LOS ANGELES HERALD t SUNDAY MORNING, 8, 1906. 6 JULY from the fence to th* batter with « twice, the. battles resulting In sl*- WINS HUNDRED YARD DASH rnpldlty that fAvored dislocation of round draws. neck, says. "Past records As. the if nothing more serious. An "Cyclone" W. J. Martin of Amateur Athletic "'Wnter Hoy In Vie stretch,' yelled don t count for fl Rrent deal. Ican't expect out BLACK ANGELS \u25a0oclatlon Make* Record In 'DAD' CLARKEIS the" lookout. anything here until Ishow WONDER WIN IN ' SIDEWHEELERS .; -' London 'For the love of hlvln, tell we, something. If Montana beat* me, it Patsy, what have become of that dlvll la back to the1 fnrm." Hy AMnrlnted PtmS. of fairly July I/>Nr>ON, ln the Amntfur r Oum Shoe?' shrieked Mc- There will be n hilarious time July 7.— Carthy, to his friend, and Just at that 21, when MrCarey stages his second Aathletlo. association championship WESTERN moment the looKout cried, 'Gum CAVORT nil-nationality card. exhibitions ISSUES HIS UMPIRE WILL Three DEFI NINTH INNING games Bridge, today, Stamford \V. J. Shoe have, arranged Martin, holder, again won the hun- wln«!' thus far been that the "Upon hearing this McCarthy Jumped promise a denl of excitement. Resides dred yard dash In the slow time of up In the sir with glee nnd did a tbe Montana-Thompson go, Ah Wlnsr, 10 2-S seconds. MOST ECCENTRIC HUMORIST snllor's MANY HORSES ENTERED FOR Nemey MELBOURNE BOXER COMES TOMAN'S SINGLE BREAKS TIE of I,os An»re!e«, Cni., hornpipe, forgetting nil about tbe Inimitable Chink, mid IJddle TO J. H. HaHerman bnseball In his Mcltement. Just «« of Olympic club fnme. nre hilled for a was expected to compete in the 100- McCarthy doing dance the long SCORE dash, OF BASEBALL was the around HARNESS MEET six-round *o. Ah Is out for FRONT ynrd but did not reach the Stovey hit the ball over Tom* head, or.d of (he purse this time and with a grounds In time. He pA.rtlclpa.ted, how- and Mac never «yen saw It until It weight ever, In the long Jump and carried off man of his own should demon- struck the fence. strate whnt he la able" to do In the second prlz*1, being beaten hy If. Dan home, Size of Jllit Bull* on of Bob Bergman Pitches Another holder, Chased Heavy Hitting Brouthers "The three ruhnern enntered Purses Attracts Large Entry the boxing line. Plan Fltzalmmons, O. Conner, the distance 25 feet and Chris Yon der Ahe came running Turk, Hngerman's Days' Sport Abdul, the and Klght-wlth-hU- New' Fighter Good Gam* and Allows the 3 Inches. distance was 22 Around Bates After Great Stick. down the field lt\ McCarthy, and nhnk- List and Four Prom. Ma, Indlnn glove man, nre to come Promises to Rank feet BV4 Inches. Ing his fist In hid face, he screamed: fl the — ' man Had Torn Cover Off " lies to Be together. Since* his go with Jim Best Fresnos but Four In the absence of It.A. Hyman of 'Vot you bliy,Mngardy, baseball or Exciting been With Gets Draw With the University of Pennsylvania, the races, Tremble Abdul has rending va- the Ball der eh?' Affair rious dissertations on the gentle art Joe Blackburn holder. C. It. Jupp, Athiotic "'IRtiess It wb'k the races, Chris,' lias mas- club, 220-ynrd I^ondonJTtrnc, 22 S-S sadly 1 of boxing and claims that he IT-''ler won the . " replied Tom; 'Ihnd a tip. every decalogue. the seconds, or one-fifth of a second be- "VpII, 1 gives you nnudder dip: You tered blow In 2, 1 Hyman's "If It Is really a fact that 'Pad' driving NEW TortK, .Tuly7.-There'« a new 'Los Angeles Fresno hind time. Clarke, vos fined yon hundret tollars, und der The meet of the Los Angeles pro- the one-time eccentric seat on der fiench.' black demon In the field and he comes Jimmy Toman Interrupted the of the New York Olants, has been ap- Harness Horse assoc.lntlon promises to from the antipodes, where he waa ceedings yesterday In the la-st pointed league umpire, "But that evening when Tom was most known afternon a Western as going |inst the box office Chris called he one of the successful of Its Sill HUON WINS rs the "Melbourne Kangaroo." half of the ninth when he slammed a th« press reports declare, thon look out to him nnd said: 'Vot horse you pet on kind held In Southern California, and HI? name is George. Ounther nnd In the OAKLANDBEATS for some sensational things," said the short time he hns been In America hft cafe to center and scored Dillon today, Mafarddy, und how much you judging from the number of entries, done one old time eastern "fan" yesterday. pet?' has things that entitle him to third. " upon " practically every fast wheeler of the AT SHEErSHEAD the from 'Dad' can always be depended "'Had J2O nn Oum Shop,' replied Tom. sincere respect ofall the men in his exception of one bungle by SAN EIUNCISCO to perform. was the most eccen- $400 southland will be out purses, class. He Is a peculiar in regard With the He 'Dot 'nnke you yon den, eh?' for the to fellow Truck Egan, yesterday's game resulted tric, though unconscious, humorist that queried 'Tirls. 'Veil 1 vln er toitunnd whlrh nre the most liberal yet offered. weight, being perfectly willing to major JOCKEY TROXLER RIDEB HORSE meet any man fans the league ever produced. mlneself on Oum Shoe, so Icall ynn entries In the world from 133 In a fast exhibition that had the SUPERIOR BATTING WINS GAME "With Connors vocabulary, net,' The follow: to 150 pounds, nnd Joe not Sharp fielding a Chuck fine «nld Chris. 'For you nee TO VICTORY Gans la guessing from the first. a peppery temper and the Obstinacy of mlnßflf. goot eye Wednesday, July 18 barred from the list. WITH SCORE OF 5-1 Mngarddy," have a for In respect to end clean hitting was the order, and an army mule, he was the ltano of the der hor 'ps.' 2:12 pace, $500—Cuckoo, b. g., M. B. avoirdupois Gunther re- walk- mannger'a life, a source of Joy to sembles Rnother noted man who -began wlldness of Pitcher Fitzgerald in but Sweeney, llanford; Conners, h. g., Long's 15 1 ing one man and hitting another wero his fellow players. He had a drop ball, Oeorge A. Pounder, Los Angeles: Wel- George J. to Shot Cap- his fighting career In Australia. Fltz- only misplays which entered Into Once, the Refugees Are Able to though, that was sure a 'beaut,' and a Mac, g., Hughes, slmmor.s once made IROV4 pounds when the 1 come br. Thomas Los the Mile and rattling Rood baseball head. Hut his Angeles; tures a Quarter he heat Jark Dempsey for the middle- the scoring. . — Victor Platte, b. g., Fred weight • title, nnd Bergman wan In the box for Meade Bunch Hits on Graham This contrariness and eccentric conduct Fanning. Snn Piego.— $10,000 Commonwealth later he fought Jef- and against demonstrated the fact that often marred his work. 3:00 mixed, 1100 Billy Poyle, pacer, fries for the henvywelght honors when Resulted in Their Only remember at FOR GREAT weighed an occasion once PLAN the boiler mnker a he Is one of the best additions which "I blk. g., R. O. Doyle, Los Angeles; Van Handicap trifle over In New Orleans when Clarke was south 218 pounds. , has been made to the Seraph team Tally Neer, pacer, s. g., W. C. Brain, Los many a moon. The big fellow fields was Anson on the spring training trip. Angelas: The Blonde, trotter, s, m., Oiinther Is built on the wiry plan of Clarke was then a. young pitchor, and the with very large his position in lively manner and pos- Alex. Wilson, Riverside; Dixie W.. By Associated Press. Cornishman. chest sesses excellent control, besides varied Anson was coaching him by advising trotter, hr. m., C. A. Canfleld, Los An- development nnd consequent fine ca- By Associated Pres». what to to YACHTREGATTAS YORK, July 7.—George pacity for breathing operations. Just kind of balls throw geles; Zolahka, trotter, b. m., NEW J. That assortment of curves. July E. T. Long's Sir Huotl, IB to 1, won the $10,- Is also pleasing The base running of Curtis Bernard OAKLAND. 7.—Superior bat- the batsmen. Pnrker; Foggy 8., pacer, blk. P., Thom- a characteristic of the ting by Oakland today won the game "The New Orleans team that year Pasadena; 000 commonwealth handicap, one mile physical makeup of Fltzslmmons. But was in large manner responsible for as Pelnney, South Good- and quarter, at Sheepshead Bay to- the Angel victory. Nine men like from San Francisco by a score of 5 to was a corker, and It was winning from wood, trotter, br. s., L. E. McLellan. a it Is In matter of performance that the 1. Only once was San Alison's men. Still,there was plenty of PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT WILL day, defeating a fair field, a handicap Ounther challenges attention. He Bernle and the Seraphs would be fit Francisco able Los Angeles: Starlight, trotter, gr. m.. horse, has country. to bunch hits on Graham. This result- chance for the major lenguers to over- Charles Saddler, Loa Glorlfler, was second, with not had many chances to show his to meet any team in the Angples; Miss Sederstrom third. hpca.usfi ed In their only tally. Score: come the Crescent City club's lead if PRESENT CUPS Rlrhnut, pacer, gr. m., H. Carson ahlllty there Is no frantic rush Los Angeles started the fireworks obey Anson's Gil- Dandelion, favorite, part, the in Inning Bernard SAN FRANCISCO. only Clarke would In- bert, Los Angeles; Claval, trotter, b. the with Miller on the of men his class to during the fourth after structions, \u25a0 saddle, as swung sign AB R A i g.. Los Angeles; in the fell the field articles with smoky complexioned had walked and gone second on Goch- BHSBPO E l7 Dr. William Dodge, into the home stretch. A great scrappers. Dillon singled to Spencer, cf 4 11 0 2 0 0 But this happened to be one of his Donford, pacer, h. g., L..M. Applehy, shout rauer's sacrifice. Wheeler, 4 0 1 1 cranky days, and whenever 'Cap' An- Interest Centers Chiefly In Two Angeles: Clair, pneer, went up when Dandelion was seen to Is Dangerous Mixer tallied a moment es 0 4 0 Los Maud St. fall, Miller fought up c#nter and Bernard 2b 0 2 0 4 4 0 son suggested what to pitch 'Pad' b. G.'.W, Dickson, Los Angeles; but unscratched. met two Doyle's throw in reached the Mohler. 3 Events, the International Cup m.. protest But he has of the best men before Irwin. 3b 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 would deliberately throw a different Jim, pacer, g., Snowden, The of F. R. Hitchcock his class, result, of the plate. Williams, lb 4 0 1 0 10 0 0 Silk blk. .1. W. ngnlnst Between starting In and the en- only in kind of a ball. Los Angeles; Mlrza, trotter, g., C. Go in the counters proved beyond doubt The Flsherltes scored their Sears, rf 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 Anson Races and the Free blk. handicap that ho Wilson, "Consequently and 'Dad' were Larabee, Commonwealth was sustained Is one of the best men that has Doyle, 3 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 H. Los Angeles. . come the sixth. Captain the firstman c 'ragging through the $500— m., by tho jockey club, and accordingly to center of up, to center, which Robinson, If 4 0 0 0 3 11 one another all for All 2:19 pace, Rosle O'Moore, eh. the In ft long time. Both drove a liner was Pierce, p 3 0 0 0 game. Finally, in the ninth Inning, George Pounder, Angeles; the Shields horse was scratched. try-outs two bags. Wolters sacrificed 14 0 A. Los First race, furlongs— these took place late last win- good for with two men out, two on bases and Henry N., gr. g., N. Henderson, Los six Handzarra ter, nnd In both Gunther Casey banged a safe one through H. won, Hodge second, Edna nrnultted and Total 31 1 7 3 24 19 1 with New Orleans at the bat and two Sppclal to The Herald. Angeles; Lohengrin, g.. Dr. Will- Nanle Jack- himself In a manner to arouse the cu- short, scoring Doyle. ahead, signaled to Clarke h. son third. Time 1:13 2-5. Inning OAKLAND. runs Anson Va., July Unqualified lam Dodge, Los Angeles; My Way, gr. riosity if not the fear of the other men Dillon opened the final with a a drop ball to batsman, NORFOLK. 6.— Second race, steeplechase, short a AB R BHSBPO A E to throw the m., Jacob Bokkelin. Los Angeles; El- in his division. single over second. Ellis sent clean two already approval Is the general tone of com- Reed, Reedley: course— Gold Fleur won, Garrett sec- His first opponent Larry center at key- Vnn Haltren. cf 4 0 2 0 3 0 0 who had strikes on him mont, h. g., E. R. Me- was Temple, one to and was safe the Smith, rf .... 2 10 0 0 0 0 and no balls. ment by yachtsmen on the preliminary Clueky Whlnrlght, br. s., Ezra E. ond, Fallahen third. Time 4:06 2-5. black whirlwind who Is regarded stone sack Delmas dropped Doyle's up Third race, the Vernal stakes, five a as as Kruger, if 3 2 2 16 0 0 "What did Clarke do but send a work of the convention which met Tilden, Los Angeles. distinctly dangerous, and whose wallop throw to catch Dillon at third. Weltmuller. lb 2 0 1 0 7 0 0 straight ball of such a moderate speed furlongs— Misgivings won. Soprano has laid many an aspiring boxer low. Jimmy was the next man and c 3 11 0 7 2 0 hanged out; June 22 and 23 at the Hampton Roads Thursday, July 19 second, :59. Toman Hackett. 3b 2 0 110 that a child could have it Altuda third. Time This encounter took place at Beaver made ten Innings impossible by a safe Dsvereaux. 4 0 and bang It the batsman did, too. As Yacht club, near Norfolk, to arrange pace, 3-year-olds $400 Fourth race, commonwealth handi- Falls, Pa., shortly year Francks. ss 4 0 1 0 3 0 2 —2:25 and under. cap, $10,000, quarter — after the new one to center. Haley. 2b 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 he did so Anson, who was catching, for the big Jamestown Exposition re- Mngladl, b. f.. Thomas A. Brentz, mile and a Sir began, and nfter thirteen rounds of Young Randolph, who made such a Graham, p 2 11 0 0 3 0 a war-whoop gattas next year. Walla, Zela 52., blk. Huon, 110 (Troxler), 15 to 1, won; game, started with wild for Yachtsmen all over Walla Wash.: m.. Glorifler, (Wishard), second; milling Gunther had his man on the good impression during his first Clarke, and 'Dad' made for the center the country have awaited the result of C. W. Farrar, Riverside; King Athby, 109 10 to 1, ropps helpless condition. Cedarstrotn, 92 (Brussel), 50 to 1, In a will probably twirl this afternoon. Total 26 5 10 1 27 9 2 field fence and just had barely enough the convention's labors with great In- b. %., C. Nanny, Hanford; Miss Jeru- third. This achievement on the part. of Meade wired Nagle at SCORE BY INNINGS. leisure to scramble up the ladder and terest, and noy that It has finished the sha. br. f., Ezra E. Tilden, Los An- Time 2:05 1-5. Cairngorm, Totalon, Gunther brought him sharply to the Santa Rosa, last night, requesting the San Francisco 000010000-1 drop on the other side of the structure preparatory work they are well satisfied geles. Proper, Ram's Horn and Yon Tromp attention of nil the men In his clasp, derelict pitcher to take the "owl" train R.ise hits 011131000-7 in time to save his head from the that the regattas to be held on Hamp- 2:30 trot, fr*e for all. $800—Katharine. also ran. Dandelion fell. whereupon several white scrappers pre- Nagle enjoyed a pleasant time Oakland 00021002'— i of "Cap* at ton Roads, exposition grounds, m., Maben, Los Angeles; Fifth race, five and a half furlongs— color line. south. Base hits 01012014 «-10 shower rocks that hurled near the eh. Walter cipitately drew the traveling at no expense with the Buf- .".. him. will be the greatest ever held. The Elk, blk. g.. M. B. Mosher. Los Flowaway won. Black Mate second, There were not many of the dark- falo club and returned to California SUMMARY. Makes Runs Off Clarke Hear Commodore Charles Longstreth Angeles; Gen. Boodle, blk. g., W. G. Jacinto third. Time 1:05 3-5. skinned variety of boxers that cared to after finding that he had no right to Three-base hits—Mohler, Van Haltren. game of the Corinthian Yacht club of Phila- Durfree, Los Angeles; Era, b. m., Sixth race, mile and a furlong, on much to Kangaroo, Two-base hits—Francks. Sacrifice hits— "Another time In a at New —Entree won, second, have do with the remain in the east. big delphia was elected chairman of the William Morgan, Pasadena; Little turf Tarlan Bel- but he finally got a match, with Jack ; Hackett. Heitmuller. First base on errors York when Clarke was pitching, Bokkelin, gravia third. Time 3:04 4-5. The score: —San Francisco. 1. Buse on balls—Off , three times champion convention by the delegates represent- Louise, br. m., B. O. Van Los Blackburn, with whom Amby McOarry LOS ANGELES. Graham. 4: off Pierce, fi. Left bases- league, ing all the large yachting interests of Angeles. and Joo. Gans do not seem anxious to on batter of the and the heaviest Friday, July AB JlBH SB PO A X San Francisco, 5; Oakland. 4. Struck out— sticker that ever played In the Na- the country. 20 OVERLAND RESULTS clash. Tn fact, there are many whv> Bernard, cf 1110 7 0 0 By Graham. 8;by Pierce. 1. plays league, two runs, Interest centers chiefly in two events 2:19 trot, $500—Princess Louise, b. m., By Associated Press. assert that Blackburn Is the best light- -Pierce to 'Williams. Passed balls—Hack- tional made home a — Gnchnauer. ss 2 0 0 0 1 4 0 two two-baggers off cup L. Hastings, Los Angeles; DENVER, weight the country today, ett. Wild pitch-Pierce. Time— and Clarke. —the international races and the Mrs. J. July 7. Overland results: In and that Cravath. rf 4 0 1 0 3 0 0 l:ss. Um- last Dan free for nil race. It Is hoped to have Athasham, s., Walton, Fresno; race, 2:13 trot— •won, Gans' backers can get all the wagers 0 0 pires—Knell and McDonald. "The hit was a triple, and as — b. S. C. First Blaza Dillon, lb 4 12 0 9 present cup Millerton, N. those two fighters 4 0 10 2 0 0 started around the bases. Clarke his President Roosevelt the for Ida blk. m.. H. Hender- Casta Nada second, Ruby H third. they desire if ever Ellis, If eyes filled with tears, his features con- the international races to the winner. son, Los Angeles. Carlokin. br. s., W. Time 1-4. meet in the ring. Toman. 2b 4 0 1 0 1 3 0 PORTLAND DEFEATS SEATTLE be by 2:12 McClelland, 3b 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 vulsed with anger and his fists clinched This race will contested boats of G-. Durfee, Los Angeles; Bessie Jones, Second race, 2:30 trot—Silver Band The bout between Blackburn and Eager, c 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 By Associated Press —started around the bases after class "P," which comprises boats of blk. m., John Green, Pleasanton; Bur- won, Thomas M second, Brighton Boy Gunther took place at New Castle, Pa., Bergman, p 3 0 1 0 1 1 0 SEATTLE, July ".-Slow yelling 'a the 30-foot class. This rating was de- nut, g., George W. Ford, Time 2:19. January It limited to fielding by Brouthers. all the time like upon International, b. Santa third. on 31 last. was McMurdox, two singles a crazy 'HI,dere you big blankety, cided for the races Ana; Package, s., E. E. Tilden, Los race, Rip Tare won, ten rounds and proved to be the best jTotals 18 2 8 0 27 8 0 and hit into man. to European yachtsmen b. Third half mile— any- the sun field gave Portland four runs blankety, blank lobster!' screamed in order enable Angeles. Joe D second, Mrs. Chadwick third. glove bout seen in that town or FRESNO. In the inning. This you mean, you to be represented with the least dis- running race, $225. Time :49 1-2. for many a month. Al- second lead was 'Dad.' 'What fell comfort, as yachts be Ladies' where else AB R BH SB PO A E too much for Seattle to overcome. blankety, blank dog robber, by trying 30-foot can car- 2:50 mixed, $400. Entries close Mon- Fourth race, half mile—lllette won, though Gunther knew he was con- Doyle, cf 4 11 0 2 0 0 Score: to put young out of the busi- ried across the ocean on the deck of day, July 16. Niota second, Montauk Maid third. fronted by one of the best men in tWe Wolters. rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 R.H.E. any one of the big transit steamers. Time ring, still he not show the slightest Casey. 2b 4 0 2 0 4 10 ness?' This Saturday, July 21 :49 1-2. did greatest Seattle 1000 10 0 0 0-2 7 4 "Pete Browning, without doubt the method will save European race, seven furlongs—L. K. fear and waded in with the Eagan. ss 4 0 0 0 2 3 1 who yachtsmen discomforts of trot, $500—Bellemont, m., Fifth McLaughltn, If 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 Portland 0400 00 1 0 o—s 7 2 longest distance batter ever from the an 2:15 b. W. Blngham won, Ossian second, Koug- courage. Batteries— Jones and Blankenship; Callff a bat, ocean trip on their boats. The race G.-Durfee. Los Angeles; Queer Knight. Gunther Is Aggressive Delmas. 3b 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 handled was another eccentric Pasadena; rock third. Time 1:43 1-4. Cartright. lb 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 and Donahue. Umpire—Perrlne. player on the order. He played will be decided on points. Points will b. g., William Morgan, race, mile—Letty first Clarke be judged Lady Jones, m., Green, Sixth one won. He was the aggressor from the Hogan. c 3 0 0 0 4 3 0 the outlleld for the Louisville and as follows: blk. John Master Prim second, Supreme Court gong -last, and while Blackburn Fitzgerald, p 3 0 1 0 0 3 n Every must sailed com- Pleasanton; Bonita, m., to the Cleveland teams and was a heavy yacht have b. L.F. Clapp, third. Time 1:45. showed superior ring generalship In hitter of the Al class. plete two races of this series and de- Corona. Seventh race, one mile— Dr. Nash avoiding the heavy shots of the Aus- •Totals 30 1 4 0 »21 14 1 "He always spoke as feated her competitor at least twice in pace, $800—Argyle, b. g., J. D. •No outs when winning run was scored. WINS IN NINTH INNING of himself Ifhe 2:25 won, Langford James second, Safe* tralian and managed to do damage were talking to someone else. He was order to qualify for the "P" class. Springer, Los Angeles; Dan S., s. g., guard hooks, SCORE BY INNINGS. By Associated Press. yacht competing cham- Stock, Fresno; O'Moore, third. Time 1:42 1-2. with jabs and still the Kan- Angeles the originator of the slang term Each in this Louis Rosle garoo rushing swinging furi- Los 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 o—2 NEW YORK, July 'blngie' hit; you pionship be eh. m., George An- was and Base hits 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 3—B 7.—The New Yorks for and if should race will credited with one A. Pounder. Los LATONIA RESULTS ously at the close, and by his aggres- another close to meet him game point every yacht she defeats in geles; Henry N., gr. g., Fresno 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 o—lhad call with the Bostons happen after the he for H. N. Hender- Press. siveness the referee's decision Base 01102000 today. York in get off something class, with one point additional as son, Los Angeles: Lohengrin, b. g.. By Associated earned hits 0 New won the ninth would" like this: her July battle. H stands to reason inning Young 'Say, Pete got three blngles to- a premium for entry. Any yacht that Dodge, Los Angeles; CINCINNATI, 7.—Latonia re- of drawn SUMMARY. when lost control. Score: old willbe Dr. William that a man who can go the rounds with Two-base hit— 4, hits 11, erors 3. day, knocked two boards off the center- starts and does not finish given Jimmy Hicks, s. g., L. E. McLellan, sults: — necessarily Doyle. Sacrifice hits— be Blackwood, s., race, five furlongs Frank Joe Blackburn mu.t be a Gochnauer (2). First base on errors— Los New York 5, hits 4, errors 3. field fence, too. I tell you old Pete no points, but will counted as a de- Los Angeles; blk. B. O. First and that he will be Angeles Left — bang 'em out, can't he, boy? feated yacht in crediting points to Van Bokkelin, Los Angeles; Grace Flelshor won, Weber second, Helmuth good performer 1. on buses— Los Angeles, Butteries Young, Lindaman and O'- can Old heard from in future. 6; Fresno. 3. Bases on balls—Off Berg- Neil; Taylor, Ferguson and Bowerman Pete's keeping a carpenter busy yachts that do finish. Wilkes, b. m., W. R. Wynn, Los An- third. Time 1:07 3-5. — man, 1; off Fitzgerald. Struck — any Snowden, race, furlongs Wee Gunther is under the management of 2. out—By Umpire Emslie. patching up the holes in the fence The championship record of geles; Rondo, b. g.. J. H. Los Second seven Edmonston, who charge of Fitzgerald. 3; by Bergman. 2. Double 1 per- won, second, Joseph had blngles go through. yacht in the "P" class will be a Angeles; McClusky Whinrlght, br. sst. t Lass The Laurel Mav- ago, Toman to Dillon. Hit by pitched where his credit out 2-5. Fitzslmmons a few years and Ed- Slays—all—Bernard. BROOKLYN SHUT OUT 12 TO 0 "This was his usual style of conversa- centage of points to her of Ezra E. Tilden, Los Angeles. erick third. Time 1:39 Time of game— l:3u. Um- of possible R., m., race, six furlongs— Braden monston says he willmatch his man pire—Hodson. By tion, the total number points to pace, $500—Lady b. S. C. Third Associated Press and chances are that he the 2:09 second, against anyone In the world at from couldn't tell you which side won the her." •:\u25a0••; -"\u25a0.: Walton, Fresno; Conners, b. g., George won, Lady Esther John Car- op- BROOKLYN,July 7.—The locals were postponed for any Pounder, Angeles; Time 1:13 4-5. 133 tn 150 pounds. Here is a fine game, for his whole mind was centered In case a race be A. Los Welcome roll third. for any man who seeks to swamped today by Philadelphia, Strlck- the commitee must Mac, g., Hughes, Los An- Fourth race, five furlongs—Old Hon- portunity AMERICAN LEAGUE on batting achievements of 'Old proper cause the regatta br. Thomas second, acquire in the roped arena. lett being hit so frequently that the Pete.' approve the date proposed for its re- geles; Ira, b. g., J. A. Chanslor, Los esty won, Lens Delia Thorpe fame visitors were not of in Ailse, ST. LOUIS DEFEATS NEW YORK disposed the "But he was, in fact, a mighty swat- sailing. Angeles; Bonnie br. m., J. A. third. Time 1:01 1-5. — fourth ir.ning until they had made Give ball, Ties, any, off Falrcllild; Platte, g., race, furlongs JJy Associated I'ress ter. him a low just about if will be sailed at a Victor b. Fred Fifth seven Queen eleven runs. Then. Eason went in to his shoe tops, and If It was on the old time and place Co be designated by the Fanning, San Diego. Caroline won, Bitter Brown second, NEW YORK, July 7.—The St. Louis pitch for Brooklyn and Duffy's Way 1:27 3-5. held Louisville ball grounds—'which were a regatta committee. The Only third. Time team knocked out two of the local men to two hits during the remainder races for the American race, mile—Captain Bush won, pitchers little short— of being an Indian rubber Eliminating Sixth inless than two innings today of the game. Score: surface that ball would come pretty boats of clasß P willbe sailed off Hamp- Granada second, Dudley third. Time TOM BUNDY WINS to 6. Griffith finally and won 8 went Philadelphia 12, hits 12. errors 2. near tearing off, a plank after Pete ton Roads Yacht club the last week in MONTANA IS TO 1:43 3-5. into the box and held the visitors down Brooklyn 0, hits 4, erors 2. landed on it. August or the first week in September. to three hits during the other seven• Batteries— Lush and J. Donovan; It is expected that the more famous AT THE MEADOWS innings. Score: Stricklett, Crane Teljs Story . RESULTS Eason and Ritter. Umpire— European yachts will be entered Inthis By Associated Press. St. Louis 8, hits 13. erors 4. Conway. "Ed Crane, the crack twlrler, race, several suggestions and in- MEETEASTERNER TENNIS FINALS New York 6, 10, Boston as SEATTLE, July 7.—Results: hits errors 4. used to tell a funny instance of an quiries have come from that part of the furlongs— Happy — ar.d O'Connor; quite pos- First race, seven Lad Batteries Powell ST. LOUIS TEAM IS SWAMPED experience he had when his team was yachting world, and it is second, Ebel Thatch- Hahn, Orth, of two royal Card Extraordinary Arranged for July won. Legal Form Griffith, McGuire and (iy As»o CHICAGO DEFEATS PITTSBURG nfght, when Its be feated Walsh in their six-round — proved and thereby stepped and Ed felt that he had on own merits. There will nc preliminary last Friday, and race, yards of the tennis tournament a fit- season into first. fey who Fifth one mile and 100 Associated I'rea» all he could carry he started from the handicap. to at hlB with won, Dewey second, Funnyside ting end to the sixth annual affair of place. Score: saloon In for twenty- threatened balk match Stlllcho PITTSBURG, July 7.—Chicago won on his way home. He had not all there will be races "Cyclone" Thompson, thought better time, 1:4516. the Ocean Park Country club. Cleveland 2, hits 8, *rors 0. gone block the when classes, which will be designated third; centered in the Philadelphia 3, 12, the game in the ninth inning on seven a from 'Joint' he four the proposition yesterday, and aßreed race, five furlongs— Native Son Great Interest was hits errors 2. hits, of them being down open coal hole, and by the letters from A to S. These boats of Sixth second, third; time, the singles, which was Batteries— Bernhart and Bemls; Wad- most bunts. This fell an such a to remain by his former decision. Mon- won,Lucy C. Utica final of women's Bchreck, resulted in five runs, four of which deep one. that In his condition he had willbe entered In twenty races. gen- won by Miss Florence Button from dell and yacht tana's second "think" will afford Peralta, were earned. Pittsburg could not hit no chance whatever to clamber out. Only members of clubs will as the Kid was about race, one mile and an eighth Miss who lost after two fast "He said he expected to put a allowed to enter boats In the races, eral satisfaction Seventh second, 6-0, Miss Peralta contested Brown. Score: In most be race, to throw away an opportunity which —Little Joker won. Prickles •sets of 6-3. DETROIT WINS EASILY Pittsburg 0, 4, miserable night in his peculiar prison, except the Hampton Roads club third; time, gamely, the drives of Miss Button hits errors 1. open to he has long clamored for. May Holliday 1:5434. but By Associated Prefs. Chicago 5, hits 12, errors 1. but when the rest of his companions which willbe all comers. No possesses a that proved an enigma that her opponent' ' July — — along each and every one paid men will be allowed on the boats, Thompson record to solve. WASHINGTON, 7. Detroit Batteries Llefleld and Phillips; came fellInto would Montana a great claim to was unable played Washington today and — the hole, and they spent very and the races, with the exception of the give Bundy, after desperate ses- won Brown nnd Kllng. Umpires O'Day and so a recognition should he defeat the husky ESTABLISHES AUTO RECORD Tom a defeating easily. Kltson was hit hard, while Johnstone. sociable time until morning, and then free for all race, will be sailed under sion, finally succeeeded in the Atlantic Coast lightweight from' Illinois. Two battles the had been Eubank, who replaced Killiam, was a « «» went out that afternoon and beat the the ruleß adopted by Fifty Miles In One Hour Four MTnutes Browne, when battle- Stockings.' conference of 1906. lost to Battling Nelson after six rounds five sets. / puzzle. Scnre: 'Red fighting gave waged for Washington 3, hits 10, CALIFORNIA MAN WINNER "Alongside of the St. Louis club's All trophies will be supplied by the each of terrific the and Pour-fifths of a Second The open double went to Sinsabaugh errors 2. excep- Hegeswich boy a pair of contests that Detroit 9, hits 13, 1. grounds was a track, close that Jamestown exposition with the Made In Milwaukee and Browne, who bested Bundy and errors race so by he counts among the hardest of his \ Batteries— Kltson and <4'uketleld; Kil- Sweet Marie Carries Away for Owner one could sit In the ball park and hear tion of one offered President Roose- By Associated Press. Gorham. the people talking velt. career. liam, Eubank ar.d Warner. $7500 Purse and Six Per over on the race gong MILWAUKEE, July 7.—Fifty miles The results: Cent course. Ithappened to be a great The committee which will take charge At the last of the first affair of the Gate Receipts handi- boys led In one hour four minutes and four- Ladles' Singles cap day, when Tom McCarthy placed of the races will be composed of repre- both were half blinded from CHICAGO SCORES SHUTOUT a following: ring, fifths of a second is the new record es- F. Button beat Mlsa By Associated Pr«s. twenty-dollar bill Gum Shoe, 20-to- sentatives of the Massachus- the as a result of the fast class of auto- Finals—Miss By Associated Press. on a bay. Long sound, tablished by a certain 6-0, 6-3. READVILLK,Mass., July 7.—ln the 1horse. », etts Island Gravesend gruelling. the second annual race meet- Peralta BOSTON, July 7.—Poor fielding by of bay, Atlantic coast and Hamp- Before Bat attained his present posi- mobiles in 1 presence several thousand followers "He arranged with the friend who Middle Ing at state fair track in Malwau- Consolation Singles the home team gave Chicago today's racing, money to center roads, South Atlantic coast, Gulf tion as a rlngster he lost a six-round the game by the of harness the California owned took the stand near the ton kee today under the auspices of the round— Leonard beat Holmes score of 12 to 0. A one- mare, Sweet Marie, today fence sing out to how coast, Pacific coast, Great Lakeß and decision to Harry Falls, after going a Third 6-1, 6-1; by and bred field and him Just boy, Milwaukee Automobile club. (default); Sheldon beat Hutton handed catch Stahl was a f«ature. won the match race over the black the ra'-e was going. In order to hear Canada. ten-round draw with the same by driven by rtuttolph 2-6, 8-4; Young Dougherty, formerly of Boston two The i*aces willbe held inthe last week Thompson's only meeting with the The race was won a car CttWiton beat and gelding Wentworth. But heats correctly, McCarthy played back near Rogers of Haclne, Wis. Barney OM- beat H. Donnell, 6-1, 6-0. New York, Joined the Chicago teajn were trotted, Sweet Marie winningboth the fence. As he was an economical in August, 1907, and the first two weeks Fall boy resulted In a knockout In the was driving Mayor Becker's Sheldon .•beat Leonard todny, but did notplay in today's game. time, September, with "Cyclone." the fleld who Semi-finals— heats in the same 2:07%. fellow, $20 was a large sum of money In fourth round on car Inthis race, was leading by a good 6-3 6-0; Young beat Cawston 6-1, 6-3. Bcore: , The winning mare carried away for eyea lose, {400 to The first meeting of the regatta com- driving end of the sleep drop. mile, 12, in his to an was win. to margin up to the twenty-second Finals— Young beat Sheldon 5-7. 6-1, Chicago hits 12, errors 0. her owner a purse of $7500 and 6 per "Now, the Phlladelplilas were having mittee will be held soon determine Joe Percente In one instance took a accident, of , 0, hits 5, length and shape course, when he met with an one 4-6 8-6, 6-4. HoHto'n errors 9. cent of the gate receipts. their last inning at the hat, and there the of the decision over Nelson at the end of the wheels of the car coming off. Oid- Open Singles Hat terles— White and Hart; spectators were disappointed which willhe as far as possible in full Thompson later sent In Carrlgan. Harris The was a man on second and one on third, grounds. six rounds and field resumed the race and came Bundy 6-3, 3-6, and when it was announced that Tlverton Harry Stovey view of the exposition out In five rounds. losing Finals— beat Urowne withdrawn, bay with the redoubtable at Joe third after several minute* 3-6, 6-2, had been the gelding the bat. McCarthy tried his to The only lad that has succeeded in through the previous G-4. having best accident. The .Open Doubles ATHLETIC CLUB ISSUES DEFI developed some lamenesß. The keep his mind on the game, but he aleo BERNARD RULED OFF THE TURF putting the Illinois boxer to the floor record for this race was one hour nix Angeles weather conditions were not favorable. to report By Charlie Neary, who sent across nineteen, seconds, Sinsabaugh and Browne The Los Athletic club de- had his ear cocked hear the on AhhoolhicilI'resn was minutes and made Semi-finals—Braly 7-6, 4-6, sires to challenge any amateur hand- hia horse. DENVER, July 7.—Bamuel 8. a bad one during their six-round battle on the Hawthorne track, Chicago, beat — and Hart 6-1. TRADE NATIONAL LEAGUERS Ber- Nearly ball player or players In Southern Cali- Race Starts nard, owner of J. J. M., Jr., and other in which won the decision. July 3. Finals Slnsabaugh and Browne beat Bx A \u25ba undated irecs " Bundy Oorham 9-7, 6-0, 6-1. fornia to play either a game or series 'They're off!Gum Bhoe In the lead!' harness horses, was ruled off the Around Milwaukee Mickey Ililey Is and of games for the handball champion- CINCINNATI.July 7.—Pitcher Chech cried the friend on the ottm Bide of the tracks of the'National Trotting associa- known as the hardest rlngster In that WIN 3CRICKET Junior Singles ship California, to part of the woods and rated another MATCH of Southern and In and Odwell of the Cincinnati fence. tion for life today for alleged orders as |3y Pawson beat W. Mace no one comes to leigue today " Btrlke,' , Jockey I'M to pull Joe Grim so far a* an ability to stand Afsorlated Press Semi-finals— event forward con- National were traded for "'One yelled the umpire. Davis his horse In LONDON, July 7.—Cambridge today 6-8, 6-8; Townsend beat Grace (de- test this claim within the next sixty Outfielder Jude, the Indian member of 'Water Boy at the quarter,' Bang the race at Overland park on Thursday punishment in concerned. But Nelson - lost one decision to Rlley and later won the eeventy-second annual Ini\u25a0?> fault). — days. th« club will claim the amateur the Toledo American Association club. the" lookout, last and because of his Improper Ox- Finals Dawson beat championship of Southern Pitcher Hall of Seattle baa also been 'Two strikes!' cried the umpire. language to the judges. Davit was went the distance In'three draws. I university cricket match, defeating Townsend 6-3. . California Thompson Biley by 94 runs. for Its champion, \v. D. Whelan, Jr. signed. ".McCarthy's head waa whirlingabout fined S2OO for pulling the horse. \ Young hat met ford