"ipnDiWi"!,' ,1 B' ''!,MiB''wIMI'lwtw'M ifTwwi'i. .T ily"FgBwWWgBBP?wWiyW'1WWtlw ippfy HALF-EAT- B DAYB--SA- "WsEistfBBMB I MTITATION J lift H 4ft Flta l"i v --THE WORLD'S Tlio fTmVl "M I EMtilLyfiLL zzsmsJM 9il3RlPl li ftPi? OHOlDIiLL fl


s YORK - - 1 NEW 5 - 4 BUFFALO - 7 Daniel Kllllan Falls from Rscalng LH - - . M .jsM PHILADELPHIA - BROOKLYN - NEW YORK - IS Arms Back Into the Flames. 9 13 ST0CK REPORTS. IJB f HOME KUN TARK j I Fifty-sixt- Hogan's Factory in East h YT0 Championship Gmfs of FIRENZE Stroot Do3troyo(l. After the Quakers Had A Game Postponed from Small Crowds at a Post- I ( BASrBAl-- L CVPRV 1 Rock Island and Sugar Certiflcalos Two HouRS ( I t M Hammered Awaj Down. Inlo In Adjoining Tenements Lost an Earlier Game Last May Is Played poned Game by the WsH Causo of the Iflro a Mystery, by 9 to 6. Off To-Da- y. Giants and Bisons, jjfe DAV & NIOHT . Won the Twin City Han- - Eurllngtfn and Ouincy, Too, Thomas Hossn's cornice factory, at 22" Suffers an Attack. and 240 East rifty.alxtb street, wai de- dicap in Fast Time I stroyed by Art this morning, along with M. Abraham's cigar factory, I that waa In the 'TWAS ALL FOR ONE PRICE. TO By fl tarns building. The lose on both Is supposed 2,500 PEOPLE 001 SEE IT. WHITNEY RETURNS TO DUIV. NI&HT GAM&S I at Sheepshead. to U quite 140.000. coTcred pretty fully Money in Supply nt S 2 to C by Fair Insurance. ej.etctp.ic Light. I'cr Cent. Hogan's factory y fl is a i buildlnit, squeezed In between tall tenements, JllfBL faclntr still taller tenements across the street Some And Mulils's Men Will Ladies' Day Grooms' Ed Crane and Do of these belong to Hogau, nlio Is a wealthy OERGEN WAS SUSPENDED. y HEHE was 11 smash fl man. employs M J lie sixty or eighty m ani b,nn at ,loc't hands Find the Orooms al Home. Last Week at Home, Some Twirllne. about tho factory, as many out-sid- e. - i?? Island and Sugar He- - and more H &l'i Ills brother Philip superintends foE'.FORE- CANIE JKwl . tinerloi certlilcttei to-- tho m I3 work of men, 5?i)x""'jr day' al"1 coni'"- - the JR 'ht Mr. himself 15 to I toted about nil thcro lloean was not there, havlne Gascon, a Shot, Won the llr&fljtr cone to Inman see IsrrctALTo evikiio woarnl Tn yvuxiti H I the pier to his son off for mr rarrriM. to woar.i.1 rsvvrist, rvantwo wnar.n I was In tho stock mar- - to Titr Ial (li8il 1 Europe, but his brother Philip, was just PniLinr.LruiA, Hept.3. Tho Philadelphia Washington Pabk, IIdooklyn, Hept. 3. BnoTnrnnoon Pabk. New Yorx. Sept. n. Sapphire Quite Easily. 3xlh3 I U ket until very Dear the clayed League Stakes taking off his coat and abaut to give too and New York Clubs two poitponcd Tho Boston and Urooklyn teams A veiy small crowd gathered at those H 1wPpsS 1 ,'''0- - Hock Islam! I order to blow the whistle when there was an games here this afternoon to till In an open played off. this aftcrnoou.a game postponed grounds this afternoon to witness the post- A. I I ''r('ve t0 K2'f " cou' I 3 A oxplosion that seemed to lift overybody right date. tho men of Mntrie will from Mny 1. poned game between New York and lluffalo. I 1 tinned reports of tho I V AsaTKTi off his feet. have flitted tollrooklyn, to meet the tlroome To.morrow the New York Leaguers appoar Whitney resinned his old position at third. "jftlF-- V financial I il un''vorb'0 Tho explosion at home. on giotimls In the first of a scries of : larrrtJL Tnr xtkisiko wosld.1 I i I uas in the cellar, aud In- these 'Ihe batting order to SaaH 1 c&Hflil tl Rji condition of the Com- - The batting games. HnELituiEAii 1)Y IUce Track, Sept. X I , stantly cries of torror rose from below. order: three Ni: viiiik (r. i.) ntti'KAi.o(r. i.) lfl Ruqsrccr- - mM fanj-- wliilo (N. ) (V, A delightful day BI Hnilwiul 1 Three or four buys had gone down to "get rnll.ltlKI.l'lIU L. NEW TCRK U) 'lhii ncek is the last that the Hildcgrooma Hlattery, c.f. liny. c. f. moio for an outing conld ) dcprotH- - afl I 'ttlswH fl "cate" "cro I. f. f. game. ' c. scarcely be enjoyed by those pret- - outstnft" for tho day's oal, oil Ilsuiiltoti, Tlernan, c. play here in a regularly scheduled P.ninu. c. llalllgau. than that .Ml fl' ,0 fin on ,''0 Hiinday. r. f. lluckley, c. Connor, Wise, b. H iff 'ear andothor things it had been their duty for Is ladies' day. lstb. "d ent here Tho crowd was a rery oH HI ' W ? that the Scnato would Myers, "d b. (Ilasscock. s. a. Itichaidsun, s. t. Clark, r. f. goes laaal years to handle. lliompeoii, r. f. Whistli-r- , Tho atlendnnce was very good at O'lloiirke, 1. f. largo one. which to prore that thla lrl 1 lstb. i.f. Ilcecher. 4 materially 1)0 JttH rill intcrfcro lenat penplu being present. 1. H wiiATrtrscii rxri.osioN? Hhriver. c. bhaiott, p. .lohnstoii, f. Hone, s. s. course is one of the most popular in the ' with tho sugar sched- - tiie Mayer, :idb llsurett, S.M b. The batting order waa as follows: Shannon. Vd b. White, ltd h. country. 'tIH 'ylll( What they did down thero to cause the ex- j jfejA u' '" McKlnlcy McCaulcy. lstl). Denny, :id b. nitOOKLTN ot.u) not m.v (S. L. ) Whitney, ildli. Paat. lstb. To make things more pleasant "" plosion, or how it occurred at all. Is a mys- Allm, s. s. Clarko. I. f. Crane, p. 'liittchcll. p. the card Tho Tariff bill im Collins, Iliiies c. f. good HB blli 11, one tery that thickens as efforts are made to Mckery, Murphy, r. f. .'Idli. Tucker, I'mpirct Messrs. Oaffney and Sheridan. was ami the bettors did not want al Pinkiicv. lstb. IH passed by the House is considered lavprable e. 1. plore it. It conld not have been gas, for the Umpire Mr. Powers. O'llncn.c. f. liar. lie. 1. First Inning Hoy llird tu Jolinnton. lls. far a chance to bcL to sugar refiners. The won tho fit gamo Knut7. lstb. llrodir. r. f. llgati s . Wise fticd to Volunteer waa the farorito for tho opening H is in the front of the cellar where visitors ft br hauler !. s. took Jl The remainder or the usually ncttrollst hitting tho poor ticldinuof tho homo jlunis r. I.owe. s. hlattery. llalllgau was caught stealing event, Western flyer, Al H the elevator shaft stood open, while tho ex- and Terry. I. r. Mctlarr, :id b. witli that Farrow, a HjHjl about a H per cent, but was extremely team, erioinl. Nonius. 'B fell H plosion Daly. c. (Innel. close second chnlco. l'rlnccss Howling, bow-- ll H occurred in the rear. 'Ihe Phillies made two riiim in tho tlrst i: Hlattery leached flist on Howe's wild dull. IisIIh, Snilti Hniltli. Ui b. l'.wlng Hied The Possible Outcome of Added Garnet Features ever, carried a lot of the money, ami won trll Pour boys aro known for certain to havo Inniiiv on Hamilton'" liiu on htm. p. throw, tu Hor. Cuunor hit and day was officially announced day's Myer'a base I.oMtt, p. Clarkson. sending Hlattery to A pa.scil H I.ito in the it been in tho cellar Daniol Killian. bunt and on ball". sufels. second. iittltn handily, "lib Al l'arrow second and uHqsaH existing botween the nhout New York evened things up in tho third on rmpircs JIcsrs. Lynch and Htrlcf. hall advanced both men a base, and they tor One I1 rice. olunleer unplaced. that tho differences eighteen Tior-nan- H H years 's ear-old- old: John who liven single, a lloan-cater- single to s Companies had Louan. Clark's muff br McCanler. First Inning Tho a vero first scored on llichaiilsnti's iflitre. Sixteen tw'v.j faced Htirter CabU Atebiion .fcltock Island been Fifty-fourt- a pitch Vi White, nt h street and Avenue A; John single, wild and hiatlcr'n at but. Hinss succumbed to three graceful O'ltouike hit tn aud wont out at well for the BsDhlre Stakes, with Nellio Illy '?!aBHsB amicably. single. lit nt. settled gavo 1 tuknr tnok on balls, llardle Fast leturni'd tho ball lo third iu a tirline favorite. There waifa long delay at ilBafB H O'llrien. who his addrusa as 1170 consi, tlrt nun-- . BASEBALL OEAL. afafafafj The former has agreed to tho decision of In tho fourth. Clark mnfln! Tliouiimon's was ovcicnnte by I.mett's tillloi. time to catch Iticharilsnti. Two I WON IN STRAIGHT HEMS. the iHistnii which Nelly Illy was left at the H Kecond avenue, and a fourth whose name is high tly ami tho rummr took Second Inning-Cla- rk wo t out. third to liEO '1 he rac was wou by aud will divort business to tno baics. Daly's nild throw tn recrnil lot Tnckcr start. Uatcon, a IS KafsfsfS jH the arbitrators unknown. Hliiglex by Shriver ami Mayer, a tacriuVo by llrodie on balls. tlrst. and lloecher short to tlrst. Itoue tu shot. iJBafafafafj Met anloy gave teal that base. to tlrst No H Hock Island. LIKE 'AATB IX A TBAP. and Hamilton's hit then thu advanced a base on a wild tiled to lllchardron. inns. .Starter Caldwell sara he blames Bergen sfafH Phlllle-- i Ihe itinnots wont nut, Whito to .Nellie Illy In As a result. Atchison advanced i to 40? The boys rushed to three ruiis. Pitch, but Pinknoy rctlrod J.owo at tlrst. .lohuaton Font. fur getting lett ou tho second f 'SaLfafafJ H simultaneously tho Now York again tied tho on safe to right and stole second, I ace, and he has I tenre Clark's Shannon hit Brotherhood-Asso-oiati- on 2.26-CIa- siitendcd him for tha .Isrsfsfsfsl and Hook Island I U to H41& front. As they the hole, singles inns. Ion The Story of a Chelsey D. Won the Parse I reached olevator and tjharrut'a and Tioruau's home Thoanat ( larkson gave Collins a base on llalllgau tlui'iv and Shannon reached balance uf the meeting. alsafsfsl The other shares moved up in sympathy the car, released in some way by the fire, run. mllowed with a wild pitch, which third. Wise failed tn stop the return throw Mrenro was the farnritn for the Twin City ' H hails and Inline. T nLH until near v. m. , nhen shot upward llieyiook the lead In the sixth on snmo to nnriiit tn third. He ecoied and Shannon caiun Oombino in a Now Form. Very Easily Springfield. Handicap at to .1. which wore surprltinsly H and ruled firm 2.30 and left them helpless. Out rotteu neldiug by tho l'liilliii, making iiiahlcd'Hub Wli'lneyoiit. 'I w tchell to tlrst. and Ciano at cool odds. She won a tluo race uy attacked Burlington and Quliicy lour ou Pinkuey's tly out to Illnes. three 3aLVBjLI H the shorts behind it belched smoko and shortly fire. runs, none of wh ch wero earned. O'llrien hounded to Lowe, tho ball strik- rtss llaldi'd out by llnwe. One run. parts ufa length. i aLfsfsfsl vigorously, forcing tho price down to 100, Through It wero beard the yells of the im- The factors ere itassett's bane on balls, ing in tho mouth and necessi- Third lntiing White tn ilrst on halls and Harrison mdo a superb raco on tho Quttn ! H VickoryV on Denny's heldpia' that plaj ei second on a sacrifice by Faatz. Twitchell was liberally isLH H the lowest point since Auk. "1 last. prisoned buys. Half a dozen workmen wild throw tating hi. nlthilrawal front the game fur a to A leport reached this city from Philadel- and hu applauded. choice. Mycr's fumble of Clarke's grounder. Nit'hnls going to right, Drodlo to left singled lo left and White scotrd. Hoy hit tsrrrut to tTKriitio sronLn.1 race. This naturally hnrt the balance of tho stopped to throw them a rope that lay by tho Kharriitt'n sacrifice, Ticruati'ri base on balls time, sate to centre, sending Tnltcholl to third. phia that within (weuty-fou- r tbr rillST iH and llardle toshort. second still on Shnuuou's HiMiDEN Vanx. HrBixnriEi-u- . 8pt..t. Rrreepstal.es, each, with (1.000 ifaflsHI I market and the Improvement noted was lost. shaft. and llucklov's double. landed a or left. Hoy stole failure hours a gigantic baseball deal was to be t"! 91 scoring PoutE in O'llrien F.wine'M throw Twitchell Thlt it the second ilay of the uracil circnit added: penalties and allowances; seven fur-- Money In supply -- HaO per rope. The 1'ldlliea started in tho ninth and Font, came huute on Duma's hit tn to stop score.'. fissH I was fair at " Catch the they yelled. One did three-bat- nt Hoy made public longs. singlo e Halltgan's to third, where rueoDle on Hamilton's and Btindij'a right thu Im toman gaining rccqud on tacrillce meeting her and suteral thousand 'SaBBBBBBBB cent, all day. and two came up tho stairs, thoir, clothes let he foolishly tin ou Wisns to The committee hiring Hie affairs of ths H hit to t. which tried to Nichol's fumble. wt" lrft out. short Ilrst. came to tea tho Iitmess racers. srS... tvs &n4Ar.rIUHtitf..rs. 1H y stretch a homo thrown Two Ita .nrr.r' aaLH H At publio auction ono share of and hair on tire. into ruu,gttluir out Terry grounded to uardle and beat his inns. Players' League In hands, consisting of I I'rlncsaa llnwllnr. 10A .OtsiIod. . . 7 V ertii jBbBBBB by Denny. Hlatter) a base on ami on The card has tun reeular orenls the -'. 'jn I 11-- Chemical Bank sold 4, 700. "Hurry, hurry!" shouted men at the plate Clark anil tlmm. Daly popped to llardle. Smith took balls third At Ward P. '.At srrn 1011 .W llil: .', 4 BajlJI at the who lhnmpaon put the ball over the rentro Kwitig'ssiiiglotorighl. stole second Johnson. John and Ilrnnill.was ami tho "J.Si! elaases trotters; the tl Pitalamsa Itlll .llarasa. A I to-d- knocked lly for limes. Thioe runs. fur latter '.'01 bought were holding Phelps, ' II HKI :lll- H The Treasury Department the rope just Inside the street field fence, intending a home run. but va Second Inning Daly collared .McOair's and both men scored on Conner's safe drue said to have met Zack Chris You iter Is tor the llaitiden I'ark ataVe of 9.1.000 llojita llardr .'1st" -l 'bH or wan pulled held and cIokciI the ame to right W 0 I'lirnat.... KU.lrsncI l.t 1 ll'I.I 1 VH H 300,000. ounces silvor at (1. lull. The door. It taut a moment and then at third, r.chrner foul Font ba'ln put (lanzel on tirst. bmtth Abe iiucl li. Whittaker in the Quaker Au'd 'Vthennininatl lis far lhustakeis ihe II 1 9sLH with a tly to Tiarnan. Iticliardsnirs saciiiice and O'llourko's safe mare Klpplc l.lttU inunlr. 101..l.rlftn Itlll 4111 JBllllH bond redemptions nt to 3 o'clock were huug slack again. lionii'led to i'out. City late last night and held an important frmn Michmau. II I'all.siti. . .. .lllil Kritton 401 JA- -I H tcjnr nv iNxiios. msdo a good iTiunlng of one tc right scoied Cntinoi. .lohnstoii sin .SI e was rottsteil as being owned by U Vuluntasr .. . 104 .Uo.lnjton . . N ,1 y.A 4L9BJaVaVaVaVfl Washington, tSH.OOO in Phiia- - a An Tuny cstrh Uolnuuado Hotel, which H J63.60O in waii. or num. Phlli1.1plila (N.U) '.' 0 ,1 II n n 0 CInrkson's hard tly. So runs. gled to lef. and Oltmrki took secnuil. coiifeien.'o at the Noble, of Grand llaimls, who was barred by 0 - 1 hit Shannon went out second to tlrst. Thrte The llace Al l'arrow cut out the running iHsHI H delphlaandOlfi.ooo in this city. "I can't I can't And It," wailed a boy'a Njw York (K. L.1 0 0 2 3 0 4 0 0 O l.utett struck out. Collins tiled to Nichols will probably result In tho consolidation of the atesrarris of iho tlrant Circuit. tn tho head of the stretch, where he waa faLfafaffl to-d- Uaa No the Players' League and American Atsocla-- i:. I'. Harrington, of the same nlace. The sales were 107.00'J shares of voice below. Another staggered up the II, Now Vork, 11. and Pliikucy to Utiles. nni". Inning-Cla- beaten, and Princess Howling won Quito H Man 1. Inning clut-he- Fourth rk gained first on claimed that be hail nnrcha-e- a Hippie, but 'sVaffl ounces was .li ork, Third Foutz litres' tlll'l. handily by hair a length. Al Farrow wai H listed stocks, .180,000 of silver. stairs. One still left. It was Dan tly. ' ui'kor grounded safely tnrentre. Whitney's wild throw and took second on When the story was told at Ilrotberhood she was nut permlttod to compete for the second, JratsatH short single ti- - Will single tno lengths beforo I'itzjaruet. Time .JsaVal m.OOO barrels of Pennsylvania oil aud Klllian. the Fccosn oAJtr. A passe 1 ball gate him second, he ltown' lett. to's towards Park this afternoon, none of theplarera Iu staLc. ,H aud second tilled the basis. I.'JTlv. Buckeye. The second gamo began promptly at scored ou llardie's ailisle to conti c. either the Now oik or Ituffalu teams claimed 1.IS00; S."3(J.i'Mss I SlaB 15, 000 barrels of "Killian. Klllian I" shoaled the mon. Il l .1 to llii'haidsnn, who rcnsi tbot. Mutuels paid: Straight, .11.H3: for a JaVLVH H o'clock. with thoold Atliletlo . Iliodio Hiiiglid to centre. Lowe had had raat threw to know snylliinn of the reported confer, place. 10. HO. Al paid TUX CLOSINO Ot'OTATlOXn. Only a feeble cry anawered them. home in time to catch Clark at the plate. prop.ised There were foui ittrtert, with Chelsoy 1). l'arrow ll..10. atidOray as the Philadelphia battery, nnd his lip hewed up by a physician and plnckllv euro or of the deal. tho tarorttp. HH H oi'9H, yftfS. n Out of smoke, blown llnckley ser- place Ho a long tlv to No runs. They said, however, that such an arrange- RACE. in. the torrent of aside llnrkett and pcrtormiiig like took his at bat. sent Y Heat. TaKine the pole frnm Albion Amulean Cos. Oil . T! UM by vice New York. Terry, threw beautifully and caught Whitney tiled to nite. Crane singled tn ment might have been mado for all thiy Mrtt Bapphlro Stakes, for Am. '.'T JiM UllU the draught from the doorway for au In- for nlm was by siattery's at thu time, I'helsey H.won with meat ease. fnn Hl OottonOUT.il.. .'jt First Inning-Ne- w York to bat tlrst and s he was sliding for third. One run. light and broii'.'lit home knew. each, with ?'."0 added: penalties and allow. sH Aih.,Top.ntKo fJM t:i Vlt 4,.'i stant, a deathly palo. scorched face looked llardle gieatdiive over l.cn her's head lor a home Albion reennd. ('apt. Lyons third, .Sutniont Qve a J easily blanked. Mct'auley's great catch of With I one's reappearance the bostons re '.'. anci'i; aud half furlongs. iicr-nan- foil rlh. tune 'Js. JH I'toiil'.n HV- H' HVK at them for an instnnt over the edgoof the a foul tly near tho gra d from 's original GAMES BY . HtUtng .aBTSTSTsTJ l'cltlc sUnd. sumed their iio.itiou.. 1.wing singled In centre. Ho stole second, DASEBALL INNINGS. riecntnl Heat. I), had tin trouble . 'ifll Cintdiboutiifrn Ti.i 5 Mil fnl floor. The lad had climbed no somehow, bat. the only feature. O'llrien banged safely to cntre. Ilrodlii bcstine.MlilrSn when hetorcedtho parr, tt'l.lsrf. Wtlqhl), Jt'ktv. .rr.lf Ar.yirs isTaBBH AOblo '."JW --".' -'.' ".' but was i audit trying fur third nu llslli. in I niwnn Orsrton, .IS 1 A 1 I'asupeako Hamilton look a bao on ball', stole sec- sciinpe.t l'nuU's low llnet handily. O'llrien , Ill 'TaLaH I'hM. Ohio Ud old 41 41 41 41 TOO LATE TO HAE UtM. gin'-- high throw. Connor to lust mi lulls. with Capt. Lynns and Ntttiiiout tttiishini; at '.' Krr Wr.t Url..llUlsBeld. Ill I 4- -1 ond ami went to third on lluclvlevV wild w.i nipped stealing second, times gathered Piny era' League. 1 aBBtfl llii'hariUon went out. pitcher to before, finis '.'. II Vim.I 11M Tbompran . fi 1 11)11 Henry Ktrub, one the men with Hunday as safe at Denny's high one. No I'll tlrt. Tun 411- J I blc. Uur. A Onlno IDUi llllL, 10llt of the throw. first on in Ilurn.'s lis. at ruiLtiicLriiu. Tlilnl Heal Chesley l)r went to piecss II Smiuriir. (Jolt. UU Amlsisoo... -1 1A l 4B1111H 1 a O M (,'okMO KiW rope, caught him low throw and stnln l'omth Inning Smith made notable nuis. Intiiug-Twiic- s n Q o Orion. liar l'J- fM n Northn.it l()tt l)li 10lli in his arm, but at that 1 hit safe In phiitvi.ipiiu.p U)i oo o in before uettlni; to the turn, nut soon made Ill 301 -l 'ilKM tly d iltli rluht. II . -- MIL ht. 7I 71 Tieruali millfed Myers's and Hamilton stop Mc'isrr s hard grounder aud also ! ii u U N.llii. Illj IOK llsrgvn . '.' 1 4 ft fate. r.ul ,n, 71h boy let of Hoy's rituburt r. I.). " ii o ii o up ami nvrrtooK Cant. I.yuns past tho half, p- LVbH ,1 I bl. Mil. AM r i.M llllj 117 ll'U 1171, inatsut the r.n bis hold and fell back scored. Tlinmo.on hit tollasscttandMrers tirxt. but as lurced at tccoiul nu hit to II I'lortiror 111 Nun. SO I -l t Oanelat !Uttrt-Kn- nil('rotn, Mnul nd Ijmnn, leailuib' from Kilhuiit anv elTnrt. with I) 4- Chic , Hock Is. Via SltJ Mtt. K'J( N.1 Into the cellar pulling man pushed a single right. Daly Shannon. ll there rtmrnlal. UK Tarlor in t -1 JiBH almost the with was put out. llassett threw to Wlustlur. PopHmith to Dynns sre-nti- Albion and IS- ct- SslBH lllaie.,Oin.,U.ait I. 7HH 7l)J, 7UK 7(1 w Ilalligan hit tn Shannon, who caught liny Cant. third 0 Sir.l'X.ru 11k ratal -1 -i IH puttiug 1 liomcsoii out, lulu Hunday scored. caught Hmith stealing second. No i tins. 1 m coi. iiork.Vsiier . :u -' :us :n uira. nu lino and the out at first. AT hOHKIN Time '. '.'.Iti. n Mlxr.Jo llsrn.s .1. It I i (1 to Ilucl.ley. Two went tn right and llrodie to Ihe tluiw hatter -. ill .30-- lu'- CoL .t . 'Jll Vnji dray tonlxd run. llardle lett. 1 1 1 II Htr l.'UMS CutiDctoa. 1 -l fM Hock IV,. "Kit A I sheot of lire shot np from the cellar, ran Inning U'liUt-ler'- a Daly No runs. 1'o.ton l I 0 MUlllir.N TAIIK HTAhns 1.1,1100. Wsl.-ol- l Ill VO- 141H I44s 14 lis 14 1M Second Hamilton niiinVd Terry tiled to llrodie and to Mcdarr. (i It2- .; II US llajward -1 H I was u i ; o u u i -'- H.l..l.ick.tVil 1 III- up fly. lli-l- lt Mmith OTtoi'rke hit and lent to tirst. Johns, nTianti. ... '.'.'-"- Ii Hsmler . .1- -0 '1B11111HfBdsBsH 10.1 -' lll.'l through the shaft like lightning. The tno taking two bases, bad balls rolled ami Lurett til Tor the class l'miee Iteceut waa the eij.rt.r.lri'Kn 111 111 fM IB lludwn 'asy runniir .' ll.l.t -- afo one sent him tn second. a It .ttrifs-fium- lrt J.InTtihjr , lUkitly tuid II I . . UN Allsn. . A--1 U- liemar i. Hlo 'JIU 'IH '.'l' 1 No llnrkett beat Ins ilow grounder to Jlc. ton's Shannon icd favorite over hla i oiiiimtiturr. otrrunn.r '-l H tinnrt. 111 "l' tire had foun vent. further human hrst. lmiltr-MrBr- st. sit .i- H ll.pi.r i. Itloll. I.ttl III lilit, (104. (.'anloy. "Vhistler taking Collins lined the ball to tho carnages back sacrifice mined buth men up a base. Irttnuftu. .Ioniul KuUbt. Maid drew the pole ii Atas uur ins Martin '-i -i jBaaaaaij 4 i1 third. llnrkett 11. 1'ilst 11 Miss 108 I VO- -1 B Hi.. 1 C.tll. Kt'l . 4''H 4. 4 M sound came from below, and the workmen tolii lecond. 'Vhistler .coring ou tho throw of right field for a home run, p'lshiiig two Whitney ed to Howe, Ciaiie struck out. ami Trince Itegeiit gut the worst of the lluukeriol lrubly till JsfaVaVafaH tied to save themsel' es, him Nu run.. Adsooiatlon. The llace. .fter a long delay at the pott sLLH h tninllo T. Ilaiit" iL'OtJ IVII'4 I'.'O ISO down. runs iu antailnf Wis- - American ttsrt. hung tlasett hit one at Allen, mil Ilurkett was l'liikney singled to left, O'llrien the Huth Inning hit lo left for two ro;nriTrK His speed carried Inni uu "illi the mare on thei not the flag with tho fatonto Nellie Tliautherbors around with scorched stit hai.es. Clark took a ha. e ou balls, Hit'chcr t v post. rSsTaVaVaVaVJ lhio..i. 111 111 111 Jiiwn Allen. Mayer .Myerr. Has. bull and ran to second ou Hines's 1 1. tho tisck and he outfoniud on the lit lett at tho The others ran In wM Cintrsl III clntliex and faces, wunld ray a run ly snil to centre Whitney, night Wl.uot! third, ri.limli't. .... 0 ft 0 o t. stretch her company (lascoti urel '.'il '.' 'JH '.'II ami nothinc sett to srcniiu on the play. tninvv to thud to catch Pliikne). Pout hit io olio i, 4 (J U O (I I I buinesirrteh. Ilmshtuir four Iciiulhs ahead. clo.e to the stretch, where liiUntral ... . 1H7. K'HIi lUTS lllTtt vllt llnwe tiled tn Jiilm. ton. KiM'l.l! drew away and won easily by three lengths UifSnor...... eryuiiuatialcircumstance with lads of 'hoir Denny took first on balls. Myers ,rt fouled to Tucker. Tin Utirrt-Kiitt- isj , And Mambrinn .Maid rrc.ind. I'lamnnd third. Nvhfllle. hhK NVt bHH c ri.ii. tn liichsid-nn- . who inl Titeomb (111111111 i Key length 'bLVH HIH hf't ' Clsrk crii.iniler thiougli him. llassrit I'ttth Innmg Clarkson fouled to Dalv. Wln'ti lilt funib'el Mr. Km !oli Jean Valleau. lMnhlL. liorl and rum West, who was a before 'IbbVH laiillllMir.u A l l.oui. Mi .'.' n4 Mi kind who hailsacd their lives by tho skiu io and i scored, while took (.rtni. Vmum I. Time-- I '- 71 H sroiing aud Douiir taking .hint. Miirohv lliucs out al tlrst on I'ln'iliey's assist, lalk lliiclier tlurl Saiim as named. Tint" '.'.11'. Void. 1. 10. .'LLfafS Mi.ioiirl ... Vllt - - Foul At MRU rsr, 1 M.i' l'clnc V4t of their teeth. lilt a (o lidt Held, si'iidlpg asiugb- in loft, ami as H'ltritu ami Wbitu scon d. hit to luchar '. hecoud Heat Valjian kept iu front Mittilel. paid: Straight. fUU.Po: for JeLLfsH lis Ohio .. '.'m '.HH '.M't .ini'lf luckershnt sou, fumbled againatid lleechcr l o :i i) n o o i o- :. Jean Key U Nub . ht. U 1114 101 HH 111) John Logan was bnrned an badiv that he home Mnruliy i as put out iu trying to allowed to the runner look third. who scorril. hirtruw - till tho lialf. here Msnilu 1110 Maid pasned pla.'e. tIS.MU. est paid Z flhat I and it ills, taking Twitchull Hlat- rt'. iou. o (i --' o o i) o t u - :i H was taken to lloosovolt lloipltal. stretch it into a tn.bjer. Ho value In no Hanbo's single tn eentre, White third. llicd to him l'rincc Itegeut made a luesk uear the Tllllltl .N. York 1 Ns I UK. X 47t 47N 47S 1 1smail hit one to the centre field wall for llrodin out at st ou Colllus'a marvellously tery. 1'wo runs. t,Mris-M- rr nd I'll is, KiuIm; and Well, head nt the home .treteli unit was lis I up. Hl V i Sweepstakes, (3.1 each, with M N L. U k Writ '.NU '.'ilU yitl .'! rANir IN T"E rEIKUKNTS. bases, Clsrk scoring, ltmkley was tine slop. One run. sluttery llicd tn White. Lwlno to first on Uini'ii Mi. t'utrj. Mambrinn Maul won easily, lean Valjean Ilaudieap LbLH .Nor imerlcAB . . 47V three added; mile aud a futlong. 4tl4 47H mil bill-- . Connot rind to Ulc. ATRALTIMlinc. -- $1,U00 B Norfolk a '.'II 'Jll SI) L'O The tire burned au hotly that the tenants put out. Mater to McCattlry Four runs. ltiiriisgioiiiiili'dtoKniiih. 'Jerri scratched second. I'llilh It. third. rtm '. Writ. J.w nig stole secoui' llu tried to score ou l'01-e- I'". Bellas , wtH Noritiirn !'ciito ..... :i:i4 .1: :i:i4 tenements on Philadelphia out Idaiikly and easily. a lilt nnd scniiil ou Dale's i. Baltimore - Tliiril Hi at. Vrince won, Mabrinn 'il'IBBTH :ti4 of the both aides of the . OUOOnnoi1 U U O - VnrUrt, WkU fftmlji rfoss. bis I smglti but was CllasKCocl Mill III to Illnes. Clinks n llieliurd.i'ii cuuubt at the 'Isiioilu 'J (10 0 aijean Jink. U- VBBLI Northern pld.. rt'.'s ). h"H. 'I bird Inning hit to right tor line nut Maid second and Jean iuird. 'lime 1 llu.llbl.t UU roriii.Mii -A oat '.'II 'JH '.M .Ml wsy fled terrcr from their homos. piste. No ittrrt-..-l)'llru- 1 1 Ohio Uli.l.llopl in There two bases and Whistler sacrjUceil neatly, l.otrttollt at tlrst. One inn. runt. D4Tt, llljaivi Wolcb. -'-.'. b. , Ms rV.l-i- Klil l.otl.n.ln. . H. 'lBLVslj W'Sl. 11114 h' Inning Hnyi'rnuniled lo Connor, i ril Out.rlol lUSi ins i1 was, however, no real dancer. The firemen mittlnc (ilaisenck on third, but llnrkett lnt Kutb Innmg Lowo out at tir.tnn Pink, tenth Umiir Mr Tisir. :IWUIt..l 111. rlsta-.- te1 It 5 ill Iriu.. Ir o . . . 41114 4il4 41194 41. V a llalllgau to Ilrst nu balls. UlkOllled to ratal, aoiinht tl ... . I OU.. La ml! 411- -1 1U- -1 H conflagration by to Myers aud was doubled with his captain. uey's clever Uridine. McClarr lilted high at riUMt'KLrurA. I'Mro;. J aH I'.cihoMlll 4.t 4. rH put an end to the niasiing Ins team, l'.elle li Niaa-ara- Uf." Htsiip 'JO- -1 H- H iVi No nne to Hums, (lanrl scyaoraped to I'oiu, .luliitstoii. I (i o o n o o 0- C.J. llsiulin drore Ilanilln -t QhSLH Liar cortltlwtcs. X KlH '.'( K'Jll lUllB. ( Athlftttr o - t .' n I'M A ('ufioctoul'-- I .1- -:J rii. all tho available apparatus In the adjoining; by pitched Has-set- lark totliston balls, lleechcr lilt to left u :t -- limine, tn beat HIM. but the) only ltui).pi.rr 1 SbbLV I'hllt 4 Ittadinc,,., 4'.1a 4.1 4 M 4'.' tiiiuday was hit a ball, ind No runs. lun.ritir : o i j ii ,i aid U . '.'0- 7--1 H for Paso and two men scuretl. Howe iu succe.-de- 111 doiiiL' Ihe mile in '.. luiiis.s.. 104 T.J lor -1 I imii t w.item pfj. u;ii :i;s :i;lii ;i7t, aienue and pumping a perfect Hood of fnmblu "I livers' li.t. nith a passed Collins fonleil to Tucker, I'lnknev hit one three lUtlffrf MeMfthoi) nri Halilwin. htntton tod If. H y h) M M 1 s single, bank, a lilsd toSlaitery. Two rims. Wiupirn I The and I'itirny mad irknlor ...... Mi burning ball and hom&son yielded up the left and llindie executed neat Hlistti. Mt o lorli 1 W . '.'1 '.M't '.'I water into the buildinc. to O I, sci a past the pitcher, (cb rntiliiugtiithuhesdiif stretch, wh.-r- VtLI P. Ttr yusker runs. ii whllo 1'lliU ciicled nil thu lm.es. nurse atchrd hi' Itnclng- nt Oloncaater. the the XbbVLI I1 Mltio. lOH IIIK 1I1H KlH They conld not, however, prevent the two lohn.tou struek out Slisimon siugiml to both were beaten, llmldhist aud Sly Fellnsr lin. 111 lnurtli limine Ilasett out, Allen to Mc. O'llrien cot in a baser tn left and un. wont.ni Bl.ir crtlnc4t.i ... I1U lllHt HHIl rating way Denny ti McCauliy. (cured thrre.bagger. sac- lilt, anilon lleechet's rnmhle came all the Club stanclliiBTs Thla Mornintr.T' urrriai ti rvriixn luen drew out. and in a good tinith Ilnddbist I'Acidc . . :in)4 flames from their in under the Caulry. out. Maier on I'out.'e burns . -- VH'sIbbtbB M ::iih uiS :ini home, pushing OTIniirke ahead. morning uf club N. hi'M. '1. The raeine wonbyaneck. w My Fellow three leugtht I . Hlli Ml rnof of the tenement :i3l hast Clarke tiled to Tliunipami. No runs. rificed a bounder to Mctlarr. in IrccnlaLf tU:i in tho lluirnstni. uh Mli ho Fift.Uth sirWhitney out. Wise to 1 Wilfred. Time 4.3. TaVaVaVaVHH J in I'.illlc ..... L'lDi 'Jliri 11". It'll trt-i- t aud wrecking the upper part of it. Allen tonlod to Iluck ey. llsper struck I'nutz crossed the plato on the out. aatz. Crane struck le&ilmu Ittavuoi; was cniiliiiued here null the follow. before 1.35 I'M. MH :iH Daly out. Two Mutuels paid: Straight. N.:tS; for ft ,aBBBBBB Aou Ar IN ill 8 The building la part of thedosau property. out. Hamilton boat his bunt to Denny Terry and sinjled to left. Terry runt. vri hAimttAK 1112 results' I'llon 4114 Lighth Inning White cea"heil second nu iiAtn.Mist., raa, , M"at, r il.45. Sly Fellow paid fit). 70. H raclnn 'Ul lllh HH ma Hour. and stole second. Minday struck out. No came iu on Hmitli's aiugle to centre. tint, First of a mile. pla.e. H w,i,hprcf ..'.... st '.'in ail sa rncD Daly Kinttli came home on I, oven's a mull by Johnston. Fast, hit .are and nton. t!S 41l. IM ProokljQ '' ff.li .tiU t Union Tslt H l)i H4 B and Ilrooklita.-n'- 41, .Mill Hutton...?) 4'i Lady I'ltlsiler won. lltadtord second ami tf At 11. IB o'clock the bodr of yonnz Klllian I liiinnc-Ilannlt- mi Win to scoriil. ICirinz ni'ilting Johnston's .ll.'n lt if'th muffed Murphy's tu right. Collins tiled to Howe. I third, was found charted and blackened iu Ihe throw. Faatz was caught trying for second hvwVuiH.it 4"t ..'' 1'litii. iM 41 .011 Ksto itomi 'time l.an. Twin City Handicap. 100 each, with Wbitlmc tUH. pt.l. 7ut 7UH 75S 7SI4 fly and Ihonipsnu inufled 'Pieman's, but Humus. I'biU "'I - .'"''H 'mciiiL'l.iiU 44 ,i.(H Second Hare One ini'e. roihst won, (11. uou added; uulo aud a quarter. and was taken to the police station. Murphy out second, Inning Pop grounded to O" the play. 4U threw at feveuth braltli l't)iefo ..VI M tlr,),M4itu.,ilJ VII .Itulk'a Nelsmi second ami Hid Dee third, . tBTaTarsrsrJ The lad was but fourteen years old, and f.viglit lluckley'a fly. Oray the box. Twitched! and Hor took liases on lulls. iMubtir. hi 44.' VJrk.Vi tWI r Rsuinf 'SH hunilaj short 'f 4tl Joritya. tlaTsTsTsTsTsTJ lived Suty.nintli street aud First avenue. HalliiMii fouled to Whuiiiv. Wi.e out, I t'4 t 111 '.if 'lime MAr.. fitrvkl at i'leruaii lug to steal second. No rkson filrd to O'llrien. I'tawftUtid ,.t'il .fian .'(.! I -- of a mile-S- ea I C'r'r. 7 A ritt3-- .. H tuning- Stocks. rau.'ht trj fit jlicnarilsoii to st. Dm- - ' .') Vltl n:i turd Itac Three.nuarters susnss .... t'.'H liarrUon iASaaaaBBJ lii run. Islu rnul'jrxlli ,170 d 4- run'. Hints tut. Hmith to tlrst. No runs llird won. t'lnnire hebv. second anil Little '.' ruurnamsiie, 114 llarwa-- i 1 -1 .HaBJJjB The followinii wero the cloiiiiB Mattery tired to lleeehey. l'.wlng hit r . 10- JH nuotatinns Jljera hit to right for two bases ami went Nichols took 1'Iark.on'. place in the bn. tfe Ki.' ATiArn t'ti'iltiiit.l. Inn -l- Kuru 11U llamiltou - 1 5 'i for Kx- - took srcoii'l ou a pai.r I bill tlnr 'I . m Him Lnt; fnt,rt .'JUj. I) Iais llK Itsron .. H 1 minim: stocks at the Consolidated home ii Thoiiiiisoii's to centre, went to right. llardle behind the ill. t ilsee Ofalece won.Olen. SU..1.S 31 gH H (latitl 1 loll i. ii in 4ii 74 -- ( 1'lftb tlnentilr. 4- -1 BBLH THE TEtiRIS gau wild au no Connors Tin ! 117 loimjtoD'. I to-d- . CnlimSIIIPS. (iiayfoul'd to llnckley. bat. thron soled ,'7N-r- Iltn dale second thinl. 'iime ll.s.nurla I jr. Hl rUUkO double. si ...i 44 k .l 4l aud l.ari'hinout II I omo-to-- 111! Isrsl lBBH a long oun to Pmkiiey nut at first. McOarr astisting. . 4 .".'Mi.'.. 411-li l'-'- Msier hit risrnsn and i .' li j launn 4t 1. Hi. llirnaU Ill .... -1 -l. 3aaH HJ '' j.4... lad. Iliuriurd'oii grounil'l to Connor .' t 4 0 l.ilor a,ii. Tlinnui-i- went tn third. McCanley hit to O'llrien ilnnnltd to left. Fast. i Attn t i i iiMut'j u:t .400 II 114 r.'- -t 'HbH f ) lU.U. taking third, llnurLi t iok a base on hall. . , I . liss. ''VbbbI . .05 Iruollnl . 4U reuire for tno bases, bringing 'Ihompson Lorni fielded Pout aud Ilnrnt out at first. 'It. ..1 rushed to tha H lis ".'i Iji U7 - No and alole sccomt. Jnhustoii fuitled to It... it., .i .1 4 ..I.t nfiulta of Ctilcaso Rnce, 'Die llace. 'lournauieut -' ''" C10.1.. H home. run. - lT0 as soon as the flag fed) a ud cut out lbs 'Vafafafafafj HiB i" I...0 .1,1 .14 Campbell Wins the Singles, Allen singled to right McCauley Highth -- Tucker gronnded to Pink, White. One run. Sjrau U Isriiiae Tnriis rvrsivn woneti.l front fl.liiiCu UHi.itii and Inniiis -- 4 tj Mill where Harrison Astoria .Oi . JO Idlllcl'hl'l - ..Vi scored. Esper hit to right centre for ney, who threw wild, the batsman getting Ninth limine Clsrk tn Hist on balls. U;tiu.'it C.'iti luu, bept. 3. Tho raciuir hero to- paci to Ihe stretch, luored SiVafafafafJ H .3I MouMOU .till Herrlier jut tu Shannon was doulbed up and wou by three parts of a vaLfsffl Hi 'ft" - Hobart and Hall the Doubles. bats and Allen scored. Hamilton tiledlntD second. and day as tollowi: I'lreno who HI H.50 alumtur.. fr.', with Clark. lesulled leugth front rnurnameiit. wai tares 11lf' im Mt ;.'.'.-.- llnrkett. Pour runs. llardle lined to Pout and Tucker gained Arontour Dafitaball Note?, 'luue--.0- .aLaVB si. n.iuio Inning-Ne- Huwc out, Whitney to llr-1- . No runs, it of a m le Split lengths betore Hums. 7. H ! ' -- N w lork out in order, ex- third. first Itace HI aJV' "" - iriolalu 1011 hutu TtvsSUin. of Wt trt,iUitril Mutuels rani: straight. I9. 7R: for a bci :i mi v Ki.r 11.110 cept Uurkett's single. No runs, ran Tucker, who had hurt un cut-- Silk won, lleetwinL. second, and l-- TsL'sH H Mcdarr for scour hi IVMM.S. ilw at Mjdy ti n IJa paid 'i. no. j 1 ft. irui'w . v. IsrvciAL to rvemin woar.p.1 llueklsyfr wrnt to tho Held Murphy be- himself, a wild pilch. Prm isntti 'ik Time -- u 1(4. place.it. Tournament '' - 00 the aud and scon io IliffilolP. n ii ii . i o- - T tiiiui.'f I. faLH .ys -- oth ..ii h'l.rr .', oulaiui .41.00 It. Kept. the single hind New ork nut on .Smith's ki 11 1 of a mile met. tIA Nrwroar, I.. Ihe bat for llicdie assist. Nsw Vork II'. I.I. ! U II 'J -- 11 lh t'oiDtundorvi woi'l lit to from All ei.iud urrii ,,l"ll"1 0 ml r tgm hr ' OikikM Quakers struck out. one at Lowe filed to Smith. Outrun. ntnM uu l rlrfs All. won. atulAunie selling allowaucet; milt iaH H championships Tan oat first Hits N.' H i'At'tt ll'ituantn Tnor I'tir.e ILfflsfJ IM !"" .an Pmuoith. .Till and double linn tenuis of Pass Vurk. Ill lluffsle, Bslslvt Aldt0J Ituie-l.0- tl.ooo: nriimfof 11 1:1 Thompson hit safely meanwhile. No runs. Terry fouled tu llardle. l.rror .Saw York, ii. Ilgfls.o, 5. H. Iwll'UtV'kUtl ClatL third. 2.. and a furlong. "ISafelM X " I'lw ,i M tne States were decided at the Casino Innlug-.S- ew Hate-D- twenty , '. I!,." 1 'J 00 I'. Anion J. Oil 1.1U United York out at tlrst, Daly nut nu a bounder to Ihe box. I h I' itui.it ii t"ilUei'tub(irft,i ti .Ftii 'Ui rd mi and yard', r BHm HbBbH Hi "ro,i 'in Ksu'nsu'a ,im in the presence of 300 ladies and hmith struck out. No run. ur fat Tu'i'ir uili ! i l1 Htim -- l'red won, Mli er I.aLe second audht. Man.ie U'M. J.xttti Ur.Hlkt, I1u, HR l.acr ( link 1 Id-- .l A 4BBH . OJ KoH'uUda 4(1 .111) Duly got a lulling Huston mado 1. ui i aor ui IV 7 third. 1 ltne-- 1. IliVr. Vi.lJ .... til Itlll 3 (H J,'" - gentlemen, and O.H. C'smnboll. ot Columbia UuaUr Allen bate, aud that ou Ninth GET ii t Albans .ION I .rcn mis kSA11 SlsoJsr.1. 1 .Ml No CARPENTERS THEIR RATE 4itl n aur anCtr (Uce 'ltiree-uuarte- of a mile. Sam UooJ oiinlun. HP ., i.b5 singles from W.Htocum. ball.. rin.s. SCOIIK HT lIYO lb Afr.'U f uim iiblt r'n'irth It lt.dk . 10'.' M p . C ' VbbH - Mwuouut .Hi L'ollige. won ths II. F.igbth llnckley i hi i AU 1111 . .Mai ...I1 b-- Hi li Inning and Whistler -- fOitfOt irui'ijn Hart second and l'miee . O tsfBHlB cot " 5 JaTaTaTaaTj ud, Ul.uO Uo.IooiN. Ul a 0 0 4 V 9 tl Uioin Iljif ... 100 - hilr.r ij .o.i 10 Usmta loT Niuij 0(y 1 . Hiux H held title since 1888. in singles and (ilasscock a double, but New 1. 1 :; o 10I u -- I t. ilml, I I.lii. 11. ,'!', -- Kanliixi. CO ir.. who has the hro.ikiru in 0 a ii u in Isracut. to tutr.l. ii.ic e- Sam Wood mads tha Hi 'll'' - - York blanked poor iHinniiii snitu Tbtf t.t Hi innly .)ut.j(, rial n th Usee -- of a mile.-Kbat- tou Tue llac- and was ou La.e. -- irp. xidit 1'ifih ild Jr. i,uo s.oSeuaa - .oil Ths matob was one of the most interesting running. Paso lllu Motion, II llrookljn. (Tiitioo, rep!. '!. This noon iluds the' clt4ruptiu-- fi llirc'iuarters ru r.c where boto set down IHafl Mlrr Uor4 84 Hamilton's base on balls, a clean steal HoatbO, 11. la t t(i ui tti it M but nun, N.s ll'l.eo sua 1'aV ui totlie.tretcli. JIbbH I ' - aud Uroui"n. 4, tc'iud iiw-1- . won by neck; ! seen here, aud the victor was fairly tlrors practically ended and lUitiitJ lUn slaiKoit. Kmsir('iMlr Juturu, 'lmio-- for a ui which Vivid a HI iilai!v"u IS lloi .M em Mer a two baits gav? the Phillies one rim. - is s. rarrenten' strike Culuiutyia and horse third, t. '."' J OO hhoihou.. .01 - Ninth Inning llassett a double, UjiautL, Jua.oi't K4 Mar Hl. truui Ssui Wood, eight lengths before lt)dy. SbbbIQH HI 0- iienny neither tide able to claim a complete -- "" - Ruul'rMk l.ail 'lheeeores were: 0- -2, -3 and by ic Janiuia 'Time t.id HI ifi'b'"'. 140 40, struck out. Clark thrown out Allen. HOME. 1 CROKER SAILS FOR lory. 111 Ma eft J ;uior drdtttJ th Ilatupiwn TOLOOKIIiTOTHE BRICK BOYCOTT I Vitid was three an a half pounds oer LH i'i "? Murphy a tingle aud liatsett scored. One r ' i '1 tu '4 to1 '.si won by Clarence I yes- Mul imuo Jht ht wl en he neighed iu and diinalilled lbe dhublea ware Hobart Die Carpenters' Council decide late Juoori M 1 ar run. ' rjv sVt d4 rJ (ur ilw a ilyde aec- - ItB V. O. Hall, Kastern rbampions.who ltirtit 1 aud u Wood was placed tiitt, JaVafafafH ami the arose inmis'is -- iicoku mm The signs of the tunes indicate Ibat there terday that any contractor, whether he be- Muuii Juoms jm au4 Utteoon tct ib The lloai 4 of Arbitration will investigate best J. W. Carver and J. A. Itjerson. chain. it llaMipiuu a u end aud lliowu lnke third. lHisfs's's'sH lN.1. ) O 0 O O II .1 will be a good of politics ir d the scores being: -tl, Kt.Yeik 4 0 0 - deal in this town longed to Ihe old or Ihe now boss carpenters the bricl. tie-u- Tl eu the steward! revrr-c- Ihsir Piuiiaof tba Wet. 1 a Pal'adslpbU N I. '.' U --' 0 4 O 0 1 -I- ToM r.lt).''t- nrioa dftail am, tii wh.ch ca ncdu ;, 0 it and il 3. I presently. organization, could get men. provided oti I. i ontitt 1 1 u. 4 Toti' after-- 1 ami piacct Vi.i'i si. treat fafsBfJ THE DON 04. Ui.a hltt-.N- ,. York, I'hilalalpbia, tnat toot !) .! 'Ibey jtrned at this decision tint buokmske-is- . w paid iM SALE. 8 ftai '! Jvbu' Cbjitb ma kick am WI Im- jo had ikafafafafH .N'sw York, 4 . Ptniadsipola. Iticbard Croker. the great bachem of' he agreed to pay the rale demanded. .'ITU ib tj ors. Errors j. ttcortor U it if. iaand lb l)wi Au.isUuu b a noon after the adjournment of theNen ort oil b l in Wo id. faVLVH I A I.ccrtl News In Brlnf. Tsmmanv Hall, embarked on the steamship VI N 4 '0 00; a ' cents an hour. of iv Mutuut. l' J : Plraicht. for tho Steele Bo upholstery City of New York ftom Liverpool nxtr lentral Itailroadbcar.us. H to Cold nt net ail, Mdney If. alss, uiauulact'rer of I night one re. 1 T.s Arjt lea ib iljitita t wor of place. 00. bam Worn! I aid til. i9H s wiiiy-il.r- J aat oier hand contractors1 d(atil Humnion.es bale lecu sent to Hie Board of crauier.clnar trlniunu-- at 70 e. I street, made Mayor Grant Off to Wooda. and will be In New York next wiek. hadazresd to pay rate, men sTttuZ!! TUJiuft ol lb xaiu wit ih catch-te- f. S HJ Mornlnir. siiis.ituu:enlto.dj U tha He wiilcnmo t direct the wigwam braves ihr aud '.'.ouo tis tfuuld Ilk t.i ftom U Walking and to the It llrr l.ln. Mayor begin days' writ rrdy tn wo k. ft tttT br lIegatet lhecatlte is Wndiorneyounirnouian Urmt will a ten vaca. ahen Commiilee Inquisitor ' urn vr ol ajc Ad4r ('. , llsnduep. .i' acli. with 111H seldom that Winter Overcoats audi tmliy Uavsoss-l- iLtr the Fatlt aud Jo-da- y many applications fo men LuJr Mtnia Committee of tne Manufacturers' AssocU-- T..rf 4j,?,0 aH ' ouoPsni). Artor Tammany again rooio ','00 Nvitti l.ijbtb . Broolin, added; nulo ' !' u wbo rut five huilns Into tion thla evening. Tie will spend il iu the Inns tnru their gunjuioii I aud aonsilor. bLLI Hcv fot fa hoy re nl'1 ',nr""' ",e en (uutirraibtr airesi, ss to-- next were made, and u it estimated that over toJcrauii. it Hon to meet ihe Arbitration Commissioners l'liiio-ophi- . rid.ieu bi J. M eangliliU.l'": b ",J ""' Jena Cavacasb Adiror.dackt m company with his month. work H&. .et nun sntu.dloetsilrtnijlor Cwyesrs former Mr. coming home tn-dtn- four thousand treat Tb Po'tftTo wosid lVt o haar frotnal Oi.sey N o'clock won. wiin S'.lr se.'oud and Mailer. wi'ldemonstrst 'that Croser it it T ttm al the ilonse at I.atiuia H J." ate secretary. Leicester Holme. thai hit health bts much improved, undir iwvlra ui art Bejl; lode third. Time ". U'i fH will trof tlfr causes leading to briok boycott trot.'Ct tlirniselit'ii I frit expects to get back to town about c f'horsa p Hart, ial b t qdiu Vd b , kta Ths the BaH Hr ir?n-r',M-L,li, fr To.Ot the ore se tnat lamaiany Hall nreda bis strong 1 ('wii'Mhwall, nJy a. Kataostb. ',, Lioaa, Hi "' uyyuiBiiiacaiup. time Mr. Croker rescues here from hand guidance through coming 'ijt lJari.1 will be inquired lutoeuJ. aucBoit made to. 1 ' a K I the llroa.l- - rb. irrcl la' (HILEHM'sIUTS Oer. for tbt Forolturs. srpt, srsiylbni for bouaLsspti.t; t f , oJ r Aldrtw, KtouaJ i Lraiauaii Jd 'is ; lafBH HJ ' ,4tCws.',"' 'on. - , 1 1 U many. I campaign, rark llow or Cliaibaut itrt. Jirb difficulty, I C'lastHiiinii. kiiiiu.t. a r ua'.tjifsirevt. , , s w .1 S.a.i at '. a bssc Cbstbaia i 9 jj vt title tbt tails ilult elfsasatn llfi". Hl

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