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[email protected] “THIS EXHIBITION IS ABOUT NOW”: Tasmanian Aboriginality at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Christopher Berk UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ABSTRACT This article focuses on the design and execution of two exhibits about Tasmanian Aboriginality at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. The first is a Tasmanian Aboriginal group exhibit from 1931, which was heavily informed by ideologies of Tasmanian primitivity and extinction. The second is the 2008 tayenebe, a celebration of the resurgence of fiber work among Tasmanian Aboriginal women. In each instance, the Tasmanian Aboriginal people are on display, but the level of community control and subtext is notably different. This article builds on discussions of cultural revitalization and reclamation by showing the process and how it is depicted for public consumption. [cultural revitalization, representation, indigeneity, Tasmania, Australia] Australia’s Aboriginal peoples have been central to how anthropologists have historically thought about progress and difference. Tasmania’s Aboriginal peoples receive less attention, both in Australia and in discussions of global indigenous movements. Before and after their supposed extinction in 1876, they were considered the most “primitive” culture ever documented (Darwin 2004; Stocking 1987; Tylor 1894; among many others). Ideologies of primitivism have historically been perpetuated and disseminated by cultural institutions around the world. James Clifford (1997) recounts a 1989 community consultation meeting with Tlingit representatives at the Portland Museum of Art during which the Tlingit Author Manuscript people told politically motivated tales about community concerns like land rights. The story of This is the author manuscript accepted for publication and has undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record.