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_ • ; ^ ESTABLISHED 1800 All Enterprising Republican Journal, especially devoted to Local News and Interests. TWO DOLLARS A YEAR VOLUME LXXXIX. NORWALK, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1889. NUMBER 4D.

Chief Lockwood, accompanied by Bur­ The First Congregational church has Artist Whitney, when he was the town's , Ladies' entertainment, at the Methodist James Henry !;Hoyt has purchase the gess Sloan, raided a barn on Hoyt street Water street liquor store of Alonzo Kelly, extended a unanimous call to Rev. Dr. only photographer, took a small card chvrch, this Wednesday evening. Norwalk Gazette. last Sunday where a gang of boys were in with whom he has for some years been Noble, of Washington, to become its picture of Connecticut's venerable and For the first time in its history, tlio Yale the habit of playing cards. As the offi­ connected. "Hen" has a host of friends TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. pastor, at a salary of $3,000 per year and devout Bishop Williams. He has just had Law school now numbers among its pupils cials approached the barn, the young in town and it is not likely that the busi­ Two Dollars per year, in advance parsonage. this photograph enlarged to a superb an Indian. He is an educated fellow, and gamblers made rediculoue efforts to escape ness will retrograde under his proprietor­ RATES FOR ADVERTISING AND JOB PRINTING crayon picture of wonderful fidelity to the is apparently a bright scholar. Among The slums of gave without exposing their identity, but it was ship. Furnished on application at the Office. living original. the students who have entered the school and American politics John Morrissey, of no use and the name of each boy was Ordinary and transient ad vs., 1 inch, 1 week, $1.00 Miss Kitty Hoyt, daughter of Mr. this term, is au Italian, the first of the sons Seth Twambley, the engineer of the Each subsequent insertion, up to 4 times, .50 will the slums of Boston give tliem John taken for future reference as he jumped . Half incn, half of above rates. Gould Hoyt, and who is a student at the of sunny Italy to enter this institution. wrecked train on the Rock Island road, One column, ordinary adv., one time, - 15.00 L. Sullivan ? In other words, will the from the loft. They were kids averring One column, reading matter, one time, 25.00 Oswego Normal School, has been serious­ His name is Signor Paul Russo, and he confesses that he was drunk. Here is a Democratic party repeat itself ? about 15 years of age, and well connected. LOCALS in reading matter columns, per line, .20 ly ill there, but is now reported better. has been employed as court interpreter in man destined to imprisonment and dis­ Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free. Johnny had been carefully raised ; any­ Advertising of Funeral Notices, - - 1.00 Miss Lucy, another daughter, who has New Haven for several year3. It is now currently announced that our grace, not that he was a villain, or had it Liberal terms to yearly and half-yearly advertis­ body could see that. One day he sat upon been quite ill at hei home on Prospect friend Keeler is going to heal his wounds in his heart to do any man harm, or to in­ ers, and ten per cent, discount on all advs. pre­ Thursday morning a tramp picked up paid for three months or over. his father's knee in a crowded street car. avenue, is also convalescent. of defeat for Borough warden, by going jure the people under his carc. He will iu front of the Boston Store, a roll of THE GAZETTE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT is A lady entered. "Madame," he said, as in for the presidency of the reorganized be punished, not for murder, but because / equipped with the best facilities for turning out The greatest known depth of the sea is in flannel shirting worth about $15 and First Class Work of every description. All orders he rose to his feet, "take my seat." Fairfield County Bank, in January, and he exercised his legal right to make him­ for Printing, Engraving and Book Binding, execu­ the South Atlantic Ocean, midway between walked off with it. The proprietor was ted promptly, and will be as well ana reasonably The effectiveness of the boomerang as a that Warden Coolidge is to anodyne his self the irresponsible agent of alcohol; in the island of Tristan d'Acunlia and the informed of the matter, and he sent two done as anywhere. weapon of warfare is mnct unmistakably reluctant withdrawal from the mayoralty other words, for being druuk on duty. mouth of the Rio de la Plata. The bottom of the; clerks in pursuit of him. They illustrated when it comes back with such by running next year for State Senator. • •• LOCAL ITEMS. was there reached at depth of 40,236 feet, or captured him in a saloon on Water street, Y. M. C. A. Book Receptions. tremendous force as to knock the throw­ We hope this is true, for all that friend eight and three-quarter miles, exceeding by and with the assistance of Sheriff Toner Danbury fair this week. er so pitifully deep into the soup as it did Coolidge needs to do to make himself the It has been the custom of the Norwalk more than 17,000 feet, the height of Mount he was landed in the lockup. The next Y. M. C. A. to hald an annual book recep­ on Monday. most popular man in this Senatorial dis­ "Joker" Russell is a driver on the horse Everest, the loftiest mountain in the world. morning he was brought before Judge tion for the book reception for the benefit Ben Bechtel, who carried the flag of trict is to induce the rest of the people to railway. A New Haven church entertainment so­ Selleck, and gave his name as John Roe, of the library. As a result of these gath­ Buckingham Post, G. A. R., in the Strat­ view him as he views himself. Col. F. St. John Lockwoodis threatened ciety has brought out an entirely new of West Virginia. He was fined $7 and erings the Y. M. C. A. has now an excel­ ford parade on Thursday, was the color The statistics respecting Con­ method of mutual introduction. The so­ costs. Having no funds he was sent to lent library of four hundred well selected with pneumonia. bearer in the 72d Pensylvania regiment in necticut will interest readers :—The per­ ciety paid a return visit to another organi­ Bridgeport. books. The third annual will be held on The Episcopal Convention is holding its the war, and a flying shell struck him centage of lands in this state not in farms zation Monday evening, and on the cloth­ Clark University, which was dedicated Tuesday evening, October 15, and all session in New York. down with his colors in his hands. is 2.09; of productive land 53.0; of wood­ ing of each person present was a tag bear­ at Worcester, Mass., on Tuesday, will dif­ friends of the association arc invited to land, 20.8; of productive farm area, 5.3. The South Norwalk post-office is now Henry Russell's song, "A Life on the ing the wearer's name, and all were given fer in important particulars from any attend bringing with them some interest­ The tillage is 30.6; grass lands, 36.3; lighted by electricity. Ocean Wave," has been adopted as the to vnderstand that no introductions were other. It will have no faculty and no set ing book, or, if more convenient, a volun­ woodland, 26.4; unproductive, 6.7. In royal march of Britain's marines. Mr. necessary. curriculum, but individual departments of tary offering of mon«-y for the library can ""flie Y. P. S. C. E. of the Baptist church 1888 there were 18 acres of corn to each Russell resides in London, and is now a instruction and investigation instead. The be deposited in the box at the door. It is will elect officers Friday evening. Mr. George W. Childs is always doing 1,000 acres of land surface, or 5,977 acres; very old man. He is the father of W. some good act. His public spirit is only usual diversion of studies into schools, the aim of the committee in charge to The old "elephant barn" has been torn one acre of wheat to each 1,000 acres of Clark Russell, the sea story writer. equalled by his personal generosity. The under the titles of arts, science, law, and make this reception the beginning of a down and removed to Winnipauk. land surface, or 2,149 acres; and 13 acres series of enjoyable social gatherings to be Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Hall removed to portraits of Grant, Sheridan and Sherman medicine, will be ignored, though the of oats to each 1,000 acres of land surface, studies of all these will be included in the held at intervals^during the season. A A son was born §) Mr. and Mrs. Her­ New York October 1st, and will reside at which he gave to the United States Mili­ or 39,811 acres. The average yield of instruction provided. The main intent pleasing musical and literary programme man Monsell, of Rowayton, Monday. 301 West 57th street. Mr. Hall finds this taryAcademy at West Point are admirable corn per acre was 29.7; of wheat, 1.7; of and scc|>e of the university is to furnish will be provided for Tuesday evening. The N. Y. N. H. & H. railroad company necessary on account of his large clientele additions to that great institution, and oats, 28.2. The value of horses per head in New York. He will be in Bridgeport their formal presentation was an event of schools^or all-round investigation. Its issued a new time table last Monday. is $81.23; of cattle, $21.83; of milch Contributed. v two or three days a week to accommodate great enjoyment to a distinguished assem­ plan has been carefully thought out by cows, $32.2; of sheep, $3.47; of swine, I took a longer ramble than common The Republicans are now sure of 169 his pupils there. blage. Prof. G. Stanley Hall, late of Joh n Hop­ $9 98. The proportion of rural to total this week, my brother-in-law on his bicy­ votes in the House of Representatives. kins. ^ It is announced that the Rev. T. B. The English language was used in open­ population is 18. The average value of cle and yours truly in one of Bill Dann's Several Norwalk trotters are entered for CUDZ, late Professor of German in the ing an international congress, last week, Frank Hatton, late Ex-P. M. General and land per acre is $49.35. There are 30,598 carriages. After going about five miles the races at the Danbury fair, this week. Johnstown High School,who lost his fam­ for the first time in history. French is the now editor of the Washington Post states farms, of which 89.8 are cultivated by N. W. by W. due W. we struck what the truth anent civil service law in the follow, Frank Robinson, a carpenter, died in ily and property in the Johnstown flood, diplomatic language of Europe, and it has owners, 6.3 by tennant money rental, and seemed to have teen a village. There ing blunt way South Norwalk, Saturday, aged 49 years. will lecture on the catastrophe in the Con­ been hitherto uniformly used in such 3.9 on shares. was one horse hitched to a post. Looked gregational cliurcb, South Norwalk, this gatherings. English and Spanish will The whole thing was brought forth in The Chicago Herald, hitherto the most as though he had been hitched there for Mr. William G. Temple, of Brooklyn, (Tuesday; evening. will divide the sessions of the present political cowardice and hypocrisy. Neither party is honestly in favor of it. Men of all zealous of all the western supporters of a month, for he had dug a big hole near was in town visiting friends Saturday and congress, and the two tongues are spoken Rev. Dr. Burchard, he of "Rum, Ro­ parties damn it. Republican members of Mr. Cleveland, has experienced a sudden the sidewalk, and stood there splashing Sunday. more widely than any others on the globe. manism and Rebellion" fame, is a candi­ Congress are to-day telling their constituents change. While still conceding "the in­ water as though he were hired to sprinkle Attorney Seymour celebrated a rather as an excuse for not carrying out pledges date for the pastorate of the Presbyterian Barnum and Bailey's circus went into tegrity," the high purpose, and the excel­ the street. There were three other posts advanced , last week, for one so made before the election that they cannot church at Hempstead, Long Island. The winter quarters at Bridgeport Monday. help it. That it is because of.the civil ser­ lent tone of the Cleveland administration," and holes all full of water. Sidewalks youthful looking as he. doctor has a habit of getting to the front The performers were dismissed at Altoona vice law. If these men are not lying to it has now come to the conclusion that "in splashed with water and mud, and just as Mr. Norris Clark and wife, of Washing­ at just about the time the public has until they receive the summons to go to th,eir ron§tituents they will refuse to vote the administration of Grover Cleveland my brother-in-law asked what place is money to longer continue this fraud, which there was too much Cleveland aud too lit­ this, a man came rushing down the centre ton, D. C., are the guests of Wm. Acker ceased to think of him. Europe. The animals reached Bridge­ they are constantly damning. Their con- port in good condition. During the rail­ tle Democracy. There was too much of the street, stopping with a surprised on Orchard street, this week. Robert Ray has had the good tsituents have made up their minds to find road journey one of the ponies gave birth out if they are honest in their expressions of aristocracy and too little Democracy. look when he saw a carriage and a bicycle Bill Nye and James Whitcomb Riley, sense to press the suit for the annulment to a colt. Both reached Bridgeport all disapproval of the fraud. The test will be There was too much of a disposition to at the same time. My brother-in-law the humorists, are booked to appear in of his marriage. He can never recover made at the coming session of Congress. right, one of the employes stating that the consult the wishes of Republicans and to says, " What place is this ?" " Wa'll, this Bridgeport early in November. from the blow his folly has dealt to his is the borough." "What borough?" colt rode part of the way in a Saratoga Ex-Postmaster-General .lames, in the ignore the wishes of Democrats. There reputation, but his example will be a good "Canaan borough." "Where are all the The democratic ticket peddlers com­ trunk. October Forum, and ex-Postmaster-Gen- were too many apologies, too much hu­ warning to others who are tempted to mility, too much sensitiveness to Mug­ people?" "Most everybody's gone over plain thai Monday's election was the dry- The use of the same name for a state eral Dickinson, in the October North Am­ make fools of themselves. wump criticism, too many antechambers, to the Weed lot to see the Messenger play est one they ever experienced. and the capital of the United States is erican Review, writes in detail of reforms Lenox, the paradise of society idlers, already a prolific source of confusion.— too many lackeys, and too many card ball, and I guess the rest are gone over Wm. Dhskam has been promoted from which they deem necessary to the postal has been feting Comte Jean de Madre for Washington Post. bearers. It honored and it discredited to the town clerk's office trying to help fireman to engineer on the D. and N. service. Wherefore the New York World several weeks, and society circles were In the judgmeut of some of the most Democrats at one and the same time. It make out the report for the town meeting. branch of the Housatonic railroad. pertinently suggests that with two such eminent business men and statesmen of called into places of great conspicuity You see the town voted to print a book greatly moved when his intention to leave experts pleading for radical changes it is Miss Julia Lockwood and maid, are the west, Congress made a grave error in some of the foremost donkeys of the age. this year and so pass all bills closed up the town for a few days was frustrated by difficult to doubt that such changes are I guests at the Fitli Avenue hotel, where not christening the new territory in honor It left in retirement the heroes of a party September 1st, so as to give the selectmen the detention of his trunks for board and needed, particularly when wc reflect that they expect to remain about a week. of the highest mountain of this hemis­ which, even in defeat, never faltered in its time to write it up. They've been at it an unpaid livery bill of $11. a system covering 403,976 miles of mail phere, Tacoma, instead of Washington, devotion to principle, and which, in vic­ ever since and try as they will it won't Miss Jennie Dunlap formerly instructress Plumber Burritt has commenced the routes, costing $67,000,000 annually and which can only and always produce tory, deserved from its own creatures come right. Some think there ain't going - in literature in Wellsley College will lec­ cellar on his lot purchased in rear of the employing 60,000 postmasters and 170,000 "contusion" especially in the postal ser­ something better than derision and ne­ to be any book at all. Some think there's ture in Mrs. Mead's School in October. Bailey cottage on the Morgan property. persons, is conducted under laws which vice. As it is now admitted to the full glect." This is one of the most notable been more money spent than there has. Lumberman Horace Hubbell has pur­ have not been altered in any substantial Progress is progressing in the South. sisterhood of states its citizens can now Democratic deliverances of the year. The Some think the selected men are ashamed chased a lot on this beautiful plot, on the way for a hundred years, and which were | The Georgia legislature resolutely refused change its congressmen, if they choose. Herald was regarded as unalterably and to put it ia the book." My brother-in-law opposite side of the roadway, and expects framed for the management of a business to adjourn in order to attend the circus. everlastingly for Cleveland. It is an out- inquired, "How many selected men are to erect a residence thereon. la the list of medals and prizes, an­ smaller than that of a single office in any and-out free trade paper and has given therein Canaan borough ?" "Wa'll, don't I s The best friends the Democratic party nounced by President Carnot at the Paris second-rate city to-day. I has in the great west are the Saints in A colored girl attending church at Exposition, Sunday, several Connecticut Cleveland unbounded praise for his al­ know. There's been more'n a dozen trying Goochlaud Court House, Va., was over­ leged courage in facing the tariff fight. to get the book wrote right, but she don't I Utah and the half-breeda in New Mexico. industries come in for a share. Gold Our reverend and revered fellow towns­ Our own republican administration may come by religious excitement, and, draw­ man, Rev. S. B. S. Bissell, had a narrow come. One man says he's only the tail The Housatonic railroad will run draw­ medals were awarded to the Colt's fire possibly learn wisdom from this criticism ing a razor, said she was going to kill the escape from a most serious injury while of the converted Chicago Herald. and he can't wag the dog. Another says ing room cars from Bridgeport to the arms exhibit and the American Writing devil. As soon as she made this an­ Machine company's display. Beside these on a visit to a friend's house in Redding he don't know anything about it. Another Danbury fair to-day, to-morrow and Fri- —Messrs. W. B. Hall & Co., of Bridge­ nouncement every other person in the the Winchester Repeating Arms company last Wednesday evening. He was passing one's been too busy cutting down hills in |day. port, with their new room, elevator and one place and making them in another to church, believing himself to be in danger, of New Haven takes a grand prize, and up stairs to retire for the night, and when new stock are under full headway with the There is a grave social objection to ran away. the Yale Manufacturing company of at the top of the flight, in to him, some fall trade. The Standard thus speaks of take time to write a book. So the book [electric street railways. It is almost im­ William F. Taylor, aged 65, of Dan­ Stamford, the Meriden Britannia company unaccountable way, but doubtless owing them: —The season, though trifle unpleas­ ain't wrote and nobody knows anything possible to keep their conductors from bury, a prominent member of the Fair­ and the Union Metallic Cartridge com­ to his blindness, he turned about and ant as to weather, has been in all other re about matters, and everybody says taxes sparking. stepped off the first stair, losing his bal- spects auspicious for W. B. Hall & Co. are going on all the time." My brother- field county bar, died suddenly Friday. pany of Bridgeport, receive gold medals. They sell about as many goods when winds John Brennan, an inmate of the alms- He was a democrat and represented Dan­ lance and falling down the flight of fifteen in-law says, "Your borough seems quiet. The friends of the Constitutional Amend­ beat and rains fall as when the sun smiles. louse at Shamokin, Pa., becomes the heir bury in the General Assembly. He was steps to the floor below. Strangely This may appear as an incredulity without I should not think your taxes coulii be ment are justly indignant at .the selection lo $2,000,000 by the death of a widowed also nominee for Congress the election enough, while badly shaken up and his explanation, and the reason such is the case very high." "Wa'll, where everybody at­ of so active and pronounced partisans of is the known clockwork regularity with pister in California. preceding the one in which the late W. hip severely bruised, he received no ser­ tends to their own business and every­ the rum interest as keepers of the Prohib­ which this firm conducts business. As in body else to theirs, there ain't much time H. Barnum was chosen. ious injury. Our older readers will recall We are pained to learn, as we go to ition and Anti-Prohibition ballot-box at the zodiacal world, so with them, the days, the fact that his venerated father, Clark the months, and the have cer­ to spend for the public. So things all go tress, that Mr. Benjamin Barraclough is The Bridgeport News has a sea captain the Town House. The indecency of the Bissell, when at about the same age, had tain features which call for the transactions to pieces and taxes are high. You stran­ jing seriously, and it is feared fatally, ill who laid a sea serpent yarn on the conduct of one of the parties in trying to a similar fall down the rear stairs of the of certain things. Thus when Summer gers, wherecome from, Norwalk ? Know lit his home in Brooklyn. editor's table on Saturday, according to coax and coerce voters to cast a ballot opens, the shelves and counters are found Bissell mansion and from which he never Ike Lee? Got half pint in your pocket ? which a snake fifty feet long and "about against the Amendment, was brought to loaded with all the ladies hope for in the Miss Lila Willis, of New York city, recovered. These duplication of acci­ fair season. If its beginning is unpropitious, Come over to town clerk's office and see as round as an 8 inch stove pipe" was seen the attention of the parties in charge of oprano soloist and teacher of vocal music dents are not to be so attributable to he­ all the same, the lines of goods are obtained, if you can't help write the town book. off Black Rock. The captain went to the the election, but as our tcmperance friends jmmcnced vocal instructions at Mrs. redity as to the fact that history oftimes placed on view and offered for sale, and if This is a close town. No license, no lead's Hillside school, yesterday. polls the first thing Monday morning and say, without rebuke or securing any the Summer ends with any considerable vol­ town book. Got a Chinese laundry repeats itself. It is a matter for congrat­ ume of them unsold, away they go at final voted the prohibition amendment. change in the offensive conduct of the though, and just look at that nice hotel. ; I Charles Prowitt, of Denver, Col., is ulation and rejoicing that our venerable price, medium or low, any figure to dispose box keeper. Not a drop 'licit liquor. How can you y Jisiting his brother, J. Thornton Prowitt. Lewis, the eldest son of Mr. Frank L. friend escaped all serious harm. of them, to make space for Autumn. The Charles Pratt, confidential book-keeper, last named season is here, and the visitor is expect a town to boom? Everybody Icharley" will be remembered as a former Olmstead, of West Norwalk, went coon secretary and cashier of the H. Wales A racy summer letter from Litchfield, not only ushered into a store for all practi­ that ain't at the ball game or trying to •" ' \oprietor of the "corner drug store." hunting, Saturday night, and, in crossing cal purposes new but embellished with a a field, stumbled and fell, and his shot Lines Co., of Meriden, was arrested Wed­ sent us during our absence, contains the prodigions full stock, which, while it is in­ write that town book are minding their I Among the Knights Templar who gun was discharged into his left arm, nesday evening for embezzlement, and following well deserved commendatory viting, may foo causes emanating from con­ business, you see that's only me." JIM. [ent on the pilgrimage to Washington on shattering the limb so badly as to ne­ Friday morning at a preliminary hearing notice of Miss Sara Smith's new school at ditions of weather, lay over in December, in londay were several Norwalkers who was held under $4000 for two weeks and which case the usual sacrifice of the whole cessitate amputation, which was done that historic seat of learning: A Confederate's Widow Pensioned. - - ^company Hamilton Commandery ot business at low prices will be made, to move failed to secure bonds. His embezzle­ A new school for girls has been started Mrs. Mary Pierson of West Virginia has •' •Vl Sunday morning. the stock out of sight. These repeated oper­ *.y-i'f Iridgeport, ment amounts to $10,000, covers various in Litchfield, which deserves to succeed ations for seasons seem to change and meet just received a heavy pension, which recalls 'i • • Mrs. Phila Delphia : "It seems to me periods since 1882, and was accomplished since it promises to be a truly home each other, as it were, oftener as we grow an unusual and long-forgotten tragedy. At I Albert McGinnis, superintendent at the school, where one can trust their daugh­ the breaking out of the war her husband those Smith girls are dressing very ex­ by false entries, made principally in the older, now and then result in an accumula­ loyt & Olmstead cigar manufactory, and travagantly this fall. I don't see how it is ters to be cared for intelligently in body tion, the value of which manifests itself a was an ardent southerner. She favored the ! |iss Edith Linderberger, of South Nor- pay-rolls. Pratt confessed in these words: and mind. This Lake View Hall is on month or two after the holidays, and _ then Union, as did those of her children old . - done. Their father is nothing but a news the beautiful South street adjoining the alk, were married last week by Rev. "It is the same old story of living beyond the firm come to the front with their red enough to understand the matter. Finally V paper reporter." one's means. I am a thief." He has been historic Oliver Wolcott house now owned ticket arrangement, which hos hitherto and the eldest son, Harry, joined the Union , |in Hallock. by dblonel Sanford of the U. S. army, and Miss Phila Delphia: "Ma, you forget. prominent in the social and religious life probably always will result in a complete army. His angry father swore he would fv A iMaury Sims, son of Col. R. M. Sims, of Their pa was a reporter, but he is now the just ofilow the residence of Judge Andrews. clearing out of the store's contents. Just kill the first Yankee soldier he saw. In of the city, which rendered the shock to Two pleasant houses, with large cheerful 1861 a squad ot eighteen Union soldiers ]iuth Carolina, who brought in at Appo- circulation liar." now the shopper may find all the splendors his circle of friends and the community nicely furnished rooms, will not seem the of all the markets of the world's dry goods stopped in front of his house. The lieuten- > ^ ittox the famous flag of truce from Gen­ Mr. George H. Raymond, the furniture only the greater. He held the offices of dreaded boarding school which one pic­ are well aggregated, and offered low. There ant, not thinking of danger, climbed upon tures as they think of sending homesick r-'.. ial Lee to General Grant, is in Boston, alderman, treasurer of the First church is no article a lady wants that cannot in this the fence and sat down. Pierson shot him • dealer, will occupy the large building daughters from under the home-roof. dead. In revenge the soldierskilled Pierson l le guest of Herbert E. Hill., , : - and was an officer in many local organiza­ One would imagine that even in winter firm's store be found on call, from a five cent erected by Mr. William E. Dann, on Main handkerchief to the $800 Persian shawl. and three of his children. The son Harry J lofficcr Charles Planz of New Milford street, on December 1st, and will conduct tions. He received an ample salary, but the girls might find Litchfield charming, was killed in battle. The mother, and sev- ; and that there might be as famous a Right here should be stated that in the line rested "Danbury Jack" and wife here, a wholesale and retail furniture business he lived extravagently and dealt consider­ of dresssilks, since the admiradle chtnges in eral children, have lived in poverty until school reputation in its future as in the now. She is seventy-five years old. The [•day, (Tuesday,) and took them to New there. He has also taken a five years' ably in bucket shops. President Lines past when Judges Gould and Reeve had the store's interior, the display is complete, and the qualities and the prices just what pension is on account of her son Harry's" ilford, on charge of "holding UD" a man lease on the building, the lease to com­ has treated him with great leniency out of their law school here, and Miss Pierce her they shoultf be. Ithat town, a few nights since. mence on the first of next April. regard for his wife and daughter. school for girls. , ,, . III :'-AX 4. •• v .. NORWALK GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 l

i only queried, "Do you think so?" and that LOVE MAKES A CHANGE. President and Prefect. INTERIOR DECORATION ended it. MAHDIST DERVISHES. When Marshal MacMahon was president of i Two or three invitations to the sewing the French republic, he made a number of An Example for Commendation "I am sick of the world," he said; | room were quite sufficient to make Cousin tilth Avenue. New York. "I am sielc of the world and of life; WARRIORS ENCOUNTERED BY EN# changes in certain official places, and at one Of the double faced hypocrisy, •. | Mark perfectly at home there, and after a time took a tour through the country whieh, The room in a Fifth avenue house, here illus­ And the strain of the godless strife. ; week he became familiar enough to say: LISH ON THE SANDS OF EGYPT. it was said, was to be marked by a removal trated by a cut from The Art Amateur, is a "If you are not too busy, I should like to good example of a rich and aristocratic in­ "I am sick of the fools that succeed; of a number of prefects, or local governors, read you this article." and their replacing by others of the presi­ terior. The drawing gives little more than I am sick of the sages that fail; "Oh, I am never too busy to be read to," what is essential—the outlines of things, their Of the pitiless laughter of wealth, Tiiey Are Arabs of Pure Blood Known as dent's party. And of poverty's pitiful wail. ! Miss Kent would say. "Sit down by the "Jellabs," and Until Recently Dealers He arrived at the principal city of a de­ arrangement, with occasionally an indication | window, in this comfortable chair, and let's of their material or their ornamentation. in Slaves—The Rlack Troops Are Sou­ partment the prefect of which, by reason of "I am sick of the devils that leer • hear it." his politics, was marked for removal; and it Note, in the first place, that the room, At innocence passing by; After a couple of weeks, when the gentle- danese. though well furnished, does not look crowd­ I will bar rny door to the world; happened that the president lodged in a ; man came in, hoarse, with a sudden cold, room which was exactly opposite that of the ed. It is not a very big room, yet it has an I will lay me down and die." i "Miss Kent bustled about, her voice full of It has been more than once pointed out air of spaciousness, desirable above all things here that the so called dervishes are no more prefect, in the prefecture, or government But there came a change as he spoke, ! sympathy, and brewed him a dose which he house. in city interiors. This is gained principally : | or little more dervishes than any other Afri­ And the mists were burned away; declared he should never forget to his dying The president had acquired in his army by leaving the wall surfaces, for the most And the midnight darkness of his despair \ day; but one dose cured. After this occur- can Moslems. As a fact, every follower of part, almost plain, the patterning being so Was turned to jocund day. Mohammed is a "dervish" in some sense or days the habit of rising early and brushing ' rence Miss Kent was a really wonderful wo­ his own clothes; and on this occasion he got fmrm.11 and slight that the artist has found it man. other of the word. Your donkey boy in sufficient to hint at its existence by the use of And the sun burst forth once more. Cairo or at Zagazig, or, in short, anywhere up ^at an extremely early hour, opened his Till his glories filled the skies. ( Ah, what an arch plotter! She let them window, and, seeing no signs of life, took his a little spatter work. Then the long lines of And the magical power that wrought the change skirmish about, but not once did she give throughout the length of the land, is a der­ cornice and dado are not broken on the sides vish—belongs,, that is, to some sect or section, coat and waistcoat and began brushing them AVas one look in a woman's eyes. ; them a chance to be alono together. Her at the window. that are shown save by the mantel and the —Boston Transcript. ! more or less fanatical, of orthodox Mussul­ plans were not to bo destroyed by premature The prefect, it happened, had been pre­ door. The top of the mirror over the mantel "AGE CANNOT WITHER HER," man faith. Some of these sects are more (and the mantel shelf, too) runs parallel with confidences, until the very evening preceding vented from sleeping by the prospect of los­ remarked an old gentleman, as he grazed Cousin Mark's departure for California,. popular in one place than in another. The these lines. It would be better if the top of POSITIVE MISS KENT. Rufayeh, for example, are the most common ing his place, and was awake at the time, fondly upon the comely little woman by his Then Miss Kent was very demurely asked to trying to study out some means of keeping the door casing did so also; but the disturb­ side; "but frankly," he continued, "at one remain and keep an eye on Master Carlisle, in lower Egypt, but others are almost equally ing presence of the arch is counteracted to a time I was afraid cosmetics would. The silly numerous. An immense multitude of the the office. Hearing the slight noise which little woman, in order to appear youthful,, whom the fond mother did not like to leavo degree by the transom of Japanese lattice plastered her face with different varieties of "I -wouldn't marry the best man that ever Saidieh order used to prostrate themselves the president's toilet making caused, he peeped lived!" And she meant it, or what answers quite alone with his nurse. out of the window, and saw the head of the work surmounted by stained glass which is whitewash, yclept 'balms,' 'creams,' 'lotions,' i "We aro compelled to be gtono a couple of under the hoofs of their sheik's horse at the thrown across it. etc." "Yes," interrupted tha little woman, the same purpose, she thought she meant it. annual doseh or treating, now abolished. state hard at work with his brush. " I did, until my skin becamebe like parchment After all, how few of us ever really know ; hours," said she; "but Cousin Mark will read "I have it!" said the prefect to himself. He and so pimplylimply and coarse." "Well," said the Many of these men were waiters at hotels listener,i "what"What do youvoi use now?" what we mean? "I engaged myself once, to you—won't you, cousin?" got his own clothes together, hunted up a "Certainly, if Miss Kent would like it," re­ and servants in private families. The great was the reply, "nothing but common sense when a girl, and the simpleton thought he Ahmedieh order, which especially affects the brush, put up his window suddenly, and and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. plied the gentleman. began brushing. This attracted the atten­ Common sense told me that if my blood was owned me. I soon took the conceit out of cult of Byumeh, is perhaps the most numer­ ure, liver active, appetite and digestion good, him, and sent him away about his business." The infant Carlisle, thanks to good man­ tion of the governor, who looked over and agement, was never awake in the evening, so ous in all northern Africa, but new cults, .hat the outward woman would take on the The voice was now a little sharp. What and with them new orders, are constantly in­ saw him at work. hue of health. The' Discovery' did all those wonder, with so galling a memory? "No the victims of this matrimonial speculation "Well, well! Is that you, Mr. Prefect?" he things and actually rejuvenated me." If you would have plenty of time. The back parlor vading the old, b®th in Arabia and Egypt. would possess a clear, beautiful complexion, man shall ever tyrannise over me—never! We hear less now than formerly of the said. free from blotches, pimples, eruptions, yellow What the mischief do you suppose is the mat­ was the room most in use during the evening, "As you see, Mr. President," said the pre­ spots and roughness, use the "Golden Med­ and out of this room was a large closet with Wahabees, who at one time threatened to ical Discovery." It is guaranteed to do ter with this sewing machine?" overrun not only Arabia but Persia and even fect. a large blind ventilator, and out of this close,t "You rise early, Mr. Prefect." all that it is claimed to, or money paid "Annoyed at your logic, most likely," said India. for it will be promptly refunded. my friend, a bright young matron, as she a door leading to tho back stoop and garden. "As you see, Mr. President." ARABS OF PURE BLOOD. Copyright, 1888, by WOBLD'S DIS. MED. ASS'N. threaded her needle. "My husband is not a Imagine my surprise when I was tgate and gar­ pure blood, whiter than the average Euro­ dent," was the reply $500™ the dressmaker's face that she had formed pean, handsome to a higlj. degree, with pro­ her own opinion about my friend's husband, den. In vain I protested. One thing led to another, and in a few min­ for an incurable case of Ca­ "Why, you little goosie," laughed Jennie, nounced features, sometimes almost Jewish utes the prefect was invited over into the tarrh in tlie Head by the and was quite competent to form and express in type, and an air of pride and probity proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. By an opinion on any subject. Miss Kent was a "there'll be fun enough to last a lifetime. president's room, and the two great men were its mild, soothing and healing properties, it John wanted to come awfully, but I knew coupled with a politeness and general superi­ soon chatting amiably together. >;• cures the worst cases, no matter of hc,v long little woman, fair as a girl and plump as a ority at first sight most engaging and decep­ he'd make an awful noise, and spoil every­ The story ought to end with the president's N standing. By druggists, 50 cents. robin. She wasn't ashamed to own that she tive. He is known among the dwellers in A FIFTH AVENUE INTERIOR. was 40 years old and an old maid. She had thing, so I wouldn't let him." finding out the stratagem of the wily pre­ This arch apart, nothing can be more uncom­ The wily schemer took the precaution to the Nile valley, not as a dervish, but as a fect and cutting off his official head. But, as earned her own living most of her life and jellab—pronounced in Egypt "gailab"—a promising than the use made of straight lines was proud of it. She was a good nurse, a lock the closet door from the outside, so there the Parisians tell the story, the prefect was and right angles in this room; not even the was no fear of detection. On a high bench; term which means a merchant, and, for rea­ not removed; and afterward, whenever his A ROSE BY ANY NAME faithful friend and a jolly companion, but sons only too good, has of late years denoted cupboards that jut out from the mantelpiece stroke her the wrong way and you'd wish still as two mice, we awaited results. name was mentioned as a possible subject for at either side have a curve in them. The panel­ Would smell assweet Presently, Cousin Mark, as if arousing a merchant of one commodity only—namely, a change, the president would shake his head. you hadn'b in much shorter time than it takes slaves. The slaver on the Nile received sad ing is square; the ceiling is divided off into SLEEPER'S me to write it. Her views on all subjects from a protracted reverie, asked, "Would "Oh, I know him," he would say. "He is rstraight lined compartments, and there does you like to have me read?" blows and discouragement during the reigns all right where he is. He's a fellow who gets were strikingly original, and not to be com­ of such viceroys as Baker Pasha and Gordon, not seem to be the least element of weakness, bated. "Oh, I am not particular," replied Miss up early in the morning."—Youth's Com­ the arch excepted, in the whole construction. is the new name of a Kent. and took to honest merchandise, such as panion. well-known cigar of "What are you going to do when you are ivory, feathers, henna, senna and the hides This, it is hardly necessary to point out, not "Here is ah excellent article on elective only preserves an air of dignity and sim­ unequalled popular­ old?" persisted the mistress of the establish­ of antelopes and leopards. During the short It Was a Valuable Cane. ity by reason of its affinities. How would you like that?" plicity to the apartment, but it actually helps ment. but prosperous period indicated the jellabs "So you lost your cane, you say, and you quality. Sold for 10 "What other folks do, I suppose." Jennie's elbow in my side almost took away to give a home like appearance by bringing cts. ;everywliers. my breath. might have been seen in Nubia or at As^tuan don't bother your head about it because it "But you can't work forever." with their cargoes, and it was difficult to out the numerous curved lines of the furni­ "Who is it by?" she inquired. was only a fifty center," and the detective ture and the bric-a-brac. To introduce "Can't say that I want to." connect these noble looking fellows, with shrugged his shoulders as he made this re­ "Now, Miss Kent, a husband with means, Jennie exclaimed (clear in my ear), "That's curves at all freely in the architecture of the to gain time, see if it ain't." their regal manners, their exquisite robes of mark to me on a Manhattan beach train yes­ a kind, intelligent man" white cashmere and then* scarfs of priceless room would be to take away from the attrac­ "It's by a prominent French writer, I be­ terday. The cane had fallen off the re­ tiveness of the chairs and sofa and tables, "I don't want any man. I tell you, Mrs. needlework, with the stories you heard from porter's knees as the cars were at full speed. Trade-Mark. Carlisle, I wouldn't marry the best man liv­ lieve," answered Cousin Mark. and to make the eye less inclined to dwell on the people around, who still dreaded and "It's lucky you don't, carry anything of value S. S. SI-iEEPEll & CO., Factory, Boston. ing, if he was rich as Crcesus, and would die "I don't think I care for a translation to­ the graceful shapes of the porcelains and bits night," said Miss Kent. hated them—stories of craft, oppression, ra­ in it," continued the detective, "or you would if I didn't have him. Now, if you have ex­ pine, lust and cruelty for its own sake, such of Venetian glass on the mantel shelves. "Nor I; nor reading of any kind," he con­ bother your head a little about it. I'll tell Let us attempt, with such help as the hausted the marriage question, I should like as would make both a hearer's ears to tingle. you what the cane reminds me of. Some to try on your dress." tinued. "This is my last evening in New artist has given us, to create a color scheme York, Miss Kent. These are the men whom the present turn of years ago an eccentric rich man of this city There was something behind all this I affairs has rendered desperate. By their own for the room, though it will probably be in "I hope you've enjoyed your visit," she re­ was going to Chicago and he lost his cane off part unlike the reality. Let the frame of knew well. My friend's eyes danced with doing they have closed the legitimate market the platform of a smoking car. I was a pas­ fun; and as Miss Kent fitted the waist, she turned. our old beveled mirror be either in gilt wood tney once enjoyed, and their fanaticism has senger on the train, and before we got to the threw me a letter from ll: bureau. Jennie (into my very head this time), "She's or in stamped or hammered brass, and the as shy as a three-year-old colt." grown as their wealth has shrunk, while the next station that man was about as crazy a "Read that," she said, .sli a knowing countless negroes whom under Ishmael Pasha mantel in carved cedar or other reddish wood, "I didn't think I should feel so bad about man as I ever saw. The cane was a cheap with squares of warm toned stamped leather Dougle Wagons, look. "It may amuse you." they were enabled to caury into Egypt are John, but if he had lost his only son he "This is what the letter said: leaving," Cousin Mark went on. in its panels. The small tiles next the open­ "He is the wreck, you remember," whis­ now at a mature age able to retaliate on couldn't have been more upset. Well, he got MY DEAR JENNIE: I shall be delighted to spend their old oppressors and to revenge the woes ing of the fireplace will be in various tones a month with you and your husband. There pered Jennie. off at the next station and had a telegram of dark green and blue. Those underneath A long pause. of slaughtered fathers and outraged mothers sent back to the other offering a reward of Single Wagons, rcust be, however, one stipulation about my Upon the remnants of the hated jellabs. will be in chocolate color, or a warmer and visit—you must say no more about marriage. I "I think I hear the baby," exclaimed Miss $25 for that cane. It was only ten miles lighter buff. The rug may contain much shall never be foolish again. Twenty years ago to­ To 6peak of these black troops as "natives" away, and as I had business in the town Kent. is somewhat incorrect. A few, a mere hand- dark blue, but deep red should predominate. day I wrecked [my whole life. ("Better embark "Oh, no," said Cousin Mark. "You are whose station he telegraphed from, I got The walls must be very delicately pat­ Road Carts, in a new ship, hadn't he?" put in Jennie sotto fnl, are of a second generation from those fond of babies, are you not, Miss Kent?" quite interested when I found that the gentle­ terned in two or three shades of warm brown voce.) So unsuitable was this marriage, so utter­ originally imported; but the bulk of the | man had determined to remain till the next ly and entirely wretched have been its conse­ No answer from Miss Kent. "Soudanese regiments" are slaves imported ] and gold. The cornice may be in cream and "I have been a very lonely man, Miss day to get his stick." gold, and a few lightly stenciled ornaments quences, that I am forced to believe the marriage by those very Arab traders, and remember i "Did he get it?" Horse Carts, institution a mistake. So, for the last time, let Kent," Cousin Mark resumed, "but I never personally or by tradition of their elders how ; in gold may deck the ceiling. me assure you that I wouldn't marry the best realized how lonely the rest of my life must "He got it, and he and I the next day con­ woman that ever lived, if by so doing I could save they came into the Egyptian house of bond- ; tinued on the same train on our way to Chi­ be until I came to this house." age, what horrors of torture they underwent AN $1,800 HOUSE. her life. Your old cousin, MARK LANSING. "Oh, how lonely," echoed Jennie. cago. I met him at the Grand Pacific about Coal, "Rich, isn't he?" said Jennie, and then at the hands of these lordly jellabs, and how, a week afterward. He and the cane were to­ "Now I must return to my business and finally, after undergoing and surviving,while Plans of a Handsome Frame Two Story pointed to the chubby little figure whose my boarding house—boarding house for a gether. and Attic Dwelling. back happened to be turned. thousands perished beside them, these hor­ " 'Is that thing as valuable as ever?' I man so fond of domestic life as I am, Miss rors, they were seized by connivance of the Frame Two Story and Attic Dwelling.— Wood, I shook my head and laughed. Kent." asked. Stone foundation. (Attic unfinished.) Par­ Egyptian government, and, under the name " 'Not by a blank sight,' he exclaimed, "You'll see," said the incorrigible. Just then we very distinctly heard a little lor and ball finished in hard wood; inside "See what?" inquired Miss Kant, quite un­ of liberated slaves, were put into training for laughing. 'It's worth $20 though,' he added, kind of a purr, which sounded very like a the army. The supply of these soldiers is, not, Grain, aware of our pantomime. note of intense sympathy from Miss Kent. and taking it by the lumpy head he pressed "That parties which are chemically attrac­ as some authorities seem to think, inexhausti­ his thumb on one of the wood warts in a mys­ "I have friends in San Francisco, of ble. Mr. Stanley took away with him a ted will unite. Of course an alkali and an course," said Cousin Mark, "but no fireside terious, fumbling way, and the knotty head acid. Don't you think this sleeve a little goodly contingent; another contingent has fell back. He then handed me the stick. It Flour, like this, no one to care for me if I am ill, no­ perished at Suakin and on the Nile; but of too long, Miss Kent?" body to feel very badly, if I die." was hollow about three inches in depth under "Not after the seam is off. But what was those that remain it may safely be said that the head, and the 'hollow' was lined with vel­ "That'll fetch her," said Jennie. for war in so hot a region, and especially you saying, Miss Carlisle? The other day at "I wish that I lived in San Francisco,'' vet. against the slave dealers (whom we dignify " 'Don't you think I was right to pay $25 Hay, Professor Boynton's I . saw some wonderful said Miss Kent, in a little quivering voice experiments." as "dervishes" above all other dervishes), for the recovery of a cane Eke that?' he re­ "You could call upon me at any time if you they are most useful, and may eventually be "And did they succeed?" inquired Jennie, needed anything." marked. demurely. of further use as showing an exampl« to the "I respectfully said that I didn't see where Straw Jennie in convulsions. fellah soldier. "Beautifully." "If you will go to California with me, Miss the value came in. "So will mine. I never yet botched a job Kent, I'll wait another week." HOW THE BLACKS ITGHT. " 'Well,' he answered, 'it will never be as -A. J53" — in my life." "Why, Mr. Lansing, what do you mean! The great drawback to their employment valuable to me again as it was when I drop­ "I don't think I quite understand you," re­ What would folks say?" she said. is their inherent savagery. They are reckless ped it off the platform, for it then contained plied Miss Kent perplexed. "We don't care for folks," said Mark. "If of the lives tbey have with such difficulty solitaire diamonds worth $35,000.'"—New Building Material, "No? I always grow scientific when talk­ you will go, we will have a house as pleasant preserved, and when they come hand to hand York Herald. blinds; oil finish. Height'of stories: First ing about marriage, my dear." as money can make it. You shall have birda with their former masters the unhappy jellab story, 10 feet; second, 9 feet 6 inches. Cel­ George Faweett Howe's French. "Bother!" was all the little woman said, and flowers and horses, and all the scientific has but a poor chance. When, at Suakin, lar, 6 feet 6 inches. First story contains hall, but the tone was much better natured than I monthlies that you want, deuced if you they were ordered to charge a trenchful of George Pawcett Rowe, the actor and au­ 6x14, with wardrobe off; parlor, 14x15 (with Etc. Etc. expected. sha'n't, and you shall never sew another dervishes they went forward with reckless thor, was a man of many accomplishments, The next week cousin Mark arrived, and I stitch for anybody but me. WiU you ba my fury, outstripping their European officers, among which was a thorough knowledge of liked him at once. An unhappy marriage wife?" and occupying simultaneously both ends of the French language and its literature-. Dur­ would have been the last thing thought of in Just then Jennie and I stopped up another the trench, literally raked it from end to end ing an engagement in Chicago a dozen years f connection with that gentleman. He had ac­ peg, and there was that little old maid, who with their fire, leaving not a single man alive. ago he played a part one night in which he Porch.. Pantru cepted the situation like a man, Jennie told would not marry the beat man that ever How far they are to be depended on before was required to pronounce several French me, and for fifteen years carried a load of lived, hugged closev to the man's breast who other troops we have no means of knowing. words. Next day the dramatic critic of The misery that few could have endured. Death wouldn't marry the best woman that ever The few Egyptian regiments who were led to Tribune took Mr. Rowe to task for his came to him at last, and now the poor fellow lived, not even to save her life. We came dire defeat by the ex-khedive's son in the French, and Liadly explained how one of the Kitchen. Dining Room actually believed himself an alien from do­ away then, but it's my opinion that they re­ Turkish and Russian war were largely com­ words should have been pronounced. The mestic happiness. mained in just that position till wo rang the posed of black slaves, then newly imported critic was George Gordon, now and for many South Nor walk. Singular as it may appear, Cousin Mark bell half an hour later. by the jellabs, hastily drilled, led by Turkish years back connected with The Brooklyn was the embodiment of good health and good "How did you know?" I asked of Jennie. or Egyptian officers, and exposed to the one Eagle. When Mr. Rowe saw the paper he sat down and wrote to Tho Tribune as fol­ nature; 50, perhaps, though he didn't look it, "My dear," she answered, "my whole re­ elemental condition of which they had pre­ lows: "Sly French is by no means perfect, and as rotund and as fresh in his way as the liance was upon human nature; and let me viously known nothing—intense cold. They little dressmaker was in hers. As I looked at tell you, dear goosie, whatever else may fail, had been parboiled under the equator and and I am always anxious to have my errors For Sale at a Sacrifice. corrected. I was in doubt about the pro­ him I defied anybody to sae one and not be that never does." roasted in the desert, but snow and frost were nunciation of tho word to which your critic reminded of the other. True, he had more "Why, Miss Kent, what makes your face too much for them. They had, moreover, no VVili e sold if applied for pood, of the polish which comes from travel and so very red?" inquired Jennie, upon entering; special grudge against the Prussian—on the alludes this morning, and accordingly con­ adaptation to different classes and individ­ "and Cousin Mark, how strangely you look! contrary, if they had been long enough in sulted four French dictionaries, all of which TEN ROOM COTTAGE, uals, but he was not a whit more intelligent your hair is all mussed up." Egypt they could not but have learned to agreed on the pronunciation which I adopted. rcli. Hall. Parlor. by nature than the bright little woman hate the Turk. Now that I know they aro wrong, however, within five minutes walk of the "And I hope to have it mussed often," said : whom Jennie determined he should marry. Cousin Mark, boldly. "Miss Kent and I are Their Moslem fanaticism, if it; has ever ex­ the word shall not be mispronounced by me bridge, with never failing well of "1 was surprised you should think it neces­ to be married this week." isted, had not had time to grow; and, unlike again." Tho letter was printed, and Mr. excellent water, and a- cistern sary to caution me about that Cousin Mark," the jellabs, the soldiers of the czar had never Gordon gracefully acknowledged his error. Jennie laughed till her face was purple, holding three hundred liogs- pooed the plotter as she stood! his by side, and when I went upstairs, Miss Kent was injured them. With the soldiers of Sir —Chicago Herald. looking out of the window. "The idea of pounding her back.—Waverley Magazine. Francis Grenfell it is different. Then* own GROUND FLOOR. heads, for laundry purposes aiy being so ridiculous!" and in the same recollections of early life—what they have Her Little Game. fireplace); dining room, 11x15, kitchen, lOx all modern improvements breath, with a wink at me, "Come, let us go heard from their comrades—what has been Mrs. Gall (in dry goods store)—I wish, if 16; pantry, 4 feet 6 inches x 6 feet (5 inches. How and When to Drink Water. you please, that you'd give me samples of to my sitting room. We are at work there, told to them by the unhappy refugees on Nu­ Large china closet. Second story "contains conveniences, etc. Cost but it won't make any difference to you, will In giving some advice as to the best time bian territory of the vengeance wreaked by six or seven different patterns in surah silks, four large chambers, large sitting hall, bath­ nnrl a few samples of colored velvet; a friend owner S8,000, and it?" and manner of drinking water, Dr. Leuf ex­ the "dervishes" on the unresisting villagers room and closets. Of course Cousin Mark answered "No," plains that when water is taken into the full of tho Upper Nile after the fall of Khartoum of mine would like them; and I'd like a sam­ • will be sold for f promptly, as innocent as a dove about the or partly full stomach, it does not mingle —these and many other considerations which ple of this green India silk. I want a dress trap being laid for him. with the food, but passes along quickly be­ it is not very easy for the English traveler to cf some kind and—a sample of this figured n 85,000 with only "This is my cousin, Mr. Lansing, Miss tween tho food and lesser curvative toward fathom make the black soldier an implacable silk, too, and one of this pink satin. Thanks. $1,500 down, - • the pylorus, through which it passes into the I'll decide soon about the dress. Chamber Kent." And Mr. Lansing bowed politely foe to the white faced jellab who murdered Champs*, 7 and Miss Kent rose, dropped her scissors, intestines. The secretion of mucus by the his mother and burned his village and sub­ Mrs. Gall (outside the store)—One, two, • to satisfac- ' \ ' • blushed and sat down again. Cousin Mark lining membrane is constant, and during the jected himself to every indignity and bodily three, five, eight, eleven, fifteen—nineteen tory party. picked up. the refractory implements, and night a considerable amount accumulates in torment that the most refined system of perfectly lovely samples in all! Six or then Mrs. Jennie proceeded with rare cau­ the stomach; some of its liquid portion is ab­ cruelty could invent.—Cor. London Saturday seven: more as large as these will make a lm33 Enquire at GAZETTE OFFICE. ' • tion and tact to her labor of love. Cousin sorbed, and that which remains is thick and Review. whole block for my new . I'll go Sitting H^ll Mark at her request read aloud an article from tenacious. If food is taken into the stomach I around to Ribbon & Linnen's and get them The Popular Science Monthly, drawing- Miss when in this condition it becomes coated j Highest Points of Habitation. i- before I go home.—Drake's Magazine. •,r " -r; EQUITABLY MORTGAGE CO., Kent into the discussion as deftly as was with this mucus, and the secretion of the I Visitors at the Pike's Peak observatory The Best Color. ever fly drawn into the web of a . gastric juice aul its action are delayed. have for years been regaled with the state­ OF KANSAS CITY. CAPITAL $2,000,000 ' "Who was that lady, Jennie?" Cousin Mark These facts show the value of a goblet of ment that "this is the highest point on the "I want a bottle of ink," said a boy of 9 or water before breakfast. This washes out the globe which is inhabited the year round^' It 10 years as ho entered a stationer's on Michi­ 6 and 7 per cent. Debenture Bonds and Mortga J ,• inquired in the evening. Loans atParand Accrued Interest. , i --f. "You mean Miss Kent?" said Jennie, look­ tenacious mucus, and stimulates the gastric now appears that regular meteorological ob­ gan avenue tho other day. - Chamber) (Chamber ''What color?" - v.:: li 3. CRAUFU2D Agent ing up from her paper. "Oh, she is a lady glands to secretion. In old and feeble per­ servations are made on the Andes, in Peru, >.oom 2 Masonic Buildirg I have known for a long time. She is mak­ sons water should not be taken cold, but it at a height of 14,300 feet, which is about twO "Idunno." ing some dresses for me now. Why?" may be with great advantage taken warm or hundred feet higher than the Pike's Peak "Is it for school purposes?" "No, sir.. Pop wants to give a mortgage "She seemed uncommonly well posted for hot. This removal of the accumulated mu­ 'station. In Europe there are but two sta­ SECOND STORY. Family Horse For Sale, tj- a woman." cus from the stomach is probably one of the tions at any considerable height, these being on our house furniture." Estimated cost of building, 81,800.—iAr­ N Extra Large and Fine Family Horse for^ Under any otbvr circumstances Mrs. Car­ reasons why taking soup at the beginning of about 10,000 and 11,000 feet respectively.— "Oh, 1 see-, you had better take black."— tistic Homes, published by National Build­ A sale. Suitable for Ladies, Children or an / invalid to handle. Apply at GAZETTB OFFICE. lisle would have resented this, but now she a meal has been found so beneficial. • New York Telegram., , ; . v Detroit Free Press. ; - • ,, ing Plan Association, Detroit, Mich.

1 , p, . . "a-

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A Great Surprise NKW HAVEN, CONN. ANGLOMANIA IN EATING. The Faricon Tar So;;p ma'. of this deficient water supply the poison be­ hnrl been at Chamouni some time and was weeks ago. You will see on his finger nails that leaf from the porcelain plate to their unpleasant as well as dangerous. Ely's comes concentrated. There is no doubt but conversant with the facts, told us the sad POST OFFICE Dt PAHTMENT,) the ridge showing the acuteness of the at­ rosy lips, they would all immediately take to Cream Balm is safe, pleasant, easily ap­ WASHINGTON, 1). C. ( that there is a great deal of truth in this. story. He said that on the previous Monday tack. This is quite distinct, and is seen on eating salad a la Mario Antoinette. Only plied into the nostrils, and a sure cure. Gentlemen:—1 think your Faricon Tar Soap th Diphtheria is due to a special poison, and mornii.g—this was Wednesday, Sept. 7— all of the nails. These marks aro very inter­ bear in mind, good ladies, that if you do wish It cleanses tlie nasal passages and heals finest I ever caine across. GEO. F. W1HTB . the common source is through infection, but esting and tell us a perfectly straight story. three travelers, two of whom were Ameri­ the inflamed membrane, giving relief at For Sale at H. R. Hale's Drug Stove I believe it is often produced by the accumu­ cans, had started with three guides and five to eat lettuce salad with your fingers you must They will remain for at least two years. If mix your salad with oil and vinegar, and not once. Price 50c. lation of animal and vegetable poisons, do- porters for the top of the mountain. Their a person tells you that l;j has broken his with compositions; for instance, damp and musty names were John C. Randall, of Quincy, that abominable ready made whita arm within eighteen mon' :id, you will son the "salad dressing," to look upon which is nau­ You hardly realize that it is medicine, cellars, ill ventilated and old vaults. The Mass.; Dr. James B. Beane, of Baltimore, when taking Carter's Little Liver Pills; ridges on the nails of thu uand of tho affected seating. epidemic of diphtheria at Elsmere, England, side, while they will be absent on those of the Mil., and G. M. Corkendale, a Scotch clergy­ they are very small; no bad effects ; all was traceable to the accumulations of human May heaven preserve us from excessive An­ other side. If you are told that a patient man. glomania in matters of table service and eat­ troubles from torpid liver are relieved by excreta under the school house. These poi­ has had typhoid fever, look at his nails, and The three guides were the best and most their use. sons escape through the sewer, which is the - reliable in the village, namely: John Balmat, ing. The English tend to complicate the eat­ if the statement is correct, you will find the ing tools far too much. They have too many common lodgment of them, through leaks in ridges. The more acute the illness the Joseph Br stton and August Cottet—all well If you are tired of taking the large old- the pipe where the plumbing is bad. Then known and esteemed by the professional forks for comfort, and the forms of them are fashioned griping pills, and are satisfied sharper will be the ridge. too quaint for practical utility. Certainly the rooms of tho houses are artificially heat­ When the illness comes on, the nutrition of mountain climbers of that time. The party that purging yourself till you are weak ed, and people are kept where the poison is. had reached the Grand Mulete and spent the silver dessert knives and forks are very good and sick is not good commod sense, then W'he Greatest Blood Purifieri the body, includin&Jhat of the nail, ceases. in their way, because they are not susceptible New York has been free from diphtheria for We all know aboui^e hair falling out after night of Monday there, setting the usual try Carter's Little Liver Pills and learn KNOWN. twenty-five years, and we have more or less signal to inform the dwellers below of their to the action of fruit acids, but it is vain and how easy it is to be free from biliousness, This Great German Medicine is the^«, a disease like typhoid fever. It only begins cheapest and best. 128doses of SUL-^ of it every year. The common remedy for safe arrival. On Tuesday morning they clumsy to attempt to make too exclusive use headache, constipation and all liver trou­ to fall after the growth has recommenced of the knife and fork in eating fruit. Dont PHUR BITTERSfor $1.00, lessthan^ j? diphtheria is to avoid the danger by infec­ and the hair is coming up out of the follicle. completed the ascent and reached the sum­ bles. These little pills are smaller, easier one cent a dose. It will cure the, imitate, for instance, certain ultra correct to take, and give quicker relief than any j worst cases of 6kin disease, from, tion and have perfect cleanliness of the prem­ The nail is a much more enduring evidence mit, spending the usual time there. On the >• it ises, and the best common law in reference to afternoon of that day thay were seen slowly English damsels who eat cherries with a fork pill in use. Forty in a vial. One a dose. ! E3 a common pimple on the faee of disease. If there has been an acute rheu­ and swallow the stones because they are too to that awful disease Scrofula./ typhoid fever is to have pure food and pirfe matism coming on within a few hours, with descending the upper part of the mountain. Price 25 cents. I SULPHUR BITTERS is the, water.—Dr. George B. Orr in Cincinnati En­ They looked like flies crawling over a white modest, or rather too asinine, to spit them best medicine to use in all, a temperature of 104 or 105 degs., the nail out on to the plate. Eating is not a thing to This year's style—Treasurer's accounts cases of such stubborn and^your gid- quirer. will be cut down sharply. The nails look as sheet. All at once, he said, there seemed to deep seated diseases. Do# eysareout be a veil thrown over them, and they van­ be ashamed of. To thoroughly enjoy a peach are being worn very short this season. n Actor and Archbishop. though they had been cut across. In typhoid you must bite it, and feel the juicy perfumed not ever take #oforder. Use fever, when the disease comes on gradually, ished from his sight, never to be seen again. Making love by telegraph is described BLUE PILL8 /SULPHUR His grace of Canterbury, after expressing At first not much anxiety was felt in the flesh melt in your mouth. But let the Anglo- ormercury,theyaredead^BICTER& Jf has emphatic disapproval of children making there is no such sharp eutting out of the nail. maniacs say what they please, there is no ne­ as an electric spark. There will rather be an area of thinning, valley, as slight snow storms are not uncom­ an exhibition of themselves upon the stage mon at that season. But when night came cessity of sticking a fork into the peach,* and or anywhere else, drew a contrast between which will not be seen until the nail grows peeling it while so impaled, as if it were an Card of Thanks.—I hereby desire to the purest and best#'ou»u beyond the white mark at its base. on, and there were no signals set at the medicine ever made. #g lplm BltterS! the happy, innocent and Christian life of the Grand Mulets, or any lights to be seen about ill favored and foul object. extend to all of my friends my thanks for D r the many kindnesses extended to me dur­ Is y ourTongus Ooatsd# 1 choir boys to that of the unhappy theater the little hut where they should have spent A peach is as beautiful to the touch as it is Greenland Seals. ing my past illness of over three months with a yellow sticky#Don't wait until you j child. the second night, fears began to take shape to the eye; a peach held between human fin­ substance? Isyour#are unable to walk, or ™ "The choir boy," he continued, "goes to Young seals are brought forth on large that some terrible catastrophe had taken gers has its beauty enhanced by the beauty from rheumatism, and I especially desire breath foul and#are flat on your back, to tell them that but for Sulphur Bitters 1 offensive? Your#but get some at once, it God's house with his heart full of religious floating fields of ice in March. The baby place. of the fingers. However dainty and ornate should have been suffering still, May you stomach Is out#will cure yoa. Sulphur sentiment, to sing God's praise. In school seals are born with white hair, which soon As soon as the people had partially recov­ the silver dessert knife and fork may be, it of order. UseiyBitters is choir boys are invariably the best boys, and changes to a 6oft, silky browu fur, and they ered from the shock occasioned by a realiza­ always irritates me to see people cut up their never suffer what I have, is the wish of Sl ie in after life they do not forget their early nestle on their frozen beds of ice as long as tion of what had occurred, the maire of the peaches, or pears, or apricots, or what not, your friend, B H. Tayleur. BiTTERS#-H Invalid's Friend.g Ghristian training, which so admirably fits into cubes and parallelopipeds, as if dessert immediately#The young, the aged and tot- — they are suckled by their mothers. When village, who was also the chief guide, called Is your Ur-#tering arc soon made well by them for the battle of life they are called from 5 to 6 years old they can exist in water. for volunteers to go in search of the missing were a branch of conic sections. Imitate This is a world of vicissitudes. To-day lne thick,#lts use. Remember what you upon to fight. It is both unfair and unkind Then they begin to follow their mothers men. How forlorn a hope it was may be in­ Marie Antoinette, ladies; use your fingers a man is pressing his suit for a wife; to­ ropy, clo-i»read here, it may save your to infer that choir boys make an exhibition about, much after the fashion of human ba­ more freely; eat decently, of course, but do morrow a tailor is pressing his suit for his udy, orifjlfe, it has saved hundreds, ferred from the fact he would accept no t- MDou't wait until to-morrow, of themselves. They sing for the glory of bies, for their attention and the food of fish, married man, neither any who were over not be the slave of silly Anglomania cr New­ wedding, and the next day a lawyer is God in a building which is set apart for which they most dutifully provide. During thirty years of age. It was about 5 o'clock port crazes. To eat a pear or an apple con­ pressing his suit for a divorre.—[Davsville ^ Try a Bottle To-day! i God's worship. This is not the case with this period the mother seal is an alert and veniently, cut it into quarters, and peel each Breeze. ™ when these volunteers, thirty in number, Are you low-spirited and weak,! theatre children. They sing or act because hardy fisher. She will attack the most active with packs of clothing and provisions on quarter in turn as you eat it. The peach, for suffering from the excesses of I they are hired to do so and not for any feel­ fish of these waters, save the shark, and we their backs, coils of ropes and axes over their too, can be cut into quarters, if the eater is Everything about a rattlesnake keeps /youth ? If so, SULPHUR BITTERS I ing of reverence for their art." had the testimony of Capt. Deschamps that shoulders, and alpenstocks in their hands, timid. Apricots do not need peeling, nor cool in time of danger except its tail!. fwill cure you. I "There I venture," broke in Mr. Irving, instances have been known where battles gathered in front of the maire'a office to get plums either. Would you be bold efSough to That gists rattled.—[Binghampton Repub­ "to entirely disagree with your grace. between the food, hunting mother seals and ; peel a fresh, fig, or to touch such a dalicat& lican, Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., their flnal instructions. Boston, Mass., for best medical work published? With most children the theatre is their these rapacious ruffians of the deep resulted That night there came on, about 8 o'clock, fruit even with the purest silver instruments? church, just as much as the cathedral is the in the defeat and death of the latter. They a tempest of wind and rain, accompanied by —Theodore Child in Harper's Bazar. A diamond cutter—The man who makes choir boys' church. They, moreover, learn are powerful animals, and will force them­ thunder and lightning, such as I have rarely a home run. BUXTON & BRUNDAGE, grace and deportment on the theatre boards, selves up the most rugged salmon leaps to listened to or witnessed, except in the Swiss Carlo' in Tears. EXPRESSMEN, and are taught to sing and speak properly. attack the largest salmon. When the young "He had been owned by Rev. B. C. Phelps, The most obstinate cases of catarrh are Alps. The next morning, looking from our Prompt attention given to orders for Surely this counts for something." seals are 5 to G months old they are left to hotel windows, we saw that snow had fallen a Methodist preacher, stationed at Danielson- cured by the use of Ely's Cream Balm, the The archbishop was silent. shift for themselves. Nor are they given up upon the mountain sides far down toward ville, Conn," responded the major, who does only agreeable remedy. It is not a liquid LIGHT TRUCKING "With respect to the choir boys," contin­ gradually. the valley, and we instinctively felt that the dot hesitate,having told a story twenty times, or snuff, is easily applied into the nostrils. To any part of the Town. ued Mr. Irving, "I have attended many ca­ Of a sudden the mother seems to determine efforts of the brave volunteers must have to tell it twenty-one times. "When Mr. For cold in the head it is magical. It thedrals, and I am sorry to say that I have that sufficient time and energy have been ex­ been fruitless, even if they themselves had Phelps was removed to another charge he gives relief at once. Price 50 cents. Orders left at S. K- StBuIey's or Post Office. not noticed that the boys were dominated by pended upon them. Instantly she is a stranger not fallen a sacrifice to the fury of the ele­ made me a present of him. The dog took that religious fervor of which your grace so to the cub, and any further attempts at inti­ ments. kindly enough to me, as yellow dogs always eloquently speaks." macy are resented in the most savage manner. But about 10 o'clock that forenoon they do to small boys, and we struck up a great "I am sorry, Mr. Irving," rejoined tl>a The Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Newfound­ were seen emerging from the woods, and friendship and had glorious old times hunt­ archbishop, "to hear you say so."—London land coves begin to fill with great herds of were soon greeting their friends, yet with ing woodchucks and rabbits. It was 'hunt­ Mirror. Greenland seals in November. During the It Makes You saddened faces. They reported that they had ing without a gun,' but with Carlo's help I entire winter these break up into lesser herds ' I have used Palne's Celery Compound and it "Peter's Stable." reached a considerable height when the captured lots of game, such as it was. The Spring medicine means more ftw-a-days than it in search of icebergs upon which to live. storm suddenly overtook them—a storm not dog had not appeared to mind parting from has had a salutary did ten years ago. The winterof 1S8S-S9 has left Travelers in Tipperary are shown a singular Here they remain until after tho breeding of wind and rain, as we had it, but a fierce his former owner, and as time went by I took effect. It invigorat­ the nerves all fagged out. The nerves must be survival of ancient architecture and are told time is past, straggling along the coast until tempest of wintry sleet and snow. They had it for granted that he had forgotten that he ed the system and I strengthened, the blood purified, liver and how it came to be called "Peter's Stable." May or June, when they disappear into the spent the night under the best shelter they ever owned any other master than myself. feel like a new bowels regulated. Palne's Celery Compound— This Peter was a favorite horse of one of the Atlantic and head for Hudson's and Baffin's could find—and small choice it was—and "One day, it must have been a year after­ man. It improves the Spring medicine of to-day—does all this, old Irish kings, and was given by him to a bays. Their migrations are as regular as ward, we had been on a hard campaign tlie appetite and as nothing else can. Prescribed by Physicians, country baron as a reward for exceptional early next morning had proceeded on their those of birds, and incomparably more cer­ upward journey. It was not far, however, against the woodchucks, and I reached home facilitates diges­ Recommended by Druggists, Endorsed by Ministers, loyalty. Peter was intelligent to a degree, tain than those of the herring and mackerel. that they could go, for the show had fallen in just at sundown. As I went into tho house tion." J. T. COPE- Guaranteed by the Manufacturers to be and frequently saved children's lives in a The harbor seals (phoca vitulina) are found by one door Mr. Phelps entered by another; LAND, Primus, S. C. variety of ways. He came to his death when such quantities that not only were all land­ along these coasts at all seasons of tho year, marks and paths obliterated, but it was im­ he had been an intimate friend of my father's at his prime by over zeal in the cause of and as our schooner threads the mazes of possible to make any progress without mo­ and now walked right in without any cere­ Pasne's humanity. His master's wife was attacked coastwise islands, or glides past reef and ledge by a ferocious horse, which threw her to the mentary danger of being hurled into some mony. After greetings by my father and of jutting headland, they are constantly seen abyss which could not be avoided, because mother, and just as Phelps was seating him­ Spring Medicine. ground and would have trampled her todeath Celery Compound in their seemingly lifeless baskings in the sun hidden under a treacherous covering of snow. self, Carlo came running'in without noticing had not Peter galloped up and beaten the Is a unique tonic and appetizer. Pleasant tg "In the spring of 1SSTI was all run down. I upon shelving rocks, occasionally turning and They knew, also, too well, that no human be­ he was there. 'Why, Carlo,' said Mr. would get up in the* morning with so tired a brute off. While the lady's rescuer was stand­ that the taste, qulcl$ in Its action, and without any flapping their shining flippers as if for easier ing could have survived such a night and Phelps. The dog stopped, looked, and, with injurious effect, it gives that rugged health feeling, and was so weak that I could hardlyget ing over her, the baron came Up and, con­ position in their siesta, or skimming through which makes everything taste good. It cures around. I bought a bottle of Palne's Celery Com­ such a tempest at a point above that which a bound, was in his old master's lap and lay pound, and before I had taken it a week 1 felt cluding that Peter was the assailant, ordered shallow water and surfs, while turning their dyspepsia and kindred disorders. Physicians the noble brute shot. The sentence was exe­ they had reached. across his knees motionless, with his head prescribe it. $1.00. Six for $5.00. Druggists. very much better. I can cheefully recommend almost human heads from side to side, like a THE TERRIBLE SEQUEL. hanging down, while tears rolled down from it to all who need a building upand strengthen­ cuted before the recovered conscious­ WELLS, RICHARDSON & Co., Burlington, vt. ing medicine." Mrs. B. A. Dow, Burlington, Vt. bevy of surprised and questioning mermaids, And now, dear reader, you know why his eyes and dropped on the floor. Well, sir, ness and explained the occurrence.—St. Louis astonished at our approach and untimely in­ Globe-Democrat. there was weeping and wailing that afternoon at seeing the dog weep Phelps himself choked, trusion.—Labrador Cor. New Orleans Pica­ of Sept. 7, among the women and children, and the tears came into his eyes. Father, he DIAMOND DYES STATED FOODSnSSZCS"- yune. The Attraction. aye, and men, too, of Chamouni. Eight of followed suit, and I heard something that sounded like a sob from mother."—Forest The talented lady who is the guardian The Bees and the Law. their best and bravest citizens had been and Stream. angel of Tho Norway Advertiser owns a hand­ The supreme court of the state of New wiped out of existence as suddenly as if the some cedar boat, finished with shellac and York has decided that it is a trespass for earth had opened and swallowed them up. In Fa'fnous JNfi'mcs. BRIOGS' fastened with shining copper nails. She is an honey bees to revel in flowers growing upon Some of them left families and some aged Did you ever notice how common to great able sportswoman, and while fishing on Lake land not belonging to the owner of the bees. parents dependent upon them for support. names the initial "W" is? No? Then just Pennesseewassee she noticed that the black The ruling is just, but the fun will begin It was several weeks afterward that I run your eye over the following list: William bass insisted on following her boat about, when the owner of the land tries to avail learned the sequel to this terrible affair. A Shakespeare, Walter Raleigh, William Black- week or more elapsed before it was deemed HEADACHE-:-TR0CHES while refusing to take the fly. Evidently himspilf of this law and to find out just whose stone, John Wesley, George Whitefield, Will­ they were attracted by something. The first bees are standing on their heads in his flowers practicable to attempt another search for the iam Penn, Roger Williams, James Watt, -FOR- and most natural inference of other observers or pirating the honey from his own bees in missing men, and then only with the bare ex­ William Wilberforce, William Cowper, Will­ was that this was a tribute to the fair fisher- his own buckwheat field. There are difficul­ pectation of finding and bringing down their iam Wordsworth, Richard Whately, George woman ; but an examination of the interior ties in the way of his getting his wife to stitch lifeless bodies. There was no other hope Washington, Joseph Warren, William Pitt, SICK HEADACHE, of a bass showed that he had been feeding on his initials in the wings of all bees from his Fifty of the most experienced mountaineers Wellington, William M. Thackeray, Winfield a beetle that resembled in color the copper own apiary, as she would mark the corners of the village were detailed for this purpose; Scott, William Henry Harrison, Daniel -IN ITS- nail heads in the boat. It was not a very of his handkerchiefs or the northern zone of and after a long and tedious search they came Webster, Washington Irving, W. E. Chan- long jump to the conclusion that the bass his stockings. Nor would it be a pleasant upon the stiffened corpses of several of the niog, William H. Seward, Wendell Phillips, Nervous, Billions or Congestive Forms. mistook nails for bugs, only to find out that job to use a rubber stamp and mark each one party, among which were those of Dr. Beane Henry W. Longfellow, John G. Whittier, all is not grub that glitters.—Lewiston Jour­ of his honey making insects. The latter would and Mr. Corkendale. They were in a sitting William Cullen Bryant, Oliver Wendell nal. object to this—pointedly. Cattle may be posture, as though they had sat down to rest, Holmes, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Ward This Remedy is the Prescription of one of the leading Physicians of Paris branded, and sad eyed sheep can be frescoed and so had perished. In the cold hands of Dr. Beecher, Walt Whitman, W. E. Gladstone, Blood of the Presidents. with a brush and paint, but the bee is not Beane was found a note book bearing several George William Curtis, William M. Evarts, France,and was used by him with unparalleled success for over thirty years, Eight of the twenty-three presidents were formed by nature to wear trfe monogram of dates, the last of which was that terrible William T. Sherman, and .others too numer­ and wa's first given toiihe Public as a Proprietary Medicine in 1878, and certainly of English origin! Washington, the its owner. Neither has nature fitted the bee night of Sept. 7. The record stated that they ous to mention. I defy any one to produce two Adamses, the two Harrisons, Tyler, Tay­ with a safe handle whereby it could be held had been two days in the midst of a terrible an equally illustrious list of names with any since that time it has found its way into almost every country on the face lor and Lincoln. Fillmore's name indicates while undergoing the process of marking. snow storm; that they had had trouble with one of the other twenty-five letters of the of the Globe, and become a favorite remedy with'thousands of the leading equally English or Celtic blood, and Pierce's The most amiable boy would decline holding their guides and the party had become separ­ alphabet common to all.—New York Graphic. biographers do not trace his ancestry. Seven a bee for such or any other purpose, at least ated. They were conscious that they were physicians. Medical societies have discussed its marvelous success at their American presidents were of Irish blood: would refuse to hold more than one. Even lost, for tho record closed as follows: "We annual conventions, and after their official chemist ^have analyzed it and Madison, whose mother, Eleanor Conway, to catch and insert a healthy bee in a device have dug a grotto in the snow at a height of was an Irish woman; Jackson, the hero of made for the holding process would entail 15,000 feet. I have no hope of descending, found that it contained no opiates, bromides, or other harmful ingredient?, New Orleans; Polk, Buchanan, Johnson, Ar­ pleasant results to the catcher. The tres­ my feet are frozen, and I am exhausted. I Have you a Pittsburgh, quietly placed it among their standard remedies. thur and Cleveland, who was Irish on the passing of honey bees in New York state will have only strength to write these words. I maternal side. Three were Scotch, Monroe, go on in spite of the supreme court, and the die believing in Jesus Christ, with the sweet Rochester, Duplex, or a Stu­ Grant and Hayes; one, Jefferson, was of busy and buzzing trespassers will go un­ thought of my family, my friendships, and dent Lamp ? TESTIMONIAL. Welsh ancestry; one, Van Buren, of Dutch; stamped.—Pittsburg Bulletin. all. I hope we shall meet in heaven." Dr. one, Garfield, of German, and on his mother's Beane was a highly Do they work satisfactorily ? L. R. BROWN, M. D., i? side of French Huguenot blood.—Boston Bud­ of Baltimore, and had in his ' 23 West Jersey St., get Too FTesh. from prominent officials connected with the Do your Lamp Chimneys ELIZABETH, N. J., June 28th, 1889, ) Jones was sitting on the front steps of an Smithsonian institution. The object of his break ? • This is to certify that I have used for sojne months with much satisfaction, the combi­ Austin mansion one night, waiting for his visit to Chamouni and his fatal ascent of the nation of remedies, for Headache, known as Briggs' Headache Troches. The remedy cures / Pads of portable ink may be had at some of sweetheart to come out. She knew what mountain was mainly for scientific investiga­ You get the wrong sort! the stationers or dealers in such supplies, in more headaches, especially such as effect Nervons Women than anything I am acquainted time to come, and Jones didn't wish to ring tion. Mr. Randall, who perished at the same The RIGHT ones are the with, and if this certificate will be the means of bringing it to the favorable attention of various places. The plan is of German ori­ the bell for fear of alarming the old folks. but whose body was not recovered, I be­ gin, and at one time was used in this country, "PEARL GLASS," made by sufferers from that trouble, I shall feel that I have done them a service. Presently he heard the door open, and the lieve, until some days after, was a well known L. R. BROWN, M. D; though this was, as well as we remember, ten old man muttered something about some­ resident of Quincy, and I think was treas­ Geo. A. Macbeth & Co., Pitts- or more years ago, and it may have fallen body's being "too fresh." urer of a savings bank.—Boston Transcript. into disuse, though it certainly should be "Did you address yourself to me?" asked bur'h^'inakers of the cele­ quite a boon to travelers. The portable ink \ — — Jones, springing up with a flashing eye. A Flood Sufferer. ;; am can readily be made by any one by simply "No," replied the old gentleman, mildly; brated "Pearl-top"£3 I P" "You look played out," said the proprietor obtaining some aniline color of the desired "I was speaking of the paint on the steps. It ave SOLD BY H. R. HALE.INORWALK. CONN. Of the paper to the managing editor. chimney, which" ^ tint, making a strong solution of the same in was put there only thin afternoon." "Yes; I'm a flood sufferer." 4 little alcohol, immersing in the solution suit­ Jones found with dismay that the statement given universal satisfaction. "A flood sufferer?" BRIGGS' MEMCIME CQMPAMY. ably cut strips of absorbent paper, and allow­ was true, and it only required about two v "Yes; I'm flooded with ing these to dry, when they will be ready for minutes for him to reach his room and soap i!se in the manner above described;—Paper Merchant Traveler. .—Te ;:'S ;: MilL "... «S _ ' - -• \i

....'' J. - • ' •••*, - . > • ,. .. H'v'.-

••J. 1 V" " , ' - • , - i, - NOR WALK GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY OCTOBERnr'TORPR 'Q9, iS8A Aft( .>0 ' • A '•'" '. X

Connecticut Day. The Grandeur of Simplicity. ? / EPORT of thecondition of the FairfieldCounty - City Vote. The Stratford Celebration. National Bank, at Norwalk, in the State of A.circular to comrades of the 17tb Regt. The speech in which Mr Blaine welc'oril- Connecticut, at the close of business, September MAYOR. The celebration of the 250th anniveraary R 30th, 1889. Norwalk * Gazette Edwin Wilcox, 434 of the founding of Stratford occurred on Association has been issued by the monu­ ed the delegate? to the conference of Ameri­ RESOURCES. Charles S. Trowbridge, d 403 Thursday, on which occasion the new ment committe, which is composed of P. can natons ought to inspire in the mind of Loans and discounts ;.i.$234,59l 91 BSTABXiISHED, 18OO Overdrafts 165 49 TKEASURER. soldiers' and sailors' monument was dedi­ Wade, jr., Henry Huss, S. G. Blakeman every citizen of the United States a feeling U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 50,000 CO John H. Ferris, 453 and George S. Purdy. An abstract of the of pride that we have a statesman capable of Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages 57,605 00 &..H.BYIS&TGS.Editoi. I,RODEMEYER.Jr. .Associate cated. It was a day long to be remem­ Due from approved reserve agents 19,T4S 3S Charles W. Smith, d 386 bered in Stratford, and it is estimated that circular follows: so grandly meeting the requirement of so Due from other National Banks 17,966 23 COLLECTOR. Comrade: Real estate, furniture,and fixtures —.. 27,000 00 The Election. 10,000 strangers were present. The town great an occasion. It is an address that Current expenses and taxes paid. 1,457 86 A more stupid and uninteiesting town Franklin A. Tolles, 414 was dressed in its gayest colors arid the The state of Connecticut having made makes the patriotic heart thrill with lofty Premiums Paid 14,000 00 v" Herman Snyder, d 409 Checks and other cash items 506 53 eioction was seldom if ever held in Nor­ air was filled with music. The hospitality an appropriation to the 17th Regt. Conn. emotions—a sheech that will live in history Bills of other Banks 1,890 00 .MARSHAL, Fractional paper currency, nickels, and walk. Whether it was the depressing of the citizens was boundless and nothing Vols., for the purpose of enabling it to and tradition for many generations. When George F. Atlierton, • 401 cents 722 50 gloom of the dingy and dirty old town suitably mark its position on East Ceme­ the events of which this conference is the Spccle 5,100 00 George L. Bogart, d 432 was lacking that could enhance the pleas­ Legal tender notes 6,950 00 house, or the melonclioly effects of the tery Hill on the night of July 2, 1863, the precursor shall have become accomplished AUDITOR. ure of the occasion. Norwalk was exten­ Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer monument committe have perfected ar­ facts; when all the independent nations of 5 per cent, of circulation .2,250 00 neglected and mouldering grave yard that Charles W. Stow, 434 sively represented by organizations and rangements whereby a monument will be surrounds it, or the sour and damp weath­ George H Hunter, d 398 individuals. Buckingham Post, G. A. R., North, Central and South America shall TOTAL $440,143 90 dedicated on the battle field, Tuesday, LIABILITIES. er, or the new Australian method of vot­ INSPECTOR OF ELECTIONS. attended and took part in the parade, as have become knit together in bonds of rec­ iprocal amity: when the greatness and pros­ Capital stock paid m $200,COO 00 ing, we know not, but it certainly was a Oct. 22, 1889. Undivided profits 4.85172 Joseph Tammany, 414 did also Douglass Fowler Post, of South perity that may justly be expected to result most dreary event in our local history. William F. Ward well, d.. 403 The committee have arranged for a joint National Bank notes outstanding 43,000 00 % Norwalk; Company F, C. N. G., Hope to each and all from mutual helpfulness shall Dividends unpaid 874 05 Wm. B. lleed , 1 excursion to Gettysburg with the veterans Now and then a little fun evolved from Hose company, and the Americus Drum have won the admiaation of the old world— Individual deposits subject to check 152,902 33 Wm, H. Swords 1 Demand certificates of deposit 839 87 the comical antics and blunders made by of the 27th Conn. Vols., who are to dedi­ then and centuries thereafter the name of C. H. Adams I Corps. The parade was a brilliant one Certified Checks 171 00 uninitiated voters, who tried to master the cate a regimental tablet on the 22d inst. James G. Blaine will be a household word Cashier's Checks outstanding l ,390 64 REGISTRAR. and elicited universal admiration. The in every American home, and his speech at Due to other National Banks 27,S57 54 mysteries of the envelope and turn-stile A regular train will leave New Haven Due to State Banks and bankers 6,0C3 42 Charles N. Smith, 433 exercises on the green, after the parade, ! Monday, Oct. 21, at 7 a. m., Milford at the conference of 1889 will be quotad with Bills payable dneto stockholders on re­ method of getting up to the polls. The Asbury C. Iiorne, d 395 were most interesting, aud were partici­ affectionate veneration for its author. duction of capital stock 2,253 33 average democrat seemed to get it into 7.15, Bridgeport at 7.30, Westport at 7.4$, WATER COMMISSIONER. pated in by distinguished citizens of the TOTAL 5440,143 90 his huad that he was being usnered into a South Norwalk at 7.56, Stamford at 8.12, I Directors. he wouldn't go into the secret den. But history of the town. The various details Richard J. Cutbill, 435 A special train will leave the Pennsyl­ teries. . I_ . LEVI WARNER, ) when assured it was the only possible way Thomas C. Cavanagh, r , 4U1 of the event were in charge of most effi­ F. L. Eager, Meriden, pneumatic operator he could vote for "Sam" Daskam for first Wm. M. Raymond, 37o vania Railroad Depot, Jersey City, at 10.15 for dental pluggor. EPORT of tne condition of ttie CENTRAL cient committees, who looked assiduously J, Hartness and E. F. Spalding, Torrington, R NATIONAL BANK at Norwalk, in the State selectman, he finally succumbed and Wm. B. Hubbell, d 413 a. m., arriving at Gettysburg about 6 of Connecticut,at the close of business, Sentember Isaac S. Jennings, d 41J after the welfare of the visitors. The assignors to Jones & Lamson, Springfield, Vt., 30th, 1SS9. ventured through. All the usual excite­ o'clock, p. m. Henry D. Fox,d 399 members of the the press were handsome­ lathe chuck. RESOURCES. The dedication of the 17th Conn, monu­ A. P. Millspaugh, Bridgeport, wagon jack. Loans and discounts 5310,314 IS ments and exhilarations of election were Aaron Martineau, d ly entertained by a committee headed by ment will take place on the morning of W. Suggett, West Stratford, chair. Overdrafts 5(811 confined to the borough contest, at the Joseph A Yolk, d 384 Principal Peck, of the Stratford High E. P. and H. C. Walton, Bridgeport, assign­ U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 25,000 00 foot of Mill Hill, many of our borough George L. Bogart 2 Tuesday, the 22d inst., and the tablet of ors to Manning, Maxwell & Moore, machine Other stocks, bonds and mortgages 500 00 school. The Cupheag Club, a social insti­ for cutting spiral pinions. Due from approved reserve agents 13,304 33 George H. Harvey, 1 the 27th will be dedicated in the afternoon Due from other National Banks 26,643 7S voters refusing to go up the hill to the John' L. Richards 1 tution composed of Stratford's young men, C. A. Wheeler, assignor to W. P. Healey, of that day. Bridgeport, steam engine. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. 9,892 04 town house to vote for town officers at all. W. S. Atlierton.. 1 kept open house and made it exceedingly Current expenses and taxes paid 1,63102 Wednesday, the 23d inst., may be de­ Designs. Checks and other cash items 2,789 11 The result here is what might have been Franklin A. Smith 3 pleasant for all who called. The members B. W. E. Christesen, assignor to Russell & Bills of other Banks 125 00 Whole number of votes cast 851. voted to visiting various points of interest Erwin Mfg. Co., NewBritaiu, door lock case, Fractional paper currency, nickels and anticipated, and vindicates the wisdom of the club took part in the parade on on the battle field. E. Pretat, assignor to Rogers & Hamilton cents 25 26 and good politics involved in the GAZETTE'S horseback, dressed and painted as Indians, Co., Waterbury, spoon handle. Specie 14,295 30 Prohibition Vote. The joint excursion will leave Gettys­ Legal tender notes 6,300 00 recent proposition of both parties uniting and had a large float bearing a wigwam, Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer No If 0 burg on its return Thursday, October 24, Advice to Mothers. 5 per cent of circulation 1,125 00 upon and running for this year, a people's canoe and other devices illustrating Indian Yes at 7 o'clock a. m. Are you disturbed at night and broken of ticket composed fairly of our best citizens. life, and attracted considerable attention your rest by a sick child suffering and crying TOTAL |412,45313 It was a notorious fact that Warden Cool- Majority against 754 The committee will undertake to pro­ with pain of cutting teeth ? If so send at once LIABILITIES. and admiration. Colonel D. P. Rhodes, and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing idge, aided aud abetted by two or three vide parlor car accommodations for those Capital stock paid in $100,COO CO a prominent citizen of the town, enter­ Syrup for Children Teething. Its value is Surplus fund 13,600'00 The Amendment Defeated. who may desire them, from Jersey City to of. our present republican burgesses, had tained the principal guests most royally calculable. It will relieve the poor little suf­ Undivided profits 23,(,90'09 At the present writing 126 towns have Gettysburg and return. ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers,, National Bank notes outstanding 22,500 00 by'their official administration of borough and received large numbers of callers who there is no mistake about it. It cures dysen-, Dividends unpaid 140 00 affairs, succeeded beyond their most have been heard from in the state, which Headquarters of the 17th aud 27th Reg­ tery and diarrhoea, regulates the stom ach and Individual deposits subject to check 153,515 67 were cordially treated. All in all the Demand certificates of deposit 14,077 94 give the following recapitulation by iments will be at the McClellan House, bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums Certified checks 1,342 10 sanguine expectations, in making a demo­ affair was one of the most successful and reduces inflammation, and gives tone and YES K0 Gettysburg, where quarters can be se­ Dneto other National Banks 54,439 41 cratic victory this time absolutely cer­ counties:— <. - * memorable celebrations that have taken energy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Due to State Banks and Bankers 20,000 00 Hartford county 4,509 10,231 cured for a limited number by applying to soothing Syrup for * Children Teething is Notes and bills re-discounted 9,747 92 tain. So our candidate for Warden, Mr. place in this state in many a year, and New Haven county 4,446 12,950 the committe. The committee will ren­ ileasant to the taste, and is the prescription ot E. O. Kcelcr, and four of our burgesses, Stratford has just cause to be proud of Jome of the oldest and best female nurses TOTAL $412,45313 New London county 2,002 4,626 der such assistance as they may be able, andphysicans in the United States, and is for are "snowed under." The wonder is, Fairfield esouuty 3,859 8,688 her honorable record. State of Connecticut, County of Fairjieia, ss: 0 all who apply to them to have quarters sale by all druggists throughout the world. I, WILLIAM A. CURTIS, Cashier of the above- under all the circumstances, that Messrs. Winham county 1,410 ^,016 Price 25 cents a bottle. Iy52 named bank, do solemnly swear that the above Meeker and Adams are saved. Mr. Mont­ Litchfield county 1,937 3,588 The Event of the Year. secured. statement is true to the best of my knowledge and Middlesex county 1,463 1.919 In each of the four new states whose liOllJSl belief. WILLIAM A. CURTIS, Cashier. gomery defeats Mr. Price for borough The expenses of this most delightful and Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3d dav Tolland county 716 1,537 first elections occurred on Tuesday of last instructive excursion will be as follows: PRIHGLE.—At 31 Franklin St. South Norwalk, on of October 1SS9. treasurer and the non-partisan character the '22(1 of September, a son to Mr. and Mrs. HERBERT T. SHEFFIELD, of our board of water commissioners is 20,362 45,555 week the campaign was fought from be­ Fare from Jersey City to Gettysburg and Alex. W. Pringle, Notary Public. ginning to end on national issues. In Correct, Attest: preserved by the success of Mr. Mead, as Majority against the amendment, 25,193 return, exclusive of parlor car seats and DIED. GEORGE M. HOLMES,) each and all of these states strong men transfer in New York, $6.55; hotel rates COMSTOCK.—Died Oct. 2d, at Binghampton, N. J. T. PROWITT, I-Directors. successor to Chas. E. St. John. But all -§—— EUGENE L. BOYER, J took patt in the canvass on both sides, for $1.50 and $2 per day; dinners going and Y., Susan B. Middlebrook, widow of the late in all, "our friends Ihe enemy," have New Canaan. Col,LeGrande Comstock, of Wilton, Conn. many able men have gone from the older given us a warden and a Lizard of honest, New Canaan goes Republican by about returning, 75 cents or $1 each; transfer ia slates to help build up these new common­ New Yor.k by Elevated Railway, five cents OUSEKEEPER WANTED. Address, sensible men, and the interests of our 70 majority ; No License by 4 majority 41 A. X. Y., Norwalk Hotel. wealths. The political journals of the two H m OPENING! all too lieavilv burdened tax-paying and 19 against the Constitutional Amend­ each way. The rates for board at private Dakotas, Washington and Montana are boarding houses will probably be about citizens, will no doubt be faithfully cared ment. Wanted. far superior in ability to most of their COMPETENT WOMAN or Girl to do gener­ for during the coming year of 1890. • $1.25 and $1.50 per day. al housework in a family consisting of two THE MISSES ST. JOHN, contemporaries in some of the oldest states A "Westport. Let it be distinctly understood that this persons only. Enquire at this office. 2t41 Would respectfully announce to the Ladies of Town Vote. Westport went Democratic with all that of the Union. Iu was by no means a pop excursion is open to all members of the Norwalk and vicinity that their SELECTMEN. gun fight among pigmies, but such a cam regiment and friends desiring to accom­ To Let. that, implies, in regard to license and anti- ART of the Griffln Place, at Wmnipauk. A WillJiarn B. Hendrick, r 1,228 paign as would be creditable to the intelli­ FALL OPENING Franklin A. Tolles, r ...... 1,161 prohibition. pany them P small family, capable of taking care or a cow gence of any and poultry preferred. Rent taken in board. Samuel Daskam, d 1,128 , — part of the country. The All persons intending to join the excur­ 41 S. R. P. CAMP, Norwalk Hotel. Theoplnle Euphrat, d 1,028 Bridgeport. generally prevailing idea that these new sion should notify P. Wade, jr., Bridge­ TOWN CLERK. Bridgeport gave 2,343 majority against members of the Union household are rude, port, Conn,, Chairman of Committee, as NOTICE. Henry K. Selleck, r 1 259 HE Auction Sale of Household Furniture, etc., -MHLIN6RY-600DS- the constitutional amendment. uncouth, coarse and ill-bred is ludicrously early as possible, and state whether accom­ advertised to take place at the residence of Oliver E. Wilson, d 1,041 T Will take place, at their parlors, 33 Main St., on absurd. The society of the towns in that modations are wanted at hotel or private the late D. T. Ruggles, in South Norwalk, on TBEA3UBEB. Wednesday, October 9th, has been indefinitely Ridgefield. region will compare favorably with that boarding places, and also the accommoda- postponed. 2t40 William A. Curtis, r 1,258 JAMES MITCHELL, Auctioneer. Stephen 1J. Smith, d 1,032 Ridgefield went republican and 2 of the best eastern cities. Protection of required. Friday & Satnrday, Oct. 4 & 5, American industry, as a permanent fea­ When will be exhibited a rich and elegant line of CO£TABLES. against license. Ex-Gov. Lounsbury Another Story of Lincoln. ture of national policy, is indorsed where Fairfield County Savings Bank. John S. Lockwood, r 1,254 worked hard at the polls all day and thus A dispatch from Lewiston, 111., says: Fall Millinery, in Trimmed and Wallace Dann, r 1,144 its enemies hoped that it would „be sig­ NORWALK, CONN., Sept. 19th, 1SS9. secured the no license majority. The The Rev. Dr. Haney, a pioneer Methodist Interest at the rate of Wr (4) per cent, per Francis S. Conley, r 1,173 nally repudiated. Eloquent appeals to Untrimmed Bonnets, Hats, vote for the constitutional amendment minister of Canton, 111., told this reminis­ annum, for the current six months, will be cred­ James E. Stevens, r 1,225 the farmers to "rebuke the barons and ited to depositors Oct. 1st, 1SS9, and paid to them Ribbons, Feathers, Laces, Albert DeForest, d.. 1,111 was 72 and against 143. cence of Abraham Lincoln : "The Rev. on and after Oct. 10th, 1889. money kings" produced no more effect in John B. Morton, d 1,076 Peter Akers, an eloquent pioneer Metho­ 2t40 JAMES H. BAILEY, Treasurer. Ornaments, Etc., James Costello, d 1,033 the far west in August, 1889, than they Fairfield. dist, held a meeting near Springfield some and in fact everything appertaining to the Millin­ Theron G. Lockwood, d 1,035 POR.TR.AITS ery line. We have no time nor space to enumer­ The Fairfield democrats elected their did in Pennsylvania and Ohio in 1888. ASSESSORS. years before the war, and one day Abra­ ate styles or prices. Suffice it to say we have a All the tariff reform arguments of the IN large and varied assortment of all goods in this entire ticket. Very few voted for the ham Lincoln and several other attorneys Edward M. Lockwood, r 1,197 Cleveland campaign, with various new line, at prices as low as the lowest. Don't fail to Frederick S. Lyon, r 1,«23 Constitutional Amendment, and license of Springfield drove out to it. Father see the Grand Opening. devices, were employed in vain. Three OIL, PASTEL OR CRAYON Harvey Fitch, d 1,093 was carried by 138 votes. Akers spoke that day on the "Sin of Elegant work, at lowest Prices, by of the new states stood firmly for protec­ Nelson J. Craw, d 1,063 Slavery," and prophesied that in a few MISSES ST. JOHN, BOAKD OF BELIEF. tion ; in the fourth the result is undecisive E. T. WHITNEY, Wilton. - years God would wipe out this crime of Aurelius J. Meeker, r 1,246 as to this issue. The same solid indorse­ Formerly of Norwalk. Leave orders at Art De- 33 Main Street, Norwalk, Conn. Wilton went republican and no license, crimes in blood. The sermon was gen­ partment of BOSTON STORE, 2d Floor, Nor­ Henry Seymour, r 1,233 ment is given to all the other tenets of the walk, Conn. SO Charles A. Burr, d 1,061 and voted against the constitutional erally regarded as the mouthings of a republican creed. The new states declare H'Dry D. Fox, d 1,066 amendment. blatant abolitionist and in returning home Assessors' Notice. MISS BAIRD'S INSTITUTE. GRAND JUROES. for a free D&llot and honest returns all the lawyers laughed and joked about it. E, the undersigned, hereby give notice to all over the Union, and a liberal pension Lincoln, however, remained silent and persons and corporations liable to pay taxes George T. Brady, r 1,248 A Service Pension. inW the town of Norwalk, that they are required policy. grave. Noticing his unusual conduct his Munson Hoyt, r 1,210 There can be no question of the fact by law to deliver to the Assessors or either of Charles F. Hal lock, r 1,238 » companions rallied him by asking, "What them, on or before the 1st day of November that the efforts of the late Commissioner Salt For Moths. do you think of Brother Aker's sermon ?" 1889, a written or printed list, dated, signed and Asa Smith, d 1,081 sworn to,'of all the property owned by them on FOR stiles W. Curtis, d 1,052 of Pensions, Mr. Tanner, to widen the For moths salt is the best exterminator. Mr. Lincoln replied as follows: "Well, the 1st day of October, 18S9, liable to taxation, 1 confess that I have never before been so George Norvell, d -. 1,043 practical scope of the pension laws (a The nuns in one of the hospital convents otherwise it will be the duty of the Assessors to deeply impressed by.human utterance. I make out such list according to their best judg­ Young Ladies and Children, SCHOOL VISITORS. matter entirely within his discretion) has have tried everything else without suc­ never thought we should have war over ment and khowledge, and adding Ten per cent, thereto, which they by law are compelled to do, An efllcient Teacher has been engaged for the Bradley S. Keith, r 1.224 called anew the attention of the country cess, and their experience is valuable, as slavery or any other question. But those Primary Department. John A. Slater, r 1,232 and from which lists so made there is no appeal. The Languages, Music and Art will be taught by to the fact that the old soldiers are dying they have so much clothing of the sick utterances to-day seemed to come far N B.—Lists may be returned to the assess­ John Li. Lee, d 1,078 ors at the Selectmen's Office, Bank Building, Teachers of ability and experience. beyond the preacher. They calme to me Pupils are prepared tor Wellesey, Mount Hol- Nelson Taylor, Jr., d 1,007 off very fast, that very many of them are who go there, and strangers, when dying Norwalk, and at the Selectmen's Office, 29 as real and awful prophecy. More aston­ Washington Street, South Norwalk, from and yoke, or the Noimal Schools. AUDITOR OF TOWN ACCOUNTS. badly provided for, and that justice de­ there, often leave quantities of clothing. Applications for the entrance of pupils should ishing than all, and you may laugh as you including October 19th, 18S9, to and including be made previous to September 19th. Edmund JE. Crowe 1,234 mands that a general service pension bill They had a room full of feathers, which will, I seemed to be thrilled in my very November 1st 1SS9, said offices to be open from 9 to 12 o'clock, a. m., and from 2 to 5 o'clock, For Circulars and any other information in re­ Horace E. Dann 1,067 should be passed. Such a bill was pro­ were sent there for pillow-making, and soul with the conviction that I am in p. m., and on Saturdays from 7 to 9 o'clock in gard to the school, please call upon or address, , some way to have a tremendous respon­ ]:EC:I J'LEARS OF VOTERS—FIRST DISTRICT. posed about a year and a half ago. We the evening. ot41 lm36 MISS N. F. BA1RD. they were in despair, as they could not sibility iu that coming aud awful war." Dated at Norwalk, October Sth, 1S30. Clarence i>. Coolidge, r J,25d earnestly advocate its reintroduction. Let exterminate the moths until they were HARVEY FITCH, ) John J. Width, d 1,058 FREDERICK S. LYOX, VAssessois. • : ' it be remembered that there are thousands advised to try common salt. They sprin­ EDWARD M. LOCKWOOD,J BE1T1STRY S Borough. "Vote. who absolutely need this measure of jus­ kled it around and in a week or ten days WARDEN. tice at the hands of the Government. they were altogether rid of the moths. Prolate Sale of Real Estate. W. II. BALDWIN, !>. 1). S., Edwin O. Keeler, 454 There are living to-day hundreds of thou­ They are never troubled now. In heavy John II. Lt e, d 465 URSUANT to an order of the Court of Pro­ sands of aged and war-worn veterans, men velvet carpets sweeping them with salt, Diimplirvgi bate for the District of Norwalk, the sub­ Has Openefl Hew Dental Parlors, - BURGESSES. Pscriber, administrator of the estate of W>f. R. who deserted business, turned their backs N the Old Bank Building, opposite Masonic William F. Bishop, r ...... 414 cleans and keeps them from moths, as NASH, late of Norwalk, in said District, deceased I Euilding, Norwalk, Conn. on prosperity, left wife aud babies behind, particles of salt remain in the carpets and WifN offers for sale all the interest which said deceas­ The office Is equipped with all the latest appli­ Aurelius J. Meeker, r. 460 ed had in the following real estate, viz.: r ances, and all work will be done in the latest and James E. Wixon, 366 and boldlj plunged into the fight under corners. Salt is not hurtful to anyone and The homestead situated at the head of Main most approved manner. W. 11, Baldwin is a street, consisting of dwelling honse.and out build­ George W. Raymond, r 449 the stars and stripes which they carried to has no bad smells. Here is a little hint I brother of Dr. A. II. Baldwin, of Norwalk, and is Elbert S. Adams, 466 ings in good repair, with about two acres of land a regular graduate of the New York'College of victory after the bloodiest and most des­ add, which perhaps everyone does not attached, also, the premises adjoining, on the Dentistry. Will do all work pertaining to the pro­ Isaac Selleck, Jr., 394 Wilton road, with good dwelling house nicely ar­ fession, such as Ailing, cleaning and regulating Edgar N. Sloan, d 548 perate war of all the ages—and who now, know: For cleaning wash basins, bath, ranged for two families. Roth of these places, teeth, treating ulcerated and dead teeth: also.dis- contain borough water and are located on line of William Sheldon, d 434 broken down in health, weak, exhausted &c., use the same thing, common dry- eases of the gums and mouth. Artificial teeth on horse railway. Also about ten acres of desirable any Kind of plates; also, artificial crowns set on Isaac Bowe, d 600 aud feeble, are suffering, not from salt. Rub a little of the salt with your Powder land situate in the town of Ridgefield, a short dis­ old roots—very practical. Teeth extracted with Darius N. Couch, d 480 No dessert is more delicious, wholesome tance from the railroad depot, suitable for farm or without gas. Interdental splints for broken wounds, but from the exposure, the drafts fingers oil the basiu. Often a sort of scum and appetizing than a well-made dumpling, or building purposes. jaws. Obturators for cleft palates, etc. All James E. Woodhull, d 44o For further particulars apply to upon their constitutions to which they is noticed in the basins iti a marble wash- filled with the fruit of the season. By the work will be done very carefully and fully guar­ Charles L. Glover, d 4b4 CHAS. OLMSTKAD, Administrator. anteed. Prices moderate. Difficult ca«es solicit­ COLLECTOR. were exposed in those fearful years, and stand in the bathroom, the salt takes it off use of the Royll Baking Powder the crust is Norwalk, Conn., July 23d, lSb9. o ed. No charge fcr examination and advice, and who, in consequence, to-day are dragging always rendered light, flaky, tender and di­ calls invited. 37tf Addison A. Betts, 465 easily and leaves the basiu shining and gestible. Dumplings made with it, baked or Charles A. Burr, d their feeble limbs down to the grave in clean. boiled, will be dainty and wholesome, and may "LKERWSUKEIT A>TD TREASURER OF WATER FUND. poverty, in suffering and in distress. be eaten steaming hot with perfect impunity. Jump-Seat Garriage Henry P. Price, 459 They are justly entitled to pensions, al­ Bucklens' Arnica Salve. RECEIPT.— One quart of flour; thoroughly mix with William E.Montgomery, d 461 The best salve in the world for cuts, it three teaspoons of Royal Baking Powder and asmall though it may well be that they contracted teaspoon of salt; rub in a piece of butter or lard the WATER COMMISSIONER. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever For Sale at a Bargain; in the service no disease which the pen­ size of an egg, and then add one large potato, grated m . Brainerd W. Maples, 371 sores, tetter, chapped hands, chillblains, the flour; after the butter is well mixed, stir in milk and Jump-Seat Carriage, one of Stivers' best city- ; / ,, Frederick Mead, d ^36 sion laws, as at present framed, will take corns, aud all skin eruptions, and posi­ knead to the consistency of soft biscuit dough; break PIANOS A make, made to order. Strong enough for -4 tively cures piles, or no pay required. It off pieces of dough large enough to close over four four and I'ght enough for two. A neat and ' BAILIFF. cognizance of as a just cause for pensions. quarters of an apple (or other fruit as desired) without is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, handy vehicle. Let this Republic show gratitude, if no rolling, and lay in an earthen dish (or steamer) and TONE liobe: t N. Morehouse, 445 or money refunded. Price 25 ccuts per the" fruit is tender. Bake if preferred. MODER-A-TE prices 0<3^T 950 Stiles W. Curtis, d 444 other has done so. Above all let it show box. For sale by H. R. Hale. In all receipts calling for cream of tartar SAS7 EXCHANGED, ' WILL BE SOLD; REGISTRAR OF VOTERS. , justice, and render unto its war-worn vet­ and soda, substitute Royal Baking Powder. DELIVERED FREE WITHIN 20 MILES OF NEW YORKCITY Goold Hoyt, 2d, r v..; 466 erans that consideration which is their Do nut suffer from sick headache a Less trouble, never fails, makes more appe­ FOR S150 moment longer. It is not necessary. Car­ tizing and wholesome food and is more eco­ I Mallei on Application Bernard C. Feeney, d 458 due. And let the measure be character­ if applied for soon, as owner has no use fcr it. ! V : INSPECTOR OF ELECTIONS. ter's Little Liver Pills will cure you. nomical. Royal Baking Powder is specially Apply at ized as what it strictly is, a measure of Dose, one little pill. Small price. Small made for use in the preparation of the finest 110 Fifth Ave., cor. 16th John II. Wade, 468 3t2Sd '• . DANN'S LIVERY STABLE dose. Small pill. and most delicate cookery. STEW YORK CITY. Bernard Tully, d 456

„ * • '.;-r .

. 7-n >v:A - • I rtP


^ ( X i'TV' ^ I A 1. <.-* tA iMi.; / ' '' ' ' ' NOEWALK GAZETTE; WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEK 9," 1889.

- WESTPORT. \ Phillips was aged 24 years. Mr. Freder- NEW-CANAAN. isk Kemper, of this place, reports that he The town voted to fund and cancel "lt/TRS. GEORGE W. BRADLEY, (daughter ol i?J. the late Wm. R, Nash) desires The election of Monday was quiet, has in his possession as her conservator, $10,000 floating bonds. The selectmen small vote was polled. The secret ballot appointed by probate court, the sum of issued $11,000; cancelled orders at bank, PUPILS feature caused many to kick when they $8,132.48 belonging to her Estate. The $6,300; ditto to M. Fairty $1,500, and F.J. Curtis ACo's In Instrumental Music. reached the polls, and some declined to full story of Mrs, Phillips would be read spent the balance, and still they arc not For terms apply to or address, 193 MAIN ST, vote. Several votes were thrown out by happy. by a large number, but the features of it AND SEE THE reason of non-compliance by electors with are too dirty and revolting for a respecta The town lias collected $3,729.45 of the the wording of the new law. Following ble paper, and hence I refrain from wri present tax book of $15,452.34, leaving A CARD. is the result:— ting them. only $11,524.89 for next year's income and no bonds to sell. STOVES S, SELECTMEN. From the following it may be seen that To the People of Norwalk .• , J. W. Hurlbutt, d 227 At one cent a line the talk about the interest in bicycles and bic3Tcling in this Sick IIeada.che and relieve all tho troubles inci­ P. Campbell, d 132 new manner of voting would have made dent to a bilious stato of the system, t.uch as FOR THE PALL TRADE. ' We liave become acquainted witli Rufus Wakeman, r 211 town is very marked. Not only young Dizziness, Nando**. Drowsiness, Distress after any correspondent rich, but the Messengers eating. Paiu in th litis, kc. While their most Daniel B Bradley, Jr., r 224 men ride but some of the old ones have remarkable success lias been shown in curing many of you, although we have done war cry was "no license, no license, no The "Loyal American." TOWN CLEKK. caught the infection. The styles of wheel license." One would think there were no A powerful Heater with complete Nickel and Tile W.J. Finch, d 238 used embrace the Columbia, Star, Victor, decorations. no advertising in your city, we now other interests in this town, and that H. P. Burr, r 216 Ideal and Safety, the latter leading. Those TREASURE!;. should wc once vote license, everybody, Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills aro feel ealled upon to do so, as old cus • riding the Safety are George Kirk, Louis The "True American," J. L. G. Cannon, d 253 including the Messenger and its editor, equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre­ Touquet, George Merwin, E. C. Smith, venting this annoying complaint, while they also tomers have repeatedly sent us new H. E. Sherwood, r 226 would be so tempted that general ruin correct alldisorders of the s tomach.stimulate tha with a double Heating or air circulating attach­ Thomas Buek, F. C. Coley, T.C. Stearnes, liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only ment, both plain and nickel with tile decoration. COLLECTOR. would fall on this beautiful town and ones which shows that you Nor- S. B. Wheeler, d 233 Fred. Bradley, F. M. Raymond, Royal curid everybody would get demoralized. W. H. Bradley, r 215 Raymond, W. G, Staples, LeGrand Can­ walkers appreciate good work and Mr. William Cody, not Buffalo Bill, but The "Young American," CONSTABLES. non, Charles Buek, Jr., Edward Hubbell, Edward Allen, d 243 the young gentlemen who delivered mails Ache they would be almost priceless to those who A medium priced stove, beautifully ornamented will come to Bridgeport to buy Fur-, Joseph Bolan, W. E. Nash, Austin Wake- suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortu­ Frederick Kemper, d 219 and telegrams and base ball news, has man, Frank Osborne, W. L. Taylor, Mar­ nately their goodness does not end here,and thoso John Burns, d 220 retired from business and resumed his who oncetry them will find these little pills valu­ niture if the prices are right. Now Frank Brady, d 219 tin Chase, Robert Craufurd, the brothers able iu so many ways that they will not be wil­ Astral and New American. studies. ling to do without them. But after all sick head W. H. Bradley, 213 Bedford, Mr. Jennings, Joshua Cole}', we claim to lead them all here in the The Birdsall House continues full. Its John W. Gault, r 227 Mr. Sherwood, Mr. Burnham. Those ri­ Oscar Smith, 211 patrons can get full of all good eatables, Stoves and Parlor Heaters. Furniture Business, in style, quali- ding other wheels are Frederick Salmon, GRAND JURORS. good air, good everything, except not a Clark Barnum, Alex. F. Downes, Charles Is the bane of so many lives that hero is where ity and variety, therefore we take John W. Lowrey, d 230 drop to drink. we makeour great boast. Our pills cure it while CYLINDER & GLOBE STOVES. Wheeler, Willis Jones, Henry Bucking­ W. H. Wells, d 240 Miss Johanna Schuster and Horace others do not. this opportunity to invite all who Charles Mills, d 240 ham, Stanley Fillow, William Wheeler, Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and Narcross, of Nantucket, were married on very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. A Few Good Second-Hand Stoves J. H. Jennings, 215 Frederick Touquet, Thornton Belden, They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or have not been through our Ware F. M."Raymond, 201 Sunday at the home of the bride's parents purge, but by their gentle action please all who William Marvin, James Welsh, John G. B. Bradley, r 217 and left for their island home. Lucky use th«m. In vialsat 25 cents ; five for $1. Sold Campbell, Frederick Beers, Clarence Run- by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. RANG-ES. Booms to call at ASSESSORS. Narcrass—wc shower our lucky rice. die, Edward Saxton, George Richmiller, CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. , Onr Own, Uncle Nick, all with Duplex W.J Finch, d 241 The town report was read from manu­ GrateB. 425 Main Street, C. H. Kemper, Jr.d 241 A. Shepard. Westshore, with Simplex Grate. W. J. Jennings, 214 script, the selectmen not having had time where you will receive polite atten­ Where all the apples come from is a sort BOABD OF RELIEF. since September 1 to have it put in print. of a mystery, but Mr. Lloyd has averaged Thomas Quinlan, Jr., d 236 It shows a deficit on the yeai's business of All kills House Finishing Goods. tion whether you purchase or not. a big run of cider daily since the introduc­ J. H. Jennings, r . 214 about $3,000. Very Respectfully Yours, Horace B. Coley 215 tion of his new patent hydraulic mill. He Thomas McGrath, Mrs. Bridget Mc- Plain and Decorated China. SCHOOL VISITORS. manages to get away with a barrel in Grath, six little McGratha and ninety-year- Rev. John M. Carroll, d 220 about twenty minutes. old nurse have moved into the upper Chandeliers, Hall, Library and Stand D. B. Bradley, Jr., 220 GEO E. NOTHOAGLE & SON, Mr. Andrew C. Nash picked ripe rasp­ rooms of the Post Office building. Lamps. REGISTRAR OF VOTERS. berries from his garden October 2d. They R. C. Raymond will open a market in Owen Eice, d 221 were distributed among his near neigh­ 423, 425, 427 MAIN ST., John It. Palmer, 215 the basement of the Post Office building, F.J. CURTIS & CO., AUDITOR TOWN ACCOUNTS. bors who enjoyed them at the tea-table and thus increase the attractions of the BRIDGE PORT; Dr. Loren T. Day, d 241 that day. * post office. 23 MAIN ST. F. M. Eaymond, r 197 The "traveling boy" presented to the Judge Lambert is having a veranda Constitutional Amendment—Yes, 76; Ho board of trade by John Wood, was drawn built across the front of his cottage on 226. Saturday night by Mr. H. H. Belden on East avenue. 0.4& OiTEA. At the town meeting a tax of ten mills, ticket No. 65. There were seventy-six Rev. Mr. Otis, student of Yale Theo­ The Choicer Tea Eve? Offered, same as last year, was voted. tickets sold. "PAUL." logical Seminary, filled the pulpit of Rev. erfecyly pure. Bridgeport Dry Goods House. The grading of Burr avenue by contrac­ Mr. Hopkins, on Sunday, who was prob­ V SO TJTH-NOR WALK . A MOST DELICIOUS BEVEBAGE...... TRY IT. tor John Gault is in progress and is an ably just passing mid-ocean on his way to The latest fad with many of the younger Ton will never use any Quality never varies- improvement which the people who do, Europe. belles of the city is to wear a diminutive It is the HIGHEST GAAVK LEAF, picked from and who do not, go to church on that A hop was enjoyed at Sunny Mead, the watch fastened on a huge piece of leather the best plantations and guaranteed absolutely 5,000 Feet Netv Room added. thoroughfare will appreciate. residence of Dr. E. W. Lambert Saturday pure and free from all adulterations or coloring buckled on the wrist. matter. The packages are hermetically sealed Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Adams who have evening. and warranted full weight. It is more econ­ Interest in the result of the town and been summeriDg at the Brinkerhoff place, Gershom Lock wood, for many years the omical in use than the lower grades. New Passenger Elevator. city elections has absorbed the attention purchased by them, expect to return to fashionable merchant tailor of Broadway, Oriental & Occidental Tea yj., L't'd:, of so many that there is little else of a UJcad Office, 35 Burling Slip, New ~rrh. their home in Brooklyn for the winter, on New York, was in town spending the New Departments Opened. public nature to chronicle. For sale by Friday. week with his brother, Frederick W. A change in the time table of the New H. Glover & Son, Norwalk, Flnnegan & The Westport Historical society met on O'Reilly, Xoiwalk, C. H. Valden, Nor. Large Mail Order Department, York and New Haven road was made on Lockwood, at the old Lockwcod cottage, Saturday afternoon. Secretary Eev. A. walk, F. 13. Gregory, Norwalk, K. N Sunday, but does not affect trains to or East avenue. Large Cloak and Fur Department. N. Lewis read an interesting paper. F. W. Lockwood expects his wife, two SIpperly, AVestport., W. E.Osfoorn, West- Frank Sturges and wife were serenaded from South Norwalk. daughters, son-in-law and two grand­ port, Leea & Co., Westport. Iyi3 Thursday evening of last week by Heine's The cause of temperance, pure and Sealskin Cloaks Made and Repaired. simple, is certainly making rapid strides children home from Europe the present band of South Norwalk.to which Mr. week. Sturges belongs, on the occasion of their South Norwalk. The room of^ the One Price, and that the Lowest. Gospel Temperance Reform Association, Stephen B. Hoyt, the only Stephen, wil moving into a new dwelling built by them attend the Danbury fair in the capacity of near Memorial on the carriage bridge is well filled at churcli. The occasion was general purveyor of entertainment or some All Goods marked in Plain Figures. in fact a house warming. every public meeting, and on Friday eve­ other capacity. Miss Beda L. Arnold and Miss South- ning eight young men came forward and Mr. W. E. Bond, of the Maple Oenoak Polite and Attentive Treatment. worht, telegraph operators in the Standard signed the pledge, encouraging the labor­ Eidge road, will occupy the cottage of office and postal telegraph office, respect­ ers in the cause, and more than repaying Artist John Rodgers, on the same road, ively, in Bridgeport, spent Sunday at the them for their time and efforts. Mr. for the winter. house of the Misses Esther St.J., and Lawrence conducted exercises on Sunday, making them very interesting and profit­ The splendid four-in-hand of Dr. Willard Laura Chapman. Parker has not yet gone to the city. On his way to witness the Cedar Point able. Postmaster Monroe's horse ran away, regatta, Wednesday, which was indefi­ There are thousands of true men in throwing him out, but by almost a mir­ nitely postponed, Mr. Cornelius Jelliff's Connecticut as well as in other states who are in favor of prohibition, but prefer not acle he was safely landed in a bank of W.B.HALL&C0. surf boat "Belle," of Westport, was cap­ sand. His horse was caught after run­ sized at the mouth of Saugatuck river. to carry it into politics. This the Third ning three-quarters of a mile, and brought Besides Harry McDonough Post, No. party saints do not like. It is doubtful if back, and he continued his drive to Nor­ 63, G. A. R., a large number of citizens there is anything in the universe fashioned walk to visit Mrs. L. C. Green and son, # mm, NEW DRESS GOODS ROOM. visited Stratford, Thursday, to assist that in a style to suit a Third party prohibi­ his daughter and grandson. town in celebrating its 250th anniversary tionist's critical taste. Though the best Highways :—New Canaan to Norwalk, Our Fall Importation of Colored Dress Goods now open. Every new and to unveil and dedicate its soldiers' and element of the town and city were nomi­ shade in all popular fabrics. 200 new combinations. nated for public office, none were pure fairly good when not too wet or too dry. sailors' monument. vtampA, 46-inch all wool Henriettas at 75c. per yard. 46-inch all wool Henri­ When they are too bad it is said to be all Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fable of King and refined enough for them, and they on account of the road machine. ettas at $1 per yard. stieet have added to their residence a fine must needs make a selection of the saints Business is so driving here that some of dining room. It is finished and furnished for their suffrages. the factories, the base ball club, and the SIX LINES FRENCH SERGES. in inviting style. BEDDING. printing presses were hard at work all day @olic,§c$c Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mills are vis­ Mr. J. H. Jennings, who has had charge Sunday. iting in Brooklyn. FIVE QUALITIES FRENCH CASHMERE.; of the topographical survey of the state, If Mr. Purdy is elected selectman again A harvest home festival for the benefit which is now in progress, reports as fol­ he has promised to curb and gutter the axe of the Saugatuck M. E. church in the old lows concerning the heights in the town : main street. "Ante" promises don't al­ FIVE QUALITIES HENRIETTAS. rubber factory, opened last night and will The highest ridge is Couch Hill, being ways come home to roost. close to-night. 840 feet above mean sea level; Redding The income of the town the past year almpcmd This is a regular $1.50 grade, with a beautiful broadcloth finish, which From a weather record accurately kept Center, at the Methodist church, is 680 by the report was $38,634.81; expenses, is not produced by artificial treatment, but by the fineness of material used in town (my record) a few facts are pre­ feet; the hill south of the house of Mr. W» $38,634.81. But that is only bookkeeping. in its manufacture. In fact no better dress of this fabric can be bought at sented which may interest those who have Hill, and belonging to him, is 830 feet; The amount raised by tax in 1887 for ex­ any price than the one we offer at SI per yard. settled to the belief that the late summer, Redding Ridge, at Episcopal church, 710 penses of 1888 was $15,389.88; amount and this fall, thus far have been the most feet; highest point of the ridge, 750 feet; received from school fund, $1,156 50; dog 100 pieces all new shades in Ladies French Broadcloths, rich Scotch stormy and unpleasant of auy since the Georgetown station, 308 feet; Branchville tax, $250; county fines, $124.50, with Plaids, elegant six-quarter Plaids. time of Noah and the ark. From June 1st TeaJbmji station, 342 feet; Sanford Station, 437 some other pauper accounts, etc,, mak­ to October 1st, inclusive, 123 days, 73 feet; Redding station, 410 feet; Pickett's ing actual income, $20,409.47; actual have been foggy or cloudy. 49 rainy, and O Xj X3L Ridge, 720 feet; Lonetown, 750 feet; San­ expenditures, $23,845.43. O Jk. Sf . 50 clear or clearing. There were 13 thun­ ford town, 420 feet. der storms. Iu September there were 10 Rev. W. J. Jennings, as pastor, and Mr. WILTON. ^ainMilh; The Markets of Europe It AH SACKED. clear days only. The temperature during The "town meeting" uassed off quietly B. Gorham, as delegate, attended the September averaged at sunrise 60 degrees; and the republicans captured all the offices meeting of the Fairfield East Association On Monday, we shall display our entire fall importation of Ladies, noon 74; sunset 67. The highest at sun­ that the legislature in its beneficence had tlie First church in Danbury last week Misses and Childrens Garments, comprising all the latest novelties of the rise was 73, on the 17th; at noon 88 on the not given to the democrats, by about Tuesday. European and American markets. 6th; at sunset, 82, on the Gth. The wind twenty majority. The principal officers Thursday evening, at the Methoilist JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. We have never before offered such a choice and elegant selection of was cast or northeast on nine days. July elect are: Selectmen—N. M. Belden and church, Mrs. Rev. D. Taylor delivered a WeddiDg Cards, Posters, Garments as we shall display this season : as we shall be unable to dupli­ gave us 17 days upon which either rain Joseph O. Dikeman and John Gorham; cry interesting lecture on "What I saw Visiting Cards, Handbills, cate mow of the garments, we suggest that the ladies make an early choice fell or were clouriy or foggy, the wind be­ town clerk—II. E. Chichester; treasurer— in South America." There was also con­ Business Cards, Programmes, We offer an endless variety of ing east or north-east on 7. days. The S. P. Fitcli; assessors—B. F. Brown, S. Fancy Show Cards, Dodgers, siderable singing by persons from the temperature for that month averaged at W. Ruscoe and J. S. Godfrey; board of Hall Cards. Billheads, place and from Long Ridge. A fair sized Statements, Circulars, sunrise, 66 degrees; noon, 82; sunset, 78. relief—Samuel Belts, Justus K. Raymond WRAPS, NEWMARKETS, RAGLANS, audience was in attendance. ' Tag Cards, Receipts, The highest at sunrise was 74, the 30th; and Sherman Partrick. The vote on the There was an easterly lain storm Sun­ Town and I'robate Records, Letter Headings, at noon, 96, the 30th; at sunset, 86, on constitutional amendment was: yes, 54; Note Headings, day. Church attendance was small. Books and Pliaraplets, CONNEMARAS, JACKETS, E1C. • the 8th. x no, 124. A tax of eleven mill.? was laid; Hotel Jtegisttre. Milk Tickets A large audience attended Assumption Printed In the veatest Styles and at the Lowest » A Safe Investment. the Wilton-Eidgefield boundary wasleft to Prices. BIBBONS AND GLOVES—Larger assortment than ever. " church, Thursday evening last at the ded­ Is one which is guaranteed to bring you the discretion of Messrs N. M. Belden and Call and get estimates. Just received, our new importation of Dress Trimmings, including all satisfactory resulis, or in-case of failure, a ication of the new and elegant pipe organ Charles Cannon; the New Canaan roads return of purchase price. On this safe the novelties and widths in , ' just introduced there. The choir of St.- plan you cau buy from our advertised which maybe changed by the construction J. C. NEWKlliK, John's E. C. church, New Haven, present­ druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis­ of the reservoir is to be left to the select­ ed a fine musical programme. covery for Consumption. It is guaranteed men. The highways are to be worked by Tandyke Points, Insertion Galbons/ Silk Pendant Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lees have re­ to bring relief in every case, when used 48^ DENTIST for any affection of throat, lungs or chest, the selectmen at an expense not to exceed ' f .?• turned to this place after a long absence. $1,400. The new law worked without Dentistry performed in all branches. an(^ such as consumption, infiamation of lungs, Porcelain Crowns inserted. Gas administered Fringes, Girdle Sashes, Mr. Lee's health is improving. bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, much friction although before the next for the painless extracting of teeth. The death of Mrs. Augustus Phillips nee croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agree­ election the the retiring closets should be Office at residence. Lewis Street, near Con­ able to taste, perfectly safe, and can gregational church, Norwalk. lySTp and the most superb designs in Silk Applique gmBroideries and Colored 'Mosie" Richards of this place, took place so arranged that there would be no crowd­ -h always be depeuded upon. Trial bottles Passementeries ever shown in this city. Also the new Spangled Tulle m in Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 17tli, and ac­ free at H. R. Hale's drug store. ing* Sewing Machines. cording to the Union of Sunday, 22d, pub- ..in———— I Trimmings for evening wear, in all the new colorings. f F every l;ind and make, repaired, cleaned • - "v- < /• ' I lished in that city, it appears the deceased M friend, look here! you know how and guaranteed. All orders left at weak and nervous your wife is, and you O either committed suicide or took an over- Largs Oflics Room to Rent. know that Carter's Iron Pills will relieve N GAZETTE Building, second floor front | dose of morphine which drug she had for her. Now why not be fair about it and I formerly editorial rooms of the GAZETTE years been in the habit of using. Mrs, buy her a box? , fv .>* %/'• ft* \^^. *'* ' • . * " ; '• "/ • s .


. Extraordinary Longevity. :;. ;' A- CONFLICTING ADVICE. THOSE WRINKLED HANDS. The records prove that the following per­ sons have attained an age exceeding 125 years. Burdette Beads tJp on Farming and Those wrinkled hands that o'er a woman's breast The year designated in the left hand column Now folded lie in death's last solemn sleep, **' ? - PEARL'S Chicken Raising and Gets All Mixed Up. Alas! how cold and still;, but God knows best; ~-V'.< is the year of death. When not otherwise His time vail choose; while we in silence weep, '' ' specified, the subject was a resident of the Talk about dissensions in religion, about warring creeds and battling churches, if you Who had by those dear hands been often blest, British Isles. want to get knee deep in a swamp of conflict­ But now shall miss the love that flowed so deep: •*- j J Year. "^EA No more shall we enjoy their soft caress, ' 1759—Don Cameron 130 ing views and opinions, wade through a file Nor feel again their clinging tenderness. " \ " WHITE 1766—John Delasomef 131 of agricultural papers. Now, there's nothing —George King 139 vague, intangible, invisible and abstract in In those lines where the plow of time has run, ' : "c; 1767—John Taylor 130 agriculture. The ground is real and the And heaped with furrows deep the trace of years, 1774—William Beattie 133 crops are sometimes real; in the case of an The marks of toil, the change of jshade and sun. g. 1778—John Watson 130 The record of a lengthened life appears; B WE SEND BY MAIL amateur gardener who moves out of town a ShERin ^ttHENS If. 1780—Robert McBride 127 Many a tale they tell of joys begun, ' : G because he can save a year's rent on June And hope soon ended in a.dash of tears. ' t f LYCERINE —William Ellis 131 ti. en Ui 1764—Eliza Taylor 131 peas, I grant you there is a degree of abstrac­ Those veins of blue her sunny skies unroll, • * ;• Beautifies fhe Complexion; Purifies, Whit­ 1775—Peter Garden 131 tion that makes the science of aerated meta­ That skin so fair the whiteness of her soul. - physics solid as a football match. But in c ens and Softens the Skin, eradicating all im- 1761—Eliza Merchant 133 But lo! as we read on what sight is this? ^Small Packs 50 -PostPaio nu,,,u erfections such as Freckles, Moth Patches, 1772^-Mrs. Keith 1S3 the soft and thawing weeks of spring a loam A cherub form with dimpled hands and small. gUackheads, Pimples, etc., without in­ 1767—Francis Ange 134 farm in a clay country is about as real as Bright golden locks, and lips that tempt a kiss,. :' Sheridan's Condition Powder jury, Cures Sunburn, Chapped and Chafed 1777—John Brooke 134 they make 'em. Like paintings seen on old cathedral wall; Skin, instantly. 1714—Jane Harrison 133 But now, I read in my favorite agricultural Some angel sent from distant worldsof bliss, .7 1759-James Shellie 136 'That sunbeams bring to this dim earthly ball. Worth its weight in gold when hens are moulting, and to keep them healthy. Testimonials sent free SOLD AT DRUGGISTS' PBICE, 50 CENTS. 1768—Catherine Noonan 136 paper the other day that a man who "had a bv mail. Ask your druggist, grocer, general store, or feed dealer for it. If you can t get it, send at patch clay over rock basted it heavily with Again we look, a laughing girl is seen— once to us Take no other kind. We will send postpaid by mail as follows: — A new, enlarced, 1771—Margaret Foster— 136 To school she skips or romps in orchards green. * elegantly illustrated copy of the "FARMERS' POULTRY RAISING GUIDE" (price 2a cents; tells liow 1776—John Miarait 137 coal ashes," and my! Talk about richness! to make money with a few liens), and two small packages of Powder for 60 cents; or, one large 2 1-i 1772—J. Richardson 137 And crops! Such melons! And peas! And In these oddly fashioned lines next we trace Dound can and Guide, $1.20. Sample package of Powder, 25 cents, five for §1.00. Six large cans, express orgpaid. for S5.00. Send stamps or cash. I. S. JOHNSON & CO.. 23 Custom-House Street. Boston. Mass. 1793— Robertson 137 such corn! Doy't talk. I went straight The vision of a maiden sweet and fair; 1757—William Sharpley 138 away to the kitchen and gave orders that By garden gate she waits; upon her face 1768—J. McDonough 138 every handful of coal ashes was to be placed Rests light's rosy tinge, as if gathered there 1770— Fairbr other 138 in fruit jars and kept in the refrigerator The ci-imson blush of thousand mornings' grace; 1773—Mrs. Clum 138 Or is it that glow of bliss beyond compare, —Countess of Desmond 140 until such time as I could have it applied to Aught else that love's warm thrill, as there she - 1778—Swarling (a monk) 142 the garden. No matter what price the stands, 1773-Cliarles McFinley 143 neighbors might offer for it, not an ounce of Holding in her own another's tender hands? 1757—John Effingham 144 it was to be sold. UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE COUNTRY, WILL OBI'^ 1783—Evan Williams 145 Then I went back to the desk and turned Life's busy noon unfolds; and what befell MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OP 1706—Thomas Winsloe 146 In sober age; how hands now pale and cold over to the next page of the paper, and a Were moved to kindly acts, oft strove to quell 1773—J. C. Drakenberg 146 farmer and market gardener in Hennessy HOOT 1653—William Mead 148 A neighbor's grief, and wipe the gathering mold 17GS—Francis Confl 150 county said that a mixture of pounded glass, Of death from aching brows. Sickbeds can tell; . I rock salt, alkali and brimstone, poured on red And poor their saintly deeds confess with old. 1 S(& 1543—Thomas Newman 152 hot, was far preferable, as a fertilizer, to Then rest, sweet hands, with scars of battle won. J* BLA 1656—James Bowels 152 coal W^aM^ffoLS BASIN BEER ...—Henry West 153 ashes. He said he had killed every tree in a Like folded banners when the day is done. Trade Mark „ .. —Varnum Lincoln. >\ I%Cas 1648—Thomas Damme 149 healthy orchard, and made the fairest kitchen 1635—Thomas Parr 152 garden in the Pomona valley a howling waste ellkF AV§ EXTRACT 1797—Joseph Surrington 160 by light applications of coal ashes. My blood Who Will Save the Melon? ;<6 ^N. y*. IS ESPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR 1C63—William Edwards 168 ran cold as I hastened out once more to noti­ Modern human skill seems to be equal to ftp} -wl' 1070—Henry Jenkins 169 O.EN UNION HOME USE. 1780—Louisa Truxo 175 fy the seneschal that if I found one flake of the solving of many problems over which our p-X-ajari IMM-I There Is no inconvenience attending It, and the coal ashes about the castle within fifteen grandfathers puzzled in vain. This is partic­ y expense is a mere trifle compared wltn the luxury 1830—Soloman Nibet. -. J43 5l£ W< minutes from the ukase (oo-kaz) I would hang ularly evident in the matter of preserving rl of having a cool, delightful 1823—Lucretia Stewart 130 SUMMER BEVERAGE 1S39—William James (South Carolina) 132 a few traitors, more or less, from the fourth food indefinitely, and of so prolonging the always in the house. 25-Cent bottles make 1846—Thomas Lightfoot (Canada) 127 story hook in the Martino tower. season in which to enjoy the eating of arti­ 10 gallons. Price, »3c„ 50c. and 91.25. 1861—Marion Mooro (England) 131 Montrose DRUGGISTS AND GROCKRS. Then I went back and read that any man cles formerly regairded as perishable. Bat 1869— Lockhart (Iowa) 127 who kept hens and wanted eggs must be pre­ there are, as yet, limits set upon man's abil­ 1878—Eulalia Perez (California) 140 I Sflverton^^Sgi J3L.Y'* —Edna Goodman (Arkansas) 127 pared to spend most of his income on corn, ity in the art preservative. There is the Catarrh 1888—Granny Rose (South Carolina) 131 but it would be the best investment he ever melon. Today it is peerless among table 1889— Wapmarek (Germany) 128 made. Nothing liko corn, not cracked, but fed fruit, and refreshes the palates of rich and j Espanol Cream Balm The cases of Thomas Parr, Henry Jenkins in whole grains, for making hens lay; it made poor. To-morrow it will pass into enforced • SANTARiVTi1 m% — JAlbuquer,^. Cleanses the and Louisa Truxo are the best authenticated them lay seven times a week when nothing retirement, for no man has discovered the sml • Nasal Passages. of any iu the list, notwithstanding that they else would, and in fact it was the only thing art of its preservation. Who would not de­ that would make hens lay all the year round. light to bring forth a perfect, untainted JSlchlta Falls. are given as being among the oldest. In 1887 Allays Pain and James James, a negro, living near Santa Rosa, Straightway I ordered a carload of corn to melon as an accompaniment to one's Thanks­ 8. ^P lfnco Hwfever lufiamation.' be purchased for the cackling denizens of giving turkey? And who, possessed of even Deming^ ^Et,Fu TTerm OLlTE. Mexico, proved to the satisfaction of a num­ OopyrfcM.lgg. T>y S. 6U Joha ber of doctors that he was 135 years old.—St. Crocus Hall, but before the messenger had set average means, would not willingly pay a Heals the Sores. Louis Republic. forth to corner the corn market I read from round sum for such a melon at Christmas THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. another <^:?>crt that "Rough on Rats" was time? The plebeian pumpkin is arrogant in Restores the much betfcv for hens than corn, inasmuch as its defiance of time and decay. The lordly (Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska Rys.) Senses of Taste Chinese Floating: Gard«ns. In the month of April a bamboo raft, 10 to it killed ti=?m at once, thereby saving great melon yields quickly to both. The human and Smell. voice can be so engrafted upon a waxen cyl­ Its main lines, branches and extensions west, northwest and southwest 12 feet long and about half as broad, is pre­ expense of keeping and was quite as produc­ inder as to be enduring. Yet the melon, include Chicago, Joliet, Ottawa, Peoria, La Salle, Moline, Rock Island in pared. The poles are lashed together with tive when viewed as an egg plant. He closed ILLINOIS—Davenport, Muscatine, Otcumwa, Oskaloosa, West Liberty, Iowa with its hard, compact covering, must be en­ City, Des Moines, Knonville, Winterset, Atlantic, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrie HAY-FEVER TRY THE CUBE. interstices of an inch between each. Over a narrative of his experience with corn by Centre, and Council Bluffs in IOWA—Minneapolis and St. Paul in MINNE­ piously hoping that the man who first sug­ joyed on the moment or not at all. Is there A particle is applied into each nostril and is this a layer of straw an inch thick is spread, no Edison of the melon patch, who shall pre­ SOTA—Watertown and Sioux Falls in DAKOTA—Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron, agreeable. Price 50 cents at Drngjri.-io ; by mail, and then a coating two inches thick of adhe­ gested the destruction of all the poultry in St. Joseph, and Kansas City in MISSOURI—Beatrice, Fairbury, and Nelson serve this delicious fruit as the wizard of registered, 60 cts. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren sive mud, taken from the bottom of a canal America by the use of corn as a food might in NEBRASKA—Horton, Topeka, Hutchinson, Wichita, Belleville. Norton, Street, New York. Iy44 electricity has preserved a more perishable Abilene, Caldwell, in KANSAS—Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, in COLO­ or pond, which receives the seed. The raft never, in this world or the next, be permitted thing? There i3 a fortune in store for such a RADO. Traverses new and vast areas of rich farming and grazing lands, is moored to the bank in still water, and re­ to eat a pullet, or taste custard, omelette, egg affording the best facilities of intercommunication to older States and to all man, and millions will rise up and call him. quires no further attention. The straw soon nog, or anything else in which the hen or her towns and cities in Southern Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, New EERLESS blessed.—Pittsburg Bulletin. Mexico, Indian Territory, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, California, and Pacific DYES gives way and the soil also, the roots draw­ product entered as a component part. He coast and trans-oceanic Seaports. LADIES P ing support from the water alone. In about said you must feed little else but than pound­ So lour Own Dyeing, at Home* ed bone. Advertisements on the Quilt. SOLID FAST VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS They will dye everything. They are sold everyw twonty days the raft becomes covered with where. Price IOC. a package. They have noequal the creeper (ipomcea reptams), and its stems While I was wondering whose bones I Some brilliant woman with a business head Of Palace Coaches—leading all competitors in splendor of equipment and , for Strength, Brightness, Amount in Packages and roots are gathered for cooking. In would like to pound my eye fell upon the tes­ upon her shoulders has invented a new fea­ luxury of accommodations—run. through daily between Chicago and Colo­ or for Fastness of Color, or non-fadine Qualities. timonial of one of the leading poulterers in ture for church fairs called the advertising rado Springs, Denver and Pueblo. Similar MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE They do not crock or smut; 40colors, for sale by autumn its small white petals and yellow TRAIN SERVICE daily between Chicago and Council Bluffs (Omaha), and stamens, nestling among the round leaves, New York state, who said that he had lost spread. Business houses and firms are visited between Chicago and Kansas City. Elegant Day Coaches, Dining Cars, J. G. Gregory & Co.; J. A. Riggs, No. 11 Main about ninety-eight of the finest hens that and requested to send in their advertisements Reclining Chair Cars (FREE), and Palace Sleeping. Cars. California Excur­ Street, Geo. ii. Plaisted, Druggists. Iy27 present a very pretty appearance. In some sions daily. Choice of routes to and from Salt Lake City, Portland, Lo$ places marshy land is profitably cultivated ever acted the fool in their sanest moments,, printed upon- a twelva inch square of white Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and intervening localities. Quick time, . This grape origi­ in this manner. by the ignorance or malice of a hired man, cotton cloth. These are taken in hand by the prompt connections and transfers in Union Depots. nated in tne Green who had mixed a spoonful of pounded bone young ladies of the church and the printed Mountains ot Ver­ Besides these floating vegetable gardens mont. It Is very there are also floating rice fields. Upon rafts in their feed one Sunday morning, while he, lettering entirely covered with the Kensing­ THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE early; color, green­ the owner, was at church. He said that when ton stitch in colored silks. The squares are ish white; pulp, ten­ constructed as above weeds and adherent Runs superbly equipped Express Trains daily each way between Chicago, der, sweet and dell- mud were placed as a flooring, and when the he came home and found what had been done then sewed together after the manner of a Rock Island, Atchison, St. Joseph, Leavenworth, Kansas City and Minne­ clous. The only he chased the soulless imbecile clear across patchwork quilt, the border neatly finished apolis and St. Paul. The Favorite Tourist Line to the scenic resorts, and grape yet Introduc­ rice shoots were ready for transplanting they ed that ranks first, were placed in the floating soil, which, being the township with a neck yoke, and if he'd a off with lace and ribbon, and the completed hunting and fishing grounds of the Northwest. Its Watertown Branch both in earliness caught him he'd a kicked him to death with spread hung up in some conspicuous part of courses through the most productive lands of Northern Iowa, Southwestern and quality. It adhesive and held in place by weed roots, the Minnesota, and East Southern Dakota. should oe In every plants were maintained in position through­ a hay tedder. the fair hall so that he who runs may read. THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to •*- - . jr garden. Send for So I let up on the corner and the market For this privilege the advertiser is not taxed, travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St. circular, giving further information. We also offer out the season. The rice thus planted ripeaed in from sixty to seventy in place of one hun­ broke all to pieces. I am now feeding my at certain fixed rates per word or line, but is Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. hens on anything- they like, same as I have modestly requested to contribute whatever For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired information, apply to any Coupon Mew Canaan, Conn. dred days. The rafts are cabled to the shore, Ticket Office in the United States or Canada, or address floating on lakes, pools or sluggish streams. been doing all summer. They wander around amount his pocketbook and bump of benevo­ GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 187o. These floating fields served to avert famines, the place and make their own selection, and lence may admit of, the result being gener­ E. ST. JOHN, E. A. HOLBROOK, if there is anything that I particularly" don't ally more satisfactory to the fair organizers General Manager. CHICAGO, ILL. Gen'l Ticket & Pass. Agent whether by drought or flood. When other W. BAKER & CO.'S fields were submerged and their crops sodden want them to have, they use it for dessert. of the fair than to the contributor, who has at least the consolation of feeling that he has or rotten, these floated and flourished, and However, there are just two things in ag and when a drought prevailed they subsided with poultri culture I would like to know: What been fleeced in a good cause.—New York the falling water and while the soil around is good to put on land, and what is the best World. IF YOU WAST kind of feed to scatter about your estate to Is absolutely pure and was arid advanced to maturity. Agricultural Finding the Nile Sources. it is soluble. treatises contain plates representing rows of make your hens lay and poison your neigh­ bor's.—Burdette in Brooklyn Eagle. It facilitates research very greatly to learn No Chemicals extensive rice fields moored to sturdy trees where not to look for anything which we are used 111 its preparation. It has myre on the banks of rivers or lakes which existed Fishing in the Wilsons. wish to find. The scientific world must be than ihrt« timet the strength of Cocoa formerly in the lacustrine regions of the deeply indebted to the Boer of South Africa, A HEATER mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, lower Yangtse and Yellow river.—China An invitation ha8 been received from a and is therefore far n^ro economical, who demonstrates the folly of looking for the costing less than one cent a cup. It is Review. party on the upper pond to visit their camp, sources of the Nile south of the equator. . delicious, nourishing, strengthening, EA­ and we thought this a good opportunity to "They are spending no end of money to THAT WILL SILY DIGESTED, and admirably adapted Unhappy Persia. try the fishing there, so one morning found find out the source of the Nile, and actually .. for invalids as well as persons in health- The shah himself is not a Persian, but « us paddling in that direction. As we passed Sold by Grocers everywhere. send people into Africa south of the equator Turk, the hereditary chief of a Turcoman our old fishing ground we concluded to stop to discover its source. **V. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. tribe; the language of liis private and domes­ for half an hour and try our luck. Each of "Well, is not the world round?" - tic life is not Persian, but Turkish. With us had a rod and a hand line, and all the hooks Taking an orange to illustrate the matter, Instant relief. Final cure in 10 the instruments of oppression ready to his were covered with worm bait. and drawing a line round the center of it, the days and never returns. No hand, he is all powerful for evil, provided he Before long I felt a bite—not a rush and a HeatYourHouse purge, no salve, no suppository. man said: Sufferers will learn of a simple is content with the lion's share of a plundered grab as a half pounder is likely to make, but I remedy FREE by addressing "Here is the equator. You see where the PILESTUTTLE

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"Vw* f ^ * v 1 • ; • • \ v • ' • •

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have him come up whenever he chose, as she WHITE KID GLOVES WON THE DAY. HUNT'S REMEDY. O. E. WILSON, THE MANDARIN'S HEADJ had taken a fancy to him. WILL CURE the Kidneys, To Inventors. The old English woman, overawed by the to Be REGULATE the Heart, and MAKES LIFE worth living fact that a great lady patronized the child, Off" at a Frontier Dance. In one of those tall New York flat bouses beat him no more, and sent him up stairs as " Ton can't afford to be without it." General Insurance & Real Estate Agent . which, without being very magnificent, are fresh and tidy as hands could make him. We decided to give a dance on Christmas .... . eve, and the frontier town of Hugo was in a . R. i,V-- • " . . very pretty, a lady was arranging the orna­ She had at least the virtue of cleanliness, and iO.Wi Money to Loan. •/•y -y • :-uV- ments and furniture of a parlor into which hour after hour the child played in the taste­ wild state of excitement. That was several i . •> • •; she had evidently just moved. ful apartments of the dear good lady, as he years ago, but I remember the whole thing HARDENBROOK'S BLOCK. WALL STREET, ocks, Bends, &c., Bought and Sold OFFICE: as perfectly as if it had happened yesterday. She was a very large woman, but of elegant called her, showing no trace of the obstinacy FAMILY GROCERIES, proportions, and her dress was handsome—a of which his grandmother accused him. The population of the place was like that of and Loans Negotiated at Lowest mofning robe of blae cashmere richly em­ He was a gentlemanly little fellow, and other western towns. There were four wo­ men there, t^vo children, and perhaps sixty or Rates of Interest. Cor. Louisiana Ave. and 7th St broidered. Behind her a little white capped never broke what he was allowed to play OOM NO. 3 GAZETTE BUILDING maid unpacked a basket of bric-a-brac, and, with, and Lady Vernon, who fancied her seventy men in all, most of whom were cow­ ATENTS! having dusted each piece, handed it to her heart grown cold since the object of her boys. Every man around the neighborhood «3r. R. BTIUGrTOW, NOUWAI-K, CONN. Washington, D. C.f mistress. adoration had been torn from it, found her­ had made his plans to be at that dance, and Washington, D. C. Through the open windows came the sound self once more warmly attached to a living why every head of cattle thereabout did not "mmmcC I™"1® MM FlMk Gives his Personal Attention o Procuriig of traffic—the rumble of wagons, the roll of creature. get away is a mystery, as the ranches were P W. H. MEEKER, carriage wheels. New York was at its busiest She began to wish that the child belonged all deserted on that evening. and gayest on that clear, late, autumn day. to her, and from that went on saying to her­ You may be sure that the fame of that oc­ «. It. (IKAUFUKD, iOfli Now and then the cry of some street vender self that it might. She could adopt the boy, currence spread throughout that part of PlnMi Steal and Ras Fitting, was heard, and a newsboy was striving to at­ perhaps; remove him from his grandmother's Colorado. The arrangements were gotten up tract purchasers by roaring "extraw—ex- influence, educate him, and bring him up as in a truly magnificent manner for Hugo. Investments, Real Estate and Insurance, SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. In the U. S. Patent Office and all Foreig traw," in deep, horror stricken tones, and, her son. He was one to do her credit. Yet The store was cleared up, the floor carefully Countries. amid all these noises, ever and anon arose a any mother will understand how a mother scrubbed and all the chairs in the town were ROOM 2, MASONIC BUILDING. arranged along the walls. The boys declared anitary Plumbing, and Ventilation, and An experience or nearly ten years in the Patent wail—shrill and plaintive as the shriek of the would shrink from putting another in her ow Pressure Steam Heating, a Specialty. Office has given him a perfect familiarity with banshee—which seemed to come from the in­ dead son's place. It almost seems like treach­ that th9 floor must be waxed, and so we every classification of invention and the pm ticu.ar terior of the house. ery toward that other nearer and dearer one, hunted up some beeswax and generously scat­ EHAMINEKS AND BUKEaUS, to which each tered it around. Of course it did not im­ Wm. Lochwood, PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES. and every invention is referred, ile has a com­ "Is there a sick child in the house, Phoebe?" and Lady Vernon hesitated, and indeed aban­ plete familiarity with the liules of Practice the lady asked, after she had listened with a doned the idea more than once, only to recur prove the floor, but it was wax, and wax Real Estate, Insurance and Investment Ptpe and Fitting for Steam anil Gas. the Records, Models, Ac., Ac., &c., an shudder to this sound for several minutes. to it again. She strove hard not to love the was what we wanted. It was agreed that every detail of the ofllce, and GIVES HIS PER­ Securities. Agent for the Florida Low Pressure Soiler. SONAL ATTENTION to the interests of his "What a fearful wail!" child, but her heart was beyond her control. the dance was to be conducted in true eastern MOWET TO IfOA.nr. Clients. Being on the ground, and visiting the "Yes, my lady," replied Phoebe, "and it is Little Martin crept into it, though she fashion, and we all unstrapped the belts of Facilities for Cutting and Threading all Sizes of Patent Office daily, he can serve Inventors in tearful to be sure. It's the janitress' little strove to banish him by the thought of her our six-shooters that evening, some of us for insurance Placed ill First-CIass Companies pe. 50tf securing their Letters Patent far more advantage the first time in a good many days. The ously than Solicitors who do not reside boy, if you please, my lady." baby Roderick, whose grave was in the sea. Ofllce—Cor. MAIN & WALL STS., NORWALK Washington. "Phoebe, we are in America, and you must One day, to steel herself against this new crowning touch to the arrangements was a ly 13 try to say ma'am, as the other maids do," love by memories of her boy, Lady Vernon supper. There was not a man in Hugo or TO HORSE OWNERS! said the mistress, with a smile, "I am not took from the depths of one of her traveling fifty miles around whose chest did not swell Searches and Rejected rich enough to play my lady here in my na­ trunks a box in which she kept Roderick's with pride when he thought of that supper; J. BELDEN MJRLBUTT, We keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Applications tive country, though the title belongs to me toys. She turned them over and her tears "collation" we called it. in England." fell upon them. How we were going to arrange about part­ Kentucky and Ohio Horses, A Specialty. To all those whose application ners did not worry us much, for at a dance in Attorney and Counselor at Law, have been rejected, he will make an examination "Yes, ma'am, I'll remember, ma'am," said "No, my baby," she said, "I will not have [•J Room No. 4V Up Stairs, selected with great care in the western markets. and report on the same gratuitously. Prelimin • the maid. "But if you please, ma'am, that another son to take your place—I will not." those days the principal feature was the tfAZETTE BUILDING, NORWALK, CONN. We have horses suitable for all purposes and no ary examination of the Patent Office Records* is the janitress' child a-howling. Sarah, at dance. But there was one thing over which one who wants a thoroughly reliable animal should prior to an application for a patent, will be made Then she cried out to Phoebe: "Ah, Phoebe, purchase before seeing what we have to oiler. the second flat, ma'am, she told me how it here is the mandarin he loved so! He had I, for one, lay awake nights. That was the for a very small charge, and adviye or informa­ "calling off." The distinction of being chosen We also keep constantly on hand at our Carriage tion in regard to patents will be given in full was. It isn't sickness, ma'am, its beatings." the head in his hand when nurse left him on ALEX. S. GIBSON, Repository a complete line of CARRIAGES from detail in a circular which will be mailed free ot "Beatings?" repeated the lady. the shore. Oh, Phoebe!" to call off the figures can hardly be appre­ Organist of 1st Congregational Church, Waterbury, the best makers, which are manufactured for us charge to every applicant. He has special ciated in these days and in this country. The Teacher of to special order; every carriage warranted. facilities also for "Yes, my la—I mean yes ma'am. She does "Dear heart, so he had," said Phoebe. "He WAGONS and CARTS of every description. beat it awful, she does." used to take the head out always." man thus honored always had his position at Pianofor e, Organ and Musical HARNESSES, WHIPS, ROBES, BLANKETS "Do you suppose she is doing it now?" At that moment little Martin ran into the the head of the room right next to the violin, Procuring Patents in Foreign "Yes, ma'am," said Phoebe. room. He spied the box of toys and rushed and of course he was one of the head couple. DAMN'S LIYERY STABLE, His power was hardly less than that of a dic­ Composition, "And the people in the house permit it?" toward it. OFFICE 48 WAlili ST., NORWALK Countries tator. The "caller" was always elected by a Lock Box 39 P O., NORWALK, CONN. cried the lady. "You must not touch them," said Phoebe. OPP. D. & N. R. R. DEPOT 35 He refers to any officer of the Patent Office, and "They don't interfere,'' said Phoebe. "They "They are dear little Master Roderick's, and vote of the ladies just as the violin began to 10 tne many Connecticut Inventors for whomThe have spoken, if you please, but she says as he is dead." And she drew him back. tune up. has done business and taken out LETTERS PATBN "Bill" Stevens was admitted by every one 7|7*T A IX SUlt V NE o., or IIARTFORD. her child is her own property, please ma'am, Eor the first time the child showed the tem­ XEj Incorporated 1812. Charter Perpetual. and she'll do as she likes." per the janitress credited him with. to be the best man who had ever squared XL D HARTLEY'S The lady smiled. "They are mine!" he said. • away as he sang out in sonorous tones, "Sash- CAPITAL IND ASSETS, $8,902,272.64. HENRY D. CORNELL, ee-ay," or "dose-oe-dough." He was an ideal "Show me the way to the janitor's room, He ran up to Lady Vernon again and Insures against loss and damage by Fire, on House, Sign, Outside and Inside Phoebe," she said. caught her arm. "caller" in the minds of Hugo's citizens. We erms adopted to the hazard and consistent with GATARRH REMEDY "It's below; the sounds come up the regis­ all expected that he was sure to be selected. he laws of compensation. COWLES & MERRILL. Is the best remedy known for the cure of Catarrh "Say," he cried, "they are mine!" and sud­ Sole Agents for Norwalk ana vicinity. ters. I suppose," said Phoebe. Then the two denly he seized the mandarin in both hands He always was. and its attendant ailments; it is safe, painless, and Every one was promptly on hand that never fails to give relief. This remedy cleanses Painterand Decorator descended the stairs together. and dashed out of the room with it. evening. Late arrivals were not the fashion INER D. RANDALL, Architect and Super the nose, head and throat of ail unhealthy secre­ Would announce to his friends and the publ c At a door leading from the entrance hall— Lady Vernon stared in amazement. The M intendent. tions, and soothes and heals the inflamed parts. that he has a force of Superior "Workmen, and a pretty door with a little sliding panel be­ toy he had clutched was in her eyes a sacred in Hugo. "Bill" Stev.ens was resplendent in Plans and Specifications for all kinds of Build­ When the remedy is once tried the beneficial re­ ings. piepared to execute all orders of side it like those at the box offices—they relic of her dead son. a new blue flannel shirt adorned with shining sults are so prompt and satisfactory that the suf­ brass buttons, and he had on a bright red Artistic designs for stairways, mantels, side­ ferer never fails to continue the treatment until Painting, Papering or Glazing, paused at the instant a terrible scream was "Stop him, Phoebe!" she gasped. "He is boards, etc. permanent r«Uef is obtained, heard within, and the lady opened the door a bad child—a rude little creature, after all!" necktie. He had new heels on his boots, and Framing or working plans for all kinds of build­ nthebeststyl of the art, and at the shortest no­ on the whole was gotten up faultless; that is, ings accurately made. tice. As he works with his men himself and thus and entered. Phoebe started in hot pursuit, but the child Do Not Neglect a Bad Cold personally oversees all the delails of their labor A wiry, old woman in a black dress and according to the fashion laws of Hugo. Office, Cor Main and Wall sts., Norwalk. Open he can pledge the very best execution, and an as­ was already back again. He had availed Use Hartley's Catarrh Kamedy for its Immediate white apron, with a little cap on her head— himself of the elevator which was coming There was only one man in the town who Wednesday and Saturday evenings. surance that none but tne best of honest materia, ly47 Cure. will ever be used by him.; the very picture of neatness—stood in the up. He was radiant, smiling, his cheeks could in any way compare with Stevens, Residence, Riverside ave., East Norwalk. lyl either as a careful dresser or as a "caller." He is ready to contract for any and all work in middle of an orderly room, holding a little aglow. his line and guarantee satisfaction. Or he wil. boy by the collar of his pink shirt waist and "See!" he cried to Lady Vernon, and pre This was Col. Metcalf, but the colonel that Building* Materials, &c. iwork by the day or hour, and at prices that defy beating him with a bundle of tagged leather sen ted her with the china mandarin no longer night did not seem to be at his best. His gray Geo. H. Raymond, competition. flannel shirt had no brass buttons, and cer­ UILDING STONE, all qualities of sand, eel Orders received by mail or at his residence,over thongs. It is the old instrument of punish­ headless, but wearing his round, smiling face, B lars dug, gardens and grounds renovated Mrs. Fawcett's Millinery Store. 34 ment on some vessels yet, I believe, but sail­ his arched eyebrows, and his»braided pigtail tainly his green tie was not so gorgeous as horses and carts for hire. I have some thoroughly ors make them and sell them to civilians as again. the flaming red one of Stevens. When the rotted and very line manure for flower beds. first mournful note of the violin was sounded, J. W. EDMUNDS, Furniture Dealer. "furniture beaters" now. "That is just what he wanted," added little No.6South Union Avenue. This woman was putting the thing to its Martin. however, the colonel, with a flourish, drew AT THB OLD STAND, Geo. S. Gregory. from his pocket, a pair of white kid gloves P. O. Box 654, Norwaltk original purpose, and the torture of such Lady Vernon had never fainted in her life Oleave orders atP. W. Bates'Ma d I 36 MAIN STREET. blows, even when given by her weak, little or she would have done so then. She was and began to squeeze his hands into them. old arm, must have been terrible to so small bewildered, terrified. The ladies' committee of four had apparently Large Stock of all kinds of Furniture Cheap Livery, Boarding, Sale, a child. She examined the mandarin closely. She already made their choice, but at this point JESSE HOP SON for Cash. Also three heads went together in their corner and "Take that and sass me again," she cried— was positive that the head he wore had origi­ Fez6 and Exchange •"!T / there was a hurried consultation in whispers. "take that, and that!" nally belonged to him. Besides, the toy was FURNISHING UNDERTAKER. Then I, as floor manager, was summoned and A moment more and she paused. Some not an ordinary one to be matched in every Carriage Maker. I am prepared to take charge day or night and onfe had coolly taken her by the collar of her shop. requested to announce to the colonel that he arnish everything necessary for the intement of Stables. would have the honor of "calling off" the fig­ ne dead. Telephone Connection with residence dress and drawn her back. Now a lady, to This was the head that had been in her Carriage Repairing and Fainting No. 3 Berkley Place. lv5 whose shoulder the janitress' head scarcely child's hand when he was left by his nurse ures of the dances that evening. Wherever in Colorado the colonel got those AT REASONABLE PKICES. reeched, took the cat-o'-nine-tails from her upon the beach. She looked at Martin 4tf and drew the wailing child toward her. again. gloves always remained a mystery. I know iHS&i that they were the first I had seen west of the "You ought to be ashamed of yourself," "Where did you get that?" she asked. Missouri, for we seldom got near any large said this unexpected visitor, curtly. "If the "It is mine," said the child, "and so are all PLYMOUTH KOCK ICE. child needed correction a little switch would towns. But, at any rate, he led the dance HAVE a large quantity of Ice on hand. It was those." I frozen on pure water. It is clear, clean «nd be enough. I've a mind to have you arrested Lady Vernon was trembling from head to that night, and it was admitted on all sides that his maneuver was most brilliant and solid ice. All orders promptly attended to. for using this." foot. A moment more and she had sent for Thanking my customers for past favors,I solicit "And what right have you to interfere, strategic.—New York Tribune. a continuance of their patronage. A Full Stock of Furniture of all klnda* the janitress. 19tf ma'am, I'd like to know!" cried the woman. The woman came at once. R. L. ELLS. "I am Lady Vernon," responded the other, "Where did your grandson get this?" the How to Make an £ollan Harp. THE PARLOR AND BEDROOMSETS quietly. lady asked, pointing to the mandarin's head. Wax a piece of buttonhole twist about two No. 14 Knlsbt St^ She knew that the woman was of English "The chany head? He has always had it," and a half feet long; tie each end strongly to a specialty. ; birth by her accent, and she chose to overawe Norwalk Fire Insurance Co. (Inrear of HorseCar Depot),' said the old woman. "It fits the image; but a small peg and thrust the pegs down the Has now completed its her by a title. She succeeded. indeed I think he's no thief. Anyway, it's crevice between the two sashes of your south­ NORWALK, CONN. "I'm sure, my lady," cried the janitress, been with him since I had him." ern or western window, stretching the silk as 18th SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS YEAR DAVID STOW, £8|C.irriages furnished at all n.urj. Cjurteo "your ladyship cant know how the child And nas not outstanding a dollar of unpaid losses tentioa and gentleminiy drivers, "When did you get him?" asked Lady Ver­ tight as possible. It will surprise you, the or claims for losses. No sound companv insures Main Street opp. Depot tries my patience, and all I have to bear." non. "Where? Whose child is he? You call sweetness and variety of the tones the wind Tor less. "And I'm sure," replied my lady, "that him your grandchild—is be really so*" will bring from it. Having done this you W. c. STREET, Pres., GEO. B. ST. JOHN, Treas., youH have to control your temper, for The woman hesitated. Then she answered, may be moved to go further and prepare a GEO. R. COWLRS. Secretary. SOUTH NORWALK, CONN though the owner of this house is abroad I slowly: more elaborate seolian harp. HENRY TILLY could write to him and have you dismissed, "No, my lady, I've nothing to do with him Take some quarter inch wood and make a you know." any way. He is nobody's child, I've always box the length of your window frame, four £3xpr ess. CARRIACE MAKER, "I'm sure you'll not do that to a poor wid­ thought. William and me never had any or five inches deep and six or seven inches Patronize the old reliable F. KOCOUR, ow, my lady," sobbed the ianitress. children—we married late in life—and one wide. Bore a few small holes in a circle near SOUTH NORWALK, CONJS "If you strike the child again I shall,''said day a gentleman William bad been groom to what will be the upper side of the back of iDAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. Lady Vernon. "Phoebe, bring the child up­ came to him. 'I'm going to be married, Wil­ the box when placed in the window with the Low RATES AND PROMPT DELIVERY. Merchant Tailor. stairs and amuse him a little. Now, my good liam,' said he, 'and there's a boy I'd like to open side of the box, fasten two bridges like Branch Office, Norwalk. at S. K. Stanley's Manufacturer of woman, what is the price of this thing?" have out of the way. I've been a little wild, violin bridges, one at each end, and stretch Mam Office at Depot, South Norwalk. tfl2 Is ready to show the finest and largest stock of "It's my furniture beater, ma'am," cried and—you understand?' And William of on them several strings of fine catgut, con­ L. HUNT, Agent. the woman, "worth a/dollar." course thought he did. So he told William triving a series of screw pins to aid in the Family Carnages, Victorias, Bugies, to. The lady placed some money on the table that he'd give him a sum of money to take tight stretching necessary, and allow of their SPRING & SUMMER GOODS and walked away with the cat-o'-nine-tails the child to America and call him his grand­ being turned to one note. Then raise your G. A. FRANKE, All Kinds of Repairing. under her arm, while the janitress started child—and it was enough to open a public sash on the windy side of the house, and the which he will make up in the Best of Style, at after her. house with, and that was William's ambition. wind passing through the hole and over the the Lowest Prices. "A real lady," she said, in an awe stricken So he paid the money and we got the boy the strings will in its rising and falling make THE HAIBCUTTER, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BUY YOUR voice. "Ah, but they are 'aughtyl they're day we went aboard ship, five years ago this very sweet music.—Baptist Weekly. 13 and 15 Main street, Norwalk, Conn. born to it." autumn. He cried a good deal and wanted No. 1 Gazette Building. It so happened that Lady Vernon was born his mother—some light of love of the gentle­ Trouble of Catarrlv Sufferers. in Massachusetts, a Yankee girl to the back­ HOT AND COLD BATHS. FURNITURE man's, I suppose. And he had that chany People who suffer from nasal catarrh have bone, and a country minister's daughter, but head in his pocket; he's kept it ever since. more or less throat irritation, and not infre­ GENERAL MARKET OF an Englishman of title had come to "the He don't break anything, and—I hope noth­ quently what they term "dropping of the States," met her and married her. She had ing is wrong, ma'am?" palate," properly speaking, elongated uvula. PENSIONS Meat, Fish, Vegetables, &c. gone to England with him and there great "No—go on!" gasped my lady. "Tell me It is not generally known that the last men­ And GOVERNMENT CJ, AIM'S my sole busi­ GT. 33» .§•* iT nJELgfiS misfortunes had befallen her. Her husband the gentleman's name!" ness. Rejected and Increase claims a speciality. tioned trouble is quite a common cause of Don't delay. Address or visit broke his neck while hunting, and a few "The gentleman's name was Mr. Alfred nausea, more pronounced in the morninf LOCKWOOD k LOCKWOOD, pposite Horse Railway Depot. A good ne now weeks afterward her little son was drowned., Farnham," said the janitress. "And my in stock of when the uvula rests against the base of the GEiST. WM. NOBLE, MAIN STREET. The nurse had left him for a moment near the poor husband failed in the public house, lost tongue. Quite recently a case was reported shore at a seaside resort, to which she had all, and left the child on my hands besides which shows how much disturbance this No. 91 STRATFORD AVE , BKIDG PORT, CT All kinds of the best qualities of Meats, Fish, .'arlor, Haiter. Dining' and Kitctai taken him; when she returned he was not to when he died. Oh! my lady, what is it?" change in the uvula may cause. The patient Clams, Vegetables, etc., are kept constantly on be seen. His hat floating upon the water told "It is this," cried Lady Vernon: "Mr. Al­ was a girl 18 years old. For months she suf­ HENRY HUSS, hand, and will be sold by us as low as can be pro­ FURNITURE the tale. And shortly the widow found that fred Farnham is my husband's younger fered from nausea on first rising in the morn­ cured at any market in Norwalk. We intend to the sad event had made a difference in her brother. My child inherited the estates and ing. Sho had little appetite for breakfast, prove to our customers that we deserve their :>erelyour home withoutextr expense. means and position. The estates went to the title. In order to gain them for himself he and if she ate any was likely to vomit it up. •J WHW MUlUUlUg, J.IUUU1, patronage by fair and generous dealing. second brother in the event of the child's t, abducted my child, and all this while I have The unpleasant symptom disappeared in the 1V40 LOCKWOOD & LOCKWOOD. death, and that which was hers as his guar­ believed him dead. It is he—it is the little course of two or three hours. She had no Grand Central Station, dian during his minority passed away. THE NOW FAMOUS fellow there! I have loved him from the cough, no tickling in the throat or sense of 4 STREET AND 4TH AVENUE, NEW YORK She eared very little, for her heart was first. My heart told me the truth, though I irritation, henco none of the "hawking," broken by this second blow, and with what did not understand. Roderick, my darling, which is the common cause of nausea in Entrance from waiting room, New York, New F. W. JAQUI. JR., little remained to her she left the home en­ come to me—I am your mother!" Haven and Hartford railroad. if32 NEW CANAAN catarrh. Various medicines had been used, DEALER IN deared to her by such fond recollections, With a scream of joy the child flew into but all to no purpose. The end of the uvula Middlesex Banking Company, plainly seeing that the new heir was glad to her arms. was clipped off, and at once the morning have her go. He had always hated his broth­ "And to think that I should never have sickness ceased altogether.—Boston Herald. OF MIDDLETOWN, CONN. er's wife, "that Yankee woman." known it," the mother sobbed, "but for that Organized under charter from the State of Con­ Stoves, Portables Brict-SetRaiiffes That was five years before. Time had soft­ necticut ; Capital $500,000. little mandarin's head! What blind worms Thackeray's Playful Nature. Furnaces and Steam Heaters, ened her sorrow, but life had little to offer we poor mortals are!" 6 per cent. Investment Bonds at Par and Accrued her. She had loved too well to marry again. I fancy that Mr. Alfred Farnham hated A lady tells this story of tho novelist Interest. Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, Wooden, Glass G. F. JOHNSON. C. T. RAYMOND Her parents were dead and she had been an his Yankee sister-in-law more than ever, and Thackeray, who once visited her house. B. CRAUFURD, Agent, only child. yet she was lenient to him. After having told, a lot of delightful stories Room 2 Masonic Building. and Crockery Ware. Mr. Thackeray remarked that ho must leave, JOHNSON & RAYMOND Sho had traveled quietly over Europe dur­ "I could punish you terribly," she said. FOR KEEPING Iterriger&tors and House Furnishing Goods. ing these years, and now returned to dwell in "But you were my husband's brother; I he was so terribly hungry. We told him that her native land, bringing her maid Phoebe shall keep the story to myself. The family we could givo him a really good dinner. Generally. A Full line of New Canaan, Conn. ' . : with her. lawyers will maintain silence, and the world "There is nothing, my dears, you can give CIDEB SWEET The girl now knelt on the floor playing need only know that my boy—the real Lord me," he answered, with a funny sigh, "for I CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. could only eat the chop of a rhinoceros or a USE with the child, a pretty little fellow, well Vernon—is restored to mf Only, as you mubing. «as and Steam Fitting, and Hot Air Mannfactnrers of Car* cared for as to cleanliness. have a place in Scotland, you will go to it slice from an elephant." "Yes, I tan," ex­ ANTIFERMENTiNE. Engineering. Agent for the liicliardson "Why docs she beat you so, darling?" she and never let me see your face again." claimed my 3-year-old sister. Sho disappear­ ONLY 30 CENTS A PACKAGE. & Boynton Go's. ed into a big cupboard and soon emerged asked. "How could any one strike him, And Mr. Alfred Farnham, though before AT IIAIiE'S DRUG STORE. Estimates and Drawings Furnished of any ma'am?" the lawyers he affected- to believe that the with a look OL' triumph on her fat little face, Furnaces and Ranges, holding in her hands a wooden rhinoceros Style of Carriage, Wagon or Truck. "Heaven knows," said Lady Vernon. Yankee wife of his dead brother had tricked ' Also agent for the Economy ' • "Pheebe, he is just the age my boy would them all, was glad to take himself away in and an elephant from her Noah's ark. Put­ GOOLD HOYT, : . - - . have been, I think." Her tears began to safety. ting the two animals on a plate she handed I AM & WARM AIR COMBINATION HEATER SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO fall. "You are too merciful, Lady Vernon," one them with great gravity to Mr. Thackeray. REAL ESTATE AGENT, of the legal gentlemen who kept the family The great man laughed and rubbed his hands kinds of Ornamental and Plain Slateing, Tin REPAIRING. ' / A foolish fancy that the child was like her Shingle Roofing, lost son came into her mind. secret said to her, but she answered: with glee, and then taking the child in his ROOM 4, GAZETTE BUILDING. 3m5 , > ' "Trouble softens the brain, I fancy," she "Alone there by the sea he might have arms kissed her, remarking: "Ah, little *«painng Done by Experienced Workmen murdered him—cast his body into the waves First-CIass Livery Attached said to herself. > rogue, you already know the value of a kiss." Short Notice. and left him there to drown. He spared my Then he asked for a knife and fork, smacked ree Office Room to Rent. The child played with Phoebe for an hour, N GAZETTE Building, second floor front boy's life and that is why I spare him—fam­ his lips and pretended devour the elephant and then the girl conveyed a message to the ily pride has nothing to do with it.—Mary to formerly editorial rooms of the GAZETTE 5S WALL STREET, CARRIAGES CALLED FOR AND and rhinoceros.—New York Star. Enquire of janitress that Lady Vernon would like to Kyle Dallas in The Fireside Companion. CHAS. OLMSTEAD, Norwalk. WORM ALK, CONN < FOR REPAIR AXD PAIN'TIN

..i- rVvl'V .j. . i NOR WALK GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1889.- ™ —'

Our Bridgeport Letter. ner, W. D. Bishop, Jr., Judge A. B. Beer THE OLD AND RELIABLE Rev. Charles Ray Palmer, pastor of the Wm. E. Seeley, cashier First National North Congregational church, in this cily, Bank, don. D. N. Morgan, president HILLSIDE, NORWALK, CT. ailed on Wednesday last on the steamer City National Bank, David Trubee, presi THE SHAKERS MY MUM Britannic to attend the opening of the dentPequonnock National Bank, senator MBS. MEAD'S HOME SCHOOL FOB OF MOUNT LEBANON, N. Y., Mansfield college, Oxford, England. The D. M. Read. Giover Seuford, lion Clapp corporation of Yale University, commis­ Spooner, II. R. Parrolt, Henry Atwatei GIRLS AND YOUNG LADIES sioned Mr. Palmer, one 'of its members, to F. M. Wilson, W. H. Kelsey and Col. W Have Learned the Secrets IrwaMewM. On and after Monday, Sept. 23d, (until further represent them, and to carry a new degree U. Stevenson. The officers of the club OF THE RE-OPENS OCT. 3, 1889. notice) THE PROPELLER!* to the new college. Before his departure are as follows: President, Fred A. Mason Mountain Herbs Applications for admission to the School may be mado at oncc. Mr. Palmer preached in his own church a First Vice President, George C. Waldo ail Hale a Ner ! historical sermon, showing the rise of Second Vice President, Plenty Atwater For Circulars Address, Puritanism, and its progress in the thir­ Secretrry, W. H. Kelsey; Treasurer Medical Jjiscovery. teenth and fourteenth centuries. The Wm. E. Seeley. w. G. t, MRS. M; E. MEAD, Sorwalk, Coiin. Mtiglor tells Heigltmr 3m32 sermon was so much admired that by re­ Bridgeport, October 7, 1889. City of Norwalk and Eagle >•» Will make daily trips, Sundays excepted, fo quest he repeated it in the South Congre­ freight between New York, Norwalk and South gational church, Sunday evening, Sept., New York Fashions. from House to House. Norwalk. Will leave Pier 23, foot of Beekman St. Hats and bonnets for ordinary wear are New York, every evening, except Saturdays, at 5 30tli, to a large congregation, and at the THE o'clock, and on Saturdays at 2 p. m. close a resolution was adopted extending of felt aud the latter are very small and Bit tlis Eeieiy Cures only One Disease. Freight received from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m. through Mr. Palmer, sympathy and con­ close to the head. Variety must be looked INDIGESTION.. Freight taken from and received for all points for in the former, and is found in very on the Daubury and Norwalk and Sliepaug Rail­ gratulations to their Congregational breth­ broad brimmed felts or furry beavers with Yet what more could we hope for? Do we not roads at' Greatly Reduced Rates. ren in old England. know that nine-tenths of our pain and suffering Upon application to Agents the City of Norwalk crowns of the same or felt; in shapes hav arises from this one prevailing com-plalnt t On last Thursday evening last, Mr. F Kheumatism, liver complaint and urinary troubles and Eagle will be sent for special lots of freight ing the brims rolled in many fanciful are nothing more nor less than symptoms of anywhere in New York or its vicinity. A. Chaffe was united in marriage to Miss All persons are forbid trusting any of the ways, in turbans, toques, English walking chronic indigestion and dyspepsia. Itemove the Lillian E Paddock, at the residence of the cause and the effect disappears. Clear out the employees of the boats of this line on account of and sailor hats, these last being a novelty ashes aud the lire burns bright. Undigested the owners thereof. bride's parents on Park street,by the Rev. food Alls the blood with poison and impurity, D. M. READ CO., in winter. It is on hats moreover, that George L. Thompson. The bride is a so that we feel tired, languid, weak and feeble. odd ideas find room for display and ex­ HOUSATONIC RAILROAD. beautiful young lady and has many Shaker Extract of Roots, or Seigel's Syrup dis­ travaganzas as well. Here, the rage for sipates the headache, restores the lost, appetite, Danbury and Noirwalk Division. friends, and with her husband received builds up broken constitutions, and removes that black birds can display itself and every day bane of our lives—constipation. Sold by all drug­ Corrected February 4tli, 1SS9. the congratulations and good wishes of all gists, and by brings something more bizarre in this PASSENGER TRAINS * present at this happy event. They were ly40 v A. .T. WHITE, 16S Duane St., New York SOUTH. the recipients of many valuable presents, line, where stiff, pointed quill feathers or spread out wings, shoot upward and out­ Lv. Norwalk. Lv .So. Norwalk, Ar.Wilson Poin and after a wedding supper, they depart-, — 6 02 a. m. 610 a. m. i ward with grotesque result. Happy the 7 32 a. m. . 7 6G " 8 03 «• id for iNewYork. During their absence 817 " 8 27 " 8 35 «• woman however, who can sport one or KASKINE they will visit Washington and other 10 03 «' JO 13 " 10 20 " more blackbirds and in the midst of bright (THE NEW QUININE.) 12 50 p.m. loop.m. loip. m. places in the south, returning about the Our new importations for 434 " 446 " 463 " or delicate surroundings they are a wierd 618 " Mixed 6 36 "Mxd. 6 46 " Mixed 1st, of November. 8 02 " 8 07 " 815 " contrast, or placed on entirely black hats Brain Workers I do not wonder that Judge Selleck 9 47 .' 10 24 " 10 31 " are worn with aesthetic gowns or cloaks. was filled with wrathful indignation at the RORTH. Black is leading element in every de­ Lv. Wi-son Point Lv, So. Norwalk, Ar, Norwalk insult offered him by some foolish per­ a Dyspeptics, partment of dress, and in every depart­ a. m. a. m. a. m. sons in daubing his statue with paint. 6 26 " 6 35 '• 6 41 " ment of dress, and in millinery, colors on 8 45 " 918 " 9 33 " Perhaps the Judge has offended some of 12 01 " 1213 " It 18 " black produce many striking effects, as Chronic Mil s 50 p. m. . 310 p. m. s 16 p. m. the vilhins that he has given their just 4 25 " 5 18 " 517 " where such contrasts as canary and bright ML & TUTU THAI! 7 15 " deserts, in his official capacity, for cer­ green, or old rose and blue, are placed on 5 50 " 6 35 •' 6 40 " tainly no one having any claim to decency All Praise it, 1010 " 1017 " 10 24 " a sombre foundation, or where bright or would think of perpertrating such an out­ i Limited Express, New York and PittsBeld, via. delicate foundations arc toned down by D k N. Division, going South leave South Nor- rage on any one. are now being received and as usual will be found to lwalk at 7:44 p. m. Going North leave Soath Nor­ The Rambling Wheelmen of this city black. Enormous bows of wide black No Narcotic. walk at 4:15 p. m. ribbon give a dash to large hats or with comprise the most important and attractive patterns for Sleeping Car train, New York and Pittsfleld' will hold their second annual lantern A POWERFUL TONIC. e ave Bridgeport at 11:45 p.m., every Saturday greater refinement, a trimming of from one A SPECIFIC FOB MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, gowns that could be gathered from foreign and domestic night. parade on Friday evening. The club has NERVOUS PUOSTBATION. to two and a half inch black velvet ribbon W. H. STKVKNSOV, Vice-Pres. and^Gen'l Manager now a membership of over 70, and is one THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL markets. F. C. PAYNE, Superintendent. imparts due gravity to a bright bonnet. BIX)OD PURIFIER. Superior to qainin? A. W. P , General Passenger Agent. of the leading clubs of the state. One day Mrs. J. C. Scarboro, of selma, N. C., wife pf the EKRIN last week about 18 of the club members Two and a half inches is indeed the pop­ ex-Superintendent of Public Schools of that State, ular width for bonnet ribbon, narrowness suffered from excessive nervous depress! >n, ex­ participated in a run to South Norwalk', haustion aud neuralgia, from malaria. She was We are introducing many special and exclusive styles New York, New Haven & being preferable for heavy winter text­ rapidly cured by Easkine. She says: "I can now taking dinner at the Mahackemo Hotel. go to sleep in my chair." This run proved to be one of the most en­ ures such as satin black velvet, double- "I was all run down with nervous depression Hartford Railroad. faced satin or gros grain and satin in for which I had, by the advice of pli > sicans, tak joyable of the season, and the kindness of en a great deal of quinine and iron without bene­ OCTOBER 6th, 1889. double weave. Contrasts are freqnent or fit. After I had used three bottles of Kaskine of Messrs. Newcomb & Walz of the hotel, people expressed their surprise at seeing me look NEW YORK DIVISION. will never be forgotten. The rooms of two tones. Birds and feathers are shown ing so well."—Isaac Knox, Newark, N. J. KasMne can be taken without any 'special med­ the club are at No. 348 Main street, where without end for trimming and through­ FIRE DRESS FABRICS. Trams leave South Norwalk as follows:— ical advice. $1.00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. any wheelmeu will find a most hearty out there is perpetual flavor of artihcial- Sold by druggists or sent by mail on receipt of For New York.—Accommodation trains at ness, since feather-bands are dyed to or­ price. Iy40 6.55, 8.30, 9.36, a. m., 1.20 2.45, 5.08, welcome. KASKINE CO., ICS Duane St., New York. In plain fabrics our stock will be as usual the largest and 6.38 (to Stamford only) 7.06,8.11, 10.18, p. m. der, while birds are made to suit require­ Express trains at "5.16 (except Mondays), 5.46, The will of the late Capt. John Brooks and superior for its good qualities and moderate prices. 6.12,(lo«al), 7.23 (local), 7.56 (local) ,8.26 (local) has been decided invalid by the supreme ment, all sorts and sizes being dyed biack. 9.03 (Springfleld Jlocal), 10.11, 11.37 a. m.; 12.59 To this the humming-bird is an exception JOHN & JAMES (Springfield local), 4.46, 5.20, 6.48,7.51, (daily lex- court. This decision has caused genuine cept sunday)p. m. sensation, because it was generally sup­ and in clusters they perch, or nestle pretty For New Haven nnd the Fast.—Accommo­ in death as in life. The leading col­ dation trains at 6.31,, 10.40 a., m., 1.42,^,^' posed by the public at large that the will *.28,5.13,6.23 and 7.2$; to Bridgeport, 8.41, 9.41, ors in millinery are Eiffel rust, old rose, 11.07 p. m. Express irains at 9.16, a. m.: had been sustained by the courts. The 12.13,1.07 (local), 3.08,4.11 (Housatonic Express) Brooks homestead had been sold to Dr. grayish blue, green, plum, brilliant red, In Outside Garments 5.09 (Naugatuck Express) 7.15, (Springfleld local), 12.43 a. m. (Boston express). I. De Ver Warner, and he had presented heliotrope and canary, the latter being D0BS0N, Sundays.—Accommodation 7.38, 9.12 a. m., very effective on dark or black founda­ we have ready the early novelties, the colors for the and 6.47 p. m. the same to the Y. M. C. A. and they had MANUFACTURERS. O. M. SHEPARD, Gen. Supt. commenced building on the site. Serious tions. Some new out-door garments are coming season are empire green, chandron, (a combina­ O. T. HEMPSTEAD. Gen. Pass. Agt. complications are likely to ensue from almost combination costumes and quite cover the dress below. Velvet and heavy tion of terra cotta and copper) Havana, bordeaux, ma­ this last decision. The directors voted to 1 INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR NEW HUDSON RIVER 1)1 DAYLIGHT suspend operations until the matter could cloth are cut in long, close shapes at the rine and black of course. back, with great variety of idea as to the CHOICE STYLES OP Day Line Steamers. be adjusted. Captain Brooks gave most The shapes somewhat different from last season an NEW YORK or ALBANY of his property to the Presbyterian church shape of sleeves, but a prominent contour DAILY (except Sundays) shows wing sleeves over close ones below Leave BROOKLYN,FuIton st(by Annex), 8.00 a.m. of this city. It is claimed the new Sun­ the prices quite low. Leave NEW YORK, Vestry st. Pier, 8.40 a.m. day school building and parsonage has and sometimes the sleeves arc of vel­ Leave NEW YORK, West 22d st. Fler, 9.00 a,m. for ALBANY, landing at Yonkers, West Point, been built by money from another source. vet with cloth garment. Velvet is every­ N ewburgh, Poughkeepsie, Rhinebeck Catskill and It is to be hoped there will be a satisfac­ where indeed a favorite combination, Hudson. Returning, leave Albany 8.30 a. m. CARPETS. MUSIC'. 26 tory settlement to all par ties concerned. while more frequently than one would Deacon Hannon Lane, who died last suppose, the now standard Velutina is Novel Designs and Colorings just received IN CARPETS. week of heart disease, is deserving of substituted. Having given satisfaction in from their Factories, also to their Special CHA8. H.VALDEN more than a passing notice. He had been the past there is a steady demand for it Sale of the following Attractive Bargains: we have received the choicest of designs, not a few are affected with heart trouble for some time, that every year grows larger. Embroid­ the highest novelties, others of every day patterns that —DEALER IN- and often remarked to his wife and only ery and braiding are lavishly used on Imperial Velvet, $100 per yard daughter, who survive him, that he ex­ cloaus and fur is combined with trimming will wear well with the eye and also with use. We pected to die suddenly, but he did not of every description. Reduced from $1.25. shall give even better prices and qualities than ever, as fear death and was ready to cross the NOTES. GROCERIES, dark river whenever the Lord so willed it. Undressed kid gloves are the only kind we expect to nearly double our business in, carpets and He had been a deacon in the Park street now sold for evening and the favorite Tapestry Brussels, 55c. per jarfl house furnishings. Congregational church for many years, shades are tan, gray or white with deli­ FRESH AND NEW. cate stitching. Morning gloves are in Reduced from 75c. and by his Godly living aud earnest I shall keep constantly on hand a Christian work for the Master had won darker tan, gray or white, with delicate for him a high Christian character iu the stitching. Morning gloves are in darker Choice Axminster, $1.25 per yard FULL LINE OF ALL GOODS tan, gray or rust shades and from four to church aud community. Some of his best usually found in a work has been done iu the county jail. five button length, though the Harris but- Reduced Iron $1.75. He had led the noon clay Sunday service touless sack glove is much liked, because there for nearly a quarter of a century, and wrinkling at the wrist and easily drawn off or put on. Fashionable shoppers stop All-Wool Iipin, 55c. per yari mauy a poor piisoner will remember his IREAD COMPANY which I will sell at prices earnest and pathetic words in their behalf. now at 865 Broadway, for a look at Har­ Reduced from 75c. It was his delight to tell them of the love ris Bros, new glove establishment which DEFYING} HONEST COMPETITION of Jesus and poiut out to them ihe new is in their special line what Tiffany's is to to beat. A share of the public patronage is solicit­ the jewelry trade. Nothing is kept ed and every effort will be made to faithfully life as taught in the scriptures. He will Best Bofly Brussels, $1.00 yarfi Main Sc., Fairfield Ave. & Cannon St., serve our customers. Give us a call and throughout its spacious extent but gloves, let us assure you of our ability to be greatly missed iu this field of labor. Reduced from $1.25. give satisfaction. His good works will follow him. and iu the unexampled opportunity thus given for selection, every lady finds some­ The following letters will explain them­ The Largest Assortment of Superior Pat­ <>\K BLOCK from k. b. station, thing to suit not only herself, but her hus­ CHAS. H. VALDEN, selves: terns we have ever shown. SEA SIDE CLUB, band and children, since all the needs of BEIDGEPOET, CONN., Sept. 30,1889. both the latter are fully provided for. Fancy China Mattings in Great Variety at 5 Wall St, Norwalk, Ct. HON. P. T. BAKNUM : While bargains are always to be had and Very Low Prices. Dear Sir :—The board of governors of gloves of all grades, yet the fine custom BRIDGEPORT. the club, learning of your proposed jour­ Linoleums and Oil Cloth in all Widths. ney beyond the sea, and desiring an op­ peculiar to this leading house, demands Rugs, Mats, Etc. portunity to express their appreciation of the very best and latest and their impor. an eminent and public spirited fellow tations therefore give the keynote to what member, have instructed me to request F. W. JAQITI, JR., you to name an evening prior to your de­ New York's most stylish class demands. parture. when it will be agreeable to you Black galloons, passementerie, or braids 40 & 42 W. 14TH ST. -AGENT FOR THE— to receive the respects of ihe members of 49 MAIN STREET, lire the trimmings most used on colors NEW YORK. the club, and their friends, at our rooms and black is the favorite combination. on Main street. Awaiting your reply, I have the honor to remain, Black velvet ribbon is largely used and Is now prepared to supply the Ladies or Norwalk Yours respectfully, later on, black furs will add their quota of Boef, Fishy Fruit, Celebrated Perfect Ranges and vicinity, with the most correct styles in FEED. A. MASON, President. effectiveness. The accompanying cut represents BRIDGEPORT, Oct. 1st, 1889. Buttons are either very small and in the NEW PATENT BROILING ARRANGE­ My Dear Col. Mason: conspicuous or else extremely large and MENT on all the Double Oven Rich It will give me much pleasure to accept and Vegetables. ardson & Boynton Co.'s Ranges. It the SeaSide club's invitation to meet its placed only as ornaments. is economical and quick operating members and their friends at the club To Miss Lucy W—, the answer is given You can get any and all of the above mentione and has the perfect revolving grates, rooms, Tuesday evening next, Oct. 8th, that fish-net over silk is being made for over four thousand in daily use in from 8:30 to 9:30 o'clock. Such proof of winter dresses and will be worn for articles at New York City and vicinity. Taste­ the good will and esteem of my old friends evening in pale or bright colors. Black fully nickled. Jt has more g: od Trimmed and Untrimmed. {&r'4 and fellow citizens is very gratifying, and net is best over black and each color on points than all tne Ranges on he though pressed with much business and its own tone. LUCY CAP.TEK. market combined, we guarantee As well as a very large variety of high J clas9 little leisure, I can but respond heartily. F. W. SMITE'S HAfiKGT, every Range to be PERFECT in eveiy I Yours very cordially, Merit Wins. way, and to furnish any piece of re> P. T. BAKNUM. We desire to say to our citizens, that 55 MAIN STREET. > pairs that may be required at any NOVELTIES TI e Seaside club ia composed of some for years we have been selling Dr. King's time. Can furnish repairs to any of our leading citizens and business men. New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. Range or Furnace ever made by this EVERYTHING company since 1849. Call and see Among the members, which number about King's New Life Pills, Bueklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never it before purchasing any other, and 400, are the Hon. P. T. Barnum, Hon. handled remedies that sell as well, or that NEW, FRESH, CLEAN. see the many good points it contains. Nathaniel Wheeler, Hon. Wm. D. Bishop, have given such universal satisfaction. TRIMMBEFFECTS. Col. F. A. Mason, Senator E. G. Burn- We do not hesitate to guarantee them Try ns, we can please you ly48 ham, D. W. Kissam, Geo. C. Waldo, edi­ every time, and we stand ready to refund 53 WALL STREET the purchase price, if satisfactory results tor of the Sia ida/d, J. I. Could, editor of Family Horse For Sale, NORWALK, CONN do not follow their use. These remedies N Extra Large and Fine Family Horse for Centemeri Kid Gloves. the Farmer, Hill Bros., of the Post, Fred. have won their great popularity purely on A sale. Suitable for Ladies, Children or an Hurd, W. H. Persy, Dr. J. DeVer War- their merits. H. R. Hale druggists. invalid to handle. Apply at GAZETTE OFFICE. W J AOIJI, J R - m

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