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Japa Inesc Terroi >Rist S It in L Jsol Bomb T .... UI’s^Im F Io p di afihalisiifo r UNC0 coachiimg spot ■- D m ''' ;• r? ^ Mfci V ilriM iiflTw l m m K m amaam■ H B H B ■ The Jimes-NoOT ClClassified ■ Q b b ’ \ ; W a t s o n Dream C( IP ■ ' n firing SIspurs 3 C t O ^ Service Diret 3 _-_'itjur-helpful auidW 9 t o _ L l r t jT iW e f cF o F f ^ a l T rnostanyneejed. ‘ - ' D - ~ CopyflghL.IMa Mtgic V<ll«y Nt<np*p*<* i 25^ ■ . _____ Sa'Saturday, April 16,1_988 . - e a;3rd n year, No. 107 Twin Falls,з , Idaho Ja p ainesc terroi>rist s!o u g hit in LJS O lbombb in g y denied involvement in the His refereerence w as to the U.S. bombuibing of Libya on April Lil:jibya’s ambassador to Italy di T h e A ssociated Prcsa j, ■ A ^ - 15.1&86.W1which was-intended to puni.unish th e A rab nation bombnbing by Col. Moammar Gadhiadhafi's government. - ^ forallegedsd sponsorehip of Internationalmal terrorism. In'n bpam, meanwhile, a bombl e a J a p - ------------ A b O U t t! in-near an air base jeast of ; NAPLES, Italy-Policelice said F riday they believe s -------^------------- In Beirut,-ut, a statement si^ed byI a group calling itself "^Air• IForce radio relay station- n I of attacking Western embt(ibassies , a U.S. E m bassy official said, aneso terrorist accused of , who held the , the Islamic.lie Jih a d Organization for theth e S upport of the Op- Maditdrid. I t caused no injuries, a li ! the Na- included Angela Santos,Sa 21. of Ocala, Fla., v — around thc.world parkedd a bomb-ladcn car.outfiide ^ lTirthB-Naval~pres9ed-on-]>n-Earth-said-it^claims resposponsibility-for-thc at-— NoIo group claimed-responsibilit;lility. A D efense M inistry of- aan and ran k of radiom an 3 pies USO club, killing an American servicewomar ached by our brethren holyloly w arriors in Italy ficialdl was quoted by the S panishish 1new s agency E F E as s a y CommunicationsJ ArArea M aster Station in Napliples. tack launch four Italians. .oned a French against Amimerican targets in the cily,ly o f N aples in which ing theli attack could be related;d tJto the anniversary of the j limed responsibility for thele <explo* A m an speakingng iaccented English telephor Two A rab groups clniim said the bomb several impinperialist soldiers were killedled or wounded." - Libyaya raids. a narrow street that runs papast th e news agency office,ce iin Rome on Friday and sj sion T hursday night in a n nof Jihad Bri- Thetypevpewrilten statement, in Arabrabic, was delivered to Italtalian investigators said Frid:Friday that Junzo Okudaira ly was being held to welcon»me de- was planted by a gigroup called Organization ( the club, where a party \ dio today, tw o _ the B eirutIt Ibureau o f^ e Italian newtews agejicy_^SA. lU _of thehe.Japanese ^ Amy,_whichlich has links.to terrorist in )rt.-Sevent€en people-were-w•-wound- .'.ga3es.-The Ameriilerican im perialists.m ust dii stroyer llSS Paul to port, ‘IhdiM tcd’ihe grbiip was macnade up of pro-Iranian Lebai•anon, was the prime suspectect ini the Naples a tta ^ An years after theirir kbarbarous attack againstst the Libyan la n ^ a g e In ed, including four U.S. sailsailors. Shiite MosU)slems. inten‘m ational a rre st w arrant waswas issued for him Friday. Ail five people killedI wiwere just outside the USO.!0. Thoy Arab state." he saidaid. Inflaticon shoi>WS year first imimp of J -------------------- ----------- The Associotcd Prcse. The Dow)w Jones Industrial Average of 30 blue*iie-chip stocks dropped 1011 • . WASHINGTON - TheChe n atio n got points onI tlthe news Thursday - itsS • ■ B i j — its first big dose of inflatication thi&-year—fifth-biggesi;est-dcclinc in history — but,f ;; --- ------- ---------------- ^ as wholesme pnces rosee uial art flnnuul lliu Ujaiket-:et 9tabiliged-Friday-6nd-th»- rate of 7 percent in March,■ch, th e govern- Dow closedjd iup 8.29 points. ment said Friday. Thele ireport sent “I don'tt kknow that the markets are I nH Jne^^rem ors through financial mar- going to didigest two doses of really ~ -kets already'sEakcn'by3 o ^ worBefling"“qiiitfi bad'nI’medicine'too-quicklyf-said - : U.S. trade deficit. , Donald StrStraszheim, chief economist • The Labor Departmentent's producer for MerrillII LynchI brokerage. W[ ___ L price index rose 0.6 ppercent last “The tradrade number is easier lo ex- __ mnnthj mnrkinp ttip higg<[ggest increase _plain_awayay becaifse it bounces up and ■ .since April 1987 and monlore than eras-, down, butut not th e. price figures,’'? w . ^ :ing a 0 .2 percent declinee in F ebruary. Straszheimim said. ‘T h e 2 percenl and 3 * ; •Falling-BircrgrnrnH'oodbod*priccs*that—percentinfl nfl ati cnrwe“havc*b Kjmjii] 03^ " n io f f W r i1 c e e ^ g “airdT3fir3ritttmtiDmTr-ing“ wrpTrpTobnblywilhrolDTrgffr;:" ------- •pressures shot upwardsis iiin March, as • White HHouse spokesman Mariinn . H r ___ did wholesale prices for3r ta wide mar- Fitzwaterr said the administrationn ketbasket of other consimsumer goods was disappippointed'by the increase in -Bt and capita] eqdipment. wholesalee pprices arid th e trad e deficit. :!___ ^Itw- Price d ata . p r q ^ th g .fn l-., ,_,“W n Jhiin in k -th o-ma rk9t.h a M>v«H-6— ■ “lowup'blow in aion^wo"•WO punch-lhat—a^il-to-a-- a - ‘one-tim e-reportr-and- we government'statisticiansns <delivered on hope thisI ththing will stabilize," he said,i, ‘ the state of the economy.y. B ut anal:lalysts said upward pressure ,-oo^ __________________ —^On~Thursdayrthe-CotCommercc-De-—oniJriccs-ii 5~is~oniyrgoing-to -w or8cn-4n- partment reported thatQt the\ nation’s the monthiths ahead, stirriiig specula- — trade deficit expanded byby-$1.4billion—tion-thatHl Khe-Federal-Reserve-Board- or 11 percent to Sl3.8bilUlillion in Febru- m ight tightghten credit to bolh prevent . a ry when all predictionsis hhad callcd for th e dollarjr from losing further value _______ _______________ _ ' i — it-to-narrow:-------------------------- ---------------------• ^ I N[NFLATIORoa.£ageA2 ] ------- -r ^ ^ ---------------- __ 1 • 1 / ' ■ • ' ..j- allocalitesbucdget^— Prepming,lf^ralon3^pj\ TheAsBOcintcd P rcBs __________________ The'boalard r dw ided in February t h a ^ -------- —PortaHwiployee-e*Qaly-Kinj^of-TwnrFaU — FViday-eveniiig-«B4tie-4be-froDt-portioiM>frlh 0 ^ --------------- those schoolools had'dericiencies in their 1 in. maied to(0 aiim nty thonsand piecesI port office sti^^ pea tmtU midnight. — POCATELLO—Th«Urstate-Boardof—base-budge Igets-bccause-of-inequities-in- in - Vf i ^ t a s a lart minBte it cometaxftmauxi mailed. H iere was a stead msBldneauie the~t 'cordisg to StevcHnrd,nd,-tonr-«^erfbo«Hif-^ — Education has agreed on the alloca- the distribiribution of state aid in past rms*. Tw^Eallspoet.^oB w F r id a y . _ ;.m ^ Friday_w9^^^^te.on^.fagjj»^dilYigf — tion of higher educationon support for years. Butlut it said any adjustments,Jg ........r tre a m .of. peoplele ^ d in g oot. their form th e new spending year• bubut only afler would bei m ade only when state aid to . ' ' fending olT an attem ptt tfto adjust the higher edu‘ducation exceeded the levelel ■ base budgets of Boise StState Univer- needed to maintain current opera- sity and Lewis-Clark Stat^tat« College. tions at theIhe four schools, The board voted 4-3 on Friday The Leg:rfigislature this year allottedI Texts ifull ofttrivia, ffads, grroup chharges — against the proposal to0 mmake up half $105.9 milmillion for higher education)n ilvb o restg d en ta." '___^____ “Rnhhit Rntd.'1 w ann t tto stop, I’ll stop h ere. I can : —of the S1.3 million ils staatnfT if^pntifjpd . w.my :flnn fifin holow thn minimnmm Thf> A.-)nncinted PrcHB misload'andprofoundlyJ ors do nol willingly chop andnd run, but Turtle can’t ’ as “inequities" in thc twovo \budgets. the boardrd said was needed to main-n- “Authors and editors ir do they thoughtlessly man-tn- “ 'I can get to the paripark fast.' T urtle said, *I can’t “T h is opens up thc entiin tire arg u m en t tain currenrent operations and alm ost $858 WASHINGTON - NMost textbooks are lifelesscss flatten sentences, nor d id* “T hc source of thc writingng run fast. But I will not stop. Rabbit can't see me. again about what is equitluitable," mem- million lessess than the board’s full bud-d- and boring because slaUate regulations force publish-sh- glc storylines," it said*' > publishing house, bul in thehe ru get to the park.’" b er,J..^ iJo x of-Cocurur (d!Alene.saiil— geUrequestesL .'ers to*cram elementaryly and secondary books withith problem is not in th e pi Igislators, - educational poli)li*' In’another-instance-nce-notcd in a recent article in . 1 in opposing the move. “It does npt fit Still, stalesla Schools Superintendentnt ' “test*oriented trivia, pe^ a g o g ic a l faddism and in- ■ public ' agency. Legis lislrative regulators have un igazine, a passage from Hans ; my concept of what we agiagreed to do in Je rry Evarvans argued in favor of Alva*■a.' consistent social messoisages,” an education grouplup cymakers and administ >n* Atlantic Monthly magaz 1 the life out of children’s textxt- Christian Anderson’sn’s The Emperor’s New ^ , the past." . rez’s propcoposal, calling.it “at least aa‘ charged Friday.
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