Enrollments, Bus routes Lunch menus, Open house info., BAck to School edition School calendar, + Much more Just in time for the TAX FREE WEEKEND: August 1st – 3rd ThE BakER COUNty PREss 85th Year, Vol. 15 | Winner of 17 state awards for journalism including General Excellence in 2013 75¢ JULY 31, 2014 THURSDAY BAKER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Tax millage set at state’s ceiling Mere $12K less than 2014 JOEL ADDINGTON MANAGING EDITOR
[email protected] The Baker County School Board voted unanimously Monday eve- ning to reduce the school district’s property tax rate, but according to district’s head of finance Marcelle Richardson, they didn’t have much of a choice. She said all the components of the tax rate were either maxed out or set by the state. She said the total 7.245 millage rate, which equals about $7.24 per $1000 of taxable property value, could not be set any higher without prior approval from voters. The tax cut came even as the board voted 5-0 to approve the ten- tative budget for 2014-15 that’s 6.8 percent larger than the current year’s spending plan. Thanks to rising property values district-wide, the lower tax rate is expected to bring in about $12,000 more in revenue and the district will be getting more help from the state and federal governments in terms of education funding. For instance, the district budget anticipates getting an additional $679,900 boost in “special revenue” from the federal level and anoth- er $866,396 in per student funding from the state level, documents PHOTO BY JOEL ADDINGTON presented to the school board by Mrs.