Salisbury, - Maryland
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ALISBURY SALISBUBY, WKJOMICO GO., MARYLAND, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, I89L NO. 20. * - 4 -— i Card*. nearvns aon tn0 acmospnerv ~jn.ns»yen'» name," gaapsd the mate, How Col. ITtlta FM4t «* Spamw*. canftmeaafiaf bkancbttajfci 11* ate began to grow d«U and oppressive. " are o*l Capt Jfrpton, yoo did Urn A mm SEES SATAN. J5v«y day about 10 o'clock there "ap BABY ONE SOLID SORE. (he ahjhsi «ra tafaad the day* are i "I ameD atstow," said the mate, walk wrong." pears in the doorway of the Pierrepont so palmist; a»h»i««- i Chmb*b*tiwahedbr<aecrWIbav, ing aft to where thwoaptainand myself The stout captain cast one more look of Triad Xnrjtfclm* wttkoM *UUe£ Vo Beat I WUea a«dd«Mthehearra«dwhltaM the hatrt stood. -> - - - .THE DEVIL CAUGHT HIM 8TEAUNQ boose, Brooklyn, a gentleman with gray IU MM upon the fatal coast, then-be ran ms eye hair and whiskers of a rather English mirth Aad the stone «tod marie rf happy patios, "I aope it may not be soph a one as orer the mad set, and then he sank AN ACTOR'S FIREWOOD. pattern. The closely buttoned frock He Awl bttvnrafled by aar **«»; . we had in the Bgina gulf a year ago," thJafi w«s* wnaw My baby, when two mooth* oid.had a break- BowoaabecarefBraiyBafleafe? down upon his knees. coat shows the figure of a well kspt aaidj, shnddming Mnymiad tan back "I did yon wrong 1 freely own it Bla Oacaata WaJ.Mj WM Omly I*a»eV. man, careful and methodical in his aVd mocked at tat* wttb -r._,ins: out ..with whatl*v!SJ%'** the doctoro h" calledd* * ecsema..' ., to the gal* I rode out In the old sloop-of- Hrr bead, anua. ftet, aad hand* w»re each 'Aad y»* I vane him to care tor me Forgive me and save us. * nmitmt. tat the He«*l keif if Thawa*t habits. Thia mim is CoL P. White, who tm*£oUAygir\ irto<t«T«rythtnc. ba« Whfi* I UT« IB Utfe world »«» sorrow* b»; war Pairfield at that time. - DoraajrtWBji elie^kl b "Then I am. captain now," said the It Wa* ; for the but twenty years has been a !k^ jood. We-conld i "TUs is a hard place for storms," said pilot, with a proud look and sparkling boarder at tbeHontagne street hotel, and the oaptafe half interrogatively, aad at eye, . - V ' . who is as well known as the very name ss^avr HarelsftBMtoi thw same time, as I thought, exhibiting- "Tea," Milton Nobles it a brilliant of the house he "^ftfrlfT. &JS3L3Sd Aad ar: "» scat; eba*cs» to sobbtac prayer*. a little trepidation. ' "nksn m*^ the *» $*» braces BTI^ lay ttonaHat and a good story teller. Among Regular as a planet, rain orshiae, OoL thai lay fcaut oriai oat for a God who ear** "You had better believe it," said L the yards square stop, sir, I know what the many anecdotes credited to M»n, the White appears with the same object in How mother, wbea She Wfeaa riudowa bur orcr toe wboto o*y loaCr "Hadn't we better call the pflotT sug I am doing. Put up jour helm and let following experience which he relates view. tatber vHietted «o. [ We invite attention to our liae of Oi r spirit ta bowed with i gested the mate. Would *ay: There'1 her go off before it Stand by now to wfll prove interesting reading: He feeds the sparrows, who daily await Ephraim, I know; Stationery Bank, Insurance, aw "Nol* thundered Napton. nerdal Blank Books made in al Ot eeaoeicMi sla akts »T ha«ri afraid. set the foresail" ' v In 1807, during my first yew of the in the big tree opposite the hotel the ap Benerer trie* to make hiMin a*-* happy that l of binding and rulings. Estimates Ere long the heavens were black as As soon as the ship was got before the atrical life, I was a member of a small ere way And this boty world has'to* ancfa to do pearance of their friend. But that rm oertaht e* earn h»*oa»» irirtli km t on application. Check Books Litb- To May taluoowMtphripM through. ink, save a little streak in the south, gale she roda easier, and ere many min traveling- "Black Crook" company, nn Generally CoL White baa a handful of hed and Printed on Safetr Paper a And I ton* foe »B«Tjoor-can It be where it seemed am if a dull fire were der the management of the late Tom thtai That ttM God of th» nnrrera* oare* for m*1 ute* abe was dashing down toward the corn bread. When he stands outside And eo. bourne*, qafcanatml **a Uka to sse, and M aonnd aa« aalty. moldering and dying. It was so dark coast at a dreadful rate. The eea fol Davev. We were playing small town the door the little gray and brown birds yootb my baby would haw died I that we could hardly «M«tJ«j[p»i«t» the out There atemed tuctafUoa hi that I af •*•» pa Cetieon Bemedlee. Iwr : PAPEBS m large Variety. O wonderful turf at ilaithlaai Vyrtl lowed her rather closely until the fore in Wisconsin and Mlmxsosa, One cold swoop down from their perches. Some mother wttha baby like i Xw* csdU h osarto that heart abort. tbetic troth. | GOLD PENCILS, Fen* aad Charm* make a lines of a man half the length of the sail was set, and then she leaped over January night found na in aUMletowm Of the boldest light oa CoL White's arms Uden t that there J. a BM' Be flctta for DM wbea I eaaaot flsM ship. AD haste was made to get the sail When Brother WUlUm )o*Md I U»w*r*ieeaema> aa4t I beahttnil GUI to altker Gent or Lady. Becoarfefto mate tk» gloom cf *&*, the Wares like a deer before' a pack of in Wisconsin, where Hie theatre and ho and shoulders, and there is one very ee- - SAN W. PETtDUE, off, and the ship was soon left under a Wsa^fVWD ! POC3CJET KKIVHS A fin* Aanrtmaat B* USJB th* bordan, Cbr ht MBOBK; bounds.. The old pilot now took his tel were under one roof, aad owned and date and methodical bird that will take To tee the- fffltont aokuer hay*J SALISBUBY. JCD. ^trom SB eents Ui S5, each. B* MSfei UM *%n and awaka* Sataiar; close reefed maintopsail, fore storm- stand by the wheel, and with a steady run by on* man. bis stand on the colonel's thumb and pick town; n»«crroir tbs*.bo*ts>* dcwababaan, staysail aad storm mirr-nn. Hardly had LEATHBB UOODB Our Specialty. ABdlS*a«aadpara«Babataia>B*earai! eye be watched the dubious way he was The xian has been in recent years wen crumbs from his open bond. A-comla' hone, poor I toorai this been done when we heard a low, going. known to professionals, aad there are Not less than twenty sparrows are would break- [EORGE c. HILL, Fteaeeclve ma call or write m when yoa IjC an wbo art avl lake heart again, rumbling sound from the southward, At length we saw an many stories extant of his peculiarities. And all u* children.) reqaln aartblnc to be (band In a Uroroprnly We ar» not alon* in cor boon of pata; indentation in regular hi their attendance, and often aalppedBook and and Stattonery BrtabUib- accompanied at short intervals by a sort the coast that looked like a bay, and He was very wealthy, bat a confirmed there are a half a hundred chirping and IISHING UNDERTAKE*.; nwnVOOee BappUe* of all ktnda, taclndlBC Oa IMhar ftooat troat U> thna* abon, of Uactaic, screeching noise. Ledcan, Day Books, Cheek Booka, Draft* Jo Bata* and qqM ia with hi* ton; toward this the ship was leaping. miser. A stranger entering his hotel twittering for their share of the- food. Hot**, tatter Head* aad Xovelooea. Addrcea. B* « »« m mat wba* the avm Is We*, la a few momenta the gale burst upon Nearer and nearer we came, and at would invariably pick hi out as the When the crowd is unusually large CoL Xnd w«ba»«a«f^y( forh»l»alfk; us> It came at first in low puffs and length the spray bom the rooks actually porter, and indeed he per formed the White wafts around to <ka fc to KoA whfc*ba deta shanf spite of spray, and then .the full armed W. J. 0. Pnlany".fc Co., Okl r* dashed upon our deck. most menial offices, erea to ^»f r^w the side and deals out the. monster leaped upon us. For awhile "Starboard braoesr spoke the pilot ia boots of his guests if asked to do so. sidewalk or on the BOOCSKLLKBS AMD STATIOJTSBa,, *" the captain let the ship dash on before it quick, clear tones, and the mate, passed Yet he always kept a good hotel. On of the birds He knew exactly where he was !<Q.*E. Bahvimore BU thra» .doew balow when he the order. "Brace upl Starboard your "show" nights be cleaned oat the dress around his THEHHO PILOT. started, but he dared not run too long, helm! Steady—so! Belay I" ing rooms and acted as janitor in gen and Charles St. and at length he brought the ship to oa Like a frightened beast the ship eral. noT.a.iT Baltimora. U d. In the month of March. 1812,1 took the larboard"tack, with her head nearly dashed into the boiling surge, and'as .From the second story of this hotel west At 10 o'clock the sea ran so Ugh there wasa hallway leading to the stage.