SALISBUBY, WKJOMICO GO., MARYLAND, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, I89L NO. 20. * - 4 -— i Card*. nearvns aon tn0 acmospnerv ~jn.ns»yen'» name," gaapsd the mate, How Col. ITtlta FM4t «* Spamw*. canftmeaafiaf bkancbttajfci 11* ate began to grow d«U and oppressive. " are o*l Capt Jfrpton, yoo did Urn A mm SEES SATAN. J5v«y day about 10 o'clock there "ap­ BABY ONE SOLID SORE. (he ahjhsi «ra tafaad the day* are i "I ameD atstow," said the mate, walk­ wrong." pears in the doorway of the Pierrepont so palmist; a»h»i««- i Chmb*b*tiwahedbr - - - .THE DEVIL CAUGHT HIM 8TEAUNQ boose, Brooklyn, a gentleman with gray IU MM upon the fatal coast, then-be ran ms eye hair and whiskers of a rather English mirth Aad the stone «tod marie rf happy patios, "I aope it may not be soph a one as orer the mad set, and then he sank AN ACTOR'S FIREWOOD. pattern. The closely buttoned frock He Awl bttvnrafled by aar **«»; . we had in the Bgina gulf a year ago," thJafi w«s* wnaw My baby, when two mooth* oid.had a break- BowoaabecarefBraiyBafleafe? down upon his knees. coat shows the figure of a well kspt aaidj, shnddming Mnymiad tan back "I did yon wrong 1 freely own it Bla Oacaata WaJ.Mj WM Omly I*a»eV. man, careful and methodical in his aVd mocked at tat* wttb -r._,ins: out ..with whatl*v!SJ%'** the doctoro h" calledd* * ecsema..' ., to the gal* I rode out In the old sloop-of- Hrr bead, anua. ftet, aad hand* w»re each 'Aad y»* I vane him to care tor me Forgive me and save us. * nmitmt. tat the He«*l keif if Thawa*t habits. Thia mim is CoL P. White, who tm*£oUAygir\ irto aa4t I beahttnil GUI to altker Gent or Lady. Becoarfefto mate tk» gloom cf *&*, the Wares like a deer before' a pack of in Wisconsin, where Hie theatre and ho­ and shoulders, and there is one very ee- - SAN W. PETtDUE, off, and the ship was soon left under a Wsa^fVWD ! POC3CJET KKIVHS A fin* Aanrtmaat B* USJB th* bordan, Cbr ht MBOBK; bounds.. The old pilot now took his tel were under one roof, aad owned and date and methodical bird that will take To tee the- fffltont aokuer hay*J SALISBUBY. JCD. ^trom SB eents Ui S5, each. B* MSfei UM *%n and awaka* Sataiar; close reefed maintopsail, fore storm- stand by the wheel, and with a steady run by on* man. bis stand on the colonel's thumb and pick town; n»«crroir tbs*.bo*ts>* dcwababaan, staysail aad storm mirr-nn. Hardly had LEATHBB UOODB Our Specialty. ABdlS*a«aadpara«Babataia>B*earai! eye be watched the dubious way he was The xian has been in recent years wen crumbs from his open bond. A-comla' hone, poor I toorai this been done when we heard a low, going. known to professionals, aad there are Not less than twenty sparrows are would break- [EORGE c. HILL, Fteaeeclve ma call or write m when yoa IjC an wbo art avl lake heart again, rumbling sound from the southward, At length we saw an many stories extant of his peculiarities. And all u* children.) reqaln aartblnc to be (band In a Uroroprnly We ar» not alon* in cor boon of pata; indentation in regular hi their attendance, and often aalppedBook and and Stattonery BrtabUib- accompanied at short intervals by a sort the coast that looked like a bay, and He was very wealthy, bat a confirmed there are a half a hundred chirping and IISHING UNDERTAKE*.; nwnVOOee BappUe* of all ktnda, taclndlBC Oa IMhar ftooat troat U> thna* abon, of Uactaic, screeching noise. Ledcan, Day Books, Cheek Booka, Draft* Jo Bata* and qqM ia with hi* ton; toward this the ship was leaping. miser. A stranger entering his hotel twittering for their share of the- food. Hot**, tatter Head* aad Xovelooea. Addrcea. B* « »« m mat wba* the avm Is We*, la a few momenta the gale burst upon Nearer and nearer we came, and at would invariably pick hi out as the When the crowd is unusually large CoL Xnd w«ba»«a«f^y( forh»l»alfk; us> It came at first in low puffs and length the spray bom the rooks actually porter, and indeed he per formed the White wafts around to IA main prison building. At night do only first cUSB work. Vy and We had a smooth ran until we bad I was playing two about the deck, and when bo stood by | rows of lights can be seen, lights that in the piece, sjnongi fare reawinable and rot exorbitant. Superior Quality for- parsed the southern capes of Greece tod illumine the long galleries upon which rin* is (luDP nnilvrw.1)- own eup*r- satered the archipelago, bat here we had the binnacle I could see that he was pale J Xy room was C'rrt-ct time iairJinired in this and excited. For three hours the ship are the cells in which the convicts sleep, could hear tin PLAHIiG MILLS. SMSH. DOOR*, signs of bad wbathar. Capt. Kapton had and the thought at once arises that the rid if you never been in these waters before and had now been lying to. and it was evi­ how long I lprrfert time,~9rH^ft to dent that she must have made consider- big building is alive with moving figures, room before BLIKD6, did not feel qoite safe to trust himself keepers with loaded riflea guarding each , evervbodv, and see, whether you among the -uun isles in a long storm, abJe leeway. Beneath the fearful power finished not." of the driving gale she must have swept gallery, on the alort for any outbreak. my Wagons, Agricultural Implements, Box- and we had reason to believe that such After 9 o'clock at night not a sound is ILL LI.VB OLIDA r GOODS Coming, -To be rare, the swiftly off but how swiftly none oould -room Ktaxera, Oar Shop*, Ac. Correspondence tell. There was no use in heaving the beard. The "all right" bell is sounded Jl!ST VED. ch«t was explicit, bat than those an at 520 every night, the day keepers are travel log, for the -sea* Would "bring it home." Solicited. Address, m atomy aigbta. At length it vras near 8 o'clock the replaced by a few night men, the con­ tirr fTin tart in Tint stfjjil. victs are locked in their cells, iron [A. w. DCOCK, but it waa very likely to be different sea had risen to such a height that it TO H. J. L.POWEB&CO. threatened every moment to engulf the trance doors take the place of the ship in its deep cold grave, but yet tbv en ones during the day, and the SALISBU No. 20 S. 23d. St.. Phils, my advice. I tola- is closed for the ni£ Even am tfcefe/weri- plenty strained and groaning craft stood nobly of 'experienced up. -Bat coajd .-she stand so. much warden's residence, where pOotsiat-Mfli), and that in an probability served at B, the influence of the out of them oinjU Trii hi'll i 11 to " -" 000*1 aeetbafaoeot «-»r», of the' binnacle the-prison aUenda, and about 0 lisburi , CUFFS, WOOLK&^CNDEB- fayraa aad teswtera mere fiS£ Ae every one U asleep or appereo; tCKS. 8U8PEH DEB*,mod SILK tor the archipelago, though I had- passed upon OTand fZteymvst aim '' ~ ~ ' your-- JKod* IroSn times, * ' "- noticed haw pale it was. I wffl not at- .With - tempt to describe my own feelings. I ply remembetfrem« that I thought of my the night guards1 eouw-fertr and that 1 river against the | arranged that the ship should atop a) Worid. - .——-' ,.i'- » • JIOo and take in a pilot On the next woBdered tfl aboUd ever see it again morning MU& was in sight on the lar­ if ever agal 1 1 ahenld hear the voices of Urirm to Sntaid* by those who 1 «*d l&ud roe in r Sidoey Clay was"* London board bow, and having run in to Jh« emaie tte spotwJkeie d of the Pigeons we hove to off c'-Tk bring in Boston road. been standift*; and went to the wheel. yoars of ago t""J bad a wife made a signal In less We can't' this much longer," rfby children, A sister-in-law lived said bate let r '- ." »- femilj, and thia lady bad a> ery one of whom professed to know made toy tsoUr caHed Peep, w ' soon gtwatJearorlt* with alL about navigating the archipelago. "Is it best trust oar-fate aad put Among tbs. number was an olih an pet dog for a. ws*Ka*d k»t it; -to? -a her before ~ f W« shall certainly blythe crs*tar« was. stole XTHE ^ go down If on in thia way." extraordinarily cmajl and _ "No, no. the captain, seeming S FRUIT CROP BE statementa wifli intelUgent Clay made every the MARYLAND or DELAWARE to force bis words out; "to put her be- the pet, but f~ " ~ FARMER thu year? An TOO prepared to ttons as a pilot were by Car she fom» it would }be certain death, for we ~ roresjp proflu aootfccr year after repeated tall- Ufactoryof tholot He offered to go to are locked in to leeward by a snug chain ore tWbT not go to CALITOBNIA where Smyrna and back with us forfSS, and four months] the FRO1T CROP U alway* rare and proflu of Uaada. Tbatopsatt yet holds. We in the family i lanre ? You can make one to four hundred after some further constdtatko be waa may stand it tffl daylfeM." douan proflu p«r acre. engaged. Ton will be larprUeO at the low price and 'I am afraid not." ;.- the man bad 1 Urnu, flrrt-cUat Fruit Land eaa beted. Near noon, we filled away. There was "Tben we must pray that's aJQ." - -- Cmll at oow or write bat little wind, not more than v^ogh potusfaun ' J. GLENS OOOK A CO_ It must have "been some kind power that day] Bank of BaOteore BdtKIlDt. to run off tiro or three knots, and even caatkald oar atrip up through that long Baltimore, Hd. that was from the northward and east- platedi Laaro aJJ parttcolarm, and bow you can «*. night, .for the water mountains broke letter toCALJrOBNIX wttt an EXCUBSION party. jrard aa>d as near dead ahead as pos- their fury upon her, and the toad wind sible,sott>«pilot ooncluded to make a bent her down till she almoat groaned long leg" upon tfce starboard tack and with physical pain. | Twilley & Beam, pasatotbelewwaidof Siphanto. It waa At length the first faint affeak of the 4 o'clock ia fee afternoon wbeo the ship coming dawn appeared ia (be. east, aad ; PARAGONS of the TONSORIAL was again pat about, it being intended yet the gale was unabated./The captain to make a run to the eastward between was just upon the point of leaving his 1 ART. Siphanto and Serpho. The breese had stand by the wheel when there came a freshened a 'little and the reel now ran noise that spoke louder thaa the tempest. i on Main Street, In the Btutnea* off four knots. The northern point of It was a rumbling, roaring, crashing " JUbory. Kverythlns; Siphanto bore about fire points on the land airy. noise that came to us like the knell of tee bow, about ten ail*a, «thrtant death. All knew in a mosjfient .'Tm afraid w» sbaU hava' to tack was. Our ship was upon tha pilot, looking anxiously The morning bow. blaaobed it '• Veterans. BBrplaa Weeded for Feostoa*. Utlaware Legislator*. JAS. E. EtLiooop, Atty. nan iu Slark c .nnty, Ohio, WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.—Secretary Win- DOVER, DEL., Jan. 12.—Notice was giv the survivors of Napoleon's dam Is authority fur the statement that en in each house of the legislature this Order of Publication. R. E. POWELL & CO. ", Joeeph A kins, is dead at Alliance. the growing treasury snrplns cannot now afternoon of bills to provide for resnb Benjamin B. Oordy, and others ra. Sally Gor- :le WM bora in Bel ford, France, on Sep­ be used in the purchase of four per cent, mission to the people of the question oi dy, and Others. • Are determined to clear out their Has been caused by tember J5, 1792. The first important event bcjnds for the reason that it will be need­ calling a constitutional convention, No. 787. In Chancery. Circuit Court tor Wl- to aiakp an impression on his mind was ed to meet pension pay menu due neit LARGE LINES, measure to which both political parties eomloo County, Md. the battle of AURtcjriitt. Yonng Akins, month, aggregating (25,000.000. The stand pledged. In the House, notice was Proprietor. The objector this suit Is to procure a decree MAGNIFICENT S1: then 19, was to elated with the victories) availab'e cash surplus is now $18,000,000, given of a bill to divide Cedar Creek for the sale or certain real estate In Wicomlco of Napoleon tJ i at be succeeded in enlist­ but, by continued exceaa < f receipt* over county, Maryland, of which William W. Gor­ of WINTER GOODS*- AND hundred, Sussex county. This would dy, died, seised and possessed, tor the pur­ tTISING RATES. ing in the French army. He participated expenditures, will probably reach the re­ make the county government more safe­ pose ofdlrldlnf the proceeds among Ui«Qpar- tles entitled accordlnf to their respective In­ SUPERIOR at* will be Inserted tt the rate in a number of engagements, and his di­ quired amount by the time indicated. ly democratic. William T. Parvis, of terests. an inch for the flnl Insertion vision WM ordered to MWOW, bat fortu­ Secretary Windom is of opinion that the The bill state* that William W. Oordy died With a Great Cot in the 5d ttrty eaaU an Inch for each subsequent Milford, was appointed reading clerk in on or about the 1st day of Hay. 1890, leaving a nately the order was countermanded, businesa of the country would be im- the House. Among prospective measures last will and testament. In which he made Insertion. A liberal dlmonnl to yearly «d- the following devise: "I Rive and devise all Gfreat Sacrifice, vertlaen, and he was saved from that fatal cam­ prpved by making these pension |«y- is an application for a charter for a rail my right, title and Interest In and to that BED-ROOM LocsU MoUoo lem oenu a HIM lor the Bnrt paign. When the dash of arms came at m>:nts monthly instead of quarterly, as at tract of land, on the west side or and binding road from Unrel. DvL, to Tyaskin, Md., on Middle Neck Road, and on North side ol to make room for Spring Goods. You will find Bargains in - Parlor Suits, in Plush an^ InierUon and flve cent* for each addltlnnMl the battle of Warterloo Akins'n division present, and he has made a recommen- a distance of about twenty miles, to con Middle Neck Branch, being a tract of land, InaerUotx. Death and Marrtaee lCoUce» IB- which I got rrom my rather Wesley Gordy, erted tree wbeo not exceeding six llora. was only thirty mile* distant, bnt arrived drflion to that effect to the proper con­ nect at-Tyaskin with the contemplated to the luue or my uncles Thomas Gordy, fets, Bedsteads, Rocking Splcer (wn-dy, Garrison Gordy and my aunt Obituary Notice* Bve cents a line. on thearene of artion too late to be of gressional committees. Ea>tern Shore Rail mail. This project Polly West to take per stlrpea and not per Tables, Carpets and Rugs.j Babacriptlon Prior, one dollar j>*r atrouin, service. At the clou*- of his military ser­ If this is done, he says, it will do away will come witli substantial backing by capita, provided that ir the names and resi­ Heavy Boots, U> aavaxoe. Slnjlc copy, three cents, dences or any or the said Issue or descendants vice Akins wan inarriid in Miss Mary with the present nnceacity of. keeping a men who mean business. In the Senate, shall be unknown at the time or the sale of said property for distribution and shall fall to .This above cut in prices will POIT OWC* AT SAUSrriVr, Mollen, and a boot five years later came large sum of money in tlio treasury vaults notice was given of a New Castle county make their names and residences known to Heavy Suits, November Slit, 1887. to America. They first settled in Canton, for three months when it might just as commissioner bill to supersede the exist­ the court In which the said property may be third floors until they are entirely sold within one year rrom the date or the I hereby certify the &AI.IUCBT Aovajrrn- where they lived for fifteen rears. His well be ia the hands >>f the people en­ ing levy Conrt system. anew stock of Furniture direct fr ta newspaper published sale, then the proceeds or sale shall be distri­ at this place, hat wife died about twenty-one years ago. titled to it. buted among those whose names and resi­ Heavy Overcoats, is all we ask for. nlned oy the Third AwliLuit PoM- dences are known, In the manner above stat­ ___ -A-ITID eneral to be a publication Akins avldoni referred of late to his Later in the day Secretary Windom ex­ ed, that Is per stlrpes and not per capita." entitled No child can sleep soundly, while suf­ That the said Bplcer Gordy, Thomas Gordy, I In the mails at the poond rate army experience, bnt in earlier years plained that the changing from quarterly fering with colic or from teething. Re­ Perry Gordy, Garrison and Polly West are I entry of It a* inch li accord- gave interesting accounts of his experi­ tojmonthly payment* he meant merely all dead leaving numerous laauc, as rollows: Heavy Underwear. N. B.—Overcoats and Boots bel^ the books of this office. move the cause by using Dr. Bull's Baby The children or Thomon Oordy; Sally Gor- ence as a fighter nnder Napoleon. Dur­ tojBO alter the pystem as to provide that dy living In Delaware Harriet Stevens now jacter of the publication Syrnp. Only 25 cents. dead leaving Issue, Qnlnton Gordy now dead ing his last hoars, while unconscious, he in)the future all the payments shall be leaving Issue, John Huston Gordy now living REMEMBER THAT THESE GOODS MUST GO ! In Wlromlco county, Ann Mills wire or Leon­ . MOORE, talked of old army experiences, going made throughout the country in differ­ ard Mills now living In Worcester county. through the motions of drawing his sa­ ent months, and in that way make pay­ All sufferers from catarrh or Influenza Mary Godfrey, wife or Samuel living In Wor- can look forward to a speedy cure by us eentercounlv, Maria Farlow now dead leav­ ICY. JAN. 17,1891. bre and calling to bis comrades in arms ments every month instead of only every ing issue, Miranda Parsons, wire or Elijah R, E. POWELL & CO., We Are living In Worcester county, George Gordy Hei to snstain the valor of Prance and the quarter, as at present. Ing Old Saul's Catarrh Cure.. now dead leaving Issue. leadership of their brave commander.' That the following are the children of Har­ riet Stevens wbo was the daughter ofTbomas SALISBURY, - MARYLAND. eporting the enlogis- f ' Cos>troT*nj Betwswn Pnesta. Gordy, Joslah Stevens and James Htevens Death* From Hydrophobia. both living In Worcester county, and Mary rrtembers of the French Catholic* of Worcester, Mass., Morris and Maria Stevens non residents, The three-xiir-old daughter of Mrs. whooe residence Is unknown. DRIVE WELLS, PUJ aerating the life are much stirred up over I he controversy That the rollowlng arc the children of Quln- Irvington, n, we regret that suburb of between Father Bronillet. pastor of the U>n Gordy who was the son or Thos. Gordy: Monday from what CAtARRh John T. Gordy, William Gordy and Halley GALVANIZED PIPE, Church of N'otre Dame, and Father Is a constitutional and not a local dljeue. 8lrmnn, wlfeorwm. 8lrman. living In Wi­ | of Hon. Tbj |ced to be hydropho- comlco countv. and Gordy living In Dnrorfier, formerly his assistant. The and therefore It cannot be cured by local New Jersey. "That the rollowlng Is the only and WELL POIN1! i the little girl was latter had been Mpi ritual director of the application!. It require! a constitutional child or Maria Farlow, who wan the daughter remedy like Hood's Sarsaparllla, which, or Tho«. Gordy, James W. Farlow living In ^ scalp wound, French Orphanage, which is managed by Phlln., Penn. That the rollowlng are the until working through the blood, eradicates the children orGeorze Gordy, who was the son ol eight young women desirous of becoming Impurity which causes and promotes the Thos. Gordy; John Wm., James and Roberta At Our New Store Agents for FELTON, RAU & SIBLEY'S & H, ¥, JOHNS' Asbes Iniother nans. Although the orphanage was Gordy all living In Worcester county. disease, and effects a permanent cure. That the above are all or the rull age or 21 fonndedjjy Pastn'r Brnuillet, and is par- Thousands of people testify to the success yean and are all the luue or the said Thos. at Hood's Banaparllla as a remedy for Gordy as far as known. him, Dtirocher has eatarrh when other preparations had failed. That the rollowlngare the children of Splcer ntrol of it, Father Gordy: Ell, living In Dorchester county; Benl. H. and Laura, wire or Perry Conlbonrne both DOCK STREET I known to bim living In Worcester county: Ixjvln W.. non PAINTS, resident; JoMah P., Hanson V. and Margaret displeased Conlbourno. wire or W. H. H. Coulbourne liv­ was dis- ing In Wicomlco county: I-nvenla West, wire Wm. T., living In Somerset county; Inahella E DESIRE to express our sincere thanks for the patron Beady-Mixed Paints, the two liest Res CAtARRh Henry, wire or Isaac, and Mary E. Beach, " I will say I have been troubled for sev­ wife or John G.. living In Delaware. That the age and favor received at the hands of our friends and above nre all or the full age of 21 y«ars. Mixed Paints made.! en] years with that terribly dnagreeaMe The rollowlng are the rhlldr»n or Polly customers in the past, and disease, eatarrh. I took Hood's Sarupa- West; John living In Talbot county, Nathan rllla with the very best results. It cured me G. dead leaving Issue Win. T.. Irvlng In Som­ of that continual dropping In my throat, and erset county, Nnncy Blades dead, lusue un­ A full line of Builders' and Coach known, Hannah Parker dead leaving luue, _stafleJ up feellog. It has also helped my Ellxabeth Rlggtn dead leaving Ixsue, Sally Extend a Cordial Invitation to All * other, who has taken It for run down state Johnson living In Wlcomlco county. Mar- health and kidney trouble." MBS. 8. D. caret Gordy living In Dorchester county. Maria Evans living In Worcester county, HARDWARE, STOVES and TlNWAR] ITH, Pntnam. Coon, Lavcnln White, wire or Jos. G. White living In to visit us in our New Store-House on Dock St., where a large hare used Hood's SarsaparUla /or c*. Delaware. Those llvlngarc or the full age. of , with very satisfactory results. I hare 21 yenrs. and varied stock of Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, The following are the children of Na­ 1 more permanent benefit from It than than G. West who was the son or Polly West : Cigars and General Merchandise to select from can jy other remedy I have erer tried." Anna E. Vincent, wire Peter Vincent living JOBBING IN TIN AND SHEET ISON WORK j, of A. Bead & SOD, Waueoo, O. In Wlcomlco countv. Edward Went living In be found. Prices very low. Yours truly, Wlcomlco county, Martha Layfleld. wife of John T., and Henrietta Harper, both living In Delaware. Minerva Ullls. Mary H. Peters .A. SIPEOT A T . and fharlen West living In Worcester coun­ tod's ty, nil of rhe rail age of 21 year". That the rollowlng are the children of Eliz­ B. L. Gillis & Son, . abeth RlKgln who was the daughter or Polly West: Ehenerer Rlcglnand Matilda wire of larilla John H. Parkrr llvln* In Delaware, Cath­ arine, wife or John Tracy living Ln Pennnyl- L&JfTD. i. Prepared only vanm. and BenJ. Rlggln, dead, leaving lisue i,LoweU,lbu. Dorman & Sjpnyt] under 21 years whose names arc unknown >ollar to your orators, the others are over 21 years That the following are the children of Nan- Main and Dock Streets, SAtTSnimiMO. cv Blades who was the daughter of Polly West: William, James, Lemuel, Charles and Peter Blades and Llrrlo and Nancy Derrick- son all living In Worcester county, and Mary Foreman living somewhere In Illinois, all over 21 years old. i That the following are the children or Man- { THIS SPACE ah Parker who was the daughter or Polly i st: Thou. Parker and Margaret Phllllpa | ng In Delaware, Rosa Tracy wire or John i — BELONGS TO — " in Philadelphia, all over 2t years old, j tharlne Lord, now dead, leaving Issue. ; he rollowlng are the children or Cath- >rd who was the granddaughter of est: Frank Lord anlc Ernest Lord, elaware, both under Jl years of age.' following arc the children of Perry • njamln B. Gordy, living In Wlcom- . f, over 31 yearn old; John 8., Jas. D. * O., all dead, leaving Iwne. | The F. C. & H. S. Todd Co. OUR STOCK mm ie child or John M. Gnrdy, who wai .JPerry Gordy, Is as fallows : John H (INCORPORATED.) Ivlng In Wlcomlco county, over 2 id. thy child of James Oordy. the son of j Jan. D., living in Wloomloo county

children or Garrison Gordy are rlassey.dead, leaving Issue: Levl D. iry J. Paty and Laura A. Williams, ploomlco county, and Ella Shock Tcesler county, all over 21 years old pJ children or Gattle E. Mowey are -Bayne, Sally M., JM. D., Saml. E., V LouisaaUassey,all over 21 years f lug In Wleomlco county. en T foregoing are all the Issue of the Pen»,8plcer, Garrison Gordy and ment t, a* tar a* known to the plaintiffs. received an elegant line of ;-. virtue of the said will or W. W. 1 his descendants, aforesaid, they JItotberaal- "fc" estate of describedWleomlco there- lowest pces __ CARPEiTS AND RUGS, a view of further _^ _aaold 4 which we rant you to call to see,- the prices will certainly it will be to the inter _ r to their re- please. desiring to purchase Dry C Uth day of bat tae oom- to call in person or to write fljr.-tarether Ih0bin,tobe pies and Information. bed In Fall and Winter Duderfear. ar sno- luary. Ifend- . tO all, We h Sm?.loeSin* thr°u/^ our sto<*. able to do I f of sr In slzes and kinds- . ^u U1C gents' attention to "Wrftfht's STRAWBRIDGE Health Underwear," which we would like for™" examine before purchasing elsewhere. AND EI( A TV AWS & PURNELL. CommaBdcr Seth awl the Oystenn«aw WICOMICO BAR ASSOCIATION. Raiding tke Country. .DYERTISBR, At their request, Commander Seth, of CDicAGO, Jan. 14.—A special Cmm Chi­ QUARTERLY BULLETIN AJfNTJIL the State fishery force, met a number of The Lea-al Fraternity of Salisbury Oixaala- nook, Montana, says that* four families oy the oyster packers from the Canton Ex­ iBf for the Mutual Protection of from Snake creek have come in. These M£f change at the Carrollton Hotel, Baltimore Lawyer aad Litigant. report that a band of about 250 Sioux Tuesday, to disease the existing oyster Indians were raiding the country, kill­ DEATH CLAIMS A meeting of the legal fraternity of ing cattle, stealing horse* and commit­ calling law. The packers thought the Wicomico county was held at the office 2P-A.X33 S-T TUS llRCCTORY. law was being violated, and urged the ting other depredations. The town is all of Mr. W. I. Todd Thursday night, in ac­ prepared for defence against an Indian OufM AI0o: commander to use vigorous efforts to cordance with announcement made at a have it enforced, as the- destruction of attack. The citizen* have decided to Neuralgia. preliminary meeting held last week. make a requisition on Governor Tools Coon * Club small oysters now works a great injury The pprpose of the meeting was to Lumbago, Washington Life Insurance Co. nphrej-s. Esq. to the future growth of the beds. Com­ for 500 stands of arms with ammunition. form a bar association for the mutual Sciatica, From April 1st, 1890, to July 1st, 1890. Whiskey, mander Seth explained to the meeting protection of onr lawyers and the people. Thomas H. Williams. what bad been done since he assumed For burns and wounds we would re- Sprains, Thomm» M. Siemens/ Those present Thursday night were commend Salvation Oil. All druggist* ! D. Records. ' control of the force. He said lie bad Judge Holland, Jas. E. Ellegood, W. I. Bruises, -E. Stanley Toad via. worked hard to familiarise himself with sell it at 25 cents. W. A. BREWER, Jr., President. Todd, Bobt P. Graham. B. L. D. Stan­ Burns, WHICH B the needs of the oyster industry in the >F THADK. ford, Thos- Perry, Jay Williams, Geo. W. State, and had given particular attention Many cases nave come under onr no­ Wounds, Bell. Col. Malone and Geo. W. D. Waller. to the culling feature of the law. Within tice where a single bottle of Dr. Bull's Assets, Jannirj 1st, 1840, Detth CUims Paid July 1st, 1890. WITHOUT i E1YAL ; Hons. Thos. Humphreys and E. Stanlev Swellings, Treaa,V tb« next sixty days, be said, the oyster Cough Syrup relieved a sufferer from a Toadvin were unavoidably absent, and Soreness, $10,073,371,37. $8,303,725.71. For sale In bulk and pat up planters from the North will be coming severe cough, which had been treated In handsomely engraved bottle*. State's Attorney Rider was ont of town. Frost-bites, Try It and be convinced of its E.T. Fo (rler. into the Maryland waters, purchasing for months by competent physicians. 25c. Judge Holland was elected president excellence. Isaac C] man. stock to replant. As the small oysters Stiffness, of the association; Jas. E. Ellegood, vice- LOCAL POINTS. A man's good deeds live after him in the loving, grateful SAX BANK. are especially desirable for the purpose, president; Harry L. D. Stanford, secre­ All Aches. extra precautions will have to be taken hearts of those who reap the bounty of his prudent care and S. ULMAN & BRO!, tary; and Jay Williams, treasurer. The —Winter Boots at Jease D. Price. -Preat; to prevent even greater violations of this forethought The following list contains many instances of a officers are chosen for a term of twelve Under Opera Hooae, SAUSMMT. bier. feature of the law. It is his intention, —Overcoats below cost Birckhead & Qua. A. TogelerOx, provision made solely through life insurance : ha said, to use vigorous measures to guard months. Carey. BalUmore, Kd. suler Toadvin, The committee on a constitution and K.Tllghman, the beds during the period in which by-laws, consisting of Messrs. Jas. E. —Boots and Shoes cheap at Birckhead f |. Brattan, these purchases are made. The present & Carey's. No. Name snd Residence Amoant Premlora Profit oo Becd. for ev'y Ellegood, Robt. P. Graham, and Wood­ Occupation. of Paid lea police force, he Bays, is too small as it land I. Todd, submitted their documents —The finest stock of Hats is at Thor- of of Insured. InvmU. fioopd. Our "RED STAR" DING UD frequently happens that one police boat oughgood's. Pollc Policy. Dlvide'di to Co. has as many as 600 or 800 dredgers to to the association and they were adopted, afler a slight revision. —Old Stock Ale on draught at A. F. 28 «T William S. Grimes- ..Colorado Physician — _.. 4849 2123 15 272585 228 watch. No sufltQBtions were offered by C71M J. C. Alaxander.....Connectic«l Salesman^-..... 3000 8828 193873 3180 and "MIXTURE B" By the by-laws and constitution, any Parsons & Co. 5Z» Kobt. H. Todd.. DI«U Columbi Clerk...... 2010 275 44 173668 730 the packers, bat they promised their co­ «MU William W. White..... Georjla Farmer...... soc- 241 40 276880 1342 operation in the enforcement of the pre­ lawyer of eoqji standing in the state may ' —C. M. Brewington ia selling the At- 23133 Pletun A. Field...... Illlnoi Clergy man...... 73 Paid-up ...... _ ""MB™"' FERTILIZERS TAKE THE LEAD. become a member of the association. It wood's suspender. 48420 John H. Freaaer...... " Carriage Mfr _ 2D70 623(8 3447 18 sent law. KM3 Andrew Sbuman..... — " Editor...... _._ 5000 S737 23 1272 77 184 See what Prof. Alvord oi the Maryland Agricultural Experimental Station also requires that one meeting each month 40C8E Silas W. Adcock.... _ ... " Batcher.. _ .. _ . 1017 23464 78248 433 . H. Wllllama, —Try a pair of Price's "Storm King" 47179 Chester F. Wright...... " Coal Merchant. 2V» 699 81 19G8 19 437 ays.: " 'Red Star1 Mixture, manafactared by Hampbreys dc Titghmmn, SaJicbury, shall' be held. The first Monday night of shoes for men, (3-00. 28*58 William 8. Bates...... " Clerk..... _ .._.._ 2500 73770 178380 339 Ammonia, 5.65; Potaah, 3.60; Phoephoric Acid, 11X55; Nwtieoke Items. each month has been selected as the 44038 Walter J. Wrlght...... -Iowa Fanner...... — . 1000 45932 64U 88 218 Business in this section is not quite so —Ladies' drees goods in endless varie­ 26794 George Blddlniton...... " Lumber Mcht... 8101 1S8757 173343 327 THE DELAVfARE ELECTRIC LIGHT AND time of the regular sessions. At each ty, R. E. Powell A Go's. 03824 Daniel Welch...... Kentuckj Farmer. .._....._.. 1000 MU6 98496 S8SS Station Valuation, 29.00. SulHng Price, 27.50. iWER COMPANY. active as it was before the holidays. The 05087 William E. Stliee...... " 8apt— ...... 111 Paid-up "2BW~88"" ....._„.... meeting a thesis will be read by some Combined liti Great Refracting Power. 15S74 Wm. H. DauKeerty—Maryland Merchant..... — . 5000 2301 13 "Mixture B" Sta. Val., 27.^)0. Selling Price, 27.50. John P.' Owens, Local Manager. merchants are feeling the effects of the member of the association who. has been —C. E. Davis has the best 12.00 wo­ 19101 E. D. Jlnks...... _Massachosetta Clerk—... _ . 8612 2211 4301 3B6 scarcity of oysters. man's shoe in Salisbury. THEY ARE AS TRANSPARENT AND 45136 I. F. Farguson " Merchant.... — . 2011 47024 154078 428 While the Station value of many other fertiliten JB fir* to eight dollars leaf than previously selected by the president for 401.57 L. A. Tenney... " Drew maker...... 1000 909 U 90 89 110 the selling price. WATER COMPANY. The bivalve is one of the chief com­ COLORLESS AS LIGHT ITSELF, 80928 Adolph Bporley...... Michigan Harness Dealer ]•» 68880 41340 180 that purpose. —Best bargains In furniture .and car­ William Hooper...... " Suptof Mine..-. 1017 24511 80189 471 Our Fertilisers have done wooden in growing large crop of sweet and round R.P. Dennis, Prwi't; And lorsoltness ol endurance to the eye can­ 44164 ""sail"" L. 8. lell, Sec'y and Treaa, modities of our community and onr pros­ A moot-court will be a feature of the pet: at Birckhead & Carey. 4*K1 Robert N. SraiUi...... Blacksmith...... IM Paid-up ...... potatoes and track, in Virginia and Wicomico connty. Don t forget whfct Itobny ' I * —— not be excelled, enabling the wearer to read 83068 John Rlee ... — ...... Minnesota Bookkeeper.._ . 9)00 24925 175075 next rpring. perity depends, in great measure, upon new organization, and fictitious cases, —The only place in the city, to buy lor hours without fatUrae. In fact, they are 42M7 Chas. E. Fanning... " Merchant _ ._... 1S30 43408 108594 361) t DIRECTORS. the aanual harvest of this product of the HM3 Ida Malott...... Missouri doosekeeper.,. aooo 125 18 2874 84 23*8 ' A largo supply of the celebrated' VT. H. Jackson,' CoL 8. A. Graham, involving nice points of law, will be ar­ imported cigars is at Ulmans. 5775 smes N. Corlelle New Jersey 3om. Merchant 5000 378903 2210 W 179 LE.\fE. Williams. waters. gued. Perfect Sight Preservers. 447 4S '. R. Bqtler-...... New Mexico Lawyer..... __ . 22X2 113980 113980 403 —j-50 Dozen of children's percal shirt 83H3 Adolpb E. Cann...... A«ent... —— .„._ 1000 7240 927(0 W81 Mr. J. F. Jester, last week, commenced Messrs. .Humphreys, Ellefood and waist at 50c a choice. J. Manko. Testimonials from leading physicians In 11298 Casitander F. DarU Paper Mfr...... 4wry..... Wisconsin Mechanic...... 1001 44848 65003 1 B1 to the construction of the proposed rail­ —C. E. Davis is selling his stock of of Wioomico qounty, (u^Vxaniiners on lw« Mien G. Thurman. " Merchant.... MJ.. MOO 1128 H 1871 19 ; V* called to the great barralD ia the heavy Boots at cost. Give him a call at the proposed new road in Tenth Election OIIHr(tdjjg has. U. Worden.- " ieretant...... 3000 7844 2923M i S«2> —Elder RittenUnse of Delaware is road which is to traverse the fine truck­ Mine* Mollier Died. 18082 lansoa H. Baraes " Lawyer ._.... — ,. nts 98505 177 96 j 111 the depot. » District, na jx>lition«l for by OiJlis T. i I:RO:ET expected to preach in the O. S. Baptist ing land between the new B. i E. S. Since Mother died, the world seem* changed Taylur, Jess^ A. D. Bradley, and others, meeting house to-nirrow at 10.30 a. m. railroad at Salisbury and onr point. Fairest of flowers seem not so fair — Bargains in heavy suits, heavy over­ we hereby nive notice that we will meet coats and heavy nnderware, at R. E. NASTICOKE. .. As they were when I culled, and softly ranged at the place where said proposed road —•Misses Wrifrht aid Andrews of E. The fairest a-near her cushioned chair. Powell A Go's. intersects the county road leading from THE BEST TIME TO INSURE. New Market, Dorc ester county, are Riverton to Horntown uiills near the And waited her soft, slow words of praise: — The largest stock of ready made When U the best time to insure ? guests of Miss Bettie Slemons on Main RaJIrord Meeting. Sweetcei of music seems not so sweet residence of John A. Wright, on Wed­ Now. As when she hearkened the wild-bird's lay— clothing in Salisbury can be found at R. nesday, February the 18th, 1891. at 0 street. A railroad meeting, looking to the or­ E. Powell 4 (Vs. o'clock a. m., weather perniilt:ng to per­ Why? „ . • ganization of a company to extend a rail­ and the singing wlndu, and soft, oeol beat Because the coinpanl&s will accept yon now ; later on they may reject .you. —Messrs. S. Ulman 4 Bro., served a Of rain— felt through a thirsty day — We can, and will, save you two pro­ form the dutieH imposed upon us by paid Because every man can call to-day his own; to-morrow belongs to God alone. free lunch at their reeunrant on Dock road from Nanticoke, in this county, to Charm not (a* In the olden days) fit* over any other Liquor House in Salis­ commission. lew now than they will be a few years hence, WM. J. WEATHERLY, street last Saturday niglA to a number Laurel, Del., via Quantico, B. C. Springs, • Since Mother died! bury. A. F. Parsons &. Co. ' waiting. There are no fluctuations in and Sharptown, was held at Laurel EI-IJAH D. KXOWLE8, of friends. \ The world seems bleak, since Mother died! — Have you heard the exact amount of WM. W. SMITH, In, but death rure. last Wednesday, a number of promi­ Life's happy hills, and valleys cool and green money it takfs to boy a "Household" Examine: dot leave lli»ni aa- L —Mr. Lewis Banks and faa Ella Tay- nent citizens of this county attending. Seem settled to a dc*ert, wear}" wide; sewing machine from Laws A Purnell. lor were married last Thun^ay evening The move for a road had its origin with No palm-grove's shade no fountain's sheen at the M. E. Parsonage, jrnitland, by Beckon me near, when burns the iSDlth — We are making room for spring Nj OTICE TO CD the people of Tyaskin district some sun. Eev.J.W. Gray. goods, and are closing ont heavy winter This Is to give no months ago in an effort to get a road from And yet. It seems theliqc way I most go- goods at lo collect Ask voar dealer for the Salisbnrr Is ls to give , Since Mother dledl i obtained rron tics for . fiaKJiW.TvTrfce Star awJ ReiTStar Wioomico couDty letter. 8loce Mother died—Slnee MoUnr died ! 4#fGravity Coal Oil. It is the finest on the personal estate of ] _»d%:»»«ts *ome pathetic lay burning oil on the market. by some Singer, tearful-eyed, ROBERT WI Keep with me through the sunlit day. —Do not £sfl to try S. Ulnisn dc Bro.'s Imtcof Wioomico County'1 barltur rtmlra* acmlnst sail The saintly, solemn, starlit night. new band of- Ulman's Coon Club Whis­ framed to exhibit the «* And yet, they bring not griefs quick rain key, the beat and purest in the market, thereot. to the subscriber one Of tears tbatcool, and cleanse, and core t 1 1 is guaranteed to con oonsum ption. I'm glad (or ber eternal gain- Jaly 17th, UN, ~L0rers of good Maryland Bison U or Ui«7 r otherwise But, great (he loss and grief I dare— b«Ba4to. - The hangry waiting for the light— boold apply to MitcbeU A Vomit, or Qlved onder mj hand this 17th day c {Since Mother died! Dotaan it Smith, for « backet worker WM. whid» will mrfto ttw (goatee-article. D. HEBBEBT WILLIAMS, j :—Tflce toe Shoe Matt Mils a neat calf The world seems chanced sine* Mother dletf akin shoe for $2, lace and congress. "SOc Bat Heave* seems noVso aw away t s0ed ia 50c made." Do you want to ITOTIOEL The ripple of wares cm the other side makeSOcT ComeswH* tkekosbofaovdlngdey. " Office o/ (tit Co. Oommittionert of rf i. : WtMej At atoae. In her cushioned chair; —Ulman Bros, tell Coon Club Rye SAUSBCRY, Mp., Dec. 23,18 Antftbe Stag* she loved seem beck'nlng me, Whiikey by the pint, gallon or the bar­ Beck'nloc4-boek'clng, ever and aye- rel ; also pat up la nicely engraved bot­ To whom itmajL-ttnJWrn; DC low oft I wake. In the night, and see tles. Give it a trial and be convinced of berebr«i»«n1Eiirboa& Koa. t Some golden star's long slanting ray its parity. ' Hnred July 1st., 1886; Will «• " Pall fully athwart that hallowed on the lat day of J»l t ta soUinRaU) ktovry^aitai By ord*p of the Board of-Oo.< to D. J. HOLLOW^I Wanamaker'a. HUMAN CARNAGE. President Uaooto'i Habits. ~" Miscellaneous Cards. Bis Own Ku.i>HiA. Monday, Jan. 13, 1890. of S.MO.OOO Live* IB Wan ft was light and capricious. In the sum­ Sterling, mother of Charles M. Sterling, ATETVr TOBK, FrTTT.A. A NORFOLK B. B. the Last Thirty Tern. mer, when he lived at the Soldiers' who was executed at Youngstown, O, CTKD EVERY SATURDAY MORNING The January announcements "CAP> CKAKLM Botm." In time of peace the statist! clans count home, he would take his frugal break­ WDLFF'S for the murder of Lizzie Grombacher, Tbo*. Perry. Pnbuaber. intended only for our guests the cost of war in men and money, fast and ride into town in time to be at has unveiled the facts concerning an in­ Tl»e TaW« !• Elhct Nov. 23rd, 1890. which does not seem, however, to have and customers, have brought his desk at 8 o'clock. He began to re­ cident that occurred shortly before his SOUTH BOUND TKAIKS. any effect whatsoever in the way of pre­ ceive visits nominally at 10 o'clock, bnt execution. TTJ" mother came from Max­ PAffiT YOUR HOD! sellers—importers and manu­ No.9 No.81 No.1 No.79 vention. The fact U neither goreza- long before that hoar struck the doors well, Can., and though he had left home p. m. p. m. a. m. a. m For many yean I hire been sorely af­ facturers—in large numbers. meots nor peoples want war in the ab­ were besieged by anxious crowds, •when bnt a lad with maternal intuition N. Y.. P. R. R. fer. 8 00 800 Newark...... —— 833 835 flicted with Enema on tny face. The The crowds of eager buyers stract, though there always exist latent through whom the people of importance, she recognized him. When brought to Trenton...... 9 SO 1 938 jealousies and hatreds and the desire for senators and members ot congress, el­ his cell Sterling without the quiver of a Pblla.. Broad «t.... 11 18 881 777 1038 eruption wm» in large splotrhee, and t.'in told a convincing story that WUmJDfton....._ 1J 01 860 818 1108 cerona nature. 1 had treatment from a advantages which war alone brings that bowed their way after the fashion which muscle said: a. m. render it possible at any moment. Yon still survives. On days when the cab­ "You are mistaken, madam; I am not , C 45 380 80 908 number of experienced phrsiriann, with here and now goods could be p. m. p-m. a.m. moved at popular prices. cannot make governments count their inet met, Tuesdays and Fridays, the your son." little or no benent, and only of a tem­ dead beforehand, though it ia esuy hour of noon dosed the interviews of the She implored him to recognize her, bat NOBTR BOUTTD TRAINS. porary nature. After other treatments . Our new trade notions have enough to count them afterward; while morning. On other days it was the he refused, and she returned home half No. 10 No! 13 No. 80 No.74 bad failed I bought seren bottle* of S S. M for the prospective debt, a nation ae- convinced that she was mistaken. To Arrive. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m 1>een admitted and admired on president's custom at about that hour to BLACKINGA r*CRFCCT HARNESS DRESSING. Baltlmore(UJ8t«.), «45 300 11 10 705 S. from Me*ST». TennL'le & Holland, of snmee it in advance as coolly as a fanner order the doors to be opened and all who his counsel Sterling said: WtlmlDcton...... 415 1226 943 506 both sides. Big operations UUD BT XKN. WOKKV am OHTT.DREiT. Pblla., Broad it.... 5 10 I 17 10 33 5 51 Troy, Ala-, and il cored me. I feel like a places a mortgage on his farm. were waiting to be admitted. • "She is my mother, bat I could not Trenton...... » 24 3 38 11 50 700 have been made. Shelves and According to the estimates of French At luncheon time he had literally to A SHINE LASTS A WEEK. break her heart by telling her that her Newark...... 787 8881357 813 new man, my | TBAIKS. health, and it i* due entirely to S. S. 8. pended to carry them on no leas than Leave a. m. p. m. a.m. p.m. made money- house occupied by the family. The EVERY Household EVERY Office Andersen, to break the seal of silence. Dolmar...._...... 355 643 11 45 148 My Post Office is Oriun, Pike County, the inconceivable snm of $18,000,000,- afternoon wore away in much the same "It was the most dramatic scene 1 ever Williams...... _ 647 If you want the best. It covers] To-day the Stationery Store 000. Of this amount France has paid EVERY Mechanic EVERY Stable Salisbury...... _... 8 07 857 1169 308 manner as the morning; late in the day tro witnessed," said Mr. Anderson* "I have Fmltland...... 1306 HIRAM TRWKATT. offers eight, bargains in Note nearly $3,500,000,000 as the cost of the he usually drove out for an hour's sir­ seen all the tragedians of the past quar­ Eden...... _.__ 1313 war with Prussia, while her loss in men Loretto...... __ 13 18 Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases Paper and Envelopes, the Art ing; at 6 o'clock he dined. ter of a century, bnt none that compared Princes* Anne..... 3 82 1326 328 fitce than any other and is is placed at 155,000. Of these 80,000 to the scene on that occasion. The ^M^^V^^^^l^^^B^HI^IH^^HBtM^M^B^MHMBH^H^HHiM^^^^Mi^^^ mailed free. Pottery gets 100 new bargain He was one of the most abstemious of Klng'sCreek...... 1240 338 were killed on the field of battle, 86,000 men; the pleasures of the table had few Farnfeft mother, every line in her face showing Costen...... _ _ 1354 SWIFF SPECIFIC CO. Atlanta. Ga. pieces, the Muslin Underwear died of sickness, accidents or suicide and at Oto Pocomoke...... _, s 61 100 266 attractions for him TTia breakfast was M TIMVANK tamr the most intense suffering, and her heart New Church...... 4 04 307 durable. For the genuine is filled up, and so all through 20,000 in German prisons, while there an egg and a cup of coffee; at luncheon N TOUN OLD I timr. nearly broken, while the son, knowing Oak Hall...... __. 4 11 814 That Silver l«»T-> CO«CH «KD Hallwood._..._.__ 4 19 »» died from other causes enough to bring he rarely took more than a biscuit and a WOLFF * BAlTDObPH. Philadelphia. that the truth would kill her, stood like Bloxom...__ _ 4 25 SS Stranger (in railway train]: So yon the house. the number up to the given aggregate. glass of milk, a plate of frnit in its sea­ - ' i Drtt. JtoM axt BMM r ••' - a statue, his face showing the pallor of Parksley...__...... 4 32 840 TaaJey...... _ 4 44 860 cle, write or call to The great Carpet sale has The sick and wounded amounted to son; at dinner he ate sparingly of one or death, assuring her that she was mis­ ———————— -^———^———— i^"——————— ^^^__B*B. went on a long journey to get a situation 864 • 4 as newspaper reporter, only to find that money for you at present prices. 477,421, the lives of many thousands of two courses. He drank little or no wine; taken. Such intensity of action was 4^___«__ Despondent Youth—Yes. The trip According to Dr. Both, a German Nauawadox...... _ 431 Women s Wrap Material— of his early life in the fervor of the Bird's Nest...... 5 3S 483 took all the money I had saved op, and Some of the richest and most authority, the Germans lost during the "Waahingtonian" reform, but he never If You Have From Slavery to Affluence. Machlpongo...... 5 28 488 EastvUle...... _..... 6 35 444 now I don't know what I'm to do. war 60,000 men killed or rendered invalid cared for wine or liquors of any sort and CONSUMPTION COUBHORCOID The will of the late Roewell J. Jeffriea Cobb's...... Stranger—Keep np your courage. unique of this season's Long and $600,000,000 in money, this being never used tobacco.—CoL John Hay in has been admitted to probate by Surro­ Cherlton..._... 6 45 4M the excess of expenditure or of material gate Adlington. The deceased was a Cape Charles, (air. 5 55 680 Every clbnd has a silver lining. I got a Wrap Materials go this morn­ Century. BRONCHITIS Throat Affection Cape Charier, (Ive. 6 05 606 situation on a newspaper when I was losses over the $1,250,000,000 paid by slave before the war, and often related Old Point Comfort. 8 00 700 B. L. GILLIS Creek...... 7 63 1 41 granule*, and thai in most casea one lit­ Larye Figured Wrap Material, 16 German, and might not agree precisely the way of a woman learning to play the Passing throngs gazed curiously at a Prlnwwi Anne...... l3 28 color*, was $4 50 and $5, now $2 50. 800 148 rnHOUSANDS MORE THAN WE NEED. Every dol- tle "Pellet" is Knfflrient for a dose, that with American estimates. The Mexican game as well as the average man. strange plant that sprang in- in the win­ Ix)ret»o...... M._.... .„. 8 07 Large Figured Camel Hair, 6 c ilorti, Potter Palmer has a table of unique Kden...... 8 13 • lar's worth is a positive bargain. Never in the history they-are purely vegetable and perfectly' and Chinese expeditions cost $200,000,000 dows of tho Chinese lanndri% People Frulllaod...... 8 20 was $5, now $3. design which is a combination cabinet. Sall«buiT_._..... — 13 48 8 30 6 40 3 13 Soutache Scroll Wrap Material, 2 and 65,000 lives. without poetry in their soul., darkly \VilMamn...... of Clothes-selling has there been such an opportunity to buy harmless: and for constipation, bilious­ There were 250,000 killed and mortally The scheme waa devised by Mrs. Palmer, hinted that the ahnou-l eyed iior-i;olians ness, sick headache, and all diseases aris colon", was $6, now $3. Dclmar...... _.(arr 100 845 654 2 25 for so little money so much valuable Clothing. Leaf and Vine Pattern Wrap Ma­ wounded during the Basso-Turkish war, who, with many of her north side were raising onions. 'Die emperor's a. m. a. m. a. m. p. m. inir from derangement of thr liver, stom terial. 3 colors, was $6, now $3 50. nnd 45,000 each in the Italian war of friends, delights in the game. The table subjects were innc-::r>t of the base ar!i or "bowels, they are absolutely a Cainrl Hair, Persian Fieiire«l,3 rol- 1859 and the war between Prussia and was built after an original design which charge. Tho essence cf hnman emo­ Crisfleld Branch. More than a thousand $15,16 and 18 Men's Casssimere and/Wanted Suits, Leave a. m. p. m. p.m. BixT-ific. A gentle laxative or active ore, was $6, now $3.50. Austria. In the other wars the loss of she furnished the factory. George M. tions was clustered in the white and Princes* Anne...... 7 4U 1225 228 now every one of them $12. All Wool. cathartic, according to size of done. Figured Camel Hair, 4 color.", was life was relatively less, which did not Pullman is the possessor of another hand­ yellow petals of the Cower King's Creek...... 7 45 1230 238 $7 50. now $3,50. \Vcslover...... 7 60 12 40 3 Oil Another lot of Fine Suits, $18 and 20. For this lot 14. make either the men or money easier to some table, and the Misses Pullman are The plant is called a Chine. . . ..••, p:id KlDKxton ...... 7 57 12 SO 325 Cloaking*.— part with in the more limited areas credited with being able to play a fair Chinamen at this season of the year im­ Marion...... _._ 8 04 1 00 34.5 Tbe Owner* of the Covmtr?. Striped Cloaking. 3 styles, $1.40 Hopewell...... 8 09 1 10 4 05 Another lot of Finer Suits, $20, 22, and 25. For this \f 18. where they occurred, amateur game with four balls. Charles port it from their native land. Thi:y Crlsflsld...... (air 8 15 1 2U 4 30 A.year ajro Mr. Thomas O. Shearman grade at $1; 4 styles. $3 grade, $2. And this is but a part of the account­ Schwartz has a table that cost nearly place it in a vessel filled with pvboles p.m. p. m Another lot of Finest Suits, $25,28 and 30. Now the pjio* w 20. showed in iheFonim that one half of the Large Plaid Cloaking. 5 colors, $3 $1,000, and Mrs. H. H. Porter personally grade at $1.50. ing, since it does not include the mill­ ind water and the flower is in full bloom Leave a.m. a. m. p.m. national wealth wan owned by 40,000 ions expended during the last twenty looks after both a billiard and a pool till Christmas, when it imparts a beauti­ Crlifleld...__...__ 636 930 1 30 Sontachv Cloaking, 3 colors, $4 grade table in her .elegant home.—Chicago Hopewell...... __ 644 V 45 1 40 families that three seventh* of it was at $2.50. yean in maintaining the vast armaments ful odor that fills a room with perfuruo. Marion...... _..... 653 1006 1 50 FINE OVERCOATS owned by 250 families, and that there Black Cheviot Cloaking diagonal jf the European powers, the losses caused News. ~ The grateful foreigners have presented Kingston ...... _...... 703 1020 300 Westover.....__.... 7 If 1040 3 10 They are the very finest manufactured. JDur excess stock were 70 American estate, averaging $35,- and stripe, $3 50 grade at $3. i>y the stoppage of commerce and manu­ their friends in this city with pretty King's Creek....(arr 7 21 10 55 220 001,000 rach. The statement was con­ Black Figured Cloaking $7.50 grade factures, and the continual ~ specimens as a token of their gratitude Princes* Anne(arr 7 36 is in the finest kinds. The prices are Five aid Ten Dollars on at $5. of industries by the a' W. l_ DOUGLAS Tor kindness shown them. — Pittsburg a. m. a. m. p. m. tradicted. But he ("hows in the January and other neeUl- each Coat. To turn into money $150.00} worth we must useful employment of tie. for a.ntfenen. Dispatch. ______An additional train leaves King's Creek Kornm, in his prophecy of "The Coming .. ?7.30s. m., and arrives Princess Anne7JS a. in. make very low prices. A few words in reply of i bottom. Addn*. An additional train leaves Princess Anne Billionaire," not only that his figures Small Bonnet* for the Theatre. p.40a. m., and arrives King's Creek 7.45 a. m. questions constantly j The men in town are looking forward •T' .stops for paasengers on signal or notice hare not been discredited, bat that they t. AGENT, to conductor. Bloomtown la "7" station for 30 Dollar Ones down to $20. 25 Dolly Ones down to $18 could not be. for in the Urge ' utChallis. a a delightful winter for playgoing. It trains 10.74 and 7*. (Dally. {Dally, except s all on account of the ladies' bonnets. Sunday. instance* they Pall man Buflett Parlor Car* on day express 20 Dollar Ones down to $15. 18 DsiUf Ones down to $14 A year ago they were only comparable trains and Sleeping Cars on night express UM«ti o cart wheels and steeples, bat now tralns^between New York, Philadelphia; and of the hey are the __ T .,..„..„,,J?rnf3oath-boand Sleeping Car ao- little hatsl_p~for the bonnets, at the ce*»lble to panacngers at 10.00 p. m. •1IL ORDER SUITS . end BcrthK In the Nortb-oound Philadelphia tiaedoa. t of a new play at the Bijoa Sleeping Car retalnable until 7.00 a. m. Single Suitsj textrathargt. rwo well known bankers and the presi­ O. B. COOKE H. W. DUNNE, dent of a trunk line railroad escorted Qen'l Pans, A Prt. Agt. Bunertntendent. are. a thousanc" IE heir wives to front seats, and all the accumulate Chemicals men in the house felt like breaking out _, PoUib, with applause. This^ was because these O ALTIHORB & EAST. SHORE B. R K«ntt, and Di«- « mixtum— told wealthy men's wives wore bonneta i BWBlllCXi Of **** that just covered the tops of their SCHEDULE IN EKfKCT DEC. 15TH, 1899.. heads— little confections of lace that DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYa iance. looked pretty and stole no one'» view of OOINO EAST. FUTOJIZK the stage.— New York Sun. f1 Kip. El p. If Ixd. a. m. p.m. p. m. Baltimore __.__ 8 35 4 4V . Electricity In the French Annapolis-...... 8 3D 6 40 The French minister of marine has de­ Bay Ridge...,. . __. 9 46 « 06 160 FUTILUXB- Clalbome...... __11 10 7 25 845 > and rcUabit. cided that every military port shall send McDanlel,...... 861 to Paris two foremen and two working Harper...... 866 , _ I teUlaf Jww rcitfllien SL Michaels— 4 13 per >,«i>d bow to on them tor electricians to study the various systems Rlveralde.....— 4 16 tn* on application^ of electric lighting. A further evidence Koyal Oak. 425 Klrkbam.. 4 SO W.S.POWEU40J. of the extent to which the government Bloomfleld... 488 of France is recognizing the importance EastOD ..__. ... 600 Turner .„.._...., 609 BaHlmor*), M4. of providing its navy with the fullest Bethlehem 634 potable instruction in electrical matters Preston 588 Douglas*.... 546 is afforded by the fact that lectures on Hurlock 406 the theory and use of electricity and iU Ennals.. 6 13 Khodrsdala ... 634 employment for naval purposes are being Vienna...... 709 given at the Brest observatory, and they B. C. Springs. 716 will be contfamedf or four months.—New Hebron— ..... 780 Rock-*-walk In 785 York Commercial A'l I'M laeei , . w . Salisbury.. _. tat . 8k* HMdaeha, CoqaO- The German postofflce ofBrrialH bar* XaUria, Ltrer Comi^ntm. tala been experimenting with the North i cable, seventy-five kilometers long, tween Heligoland and Cuxhaven, to < the poesibit^cf using submarine < of enth for ~ VOL. SALISBURY, WICOMICO CO., MARYLAND, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1891. N<

BROKEN FLIGHT. Cards. .1 aerooon, not» DOfa'mzara- PftOVlOfNCC GAVE THS SttNAL. W«mas Hav« Preferred **vra*Ma*Va, A BAQ OF GAME WITH ONE SHOT. BABY OMEJSOLID S( bury Card*. Bot I karw that it WM uaelees EYES MADE OF GLAS& "Ah, then, miss, would yoa be telUn* for a* to speak while the child Hred. r a Ball That* a poor old woman where St. Mary's Hew a W1U Cat. a la a I*. Trie* WnrrMmf KatleC 1*«1 MY{ REPOSITORY I saw a «at Ik* deads or «ray fib* wonld hare thought it* sacrilege to THEY ARE GOOD, BUT BETTEH homeisT er Oar. Cnvd kgr C»Uc»r Aad dart IBS* the drift* of as** giv* **y lor* conaidecation while the railroad aad con- The fashionably dressed yoangwomaa Speaking about pot lock, said OJIT DOCK STREET, ONES ARE MADE OF STONE. the other day Aad 1-4 canted aad I yeaned. mother lore in her heart was the ruling thus addressed stopped aa aba wsa walk­ an hunter and story taller one day, I Adjoinirfc the Palace Lireiy, u always Ua» ft, te break Ik* tan of fa**~ spirit, Lore making whfle her child old gray hated veteran of the ing in Broadway and looked down on a oppose I have hadaoma of tha daradsat at j baby, whan two month* old, had a bn la Oenaaaiy amd m»e» ArMOaia] cab told a story. He had been aa engi­ tntront with what the doctor called ecu FILLED WITH I was dyingl I could see how she would ragged olfl crone, the picture ot squalor streaks of lock aver had ia tha state of Her head, ana*, feet, aad hand* were < Are ae Ckeetfi aa B»He«« A O**a Heal neer with a big reputation as a "run^ ooe*oU4 tore. I Mad everrUilnf. but n_ shrina from the mere suggestion. MI< iQ health. Her first irelfoMh Maine. Everybody knows how I once ar the doctor* nor anything elae did her I TOP-BU66IES, PHAETONS, ROAD-CARTS, "So I tried to be content with winning f Skill Repaired la Flalakla*; nor* ia tba days gone by, bat on account to gat away as quickly as possible from drove a bear op a tree, aad than MM tha "~ food. We could " offaOtaag nerve* and eyasBgat was now tree into tha pond what* tha real day or Bight WAGONS, ET&, , the place of (rated friend, delicately Prtoe «f Kye« ! Tki* Oeutry. the uncanny object, but pity prevailed her. In na tit_ trying; to make my presence a comfort enjoyina; aa easy berth aroaad tha and she said: drowned, at the saaati lisas I tried the Cntli and help to her, and doing all that I There is a gentleman in New York, sbopav Ha said: Tm going past the home myself. orfortytroottodawthwhiohraaatotha Remedle*, bnt I > Ah, awl not Owe* who eleare the «ky married and the father of a family, wbc "It was when the old Y. M. and R IhadBooUth In tb could to make smoother the hard path Follow me and 111 point it out to you top of the water, and tha way I aota tor I bad never Are ** >* wkea sae stem tads Jeer- the childish feet were pressing. has worn an artificial eye for i waa first opened up," ha bagaa. "I waa when I reach if bear trap aad caught a faDow who waa them tried. Tomyi JM theaa who tret aad ran* to By yean without the knowledge of puffin' pasamgm, and took the first coach rarprlee. la one wt An ahraym atted tor that sphera "One afternoon she came to my office Then she started on again. If the old there to steal sbeep; another time when time after beflnnln We invite attention to our line of Of-' to aak Mine questions about the tittle member of his family. There are many over tha road. I got a good ran aQ day woman had only been content to follow I sot atrapfbreritterawhatwaa arter oa* UM Cntlenra Ik floe Stationery Bank, Insurance, and j Akl we* that o'er oar >il|.»«al week boy, aad, as the waiting room was fan, men and women in public life who wwfe and was boldhV bar down aa a quietly the young one would have felt my turkeys, aad ketched a yooaf die*, the aorea were i Commercial Blank Books wade in all j A heart aC aMrey throbs tor ao- artificial eyes undiscovered.- To do this ball continued to T**w*sftaBB*thahar*wa.*ak. I took her through the parlor to the good thing. 'Boot a year after we'd got sufficiently rewarded for her kindness that was] hangin' toaad to aea «ay UM Beaolventlbran* tries of binding and rulinpa. Estimates j of course requires not only wonderful wblle, and aanrabel given on .application. Check Books Lith­ front door. As we passed by the mantle- to doia* a good baaaaaaa I had aomo ex­ by the consaouaneas of a good deed Mary. perfection in the manufacture of the eye tra mania* aad lost my tarn for awhile, And the story *boat my goiag to tha B*t as babj a* you wt Of every i^ewription and at anr price. ographed and Printed on Safetr Paper a piece of the front room she suddenly done; bnt the old one began in a load like to aee. and aaaooadaa a dollar. I belli gave a cry of pain and surprise, stopping itself, but also great circumspection on aad ran night, all of tha tee. It waa afa>g-«ong to praise the Lord for r^M^g courts to prove that I badat catehed my baby would have died If I Jiad not I carry a stock of the finest made, and I specialty. the part of the wearer, whose* vision is my last trip before Td gat back to my Cobeara Remedlea. I writ* this that ev can sell you the cheapest on the market. 9OX. PAPEBS in targe Variety. < short before a Ufeaise porteait of Mr. her so kind and beautiful a lady to lead trout in clow time, by showia' that tha mother with a bahy like mine can feel _, DOCTOR'S INHERITANCli necessarily limited, and wbo is liable to own run, and I waa feeUa* glad to get bar to tbe home. line and book tbe troat was on had been Odent that there 1* a medicine that will car Prices the very lowest. ! GOLD PENCILS, Pen* and Charm* make a Famshawe. Her face was white, her exposure from the occurrences of every­ the went ecxetna, and that medicine U beautiful Om to either Gent or L*dy. whole form trembling, and before 1 on to the day trick* again. Glory be to Oodr she almost shouted. left dangling fa. tha brook one day in Cotleora Reined lea. Two gentlemen, both peat middle age, day life. There was, until recently, in "We'd had some mighty bad weather "Tha Lord rest the souls of all tbe dead tbe legal seem when I was fk.Ua.' aad atlta BETTIE BIRKNEB, Lack hart. Tea DEAN W. PERDUE, POCKET KN1VE8-A Fine Aaeortment could catch her she gave one cry of New York city, a lady, the wife of and lota of water feU Our track was SALISBURY, MD. from 60 cents t/> la, each. wen seated beside a glowinj crate are, Fatherf and dropped in a dead faint belongin' to ye! May the heavena be got called away aQ of a anddau> to drhra chatting as old friaada will who have "It was the old story, Tom. She had very well known man, who was in the in pretty good shape, though, and we yer bed, and every hair in y«r head a the cows oater the eocm. Isi the eaeMa- Cotionra Remedies LEATHEK UOODS-Oor Specialty. met after along separation Tbe hour habit of meeting constantly very many didnt much fear wathoota, so we kept caadla'round yer coffin to light ye to ment of tha mosasat I forgot tha hook Care every hamor of the »kln and *calp oria-1 loved her husband better than her fa­ yBPKm*. and who wettt out much in so­ up with the'card* pretty welL On tbe lancy and childhood,-hetner torturing. iH*-| GEORGE C. HILL. Please five... tu a .call . or._.._._ writ* tu when you waa late, nearly midnight, but no sign ther, and eloped with M«y never win­ glory! Holy mother send ye a rich boa- and line, and whan oaa day artor tha anrlnf, itching barnln«..caly, rru»|p DBUO AJTD CHBWIflAI. gray hair, strongly marked features, a story and think of my inheritance 1 jet flame from a blowpipe in front of "We were m siring about forty-five fi^t every family possesses a Bible, a loagago. I took down tba old rift* oaa i Refer to fob. of tbl* paper. him, which gives an intense heat, capable miles an hour, and when we reached the Dictionary and a copy of Shakespeare. dayaad told tha old womaaaaloaga* 8*4 UOCK -STREET, SALISBURY, M D, tall, erect figure and an expression a< living in luxury and she toiling for ! aad MO teeilmonlala. once kindly and resolute. You read bread! And the money was hers by of melting tbe glassy substance which fill' east of Wildcat I worked (team all This impression, like many popular im­ there was aothaag doia'rooad the place prompt decision in his dark blue eyes every claim of humanity. forms tbe eye. He molds the substance the way down. We were *boat half pressions, seems to be an erroneous one. Iguesaedlwoaldtakeawalk. Wal, a* chapped aadoily *kln "- COFFIN SAND CASKETS as easily aa the potter would mold day. way to the creek when the bell rang. I The Bible* thus hired out are expensive by CUTICUKA MXDIGATBDSOAP. of every de.trription made and fnrniflli- and a sympathy in the pleasant smile "At once I commenced to arrange for lock woald have tt, I hadat gone far that often crossed his lip*. restoring the property to her, and know­ Then the pupil is put on by the worked mighty quick, but it was down ones and suitable to hand over to a when I spied what I snrmiaed to be a e* ntt<*ution given to funerals L. Power & Co. Hia companion, heavily bearded and ing her pressing needs instructed my wQdcat The critter probably got wind >• Cwtta_._ bronzed by travel, was a far handsomer lawyer to supply her with ready money needles of colored substance, so as to get (topped until the pilot waa almost church dignitary so high as a bishop ia of me, for be eat and ran a little way* _ _ _ _ _ .. relieve*rheo- in City or Country- imitate the delicate tracery of the eye­ over the bridge or where the bridge favoring the family in question with a Je, sefatta, hip. kidney, eneet, Manufacturers of man, bnt with a weaker face. and inform her that as soon as it could m about tbe direction I cam* from, aad and muscular jpalna and weak- "At last," he said, stretching himself be legally done her father's fortune ball and pupil ought to be 'cause when I stopped the call or visit. Such an interesting re­ then took a sneak along a mossy baak The flnt and only Inatanta Most Improved Wood Working lazily in his deep arm chair, "I find yon would be restored to her. THK BKST KYKS A&K MADE a headlight waa shining over a chasm. ligious episode in the life of a fashinn- aad hove in sight only to disappear YOO CM HAVE YOUR WATCH REPAIRED alone and disengaged. Give me per­ When eyes are made at wholesale the The bridge was washed away. OadI able family oe the appearance of a bishop round a large stump at the edge of my "Tom, she flatly refused to take it workman makes haphazard a vast quan­ i* usually known in advance, and the at inv tftlai'hs'iment in first-claw and mission to btnff a towel into that ob­ She had offended her father and had ac­ You can .tell just "bout how I felt My clearin'. rati-fri-tory manner. I uiiarmntee in each trusive office bell of yours, so that no cepted her punishment, and she would tity of sizes, shapes and colors, and it is fireman nearly fainted, and I wasnt far Bible is secured in proper time. I didnt wait a second; I just up and run* U> icive |*-rft-ct *-atUfartion. having whining woman or squalling brat can presumed that a deojar can, by keeping a behind > <«" Well, after we stopped the The leaves between the old aad new let go, just as tbe cat got oat of sight Is an act of prudent fbretboagbt, not listen to any proposal to accept hi* testament are, of courm, perfectly blank, earns the respect of the bestofmankir Die fwc liiie* and all nt^vioary require­ f9"Mschii:'ry oi Modem Design aud summon you away and make me un­ money. In vain I urged the justice of large assortment of these artificial eyes, conductor, a smart chap with a fancy The ball, I wa* pretty ear*, Ut him m ment* to do only fir>t rlaa* work. My happy." her cause, the burden that money so manage to match the eyes of any cus­ lamp and a rubber collar, came artmnin* and if a representative of the church the hind quarters. I went fmward to nmAiaencaatlucrttKtot thaasanred. It priiw ar>* reasonable anil not exorbitant. Superior Quality for "Can't be done, Tom. Make the most tomer. Bnt in practice this proves to be up wantin* to know why I topped. should chance to turn to them"he would secure him if possible and than aad there iayUao a (act, that insured lives are more Kr|mirin>! in d<>n>* unrr- wrongfully willed away from her would find that his fashionable friends were of me now, for the claims of the whin be to me. She threatened to leave the an exceedingly difficult matter. The 'Cause the bell rang. What did I found out that be hadn't got wind of psolOBgid than those of tha uninsured; vi*»m. C 'rrwi lime in required in thin PUHIHG MILLS. SMSH. DOOR*. ing women and the squalling brats colon and shapes of eyee vary in num­ you pull the rope f orf I says. alarmingly destitute of genealogical rec­ me arter all, bnt was on a atffl boat ape. and if you «i>nld hav» yoiir watch city and never return if I persisted. ords. Such a discovery would strike nor naad we doubt that the risk o/ efeotA not be denied.'' "While nothing wsa settled her child berless variety, and where customers I didn't,' say* he, himself, and he got hia gam* joat aa ay keej> |x-rf»-(:t time, bring it to me. BI.IXD8. FURNITURE, are fastidious and with keen vision for 'Well, who didT tbe family discovered with more horror ball hit him. Threat had afox,holdin' it nvi&r to hini who, on a bad of illness, C<>mr, everybody, and see, whether you "Yon know what 1 want to hear, died. She grieved as only the mother of ramembara tliat bis family ia provld left you twelve years ago a poor man shades of color it U seldom possible to No one,' says he, hot like. than it would any one else. They seem him with hi* teeth, and, yon may be­ boy or not. ______Ws)crin«, AtrricutturaJ Implement*, fkn- an only child can grieve, and yet I think 'Well, some one pulled it or I willing, however, to take the chances. for, than to him wbo coBtamplatea the with a struggling, almost wholly gra­ I comforted her. I dropped all question suit them with these teady made eyes, lieve or not, the fox had hatched a mar­ A FULL LJXE OF HOLIDA Y GOODS tuitous practice, a sworn bachelor, and and they are little used in first class es­ wouldn't a stopped,' says L Men who hire out 'the Bibles demand a ten. I could hardly beBeve my twee future destitution of thoaa dearest to Maxers, Car Sliop», Ac. Comwji of the dieputld inheritance in those long The 'coo' looked at me a minute, and deposit in every case, and charge $3 JCST RECEIVED. almoet a hermit outside of your profes­ months, when her loneliness led her to tablishments, where perfect work i* and looked again, and blowed it the him. dewier//are you insured T If not £»liuu*l. Address. sional duties. I find yon wealthy, with sought regardless of price. just then the brakeman came up. night New York World. marten didn't have a weaaaL **M|ti|i aat a policy at one* in the "Washington" turn to me, her true, loving friend. "Did yoa poU the rope, Joaf aaid tha a charming wife and a popular member And so, Tom, when a year had pass­ Tbe expression "A bully boy with a I hain't done yet The weaael had Life Insurance Company of New York. A. W. WOODCOCK, glass eye" denotes a popular error that ooa.' Baffaio; Herd* a Half Century Ago. mouse by the bind leg, aad the, *Tiaa*a NEXT TU H. J BRKWISGTOS'S HAT STOKE L. POWER & CO. of society, and yet your practice is, as ed, and tbe little life was a sacred mem­ L. H. NOCK, Qenl.. before, almost entirely among those who false eyes are made of glass. The fact " Ko,' says Joe. I think I caa truly say that I saw hi wa* trying to escape) through a Bttle ory, no longer a passionate pain to re­ "Jo*t of a sudden a thought* (track that region in one day more buffaloes t. O. Box SALISBURY, MD. .Vo. 30 .S. 23d. St.. Pliila. could not fee yon if they would. From member, I asked her once more to ac­ is that the substance is more, like china. hole in the fence of my back yard whan what relative unknown to me, your own About forty years ago an Bnglishman me, and I told tbe brakay* to aak tha than I have seen of cattle in all my life. he had been aad robbed my heaaof a. cept her father's fortune and bis heir porter. Tbe 'coon' badat patted tha I have seen the plain black with them cousin, did yon inherit your fortune? with it named T. J. Davia began to make artifi­ kernel of com. which staek oat of tha cial byes in New York by a aew pro­ bell, aad tbe passenger* in Els oar ware for several days' journey M far as the Httie mouth. .Have yoa finisbedTEsf donbte-leaal "Did it ever occur to yon, Tom, that "We needed no lawyer then to make eye could reach. They seemed to be them mra - ia real life all about the transfer, for I won my wife without cess. He found a spar in Connecticut aD asleep nntill jerked them endwaya One of tbe young rooatera waa trymg leader on oar marvrioas increase of riv us, quite as improbable as those found losing my inheritance." which which was peculiarly adapted for with the 'air.' I took the conductor «"*<»fa»g northward continually from the to get the corn away from him. aot thai eulati»n and oar phenomenal arceas?^ rect If yoa want thrn. at the making of artificial eyes, aad ha aroaad to the front aad aad abowed Urn distant plains to the Platte to get water, the Inweat price.. The COBFWT SMIRT upon the shelves of the circulating li ' And there goes that confounded of­ then want plenty inon,, bat that iaa Aasistant Yam, air. Just got beet In the market and we retail It at 73 emu, brary? My experience will convince fice belir said Tom rising; "so I am maintained that, after great research in tbe bridge. He was acared to death, and and would plunge in and swim across rooster's nature, you know. How, I had Hue.. Hsngtn, CooaCeei. Ctrartar Sac n*oal price for the lame qoallty at nttier other parts of the world, no stone could wa want back together through tha by thousands «o numerous were they "Did yoa refer to the paper place*, fl^i. We *ell ready-made ShlrU at you that I speak with authority. Twelve off.- Anna Shields in New York Ledger. a bound pup, and the antic* of theyoong , Bailer Feeders, Ire* aid BraM Cartaf*. SOeenu. We retail the flneet Linen Cnltan years sgo we are getting old, Tom 1 be found capable of yielding the same train to aee who pulled tbe bell rope, but that they changed not only the color of roosters made him caper roand moat wondatfW joornaiistic ATE BUBS FOR OUST. COAL 01 WOO*. atfl.10perdnz.orf for .V) centu ; finest Linen was, as you say, a poor man, studying Hotel* aad results. JPhi* spar, to become duetto, very mother's MO of them swore it tbe water, but its taste, until it was on- him, aad thia stirred op the old nee tbe days of Franklin 7" t Kerenfble Cu(T» at tUO per doz. or S for 50 has to be subjected to an intense heat ,'t touched. I began to get scared fit to drink; bnt we had to use it One We out furnish nejw or repair any pleoe nr eenu; very hrmvy Underablrt* anrt Drawer* hard. living in a stuffy house in a poor The other day 1 heard a prominent she joined the daao* by 'hoaa were aloioat my part of Mill; can mak* ynar Bnflae at S0c«nu; very heary Canton Flannel Drmw neighborhood, hoping for better times, far from thirty-six to forty-eight hour*. again aad told them about the bridge, night when we were encamped on the back and spittin' at ' Practically u Oood a* New. en at W cent*, worth I LOO a pair, at merchant say that the building of so south fork of the Platte they came in more profitable practice and a fuller many elegant hotels uptown would Iea4 When thus treated it U ready for ^**d everybody came out to look at it Meanwhile the SheQer* tat a AgrinHoral HicW.erj pat la pane. I was a bachelor because 1 could trad* to follow U»m. aad that tbe day shaping/ and coloring, and requires *V»o couldn't ftadany one wbo gave tha such droves that we had to sit up and to hameas op MEGINN1SS' offer only po»eitj to a wife; > hermit no metallic oxides to work it, and aignal, aod after we'd flagged back to fire guns aad make what firea we could 6 OO WORKING ORDER. 100 ff. Oua-le* 8L. is not far distant when Fifth avenue, woman because my studies were engrossing. In is, therefore, not liable to injury the statioW got to tbinkia' more aad to keep them from running over us and what BALTIMORE. - MARYLAND. below tbe tXithedral, must be given up my small house I kept one old woman wholly to stores and dob houses. It was from the saline secretions and more nore, aad I cine to tha opinion that the trampling as into the dust We could BROS., errant, who cooked for me and kept durable and artistic than eyes made ia ball was rungxiv Providence. There hear them thundering all night loop things tidy. Having no carriage 1 with this thought in mind that I went SALISBURY, MO. WHAT WILL THE into the Plaza hotel and looked at its the old way, which was to mix common 160 people onttO train, and if that the ground fairly trembled with vast needed no boy, for Martha could write, parlors and dining rooms, its cafe and glass with the metallic oxides, produc­ bell hadat rung I'd a foe* them aQ over proaching bands, and if th^y haa' FRUIT CROP BE and I had a much larger office practice restaurant V/hile wandering about I ing a material easily fusible by heat and into the Wildcat, and (Iknpad them been diverted wagons, A. HOLLOWAY, To the MARYLAND or DELAWARE than that outside. came to the conclusion that American very brittle. The eyes produced by the about one hundred feetjAeJ^6.water. emigrants would ,ha»» FARMER thlft year? Are you prepared to "It was late, one bitter night in Janu­ Connecticut spar are tougher. Mr. Da- under their feet. Gen. Jj forego prnOt* another year»'ter repeated fklt- women are fast becoming, indeed that There wouldn't ba an^L>H.i^sa.? teU OBIXET IAKER ud OIDEBTAKER, nre? whv not go to CALIFORNIA where ary, when I was roused by the office bell they have already become, indolent vis kept his secret for many yean, and .boat it, either. Century. the FRUIT CROP It alwayi snre and profit* and tbe sound of excited voices under before his death bequeathed it U his laive t You can make one to four hundred The new hotels afford beautiful resi­ "Thesuperim dollar* pronu per acre. my window. Hastening down 1 found dences for people who can pay for the sons, and they have made raany eyes thing after I Tod will beiurprUed at the low price and several men carrying upon a shutter the successfully for wealthy people wbo have term*, flm-cl*** Fruit Land can be nad. high cost of living in them the man­ Joe up 'on • Call at once or write unconscious patient I was to aid. if pos­ agement at the same time taking upon tried in vain the best eye makers of En- both J. OLEJf K COOK A CO.. sible. "tself all the jares of housekeeping. rope. __ __- Bank of Baltimore Bonding. " 'An old man, air, knocked down by CHKAP aTYES U8WUU j Baltimore, Md. Fashionable women, AS a rule, detest thai Learn all particular*, and how yon can to runaway horses aad run over,' said one The cheap wholesale eyes are very toCALJFORNIA with an EXCURSION party. of the party, as they gently deposited housekeeping, for it interferes with their useful in sparsely settled localities or their burden upon a sofa. 'Badly hurted. society duties, and I thought, while re­ mall towns where peopfe may want rm thin sing, doctor, but not deadr flecting upon this subject, that the time artificial eyes in an emergency. Fj Cor. Church and Division sts., may soon come when there will bo hotel instance, a gentleman traveling i : Twilley & Heam, "Badly hurt, indeed, I found him, and cliques composed of rich families that SALISBURY, MD. ay examination convinced me that any west broke bis artificial eye, PARAGONS of the TONSORIAL farther motion would result fatally. along to too same set Such flatty only place where he could Prompt attention rlren to Funeral* In City hotels will have no transient custom, bnt was at a saddlerti shop, or Country. Every deacrlptlon at Caadela and Keep him 1 most, or risk hte lire by re­ wiH be constructed solely with tbe view Oiffln* furnished. Burial Robe* and Wrap* ART. moval to a hospital. With the aiartatsann a gisod match for size kept In nock at all time*. at two of the men I undressed him and i of meeting the needs of rich, Indolent but ha got some Quarter* on Main Street, In the Boatnea* put him into my own bed, noticing then I women, with a ballroom and private onto he oonJd^ot to ? Centre of8aJUbury. Krerythln*; dining rooms at their disposal In such There are many th clean, cool and airy. that he wore no coat. a hotel a family could maintain a pri- PALACE LIVERY STABLES. " Somebody took it off,' they told me, ered in making a first ___ Hair cot with aitatlc alecanee, aad an ra*s establishment and pay only one The right is different from tbe left. ' S\LR AND EXCHANGE. EASY, SMOOTH, and and apparently somebody kept it, aa it bffl the landlord's for which individ­ never appeared again. In the troaaan ice of the bulb must be taken into Comfortable Shave ual, by the by. society may yet invent a count The position must be proutthenV . Mr. Sirn>«nj>£i&e firm ban anld oat to pockets were only some trifling articles, more elegant title.--Epoch. D. W. rYrdoe EM., who Trill In tb* fa- a bwach of keys and a handkerchief, but full Or sunken to mate the good fore be wilh Mr. Love, the firm name nothing $» give any clew to the identity A. Bm*U*a> Je**v The shade of the white of the eye* being Peril n* £ Low*. - The high stand­ of aiy patient and uninvited guest Ticklerfbsisa practical joker, both.) be noted, and tbe delicate ard aiUmed by the dlff firm will ' bft 1 wifl not enter Into the details of the is very asuch afraid of oonatanpttOB. tracery. Sometimes the bloods) maintained by the new. We inrH* injuries that excited my interest aa a The other evening he begun- coughing pearance of the good eye tftacf'jrft jroar pairouaee. Uoraea «iwaya or, «el« physician and surgeon as much as they and went to the telephone and called up tated. The diameter of the iris aa4 _^^^ % ___ is of the opinion _^ nd ezehanjre. Horcea boardaH by the called for my sympathy as a man. There Dr. Whiteye and told him be was pretty pupil must be marked, and thai Iaa clergyman waa pooled what to 'a?pop«aariy4pnned natural gat ia ' day, *^ its effects on the economic meth- f --- w _ _*._ Mm . * - * left in oor i-are. Good groonit alwavg TW»Bgtel ha* beea Utorot«nl{* .anmption.,almoatcbaarfuny: CtkKViMBB uDMu/OfCf U»*V*P ^ in the stable. Travelera onnwayax) to a«wly furaUhed aad aop aad tha patient endurance of great suf­ Now, it may be stated by way of pa­ kfll and aexteron* uuudpulatiok' It ia afMafcit wfll be an rifht, pawn. eda of our.civQixation are certain to be , -when they Ha baaidethsir i any pan of the peninsula. Stytt*; teams The oavr^artocked wHh <& 'fcttp»ee»t Ifcpibr. fering made me respect my unfortunate renthesis that Xickleribs had played a not unusual for a person to keep several Myfbvt^tlJhwaBaachadowarightbad enduring, and that the superior deaaH- [ the eleejdran lightly oarM." 'in the' fwaatfrom tbe first, - extra eyes oa band in case of acd&aat. MM and oonveniaoceof gas as afbal wiH ' Than oalyoaa w* he aaid MsOy te for hire, ons met-ta all t rains akd boat*, ahddamri. 'Bn> meet* train* and boate. good many jokes on the girl at the cen­ taths*Idoa^tbiatktlietwt atncbfnar Aa Deal witn na. ' ______"It was nearly a fortnight- before ha tral call office, so as soon as sho heard Sometimes people out of town aM4 of^iiinrtiajhar ia bea«a."-l4ondon bring'the world to the use of manufact- i acorn ad from the brain injury euf- what he saiJ she rung up a music shop orders for eyes in the same way that aradgaa for fuel purposes whan thaaop- with 1 PERDUE &LOWE. ! Loans Executed. fiofetfltr toapehk dJatiaetly. When tha where a young man in the habit of other merchandise is sent for. Tha ply of natural gas has giveo oat, and in sufferer could speak he told me fjhatlda ptnfthapg npy baas horn about that European artificial.«yea generally last tfaoaa localities where tba geolofical Avert Pnkar*>': It about twelve months only, when Ibay Abnaiaoas eaayoa Ins lijiaii taraatad fonaatioa is such that the dieuuiaij of Ta« taal CspBal Uaa tislili «t Hatfli *e«««ca aam* was Faashawe. bnt said aethfckf time and told him' in her sweetest tone lotheeatiawtioni I* now ataklnc loana In WtootnteoWtoot and Bonv sore of himself, and I supposed htta «D> that she would like him to blow a short, become rough and unpleasant Even for tha parpoaa of «maMI»y .autumns to ' aatuf at gaa cannot be hopad for. New enet count Ira. All the partto* recelrln* UM oraw on tbe bUckboard whsiitberoom York They improve the loan* are wilting to te»Ufjr to the promplne** wflHng to confess to poverty and thabv harp blast right in Croat of the trans- the best raise ayee will after a time be­ and llberaltyof UieHorfrty Kid to tbeta w* abitily to pay me for my sen tees. nvttarof his telephone aa soon as be come rough and require to be replaced.; kdarkaaed for tbe vaaof thBiaatern. d7tgeatio*r, restore healthy The invention ia Bkalyto arava^vt vaiaa raftolate every function. They i ak*nia»d an taforaoaUon call oo "I do not take much-crtdft to myself heard tbe bell tinkle. The young man Tbe beat makers require that tbe falaa h*re just retarned from Xew Yi>rk lor my hospitality or devotion, because got ready. eyes shall be taken oat at night and k*pt not ooJ^tothelectuwfawhoaaaalalir Totatay te very hard on shoes and *nt te take, gentle in their operational with a oio*t elegant snpply of Holiday DR. E. W. BT/arVBRBY*,- - - ' 1 was w deeply interested in the case,' "Oh, I fancy you're mistaken,- said thoroughly rtnan In moat oaaaa what ten, bat alao (m aauthai fu m)to thnjt trousers. His mother wnderataada taia poweilul In anbdaing disease. Good*. In mr stork will always be foui>d Loom cmet J»M**te»* X«*M»; ' atodanta who-wteh to and goVenw benelf acoordingly whan MMrTBa. considered, that I would tbe doctor. ia called aa artificial a/ala merely 4 unitable and appropriate present* fm of an eye consisttng of a small sanoar hajgoaa shopping: Chriatmai. hirthiiaTB. wed<1irj|{t, etc.. I Bred on bread aad water rather No. I ain't LojOBotiane, Come over lWtMr*sWtfe: Goolda't roa seU tha * ",-. -^ •' . t***jj| have it taken out of my ^"^if at once." which is not attached to the ball of tba. Oaada:day, while-out with aaotber lady, aak my patrons to drop in and brine BeUapmreDi, tha was buying cloth fora/pair of, panta- poUtoea, Hiram T with them their friends. Always rjlfaxed BLACKSMITH ING. *j -Aa be became stronger my patient "Hold on! Cough in the telephone." eye. bat placed in proper position ovfcr aar of Mflaa, after lajrJafyln*. to sliow : became my friend, and interested ma The girl, wbo had been Ustening Jerked it, aad kept ia place by tbe eyehda. that Marcory ravolvca onea oaitxaxia looas for .Tommy, aad ordered a good Hs^nieT Na«; the grocers Artec » year*1 eiperteeee *t the tonr« Oeo. J*ianl- ' »v- '-*- ' danth of Ma Somntimen. whan not skOfuIly fitted, deal men than seamed nscaaaafj1. t icood ter i ~ R Marvel, the modern Vulcan. ! Mill work- Pv "7 *"*71»1*rT.*Bn oepin or a*» owt the pin* connecting Tkskleribs, pat ohoiA( ita nvotatiaa of sigaty-eifat "Why do yoa get 00 maehT sshsil bar C7 LJ A-DD17D -I2«*t**e. b?i10!r",-°n ^ait c*ra.'?tD **•.&* tafonnattoB.»»experience of travel aad that cocneeUng the baas born in its place they drop oat and break day* a*ooad the ana, h.»i turned haiai- Fmrmert . E, . ria«*»a.a f\ ft I CtaM**) f\ • anythlnc from a bill-book to a ' .frlaad, .._. . * ' <»* * the left) and aek*- the" I" afeavno, of conversBtion. ' j aad tinkled, the bell, according to'paavi- A first class artificial eye, fitted ta *B9Ikak home "Hot until he waa convalescent and > ooa amBfanent. -' ''' every respect in aiaa, farm and color,, "Oh," waa ".hw reply, "thia la for re- cratloa tt»ow» btaa la tbe poat. oos arrangement. that she foqbam tha SSVMM law. aerred seatat" Voathlt Companion. la die leatber apron. i aa inmate of my boose tori The young man dropped the receiver costs trooB$2S to fSO. Tha ready taosta«<)i..«oahar...*awl.ilaaha._ ._ haUyadowaaial XAIX ST.. 8AL18BUEY. MD. month* did I know that he waa a mem of from its hook and blew a terrible bs«s*. eyes caa be bovght far very nmqh bar, iwrohtfoa of «.T4ay. ^arooad tha at plow, didnt kfll, bat through two years 1 attended "Did you cough!" Hired man Yap. Una, jOleriatiag great soff*ria«f cad that flannel shirt of your*. Iwa.ail daat aad ditian traaaf«ca>ad into muW- PRACTICAL "Yen ain't it pretty badT Fm abaid ite aaafabaaai ia vast qoaatitiaa, bat atm -patient raved tbe telephone lady split her if yoa ooaaatoi?rayer. la, There ia .tha*MehM.,it k Jhjic vocation to call In Stock , tnor* than, nine yean whan I fell ta loft. ides with bw«htsr, aa* tteig.wn.vt vVdtaiakit waa a aoflod Tutflhsl, __ Ii hia othar paop*»to wjHy.- -flu daafc- winter yovngmaa tooted bis horn in ignorance aight more of a debitr Pwek. Loass Bapihlio. thay-aja oat bafore. t*ia..toow- Bditor: Isthat new raporter any good T I, who had never i iiiiiiixsil in fTm j i lain FniJIsa i at in oertsBS PRACTICAL DEXIUtn, artiat. who died mBoma waa tha ftrat victim *a tttsr wm aloo* with that yomyaj toorder the taw of |(jljii>iatKditor Yes. He wrote op .jflee an Jtatn Street, flalttHny. Maryland, I mat bar. fteaM}«Rna« -war. T TorkJooraaL an i^ltoary, yeaterday without saying woald fjtra atua Wiaatew. wbtf'wbtf'waaatttahed to thfc tfaat Qie>kceMed had performed rasny- acta o/onoiientatioaa charity, BVtba tta* a: myworda - We offer 'rar Pfvfeaakmal *errtetat »n la* la Tork Weekly pabtlr at sit hour*. Nltnr.i* Oxide <}** art- waano w hot the itfr ao vTloUured to tb.«e dmlrlii* It. (fee earn !- oh0ralifa,but of aS in luTcafa* r\7ww^TJ. *»«er*»t Report, Aug. 17, nfvbr foanlnl tome. VteH_[>rlnm» .<«« sieenarthat mepamaai Qoery T ffteaato erery by the aarmotv -We from wen half a* aolfcsteaa is It? that a-Irtte four Allow a ctHtjb W Oka ofUltt gets bcyood cekaa, Cor tha *wm eaah.-TQ* ba*ti goods, aad orthacroaraofaaO..!; half a dollardoBar a*wae¥ week for _ eaOsd. Bat bar , awl tiiat eat-li »t*l evejy. -Oli it -.ulwearaws The fact th»> their baeiaaaiki a i of lliu-lmiwiii .family Hunt t/fc ; yot wa fulooaahoiw that they aw more ratta- other tfana sad at- tt wears th«m away. CooW they be in- ctoetedrcd lin** oa wtmpfac. ^""**** rolunlirriltf, icill.fut ilrtay, se«-k Ittjor-inc* Ue aad'ca(activ« than aaralam atoek 'with llieWajr it is ilucerant«« to COTB, Xh«y WOulit SO*Hr Uie "Washinjrton" all worn out taktt aad I Wvad a- of New York. .:.; ; see the excellent.-.cctaff' Joe-w»»A died S IEON BITTDta uer main*theflmdo** Prloji 60c *jn«, toil 'hi* "botaa ia Xooot fl, fiW^/raj, - Ai M> oroctiata, * v H, oflM yaaa*. "I was trained to look upon life here fr ADVERTISER, Oeorje Bancroft, the venerable histor­ aa a season for labo*r. Being more than ian, died at his residence In Washington, foor-ncore years old, I know the time for R. E. POWELL & CO. Sunday. It had been realised that Mr. my release will soon come. Conadoos "Great Exctement il hardly sUMie ;-|»t»cb oi aad Mania** XottM IK- atter a period abont twenty-four hours. taxes to meet, tbe exact situation is little recorded amnng the Ixnd Records of Wi­ Lounges when not exceeding nix l!o.-«. comico County, here referred to, I will* fets, Bedsteads, Rocking Chairs, five oenU line. Mr. Bancroft for some rear* past bad known outside.official circles. Senator sell at public auction at the Court noose Tables, Carpets and Rngs. ' ' Price, ooe dollar per aiumm, been f* the habit ofrptnding abnot five Carlisle has prepare-! a statement of the "Mr Htfla daathbn's Bte was'saved, as door, in Salisbury, on Heavy Boots, nfto oopj, three cants. month# in Newport and passim; the squandering of tbe surplus, which he webenere, by Hoodl SanaparHJa. Before This above ait in prices will continue on our second and Porr OmcB AT SAIJSCDBY, Mix, winter and colder season of the year in will publish in tha February Fona». In she was six month* old the bad 1 nmmng Heavy Suits, J. November Slit, IsiT. erofola aona. Ooe pbraleian advised, tta* SATURDAY, Washington. Tvo ream ago he had a brief It la this: amputatiaa of one ot her finger*, to which thjrxi floors until they are entirely swept clean, and filled with severe attack of sickness, w+iich kept him At the beginning of the Harrison ad­ we rein**' assent. When we becaa erring stock of Furniture direct from the Manufacturers. \ look |aMwspaperpm«l«1«nt Post- in bed for four or five weeks, and aa he ministration, March 4,1889, the cash bal­ meat was noticed and by a con tinned us* ot * FEBRUARY 31, 1881, s we ask for. - > ' waath«n in his eyebty-ninth year, grave ance in tbe treasury, which was a sur­ her recovery was complete. Ajndiheif now> to b« a publieaUon enUtled at the honr of two o'clock, p. m., all the rton In the mall* at the pound, rate apprehension waafelt for bis life. He plus, amounted to $150,000,000. At the being men yexn old, strong and healthy.* :BICRO:K::H::EIA.:D B. C. Joxxs, *ln>, Lincoln County, He. Real Elate of the said Bradley, vis: ^ and entry of It a< nxh U aeeord- recovered, however, -though never after end of this fiscal year, June 30, 1891, Heavy Underwear. ,; Overcoats and Boots below Cost. made upon the took* of this ofltoe. that a» strong M he had formerly been. there will be a deficit of $14,000,000; and FIRST. All that lot or parcel of land, I while the character of the publication being a part of a tract called '-Tuwn Hit)," He came to this city from Newport last and at the «nd of tbe next fiscal year, Hood's and awarded to said Bradley in the di­ REMEMBER THAT THESE GOODS MUST GO! ROLLA MOOKZ, PortBiaater.. October, feeling better than for some June 30,1892, a deficit of $84,000000. vision of his father's real estate, and con­ time past. He waa in flue health and This is ihe inevitable record of this taining 88 i ACRES, more or less. It is spirits, had an excellent appetite and a Republican administration, because the mostly cleared land, and located on tbe SATURDAY. JAN. 24,1891. .' Sarsaparilla new county road being built from River- R, E. POWELL & CO., good faculty for sleep until last week, legislation that has already been enacted Bold by all drmnlsU. fl;«lxforC}. Pnpandtf We Are Headquarters a L HOOD * CO., Apotfafctrlu, I/>w«ll, MAM, ton to the Delaware line. It is high and when he caught a slight*cold. He had prevents Uie decrease of expenditure. well adapted to trucking purposes, and The New-York State legislature erect- always lived carefully bat generously, There can now be no turning back. IOO Doves One Dollar adjoins toe lands of Thomas B. Taylor, SALISBURY, - MARYLAND. FOB Esq. - ~ Sov. Hill, last Wednesday. U. 8. Sen- and had said repeatedly within the last Tbe increase of the expenditures of tbe to socreed Hon. Wm. M. Evarte. alx weeks that he had never slept bet- National Government has been very SECOND. Alao all that lot of land, so as DRIVE WELLS, PUMPS, t*r nor bad a better appetite. Notwith­ much more rapid than the increase of Notice to Creditors. aforesaid awarded to the said Wesley, standing his cold be continued to seek population. The followjng parallel tells I being parts of tracts of land called "Town GALVANIZED PIPE, It ia a subject that oar people are in- I Hill." "Bradley's Dellcbt," "Bradley's outdoor exeroise every day until Thurs­ the story of Republican extravagance in All persons are hereby notified that Lot" and "Aborigines Neglect," and ron- kereeted in, and itehould claim their aer- day, when he took to bis bed as a mat­ spite of Republican promise and predic­ John W. Bradley of Barren Creek Dis­ Our Fall Stock Ready. and WELL POINTS. taining 57 } ACRES, more or less. It is lious attention this immlxrmtlon qoee- ter of precaution. His whole illness waa tion : trict, Wicomico County, Md..on tbe 22nd all woodland, and thickly set in pine PBOMISC AND PBKDICTION. &°{ £ »:£A8?1;'P£!!ed b^PeA±,n tlmner. -nd sdjoins the lands of Thomas Our patrons are hereby informed that we have replaced Ition. Our land owners are e*peci»lly in- less than three days. to the Circnit Court for Wicomico Conn' B. Taylor. Mr. Garfield, in 1872, when he was ty, for, the benefit of tbe Insolvent Laws the Spring and Summer goods we sold them with a handsome Agents for FELTON, RAD A SIBLEI'S & H.I. JOHNS' Asbestos Iterested in the subject. Much of our ME. BASCBOrr's GABBER. Chairman of Uie House Committee on of Maryland, and the undersigned has THIRD. All that lot of land, so as afore­ and complete lot of Autumn supplies. All the latest shades (land is nay>OK nothing, either to the Xreorga Bancroft was born in Worces­ been appointed the Preliminary Trustee said awarded to the said Bradley, and ter, Mass.. on October 9, 1800, and waa Appropriation an speaking fur his party, of the said Insolvent. A meeting of his in calicoes, muslins, etc. The newest things in Men's and Boys' the first place, containing 201 ACRES, more or less, be­ rner of tooifct. In eonsiqnently nearing 91 years. He re­ and apologising even then, long before creditors will be held at Salisbury, in said ing a part of a tract of land called "Augh- expenditure, for ready-made clothing, and neckwear ; A Fresh stock of shoes; as a rale, are trying to cultivate ceived the best education which the times the time of the heaviest county, at the office of the Clerk of the ty Maughty." It is located on the new In short complete and carefully selected lines of all goods sold PAINTS* Circuit Court on the 30th day of January, county road reading from Riverton to Lit) ore than they are able. afforded. After preliminary training in the cost of Ihe Government, said: "It is manifest that the necessity of expendi­ 1891. at 9 o'clock, a. m., to choose a Per- i Horntown, and is all woodland, thickly in a general merchandise store. The same cordial welcome y are to work on five acres to get the famous.old school at Exeter he en­ tnanent Trustee of the caul InK>l»eiiL | get in young growth of pine and oak Ready-Mixed Paints, the two best Ready- tures does not keep pace with the mere All claims are required to be proven awaits you that has been extended to you in the past. Come wbatey ought to get from one, aad tered Harvard College anri graduated at ! timber. the early age of seventeen. He then increase of number?; and, while the total against the Insolvent according to the and examine our stock. Mixed Paints made. there aVjwxg. jicreages not in cnltiTa- sum of moneys expended must necessari­ rules prnecribed IIT the Judges of the ! FOI-BTH. All that farm known aa the went to Borope, and for some years was Circnit Court for tf icomico County. i "William Darby Land," purchased by the tinn at all. Ai we stated sdmetirne ago ly be greater from year to year, the I B«i(1 Jonn Wesley Bradley from Axariah COOPER, WILSON & CO., Grove Street, Delmar, Del. a Hose student under the best minds of rvnvfvOfcOKOfc orW. DPTBhLL, r tdis seems to us the proper field for obn- the day. He studied German Hteratnre amount per capita ought, in all well- | H.Bradley and Thomas B. Taylor. and A foil line of Builders' and Coach : containing 45 ACRES, more or leaa. It ia under Benecke, Italian and French lit­ regulated governments j n time of peace, Preliminary' Trustee. sideration. We want thrifty Industrious to grow gradually lend." ! mostly cleared land, with a new dwelling families, or colonies, as the Govf^nor erature under Bunsen and Artend, Ara­ ' and necessary outbuildings, all in good HARDWARE, STOVES-and TINWARE. bic, Hebrew and Scripture interpreta­ THE PERFORMANCE. i order. It is located on the new county to help^dmiop . pnti it, with some cash, tion under Eichborn, history under Senator Carl isle shows that while tbe ESTRAY NOTICE. i road loading from the Springs to River- there resources. It is not an industry | ton, and within a mile and a-lialf of the Planck and Hereen, and the antiquities population in 1890 was only )6 times as Wicomieo County to wit: • , former. Tlie noil is fertile and produc- be developed by capital alone, un­ Kreat as in 1790, yet expenditures were THIS SPACE -that can and literature of Greece and Rome I hereby certify that Harry T. Craw- ' Hyp, with liaiber sufficient for the nse of ' the fafin. JOBBING IN TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK but it is one of those peculiar industries, der D'rsKeo, with whom he took a coarse more than 130 times as great. In 1810 ford of Wicomico County, brought before BELONGS TO in Greek philosophy. the expenditures per capita were 75 cents; me the subscriber, one of the Justice of this market gardening, that must be de­ the Peace, in and for the said county, . FfPTU- All that lot of land, adjoining .A. S:F>EO£AX/I?"S~. in 1890 they were $4.19. While the the Bradley Mill Lot, nhich tlie said veloped by persons who combine labor His parents expected him to enter the this twenty-first day of January, in the ministry, but the charms of literary life population was nine times as great, the year eighteen hundred and ninety-one, Wesloy purchased from Asa Graham. It : contains 1} ACRES, more or less. and skill, with some capital. That if, a overbore the attractions of a New Eng­ per capita expenses of the Government as strays trespassing upon his enclose- a-half dozen thrifty trackers wi(b two was 4K times as great. And tbe ratio of ures on the farm of H. N. Crawford, in ' All of the above lands have a fine land parsonage, and he chose history as second election district of said- County, thousand dollars each are worth decided­ bis special branch. In 1820 the Univer­ incrvaae is constantly becoming larger, growth of timber, whirh can be eaaily The F. C J H. S. Todd Co. on the Wicomico river, one Black Sow, shipped on the Nintlcoke river, while Dorman & Smyth, although this is a time of peace. The ly more to a community in this Hue than sity of Gottingan gave him the degree of which white feet, not marked, and four much of it is within two miles of the new (INCORPORATED.) expenditures for tbe fiscal year 1891 are Black Pigs, with white feet. three tiowa that amount of capital in- Ph. D. He made the acquaintance of railroad. It ia very seldom that such an Main and Dock Streets, SALISBURY, MO. the historians of the day, including greater by 12 per cent than for the pre­ Qiven under my hand, opportunity U presented for profitable SAT tlSIB U Seated in real estate to be cultivated by Goethe, and be studied at Heidelberg ceding year, although the population has i investment in real estate, in a prosperous THOS. J. TURPIN, J. P. and pleasant community. poor farmers, who will make bat little with Schlomer. In 1822 he returned to increased only 2} per cent. for themselves or their landlord*, even the United States, and for a year be act­ PKOXISK AND PRrmCTIOK AOAIX. Possession given on compliance with ed ae professor of Greek at Harvard. He XJ OTICE TO CREDITORS. the terms of sale, and costs of deed to be though their landlords be first rate boai- Gen. Garfield said in 1872 in the same paid by the purchaser. also preached several sermons, which Thli I* Co give notice that the mbrcrlber ness men. What we want is many small speech: "We may reasonably expect hath obtained from the Orphans' Court for were well received. That, however, was Wlcom'co county lettera 01 Administration by industrious, thrifty that the expenditure* for pensions will The Goods Must Go! farm, owned his only experience with the duties of a on the peraonal e*t»te of TERMS or SALB. Are one-fifth Cash cent, Discount, our per unlees 20 hereafter steadily decrease, I l who will work them, themselves. clergyman. His early literary work legislation should be unwarrantably ex­ MARY OLJPtfANT, oo the day of Sale, and tha balance in comprised a volume of poems published ImteoCWIoomloo county, dec'd. All pcreona three equal annual installments, bearing We'are determined to clear out our Winter Goods Ftheee farmers from travagant, bartor claim* axalnit aald dcc'd., are hereby interest from the day of aale with bonds I HE GREATEST SALE of our Clothing ever begun. in 1823, a translation in 1824 of Hereen's waned to exhibit the lame, with voucher* at a sacrifice to make room for Spring Goods. Look at these Jroad. No man knows this better than TUB PACTS KKVERTHKLBSa. Uraroof, to Uje nibaciiber on or before and security to be approved by the Trus­ Half Million Dollars' worth must change ' * ~ ' ."Politics of Ancient Greece," and in 1828 tee; vaiil interest oo the whole sum to T tjeQovernor, hence his internet in an July 31th, 1*1, offerings: r accomplish our end, - gu«uAaea tire "" kn oration in which he advocated uni­ In 1872 pensions consumed only 128,- be paid annually. immigration convention. 500,000. Bat in 1890 this was increased or they may otherwise be excluded' from all 1 lot Caps worth $1.OO, now 5Oc. of last year in Better Clothing and Lower Prices. versal suffrage and the foundation of the benefit of aald eatate. ROBERT F. BRATTAN, State on the power of the whole people. to $106,936,000. This year it will be $133,- Given under my hand tbl«24tn day of Jan., 1 lot Scarfs and Ties worth 75c, now 18. All out Winter Clothing included. ^compliance with a recommends- He had early determined upon bis life 000,000; "and the country," aayafSenator EUOENEM. OLIPHAKT, Adm. i TacsrxK. 5OO Hats worth $1.5O, now 75c. Overcoats and Storm Coats included. Carlisle, "will be unexpectedly fortunate ntbera Interstate Immtj the preparation of bis great bis- V Fine Dress Suits and Everyday included. 'olume of which appeared if the expenditure* for this purpose stop lf HUEWniftTAN Next to Gvnby's Hardware Store, , Governor Ja short of 1200,000,000 per annum." C. ffl. DltlinlllUlUll, SALISBURY, HD Men's and Young Men's Clothing inclueded. Mr.'Bancroft took Senator Carlisle's conclusion ia this: Boy's Overcoats and Suits included. emporary pn ta­ "It is the confirmed and incurable habit ^F Light-Weight Overcoats included. in poli- of the psrty now in power to dispose of tbe public monny in a wasteful and extrava- j 50, TONS In gant manner, and there is no reason to 20 per cent, off any of them without resei ippose that it will cease to pursue this Strawbridge * Formation of the Oonstitntkm of WORKING- PANTS. - '«"»the stody and actual tae value of Mr. FOUR BUTTON FROCK SUITS Something that will not fade or torn maty, bat win i of medicines. He is also a the United State*." Of FOE DRESS give entire satisfaction at No longer la It worth while to make up these goods at home now that the sup­ Bancroft'r great bK-torical work it would in all colors. Worth $10, now At F&ember of the Massachnw^wd Amer­ NECKWEAR to erb appliance* of oar factory save all the inconvenience of home work, aad econo­ ican Pharmaceutical AaaodaUoo and be superflaftus to speak, Edward Ev- $7.501 $7.50 T $1.00 $1.50. mise both time and money. ^_____ : _____ UL'MAN & BR0.4* continues actively devoted to supervls-' rettaaidiof Waariy, rotomsa: in all colors and I ine the preparation of and managing the "ItfcoMoftb* ablaat of tbe das* shapes. We al­ Pure Woolen Underwear. The attention of Hotel keepers, managers of Public Institutions, M w«H M Tte lamst ta» OMest WfcsJuila ut BetsJI Uyr ntHillitoiii tfca pa. business connected with, Hood's £kna- wblefa has for y«a« appeared in tin Our EXTRA FINE SUITS, _ __ ! , now have in stock in their Mammoth new tending nndsr rbe Opera Boose so make a spe­ Natural wool Undershirt*, gooda thai we will honeekeepers everywhere, is directed to the manifest advantages we offer in these tbe Largest and most Complete Stock of pariUa. Enftfah language; H compares advan- worth $2O.OO, now at guarantee strictly par*. From treat staples. ' Hence tbe superiority and peculiar Ugeoosty with Hie stsndard British his­ cialty of Gents' merit of Hood's Baraaparffla U built np- $12.501 $12.50! $12.50! Jgi|BACCO tuxd CIGARS torians. As far as it goes it does such EvMief Neckwear 75 CTS. TO $3.00. on tbe most substantial fonndafiob. In justice to its noble subject as to super­ "*' r- "Wenamsin part OLD APPLE AND PKACH its preparation there U represented sir sede the necessity of any future work of in all the very ' ; Also Cheap WhJaksys IB great variety. the knowledge which modern research tbe same kind, and If completed aa com­ latest Novelties. in medical science has developed, com­ menced will unquestionably forever be STRAWBRIDGE CLOTHIER, Rwns;Gtnsand Winet.both Imported and Domestic, AH leading LOOK Call and look at GOOD. bined with long experience, braJnwork, ,rded both as an American and as an MARKET AND EIGHTH STS., brands of Champagne, Batt Ale and Mineral Watert. and experiment It U only n classic." them. give this medicine a fair id moea*Cber ta- ~pp-4 n Bnwtn Aymte far tba Gald^raM Look B«rg4tll Ltrger Baer. its gnat cotmtive Talifs, HATS! HATS! af bit. beat pro­ J. J ?Veah Bottled every Day. GUI or write for Erioaa. W* wiUsaM yo« money of'"addresses We always keep on hand the very Of very latest, and nobby and stylish K3nf David KaUki REUABLI His 'recant "lattst that can be gotten, and 3bOTHtn AMD HA' patterns, will suit all, young or Tuesday at ^vtn Wjafelogton the largest assortment. old. From 50 cents up. FOIT SERVICE. yearn. *)ils fajdur fifcsre Main Street, Salisbury, Maryland. I am now oocnpyinf tb« Freeny booat At my &rm,"CloverEBn,"my ihorbogh- in Camden, and can aceomntedale, with Dorhawk, good Tobms and bomM, Bereral persona. gust erayt icy of nab- nwd Jersey Ban. TsrMll.80. Aj»plyto '' bis remarka- J. MANKO, Subscribe for the 'Salisbury Advertiser," breath, bet oae~ MBS. J. W. WASH. be wrote HUGH J. PHILUP8. Salisbury. the leading journal on the peninsula. k«uy awkpnd U, 50 cents, by druggists. QXjQU-'r-t \ ri£R> TT A 'JL"J.'JUJQ A WIOUMICO HAH KBOT. MualZlada Comim*. Lacv Thoroaghgood for fine kidl Rj'BT. P. GSAHAM, Atty. SALISBURY ADVERTISER. A rare treat 1s In stor* for tbe dtisens glovee, full dre***birts*nd fancy border I ed handkerchief*, all tbe laUfl »l>IBS Why Did i^H EY Invest $1.00 MB 4?NJBrjlL> of Salisbury. Th* ladies of the Preaby- in standing collars. Eleven different terian Mite Society have engaged Mis* styles In each sixe, such as the Mindota, • *OL£ MHMHTOflS >*/*f . ,. k Ida K. Hinds to give one of her unique Webster, Melampoj, Sangenay, Lake ton, SATURDY; 'Mr. Semnel E. Vh&WPWfc Btoren. entertainments In tbe Opera House in Lenardo, Ulrica, Ajalon, Consort Varo*, Cottinan Farm, LIFE ISSUANCE? ttle cbnnfy, was shot !h the abdomen Gambria, and the very latest, the Not* or THX tbe near future. Miss Hinds to one of tawa Tneee are the very latest style* FEBRUARY 5, 1891. The following,gentlemen, prominent in the professional and business worM, SALISBURY DIRECTORY. last Tuesday evening by a colored man, tbe foremost elocutionists of the land, and in Handing collars, and the only place in who carry large line* of life insurance, hare consented to the publication of their whoae name is Diggs. ber reading* have everywhere elicited town to buy link Cufff. Fine hose in all rtames, tbe Aggregate mm insured seine , . iiurf icipAi. WTICERS. Tr. "White Is the proprietor of a pro­ the highest encomiums of tbe public the latest shades and. for neck-wear, vision and liquor store at White Haven, every thing that Is desirable for Monday &2Q,OOO,OOO.OO. HATO*. press. or evening drew, The finest Clothing and LARGE POBLIC SALE Coon« Thomas Humphrey*, Baq. and during the morning and afternoon of Tbos tbe Boston Tnaucript tbe Nobbiest HatsareatThorooghgood's. e* V; MMvofUr*MJtenUemenAriilnstt'«itolbeMllin>itof«>^00 in UM WaaWaftM laatTveedav Wm. H. Diggs, in company say*: I must em pb write tbe recitation of uk *&**&« ******* i .:.. . Jerry J. MorrU, Thoma* H. WTtrlaini,__ with others of his color, was a frequent Miss Ida K. Hindu, from Philadelphia, John Wanamaker. Phil«, W.OOOjOW 1 tarton Register, PbiU, 116,000 William O. Smith. Tbom«« M. Slemonm, visitors to the bar of White's establish­ Johns Stetson, Phlla, 700.000 Qao M BowiBj Chicago, 110.000 William D. R«ords. who held a large audience ia close atten- Personal ment, until tbe spirits be bad imbibed HamifoHi Disston. PMIa. 600.W William Diaston, Pbfla, 110.000 Attorney for £omr&—K. Stanley Toadrlo. tention at time* spell-bound, from tbe B H Abbot, Milwaukee, 500,001 L C Gille*pie, New Tort, 110.000 made him quite hllorions. Diggs was . WEIGH 18 beginning to the end of her varied Im­ By order of tbe Orphan* Court of Wi­ Wm W Gibb*. Phjla, 500.000 Wm 8 Horner, Pittsbarjf, HO.OOO - BOABO OF THADE. employed a* cook on th» oyster sloop personations. I imagine her reciting and comico county,8Ute of Maryland, Louisa J Reed Whipple, Boston, 500,000 R 0 HcAden. Charlotte, K C. 110,000 . R. Unmyhrcr*, Preet; "Maxi* Toad," Capt Woodland' Daniels, acting was such as Booth would have said A. 0 rabam, execottMofftiM. A.HrahaiB E P Allis, Milwaukee, 465,000 J&McPberaoo,PaUeraon. NJ, 110,000 P H Glatfelter, Spring Forge, Pa, 393,000 R Mitchell, Lake Crystal. Minn, 110,000 WITHOUT i Ju. K. niecood. 8ee'y ; which lay anchored at the White Haven "Amen" to. lale o/ WJeoaieo oeaaiy. A. (J. Toadvlne, Treaa, L. C. Graham, will sell at public aatthm J J KeCook, New York, 383,000 5 T Everett, Cleveland, O. wharf, and on leaving Mr. W bite's store Native talent, fine culture, freedom Dr H C Flower, Boston, 825^000 John C Paige. Boeton, 105,000 For sale In balk and p»l up- DtMCTOBS. at tbe -.-- -- " " In h»nd*omelr enarmved bottlni. L. W. Ganby, K. T. FVxrler. late in the afternoon he purchased a from rant and stage strut, a flexible and Charles A Ooffln, tynn, Mam, BOtOOO Chas Bailr. Harrioborg Pa, 100.000 T*7 11 and b* oonvlnc«L,«) lu W. B. TUfhmaa, Iceac Clman. bunch of rabb(ts to take aboard with sweet utterance, with a charming idi­ COTTMAN FARM, BL Andersen, Pitlsbnrg, 800.000 Wbarton Barker, Pliila, 100.000 exoelleDee. J L Gat**, Milwaukee, 300.000 A C Bartlett, Cnirairo, 100,000 him. On reaching the sloop bis Captain osyncrasy of simplicity. 8AUBBUBT NATIONAL BAJHC. anil gentleness, near Alien, in Wicomico county, where O M Wakeneld, Milwaukee, 300,000 E W Blatch ford .Chicago, - 100.000 told him that the game he had bought specially maik Miss Hinds as an adept DK. AUGUST Levin C. Gr»h»m D.OW resides, on^ FOMattbiesaen, New York, _ 285.000 6 A Brown, Chicago, 100,000 . W. B. Tllchman, Vloe-Preat; was mnsk-Tats and not rabbits*, in her calling, and lead me to predict for Daniel E Miller, Phi la, 270,000 J P Catneron. Barrisbnrg, l*a/ 100,000 John H. White, Caahter. Digrs says that when be learned of his her a bright career aa a recitationiat and HAMBURG BREAST TEA C B Koonue, Denver, Col, 260,000 H U Camp, Milwaukee, 100,000 Under Opera House, mistake be started back to Mr. White'* Edton Keith, Chicago. 2S5.000 Lewis C Caaeidy, Pbtla, 100,000 DCUCTOR8. delineator of the tragic and comic in life. C H Call, Marquette. Mich, 280,000 A 8 Chaa*. Wawrbary, Conn, 100,000 K. E. Jarkao*. K. Stanley Toadnn, store and on the way met a friend, who FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Thorn. Hampheya, W. B. TUchmaa, Look ont for tbe date of the entertain­ ——— AlfD TTT1 ——— tbe following personal property : J 8 Carr, Durham. K C, 280.000 J B Colgate, New York, 100,000 VTm. H. Jaelnon. R, F. Bntlan, gave him a pistol and told him to get ment. Relief of Consumptive Patient*. P \¥ Devoe, New York, SSODftt A J Cooper, Chicago, 100,000 Simon Dlmao. some cartridges for it Being assured An entire stock of Farm Implements, J V Farwell, Chicago, 280.000 J W Dane, Chicago, 100,000 "RED STAR" n- THX ont'inE 1 1 KCTCB auu> BT wnon. 11 RJ Dobbins, Phila, 100.000 that the weapon WM unloaded he put it of which have been selected with Cyma W Field, New York, 260.000 Our THE UUStUlY KMMEVT BWLMM MB B*U(1on« At Prusxi«U «ii In ftampa. der, as hereinafter described : PierreLorillard. New York, 250.000 E L Dow, Boston, 100.000 Wm M Book. Phil*. 3 J Detweiller. Eaaton Pa. 100.000 W. B. Tll«h man. Preat: walk to the store. On arriving there he Church, South, Sunday at 11 a.* 7-30 m auuuis «. VOGELCK co_ 250.000 A. O. TvjiaSvlnf , Vlce-Prett; ' walked up to Mr. White and, slapping 0 H Venner, Boeton, 290.000 Edward Ely, Chicago, 100,000 and "MIXTURE B" E.UWallea,8efy; p. m. Sunday school at 9.50 a. m. Pub­

TWO VIEWS OF LIFE. I oidrit nave it an' cola mm'so. ana soon RMSa a Salisbury Card*. Miscellaneous Cards. r ~ JACOBS' CRUCIFIXION. NEW WORLD'S WDNDEBa THE AUSTRALIAN DYING YEAR. was to come, BABY ONEJOLID SORE. .Pa, what |* MBI Aspaossobrtaf. then Bob, he oetne up. Til take this place which commanded a good view of Cram *tT*M aheep,1 aaym Nat, an' he done it in spite A Womderfol Ptoo* of Mecbaaiasa Tb*t Hot la the winter of Iffe he dlox f.)iA ]foufc fop B, fJ^yi^^AT^KI^ dfafmjH«ft 2 i' Wf> (HW dl*>**isi(a*siswk Joy Trtod XreTTthlBc without lUttsf. Wo Best MY REPOSITORY A puff, a steb, a ferasCb of air. of afl my beggin* an' promiain' that I Represent* tbe 8 a Be ring* of Jswas. FABLED SEVEN THROWN INTO OB­ n°»wi bass. That Is playing the leaflets doctors nor anything else aid her any TOP-BUGGIES, PHAETONS, ROAD-CARTS, carryin' a bag of the actors in the grand bnt beautiful the Ancients Some of America's er the Death comes to estlm htastnxcHn| through the woods, Tie cattle and birds to the shade retreat, markably warm, even for the climate of -^~ food. We coald get no WAGONS, Man disappears from earth tor ay* corn on my back, an' all at once ker- drama are carved from wood, and are markakle Aehlrresseats. IB drowsy, sun dehjrht; Virginia, and I succeeded in keeping rest day or night with bhip! something took me an* almost each about six inches in height. The And Dowers bar* scented the noonday heat; though the task was a difficult M- w w* ner- In mT extremity And what Is Uter A waiUaK bera Compared with tbe seven wonders of awake, *OV"-\I tried the Cutlcura Uatfl we reach that heareo so dear. knocked me lifeless. machinery runs by clockwork, and enacts Tet the Old Tear dies to-night. one. * ' Remedies, bat I confess SKaa* BaJtlaaor* St. Zseb doty dons each dax aright "As soon as I could git up L looked the various parts three times in each the world clanriftml by the ancients there Slowly the moments passed by, bnt at I had no nuth In them, are seven times seven wonder* now. The And the air Is filled with the sound of bees. lor I bad never seen Orrcs ns a boiy oaba dstejat; round, an' thar, not mor* than ten feet winding. The panorama first unfolded Tho ninnming of scnmer flies, last I saw by my watch that the time them tried. To my great Xaeb work begun la fear aad tor* a figure of fabled Colossus of ^^^"^ the Alexan­ And there's Joy in the sound of the rustling trees: swprlse, la one. week's Hears us uato onr Ood above. away, stood Bob, a-ehakin' of his head. is a beautiful garden, with had nearly expired, and a few rnirmtaa We invite attention to oar line of Of­ said 1, 'don't you Jesus s-nooHng in prayer nnt\nf one of drian lighthouse, the hanging gardens of Yet to-nlgst the Old Year dies. ttmVafler beginning to fice Stationery Bank, Insurance, and ToboBorbembJsbaly&aaM 'Qracioas alive! Bob,' would decide the fate of the train and ose theTJ«C£ura Keme- Should he oar ffsal of earthly fame. VaowmeT He backed a little, an' jest the trees, figures of Uie three sleeping Babylon, sink into insignificance beside Hot hi the winter of life be dies, its human freight Soon I saw a light, dlen, the son)1r> Hu i l^_ Commercial Blank Books made in all Oh, death to not tbe ead of all. apostles being plainly discernible in the the achievements of modern times. The Bot In his summer's prime; but! continued to use styles of binding and rulings. Estimates man's faU m I expected to see the look that said he far away and very small at first, bat the Resolvent for a little For sine* the very first Colossus of Rhodes was, in all probabil­ Bb labors end, he stricken dies, while, and nowxbe Is as given on application. Check Books Lith­ A beano is opened to eweyea, was never goin' to forgit me be shot at distance. And swells the ranks of Time. rapidly growing larger and brighter. sftei ijnath «** »** P^r^s*%B- As the machinery warms np the ity, a myth, while the Bartholdi statue i» tat as baby as yon would Ofevery description and at any price. ographed and Printed on Safetr Paper a «e an* gave me a biff that sent me Kthel Pedley In Woman's World I arose, trembling with. like to see, and as sound as a dollar. I belleva specialty. _ Lota Wlataer la Brooklyn Etc** aprawlin' on the ground. I think he hit wheels and the figures move more rap­ an accomplished fact, and undoubtedly commenced swinging the lantern above my baby would bare died If I had not tried I carry a stock of the finest made, and I equal in point of achievement to any of Cntienra Remedies. I write this that every can sell you the cheapest on the market. ane three times before 1 coald git op, an' idly, quickly unfolding the last scenes in my head, and, as the train drew near, I mother with a baby like raise can feel con­ very lowest. BOX PAFEB8 la larr* Variety. then he followed me to the fence, a- the earthly career of Jesus. The but the seven wonders of the ancients, not WARNED IN A DREAM. redoubled my exertions and shouted a* fident that there la a medicine that will cure Prices the INGEATE WITH HORNa even excepting the pyramids. the went schema, and that medicine Is the GOLD PENCILS, Pen* and Charms make a chornin' me every jump of the way an' supper, the betrayal, the remorseful loud as I could. Cntlcnra Remedies. DEAN W. PERDUE, beautiful Gift to either O«nt or La4y. tickled I Wy, I never saw a ram enjoy look which comes over the face of Judas As a matter of fact, the real wonders Onward came the train at a rapid MRa BETTIE BIRKNER, Lackhart, Texas. among the mountain* hia of the world, albeit they have ceased for Several years ago I resided in a wild, SALISBURY, MD. POCKET KNIVES A Pine Assortment I was traveling himself so in my life. Well, when 1 got when he first realizes the extent of mountainous and rather lonely region of speed. It was a time of terrible sus­ from 60 cents U> fa, each. of east Tennessee, and one day about home 1 sot down an' thought a long time crime, the examination of Jesus before the meet part to be wonders by reason of familiarity, represent inventions Virginia. There was a railroad but a pense to me. Should the rngfrmr fafl Coticnra Remedies LEATHEK UOOD8 Our Specialty. noon was casting about for a place where about the ingratitude of this life, an' the dialogue between Pilate few rods in front of my door, and a sta­ to see my signal, or not see it in time to Cure every humor of the skin and sonlp ofla- GEORGE C. HILL. I might get something to eat when my .hen I thought 1 would teach that rascal and the Jews all flit before the gaze in rather than engineering and architect­ stop the train before going a few rods faacy and childhood, whelher torturing. U 1s- Please rive u§ a call or write us wnen yon by a number of hones and ural skill; the railway, the steamboat, the tion and considerable village about a flgurlng. Itching burning, scaly, rrunt^ii. «-lm- require anything to be round In a thorou ghly eye wssi attracted j lesson; so I got my gun and went back a manner so astonishingly lifelike mile to the west The nearest station past me, I knew that no human power ply, or blotchy, with loss of hulr. and i M ry FURNISHING UNDERTAKER, equipped Book and and Stationery Establish­ that were tied near a rninona old log down into the woods. 1 held the gun real as to make one almost believe him­ photograph, the telescope and the self- could save it On it came, and, oh, joy imparity of the blood, whtther ilinulc. MT>>- ment. Office Sappllen of all kind*. Includlnf has binding reaper are in themselves won­ to the east was about ten miles distant raloas, or hereditary, when tlip l«st i-lttdl.s Ledgers, Day Books, Check Boon, Dram house. behind me an' poked about Putty soon self at Calvary. After the sentence I moved to the place with my young unspeakable! just as I gave up my exer­ lans and all other remedies fall. Purmts, save Motes, Letter Bead* and Envelope*. Address. Curiosity and a hope that I might bo I saw Bob, an' he saw me about the same been pronounced a figure of Jesus with ders of which the Egyptians and the tions and stepped from the line my your children years of mentn I and iiliylm! to eat drew me Greeks never dreamed. But in the line wife late in the autumn, and about the suffering. Begin now. Cures made In child­ on the trail of something time. Here be cornel 1 didn't say a the cross appears. first of the following March I was at­ frantic signals were observed. The en­ hood are permanent. Wm. J. C. Dulany & Company, to the house. Upon entering the door­ word- He was so tickled that he thought The cross is mechanically erected while of engineering as-ill, which was the most gineer whistled for brakes, arousing the Cutlcura Itemrdles are the ___._TiitcM win ^^, of the peace hold­ little figures busy themselves binding prominent feature of the original seven tacked with typhoid fever and was ill cures, blood purifiers, and humoror rrlm'.ll.* ( way I found a justice he'd stop an' laugh a little before biffin' the for about a month. But, thanks to a sleepy brakemen like an electric shock, of modern time*, sre absolutely |..pure, ...... _inidy ' AND STATIONCB8, and I wonders, there are so many proud youngest Infant \yirn lliu BOOKSKLLJCBS ing court It was a criminal case, me, an' he stopped an' snorted with de­ the figure to be nailed upon it. Ladder* naturally strong constitution and the who flew quickly to their stations. may be used on tbe discovered the prisoner to be a long, lank light, an* jest then 1 ups with my gun. are run up to the anna of the cross, a triumphs that it is by no means an easy The train was quickly stopped, and I most gratify lug success. 8 Baltimore Street, East, Baltimore. matter to name the foremost seven. careful nursing of a loving and intelli­ fellow, with a bony face and a complex­ "I never saw such a surprised sheep. little figure quietly slips over the rungs, . then informed the engineer and con­ Sold everywhere. Price, CCTICTBA, 50c.; TEX MODERN UBT. gent wife, I slowly recovered. th* to Pub. of this paper. ion that proclaimed the clay eater. 1 When he saw that 1 was fixed for him then there is a sound of hammer* as two ductor of the danger ahead, while the SOAP, Jso; RsBOLVzirr, f I. Prepared by Refer list comprises the Forth bridge, in As soon as I was strong enough to sit POTTER Dauo AKD CHEMICAL COKPOKATIOK, fancied that having killed some one he he tried to look lovin'. but I let him have figures hold the, one that is being nailed The passengers left the carriages Boston. New York's underground up and walk a little I told my wife she frightened DOCK. JJTRKET, SALISBURY, MD., was now on-trial to determine whether it right between the eyes. That's my to the cross by the figures on the hidden. Scotland; and gathered around me. Many a brave M Iliinil for "How to Cure Skin Diseases." aqueduct, which is thirty miles long, on had better take the cars and go and visit 64 pages, 60 Illustrations and 100 testimonials. or not he should be sent before the statement, jedge, an' it shows that 1 At last, when all is thought to be fin­ her brother, who lived about fifty miles man grew pale when he learned what a COFFINS AND CASKETS grand jury as a sort of sarcastic prelim­ wa'n't out after meat, but revenge, fur 1 ished, a figure on horseback slides across an average 150 feet underground, and fearful death he had so narrowly es­ DIMPLES, black-heads, chapped andoily skin cut through rock; the Eiffel tower; the east of us. She had been taking care of TIM cared by CUTICCRA MEDICATED SOAP. made and furnish­ inary to being banged, and had begun didn't even skin the rascal: an' now. if the platform, draws his sword and caped. of every drwiption Power & Co. to pity his probable wife and presuma­ thrusts it into the side of the figure on ' Brooklyn bridge; the St. Gothard tun­ me so faithfully through my illness, L. me work yon want to whip me an* make Among the passenger* I found my ed. Burial Roi>es constantly in stock. Switzerland and Italy, be­ both by day and night, that I feared her FEOI RHEDUT1SI. Immediate attention jriven to funerals Manufacturers of ble children when the judge said: « the county road, all right." the cross. The last scene shows Jeeui ' nel, between wife, not mangled and lifeless, but alive { gun at a height of 1,840 feet, and cut for health and strength would fail her if la OBO ^nloate the Catlcttra in City or Country. This here court, bein' sorter tired, -Jeems," said the judge, "any court in the sepulcher, with angels guarding she did not rest a while. I knew she and well, though somewhat frightened, Aatl-Paln Plaster relieves rbon- Most Improved Wood Working will now take a recess fur halfer hour. that could have the heart' to convict the remains. . j nine and one-half miles through the solid and a good deal surprised at seeing me. matlc, sciatic, hip. kidney, client, rock; the improvements at Hell Gate, had been very anxious to go, and I felt and muscular pslos and weak­ The court has sot here an' chewed new yon oughter be hung. Widder Dalton, Mr. Adams in his "Letters on SfleeJa" ! sure that her brother and his family The conductor gave me a seat next to my nesses. The first and only Instantaneous tobacker till the hide is about all took what have yon did with that sheep's says: "It is the most remarkable piece and the jetties at the mouth of the Mis­ wife, and then had the train backed to pain-killing plaster. TOD Gil HAVE TOUR WATCH REPAIRED j MACHINERY. sissippi. It is easy to take exceptions to would be very glad to see her and would offen the inside of hia month, an' 1 meatT of mechanism I have ever seen. The visit a pleasant one. the station it had just left, from which any traitor's loss, the scourging, the nailing this list. try to make her at my <*Mai>lishroent in first-class and wanter say that if anybody has got Tve got it at home." She hesitated about leaving me, fearing telegrams were sent to warn all other Let as Talk it Over. orv manner. I guarantee in each tobacker that is a little milder in its 'Wall, you go home an' roast a hin'- to the cross, the sponge of vinegar and ! There are probably few intelligent peo­ trains of the danger. *Machin:ry ol Modern Design and ple who will not dispute the claims of I might need her care; but after waiting Yon know as well as we do that there case to prv«%Cr!r« 1!*u«f«'-' ion. having parts, pass a chew of it right up to the qnarterof it This court an' Jeems air every seeming pain inflicted occasion a few days and seeing that I continued In the morning my wife and I took the the facilitiwTnrW "ece^ary require court." goin'. to take dinner with you tc-morrer. feelings which cannot be felt at mere some one or other of these achievements. train for home. I have but little more are 'hundred* of thousands of widow* Superior Quality for The Eiffel tower, for example, lofty as it to regain my health and strength she ments to do only _... . _^_.. The prisoner took out a twist of to­ Opie P. Head in New York World. description." St. Louis. Republic. decided to follow my advice. Accord­ to add, except that the company insisted and orphans living to-dajt-jrfroSjleea the price* are reaanuable and not eXt7rf>H«»;i: bacco and handed it to the judge,where­ is, should scarcely be permitted to crowd upon making me a handsome present, memory of a? faithful, loving husband or MILLS, SASH. DOOM, ^fe«n Ho Was a Joornailau out the Suez canal, and the engineering ingly one pleasant morning about the Kepairiue is done nnrier roy own super­ upon the jurist remarked: "This court Brooklyn Libraries. and also gave me a free pass over the father, who not only cared for tbcm vision. C'Tiwt time is required in this Alf Hayman, the theatrical manager, feat of removing the obstructions at middle of April, after doing everything thanks you, Jeems. but at the same time In the parlors of the Hamilton club, in says: "I came pretty near being a she could for my comfort and bidding road. I do not pretend to be able to ex­ wben he was alive, bnt bad the foresight age, and if you would have your watch reminds yon that the law of this great Hell Gate is hardly to be compared with plain the dream, which was certainly a keep prrfr<~t time, bring it to me. Brooklyn, the other evening a discussion journalist once. It was in Philadelphia. the building of the Pacific railroads. me to be careful about taking cold or to care for them after his death by leav- Wagon*, Agricultural ImplemeuU, Sci- land ain't to be bought fora mesa of pot­ private libraries in that walking too far, she started, intending remarkable one, though doubtless o4 Come, everybody, and see, whether yon yo' arose about the The managing editor was city editor The Siberian railroad also is entitled to ing-tbem a five, ten or twenty thousand tage nor a chaw of tobacker. How's city. One gentleman in the party made and everything else. One day he sent to be gone a fortnight more so than others could relate; but I boy or not. _____ Maxers, Car Shops, Ac. Correspondenc* crap, JeemsT dispute the claim of some of the wonders am satisfied that this dream was the dollar life insurance policy. How will it this statement: me out to interview some one. I return­ in the list, while the Bartholdi statue is One day I exercised a little beyond be with you, good friend ? Have you A FULL LI.VE OF HOLIDA Y GOODS Solicited. Address. "Sorter wallerin' with the crab grass "1 maintain that some of the largest ed to the office and said I couldn't find my strength, and felt quite tired at means of saving many human lives from JUST RECEIVED. an' rasslin' with the rag weed. I woulder scarcely to be crowded out, not only for a sudden and most terrible death. Balti­ yoar life insured? If not, come in and private libraries in the country can be the man; he was out of town, or some­ its colossal proportions, but by reason of night and lay awake for a long time. had it all right, but this here trouble found in Brooklyn. In the first place, thing of the sort I know I waa rattled. At but I fell into an uneasy slumber more World. let us talk it over. It is a duty yon owe L. POWER & CO. come on me. When a man is bowed the skill required to produce the results A. W. WOODCOCK, there is Gordon L. Ford's collection, The managing editor looked me over aimed at. There are several cantilever and dreamed a very curious and star­ those dependent upon yon. No. 20 8. 23d. St.. Phila. down in the speret he ain't thinkin' of np to 50,000 volumes, and tling dream. I seemed to have gone for­ Bright Prospects. w The Washington various classes of in­ NEXT TO H. J. BBKWISGTOM'* HAT STORK shame which mounts and said: bridges also, some one of which is likely craps. He is a-thinltin' of the is particularly noticeable for the large " You'll never be shot for having ward into the future a couple of days, Every other day ushers in a new paper some fit certain SALISBURY, SID. that mout fall on him an' take all the to suggest itself to 'engineers as having in Georgia. An editor, who is a recent surance all good, but number of books that it contains having brains." good grounds for disputing the place in and instead of Wednesday, the 24th, it cases better than-other*. The Washing­ color outen his repurtation." reference to American history and to I went off and moped. After several seemed in my dream to be Friday, the acquisition to the fraternity, was asked Twilley & Hearn, fact, Jeems." the list of seven. ton stands at the head,of its class,-and "Tee, that's a political science. Charles L. West has a weeks during which time I had drawc To many nnfAmiliar with the problem 26th. It appeared in my sleep that a about the prospects of his paper. "What is all this abontT I asked, splendid miscellaneous library of at least $30 a week I went to the managing ^ heavy rain had been falling most of the "First class," he said. offers better and more liberal policie PARAGONS of the TONSORIAL turning to a long haired fellow that sat to be solved it may seem as if the jetties "Ever had any experience in the busi­ company in the wo] Salisbury MflcMpe Shop,; i 15.000 books. James A. EL Bell has more editor and says, "I'm going to quit j ^f Mississippi were hardly entitled day and all of the day before, but the than any AST. ne*r where I stood. ness?" Agt., - *^.^^^*-*frttTr**r.-> k "Wall," he answered, leaning over and than 10,000 volumes in his collection, yon! to a place in the list There are no evening was clear and pleasant and not L. H. NOCK, QenL and S. L. Elliott has an equal number, "Where are you going? What are yon very dark, though- the moon was not "None at all." P. O. Box 183, Salisbury, Md. Qoarten on Main Street, In the Business turning loose a squirt of tobacco extract mighty buttresses of stone, no marvel- "Many robecribersr pfiott, Clrcsisr Saw Outre ofSaltobary. Everythlnr "Jeems a majority of the latter being publica­ going to do? What do yon know how on* structures by human hands to arrest shining. I seemed to be walking along clean, cool and airy. that might have singed a cat, the railroad line toward the east I first "None at alL" j and Brits Csstlsot. i Timberly he shot » sheep an' I reckon tions on American topics. Mind yon, to do? Hey?" attention only lines of willow basket Who Wrote Shakespeare's Plays. . in giving these estimates. 1 refer to said it all in one breath. I told passed through a wood about half a "Why how can yo«_ say your pros­ GRATE COAL OR WOOD, I Hair cut with artistic elegance, and an he's in fur it" He work, filled with mud and gravel and EASY, SMOOTH, and for about a mile pects are first class?" Hamlet overheard Julias Csesar tell intend to hang M»n. do books, not to pamphlets." Mm. I was going into the show business. sunk in the river channel. Bnt we see mile wide; then We can furolith or repair any piece or "They dont Small libraries, running from three to "Show bnsinesar'he granted. "What through fields containing a couple of "Well,* said the editor in a cnnfiden- King Lear on tbe twelfth night after the , part <>ryoarJilllre>B make your Engine theyT what has been accomplished by such Comfortable Shave Guaranteed. four thousand books, are owned by do you know about tho show business? farm houses, one Inhabited and the tial whisper,""rTe just started, yon see, snd Cleopat,: ' Practically u Good at New. "No, wus'n that They'll hit him simple means suggested by the genius of Tempest, that Anthony Thomas Q. Shearman, the Rev. John What do yon know abontanything? How Capt. Eada. other deserted. and haven't had time to canvas* C*n ShsHet tat all Aaricoiteril HacMasr; pot la about fifty lashes with a hickory an' Chadwick, Laurence Kehoe. Mayor much have you Bljon getting here?* entered another wood, and after county. But I know my prospects are work a country roadj W. SHCFLB BUT WONDKBFUL. I then iU of Shake­ then make him Chapm, Eugene Q. Blackford, Daniel I made a home ran on that last one. 1 walking about a mile and a half I came good. I had not been in the town of Verona werwie G 00 WORKING ORDER. some day when thar's a hoaa show in tb» Here is the problem: A river necessary speare's play*. J£earsaid may take it MAIM ST.. SALU1BCEY, MD. T. Treadwell. R. R. Bowker and Gabriel said, "Twenty per." to a stream gently swollen by the rain, twenty-four hours when the mayor AgU tar Hw best Eagint ft Ssw Mill e* neighborhood." to the inland commerce of a continent, a* you like it, hot I don't lieve it, for I At this juncture the judge pounded on Harriaon. The collection* of the last "What are yon going to get in the whose waters continually bear vast which had weakened the railroad bridge called and appointed me superintendent named gentlemen, in 'many instances, show business, hey?" so much that the passenger train, in at­ of streets; the minister prayed for me and heapd'Komeo and Juliet say Love's La­ JAMES SATTERFIELD, Proprietor. the table. "Come to order now. The quantities of sand and gravel toward the SALISBURY, MD. court is about to pat on the solemn gyar- are of books on particular subjects. Mr. I got there again. I said away up in sea. A cubic mile of solid earth, it has tempting to cross, had broken it down, elected me a member of the church char­ bor was Lost when Trailing and Creesida meut of the law of this here free an' Kehoe, for instance, collects works hav­ C, "Fifty per to start on." I been estimated, is thus borne down by and the bridge and carriages, completely ity board; the schoolmaster invited me stole the Comedy of Errors and sold it to This Hotel has been thoronghly renovated, mighty land, an* if any man so fur far- ing special reference to Catholicism, and He got up from his desk, took me by the Mississippi every year. When the wrecked, were lying on both aides of the to deliver a commencement address; the the Merchant of Venice for a cup of sack WM.~A.-«OLLOWAY, newly furnln bed and supplied »Itli all modern hobby is treatises qbont gits himself as to interrupt the proceed- Mayor Chapin's the hand and said, in modified tones, "I stream met the waters of the gulf the stream, except portions that were float­ proprietor of the hotel invite^>ne to a dish of caraways. Timon ofAthens eonvenlen_ electric__ _ light,-^---.__ both room*, etc. the earlier history of the country. New didn't suppose you'd ever get that much. dinner, and the whole- town Tdsn me a and The bar 1s stocked wllh the choicest llqnors in's hell fall under the witherin* dis­ current was checked by the inflowing ing down. Some of the passengers lay Oymbeline were parties to the theft, CA6IRET IAIER and DKDERTAKEB, and clfan. 'Ban meets trains and boats. York Star. ______Still, I advise you to take it, take it- dead or dying among the ruins; some free lot in the cemetery. AisVthis doing and pleasure of yourn truly. Now, let's git tides, and a great burden of earthy mat­ and after drinking measure for measure fur this court has other take it, young """< It is probably the ware floating in the water, and a few first class? 'We are here Bd here to at this business, Careful of Bis Bat. ter was deposited, while the river spread of Windsor told affair* on hand. This court most go best you'll ever do." I out over a great extent of territory. were clinging to trees and bushes on the etayP" f with tbe merry wives Loans Executed. some time thu evenln' an* reprimand a Going uptown on a horse car one I have always been grateful to that Navigation was rendered uncertain and bank. It was a fearful and heartrend­ And he seemed to mean every word of King John all about It. Richard III, a stormy night I saw a man who wore a dear old *"«" for making his first remark ing sight, too fearful for description, it Atlanta Constitution. competent critic, said Bacon could not It elves me much pleasnr* toannonnce that man that pizened his dog. Jeems, a* 1 bnt had no umbrella, a dangerous, and millions of dollars ex­ Th* Nstleul C*»ttsl Losn Sooftj of North America said at the outset of this trial, I never new silk hat, to me. It drove me out of a profession pended in dredging brought no practical and such as I trust I may never see in write even a Winter** Tale, and Henry Is now making loam in Wimmlco and Bom- combination of circumstances which, as I wasn't fitted for, and put me into one reality. Disregard for the Dress Bvlt, er»et countlen. All the parties receiving the was more nhocked in my life. Par many is quite unpleasant. results. The ri ver could beat the United Barry Sullivan, the eminent tragedian, 8th said that settles it and why make so loans are willing to testify to the promptness yean we have know'd you to be reason­ everybody knows, where.I have done remarkably well.- j States government in a contest waged The next day early in the morning it and liberally of the Society and to them we The man seemed truly alive to the situa­ Chicago Tribune. j commenced raining, and continued to was "resting" some few years ago at a much ado about nothing? Othello was respectfully refer. ably honest, with generally a putty good tion, and hung on the step of the car as on that line. hydropathic establishment not far from busy discussing a point of honor with For particulars and all Information call on dab of meat in yo' smoke house, an' we Then came Capt Bads with a propo­ rain through the day and the following or address, he approached his street, having a grim He Changed His Diet. night I felt very lonely and uneasy all London. To the surprise of aQ and the Henry 4, 5 and 6, and as Bichsrd II was* Cor. Church and Division «ts., DR. E. W. HUMPHREYS, kain't see why you should have killed expression upon his face which fully in­ A vegetarian of this city haa become a sition to gather the willows along the annoyance of some, te was the only Loan and Investment Agency, the Widder Dalton's sheep." shores, maksvifeMk into crates "or mat- day, which feeling was increased by re­ absent, taming the shrew I coold get no SALISBURY, MD. Salisbury, Md. dicated that he was about to adopt des­ flesh eater since he discovered a scientific ceiving a letter front my wife, saying gentleman who, against the custom of farther evidence as to who really did "Yes," spoke up the widow, who for perate measures. When his corner was law that he had not previously be«. tresses, fill them with mud and gravel, the house, appeared at the dinner table Prompt attention irlven to Pnneral* In City the first time I noticed was present, sit­ place them in parallel Uswa where a that she intended *»«(SB0 home on Fri­ write Shakespeare's plays, but all's well of Casdets sjad reached be alighted, took off hia hat, | aware of. He chained his mind upon without evening drees. Complaints or Country. Kverv description ting in a corner, "an* a finer ram never channel was wanted, and set the river to day night by <& express train. I re­ that end* well. &. Louii Republican. Coffins furnishfd. Burial Robes and Wraps BLACKSM1THING. turned it upside down and ran like a '• the diet question, and *Jo|convinced that tired late, feeling much vrprrieo' on ac- were made to the management, who kept la slurb at all limes. blew his breath on a bunch of penny rile. wild steer. He waa baldbeaded, and' meats were among the proper edibles for do its own digging by means of a quick­ asked Mr. Sullivan tbe reason for it After 9 yean' experience at the forge Geo. here comes Jeems an' shoots him, ened current That was the basis of the tmnt of my fearful dream. ' An E. Marvel, the modern Vulcan. Is But looking down the street yon could see in | mankind after be had been assured by a 'Sis," he said, "I have spent nearly itlll work- an' that, too, when he's got more meat jetty system, which has more than to this fear, presentiment, orrwnalaver Ms** TjBjitj » h e holds aloft the torch Ing at the bellows on East Camden 8t He the twilight the bare head bobbing up! professor of chemistry that beef, mutton you may call it, the dream was repeated, the whole of jny life taking off and put­ PALACE LIVERY STABLES. can force anything from a bill-book to than 1 have, an' he knows that Pre got merely "traaaformed doubled the depth of the channel at the ting on clotfaesv -I am here for rest, and on Bedloe** T«u< d, in New thunderbolt (over the left) and uks the pub­ and down as the rain pattered on its de­- ' and pork were and even more cut or carry away any standing wood, "Jeems" got np, reached back his long beneath the burden. Ho was an object The tank is below tide level, and at high hitter has secured the serrioes of effi­ have gone on ahead of us to the un­ part of the country. But I found every­ cient substitutes. Tbe Jaroslafflj is ex­ guarantee has been printed on the bottle- I have jnst returned from New York down stuff, or in any other manner tres- hair and thna addressed the assembly: known country. They sent for me in of conscious pride on the part of his tide the salt water runs in from th» elegant supply of Holiday > paw ii|>on trie lands lately bought by n* thing just as it appeared in my dream. pected shortly at Antivart The wrapper, and faithfully carried out for with a roost "One cold winter night, when the snow the heart of the city. I hastened to hi* father, of lively curiosity on the part of marsh to a depth of four feet The tank Immediately after starting I passed Goods- In my stock will always be found from R. F Brattan. trustee, to sell real come down faster *h«" yon ever seen people in tho street, and was much more was all perforated with holes, and the is so equipped as to serve as a many ye suitable and appropriate presents for estate of Ware Wainwrigfat bedside with all speed. When I arrived through the wood I had seen in my in case of need. The prinee is cerMWj chaff come oaten a wheat fan, I heard a be lay Bleeping. I spoks to *»<"»- H« foreign in appearance than any other owner, digging down with his fingers, Christmas, birthdays, weddings, etc. I E. S. D. INSLEY. bleatin' noise, an' goin' to the door I dream and then entered the open field to be congratulated. He already pos­ sfc my patrons to drop in and brine did not know me, or appear to take human creature that I have ever seen. unearthed some baby terrapins an inch and found the two farm houses, one in­ Tbe anniversary of the birthday of B.E.DASHIELL. thought the scrand come from the valley Boston Post. or two long. sesses a yacht which, with his new ac­ with them their friends. Always pleased i much interest in my words. Still, I felt habited and the other deserted. In fact, quisition, will serve as an excellent com­ General Robert E. Lee waa celebrated for tb show goods. not for from my house. I told my wife hopeful. I could not believe that he *h«it I had to go down in the valley, be­ Bow to Kill English Bavdcms. Til* Last everything seemed as natural as if I had mencement toward a Montenegrin nary, the first time as a legal holiday Monday must die. Those about the bed were really been this way before. I walked In Richmond and other Virginia cities Cecil County Hay. cause I heard a lamb callin' for help, wiaar. Practically, it is said, the only way to Mrs. Brown I'm afraid I'm only en­ the realization of which is, I hear, on* C. E. HARPER, and let me say right here that I may be kill the English badgers is to stop their couraging my husband to smoke by slowly, and late in the aftAnoon I came of Prince Naita-s most cherished hopes. and in Atlanta, Ga. Public and private One said to me: "Do not deceive *n«vIIHMIIM was still standing; and which i* to be erected on HehreOyn to Without the means at band for com­ by addressing smiled faintly, then said to me these outwits the dogs. He will not touch a though it* timber looked quite old and Charles Bethke, , C. R. FOARD, past me into the house. My wife said words: "You are beautiful and I lore Hedgehog* are occasionally cannihal- the memory of Charles Googh, who in bating it, a cold may prove more danger­ i that I better not go oat in sich a night, | poisoned bait, and an old badger, it is weather beaten there seemed to be little the year 1805 was killed wmle mount­ ous than tbe small pox. No family is Md. your He had thrown all his life into istic, th* larger ones, when hard up for danger of its breaking down beneath the PRACTICAL j Elkton, specially a* I wa*nt feelin* very well; his voice. Hia head dropped back he I said, win "throw" a hundred traps with a dinner, chasing the smaller at a won­ aineering, and of the faithful dog who safe unless provided for such an emer­ but I lowed that I couldn't sleep with I impunity. To dislodge the »it»»'«.i« from weight of a passing train. There was a for three months watched over Us mas­ was dead. Tet even in the face of death once gain the earth, derful rate, and devouring them without heavy goods train due from the west gency. In sadden attacks of cold, croup, the pitiful cry of that lamb a-ringin' in this man bad time to turn aside from ,i their retreats, if they sauce or mercy when caught and con- ter's remains. Sir Walter Soott describe* my ear*; so I took my Lantern an' went j is next to an impossibility. They are about 6 o'clock, and I resolved to wait the event in the poem, "I CBmb'd th* asthma, etc., Ayer's Cherry Pectoral i> MERCHANT TAILOR the deep Plutonian shadows of eternity Qtiered. at least until it came, and if it passed an invaluable specific. down into the valley. The snow WM and consecrate his expiring breath to most expert and rapid burrowen. Dark Brow of the Mighty Hehrelryn,' SALISBURY, MD. whiriin' so fast that I could hardly * * the love and tenderness of wife and Youth's Companion. and Wordsworth records it in bis tine* whar I was goin', bnt at last TT"*TI' Pretty Aspirant What must I do to over in safety there could be, I thought, on "Fidelity." The cost of the monu­ First Editor I think yon had lots of home. Ah, sir, such a life as this could Maurice Bernhard't, son of Sara Bern- but httle danger of accident to the lighter nearer an' nearer to the bleatin' I found not hare been entirely in vain. Inter­ win fame as an actress? ment ha* been borne by Mis* France* assurance to steal my new loke, bodily. a little lamb with his head stickin'OTt of hardt, who lately wounded hi* antago­ The Dramatist Study hard for about passenger train. Power Cobbe and the Rev. H. D. Rawns- A. full and compicte- line of Foreign Toll'sIt an invaluable Pillsremedy for view with Mrs. Leslie in Detroit Free nist in a duel, is remembered by a good In due time it came thundering along, Second Editor No assurance at all, five years, day and night; work your a snowdrift. Press. ley, vicar of Crosthwaite, London my dear fellow. It waa only a matter of and Domestic Worsted and Woollen* frosot many Americans, who met him here way up for fire more and then and peanil safely over the bridge. But Times. "I took hit" out; hi* leg* were though it might have been owing to my stolen jokes should always be in Stock SICK HEADACHE, TORPID stiff as sticks. I took him to the houw CharltebU. during hi* visit to this country with his P. A. (breathlesBly>-And then? business; an' warmed him by the fire, got a bottl* A gentleman has been complaining to mother. Hi* mother allows him $85,000 The Dramatist And then yon may be excited inrfftr"'*^. it seemed to me A functionary in the army new ones. UVER, DYSPEPSIA, PILES. of milk and fixed it so be could suck. I the paper* that he has dropped a flomn a year for expenses and he runs in debt asked to sign a soap testimonial, or get that bridge bent and shook beneath the who ha* come into corn iderabsep, ORB. W. 6. 4 E. W. SMITH, built up a good flr* so h* wouldn't get by mistake for a peony into the slot of besides. ______your picture in the tobacco stores. weight of the train in a manner highly inenoe lately is a Jew named Baronok, English Spavin Liniment removes all MALARIA, COSTIVENESS, cold durin' tb* night, an' every 'time he an automatic machine and cannot get it { Pittsburg Bulletin. suggestive of danger. At all events I whose duly is to spy upon omiupt otn- The receivable tradition* of China go resolved to wait a while longer and see cers and ferret ont their steaUngs. He Hard; Soft or Calloused Lump* and PRACTICAL DENTISTS, AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASES. would bleat I would git np an' fix hi* back; no. nor even the piece of chocolate back to 8,000 years before Christ, and Blemishes from horses, Save $50. War­ bottle. The weather staid cold for he bargained for. "Boo, hoc, boor if the stream, which was still rising, is known as a very intelligent, honora­ one of their sacred books, the Sou-king The gieatest distance ever r dedat would have any apparent effect upon the ble snd impartial man. Lately h* con­ ranted the most wonderJnlBlemisb Core Offles on Main Street, Salisbury. Maryland, Sold Ew'er.y long time, an'one* when the-old cow got- Why, that's nothing to what happened (treating of history and of the govern­ oat of the lot and wandered off an' didnt to me when I was a much amaUer boy, which the sound of cannon has been bridge. I took with me a lantern, and victed Gen. Tomanowsky, a tavorite of ever known. Sold by B, K. Truit & ment and laws of the ancient monarch*), heard waa on Dec. 4,1838, when the can­ also a thick blanket to protect me from tbe Sons, DrugBJatB, Salisbury. * come np in time to givamilk forth* and yet I did not cry about it I was begins ^ath the Emperor Yao 8,837 year* lamb I earebed for hsr OB the mountain taken to "call" upon a most excellent non of Antwerp were heard in the Erse- the damp night air. B.C. gebirge mountains, at a distance of 870 sitting a ottac oar profBaatoaal serrlces to tit* side an'way down in the vaUay. It was clergyman who had a missionary box Shortly after sunset, as I was ataU boon. Ifltroos Orlde Oas ad- late when I got back home an' Ion*; ba- upon his drawing room table. The po­ milea. few rods from the stream, I heard a loud Highest of aH in Leavening Pcrwerv U. S. Gov*t Report, Aag. 17, ring It. One can sj. and hurrying to the bridge I saw Visit Princes. Anne fore I reached the house I heard the lite function bans; rather heavy on my splash, ' laab a-bleatin'. He *eemed to be pow­ hands, sad I was amusing myself with For Over Fifty T«*ra. that a portion of the bank on the oppo­ vary site side had broken away, and also that erful o^ad wh*n I cam* in with the milk, tryia*; whether a fire staffing piece-aQ Mrs. Winslow'nSoothing Syrup bsabeen Would nee Kemp's Balaam for the an' the thought 1 read in his eyes wast the mousy I had In the world, invested used for children teething. It soothes the action of the water, or some other A* Throat and Long*. It i* coring more BROWH'S IRON BITTERS 1 never wffl forgtt you.' Wal, to make in that fi»»ntic coin for safety-would the child, softens the- puns, allays all cause, had weakened the foundation of In- a long story short, 1 brought np that go into the slit in the box. It was a MS of Coughs, Colds Asthma, Bron- the bridge in such a manner that a por­ Cnrea^ J)yspep»isv, it did go and pain, cores wind colic, ajpi is the beat tion of the line was bent and lowered lamb tin he was as fine a sheep ae yon close fit, but unfortunately chjtis, Cro.op, and all Throat and Lung digeation A Debility. ever saw, an* in every look out of hi* lipped oat of my fingers. Then was a remedy tor JMarrhoeaV Twenty-five enough to make it impossible for a' train :ey**nesaid that he never would fbrjrt tarribss m**alllo splash *, rook of sflvst cents a bottle. BbJd by all druggists Troubles than any other medicine. The to cross. I immediately crossed the me. We called mm Bob an* he *p*ar*d falling into a sea of coppsis sud than throughout the world. proprietor has authorised any druggist bridge, resolved to stop the train if pos­ "I knew no more." Wben I came to sible before it reached the bridge and "Os*jay, the next fafl Hat mysejf I found my family and the cler­ Mabel: Tbe Sunday World is abustl- TO fl*e yon a Sample Bottle Free to con­ certain destruction. In, newspaper, isn't it? story abort, I -a invest (By eosaeow to my gyman in rapture* OTCT my charitabsS' Clara Do yon know. I think tbe Boo vince you of the merit of this Well, to make a long act, James Payn. makes a better btntre; it tat to large. Umiedy. LsjfrBMtte We and 91. * went.on in^he. direction from whiqb the ABSOUSTELY PURE THB ACTION or HAMV Baa** far » Pretty OirL - A For* BaklB*; P«w«*r. SALISBURY ADVERTISER. Petajays tan** We win* who would Ilk* to A certain young man In New York A baking powder that can be depend­ Meura. Humphrey* * Tltcbmaa WOKLT A* make Went oat to call the other evening upon ed upon to be free from lime and alum it R, E. POWELL & Tin haac** that bar* taken place Proposition to Tmek*n Bad ParMer*. CO. to the dear old home of ray childhood day* a young woman of his acquaintance t desideratum in these days of adulterat­ "Great Excitement" U the Editor will ftv* me a (pace whom he especially delighted to honor. Among the evidences of propreeBtoa ed food. So far as can 'be judged from Are determined to clear out their on auuM limn. ! hli "Astrurnsxa." I love to well. He was quite a yoong man, and bit ex* the official reports, the "Royal" seemt to Has been caused by the Thai clvc* me the new* of th* day; and enlightenment with the aoil tillers perience with florists had been neither *n» Uie only medium 1*11 me now, of tbe Peninsula is the growing and ex- be tbe only one yet found by chemical LARGE LINES, f*JMj_ __j| deep Inor varied. It occurred-to him, i color ura ainee taf tared oct** bar* all peaved away. tensive nse of manures 'both home-made analyses to be entirely without one or however, on this particular evening to tbi other of these substances, and abso­ MAGNIFICENT STYLES Tea-1-! flrst saw the light la aalMmry towf, and commercial for tbe Improvement of atop at a flower merchant's and choose -H-Stock of WINTER GOODS*- And maw are U»e yuan that hare told lutely pare. This, it it shown, retnHt ADVERTISING RATES. tbe soil and successful growing of crops. some blossoms for the pretty girl toward On place and people, la many retpeeU,' Each year the demand for commercial from exclusive ate by its manaCsetartrs -A.T -A. And *oore* bare been (atnered Co UM told. whose home be was wending bis war. of cream of tartar specially refined and SUPERIOR FINISH, fertilisers is greater, and among tbe In­ ol on* dollar an inch tor tfca Ant locution My am recollection UM Inhabitant! war* "Give me a bunch of roses," ht said prepared by patent prooaeett which With a Great and fifty eeat* MI Inch tor eaoh cmbwqDeot telligent and indnstious yeomanry, tbe Cut in the Prices on few; carelessly to the man of nosegays. totally remove tbe Urtrate of lime and laaarUuO. A liberal dlaoount to yearly ad- TwooounUra, fire church** they coo Id boaate; barn-yard heap is more bulky and val­ "Vet, sir; how many, please T other imparities. The cost of this chem­ Qreat Bat the old fluhloaed nrira, three Urn** In a uable as a plant food. BED-ROOM SUITS. Local NoUea* tea eoaU a Un* tec tbe am "Obi a couple of dosen or to." ically pore cream of tartar It much great­ A more intimate acquaintance with Laaertioo and flv» eeaU tor each additional Would brine tb* country people In by the In a few moments they Were ready, er than any ether, and it Is used in no to make room for Spring Goods. You will find Parlor Suits, in Plush and Hair, Cloth Buf­ >Mth and Karris** NoUee* l»- the properties of plants and the relations and tbe purchaser Was feeling in his vest baking powder except tbe "Royal," tbe wben not ezeeedlof *lx line*. of organic matter to them, is necessary fets, Bedsteads, Rocking Chairs, Lounges, OMtasjyN*«o**'nv» cent* a line. From tbc then "old bridge," a* you turned pocket fer a two-dollar bill to pay for manufacturers of which control the pat­ (o onr farmers and trackers before they SobaorisittOD Me*, one dellar per annum, the Mt, them. "How much T" he asked before ents under which it is refined. Heavy Boots, Tables, Carpets and Rugs. ; tn«le copy, three cent*. There wai a rery large old beach tree. can hope for the beet results, and they the bill made its appearance. Where we (pent many hoar*, beneath lu Dr. Edward G. Love, formerly analyti­ Omca AT &tusxtnrr. Mix, should make the subject an earnest "Eighteen dollars, sir," replied the cal chemist for tbe U. S. Government, This above cut in prices wQl continue on our sQcond and Cieen shade study. Heavy Suits, Ko**xo.b*r Slat, UsT. When retaaaed from *ehonl doUe* and were florist's assistant, with what, hU hearer who made the analyses for tbe New third floors until they are entirely swept clean, and filled with eartUy tk* BximtrvT A.DVZBTH- (re*. The action of a fertiliser la two-fold : said afterward, seemed diabolical glib- Tork State Board of Health in their in­ pabUxhed at anew stock of Furniture direct from the Manufacturers. A look Uli place, has I ramacaber well, a large ipaoe o/iroand, that mainly effective In starting tbe crop, nets. vestigation of baking powders, and whose Heavy Overcoats, determined by the Third A**lctant Post- Perhapa ten acres or more, giving it a good "send-off," enabling the -AJSTD is all we ask for. to be a poblleaUon ealltled There waa only one bouw, bat many old trees. Tbe yonng man felt giddy for a mom­ intimate knowledge of the ingredients of *° la the mad* at the pound rat* Though only one "Lemon" they bora. plant to send ont its roots, and appro­ ent He had onwittingly?selected roses AT) <& Q A Tg/ETZ~. °* all those told in this market enables him aad entry of It a* neb U aeoord- priate to its nse the other elements of that were 75 cents apiece. But, as ha* to speak authoritatively, says of tbe par­ _ °*** »<» the fceoki ot thl* office. The Academy stood on the Worcester side. plant food that naturally exist in tbe soil Heavy Underwear. N. B. — Overcoats and Boots below Cost. ValM while tb* *h*T*-t*r of U- - been said, he was very yoong, and it ity, wbolesomeness, and superior quality And Davts was the Master's name; for the production of the crop; the other, The many boys and girls by him were langht, teemed to him a very serieot thing to go of tbe "Royal:" REMEMBER THAT THESE GOODS MUST GO! Moou, rtwtmaater. Have since become distinguished for fame. msinly to supply the nutritions elements down before that flower clerk. So he "I find the Royal Baking Powder com­ Our play groand extended for acres around, of plant food throughout Its growth. And In (act nearly up to the -H>l» hill," paid bis money and took bis bouquet posed of pare and wholesome ingredi­ when we consider the hundreds of little "And," he says, "I spent tbe next hour ents. It is a cream of tartar powder, SATURDAY. JAN. 81,1891. But not lone after, our Academy was moved rootlets that a plant sends forth, draw­ R, E- POWELL & CO., Across the road, on the side of Folk'* mill. watching a pretty girl nibble and chew and does not contain either alum or We Are Headquarters ing its snstenaBce through their hollow There wasn't a bouse from there to the mill, up $18 worth of roses." New York 7Tm«. phosphates, or other injurious sub­ Collector Marine made an investiga­ tubes, we see at once the importance of stance." SALISBURY, - MARYLAND. FOR "Baylle's woods" seemed a distance from having tbe fertiliser thoroughly Incor­ tion Wednesday of the charges of Messrs. town; T*» Laat Shot riretf at Appoa»tt«x. Prof. Love's tests, and tbe recent of­ Twas a place of resort for feat Ivals and such porated In the soil, so that each tiny- ficial tests by both the United States and DRIVE WELLS, PUMPS, j Cooper sad Seville, local steamboat in­ When we were "dressed la our b**t Sunday rootlet may come in contact with some Ool. Wm. A. Morgan, of Shepherds- spectors, of Baltimore, against Capt. T. C. fown." town, W. Vs., who was a gallant office in Canadian Governments, show the Royal ROBT. P. GRAHAM, \ttr. BOBKRT F. BRATTAN, Atty. infinitesimal part of plant food held in Baking Powder to be superior to all oth­ GALVANIZED PIPE, B. Howard, I remember our school held a May parly there. solution, and not, as ia often the case, a Gen. Fits. Lee's cavalry division of the of the oyster police steamer The brass band was out In full force; Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, er in strength and leavening power. It Governor Thomas, and Capt. Ja*. A. I had the honor of presenting a bouquet space six inches square supplied with a is not only the most economical in use, and WELL POINTS. To the leader, who klaed me of course. strong fertilizer at the rate of several writes to tbe Balto. Sim as follows: Tamer, of the oyster police steamer but makes the purest, finest-flavored and tons per acre, often injurious to the "In yoar issue of January 23 there Governor McLtne. The investigation Doe* any one remember who the leader waa r teems to be a contention in reference to most wholesome food. Cottman Farm, Trnstee's Sale He has long since gone to his rest. tender roots, or giving it an nndne Agents for FELTON, RAU & SIBLET'S £ H. W, JOHNS' Asbestos resulted in Captain Howard being fined But he has a descendant, a youth of your "send-off," while ten or twelve square what Col. Charles Marshall stated in bis FEBRUARY 5, 1891. Oratory on HI* Wife. Of VALUABLJt $100, Captain Turner MOO and the State town. feet, in which the roots are soon to pene­ speech in New York relative to the last Who Is handsome, now feme of you guess, fighting by tbe cavalry at Appomattox. "Daring the heat of tbe local political $2.500, making an aggregate of $3,000. Olve It upT I don't wonder; the changes are trate, has no fertilizer at all; and, if tbe campaign they called on me for a speech soil has not the natural fertility, the crop In justice to tbe brigade I commanded If we understand the merits of the case, great. that day, and to which the brave Lieat- at West Oakland," said Justice Charles LARGE PUBLIC SALE There are few who were living at that Urn*; fails and the fertilizer Is blamed as worth- E. Shook. "T don't take very kindly to PAINTS, m—nr ~. M-m A. —— the Board of Public Works kad nothing Some of them are scattered about In the States, Col. Gas. Dorsey, commanding tbe Mary­ Or VALUABLI ESTATE! lees. spnechmaking, and I was especially tim­ to do with ordering the State steamers to Perhaps others would not hold it In mind. As to the quantity of fertilizer that can land Cavalry, was attached I feel it my duty to inform you that tbe very last orous about making an address in the Beady-Mixed Paints, the two best Ready-. become transports between Claiborne The favorite walk on a Summer eve. be profitably used per acre, so much de­ flrst ward, where everybody knows me, Was over Humphreys mill; blow struck and the last shot fired In Personal Property. and Bay Ridge for the B. & E. S. R. R. pends upon the soil, the seasons, the and where, in consequence, I would be The undersigned as Trustee under a Mixed Paints made. Where we drank the water from old Jacob's manner in which it is used, the crop or the defense of the then defunct Confed­ deed of trust from John Wesley Bradley, Co.; neither had Gov. Jackson, beyond well. eracy was done by this dashing, gallant sure to the severest criticism. But T for the benefit of his creditors and duly- And ran up and down the steep bill. rotation of crops, that we will not attempt By order of tbe Orphans Court of Wi­ a single instance daring December, when Maryland command. All, this occnred was in for it, and set about preparing comico county, State of Maryland, Louisa recorded among tbe Land Recordsof Wi­ A flilUine of Builders' tod .Coach These were happy days In primitive times. to give directions to persons who have myself for tbe ordeal. After I had comico Coanty, here referred to, 'I will Before steam boats or railroads came; tome time after General Lee bad formal­ A.Graham, executrix of Saral. A. Graham, he "ordered one of the boats to make a much more practical experience than thought ont an address which I imagined late of Wicomico county, deceased, and sell at pnblic auction at tbe Court house With the march of progress formality reigns. ourselves; but suffice it to say that, with ly surrendered tbe Army of Northern door, in Salisbury, on single trip across to help the passengers Which baa given Salisbury quite a name. had enough hurrah in it to make the L. C. Graham, will sell at public auction, HARDWARE, STOVES and-TINWARE. proper judgment, much more fertilizer Virginia. at tbe oat of an unpleasant situation." . "The very first intimation I had of the boys hit the floor, I thought I'd try it On the corner of Front and Church streets can be economically and profitably used on my wife. £o I placed her in a good COTTMAN FARM, SATURDAY, For keeping the boats at work for the there dwelt than is generally the custom. Experi­ surrender was from the enemy, who had A white headed, dear good old sire; seat in the front row of our parlor furni­ railroad company three or four days ment for yourselves. assaulted my line, which being handsome­ near Alien, in Wicomico county, where He was a merchant, preacher and built his ly repulsed; and at this particular time, ture struck my most statesmanlike atti­ Levin C. Graham now resides, on FEBRUARY 21, 1881, JOBBING IN TIN AND 5BEET IRON WORK thereafter. Commander Seth is alone in­ own church. Phosphoric acid and potash, mineral tude, and nnlimbered my mouthpiece- But that was long before the flrst fire. and daring the haste and confusion of dividually responsible. or inorganic, and nitrogen (synonomons their retreat to their lines, I was notified Finally, I reached one of the most im­ at the hour of two o'clock, p. to., all the A T. firs:. Nearly all the old landmarks nave b*en des­ term for ammonia), organic, are the prin­ Real Etate of tbe said Bradley, viz: These facts established, the attempt, by troyed by these very men, under flag of truce, pressive periods, and came to a full stop, Thursday, Feb. 5,1891, By the raviahlng Ore* yon have bad. cipal elements of plant food, and are a good deal out of breath. 'Well, what interested parties, to make ont of the that our army had been mrrcndcrtd. There the following personal FIBST. All that lot or parcel of land, They were thought to be calamities then, wbat most soils are deficient in, and are you waiting for?' calmly inquired property: beinga part of a tract called 'Tower Hill," matter political capital will hardly suc­ But proved great blessings Instead. are many Marylandere now living who and awarded to said Bradley in the di­ most soils vary in this deficiency. were on the ground with me that day the eide partner of my joys. 'That is An entire stock of Farm Implements, ceed. ______Different crops, no doubt, appropriate all of which have been selected with vision of bis father's real estate, and con­ Tour town Is a beautiful city now. who will Indorse this statement 'Honor where I pause to permit the tumultuous taining 88 i ACRES, more or less. It is Dorman more of one of these elements than 'great care axd are now in first-class or­ The prettiest OB the shore; to whom honor is due.'" applause to get it iu work,' I replied. der, as hereinafter described: mostly cleared land, and located on tbe -MSkS The citirens of B. C. Springs met at I have said enough at the present time, another; therefore, experiments, if care­ new conntv road being built from River- In future 1 may write yon more. 'Oh, I thought yon were afraid yon bad _.. ... Ka&Tand Dock Streets, SALISBURY, MD. their pnblic hall last Saturday evening fully, intelligently and scientifically con­ awakened baby.' was her unsympathetic ton to the Delaware line. It is high and A man who has practiced medicine for well adapted to tracking purposes, and and earnestly discussed the condition of ducted, would, no doubt, throw much and disheartening response. Still, I 40 yean, ought to know ealt from Rogar; adjoins tbe lands of Thomas B. Taylor, their county, especially the prospects light on the economical use of fertilizers, noticed that when I poured that speech Esq. Robert Bay Hamilton Alive. but if not so conducted they would often wbat he says: into tbe listening ear of West Oakland, and future well-being of their own town 12 HORSES and MULES. SECOVD. Also all that lot of land, so as lead astray; furthermore, results in one TOLEDO, O-, Jan. 10,1887. my wife was tbe first and only listener 7 one-, two- and three-year old PEEV- «*S. ULMAN & BRO.^ * , PHLLADKLFHLA, Jan. 27. The Times Mean. F. J. Cheney 4 Co. Gentle­ aforesaid awarded to the said Wesley, and locality. soil or locality might not hold good in to appreciate and apptaud when I paused CHERON COLTS. tomorrow will publish a story in sub­ men; I have been in the general prac­ 14 thoroughbred JERSET COWS. being parts of tracts of land called 'Tower The Larfest ud OUe*t WbofeMlt Md Retail Lftjtor Ettabiiihmant M tkc Pe- As a result of the meeting a Citizens' stantiation another. at that critical point." Son Franeiico Hill." "Bradley's Delight," "Bradley's Inila, now have in stock in .their Mammoth new building under the Opera Boose of the report of Robert Ray tice of medicine for most 40 years, and 11 " " HEIFERS. Industrial Leagnn was formed with a Hamilton being alive and living in the Clover sods, new swamp lands and soils Examiner. 1 " " BULL, eight­ Lot" and "Aborigines Neglect,"and con­ the Largest and most Complete Stock of containing much humous or vegetable would say that in all my practice and ex­ taining 57 ^ ACRES, more or less. It is board of yoanz, energetic and intelligent Antipodes under an assumed name. The een months old. all woodland, and thickly set in pine matter require less nitrogen,or ammonia, perience have never seen a preparation In a'nursery wherein all is life and 3 JERSEY and BERKSHIRE SOWS. LIQUORS, TOBACCO and CiaARS . men as official directors. The avowed story as told in the Times is as follows: tion that I conld prescribe with as mncb 1 " REP BOAR. timber, and adjoins tbe lands of Thomas "Robert as that element is supplied by tbe decay­ laugh instead ofcryingand fretting,there B. Taylor. Ray Hamilton is alive, and is confidence of euccceee as I can Hall's 29 SHOATS, six mouths old; very fine. ever shown tbe Public in this city. We name in part OLD APPLE AND PEACH ject _r~*q> organization is to encourage ing roots, etc. is sure to be found Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. 40 SHEEP and LAMBS, Southsdown- now living in Sydney, New South Wales Catarrh Care, manufactured by yon. THIRD. All that lot of land, so as afore- BEANDY, PINE OLD RYR Also Cheap Whiske; '-•—'• "^ i n vestment of foreign capital in the com­ where he has began life over again un­ Therefore, in a rotation of crops, such Price only 25 cts. Cotsnrold. ald awarded to tbe mmlri Brmd'«7, SUM! r _ _, . Tr ^, ^y*-r- : as are generally grown, a complete or Have prescribed It a great many times Among the Farming Implements will containing 201 ACRES, more or lew, be- I Rum«,Qtn* and, miSBr.DDtfi, Tmp munity by disseminating information der an assumed name." This statement be found: well-balanced fertilizer, supplying all and its effect i* wonderful, and would . This advice is cheap hot good. Use ing k part of a tract of land called "Augb- brands of Champafne, Bass die and ^concerning the soil, climate, shipping was made yesterday to a Times reporter say in conclusion that I have vet to find Old Saul's Catarrh Cure, for all nasal af­ 1 Champion Binder. ty Maughty." It is located on the new these elements in the most digestive and county road leading from Riverton to .soxjal advantages etc., which the by an intimate friend of Hamilton's and a cane of Catarrh that it would not care, flictions. 1 " Mower. Brewers Agents for the Celebrated Louis Be the truth of it was vouched for by sever nutritious form, is the safest. 1 Farmers' Favorite Grain and Fertilizer Horntown, and is all woodland, thickly ity offers. .Messrs. Humphreys & Tilghman, com- if they would take it according to direc­ "T Drill, with small seed attachment. set in young erowth of pine and oak Fresh Bottled every Day. Call or write for Prices. We will save/yon mone'y al letters, which be bafi- received from tions. Youn truly, timber. I along we have believed that the the latter since bis alleged death. The ponnders of our Mixture "B" and other 1 Thompson Seed Sower and Marker. L, I* QORSUCH, M. D.. 1 Acme Hay Ricker, with two Monarch FOURTH. All that farm known as the of the times were pointin gentlemen who made the above state­ brands of fertilizer, being greatly inter­ Horse Rakes. ^>S. ULMAN & BRO.,.<^ "' ested in tbe improvement pf the soil and Office, 215Summit St. "William Darby Land," purchased by the ter'day acortfir for W loSJcoconnty.Sal­ ment has been an intimate friend of 1 Eagle Self-Dump Horse Rake. aid John Wesley Bradley from Azariah more thorough, in tensive and profitable We will give f 100 for any case of Ca­ 1 Little Diamond Sulky Cultivator. isbury is abrefltt of her larger sisters m Robert Ray Hamilton since his boyhood CAtARRh ]H. Bradley and Thomas B. Taylor, and Main Street, Salisbury, Maryland. tilling of it, make the followingannounce- tarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's If a eoutltuUonal and not a local dbeau, 1 Bird Steel 1 containing 45 days, and although they liare drifted 2 Oliver Chilled Plows. ACRES, more or less. It is the moral and material progre** which ment: Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. and therefore It cannot be cured by local mostly cleared land, with a new dwelling apart samewhat since then their cordial F. J. CHENEY 4 CO, Props, Toledo, O. applications. It requires a conitttuuonal 2 South Bend " and necessary outbuildings, all in good characterise the period, bat Wicotnico "Believing that farm product* can be 5 Boss relations have always been maintained. a^Sold Druggists, 75c. * remedy like Hood's BanaparUla, which, order. It is located on the new county county has never yet entirely justified grown with greater profit on land highly working through tbe blood, eradicate* the 4 Planet, Jr., Cultivators, with Horse Hoe road We have to arrive ' ' i v ' The name of Mr. Hamilton's friend is attachment. leading from the Springs to River- withheld at his own request, bat he is fertilized, properly cultivated and judi­ Impurity which cause* and promotes Oie i ton, and within a mile and a-b»lf of the the same comment. The rural districts Th* Aland* Honorably. ' disease, and effects a permanent cnr*. 3 Fluke Harrows. !| former. The soil is fertile and prodnc- a well E^awn naval officer and has re­ ciously managed, aside from the perma­ 3 Spike " ' have advanced slowly, more slowly than nent improvement of the land for after The Annlston (Ala.) Hot Blast has Thousands of people testify to the success i live, with timber sufficient for the nse of ONE CAR'LOAD OF > cently distnl|uUtied himself in the coast- of Hood's flanapartlla as a remedy tor 1 Acme Pulverizer. i' the farm. circumstances warranted, perhaps, bat crops, and desiring .to promote, better been made tbe sport of its printers in an eatarrh when other preparation* I Corn Shelter. | survey servicflby discovering the true bad tailed. 1 Corn and Cob Crusher (Yonng Amer­ under apparent sloth there has long been source of the wnlf stream. It was this farming among practical farmers, we amusing way The other day it pub­ FIFTH. All that lot of land, adjoining lished the following card which under­ ican). the Bradley Mill Lot, which the said Choice JNforthem £eed Potatoes,'. a restless, wide-awake sentiment for im­ friend, who, fnring Mr. Hamilton's dark propose to offer a premium of one ton of 1 Economist Sulky Plow. ' Wesley purchased from Asa Graham. It Onr Mixture " B " to the person reporting took to be a correction of a previous provement throughout the county. This days at Atlantic City following the stab­ 1 Lion Hand and Power Feed Cutter. contains 1} ACRES, more or less. which will be quoted to the trade next week. * tl bing of Nurse Donnelly by the woman the largest yield of round potatoes from item: "We regret exceedingly a ludi­ Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Carpen­ sentiment has at last risen to the sur­ one-half measured acre, one-half ton to the crous mistake which occurred in '("Jiticens CAtARRh ters' Tools, and other small imple­ All of the above lands have a fine whom the courts recently declared was "I win say I have been troubled for sev­ ments too numerous to mention. growth of timber, which can be easily face and found expression through the not the latter's wife, stood by and re­ second largest yield and one-quarter of a article in yesterday's issue, advocating eral rears with that terribly disagneabl* 2 FARM WAGONS. ' shipped on tbe Nantlcoke river, while action of the business men of Barren lieved his as far as possible of the miser­ ton to the third largest yield. The essen­ Col. George Miller for mayor. It was disease, catarrh. I' took Hood's Banapa- 2 Horse Carts. \ much of it is within two mileaofthe new rllla with the very best results. It cured me 1 Dearborn Wagon. railroad. It is very seldom that euch an ren Creek district. ies that were then heavy anon him. tial points are that not lees than one-half the devil's own mistake. As printed, The F. C. & H. S, Todd Co., L acre shall contest, and that oar brands of tbe article referred to Colonel Miller as a of that continual dropping In my throat, and 1 Dayton opportunity is presented for profitable Nothing bat good CM possibly come o After the conviction of the so-called staffed up feellnf. It has also helped my 8 double sets of Harness, with Collars, in investment in real estate, In a prosperous fertilizers snail be used tn tbe contest; 'battle-scared veteran.' It is one of those ajiother, who has taken It for run down itat* good condition. , and pleasant community. (INCORPORATED,) such a more among a|> honest, sincere Mrs. Hamilton it was by the advice of t ' ' his friend-that Mr. Hamilton purchased that each contestant shall use his own cases where tbe little letter r makes all of health and kidney trouble." lias. 8. D. Several sets of single Harness. and determined people. They propose judgment and render a report of tbe soil, the difference in the world. We hasten HXATH, Pntnam, Conn. Patent Saving Chums, Butter Workers, ' Possession given on compliance with the ranch on Snake river and went there "I hare osed Hood's Sanaparflla for ca­ one patent Creamery, patent Milk the terms of sale, and costs of deed to be SALISBURY, MIX to do just the thing that oar county to live. After Mr. Hamilton went to his fertilizers, methods, etc. Any one desir- to do Colonel justice. It should have tarrh with very satisfactory results. I hav* Cans, and all other articles used for paid by the purchaser. needs, and under their influence new in- ranch his friend received a letter gnter the contest will be supplied read 'bottle-scarred.'" received more permanentbenefltfromltthaD dairy purposes. him dated several days prior to the date ions", etc. from any other rimedy I have ever tried." 10 tons Timothy Hay. jlnstries will spring up in the locality, X. E. BXAD. of A. Bead ft Son. Waoseoo, a 25 " Clover " ! Team or SALE. Are one-fifth Cash upon which the unfortunate e proposition seems reasonable Balrtasj Waive* for Boutte*. money wirl be«i*«B-« fteer_circnlation, man is sail 200 bushels Corn. \ on the day of Sale, and tbe balance in to hav£~heen drowned. In bis lette enough to insure rnlriycrmtestants During the past six years Minnesota 17 stacks of Straw. three equal annual installments, bearing The Goods Must Go! the people will become more prosperous, Mr. Hamiltort said : "Do not be surprised contestant can be an abeol has paid $78,834 for wolf bounties. Dor. Hood's 19 " " Fodder. I interest from tbe day of sale with bonds cheerful and happy. if you hear of my leaving here suddenly the trial as bis crop, if not the best months of the year tbe boun­ 12 bushels Black Peas. , and security to be approved br tbe Trus­ guarantee to him compensation for Oats, Clover Seed, and black-eyed Peas. tee; said interest on the whole sum to We are determined to clear out our Winter Let Sbmrptown, Quanfico, Tyaskin and as I may go away." ty is onl)£(ar scalp, ,-rtJOKanring otb- Large lot of Strawberry Crates and Bas­ be paid, annually. labor and money expended. Sarsaparilla at a sacrifice to make room for Spring Goods. Look at these all the other districts emulate the exam­ When the news of the drowning of Mr er months U is K. It is alleged that in kets in food condition. 1; rfjc tot S*. Prepared oaly Several tons of Fertilizer. ROBERT F. BRATTAN, offerings : . ple of Barren Greek, and in time our Hamilton was sent East his friend certain counties certain persons have ky a L HOOD * CO, Apotheeui**, LeweU. MM*. confident that it was fa.1t*, and some I wa* D**d. been in the habit of /arming wolves, and IOO Doses One Dollar All tbeee articles will absolutely be sold TKUBTFX. 1 lot Caps worth $1.OO, now 5Oc. county will become a bee hive of indus­ time afterward bis confidence of its nn And was much surprised to notice the also of keeping the wolf cubs in captivity to tbe highest bidder. tries filled withprosperoas'&rmen, track­ troth was confirmed by receiving a let­ result of the settlement of my estate. Sale to begin at 10 o'clock a. m., Feb. 5. 1 lot Scarfs and Ties worth 75c, now 18. daring the months when their scalps G»o. W. D. WAUJC*, Atty. ers and artisans. ter from Mr. Hamilton dated San Fran My family had always been: accustomed were worth only $3 until the $5 months W. I. TODD, Attorney. 5OO Hats worth $1.5O, now 75c. cisco. stating that be was about to take to live generously, and I had in a (ten- came around. It ia also alleged that wolf The Legislature of Kansas last Wed­ tbe steamer for Japan, and from thence eral way considered that my estate scalps have been imported from other TEIR/IMIS: Next to Gvnoy's Hardware Store, nesday elected to the United States Sen be'would go to Australia, where, under would clean up enough to educate and States, and that, generally speaking, the All sums of five dollars and under cash, Trustee's Sale G. 1. BREWINGTON, SALISBURY, HD '! an assumed name, he would begin life graduate my children and make com­ bounty system has been grossly abased. Mortgagee's Sale. over that amount a credit of six months, ate, to succeed the Hon. John U. Ingalls, on notes with approved security. No OF VALUABLE over again. fortable provision for my wife. After I property to be removed until terms of sale Wm. A. Pefler, the Alliance candidate. waa buried, the troubles of my wife, who* Wasted. are complied with. Shonld the weather The Grand Army people made a desper­ was my administratrix began. My part­ By virtue of an assignment and the on day of sale be rainy, the sale will be G*r*oan lor President. Clarence W- Bowen, Secretary of the power contained in a Mortgase made tbe Real Estate. ate effort in Mr. Ingall's behalf, bat to no ners, who had always beeal^^^jately 10th day ol November A. D. 1880. by held on next clear day if it be not flfct- Committee on the Centennial of Wash­ urday or Sunday. purpose. The farmers of Kansas Mem The Baltimore San of last Thursday fair and square with me,M^^Be« any Jesse M'itchell and Fanny Mitchell (col­ By virtue of a decree of the Circuit contained the following article furnished value in tbe business we wBHBen years ington's Inaugration, 251 Broadway, New ored) to Lillias M. Bocban, which Mor­ LOUISA A. GRAHAM, BSKTTSIX. Our Fall Stock ' Court of Wicomico County, the nnder- not to be as much afraid of the soldiers' by its New York correspondent under in building up, other than the value York, desires information regarding tbe tgage i« recorded among tbe Land Re­ ' siftned as Trustee will sell at public auc- of cords of Wicomico county in Liber S- P. LEVIN C. GRAHAM. vote as does the country at large. The tbe bold headlines of "Senator German the goods at forced sale. Al) the firm's portraits of John Henry and Michael Jeni­ i tion at Store of Isaac 8. Benuett at Our patrons are hereby informed that we have replaced" T., No. 4, folio 60, I will sell at public j Riverton, newlv elected Senator was once a repub­ candidate:" indebtedness was a fixed sum no dis­ fer Stone, Members of Congress from oat cry at the door of the Court House the Spring and Summer goods we sold them with,- a handsome Mr. Marion J. Verdery, the well-known count. All amounts due us were liable Maryland. Tbeee portraits, for the Mem­ of Wicomico county, in Salisbury, Md., on JAB, E. ELLBOOOD, Atty. lican, bat is now a strong Farmer's Alli­ orial Volume, are particularly desired, and complete lot of Autumn supplies. All the latest shades ance man. He believes in protection of Southern man in Wall street, has been to shrinkage. Everything seemed to | Saturday, January 31st, 1891, in calicoes, muslins, etc. The newest things in Men's and Boys' sounding prominent democrats in thai have a n«w principle of valuation quite to complete tbe list of portraits of tbe Saturday, February 21st, 1891, certain home indostriea, bat does 1 at 2 o'clock, p. m., all that valuable lot or ready-made clothing, and neckwear; A Fresh stock of shoes ; not and other commercial sections on tbe different from my idea of it when I was Maryland delegation in Congress at the at 11 o'clock, a. m., all that lot or parcel Trustee's Sale parcel of land lying in Sharptown district, believe in protection as a principle. It idea of Arthur P. German as a presiden­ alive and a part of it. Tbe more I time of Washington's Inauguration. of land, with improvements thereon, si­ —Of— Wicomico County, Md., where the late In short complete and carefully selected linesjof all goods sold tial candidate- He says be ha* been very tuated on the East side of tbe road lead­ Samuel Collier lived daring his life, in a general merchandise store. The sam^cordiaT welcome ' 4< supposed that be will act with the re­ studied the situation I found everything ing from Salisbury tolllddle Neck Mills known as "Gray Hill" and adjoining tbe publicans in the. matter of organizing much surprised by the enthusiasm with correct, but noee the lees on fortunate for in 5th Election District, in Wicotnlco Real Estate. lands of Tbos. W. English, S. B. Cooper, awaits you that has been extended to you in the past Corrfe. the Senate, bat be it rinder no obligations which it was received. Tbe part taken my family. I realised that a widow with The lateat London fad at small dances county, Md., adjoining hind on tbe East A. B. English and others and situate near and examine our stock. by Senator Gonnan in tbe fight against tbe cash ralne, surviving partners' yaJo- is for the hostess to hare provided a owned by John O. Freeny, land on the what ia known as Cooper's Mill and to them. Mr. IngalU will be remember­ the force bill and tbe masterful display South owned by John Jackson, land on By virtno of^a decree of the Circuit about 2 miles from Steamboat wharf at ation (which by the way was higher than plentiful sapply of hot milk and seltxer tbe West owned by Jehu T. Parsons and Court for Wicomico County, passed in Riverton, containing about 30 ACHES, COOPER, WILSON & CO., Grove Street, Delmar, Del. ed as one of the bitterest partisans that of his resources of leadership have won any one else would appraise it), of my with which to regale h«r guests opon the fronting on the said public road, contain­ cause No. Chancery, in said Court. more or leas, about one-third of which ia ereroceopled a seat in the Senate cham­ bim admirers among men of pronounced estate, would come about five thousand eve of departure, to guard against cold ing ONE-HAtF ACRE OF LAND, more or Jackson vs. Wool/ord, the undersigned well act in OAK and PINE TIMBER. ber. He was principally noted for hit influence in the inner councils of the dollars a year short of wbat I could make on the homeward drive. The milk bav- less, being tbe same land formerly owned as Trustee will offer at public sale in front This place is well adapted to trucking party. Mr. Verdery says the public by Margaret T. Davis, who bought tbe of tbe Court Bouse, in Salisbury, Md., on and in easy distance of market. i and vituperation. He cherish. tbe same capital yield certainly, and (ng been heated almost to boiling point same from William Birckhead. would be astonished if be had perm la- some seasons double or treble. Some one U poored into a lone; glass, into which a es an undying hatred for the Sooth and Saturday, January 31st, 1891, ion to poblish all be heard in tbe coarse made the remark that it was strange I heaping uMespoonfol of sugar is lightly TBJUO or SALB r $50.00 on day of sale expected the 'Old Soldier Vote* some of bis propaganda- Tb* encomiums come never had insured my life, and I felt stirred and a small quantity of seltser ia. TERMS OF SALE CASH. at 2 o'clock, p. m.. tbe HOUSE and LOT Oa*h, and tbe balance in twelve months, BOILERS. STEAM ENGINES* Tom men from on this side of the line of GROUND in Qoantico, County and ot all Caab at the option of tbe purchaser. day to make him president of the United ike kicking myself as I saw it was just frothed from a siphon. > CHARLES F.-HOLLAND, State afnrrnalrt. situated on the east aide Tbe credit payments to bear interest from UUFTVK, #UKE/U, PULLEYS, CQtlfUKS, *U States, never teeming to realize that at well as from tbe Sooth. tbe point which I bad left uncovered. of and binding on tbe Main street, in tbe dar of sale to be secured by note of Assignee of Mortgagee. the purchaser with sureties approved by GENERAL MACHINE AND REPAIR WORK. the total Grand Army vote is less than When my partner* wanted the widow to aaid Town, being tbe same lot conveyed Do** Kxp*t1*a«* Oout T eave her money in the concern at tbe to Mrs. Eleanor Woolford by James Can­ the Trustee. __ ELECTRIC MOTOB8, WATER KffTOBB. So conldent are the mannfactoren of I8AAC&BENHETT, on* in four budred of the voting popu­ It does, in every line of business, and risk of the boataeas at four per cent in­ non and others br deed dated- the 15th Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy in their Notice to Pelinqnents. day of January. 1888,. and recorded in Trustee. ANNINC HOUSE MACHINERY. lation of the country and rapidly grow­ especially in compounding and prepar- terest, and I knew that we always) had ability to cur* chronic nasal catarrh, no Liber 8. P. T., No. 3, folio 4. MOST COMPLETE UNC MANUFACTURED. ing leas all the time. It is a fact too, worth ng medicines. This is illustrated in the o pay six, I turned over in my grave Having discontinued the mercantile matter how bad or of bow long stand­ great superiority of Hood's Sarsaparilla and waked op. Waked np_to the value business at B. C. Springs, I respectfully OITCB TO CBKDITOBR. noting that this insignificant little bond ing, that they offer, in good faith, the request all persona indebted to me to over other preparations, as shown by tbe of life and life insurance, and 1 sent for TERMS OF SALE: * I* to «IT» notice that the rabnrtber is now costing the country annually about above reward for a case which they can­ come forward and settle, either with cash obtained from UM Orphan*1 Omit ter The WarfieM Manufacturing Company, remarkable cures it has accomplished. L.H. NOCK, or by note, before March 1st., 1891, or I $100 Cash on tbe day of sale, tbe bal­ Wloantoo eooaty l*tt*n of AdzalnUtraUoo. NO* 338. 338, 340 AKD 342 NORTH ST.. BALTIMORE, Mo. eighty millions of dollars, in the shape The bead of the firm of C. I. Hood & not core. Remedy aold by druggists at shall at that date be obliged to put all ance of tbe purchase money to be paid on the p*r»onal MUM or General Agent, Washington Life. Salis­ in equal Installments of 6 and 12 months, aeo* to ***•* of UM State. of pensions. Mr. Ingalls is one of the Co. is a thoroughly competent and ex* CO centa. unpaid accounts in the bands of a col­ MABTOLTPHAHT. bury, Md. lector for settlement before dosing my to be secured by tbe notes of tbe pur­ victims of the November election of 1890. Mrieneed pharmacist, having devoted JOHN T. WILSON. chaser with approved sureties' and bear­ latoof WlooBUoo oounW.dw'd. All MrmJalia Ward Howe. «bo is lafll a hartac claim* *catn*t aald dee'd., ones TO ORgprroBa. We hope tie Farmers' Alliance will take lie whole life to the study and actual B. C. Sprint*, Md. ing interest from tbe day of sale. waned to exli£H«£* aam*, wgh Road Examiners' Notice. preparation of medicines. He is also a The contract to dredge the Maaokin beantifal woman, with finely modeled JA& E. ELLEGOOD, thereof, to the aaeaarflMr OB or beta* la to gtre aotlce that tbe mbaeriber op this pension outrage and sarist the features, trained voice and gracious man­ July JMh, MM. Having beea duly appointed and com­ hath obtained own tbe Orpban* Court for member of the Massachusetts and Amer- river, on what is known as the bar, from Tnntee. WleomleoOottDty letter* ofadmlnlnUtnUJon or. democratic party in working some re- from' air missioned by the County CommiaetDnejs the ixmoiisl astata of can Pharmaceutical Association, and Sharp's Point to Locost Point, has been ners, add* to her reputation as a poet THE BEST THING YET I of Wicomtoo county, as examiners on down that line. We hope too, continue* actively devoted to snperrie- awarded to Frank. C. Somera, of Cam- and proa*-writer, a philanthropist and the proposed new road in Tenth Qetikm MUkTCKL A. GRAHAM, grande dame of society, tbe unique hon­ The Model Love Letter. OTICZ TO CBEU1TOB8. ABnenoa* i democrat! will tbow tome back- nc the preparation of and managing tbe dec, N. J. 17,600 waa appropriated by 10 ot*, 2 for 15 eta. SUOUQIC M. OtJFHAKT, Ada. . _ art hereby maineee connected with, Hood's Sarsa- or of having been president of the Bos­ Till* to to atv* n*t!oa that the *ab*crib*r Tmylor, Jest* A. D. Bradhry, WH» O*SJBJ, _ , .. . wltb voucher* one in the Matter of iiretttcaUof tbeee the 61*t Oongreaa for this purpose. The J. MILLER CROWLBY, hath obtained from tb* Orphan*' Court tot we hereby give notice that we wilt meet thereof, to the labceriber on or twte* work will begin April 1st Tb« sorrey ton Woman's Club for twenty yean by — letter* of Administration at the place whet* s«« proposed road pension rYanda. The partjr may real as- tbe aaaaunoa* choice of the members. 1516, W. Mulberry St., BAITOV, MD, Boarders Wanted. JalyntH, Hence tht anperiority and peculiar and letting of contract were in charge intersects the county road leading from be excluded Awn all tared tb«t there are more people .inter­ atrit of H/aad's Baratparilla it boUt op- of Gen. Smith, office atWilminfton,DaJn BOBCBT WO.UAMB, Riverton to Horntown mills near tbe I am now occupying tbe Freeny boat* thl* rTth day. of Jan. ested in having these frauds oaaWtfced i tbe siost substantial foundation. In and certainly no more worthy river 1m- Til* latest statistic* show that the *A- lataof Wloomioo county, daeM. All p*raon* A. Wrifbt, on Wed dde mania is spreading in Germany to lma aolnat aaid dec'4_ ar* h*r*y , MBS. lOUIBA A. GRAHAM, Extra. and the expenditure* cat off- tb*w there (preparation there Is represented all rovement has been recommended to the axatMt Ui» Mine, with good rooms and board, several perapna. o'clock a. m., weather p*r»lttfag to per­ the knowledge which modern CoBgresa. fomena Herald, such an extent that even children take "^ Applyto form the duties imposed qpon ua by said are old tofcPcft bf-nttMary. n medical Mtaoet hat developed, their lives. Daring the six year* end- MBS.J. W. WARD, tnman Bros, sell Coon Ctab Rye inn with 1888, 888 school-children com­ 6010 WM. J. WKATHBRLY. WUUaey Vfjt* pint, gallon or the bar- Over seven thousand bales of cotton bined with long experience, brain work, Who said Hood's Sana partita r excluded from all jtf; ate mitted suicide. Many of these suicides ELIJAH D. KNOWLBS, H* up in aieelv «iur«»edboi. were received at Jfevf)*, TaV, Tataskjr, It to only necessary to Thousands of people, who know it to be WM. W. SMITH, tlcsv «« >** trial and be cormncM of oeotrred la tbe elementary schools, and C. K. Davis at the Depot for SALISBURY 1DYERTISER. Quite a tenons accident occurred early A meeting of the farmers was b«id at "Suuaet," writing from Deal's Ms nd fine groceries, boots and shoes, etc, to tbe Princess Anne fffrald, nays: Why Did THEY Invest IS. fflman ft Bro., $1.00 PBR ANNUM. Tuesday morning at the wholesale boose the Court House last Tuesday. They had lain Go to TJlman Bros.' for Coon Clnb •T3ST of The F. C. AH. 8. Todd Co-, but for­ convened for the purpose of taking steps Informed by reliable authority lliat a Rye Whiskey best on the market SOLE tunately the result was not so calami- toward encouraging immigration to oar desperate eSbrt will be made to ret tbe SATURDAY. JAN. 31.1WI. Male Jersey Calf, titled LIFE INSUANCE? tons as the circumstance seemed to war­ county. Legislature of Maryland to pass an act register. Price f 10. Hugh J. Phillips. or rant. Judge George A. Bound! of the Or­ for the purpose of leasing and reding the Do *on Want a bargain in a pair of The following gentlemen, prominent fn the professional and bosinen world, SALISBURY DIRECTORY. John Wells, a white man, and the phans Court presided over the meeting. oyrter-beariag bottoms of the.Chesa­ winter boots? Then ao to R. E. Poweil who carry Urge line* of life insurance, have consented to to* poblicmtion of their colored man Henry Jones, were trans­ After organising Rev. T. O. Ayree, Pre­ peake Bay aad Its tributaries. I frankly 4 Co'.. names, the aggregate son insured being ' OPFICEBS. ferring grain siding Elder of the M. E. church, was and sorrowfully admit that something from the first floor to the C. E. Davis U selling his stock of iraiAJRXTST $28,OOO,OOO.OO. KATOB. room above by means of the elevator. called upon for a speech. Ht entertained must be done to save the oyster industry heavy Boot* at o«t. Give him a call at Coon * Club Thomai Bvmporeya, Bsq. They had hoisted a quantity of corn to his audience ou the subject of land im­ of tbis StateJ but tbe day that the sub­ the depot. Many of these gentlemen art Insured to the foil limit of 80,000 in the provement on the peninsula. He was ( marine waters of the State are sold to Lift Iwuroce Co., of New York: cmr copscn.. the second floor and were busy The largest stock of ready made Whiskey, Je J. If. .._. Thomas H. William*. removing it from the elevator followed by Col. Malone who spoke on bloated corporations, that act will be the clothing in Salisbury can be found at R. John Wanamaker. Pbila, 11,000,00 I Layton Register, Pfaiia, 116,000 Will the necessity of having oar crowning Infamy of class legislation by John B Stetson. Pbila. 700.00 Geo M Bogne, Chicago, 110,000 William D. Record*. °D>> platform, when suddenly jtnd unac­ surplus acres E. Poweil 4 Co's. Hamilton Disston, Pbils, 600,00 William Disston, Pbila, 110.000 Jt»*»t* /to- Somnt-E. Stanley Toad Tin. countably the loaded elevator shot tenanted by a good class of Imported brute force, which will r6sult in driving EH Abbot, Milwaukee, 500,00 L C Gillespie, New York, 110,000 We can, and will, save yon two pro- 1 WHICH IS down the open shaft with a crash. A laborers, if they were to pay the owner to starvation and desperation a major fltaorerany other Liquor House in Salis­ Wm W Glbbe, Pbila, 600,00 Wm 6 Horner, Pitubnrg, 110,000 BOARD OP TRADE. safety platform which was poised above anything. part of the deserving subjects of our com­ bury, A. F. Parsons A Co. J Reed Whipple, Boston, 600.00C B U McAden, Charlotte, N C. 110,000 . the laborers- heads, was snatched down Gov. Jackson having called a state im­ monwealth. Tbe day snch a law ia en­ EPAllia, Milwaukee, 460,00 J R McPherson, Patterson, N J, 110,000 . E. Ellerood, Bee*?; Have you heard the exact amount of P H Qlatfclter, Spring Forge, Pa, 890,00 R Mitcbell, Lake Crystal. Mlnn, 110.000 WITHOUT I RIAL- A. U. Toadrioe. Treaa. by the descending elevator and this, migration convention to meet in Balti­ acted the knife is put to tbe throat of money it tskrs to buy a "Household" J J McCook, New York, 886.00C S T Everett, Cleveland, 0. 109,000 striking the men on the head, knocked more the 18th of next month, no definite the poor man's hope, and tyranny reigns. sewing Dr R C Flower, Boston, 335.00C John C Paige, Boston, 100,000 For aato In balk and pat op machine from Laws & Purnell. in handsomely engraved botUw. If. W. Ounby, . E. T. Fo , Sangenay, Laketon, S W Richardson, Boston, - 200,000 B Pace, Richmond, Va, 100,000 A large supply of the celebrated W.H.J, Col. 8. A. Graham, eyes around a few times to assure him­ J. Twilley. the oyster-bearing bottoms will continue Lenardo, Nirica, Ajalon, Consort Varus, F B Roberts, New York, 200,000 E J Parish, Durham, N C, 100,000 E. Williams. Gambria, and the very latest, tbe Not- self that he bad only*dropped into a to yield as they nave always done. Show A Shumsu, Boston, 200.000 "I Peck. Chicago, 100.000 tawa These are the very latest styles H H Warner, Rochester, N Y, 200,000 W Peck.Cbicrgo, 100,000 cellar and not intoa pit, be pulled himself "Audi Alteiam Pat-tern." no quarters to any violator, and this in standing collars, and the only place in LEE WHITE ASH COAL. much vexed question is settled. We town G H Whitcomb, Worcester, 200,000 iicbard Peterson, Pbila, 100,000 LOCAL DEPARTMENT. together, exceedingly grateful that the We have heard and read lately so to buy link Cufl>. Fine hose in all Amos Wbitely, Springfield, 0, 200,000 W Peterson, Pbila, 100,000 SOFT CO-A.X. have only the latest shades and for neck-wear, thing was no "wus*." much of what is going to be done at to look at the monopolies and E M Hukill, Pituburg, 180,000 Jeo M Pullman, Chicago, 100,003 Bit* of New* About Town, Gathered moneyed corporations of this nation to­ every thing that Is desirable for Sunday C M Henderson, Chicago, 175,000 F Rathbone, Albany, N Y, 100.000 IN BULK AND by Ocean City this coming summer to wit: or evening dress, The finest Clothing and the "AdrertUer-f" B>porten. How Am Old Maa Died. day to see clearly the poor man's doom; A G Yates, Rochester, N Y. 175,000 « is Roberts, New York, 100,000 New hotels, electric railroad, and water the Nobbiest Hats are at Thoroughgood's. H B Hyde, New York, i A Rust, Chicago, BUILDING LUMBER of all descriptions. No. 1 Dennis Mmons' SHINGEI-S and shall we be doped into selling our 165,000 100.000 the best made In North Carolina. WINDOWS, SASH,JDCORS, MOULDING, etc. Hiram Bailey, well-known to many works, tbtfPwe may be pardoned in view Cbas Platt, New York, 165.000 H 4-*yre, Bethlehem, Pa, 100,000 A meeting of the Sons of Temper­ inherent rights in this State to snch soul­ people in this county, and in lower Sus­ of the shortness of time before the season F A Brooks, Boston, 155,000 Scbleisinger, Milwaukee, 100.000 ance will be held next Monday evening less machines and schemes as some of R R Cable, Chicago, 150,000 H Shoemaker, Pbila 100,000 sex. (Del.) where he was born, and lived opens, for looking upon the other side of Humphreys & Tiffehman. at their headquarters. our leading politicians have already fore- W P Clyde, Phila. 150,000 esse Scalding, Chicago, 100,000 the greater part of 82 years, was taken the picture. , ehndowed? No, never! T W Harvey, Chicago, 150,000 M B Spahr, York, Pa, 100,000 Several pew buildings are being off on the 'long journey' in a peculiar At But why be­ Charles D Jacob, Louisville, 150,000 Geo H Stuart, Phila, 100,000 present no visible effort is apparent come erected in Salisbury, and remodeling of way last'Satnrday. to bring about the above mentioned im­ alarmed? Such an act could not C M Sanger, Milwaukee, 150,000 'rank Thompson, Phila, 100.000 be gotten J R Pitcher, Short MilN, N J, 140,000 ' Wahl. Chicago, 100.000 the old is going on to some extent. Tbe old man spent the afternoon of provements, and the time to effect such to sell the submarine waters of this State withont the consent of the Asa P Potter, Boston, 140,000 . Wahl, Chicago, 100.000 that dsy in Quantico,_. and after the is daily getting shorter. J Jackson, Jr, Lockport, N Y, 135,000 >amuel Wanamaker, Pbila, 100,000 STOVES, HEATERS and RANGES. . Rev. Wm. Mnn/ord, of St. Peter's storm of that night bad set in, be United States Congress. To-day tbe lacobs started It was a self evident fact that last year Edward Rose water, Omaha, 135,000 ~ J Wajner, Chicago, 100,000 church, who has been in New York for whole oyster legislation is unconstitution­ Clias Miller, Franklin, Pa, 132,000 . H White, Boston, to the residence of Mr. Levin C. Bailey the hotels bad all the guests they could 100,000 Tbe Unrest assortment of stoves on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Special attention Is three weeks, will fill his pulpit to-mor­ where be expected to stay that night. al, which is a well known fact G G Green, Woodbury, N J, 130,000 Willard White, Warren, Pa, 100,000 called to the great bargain In the row. possibly accommodate; and last year it F W Paige, New York. 130,000 obn L Whiting, Boston, 100,000 To reach the bouse betook a path which must be remembered facility for travel to Oil W L Pierce, Brookline, Mass, 130,000 ohn I Whitney, Boston, 100,001) B«Ugtoas Kotlocs. ±:R,O:N" It is. said that Mrs. Mary E. Smith of leads across the farm of Mr. RobL Tain- Ocean City, was of the poorest kind. A A Spragne, Chicago, 130.000 P Wilbur, Bethlehem, Pa, 100,000 Alien bos a goose which has reared a tor through a narrow strip of low wood­ This year we will have a quick rail Usual services at Trinity M. E. REMEDY Edmund Hayes, Buffalo, N Y, 128.000 C Wright, Allentown, Pa, 100,000 H B Claflin, A Beardsley, Detroit, Mich, brood each spring for a quarter of a cen­ land to Mr. Bailey's residence. route from Baltimore, and Washington, Cbnrcb, South, Sunday at 11 a. m.and 7.30 New York, 125.000 90,000 p. m. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. Pub­ FOR PKIN Franklin B Gowen. Phila, 125,000 A Kogrs, Duluth, Minn, 90000 tury. He bad nearly reached bis destination and may justly expect a very great in­ CERES lic cordially invited. T. 0. Edwards, J E Kingtley. Phila. 125,000 ohn Q Denny, Harrisburg, Pa, 90,000 The regular monthly meeting of the when a grape vine across his path .trip­ crease of resident visitors. J McGregor Adams. Chicago, 120.000 Michelbacher, New York, 90,000 ped him and he was thrown backward How will it be possible to accoraodate pastor. . Lawrence Barrett, Boston, 120,000 Michael Scball, York, Pa. 90,000 School Board, will be held on Wednes­ [SlV^inlS N J Bradlee, Boston, 120,000 W Oilfillan, Franklin, Pa, 86,000 day of next week instead of Tuesday tbe, into a shallow pool of water. Mr. Joseph these visitors? Moreover, there will be Methodist Protestant Church, Rev. E Buckingham, Chicago, 120,000 H Recknagel, Great Neck. N Y, 85.000 Bailey, son of Mr. L. C. Bailey, coming C. 8. Arnett, pastor: Sabbath school at stated time. * almost daily excursions, and hundreds of C A Dana, New York, 120,000 rancia Alger, Boston, 85.000 home from Quantico Sunday, morning, people will be carried to the beach, for 9.30 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m.; preach­ B Shoninger, New Haven, Conn, 120,000 iron T Bliss, Sa^inaw, Midi, 85,000 Mr. J *8. Clouser, a farmer of Rocka- about 11 o'clock, found his corpse. The whom at present no provision has been ing at night 7.30. Tuesday, testimony H F Stnruvant, Boston, . 120,000 A Barnes, New Haven, Conn, 85,000 walking, has a pullet which laid, Theo N Vail, Boston, 120,000 D Jordan, Boston, 85,000 a few face was upturned and the bead was made, and who will only tend to annoy meeting at 7.30 p. m. Thursday, prayer Williard White, Boston, 120.000 days; ago, an egg 7$ inches long and 6} partly immersed in water, but it was not those residing there by crowding the services, at 7.30 p. m. inches in circumference. completely covered. Tbe foot was still porches an* piazzas of their hotels. Usual services at the Presbyterian We heard a gentleman, who had recently taken out insurance, say a few days entangled in the vine. Special sermon at Asbury M. B. It certainly behooves those who are in Church next Sabbath. Snnday school ago: "One strong inducement that prompted me to invest in life insurance lias It is not known whether he drowned been the evidence furnished by the daily papen, day after day, of tbe truth of the Cbnrch on Snnday morning by the pas­ tereated in tbe development of Ocean 9.30 s. m.; preaching 11 a. m., 'men's or died of exposure. The theory, how­ biblical maxim that "in the midst of lift; we are in death." Morning after rooming ty npod1* "Elijah's Discouragement." City to be up and doing. prayer meeting, 4 p. m., preaching 7.30 we read in the newspapers of tbe unexpected demise of well known -men cut off, ever, is.that he met tm death In the Revivial service at-night. Salisbury, too, has a large stake at in p. ro.; mid-week services on Wednesday WOLINDS.CUTS, SWELLINGS frequently in the vigor of manhood, and I have noticed that while such men lived former manner. terest, inasmuch as, if Ocean City is a Tin CtUItU a. roaeur CO.. BaSham.asV comfortably and in some cases luiuriousTy. after the winding up of their estaUw it evening at 7. SO. Strangers always wel­ was found that many of them left practically nothing for those dependent o* them new ^ tutnff, it will continue to crow; visitors come. The Iron King, a* Improved (or the oomini Maaont ls tbe moet attractive »ui-t-«t "»lly»g tJ«oer» PenlDsnlm ortlcnltarml Ctodetj. there will often come to Salisbury for to live on." The lesson to be derived Is nut that the nation ia dying any faster, stove In the market. Ha» enlarged top with oroad edg«a, adjustable back ahelf, tncreacee. at Princess ^fl'^eCwhich will have a cap- but men should be reminded of the immediate possibility of their own careers be­ oven capacity, the broiler or feed door made to iwlnr. Hiding front door*, stationary One The Peninsula Horticultural Society tbe day and bring trade to us, while Tliwusual services will be held in ing suddenly ended at any time, and of the importance tjiat due preparation bo door, pedal oven door opener and nlokte knobs. Tbe No. 70 Iron King cook, with II pieces, manufacture 120 barrels of floor which was in session in Easton last week trtmmlno, a grand kitchen outfit, tor 118, The greatest bargain ever offered. many of the supplies used at Ocean City the Asbury M. E. Cbnrch next Sunday. made for such contingencies. ______; Then!___,_,_IB Bpeam Fire-place_._. Heatersland and ."Heating stoves. Tbe Box and Halm wood-stoves, and mealjjj^j^ elected the following new officers before Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7.30 Ottefib range and Idberty range. Repair* for all kinds of stoves. Tin work, roofing, gutter, will be drawn from our town. poutlaf, and all kinds of sheet-iron work done. ' Mrs. Susan Dasbiell, relict of the adjourning: Hence, we are deeply interested in o'clock p. m. Snnday school at 2.30 p. m. Insure in the W A8HINOTOK LIFE. * -Specially low prices at , -late -Algernon ?. Dasbiell, of Somerset President, E. L. Martin, of Sussex Co., the welfare of this enterprise. Y»ong People's Meeting at 6.45 p. ra. Information, ratet, ete.,furnuhed on application to . county, and mother of B. B. Dashiell, Delaware; First Vice President, James Therefore, let us not content ourselves Prayer-meeting on Thursday evening at L. H. NOCK, L. H. BALDWIN. L. W. GUNBY'S Esq.. of Wicomico died Wednesday, 21st. Harris, of Kent county, Md.; Secretary, with empty talk and vague promise*, 7JO p. m. : "-' . MAMMOTH BABDWARX STOJBE, SALISBURY, MD. inst, at her home in Tyaskin, this county. Wesley Webb, of Dover; Treasurer, A. but on the other band, deliberately con­ ^-St. Peter'B Church, Eev. Wm. Mun- P. O. BOX iss. L. Hudson, of Kent county, Del. The SALISBURY, MARYLAND. F. W^HaroLi. formerly of Salisbury sider what is best to be done in tbe mat­ fora rector, Sexsgesima Sun following vice presidents were elected: ter, and that promptly. school 9.30 a. m. Services at 11 o'clock who has nen a member of tbe WUming- Dr. Black, of New Castle county. Dr. BIS 7ACTT QCI CTTO FACIT. a* ra., and 7.30 p. m. Holv Commnnlon { ton Evrry Evemxy'i local staff for the past Ridgely. -Kent county, Del.. Cbaries few months, has resigned his position to at the 11 o'clock services. Monday. Feast titt Wright; Sassex, George Biddle. Cecil, THEY ARE AH TRANSPARKHT RARE BUSINESS OPPORTONITY.^ accept a flattering offer on tbe staff of the Col. Page's Oyitsr. of the Purification of tbe Blessed Virgin. Salisbnry Oil and Coal Co. K. Barnard, Kent, Md., John B. Brown, Holy Communion at 7.30 a. m. Friday, COLORLESS AS LIGHT ITSELF, 'Public Ledger, fhiladejphia. Queen Anne's, J. W. Kerr, Caroline, J. Congressman-elect Henry Page, of the first congressional district, has presented the usual services with a lecture at 7 And ror soil ness or endaranoe to tbe eye can­ er*)*?*d *fcbfof to retire'frbm mercantile business in WHITER * ASH 4 COAL. Mrs. Mary E. Smith, wife of Charles L Banning, Talbot, J. H. Wright, Dor­ o'clock p. m. not be excelled, enabling tbe wearer to read U|D* **" . «ttentioh to outdoor pursuits, offers Smith. Esq., died at her home at Sharp's chester, J, C. Phillips, Wicomico, Geo- the State Museum with a petrified oyster lor boars without (ktlcne. In tact, they are , Point, this countji. January 21st, aged W. Covington, Worcester, Hon. L. L. which weighs three pounds and nine Perfect Sight Preservers. T, HAUt, PIASTER. 81 years, five. months and eleven days. Waters, Somerset, and J. C. McMatb, of ounces, is seven inches long, seven inches Bl» lUllromd D*»l. She had been a faithful member of the Accomac county, wide and over two inches thick. The CINCINNATI, 0., Jan. 27. A highly im­ Testimonials from leading pbjifctani In nmi^AH" COAL OIL, 49- Va. the United States, covernon, senator*, leris- can, by an active party, 1 M. fi. dtarcri for many years Many interesting subjects were dis- present is accompanied by the following portant combination of two great rail­ latorm, «tookn»en, men of note In all proie*- lon* aad lo different branches of trade, Ac., apply to undersigned on the A .v*ry severe wind and rain storm cofieed during the session which was'con­ letter from Colonel Page, addressed to way systems in the formation of a new bankers, mechanic*, etc., can be flven who meantime, or until a sale ia affected, I HAY, GRAIN have had their §lght Improved by their use. swept down the Atlantic coast last Sat- sidered one of the most profitable eve Land Commissioner Scharf: ''I send yon through fast line was accomplished here prices at retail, any Winter Stock, sn«h as Uoota, Meu's Boy's and Youth's; also Rubber Boots and Wa«isfo Misses and Children's Fine Grade LAND LIME. urday._nifrht. It was a cyclone in fact. held by the society. by Judge Irving an oyster which was Yesterday. The combination is between found by one of our dredgers, to be the B. A O. and the C. C. C. A St. L. com­ &LL EYES FllTED, Grain and Calf Shoe* at coat, or leas. SfOT CASH. .Telegraph service has been almost entire- ' And the Fit Guaranteed by BRING US YOUR YELLOW AND WHITE CORN. *lf crippled ainoe,Salisbury baa bad no com­ WiMmleo Real B«t»t« Safes. placed, if yon think proper, in the en us panies with the B. & 0. south-western munication with the north since. The Considerable real estate will be offered sum of Maryland curiosities. If it is a as a connecting link. The name of the O. H. TT A re/p-BTre fair specimen of the ancient oyster it 'wires will be working all right by today at the Court House door today to the new line has not been selected, bat Tbos. Leadlnc Jeweler and Optician, JAMES CANNON. highest would seem that the size, as well as the H. Noonsn ban been chosen as general /however. and best bidders. MAIN STREET, - SALISBURY. Under Opera House, Salisbury, Md. Mr. Jas. E- Ellegood, as trustee, quality, has deteriorated in modern manager and be is charged with the or­ Mr. aad Mrs. J. Dinkebpeel, of Gli will offer the Woolford property located at times not a little. A half-dozen on th ganization of the new big line. gow, Ky., near relatives of the Mi Qoautico; also a tract of 52 acres in shell of this sire woo Id be a respoctabl TJlman, of this city, celebrated their gol­ Sharp- town district called "Twilley's Good lunch." The Kioto canal in Japan, is the work den wedding Friday, of last week. Six Lock." We have just received an elegant line of children, thirteen grandchildren and one of a French engineer M. Tanabe- It is Mr. Robert F. B rattan, M trustee, Bit Bale of Penomal Property frr«at-4$Lndehild. together with a host of will about 7 miles long and is supplied from sell Uie real estate of Col. L. Malone. friapeWirdm various sections of the coun­ The personal property of the late Col Birra, which lies at an attitude of 275 CARPETS AND RUGS, try, were present at the celebration. This estate comprises several farms and Samuel A. Graham is advertised in this feet The water is carried through a much timber land, the most of it eligibly issue of the ADVKcrmKS to take place at mountain chain in a tunnel about a mile which we want you to call to see; the prices will certainly (, The new hotel building of Mesara. located near the Wicomico river. the Cottman (arm Thursday, Feb. 5th- and a-half long. It will irrigate many Birckbead Aferey is approaching com- Mr. I. S. Bennett, trustee, will offer at This U one of the largest and fines! rice fields and will be used by vessels. please. 'pletion. Tbe brick work was finished bis store at Rivertonat 2 o'clock in the aggregations of live stock, farming mach ''this week astd tbe frame work for tbe afternoon, the real property of the late inery, grain, hay, etc., in Wicomico coun­ The hereditary Prince of Nassau Fall and Winter Underwear. roof is cow about ready for the tinners. Samuel Collier, colored, located in ty. There are twelve horses and mules touring England at the request of his The house will be shut in in about ten Sharptown district. a half dozen Percberon volts, one, two We have made it our aim this season to buy to please parents, who desire him to marry and think, since looking through our stock, we are able to do -days. When completed it will be one All this property is desirably located. and three years old; fourteen thorough­ member of the British royal family. As of the best hotel buildings on tbe Shore bred Jersey cows, thoroughbred Jersey he is young, handsome and heir to £250, so. We have it in all sizes and kinds. FowellrUle NotM. «nd in one of tbe best towns for tbe busi­ bull; Jersey Red and Berkshire hogs, 000 a year, he is not likely to disappoin We especially call the gents' attention to "Wrighf* ness'. Tbe building will have when Mrs. Martha Rayne, widow of the late Southdown sheep, etc. them* completed all modern conveniences- John Ray ne, died Jan. 25th at the ad­ Farmers desiring to improve their Health Underwear," which we would like for you to vanced age of 88 years, at the residence examine before purchasing elsewhere. Mr. Alnert L. Richardson, of New breeds of live stock will have an oppor­ A special military train, with four of her son, Timothy Rayne, near Biahop- York, a former editor of the Salisbury tunity here to purchase fine strains o! hundred soldiers from the Indian cam vllle. Worcester county. She was a mem­ APVTJrraxa, was married at Grace P. E. blooded animals. paign at Pine Ridg* Agency, South Da' ber of the O.S. Baptist fcaurcb, Baltimore, last Tuesday evening Cbnrcb. The bur­ kota, collided ial was at the family burial grounds near with a passenger train on to Mias Heater Craw ford Dorsey of tbe Ckweh D«4les>tto»s. the Union Pacific railroad at Florence Powellville, this county, where her sis­ LAWS & P URN ELL. Monumental city. Many distingoiahed The following, new M. E. Churches in Kansas, Monday night, and two soldiers ter, Mre-Gillis Rayne who died on the people were present at were killed and many injured. the marriage, sixth inst, is interred. Mrs. Rayne leaves Wiromico county will be dedicated dur­ Moon* then being Gov. and Mrs. Jack- three children, twenty-eight grand-chil­ ing the month of February: Feb. 1st., goo- President and Mrs. Harrison were dren, and 23 great-grsnd-children. Wealer, on Powfellville circuit. Rev. W. Miss Annie Ratellffe of Mllford unavoidably absent, but sent their re- W. Red man, pastor; Farmers of this locality are preparing Feb. Stb, Mt Hebron, Del.. wasagnestofMr. and Mrs. Roht. LOOK AT THIS at Hebron tgreta and received tbe bridal pair later their Unds for plowing. station on the B. 4 E. a'rail­ D. Orier last wsek. it tbe White House. road, Rev. N. P. Johnson. Barren Creek Politicians are talking politics, and I liave now a large lot of _Mr. Tbos. B. Layfield, who ha* been things are lively In that direction. We circuit. The best cure for rheumatism or neu­ At a large manufacturer of bricks in this bare a candidate for the House of Dele­ both of tbene dedications visiting ralgia is Salvation Oil, used according to clergymen will be present, among whom r- Louts N. Wilson. A committee of Bond of RobC P. Graham, adminis­ XXD2C8 3STOT five was appointed on constitution. Af­ trator C. T. A. of Aaron Rill, examined Overcoats bekrw cost Birekhead & years a*o- The deceased lady's remains C«rey. were.interre, FOWLER & H*t Water U Parts. Wananiaker'a. PULL OF PERIL. Jffisoellaauaus Cards. ORACELAND'8 Tim* Tablet. SALISBURY ADVERTISER, Tbe nickel-in-the-slot marJirn* bat MitoeUaneaut Cards. Cards. Monday, Jan. 38, 1!<90. found a very useful adaptation ia Paris, Aa AaonUln, Adrratwr* la a Gold Mis* A peaceful dry lies over then: ^TBW YORK.PHILA. * WORFOLK R. B. MJMPKR AMHTTM. where a new apparatus has recently BbaR That Seared Two Mem. Sever a heartache, never a care; ItdCKD BVKRT 8ATUHDAT MORIUNO been set up at sereral points in the pub­ About as tight a place as I ever got Ho more loaglaga (or brighter days. "CAW OKAXUI Bonn." Sor tratOemt strivtaxi tat higher ways. Thee. Perry, Publisher. Ginghams — lic streets for the purpose of supplying into, said a Comstock miner, was some Peace with tbe world, at rest In Oed; Tim Table ! Elect Nov. 23rd, ISM. hot water. A small structure is utilised years ago at the old Empire shaft, Gold Boas* enoe more to (he ktadly sod. 50 TONS Tie styles this year ! We as a bin board for advertising placards, TTm Myself and another man were Whan roses bloom aad the traah grass waves SOOTH BOOTTD TBAIHS. Tfce Taneyraad Keasoln. are in the golden age of Ging­ and at a convenient point a faucet pro­ down in the shaft for tbe purpose of A gladsome vlgO o'er Oracelaad'i graves. .£pr'R.B,*r. MatI.-S- No.6- SI No.1"•• No.7* The appearance of Uieae Memoin has jects. Near the faucet is a slot, and be­ trimming it up, as the swelling ground Bone summer morning when sties are bright. The British Crown Bone night In whiter when snows an while; Newark.™..———— SB 13« i» been long looked forward tn, not only for hams. side tbe slot a button. To use tbe appa­ was squeezing the sides and it was a Trenton...————— • » 1 S2 » as ratus a pail U placed beneath the faucet, good deal out of shape. It matters UtUe the time nor when Pblla-Broad at._ 11 I« 1M 7f7 109 the liffct they will throw open the eventa has honored the cotton arts al­ We shall have don* with the cares of mesi; Wilmington...—— am StO 8 IS U 08 a five centimes piece (equivalent in size We were not on a cage, but simply on Ocae the way where our fathers led. CHOICE of oneoftb« most interesting of histor­ ready by noble titles; why not and value to one of our old fashioned a platform of planks, with ropes going Into the mystery of the dead; Baltlmore(UJBta.), 846 930 (to »oj ical epochs, bat for the personal opinion* the cotton fine arts also ? To copper cents) is dropped in the slot, the to the rngin cable, Sacking the peace th« spirit craves, p-m. p.m. a.m. a-m. up from the comers Ocoslng a home 'midst Oracelaad's gravea , - and expertancra which they an known be just in distribution might button is pushed and forthwith a jet of which was of hemp. When we reached Nom-TH BOOJTD TmAnra. to contain. Talley.-and, made a prince steaming hot water gushes from tbe fau­ a tight place in the shaft we stopped and Xone can know the burdens borne, No. 10 No. 13 No. 80 No.74 make tco big a crop of Knights *or the cruel weight of yokes we've worn; Arrive., a. m. p. m. a. m. p.m. of the empire by Napoleon, in torn lead- cet into tbe pail, running until nine trimmed out the guides, then went on The broken Idols were all our own. Baltlmore(U.8ta,), 945 200 U 10 70S er of the clergy of France and excom­ and Baronets. But these canny quarts hare been delivered, when the till anoUier such place was reached. The lips would smile when the heart would mcaa; Wllmlngton...... 415 1325 043 505 stream stops automatically. At one point, having given tbe signal It If itnn«s that mj (IT*- ill who pr.Y Bnrely acting each ooe his part, Phlla.,., Broad st— S 10 1 17 10 U S 51 the Pope, president of the Scots are royally crowned Trenton.. « M 838 1160 700 municated by The interior of tbe apparatus ia partly to lower, we went down some distance, nlf btatidrippMiuoiteaaeunmiiir >. BbUag the dead hopes ia the heart; th» sari ttlilhsfiiir-i Delmar..._ 155 «« U4S 143 of an ate whm (he art of diplomacy was with tbe city water supply, so that the not nae it The engineer knew nothing i t .1* irucld for b Love more < f eternity, less of life? Williams..... S47 Plaids are indi­ water drawn is always fresh. The gas of our trouble, and continued to lower Are we building n monument high and grand, Salisbury... .307 857 11 Si 303 at itsheiftlil. Ujxin Ms draili in 1538 Greenlees. Or a dingy hovel upon the sand? Frultland_...._ not Talleyrand f..rbadethr pablicatioa of his genous to the brain and the ia not wasted by being kept burning all away. There was no station near, and Y'i.7.170 a Pine Tab It to Walnut. 80 we ask our hearts as the mind o'erstraya Eden...... ____ 1212 WRITE FOB PRICES, OB CALL the time, but is lighted by the pressing on all sides rose the smooth walls of the - } Poplar Kitchen Pr*ss to Antiqut :' To the peaceful city of Qracelud's graves. Loretto...... __ U 18 memoirs within thirty yrars, and in 1866 back of the Highlander. Nar­ Princess Anne..... 3 n 1335 ,338 of the button which opens the faucet, abaft, leaving us suspended over the .'i Ccne Reciter to ttahoganf. ______-Chicago Post. Klng'sCreek...... 1340 338 or 1868 Napolron III., for political rowed to his clan tartan in and the automatic closing of the faucet horrible chasm. Cfla wljst ou bo dan* wiib,2BC. vvtll of Oosten...... _ _ 12 M ons, wron*. llfir aapprrcaion until Wouldn't Be "Scooped" Even In Deata. Pooomoke...... _. S 51 100 3K AND SEE US. love and in war he takes and shutting off the gas after the pailful Down upon us came the heavy cable. New Church...._ 4 M 307 1890. Thf writ* of extracts from tbe of water has been delivered are easily We feared every moment that the plat­ There is, there ever has been, and Oak Hall...... __. 4 U 314 Plaids in broadest and richest effected by devices in common use. One form would turn over or would be press­ most likely always will be a feeling of Hallwood .. 4 it 338 memoir*, now being publisl»«d in Tu antagonism between morning and even­ Century il'iyaamf, is the first glimpse of sense in trade and mill. You'd of the chief uses of this new institution ed through the tight place and drop from WOLFT * K.ltiDOI/PH, FblladslpiUa. Parksley. -432 ia the filling of hot water cans which the under us. All we could do was to get ing papers, and it is a fact that, even Tasley ...... 444 SO thix remarkable autobiography that lisa expect that. But it's a bit of a when both papers are the property of Onley._ _ .. 4 47 (M the public. His an noon- cab drivers place in their carriages in hold of the eable and keep the coils of it Melfa...__ 40* hern arronlrt) surprise to catch, an effect, a cold weather to warm their patrons' feet. under our feet as it came down. Should one person or company, the forces em­ Keller...——.——._ 4 SB 406 evil that the spmnd inttalment of the ployed will exert themselves to their ut­ Xappsbnrg..... _—. 411 trace, of the Chinchilla here New York Commercial Advertiser. the platform turn over or drop from un­ Kxmor*...... s 11 411 r Mein..irn (to I* printed in the February der us we might be able to save our lives most to get a "scoop" on each other. Naasawadox...... 4» and there, to meet the tone of The news was received one day that the- Bird's Nest...... 5 a 4B B. L. GILLIS & SON, Crnlury) will de-al exclusively with what U Paris. by hanging on to the cable. Machlpong-o...... 5 38 4« Have editor of a great morning daily had com­ Eastvflli."...... 5 js If You 444 isperhapxilie most inten-atin.: portion a Cheviot, quite equal in ef­ Nearly the -whole of an act of "Lohen­ We shouted tip the shaft tin we were CONSUMPTION COUQHonCOLD mitted suicide. The report came in such Oobb's___...._.__ of Ilip muiniacrncea,rh« personal rela­ fect to the woolens of the grin" has at last been performed at the hoarse, bnt no one heard our cries, and Cberlton...———..... ( 45 451 Grand Opera, but the trick was man­ steadily down came the cable, causing a manner that the city editor of on after­ Cape Charles, (arr. 5 36 6W tion* <-f Titll'.rrar.d and Na|ioleon Bona- BRONCHITIS Throat Affection noon sheet felt it advisable to send a re­ Cape Charier, hve. « 05 S09 DOCK STREET, Tweed, to have all things aged tn such a way that no Chauvinistic us great trouble to keep on top of its Old Point Comfort. 8 00 700 i>aite.. prejudices could be hurt It was an­ coils. We felt that the great weight SCROFULA Wasting of Flesh porter and get at the troth of the mat­ Norfolk...... 8 00 SO* thrown together audacious as ter. The reporter learned, of course, Portsmouth....(arr. 9 10 8 IS nounced that at the performance given must soon start the platform, when both Or any JMttaft u>«i'« th» Throat a»d Z*utg» a.m. p. m. p. m. p. m. Cmm mm Hoawd MM Dlo Dnlosarvd - border warfare, but beautiful for the benefit of M. Damainie a duet would most likely be hurled to the bot­ mn Infiaatfd, LacM »f ttmgt» or Vtrtu on his arrival at the morning paper of­ Xo.'. ex: nmlt-r tao conriiliona, withal. You are captured at from Wagner's opera would be sung by tom of the shaft. Fine, heavy Muslin Gowns, pointed months at a time since. He is known at feebled organ. A heart seriously weak­ for the balance of his life without pay­ Elegant quality of Everyday Suits, $20. as "Dutch Charley." No one An additional train leaves King's Creek bold no snrh notions even about any Mother Hubbard yoke, with 4 rows the prison ened, if kept in pure, warm air, fed with ing fore." 20 per cent. solid cash saving, *_ knows his right name or anything of his delicate, nourishing food and kept from $3 SHOE Under these instructions the jury ac­ J7.30a m.,andarrives Princess Ann«7JS a, in. other savages, Mr. Godkin expresses nest embroidery between clusters An aaaitionaiadditional train leavesleaven Prlnoexs Anne Handsomely trimmed Overcoats, $25. of cords and flat plalls, high pufled antecedents. He is a monumental liar fatigue and mental strain, will regain quitted the conductor. The railroad J7.«a. m., and arrives King's Creek 7.ii45a.m. 20 per cent solid carh saving, $5. the highest admiration of Stanley's "f" Stop* for passengers on signal or notice slecTts, plaited back, trimmed with and rarely ever tells the same story twice. strength as naturally as we get rest from JAKES CANNNON, AGENT, companies of Philadelphia are greatly .to conductor., Bloomiown_.---_--.._._ Is "f". staticstation for Reliable Good-fitting Overcoats. $15. courage and endurance, and approves of neat Hamburg edge, (1.25. He has been Eentenced every time for powers. the result of the suit. They trains 10.74 and 79. (Dally. {Dally, except 20 per cent. solid cash saving, $3.: sleep. It has great recuperative SAUSBl'BV, MD. pleased with his conduct of the expedition. It is its Draittri— working some kind of a confidence gama, But a half hour in the mephitic air of a say that they have lost a large number Pull man Bnffett Parlor Can on day express legal character only that he criticise*. and even while in the penitentiary has traveling car or a public hall does more of fares simply because passengers per­ trains and Sleeping- Cars on night express Tailoring to ord^r the same discount: Fruit of tbs Loom or Masonvill Mus­ trains between New York, Philadelphia; and Other articles that wilt appear in the lin Drawers, full Bin, well made, plied his vocation on verdant guards and to make recovery impossible than almost sisted in handing conductors bills of so Cope Charliw. A $40 Suit costs (20 off) $32. February Fonan are: The Vanishing with deep hem and 3 rows of plaits, amateur detectives with more or leas any other cause mentionable. This is a large an amount that they were unable Philadelphia South-bound Sleepta* Cmr ac­ A *2S Soil « in this sale. Nobody will make a mistake in providing even the trip around Cape Horn more times yirulant poison from one- to two boor* at . I mentioned some time ago that Ca- SCHEDULE IN EFFECT DEC. 15TH, 1880. Good Maslln Skirt, plaited Cambric than any living *" *". and if the naptain daily in nnventilated oara. A mnltmrr Farmerr Alliance. nova'a famous marble group of Theseus DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. a year's needs for future wants at 20 percent discount prices Chaac* lor a Spoliation. ruffle and plaits abova. 45c- keeps his word be will reach the oautury oooimiaaionia needed to set the strict, un­ was being transported Era BIO and the J3SBtanr GOING EAST. Good Muslin Skirt, neat Humburg mark on the trips before he retiree, Tfaia biased facts of the matter before railway wtLVt Greek temple erected over it Kow don't all run at once for your wal­ ruffle, with plaits above, b5c time he is bound for the Golden Qate, , Shirley Dare in New York lot Oaston, Ezp. Exp. Mild. and check-books! It isn't corner UB in the Volksgarten of that city to the a. m. p. m. p. m. lets Fine, heavy Muslin Skirt, with wide and will probably not be seen at bis rT Baltimore...... _.. 826_ _ 4 45 Spread the Hews and do a Good Turn all Around lots in Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas aeat Hamburg ruffle and plaits museum of art on the other side of the Annapolis...... I 2U 5 40 home for a year or more. He is captain Tbe Xoeaooiy of Electric Traction^ te Track, and Bay Bldge....._..._... B 45 the "Future Great." It Isn't op­ above, fl. POTATO FMTUJZEB- ring. The Centaur was transposed with­ • OS I SO City, or and principal owner of the proud ship Mr. Cox, the borough _^^ out difficulty and is already on the ped­ Clalborne...... II 10 7 29 S45 OVERCOATS tions on wheat, corn, pork or laid, nor Charmer, which has weathered many art excellent, efieap and reliable. MeDan lei,...... _...... _ 161 DRESS SUITS The most winning Blanket Bradford, England,havinghiS^rtl«^'OM^^ profit, mailed free on tppUc*Ooo.f Riverside...... _._ 4 16 South western's, nor yet U it gas, oil, tele­ the museum. Koyal Oak...... _...... ll 39 744 426 25.00 f »"« 20.00 30.00 j-J°ft 24.00 better )ollar" that we've told of be- New Haven Register. ,i ,.t _ timing tbe beet system AGENTS Kfrkham... ._....U 94 749 •4 SO 20.00 J FWU> graph or t el phono stock. It is W.S.POWELL4CO. Yesterday the Theseus was laid upon Bloomfleld..._...... 11 3> 7S4 438 20.00 J Perct bre. "Licfttj. strong spool-cot- sS^Js^-^ettfl.,, has made a valu- WANTED Easton ...... _. ....11 47 16.00 16.00 than any or all of these. It is a deposit aole 'JJrJRon the subject He speaks far one of the low heavy carts built ex­ 802 600 pressly for the transport of weighty ob­ Turner ....._...... 500 in the Bout of Health, which every one on jTs&£. Every for the highest terms of the work of the Baltimore MA Bethlehem ...... 12 01 S 18 524 jin make by the purchase and nae of Dr. ,_ _ ^to__t_ A_ J-*__ » lulatorson the Birmingham elec­ jects, and was drawn through the gar­ Preston...__...... 12 10 8 85 538 n the Blanket is fine, strtMtion of dens toward the gate. The cart had to DouglaM...... 12 is 8 SO 5 tt EVERYDAY SUITS $25.001 r$20.oo Pierce's PlelBnirfttV^JLan^alljase^ cities comes ____ tric line, and states that the receipta Hurlock...... ___.12 25 840 <08 long, silky wool. Six pounds there are twopence per car mile, as pass over one of the water drains which Ennuis...... _.. S 13 Wanamaker & Brown manu­ 20.001 30 J 16.00 chronic constipation, bilionsneas,dyspep- head of the engineI'Httf nOTTSch has run under the Volksgarten. The weight Rhode*dale...... -13 34 8 4* 924 1 13.20 sia, headache, "liver complaint," and th all told. Big enough to cover contracted with the government to build against tenpence with horse traction, a Vienna...... _U 48 908 709 facture, and low in price at le.aofPera difference which is likely to have con was too much for the thin vault which B. C. 8prlnfs...... l2 a 8 13 7 IS like. Sold tbe world over. a big bed and luck in. $5.50 the lighthouse on Outer Diamond shoal, gave way, and suddenly the cart sank on Hebron...... __ 1 OS 8 12 7 80 I 12.00 at Hatteras. His proposition is to sink aidsrable weight with the corporation Rock-a-walk In ...... 7SS wouldn't be out of the way for of the city of Bradford, to which his re­ one side, turned over, and the statue lay Salisbury...... _.... 1 20 9 » 744 •i cfiasons upon the sandy shoals which shattered on the ground. The right Mlxd. ita ItBttca. such a Blanket, the price is exist at the mouth of nearly all our riv- port has been submitted. London Let­ Salisbury...... 1 2S The best and most perfect-fiitting Boys' Cloth ) 3n ter. ^______To core Biliousness, Sick Headache, Const!* arm, which holds the club on high, waa W'alstons...... 1 SO Tenner Colinm: I've got a capital $4.20 the pair. ejs, and npon them to erect forts of 800 patlon, Malaria, Liver Complaints, taka broken off at the shoulder. The statue Parsonsbnrc...... 1 38 ing and Children's Clothing we ever got up for you. ) it. feet in diameter, built of solid concrete, Mine Tears' Journey of a Letter. the sale and certain remedy, PitUvllle...... 1 » story, if yoo'll pnblish Here's a heavier Blanket was raised and placed under the trees of New Hope...... __ 3 Ot The plain, easily understood statement is that you')) just Publisher My friend, it wouldn't go with walls fifty feet thick, with a bomb Nine yean ago a woman in Germany the Volksgarten, whither the whole city Whaleyvllle...... 2 It (7% Ibs.) and less to pay armor of steel over the interior. St. Martin...... _ 2 24 p. m. get a fourth more for your money. ; What we want is italic stories, sometbin proof wrote a letter to her husband, a sailor, will run to see it when the news of the Berlin...... 2 40 $40 Iv One of the big, bur­ New York Telegram. who had gone ont to Brazil. His vessel mishap gets afloat Vienna Cor. Lon­ Ocean City_...._ar 265 ar We reserve the right to quit giving 20 per cent, discount well, like this "Harold Cassimeer was ($2.75). p.m. p. m. p. m. i ijjHy man. He bad lost the com bins ly grays. The price has been had left when the mail reached there; don News. any day. j . A negro woman apparently died in since this letter has been rambling GOING WEST. tion of his match safe and could no ever Proud of His Tears. $3-75- Shrevepcrt, La., but when the funeral TTseBILElANS tbe BMAU.SU4 (401ittle Beans to the Exp. Exp. Mild, through numerous poetomces in differ­ light his cigarette!!! Tbe dock on th procession arrived at the cemetery next bottle). THBT ARB TUB MOST coirvxirmx. Among the many venerable men who a. m. p. m. a. m. The $1.10 large size, heavy ent parts of the world, always arriving Ocean City_...... Iv 4 00 a. m. young girl's stockings struck four! I day she rose up in her coffin and wanted in the wake of the husband's ship's de­ Price of gltteer alae. age, pgr registered as voters in Brooklyn for the Berlin...... _...... ar 4 20 IvS SO weight Crochet Bed Spreads to know what was going on. The mourn­ last election was a tall man with ruddy St. Martin...... p. m. 700 was his last chance Y1 parture. It was recently returned to Whaleyvllle.. . 7 15 are the regular $1.25 kind ers were terror stricken and dispersed in the German dead letter office, which countenance and white hair and beard. New Hope...___... 7» a hurry, leaving the woman to take care TTJJI form was erect, and he would easily PlttsTllle_...... _ 749 Wanamaker & Brown. to A New Rostd to Wealth. New Marscelles pattern. has restored it with scrupulous care Panonsburc. -.- 800 of herself. She is now as well as ever. the sender. The letter was dated Oct be taken for a man of 60. Walstona...... 805 Hard-worked Author: I am dread Tit-Bits. As he approached the registry clerk Salisbury . ar a.m. 836 SIXTH AND MARKET STS., A niTignUr instance of the widespread- 16, 1881. London Salisbury-.. Iv S 00 2 IS 700 fully tired of this everlasting grind. You may think you don't and announced his name there was a Kock-a-walkln....._. 7 13 Friend Then stop and do sometbini ing effect which a sudden freak of fash­ the Crowd to Kat Onui«M. general craning of necks to catch a Hfbron...... « 12 2 27 7 18 care for a Shawl, Look at ion, even in leather, may have is afford­ glimpse of the proud looking old man. B. C. Springs....-...-. 8 22 257 7S5 PHILADELPHIA. to make money. T. A. Melter purchased 5,000 sweet Vienna...... 8 31 246 7S5 these prices: ed in the fact that English naval officers "What is your age?" Khodejdale...... 6 45 SOO 8 15 Author Bnt what ? oranges and placed them on Concord'i K tannin... . ._.. 8 19 have made a demand to be allowed to free dis­ "Eighty-five years." Friend (confidentially) Start a maga­ Long Blanket Shawls wharf, foot of Ocean street, for Hnrloclf...... SS S 10 8M Provided the residents of Salisbury or vicinity purchase 1 $0.00 quality for |3 50 wear russet leather boots at sea. tribution. The only proviso was that "Where were yon bom?" Doufcla...... 703 J17 844 zine, and don't print any war articles. Prcdton.. . .._.. 7 or S 33 BOS $6.50 quality for $4.50 the eater should quarter the fruit and "In Brooklyn." ...._, 7 ij 827 B 12 the necessary amount of Clothing from us, we will pay their Square Blanket Shawls The slave population of the country place the peel in a barrel of alcohol "How long have yon lived in the state?* Turner...... 835 was 2,009,013 in 1830, 2,487,355 in 1840, Kaston...... _. 7 82 S 47 • 40 railroad excursion fare to Philadelphia and return. j Editor If yon didn't drink so much $3.00 quality for $2.00 standing near. About 4,000 of the "Eighty-five years." Bloomfleld...... 7 38 »6S B48 Mr. Soqne, you could make a great dea $8.50 quality for $2.50, 8,204,813 in 1850 and 8.953,760 in 1860. oranges were eaten by the surrounding "How long in the ward?" Klrkhrra....—..——. 7 43 888 B« Square Beaver Shawls Missouri had 25,091 slaves in 1830, 58,240 Royal Oak ... 7 « 4 08 11 06 of money. How in the world did yon crowd, and Mr. Melter got a good! "Eighty-five years." Rlvemlde...... 11 10 $0.50 quality for $3.50 In 1840, 87,428 in 1850 and 114,981 in ApsBpbletof tafotmetioo and aft- "How long in the election district?" Ht. Mkbaels . 7 87 4 13 ever form the habit ? Squara Himalayan Shawls amount of work done for nothing. The 13 W 1860. ______peeling will be shipped to England to be "Eighty-fire years." HarpeMF.~. ..._ _ S thers, to intersect the cuunty roail lead- SoUdOoM Spectacles aa.oo, oral price «s,o» (New Store.) the local paper," said Bjenkina, disdain­ bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair 15,000,000 oysters. Multiply that by Bus)Spectacles - . JOt omal price l.oo tention of the eye has an effect npon Fmitland, ML Vernon, (Ledfor Bnildlnf.) fully. tig from Powellsville to Pittaville ire grew thick and glossy and the original M8, the number of days in tbe oyster ArandalKreitasCTted 4M»O, nsnal price 10.0O lereby give notice that we wilt meet at color waa restored." Melvln Alnrlrh, the »nin7» <» •_»•!! !• HI three parts of skimmed mi.V, with a very MM •< Fan M. SaMvy art ler: I want to see the Host Popular Po­ Vigor ia evidently ajrreat aid to nature." Catarrh. • •••/ 9i*mmm»tam*u*i*t*mAmtmi**. fajflyaaSS, drawing of a ben ? N. B. This treatment ia not a snuff or morning, I should say you had. oa ooe at my shirts. Clothier and Furniaher. FOB BXIVM: OB rsAifjs aviLDiffos. Editor: No; it was not true to life an ointment; both have been discarded Artist: Not true to life? Wby,wbe»I FOB rgOL ______. -______by reputable physicians aa injurious. A All kinds of Ncwal*, Sfadr Poets, Balusters, Rails, Table and Chair Legs, sixes of UM beat Hartbrd county, Jld^ Slates, on your desk it lay there! the beat la UM country, I am ready-to pot on pamphlet explaining this treatment is Critic Consistency is a jewel. Wood Mantels. (Mice Fittings, Interior Decorations. Blate Boeft, plain or ornamental, at a very sent free on application by A. H. Dixon ' Author Test, bat I am too poor to thoroogb- low Ogam,and gnaranteeaaUstectton. lean Itch, cured in 30 mintrtaa by Wool- At my farm,"ClovwHill," my __ itah Slate Chlmneya. Cape, Paving, A Son, 337 and 339 Weat King Street, hswe jewels. Harper's Bacmr. All kinds of MOULDING and PORCH WORK. Arebitecta'De-igna a specialty Steps, Poets,• Hearthstones and vartooa othar Eatimatea given. Correspondent!* sol-rit«. ford's Sanitary LoU