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H ! THE EVENING STANDARD, OGDEN, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1912. IV" ' ) SCOOP o BISCUITS ARE NOT LIKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE & ,,.,.,,, .nn-Fq- .ii. ' H J I - il u cMfF' I m I li UU tfE TO ft CHCMIS1 1 C " ,-- i ill hCUS M& STRANGER TrT 3SCUT :' ,; tory over the skillful Mike was some- of theso, however, played under con- - 'i I what of a surprise, although It was ditlons more favorable to the batter, clean cut. and If compelled to play under the I Oyr prices are as low I Gibbons sidestepped, dodged and present rules and to face modern worked his Injured face out of reach pitching might shine with a lessened as the quality will I of the most dangorous blows direct- luster Jess Burkett and Ross Barnes the respective members of the Queensborry rulos would be insisted tlons u)on the death of President ed from the shoulder of McCarron, were tho only players to bat .400 or warrant. Beware of team: upon There will be no wrestling or Brush, the league began the IrOjel smiling at the Allentown fighter made better for three seasons, while Harry price cutter, as I I OGDEN TEAM IS Ogden Faculty. holding, said Griffin, and after one or inquiry which was open only to the the ozone take the count However, Stovey, Sam Thompson, Adrian C. An-- 1 the Standing. Totals. two attempts at it the offonder will representatives of tho league nnd he Iniled to tako advantage of the son, Ed Delehanty and Cobb are thej Name Prone. by he who cuts the price S2 S3 105 be disqualified. newspaper men. Reporters figured openings left him McCarron's wild only ones to bat .400, then repeat justi O'Bvrno swings On whole it was a fight- ! 89 92 1S1 "in case of the fight being stopped as the principal witnesses after Fogel the once. As Ty has not displayod any' is willing to cut Capt Kneass ... er against the I WINNER IN Ballev "Ul S3 147 before the 20 rounds I will render a had appeared with formal denial of a clever boxer and the symptoms of slowing down, he may won by Henley (J6 S3 155 decision. the truth of the charges made against honors were the former. reasonably be expected to duplicate quality to equalise his past two years Hawks CS 75 Ritchie has been the idol of leal him. achievement of the the price. CONTEST Roach S2 96 178 pugdom during his training. PS Facing all his fellow eluh presi- CONSIDER CHARGE next season. In that event he will j camp has beon crowded with boxers, dents, ilr. Fogel vehemently assert- be regarded as outclassing the best Totnls 451 518 9G9 of whom he Iiub had tho pick as spar- ed that statements, which he was AGAINST FOGEL of the as there are now 2 Salt Lake Faculty. ring partners, while Wolgast has kept charged with making, had been made tricks in pitching that were not even A Mn ' The Ogden high school faculty, Name. Standing. Prone. Totals no regular helpers on hand. All crit- by a Philadelphia clergyman during dreamed of a dozen years ago EL ILrlr1 2C VJ New York. Nov. Magnates of ' be-fo- ra SG agree is in perfect Cobb has a long road to travel team defeated the Salt Lako high McDyer S5 171 ics that Ritchie a' conversation which was overheard the National league, ln session in McNiece 7G 91 1G7 physical condition. He wolghed 133't as he and Fogel were leaving the he equals Anson's record of .300 school faculty team yesterday after- yes- New York, will not tako up today tho for 15 years In ma- I' Capt. Webb SI 9G 177 pounds after his light workout Philadelphia ball park last September. charges consecutive the noon in a marksmanship contest. against President Fogel of jor league, or Wagner's even more lus- COAL & Jennings 76 75 151 terday. Fogel' declared that newspapermen the Philadelphia club, Involving his Each team was composed of six mem- - Goodale 73 76 149 who were nearby at the time errone- trous mark of 16 seasons of .300 or alleged statement that the pennant hotter, he is likely to do it range was 50 feet, the Gillilan 04 77 141 ously thought It was he that made as- but unless bers, the SEVEN COUNTS race was fixed. lie a leg. ties a in j sertions that the league race was upon breaks muscle a LUMBER CO. j Springfield rifle, 22 caliber, was used, This was tacitly agreed by bow knot or peeved and Totals 455 501 956 being "fixed," for the New York team In 0ets retires and the shots, 20 -- to each member, AGAINST FOGEL the assembled club presidents view Here is the complete list of big leag- 27 of to win. of of T. were fired at tho National Rifle as-- I New York, Nov Hearing the the death John Brush. It was uers who have batted .100 or better, I Fogel of Philadelphia, It was stated that only because of decided to hold only a briof session WE ALWAYS j sociatlon regulation target. BETTING ODDS case of Horace and the years In which they turned I shooting charged in seven counts with making the publicity that might follow, the this afternoon, adopt resolutions on I Some conception of the olcrgyman in question was not iden- the trick: HAVE COAL 1 of team may be had when FAVOR WOLGAST false and slanderous statements as Mr. Brush's death and adjourn until Tyrus Raymond Cobb, Detroit, 420, ability each Fo-go- j tified or asked to testify in Mr. l's l-- lmlls-s- .j president of the Philadelphia Base- tomorrow. 1911, .40G, Cleve- f , It Is remembered that the behalf. 19i2; Joe Jackson, Phone 865. j of Mr. Fogel said this afternoon that eye of the target is the size of a San Francisco, Nov 27. Ad Wolgast ball club concerning affairs the land. 10S. 1911; Adrian C. Anson, Chi- yes- Fogel was asked if he believed never h silver dollar, the center being less and Willie Ritchie rested today from national league, was oponed lato the he did not know and had heard cago, .407, 1S79, .421, 1887, Dan umpires, president, or anyone Chicago news-pade- Y & terday was still in progress at the or of W. S. Forman, the than a dime in size. The contest-f-f active preparations for their Thanks- and thing Brouthcrs, Detroit, .419, 1S87; Pete standing them- midnight. At that hour there was connected with the National man quoted in dispatches from 1SS7; ants teach fired ten shots giving day fight and devoted league was Browning, Louisville, .471, Ross U ten shots from a prone po- to of long little prospect of an early conclusion crooked. there today as saying that he "had Barnes, Chicago, .404, 1S72; E. V. him when was In Chicago recently. and each selves tho entertainment "No," was emphatic Fogel he lk sition. lines of visitors to their respecthe of the case his answer. Fogel's own word for it" that Burch, Brooklyn. .404, 1SS7; Jesse Ritchie is taking things easy at his M At conclusion of iho shots from camps. day oponed with the The National league took up the lie admitted however, ho had ex- made tho charges leading to the pres- Burkett, St. Louis, .123. training camp at San Rafael, fearing the The pressed belipf controversy to "Murphy fight Cleveland and H the standing position the Salt Lake champion still a 2 to 1 favorite over Fogel case after having written into the that the Philadel- ent help 1SS5. 110, 189G; 102, 1S92; T P. to get into shape too quickly and go high school faculty was lead-- betting odds, its records today two important phia team had been 'given a "rotten his battles ln tho National league." Burns, .401, 1SS7; K team the local contender, the by Baltimore, Fred stale. v ing by four points. This lead, how-l- a however, in no wise representing pub- events tho death of John T. Brush, deal" the umpires during the lat- "There is more politics than real Clarke. Pittsburg, 40C, 1S97; Ed Dele- part en-tir- o jj ever, was rapidly cut down by the lic sentiment, il was declared. of the Now York club and announce- ter of the season, especially dur- solicitude for baseball behind this hanty, Philadelphia, .400, 1S91; .408. ing the against affair," continued Mr. Fogel. "All 5,000 If Ogden team when it began to shoot Pugilisitlc critics, who maintain that ment by Fogel of his formal resigna- three doubleheaders 1SD0; Hugh Duffy, Boston, .433 ; Fred ATHLETES J New in wero by Lynch ty M from the prone position and the Og-- If the odds are false to the form of tho tion on November 22 of the presi- York September of these claims started Dunlap. St Louis, .420. 1SS4; T. J ' In an effort on his part to gain sym- AT IRISH BALL fl denites were soon leading "by 13 fighters, are at a loss to account for dency of the Philadelphia club, to Eastenbrook Metropolitans, . iOS, 1881; points, a lead that the Salt Lake them, however, on any other basis which Alfred B. Wilder was elected pathy for himself in his etforts for C. J. Ferguson, Philadelphia, .412, 9 EVERS SECURES president of the Na- Five thousand star athletes repre- ! team found It impossible to over-- I explanation given by Bet- as successor. as 1SS7, 432, HI than that his Willie Keeler, Baltimore.