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THEConuaHT, 1390, 11 THI Eroanxa Lm PvmemKO On, TING LIFE.AT PHILA. POST Ornci AC SECOND CLAM MATTKB. VOLUME 14, NO. 21. PHILADELPHIA, PA., FEBRUARY 26, 1890. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. Provide net franchise, wern nrM«nt. J. Etward Alien, Ing true to the National League people, although be Every ball player who has visited Newark know» who W(i3 president ot th« old Lea rue club when Prori- had a very lively recollection of a bit of double- Zacharinli Taylor, the colored giant, who for years has dence WHS In the national orgair/aHon, was elected dealing indulged in by ttie former bit spriu?, when chased ihe halls that were fcLocked uver tho fence und LATE NEWS. pteii'Jent; Fraok H. I'UD^^O-I, vice president; J. C. ANOTHER SNARL. McKean tried to pull Die-Cleveland people for a fat FOREIGN NEWS. jrevtuteJ the small hoys fr>>m scaling tbe outer walla, Dyer, secretary; Marshal B. Moade, alao of the old contract and put Brunei! in a holo by iaUely allying or creeping under them. ZacQ came to giief thll ANOTHER FUTILE ATTEMPT L-ixtjuo orjianixation, trfumrer; board of directors, that Schruclz. as manager of the Cincinnati Club, had week. He wt;s arrested oil a charge tf bl^umy, and Stlllman White, R. S. H«mMfi>n, .fnhn Heathcote, THREE MINOR CLUBS IN A approached him and offered a fdlulrus silary. PROFESSIONALS ARE NOT no* ItinKuibheu in durame vile. Zach Is chained with William H. Luther, H. B. Wlnahlp, 8. A. FJ-ebrfe and On the Butject of the Brotherhood and its prospect* having three wives livinx and as mnny dtad.
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