THEConuaHT, 1390, 11 THI Eroanxa Lm PvmemKO On, TING LIFE.AT PHILA. POST Ornci AC SECOND CLAM MATTKB. VOLUME 14, NO. 21. PHILADELPHIA, PA., FEBRUARY 26, 1890. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. Provide net franchise, wern nrM«nt. J. Etward Alien, Ing true to the National League people, although be Every ball player who has visited Newark know» who W(i3 president ot th« old Lea rue club when Prori- had a very lively recollection of a bit of double- Zacharinli Taylor, the colored giant, who for years has dence WHS In the national orgair/aHon, was elected dealing indulged in by ttie former bit spriu?, when chased ihe halls that were fcLocked uver tho fence und LATE NEWS. pteii'Jent; Fraok H. I'UD^^O-I, vice president; J. C. ANOTHER SNARL. McKean tried to pull Die-Cleveland people for a fat FOREIGN NEWS. jrevtuteJ the small hoys fr>>m scaling tbe outer walla, Dyer, secretary; Marshal B. Moade, alao of the old contract and put Brunei! in a holo by iaUely allying or creeping under them. ZacQ came to giief thll ANOTHER FUTILE ATTEMPT L-ixtjuo orjianixation, trfumrer; board of directors, that Schruclz. as manager of the Cincinnati Club, had week. He wt;s arrested oil a charge tf bl^umy, and Stlllman White, R. S. H«mMfi>n, .fnhn Heathcote, THREE MINOR CLUBS IN A approached him and offered a fdlulrus silary. PROFESSIONALS ARE NOT no* ItinKuibheu in durame vile. Zach Is chained with William H. Luther, H. B. Wlnahlp, 8. A. FJ-ebrfe and On the Butject of the Brotherhood and its prospect* having three wives livinx and as mnny dtad. Tho liv­ TO SECURE RICHARDSON. Goorj^e J. West. Thirty-five hundred tlollHrs of (he TANGLE. he said in substance: "This new scheme may last WANTED ABROAD. ing wives art* all white, and one of them, a French 35tKK) necessary vaa raised for etock. The majority of until Jun^; perhapa a loa length of time. 1 did say woman, is quite pretty. It Is a dead open and (hut the stockholders wrre identifiewl with the old Lflapno and think that Ihoy would never go on tho field in cast* ug.ijtittt Zsich, and he will iu all prubability spend organization. A committee on grounds was appointed uniform, but believe they will open the season. Tlie a few yfttra in tl e State piim n at Trenton. Buck Ewing Talks Plainly A And the euthufliasm demoostraled that the club w«4 a A Dispute Growing Out of Broiaerhoud players have been killing the oH League The Sort of Players Whose MntMger Tro't nuuouucei ihe f.iliowiiia: additional ourt&iiity. all winter bvkiud a bi* stovu, but ihe lime It about da ea for oxliibition frames: At Newark Hamilton, Texas Boycott Releases Minor League Res­ Here when they must §top tho cry 'let the wine yo Assistc nee is Asked April 12, and tho U<*t»n Ltacue Club Apiil 10 and 17. A Crisis For Lelmne. round' and do something to back thoir pretence*. It The sco'e card pil-ilece baa a.ain teen given to and Engagements, Etc. Special tn SPORTING Lirie. ervation. would noc surprise me to aee the whole fako drop to Mnuager Trott. Sam will have one of the prettiest rpi.uHBrs. Feb. 22. Manager Bnctrtiborper has pit-cee before Apr! . Some thirus aro working that Described. carls to be Keen anywhere in the country. notified Mik? Leliane that iinle-8 he signs a ColuinbUR will move the earth from under these people." * Mnuager Bttruio paid a vitit t^ Nuwaik on Tuesday* coutmct by IVb. 27, he will bo hlackliited nnder j-ro- "In case the Brotherhood fails, what would you He came to arrange for (he irmisfer of Buker. The EWING'S PLAIN TALK. vfsions of section 43 of the constitution of the Ameri­ Th« announcement was made not long ajo enjjgrst lts > o ^0 uiutbods to be pursued towards the deser trnV Tho following letter from the secretary of the papers have been signed aud tbe livtly Oriole is happy. can Association, tho nrceHsary thirty days from 01 en- that the New Haven Club had signed R. H. PAUUY GEAFF. The Groat Captain Gives Some of the Facts ing the agreement to flay in Columbus having elapaod. "1 would make every man who playa in a Brother­ National Base Ball League of Great Britain is Pettit, the well-known outfielder, formerly of the hood club after April I Ineligible to play iu a ciub self-explanatory: About Day's Interview With Him. Chicago Club, and last season with Wilkesbarre. HA3nLTON HAPPENINGS. Bpecial to SPOETISG LIFE. An Umpire Becomes a Manager. under the protection of tb« N»tional Af-rpoinent. I HCADQl'ARTLRS NATIONAL B. B. LEAQUR OP CHEAT) Special to SpoatrNu LIFE. This did not eeeai possible, as Pettit waa not would put the kickers on the shelf forevtriu tar aa BRITAIN. 38 HOI.BI»BN VIADUCT, LONDON. / The Outlook For the International A Kap SHAMOKIN, Pa., Feb. 22. Capt. William eligible, being under reservation to tbe Toronto base ball id concerned." To tiie Editor o/TiiE tpoKTisa LIFE: Dear Sir My Ewing, of the New York Players' League team, GALFSHrao, III.. Feb. 22. ChM. B. Power, the letter which you were got-d euou^h ttt publish in your at Detroit SwarUvood's Case Spring well-kLOMn manager and PX-L**aene umpire, has Club, but on Feb. 11 his contract with New Flans, Etc. Is visiting his wife's parents in this place. In been selected to manage the new Gntesbnrg IntersUte Haven waa promulgated by Secretary Bradeo, MINNEAPOLIS CHANGES. widely circulated paper on Jan, 2'2 lus% under the uip- an interview last evening he stated that under League team and bo will duubtlew wture a wiuraug ticn "A Cry For Ht-lp," seems to have been miaappte- HAMILTON, Ont., Feb. 19. Editor SPORTING and the supposition wag, of course, that New Hanrahan Sold, and McVcy and Dolan Ke- Lentled by many American bail players, nud in conse­ LIFE: Tho five clubs of the Internationa), no circumstances would he play with the Na­ tOttOl. ______ &VCRU. Haven had secured hia release from Toronto. quence I am iu receipt of a larte uuaibcr of letters tional League team. Just before leaving Cin­ leased Pitcher Ouhe Signed at Laet, Etc. nnraely, Ilainilton, London, Toronto, Detroit Condensed Despatches. It now appear?, however, that the New Haven asking positions on i;ur League clubs. Kicnly say to cinnati an attempt to have him disclose bis con­ MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. 17. Eaitor SPOUT­ ymi r readers that we do not want professiotvil pltyert and Saginaw-Bay City, have each posted $1000 Special to SPORTING Liric. Club, owing to a peculiar condition of affairs, tbat they will go through tbe season of '90 in versation with John B. Bay failed, but since took a chance and signed the player without ING LIFK: The base bail situation in this city over here, and all Setters from apj lic.inta fur ponittona bis sojourn in the coal metropolis he thought it Oulfleldcr Fred Kly hat signed with Syracuse. is getting brighter every day with the approach­ wiil l,e in vain. We have aik^i Messrs. A. G. 3pa!d- good faith. With the other $1400 that waa consulting the club which claims a right to him IL>-^ A Bros to select ten or twelve wen to come here to best that hia brother players should know just A meeting of the Interstate Leagne will be held at ing spring, and in a very short time the players paid in tho League somo time ago, we have a AHentown, Ta., Feb. 24. under the Nation*! Agreement, a£ will be seen will haye arrived and will go into preliminary teacli Iw*ll pl<*ytr>fr in c«ae wo noed them, but we cannot nice nest egg of i'6-iOO to start out with. Mon­ what took place. Duy was with him two days, The Indiana Sute League has beon admitledto pro­ from the appended dispatches. undertake to engage any mea at this end of tho line. using all kinds of efforts to have him leave the tection under the National Agreement. practice. Mr. Morton has received letters from Fur the convenience of ail partita we have left tho treal haa almost everything complete and, it if Brotherhood. An offer of ?S.r>00 a year for three eea- several of the player?, in whioh they pay tbat uiiitier to the Messrs. Spaldfng exclusively. thought, will be admitted this week. Jark Glaeecock 1 ad a narrow escape from death In Toronto Objects to New Haven*« Act. Wt« do wnrit the oddre-sei of plnyere, amatonra and iona was rejected. The reason Ewing subjected him­ a rur.ftwtiy at \\ heeling a few dayn ago. they are in the best possible condition and DETROIT'S UNCERTAIN ATTITI'DI?. self to forty-eight hours of extraordinary plead ings on TORONTO. Feb. 19. The Toronto Cinb has notified ready to report at any time. prufrgsicnuls nito living in Great Britain^ and if any of the part of Day was owing to the high regurd in which Manager Baroie on Friday Binned fihort itop Bay Prtsidem Young that Peltit is on the club1* reswrve your readeis li ive friends th's side the bit? pond who Detroit made her tinal etfort to shake us and KwiDg held the Now York president. He tieated and pitcher Not man I'aker for Baltimore. lirtt, nod h« in not ihe-efore eh^il'li to sign with any A number of changes have taken place dur­ know »n> thing about bull playin*.
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