianna 59. RFK1606001082887040034 RACZ Gyula 1887 Botragy Batrad' (UA) RACZ Andras GERO Julianna 60. RFE1606001188910019001 RACZ Gyula 1887 Botragy Batrad' (UA) 61. RFE1606001188912020003 RACZ Gyula 1888 Botragy Batrad' (UA) 62. RFE1606003029918005002 RACZ Gyula <1902 Nemeskolta (H) 63. CRE1606017270922050010 RACZ Ida 1905 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Peter RACZ Zsuzsanna 64. CRK3645483600912065027 RACZ Ida 1912 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Istvan MEZO Ida 65. RFE1606001125898048012 RACZ Ilka 1877 Botragy Batrad' (UA) RACZ Andras GERO Julianna 66. RFK1606001082876019034 RACZ Ilona 1876 Botragy Batrad' (UA) RACZ Andras GERO Julianna 67. CRE1606017270927077011 RACZ Ilona 1906Kislonya Lonya (H) RACZ Janos TAR Ilona 68. CRE1606017270927076008 RACZ Ilona 1907 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Janos NAGY Julianna 69. CRK3645483600908017074 RACZ Ilona 1908 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Istvan MEZO Ida 70. IRCK400300102000669062 RACZ Ilona Terezia 1903 Temesvar Timisoara (RO) * 2/66 *; * © Skoumal Krisztián V.2021.03.13 Sorszam Kod Nev Szul.* Telepules* Apa Anya Nr. Code Name Born* Town* Father Mother 71. IRCK400300102000669030 RACZ Imre 1895 Temesvar Timisoara (RO) 72. RFE3800090454873021030 RACZ Imre 1852 Visk Vyshkove (UA) 73. CRH3645483400927033015 RACZ Irma 1927 Tiszakerecseny (H) RACZ Ferenc KALNOKY Irma 74. CRH1606001104896345290 RACZ Istvan 1893 Beregszasz Berehove (UA) RACZ Karoly HEGEDUS Julianna 75. RFE1606001188881002005 RACZ Istvan 1858 Haranglab Horonhlab (UA) 76. CRE1606017270940110016 RACZ Istvan 1912 Lonya (H) RACZ Istvan FILEP Erzsebet 77. CRK3645483600938143002 K. RACZ Istvan 1937 Lonya (H) K. RACZ Istvan FILEP Erzsebet 78. CRK3645483600910041014 RACZ Istvan 1910 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Istvan MEZO Ida 79. CRK3645483600912066031 RACZ Istvan 1912 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Istvan FULOP Erzsebet 80. CRH3645484400898151031 RACZ Istvan 1897 Surany Beregsurany (H) LAKATOS Ferenc RACZ Rozalia 81. CRH3645484400897090033 RACZ Istvan 1895 Surany Beregsurany (H) RACZ Rozalia 82. IRCK400300102000670021 RACZ Istvan 1921 Temesvar Timisoara (RO) 83. CRK3645480300912139066 RACZ Istvan Gyula 1912 Ugornya Gergelyiugornya RACZ Jeno SZABO Anna 84. CRE4000447145899073012 RACZ Istvan Prokopius 1862 Budapest (H) RACZ Imre STANKO Alojzia 85. RCE4000300085874078026 RACZ Janos 1844 Bardany Meda (SRB) RACZ Joannes JUHASZ Theresia 86. RFE1606003017870001001 RACZ Janos 1840 Borzsova Borzhava (UA) RACZ N. 87. CRH3682756200980012057 RACZ Janos 1897 Felsosegesd (H) RACZ Janos SIPOS Erzsebet 88. CRE1606017270939100005 RACZ Janos 1916 Lonya (H) RACZ Janos NAGY Julianna 89. CRK3645483600940174058 RACZ Janos 1940 Lonya (H) RACZ Janos PALOTAI Ilona 90. RFE1606001055868004001 RACZ Janos 1837 Nagybegany Velyka Byihan' (UA) RACZ 91. CRK3645483600912073078 RACZ Janos 1912 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Janos LACZKO Lidia 92. CRK3645480300910094079 RACZ Jeno Ferenc 1910 Ugornya Gergelyiugornya RACZ Jeno SZABO Anna 93. RFE4000435100864021012 RACZ Jozsef 1833 Felsobanya Baia Sprie (RO) 94. RFE1606001082876050003 RACZ Jozsef 1855 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Jozsef 95. CRE1606017270919024016 RACZ Jozsef 1892 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Istvan BARANYI Erzsebet 96. RFK4000310085840005052 RACZ Jozsef 1840 Sega ??? RACZ Janos BOROK Sara 97. IRCK400300102000670001 RACZ Jozsef Janos 1909 Temesvar Timisoara (RO) 98. RCE1606001147907018026 RACZ Julia 1886 Macsola Mochola (UA) RACZ Peter KONDIS Maria 99. RFK4000310085842009046 RACZ Julianna 1842 Arad Arad (RO) RACZ Janos BOROLY Sara 100. RFK4000310085844014026 RACZ Julianna 1844 Arad Arad (RO) RACZ Janos BORO Sara 101. CRK1606001115899123123 RACZ Julianna 1899 Barabas (H) RACZ Ignac BALOG Erzsebet 102. RFK1606001082884034031 RACZ Julianna 1884 Botragy Batrad' (UA) RACZ Andras GERO Julianna 103. RFE3645483600894483005 RACZ Julianna 1874 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Andras 104. CRE1606017270924067009 RACZ Julianna 1904 Nagylonya Lonya (H) RACZ Janos LACZKO Lidia 105. CRE4000415500897242070 RACZ Julianna 1876 Nagyszalonta Salonta (RO) RACZ Gyula HIDI Julianna * 3/66 *; * © Skoumal Krisztián V.2021.03.13 Sorszam Kod Nev Szul.* Telepules* Apa Anya Nr. Code Name Born* Town* Father Mother 106. RCE4000300085877095023 RACZ Julianna 1838 O-Arad Arad
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