"ipnDiWi"!,' ,1 B' ''!,MiB''wIMI'lwtw'M ifTwwi'i. .T ily"FgBwWWgBBP?wWiyW'1WWtlw ippfy HALF-EAT- B DAYB--SA- "WsEistfBBMB I MTITATION J lift H 4ft Flta l"i v --THE WORLD'S Tlio fTmVl "M I EMtilLyfiLL zzsmsJM 9il3RlPl li ftPi? OHOlDIiLL fl .JSJIKICE OJVE cWT. NEW YOltK, WEDMCSIMV, MJPTEMItKIt 3 IHOO. PUIC13 ONE CENT. ffl BURNED ALIVE. NATIONAL LEAGUE: NATIONAL LEAGUE: PLAYERS' LEAGUE: s YORK - - 1 NEW 5 BOSTON - 4 BUFFALO - 7 Daniel Kllllan Falls from Rscalng LH - - . M .jsM PHILADELPHIA - BROOKLYN - NEW YORK - IS Arms Back Into the Flames. 9 13 ST0CK REPORTS. IJB f HOME KUN TARK j I Fifty-sixt- Hogan's Factory in East h YT0 Championship Gmfs of FIRENZE Stroot Do3troyo(l. After the Quakers Had A Game Postponed from Small Crowds at a Post- I ( BASrBAl-- L CVPRV 1 Rock Island and Sugar Certiflcalos Two HouRS ( I t M Hammered Awaj Down. Inlo In Adjoining Tenements Lost an Earlier Game Last May Is Played poned Game by the WsH Causo of the Iflro a Mystery, by 9 to 6. Off To-Da- y. Giants and Bisons, jjfe DAV & NIOHT . Won the Twin City Han- - Eurllngtfn and Ouincy, Too, Thomas Hossn's cornice factory, at 22" Suffers an Attack. and 240 East rifty.alxtb street, wai de- dicap in Fast Time I stroyed by Art this morning, along with M. Abraham's cigar factory, I that waa In the 'TWAS ALL FOR ONE PRICE. TO By fl tarns building. The lose on both Is supposed 2,500 PEOPLE 001 SEE IT. WHITNEY RETURNS TO DUIV. NI&HT GAM&S I at Sheepshead. to U quite 140.000. coTcred pretty fully Money in Supply nt S 2 to C by Fair Insurance. ej.etctp.ic Light. I'cr Cent. Hogan's factory y fl is a i buildlnit, squeezed In between tall tenements, JllfBL faclntr still taller tenements across the street Some And Mulils's Men Will Ladies' Day Grooms' Ed Crane and Larry Twitchell Do of these belong to Hogau, nlio Is a wealthy OERGEN WAS SUSPENDED. y HEHE was 11 smash fl man. employs M J lie sixty or eighty m ani b,nn at ,loc't hands Find the Orooms al Home. Last Week at Home, Some Twirllne. about tho factory, as many out-sid- e. - i?? Island and Sugar He- - and more H &l'i Ills brother Philip superintends foE'.FORE- CANIE JKwl . tinerloi certlilcttei to-- tho m I3 work of men, 5?i)x""'jr day' al"1 coni'"- - the JR 'ht Mr. himself 15 to I toted about nil thcro lloean was not there, havlne Gascon, a Shot, Won the llr&fljtr cone to Inman see IsrrctALTo evikiio woarnl Tn yvuxiti H I the pier to his son off for mr rarrriM. to woar.i.1 rsvvrist, rvantwo wnar.n I was In tho stock mar- - to Titr Ial (li8il 1 Europe, but his brother Philip, was just PniLinr.LruiA, Hept.3. Tho Philadelphia Washington Pabk, IIdooklyn, Hept. 3. BnoTnrnnoon Pabk. New Yorx. Sept. n. Sapphire Quite Easily. 3xlh3 I U ket until very Dear the clayed League Stakes taking off his coat and abaut to give too and New York Clubs two poitponcd Tho Boston and Urooklyn teams A veiy small crowd gathered at those H 1wPpsS 1 ,'''0- - Hock Islam! I order to blow the whistle when there was an games here this afternoon to till In an open played off. this aftcrnoou.a game postponed grounds this afternoon to witness the post- A. I I ''r('ve t0 K2'f " cou' I 3 A oxplosion that seemed to lift overybody right date. tho men of Mntrie will from Mny 1. poned game between New York and lluffalo. I 1 tinned reports of tho I V AsaTKTi off his feet. have flitted tollrooklyn, to meet the tlroome To.morrow the New York Leaguers appoar Whitney resinned his old position at third. "jftlF-- V financial I il un''vorb'0 Tho explosion at home. on giotimls In the first of a scries of : larrrtJL Tnr xtkisiko wosld.1 I i I uas in the cellar, aud In- these 'Ihe batting order to SaaH 1 c&Hflil tl Rji condition of the Com- - The batting games. HnELituiEAii 1)Y IUce Track, Sept. X I , stantly cries of torror rose from below. order: three Ni: viiiik (r. i.) ntti'KAi.o(r. i.) lfl Ruqsrccr- - mM fanj-- wliilo (N. ) (V, A delightful day BI Hnilwiul 1 Three or four buys had gone down to "get rnll.ltlKI.l'lIU L. NEW TCRK U) 'lhii ncek is the last that the Hildcgrooma Hlattery, c.f. liny. c. f. moio for an outing conld ) dcprotH- - afl I 'ttlswH fl "cate" "cro I. f. f. game. ' c. scarcely be enjoyed by those pret- - outstnft" for tho day's oal, oil Ilsuiiltoti, Tlernan, c. play here in a regularly scheduled P.ninu. c. llalllgau. than that .Ml fl' ,0 fin on ,''0 Hiinday. r. f. lluckley, c. Connor, Wise, b. H iff 'ear andothor things it had been their duty for Is ladies' day. lstb. "d ent here Tho crowd was a rery oH HI ' W ? that the Scnato would Myers, "d b. (Ilasscock. s. a. Itichaidsun, s. t. Clark, r. f. goes laaal years to handle. lliompeoii, r. f. Whistli-r- , Tho atlendnnce was very good at O'lloiirke, 1. f. largo one. which to prore that thla lrl 1 lstb. i.f. Ilcecher. 4 materially 1)0 JttH rill intcrfcro lenat penplu being present. 1. H wiiATrtrscii rxri.osioN? Hhriver. c. bhaiott, p. .lohnstoii, f. Hone, s. s. course is one of the most popular in the ' with tho sugar sched- - tiie Mayer, :idb llsurett, S.M b. The batting order waa as follows: Shannon. Vd b. White, ltd h. country. 'tIH 'ylll( What they did down thero to cause the ex- j jfejA u' '" McKlnlcy McCaulcy. lstl). Denny, :id b. nitOOKLTN ot.u) not m.v (S. L. ) Whitney, ildli. Paat. lstb. To make things more pleasant "" plosion, or how it occurred at all. Is a mys- Allm, s. s. Clarko. I. f. Crane, p. 'liittchcll. p. the card Tho Tariff bill im Collins, Iliiies c. f. good HB blli 11, one tery that thickens as efforts are made to Mckery, Murphy, r. f. .'Idli. Tucker, I'mpirct Messrs. Oaffney and Sheridan. was ami the bettors did not want al Pinkiicv. lstb. IH passed by the House is considered lavprable e. 1. plore it. It conld not have been gas, for the Umpire Mr. Powers. O'llncn.c. f. liar. lie. 1. First Inning Hoy llird tu Jolinnton. lls. far a chance to bcL to sugar refiners. The won tho fit gamo Knut7. lstb. llrodir. r. f. llgati s base on balls. Wise fticd to Volunteer waa the farorito for tho opening H is in the front of the cellar where visitors ft br hauler !. s. took Jl The remainder or the usually ncttrollst hitting tho poor ticldinuof tho homo jlunis r. I.owe. s. hlattery. llalllgau was caught stealing event, Western flyer, Al H the elevator shaft stood open, while tho ex- and Terry. I. r. Mctlarr, :id b. witli that Farrow, a HjHjl about a H per cent, but was extremely team, erioinl. Nonius. 'B fell H plosion Daly. c. (Innel. close second chnlco. l'rlnccss Howling, bow-- ll H occurred in the rear. 'Ihe Phillies made two riiim in tho tlrst i: Hlattery leached flist on Howe's wild dull. IisIIh, Snilti Hniltli. Ui b. l'.wlng Hied The Possible Outcome of Added Garnet Features ever, carried a lot of the money, ami won trll Pour boys aro known for certain to havo Inniiiv on Hamilton'" liiu on htm. p. throw, tu Hor. Cuunor hit and day was officially announced day's Myer'a base I.oMtt, p. Clarkson. sending Hlattery to A pa.scil H I.ito in the it been in tho cellar Daniol Killian. bunt and on ball". sufels. second. iittltn handily, "lib Al l'arrow second and uHqsaH existing botween the nhout New York evened things up in tho third on rmpircs JIcsrs. Lynch and Htrlcf. hall advanced both men a base, and they tor One I1 rice. olunleer unplaced. that tho differences eighteen Tior-nan- H H years 's ear-old- old: John who liven single, a lloan-cater- single to s Companies had Louan. Clark's muff br McCanler. First Inning Tho a vero first scored on llichaiilsnti's iflitre. Sixteen tw'v.j faced Htirter CabU Atebiion .fcltock Island been Fifty-fourt- a pitch Vi White, nt h street and Avenue A; John single, wild and hiatlcr'n at but. Hinss succumbed to three graceful O'ltouike hit tn aud wont out at well for the BsDhlre Stakes, with Nellio Illy '?!aBHsB amicably. single. lit nt. settled gavo 1 tuknr tnok on balls, llardle Fast leturni'd tho ball lo third iu a tirline favorite. There waifa long delay at ilBafB H O'llrien. who his addrusa as 1170 consi, tlrt nun-- . BASEBALL OEAL. afafafafj The former has agreed to tho decision of In tho fourth. Clark mnfln! Tliouiimon's was ovcicnnte by I.mett's tillloi. time to catch Iticharilsnti. Two I WON IN STRAIGHT HEMS. the iHistnii which Nelly Illy was left at the H Kecond avenue, and a fourth whose name is high tly ami tho rummr took Second Inning-Cla- rk wo t out. third to liEO '1 he rac was wou by aud will divort business to tno baics. Daly's nild throw tn recrnil lot Tnckcr start.
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