Provide net franchise, wern nrM«nt. J. Etward Alien, Ing true to the people, although be Every ball player who has visited Newark know» who W(i3 president ot th« old Lea rue club when Prori- had a very lively recollection of a bit of double- Zacharinli Taylor, the colored giant, who for years has dence WHS In the national orgair/aHon, was elected dealing indulged in by ttie former bit spriu?, when chased ihe halls that were fcLocked uver tho fence und LATE NEWS. pteii'Jent; Fraok H. I'UD^^O-I, vice president; J. C. ANOTHER SNARL. McKean tried to pull Die-Cleveland people for a fat FOREIGN NEWS. jrevtuteJ the small hoys fr>>m scaling tbe outer walla, Dyer, secretary; Marshal B. Moade, alao of the old contract and put Brunei! in a holo by iaUely allying or creeping under them. ZacQ came to giief thll ANOTHER FUTILE ATTEMPT L-ixtjuo orjianixation, trfumrer; board of directors, that Schruclz. as manager of the Cincinnati Club, had week. He wt;s arrested oil a charge tf bl^umy, and Stlllman White, R. S. H«mMfi>n, .fnhn Heathcote, THREE MINOR CLUBS IN A approached him and offered a fdlulrus silary. PROFESSIONALS ARE NOT no* ItinKuibheu in durame vile. Zach Is chained with William H. Luther, H. B. Wlnahlp, 8. A. FJ-ebrfe and On the Butject of the Brotherhood and its prospect* having three wives livinx and as mnny dtad. Tho liv­ TO SECURE RICHARDSON. Goorj^e J. West. Thirty-five hundred tlollHrs of (he TANGLE. he said in substance: "This new scheme may last WANTED ABROAD. ing wives art* all white, and one of them, a French 35tKK) necessary vaa raised for etock. The majority of until Jun^; perhapa a loa length of time. 1 did say woman, is quite pretty. It Is a dead open and (hut the stockholders wrre identifiewl with the old Lflapno and think that Ihoy would never go on tho field in cast* ug.ijtittt Zsich, and he will iu all prubability spend organization. A committee on grounds was appointed uniform, but believe they will open the season. Tlie a few yfttra in tl e State piim n at Trenton. Talks Plainly A And the euthufliasm demoostraled that the club w«4 a A Dispute Growing Out of Broiaerhoud players have been killing the oH League The Sort of Players Whose MntMger Tro't nuuouucei ihe f.iliowiiia: additional ourt&iiity. all winter bvkiud a bi* stovu, but ihe lime It about da ea for oxliibition frames: At Newark Hamilton, Texas Boycott Releases Minor League Res­ Here when they must §top tho cry 'let the wine yo Assistc nee is Asked April 12, and tho U<*t»n Ltacue Club Apiil 10 and 17. A Crisis For Lelmne. round' and do something to back thoir pretence*. It The sco'e card pil-ilece baa a.ain teen given to and Engagements, Etc. Special tn SPORTING Lirie. ervation. would noc surprise me to aee the whole fako drop to Mnuager Trott. Sam will have one of the prettiest rpi.uHBrs. Feb. 22. Manager Bnctrtiborper has pit-cee before Apr! . Some thirus aro working that Described. carls to be Keen anywhere in the country. notified Mik? Leliane that iinle-8 he signs a ColuinbUR will move the earth from under these people." * Mnuager Bttruio paid a vitit t^ Nuwaik on Tuesday* coutmct by IVb. 27, he will bo hlackliited nnder j-ro- "In case the Brotherhood fails, what would you He came to arrange for (he irmisfer of Buker. The EWING'S PLAIN TALK. vfsions of section 43 of the constitution of the Ameri­ Th« announcement was made not long ajo enjjgrst lts > o ^0 uiutbods to be pursued towards the deser trnV Tho following letter from the secretary of the papers have been signed aud tbe livtly Oriole is happy. can Association, tho nrceHsary thirty days from 01 en- that the New Haven Club had signed R. H. PAUUY GEAFF. The Groat Captain Gives Some of the Facts ing the agreement to flay in Columbus having elapaod. "1 would make every man who playa in a Brother­ National Base Ball League of Great Britain is Pettit, the well-known outfielder, formerly of the hood club after April I Ineligible to play iu a ciub self-explanatory: About Day's Interview With Him. Chicago Club, and last season with Wilkesbarre. HA3nLTON HAPPENINGS. Bpecial to SPOETISG LIFE. An Umpire Becomes a Manager. under the protection of tb« N»tional Af-rpoinent. I HCADQl'ARTLRS NATIONAL B. B. LEAQUR OP CHEAT) Special to SpoatrNu LIFE. This did not eeeai possible, as Pettit waa not would put the kickers on the shelf forevtriu tar aa BRITAIN. 38 HOI.BI»BN VIADUCT, LONDON. / The Outlook For the International A Kap SHAMOKIN, Pa., Feb. 22. Capt. William eligible, being under reservation to tbe Toronto base ball id concerned." To tiie Editor o/TiiE tpoKTisa LIFE: Dear Sir My Ewing, of the New York Players' League team, GALFSHrao, III.. Feb. 22. ChM. B. Power, the letter which you were got-d euou^h ttt publish in your at Detroit SwarUvood's Case Spring well-kLOMn manager and PX-L**aene umpire, has Club, but on Feb. 11 his contract with New Flans, Etc. Is visiting his wife's parents in this place. In been selected to manage the new Gntesbnrg IntersUte Haven waa promulgated by Secretary Bradeo, MINNEAPOLIS CHANGES. widely circulated paper on Jan, 2'2 lus% under the uip- an interview last evening he stated that under League team and bo will duubtlew wture a wiuraug ticn "A Cry For Ht-lp," seems to have been miaappte- HAMILTON, Ont., Feb. 19. Editor SPORTING and the supposition wag, of course, that New Hanrahan Sold, and McVcy and Dolan Ke- Lentled by many American bail players, nud in conse­ LIFE: Tho five clubs of the Internationa), no circumstances would he play with the Na­ tOttOl. ______&VCRU. Haven had secured hia release from Toronto. quence I am iu receipt of a larte uuaibcr of letters tional League team. Just before leaving Cin­ leased Ouhe Signed at Laet, Etc. nnraely, Ilainilton, London, Toronto, Detroit Condensed Despatches. It now appear?, however, that the New Haven asking positions on i;ur League clubs. Kicnly say to cinnati an attempt to have him disclose bis con­ MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. 17. Eaitor SPOUT­ ymi r readers that we do not want professiotvil pltyert and Saginaw-Bay City, have each posted $1000 Special to SPORTING Liric. Club, owing to a peculiar condition of affairs, tbat they will go through tbe season of '90 in versation with John B. Bay failed, but since took a chance and signed the player without ING LIFK: The base bail situation in this city over here, and all Setters from apj lic.inta fur ponittona bis sojourn in the coal metropolis he thought it Oulfleldcr Fred Kly hat signed with Syracuse. is getting brighter every day with the approach­ wiil l,e in vain. We have aik^i Messrs. A. G. 3pa!d- good faith. With the other $1400 that waa consulting the club which claims a right to him IL>-^ A Bros to select ten or twelve wen to come here to best that hia brother players should know just A meeting of the Interstate Leagne will be held at ing spring, and in a very short time the players paid in tho League somo time ago, we have a AHentown, Ta., Feb. 24. under the Nation*! Agreement, a£ will be seen will haye arrived and will go into preliminary teacli Iw*ll pl<*ytr>fr in c«ae wo noed them, but we cannot nice nest egg of i'6-iOO to start out with. Mon­ what took place. Duy was with him two days, The Indiana Sute League has beon admitledto pro­ from the appended dispatches. undertake to engage any mea at this end of tho line. using all kinds of efforts to have him leave the tection under the National Agreement. practice. Mr. Morton has received letters from Fur the convenience of ail partita we have left tho treal haa almost everything complete and, it if Brotherhood. An offer of ?S.r>00 a year for three eea- several of the player?, in whioh they pay tbat uiiitier to the Messrs. Spaldfng exclusively. thought, will be admitted this week. Jark Glaeecock 1 ad a narrow escape from death In Toronto Objects to New Haven*« Act. Wt« do wnrit the oddre-sei of plnyere, amatonra and iona was rejected. The reason Ewing subjected him­ a rur.ftwtiy at \\ heeling a few dayn ago. they are in the best possible condition and DETROIT'S UNCERTAIN ATTITI'DI?. self to forty-eight hours of extraordinary plead ings on TORONTO. Feb. 19. The Toronto Cinb has notified ready to report at any time. prufrgsicnuls nito living in Great Britain^ and if any of the part of Day was owing to the high regurd in which Manager Baroie on Friday Binned fihort itop Bay Prtsidem Young that Peltit is on the club1* reswrve your readeis li ive friends th's side the bit? pond who Detroit made her tinal etfort to shake us and KwiDg held the Now York president. He tieated and pitcher Not man I'aker for Baltimore. lirtt, nod h« in not ihe-efore eh^il'li to sign with any A number of changes have taken place dur­ know »n> thing about bull playin*. wo beg to be ad­ get into the National League. She failed again, Day in a firm atd compassionate manner, and did not Fred Dnulap has offers 1 to re-9i-n with the Pitta- other club; that hi» contract with th* New Hiiven ing the last few days in the make-up of the vised of fielf a'.ldrease*. There are doubtless hundreds as usual. The League baa ten clubs now and Lave the heart to be abrupt. burg League Club for $5000, an advance of $500 OTer Club slinnld not be promiilebtrd. P-ttit, it will he Minneapolis team. Hanrahan was sold to of Enclishm-n and Iiishmen who have lived somo has been trying for The last month tu get rid of last year's salary. remembered, was bought by the local nmnagement timo in Amuticii and piuyed bull there and who have DAY RFBDKBD. Slonz City to-day, the eousideratioa being J500, and two of them, and by all accounts are no nearer to ac­ Charlea R. Gepsner, second basnman of the Daven­ from the Wilkesbarre Club !aet season for $4, terms SlcVey aud i>o-un released. In Hwnrahan the Cora returned tn the "old couu(ry." TLat U tbe kind of Like a drowning person, President Day grasped at havin-i been a'ranged with (hat placer previously. men we want. complishing it (hati when ihey started. Detroit, your an imaginary straw. Day claimed that he could se­ port Club, was mar tied Feb. 10, to Alias Annie Bremer, Uudkcn imvy got a groUt little short stop, and he will chautes fur admission were very poor, as 1 said soraa at Davi'Dt.'Ort, la. Peltit wa* notifi- d by Manager Cnnhman when the surely do b, tier work tuan he did lust fuitson. Mr. Thfintiintr >ou also for yonr kind cdl'orlal notice in time ugo. Y"U hnvo spent your time and money la cure Richardson and Connor it the captain would do-0 was cnittplrtfd, whereupon lie demanded a larger your icaiie of .Tun, tiO, I am very truly your-, yield. When Ewing tntd Day he was acting in an un­ It ii bflievoil that a deal la nndtr way to 8°cun Murton stl'i to-day, when speaking of Ilanrahnn's r«- trying to reach the moon, and it fs now about time salary than h« had osked, and »aid these term* were lende, that he considers him the best short atop hi the Ftb. 10, Ib90, MOI.TON I*. BtTTS, Hon. Sec'y. derhanded manner, that be knew the men said noth­ the trjnttfer of either Van Ualtren or Tip 0 Neil to for the balance of ihe reason. He was notified that he you Rive our League u little of yonr attention. Iffvoa ing of the kind, Day asked: "Why do you call it un­ tbe Cleveland Club. Western A-sociation and that he would not have sold bold on I this season there is no doubt la tne world would he \\f\A arcotduig to the rriefnrtl agrpenu-nt him had bt> (llanranaii) heen willinu t" plav here. Another Trip Suggested. derhanded, Buck?" Johi; Buff- rty, lust yenr*i third boseman and man­ an-i ordered to rt-p*'.rt for duty. Snl^eqaently he w*i that they will only be to<> glad to htve you in a 3 ear "Because yon could go to the fame man ami use the ager of tl>e Fort Worth, Tex , team, has aigued tu man* neked to sign a contract, v- hich he rt-Inscd to do. Tbe The celling of Hanrahnn means that 0'Ony is to As waa to have been expected, Messrs. Spald- from now. The playing s^anou IB drawing near, jinil Identical argument, with me as a stool pigeon. I'm age tbe Muncif, lod., team. play short stop, and ir is thought by many that he ing A; Bros, have, in answer to the letter of Sec­ If we want to get the League in shape t-ach t.wu will MilwHiikee Ctubhfta made a deal rfith ihe Torn D to will fill the bi:l. O'Day recently played second bme captain of the team aud lh« last man you should ap­ A New OrlfA'i* dispatch Rtatos that Kilraiu his de- Clu}) fur Pet til'" relent, but nothing can be doue until retary Betts in the last issue of TIIE SPORTING have to do the rl^ht thiup to get thoroughly organ- in a game against the Kuickeibockt-rs at Sau Fr«n- ixt-U. No tackdliding will do now; it is cither one proach." clcied to retire from the rtn>r. He i» troui'led with the Board of Arbitration decides hfa ea-se. Pettit is a LIFE, been fairly overwhelmed with applications Day assured Ewing that he (D«y) was the most lib­ rhetimatiam and will ^o to Hot Spriuge to boil out. futl b««e placing? If he j'lujB short stop croft, the famous hustler, has also come to the front ick of her monkey business. refusing Brotherhood offer* from Philadelphia and «!* wull aa secuud baae ho will be a jewel and uo mis­ with a scheme for a foreign trip. He last week sub­ be with tno League, when la reality they were with Buffalo. Milwaukee Claims the Man. SW ART WOOD IX ERROR. the Brotherhood. take. mitted a proposition to A G. Studding to take a chib MII.WAVKLB. Feb. 20. Another gr.od rUyer has The release of McVey and Dolan wai not wholly to England ihe cmtlng season and give English enlhu- Swartwood is accusing Secretary MucKay wrongly. NO TRAITORS LEFT AMONG THE GIANTS. WORCESTER'S SITUATION. pmciically been sfgne*! by Manager Cuphnian, T»IH unexj et-ted. as it was generaliv kuoWQ that the nian- siaiU a chance to eee tbe national pa Die. Should the I learned the fartd of hi-* case from the board of di­ Ewing received a telegram from RLhardaun tlite r*!r-R»p or Rchert II. Pettit has nten pnrchHKesl bv the agi»oi**ut could nt>t use McVev, as the outfltld was l>ro])osition to accepted, it Is proposed to select nine of rectors and at the meeting wl^ch 1 was invited to at­ afternoon admonishing ihe captain to discredit storlta An Effort to Enlist Local Capital to Take Milwaukee men from the Toroi-to International o^-niplbied. Ai to D -|HU it could easily be neen tbsit be the must efficient players from the various college tend. Of course, each side has ita story to tell, but about him; that he waa ju»t as solid as Ewing. the Club Off the Atlantic's Hands. Lengnf, the niannj;er of tltat organization hnTi-iir. was in too f*st c- nipany, althoujjli he did put up a teams to be called the'"All-Am^rlcan College Ciub," one tiiiug I do know, and tlmt ia that 9 wart wood is "The New York Brotherhood twain will be on top last n^ght, wired hie acceptance of the «ft"T made by tew gooi games. lJuiaii will uot be lunu securlns a aud sail aa eoou as the baso ball eeatcn opens. wrong abnul that lelfgnirn to T.-Iedo ordering a fine when the season clones, I feel sure," remarked Ewiup. WORCESTER, Mats., Feb. 20. Manager Burn- Mr. Co-hman. Feltit will, without dontt, pla; tn « to he put on Biair. I have gone to considerable pOfltiuu, as he id wanted by the Gulesburg, 111., Ciub. trouble lo find out the true fack about tint matter and ' Do you think any of the New \ork team will ham, of New Haven, has been in town nearly the Creaui Oity nine this year. He will play in the Ma»A)cer Morton teut Duke A coutntct st>md time TIPS FKOM TEXAS. prove dfsloval?11 all week trying to induce local people to take ontftVld. tie IK said to be jus! as pood a man as B< b ago, but he would not sign unless cortiiii clauses in here they are- Blair WHS one of the har.leat meu to "Nut one of them," replied Etving In a determined Lowr. Peilit played in the Toronto ( "Inb when Cush- the contract wt-r* runoved. This fllorton actedwl tu handle iu Ibe tniBinec*, and made n> e(f> rt to wia hold of the Worcester Club. The club ia non- Austin Willing to Rc-Enler the Texas games time and agniu. They put a fit e oo bim for it, manner. "They are all in the flght to stay." owned by tbe bead men of the Atlantic Asso­ mun wns fttentifieii with it, nud the latter, who knows and y t-ete i day ho received the contract with ih» liitle League Slow New Orleans Gossip About "IIow is it that you were the but man to sign with what he it getting, exprfsaod ereat f-atisfaction lant twiitnr'a naoie allixo.i, callitijc fur f200 udvance and juat before leaving on tho l»st Western trip he the Brotherhood?" ciation, who paid $2000 for it. They bought it ntfrht 111*011 (ho receipt of the telegram announcing moiiev. Sir. j)uitm b*-ut tbe advance, aud the crack the Clubs and Players, Klc. gave it out that he wuiiM get square f.r it. lie got "I desired to weifth the situation accurately.'* because they needed Worcester to make up their (he release of Pettit. httlo tulrler will ho with us again. OALVESTOS, Feb. 18. Editor SPORTING LIFE: mure than tquare on that trip, (oo, us be waa never Ewlng thinks that the old League people hare put in the box but wtiat the opposing club knocked circuit, and because they knew it was a safe in­ Here is another pretty little Hnple for the A irgulition hand ball cour; and dresflln^-room That it never rains tut it pours 13 exempli­ tiira out of It, or maJc in the neighborhood of twenty reached the end of the string ID securing deserters vestment for the money. Wilson, Stafford and with shower hnths ia to he built nt the ball p;ttk tn from the Brotherhoud aud expresses contempt for Board of Arbitration to unravel. If the facts fied by the fact that two months ago this League bits ofl his dalivtry. Of Cuiirsf, the director-1 naturally Moister can be sold for money enough to make f>iTti the senaon op'tus. This will be a grent ihiug for Clarktoo and Glasacock'n actions. are a* Maimed by Toronto this will be the first tli4 pUyer*, aa it will not necessitate the expense of did nut know how to secure enough clubs to com­ thought he WA* living up tu his 11. rent. They then the present owner* whole CD their purchase. They case of ita kind that has yet arisen under minor plete the circuit no\v there are too many. Last telegraphed to Manager Powoll to niako Blair stop have had offers for Wilson and Stafford from the New trttiijing at the gyniuasiuiu. Tuero are but two clubs tbat monkey Imsinesa with a fine or sond him home. STAUNCH RICHARDSON. Turk I.eiigtu1 Ciub and fioui Syracuse, while Newark league reservation. iu the cipumry wlubave baud bull coiiits, viz., St. Thursday Austin sent in notice that they had That wa« all there was t> that liu^infS^ and Sw-trt- Louis and Chicago. effected organization and were ready to take He Too lie gists a Personal Appeal by John and Ooiaba want Me later, and Daruie, of Baltimore, Thf Mlnneauolia Club will tot make a fonthern woud is Dot telling the truth wben ho says different. wants to make a bid for all three men if Worcester is HARTFORD HAPPENINGS. their old place again, but it is doubtful if that NO SOUTHERN TRIP. B. l>ay. to let them go. Mr. Burn ham and hia associates do trit-, but will pUy a series of £Aiueawitu St. Paul, club will be admitted. New Orleans and JI« bile are Cpcclal to SPORTING LIFB. No Players Yet Signed President ling's be^iuntn^ April t;. Manager Powell lias given up the spring trip to nnt want to own the Worcester Clnb. They desire 31nt \Vest will probably te appointed an umpire. going very slowly, and if something is uot dime by xtia. The clubs down thvve refu>ed to givo nuy ELMIRA, N. Y., Feb. 22. John B. Bay made that it shall be controlled by Worcester men. All they Plans-Base Ball in New England, Etc. Mr M n Ba>0 that he has g.>t another c«tch«r aa th«m this week the circuit will ho mudo up HS tt:e close guarantfe at all, and aa it would tbe club just » final appeal to about mid­ want is tn get their raonov bacK. if Worcester r-eoplo HAHTFOHD, Cr., Feb. 20. Editor SPORTING go-d aa bigued^but would uot any v/bo it was, only of 1888 f-iiml it Galv»Bioo, Houbt^n, Dallas, Fort about $2USHJ to make that trip tlie cliances w<-rt- too tig consent to their selling these three m*u th**y are pre­ . \Vaco and Sau Antonio. to take. To fro down in;o ttmt coimtry and take yonr night Thursday night to desert the Brotherhood. pared to turn over the iraiichfaeof the club to a cor­ LIFE: No plajers have as yet been signed by ttiat tin was aa jci-od us any in ihe Aas.'ciution. o of tbe Texas Lwi^Me clubs will place them- In company with Joseph Gordon, a stockholder poration to be formed of Worcester men. With it will the Hartford management, but we shall buve Ground-keeper Murphy is ge tin^ the grounds Into ia the nine-hole if thev are not more careful. chiLtices on gite niuut-y (uly would Le more than go tbe pr-vflegp of holing Cud worth. Campion, nd T^rrit-n, as tho nucleus for a new nine. Murray is being negotiated with, but an agree­ for_hi8_Broylclyn I'layertt* league team, and, \\lt!i th Mr. Bnnihani'e idea i* th!><*.) should be. rained of Nfwburi[,^)ilJjjl^i^|j^Vt'udi£, of f> - tent for the great second basentao. After a brief con* if U ia desired to retain (lie star players or $3000 it It ment as to salary has not been reached. " \ereatioQ, iu wbich Mr. Day's friendship for and li Uosirfd to let ttiem po. It ia pro|Kwed to form a Haven is al^o reported t<> bjafter him. r* <~ 'ustfiting of 75 rrJLOt; rnun »» KK^r. \Ve hVvViu *" tln*JH on tbe eunrta 61 Juiy an trSnT? ^ > ,rt,-i'^--» r;?a y -Se«ley of 'the old club off.-n to bead the list of hifu~ iMURht Wtiilfe'iuan, ttnd it ia i I)e.:«.ration l>,ty. Ai'ril8aml9;FliiIi-leip>iU( April 11; jTo'..'. : "/'^Ki" tliou^,., t y ^ ,. b , to reunite the old lartupiv. Murk Polhemns and his channins Ilrle Wif« ar- 12; J.TS..-V Ctty, April U aud 15; N*-w 'lavea, Apfn 17 tur.-! t.j K.uug Imviiii: betn subscriber* with a tiitacnption of 20 shares HI j25 All the Northern clubs *->se the Fe;i*on In the rived last Tbut>day Ironi iSew Vi,rk nfiora p.'d<3»nt j shhre each, making a total autncriptton of 8600, mid However, we are nut trying any 810,000 beauties just mU 18; HanfiTd, April 19 a id 21. That is a'*out aa rvear tol l'l»y w"l^_}bSj*>M«'. ""Sfcflnrdson >nth, which will be a threat d** I belter than cUsins a trip. The big fellow repoita eutferiiu' a tittle from i &!' . Burnhitm has already received promises from at prt-aont, In lh« Noith, a» tho weather ia "(jury cold at tbat time a^ickneiiH, but «ays he had such a tine timn he would ar us ihe club haa benn booKed. but :>tht>r datea will &A tb'it he diu rt'it tenbw auyUifng about EWIDR'S olhers of subacriptiona of smaller amounts. A m«et- With a view to raleing money for base ball In this of the jear iu tbe Nt/rthweeterd '-owns. UBII r. be secured aud the boys ke^t busy alm,i; every

aeainal theielllng ont of the ball clnb, ond it is donbt- This Is hi* old hone, and la the hands of frieudjl he B<>r,er will shortly begin practice In a La wren c«- nl if Pre-iiJtnt Biiuh couU afford M wil ereu II he- CINCINNATI CHIPS. was safe fiom the industrious interviewer. PITTSBURG PENCILLINGS. lle rink, ill co disposed. Elmer Smith w«« rof,c,rtej in town last Saturday Otiu-Hiined England is on the turf again. Gsorjj* BASE BALL. Or<-at excitement prevailed ainonj? the cranks yes- The Advent of Day and Gordon—Tlio Negfo- ,oaiied wllb » valise lull of cnrns to l,e diflribuied Some Interesting Inside Facts About Dun- win i>rt an en(.:agemu[it before tbe tteasoii U very old, _'rd»y while the two L-acue prcmdi-nts were to- tUtlona With 1C wing — The Cincinnati among unsuspicious batsoun of tlie Wesieru Ausocia- lap'* Release—Teller's Connection With Fred Morris haa Ct-nainly reduced himself. He ;ether and the outcome WHS mill in doubt. However, Club in the IHnibie-Ctintract Uusmeas ;h>n. the Plttsburg Club—Heeker's Story—A ainuhe faulu stronger tiiau he did iu tha spring of when UeMr*. D.ty aud Gordon, who were expected to San Black, Beb's brother, who played In Columbm Chapter on Young Bloods—Items Gath­ -88. Foreman Iiuluoed to Jump—Gossip About awhile, istn the city, working for one ol the electric S* art wood said to-dav tliat enmln nnlil night, n:ddfnly left FrMident Bruah'l ered on the Wing. he wouldn't pay any rivals rooui and took tbe 2:55 train East, it wag eti- Men and Aftklr-8, Ktc. "ight companies. lie wants to go out aaain ttiis year. ore attention to &-creUry McKav. IHE Alec Vosi has LEAGUE. thrown up his job witb Blnnager lent that uodeal had bfcn made, aud a feeling of con­ CINCINNATI, Feb. 19. Editor SPORTING LIFE: the Pullman PITTSBURG, Feb. 20. Editor SPORTINO LIFE: li'tnlon ft-eU coufi ient he hax enough men. fidence wad restored. During the suspense there were Conflicting indeed were the stories which palace car people at Lndlow. He only bad Io work If there is sush a thing aa consistency it must Tlin Placers' League fence win cost about M.")1) everul wagera nmde, A. J. Treat batting Director W. feven days a week and was afraid the rest of Ibe lime McKefsp >rt haxn't Farrow, the Beaver Falls catcher, THE AGITATION OVER THE lave been told about the conferences here be- ne'd have to carry trunks. So he quit, and is back at certainly be in everything except base ball. i ffetnirally §iipt»o«ed. i. t-chmidt a suit of clothes, an overcoat, aud vai-iooa Daily, in fact Sundays included, instances other articles that tho club would be told out. Schniiut ween John B. Day and Joseph Gordon, repre- butchering in Covin i/lon. F icy * I Lau nut u, " J1 arry Al varetta,** has a irood CIRCUIT FOR 189O. violently knew what he wag doing and Mr. Treat enting the New York League team, and Cap- Jack Slwuoe ha« >-hakrn the grippe and is walking are shown. Wo are having one in thia city just many offer*, but will UarJJy do anything until lat« would like to unload thia morning. ain William Ewing, the fledgeling magnate of around here in bard hick, Io iking lor a contract. He now. How often has it been heralded to the There U still *oma speculation as t) what the March uas his mail sent in my care this for the benefit of a base ball world that the Pittsburg Club didn't HTck*»r hits R scrap book worth looking- at. In it be new organisation. It was easier to get "the recent inquirer In Tut SPORTIXO LuVs colnmnn. ire p") traits of Tom Pea"ley, Urief, J imny Wolf, New York's Great Struggle For »etiuK w.ll brlni? forth, but President Brush a;>|>ear» result" from New York than on the ground. want any of its old playera, wouldn't take them be as placid aa one would car* to see him. it is E. B. t'urlts wiio was manager of "the famous Al- ~ ^e Browuing, Bill Glraaou, Juice Latham and Chat \3 to say, the coiners of fiction from afar toona*'* iu tbe in 1884, is poshing even if they came and petitioned. Well, 7,t*m of ' thunt. pretty well understood the club cannot be forced to-day the chief executive of the or/*aufz ition said he A Team and An Eight- out. The I,e»(nie will nr< dare do such a thing after ere busier than thoao who were in a position "Aihlette Sports" in this city. It will have a splendid Y, nft^man was down town tbe other day aud got ale judging from the way tlie inquiries are coming in. would take i*ck Fred D tin lap and intimated thnt the eaaured for hia uniform. Heine will ehow a chest wbat Preelilent Brush has accotniilinht-d so much. He iere to see the cards that were dealt. A United matter of salary contd easily be find up. It was Club Circuit. s not a man to be easily crashed, and those who at­ Mr. Curtis is glad be Is nut of bas ball. It is fu»ciu it- development with any man in thu te.un. ?res§ bulletin on Tuesday, duted from the iug, but expensive. UentyLu'as' confidence in his jiSUX) last year. He was a strong man, it was allege I t:\oaver Torrevaon tultl thu Bniple not t* tempt to crowd tbe Hosiers out will Dud it an up-hill metropolis, convoyed the information that Captain ability te down tbe old established bodies cost him -something that cannot be really disputed and >asJnafts, 1 can assure you. >e ton Mire that they had Alex Joues, the Uom^-stead £wm£ bad yielded to the persuasion of bin old em­ ffio.WiO, is a gem of nuance Mr. CnitU tells about. He onld put up a great game of ball to get even witn elt-bander. CIBCLB. The probable complexion of the National NOTES. ployers and signed a League contract. N«w, the jot tbe story fr> m Mr. LUCAS himpslf. laaluu et al. whom he didn't like. Bat let me try League circuit for The management hai lost the addresses of some of nito of the mutter is that tue eentlemrn from New John B. Day Iseniltled to wear the belt as "the and fret in some news instend of opinions. 1890 waa the absorbing topic fork did not meat Kwing that of the week in base ball circles, owin» prin- the players, aud for that reason cannot officially notify day at all. silent man ot bas» ball." Doubt leasyou are veil awt,re by tMs time of the cau«e ST. LOUIS SIFTINGS. them to report. Therefore they may take thia aa an While the newsb.jB were polling the silly Frank Gillejp e, the mute pitcher who played In of DiiuUp's *Btr*nf5em*nt from hm FlaveiV Lea u« cipally to the attempt of the New Yorks first to oftjc-ial request for them to be OB baud la Indiauapolu ram, Mr. Gordon and myself were on the Texas last year, is hime from Galveston with a suffi­ friendx. After all President Nioii k> first bomb had The Outlook For tlie Brown Stocking*— make » break in the ranks of the Now York March 17. .rail of the New York pUyer, who cams down ciency of life in the Sunny 8on:h. He wants to play porne effect. Sh»r lv after the Hnjerw* League bud Yon Der Ahe Professes Satisfaction and 'rora his home at Peudleton, secured hia railroad been formed Mr. Nimlck told bow Hartlon, while Players' League Club, and, tailing in that big Seery Is somewhat disturbed over the publication in in one of Jo« Prfich«rd's citios aext year. Vet Casts About For Other Players-A effort, to poreuttde Indianapolis to help the New a-t week's SroETitra I.IM thut he had broken faith idiet to Shaoiokiu, Pa., and Imd returned to prepare Will Earle received a letter this week that wss tUHnnper, had advocated the r* lease <>f DnnUp because with the local club, lie claims that the money ex- or the trip to hia wife's oil ho Die. If the deal was mailed to him from Colunilila, S. C., in December, Rowe au«1 White objected io him, and iu addition he Bid For Sioux City Meu—Spring l>ates, York Club out of the hole it is in by withdraw­ peudod iu making the trip to see Baasett and Mc- aai'e if the two came to some sort of nn uodt*r- 1888. It haa been slumbering for oter a year in Aus­ waa onlv worrying through a game just fur hi* salary. Etc. ing from the League and selling iu players. cby was refunded, anil tbe management bears him tapding about a future actiou then, indeed, there tralia's dead letter olhVo. Una was the main cause of tne ttplit. ST. Louis, Feb. 20. Mr. Vtra der Ahe'd new must sleep within them There is a little utory connected with the leaking Mr. Day went to Cincinnati and made a per­ out iu the claim. O;herwi«e tba fecm were absolutely Pre*ldeut A. S. Steru Is still In the East, but he Is private secretary, Ed Sheridan, haa assumed correct. President Brush says Seery did pledue ont «>f the jump which might be "iii'erestin 1 rfaciin*" sonal appeal to Ewins backed by tremendous A TALENT FOR ACTING. billed to be witb us ou Friday morning. charge of the Brown Stockings' affairs, and financial inducements to desert the Brotherhood. himself to play with the Hooaiers end they sent him The New Yorkers aflected to be well eatiifted with Secretary Harry Sterne is home from a flying trip to Scanuiuff tbe i'hilttdflphia pa|en* the other day tbe it with tbat iiD'terstantliuie, but he catuft bacK aud the result of their trip. They refused either to con- tbe haunt' of the Wolverines. nudi-isiitued noticed a little paiagmph ibtit a bomb things are beginni ng to get into shape. Tha Had he succeeded in this it is probnMe that said he would not kce;* hi* promise. irm or deny the nultitudinons rumorg which rcrily It is a waste of *paca to speak of that aliened Cin­ would exylode in the Piiuburg Players' League camp :eaua has been notified to report March 10, and more of tho Giants would hare followed Ewinpr'3 President Brush explains tbe attitude ot the Cin­ lad the "fans'1 by the ears. They firmly referred all cinnati-New York deal. Mr. Day saw no one here. this »>ek. exhibition games are being arrange.!. Th« As thf re was a financial meeting of stockholder* Jead, which would have seriously crippled the cinnati [.aj>«r« by Baling tbat they are afraid In- »uch queries to Ewing and to me. Early Monday Hf.N McuoaD, Ja. present intention ia to open tho local season dia»apcll« will beat their clnb out in the race. By afternoon the Captain unbosomed huuaeif in Uiis down for Tu;ir*«lay, mmetiiing wrong in thia line waa New York Players' Club, and correspondingly surmUed, and Manager Haulon wai attacked on March 22, with a game between the Browns and strengthened the League club's at present hope­ the way, It seems to me U would be a graceful thin^ manner: for Cincinnati to wait until she Is out of her baby "Therp," poiutiDff to Mr. Day, "ia the finest man in BROOKLYN BUDGET. score. H was denied. Qauton t>p-ke up. sn>inc: "1 brown Reserves, the latter a team made up of lessly weak team. But Ewine withstood all dresses hefi-re she commences to arlve advice to old b*ae ball to-,Uy. He and Coiiant I admire and re- supple they mean that Dunl«p buniut-.-s." "W: at ioeai amateur players, formerly belonging to tha President Byrne Squares Himself and Cor- Dunlap matter?" wan qmckty asked. It was a fatal temptations and baffled Day. The latter then League clnbs. It is no sure thine that Cincinnati sptct. The others hah! 1 d>r a Brush, from all report?, waa not a bit inclined to )laint because tbe price has been raised to S35, as I do n >w there is uo ctiance for me to return BROOKLYN, Feb. 20.—Editor SPORTING LIFE: te llii'g jou," The writer thought ut, but was couple of guinea. On Tuesday and Wednesday, jell, even to benefit ths League generally or President Br\nh says he Is not done yet, hut IB ready r,o the League until all the others do so. Thou I'd be Lent U here, but the gushers and prevari­ caught up. Tbe n?xi day the riuht story came out. April 1 nod 2, - Browns will pUy at Evausvilla. Oa Mr. Day individually. Appended will be found to sign any good players who may cross hij path. compelled to. I believe we will succeed." cators have Dot aa yet got down to their sack­ CALL IT AN OLD FEUD. th« 5ih and 6;h they [>ln\ at liouie again with Onia'ia. the detailed news and comment of the week: Iu tue debate wdich followed Sir. Day took no part. cloth and ashes, and. instead oi purging their AU dates bock to ib« time Dunlap Joined the De- On ttio 7th, 8th and 9rh they t« Io Clue tmati Tor 'lire* He merely said: ''Kwiug uhoulJ u^Ter have left u*. souls, have broken out afresh, and aa I write troita. When tli» famous purchas" w:« m«dw Ihe old- ;, atid retnrn home to play the Cdicago Cluh oa Had he remained lru« to me I wouldn't hava cared so timer* iu the Detroit nine didn't like it * bit, and they the 10th and llth The 12th anJ 13ih the Quincy EXCITED HQOSIERS. NEW YORK'S WAIL much for the treatment uf the otl>t»re." they have John B. Day parading tbe country a kicked on tbe tall Dunlap played. So just before the qial> will be here, wndou the. 14ttt, 15th and 16th the Mr. Gordon took the great catcher in tow and de- veritable hand-painted devil, with Charles H. semum closed, wheu t ie championship wa* lost to De­ will t>n WI-D at >porU:!iau"s l*:irk. Thit A Week or Sensation I>ne to the Advent of Day's Desperate and Losing Tight—Failure precateJ that lie and ao many others bad Byrne posing in the partisan limelight a com- troit, tbe nifD mot mid d-ctded it-at the man wasn't will Urmg tbe team close up to the championship tlie New York Masnates The tatter's of His Plans All Along tlie Line—What UNWITT1SOLT TAKEN AH OATH pletoMephistopheles. Why don't these gentle­ nl(»y in.: wiuuine ball and they didn't wa«t him ou the Seaso u. Should to knife the men to whom they owed allegiance. nine. Watkins beard their story, took DuuUp aside A party of Brotherhood enthusiasts are negotiftting Method Severely CriticlH-d No Deal be Done to Save Him—General men who are for the new order of things go to, and told him he must do be ter. "I know I am not for ;i series «f tlin'a gamed del ween the Ghicneo Brother- Made Indianapolis to Stick President Local Newg. "You have had no cause fur complaint, have you?' or come off, or take a reef in their enthusiasm was th« pointed query. pla\ing my patne," said he, -'but I'm m no shape. 1M lio d team and a team of iii< ked ^rufoMiioudls, th* Brush Telling Leagne Secreta. NEW YORK, Feb. 20. Editor SPOBTISO LIFB: "Nut a bit. Let us suppose a ca~e. There aro eight and let goo i, folid judgment dictate tbeir doings, be back iu the spring all right." This appeased the gauieg tu be plujeU at Aoiateur Park bare. iNniANAPOLis, Feb. 20. Editor SPORTING It ia plainly evident now that unless tho dubs io tbe League. Six of'tbem treat thoir m«n now that the guns are set for the fray. The men. THE TEAM. shaiiiefuHy. Sha^l the pUycrsln the other two look base ballists are in for a long continued and Sure enough, in the spring Dunny reported in mag­ The make-op of tht- reordanir.od Browns i§ yet an- LIFE: The local base ball sensation of the week League comes to Mr. Day's aid that his team nificent condition. He played g»0J Uil , but so -u be­ this season will be an inferior one compared to on indifferently? That was the argument used. Dou't bitter fight, and as they are the exponents of knowo. Yon der Al>e hia itftriii-d two or three ama­ was the visit of John "Baby" Day, who poses as you believe that any nmu jom&i gan tu fail *wuy. He nt-^le^te-J to ketp in form. the Brotherhood un- the noblest sport on earth, teurs for evprv i/osit.on un tlie tetm, hi* idea being to the president of and has so miserably mijnian. the Brotherhood local team and inferior to mosi wittiugty. The \>l*n was fully explained to every why should there be Things weni on until Dunny was hurt. Then the all a iriul au>l keep th« bed'. He may develop aged the affairs of the New York League Clnb of tbe League teams, so far aa a paper verdict lust man of them before they took tUo oath. It i auy Bto i'ing t<> (hedirt>? rupimee th»t Mr. Day did cllumi'ionahip was w m. Dunlap recovered in time to une or two "phenoms" out of UIH dozen youughieM can decide the question. With the men he al eucli * terrible oath after all. Thxt would not (-re- ut'emirt to wiu Buck Ewlng fr^/m the Brotherhood by get in the w- rid a championship i-ri^. although tue.-e tbat he has HI^ned, bnt the indiratl"tia are thu1 the since the revolt of the Brotherhood commenced. the bixxlle ptocut-a. Mr. Kwing haa arrived at the nge waa a grand kick against letting him in. Cue critical Ten days ago one Walter ready has and such players as can be spared hiti vent me going back to tbe League, bat I frel that I playeta with record B oren though tticr be indifferent Appleton, who haa am all right lor the years. I b.tve a contr.ict calling ot reneon and kuow« right frum wrone, and if be game, art ihe at«ry goes, Diinuy shirked a hiiih flv records will uiaka up the rettm. The-* ure: Sw9»- some connection with the New York organiza­ from the Cincinnati and Brooklyn teams, anc for more money than I BW received in the League cliooaes to listen to tlie voice of what he imsht rt^i rij-tit iieur liis territory which was cost'j, nod fiom nev, first; Kiustudu, «eco-ro{.-ositioD. Of course, if the rest of tbe Ii'« a Dintter uf uinti to mau, aod if Mr. Ew-nsc be- Manager Hanl»n, wheu asked about this itory this njno, ceut-'e; Me'ai'hy, ri^ht; Chamhertin, Stivett* boys agreed to return to Mr. Day I would be glad lieTM thnt lie did right So j .iuinj? tlie Brotherhood aiierut.on, sitidt "I h^ve nothing io My. See Wat- and Vaui'erhn ok, pitchers; Meek n ml Kane, catcher*. he bad attracted the attention of half the popu­ do great work on the field. But it is all guess- to aud fiicnin; wiih the Players' Lrngue and work. Ou paper the team loi to wo>ik, Sgnre as you do ao but not before that time." tlmi boih kins I«T that end. Tne man told me to mv facs in Vun jer A ho ID K'Oking around for H catcher and may lation of tbe place, announced that he waa there urganiz.tions are thoroughly ri^ht a> d under tbat New York th«t he didn't want to play with me, HM i I 6'gn Toot I>»laD, »bo was M member of the team ia to talk business with Danny Richardson, of will, when Comparing it with Brotherhood an<* ~ CAPTAIN KWING WAS FLUSH convict.ou has bis prire, why n-»t permit him to be him transferred. If Jfitteburg pays him 550UO! teams jrenei ally. ~ that afternoon. He h^d over S3000 iu currency in his bought body aud sjul aud to hare the lucre rubbt-d ita {.aluiy days, and who has just been released by Den­ last year's champions. That he did not make a Ah, ob!" ver. The League may be able to petsnaile Mr. Brush to clothes aud li» showed it, possibly, to imnrew bis ti-it- into hia marrow? It'» purely A personal nwitcr, in "Duulnp baa no one to blame but himself," s:iid speech in the public squire and and tell what give up bin franchise for good coin of tbe realm, hut . ora with the f'Ct that be needed n<> lunch ni'-uey just whtcu tue individual will K<r K'-rr th s a f term on. "Uo isn't popular TON DER AHE 8ATISPIED. had passed between Richardson and himself, donbl it. Brush ia slirewd aud knows a g<>od thing at prooent. The New Yi-rkers left liere I*->t u^gt.t, mid flitli-B will know their men. A doubtful soldier ncter here aoJ wanted to be transferred to I'h n«iel,iliia, This do**BQ*t Io 'k like very prouiisiuy cliaropiooshJp when he sees it, and that he has oue now nobody wil an huur later KWJQK departwl over the Petiusylva bflpe't win a battle, aud on th«t sro-e the Plnyere and we arranged it for him. I Ctn't iniit^ue what nmt.'iiil, aud iht« Incnl v)..per« are inthwrdiihioua »luut was probably because he got through at an deny. Tbe League i.i reasonably sure to go through Mr. Gordou'a faith ia aubliai* and it is shun-d by Mr. hour when everybody in the city had gone to should tako it as au iict of kindness ou the part of the CHU be tl'O hitch down tin-re. The PhiUuel^uia folks the chance of the leam fo' even a r» sj>e> t;il»!e place in the season with ten clulw. It cannot and will not Day. He Mid: "We will be all right. There are is tlie Brook l.vna end of i his business Cri ten lay, the old-timer, at billiards iu the Central of tha ide*y Hotel room, when? thu writer WAS ou the afternoon etntli. I ^tiM have neven of m« old i;l»y»-r«. Chain- itrdBon, km wiuki-d like a blind owl and laid the little the League, nnd of this 1 will speak further on. down and die they Dijght find their ex|iectatiuna te*l- WKH in Cincinnati dickering with Evfin^, a cm p «- rounds to-d<*y. "Gl»d t> see you," said lieck; "but Lerlain.S ivetis and Kani9>y reumiu with me. King Becuod biseniAU would I* all right. Of course uo om President Day has not yet returned from the West izt*d to a small degree, but with opposition the l>uai- mootal aesert.ou was tucked on to th" eOect there isn't a thins going on- I'll try anJ own uy having been 'be ouly dwerter timon« the pitches. frit like kicking Mr. Apr lrtun and telliog him he w« but will probably get back to-morrow. His trip ap- ness men who have guue mad y iuto this w»r will be Pre-ideot Byrne, of the Brooklyn Cluli, was Ihe wiih a story! ihoucht of wheu I h-uni Ben Hnrri- I think I will very nearly have the beet pitching an etcn-gi' us aws e-TH-cmtly when John "Baby" Pa p-ara to haTe been a failure. It was a bold stroki glad to let co. Th« Len^ue clut>a have their ^ ra^Ting ajtirit in the nuttier, and that it wa« tie wbo BOn waa in town. Thn story ia n^w in tlie (Cast. Yon ta'eiit to be fmuid iu any ooe club iu the country. I »dd«l a f.w winks anil echoed Mr. Applrton'a word' that he attempted and h;;d it succ'eded would hav. and stAiida, n:l are certainly sur« of e-ime patr conceived aud i luun^d Lhtprebena)oD concerning uiy back eto(*t at the eanie time trying to impreB* the ustwmbi'-' come prettv near doing up the loctl Hiotherhood team The maddest em tineas', overtlie Brotherhoud will tiave verdant ha k stop. Thia Bttttetnunt w«» pu' lisb*-d in Well, when we lu D^lUti, Tt-z.T one day it WHB so and yet tbe tlire« catcbera whuin I have ihun fur se- crowd t!mt he was a great man and not ft block-head It was uioed on a belief best illustrated by a remark to adujit th*t. It ia easy en 'High to ft cure ou; a suc­ several newspapers and naturally couveyed ibe ira- cold ttmt Will-anisoD, Gore, Flint and m.teelf walked previun Byrue was not*iing tmvd are BO well le.omm.'ndwl that I have faith ia He conldu't do t!iind they wil who, haviux everything set-ure in Ms own camp, felt opposite the hot^l, kept by a good (VIlow. We laid ban caught iTofeixtunally three BeH^ns iu Kurisus, the particulars of the whole bminesa auville, 111., Club, Ulnly there is no question that where men are i I have never been more sanguine of our ultimate the Bruokljn Club PrfMMiily tour cowb y« and a policeman came In, wiio ittaiBo highly e^oken of. Tne third catcher ii bonnd t>y promises it i-t entirely true. The failure will admit that Mr. Byrue's word ia an goxi a* hu and of c<>uree everything free souu hud them. They THE MISSION OT THE NEW YORKERS. success than I »m now.1' bond, aud it id on that -core thai I tfive hU n-a**r to Ueo. Atlunia, of Mew York, who has never played pro­ Mr. IHy to secure Kwing's name to a contiact is no in A ad (Tt-ei'leut Day metaphorically shook hands with began throwing dice for a flap, und gnarreled. Kr- fessionally. The next wo heur of Mr. Day he is in Cincinnati ac thu yarn counseling hiiu witb tbe Day-Ewiug deal. v>.Ivor* were quickly drawn, and Flint, Gore and eomranietl by J. A. Gordon, HIH tlier New York offlrial dication that aBnr.k" is not "'out for the stuff." H him on tluU vroposition. The adventures of the couple thinks there is more money to be made iu the end b Hear what he says: \Yilliarnsou flpriut'-d like binzes for their h -t-le, all THE FIELDING POSITION?. the Stft thine >b«e two great roi«n did was to «ecnre iu HjOfaicidom «i I doubt less b« detaiird by Mr. Ovena "My tnflfld B H!I right. Fuller remain* at the short remaining with the Urolberhond. I do not mean t Uetore gettiug away from this subject upon anothe; "The assertion that I had prooipte-d Mr. Day to ou reHChing it g >i'*g at once to bed. Trouble WH« a l.rass bind, mount it »n a talljr-ho coach, which \v*s Insinuate that Ewintc's promise to and contract wit approach Ewmg ia maliC'uu*, and wholly untrue. averted between tun tighten fur the momeut, and the field, aud to 611 the other three positioua I have drivt-n through lh»s!rt*t< boHrins; a banner thtt the 1'iie, let it be said Mr. Gord->u and Mr Day empbaaizet 'there is not t-w-eney aud Kiusint-n, two tried men, and thre* the Brotherhood were not sufficient to keep him tru their position to Mr. Ewitiif so: the nl gMe^t fouudntion tor it, as i huve cowboys left. No sooner had the*y dime ao ihan tlie "B»b>" prwident of the New York Club had arrived my bands full with uiy owu afta;r8, ami, beBt'k-s, Mr, (Oliceman riished acroas to ttie hot*rf, round others who coniw ntitily recouun»udeiy is not tlie kind »f a man wbo wuuM eitli^r si-k Flint and WilUaraeou, and declared they must come Dair^ih, a «ee< ud hoieman, from Kint Liveruool, U., o»id talfe bu*iue^Bhk^ji££_Eu'n£. A( be so considered. Morally y.iu are obligated to retuiu a«.M8tance of that kind or permittee i*tronglv retouimenJrd b> Curt Wrlch, uutJ - League made It euiuslMsMsP" refuse Mr. to U8. We want you aud your place is with us. Your interference along uud clrau out tne co'-vboya." iu ui- private m^tter«. You'll find me stickiDK The writer caJletl time her*-, but on Deck's vow thai had three >eax*' *jtperi«nce iu ibe uiiu i , agreement ^^b^^^^gt^^gsj^anjr other you L - ' peru.-»>» N-vr York to i (J'-uu nwmij nibii uj iii^i frtll'ttt* itare will tell whether or not tbe visit was fruit­ 8om« time in tbe Ohio Si ate L<1 E 'hey koew.'thev announced that they were ahow it to his friends with -'tuis A FALSEHOOD PROMPTLT NAILED. "shutting the door, barricaded it with chairs, t-ed- what it cost me, boys, to he IOTA! to you,1 ' and perhaps ful to the Lea- UP. , or s^ait-b'-'dy epeakiug for him, mftda sieada, dressers and everything they oould find. They joung flist bu-cnun, six f<-< coming to ludiitnapolis unJ at a late h ur night teforn t?ecrrtary H.rry Sterne has returned from a brlof __ oa the M.-XICO (Mr laat they arrtVed and r'gi^red at tho Grand Hotel. he may bay "It co«t me thirty-three tnoiifana dollars another denial from B^rne Qecessttry. Here IB the theu eat up all night in deadly fuar. Tbe policeman besitJbe what I've lost in the post three years to pro- aojourn among the Wolverines. He r*n up to Detroit gem that prompted it, never returned, however." Out f Ihie niaieMat"^r^/4-'*-""fid«n^ Of sed For n wonder they hmJ but little to say, but bright and for a few dayc, aud arrived home in lime to smile over early >t-3tenfay Diurniog tbey collected a crowd serve my *uiauhood."' "George Uore and a friend were on Fifth avenue, 'Pearci to me this is an old one. go< d. strong infield. anm unced that their missi m WHS to buy the Indian­ That is thn way a good many writers would put It. THE CAPTURE OP PORKMAtf. bctWHt-n Twenty-fi'st and Twenty-secoud Btreets, yes­ PROMISING TALENT AND KINOERGARTE!T. *'My on i field will be fully aa ctrong a« before. Mc­ apolis ieaIB, from Manager Glasscock down to tho hat Opmione differ »nd always will on this point. I be­ There was no disposition to trouble the Brotherhood terday, wiieo Charles Byrue, president of the Brook- Durinsr the week Manager Herker h»s been recefv- Carthy and Dutleo remain, aa duen also Gittin^er. boys, Pr^ttideut Brush had previously Baid that he lieve U at E\»ing WRI just as much bound to John B in local quarters despite the coutinned aseaahs upon lyu National League Club, came trlupinjt along:. *t in« repiles from his prummiuK yonug lak-nt or kinder- Thvii I huTtt secured Kosenmu, the well-known out- had received no worn^M«red a strong usual placid state. I think Messrs. Day and Gordon hood. A judge of the Supreme C<>urt of this "Hate Mas from his allegfoiu-e, the C'incmimti's president said the tapper little Brooklyu um^oate, aildressing him­ asking them to report March 15. The l&it letter came play- r. These players, I believe, will make a more waited fur Mr. Brush to call upon them, bnt if became practically said that he agreed to be h*-ld by Mr. Day little thought much. He acquieeced in the demands self to U-'re. 'Excuse iue,' au^we^ed tha New Y'-rk in to-ilay, and was from Ducky Hemp, who lives on than average ream c^i'tainty stronger tban tlie team at all he waa lat*, and the visitors had ample time to far 1890, but Ihe same judgu has found apparent tech­ of the Cyclone promised to give him t'ne salary he fit-lder, 'I am t«o busv now. See you later,* and Mr. Bucou street, St. Ltyuia. Mr. Hemp c»ntcratuUt«id I had -thf tirwt two or three yet»r« of the A-nociation. nicalities by which the contract can be evaded. It is asked for dtapite the fact that it was several huudred Byron's f»ce flushed a little as G»re and hU friend Hecker on hia selection as manager, and givea a rough But if tt should not, afit-r K fair trial, prove stronger, auswcr the qufstiotid of the ruportora. Mr. Day did pass-d alon^ most of the talking. When asked what h* was doing possible yet that it may be found thtt these technic­ above hi-s own murk. Then came the telegram the into the madding crowd.1* gut-aa of a meaauru fi-r a unifoim, he atamiing 5ft. th»-re is one thing certain; that ia that I will io Indianapolis he s»id: alities do not exist. This hope does nor, however, ap last be received from the Reds' old pi.cher "Will do ' That's a li« in its entirely," was the little presi­ 6*^ia.( and weighing 147iba. Mr. lie IB p writes a iiice strengthen it." dent's answer "UV11,1 am here to hny the Indianapolis Club, if p^ar to be wry strong In Mr. Day's mind, judging by uo business for BODI# time." There was no necessity to the above. "This fellow Gore app«>r- letter. SKKKINO TO STRENGTHEN THB CLUB. fosMble. Mr. Brush has done a great deal for the his attempt to secure Ewinr and Richardson hy a for "O-d Cy" to send that mes.-age. He had uo cause toud to himself couaidernble dlgultv and imtjnrt.ii "I haven't heard from either Laroque or Klrtley Some excitement and consternation was created ta League, but we waut him to do a little more. We liberal outlay of money. Stupidity, avarice and (creed to deceive his old employer, but the iuk wan tcuroely hen he presumes to say that I approacO^d him _ Baker, the Blue Lick man from Cincinu..ti," sai i Mr. local circltg hi (he announcement early in the week want him to !«t New York take hia club. Mr. liruab were worked to the limit in securing men to dry upon that blank «rutho newa uf liiscontract with the fctreet or anywhere e-lse. I hare not se«-u him for llecker this Kfternooii. "I have writteu three loiters that Presidi-nt Vori der Abe bad offered 87500 for tbo is a good btse ball man one of the best in the country in the attempt to wreck Mr. Day's business, and he Brovklvn was mu'le knowu. It did no f.ossil/li* good niouibs, and would sn guon think of cho[ip;ug off my to Buker, nod I gue*) ril send the fourth iu care ot franchise and players of tbe tiu>ux City Club, of tha and he must recognize tlmt tho nood ot the League has only tried to fl^ht Bre with Ore. for him to send §uch a message be simply added a ricut haud as cua-ing alter such as he. He s'.u some newpp.tper. Replied have been received from Western Association, aud tbe opinion waa freely ex­ the other lie in umvejing the im- Keltv, who is wintering at Jersey City, Ed Mulheriu, pressed that Vi'ii dtT Ahe bad weakened on tbo Ame­ ^ew York. With that done we will ba nble to flubt tor* was to endeavor to make terms with Richardson to shatter man's conbJeuce in tbe wonts and pledge* preH-i'io thnt I am serT'n.raa au emissary of Mr. Day's, Glendttle, 0.; Phil. Routcliffe, OswBkM), N. Y.; jjted rican A&ocUiion, and intended to eeek shelter in thtt the Brotherhood. It will give us the strongest cluns and Ewing. hiul tailing in this to buy out the ludian- of players and. magnates alike Boih have many SIUB in attempting to bring buck ^orue of the tatter's play­ HoAt, Oregon, III.; ^Villiitm Branneburnt, Daj IOD, 0^ Western Association. Mr. Yon det Ahe, lu.wever, baa in tue bt-sf citifs, aivl the organization will be compact Bpulls team entire, or to make some arrangement with to aiiKtfer for chulked up since ibis r«b«HJon t-egao. ers ol last season. It would be interesting to know William Wibjnn, Girard, 111.; P. J. Dauiela, Lou:aville; set at reat all so oh dAmag.iig re[«rt» by publicly fttt- Mr. Brii;-h by which some of the meo so badly But about FuTt-mno. His seguing was a ourprid*. who 'the frienu' was. Perhaps the la tier might be Charley Gray, Iiiuiann|iolie.. iut the offer was uot atid on a eoimd f- utnlfttit»n every way." able to KstrniBb, nia-coud Iva^e- Black, pi cher, and Crotiy, in tbe eight clubs left in.1' was one of these fooliah fellows who listened to the two or thrt-e times to Clark, and receiving DO an* t'T, of tsyracuiie, ban ju save him much trouble and trying lor "Yi-u h;ive, of canine, coma to Tndlanap^Ha prepared out. and yet his refuwtl to do so ia a gff-at Injury to dati* with Wheeling and McKeesport and during the winter. He made a fine record in tha to use peritnaijivt* means to secure tho chit>?M shoals of disaster he jumped and added to the miitery ascertain wb*t Clark really meant to do. I did as re- thinks be can nil iu ibe 18th or 19tti." TfXus League hfj'ire juiniug the \\eatern As-ociati-jQ. the LeMgue iu general and to the New York Club iu of Ma linger Biruie and Baltimore. Tnen he re^euted q ues If I atid found ouc thut the young man scarcely "Oh, I don't cure to pay anything about what I pro­ particular. Uv is nut to be blamed tu the slightest in MADE IT AN OBJECT. Bluck ia Ki'i Badiwiti's old pitcher, and tlie battery pose to do. New York is ready to buy the Indianapolis and c»m« back, and DOW Oiuciuua'J has him in tow. knew himself." waa in great rlemaud when under contract to (ju;noy bis course. He has rights and bis colleagues will re- The eiories of tbe reach aitei Lovett and Murphy team John Tener's tall form was uoticwl in Newell's this Chtb. If New York can gut tht- Indianapolis piny en, Fpect them. Still it is evideut that what be can do to A SENSIBLE VIEW. aft-ruoon. He w«a engHged in converiatiou with In 1886. Grotty was a innuiber of tbe Browns oev^ral U will give ns a club as stn>n? a* ar>y in the Leagae." to have been blinds to throw the uuemy off tbe trnck. Ai the playing season draws nigh President Byrne's years an", but --oly remained witb the club a short help out his associates he should do. Mr. Day doesn't The fruit of this uuhul> war is this new band of con­ Manager Haulon and a man named Drohao, who lift-ing an opinion upon this rather remarkable seed a great d«--,!. Witb the W«D he has a short stop, a enthusiasm urons npace, and while some are groping onc« d,d ba»e ball work on the Bontou Globe aud went time. The object in ae.Miring these player* is to tat-'raent, it appears clear enmigb that Mr. D:iy is tract jumpers. On tbe one hand abend of honor was abx;ut iu iloubt and woudering what the futuie will strengthen the Brown*. Tbe lust from Sioux City ii catcher, a third baaeman ane DOW probable would be for Mr. Bru»!<, lor Ihiryea. but iu stick work the latter far excels thu ex- afro. Tener was called aside aud a*ke<) to give his own h flairs, b:it with gall enough to make a proposi­ a consideration of course, to M Mr. Day have Deuny Kke a hot political campaign," he said to me. "All present aiaiidiog with the Pittaburg Players' Club, WALTER SPAtDING'S VIEWS. tion tbat would do credit to a world beater iu this Baltitnoreau. The iut^use interest iu tbe New York- the voters will come out, and it will be victory for the sad Rutie or Gctzein, and for Mr. Steru to giro biu Ewing case qulttt threw this daal into the shade. Ciu- daid John: lino. Carpent-r bost man. We will have a good eqnare fight In thi* "Yon were right when you said I couldn't leave a How Public Favor "Will Probably be I»I». and Earle or Baldwin ulso f >r a considera­ ciuuati accepts (be new recruit with (satisfaction, and city, and I am anxious for the ft ay." BRtTSH UNMOVED. tion. This would procide Mr. Day with fillers for hia I am Dot exaggerating when I say that ihe verdict is: good position for ball playing, but it was made an ob- pens eel Nftxt Season. When Mr, Day got into the preface of Mr. Brnsb team and enable him to make ft good front. ''AH ia fair in war." Tbe UU tvbtch I rect-utly THE ADMISSION RATB QUESTION. jVci for me to do so. I signed a-regular PI dyers1 con­ CHICAGO, Feb. 17. Walter tie While talking with a certain per BOD who knows tract and will pit Hi fur the team, heeides will act BA Spalding arrived prolmbly soon found out that things wore notcoui- He could pick op ono pitcher of experience from tbe chiouicled with John W, Sp«as, ilia clover litUe aia^- in the city Friday from New York, where he is. in.f his way, aod it ii claimed hy both sides that no minor leagues and develop one from tbe lot of uet of the Cow boy B has called out much of the League jluoa for the coming season, tbe secretary and treasurer on all occasion-, handle all offer was made lor the IJo.'sier team. Mr. Day's main y< ung*itt-r3 Mutrie has oa hand all crazy to distin­ conversation drifted to the chaocca of certain cities moue>fl aud attend to correspondence. I shall likely now making his home. Mr. Spaldtng did not argument was agsinut a teu-dub circuit, and he la­ guish themselves. A FKW WORDS FROH "THB EGYPTIAN." supporting two major clubs and others tl>re«. ''If commence work on thin line at once, but will uot re­ appear at all disconcerted about the Brother- In a personal letter to me from Cairo John Sealy port for play until April 1. bored IJHII] io couviDca President Brush that it would THE SPRING TRIP. there is a marked decltue iu patronage, will the houd, and said so far a* he could see the League bo l>e>t for the League if it c»uld be reduc.-d to eitht writes: "In that interview Mr. 8peas doo* out stuto League cut Ihe rate of admission?" I asked. "Not un­ Ttner wan told that tie h»d snrely helped the cause membfr^. In answor Mr. Crush told the New Yorker Manager Mutrie has concluded all arrangements for that I offered him back all tbe advance lor my re­ less the Brotherhood takes the initiative," waa the alonji by signing. There is no use of talking, the waa in no worse hole at present than k has been that at tbe L- ague meeting, when Brooklyn and Cin­ his Southern trip and vrill ship the colts, and some lease. I signed an Association contract and am will­ answer. "The Players will hardly do such a tbiiig, Players' Club has two strong men in Carroll and on several occasions in the past, when it camo cinnati were admitted, he wan of tho same opinion aud who are oot rolls, to Ohnrle.iton, S. 0., on Wednesday, ing to fulfil it tbe bust I know how, but I seriously though," wad added, "as it would bit a rank confession Truer, BrotherhoiXl or League. "Jnst ton wait until out "right aide up with care." Said he: foil*hi thu admission i.f these clubs imtll be stood IVh. 2t), by the Clyde Lite of steamers. Mutrie has object to boiog relegaieJ to a minor league. ftot that ot wtmkufgs. However, if they nnoiild we will follow you see Teuer bat thid year," said Manager Haulon arranged to take fourteen men with him. He declines I consider rays*»If too good for that or^auioaiion. as "Iu New York, Host on, Brooklyn at:d PhiUdelpnlm aloue on the fl >ur. But now, stjic* th« circuit bud and go with them down to IU cents if necessary. It'a later on. sentiment appear* to be pret'y evenly divided between tfcou incrpaaed to ten members, there was no reasoa to give the list in full. These men, however, will there are lots of fine plnyers iu that league, but f still war, yon know." When I met President Byrne yes­ The manager and new secretary a moment later left Buraly go: Hornung, Fairell, Sain Crane, Welch, hare a little pride loft and ftuow in mv owe heurt the Ployem* und the National League. In Brooklya for reducing it at l«aet, there bid bten no change in terday, I aeked what he thoucht of the statement. for the meeting of the stockholders uf the club which the League has a shade the best ot it, wbile in New the flitua'ion since laai full, and if ten clubs were not Tiernan and Put Murphy, of the vets. The kids are that I can still wiu Iu the League or Brotherhood if I and be replied that he had scarcely givin the matter was due at 3 o'clock. Jo* Murphy, Charley Dooley and A. F. Clarke. If had a chance. 1 refused to si^u ID tbe League last York and Boston it was about a at aud-off. Chicago? too in.iiiy then they are not too many nnw. Mr. a thought, but added that he did not look for a reduc­ MIGHT BE ALL RIGHT. Oii. 1 xiu-ea the Leagne will be all ri^ht here. To my Brush opposed t'ie admission uf Brooklyn and CfDcin- Lehane aud Wilson are signed they will go also. Tbe fall. I was oot pooled about tbe B otherhood, aud BO tion of prices on either side. balance of the team will bo made no of unknown kept out of the fight. I sigiieu an American Aaaocia- During the wiuter, whenver it waa my lot to get mUd ADS in bus not together a pret'y fine lot of cults, Drtti for the n-asoa tliat it looked like a scheme to LAGGARD BROTHERHOOD MBIT. Into a base ball discussion ou the old club's new and he has tii'tied out tome fine tea:ii9 fram raw ma­ ftirce S'me nne »>ut and bscaiise it would practiorily talent, whom Mutrie will take with him for trial aud tloo contract not dreaming that it would reach the wlio hare not The wind still howls over the moor at East New plajers, thero was always somebody iu thw crowd to ter al in the patt. The fact lh»tsuiue people hold the wreck tbe American AMociatiuB. yet been selected. Th« men will pUy condition it has, Mr. Speos doesn't need me. I did York, aud Dit»e On- has bee ime cross-eyed at Charleston and other Southern points, returning not cost him a cent, aud to be reasonable he ought to looking smile as H*rry T, Smith's crowd of seven Youngs- team cheaply rather pleas*-« we. It always takt-a a few MISTAKES OP POLTCr. home in for tlie coming of Architect CV'ts and Bnilder Li n ton, (owners was mentioned. One or two were spoken of weeks to get a clnb intu pluyiu^ condition, and u-b«u time for tbe opening game of the prelim­ let me go. I dou't think tbore is a fair-minded per­ who are to do the fence and stand No one will now deny tbnt Mr. Brush was right on inary »ta*on at the Polo Grounds on March 29, with son ID tbe country who would for a moment sus aio raiting act at the as "miys." Smith's pick don't stand very well here­ an or^auizatiou is landed to tite skies before the jea^on liot!t qnettioiifl. Had ihiow two clubs rom*iu<*d fn the the Jaspers, Player's grounds. Dave i«t panting (or Burnt-tliing to abouts in consequence. opens the public is liable to expect too much from it of Manhattan College. Mutrie says he Mr. Speaa in tijiug to 8-11 me. If I had coat him superintend. Orr, by the way, fleures AtfM.>ciation (he Brotherhood would not be alive to­ IIHS one man tie expects to take South with him who something it would be different, aod, if BO, 1 would try it out that be However, some of (his crowd liftf? surprise '(he and weaken li it ruua np against a losing etreaK of day. Tho withdrawal ot Brooklyn and Cincinnati ia 6ft. high, weighs 185 pounds and has terrific speed will bo 83000 richor at the end of three years tbau if hoys who called them stiff*, etc. Gruy, the Bix-ttJed luck. 1 am also in favor of giving local p avers a to let him receive all he could lor me. It ia us^lets he remulueil with the Columbus Club. Ho waa chanc*. cause'! the Kansas Ci'y and BaHimore clubs to go out, as a pitcher. Who this coming phenomenon is Man­ for me to say bow I leei, aa all ball players say they m*n from Hoosiertown, hew been called a freak, a Chicaxo shouM ba able to turn out an good and then I lie AtM*ocmtion was on the brink or disso­ ager Mutrie declines to itate at present are in fine trim." treated well hy "Back," but wnnted the money. mouBtro-Ity and other museum names, but according b»ll phiyers MB any city m the c< uutry, and if ao tney lution, and the players did not fe*l like standing by a DRIFTWOOD. to Billy Sanders, who has bten practicing witb him, should be given a cimnco to ehow just wbat they caa LOCAL BROTHERHOOD MATTERS. Mr. Healy's kind word* about my letters to THE Binkin^ ship nud went over to the Hr»theihood, SPOUTING LIFE I appreciate, uud it is a pleasure to do I caw Bob Ferguaon in a gate of wind with ft huge he is a promising pitcher. Roat, Brandeimru: et al., do on their native hen h.1' *ivlng it from rnin. Now Mr. Day suddenly discovers There fs very little to say nbout the Brotherhood blacK Newfoundland dog (a genuine animal) an hour have bet-n mentioned u good ones. Mufhohn la a a» he wisbti and explain his position. It is a pity he WESTERN COLLEGIANS. that t<-n ctutoare too many. Why didn't he think of club here. Both Keefe and twiug are away and duos oot know Mr, Speas personally, for be would find ago. Ho had just heard tho ofliciiil auu^uncemeot giant first baeemnn, hail ins; from Gleu H*'e; Q. A tbat when he advocated the increase but fall? The things are going aloug slowly at the new him "a white man." I confidently look for favorable thut he was to be one of the eight umpire* of tbe player, who ha-* saen him pUy, told me by fc^tt^at !hs pi TIII fact of the nmtUr 18 the New York Club is in grounds. The fences on three sides are up. The Players' League and waa carrying on eight-by-ten other day something about him. He said he didn't A Schedule Adopted New Officers Elected diamond has been laid out, tbe field grided and rolled tnatmcnt io tbw peculiar caoe. Mr. Iie,aly rather has "hell's hole," to »aw a common phrase, and Mr. Day tho best of tlia argument, aud Mr. Speas is fair and smile. waut to back cap the man, but thought bis hitting For 180O Other Business. lucks iho ai'ilty to poll it out. I d> not ovoratare the and the contractors are preparing to put up the square euough to acknowledge it, even If it works to Speaking of umpires reminds me that Lip Pike fs wouldn't bo enonjrh for ^ood cumpanv. Keliy, grand stand. I went up there to-day and looked of Manafield, in unquestionably The Western College Aasooiatiou met in Mil­ fee ing when I say thnt the head of ihe New York, his financial disadvantage. Seo if I miss my guess. quite anxious to join tlie ratiKa of judges. Lip is a a good catcher. waukee, Feb. 15, aud made out their schedule. Club today h lh« laughing stock of fndiaiiapolic, things over. Contractor Cram was ou hand wiih a Mr. Htfuly gives this new* item: He luaves for Hot good one, with plenty of nerve aud all of the gentle­ It might be well lor cvcrjbody to wait uud see what and no doubt the omile fxtenda all over the country. gang of mou hustling the surveyor, who in said to be a Springs March 1 atid declares: "You can rely on the man about him. It strikes m* tbat he should uot these yimiig men can. do. It isn't right to »ize np at The delegates present were: G. I, S^ofield and He has sbown an utter luck of ahllily to hold his own ek behind with bis work. Billy O'Brlen, wbo is bare to look far. long range. H. A. Bum&ey, Lake Forest University, Lak« nlfth-Dg tbe bucking for Mr. Cram, was on hand fact that I will not report iu Kansas City." All winter In it H0vtre crints, and Is flounderiu^ around pleading ho has been practicing at a Cairo gymnasium. PvrH was a chance, iusiea'l of looking around may get it done, He took two ot tbe new family of Sand Crab* under present himself ou Feb. 28, and about tbe flame time Stito Universit>, Mudwon. tiia wing and beaded fur Galveston with the aro wed can't uoeis what is iu it. Ice? No, sir, not a bit; but Alter nittkiug some sllffht changes In tho hy-lawi and lookiui WIBH, like a little tin go-1, ho wuiM hava CATCHING AT STRAWS, Boh Cnrutbers, Dave t'oaU and George Pinckney will a_ fly lug niacbiuj. A Frenchman who claim* to be ft bud thiuK* in hotter shape at tins time. If Mr. Dav nteution of making someltotiy bustle to curry off the show their noses. The rest of the team will follow the following officers were elected for the enduing It Ii significant that Ewing baa never yet denied ixmuunt in that Lone Star State League. Joe Hen- civil engineer baa ec^ft/ed the enclosure for a test of a year: President, '1'heo. Kmnshasrp; vice president, L. wonts a ball club let him pet out an<) husilo for ft that he may sign with tbe League. The New York close ,-ulding. Herald tliii morning qtiotoa him as follows: was one of the recruits he gathered to hla bosom, and ing more than a kite without a tail. Ii's a big thing The KCtiedule a» top ted wa-t as fullown: men in a small place )ikg lodiauapolis, Mr, Day "I haven't signed with Day, and I am as firm ft quite a slender youth again, and looks a short-dist­ with six hundred square feet uf cttuvas, and how that cou.'d certainly Itave sect:red «>me of bio, wheu he Joe Stonzel, the catcher, wait tho other. Right from ance sprinter to tbe life. Catcher Daisy ia with him, Mav 3, Blttdidou vs. Bel it at U. -loll; Mar 3, I Ate Brotherhood tunn as ever. I never promised to loin the scoue of the skirmish for Lohatie, McGuirk had a thing will ever go np a Philadelphia lawyer on); Forest v*. Koittiwetdern University at Evatmon; May li«d almost untimitfd resources at his command. Day's ciub provided Iticharikon, Connor aud Gore did and both will come East together. kuuws. He tried a smiiUm- one yesterday. It wentup Think of n' nmn coming to this city and talkiug as story to tell of the still hunt for the player. Hub GolliUD will stick to his original (nteotloa of 10, Korthwtatern University vs. Belolt at B.-1 it; May so. I told him I was willing if the whole club did ?aid ho: juat tbe way the old League nil! go, aud tbat is nut 12, Northwestern University vs. Madison at Ma-'llaun; DH>- did. Ktttlfy, it u«k«« a ft-How smile to think for what eke could I do 11 tKey did? My position' going direct fram Louisville to St. Augustine. at all. The mau \vasu't disheartened and wltl try it of it. "i was doing a bit of detective work my*»lf, and There's a young second baseiuan, Wm. F. Cunning- Blav 17, S1aUi»on vs. Bolo t at Madison; May 17, North- wonld be gone. I don't think the three men men­ bite standing ou a corner in a part ot town fre­ again." wc tern Uuiveivity vs. Lake Forest at Lake Forest. INDrAHAPOT,I8 TO STICK. tioned will desert tbe Players. That oath don't amount ham by Dame, a strapping youth and dashing player quented by the Dison I heard somebody say: lu th* employ of Gton. Jourdau, oue of tbe backers, FROM TUB STREET, May 24. Lake F -rest vs. BMmt at Beloit; May 20, Mr. Day admits that Mr. Brush baa done m great to anything. Others bave lt,ft the Brotherhood who '"Hello! What are you doing here?' Lake Korent TS, Mwtison at Madison; May ;)0, Beloft deni for the league, tut thinks he ought to do tuoie. took it, and U isn't tbat which keeps me with those practically, of the Players here, who would make Steve Toole, aa a Councihnanic candidate, was laid "'I kuow your face, friend,1 said I, 'bat not your many a magnate's heart gay. He ia one of the bright v«. LiikB Forest at L^ke Forest; May 31, Beluit vs. If thn tfi.w Yc.rk "cry b*by" had said he wanted Iu- who remain. 1 started Into Ibis thiog with my eyes name.' " out flat. Ilia opponent WHS u hotel keeper. Northwe-t'-rn Uuiversity at Kvan*ton; lidbte of the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad team, and Curroll wired Jim Corbeit, Ki.rain's conqaeror, bis June 7, M*di- diiinnpoMs to do nn-re for him, he w;iu!d have come open, and I don't boliere we can lose anythinu. I Ned Bligh/sayshe,'and T'ra banting for fon va. Northwfcsiern Univeisity at Evauatoc; June 9, nearer to the truth of Ihe matter. Perhaps Mr. Day have a five years' contract to get more money than I might have gou» ont two seasons ago if he desired. congratulatroua for b'-atiug hia man. Curbott aud Lebaoe. Here's a contract from Columbus for hi in to He ia a gain, and I would not be surprised if John Madison vs. Ijalu- Forest at Lahe Forest. thought he cotiid juatsfopover between trains, transfer have ever received before more than tbe New York "-*" Fred playoU iu the same club In 'Frisco. The ^ paid inn ball aud roles were adopted. Tht th'^ ilooiiier team to New York and pass on. Bat be Leuirue Club e?or offered me before this last proposi­ Ward picked him np when tbe latter aees him clay. George bue-r, in a letter to Gt-orge England, says That's Ihe man I want, too," I returned; "Im Ho wants a professional start. pennant last year WHS won by Eva us ton, a tie gam* got l»-ft nnd went away very much out of soits. Jn- tion." nting him for.Mm Mutria.*' he Is getting S5U a montn fur plmyiug in a little club being played off In Milwaukee to settle it. (Iiaiiiij'ulie doe? uot ititon>t t'» go out of the L'.ague, aud If Buck ever said this it proves that he Is ''out for Secretary Ebbetta is training down on bard boiled at El Cajou, Cal. Speer attended a shindig lu a pack- But 1 didn't find him and neither did Jim that af­ eggs, (sardines and an occasional squirt of ginger ale. cauii< t t>c forc'-iJ out. Prcsideiit Brush i« too big a tho stuff." Now if Buck signed a five years' contract ternoon. No matter who g»ts him they will find him lug lionise the other nigiit. There were thirty-five man to be puihod a'tout as the League people please, you can gamble that tbe DO gate leceipta uo salary You take them all together and if you don't die at the girla and four fellows present. He Had 'em Bad. a good first baaemao. Mike, I might say, is a protege first injection as Ebbett'i came near doing, you'll lira though it ia qu;tM pr-.ii able that no one viauta a change clause is not in It. Tbe big cards seem to have luoked of mine, for I was indirectly responsible for hU going Manager Hecker and Al Pratt art striving for ST. Louis, Feb. 17. Yank Robinson, the Pittsbnrg but tho Now York weakling. The Hooaier official has out for number ooe in good fihane. Tbose mun who to regret the start you mad«. inpremacy at dominoes. Heck had the best of it at Players' second barman, raised a racket at hit board­ ;o Buffalo, and there ii where he made a nom* for Here's a religions bo* mot. Brooklyn*! two major la*t accounts. made tip a schedule, ordered his players to report, sent signed bhtok contracts for other men to nil in will no iltnsetf." j ing house on Graud avenue ih« other nl«ht A rat clubs will remind ons of two women this season. One Billy Blatr Is on tbe mend. He had a bard siege. gnawing at thedo^r K«ve him an franr««icn that bnr- orr-o of tbetn tickets, aud is gettiug ready to win tb« doubt kick themselves when they read tueae iuUr- Piesident Seinsbeimtr, of the Texas League, passed I bauipionslup. Public aentiment here is v«ry ttrong yiews with Iwiog. will be all bustle and no bust, and the other a full Jimmy Galvin had a notloa of breaking off work to­ lllari w«r* trying to «*t into hla roouj aud he tired fir* through the city k few daya ago tu route to N»w York. ' bust wita little bujiit. J. r. DONNOU.T. ' day to go we President Uarruoo. aiu4i aud ihrew a spittoon Uowu stairs. Feb. 26. THE SPORTING LIFE.

tlon of nil, and there la DO fear aa to bis Inability to probable that he will be secured. Kan«u City wants a an In or outfi?lrl fill th:> place. Lyons is a fair pitcher, and, of course, large u.rtiou of Lucas county with a portion of Lake NOTES position very creditably, la a good THI New Tork S(.ir pithily remarks: "Jolm I. Ramaey is an UD known quality AND GOSSIP. ba*e-runuer aud batter and is considered a very valu­ Roger.", of BASE BALL. as jet Two good. Erie thrown tu for his release. Negotiations, however, able man. Pblladelp'iia, s^ya hewiahea tog.) on record me ii are on the Mat as piobable additions to the team, are still pending. Conway made a great record for WHAT la to become of ihe Lowell CTubt as authority for the stateuieut lhat Da* Richardson and ehould tl.ey be signed, « iil c rUmly THE spring uniforms for the Brooklyn will odd much to h;m-e)f last year, am] i* undoubtedly one of Ihe lead- BBIDUETON, N. J., ii ambitious and wants a good ball Association play wilh the New York League Club thl* year. the btiength of tiiu club In this inipu Unt det art- log pitchers in the country. 'Ere's hoping. In addi­ club. team will be mado of bloe-gray flannel, with bUck Mr. R-uers h.ts not a verv pool record as a prophet, mebt. Jutm Kiefe, in ti.e humble (pinion of y< nr tion to the negotiations in stockings and Irimmlnga. Thn favorito while and however. He said ba was sure to enjoin progress for tbe rehaseof PITCIIEB BLAIB la reported rery low with typhoid Ward, and THE ASSOCIATION. correfpondvnt, will sbiLe as a star the coming season Conway. lUuigor Mortou ho asked the Cowb. y fever. black "Nadjy" auita will probably be selected for tho some monttia ag-> eaid the Brotherhood would be die- in tbe Auicrit an Atct-c atk-n as ft , itchtr. nianiigemfiit to set a price oo the release of John summer. banded bv Feu. 1. Considering all these things, it la Grant Bri^jis «ti>nds alone at pr-s-.nt Tun Hartford Club ii negotiating with catcher fair to in the catch' Healy, pitcher, aud D^nahoe, catcher. Murray. Mlah THE stockholder of the Pitlsburg Playera' League presume that Mr. Rogers talk! through bis bal Inff department, and his friends look for good work Club met Thuraduy and paid in 60 pnr cent, additional with the greatcsl unconcern." THE SCHEDULE THE NEXT fr^mbimtLe coming 8PRAOIJE SI6S3. waflon. lirigcs ste'.M to 1m- The directors OMAHA Ii reported to have tlzned catcher Thayer on tlie at ck. leaving but 25 DT cent, unpaid. There TUB veteran player aud manager, Charles K. Masoav pr<>ve with every year, aud his work last season was of (he Toledo Bose Ball Club Jmot la«t ofToronti. were no "kickers" night and transacted cot-sideiable Important business, and applications for alock were formerly one of ibo Athletic Club, ia a can­ THING IN ORDER. well done. \ViI*,n, of tbe Atlantic Association, is A STaoNa amateur numeroua. didate for the rx>aitiou of WAtited by much of which cannot be promulgated at the present league for Minneapolis la likely an umpire. Charley has cer­ Mr. Krazer, &od ^ In DI all Hcc.>unts a tlmo. to be organized TRR New York League team'a home auita tainly bad experience eu..u^h to make him fully Com­ sironx pUyer in Jia position. Karl^, of Cincinnati, The contract for the Improvement) at Speranza will be Para wiili tlax Witzmaa wns ratiAixl. rltchm-Spnuue Jonx KKILY Ii not numbered among the Players' white, with bluck fetockiugs, caps and belts, and the petent in fi.l:ng tho p.Kltr>n. Be:id-*, he is thor­ hits bt eo op. ken cf, acd is eaid to be d Biroiu of e«- words "New York" oughly Impartial aud Monday's Meeting of caL'lnn frtui has at last couaEK has signed with the Brook­ plav.u^ manager* ia the country available for any of (he three, or make an alto­ ontft, N. Y., Club this year. lyn Ametienu Associate u Club. that the. Cli-volnnd League Club threatens to bring aa club; ia leo I, bad Ihe proposal gether new amount of base ball news each morning has the a test case, to far as the Cevelaud New Kugland L^dgne one. Manager Sharsig his prepared The llmUuu River League will probably be organ­ THE Michigan Stnto League's schedale meeting will plavers are cou- mtiterialized be woul-l have liari.lleil one of Us club*. a very fair schedule, which will ized shortly.. in (hat League would u'o well call, aa a rule, at the down-town news stands. ba beld at Grand Rapids ci'tned. "Cub" say« if tbe Cleveland League Club can HH plt.yed doubtless meet April 15. stand it he and Al Johu.^on witli H1!. \Vuyns in '84, Oswego in *«5 and with considerable favor. to look up somo of Ilie locnl talent, «s tin-rear* several One of the best known newsboys on the South can also. SlutrCiiester in 'SO. In 't>7 he maua/od aud played Appended is the week's very OUTFIELDER ABKEB DAI.RVMPI.S and Goorge Tread- MRS. CLARA on news from Association centres: promising men btr* who arts de-irons of cUrting Side, wbo bas for years occupied a stand at ona of tbe way have re-signed witb Denver. KEEFE, the well-known sculptor, has tlie Rutland teum, Northeastern League champions, out us profo-siun;il*. Among the number may be men­ busiest corners of ihe city, nimtious Tut BPOBTIXQ just finished an excolletit profile bust of her husband, Irom which griidunt-d Kittndge, Sprague, young tioned Conklev, second twee man; OuKe^, LIFE EI.MEB FOSTER wocta hia release from Minue-opolii T . J. Ke fe, the famous pi'cher. Tbo eiquis field-r; Gleu- witb tbe names of the morning ai:d alteruoon Maua«er Jloi ton says it is for eale. te prpce Keefe, Fagan, pitcher O'Brieu, Minne'iau and Daly. COLUMBUS goti, catcher; \Vcnte, catrhi-r; f oiirnier, fiolder (bro­ dailies he calls out for P«'e, and it Is not an uncom- of w-rkm.-ioship is on exhibiiion at Keefe & Becau- In 'S8 he ban lied the Oa*>g-> team aud brought it to CHATTER. ther cf Maiisfltild's lefi-bauded pitcher), and fepears, m >n thing of lal« to hear a FIIIST BASEsiiM SPEIDKI,, of last season's Wilmington UOII'H, l,r)7 Broadway, New York City. tho front, an.l thut, newsboy cry out: Club, is at Wheeling too, with cnlv nine m?n, iii'Mudmj Day's Possible third b.iaenmn. ' lleraltl. Times, 'frUiuiie and laler-Oaanl All about .(ill di engaged. THK League bas uudonbteily determined to pel h'niHelf, throughout tho season on tbe pay roll. He Tactics in the r.ehane Mat­ The wcatlier ter Forestalled—Columbus o( late has been vervmnch liko spring, Bennett signed with Boston;" or "Buck Ewing siirne.i H. N. MortroN, of Cleveland, hai besn offered the every man who has a price, no m-»lter how high. siibicqneully took hold of Cuitou at the tail-end of 1 Policy Deter­ and *n >arly scusou id anticipated. Rtims^y and Battin w.tii N«w York," or "All about Captain nianngemeut of the YoonKsto*n Ciub. They are offering big m the reason aud brought mined Up Anso'j's now and may get some ic np from ei&hth to sixth till—Schedule Matters—General fr- licked about at ^t'.r P.irk one day this week. colts." The little street Arabs seem lo havedropied PKRKF.CT sanies, with fascinating closeness, can be men, but they v.i!l liu-l a way to tietotu of jiaying the place. This is a better record than m:iyy a more Mention. Mr. r state* pu9itiv«Iy that cxtt-isive improve­ to tbe fact that thousand* of Iheir readers as well aa pla\eu wi h the indoor game of baso tall. salaries and Ihu-* deceive the players again. highly lauded minor league manager rossei-es. Last ments will CoLL'Mcus, 0., Feb. 18. Editor SPORTING be mi;de at SUr Park thh n^a-on. Tbe themselves, are jnst now deeily interested in affairs of SECOND B.ISEMAM NICIIOI«.-.K of T..Udo, ia reported A. G. SpALtuxo wai fast week elected vice president Benfou Ilarmon devote.1 biuiself to other busim-S', only fv-nce at Ipft and ccutt-r flt;Id will bj mov>d buck 75 the n-ilioual game, l.layin>r a couple, LIFE: There seems to have been no new moves and they are shrewd enough to to have opened a shoe store In Bellalre, 0. of tho Overman V heel Company, ot Chicago. He bus of games per week with the Sledford, iVt and \Vii.lit aud McQt;e:Ty will have ihe beueflt m;iko ihtiir announcements of as sensational a char­ invested considerable mon**y In tbe tustnes* of cyc-ie Ma«a., Club, championa of tie 11 iddles. x La.igu». la made by tho local magnates in any direction of their long bits. NED \VtLi.tiMS"N, Yank liot.jns n and Harry Staley tweiity-ihre.i acter aa possible. are Ihe latest pilgriim to the Hot Springs, making vtith every [romiseof tucces'. Everything gdities with that club his averages were, during tbe past tcti days, and it is quite likely Wm. G;wic, a well-known eriol:eter, was elected DAT'S STnuGOLES. that Spaid nj puts monYtea. R meet in,; ol ibe Hoard at oiice. If euch The Prospects of the Association Cam­ alone. No one of Marting in witu enough la Ihe case, ami l>iy has iiot yd r«cuvered hfs appar­ seemi io duubt tue'r tiitemenb lhat cess aud Syracusa a failure iu ibe American Associa­ players to mun two teams will in future huvtt but one KOCIIESTER, N. Y., Fob. paign Louisville Hopes >*oniiiiu JJaker's Day has giveo Ewing tlie privilege of naming tion. 2'J. Editor SroRTixa ently lust omace, it may to tbat tlie Inner party will hi* own man for each position, 1,0 that none of the player* may JjiFe: Bob IJ-'.rr's ra file of season refuse to t-lgn him Appeal Preparations For the Coming l.-rtn>. and under iheso circumstances many are in- PITCHER STALEY 1ms practiced rn be nervous orauxiou, in anticipation tickets took un'il just aa tbesrason opens, and c ined to believe a slow ball and ofbein.r benched. place at the "Little Casino" thereby fcrce Coin in bus to get a i«e* man, Ihiukirn; Reason, Etc. that not only Ewing, but others of thinks be will do aomo effective work with it next EXHIBITION ganus have been on Saturday night. the old New Yoik Lftigua, L-ain will drop season. arrange-d by the Tbe first three and last three numbers thereby Hint Coluuitns will drop tlie If sucti l-a I-OUISVILLB, Feb. 18. Elitor SPORTISO LIFE: Wa-liiuytoD fllnb us folluwi: April 3, LeMiih Uni- drawn Mr. Day's thoughts I can faftly (H-turb then, b.,ck iuto hue before April 1. Some press HOB FEBHUSOH ears vereity; April were the winners, and tho following gentlemen with the The influence of the soft breezes that tells of correspondents are inclined to scoff he has never written a letter or 10 and 11, Cuban Giiuts. Thu i>m:iin- positive Biatumeni thu if Columbus ia forced to jrtt a at the idea a«ked for au appouitiueut as au umpire tho coming iliff dales wiil be filled no as rapidly as possible wilh were the lucky one^: C. \V. Potter, Mr. Webber, dirzttu first ba6fin«D early spring has caused the lovers of base ball of Day having offend Sli.OW), 616,000 or eea;on. bbe is uot going to overlook tbe even SlW.KW to Kulng Atbiutic and American Association tennis and college Aaron Harris, C. A. Leiuirrruber and C. U. Attempted larceny if Lebuue, and that wortl npiii.d, will h< put ou! In the proper THE Undents of the H-tine Slut* College have voted iidventsg^o-is, but let me aav right here that llieie w II TUB OUTLOOK FOR be no'freezing out'done. arc tho dates: Mareh 29, 81, I-EOANE. would capture the buntiosf, and direction. Could the New York Club secure Ibe ser- to Fe-k admission to tbe Interstate C^lleuiato Base Both parses w:ll have to Washington; It would be quite a Juke on the Culutnlms directors 1 have asked vicislor Ball League. be perfectly satisfied before 1 viill content to tbe April 1, Baltimore; April 2, some of them the same 1SJO,'31 und '02, of Eulng,, Gore, 3. Hirrisburg; If he would prove only an oriiiimry first basemau, such thing, not that any of Slat erv, R.ich'ird-'on. nud Crane with a ttiree-jear- Kn CRANE chance." April 4. 5. Wilmington, Del.; April fi. T, Ne«R'k, K. us is able to tell anything is to coach Amherat and Tim Keefe asio said of him by tbe Toledo tapers, nud they sliouM about it, but merely (Mntrnet offer of til,!"*) to each man, and a bonus Triua-ton. How can a bney man like Keefe spare the MIKE POROAN will be found once more, after Ihe J.; AlTil 8, Jer>ey City; April 9. Brooklyn Natioual certainly havo a more correct op'uhn of hia ability because people who are interested concerning of §20,0110 on top of it, ihe money, In my opiniof, lime tor that? l;-p*e of many years. In a Syracuse unifurm, in which Lta«u»-; April 10, 11, Now York JiHlioiini League; thau we brre, fur bo was a m^mbt-r ot b-' first won liatiMMl April 1'2, brook ibo tu-sociaii.'u anvthicx love to make it food (or speculntion. I th ; u'< would be well spent, for, if spent In this TEACH tbe ladies the intricacies of bane ball with fume. The Syracuse Club sivn*-d Nalnmal Lfft^uo, April H, Jer.-.ey to which Toledo belonged last >>ar. At all event", that the extreme floul tfnh e-s of the peunrtut race direction the New York Club would not only P**t 't him last Mondav. Pitcher Casuy, late of (lie Phillie-, Ci y; Airil 15,, 16, New Iluven, UODU. Tiie cbaiu- Und tbe croakers and one of llening'i games. Nv\v Is the time, Before Ihe sour-grape fiends ran eay anu will bo one of tlie mi st iiiui.>[it-)iip ie»son wilt untLmDttdiy on ttie I7tbv write what tbe [.It-ase to tho contrary, if Leh mo sociation Biru.irKle tliis sea-on. I.eacue in Gotham, if ind-ed, of liutTjIo. wi;h th« Rocnesior opeuiug away All (lie clubs (.re prac­ it did not shake tiio AMONG tho Brotherhood players from home. thmks be is steorfu^ clear of a dead oa*-y thing Ly tically uniTied, icing lo a large cut-tit Composed of ISrotheriu o-i urbanization all along the line. Duv, I tho Brooklyn teum FOLLOWING is the spring srhtdule Simon iloe* not want to bo trrmiferivil to Bro -kjyn, wanting to sTiake Columbus is '-un-idrrod a sure wiuuer of tbe National League of Ihe ntt?burj» be is mistaken, for IIM new men, and theyoivlit tj te prttty nearly equal in think, reasous iu this vein. an:l oxoibitant offers for ch:irnpiou*hip. Club: At home Apul 2 an I 3, Ka t Hod Aihlelics; 4 but would verv milch li* o to got-) Syracm-1, where will be caileil up'.m, if be plays here, U> [sl.iy first stieugth, Mc-Bt likely all or nearly nil of them t.e eervicis of such of hU reserved p'aycri end S. BlcKte.porK he played in 1S83 aud 1887. Milwaukee is snid 'o have quite Mill be u he CUIRF 7 and 8. proba' ly Oleanr: 9 aiiil 10 HB well as Dave 0 r did, bu.l tiini'a tioing to be a Iu the race for at least twi>-thirds of tlie seasnu. If so, wants need therefore atlonish uo one. Bosr.MAN is going to astonlah St. Lonn and Wheelings; 11 anj 12, Wheelings at Wheeling; 14 aud off- rfrl a m-'derate sum for hij relitiie. Ai.inatrer hard job to perform. lie may run baaea better tb'in tlie tuteront will be kept up everyvhe'o. B.s- bnll is tlie world this year, be says, lie is training to become 15. at liouie with Biadfurds, aud Cuflhm:m, ot that club, knows w ,at kind of a player Orr did, for Dave MORE BLUFFS OF BOMBS. a young b'ood. 10 and 17, at home Ii a Tery heavy man, but iboa'3 two a coniriaialive t;nni''. You atwais measure tbo atiility Tlie wilh Erieg. hu is, having seen him for several neaaund Iu thu la- Item* etiik iuto Insignificance ubeu placed a!ougsHe of your team by -bat of the championship toasou is approaching, and I am BI.N SAKDEBS ternntioiiai League. others in the eatue organi­ Iu a iosi>i,;u to state tbut the firure turtles y, tliough our tram will Ihe League's tactics piove eye-i.peners, but the BA&NIE thli.ks be has in outfielder Long and pitcher If Mutt id' a were to decide, a ten-club ciicuit would Le liu Seneca Kails Stata nil notwithstanding all that it's s»te to l>ft that iie uiijtht not be a* ttropg aa eome we havo ha I in the O'Kourlie, tits Lewgue rlub lasts-.-a on as a second basefflau aud did du*-*o*t "line results will be very ai>t to move the eailh from be- ivceut }t,ung-tilood acquisitions, a Kil- aspired ^luco there's sure to be more or Itsi "saggluir 'em ont" like the big fellow ueod to do. past. Nevertheless the pfitroDs of Ihe game would not ne.uu Ibe roy aud a Griffin. aud tru-u- le." got-c :ajn into. He lies a tine nm^teur record, tract; President Phtflps comment Lile is t m short au'l I am toj busy a tjvfti next 8?asou. greatest enemy. dud nftb a gond team behind several times on tbat point man just now to indulge in nousease. The next him and wi:h an oldt GOOD WORDS FOR THB BROTHERHOOD. no'l thronjili lita oelkf tbntMlch in Ibe few DECPHE evervthin? flie Hoosien) ellll d^nbt Brush THE Kosfon Learn? Clnb Hai pigned catcher Georje expert n.*td uiiintgt-r like Powers to direct him oso he ia silia- weeks will tell whether or not i speak truly. F. ha Now tl.ftt "Buck" KM ing baa been signed by Day, If fled that tho Association will be prosyeruus. Does not and will not be quite happy until after tue League Hodgmnn, ot the Concord, Mn^., Club. He has wi:l nndo.iotediy became a winner iu the fds: Ameri­ tbe latest reporia frvm Cintinnatl are to be relied tbe theurv look reaeoanblt? A LEAGUE MAN'S VIEWS. schedule meeting. t-een highly reconimended aa a good catcher and ca t Associat:oa. Ojion, there is great ?!*'e "It Is a mistake to suppose for one moment thftt one TUE 5Ielro:e Alhlelic b ;ny liaisuiv.n. lie h.-w nover piuye.! profefsiomiliy. The annual election of the Danford here amongst a few entbn- PREPARINQ FOR ECSJSE83. tithe Clnl-, of Bjs'on. hu voted Ihe Base Ball Club( Biottfl over the pro-pecte, as they cUfni, of a general of the storiei told concerning Ihe inducements IJostou Ijeaerf^ team tiie privileges of ita gymnislom lie \* 27 >eird of age, about 5 feet il inches in height ths amateur champions of tbe city, \\as held recently taniptfde Tho gentle breeze* frvmi tbe «qi.-ator have insiflled held out to Brotherhood pbijes nro true," »ald a and weigl.B 180 piu^df. i.nd tl.e fvl|,^in^ ch to the Leitgne from the Brotherhood, practi­ ome life tne players u« wt\\ as for spiiug nr.iciice. s^-n for tbis si>a«un'« team: cally breakii.g up tha latter. I urn not the patrons of tho League club stockhold T to me recently. '! do n:it PSEK-A-B io" VEACH writes the C!evel«nd Jobu KMl>lor and L->uis An>cciU9' IHSO ball ft**}* store, and 1 eve the Botton Club would go further to secure Na-h to uavo been ol;«red 8.1U(KJ prove fiisli-aue; buuld be verified that Ewiuj; haa really been signed th^y di^cusd tiew suits, b»ts, lwll-«, young pit< hvr Kai.fe. the rep.i Is about his drlnkiriL- cap«ci'y mal- il Coulou, second bl«>; William llfb'--r- j by Day. and tile pni9;>*cts of thuii it would 'Hie King.' as K^IIy ban styled hlmsell, c:(ius and uulrntlitul." Sounds as it he w«w porrnrm- linir -hort slop; Han-ev McQ:verD, third Imse; Will- the sciiS'iD. Tho^fl who deti.'trd JOUN B. ... i.'e, n^.n '- '. f t thfra loiii-B u-ain, vrh-i-b is i-o.v . .-mpleto us and the club's Uitue acrox Ihe breait in uhite lett.. a. panorama I could P the Vincent P^tly, In io t.tll over al& leot that ho may lolluwe: TrBft1--y aud McClu^key, catcbe ate how II would be wulitf, ami smiles as be n. tlces tbe amount of hl«im- the Leanuo wanH. bba ""XherbMi tliat s; Hurt, Co.>k, G.-orge Wcidm..n anl J,je Vinner have to the iuteteet of the Association to have the peifluous "cnied a|| »nd be given a trial at first baee. Son.efit, C on as he arrives he connection I cun pay positively that tho ( hien.;., v,uu Well* pitcher broken, e:c. M ILLIAH FLIEMAN, catcher of tbe Tiffin, 0., end will c-ill together Clu'j SOME FACTS. vould easily have put to oltop tho monopolistic and uh the incmVrs of ihe Louiivi!l» tlnb »tid a prelitn- h .a not offer, d a nv.ii ol its rc.erved player, a dollar in BETWKIN Mul ::ine anral drink* iinl.eknown in the mauauer. are out in front of nd I believe I certainly would, as Al. is an old Col- moving forward smoothly. All the clubs in the band, this will criitple hioi for souie favorite In Bu(f>ilo. and bifl fiiend^ will wish him suc­ nmbus boy and Is Brotherhood are pushing matters. day night 'in c,-nipauj with Kd Williamson for Hot time. the Intel squirting tol.»fi:o juico on tne pavement and wintering uo», I believe, iu this They are prerwr- EVARTS, ("'nuatesn-I B'jaman'a cess, no mutter wh'Te he d 'in the in >sk iu ISSO. trying city Al is a good umpire, und has a ruro faculty ot iuf their grounds and grand (.lands and each will be Springs. The catcher looks to be in great form for l.a.l ft'e for Inning the \Vard to mush every lady who bappoiu ti omie m ready playing, and declares himself to be well mushed »nh ca«ie was 825IK). H*d tlie firm won it it was to bav» UANAoea SrLUVA.v nuMt more monev than ogeof their eies'and anu:e». Tlieae in-livi-luais, refusing tu be bluffed by tho plnyeis. lie is also cred­ when the lime to tegin playing tbe schedule he knows what to do raogeo' . ited wilh being aLsolulely arrives. As for our club at Chicago, his contract wilh Brooklyn. '-It was elniply a ques- rectm d SoO.K). And ihe contract isn't cloar yet. with If he ia In earnest in bia b iw'svjir are eicepli"".- iu th- prnftsaion, not th» impartial; and cannot be we all feel quite ti-,n of m.-r.ey ridiculous threat to entir suit to le-tniin M'.ri/an rule. Slime teams conduct won over by eolt talk. 1 uOl sure he would make a proud of It. We think wo have a very strong lol of with me," said Tom. "and even at that A TWO WEEKS' fpriug t'ip to Hot S. Tines is a pos­ lliemti-l.ea Iu a botfl witU I to plav with tbe Brotherhood f r SSOO sibility for the K a. !«(» * Citv team. Murphy from playing with tbe Bo-ton I'lsyora' ti'BSiime uropiloly as do otlisr (;"''»'s- Tl' e Cincln- line umpire for the Weitcrn Association, aud from ball player*, and we fiel quite e«nfi,ient that we can 1 ss The tcmm opens at League Club. Same base what lie said to get just a little the better tbi.ii Brooklyn oil-red me. The Brotherhood people, home March 30 w;th thu Ciereluad Lej>4U3 teaut. ball magnates never will uatl team u one of Ibis kin.l. It bas a lino reoo.d me ot the close of last season, he of any other aggregation profit either by their experience or tbat of others. »uro.,d both an rosartfi would l;ke very much to go there. If b. can be se­ in the countrv. Uy the. war, tho Brotherhood will bowerer, could not pay the price and I signed with THE ex-maDag**r »nd proprietor of tho old Lynn conduct In hoUls and oa ti»iu«. cured. I believe the Wisttru make some additions In a few days that will astonish Brooklyn. Can you bl*me rue?" Clu--t Hfiiry Mi:rjr>,y, 14 now runriiog a BaUx>n WHAT haa become of Sadie Honck since the day "There are oilier tennis «boso comiog is n sourc' of Association will be well Tl e !a New Orleans released him because annoyance and d'.apleaeuie la'isfled «ith him. people. We will get some players tbat pet-pie are not 1 tter written by Jlr. Morion P. IMts, honora­ Wutf-rbury. Ct. He wants to be a League ompire. be declimd to work lo everybody tl.ey meet. There is another blee iciccretary of Ibe National Base Ea_ll_ League of for 8200 a moniti? lie then Beaeitfld Hint he conl-in't It ia ini;maled on arc milt of ll'.e c .nduct ot soma Columbus oropfre named Nale looking, for." THE Postal Teleur*nh C(»mp»nv'a bids for exclusive play for leas than of these ruffianly Butler who ha« done some Rood service, and who tells Great fcritain, to Ueairs. A. G. Scalding & Bro... offer- wlro privilege-* have I'°fn ar(e;iWd what he bad beim getting $275 a players tha Piillipau I'nlace Or JWRSIAN BAKER'S APPEAL. by eri?ry Btother- month. It is worthy of note tbat he bas not been Companv seriously coinempiated i-suiii« an edict l.ut me tio would liketo nign with some club as catcher. President Phelps has received huod club but tbe PhJiddelpbia and Brooklyn ciut/8. Butlerhss ctuglit for a letter from Normsn earning half tbat mucb at base ball or anything else sewioli inFlif> ins their comluftors to rciu«e to Uko a number of amateur clubs here Baker, who waj pitcher for the Louisville Club in rncnis STALZE is trying to cet hia re'ense from traveiinu blisa on tbe lots, and is said to be a good one. He Wviild bioce. ball teaim as pjsaenilera. II»d this 18s5, end hns had since then a well-known career in Lowell to Join Now Haven. With Hnvbodv but Hum- THE seafon at older been isaned it would have caused U) end of m- fco npea he might amke his ptlne between ibe college playera «n'l a tfl:im from tbe convenience to manager, and playera, for w.lhoui fjo He ciaims that, the Newark Club, wi-h which be [.oint. r,.«t Tl.e Amateur League of Columbus is fairly bristling quirmenn. It is a great opportunity for proiuimng Theologici! Soui;nary. The c- I!eg3 acrnb team WMS .eciir. d in alee|.er. when making |ump< fio:n OD» played last season, when it fourd that its flounces vojnir pl.yers 10 make an international rop.itatiou BECAVRB Cincinnati's pitcher*, Rbinei and Wltt- defeated by 18 to 8. Cowan, the c'tv t» another the pia»ora would be iu such miser­ with 'life and activity, and tbe young leilows aro all were not proBp'iious, tor well-known foot ball ginned und approached hiui with a proposi­ thennelves and couuecl tbemselvaj with the game In r-.cli, are not vet of ago a New Yor'< cc-nh-mooriry playc'.-, canglil Aiten for the SL-minarv nine. Broliaw able conditi-'H tlial they would not he able to io prepa.ed for the opening of tho eeasoo. tion 10 reduce expenses, which he agreed to. The rnH-llv dubfi They are Bellini! matters in excellent shape and meet them the "Little Lord Ifnuntleroya of the and LUley were tbe battery for the Priuceton picked malice to themselves or thoir dull. management was to reduce hh salary $150, which 'ihe'ci'ilia-o dally papers males a m'etake In League.1* -Ooe (»rtiriilar team in the Auoclitlon wa- th» tomorrow night tor fical arrangements, when a was to be not tram. Kbedule, refundei on Dec. 1. Otherwise he was to f.ill .core, of all exl,ib; tion game, HBWITT had such luck with Hov that bo ha^ AN iNntAHApOLls c»u««f tin. cmiplainl from lh« .l«pms[ car officials. I am told.wlll be adopted. F. W. ASNOLP. be given bis unconditional release. He hai received con­ exchange fg responsible for this Lui lejtoi', while ii.akin,- ryer'ayed by the reorganized teara« of ill" national cluded to try flii»ther dt-af mute. Thisi man ie P. II. statement: "1'iesident Brush says that at tbe time a jump liom B.l'lnnire neither m'-nt-y nor rebasj and denmndj.his release. League. Never at the anproach \V-at several of the members, f Hi., leaui opened PreslJeut of any season Stiver, who co lues highly rectmmeodeti us a baiter Bio..kljn and C.ucinnati were admitted into the up Pnelp-i has written to Newark and is awuit- ba, Ibe d.siro been 10 great to see how the playeri an. and rnnner. Lencue. t!ie pvesidcuta a lively lutle zairw of draw. It was not Ions beforn SALT CITY SAYINGS. fng the answer of lhat club, when a of all tbe other clubs signed a qu-rrel arose decision will be showing up in their respective positions. The tlr.t Tita Knnaas City Club has pnrcbasod an azreemsnt not 10 freeze Indianapolis anil Via-dilUiJ- about one of the plaiew \:tinf s'l.v in given. v.a. er which Hnovpr's re­ tlieante' Hot words were followed by blons, T!ie Infield »n«' Outfield Now Completed follows tbo example of tne I«ta-0emn m lease from ToroolVt for a price w» id t^ be £800, mid tou out. This document he haa secureij lockeJ up iu al.da PITHY PARAdRAPHS. th!> wp-ct will promlnenl pitcher and a well-known sceond _i.awtii»n —A rupular Favorite Slgned-The mik« a w-se move. t»o, with Hamburg, la-.e of Buffalo, available bia safe." Pitch­ President Phelps his received the affidavits of the D'ck ftiry aud Frank Cst. THKRF. «eems to be iom« sort of mlsnnd'-rstsnding main Iu tiie far end of lh<= cur « U3 a debc»t» News. llanii!t,n Club in ibe Swartwood case. are miking Hut paper a great medium ol .portiug THE between the Athletic and Syiactue wom-in SYRACUSE. Tho signing of Bennctt will the Boston clnU over pitcher a young mother a. biilir In her «rm». S 10 U«- N. Y., Feb. 20. Editor SPORTING Pittsiinrg League teum may stop for a game or League Clnb now tn pbty Oanzel at ttiird base, as Ca*ey, as tl;« latter was announced toliftve riVoed wi^b J,, two at Louisville on its way South. Watch Aeson's yonngiteri. HABIT PAUIXB. Syracuse carno frighieued during th« fight and jumped np, m- KE:_The base ball situation In tho Salt City ned Eliret is now practicing with considerable issued tridar sUtes that the Atblitic Clilbba" of.lX'Uof ef the universe is no\f very serene, and all in­ regularity. Raymond hind the bat. e, accepted the bell g -'vi'td. Aa she aiose she tripped aud pitched will heuin in a day or two. OUR able Ibo loft-bunder's services. Whatever tbe difficulty U terest settles on the question of the strength of Fritz Pfeffer ia still in the city, but will probably go St. Louis correspondent, Joe Prltchard, has forward. She struck the ixtiie of the Beat und cut «. our be«n at OkawTille, III., in uttoudance upon a very sii k It will be ainicut'ly settled. deep gash over her eye. !-he waa seriously lujnrerj team as thus far composed as regards the back to Chicago to-day or to-morrow. - THE fl ret bme strength The arrangement to publish THE SPORTING wife, hence 'he recent abseuce of letters fruin Yon der ball accident for 1800 was reported aud a doctor wai called. Even thlt occurrence did of the other American clubs. The old LlFB a Abe's last wees. HS follows in a dUpntch from Wheeling, uot quiet tbe belligerent, infield day.'.p-Ker ench w.«ik will be received with much fa­ bailiwick. W. and Iliey eoiitino»d to ahum of the home teum that held up its end in vor here.. Aa Ibis place A NuuriER'if young players have applied to Man­ Va.: Edward I.athrup, an 18-yea'r-oII lo.». wns rach other until the Conductor threatened to te.e- tho International ii a long distance from Phila­ playing bull wilh some companions League in such good shape delphia wa, received it a little too late in the week be­ ager Mutrie for perDl'»slou to accompany the Now In Hrooke county, K, 8ph ahead ami have them arrested at Cumberland. will again bo together, and York" ou ihe cornins trip to Charleston, uonb of WelMmrg, Feb. 18. While running for a "At anolber lime a certain League team took uos- tho impression pre­ fore. tne playera to bail youns vails here that If Louisville t eeps well up In pay their own expeutes. Lstlirop ran a»-Kin-t Ilia ..I a house. «e««ion of Ibe wash room, ami purimiolj dslayol tielr tho same infield is as good as Ihe pennant race there Ha tell to tbe ground and died iu a «ny other in the American. Is going to be a fine attendance at Ibo games hern. DICK BUE.VB. THE Ilodton League C!ub has now gathered a fairly few minutes." ablutloui in «n. b a mau^r th .t other passers did Barney UcLaugh- Terto Haute Tin Louievilli team baa been completed with the lOtseta chance lo wash until llio lr,.n. brl pulled lin will cover his old position, and has maile Phil Kecclua an offer lo man­ team, but at o co t not warranted either by the if he does his age the team of that city aud he may go there. California Pitching Statistics. ciilibre of the men s-cuie-l or the probable patiounge signing of outflelder Hamburg, of tlie defunct Buffalo work as well tu last year Intornati'.liil Club. Tne no fault will bo found. LouisvilU is out for Ihe Association pennant this From the San Francisco Call. that will be extended tbeul. leaoi Is now aj follows McLaughlin filled the hoio left ouen by the year. Keenan, Ooodall. Ehret and ?tr»tton, pitch^rB; Rvnn loss Tut SporiTl'ta LIFE recently Plated that tbe National JOHN M. WARD, lh-> jounz Napoleon of ba» ball, and I] irt, of Oliie Beard us far as fielding goes, Jack Wentz hai received word from the Hons'on, League was the only aud John Haveily, the ei-Napoleon cnt< hais; I'helan, firsl bjs*1; Taylor, ienond although as organization the averages of of the minstrel ba-e; Ei) mond, third base; Tomney, abort down ruffl inly and » baiter he is not lo 1-e classed with Beard, as iu fact Tel., Club to n-port for practice March 1, and he will winch were absoluiely correct for 1889 as the scorers business, were born in Ibe same town, but there the re­ Bt"p; flam- vu.gar actions. leave to join his team next Wednesday. It was burg, Weaver and Wolf, outflBldets, and Crutaui, »ub- »bere prufessional base ball t.ams »ill stop here next am very few pto;>le m t'le business. McLaughlm re­ did not give the pitchor an asslft on a strike-out. Tins semblance and coincidence ends. y»a,r.:' plajed iiood, steady ball laatycur, aud will come to ported that the Louisville management tried It secure » incorrect. Before last seas-m opened the. FRANK ttinite. Wentz, but that is a mistake. E. Cowino IH a promising ynDZ player who WHF.!« Hntrle was asked this city shortly and In company with Battin, Briggs Wentz, however, is a scorer, of theCalilornia League decided not to cro.l, Isopen to engagement. He is said to boa partlcu- Iho other day what he and Bannay go to work under Prul. Mct'oriuack, fine player, and ilowu In Tex»a Is tho king pin of sec­ a pitcher .ith «u a»i»t on a strike-out and so scored bu-ly would do with the men who are now nnd.-r contmct A Hint to Athlete*. at ond basemen. Louisville would tioe outfielder. Us can be aidressed care cf to tin New York Club if tbo ILe Y. M. C. A. "Jim." have hired him two all Ihe year, and tbe averages «ere made accoidmgly. Young's Hotel news stand. B ston. Iui!inn»Poli« team sh.-uid Menrs. Holmos 4 (.'o., present in this l»iw a series years ego, but his bluing was then too light, lie has be «vetitnally tramferrej to New York he s;ild lliat of en's of their vrtll-known general allil-tic and AS OLD FAVORITE TO THE FROKT AGAIS. TOM O'liRlEN, the third baierran xym- since Improved very much as a baleman. TVhere's the difference? of the Bridgeport lie would bf» true lo the men who bad ttood by him, "aiiiim BOO.U. It is obvious that n»uuf«tur:-r. « ho Goi.rso Fr.izcr struck the popular chord this vroek Tliere will noon be tbe niual exodus of semi-amateur and Waterhury clubs, tMnks of re-entering the and that ne dido t process to do any of his plaveiii an by Mgnioi! Michuil .rk tl.i. spring. ftit'l w S3 ft niemoer of the famous Star team of that who club desiring to visit New Orleans this spring. Cla:ke aizlior! nn'ier the name of A. Frankll.i. 'Ihe \Vbile on. can exerche m ordinary rear that - recollect After Kansas City Players the tHe the coming sea- tbe pithny dajs nt old Lakoaids t'ark 111 Fitclier Sprague Signed, sen." Cincinnati Ce.«n«crcicil-i3«zeif>. And yet the ject to hi8 playinu profesaionallv. Clurke was btoiighl Geddesn and the giories of our world-famous "Sturs"? Etc. Still For Law. out »a a pltver bv the Williams CMI«ie TOLEDO, Feb 20. Editor Th« National League cluba are doing tbe swelling. tenni. What Tan is theru on eartu now lhat will allow tj fade SPORTISS Lire: equity suit against our players," wld Mr. "MANAGERS like Hus "Til F. other dny A! Johnson received » letter from frnm his iiieuinry tbe gree.t Frotn present indications, CM-8, of ibe League Club, the other day, "1 Schme'z and Charlie Morion are Jim o'Konrke. 'it was tame in which the greut tho outlook is deci­ cun- a credit to the profees on," said Joe Quinn the other so full of Jim's copyii-hfd Spaldiug »:ul Ansou were swallowed up by out terrors dedly favornblo to baso ball in Toledo this d*y. "I v-i-h or»toilc»l fireworks, that Al says b» will give a pyro- by atcureof year. *e had a few more like theat." Joe techmral exblblil':n A Pifclier on i'ractlco. 2 to U? Dcrgau was al»ays the trigut The ball lovers will have the privilege served under both and speaks frc,m Iu pi ice of a pome the flr?t ra ny pariiculiir star iu tbe aggregation of luuiinnriea. The of wit­ experience. day on the Brothiriio d schedule. When .lira Writing from Belfast, M«., pltcbrr W. K. Dilworlh great wo'k of our filii-hue) nessing games of ball this year which will bo PITCHER LAW«IN. of the Wlliuinntcn Club, who ii a Ronrin cainlJe, ,.,._ 'riie only practice piicheis of experience re- while a member of the in a P'li. evcrv word *8 a siy roclut. a qnir'o Ii to rach New Yi.r'i League teltn is ou rccnrd, and the an­ played by professional ball players, and not by to be called on the argument list.. Judges Tbayer Florida cettiu-T into condition, had made such an pii nin< w'lioel, mine, or «ome otherther brilliant oVsigii day pitrh euy totbeirregulal c»|..her nouncement of bear tlie arRUnietit3, which will Impression upon Anson that tbe lalt. r wanH to secure In rod fir" and old gold." I'ltlB'iur? aud -f fedh.g parti.ularly livelv, send m a fe* hot bis engagement with the local team is schoolboys, who are apt to leave the diamond at Arnold w last al­ Pren. All very on.- but not u«:««i a great popular sttike, and a "ten Btriku" at t',at. most the entire day, 1 ihlnli." his rel-ase. Wiluiiugton will no: sail, however. true, br.t nevertheless the Orator's words hit a, bard as ilv. All t':oy r. qtiiw ia to bandl* any stage of the game if it is not going their LAST year tiie tail and keep lam-.liar.Z'il w.tll il. Womllig* l>oig;«u is now iu actifeiraiutug, and vtlil undoubtedly was the must successful financially in the dou« his lr:t. , ct'Uiti to the fore way. The grounds are to be rcmoduled with a How These Tiling* Come Baolc ! history ol the game, anl that mav be accounted CoRBEif, the pitcher baid in piac'ico is wvari.-mo ia tliJ «'«"» the f tha patron?, From the B'.'?toa no slight degree bv Iho liberal advertisement givuu Kliralii the otier diy, is a boll tosser. He formerly tbe w-wn o,~n< hand bull, Incut tbau Herald. dumb belli al.d pullers are a CO-.K! one, An uill be ueiui u^trctei. Lorga'/s add t'ou to and wflh an unil ubsadiy strong t am to b«xln the llardie Richardwo is reported the sport by Al SpMdms's trip urouuJ tho world. plai el centre firM for the llaverly Cluh, ot San Fr.iu- ex-raSo One more rason to h»v« laid in Chi­ ci-co when Fre.l tbiuu a pitcher should fU.iid asaiust, iiud lhal is ooiog the ii-inie tetm will bnve the effect of blinking ont »itb, tbe owners ought to m»ke sonw Dionoy. cago de p«st week that he rcganlel bis word a3 g. od ASIONO Ihe ball plny-rs living In Cleveland are Mc- Carroll wa« a ni«mb.-r of th'it tetittl. numbers o< people who have not attends! Tlie loam will be a drawing card in olher Koun. Delehanly, S;ncker, Jim r!>ett is fir from being ,nv ,iuo.«,:.,ry t.,ro»i,,=, bow '«" ""» a ball yame A«Sociatiou as his bond and would never violato it. On two dif- McOnire. UocliMter'i tin inferior ol lifow U.W uo lintmeiil in many yea a. Miko will be plaaeu in the light neld. cifes and tbe most of the latkr will draw »ell m luia feraut catcher; L>,vo Cio,«, AuJy Summers, Biikely, Kuaim K'lraiu iu pbyrqua. His build is of the Blunt order, lo rub arms iu, JIB u niafcei occa»ions-onoe in ihe yen- that Ub:te and , , tbo arm delicaie, tender ami, iu some c .a T.HAT ABOUT ciiy. Bowe w»nt from the Uuffilo Cliio to Detnit, and and Seward, pllcl (Jjlte a resi-ectuble showing lie u not ..I all hollow-cbesiod «nd i< about the only 111 s, roi., inn n^neiis, sm. FBAZKB? mm to-day gifted with the science, bone. A good ides juii before i-oi-.g into a \c< Up to date the in^i bigned aa AFTER COWBOY TALENT ««ain wb-u be signed tbe Boiton Lea*ue tonlruct f, r this. dexterity and a pitchers by Mr. Frnzcr 188S MtNAQER ROWE, _-'iod cnoigh phyBical mike-up (u face Joliu L. Sul- let ont tor nil ym'i aro wortli^but never ducin* ta« ro Kecl'a. ijon? Tnd Uamsey. Tbe" abiliiy of Keefe Manager Morion lias had his lines ont for pltcb»r he made a tolemu mud repeated urombo that he of Denver, has sijned Jack Mes- tUa'dny you Iu the poTiiiou bai boon deuioiulcaled to the satlsiac- Conway, of the h»usas City tenai, uut it ii did not keep. Bllt, lato of Ouaha, Jack can go behlad the bat, play Uvau iu a cuulenl. THE SPORTINQ Feb. 26.

SCGGESTIOJfS WORTH CONSIDERnfO. wai supposed they had sunk forever. Wha as New York should have a team able to make a good palpably unequal that unless some radical equal­ restorative it prove to the despairing Brother­ fl^ht with Boston. League to players coming to life again, young izing measure is adopted, the championship race hood organization is familiar to every man who One of the methods adopted by the with old ('resident ttotlen, who Is on the schedule commttte*, fall harass the Players' League, was the boycott it sten getting hitherto impossible chancel, bighe has done very littl* w«rk in that line M yel, KB it ia LIFE. will surely prove a fizzle for at I««t half of th« has followed the course of events since last on how many clubs to figure. THE SPORTING rather a pnzxlo all club* which should venture to salaries than ever and a general stirring up o PUBLISHKU WEEKLY AT club composing the organization. Brooklyn and and need not be further alluded to in this para­ placed upon Everyone down this way hope* for an eight-clnt» how tin-e play exhibition games with Players' League the base ball business, truly players of ever League, and ihe only way to get over it now will be to Indianapolis are the giants of the collection; graph, whose main purpose is to show for eight No. 34 South Third Street, Philada. of course to be expected that grade have much to thank the Brotherhood foi make out two uchedutea. one for tea and one Boston, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati are fairly and the recent disclosures of League methods cluba. It was cliit*. ET TUB unknown and policy have vindicated th* at first, perhaps, professional clubs under the National Agree­ The two big cluht will have to conflict here on MB} strong; Chicago and Cleveland are CHICAGO, Boston and New York Leagu holidays at l>-aat, and I think it woul.l be a very hliud inexplicable course, sustained the advice, and ment should be prevented from playing with the TDK Company, quantities with possibilities; while New York, clubs will for the first time in their historie policy to conflict auy more nf>v. compared with the other clubs. To such uneven- considered formidable, and each will get a last Manager 8»lee Is showing hlmtetf to be quite and Remittances mvsl be made payable. playing strength is added tha handicap the past four months. So long aa the League but it was stretching authority vary far indeed, husUer au 1 vii 1 no doubt do well, unless erratic Mr. ness of of what tho Philadelphia League Club has ha often* POST OFFICE BOX, 94S. circuit maintained its attitude as the great conservator and on the whole a rather email piece of busi­ Billings aud Ins Htilo boy Mick iheir our in t>o of a cumbersome and expensive ten-club to contend with during its entire existence. An President Sodeo and Director Coimut woulJ do well t* of base ball morality and honesty it received the ness, to extend the boycott over all clubs, and to dur- IEANCI3 C. ItlCHTKK. Editor-ln-Chlef. with the awkward schedule and long line of tail- after one season's experience none of them wi see that their partner id kept in tho background entail. support and encouragement of all olassea of base bulldoze even amateur, college and semi-profes­ IUK the playiug gtason. enders it will necessarily for more conflicting date OP WOMAN. TERMS: ' ball lovers, and had it sustained the role it was sional clubs, which were not and could never be­ have any stomach THE INt'LUBNCK since each will then thoroughly understand wha Since the time Mr*. Eve put up a job on oM mm Subscription, per annum (postage paid)...... 82.26 This unpromising state of affairs Is aggra­ playing the Players' League, and probably the come parties to the National Agreement nor Adirn in the garJen of E len, \vt men have placed aft 1.25 that means and incidentally be able also to ap s-x mouths...... " " ...... vated by the fact that New York, which ought Association, would have been dead to-day and reap any benefit whatever from it, into unwil­ Interesting purt in »H threat evuuta. ' ; >ree luonths...... a ** ...... fiS preoiate the Philadelphia Club's former aversio Even Miir nailiiual j;ame is not exempt from tho in­ igle cupios...... " " ...... 5c. to prove one of the strongest posts in the line of the Leagne in supreme control; but when, un­ ling antagonism to the new League. The fair aex. to needless conflicts. The lesson will be costl; fluence of the INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. defence is, in reality, one of the weakest, and able longer to restrain its selfish instincts, it scheme, however, worked even better than the A great many are willing to believe that U was rOKElGM reSTAGB 5^ CEMS EXTRA TEU AKNUH. the pub­ magnates anticipated because the little clubs but perhaps decidedly beneficial. woman whu conct-ijcd I he idtaof a Players' League. unless the League circuit can be reduced to threw aside the mask and revealed to ——————a>—————— tMDce the pU.vura of that ar.cimt orgtiiiizatiOQ st ucK real permitted themselves to be overawed without tiie miming ot the gr&ud < Iit request uf their better halves. Now I have very 43O Strand St., London, Knglanrt, where «n!wr!p- body bat tho utterers, while the local Brother­ never, recover. terrorized by threats of non-intercourse when little respect tor auy wumnn who Wuuld sell her hus- i;>ns wtll lw« received. the highest priced men. He would thus pu hood Club improved the shining hours and for­ intercourse had either never existed, never bunil's hobor, and I?M for the men who would allow SINGULAR CHANGE OP POSITION. money in his purse and still have a team plent her to accomi'tsb, a feat of th IB kind. In justice toon* that when Judge O'Brien's would exist or was of so transient a character as say I think t lit-re tms b«ea PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY 26, 1890. tified itself- so well That estimable gentleman, Treasurer Howe, eood enough for Indianapolis that is measure of the Boa ton ladies I must decision fell like a thunderbolt from a clear sky to make a boycott of little or no consequence a mistake. A few dayn ago I met this lad; by chauco of the Cleveland Club, in speaking of the revolt by the standard of popular attendance at th and the first sauUu?6 she uttered w»-* on this very dilatory officials into action, lias caused the Players' League some annoyance LIST. and startled tho of the players, is quoted as saying that it was a games. point. "I see," ^id she, "that I am accused of influ­ tbe persons there was not a break in the Players' League without benefitting the National League cause encing mv husband to slgo with the League. ID tut M'e have in our care letters for good thing in one way, as it would ultimately luui c*!wtb!o of dojuj{ hi* own upon re­ point for attack; the club's in the slightest degree. As a matter of fact, first pltue, 1 consider Banie'l below, which will ba forwarded line, not a vantage result in the cutting down of salaries. This is NEW YORK LEAOUB MBS must look with en business and I would uot iDt.Tfere uu. Ivr any circum­ ceipt of address or stamped envelope: players were gone forever, the most such petty warfare has hurt the magnates in stances " 1 could plainly tee thttt tht lad; felt very famous pretty in theory, but under the tactics of the vious eyes upon Brooklyn's League team. Ho Bastion, Chas. IT olham, Geo. W. available substitutes were no longer in the public estimation not a little, and may be tho bad over tbe blorit-s going the rounds, uud no doubt J J old League is working out vastly different in the whirligig of time has changed the status < felt chagrined at ihe position she was placed io. .iiKT.fl, Frank at a last re­ means of doing the old League considerable Burd.-u, FreJ TVTuthias, State market and the club was thrown, practice. With the tremendous salaries the base ball affairs in the metropolitan distric A NOT IMPOSSIBLE POSITION. artwrtglit, Wm. jiVlcKce.JIr. sort, upon the charity of the League for players. damage in a direction not calculated upon. Such even a couple Now, while it 13 uot in my province to criticize th* IM'.Oirthy, Thns. National League has been and is offering on all Who would have predicted a fow more of armsn, G. W. now is to purchase some few a result may be brought about by the Players' curve of a hair pui, I am p^itive TVowntu,C Ben. IM.OIoakey, Manager The club's only hope sides to hold such players as it has and to induce years ago that the proud New York Leagu the Brotherhood conld bo won back to thb League by a J_/unkirS t'lnb, Manager; f.KCavthy, Catcher. the withdrawal af League if it should cancel all of its exhibition Ititlf diplomacy, Where is th« lady who don't car* of its old players or secure others to desert its rival, ruinously high salaries magnates would so soon have to play secon "TVsseuJen, W. IMi>ne, Al. clubs from the League which would render games and start right in upon tho championship under for diamond*? Echo answe'S where- aud au "eel1* f Isv.ran Club, Manag« two are virtually being perpetuated under the long fiddle in all things to the despised and skin sack, aa Dick HigUam used to call thom. U to make New York race with the first week of April, thus giving magnate *);ou!U fi^st pick, out hid bird, leD&lvin,' ' , SecondSeco baae'n enough players available timt euntractt tho Leafgie is willinsr, even rated little Brooklyn Napoleon. Tbo League nehrer, J. F. T)owers, P. T. strong club it ought to be for its own sake the public the real article of base ball while the « aud then stand iu with the relatives all round, or per- the and nothing but a collapse o cliunce boaiding marui. Wuko au »j puiutni',*ut to Greenwood, Win. eager, to make, rival clubs are playing those profitless exhibi­ TOLEDO contemplates an amateur leaen Giffonl, Jim. and that of the League. either one of the major leagues can now bring Uieet the ball player it. the pittance of hia wife, when im!, Tiro. .anditll. Left fielder tion games so copiously arranged with a view This is a good move. Every large city an the following dialogue could Use place: to a reasonable basis again for an indef do you ilo, Mr*. Sponge?"* H olland, W. A. milb, lUrrv T. The effort to secure the withdrawal of the In­ salaries to choking off attractions for the Players' every professional club should encourage the or Magnate "Why, how Householder, Chas. urintfielii Club.&lauaitor inite period. The Players' League is doubtless Mra. Sponge '-I've got a honible cold." S dianapolis Club and the transfer of its strong League. There is no reason why the cham­ ganization of amateur clubs, for these furnish no Player S,»uuge uiudu up iu uue of last season's ball olty, Left flt-Wfl ifuHz.Geo. responsible for this unpleasant am uockog.j, C. B. Santuid, Geo. P. players to jXew York has resulted in failure for primarily pionship season should open the last week only the coming players, but a very large pro sliirts with (he letters torn off and a pair of gymna­ Eingsley,K Mow. unbusiness-like state of affairs, but the Nationa sium slipixsra on bin feet, walking la/.ily over to sb;iK* the present, at least, although it is auite pos­ in April or first week in May except that portion of the regular patronage of the profes to this League is chargeable with its aggravation aiu hands uud asks "What ib» lie^ce brings you DEVELOPMENTS OF THIS SITUATION. sible that some such deal may yet be effected. of custom and the unreliability of the weather sionals, as well as generate enthusiasm. town?" perpetuation, owing to its open encouragement Magnate "Just thought I'd come around aud get The developments of the past week showed For the good of the general welfare it would be in that season of the year. With this open tbe Brotherhood of double-contract signing and the opportunities seemingly reckles you to sign, as I suppose you know very clearly three things, namely, how strong desirable to drop both Washington and Indian­ winter, however, there is every probability of ONE RESULT of Boston's ecaeoie is to ymaoh aud I wanted to give you * it offered players to practice extortion. As the cbmice to get in before it's too lati-." the Players' League is; in what straits the Na­ apolis from the circuit since the former simply an unusually early spring in the Eastern sec­ financial methods is that whenever that clu situation stands now, the National League purchase of any player u Plaver " Well, that'a kind of youv old man, but I tional League finds itself; and how thoroughly has not a team with which to make even a re­ tion at least; hence there is no reason why the makes a move for the guess t;ie boys are all right yet." which a year ago claimed that a salary limi you do sign with thossj right THE SPORTING LIFB was in the stand it spectable showing,nor such in financial backing as series should not be increased, the championship go tho figures to an appalling extent. The tri Magnate -."upposing was absolutely essential to its salvation am umvirs are evidently regarded as legitimate sub pe^plf, how are >i-u g»ing to gft your salary? M'Ly, took in the great war that has been and is still it should have; while the latter city, with one of season lengthened one month and the battle the contract isn't worth tho puper it's written on, «nd the strongest teams in the League, is one of the perpetuation, to-day gladly pays the opened in the East in the very first week in jeots for plucking. y^u niii'-t make it at the «at« or go without it. You raging. ___ full." poorest base ball towns in the circuit, and of no salaries ever known; while the Players' Leagne April. This would give the Players' League one know the League baa always paid the salaries in Literary and Journalistic Xotes. Mrs. Sponge "Ye*, but iny husband's honor is at The tactics of tha National Leagne in regard club backers or the which was the direct result of the players' oppo months you wuuld not ask him to dis­ particular use either to the more profitable month since the spring One of tho very latest candidates for popular favo stake, you knuw, and pledged and contracted players of the sition to salary limit and other measures look­ honor bis oath aud go hack on hia agreement, would to the League. New York, on the other hand, with when the weather is not oppresive, the race ID tho literary world Is a novel just out bearing th you?*' showed out more clearly enforced retrenchment, to-day occupies a Players' League never such a team as Indianapolis possesses would ing to is young and the interest fresh are the finan­ title of "Miss Greckenrldge." It Is a romance of Magnate "Oh, that's all nonsense. One or two of and, withal, more unpleasantly, than in the at­ prove a tower of strength to the League and a ore conservative position on the salary ques cial cream of the season; enablo the clubs to Dixie girl by a "N'asliTille pen.** The novel posseuse those old players who are on tluir la?t I cue hive got­ tempt of the New York Club to capture Rich­ tion than the old League, and is actually wiselj merit It is a genuine Southern love story, coming t ten tbia scheme up to nmke some ruou^y out of It, »n4 formidable opponent of the Players' League, more than offset any attraction? their rivals husband will get left. Now, I am sure that sev­ us redolent of the breath of the New South, full of th yonr ardson and Ewing by offers of salaries calcu­ and manfully resisting the destroying flood o eral ol U.ese very meu have already decided to cunis) both at home and abroad. Without snch a team could put against them, and completely nullify with th the loyalty of any man, to de­ extravagant salaries thus illustrating the fac frngranco of Southern flowers, and instinct back, aud tbe longer your husband stays out tha lated to Etagger the New York League Club will become a finan­ the attempted boycott of the old League. wl and to injure about th rich, warm blood of Southern youth. The novel worae oft he will be. I am rer a moment and then recklessness, even under the goad of to very singular and unex which Proctor Knott came out vi&torloui over Sulva Air*. financial such a loss of League prestige in New York liarly susceptible Tho National League schedule meeting will pre­ breaks in: "How much are you willing to pay my desperatidn, cannot but be ultimately disastrous all practical purposes the League peeled transitions. League, and its schedule tor and Galen, not omitting personal mention of Mo huaUn-1?" City that for cede that of the Players' a descriptio to the many poorer clubs of an organization this once valuable terri­ Langhliu and Baroea and otner jockeys; i'Uyer "Oh, there'll no use in talking about sign- might as well vacate WHEKE'S THE DIFFERENCE!? will therefore bo the first in the field. Should of a model thoroughbred breeding farm, with II lug. I will admit yon treated me all right last Bea­ which only a year or BO ago insisted that it actu­ buuud to stand tory, since no common team can hope to com­ it be published, it behooves the Players' League great stallions, members of the "royal family" and no o, but tht-u, you know, 1 am iu duly a sal­ President Brush, of Indianapolis ia not by the Brotherhood." ally could not maintain existence without mand the patronage of the average New Yorker its schedule, and avoid as lot cf other interesting turf talk. lawyer and it is therefore hardly worth while to to use it aa a guide for After this declaration the honest ball player goeg ary limit, iron-bound in its application In champion ex-League edition of TJu frea (New York) to light tbe tinfoil-covered cigar iu opposition to the famous his opinions on legal questions, but many conflicts as possible. This may not meet Tho Snnday hunting tor a match come cases and elastic as rubber in others. That refer to strides forward, and baa already placu bttuued him by ibe magnate. team now trailing under the Players' League League magnate the views of some hot-heads who are eager for making rapid these princely offers were rejected is not only when he, as a representative itself on a footing with its older contemporaries. Th TBR RIGHT KIND Of "INFLUENCE." banner. It is not to be supposed that tbe war, but common sense dictates such a policy. into an In­ puts himself on record in a paper of wide circu Sunday Press consists of twenty pag<as the cigar under way u is j.a^ed the box be an organization which, dependent measly inland town like Indianapolis, and it is itself, and wisdom yonti^eat daily newspaper published I ot the lady, at the same time touching as saying: ter owes its first duty to though the into the hand* players for success, possesses such power of co­ therefore within the bounds of probability that arst concern should be to Now York, has won the distinction of being th his under lip with tiie tip of bin extended fore tinker "1 am not at all worried over the suits for damages would dictate that the a shake of tbe bead ia hesion, such magnetic attraction, such unan- the num- brightest, newsiest and beat edited journal in th aud a wink accompanied with \ some means will be found of reducing which tiie Brotherhood people propott* to tmtora look well after its financial interests, upon which tbe direction <>t the honest ball pltiyer. Ai be pushed to csnfcie %f sentiment and such sublime faith, as to me for signing tila&coi:lct Thompson,. "enf, etropolis. ue black snecp to stand loyally together and judgments for damages by otlachiru IMe salaries paid may wan "The County Fair" Is the title of an affecting a false temh, "Uo out and look at them and say notla'i1 * no matter what the cost. How will the League Leatcne to each recMritrant. Pldre- of home 111 sajs to resist temptations strong enough to t>y tlie National a figlHny is to Dt>Jr" 0{ conflicting dates, but vivid story of domestic joy and sorrow, ''Excuse m» for a moment, won't you?" solve the probl em? ganling for a momaut tho otter worttilesanees of their and rural scenes, loundeJ on the popnlar play ot th Sp'-n^e, as ade bows herself out tht di>or. higher rated in the e:>ntr.icf, how ara they goin? to estimate their dam­ the Play you to captain tbe toanu 1 overcome men much doubt in tb6TCft _ _ * , however, same name In which Nell Bnrgese, who is also th Magnate "Now, we want ages! There is no way possible of dome so. Suppose ore Di»t stuck on getting b-ick Smith and Jones, intellectual and moral scale than ball players The interesting disclosures made daring the era" Lea0 _Jban let the senior organization 1 lias achieved the dramatic auccesa We for an instant that Glnsicuck were to refuse to pl«y author of the story, as wy will have no (rouble in filling th»ir placan. I have been hitherto, either by their old masters, attempted deal, by President Brush, shed some here afler signing a contract ami ihould eo elsewhere, down tho lines of the conflict and assume th of the season. Street 4 Smith, SI Bo«» street, Saw am ready ujw to rabe yonr Hilary $500 a yt-ar fur the general public and even their close friends. light upon the inside history of the admission coiiH we sns him for damages? Certainly not. We responsibility therefor before the bar of pub! York, are the publishers. three years and gl?e you 81000 for signing the con­ woold have no means of knowing to what extent we The "Practical Horaeshoer" Ii a book compiled tract. Truly, this Brotherhood is a wonderful organ- of Brooklyn and Cincinnati, and prove conclu­ were damaged." opinion, which in the main ii not inclined t 1 have always played good, straight by M. T. Ricbardwn. of Ne Player "Now, iiation, which is jnst beginning to be properly sively how correctly THB SPOFITIXO Lira sized tactics or favorable to measures ca edited and published ball and don't care t> go back on th* toys. I wuuld Now, if this is good sauce for the Brotherhood boycotting of articles on horsi appreciated for the work it has accomplished in from the day of the League business rivalry York. It consists of a collection rather wait for a while «nd ?ee how tiiinga turn out.** UD the situation goose, why should it not be also sauce for the cnlated to crush oat legitimate shoeing in all its branches, inclnding one on ox shoe­ By this time Mn. Spotiue has cec-u ibe pair uf elevating and developing the base ball profes­ meeting np to the present moment, and how im­ League gander, especially considering that the ing. It also contains the moat valuable of the paper elegant diamond ear rings and comes back with of the Play fluihtd clit-ehs. "Wtill, Lave jou men come to any sion. Tag SPOUTING LIFE has always held that partial and jnst was the stand this paper took League contract has been passed upon by a A DECIDED EVIDENCE of the desire of Prof. J. M. Heard on the diseases of horses. Th the public which supports uoderHtrtudiugyetf" she asks ami then continues ''I in the matter of honesty no profession on earth despite the freely expressed displeasure of the court and pronounced as worthless as ever the era" League to please book 1> profusely illustrated. am getting tick and tired of all tM» base ball bn-n- can compare with the base ball profession, since magnates and their shouters. Sir. Brush's ad­ Leaeuo held the Brotherhood contract to be? )ase ball, and is therefore entitled to every possi oefis aud do hope yt-a will d*cia» wbut to do Boon," of professionals, number­ belief that the ale consideration, was the adoption of the doubl looking at her dear hubby. in all the large army mission corroborates the previous The League people will find it just as difficult to HUB HAPPENINGS. Mrtgnile "Well, now is his beat chance. I hav» ing a thousand or more, there is not a man admission of Brooklyn and Cincinnati, so far estimate their damages, and to prove them,inde­ umpire system, which the major leagues resiste Just ottered him a three yenrs' contract with an at this fs the is manifest in the selection o iloue-t Flavor looks at the money and then at hi* playing can be successfully attacked. But in all admission in order to escape from the persecu­ Players' League would find it. Under the cir­ :he new League the Present War How It "Might" be work out the double umpir ita aud puffs a little harder on the cigar; finally other resoccts the profession has also advanced tion of their fellow Association clubs, was really cumstances, can the threatened wholesale .ho umpire staff to Availed of News and Gossip. Mrs. Sponge breaks in aa follows: "Now, 1 knuw my ince the organization of the Brotherhood, and a preconcerted and well-defined movement to but bluff ixperiment. No more capable, honest and ex BOSTON, Feb. 21. Editor SPORTING LIFE: husband is running a biir chance with these n«ir League suits be regarded as anything was right wb«n aha appreciated >erienced set of men could have been selectee Keep your eye on the Hub the coining eeaaon people, and I gttesa Mrs. Buggs to the fact that this was not noted or strengthen the League at the expense of the or persecution? made her Wilhe s'gu with tiie League. Our Umily is two pennants will do us down by the National League can the latter readily American Association, and if necessary of fel­ With the lessened, because divided, labor, backe Nothing short of not big, but supposing you got hurt, would thos* day. It shut its eyes to of THE WITHDRAWAL of Mr. A. G Mills from >y the efforts of the players, umpiring in th this way in the fall of 1890. The Players people lookout (\.T y.m as would tb* men you huve lay all of its troubles to low League clubs. The strenuous objection as strong aa ever, as Now, if you nmke that $1500 I of the ball active participation in the affairs of the Amateur League ought to be a oomparativel League Club will bo fully worked for before? the material and mental development some of the League clubs to the proposed ab­ Players' Gumbert and Ki.roy will easily make the pitch­ will pruiuiae you that my busbind will aigu." Alter and estab­ some delay Mr. Magnate .leci-lei to rain* the ante and players just as the old fail to realize the growth sorption of the two strongest clubs of a friendly Athletic Union in whose creation pleasant task, without any of the disgraceful fea ing department stronger than it was last season. such a prominent and splendid to th leaves. During tbe next few d»?a Mr. Hoi,«at Ball of the young until suddenly confronted by the organization and the measures taken to placate lishment he bore ures which so often brought discredit Tbe outfield will be stronger, asSto7ey will take Player Buds cold comfort around bin one* happy home, legislating for, part will be as great a loss to amateur athletics ;ame under the old system. These gentlemen Mike Kelly'a place an i tbe captain go behind th* cold feet on his back at night, a continual whine froiu full-grown man and persisted in the internal opposition, even at the expense of strengthen as was his retirement from professional base bal will do their level best to d bat in placb uf Charley Benn«tt. This will bis wife, until finally lor peace eake he puts rn« and treating with, the developed players of guarantees to perpetuate a ten-club circuit, we have no doubt, tbe team in batting aud baae-running. intograpb to a "teu-days-claune" contract, aud nlvea to-day as they did with the ignorant, irre­ prove conclusively that the League scheme was to that sport some years ago. His fine Intel monstrate that the double umpire system is a Morgan Murphy ia a catcher wbo can bundle the his raon«y to his wife Ut put in in her name to great force of character and remarkable ex it; and the player wildest kind of a delivery, and go in day alter day 1 still hold the winning band and give him the bouuc* sponsible and impecunious professional of to strengthen itself at any and all cost in ntter lect, that has been claimed for nececsary. should be atie to fill Pop a tower of strength i perchance in bin old age. a decad* ago, until the crash came and disregard of everything but the most entirely ecutive ability made him ought to help them in this task. Smith's place at abort, and Arthur is a much betcei PJ.AITER9 AT PRACTIOB. cbicken and can study the sup- any cause in which he chose to interest or exer run-ge(ter than tbe Cambridge Over In South Boston the boys are pre|>ar!i]g for the old magnates found that selfish consideration. as well as anyone. himself, and marked him for a leader among IH THE FACE of still another desertion, eve out a batffiimn big season1* w;.rk. Each aftoriinun the professional posedly helpless and incapable servants had The underlying object of the admission of the Kid Ma Mun ia tbe only one of last year's team tbat the peninsu'a gather at Irwin th The jlayera who winter in extent as to prove their one men. Such as he are indeed rare in the worli at this late day that of Foreman and has not declared himself anil signed a contract. billiard room on Uroadway. Among tha developed to such an two Association cities was the formation of but is in nc ft Murray's efforts being; made to seduce froi Kid writes that be ia a Brotherhood man, be seen Ihe gingery little right fi.rldor of as organizers, their peers in legislative that time the of sport, and it therefore is to be regretted tha tremendous sent him a con­ number can equals (treat monopolistic League, and at hurry to sign. Director J. B. Hart famous St. IxmU Browiia, Tom McCarthy, their allegiance to the Players' League sue! where it remiina the ouolga for all their canning, wealth and skill. The clear for the accomplishment of a long-cherished ing, business should compel retirement tbey would find room others equally famous, can the Player's Leagu little left-hander, but I guess fwt fall, but Tom generally know* it all and signed. players effected an organization in three months purpose. The Players' League had failed to field in which be bad achieved snch signal tri­ fur him if be decided to return. to get to Boatou anil wui afford to countenance th The little fellow was anxious such as no other leacue ever built np in years; effect a permanent organization, th» American umphs, accomplished so much, and in which or the Brotherhood MANAGER KELLY*S VISIT. sure that his release wotiU b« purchased, but the Gcr- rounds about the reinstate Manager Mike Kelly cams to this city last Wt mau prt-sidf nt would nofc listen to hia departure and disputed and refuted the sophistries and specious Association was in the throes of a bitter factional there still, however, remains so much to be done. chatter going the of deserters or hold out even the faintes day aud surprised the natives by planking down 'ittl* Tommy will get in the Lest c«nditioa poesibla arguments of their enemies; survived the com­ fight, and so the League magnates thought they The Amateur Athletic Union is skillfully guided rnent lu payment for his stock. ,nd start for at. Louis. E-t Crane, th« giant of tb» of such a thing? To d and safd he felt like Pat Hariuftt. Dan Qulnn and several o inert bined onslaught of the press of almost the entire had both on the run, and calmly proceeded to and contains some remarkable men, but A. G. hopes of the possibility Sir Michael was looking great i units; so now is but to further the designs of th a racer. He called io at Wrigtit & Ditson's and or­ maku thla place headquarters. Most of trtia crowd ex­ country; met and defeated their old masters in appropriate the two strongest club? of the Asso­ Mills easily overtopped them all; he will be two Bets of uniforms for bia team, to be ready ercise daily fn the baud ball conrt of to* AtUntfo the tempted. Tho ques dered the courts; in the main resisted all the power of ciation. The calculation was that the Players' eadly missed in an organization which is only as tempter and encourage in about two weeks, Yacht Club aud are working off flesh and training tion of principle aside, can the Playera A visit to tbe new grounds and a look at tho plans muscles In fine style. McCarthy loosed iike a tlnrca eloquence, and gold; took advantage of every League movement would quickly fall to pieces yet upon the threshold ot its career. order, all of which when he quit teu'iiua bar for genial Mi's* aa a matter of policy, to give it* for the grand pavilion was next Jn of ntolaa^ea blunder of the opposing forces, and to-day stand right after the Indianapolis desertions, under League afford, seamed to please the captain very mach. Can lias a few daya ago, but will ba as fine u bilk In » IF THE NATIONAL LKAOBI wishes to change the National League, such an immense Before taking tbe hre o'clock train I saw Hike at couple of weeks, as be U a hard worker. secure from all outward attacks. This shows the weight of discouragement and the outlined enemy, the current of Brotherhood sentiment against advantage? Clark's Hotel for a few moments. "We're oat of PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. the wonderful advance of the professional ball assaults of League money and bluff; that for light, old man," was hig way cf addressing me. Among the ball men I siw in this city l&nt week reinstatement of the deserters it has j^it to con­ player, explains his ability to withstand Brooklyn and Cincinnati a ten-club circuit "What do TOO think about Bill Ewing?" ?as Harry Stovey, who ran up from New Uedtortf; tinue its bribery tactics and keep up its efforts Y'niLB IB PITTSBURO last week short stop "Don't worrr about him; he is with the boys to stay im Manning, Tom Gunning and Xr*uk Feuuelly, financial temptations such as few could resist, could be made, since if two of the clubs would Day and all ton Lenxne mug nates in the Jim Kennedy, iroin to secure contracted Players' League men by McKean, the Cleveland deserter at present un­ tnd John B. rum Fall Eiver, and Muniuor and justifies the belief that an organization not be frozen out, enough players would be business can't more btaj,'1 was Ket's an-wer. Jew York. Manning Is woiking In a drug store la boodle and bluff. It may purchase a few more der tbe ban of the Brotherhood, was interviewed. Kelly said he wa* pleased to find the club bad se­ 'all Elver. Tom Gunning is spending a few days omposed largely of such men must succeed. available when the Brotherhood movement col­ converts, but where would be the gain if thereby From hia remarks he lott it to be inferred that emed Gumbert and Morgan Murphy, and said the t bis old home, aud Feunelly came here to rueet Ward, Ewing, Keefe, Pfeffer, Hanlon, Richard­ lapsed to equalize all the teams with materiil boys would show the League people tuat they conld Unager Kennedy and sign with ihe new Brooklyn drive the Players' League into open­ ho was still endeavoring to carry water on both of ba'l that the public would appreciate. a pleasant tiro a at son, Kelly, Nash, Connor, and all the other equal to that acquired by the accession of the it should )nt up a game ssuciatlon Club. Tbe ooya had ing wide the doors to deserters in retaliation? shoulder?, but that he would in all probability This >« tho first time that Kelly has boo a given full he Adams House during tbe evening aad left for members of tbe Players' League, by their stead­ two Association clubs; and that with the Broth­ control of a team, although promised the position, last ome in tb« morning. ranks flop back into the Players' League at the last fast adherence to that organization, are doing and the Association be­ Such an act would decimate the League aeaeon by the triumvirs, so he says. Dnpea blmw, the old Wizard, take* a few momentt erhood movement dead is, will the Players se*) as there are more faithless Brotherhood men moment. Now the question A CHARGE AGAINST "HONEST JOHN*' KELLY. 'om his billiard room business iu Cbnrloftown to themselves and the Players' League the greatest reft of its two strongest and richest clubs, the at achine for an invitation to return to their first League permit itself to be made a convenience I wa« informed by a friend of John KoIIy'f that the id boys at Irwin & Murray's. Di.peo is not imaginable service and raising the entire profes­ latter would either go to pieces and fall to a old umpire tried his teat to get Mike to jump the vely as he wuj when playing ball f >r a big salary, have any idea of or for uien of McKean's stripe? If so, McKean to keep up a pretty bold front uevertue- sion in public estimation, since none can with­ minor league state it did not matter which love than tha old magnates Players' League, M be would receive a big pot of ut manages like him will, of course, be 83. respect from men who in this materialistic would credit and would practically render abor­ and other deserters money for bis labor if succeaetul in sMliug hi* old hold and then the League would have been left partner's honor. What friends (?), aLd how much Big Jim Wbltney la doing well in his grain business the bb,or and expense of months. Per­ reinstated. But if principle instead of expe­ til* brother-la- age can calmly reject $8000 bribes for their prin­ supreme in base ball, without a rival and mon­ tive all more honor Kelly deserves. ut in Dorchester. George Haddock, haps this ia one of the possibilities of the situa­ diency is to rule these bhcck sheep will be barred The man that gave me the story nara?d tha figures w and partner, Is a v&ry strong Brotherhood man. ciples and cause. arch of all it surveyed. a local not taken into consid­ players with contract-breaking pro­ telly was to recwive, and how much John Kelly and hear that a well-known base bait editor of tion the magnates have forever, and sent for him to call at bis office during tha League Is at the National himself was to get out of the deal. Miltu's only aper The situation of the National League magnates may have been sincere in tbe eration; if so, it would be well for them to pause clivities taught the lesson which icsvrer to all this coaxing was lhat h» gave the eek, when be trleJ to show him the folly of sticking present anything but cheerful or encouraging. assertion that such a plan was not the under­ and reflect. League should have taught as far back as 1835. backers of the Brotherhood clubs his word, and that > hia contract with Buffalo. o waa enough, be would stick by it, and an long u he "It ain't too lute," anid the agent of the League, Hope from the law has been evidently abandoned, lying motive of the dismemberment of the Asso­ and I would advls* yon to jump." IT HAS BEEN AOREBD that the question of rein­ of plttj*d ball it would b* with tha Playera' Leagu*. and an organized plan to capture Players' ciation (although President Brush's present Tns APPEALS being made by the friends Haddock is one of tho«* level-headed boys who will statement of deserters shall be left to the players; some of the repentant Brotherhood deserters are NO CROW. o his own thinking, and gave the free advice maa League men regardless of cost is now being revelations make those assertions appear quite T never for a moment doubted Mike Kelly's sin­ *ie grand laugh. that is,'the Brotherhood is to decide this import­ made sea­ start, and vigorously pursued under the specious ploa that gauzy), but whether the scheme was deliber­ precisely like the petitions for mercy cerity in keeping his pledge from the v«ry I don't think Big Jim intend* to play any mor* ant matter. As the members of this organiza­ in behalf of the Louisville »ave maintained that position right through. In fact, rofessionally. "the end justifies the means." But the scheme is ately formulated or not, no other effeot than that son after season that I w»gpred a high hat to a tion have suffered much and severely for the in 1877. my faith wataoatroug Natick. a lively town about ten miles from here, ti meeting with but meagre success, the results be­ outlined above could follow the League's action, crooks convicted and forever expelled en cent cigar with Managing Editor Sullivan, of the i« old home of Emmcu Seery. The hall crauk<* out cause it represented and championed, they Where would base ball have been had the Na­ few York Time*, last Monday In rny offke, where the at way feel very ^roud ol the honorable aland the ing woefully disproportionate to the labor and and from the moment the absorption of Brook­ a should know exactly how to deal with the men as weakly yielded to those en- mndsome athletic-looking jEenHcmaDCame to make ttle man has taken in this base t all deal. I doubt expense involved. It is quite probable, how­ lyn and Cincinnati was accomplished, under the tional League rkndly call and tell me that 1 was sure to have a there is a plnyer in the entire country that ha!ayer. aruo, April 3, cannot be played between Co u tracts it is airj'ped to curry expensive ten-club circuit, which latter is after tions from which it is even at this moment even . r'ard's Brooklyn and the new Boston teams. There th« first season, pla/ or not. The Ltngue contract! The New York Club's claim appeared weak s<>me talk of Ukhjg the Bn-theihood club as tar permit ot the uuguatea droppffi.* a playtr under ihe all a trouble of the League's own making, due utterly unable to extricate itself. The dis­ at its best; with the evidence of the Columbus O.VB BY OUR the old fellows are coming to the uth aa Bichmoud, V«., tor two weoka to limber out. tuD-dayi-Dotice clause. Yat there1 lias been qufttt to tho needless absorption of Cincinnati and astrous result of the dismemberment of the the old Luagoe olub will not of the clubt he Lieauue people are novr about satisfied, aud howl in Home qtinners tint the Leagiie contiact it Club substantiated urface again. The necessities uxioua about New York. Director Billings wrote to far superior to that signed by Brotherhood uieu. Au* Drookijrn. The teams as novr constituted are to Association upon the League and the abiolute hare a leg to stand upon. hrovr Uiem again to the surface from which it uhn B. Day early la tha week to do a little hustling. other barrou iileaUu. Feb. 26. THE SJPORTINQ LIFE.

That Is precisely what they are striving to such Is the e&ee, may we ask why te it that the New o follow his law>»r*§ advfc«( whcrecpoo Foreman Is I am hop*mi of havlag my t*ftm at least third If and precisely what every won who breathes tbe free York League Hub fa trying so hard to get tbe«e same conaulted a lawytr, who informed him that Barnle not second ID th* raoe. I will only carry fourteen PHILADELPHIA POINTERS. BASE BALL. air of indepcDtSeLce is determined they Hhall not have. (i oeligible* (black lietedj men to play In their team? lad a good case and could hold him. Foreman then rn^Q, nuJ hope by ji.dicion* discipline to bave them la To hold the player ia perpetual bondigf, season "To play against blacklisted ineu, however, might lunted ap Baruie and iaid; 'I'll tell you what I will condition at all times to play ball." 1 teller Foreman's Jump—The Players1 In­ after season, >etir afttir y*-ar, while tbe silver tands cause an injury to any club, a> long aa tbe National Io if you ara agreed. Locate me In Cincinnati and I Fioaideiit A. L. Johnson, of tbe Cleveland Players' field—Players' Club News — New Mem that bold them in rvturu are an tight M Ut« graaa in a Agreement is In existence. We are disinterested in rill go there willingly.' Barn 10 aud I then began League Club, aays he witl keep Faali on bis pay-roll, Signed by the Phlllies and May ineaduw andjuat aa fiat lie. every ghape, form aud manner ID the League fight idcuulog terms for tha transfer, and the whole thing but will not play him in his team. Athletics— Th-so mea waut tat lirtle. They spell Justice filulvey'g Peculiar Actions—Current TLAYERS'LEAGUE "jni-i-ns.'* with the i'layers, and why do they do draw ua into It? wag completed to-night by Barn fa, Foreman and my­ Preaideat Byrne, of Brooklvn, la credited witb an Local It seoma to be a petty piece of buaineaa on their self at the IIofTman House. After a littlt Informal attempt to Indue* catcher Owea Clark, of Buffalo, to News and Gossip. Having fatt'd to covqutr their own greed they have t, and I do not aee how it can help tbeir caua». talk we sallied down to solid buainen, and within a jump that club. PHILADELPHIA, become the vicciuia of tbat greed. Previous to arranging games rery ahoit tim« Saturday, Feb. 22. Th« THE FINAL witb tbe Players' League Foreman expressed himself «a tie fled Whihj liar and Kwlng were in conference In Cin­ biladelphia 1'Uvors' Club DESPERATE AS­ Js< w. hat t';e b-11 player nay right M ft man and as teitma, I wrote at least fifty letters to managers of rith the terms and he aigned hia nam* to a Leagas cinnati last Monday Day made tha remark tbat tb* has suffered a loo* citizen? Tan be go into businuas tor himself ita any National Agreement clubs endeavoring to arrange on tract, and b»r* H la in my pocket. Players' Leagno would not live through the season. hrough tho desertion of pitcher Foreman, bat it SAULTS UPON IT. and ail a '-culled citizuns cnn do, or does he belon^ to (Kiuea, bat I have not received as much ua postal "In anticipation of his alguing with me, t this Buck offered to bet $1000 even that it would. s not a rery serious loas, since the man a species The bet waa by peonhttr to tiim«elft who, b*ing ''incapable," card in answer. So it ii left to any one'd imagination loruing bad Abe ilummell, of tha firm of Howe & wa* not taken. io means a star of the first class. An effort is bo* HS they put It, "of caring for himself," must needs aj to how many games with National Agreement Turnmell, draw up for m« a personal contract, which Manager Bob Leadley, of th* Detroit Baa* Ball bow iieck to Ibe }okeaud accept the faiherlyt?) club* we will low by pUymg the Ir. Bnmmell ng made to get pitcher Duke, reserved by Min- teaou.** Player*' League says la the strongest ever drawn up in Club, wbo earned such distinction and &1"00 cash for League Agents at Work With tndut^ttncei* of tLese uiagnaniuioU-^?) men who for ila office. It ia over two columns in length, and ia of signing Charley Bennett, ia said to be corresponding eapolia. According to our Minneapolis corre*. tbe lt*v<* of tbe plnvt-r and the imiluua' game fostered he aam« form whten is used by Colonel McCaull to witb Manager Hanl«n witb a view to getting the ondent this man has ginned with Minneapolis, ball, incitleuuil.y only reapiug a rich harvest la BENNETT'S CAPTUKBL ring Marion Manola back into hia service, latter to come Cash - The Line Still retnrii? in apite of to Detroit for a conference. Ilanlon ia bile a despatch from Columbus, hia home, state! .11 other outstanding contract*. The upper courts the wront; man to tackle, Left-liey, He'a as ctauuch Tin-institutions of this country which have ever How the League Agent After a Hard bat be has not, but is still open for engagement, Steady, However. iere recognize tho itrt-ngth nf it. and made Miss Munola as Ward himself, dea|J[n tales rf weakening that are and that beeo held us encred w Holy Writ will give the answer. Struggle Got th« Catcher to D«aert the o back immediately t>Colonel McCaull's management, being circulated by League agents, the Buffalo, as well as the Piiiladeluhift The ijnesiiou may be asked tairly, are t'ue Pl»>era Brotherhood. 'here is not a flaw in it. It is a personal contract be- Buck Ewiag says that Day pmcticallv admitted that Club, are negotiating with him. The chances doing nn mjiiHiice, committing a wrong in thus leav- weon Foreman and myself. I have the old re tbat Duke Director Hart has described his efforts to sign compensated tha League would be wrecked unless the players has accepted the Minneapolis The last final as?nnlt of the National Lengne fn.T men *tio have continually oppressed them? Jaltiiuore Club handsomely for the low of hia services would return, and appealed to him to save him (Day) Stub's terms, and this will put him out of reach Bpon the Players' League Ti.e a rawer is found in the fact and question "Who Bennett for tha Players' League; now agent nd also for their truuble in bringing out tbia brilliant from the disaster. Buck aUo displayed tblfgritni* from rnnka via the bribery hfivu be-'D the most beoentted f any Players' club. In that event the club loutu w»a continued l»st week all by the past relations, Leadley cornea to the front and telMs how he got onng player. Foreman aeemed troubled about the all tbe members of the N«w York Players' Club ad- along the the piayttr or the nmgn*te? l> 800 advance money from tha Philadelphiaa, vlstng will have to look elsewhere for a pitcher, al- line, but the result waa meagre, only one id work in. He writes Director Billings aa fol­ and I him to atand firm. man Which "na" tbe imwt in substance to show to-day as lows: minediately to»k that mnch oat of my pock*t and it Manager Mike Kelly a»3*i the Boston Players' League hough there is no pressing need for another Toreiaun by the wayside, and he won't a re-.n!t of tln-se rwlatiuus? bas b««n sent back to the Philadelphia peopU. They Club wilt be taken to Richmond for a course of firing wirier with Baffin ton, Sanders, Cunningham be missed. His »ct created no comment or excite­ Meat-ru «i*hir»!, fines, «-tispens!ons wfthnnt pay and 'After working with Bennett for over a week I will get It in tho momma, if it is not aUaadv there by trnfniug. nd Husted on the enforced t-ubinission to all this by a threatening Na­ aily got hia signature to your contract*. 1 am con- pay-rolls and falling ove? ment whatever, fiublic attention being absorbed his time." ___ Th? Section A cranks, of tha Chicago Leagne acb other in their efforts tional Aj£ie«>ittrat, whereby you, must yield or quit Gtltmt liad Ilart not come on here I could have got him grounds, have agreed to keep from bench- by tbe New Yo.-k Club's desperate, but una- much easier to take a similar part of the playing bull, have mutle millionaires out of molecules, and for lenacaab. Every objection Charley THE UMPIRES* grand stand at tb* Chicago Players' grouuJl this arming. yailing efforts to capture Ewing. Secretary Brn- aud the rest**:* .-f toil, 10 tLe&o victims of rapacity, bare made to Bart, he (Uart) agreed to change In ihe con­ season. tract, until all THAT INFIELD. ueil haa wired a circular letterof warning to the KTtichrouized with each successive seaioa and that that wag loft of tbe original Brother- Official Llrt of Men Who Will Judgo The contract for the chairs In the grand stand of only. lootl contract had been changed in writing by Hart. The club is still on the look-out for another players, which states that the League has deter­ Flayers* League Games. the Bos'on Play en* Club waa signed last Tuesday by nfielder. The player's best effort is an bumble cottage and They agreed to waive the 20 day'a notice, agreed not to the Grand Rapids School Company. Halliuan is to be used as a catcher mined to bribe, if i os-ible, a number of men. in ei>ury, sell liiiu, and, in caae of Secretary Brunell on Thursday announced while tbe matchless maximta revels in rtck- the club diauaudiug, ha was to the Tbe Pittsbnrg PiaverV Club bai given Fred Dunlap »nd this will necessitate a man at either third or «3fh Brotherhood club to desert; that the use of ; gsuets aud tay» bia plans to increase bis prolusion of be free, etc., and told him the Boatm Club could not Lames of the eight umpires to make up the staff permission to suu hnrt, the former preferred, as pt-lf. The rive him a wherever be may choose, iu other Shindle ia very a special fund tor that purpose has beeu begun, second act ruveala a revolt. 5ft;/i cl;imoriug contract except with the 10 day clause in. f 1890 and work under in* double umpira words, he haa l-eon released. He and Hanlon could anxious to play short. Pickett was tha man and specifies tbe date on for rico'jttidon as »nch, and assort their right as free Be [.net ft sympathies were with the boys. Bart came n^t jretalnng is surmised. which a League agent men l*y within an ystem. The men are: It has been wanted, but as he bad signed with Kansas City, sturtiuu; inio busmcs* for themselves. ace of getting hia slgnatnre, and, had I not stated tlmt Fred could now si>rn wherever he pleased, will be in certain cities and the man or men he Iniinedtatel; tbe bu^le sounds and the army ot mng- oterrupted him. would surely have done ao. Another J. H. GafTney. of Worcester, MaasV te was out of the market. The club now has a is expected to influence. This is Robert Ferguson, of Brooklyn, but this ia not so, as, bt-lng etill under reserve t> tbe the last resort t'-s ru-h tu tbe frvnt with their wtapuni. WUitt bad tfamg for as wu tbrt Hart agreed to insert $4500 Pittsbura; League Clab, be coula sign with no other ood man, highly recommended by Fogarty, ia of the National League and the Players have wejpon?? Bribery aad shcimt. >er year in his contract. I had Bennett on the point Alonzo Knight, of Boston. Robert Matthews, of Philadelphia. club under tha National Agreement. It M thought ow, aud be will be signed unless it ia decided to taksi but to firmly resist tbe tempting bribes that will They ap; eal to the weaker brothers to sell out honor, or signing 20 t;mea, and he would 'flop* over always tbat John B. Day will make a de,\l for him. lulvey back. The latter is sail tn be willing to re- sell out their friends, aud tho rt-w.ud of such treachery witb, tbe aame re-mark; 'What will tbft boys say?' Thos. F. Gunning, of Fall River, Maw. nra, an be offered them to assure the success and per­ Ctiarlea Jonea, of Xew York. Qotzein haa announced his readiness to sign a Play- are Clements aud Delehauty. The Uti«r tw*> is gold; gold in abundance xold as they never HBW ii ruvadav nigdt be bad his pen io bia baud to sign with era' r>eagne contract. ave no ct ance whatever for r*mstatement, bat Hal* manency of the Players' League. Appended before, loor fellows, and some poor, weak, soulless, me, when a boy brought him a telegram trom Hart Wm. K. Holbert, of New York. Roaa B»rnes, of Chicago. It is said tbat Emmett Beery maybe transferred ey'a cane Is still undecided. Tb* club haa a chanc* Co will be found the news, gossip aud comment of ovtess Iibols OQ mnnbood bow before the K°^d, reading as follows: 'I am Instructed by our directors from the Brooklyn to tbe Pittcburtr Club, Manager et Dunlap, who H novr free to mgn where he pleases, the week: yield to the tempter, accept anew the yoke aud march to give yon cama money aa Lea en offers. Wire their Three of these Gaffney, Ferguson and Knight; Ban ton being in ne<*d of an out fielder. ut be is considered altogether too high-priced. out against the friends the? sw. TO to protect. offer and we will meet it. Stick to the boyi.' That In olden, ,re umpires of established reputation and need no Danny Itichardson on Thursday received the fol- OTBRB CLUB MATTER3. AFTER EWING NOW. times, when was K> tongue-tied by the appear­ Knocked roe eut for the time being, but I finally got urther endorsement except to say that they are lowiiig meBBage from Ewing: "Don't sign witb John ance of the Angel of the Lord t'tat be couldn't spt-ak him to take the Brotherhood contract to a lawyer and Ben Hilt wan formally oh-cud manager of the olnb tonost, capable and entirely worthy of thehonoi B. Dav." Tbua P'uiardsoa was led to believe that st Wednesday. He will, or ought to, prove a capable Another Kew York Flayer Tempted by for himself he ^rot hia aas tu apeak for him and the diffl- that, person told hlru it waa no good. Kelly, Ward and John B. Day was expected to stop at Elmiraon hi-* way col'y w«a settled. others k?pt wiring, and although I always maintained ccorded them by the Players' League. The rest art fllcial, a.* be has hal some exporieuce in that Ito*, League GolU— Ewiiiff Stands by the Broth- etired professional players. Bobby Matthews, tha home from Inptannpolis and make another attempt to ,uil haa also the business qtialiflcatlma and ihe tern- Can lh» National Lengne approach the field of battle you could get any player if enough money wu offered, secure bis signature tn a League contract, erliood. In tho Hiring aud with tbis array of bought still here was an exception, where, although be waa nee famous pitcher,and the ex-catcher Tom Gunning, erameut naceinary to successfully handle a bull team, bt/en/, with mve officiated at various In speaking of Day's attempt to buy out Indianap­ I he captaincy Tho past week furnished another sensation in the mark of Cain on their verjT brows, aud a record of aatisfiud with tbe teiuia offered, and acknowledged be times and shown themselves of tbe club ia still unsettled, but tb* of urn pineal ability of the hUhe-on either Fogarty or Wood, the attempt of the New York Club to induce honor)?} in wbicb bribery w*r* an important factor be­ could nut do aa well with the pi avers, yet be waa stub- Mr. Day will succeed. Why, Indianapolis has a bet­ hind them, claim, and receive, public patronage? bum and hard to tign." 'lit* experiments of the staff are Charlio Jones, tbe 'li« club ia nuw preparing actively for ibo S^uthera Jlwing to become a double contract signer. This ormer Cinctunati outflelder; BiMy tiolbfre, the old ter club than New York. The trouble with Mr. Day rio of the tcaut. All uf the men bave been hearal Can they eive tlie public a satisfactory guarantee of In speaking of the ease the New York World Ia that be is too slow. Neither he nor Mr. Mi;trie was but one more movo in the club's plan of an h«ne9t (?) S|Se distinct and direful. ulflll two." Mr. Engle aU) intimated that If Mr. Brush at present, Mr. Guy lor in- his wtakfy (1 beg pardon) asks how mantle of charity ia drawn over tbe circumstances at­ expectations. aud iSnudera U studying ban! at tb» Van- attempt on Danny Richardson, it failed com­ had been Mr. D»y the New York League Club would dmbilt University in Nashville. The players, tn coo- tbe public can welcome aud applaud such men aa Mc- tending the desertion of this man. He could not have bave a bet'er team pletely. It appears that John B. Day and News right now. ~ unction, witn tbe Brooklyn team, will leave for Gains*- Ke*o, having returned to the Brotherhoixl when they very well done otherwise without losing everything he Notes and Comments. Bobby Matlhews deserved an umpireahip. He signed Director Joe Gordon, of the New York Club, would be i-jjeu to cetjjure in the Loacue. has OQ earth. Uunag-r Kelly will himself do rnoat of The spring schedule meeting of the Players1 League nlle, Ga., uext Wadueaiay, vthere tli*y will prac'lce. Larkin and other Association players for the Playvrs* They will also play game* at Savannah, Charleston, quietly left New York on Saturday night, and It'a au old atory, Mr. Cay lor. McK«au firdt el/ned the catching for the Boston Players' team, and prob­ will be held at the Weddell House, Cleveland, 0.. League and kept them in UM*. ably would have done Atlanta aud other S)uthern citlts, remaining In th* on Tuesday the country was astonished by the a Bn therhood contract, bnt yielded to tbe tempter so had Benuett stayed with him.*' March 11. It is not litaly to last more than one and . an*l for oe-balf days. South about one mouth. report a'con»iderHtiou sold himaelf. Realizing that Director Hart, of Boston, takes exception to OK IS ALL. that they were in Cincinnati in confer­ hiscuorse was ernmeous and his conduct unmanly, Work has begun on tbe Chicago Club's new Whits Work at Forepaazb Park la being pushed rapidly ence with Buck Ewing. A whole day was spent Mr. Leadley's statements, and contradicts him ' Wnguer and Hilt, who bave tbe work in charge* like tho prodigal son, he returns and asks fornivene.-s. stocking Park aud it will be completed by April 10 at Princeton'a Schedule — Harvard's I read in Scripture on material points, as follows: he latest. Poor lilt la an expert at thia sort of l-usinfss aud ia doing by Day in trying to convince the great catcher tbat G'>d Alinighry pardons re­ club a that be oufffit to pentant sinner:), and the Brotherhood "Agent Lead 107*3 statement that T agreed to change It is claimed that Bennett will receive the highest Prospects—From Other Seats of Learn­ great service by over*eein;; It. Ao«uber ignore bis Brotherhood obligation can do nothing ar^e addition will be made to the force of workmen end sJijri a Lsague contract on top of his Players* less). Charley Benru-tr'a contract, until all that was left of salary ever paid a catcher for ao long as he wants to ing. the original Brother >lay. IA there a PBIKCKTOH, N. m tbe grounds on Monday. How mnch In tercet 1* itaj;ufi contract. It ia notkuown what offer* v?er» mndo When they become arch fiends and glory In their hood contract had been altered, ten-day clause In hia contract? J., Feb. 18. Following is a com­ taken by tbe cours» of cnsst-dness they ar« relocated puts me in mind of ibe story of the boy wbo wrote John Morrill'a announced intention ot entering plete schedule of all the games thus arranged public in tbe new club was made *b; it fa not ra<1, and if does not cial capacity, if the difficulty about not traveling with phia; April 5, Princeton va. Newark at Newark; HARBY WRFGHT'S PONIES. tenor ns to alarm the friends of the Brotherhood and wh> he suelleil hia uiiwe with one "dV 1 "Well, my crawl bartwarJ.1 The original contracts left with Ben­ be club can be obviated. He will retain his stock in April 7, Princeton vs. New York at Polo Grounds, Tbe Pbniiea left the city for Florida last Sfonday create considerable mi easiness iu New York, nnd friend, (J«jd Almijfhty sielh Hia name with oua 'd,' nett have be^a returuod by him to me, and are In my be club under any circumstances. New Yorfc; April 8, Princeton vs Brooklyn at Brook­ on schedule, under tbe wing ut' Hurry Write nt and hi* Ewing was showered with tolexrama beseeching him aud what id good euough for God ia good enough for po^aeaeion, and tbat there rnny be no question as to Buffalo will not bare an International L«agne team lyn; April 9, Princeton va. New York at New York; estimable wife, who makes the trip for her health. Tha to atnnd by his pledges and conira'iea. The boy a were me." tbeir identity, my signature attached is witnessed by hia season, despite tbe many statements that one was April 16, Princeton vs. Bostou at Princeton; May 3, >artv reached J:*ckaunville on Tue^d-iy, and were ior, however, left io s*iap?n-Q long) as Ewing tele- Tbe Brotherhood ii doing business on tbe same D.D. Booth, clerk of the Ko-aell House, Beiroit. o bo organized in opposition to tbe aggregation of Princeton vs. Yale M New Haveo; May 10, Princeton here joined by Myers, &Iayer. McCauler and Thomp­ g ruphed announcing hia iuteutlon uf btickitm bv the plan. A mau « bo act? hastely, ece* bis error and re­ Auaut Lfrulley aaya we agreed to waive the 20 daye* Brotherhood Biaorje. Kloaa, tbe man mentioned aa a vs. Yala at Princetou; May 24, Princeton va. Yale at son. Their doings in Florida wilt b* tound ID full la Pllayers' League ai-d authorized the Cincinnati Asso­ forms is iofiutujly bftter titan the uiati (?) who pur- notice. I assart that we did not. He say* we agreed }&ckbr ot tho proposed International Club, i* not over- New York City. The third game with Yala will be another column. Thry will practice at Jacksonville ciated Press man to give out tlie following: feUfls his peiotciouti pra^icea rftgiirdiaa* of rectitude or not to sell him (B^nuett). I reply that nothing ot the nmlened witu wealth, and not anxious to throw away played providing eacii college has won one of the full mouth, and during 'bat time Manager ''When I go back to t>>e League it wilt be after the tbe rocks of rum afiaad. kind was agreed to. It would be difficult to sell what what he has cf It. He comes to tha front with H preceding garner. The candidates for the tenm bave, Wright expecta to be able to decide upon the make-up reft have returned. KicSnrdaon and Connor bave Our law* recofzniye this and nn Incarcerated crim­ we do n->t own. Players* League contracts do not tateuient that he never contemplated such a project been reduced to eighteen, who will continue in prac­ of his teaui for tbe coming season. Ab >ut four men promised to follow me. They will bave to lead ana no inal by good behavior may have his term of peaal claim owuar-ihip. 'Ia caae of club's disbanding be as waa ascribed to him. tice nntit the team M finally chosen. The men » re nil be released soon after ihe ciubreturusNorib. Ther* witl lots of others. There are two League men for servitude shortened or may be pardoned; and, being (Beuueti) was to be free,' writes Aicent Leadtey. Again Tha veteran Dickey Pearce la to be ground-keeper Durell, Amea, Macfllillan, Payn«, Biley, Bargeu, '92; ire loo many pitchers and outfielder*. The beat will whom I bave the kindliest feoiinga So Jen ami Day. pardoned, ha baa his rights of citizenship restored. $o wrong. No such matter waa agreed to, for tbe eituple ,t trie Pluy^rs' League tztoaudd ia Bostou. A better Woods, A. Young, L. Venn*, GuiH, Knickerbocker, >e selected and tbe others turned adrift. Either D*la- I'd like to se« them with ua. They are white men. I wl'iU the Brotherhood has uo room for nrck-traitors, reaeon tbat tbe cool net, as printed, did not takeaway mnn con Id Dot have boea selected. He has bad ex- Watts, Mullen, Ball. Broknw, *02; Brown, Lilley and mnty or McCauley will piny first base, although th* don t care a tnapof niy finger for tho rest." men momentarily deluded give evidence i>l their virtu* his freedom, and at Lbe completion of his contract be pertencu la tbat particular line, sa well as iu every one Woodcock. Captain Dana will divide them Into two brraer may be aiven a chauce at tliat place should He also telegraphed the New York World briefly, when knockiitg ut the dour of foncivennes; they was free to sign with us or with nnyone be pleased. relating to th« nati[>Dal gome, witb which be has been teams and play a regular game every day, and will be­ ttulvey jump back to the Players' League. lut poiotedlv, as follow*: acknowledge their fault and crave par-ton tor it. Aa Agent Lead ley writes: Beunett's sympathies were connected in some capacity since back in tho '5Ua. gin active training March 3. Tbe suits will be en­ UULVET'S COMPROMISING POSITION. "To th& Editor of the H'orH.- The news Is wrong. I Concluding, Mr. Editor, let me say thut tbe matthood with 'ibt* boys/ and be might truthfully have added, Manager BurnhKUi, of New Haven, wbo is "agin1* tirely different from previous years, consisting of Aa expected, Mulvey failed to show up at the Bro*4 sun as atrong now aa ever, aiid will not leave until of ih« ball player has been fully established in the tiia Hympathie* are still with 'the bova.' When Ben­ the Players* League, never the less tells a newspaper black stockinga and tiousers, black shirts with Street Station ou Blouday audilid not gr» South with th« very man goes, witb all their big offers. greater number, and their right to public patronage nett asked me to go with him to see Leadley, I said: tbat he thinks it has coma to stay. "Princpton" across the breast in orange, orange and ;earu. lie is atill In the city, iu accessible to reporters WM EWINO." proven. 'I Relieve hia syu>raibio4 are with the League.* He The Buffalo directors tell the Buffalo papers ID em- black belts, and black caps. and other*, and hia Intentions ar» therefore kn -wn. Mi*e B>11» r«.>Tnijh«i^irtniK tbat he "had reiu \VbAl*» a few itragglers have fallen by tlie wayside aaU hu g,nu:-lm,~an'i p'uit/it; ViV.sua.uje tbat the Buffi to Players' (Jlub baa a HARVARD'S OTTTLOOK. >ut to hi Hide) f and perhaps one or two club official*. twicw $8000 and to ftand firm," to which EWIUK re­ the body has moved fu/weu working with goud team aud that the itah "vill stict- through thick Tb* outlook at Harvard College ia very dubio Messrs. It each aud Holers exprer* the nelwf that Mul­ sponded tbat be had jnut aeut John B. Day out of Cin­ their Intrep.'d leader with nothing but yielding ob- Benuett for over a week. Benuett'a remark, 'What and thin. owing, not so mnch to the lark of players aa to the vey's failure to go South waa simply to an aver­ cinnati with a eecond cljiaa tickc-t. ttlacted iu f runt of ttieui.aml notbmg b«!iiud but the will tho bo.vh say?' ia pathetic. If I can have any in­ " 'The Wife' la aald to be tha favorite ; lav el 01. rt- uncertainty regarding the application of the new reg- sion fur such early training and thut therefore he did JS'ed Haulon «irml Ewtug Monday nigbt saying: wangled b -dies of th«>ir enemies who lived by tbe fluence w th 'the boys' they will flay no unkind won aou and Dmuerc. Why not cnll then. 'The H»a- uia*.-.-T> of the athletic committee barring law school not choose to go, especially aa hia contract docs not "\\bat ia $1,000,000 to the bitch tmtevrn and honor in naord and by the sword peiis.jed. of him. No one bat he and I know the struggle he Pecked Battftry?'" Cincinnati Titnei-Star. tnea. In 'jane thi* application M made to apply to th* begin until April 1. It is quite evident, however, which you are held by your associates in this glurtoua EUWABD EVEBETT had; know all be had to contend with; he Id morn a Brunell charge* that Jimmy Williams vas -. >. a(>- lilnd the team will be deprived of tbe services of CsOu-;e? Spurn all offers and ataud firm.'1 martyr than a traitor. It was not money that *''mp a , plicauL for a ettlariod po^itiou in the Plave -i* 1 . c I'^unhaw, HowIatid>"v?iV)ard iitd, Alwartl. Witlard, ; they think he will join tb* P>>;I;,AS E.^ing replied as fell./ws: "Never. Am with the A SHAKP RA.P. Charley Bennett, nor hia douDts ot our success. I ami only writes it down now because he *»! t' Ir the way, baa not decided whether to play, even II ; Iu Broiherhood circles it la regarifii -otherbood now and forever.*' wad the work of men whom be thought were his catch on. Thin seems strange, becanae Wi ': ; h-j is eligible, and McKean, T90, wbo waa relied on to ar«i iaairation that he will be found witb. tit* Ewing did not give Mr. Day a chance to have any A Leagne Paper Har*My Criticizes the friends," cot In preasiui; in*ed of flnaucial assistance niia u,.0 tuke bis plnce, Is Eeriou^Iy ilt. Bates will pitch; Philadelphia Plavera' club next season. ID fact, on* :fther argument with him, as be and hia wife left League's Present Methods. hitherto always expressed bis honest convictions only there seems to be no d"Ubt about that. Downer, wbo of tlte dine urs stjttai that effort* will be iuad« to h*v» Cinciunaii on Tuesday evening for the East. Before THE CONTRACT JCJMPEKS. In print. j pitched last year, will also try for tbe nine. Mnlvey reiu*ta'.ed and plac«d at the Philadelphia WABHISOTOX, D. C., Feb. 20. The develop. According to information iboarding the train lie informed tho local reporter! tbat from headquarters the | FROM ALL POINTS. Playent' third base. be wad with the Players' League to the eud. That ments of the League poliov toward the Players* The Effort in McKean'0 Behalf — News­ PlaynV League bt^ff of eight ninpires haa been s»- | DARTMOUTH NOTES. The Dartmouth management It is also ntuted tbat Mnlvey will not wait for re­ lecifd. Their names are not given, bnt we are told same evening Messrs. Buy and Gordon left for Indian­ League aa shown in the New York Club's effort paper Opinion in the Matter—What Should haTe arranged dKtes with tha University of Vermont instatement, but gi> South whether or no with th* apolis. 51 r. Day admitted before going that be had to secure Richardson, have tbat tbe men have been chosen solely because tbey aud are negotiating with several professional teams Playera next week. If lie doe* That, however, he will caused the Post, of be l>one. aie ut aud clean, and not because of club recommend­ abandoned all hope of securing Ewing. He saw boih this city, a paper decidedly favorable to the for dates during tbe spring trip...... The Boston Ath­ compromise himself aud be in an awkward position Eft rift and Carpcnttr »M!a tn Cincinnati, but did not A very close friend of President Al Johnson ations or geo£ni>bicRl position. letic Club have written for dates...... Irwin pro- should reinstatement be ultimately refused him, M say a word to thum about signing with the New York League, to do some thinking, and the result ia of the Cleveland Players* Club, says: A Chicago correspondent writes: "The Philadelphia nouncea tbe team as very capable and only weak in seems pn-bable. Col. Vandentlice ia of the opinUm cose* against Luve, B tiffin tun et al. are Club. ThUi ended another aenaation in which Day ia the following editorial: "Short st'ip McKean, despite the leganJed as batting. He thinks It will be tha strongest amateur tbat the onlv contract biniitue upon Mulvoy is th* out his expenses, fact that he had jokes by tbe best lawyer!) in Philadelphia, and es­ Ewing is in for a lot of advertising "John B. Day, the president of the New Yorka, In been blacklisted, baa be«u formally rein&Uted io tb club in New England. Hurltin, '93, and Baehr, '93, one flr.^t aigued tbat with the Playera1 Leagu* bnt and the Flayers' Leagne ia once more given a good attempting to influence Danny Richard-ton to break pecial IT by flltssrs. Jo has too and Moore, tbe Players' ara tbe leading candidates tor pitcher...... I>e* Yian while he Is perfectly tat in fled tbat tho Players' Club Brotherhood and l; layer*' Leagce. There was c^u League attorneys there. Bat John I. Rogers la in boost. hi* contract who the Brotherhood Clnb acted un­ aiderablo oppodiiiou to this action, bnt Johnson, afte leaves for Cincinnati in about ten days. lie is in has the first claim on Mulvey's services, is not ia wisely. It is to inch earo-rti and will receive another'jar' when the cases good condition and feels confident of doiuggood work. favor of reiuiitating that player or any of tbe o'hert A SCHEME THAT WON*T WORK. men and methods that ihe reciting paHitt'ing circuimtancea in McKeau'a favor are settled." League owes Iti present position to-day. Fifteen silt-need all opposition, aud had him put in good stand­ Twelve hundred d"llnra wns raited at a mure meet- who doswrted tbe Brotherhood. He argues that II In speaking of thia bold attempt to win over Play­ Gumbart en Saturday last aigned a Boston Players' Ing will hurt tbe new er*1 Lfiague men by thousand dollars for Richkntson'a services, of nself, ing again." of Dartmouth students h League contract for three vears and received hia ad­ that thia amount will pay off th* present cause the public have soured OQ them. Hew York Player*'Club said: "It ia probably a fact or may not raprewnt aa iutl-t ed value in D.ty's Indebtedmai tniiid, tort in Boston about of tbe btsa b»H association and pay all current ex­ that EwinR Dromie«d Mr. Day to aign with the League action will, we understand, March 25. The contract he signed waa the regular TRR PBJLLIRS* NEW CATCHER. ichen the other bttae ball men t av« offered aud paid exhorbitaut be taken on the penses of tbe team for this season. Praaident Roach on Thursday signed Gray as an ad­ New York player* do fifcetetw. Buck un­ Players' League docnrnent. Hay den bn« been chosen baae ball director questionably haa a sympathetic feeling for gularieg tlie players naturally eopposed tbero was question of the reinstatement of the deserters of tbe ditional catcher for the Philadelphia Le:tgue team. John B., plenty of money in the gam*, The various Players' League clubs do not take kindly Princeion frcshm-rj class. tut he believes tb* old League Club president hat no­ and to that fuel more until after the schedule meeting. It would cer to the Idea of Gray has for two seasons past been connected with th* than any nth«r can ba attributed ttie present war a Players' League reserve team as pro­ TUB Wiltiama College nine has arranged the follow­ body but himself Mid his confreres to blame for ihe be­ tainly be a great blunder to reinstate any of thi posed by A. L. Juhnson. All are in favor of et.mulat- celebrated Highlands, of Manayiiuk, who were cham­ present tween the magnates and the ilaj'er*. ing pprinjf schedule of games away from home: April pions of th* Philadelphia League last peaaon. He ia a state of affair*. Knowing well there is not the contract breaker?, but least of all McKean, wh( ing to the utmost tbe individual or club idea, aud will 2, Newark; 3, New York League Club; slightest probability that Mr. Day will be able "It ia tbe principle of contract breaking, however, 7, Lafayettcs, Auely bat t young man, a good, free hitter, strong and to in­ tbat fs to be moit severely cond^mnud. is one of the very worst of the lot, his treatmen not support any measure that will diminish it. at Easton; 8, Lehiffha, at Bethlehem, Pft.; 9, Balti­ duce Connor, O'Roiirke, Richardson, Slattery, Hatfietd, Two wrongs The tew Brooklyn accuraie thrower aud a fair base-runner. H» can also do not make a ritiht, and hecnuso the members of Mr. of Rochester, hia trouble grounds w = ll be very fine when more; 10, Univeraiiy of Pennaylvania, at Pblludelphii Crane, Kettfe and others to go ta?k on their oaths and with Brunell and completed. The pniuj stand will be erected at the fill other positions admirably, aud wilt no doubt prov« Day's team choose to violate th«ir contracts with him 12. New York League Club. quite an addition to the team. contracts, and with tl*e idea of sending tbe maun ate Scbmelz, and his subsequent double dealing witl northern end of the grounds. It will be oral-shaped, Con Minphy He will leave for th* on hia it ia no reason why he should place bimself in Ae po­ was to bave coached tbe Amber* South uezt Wednesday. journey to Indianapolis aa happy aa powible, the two Cleveland clubs all standing out blacl extending one-third around tbe grounds. It will be College team, but the Brooklyn Playcrn* Club's South­ 1C wing apparently mndv tho promise aa rt-o^rted. sition of endeavoring to tret them to break COD tracts with moo whom be ii daily denouncing against him. Of his case a Cleveland correa divided into rewei veJ teats and private boxes. Tbe ern trio knocked that out, TO Torn Tucker was secured ATHLETIC CLUB AFFAIRS. Possibly Richardson, actuated by ibe same impuliea, f T tbe aame ground floor will thing. There ia sncn a thing aa coruwtency, and it ia pond en t writes: have tbe nsiial refreshment rooms in place of Mu>pby. Things are moving alon* pretty smoothly in th* made a similar pledge to Walter Appleton at £lmira aud bo»iness office* and rooms for tbe players, which Athletic cnmp. Manager Sharsig on Wednesday signed la-t. week. about time some of ihe League people followed it in "McKean isn't half ao strong Brotherhood M hi Artiiiir Irwin got throodh coaching th* Dart* practice as well aa theory. The general are to bo handsomely fitted up. There will be an or­ mouth College a new lufleltier, hut not an experiment. Tbe new man Bnt thia plan of working players off ajrainat each mass of the was % week a^o. The other ni^bt he said tbat he wa namental tower constructed upon team on Saturday. ts short base ball public have very little sympathy with the the stand, anl plat­ stop Jimmy Halpiu, who has been a minor other nnd getting promises under such condition will waiting 11 >w to see the outcome of the second mi forms will be constructed leading to all tbe railroad leajtte player of considerable prominence for half a fail. Tbe whole schema waa cleverly conceived aud Brotherhood. It is not a question of ssntimeut to one agalnut Ward. Tbt-re is a wide divergence of opinion stations. There BASE BALL SHOES. mau in ten who patronizes ihe game, will be rive entrances to the grounds, dozen years, and has a good reputation as a fielder, was probably the work of Prwident By roe, of tho and yet every in thia city about the expediency of the Brother hoot giving plenty of room for entrance batter, one of thorn id bitterly opposed to offering big induce­ and exit. Another Line and bas«-runner. Us i* a B-jston boj. With Brooklyn National League Clnb, but it won't work. taking him back after b» wua expelled so thoroughly The Boston Play era' tram will be a strong one. Its in "Which Wonderful Pro­ llalpin tha club now bas seventeen men under con­ All the playara now see through the plan and it will ments to players to violate their contracts. If the and if the truth waa known tbtre are a great many gress Has Been M title by a Specialist. Lengne can win ita m»hp-up is: Pitchers, Kilroy, Gumbert, Radbourn, tract. Manager Sharttig la staying up Uto night* be checked. Mr. Day cannot get a promise of any suit and force ita players legally people who oppose his playing with the League club Madtleu, Dalt-y; catchers, Kelly, No department in base ball haa working to retpect the contracts thny have made, well and Swott, Murphy; in­ made greater pro­ ou tbe American Association scbedni*. H* kind from either Uog«r Connor or Jim O'Rourke, nor There Is likely to he some Lin-1 of a legal tangle bo field, Bromhers, Quicn, Irwln, Naeb; ouift*'ldera, gress t't bite yoara tbau base-miming and incidentally savs the louce^t jump tbia year will be 794 mile*, can he from lev^ral other Giants. good. If it cannot, let the men go their » ay and let the for9 tbe matter is settled, and by tliat time tbe tninj Those be haa now qnedtion Stovey, Jobo»ton, Utcbards»n, Brown. Mike Kelly is fielding, and yet one of the underlying caused Is over against about 1500 miles last year. If the went>i»r are so worded tbat they rn*an nothing. I suppose it resolve lUelf into ou* of curvival of the will get all the advertising aad publication that any to be mauager and looked by the critic* continue* fittest," ______field captain, and it to have sole of the gum« and the onlookers aa mill »s it btia been all along, th* chances tmsn't occurred to j ou that perhaps Mr. Dav prolonged one could astt fur.'* and absuiu e con'rol of ibe me n on and off the field. It is a lact that th» speed of our modern base-runut-ra are all for an early spring fn which the Athletic team the Ewfng conference lor the ot frightening a INJURIOUS ACTS. The Philadelphia Press has this pointed para­ He assumes the entire resj ocsiljilttv of the m^-u, and and the celerity of movement of tbe fielder*, in thi will not go even to Gloucester fir spring prucilce, but few player*? Well, that's my idea of it. Yuu will find graph in will he commended or censured aa tbe results of bia nujor leagues, at U-aat, is due to the modern base tal will commtmce practice on tho Twenty-«ixth and Ewing with tho New Yt-rk Players' relation to the subject: League team with The Game Sure to Suiter From the Policy administration develop. s-bod, more than any other single cause. Everybody Jffferscn streets grounds on March 15. Maoagev Keefe, Crane, O'Dav, John Ewintr, Bill Brown, Ilarry "J. M. Ward and S-cretary Brnnell have declared Another of tbe fuuny clrcnmatarjcea knows how much freedom of movement Sharsig of the againut taking of th* winter's depends upou is beginning to stir up bis men ia regard ts> Viiughn, Roger Connnr. Dauny Iiichard*on, Gil Hat- Old League. back the signers of two contract*, an fight turns up ID the various opinions of National the foot covering. starting In with gautl* exorcise, field, Arthur Wbituey, Jim O'Rourke, Gourge Gore The New York Clipper is undoubtedly it would ^t*em with such aMentiinunt am on? the Bro­ League "fans" and flt-dgliugs, wbo If tnia i-i ao in every now therhood p*">p!e are not at raid to walk of life, how mnch more HARRY LYONS RON SUITED. ami Mike Slatteiy, and I tbink they will win tbe classed by League it would not b»exceptionally pleaaan run their "knowledge" against Judge O'Brien'a. And must it apply to athletics. It ia a fact thai weigh magnates aa a "Brotherhood for Mr. McKean if the Cleveland Players' team di Tbe suit of Harry Lyons against Chris Von der Ab*j cbauipionahip a^aiu," organ," since it has steadily refused to counte­ yet the decii-mn wan in their favor. addfcd to ehoea iniptuVs and reducea the speed of apriu as manager of the St. Lonls Base Ball Club, was tried condescend to accept his services. He is without doub Ma natter Mike Kelly went to Boa ton last Tuesday, ruuuera, and this is equally true of bail players. In WHAT "BUCK" SAYS. nance the magnates' methods of makin? war on a good ball player, but tbat can't make up for every before Judge Biddle, last Friday, In Cmnrjiyn Plea* went to Wright & Ditson's, picked out the material for form or years the base bill shoe was a clnmav article o No. 1. It waa a claim to recover 571.40, beiug Lyons* When Ewing patsed through i*ltt«bor|f Wedncsdny the Players' League. The latest ''attack" reads thing." the Players' c;invas aud sole leather, heavy ou his way East besaiil: '*! haven't suits, visited tbe new grounds, aud then and ill-fitting. Now pro rata share of $1000 which tbe defendant received eigned with Day, as follows: Even the most rabid anti-Brotherhood pape went down to th» office uf Secretary the base ball shoe worn by the majiT league n"1 I am aa firm a Brotherhood man ns ever. I never J. B. Hart and plaven from tbe American Association because the club won "During the past week another attempt at bribery in the world, Mr. Day'3 weekly New York organ planked down $500 in payment for his stock. fltd like a glove and ia aa light aa human ingenuity the peuuant in 1888. Lyons waa one of the players, promised to join Day's dab provided Richardson, While can make it. In fact, the Connor and Gore did BO. I tcld waa made by ooe of th« National League clubs. A is rather sick of McKean, and has thia to say tbe Kwing excitement was at its height base ball ahoa bas kept u; and his claim wa-* that tbis m'-ney waa given to th* him I was willing if last week Rogor Connor telegraphed to New in line of progress witli the ball, which is now the whole club did, for what e'sa could I do If they largo sum wa« offered to one ot the players of the New about his ease: York: perfect defendant Tor distribution auiooa: the playt-rft, all of York Club, of the Players' 'I have no price and hope Brother Ewing will be tbe The man who has brought about this revolution in whom, he said, had received th«ir ah are except did? My position wm!d b« gone. I don't think the League, tu break bia con­ "Whatever course the Brotherhood may take In re­ him­ tract and join the opposition club in thii city, but the same old sturdy oa»." baseball thoes is Waldo M. ClaflU, of Philadelphia self. The plsmiiff, however, hid made bia contract cf three m«n mentioned will riosert the Players. That gard to IJcKoan, there is no doubt of that which th. whose catli don't amount to anything. offer w«» scornfully reji-cted. The National Leaeue In speaking of tbe attempt to seduce l£wing, Mike advertisement appears in uuother column. employment with the club, wbich is a chartered or*- Others bave left the National League should adopt, and at once. Th Kelly said: "I made np my mind Mr.C!aflin,who is personally known to ua as an Brotherhood who took It, and it Isn't th«t which should not report to such mean* of securing pl«yera. from the start to expert ganization, of wbicb Von dor Aha is tbe president, youDjj man should b^* suireodered to the Brotherhoo stick witb the Players' League as long as I pi ay ball, In his line, is tbe pioneer in tho improvement of base and keeps me with tb< se who remain. 1 atarted into this It IH certainly not in keeping with tbe National without consulting as tbe Jndgo held tbe suit t-hould huva been agalnat Langne'B manifesto 'h« wishes of the latter. And Ih and I guess that will he a year or two yet. \Ve have ball shoes. Ho made a specialty of thia one article ibo club, and uot auainst its president personally, thing witb my eyes oj.en, and I don't believe we on to tho public, nor can anyone be­ transfer should be made permanent." th* lieve tbat bti*e bull will not Mifier from such action. the platers and principle on our side, and tbe men and for years labored and ezporimented nntil, at grea action was not properly brought, and a non-suit wafl lose anything. I h»v*> a flvo years' coutract to get In this connection the that expanse, the shoe was bronglit more money than I ever Everrone wbo haa tbe good name or the interest of the following dispatc: refuse big purchase money are the men yon can to its present peifec accordingly entered. received before more than depend on to play square ball. There condition. He expended nearly $GOO alone for dies t< tho New York Leagne Club ever offere*! me r.efore this imiional game at heart should condemn doodle con­ about another Cleveland deserter is interesting are a good LOCAL JOTTINGS. tract signing. No one ebon Id be so bitterly partisan aa "CLEVELAND, O., Feb. 17. Charley many nice young men wbo tbe public think are make tbe Bhoe^platea, which add so vastly to tbe value Al Beach will In all probability lavt propotition." Al Johnson, who was with Ewiujz, Zimmer, Ihe tw anemia, of the shoe, and in the ditecttnn join his ponies IB said Day bad offered Kwii.gg33.000 to close hia eyes against a 'crookedneoi.'for tbat is vir­ timea ai«ner, who hag changed his miud about whic bat they don't know them." of other improve­ Florida after tbe League schedule meeting in Cleve­ for three year*, Gore baa made no piomiaea whatever to tbe New ment?, too, be spent considerable money. Although and when tbat waa decliued told him to aame his tually wh£fect, aud Mr. Claflin enjoys the sole diatom of every player In Catcher Collins, of the wa terms, the League Club, to-day and ac Bluntly the League and Association, he Athletics, Is coaching the F* siltb work then tltey will have no one but themselves cepted advance mouey. At ibo same time he baa sti declares that he will not do ao. has been Landicappei G.ub iu Havana. t) tilaide if the public *bould look Arthur Irwin aays: "You want to keep your eye on aomewhat by the biirb price of bis shoes, made necea- BELX ORATES. witb distrust upon In hia possession several hand red dull am of advuuc Catcher Robinson, of tbe Athletics, and Clements, of the double dealing players. money given Radbourn next aeason. I'm eure it will be Rad'a year, sary by the fine quality of the goods and the grea the PbHlie-«, nre him by tbe local Brotherhood team." care laken lu their manufacture, both away over weight. Considering "T/ie National League s attempt at 'boycotting;' the and ho will do some uf his old Providence pitching/' which naa enablex that the catcher is kept on the «0 Tlifl Famous Speaker Contributes His Mite If the Brotherhood ia wise it will not giv Charles Mi ten ell, a player, inferior imitations to undersell him. The nmre than anyb-ifly Players' Leagu*, nudor ibe ituise of upholding the baa been appointed su­ fluperio in a team exci pt tlie pitcher, It IH rather singular that Towards the Literature of This Remark­ National Agreement, is certainly very weak, and only these vacillating, venal, "sure-thing" contrac perintendent of the Pitisburg Players' Club's grounds. and nnrivaled Claflin shos, however, la forcing it No wonder way into BO many of them acquire fat eo easily. able Campaign. goes U>6buw to what extremes tha magnates will go fa jumpers any more chances to "change thei Day pulled out for Cincinnati in a hurry, general recognition and coming into unl Tiie employee* of If it be true that Dan nv Richardson versa! use. A. J. Reach & Co. and A. O. NEW YORK, Feb. 19. Editor SPORTING this mart ruth to Mown' tbe Players' League. Tbe Na­ minds." Let them know that they are out o told Director Ap­ SpuUtng & Co. have arranged fora series of bail games) Lrps: tional pleton that he would sign with the League if Ewiug There la no gooi reason why major league playera .^.Snme one asked me a few Agreement, like the National League's CQUtract, the Brotherhood and Players' League for al for the eporting go^d^ cbumpiooBhip of the city. K*) days ago to give my is a very one-aided instrument, and U more of a benefit wonld. Danny mUht have known, though, tliat he aho«Id monopolize these shoet«. True, their largo sal "ringers" now, was only eeuditig Day arie^ enable them to cay genilemeu. opinion as to what effect the "bribing policy" to th& major league* tliau it ie to the minor 01100, but so time. ______on a fool's cnase if his aiguing the high price of the Claflfn Frud DuDlap hat been training In Billy McLean'fl recently pursued by the League magnates, long a« tbe litter are willing to pay far the few privi­ depended on Ewjug's jumping. shoe with leas concern than tbe lower salaried mino gyinnaaium ANOTHER TUCKEB. league playera, but the latter all winter and is bard as Iron. would have on their organization. leges they enjoy DO one can object The public cares Tbe ex-Bos ton catcbur, Myrtle Hacks tt, who, by should not lot a matte It ia thought likely that th« Philltes will glv* only to aee good bull playing, and it will be given a the way, is a gentleman and doesn't touch liquor at of a dollar or two weigh with them in the purchase o I eoid then as I say now it could only act a» Pitcher Foreman Emulates the Tactic* pitchers Cus«y, Coleuian and Fee, lat* of Indianapolis, chance to jud^e for itself aa to where the article can o ail, would like to be a Pluvers* League umpire*. an article ao necessary to their comfort and BO condn trials in April. a boomerang with the result of their complete be seen next summer." Hia Late Baltimore Colleague. Jimmy Me A leer, the right fieluer of tbe Cleveland clvo to better work in their profrs-tton, and by mean Qi»nige of which their Wood is In splendid condition and ought t» annihilation. Pitcher Foreman, under contract to the Phila Club, returned to his home in Youngstown, O., last records aiid reputations can bo materi­ play a great game tbia seannn. The A PROTEST. Monday from a visit to hia brother in California. ally bettered. In this caae the beat fa the cheep* a Alana^or National League is the one case of delphia Players' Club, and in receipt of abou in Itarnie, of Baltimore, has sold fleldeT Jimmy says he is going right into training now for the the long run. All players ought to wear tue Claf Foreman's release to tbe Cincinnati mtivifte, so complete and lasting, that not even SSOO advance money, which he drew at differen work of tbe coming season. tin *h^. League CluD with- A Manager Kicks Against the Encroach* out, of couree, cousuliing Koremftn at all. He cannot the verdict of a coroner's jury ia necessary to times, has joined the ranks of the douhle-donl Al John8i»i say* thu selection of a captain will te ments of the National Agreement. Death of Kdward Greer. dfliv^r tho goods, however, aa Foreman baa ilcoo ' a establish the fact. They havo been the instru­ ing contract breakers, and permitted the Balti left to \n» Cleveland players and that au asaoctuU of riayors' League contr^ci, H. K. Curtis, tho well-known manager of one bis will look KJward nnd h«s nccepteil about *80d ments of their own destruction. more Club to sell him to the Cincinnati Club fo after the finances. Greer, a catcher and omfleli)£ season opened. Day's paper, tbat if tbe Acmes play a game with, i hat. Ills weakness wa* a fondness for liquor, after Frioken, of signing one of their crock pitchers, Francis L Fore­ poniter Monday that tbe Brooklyn Players' League wtitol H^ckett, C«rhart& Co.'a t«am r sccordiog to th* New Hut the voices of the enemies of base ball was Brothoibood ti*am, they (tue Acaaen) will be iecarred man Tbe Philadelphia^ thong lit Clti'lub In land fed in a few lost him more than one good situation. drowned In they had him sure. days to add one player to its York 8*n. the voices of iU friends, and t!ie game ad­ fro ID p'aving a'-y National Agreement citfbs. aud also The Brotberhocd at arc than till \V 3120C fi«!fi«r, wonilerfnl base-runner independence But w«* d;> nut want to be boycotted (for we term it with his salary, over ¥5000. Alter his acceptance the ning the Mult agaioflt him? and a hard Mltrer. n obtain by the use of hi ibe* that which ench) limit. I cnn get tbern together in three weeka time o Reach also n pleased with tbe new short stop, Alien. later en for rFoing something which we should Brotherhood tempted him away, making him break With Tener signed the Pittsburg Club 1» fixed sayB less and will go anywhere, Interstate no court wunld dnrd de(rrado iUelf by gran ting to wit, not liavn done. Therefore we request tbe Board of hia contract with nt«. League pre­ a conceiffiton tliat Manager Haulou, and adds: "I have flvo pitchara fer rod. Her* is a chauce for any city that waijt* soo* PBKSIDICNT HBWITT, of Washington, m*-a of intt-llubnce, rca»jQ aud Arbitration of the National League to be mere ex­ "Then I put on my war-paint. now, two of uhum Maul In stating tbat conscience, m^n of equal ri^ht aa citizen* of a free Philadelphia felt and Taner can cover any ball well mimagfd. I can he addressed for the pr**eu he i* in the LeHguti to stay, points out tne fa t t>>at h* plicit and describe whit they term t>a Ineligible so suro of Foreman that they gave him $800 advance flcUiing poaitioo desired with porfect satisfaction. country with any niaunate on earth, blmtild be held plaver. They §ay we should not pla? tbe Brother- at 2(W Cttrroll street, St. IV"). Mj f,n. b'ta takfii a five i eais' It-aae on bia uew gioiiTi-Is. All In a money. He told Barnle of thta, and Barnie, not liking There «re also five catchers, four of them belusr floe very WP(I, cnmUfloii of servirnde to tbeef* fiflf -amfl m^g- hood in?n because they are ineligible. Ard we to tbe transaction, cousuited bnt couldn't the aarne ground be of u-% hroughout a lawyer, who aJviat-J him fielders as well. Had twu uf tbo meu who deserted re­ ALBERT and Griffith ate bv«n if WarhitiKton should beconn- a m»iu'jeri r the period of their natural Uvw, uuieriuud by thU that tlit-y are tljckli«tedt tad if to enjoiu hua. Bwuie tulu Foreman mained Milwaukee^ only unsigned that he wu guiug with ua I could have wga ilie big prize, As it oaeiwd men. J&ib fere fcgidmg out fur iiigher pagr. oigaQi^atiou oibu (haa tUe National i - 6 THE SPORTING^ LIFE. Feb. 26.

the II. M. Club,who eicorted bfm to tbeir magnificent Wnght had better look out sharply or John will I* of the Kazoos, may be elgncd. Galla^lier and Adama, ctub rooms, where an elegant supper was laid out in CHADAVICK'8 CHAT. OT*rljaiil:ug him. He is a moot worthy professional iu CALIFORNIA CULLINGS, <>f last year's Flints, u ill cover left and centre field. bis honor. For a miuute Jubnuy was knocked out, every reej^ct. Adams haw a record of one error In 23 gainee. Chalker BALL. England— The tads Still Playing Ball—A Noteworthy aud XVebber will alteimte in rialit flelil. The team U BASE base," and in a iieat speech of Our Game In but he soon got ou "his The Progress thanked Ihe club Tor their hospitality. Pitcher's System of Training Tbe Thirteenth Bcglmeut Aaaoclatloo game* at their Contest—An Attack Quietly Resented— a very strong batting aggregation, and I have Btroug A Veteran hopes for tUtm." 1 hare nude arraugemeots to [lay the Brooklyn Compli­ armory on Flatbush avfniie crow ID int reat each Odds and Knds of News and Gossip. IN SOUTHERN CLIMES. and 1'h.ladelphia iMnycn' Clnb on Ihe f-xpo-itioi, The Western Association week. Tiiua far Company A. ban tbo ucmiual lead Iu grounds wbeu tho Brooklyn and Philadelphia "mag- mented Many Other Topics Touched Ihp race, but the nine baa only played iu one game. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 0. Editor SPORTING Tlie Temporary Mecca of the Ball Tosgers nuts" play here. Juat watch the difference in gate re- Upon, Ktc. Com;'auy H is tbo real leader, however, with Company LiPE: Glorious typical California February- BALTIMORE BULLETIN. I 'layers at Practice—AVork of Anson Ceip'fl. NEW YORK, Feb. 19. Editor SPORTING LIFK: E a good aecorid, aud (be C. dfta third. Tbe succeseful weather has been the rule for the past two 1 hope Miilvey will bo seen with the Brotherhood pitcliera ao far aro Brotherhood, of Company U; S^4lt^, weeks, with every prospect of along continuance. Pitcher Foreman's Dishonorable Condnct and Wright's Colts—AVurd outhe Ground, team Ih's seaiuu, for in hia present company Joe is HUe My old St, Louis friend, Mr. Newton Crane, of Company K; George, of ConiLtaoy A. The others —The Reward He and His Fellow-Jumper Etc. is doing yeoman service in England aa a baso aro Thompnon, of Company B; Murphy of Company F, The boys take a sun bath with their practice a fish out of water. Come buck, Joe, and we will kill every day, and one by one they are eliminating Tucker Will Heap Next Season — The The South ia at present the Mecca of Ihe ball a u hule ccw. ball missionary, and the English rounders p.ri'l Barnett, of Compduy K, The record to Feb. 17, id Local Base Kail Situation. tossers. Anson and his colts have been at St. Aa- Johnny Ward received a telegram from New Yoik heathens are gradually but surely being con­ aa follows: from their systems the distressing influenza. ving Dan Kichardrtjn waq going to jump. I a^ked Won. Lo«r. Tie. Perc't Even stalwart Billy Brown, who was at one time BALTIMORB, Feb. 20. Editor SPORTING LIFE; gut tine, Fla., for a week engaged in doily prac­ him whal ho thouirht i>f it. His rejdy was: "Tbere verted. That circular from Mr. Belt?, of Lon­ Comnany A...... 100 1000 Having occasion to visit New York wet* left Philadelphia l:«t Mon­ don, which appeared in TUB SPORTING LIFE of weli-nigh death's door, I am glad to say, is up tice. The Phillies isu't a word of truth in it, I know Dun Hichnrdson, a Conn-any H...... 612 .8-VT and about again. Wi«h the Ei-tc u; could hnv* canc'it the opportunity was taken advantage of to in­ day and reached Jacksonville,!1'!*., Tuesday noon. more honorable lunu nuvur lived, and I will say right last week is an indication that things are work­ Company E...... 521 .714 some of tills sunshine and 1 a'm. However, a* I've terview "The Home Plate" in company of Mr. much (onadeitce I br>vu iu liiiu, Cade'8...... 4 3 1 .671 \Vard made bis arrangements at nbl:c fettle, with a clear skin and a kindling eye. Nothing bad been doue with the pronnda of the while the shekels ltav« gone to ihe former, they have tae also determined upon a Southern trip, and You are right, 5Jr. Wallace, Stickney is that very Mr. Letts' offer. Of course it involves only a. George was feeling: quite flush, just having pock­ will take fourteen men with him, leaving New scares article, a "modest ball player/' If he were not very small modicum of the salary bonanza, our Players' Leugue team of Brooklyn up to Feb. 20, and piven Ihe Utter "gocu ball" in retuio iherefnr. On tiie weather haa been just tbe thing KT preparing tb« Thursday last nn excetdiiuly cluas and iutert-utins eted from Bell an order fur a suit of clothes on a York by steamer Clyde for Charleston, S.C., Feb. he would be holding down third for some big club. I "down-trodden and oppressed professional hope seme manager will give him a chance. field. Ward will be South for a week more, und then, game was playtd f.t CVuiral Park; tbe Knickerbocker little side bet. It was charmingly entertaining 26. The Brooklyn Club, of tbo National League, I am pleased to hear of r'audy McDermott 8 appoint­ slaves" are accustomed to command; but seventy- ptMQfips, ou bia return work will commence. It will combinntK'U beating the llaverly cr.>wd b^ 3 to 2. In to hear Messrs. Dickinson and Harris discusa the^amo of Satoiduy In which the KnidiS batted will le^ve March 3 for St. Augustine, Fla., and ment to a Lcagno timjlreahip. I congratulate ytju. five dollars a month, with passage paid to Eng­ take a uvtnth to fix things fur the proposed opening In the base ball situation and impart secret history will remain there until April 1. Sandy, snd if y>u show tbe same grit this year us you land and back ought to be enough 01 an induce­ April. Ward, in having ihe entire mnua^emeut i>f Knell and \Vlieile into tbo middle of next week, by a score of 19 to 6, Jack Sheridan, our popular umpire, that would make interesting reading if prudent did in the Tri-Stule you will be a howling success. ment for the privilege of having a gooJ tiino of this team, will have au excellent opportunity afft rded WARD IN FLORIDA. I am glnd to bear Houston hassiiiii'd Shorty Hntch- him to show what uianaguiitil alnlity be posEtcssca. played bis old-time position ofnecoud base for tha de­ to publish. Knot)*!) to ray, al! Is net gold t!u>t gl't- After perfecting arrangements at Gainearille, iu?on. They have a g< od mau in him. I ki:ow of a it on English ball fields during the summer lie h&4 never before bad buch a cbance. lie bas run feated Pioneers, and Riaatied nine out of ten chanct t>. t*n», and even point-times the yellow sheon of thf pre- John Wurd went to Tampa,Fla., to sail for Cubn, ch cr*' League ciuu» rne:a) id proven to be of baser origin. Ther* him. ers et al. would turn up their noses in indignant aingle-iianar frionds are point ing out some tatli- AN EXTRA INNING CONTEST. elaborate up.m the comical features of this Yvry Bc*ii- place for winter headquarters for ball players, last season's jzivat team! I cun im-igine the vetcian wilt come when some of them will be glad of the tital errors which occurred in some of niy letters I cannot refrain from asking space for this tbirteen- ons busiuess. Half ot Mew York appears to be dneyly H*rry Wright's feeln.g-f w'lea he compares his present offer. But there is one proviso of the agreement while I wrote in bed under "yaller" influences of inning game played iu the orest-tice of not less thun Inti-rojtcd by tone wave? from tbo st-a of base ball con­ and added: tortion, and if there is not a lively time whim tha "Ball players need practice In a mild climate a "school" \vilh hi* last feaeou'8 l;gra'Hlates." referred to by Mr. Mortoa, which is a death jaundice. No one eyer tt-11* me of any good that now 51HK) people. So you we the boys are in clover, al­ I would advise rniuor league managers to go sh)W and then is s*id of tho old man, but whenever there though tbtro i*n't a i^ear of grass nearer Central play i n;j er&son fnii l> open ut ("igning iJa\ers for big money. Jurt wait until 1* anything unplejisint said it ia sure to l>e cnt out Paik than the City Hall Par);, d'lecttv opposite. The next Slay, wi.tD an outraged public will rise up in gays "our requirements are that the acceptors and a«nt to me. Thanks, dear frieuila. Keep it up. game fairly teamed wiib surprises and incandescently Tlio matter of interest in BAltinu>re haa been tho Km) Ret their iiiueclea aa uard as iron, but that doe** B\le of Foreman to Cincinnati. It haa created no sen­ tery littlo good. They go out in the open air. sprain (li«tusi ch«s« eome of thuse Katn-oal League ciubs must be nieu of ttrkXy (M/>«-o/e an; tbe surprise. I had always lookeJ upon him a-j a A PIECB OF STRATEGY one unwilling to conform to the rules of the En«liah undar Southern skies wlib a Juue temperature inetoud catcher, firtt baseinati <;r tit-ldcr, and ruilu-r doubted fn the ca<«ea ofTurkfr and Fu re in an cuusei an ad tu I ra­ actual work. It seems to me that maunders of these FROM CLEVELAND. ID dtMtjMtlm after lii? ar­ magnificent hotels in Florida have excellent oppor­ League, or nhutild engage of running the rUks of culda, etc., at lunie, in going tbe wisdom uf Canz*-! placing hmi at third, but before tion f r his hlirs^dn^es in manipulaiing profit for hii tunity to moke base ball a great attraction through­ McKean's Unenviable Position—Both Fac­ rival, will be d^niii^ed at once wiluuui being given through with ue&.t to useless g)oinaaium practice. the gains wad hnlf over I found myself mistaken, tor em|.loyer out of the ciianiic cou:litic,u of Oil»!e afTain. out the winter season. It would pay them to club tions Soured on the Slippery Short Stop the menus to return hum*." of the twelve chn him all were of balls There will tr ;nri^ty of Sir. If we have such weather a week hence HS we are fiercely driven at b:m and the t^o errors should huve litrniu'ti realizhtg on the valne of these players, tut togeiher aud secure a g od team of professioual m^n. Jay Faalz's Unfortunate Vosltiou—How Make it a local club, and if they could get good lo*:»l baring now mure base ball gam* a will be played cm gone for bits. I'aby C'uliill fairly divided (lie houors there can bo but one of his business tact. It is cer­ material ao much ibe better. With a first-class club, Zimmer Was Fac.flecl, Ktc. NVaaiiini^iou's Jiirtnday this month than eyer before with bint, and each at tbe flnt end of a d. uble play tainly iKnio'alizing to the plujers, aud will r<-fiVct arrangements cuvtM easily be made with Noitheru CLEVELAND, 0., Feb. 19. Editor SPORTING in the history of the gamo. ww electrical. Ofcunree Lou led at th^ bar. Uanzel upun tbeir reiju atiou for honesty of purpose. Both down aud play. Hotel managers quiet had his hinds full, and eo did both catclie.g, and so hare signed so mauv con'rocw an^l pUdg^d thein^elvea teams to come LIFE: Tho past week haa been a very The Boston Lea«ne team have the champion pitcher this score Indicatet: B:> often that tim world uil! be quite justified iu beii.-r- ibould pay thf ae men just aa they do tbeir musicians. one in base ball circles, and but for McKean's and cntcher for 1SS.9 in tlx ir lanks CI-irkscn and and gueaia of hotels should be provided with cards of \vtmiiJUC rail pmvera t.....6 13282 cjwcrt ihe oieu were of that variable and shifting in­ about. The sturdy short stop's visit to tho tioo ca^-o, which id now t!uring the two or three days in the intd'Ue of a |;ymiiasium 65ft. in length, 12 t. KANSAS CITY BRIEFS. S-elt, C...... 4 1 1 7 3 OjCowey, cl.lf 5 0 1 1 0 1 are tiood men to have in the game for tbat reason. that he was" at PUtsbtir?, telling a different wi.»,5 111 20 r«rrull, C.....B 00220 cagoa have secured the use of the ball park. lost more Cleveland friends than he will be able tact with the uetiiLg It is aimjst impossible for it to to be safo repoaitories fur the conildi-nce of patrons, to make in five years. People here, without re­ —A Letter Ifrom l?uriis, Etc. Total ..... 45 4 9 3'J 13 4 Wherlr,cJ....3 00000 and t-jo easily led astray by tp^ciou<< arguments to bo AXSOX'S COLTS AT WORK. du any damage, nnd « ball very rarely dropa outaido of Tctal...... 45 3 7*37 27 4 gard to League or Brotherhood preferences, have the ca<;e. This will bo the third reason for the ca^e, KANSAS CITV, Mo., Feb. 19. Editor SPORTI.NQ entirely Irns'ed by any club. These two meu will bo Tbe Chicago team, under Captain Anson, has LIFE: Manager Hackett is in tho city, He *0ne man ont when winning run was acored. ol'jectt* cf BUS; iclon to tho public. With the most become disgusted at the wny he haa of laco been aud a!th»ugh it has been subjected to aevere usage Havtrly..... 0 00030000000 1 4 houett iuteutioua in tha world, there will be many been at St. Augustine since the 12th instant en­ conducting himself. When be made his first there, is Dot tba slightest evidence of a birak iu auy came in last Saturday morning', two days part of it. After the boys have c- ncluded their day'* Pioneer...... 002000010000 0—3 times when they will have "off dai s" and piny framed in daily practice. Ou Monday, th» 17th, t.'ie jump from the Brotherhood to the League the sooner than he was expected, lie has gone to Earned runa tlavt^rly 2, Pioneer 1. Home run "rotten lal!.*' Many players do that aud escape any Colt) engaged u. a game with tbe club before n lixbor iu the cage it is remove J ID the nimulest manner. Hurdie. T«o-h(we hit Meepan, Hurdie, C«hill. Fiiet lanre crowd. Tbo coolest proved to be a, very tame nclhorcnts of the new organization called him Bv means of runners &u-n*nded from the coiling uud work with a will preparing for tho opening of airaiguuient in public estimation aa to m«tivu. Cut the season. J had a talk with him tais after­ on errors Haverly 3, I'iou^er 4. llasra stol-.-n C-i- no-.v K't au\ thing ot tfcls kind bap; en as it will and affair, tbe City club easily dofeatiug tho c t. Au­ "traitor." To offset thi?, however, the friends h true bed to (ho netting the c*tfe is drawn together at hsll. Power, O'Day, Ganztl. C^oney. Sactificy hit^ nua- mu.-t at critical periods in the cli«ni|'l'-,ns!iln race, gustine nine. IIutchii.Eon and Cough I a occuj-ied 'lie of fbe League conioifcntleil bis "Kood acuse1' ftud ex- one ei-d of the EJ m D;IS i am, and in leaa thau five noon, and he said he bad ordered tho boys to Levy 2, Gjgua, Cojney, Webrle. Left on buses and e.xciti d si ectutors and cr;mky patronn will recall box at d tho former was iuvincible. The ft-a'-ures of jires-ied increased juimirntion for biui. Tlion cauia his iitea no:biag but a roll of white netn'u^ ia observed report at Hot Springs March C. and expectd to Haverly 6, P.oncer 8, First on b;vils lUvetly 3, tho past lii.-luiy uf tht-ir >,.rrrd f^r p,!d at tho ex- tbe name were Burns' runuiui; aud foul catchrs and flop Lark to itio Brotherhood, and tlio League parti- (l»tilling fr'-ui tho c^iiiug. Jack Lynch is proud of spend three weeks there getting into sbape and Pioneer 4. Bit by pitcher Gauze!. Struck out By pen«e of tbf Ir honor, nnd teel justified ia conJemningc Guid's Ei eat catch of an almost tmi.o^iUe By at tecouu fans suddenly lost all faiib ia ih« young ninn. br»«d- iiiri ioveniion and claims ttiat it can baidly be iia- coiidi;:on. kit aa;d that the Chicago and C.tveiand Hetgon 4. Double plays C*hill, O'Day, Power, liar- ti em as crooka and perhaps be so disgusted a-* to boy- base. Sevi-u inuings were played. The score was: iuu tilni as cither a fuol or a koave, and v-iwing tliat p; oved upon. National League toaun w^uM be these, besides the die, Donohne. Ganxel; t'ubiil, O'Day. Passed pall coit the f anies iu which they appear. This will CHICAGO. R. B. P. A. E.'ST. At'GUSl'E R. B. 0. A. they were plad he bad colic. Ou tbe Brotherhood I'enver team, and lie would have a (.haace t-j try liij Swett. Umyire JoLn Sheridan. Time 2h. quickly biin< their managers to their SOUB-S. and Coouey, EM... 3 2 0 2 O.S.Heuiiot, cfO 1 1 0 Bi.l« McKeau's revivul of failb did net elicit the en­ Years ago I used to go up to St. John's College an/1 Hill club against strong tultnt. A REPI.Y TO *'W. W. W." they will find it neces-ary to c!ean played wiih ihai club. The Chi­ IIH shot ia peverity iteelf, but to me r,2>>.0 192 SIcKean's r'turu wire uc;t to b« nieL wlib on every Actives, Re&olutes, etc., of twenty years azo. Siuca cago Club will Htop he:e on its way home anil play 1 confess my lack of o;udi;ion in cot understanding duty nt the purtnl of purity of the g"mo uLd is of Kittredge, c.O 1 5 6 rAot- thc-u 1 have b:iti no opportunity for a visit, hut if I three games with the local clnb. In addition Eouiet-K- hi^ aUusion to "upfcs uf injustice." P»-rliaps the. mat­ mcfs.^ty an auto: rat. History will not chansc. Un- Oirvto, 2b... 1 0 1 3 0;Bmrei,2l>,cO 221 DIBS at Crnfton. KMltiutc woe heard from him again can get time 1 must go np to see Jack'* baaa bull cage. bibltiuu g-ni'-a wilt urobttbly l>e arranged with \Vect- ter which I write would he "broader" wt-re I nearer furttiTiat-ly for tbe player, but necessarily for the t'oughlin.p 2 1 0 0 0 F.Andrew, rfO 010 unlit he landed at rittsbnr*. Ilia coiirae there com­ eru Associatio-.j teams bei^re tbe season opens. tbe las* bail centres of tl.e E>;at and \Ve-,t, aud could moiale of the came, eu-jiicioa coiideuinj, a:^d trials «f C...... O 4 0 0 pleted hia downfall iu the ebtiniatioti of tho Cleveland Jack's ay stem of training is sensible. lie save: "A It is not at nil improbable tbut St Loui* may be dip my [eu In the vit;io> which tiier^ predominates the culprit and j!ro;if uf (.ffonse sre fortstalled. Public BuU-hiu'u, pO 0 0 0 0 Total...... 26 22 13 10 public. People who are for the League pay they will Btrd-iit ia not only instructed In tbe way* of battinjr. bHUt^red '.or the fct;ile cbunipiun^hip. It Mill bo the over ink or pencil, and could cuter into tba coutro- opinion in respect t-> base ball players discount* tho May awjiy f'Oin the l»uoe biill trouuUs IfMcKean i-* ['itching and fielding, but he must da a oricin ftrht time our team h>w ever hud a ciiunce to down the ver»i>i*» Hgiiat« your la-e tall world. I n«ver c Verity anl promptness of the dram-head court Total.....,.15 9 21 10 2, allowed to play there next sfa»on. and tbe Urotlier- amount of gymnastic exerciso, which will enable him team that represented the big n;ty down the river. knew before tlmt I i^i-ed ae tt friend of the player. I martial. Bt. Augustine...... 0101000 2 boud parti-ana asrt-o with J-bu W«nJ In the bi-liof to be in perfect condition when be goes upon tbo field Local euthuiiaata are uuxioud to make Lhe beat of U. am hut human, and tlo-e (Jayera whom t tave met, The Baltfm -ra Club ia In the Atlantic Ass-iclatlon, Chicago...... 2 71130 1 15 that no 1'Ia.i t-r wbo has oace tieborted ehould bo allowed iu the spring. Every motion that a pluyer ia likely BURNS DECLARES HIMSELF. wbo treated me ccuiteou^ly and kindly, I ha^e recii>- and will DJ! justify tba retention ut meu demaudiog Earned runs Chicago 5. Two-base hits Cooner, t> return. They d* n't want to ae« Mciveau in tba to make iu tbe flcld n practiced. Tbe lez movements Tbe following letter from Jim Burns, our great roc*tted In kind, and a>> hue li been with tbe tna^utitea. extieiiiely l»rye salaries. Baie Imll having come un- Carrol), Inks, Anson, Taylor. Three-base hit Bu'.-k- Cleveland Clab next teas on. I consider to be particularly essential to put a pluyer centre fidJer, is self-expUoatury: If I have e'er done anythiug to advance the int^rtatH unfurtuoittely in convict with tlio law haa beeu put of a bnso ball player 1 fail to romeiuh^r ir. Ifs within ou a fly. 1 here i* uu court in the land that would ley. First ou balls Off Andrew 3, off Coujcbhn 4. JOHNSON'S MISPLACED CONFIDENCE. Iu form, and fcr this I Lave adopted tut same, as are used "QuiKCY, 111-, Ft-b. 11. Sir. tfpeat—Dtut SIi: I see cut off Hutcbinion I. First on errors Chicago 2. Left in tbe Eoglieh army. A treat mauy people tbiuk t- at by UD nrl, but I would t:m"re c:in only p>iy th« salftrles that p:itr<'nnge will quarter of the t-tuB that was attribut- d to him by the Chief Borcbers, wouJer of wonders, has efgned to ju-tify. PiUrjnag^ iravela hand iu hand with prcatige. nett. Time 1:45. Pifabnrtc ra;)ers- ' received four diiTerent teirgrama adopted tbe leg moveaienta. Jl iw much bettor it Uut Us:en to him. 1 would rather play in a winning play with Stockton. George la likely tu do go\>d work Lawnon, who pitched three Inninga against tbe Cni- would be tt players iu t!roeveu. For thiei-inninga n either K'-an if lie bad doue anything wrouc. At for Jobn dulged iu." ___ bard blow, at we equated *'ti him to stand Dy CB. Her bjf tin- cli.b or thoiuMic. The club nant pay- club scored, when Chicago m«rt*» a break a&dfe»-uied Ward's or Fiank BruneH'u declaring tlmt I v.ould not Is a grout hitter and a centre fielder with fow equals. Puivtr'ri toUij ex preyed wish of an Essteru euguge- wa^es iu i-ccord.iiice with ita rnvetiuea, ar.d it la pure fix iuns. Taylor waa tl en put iu the box for the home be allowed to take olcKean ha. k, all 1 have to say is Here IB a part of Lyneb's (raining system, whicb I Evtr^bodj will think more ot" h m for bis refusal to mont. IKiih are good pUyvra, but tbe latter ha* the notieei:se to cenmnd anything ulso. In the p'ac« of A team, nnd one more run was made by Chicago. The that 'bey Imve never mentioned tho subject tv> me, and heartily coiiimenil to profosfeioaal cla-j managers for b.eak bis contract. Steams and Burns aro expected tBscntial experience, whicb tbe other lacks. thren Ihonsniid d.J : ar in I-UIHQ tbo club must Imve a home team trot four runs in the cixth fnninjr, three I don't ielieve either one of them would lilt a finder asocial nss in 1390, tb-^ year of advent of eo many to be tuo bard hittors vf tiie West era Association uoxt It \va-f Ciiiiriey Van ilal!ren, brother tf liig brother, fifteen hundred d >llar oLe. Iu enbstitutlon for a four lieiDt; earned, and in thb ninth it looked Hk« a tie, but to opposo anylhinx th»t they thcught might bo bene­ youn? players fn tlse Katioual Lea;;UP. Lynch sayc: yeiir. They i-ught to head tho liit of hiu«ra. wbo prched for the winners in J-aturdiy's gamp, and tttousaud dollar ihe clul> wilt only justify OQO Key'a fly wa« caught. Although Chicago plnytxl bet­ ficial to ma or my club." "To make a player familiar wi«h all positiona aad Manager Hticiett btill rfgretd not getting L-»ng, of out of the twenty-one Lite gained oD Knell and of Irss than t"O thousand, nnd so ou iu ratio. It in ter tall than St. Augustine thtoiitfleldinz of the latter points of the gauie I have a Llackbonrd npou wliicb JtTsey City, but be tays before I earing tho Eist he \Vherlo b» had five for bid enure. tiue tbut money will do altncst auytbiug, ( ut any canuot be exce'led, aa not a muff has been made in FAATZ'S CASK. is marked a correct playinx fMd. I then select a got tbe term* of one or two Toruuto men ivh.jUlUe I ft HI exceedingly glad to l«nru tbat Gas Scbmelzhaa encnuoua amount of it f>xp->u<)ed on a clnb df tha three gaoiM played. Lawson ia distinguishing bim- Speaking of Jay Fn»tz, Johnson Raid: "J«y la yell- student fuJiscriiniuittoly and a-«k b: m what position can utilize if nvces^ry. cap'urtd Viut't-ut Dailey, tl.e elu^er auil If ft ntrler Atlantic Asst.ciuti >:i. M ftt present cous>tituttd, would ie3f. Score: Ing murder. I am receiving lexers from him almost he plays, or, iu the event of his playing a certain posi­ HACKETT'S POLICY AHD OPINTO^S. of tart year'a Oakland t-am. Tliis nix-foot-tlirce not druw a justifying patronage. It would cortainlj «T. ACOI » E. B. B. f. A. X| CHICAGO. B. B. P. A. every d»y tu which be complains ot" tbe wav in which tion, what ho would do, SAV, if two uieu were oo ba^oa mA4S of good nature ami genuine base hilt is of the be is beu.g treated. Lie taya tiie newspapt-ra are full Tasked ihe new manager, when introduced to h'm, B.Bennet'.cf. 1 211 0 1 1 3 and a ball was hit tJ lam. Ttion I v-ould aak an- If he was t-> be our Mu««-s to lea J us out of the land of well-behaved-don't-lmve-ta - wntch -them class of DROPPED IX A SEWER. Kna, 3b...... l 121 1 Cnrroll, 11.....0 220 of itenu heui-lQR ridicule upon bint, aud ha la afraid otlter one, aay a first b^eemao, how he wovM play pla-er^, and Cleveland lua iu him a go.»d on». Uleve- There muH be lib>>r»l caieiintf to the public, to bo hiti reputation M a bt je.^.r appears in the newspap-rri. True, aa Faatz §ayp, I him a signal to play Jn a certain place wrut he might what he would do. It was calculated to m-t ihe othtr Anson, c..... 0 0 0 o!Garvin,2b.,. 0000 njunagois and clat,t dawn on you and that wai one When Harry Howard goei to Detroit, which will be could be dencn>U-d up >u, eveu it Halumore bad a club Card, M...... O 0 3 Earl, 2K, Ib. 1 2 3 2 havd hired another first haeoman to take hid place, but expect. He would an.-wer, probably, a double play. In a few davB, U will bo a wedJlug trip. S hit's pretty i,f Wards Kw ing% Kuefc M aud their C!USH to piny gam', a he can't blame nio for that. Hia playing last BCHS-.U U that the smallest boy in tuiug be d:du't wuut to do. Tajlor, lh.,p.l 1 lllurua, 3I...... 1 Tlio result of tlili teaching "1 don't Ciire buw strong a clnb is," he continued, and ctiarminjr, cf course; I never law a ball player's only with the clubs of the Atlantic ABM>ciatioo. I>.B. nii'Wb. 1 1 0 3 Inks, rf.,p... 1 110 was not np to the etamlard, and the iaelf. FnaU Mill ccrlaitily be takeu cure of. If we by oth*r parties." pected to be about ihe strongest club iu tbe Western by chance they are understood Asaociat.OQ, anyhow, aud will naturally be played Finn. His brolh*.T-in-liiw, Jim McDona'id, id laiii up full-blooded crank If they could know tha peunant ToUl...... 6 8 24 6 io! Total...... ? 7 27 8 2 can't find auy placet for bim to play iu the Brotherhood What is Jimmy Kennedy about that be doea not with a hud left buii'l. He cut it Ittit we^k aud oryaip- would flirt with (ho zephvrs at Onolo Park? Porhaps I'll eeo tbat lie (rets bin salary rlcht atonjf junt tho engage Jack for bit RiJgewcod toatu? agtm'tthe har-^st. We will have enough to down Chicago...... 000601000-7 an it stauda now." elas has abown iU deadly fange. WALLEB WALLACB. there will be prhlfc in il eomo day, when the great 6t AUKuetinc...... 0 0000400 2 C baiue. I hope that scheme to eatbbUsu an extra club cities BD-1 chibi of the E*at contest for supremacy aa a ivperve fjrce to draw from iu caao of injury to any te beyond question the "Wnat clubs do you think will be the strongest?*' Earned iuns St. Aiuuitlne 4, Chicago 2. Two base Tlmt Western Association "I am hardly fit u> judge of that. I know the West­ under its uauie, but not ibia ^easou, dear old man- bitt Hutchin*on 2, Cooney, C»iroll. Double play of onr regular players will be carried ott. it would liveliest and beet handled organization of ihe minor CLUB. not just >ef. be a pied thing fur all of u*, and especially those inen Association ma gnat en do ern Association clubs m^rs by repntatlou thun any- Cooney, Earl. Base i-n tails St. August ny 5, Chi­ left trued, find if t'rr-uuity to There is no quept'nn an to wh'tt Baltimore sbould be, cago 1. P-aae m ernn* Chicago 7. II t by pitchei wbo, like FHA'Z, will have no regular team to play The Team Now Completed—A Captain Ap­ however. Its territory sliould be \Vilmot. Struck out By Uutchtnfou 3, by Taylor 3. with. They could then keep iu good form all th'j judytj ol ihe strength of tbe teauia. 1 believe Milwau­ pointed—Uniforms Selected, Ktc. kee aud MiuneivfulU will bulb be wt-ll-trHincd clubs PRER TO COMPETITION". Wild pitch Ink*. Left on baeo^ ?t. Augustine 6, time and be ready at a uiomeut'a uoUco to go In aud SACRAMENTO, Ca!., Feb. 11. E-iitor SPORTING Chicago 8. Vinpiie Way field. Time 1;45. do their b.^et worK." thU season. They seem to hare excellent material. And, really, it is. N twithibtandinc the requirements Davia Ilitwley, secretary of the Lpftgne, while very Then Oumha always unt^ out a strong a^gn-pation uf LIFE: Ihere will bo no *'Cheap John" business of th» Nutioti'il Agreement, lerritorial restrictions TflB PHILLIE8 DOWN TO BUSINESS. bittercgainst the men who disregarded tbe reserve t'iiiyer^. Duvtt Ko\ve ba-t about earol his team int«ct about our base ball cSubcext reason. Thediaruond have b»en a dea I leuer. It aUaya wes elaa'.ic, but The Pbilliea commenced regular iractice at Jackson­ clamo and left his people lust fall.etiU has a kiudword blight migunieB io JVUB. U;L»I ua wei;ur« auu lUiertsi. from hist year and slx^uld be in pood trim. It fiftma is to be made tbe handsomest in the State, tho the National l.e.iKun killed it, an 1 the Anu-rictu As- ville on WVduecdny, on which d-iy Thorn |«on anil for Foal z. I see lliny are first in tbe field with a published to nie that the Weat<-ru Aasoc'ation cluw are lemark- ( ociatk'U assisted at the obsequies. Tlie National Mycrs came in from tbe Weal Ou this day Ddelianty ably evenly mat'jtie J. Kansas City may have a little outfield planted to blue grass and the grand League fstabl shed the. precedent by locating oue of "Jay is hardly receiving a fair slnw," a*fd Ilawley, schedule one, too, which was adopted quickly and up with private boxes. practiced at third am) AloCoutey at flr^f. Alien, at referring to a newtiutper paragraph in which tha tall haroinniotitly. With eifiht such enterprising baseball lh,? l*&t of It a', the start, but you can't tell an) thine and special stands fitted its HM- tuber s at St. Louis fn Hico of the protest of tho ahuit field, alt'.wed himself a bkillful ntan in the j,li»c^, Mist ha-eman was held up to ridicule. "It ts tru»», be citi s represented in tbe Western championship arena a^out that. B;i*-e tall is very uncertain. Due of the The players will be quartered at a first-class American Aw3n tbo Association did n>'t lake tiuff by all. really ht-aled uuti! after the echedule bad been plnycd rx-iietice ha^ taught me that au 'easy wiuuer' la a bad physical trim. Their uniforms are now being advantage ot its conceded rights was that Awociati m Ou Thursday, 20, two National League clubs played out. It wa^ like running a knife into him every time financial iuTestiueat." made and will consist of white caps, white clubs iu those titles wouM not [ay in tlvalry with the together fur tbe fmt time tbia season, Anson bringing ho cni'K';t a ball with that hand or jnrred it in any way. OP LESSEB I3IPORT. stockmps, dark blue knit Jersey jucktt* and dark blue old teams of the L-a^ue. Foilowing tbw up, the As­ his team fiom ^t. AuiitiHtiue for the purpose of testing I'm sure thwt bo would have bitted better than he did How the State leagues are coming into line! Rely It was supposed here that Jack Pickett wonlJ C.T- patjtaluoiis, trimmed with white. Turn will be a very sociation has locate! a cluucalled the Brooklyn noar tbe mettle of Harry \Vrigbt*n men. C*ntrury to g n- if it ha-J not Leen for the bud condition of hia arm, and u;:on it, gentleuien of the niiuor leagues, your State taiuiv capuiiti tiie team tins eeaaon, but Manager handtH>mo imiiorui and an <>xact counterpart of (hat- thwt city. !-'o, if any sanguine lndlv;du:il or indi­ eral expectations, A neon's nntiitrd colts won. The I have uo doubt it injured bis fielding aUo." league is bound to succeed financially where your hncu'ett ulbs as it the mutter ha*l not been definitely worn by the Chicago^ in th<;ir famou-t trip urouir) the viduals fee! d'«5>op-ed to iuve-tt capital fn au Asso-iia- Cbicagoa were first to the bat und Cooney opened R.I to* keep tin, lion or National League club iu Baltimore they »ue at ZIMMER WORRIED* twu, three or tcnr-3'ate league wilt fail. They Lave gettlid. lie merely sajs *'I expect so." world a year ego. All tiie ticket-Eeller*. bravely with a iwo-l'fc&r to left field ^ntl scored on a less cos'ly trav-lltn.; cir;niia, smaller salary lists and The infiel-1 of the Kausin City muni is still an un­ ushers in fact, everybody in tho employ of the club liberty to do so. ''Money will do anything," Hntl tho niuffnd'fly ami pa;scd hall. The I billies weru retired It leaks out that Xinjmer became quite reatlees after NutiObal League «r Assuctation may bo inclined to McKtan's second flop. When the big catcher heard a double cbampioo^btp cHmpaigD at comtuund. known quantity. 1'ickett will surely play short, and will be required to be uniformed. iu regular i-i\Jrt sti-p, l>aty; Players' Lt-nguo is a fn-e lauce aa regards territory, off with a irtniendous urivo far over tbo carriage* 1u of a ehar^o of crookidncss by report to tlie cmutuoD Mauaifer Wutkina is still in this city iu the coal and aud in op»n t<.> convirtlou when si.fBcient c»}ii:&l ii right fi«!d lor three base.1!. Mycra bit to O'Brien, wbo Jtu'ge 0 Brieu's decision had any t'eaving up^n the fimt baee, StftpKton; set on d bK"c, Re-itx; thitd base, cases of meu who bad left the Broihorhoud. He le- law, the base ball law of the National Agreement feed l>u«ine*3. Ho is looking well aud is said to lw di>- laodar; Uft field, Kobeits; ctn're fitld, Go^diMiough. produced. There ne-d be no fear by would-be n- threw i-oorly to firrt. Blct'auley'a hard bit Unded should bv eupieme aiid all apj eala to common law ing athriviux busihesa. ____ YIUEEXAH. vestord- The gpufiribhical eittmtion of th« city and Among the carriages in riyiit ceutre, on wliich b» came som^vthat easier in tiia mind vtben he ledPued Piithors and catchers will alternate in ruht tie!d. Kd- that It bad not. Then be began iafpiiiicg after barrtd out. Until this is doLO luirmoi.y id out of the ward Stapleton will captain tlie train. Thi* stalwart it-t botf iiiiltii;u iu-iwhjtanrs will woo favor with btwo made third. Clement* bit anarply over (tecond end queatiou. Evidentlj the Turf Coogresa people knew NOT TRUE. bail nuiguatts if sufficient cai>ital aud williuguesa to UcC&ulcy scored the third end hut run for tbe advance money that the League people had pi-.-mised voung man is '26 ytars of ngfl an«l a nntivn of Petrult, bin). lie was told (bat Ihe Insurer waa ID New York. what they v-eie about when they divurcei Turf Con­ Mich. He 13 6tt. in beighr, weighs I951bs., aud bai Invent it U uitde knowu to them. I'biMie-, Iu tho thfnl IIIRID^ Burke had hit for two gress law from the common la;r. Players' Wives Not Influenced by League how, the whole nutter in a nutshell Is simj.'y this. batee, but was Uft oo third. This v*as not In tbe least reassuring, and itwaawith played prcfeeeiaiml ball during the pant three season*. that he awaited Mr. Howe's return tie WHS first baiem^u for tlie Katamazoo, DI:ch., ttam It Is not believed are auy citpiUlists in Lalti- In tbe sixth Alien reached Becond OD Ills hit to man iff fit impatience Money. moie who aro willing to iuvest in bfi^e bii-l to au ex­ light, sending Myers to third, who bad previously to the city. When the delecates to tbe League meeting In a letter to a Cleveland paper, under date of of the Tri-Siate League during tiie season of 18b7. to Secretary Hawley and said In 1SS8 be was explain of the Wheeling, W. Vft., Club, tent sufficient ti eoi'O with other largo citiea and bt-eu smt tu firet on ballj, but no runs reaultfd. Tli» returned, Zimmer went Fab. 14, and over his own signature, Secretary strong clu'4. Tliat nifHiis a large investment and CbifUgos gcoiod four iu Iho fourth on a UitUr being be bad been told that tht-y bad taken him back in and the past scaaori h** j hiyinl with the Springfield, order to release lilin a week or two after the ojitnitg Brunei!, of the Players' League, uses the fol­ 111., team. (EU.iidio^ the in-tial bag and captaaiing the stime risk, and there are p'caty of people who nay it hit by a pitched tall, a tase on Lalls nnd two bite a nine. Hid batting average the p-tst gea^uu waa .2bV; will p»y, butdi>p ove their u.-nsifctency by an nu*ll« Bingl? and a double. In tho eighth at) eiv:>r by of the eeaeon. aud thus "get even" with him for not lowing language: llugu^s.i to nmke the firmucial venture. There ar» Schriver und a e^te bit gave the Chiragos their cigti'b JguiLg a contract lust fall. "Ufiiaoti'o desertion WM expected nt Players' Leagne fielding, .908. 'If you are poinn to do that with me," Zimmer said, Next April will (see tbe liveliest and most Interesting plenty of people in Bahiinuro ulao who aie eiiuply run. Tbe visitors excelled in fielding and playod a exhibition campaign rpeued m tbe metropolis that h«a hea. quarters for a week before tbe man made the MINOR HKNTIOff. |,:ri : ci.l £ainf>. TLe i'hiilies did tbo boiler batting. it would be beat for me to rutuin to the Brotherhood jump. It was a case of donbl» bribeiy. Not only was The season will o[en on Mnrrh 23. Two weeks be­ ADVENTL'HKRS WITHOUT CAPITAL while there ia yet time. If you release me, the boys been seeu for years pftst. Games every tiny in the who (ire perfectly willing to iittach themselves to tj oeyer, but his wile received I;oston fore tlii.' season begins ihe tiaurfeuine trophy p:e?ent^d pitching on both sidts WPS equally effective. Tbe won't take me back, and I'll be left out in tbe cold." money. Clarksou l«ll under the same tactics. tk> did the champion OiklautN will be brought here uud club if aomebody else will take thy h' riak. Hawlt-y replied: "Now see here, Zimmer, Itt ns i(;iw 6cast want io new Dieinbtrs waa tftti.-jfactorj'. Ab-*ut 6OJ people ing against tea ma of tho American aud Athtutlc Asio- statement and a*ked if Robin-ou'rf men here the cl.ampi<>nelj!p pmnniit will Witneseed the game. Tbe score: would be nothing to prevent you from toing to De­ being shown Brunell's be thrown to tbe breeze w'th up|ne nas ilie natniug bail jjkry ami profit if ibat Bom» one fi-t-ls so iucfinwl. W\ers,2o...-0 0 4 "They wculd bave to keep me through tbe etason, your editoiial notice of the Messrs. Hubbaid's publica­ CiarksoD, Uennett and Ganzel, and I know that we did As for him, he i-J perfactlv jn-tifled in n«>t vutiing Alleu, *»....! 1 5 4 0 O'Brien, 2b...3 0 tion entitled "Athletic Ppjrts" that you have left mo not hare nuy communication with their wives nur did of the am PI res, howt-vur, and be bus already iei:eiVi.-d 0 1 Burua, 3U.....I 1 whether tliey wanted to or not." leventy-fivt- ap^HcatiotiP. mauy IIKTO thou-andd in an Atlantic Atsociatiou team Mc(.'HUley,lbl 1 11 "Yea, that's so," was Ilawley'a reply; "but a young but little to add in my testimony to tho excellence of wo aulhoriKa Ihe payment of any money to them. In atpieseut. Ilesli-.'Uld have CI»nieui»t c...O 1 3 4 OCouahlin, p..l 1 the woik. I have only had a chnnce to glance over its tbe c«8ts cf darken and Gaozel the buslnen was done Manager Kfi^ler Is eager for nexteeason's fray, aud ficl:river, C....O 0 1 1 i;Hutchin'a, pO and strong Mlow liko you ought to inat m'.'ie thun a is getting biuis^lf in prime condition. Ho expects to A Cl.UB EQUAL TO TUB BRST jear. If 3011 go to tba Btotherbood you will take pugep, and th'j chapters \vhicli moat intertsted me were directly witn them, o"d lit tiie easy of Beunvtt, Mr. In that A^eocintion, bill that i-i aH. lie ia cot Justified VkktTy, p... 000 6 1 Kittridge, c..l 1 Harry I'almei'a gra]ihic and admirably written hUtory L^adley was our agent. I think it is contemptible Oo BUIUO great pitch ing tho next eeuson. ADdeiaou,p..O 0 0 1 0 your chances among eight clubs, while in the League in purchasing a franchise in tho Nutiotial LCJUMIO tiiin there will be more than a hundred, fur jou to coudt of tbe baay ball tour of tbe worlJ. brsint'M for thi-i oITicer of the Playerd' League to make senaon, f-r the reason thai the National League uill - Total...... 8 7 27 H 3 FLINT'S FLYERS. Total...... 3 6 27 21 8 upon. Your udvuuco money ia *aitiug tor you and such an accutaliou." not ] av expfiiiies in 18UO. If nnyona believes difforent you can fctt it wb-jnever you wish." I am very glad to see some lady base btill irrltera they cau tinck up th" opinion and iuv^et the bouille. Chicago...... 12040001 0 8 joiuinx the ui luj if commentators ou the doings of the The Team That Is to Represent the Michi­ Fhllau»i-liin...... ~0 3000000 0 3 Tbi-i Boi-med to have tbo desired effect Zimmer tock Tiie Tactics of Desperation. As before Ptat(*:l, laae biill lines are Hiifiidcntly elustia the money, went home, aud no'.hing haa been been or base bail world. I triict the fair ones will join ine io gan City Upon the Diamond. fur ftnv HIT. stor. Iu conciiisiun it may be btated tbat Earm-o run Philadelphia. Two-base hits Burke, inducing the club inafiuatc^ to do tbe wise thiu^ That out-and-out League org:in, the Cin­ Coc-ttey, Gcngliliu. Tbroe-l-asft hit-; Thooipsou, 51c- heard of him eioce. FLINT, Mich., Feb. 20. The Flint team is it ia hi-lieved a gm.d cjub of wyll-kno>n players of Al Johnson bava be will make no further effort* to financially and give lady patrons nee admission to cinnati Times-Star, is getting a little bit national rci' would pay a handsome p'ofit in Canley. L«-ft on batea Philadelphia 7, Chicftjco 6. ball grounds when accompanied by gemlrr-ion as now completed and ready for the campaign of Btrack out Piiilndelph!* 2, Chicago 2. -First ou er- get Zimmer back ir.lo ihe Brotherhood. ''If he ia Meary" in the fight. It now says: the Players' Lr-airuc, simply for tuo rea-Kin it la 8ati«fl«id with the Leasiif-'a methods of doing Lusi- escort^. At any rato diecrhuioate In some way ill the MicMgnn State League. In speaking of the now the :eadiiifri>:A>tnfz-tti"n of the country ami UaltU rora Philadelphia 3, Clikago 7. First on lulls your charges for admUaioa in favor of the ladies. team J. A. Lombard, of Kalamazuo, who id man­ Pbilado'i'bia 2, Ch'aigo 5. Hit bv pilcher E'irK neaB," wvd tbe Brotherhood president, "why let liim DiO-e a! way.s liberally patronizes tho best in the lino of B'uy wl:h the Ltaua and untrnthful and W^bbtr, Cf Jjot'do-j, O.-t., who plnypil last year fur BftSL- Lull is on a Loom h re Ju.«t at preheat. Anson John H very quiet iu his way, but he cat) be routed "And the*** are the people who expect support fnm UUco. He canK»t 2U i^tniiaht gniuu for (bat city. "It is vt'iy rtfte«hlng to our party fn these diys to nd bis job-lot b.tll p!a>era atrivtd bere last week dcol^rca tint be will prove them ao by bin conduct up when necessary; witness hta caustic rei«ly to Uick- know th«t 'CoU.' Ji.lui I. Rogers nD=l CltHrles II. Byrn* next summer. a f/tir-ininded people. 'I hyy bribe aud corrupt ball For pitchers we bare Clivers, who will b* worked nd went to St. AtiKtulioe. IVy played a picked enjou's rara-impli. Ai for Pete, he is a rusher, and plavers, but think nothing of it. Wait uud see wuut eteatlily. W.^it, of last yeat** T\:'.}t team; K-lp* ,a like' the O'^t'l^n decision. U will grow upon them, Al Jf.-hbson received a letter from rit"ber O'Bilen, gees ia for knocking an opponent tbrcugh the ro^ea. too, HII.I tliey will like it be'teretiil aa U gc-ts nl>!er. At nine of St. AugiHtlno players aud bid all tiey c-mlJ the cfhcr day fn w'ni.-h tbe young Trojun expreeseU the'verdict will tm." left-hander, from Tulndo; Pccord. alto iV:"u loltu-;, do to Lea' them. It waa the £enetal verdict of three- who ptnyed a ftw gtures »I'h tlm Intc-ruational tliia ii;;:? itniay be »a well to tell a pkce of almost conM>lence In his ability to make the heavy batters of Juflgo O'Brien, who ndjii'JHatod tho Ward case, Is ft source, four I b 3 of the teoplo present that with proper coach- Yuba Dam. LeHgue, and who is ^aid to bo far ahead of 'Jo-^kw' bia'ory, C'-niln^", as it does, fruui au excellent I^n't tbe Brotherhood v>oary next summer. graduate of tlie I use ball tcUool of tbe Jesuit College When the Havers' L«»-u? niuea were tlrst PXP- seU to iui; tbe home club could have btat th*:in. Now, B. W. WRIGHT. This Is tbe name of n new collar, which I« t!oc!dekw as tbfx a (erriMe cnutiast t> Cufcago'a great Btothc-rhooJ at Fordiiaru. Ha wu one ot tbe oM-tiuia Bu36 lit 11 g'.od a rfcird aa I did tart ytar. T"ro Flanisan, the puhiic J«hn B. Hav. of liie New York Club, who Dine of St. Johua. better thrtti i\» name, fiuce it Is rot only comfortable, LOW fn loudly proclaims ht^ loyaly to bis ^a'ti.ers' in team. Ju^t w»it uu'.ll Arj-son'u great Nat.-oaj) Leatne but stvhab as well; aa a gUnce at the ill'i-trVion of bii-tlier of the catcher, will play a<-C"t U, and Sippl. o( team s'likfS ChlrafO and tbe pei pie will I^nr up *>'? foat LOVELL says that the #ew Enjlard Leagn» fe la-it yefir's Kie-.o^, willhoM down third. Flanlgaa the Leayu*-. was 8«ifcptcl«a of beiuj 'iu' witri tli» I met John Morrlll at Spaldlng's Broadway store on the sftuis in our advertising columns will show the piuyer*. He WHS even wa-ched while iu this city. K grnnd ttunJ. Burns act ma loat in hia prfcent com- dead. Uo will now eetabcut formiug a !'.ague «h&re render. It la nuuutactured sol-y by W. Karki-r, of played with SH£lnaw lant season, mid U the man w!.o ptii.v. the clula will plsy two d«y« a week, and bo composed the occasion vt my first day uut l:'.st wt-ek. John made the womlirfnl drive over It-it field on Lnbor w*8 uvoa lew.lved tlmt should Mr. Day go witn bia looked smiling and happy at ihe i lea of bfrlnz out of Troy, N. Y., in which city nearly all the co'lan worn mt-u, the Nati-nal Leuguw fninchise iu New York VM Johnny WnrJ dropped >nto *^a city oa TuoBilay m- atly of lo^il tftlent. Brockton, Lynn, Lowel!, LBW- made. All dealtrs, however, Drty. K. P. Hc»l-y, i.f tlie TrJ-Stato League, Is backed u-at.-L', Cwuhri'l^c, Porumtntb. Watthnm aud the 8o!d duty \o base ball us un^ajur or cai-Uin. II? is iu the United .Malta are to ba taken by Walter Spaldiuit for UB-- In the futu». vt-ninjc, and just {outline his aurprlee w'jcn he was teliiL for short sloy, aud he is a right bauJy Cullow. Byder, Bifct >t ttie depot by lour gcutlemto, « commute* ot Lotell* would make a strong le«gueof (Uii kind. goiog Uilo tbe aportiug &oodi buatucu au I Shrovetide foot handicap at Sheffield, England. Col- CXAFLIN'8. lias ii cue of eight American foot racera who triad for ATHLETIC. Urn valuable prize. He started from tbe 8;1, \t y<]a. mark TO BASE BALL CLUBS, m4 won easily. He was backed heavily long before thn JntU Uoart were run, and likely captured about BOSTON'S BIG EVENT. $25,000 by hia victory, exceeding the famous win of 123,000 mada by GeoruB doilUi. ColHns if the sixth PROFESSIONAL AND AMATEUR. The Initial Meeting of the Boston Athletic Auienotij to wio a fehetfit-U handicap, baiith, Mclver, Club. Canitron, JuhnsoQ and Furrell being tb« others. We desire the address of the manager or secretary of every The Yonkeiv, N. Y, Atliletic Club waa organized As had been anticipated, the initial annual laat wet-k wuh tde»e officers: Aoeeio RoiLe, chair­ MANUFACTURHD SOLYBY W.BARKER.TRor.H.Y. 25* Base Ball Club, professional or amateur, in the United States competitive meeting of the Boston Athletic As- man; Hurry Lowfnstcin, secretary; George Crazier, ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT Bociation, which WAS held at Mechanics' Hall on Jr., capinin. The futkiwiog members aI it w>\4 not Edward Gibblns and William SIckley. Afier appoint­ m.irked by unusual trilUunce for sach floe pUyen. the admirers of athletic sports, including numer­ ing several necrsaary committees tlie meetitjx waa ad- and prices of all grades of Uniforms, from the elegant and ous representatives of the Hub's exclusive so­ The attendance wai large, many ladlea beiutf present. j urnmJ until M< n-iny evening, Feb. 17, at half-p&«t8 Sctiaefer wuu as follows: durable League Uniform to the cheapest grade for the Boys' ciety circles and the owners of vast wealth, be- o'cl.jck, when a very large meeting it expected. Alt llelser. 0, 11, 16, 8, 18, 5, 24, 9. 38, 0, IS, 10, U, fidea strong delegations from other cities. New comoiuuicatiuns may be addressed to ilarry Lowen- 23, 16, 1, 2. 38, 3, 12, 3. 21, 32, 0, 2, 11, 8. Total, and Youths' outfit. York clubs were largely represented in the games, eteln, secretary, 24 Mftfn atroet. 322. The Harvard and Yale athletic committees BJ>- SchMfm. X, 2. 0, 0, 48, 11, 13, 2, 0, S, 6, 13, 54, Our flannel suitings and shirtings are our own styles, made but they won very few of the prizes, which were potnled to coa&Mor the ivlatious of the colleges io elegant 25, 2, 0, 3. U, 69, 22, 13, 5, 0, 6, 1. 44, 106, 4, 6. and costly. The conduct of the meeting intercollegiate sport?, which held a secret meeting oi Total, 500. for us by the best manufacturers of Europe and America. bad been entrusted to officials of long experience Sprfogfield Satni'iHy, lit-tened Brut to the Harvard AvorncM Eeiser, 113-20; Sch»ef«r, 17 7-29. Time- »nd known ability, so that there was nothing to meu, who at OBC« tmbmined a proposition outliuiug 211. 15m. Remember, we mamifacture every article for Base Ball use complain of on that score, the only drawback to thfir scheme concerning the future rtlitioos of tbe Tha handicapping for the Chicago tournament hw colleges acid their Attitude toward other rivitl instita- the complete success of the meeting, so far as been completed. In Chicago all t!ia exports play 14- and wear, hence are the undoubted Headquarters for such the ii ud. At Saturday morning's KMi<>n W. C. Camp, of inch t>.ilk line, and the hamlioap Is a diaeount in contestants themselves were concerned, being N»w Huvoti, was present. £very delegate wa« bound points- The figures of tuisditcouut were sealed up in an goods. Our line of Base Balls and Bats for 1890 will show the fact that the main running path was but a to secrecy concerning the proceeding*, which were enfdope, »nd ihe euvr-lope was deposited in Hie B*uk fourteenth of a mile in circumference, laid out termnmted within an hour, after fruitless discussion. of the Mftropjlis. T lie D{ area will uot be rorealed until several additional styles, and in model and quality throughout on bourd?. sprinkled with resin and having very The came of the nmUen adjournment is aaid to be the the tourney ia this city la ended. de-ire of Yale men for mote lime to consider the de­ The iteuitirf ganie of the billiard tournament It will be finer and more perfect than ever. sharp corners. Many of the ath!ete3 were un­ tails ot tbe Harvard propotal, Iu so far as it concerned Cbickerinit Hall win played Friday afternoon bulwfon accustomed to running upon a track of this de­ Princeton. Harvard would not only shut out Prince- Catton, of Chicago, aod Ives, aud nsulteJ ina/io scription, and the result of more than one event ton from b«s« ball and foot ball, but would confine tory for the latter. The game wag 600 points, e/ght- OUR LEAGUE BALL, was doubtless affected by this fact. The com pe­ their general collegiate sport, which they now share Inch balk line and no handicap. Ivca won eislly. with, other institutions at Mott Haven, to the JSew This Wftj hi» first public appearance in New York and The original and ONLY genuine LEAGUE BALL made, titions throughout were snoii as to evoke the Baveu and Cambridge campuses. bis atyle and ei'eed created a great Bensation, anil he plaudits of the spectators, whose interest was was at once voted a "yuung Napoleon" of billiards. stands unequalled, as all players will concede, in every quality maintained to the close. A return follows: Score: Forty yards run, final heat A. II. Green, Harvard BILLIARDS. Ives 5, 4 0, 0,1, 51, 57, 0, 9, 98, 64,19, T, 8, 2, 69, 0, necessary to a perfect ball. It has stood the test of years Athletic Associati«u (7ft. start), Ut, in 4-)4X, 0. K. 7, 11, 1.1, 14,12. 6, 54-600. Catton-0, 1, 24, 12, 4, 1, 9, 0, T, 1, 1, J, 31,18, 88, B, Huwes, Harvanl AtliWic Association (5ft.), 2,1; H. M. WILLIAM VINCENT without a single complaint from the League managers, players Sterubergh, Harvard Athletio Association l*fl.), 3d. COLLKNUKK. 0, 0, 4, 22, 2, 1, 65, II, 24 S30. This was run ou a straiu»ta*ay path laid diagonally Averages Irea, 20; Cation, 13 1-S. Best rnna or clubs. Heretofore we have guaranteed this ball for a game acr.i?8 thy centre of tho floor. Brief Career of a Voting Life That Was ITO», 98, G'J; Catton, 65, 53. Time of game 2h . 29m. Half-mile run, final beat F. R. leten. Boston Ath­ Fall of Promise. The tTeniuK game waa between Mam ice Ual? and of nine innings played under the ordinary circumstances of a letic Association (45yd*. start), 1st, in 2m. 8 4-5-.; A. William Vincent Cotlender, the only son of George F. Sloeson, Daly playing the eight-inch balk- lise game, handicapping Sl.xiaoD, who played the Hiake, Harvard Athletic Anaociatiou (45yds.), 2d; H. AV. Collender, died at his father** home at game. We NOW WARRANT SPALDING'S LEAGUE Walter C. Uolim, Now Turk Athletic Otob (Mjralcb), 3d. fourteen-mcb eame. SI t, or did not report tha FORGED FROM BAR STEEL BY HAND. actual dtai-ase of young Collender until a tew weeks putting forth his best efforts. Among the audi­ direct aud immediate correspondence with all clubs of this Atbletic Club (scraMi), l"t, 41ft. 4^in.; C. P. Whit­ ence each afternoon and evening are some of man* Boo ton Athletic Association (allowed 7ft.), 2d, before Ms death. It is al-o r mark able that the in- country and Canada, to which we offer our extraordinary fa­ $5fr., actual distance pa:; K. J-Giaonmi. New York formatiun which we received several months apo that the foremost business men of Syracuse, and the Athletic Club (4ft.), 31, 37ft. 5%'n. William V. Oollender had cancer of the stomach tourney is already a pronounced success. Clear- cilities for the prompt execution of their commands. Throwing the Sfilb. weight u. A. Gxiffhlfn, Titan should come from a journalist, who, In company with water and Claeas set tbe bails rolling Blouday uigat, Athletic Club (allowed 5ft.). 1st, hia actual throw be- Tom Ki.l-y, of Chicago, paid Will Ootlendtr a visit aud Clat-ss, but for an unlucky ncratclt, would b*Te |ng 25ft. 6iu.; J. S. Bliichell, New Jemey Athleiic Club last aumnitr. Journalists rarely, If *ver, receive the made It decidedly interesting fur hia opponent, tfuiart, (scratch), 2d, 29lt. 6:n.; M. O'Sullivau, Pastime Ath­ full credit of their wisdom until they are uo more. champion of Michigan and now a retudfiit of tliia William Vincent Cnllei.iter VKS born in New York A. G. SPALDING & BROS., letic Club (allowed 2ft.), 3d, 2Gft-3io. city, where he hart charge of the Globe ilotui fiilltard Tug of war First i>uli: Pastime Athletic Club team City in June, 1860. He waia graduate of tbe Jesuit Parlor, is a popular contestant. beat Brown Un.ven.ity ty 6ia. Second pull: Manhat­ College of the Holy Cross, In Worcester, Mass., after Stuart ha* a reputation as a wrestler, bot has CHICAGO, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, tan Athletic Club aud Princeton Collage loams pulled which be entcrad a private school at Stamford, Ct., wrestled with hard luck thus far during tbe tonruey. » dead heat. Third pull: Berkeley Athletic Club where he made mathematical studies a social ty. Powers is an established favorite. Hta cim-hil, steady 108 Madison St. 241, 243 Broadway. 1022 Market St. bam beat Crajcia Athletic Club by 2tt. Fourth pull: Some five or nix years aico he oiarnel Miss Charlotte play aud bU gt-utlemauly actions take with tbe peuplft. Varuua Boat club team beat Maseacbnaetts Inatitaie Fitcb, the grandniece of Benjamin Fitch, who founded He uil] make a string fight fight with Clearwater and Iff Technology bv 1ft. Second round First pull: the tMdien*' Uume at Si am ford and established Manning. Joe King is under tbe weather at present J'as time Athletic Clnb best Berkelev Atbletic Club by various charitable institutions in Buff-tlo, .N. Y. At « ritintf. and bas uot struck big gaitasyet. Tba Cuban, £in. Second poll: Vttruua Boat Glob beat Princeton the birth of Will Cullender his gmuufaiher, Michael Balbo, is expected here to-day aud will enter the tour­ College by llo. Final pall: Pastime Athletic Club Phelan, waa the partner In business with II. >V. Col- ney, playing his lirst game this evenitiie. The local TEACH THE LADIES BASE BALL beat VaruriR Buat Club by 3m. lemW, the father of the deceased. Thus U will be champion, G*-orge Kuntscb, played hia fleet series Pole vault!ug H. K. l>alton, Boston Athletic Clnb, oe-u tbat Will Collender, as he wag always called, waa last evening with Erickaon, the Swede. Kuutsch en- Jst, his actual vault being 10ft. l^Jin.; Y. G. Xrwfo, liorttlly born in the call i a p. That hn remained in c .untered very bad luck duiiug tbe openiuK inning*, 4'riaionnt Athletic Association, 2d, Oft ll%in. 1'hia the business, although not actively, until the time but braced up on Ihe latter end. He was defeated before the season opens; then they will understand and conse­ eoniDtJtition waa not finished on Saturday night, but of bis death IB equally true. He had, we believe, as 1^5 to 101. be following ia the standing of tbo coa- went over to Sunday mornin*. wbeuit waa competed thorough a knowledge of the business as any man te&tuuts to date: quently thoroughly enjoy witnessing a good game. All the tn private, in presence of the officials. actively engaged iu the calling at thu present day. It Won. Lost Won. Lost Referee, William B. Curt is; judges at finish. W. 0. was always tbn intention of the father to make the Clearwater...... 2 0 King...... 1 gchuyler, A. C. Sievei>§, F. M. Wood and W. H. Good- son an active partner, (f not member, of his house. MaoniUjc...... 2 0 Dinning...... 0 features are brought out in an exciting contest. Win, Jr.; time-keepers, G. A. Averv, J. G. Laibrop and That young Collender waa each for a time there is no Powers...... 2 0 Kuntgch...... 0 C. G. Hughes; jadije of walking, E. K. Merrill; starter. doubt, as be waa a meirber of tbe fl- m of the H. W. Claess...... 1 I Bessunger...... 0 W. II. Aobertson; clerk of the course, S. J. Cornell; Col lender Co. before the consolidation with the Erickson...... 1 1 Stuart...... 0 Brunswick-Balke Co. Indeed, if we are not mistaken, corer. H. Btinso; official announcer. J1. W. Burns; ABOC1CD THE TABLE. ftfficial baadicapper, E. C. Carter. be was interested in the present firm, or at Iflaat to auch an extent that Mr. Cullender expected, Deo Clearwater Is playing wonderful pool at present. Erickson, the twede, is a nervous, dashing player, HENBNC'S volente, to have tbe eon his succesor after the fathur , A DISTINCT roSS. should be called to the bom* of his fathers. , and thoroughly good-natured. So mucb, tu Doctor Johnson says, for th* "TtUUly of Powers, Manning and King are tbe .The Great Organizer, A. G. Mills. Retires human wiihj-s." Will CoHend^r was not only one of players and study tbelr work well before pro From the Athletic World. the best salesmen fo the bnsluewi, but during his very to liumnosfl. Lew Sliaw, the famona billiard player, is on ha A. G. Mills baa resigned from the board of recent trip to £uropa b« negotiated with on* of tlie usual with his funny sayings. Show am) his wilt IN-DOOR__ __ „ . _ ___._- __ , .. _ ^ ^... A ___»_- _ BAS£__-^ ____^——— —* ' ——— ————• —— BALU_«•••••••••••• largest manufaiturerB of^the o]d world to nur..ply all_J jmyernprB .orUu.Ne^JEozkar ^'rtKIo~*Tj;iSanr5mi'lffTe rooms 'on"Tauder- Tilso from tha Amateur Athletio Union, In which Balic*-0ollender Company uf America. YoungColl<-n- bllt Square to-ni£ht. *ody he baa represented the New York Athletio der also IH>1<1 eome ten or twelve tables tu one room- W. J. Kui.tzscb's score card without and record of Just what you need for a rainy day. There will be plenty Club since last a u miner. Mr. Mills had one keeper, while on bis trip, and this, too, at a time the coutestauta in tbe tonrney is very neat. 0. rear more to serve in the board of governors of when hia health wag snob, as be r*Ut«d to the writer of them before May. An accurate reproduction of the field while on a tecvnt visit to bfm: "I fait as If my heart Caroma. She New York Athletic Club before his term would brt-nk if I could not get home." John Spanglar waa aenou*ly ill last waek. game. No cards. No dice. Swing your bat, and make a of office was to have ended, bat he has been During the part few yeara tbe deceased established Joaepb Beirna paid New York a riait laat week. the Col lender- Wood Manufacturing Company at compelled to givo up athletics entirely on ac­ W. H. Raypor hna won the billiard championship of count ot new business matters which will re­ Stamford, Ct. He waj ala» at one time the heal home run. League and Association rules govern. of hia father's hone* in Chicago. Tims it will be tba New York Athletic Cinb. quire all of his time. seen that young Collemler'a life was not all Bun- State)/ and Bad ia hia quiet dignity and mien, If you have grown a little rusty in scoring Mr. Mills* resignation from tbe board of man- shine, and that be played nanny parts in his day, even William S'Jtton never looked more eo thaa at young it will return ftgera of the Amateur Athletic Union will be if be naa the son of a rich man and burn, to trolleuder's funeral. keenly felt by hia associates in that board. Tbe union a certain extent, with the proverbial silver spoon in Thomas Foley waa among tbe first to Fend a tele- the polish. u about to take up now work which Mr. Mills baa Lla niouth. The truth ia that Will Collender waa an prum and letter of concoleuce to H. W. Cullender upon keen active tn planning, and U will be hard to fill his enthusiastic billiardiat In tbe broadest acute of the bearing cf the death uf his ROD. . IPRICE St.OO, POSTP^rD. place. Mr. Mills, it will be remembered, waa the one word. Bis life was full of that fire and enthusiasm Edward Mctaughtlo haa htd all bis lab lea at Teeth to bring about a consolidation ol the Amateur Athletic which cliaracUrizt'd the life and love of his grand­ and Cb wet nut stret-ts coTered with new cloth uud balls, Union and the National Association of Amateur Ath- father, Michael Fnelan, for billiards and its beat inter­ aua new matting put around tbe t*»t>lt*. J. C. JONES, Lock Box 948, Philadelphia, Pa. lotea lafet year, anil he bus been a power in the Ama­ est. At the same time, being a dutiful son. he was For the first timesioce laat Chriatmaa Benj. Qarno RIGHT OR LEFT HAND PITCHER. VERY Refer by permission to THE SPORTING LIFE. Remit by postal note, Ona teur Athletic Union evtr since. He was also very ever under the careful, conservative aud judicious eye left the bed«i s uf tilasenaioQ he said: "Such talk is far from the truth, however, was n.>t dono at the expense of a professional the deceased's childhood. "Oue touch of nature makes »nd nnjiwt to tbe gentleman with wb'.rn I have been rival. This proferaionat dignity, it fa true, has been the whole world kin." PHILADELPHIA, PA. connected. They have treated me with every cour­ so character istic of tb* father that tba son waa simply Jaa. Tat*, of Edward McLausrblinTa room, Tenth and tesy, and I ain eat in fled there waa no hostilt feeling "a chip of the old block." Socially, young CoMonder Ob&ttnnt streets, and W. K. Shackelford, of Edward against me.'* Inherited the wit, btilliaucy in conversational powers, Burns' room, piny an exhibition game of 1(X) points Theatrical, Society and Railroad sarcasm and sat ire of bis race. For many months past oontinuoiia pool at Burrls' room ou Wednesday eve­ Pointers. be was practically out of the world, aud recently pmde ning nt-xt. Tbe returu game will take place at Me- hia peace with thi* world and it ia ti> be hopsd with Laujjhliu'a room. Tenth and Chestnut streets, oa A dispatch from England announce* tbe death of the worll to cmne with bis confeasor, Archbishop SHOW PRINTING. tbe veteran starter of spriut races, Tom Wilkinsoo. Wedoesiiay, March 5. Tate, who Is but 16 years old, Corrigan. Th* funeral took place on Saturday, 15th is a nephew of McLaaghlin, aod 1-t r«tcanled by tlie When you want new ideas expressed Fitzgerald, of Natick. Man., baa t*cn engaged to In-it., from St. John's Romau Cat hollo Church, at tatter as a commft "dirk horae" in tbe billiard world. on train the Yale Athletic Association for the coming Noroton. Ct., which church, by the way, would In all Shackelford i-Just 20. paper with printer's ink; when you leason. probability not exist tn day, were it not tor tbe gene­ want good designs; when you want good The Grayling Athletic Club of Bayonn«, N. J., baa rosity of tbe father of tbe deceased. The funeral was work done quick and at catching prices, IfCted officers aa follows: President, William f. probably the largest attended of any professional since Moody; f ice predidenf, Fred Tuwusend; iecrotary. J. the death of Michael Phel»n or Cbn* O'Connor. SPORTING NOTES communicate with us. E. UVHH; treasurer, P. E. Moone?; captaiu, Cuarles Among the New York mem ben of tbe bench, bar and merchants present were Jndsre Morgan J. Cb ambers. O'Brien, An alteration in tbe tennis playing rules, which wa- We have measures and records of The Clover Athletic Clno, of Brooklyn, hag been RhlneSander Dillon, Thorn** D. Orimmine, H. W. T. proposed by Mr. Sears and adopted by tbe National Ass Wgauized with these officers: B. J. Heuey, president; Mall, J.xei-h Kapp, of the firm of Groto & Co.; William socitttion, was the j 2500 base ball players. Jones, R. 9. New comb, C. H, 0. Hughton and family, changing of the number of games to E. X. Leonard, vice president; G. W. Heney, recording be played In a deciding set before changing cour-'s from Send name and address for self-meas­ BASE BALL PRINTING OF ALL KINDS. f eretary; J. 0. Melville, financial secretary; A. A. Geo. J. Hecker, William Hendrlckaou. Howard Staples one to two. This gives each court both a service and HentioB this paper. Ivcrripan, treasurer. and Thomas Ptttten. a return. Instead of merely oue or the other, aud, it la uring blank. Mr. G'-o. M. Gibbft, of Onelpb, the faatest amateur Tbe billiard profeaflon was Inrgelj represented, thought, will meet with general approval. among those preuect, whose nam«*a we can at present This season we have introduced the half-mile and mile rnnntr In America, has been pro­ The twenty-fonrtb came In the chess contest be­ IN ENG1AND. AMERICA AND moted to tbe position of Rcc«nnt=*ne of the Biuk of recall, being A. F. Troescher and family, John D. Sprinter Ball Shoes, worn by Ward. O'Connor and family, Dualey Kavauagb, William Sex­ tween Tachigurin and Guiiaberg at Havana, which was ATHLETIC SPORTS AUSTRALIA. Commerce at Gait, Ont. Ha baa been teller ia the to hare been played Feb. 19, was abandoned, and the Kelly, Andrews, Tom Brown and Fo- tank'*. Gnelph branch. ton, Geo. F. Slosaon, Benjamin F. Garno, Michael A VOLUME OF INTERNATIONAL CHAEACTEH AND INTEREST. Geary, L. F. Silva, Jarnc-s Byrnes, Juhn Moreda, to­ Havana Che«a Club, under whose anspicea the eeries garty last season. They "Tiie \Ve«t En'1 Atblotio Club" ia the title of a new gether with a delegation of the workingmen from the Wu8 plaved, bus declared ihe mutch a draw. The score are exceedingly C:uprising the History, Characteristics, Organization, Fttnu>n« Flayer* and Great Contests of elnb organized in New Orleans. The officers: Leon factory of the Brnnswick-Balke-Collendtir Cinnpany, for thenerteawas; TBcbigorin,9; Gancberg,9; draws, 5. light. Our Shoes .are soft, light and ser­ Lumothe, president; W. II. Hyatt, vice president; Val- wt^Ie most of the men from th* office at 860 Broad­ The following have been elected officers of the Na­ BASE BALL, CRiCKET, FOOT BALL, LACROSSE, POLO, ROWING niine ftUrz, treasurer; B. J. O'Neil secretary; 0. H. way, were also present. SIMON WABF, tional Lawn Tennis Association of America: J. S. viceable. This season we make stabbed EcliouhuiiH>'D, rnauagei'. Clarke, of Philadelphia, president; W. H. Sloenui, of stitched shanks, counter-sunk heel seatSi AND BICYCLING. The nowly elscted officers of the Arlington A. 0., of THE GREAT TOURNAMENT. tha New York Tennis Club, »ice president; T. n. Tay- Kew Yi'*-: PnwMeiit, John J. Daly; vice presi­ lor, of St. George's Cricket Club, treasurer, aud V. G. with a new design of spikes, making Including also the AUTHENTIC AWD ONLY AUTHORIZED narrative of tha dent. Joseph B. McAidio; secretary, Joaeph F. Caag; Hall, Columbia, secretary. justly famous "AROUND THE WORLD" TOUR OF THE AMERICAN BALIs Tho Impressive Opening and the Impre»- them lighter. Orders received now will TEAMS. With Graphic Sketches of Royal Receptions, Regal Banquets and trcfisnror, Martin J. Kenna; captain, Patrick Sharkey; eio'n Created The Scores to Date. Etc. Benzinah, the light-weight pngilist who billed Tom lienlennnt, Henry McAlhrer. Jam's in a sparring match at Dallas, Tex., on Fob. 13, be promptly delivered. Comic Adventures, by HARRY CLAY PALMER, representing the New York The offlcera of the new I!nrlcm Athletic Clnb are as CaiGK-RfiiNQ HALL, New York, Feb. 20. wag discharged Feb. 15 on tbe gronnd tbat tht>re Is no Herald" and Boston "Herald" in the "Around the World" Tour: J.. A.. ~ Editor SPORTING LIFE: The old proverb that Managing Editor of the New York "Clipper;" FRANCIS C. RICHTER, Editor folli'WB: 1'rt-siilent, Thomas J. Gayt«*; vice preuideui, law in Tcxns to indict a man for killing another iu a of "Sporting Life;" W. I. HARRIS, the eminent exponent of Base Ball, and by Secret* Wilford; aecrt-tarv, William E. Waddell; treas­ all things come to those who wait was never licensfd exhibition. Jake Kilraln was also dine barged Sprinter Ball Shoes, very light, $7.50 other leading authorities on athletic sports. urer, 11. H. McDonaM; cai tain. Walter C. Waddell. more thoroughly exemplified than at the open­ from custody. Sold only by subscription. Application for territory and terms can now be made to 1'be chili lions* i» at No. 234 East One Hundred and ing of the great tournament to-night. For A letter to the St. Jting man, to walk 3000 miles time for younger experts of the game, which culminated from the United States. E. R. CBUT1S 4 CO., 51 W. Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. £30:)0 a side. Ilarrimaii istost^it Iu April from a to-night in such a triumpnant success for the Sauudsr?, the English court tennfs champion, has de­ Amateur Ball Shoes ----- 5.00 THE HISTORY CO., San Francisco, C»l. point in Indiana and walk to San Francisco and re­ cause espoused that the cided to accept the recent challenge issued by Pettitt. turn within Biity-five days. managers at the close of the present tournament will probably have The latter will have to go to Dublin to play; there- Read the following: The Irish-American Atbletic Club of Jersey City baa turn match will be played in this cuumry. the honor of recording one of the most brilliant "MK. WAIDO M. Cl.Arl.iH Dear Sfe.- I whh to «aj orguiiized »iih about fifty menib'n. Tlie ofBcera are: Jack I>euip»ey and Billy McCarthy fought In ths I wore yonr Profcwioua.! Base Bull Shoes for three BILLIARDS ASSEMBLY BILLIARD HALL, 1*. J . Murjiby, pre*M>ijt; T. O'Brion, vice piesldeni; and successful tournaments in the history of the game gymnasium of tbe California Athletic Club, San Fran­ Reasons. Last Mason I wore a pair of yoar Amateur No- 108 South Tenth Street, ^.M'illium U unlock, cwptain; J. McKay, trtasurer; M. in this country, and no other cunutry baa dene so .Shoes and conld notice much in the past for the tcentlemau'a game as Ame­ cisco, Fob. 18. McCarthy was knocked oat In the no difference In elasticity and Philadelphia, Pa. Cain, Jloauclnl sr-cretary; fi. Malouey, corresponding twentj-eijhth roond.______service. I jnost heartily recommend them for amttturi The Brunswick -Balke-Collcnder Co., ED. XrLAUGHLIN, 1'rnp. Secretary, aud J. It> an. recording secretary. rica. Tha great hall was packed In every part by the elite of New York, hundred* of tho fair eat daughter* and minor leaguers. Very truly, Th* Louisville Atbletic Club opened its new btifld- BOBIRT MATHEWI." BILLIARD and POOL TABLE M'ftrs, Ing in L-fUWTille, Ky., Feb.7. with a gn.nd bill. Tha of (his city having honored the occasion with their WtlOLKSALE AM) RETAIL DKALKRS IN ALL attendance was nearly S'tO, and Included all the well- presence. QUESTIONS ANSWERED. "Ma. WAIDO M. CLATLIK Dwr Sir: Duplicate my J.D. SHIBE&CO., kii- W!) Boclety people.' GOT. and Mrs. Buckuer, »s- Tbe tonrnament must pua Into history as being onler of laat August, They were the best li»ll shoei remarkable for the dignity and independence dis­ GEO. K B., Warn«r, South Dakota. Th« O'Brien A. G. SFALUINO & IlKOS.' Sporting Good*. THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS eiated by Mr*. Judito Toney, Mrs. el-Governor Ula?k- who formerly caught for Brooklyn ii not the same ever made. Very truly, M. J. KELLY." burn, Mrs. Ht-tiry Watteitou and otliun, received the played by the mauagerd, with a result which has beea Sctu! fur CtitHlogne. OF BASE BALLS. jffectual on the players, inasmuch as that one end all man who is plitytup left field for that club. The latter 283 NORTH KIOHT1I ST., PFULA. guests. Tlie club was organized about a year ago. Iu of the experts think only of the result of thta great Is Darby O'Urlrn, while the catcher is Jack O'Brien, We have upwa rds of a thousand let­ building, which has just boeu flnl-heJ, cost $35,000. revolution for the beat interest of billiards. The now with tha Athletlo Club. H. J. BERCMAN, The club sjuinbfrsanxmg Its members tbe young men ters from ball players from all parts of 100* ABOH 8TUKET, PHILADELPHIA. Dd women ot the beat families ! financial Bucceei of the tournament Is assured, which CnA0. CAMP, Chicago. A letter simply addressed to moans the triumph of the cause which the managers the manager of either clnb, care of TUB. SPORTINO the United States testifying to the com­ AGENTS WAKE MONEY A Buffalo mm named Win. Pallou^a has fnTented , have so wisely espoused. Tbe artietlc BUT cess will be LIFE, will reach the parties you are after. whon tlity Imv0 an arncte of merit tnat will Mil t* mtue of wur maenfne. Th* device Is placed In the ! fort, suppleness, lightness and service of no less gratifying, frr on this success depends the E. C. It., East Sagtnaw, Mich. Bradford Sam Mo- every smoker ai sUbr. T^sliruc>uiaU aod full partica* cwitre of tbo rope, where the Judge Is suppwed to ! lu'tire hope of some of tbo present experts. Tbe our Shoes. ataud. The rope pas-es through ihe centre of ihe ; Bride. Oleao Dr. Sage. Jamdstowa iloyt Allon. I»rs fr«c. W. M. I1EWITT. PtarhioT,, Ottawa Co., (V battle for the yunrig experts has not been fought In Erie Jouu Depinet. BILLIARDS. macbtoe anfl Is beld firm by a lever. At the word vain; on th« contrary, the brilliant showing of to- 'go" tb« referee pulls the lever and both teams have ' 6. Q. J^ Portamoath, Va. Mary Andenon WM bora The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Tables, nial't is notice to all that th« young expert ia bll- In Sacramento, Cal., July 28,1859. 1~\0 YOU WANT 4 LADY OK GENTLEMAN COB- n equal show. The trouble Jn the naal baa b<*en fur i liitrda has coma to bUy. Si MUM WAAP. Carom, Combination and Pool. i-J HE-TONOENTI For |arncnl»rs apply to MU­ the referee to decide just whon to eay "go," rather J. H. H., Denter, Col. Th* Cincinnati Bed Stotk- Waldo M. Claflin, Billtard Goods of eTTjr description alwuva on h&od TUAL COUKKSPONDINU AQKNCV, SAWEXS, N. fj tban "time," at tho fiui-b, because both teams are in- The Games to Date. Ings noder Ilarry Wrlgbt. vuiiably anxious to * ecu re a little tha beat of tho The first game iu the great handicap billiard tonr­ NEESON, Ut. Yernon, Qa. Sulllraa tf the more 831 CHESTNUT ST., Ovrr 1,OOO,OOO JVoi*« SuMuers Sold. end-off. nament, in which Slowon and Schaefer are to play clentiflo man of the two. Ordbfifrom all partaof the world promptly attended t& A cablegram from London, Fab. 18, announces tha fourti-en-inch balk line against the eight-inch lines of COVCH, Baltimore, Md, Adiertiw In THE JOHN CREAHAN, Agent, rktorjr of Jame« ColliQi, of Edge ton, Win., in th* all the other playen,took f1*0* Thursday, ia Ohlokw- Lira Philadelphia, Pa. Continental Hotel. Philadelphia. 8 THE SPORTIlSra LIFE. Feb. 26.

AN OHIO COMPANY'S MACHINE. Jersey-Fitting Supporter, Holme*' Thigh Stocking. Full Pant*. No. 887. Heavy Rib Base Ball (Patented.) WHEELING. _ L lltavy Klb. Improved double seat, Htrap & pocket. L. A. W. AFFAIRS. lie et lug of the National Assembly Tlie Dunn Crowd on Top Luscomb Badly Siuibt>ed-J>unn Elected President Other Business Transacted, Etc. The nunual mooting of the National-Assembly f the League of American Wheelmen was held in parlor A of the Grand Union Hotel, New York, Feb. 17. The meeting convened at 11 A. if., anil from that tima until 7 P. M. the dele- gatta present were treated to somo lively tilu between different committees and officers of the League. It will pass into history as the moat Bicycle Riders, Base Ball Play­ oartignn and unjust that that body has ever held; ers, Athlete', Gymnasts (till u« tbe action taken on some questions waa in direct tbat it ia the best and most sat­ isfactory supporter made. opposition to all precedents, and in one instance Xet Eeery Spurtsman Try 9 3. Full TTeeliioned, narrowe . «E At least, ridiculous. tnkle in blitck, DBT.V, Lcagtto tirown, gray mixed uun , ..od by the Lozier £jTost Bicyclfl 3 1. lilaok, nav^, grey mixed, the delegates present from all parts of nx, SI ii. Among Manufacturing Co., of Toledo, Ohio. gizeof Waist aod Bip. it ck the United States were W. Jenkins, W. S. Bull This company started last August with the idea of bringing oat and making a specialty of the ATHLETIC A\D GYMNASIUM GARMENTS MAXUFACItU£D iitf 1 [. ULick, navy, gray mixeJt and Dr. L. Butler, of Buffalo; G. Collister, P. host boys' wheel to be made nt a reasonable price, and we are informed that they have in the Little , $1.UO. Meyer, W. Kirkpatrick and J. Dunn, of Ohio; S. Giant a wheel that fills the bill exactly, and have orders already booked for 1000 wheela per month SEND STAMP A. Boyle, D. K. Trimmer, H. Crowther, Kirk to Way 1st aud expect to build 15,000"d«rinjc the year of 1890. HOLMES & CO., 109 Kingston St., BOSTON. FOB CATALOGUE. Brown, W. N. Seibert, J. J. Van Nort and T. J. All wheelmen and a great many business men will recognize in the following names old friends L. Cook, J. Speirs and C. L. Yost, treasurer aud Leo, of Pennsylvania; with large experience in the bicycle business: H. A. Lozier, president; Joa. SPAT-DING'S. 8. Diwol, of RtXKle Island; G. Carlcton Brown, general manager; C. J. Moore, superintendent, and F. S. Hodgman, assistant manager. Dr. Benedict and G. Pennell, Xew Jersey; J. Goodman aud D. Peat, of Ilaitfi>rd; Geo. W. Atwuter, A. G. Spaldiiig & Bros. JJ JJJILJJJJf and S. m jn for a road rise, but hap­ JL J.J. JJ JA.JLJ_U1. BALL G. F. Updegraff, E. F. LeCato cancot musfer enough IHE CELKBI1ATKD KEEFE of Wtiehinplou; SOLE AGMHS FOR THE > T. Clark, of Baltimore; J. S. Beal, uf Michigau; G. K. pens to be on hand at M»tt lUven when the matter uf Bidwell, B. Brit", 0. A. Suet-ban and J. Siinvcr, of a clmnipioiiship is to ba decided. TRIGGER. Decker Patent Safety Catchers' Mitt. and 1. B. Potter aud H. £. Raymond, of BY liew York, The wife of the noted Eoglinh cyclht Walker com­ The only JHittMitt thattlraf perfecilyperfectly protei ts tbethe baud*.Lane OFFICIALLY ADOPTED Brooklyn. mitted suicide bv laudanum Feb. 11 on board tho Made of the fiu<*et Indian Tanned Buckskin, wi PRESIDENT LUBCOMB SNUBBED. teuner British ['liuceca, and the reaming were buried CRACK MARKSMEN CONTESTING. fingtrs will ! her way scemle&s [aims. Brokou and injured At the 01 euittg of the meeting, after the prelim­ at s- a. She had IcH ht-r hunb.ind nnd WHS OD unkuowu xvith this Mitt. inary business uas youe through, the reports of tiio to thin country, where she intended to become a hos­ Philadelphia anil New York In Friendly Tho left hand back­ diffrreat committees were read. The first to e»me for­ pital uur3e. Her act \VHS the teeult of tieapotidency. Rivalry ISefore the Traps. stop Mitt is made as ward was the piesrdeut'a report. The motion to A 24-hour bicj'cle race at Omaha wag finished Feb. Two more noteworthy live bird shooting follow^: The iuner tl'.e signal fur an aittck from every part rtsuitit g aM tallow* Reading, 402 miles; Gerwing, Bereft waa 15, matches took place during the past week at part of tho Mitt is of of the rccni. Dr. Emery, of Massa< hosetts opened (be 402 mil s; Dtngley, 375 miles 3 lap*; Ketme-iy, 365 a light grade buck­ ball. UK objected iun Ionic aod forcible i-psech to tbe mile-i 5 Iftpn; Shili, 351 miles, 3 lai rt Asdlnger, 313 the Westminster Kennel C'lab'8 grounds. One skin, thoroughly pa.f- "slurs" which the president had cast npoa his State miUs 9 la[f; llr.bbard, 308 miles 8 lapi; \Valtiron, 309 was between Dr. Knapp, of New York, and Mr. deJ and covered witb AS MANUFACTURED BY ID bid report. Dr. was very pi»itive in his miles I lap; Eck, 300 milva 4 lipf>. Rfndintcand Ding- Randolph, of Philadelphia. The conditions the very b«st hpavy language and gts'urea, hod seemed to be pretty well ley will ride a 12-hour race March 10 for $600 a side. were 100 birds each, 30 yards rise, Hurlinghain prude Indian Tanned worked up over ilie matter. de­ the CHICAGO N'TES. The Illinois CyeUna Club has rules, and 50 yards boundary, for $1000 ft side. Buckskin. On President Luscomb, in reply, stated that he had cided to build in the fiprinjr...... ,.Tho cyclioit clubs back is sewed a stiff meant to cust uo slurs OD Ma*8HCuusett4 or any other intend organizing nn indoor base ball league..,..,.,. The birds were a fine lot, and although the j.'iece of s-.le leainer, KEEFE & BECANNON, Slate,but waa simply stating facts when he Raid that Spa-.uer hae accepted the cluvllenze ot Van Wagoner to weather conditions were favorable enough, the extending from a little "it was to be rfgri-tted lhai tbe chief consuls of Mnasa- rid" 100 miles for the amnttmr champbnshtp...... It scores made by the two sportsmen were not &s above the kuuckles h*d let their personal chuseltn, New York and OhK> is rumoml that a wealthy resident of the North Side large as were expected, many of the strong beyond the tip» yf the Jealousies a!U grievances iuterfeio with their duties." fiu^crs, thns uiiikiDg ALSO has expressed his willlnvnea-! to erect a club hou3« for drivers getting safely away. At the start and Dr. Emery waa Mlowed by Mr. Kirkpatrick, »ho of it impo^eibte tu breuk \ the L'.ncolna at the expiration ot the present lease of the match it poke to the same effect on behalf of Oliio. Not even tha club. during the earlier portion or injure fingers in during the AHIMU ftghi has ihe Assembly seen such suffer another de­ The wheelmen of Koch ster have formed a league seemed as if the Doctor would auy Dimmer. bitterneea asd ill-teeliug displayed. feat, his opponent leading him without interrup­ Tlie quarrel van eutirely a personal one, though It for mutual protaction against the passage of city onll- tbiu auiso of "Staus righto" uan es ioterferin* with their iuteresU. The orpani- tion up to the seventy-fifth round, when the was cloaked under the fa and all that sort ot thing. The attack, if attack it Ea^iou is termed the "\Vh?elme:i'a League," and core -RO0 a tip. Knapp, however, had been shooting could bo called, was not upon tbe divisions, but upon composed of the Weat End, Geneace aud ^cheater Tory Bteaillly durlaif the jrevions fifteen rouuda and City and Lake View Wheelmen, tl>a close of the match, The right hand clove their chief consult), aud waa resented mainly to make clnbs, the Flour 'continued his good uroik up to the ia also m*'Ie of the b^-st Business BIcn'a Cjcl'ng Association *n1 the Archi­ while Randolph foil off considerably. From tho political cap:tul. W. Indian Tanned Buck­ The vote when finally taken wns representative ot a tects' Bicycle Club. The offlcnrs are: Pr.'6ident, seventy-fifth round to the flnl-h the race was a very liu-Inejs Men's Cvclinit Association; um- getting ahead and skin, well padded, with widely differing opinion. Some ruled DO, aod In fact SI. Smith, even and pretty one, Knapp nually seamless palm, oj>en tbe lancer portion vutod uo as a matter of partintiu- piie, G. S. Montgomeryt Genesees; secretary, J. II. keeping the lend up tbe last bird, when he wns two Our line of Base Ball Goods are the recognized Brown, Floor Ciiy Wheelman; treaanrer, F. D. Mor­ opponent. Mr. Charles Macaleater, back, without finger?, ihip. Some voted no on tbe grounds tbata report the tx*et of his and made e;> as not to huiild ctD'alu nothing which could be construed as gan, Like View Wheelmen. Tho League represents the celebrated Bhtnrr Leoca; sec­ commodore, Jobeph made for tho formation of a State Association of I free by A. H. DL-ON & SON, 337 and 339 on the committee. Mr. Potter denied the rigbt ol retary, Wlllixro G. Scutt; treasurer, William A!array; ^ Weat King Street, Toronto, Canada. President Luscomb to remove him, and the annual tru'teee, fur three veare, William S. Alley aotl Howard Trap-Shooters. The meeting to organize it will report ot tbla committee contained Mr. Fotter'a W. Coatej. be held at Corry, PaM next month, and circular name as one of thA committee. Tbe New England Rowing Aa-wfa'lon last week are already out asking each gun club in the POTTER SUSTATNKD. ekcted now officers AS follows: Preaidenr., Walter State to send a delegate. H. A. Pen rose, of the When called up"n to seitlo Mr. Potter's Branding StimpSL-n. of the Arlington Bnat Club; vic« president, Ammunition Comoany, is the privileges committee, the Corry Arms and a member of the rights and Arthur B, Sweet, of Ihe Pawtucket B>at Club; secre­ organizer, and, as thing-* look at present, will succeed KEEFE & BECANNON, Luscomb had no right delegates decided that President tary, Willard A. WfnQ, of the Worcester B"at Clnb; In consummating lii« pl:v». At tin* meeting ID ques­ to rwioove Mr. Putter, and that the lalrer's name treasurer, George Grime, of the King Philip Boat Club. will be The result will be that tbe tion All the trun ciul-9 of Weatc-ro PenusylTanl* thonlft stand on the rapoit. The Institute Boat Club, of Newark, N. .)., has pie-^nt, and some of their prominent menibora elected League will leave the matter ot* improving roads by elected triage cew.officer*: President, Harry F Hoey; ' f- O R 1 a C3 O ' tho various awciatiocB to represent all offlcialUositious. ffpes-ial legislation largely to vice preaid^nt, Charles O'Kant-; secretiry, Cbarlea J. filnny years ago an organization of this kind did i-ORDmARiF.S,-i that are being organized fur that purpose alone. McCano; tre»f-urer, John E. Murphy; commodore, exiataad was noted for the splecdiJ contests giveo bj DUNN ELECTED. Owen F. Conlon; captain. Joseph P. Kenderson; lieu­ the clubs composing H. N-me of ihpm were aa promt- . LADIES' ^° Ge/iTLE/vv After the transaction of the above bos!n638 the tenant, Patrick Cullen; logkeeper, M. M. Mu.Uu. netit iu the nmt'er of winning valauble trouble- RB the TANDEM SAFETIES, most important work of the day took place, viz.: Following are (he new officer.-) of the Harlem Yacht Sportsman's Club, of Allegheny. Tuia organization ii ! SAFETIES, Uie election of officers. Mr. Cl.arlea Lueciuub, the Club. Commodore, J. F. L-*lor; vice commodore, W. now defunct, but two of its members now living --TRI CYCLE S.- - Sporting G-oods Mr. General rev ion a president, refused to bo a candidate, J. Cooper; recording secretary, \V. tl. Porier; fuiiocial boast, the onci a cnp valued at $200, aud tbe other a 9 S auies R. Dunn, uf Ohio, wa* elected pr-sidrnt by a secrf'ary, H. B. McAHister; corresponding secretary. medal worth $350. Tote of 85 to 4. Dr. W. Emery, of Massachusetts, was J. Hu'cbince; treasurer, Charles Hutchinson; meas­ Scattered all over the State are innumerable gnn tinauimnusly electe I to tlie office of first vice prosi- urer, John A. Lalor; steward, Rjbeit Pay ton. clnt-s. ShuuM tltoy hi1 embraced in oue association it 157 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. deni. aa were Mr. George B. Bidwell, of New York, to The Quaker City Yacht Club, of Philadelphia, haa will result fa more end better contests aud send tliis the office of second vice pretti'leof, and W. firewater, chosen these now Mfflcors: Commodore, Chas. D. MJd- wide-spreading sport booming. of St. Louiu, to the office of treasurer. dleton; vice commodore. Ch«s. L. Work; rear commo­ OTHER BUSINESH. dore. IJreretoD Piatt; eecretary, A. P. Bancroft; treas­ BECK BTCATS ERB. After the now officers were elected new bnpinefia urer, S. A. Wood; tiiutce*, Arthur Colburn, Horace F. A. J. REACH CO., came before tbe meetiug, the first ff which consisted Smith, R. K. Neflf, Jr., and Johu A. Sloia. The Indianapolis Man \Vins the Cham­ Falls Bi- In acting on tbe invitation cf ;ho ]Sia?ara The Naragans; tt Boat Club, of Providence, B. T., has pionship Cup From the Lafayette Man. Largest Manufacturers of Base Balls and Base Ball Supplies. c;. cloClubto h'>ld tha annual meeiing of the division these new officers: President, Hiram K^ndal'; vice at Nlagura Falljou Amr.'Jo, 26 aod i7. The invita­ presidenr, John Sliepard, Jr.; treasurer, Jeffrey Davls; INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.( Feb. 19. Geo. C. Beck, tion of the club was accepted alter eome little discus- secretary Charlei K. Gibbs; captain, Nelaon S DAY IB; of Indianapolis, to-day won tho American Field lion. lieutenant, Lew's H. Kallocb; governors, Frank A. championship wing ehot cup, defeating Fred amateur rules The asfembly on motion voted that Sheldon, James S. Aborn, Alonzo E. Flint. The match was shot at the aj'i'ly to road races aa well aa track rnccs, Erb, of Lafayette. A rowing championship trophy, vstlufd al $500, has park of tho Lafayette Gun Club in the presence Th*- report of the treasurer showed 8336 on hand the Now Enirlaud been i ffrred by Hichard K. Fox "to crowd. During the F"'. 18. IS&9, 93.7U7.35 receded during tue year, and Amateur Rowing Association, to bo competed for by of a large and enthusiastic |1,9D4,94 expended. scnllera of the Aeeociatioa. Tbe match ihere waa a stiff brteze from tbe South. Birds the aentur single yatds, A m.>re dftiail'Jtl account of Boma of tbe proceedings trophy will become tbe personal property of tue oars­ were epinug from fire ground traps at thirty Will b« given next week. PEUSHTS. man wluning it three times In contents. London Gun Club rules governed. The ghootera alternated. Bock klllrd forty-nine birds out of fitly, THE I,. A. W. AND THE A. A. U. TheAituur Kull Asa station, ot Klizabethport, N. killing forty-six straight. Brb'a score wa-i furty-five & ILLUSTRATED F., haa elected new officers aa foHmv»»: Pi&sideut, out of a possible fifty. Beck's shooting was phenom­ Between Uie Two Bodies Almost a ?hllo Kondall; vice president, W. E. Delr-ainter; treas- enal. Immediately after the match Krb challenge! CATALOOU& A War Hand; secretory, H. F. Rnt'snn; finan­ ON APFUICATJDH Certainty. nrer, James A. Beck for another contest for ihe cup. Beck must cial pecrt-tary, F. H. Csrberry; captain, F. M. Elaley; every three meeting bold the trophy two years, ibooting NEW YORK, Feb. 19. At the annual leufenant, C. H. Hand. montha if challenged. of the League of American Wheelmen, at the The Paliaale Boat Club, of Yonkera, has elected the Grand Union Hotel, last Monday, the report of bllowing officers fi>r the ensuiog Tear: President, Bandoni Shots. the racing board waa adopted in its entirety, 5'lwin M. Jackson; vice president, Robert P. Gettvj r*aiurer, Wm. W, Scrugham; recor-ling secretary, The champion trap abooting teams are now ID San and by this acceptance the League throws down Sdwin R. Holden; corresponding and financial sec re­ Friinciaco. the gauntlet to the Amateur Athletic Union. A ar y, John B. Foraytb. CantKin Brewer's Australian trip haa been neither war K-fins to be Inevitable, for it Is highly improbable The Alcyone Boat Club, of Brooklyn, has chosen profitable nor aatiifactory and he will loon return to that ihi- A. A. U. wll lake this t-lap in ihe face wiih- Dew officers as fol lower President, Norman S. Dike; this country. cut reinlutiun, and the result may be a determined vice ^resident, Leoni.lag DUUD!S; aecretnry, Frank H. The North End Gun Clnb, of Frank ford, defeated FRONT VIEW. HACK VIEW. effort lph, of Philadelphia, will absolute guarantee aeain-it Bruised U:\mH or IJrokeu Fingers; nittniiftictured torfeiinR with the privileges of athletic clnU reUiive Ihe officers of the New York Yacht Club for Hes&rH. MKCKKB, Catcher uf tho rinUdelphtt* B.tse Ball Club. KMredge T. Gerry; vice commodore, sho t a live bird match at Kiverton next Wednesday 26. tocol supervision of Ma. E. HARBV to cnleiiog their bicyctielB in cootea's. It \a an arbi­ ar*-: Commodore, Tlio above Mit Glove sent to any aiMr^ss on receii-t of price, tt7.5O, with privilege to return if nol the riders it Latham A. Fieh; re«r cciumodore, EMear 8. Auchiu- Mr. Cliarlca AFacOR Tyion; vice piesideat, Dr. D. H. Durcklay; sccieiary, Tbe Labeiide R'fle Clnb, of Newark, N. J., recently H. H. KIFFE, T!ics deni; H. 0. Fan-ell, secretary; G. A. Van Qul» to the Princtton College Gun Club. The officer of Accurately describee the prade^conditiou, nmtprial and OVERMAIST W HEEL CO., Makers, fouwntrdby tlie Denver BaiuLUni* Triplet Bicycle >in, treasurer; U. Taak,gergeft[it-at-arm8. the club aw A. B. Gladwin, president; W. S. White- niling featurt-8 uf 20,000 oiiles oT roads in Peunsjl- Awocirttiou. Representatives of Harlem, Pasaalc, Long Island and head, secretary aud treasurer; A. Fuineas, A. W. oia, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, with »ix OSuicOjaoo Ifftlls, map*. Price, SI.50 poet paid. SroRTixa LIPE PUB. Co. Catalog-tie Free. It fa probablo that the mnch-t»Iked-of 25-mile ill voii Kull rowiug asbuci»tiouB met iu K*»w York Syruance auJ A. B. Gla-hvia, director!. between teams from th« Wilmiopton to didcuss the formation of a new rowing asauciattun da bicicle road rnco for or- Signer Guidlcini was the winner of tbe Prlx HI i eel Club aud the Chicago Bicycle Club will take iudopfliidcat of the above clubs. A meetiug the chief competition at tbe annual shooting ID zati^n will be held March 3. Casino, Corbett, of San Francisco, bested KilraJn fn «tz funco on the I»Huca?t9r turnpike course on June 27. toviroament ut Honte Carly. lie killed twelve bir!a Kilrain aarced to knock Tor- The descent Rowing Club, of New York, elected rounds fit New Orleans. Chief Oousnl Bull, of New York, appointed Captain straight, the second man bringing down eleven, About bettontia six ronoda for a nurse of 9350(1, of which i of the BrooMyn Bicycle Cluh, a ihe following officers for the current year: eigbty contestants tuok part iu ibo thoot, amonx Plate," Hov*aid K. Karmou-J, $2500 to the winner. Corbel i>ul-fts I LcHfcufl of American Wheelmen tu pla«.e of M. Furst, financial secretary, G. Laotre, Jr.; treasurer, Mch wtnt out on stc- nd bird. AccDniingly the Southern j F. Kt-arney. auotber chance at CotbeU. 16 West 27th St., Near Broailwuy, N. T. Best Kangaroo IS. B. Shoe - - - $S.OO reeignfd. h«imer; captain, M. Club, of New Oi leans, baa decidtd to put up Atblelic Hoi's? Hide liunitiuff Shoes - - - 4.OO A new htcTcle club ha? been formed in St. Mfchaere Tbe Col uinbia College Boat Clnb has consented to Cluwlei H, Tbayer, of Boston, who haa off-area* a another pu-se ol 53500 fora Klore cotitest between T, A. B. Hall, GerniHiitowu avenue, above Columbia, the admission of Bondoin to tho triangular race with five thousand dollar purse for the settlement of the Jamea Corbett an't Jake Kiliain. It Is ur.der-tood ! Kanyaroo Kiiiming Shoe - - - - 4.BO Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania on the of rou:ida, and I NICK ENGEL, Umpire. Philadelphia. The officers are: Captalu, P. J. Ilayon aqu.uic chmuplonfehlp, answers W-.Uiam 0'Connor'a thete will be DO limit ai to the number —EVERY PA IK GUARANTEED* first lirutenant, Wm. Murray; second lieutenant, Wm condition of a favorable action by the latter two col­ oi-jectiuns to rowiug iu a regatta wuh several coutt-sl­ Police Gazette rules will govern. Kilrfcin,wi!i ^o lino i J. Mcl luakey; tutor, Wm. Dolao, and treasurer T- lege*. ants by laying that BUCQ a .xiuU-at could be arrauieed special tiania umler tbe nicLtornbip of Mike Clcary \ SEND raa CATALOGUK. KcQuiil*. The Qulncy (Maw.) Yacht Clnb ha* chosen these in brats to prevent auy fonlin?, And tays furthermore aud WilMam Mr.!ii..-.'U. The ilute f»r the cou'-v-.t will of the caiti, b,«t it (3 [ Everard's Canada Malt Lajrer Beer on Harvard has onco more non^tbit annual challenge new officers: Commodore, John Shaw; vice commo­ thht he w.ll gVi&rautee to dud backing tj nuv amount be decided at tht- twxt mt-ttiiiK 6RAFF SPORT1N3 SHOES, man lid thai Ic will uct :utce i laoa until the laucr part of t» Yttlu f'T a t-am nice. Title will probably I* nu- dore, Georye G. Baville; secretary and treasurer, for lhe man ui;o »in^ tl.a r^^^tU a^aiuit a:iy Emporium. N. Y. abta to accent oa account of Uck of mat«rfal. Yale ly U. Fax ou; meaauier, lie try J, fiuni^us. Who lufty tt dlMttilaQcd with the result. ilwcb. Draft at this 148 COUaT ST., BROOKLYN,