GAZETTE Is This First Pad*YOF To-Day's GAZETTE, Gives All Walk Methodist Church the 25Th.—[Ad the Local and General News of To-Day up to 2 P
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S^l' "• **« # ^,f ' *>.m.{ii msm &S&&3& |l%w^^|§§ s i"-? ' ?.f'T < yi *rr r ^ r ><•%:" "tl ~ " ~ „ f f»-<^ \ r" "P^.^T ^ \* An Entertaining and Instructive Home Journal, Especially Devoted to Local Mews and Interests. [$1.50 a Year; Founded in 1800.] fit VOL. XCI. NORWALK, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH I4. 1891. SNUMBER U.N™ —Look at Ed ward Street's new ad IX HOT WATER. v \" STATE PRISON STATISTICS. SPECIAL TO OUR READERS, f? Special Notice. Henry C. Skinner, a clerk at the Owing to the breaking of the large FIERY DEVASTATION. j vertisement. It58 Interesting Summary of the Report OUR COMBINED DAILY AND WEEKLY Grand Central station, in New York, Mr. N. K. Ferris, formely of Stam ' of the Directors. press on which the weekly edition of TO-DAY. turned on hot water by mistake, to take The Business Center of Syracuse^ ford, gives an organ recital at the Nor a bath, yesterday, and when*he stepped In the report of the directors of the this paper is printed, the GAZETTE is This first pad*YOF to-day's GAZETTE, gives all walk Methodist church the 25th.—[Ad the local and general news of to-day up to 2 p. into the bath tub was terribly scalded. Connecticut State Prison, submitted to made unavoidably late to-day. i - s N. Y., in Ruins. m., and constitutes what regularly appears in vocate. , , He was taken to St. Luk e's hospital. ^ the Legislature, various recommenda each day's DAILY. In addition to the above, Those who have used, Cleveland's tions are made. WASHINGTON CHAT. a ALL OF THE BEST HOTELS AND To stop hiccough take a lump of ive give our usual weekly correspondence from Baking Powder will have no other. Warden Chamberlain reports that OTHER PROMINENT BUILD near-by towns, editorials, general news of the Senator Piatt is to be the orator at sugar saturated with vinegar. the average number of convicts in con INGS SWEPT AWAY BY world, miscellany, literature, etc. In our sup Theodore Elwood, lately with Glover the Washington centennial of the <-r finement during the two years was 323; ' THE FLAMES. plement, (which goes with the WEEKLY,) we & Sons, will remove to Bridgeport, "When any one runs a nail or a wire American Patent System, on April 10th. give New York retail market reports, Sunday- in the flesh, hold the wound over burn the highest, 361; the lowest, 271. - *' He will remain in Washington till after school lessons, sermon and other Sunday read April 1. ing sugar as soon as possible and it will The cost of clothing, bedding, and this notable event is over. Neighboring Cities Telegraphed to ing. We make these detailed explanations for —Look at Edward Streets new ad freedom Suits complete is $14.85 for the the reason that many of our patrons do not prevent soreness. -7 Vice-President Morton, Senators for Assistance The Total Loss < vertisement. • 1to8 two years per capita, or $ .0203 per day. seem to understand the DAILY and WEEKLY Tournament of" the Elm City Gun Edmunds and Hale, and ex-senator at Latest Advices was "combination" on Saturday. It will become The cost of provision, including fuel $600,000. The total grand list of the borough club on the club grounds, New Haven, Ingalls, are recuperating at Camden, : fully understood and appreciated, we are con for cooking, labor, etc., is$77.87 for the . * ' yt?. foots up this year, nearly three millions, Good Friday, March 27. Shooting will a. c. fident, as this "combine" becomed "better un two years for -each convict, or $.1066 or in exact figures $2,924,328. v. In the list of contributors to the cur SYRACUSE, 'N. Y., March 14.—At six* derstood. Price of DAILY, from Monday to begin at 9.30 a. m. per day. The total cost of maintaining EEKLY rent issue of the Youth's Companion Friday inclusive, one cent. Price of W • —Look at Edward Street's liew ad o'clock this morning fire broke out in and DAILY combined, 3 cents. Parts of the stomach of Howard W. the prison, including the officers' sala appears the name of Mr. James G. vertisement. ; a - ;; lt58 Crofut of Danbury, who died Wednes the wholesale district of the city and ries, pet capita, for the two fiscal years, Blaine, who writes upon "Debates in day night, have been sent to State Every paper purchased to-day counts John Freeman was killed by a shock is $204.|3, or $.3646 per day. Congress, and bow they grow.'' ; owing to the high wind prevailing the Chemist Wheeler of Bridgeport for three in the Gold Watch balloting. from an Electric motor, in New York The eistimate of the expienses above The new society in Washington for firemen were unable to cope with it sue- . examination. yesterday, supplied with power by the the income for 1891 and 1892 is $7,000 the practical advancement of woman's cessfully. The Hogan block, the big THE WEATHER. East River Electric Light Company. Trains on the Consolidated road wera per year; of the deficiency for the fis interests put itself on A firm foundation cal year ending September 30, 1891, Fay building, the Loomis block and', The weather to-day promises to be —We have got them. The finest tea delayed for'two hours early Wednes in deciding against some of its members $5,000; for proposed water works, $6,- several other buildings had been de considerably colder and clear. To-mor and coffee in the U. S. Raymond's day morning, by a horse having fallen that its encouragements to self-helpand 000; for proposed improvements, $3,- stroyed at 9 o'clock. - ;, - row it promises to be generally clear Grocery, No. 9 Main st. 2t58 between the ties on the railroad bridge support were to be given according to and slightly colder, followed by rising at Bridgeport. ; 700; for proposed purchase of the Hub individual women's needs, and not ac At 7.30 Ruscoe's fruit house in an The barge Gladwish, with a load of temperature. —The Holmes, Keeler & Selleck Co. bard lot, $1,600; for proposed chang cording to their color. No great move other part of the city took fire. The coal from the United Collieries Co., of will commence business April 1, and ing of steam heating apparatus, $2,500; ment can live that is not founded on Philadelphia, sank Wednesday morn firemen were helpless and telegrams LOCAL ITEMS. arrangements will be made to discon total, $33,800. justice, and in the broad service of ing at the Naugatuck wharf. were sent to Oswego, Auburn and Uti- A clean cut remark—"Gus" Franke's tinue the retail business just as soon as The recapitulation shows total re humanity as distinguished from a class. "next.'' —Indian River oranges and Shaddocks broken lots of goods can be disposed ceipts friwn all sources] to have been Chief Post-office Inspector Rathborne ca for assistance. It is thought the loss $72,393.18; total expenditures, $95,499.- Benjamin Sammis died at Hemp received to-day at Raymond's. 2t58 of. It is sure of the success of the experiment will reach $1,000,000. 88, leaving a deficit of expenses over stead, L. I., Thursday. Samuel C. Ely, of Lyme, died yester of free-delivery service in villages and The entire business part of the city, Lizzie Cook, the four-years-old child income of $23,106.70. day, aged eighty-one years. He was towns, and expects on April 1st to make See special notice of Pilgrim Coun who was shot Tuesday afternoon in the Suicide, scrofulous disease of the including the daily Journal office, is in for many years a leading merchant t .velve additional selections of experi cil, O. U. A. M., in another column. forehead by a playmate, is recovering knee-joint, typhoid fever, Bright's dis ruins. The Montgomery fiats, the and trader of the Lower Connecticut mental points, East Norwalk being rapidly. " ease, chills, are each credited with one largest in the city, are also destroyed.,. -v —Pictures framed to order at J. T. Valle,y represented Lyme in the Legis booked as one. The new towns will —Large invoice of oranges to-day at —five iutall; diarrhceal diseases, three; iSI-V*' "Prowitt's, 45 Main street, Norwalk. It" lature of 1856 and was State Senator in be scattered throughout the country The Candee, Globe and Vanderbilt ho Raymond's, by the box or dozen, low pneumonia, three; consumption, eleven. The Bell Telephone company has 1859. but have not yet been definitely se tels are included in the wholesale de prices. 2t58 The nativity of 318 prisoners in con lected. " N " ' Mrs. Southworth has written as many struction. At 10 o'clock the total loss - sw Mr. M. W. Conway, of Brooklyn, the finement July 1, 1890, is given as fol Hon. John E. Earle, New Haven's each of its shares. novels as she has lived years (seventy), well known and jovial street railroad lows: Connecticut, 114; Maine, 3; Ma noted patent solicitor, is here en route had reached $600,000. • and is one of the best paid novelists. A,-.. —Pictures framed to order at J. T. builder, Avas in town last night. ryland, 4; Massachusetts, 39; New Jer to Florida. She has received for some time $10,000 sey, 5; New York, 44 f Pennsylvania, 7; New Orleans, March 14.—Several iilt"., Prowitt's, 45 Main street, Norwalk. It A crowd of drunken roughs broke in a year from the New York Ledger, and Kansas, 1; Rhode Island 9; Virginia, 3; thousand people assembled to-day near The campaign for the abolition of to the Ansonia post office Wednesday .