IT-'Ler Bergman
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LOS ANGELES HERALD t SUNDAY MORNING, 8, 1906. 6 JULY from the fence to th* batter with « twice, the. battles resulting In sl*- WINS HUNDRED YARD DASH rnpldlty that fAvored dislocation of round draws. neck, says. "Past records As. the if nothing more serious. An "Cyclone" W. J. Martin of Amateur Athletic "'Wnter Hoy In Vie stretch,' yelled don t count for fl Rrent deal. Ican't expect out BLACK ANGELS \u25a0oclatlon Make* Record In 'DAD' CLARKEIS the" lookout. anything here until Ishow WONDER WIN IN ' SIDEWHEELERS .; -' London 'For the love of hlvln, tell we, something. If Montana beat* me, it Patsy, what have become of that dlvll la back to the1 fnrm." Hy AMnrlnted PtmS. of fairly July I/>Nr>ON, ln the Amntfur r Oum Shoe?' shrieked Mc- There will be n hilarious time July 7.— Carthy, to his friend, and Just at that 21, when MrCarey stages his second Aathletlo. association championship WESTERN moment the looKout cried, 'Gum CAVORT nil-nationality card. exhibitions ISSUES HIS UMPIRE WILL Three DEFI NINTH INNING games Bridge, today, Stamford \V. J. Shoe have, arranged Martin, holder, again won the hun- wln«!' thus far been that the "Upon hearing this McCarthy Jumped promise a denl of excitement. Resides dred yard dash In the slow time of up In the sir with glee nnd did a tbe Montana-Thompson go, Ah Wlnsr, 10 2-S seconds. MOST ECCENTRIC HUMORIST snllor's MANY HORSES ENTERED FOR Nemey MELBOURNE BOXER COMES TOMAN'S SINGLE BREAKS TIE of I,os An»re!e«, Cni., hornpipe, forgetting nil about tbe Inimitable Chink, mid IJddle TO J. H. HaHerman bnseball In his Mcltement. Just «« of Olympic club fnme. nre hilled for a was expected to compete in the 100- McCarthy doing dance the long SCORE dash, OF BASEBALL was the around HARNESS MEET six-round *o. Ah Is out for FRONT ynrd but did not reach the Stovey hit the ball over Tom* head, or.d of (he purse this time and with a grounds In time. He pA.rtlclpa.ted, how- and Mac never «yen saw It until It weight ever, In the long Jump and carried off man of his own should demon- struck the fence. strate whnt he la able" to do In the second prlz*1, being beaten hy If. Dan home, Size of Jllit Bull* on of Bob Bergman Pitches Another holder, Chased Heavy Hitting Brouthers "The three ruhnern enntered Purses Attracts Large Entry the boxing line. Plan Fltzalmmons, O. Conner, the distance 25 feet and Chris Yon der Ahe came running Turk, Hngerman's Days' Sport Abdul, the and Klght-wlth-hU- New' Fighter Good Gam* and Allows the 3 Inches. distance was 22 Around Bates After Great Stick. down the field lt\ McCarthy, and nhnk- List and Four Prom. Ma, Indlnn glove man, nre to come Promises to Rank feet BV4 Inches. Ing his fist In hid face, he screamed: fl the — ' man Had Torn Cover Off " lies to Be together. Since* his go with Jim Best Fresnos but Four In the absence of It.A. Hyman of 'Vot you bliy,Mngardy, baseball or Exciting been With Gets Draw With the University of Pennsylvania, the races, Tremble Abdul has rending va- the Ball der eh?' Affair rious dissertations on the gentle art Joe Blackburn holder. C. It. Jupp, Athiotic "'IRtiess It wb'k the races, Chris,' lias mas- club, 220-ynrd I^ondonJTtrnc, 22 S-S sadly 1 of boxing and claims that he IT-''ler won the run. " replied Tom; 'Ihnd a tip. every decalogue. the seconds, or one-fifth of a second be- "VpII, 1 gives you nnudder dip: You tered blow In 2, 1 Hyman's "If It Is really a fact that 'Pad' driving NEW TortK, .Tuly7.-There'« a new 'Los Angeles Fresno hind time. Clarke, pitcher vos fined yon hundret tollars, und der The meet of the Los Angeles pro- the one-time eccentric seat on der fiench.' black demon In the field and he comes Jimmy Toman Interrupted the of the New York Olants, has been ap- Harness Horse assoc.lntlon promises to from the antipodes, where he waa ceedings yesterday In the la-st pointed league umpire, "But that evening when Tom was most known afternon a Western as going |inst the box office Chris called he one of the successful of Its Sill HUON WINS rs the "Melbourne Kangaroo." half of the ninth when he slammed a th« press reports declare, thon look out to him nnd said: 'Vot horse you pet on kind held In Southern California, and HI? name is George. Ounther nnd In the OAKLANDBEATS for some sensational things," said the short time he hns been In America hft cafe to center and scored Dillon today, Mafarddy, und how much you judging from the number of entries, done one old time eastern "fan" yesterday. pet?' has things that entitle him to third. " upon " practically every fast wheeler of the AT SHEErSHEAD the from 'Dad' can always be depended "'Had J2O nn Oum Shop,' replied Tom. sincere respect ofall the men in his exception of one bungle by SAN EIUNCISCO to perform. was the most eccen- $400 southland will be out purses, class. He Is a peculiar in regard With the He 'Dot 'nnke you yon den, eh?' for the to fellow Truck Egan, yesterday's game resulted tric, though unconscious, humorist that queried 'Tirls. 'Veil 1 vln er toitunnd whlrh nre the most liberal yet offered. weight, being perfectly willing to major JOCKEY TROXLER RIDEB HORSE meet any man fans the league ever produced. mlneself on Oum Shoe, so Icall ynn entries In the world from 133 In a fast exhibition that had the SUPERIOR BATTING WINS GAME "With Connors vocabulary, net,' The follow: to 150 pounds, nnd Joe not Sharp fielding a Chuck fine «nld Chris. 'For you nee TO VICTORY Gans la guessing from the first. a peppery temper and the Obstinacy of mlnßflf. goot eye Wednesday, July 18 barred from the list. WITH SCORE OF 5-1 Mngarddy," have a for In respect to end clean hitting was the order, and an army mule, he was the ltano of the der hor 'ps.' 2:12 pace, $500—Cuckoo, b. g., M. B. avoirdupois Gunther re- walk- mannger'a life, a source of Joy to sembles Rnother noted man who -began wlldness of Pitcher Fitzgerald in but Sweeney, llanford; Conners, h. g., Long's 15 1 ing one man and hitting another wero his fellow players. He had a drop ball, Oeorge A. Pounder, Los Angeles: Wel- George J. to Shot Cap- his fighting career In Australia. Fltz- only misplays which entered Into Once, the Refugees Are Able to though, that was sure a 'beaut,' and a Mac, g., Hughes, slmmor.s once made IROV4 pounds when the 1 come br. Thomas Los the Mile and rattling Rood baseball head. Hut his Angeles; tures a Quarter he heat Jark Dempsey for the middle- the scoring. — Victor Platte, b. g., Fred weight • title, nnd Bergman wan In the box for Meade Bunch Hits on Graham This contrariness and eccentric conduct Fanning. Snn Piego.— $10,000 Commonwealth later he fought Jef- and against demonstrated the fact that often marred his work. 3:00 mixed, 1100 Billy Poyle, pacer, fries for the henvywelght honors when Resulted in Their Only remember at FOR GREAT weighed an occasion once PLAN the boiler mnker a he Is one of the best additions which "I blk. g., R. O. Doyle, Los Angeles; Van Handicap trifle over In New Orleans when Clarke was south 218 pounds. , has been made to the Seraph team Tally Neer, pacer, s. g., W. C. Brain, Los many a moon. The big fellow fields was Anson on the spring training trip. Angelas: The Blonde, trotter, s, m., Oiinther Is built on the wiry plan of Clarke was then a. young pitchor, and the with very large his position in lively manner and pos- Alex. Wilson, Riverside; Dixie W.. By Associated Press. Cornishman. chest sesses excellent control, besides varied Anson was coaching him by advising trotter, hr. m., C. A. Canfleld, Los An- development nnd consequent fine ca- By Associated Pres». what to to YACHTREGATTAS YORK, July 7.—George pacity for breathing operations. Just kind of balls throw geles; Zolahka, trotter, b. m., NEW J. That assortment of curves. July E. T. Long's Sir Huotl, IB to 1, won the $10,- Is also pleasing The base running of Curtis Bernard OAKLAND. 7.—Superior bat- the batsmen. Pnrker; Foggy 8., pacer, blk. P., Thom- a characteristic of the ting by Oakland today won the game "The New Orleans team that year Pasadena; 000 commonwealth handicap, one mile physical makeup of Fltzslmmons. But was in large manner responsible for as Pelnney, South Good- and quarter, at Sheepshead Bay to- the Angel victory. Nine men like from San Francisco by a score of 5 to was a corker, and It was winning from wood, trotter, br. s., L. E. McLellan. a it Is In matter of performance that the 1. Only once was San Alison's men. Still,there was plenty of PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT WILL day, defeating a fair field, a handicap Ounther challenges attention. He Bernle and the Seraphs would be fit Francisco able Los Angeles: Starlight, trotter, gr. m.. horse, has country. to bunch hits on Graham. This result- chance for the major lenguers to over- Charles Saddler, Loa Glorlfler, was second, with not had many chances to show his to meet any team in the Angples; Miss Sederstrom third. hpca.usfi ed In their only tally.