ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL AUTOISTS NOW PLAN A NEW YORK TO WINTON PARIS ROUTE FOR THE AETOISTS t,000-MILE ENDURANCE CONTEST > SIX-TEEN-SIX ($ix Cylinders) The four-day trip by water, winding in which encircles the arena, and the mezza- Road Race in Florida Is was a con nine FOR CONTEST Long mid out among tropical views, Ran to Be Held Over 200- floor, just abovi it, will be occupied slant source of dolight. and few of th<- by the accessory exhibits. Now Talked Of. party who made this trip last winter will The stairways to the balcony and gallery WE HAVE THE GAR Being will be at the will miss making it again with Mr. Baker this centre of the sides and lead direct winter. The rush for boats capable of do- mile Coarse ia New to the top gallery. The top v you’ve been looking for. One that balcony will serve as a ing rhe journey will be great, and it is spectators’ gallery Automobiles Will Cross Coo* and for the cafe; for the at the starts from the seat (on even proposed to establish at St. Augustine l gallery |i compressed Fourth avenue end of the building, usually FROM JACKSONVILLE TO MIAMI a regular line of packet boats to necommo- ; 1 air) without cranking. One that Next Year. set apart for visitors, will be covered en- date independent parties. Jersey widest Straits tirely by the largest canvas mural decora- gives the range of speed on tinent, Behring tion which has ever been prepared for the I] Wo might imagine the future drdam. as direct drive, in response to the raco is to bo in Florida. A be ornamentation of the Garden. The mural A grcnt road Verne dream of thousand mile endurance contest to f did Jules “Twenty Leagues paluting is 30 by 150 feet and is a repre- throttle. Plans are being completed for a contest has conic held in 1908 now contemplated by and Countries. Under the Sca.“ Verne's dream js being sentation of a magnificent scene, in European to a distance of park from Jacksonville Miami, irue ami there arc reasons to believe that the members of the New Jersey Auto- complete with the Come and see it and let us give you a sail- harmony general 3G0 mile#. This road has never been in the future wo may see an airship mobile and Motor Club. So successful whs scheme. demonstration. our with an am- completely covered bv an automobile. ing over land, freighted Visitors to the salon will pass from the To conduct an automobile race from Now the twenty-four-hour test two weeks ago Owen made the from Jackson- phibious motor boat and automobile capa- foyer through a Louis gateway Ralph trip that it was a conclusion the club Quinze York to Paris, via Chicago. Seattle, Alaska, ble of great speed in the water and on foregone with a canopied ceiling. The walls of the ville to Ormond over the road. The White lost I land. Aero work would then have would take steps to hold some similar gateway will be decorated with a the Straits to Siberia, has as far as paiutiug CALVERT-ZUSI AUTO CO. crossing Bclulng Steamer made the trip Bock terrors and with a combination ] many of it* event next year. Just what form the con- embodying the idea of the “Spirit of then to Russia, Germany and France, i« Ledge, but from Rock Ledge to Palm I of air, water aud land vehicles the aero the lu test would take was a good deal of a puz- Speed.” emblematical figure shown AVENUE. Beach has never been traveled over. I unto and motor-boat crank would all be the salon thea- 215 CLINTON the mammoth umlerftaking now being zle. until Bernard M. Shanley. Jr., sug- poster. Entering tfhe large From I'aim Bench to Miami, a distance I combined in one. tre the visitor will view the auditorium planend. C. H. Tangeman, of the Auto- gested a 1,000-mile event, to be held on of about sixty miles, there is a good roan through a semi-circular facade, which at hna made the first tbree-dav run for Jersey roads, If possible. the western end avenue so mobile Club of America, which has been built by H. M. Flagler. Chicago* endurance of the Is open is to | the trophy offered by Samuel A. Miles The first suggestion made was that there as not to obscure the view. On cither definite entry for the contest, which The people of Florida are taking a lively promises to be an event In the history of be a complete circuit of 500 miles, this side of the facade two tall red obelisks r be conducted next summer by TjC Matin, interest in this contest and the makers the The is to in- crowned with will CARS THAT HAVE A year. entry list certain course to be covered twice in a given time. electric-lighted jewels REPUTATION. f of intend to cars. stand. . —1 one -the Parisian daily papers. Ibis country who compete clude every one of the well-known This will form the entrance-way of leading To select such a course in Now Jersey at Ormond will take interest and will The trophy is as or than to the wide aisle, down the centre ran the Pek- great pretty prettier straight It was this some paper that would be extremely hard, however, and of n Car undoubtedly enter a number of cars. The any over offered and will be. a decoration the auditorium, broken midway by The NAPIER. Semi-Enclosed contest laat summer. In which to be exhibited with maker the club officials now contemplate a course the of which ing to Paris road is passable, but will require hard and pride by any sculptured group, centrepiece Guaranteed for Three Years. or denier In his showroom. The already of like ^00 which would is a masterpiece of the plastic art. The The of the finished days ahead of the car something miles, utility semi-en- Prince Borghese clever driving to bring the through and of 20-H. P. Runabout or large entry list is being added to daily, the of five design the group is of five separate “Nike,” Touring of next a necessitate making complete closed body commends it. a other competitors. For the race successfully. The road for loug ways tin* competition will be keen. Among the figures, four of which surround a pedestal circuits, uhder practically the same regu- curtain back of front seat all other automo-1 follows th» bank of the Indian River and later entries for the great contest are which is surmounted by the central figure &Vora: $2,200 and pre- year, which transcends in the twenty-four- $2,500 the cour*' i-; of the ever Pierce Great Arrows, both of six-cylinder lations which obtained carrying out the Idea embodied In vents drafts, while side cur- bile contests in magnitude and spectacular, Ji. prettiest the] Napier Limousine, 8-oylln- »7 flfln i one of 40 and one o! 00 hour event. A course such as this would “Spirit of Speed.” so artistically delineated 60-75-H. all the automo- known for t-sr of this character. At construction, der, P. #1 ,UUU tains may be used in stormy Interest, entries from great won so stead- and would In “Pars’’ of the salon. th over- horsepower. These ears have lead as far west as PhUltpsburg, advertising poster natlous are on ac- places will run under Seyen-PassengerTourlngCar, Eflfl weather. The entire is de- bile-building expected ily In previous cob tests that they now rank among them At the extreme Fourth avenue end the top urs* ami for miles orange include many stiff climbs, 8-cylinder, B0-76-H. P.. count of the contest starting fronv New hanging; groves as foremost among the contenders In any centre aisle will terminate in a beautiful «D,0UU tachable and when removed will be passed f*u !i th sides. I’ine trees car Schooleys Mountain. more which is ouc of the alto- event. Joe Lawrence will drive one fountain than feet in heignt. leaves the York, greatest Aside from the fact that many motorists thirty regular touring body Mr. will be i»l* '-.v nil along the road and iinil Teddy Dev 1b likely to drive the other. on each side of which will Ik* a peristyle mobile markets of the world. Tango- consider the New Jersey Club should not The PULLMAN. to which a cape can be many of tin. o.--calico peonage camps will Should Mr. Dey not drive, the George N. of columns, capped with glowing lights. top Is to drive a Hoi-Tan go outside the State iu seeking a course, 20-H. P. Touring Car, com- attached. men 25-horscpower will ro Pierce Company may put forward Arthur Graceful nymphs, playful dolphins, happy be passed en route. Streams have is still consideration which car, with a special body, equipped for car- Kiimpf, John Williams or a number of there another ?upids, and quiescent frogs on a mass of $1,875 be forded in many places, nud the road toads not a few of the dub members to We are now 1908 a amount of fuel and food other for the force in charge of rocks, will pour forth their libations iu 80-H. P. ^-cylinder Runabout, #0 showing rying large will be lound uucp in sand. Tin difficulties experts, to include 7EH cars one of believe it would be impolitic torrents of water and streams lull Suburban Limousine and Semi- <• operation of Pierce today is running complete. supplies. to be vuoait* will make the test very of New York or Pennsylvania, and the largest, and upon the record, one of part ■hooting high In the air. Behind the 40-H. P. com- Enclosed Pierce Groat Though a man, as years go, Mr. nteresting, but us .lu.omobilCw are so near of law. Touring Car, Arrows, young the most expert ever out. this is the point 'onntain will he the garden scene canvas ! perfect today there is no reason to believe put into Pennsylvania and can make prompt Tangeman Is a. veteran in automoblling. F. ED. SPOONER. If the machines went which completely covers tlhat the $3,250 delivery that any car taking part will be unable. each to be end^of on a car in 1S99, when it would be necessary for pro- nidi tori lira. immediate orders. He began driving early t>» reacu Miami and the Palms Royal vided with a Pennsylvania license tag, The gallery will afford visitors an The BBASIEB CAB. he was a student at Munich, Germany. which is the destination. top Hotel, which would have to he attached to the ipportunify to view the exhibition from a flrst car was a De Dlon-Bouton, iirri I His car every time it crossed the line, and II stance and to take in comfortably the the The definition of an amateur has at last IS AN OPTIMIST his license number for this car was taken off again when the car entered New mtlre scene. Here one may sit at a little >een made an Issue between the American j star" motor car COMPANY, issued by the state of Both the Pennsylvania and New able, and, looking out at the boule- I eighth registration Automobile Association and the A. A. U. Jersey. j 226 HALSEY STREET. ELLIS MOTOR GO. statutes are strict in not 1 /ardesque scene below, easily imagine Bavaria, having been taken out on March Hie Jersey especially A. A. U. objects very strongly Prominent Auto Manufacturer be at a Parisian sidewalk P. F. dinette. Mgr. 'Phone 4500 Newark. an tc^ allowing other license tags to displayed ( meielf sitting | | 3, 3889. He sold this cor and bought ompetition between the amateur and the the 222 HALSEY ST. on a machine touring either feitate. This j :afe. Old French armor and flags CARS FOB HIKE. air-cooled Decauville the same year. In •rofessional on the automobile tracks and and delay, )f all nations will be at regular Thinks Good Times Coming. would cause much confusion grouped " >n the Ormond Bench and has practically ntervals around this and arches ^- --^ 3900, while In Sicily, Mr. Tangeman bought hut might be borne if it were not for balcony, ustructed its officers to draw the line and )f incandescent bulbs will alford abundant I !i======£| a 32-16-horse- j M. whose in the officials Inf Pennsyl- his first four-cylinder cor, to J. Budlong, experiem^ the fact that the o draw it quick. The A. A. U. objects its in- Ight. which whs the first Fiat ever automobile industry dates from vania have u peculiar way of interpreting power Flat, Tired drivers competing against pure ama- ception, and wtho was recently honored by thofc imv Miniv have been the re- brought to this country. Strenuous touring curs and also objects to so-called pure being placed at the head of the Association ports of late from motorists touring tne will be no new experience for Mr. Tange- imateurs taking cash for their victories In j Bepair& | of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers, is j Keystone State, saying that if the driver MOTOR PUFFS Stfflfge; Snppfies, deal of driv- uitonioblle rates. This matter baa been -irAPir nnlimlvf 1.1 mini i-iti nn> th.i filtill-O Will, man, as, In addition to a great a crossroad, no matter how desert- reqilently called to the attention of the passes ing In this country, he has toured in fare of the automobile. In an interview ed the couutry through which he is travel- iHaociatlon automobile com- j I which controls RBO Italy, Austria, recently, the first since he entered on his ing may be, at a rate greater than the \ Algiers, Egypt. Germany, ictitlon. but has never been atten- Instances where race horses have been b and given new duties, lie see toed to feel that not- law allows for settled districts*, then ho is 4. France, Denmark, Holland, Belgium. Eng- ion. It is probable that in view of the situa- rsed to haul buggies for their owners withstanding the present financial liable to be punished severely, even if there land, Switzerland, Greece and the Domin- position of the A. A. U. in the matter now that the the vhen their racing days are over are often tion, by spring (which is logical are no houses in sight, and it seems :oted by horsemen but cases where an* ion of Canada season in the sale of cars) the atmos- officials have the unpleasant habit i PREMIER I Irnw rules an amateur In auto- country omobiles that have won fame as racing jj defining would be cleared and the Tn a letter to Max Ij. Paroutaud. Ameri- phere entirely of controls at points where the £ Agency N'ow Located at no bile ns to an out in better than establishing ars- being used for ordinary town use ij Mr. competition compared | general situation s4hape least them. can oorrespondeut of Lo Matin, Tango- motorist expects , ire not so numerous. One recent case of ind out professional. heretofore. In part he said: it would be Tel. «18-l. are inter- If these charges are true, £ 53-65 Bank St., man says In part: “We greatly Ill ere have been men In the past who J “That the speculations and frenzied ( his kind is that of Charles F. Stoppani, £ 1 to run a contest through or! In tho rtowa that vmir tlAOer llHS amateur totally impossible >f the Larchmont Yacht Club, and his 36- lemantled that pure competition finance of a few are to disrupt the < Pennsylvania and compel contestants to New York to Paris. >e promoted. Among the many was1 economic conditions of the country is inrserower Hotchkiss car that finished planned a race from maintain an average anywhere near the HOWE MOTOR GAR CO. f^rank Croker, whoso terrible death ni There are too many sound hird in the first twenty-four-hour race at l | As we are now manufacturing preposterous. law. The result would ycm know, jrmoud cast n over the field of and to limit allowed by j dorrls Park in Before the ot All Kinds. * gloom J sane financiers of the old school : September. Supplies the Hoi-Tan, and would loaf through Pennsyl- 1 our own automobile, imateur competition. Of late years R. G. allow the disruption of the country « credit bo that they ace Mr. Stoppani had a touring body on £ run eo through New b Storing and 4- that thin teat of the ability of an driver of a tlfty-horsepower H. H. and mid-winter or entire vnnia and recklessly he car, which was on after Repairing, Renting. feeling f the in In Charles Burman was to have driven. touring cars, highest type combination. * nany a beautiful course of ten miles over the high standard of American cars bo I lid not constitute cause for penalization. his car. the chain drive is used Th« cars were required to travel 200 the Cadil- MR AUTOIST deal shell roads, the Savannah people be- maintained. Coraptye the cars made by Vhe penalty was removed from or 60 and 40-horsepower models, and h \ x first run of was; You ~\ | miles each day. the (lay’s being levo that some records will bo broken, the branch with aifj other group and1 ac because the stop the engine ihaft drive for the 22-horsepower town have read a lot of phrlse- \ IS into a tree, to South Bend. Ind, and return: the next rhere has already been done considerable predict what the result of a depression j lue to the machine r.werving j ar. This draws the line clearly and the ologv describing various Auto- V m the No damage mobile day’s run being to Rockford, III, and re- POrk in the promotion of the event and in industry would mean. ind was only momentary. J Lttltude of the wise ones toward this car Oils. cvcral of the prominent American makers “The calamity howler and pessimistic j y&8 done either to engine or running gear, eems conclusive of the propriety of the turn, and tbe lost run to Ottawa, 111, and for j READ MINE. "\ nd also the Importers have been ap- nronhet iH ever jthroHil. hut ho hna nn tnd tho car proceeded without trouble j ►olicy. return. well with- “ | ►roached. VV. Rand Hollender, of the Fiat place in the mi kg of an honest and intelli- | he rest of the contest, finishing IDEAL Oils maintain a film \ ■% The perfect-score survivors were of the it time limit. on Automobile Company, whose Intention has ( gent commercial enterprise. In the early j the When they are pinned down to the facts, piston and cylinder walls un- X-jf following makes: I icen announced a number of times to go ■ spring the weather conditions gave a { he majority of automobile dealers admit dor Maximum heat and Prewuire. Do not Locomobile, Dragon, Haynes, White, nto every open event, has promised the momentary setback to the trade in one I The condition of H. A. Bunnell, secre- hat there is more talk about hard times foul Ignition or Valves. 1 of Emanuel Cedrlno with the Flat New club, who was Motors retain Normal Oldsmoblle. Rambler, Pierce, Stevens- 'ntry city, and the industry was Immediately ; ary of the Jersey ban Is warranted by the actual state of AUTOMOBILE TOPICS Compres- Cyclone. Cedrino captured all honors at stirred to action, but with what result? s trlekeo with appendicitis during the en- l wsiness now as compared with other sion and Maximum Power. Duryea, Stoddard-Daytou, Auburn and ^evidence In the annhal half mile hill More business has been done this yer4> < lurance race, Is Improving dally and Mr. 'ears. What more do you want? KIssel-Kar. car a limb, driving the little 50-horsepower | than ever before. The ratio over last year’s Sonnell hopes to be out again within Now that It hns been formally voted by n half mile hill of an of The awards are not to be mode until ip long average business is greater than the one before, 1 ortnight. Charles T. Terry, chairman of the legisl- the A. A. A. to hold a Vanderbilt cap race 3 cent., at a of sixty miles an j the club’s technical committee has anb- per speed and next year will convince every munu- ! ative committee of the American Auto- In 190S, the composer to the Croakers’ W. S. lour. The chances of the Flat at Sava li- one of the honorary nobile SHEPPARD iected the survivors to further teats and facturer and dealer that the motor car in- A. G. Batchelder, Association, hopes to have all Coterie will get on the words and dis- mb and also at Ormond are considered « busy 21 has come to In 1904 there ! nemoers of the New Jersey club, has worked out soon the problem of uniform Lawrence St., special examinations. therefore. dustry stay. cord of a new croaking theme. rory blight was worth of 1 >een made chairman of the publication ] aws fdr automobilists in the several $24,500,000 automobiles sold; Branch: U Ailing st Newark, N.J. 1906, $59,000,000, while to 1 >oard of the American Automobile Asso- j Kates. This Is part of the work being “The adherence of good principles, sound 1905, $42,000,000; up W. I. a well-known attorney Few know of the delights of a trip down 1 •iation. George E. Farrington, of East lone by the A. A. A. of benefit to all ! Lippincott, finance end the production of high-grade November 1, this year, $78,000,000 worth he canals of Florida through the many 1 Grange, is a member of the executive notorists, yet those who accept these of Butte, Mont., comes to the front with a. cars must and If these were sold, showing an increase of $19,000,- prevnil, elementuiy lttle lakes and along rivers which connect committee. >oohs of the national body with least mighty interesting example of what really necessities of a sueresaful enterprise arc 000 for the ten months of this year over | he lakes and the canals. Many large pnr- hankfulness are generally those who do is in the endurance line of an lived to there Is no reason why 19HS that of the entire year of 1906. This sure- possible up tes arc already being organized to make \ of leading automobile lot even give it the support of being a should not close as the In ly does not indicate lack of interest in Representatives j automobile. greatest year , lie trip from St. Augustine to Miami next ! •lubs of this and other States will he in- nember. the of the the market for a high-grade car, and I Mr. Lippincott says: “While driving my history Industry.” vlnter in motor boats, and as the. new cited to attend the open meeting which feel certain that if sound business prin- Studebaker car Den- MOLINE 50-horsepower from aurtl is now open from St. Augustine to ;he New Jersey Automobile and Motor declare we are ciples, essential to every commercial en- Weather prognostlcntors the number will be in- j Mub will hold In the near future to dis- ver to Butte recently we gave it a most N. J. AUTOMOBILE GO. Jrmoud, greatly are the ,J fo have an open winter. Consequently au- terprise, observed, ensuing year. severe test. Between creased. Yachting parties will also make miss the legal situation and decide upon Laramie and Raw- j tomobile dealers look for a greater volume will find the Industry established on a j he journey inside from St. Augustine in- what action the club shall recommend QUESSINQ_CONTEST lins, Wyo., we ran fifteen miles up and State Ag ents. 11 of early delivery orders than would l>o ex- firmer basis than ever before. W. C. is head itead of golug outside. Last winter Walter o the Legislature. Crosby down a stream trying to find a wagon pected otherwise. For with good weather “As to shows, 1 do not feel that the full committee of the local Baker and Messrs. Owen, Fish, Parsons >f the legislative | taseball Science N«w Based oa to cross, and none prevailing buyers will desire to gel as effect of the early shows can be realized bridge finding went B55-857 SPRINGFIELD A. EIUC. uni many others organized at Ormond and much service from new cara ns possible so soon. The result was so far beyond dub,_ back to the railroad grade, climbed the 4102. made the journey to Miami ou the Undo Telephone wftho' t wnitlng for the arrival of spring. the expectations of the most of Same as Years Ago. grade and crossed the stream, a quarter ■him, which was later burned at Daytona. optimistic frinciple our members that a careful if a mile on the analysis Elmer Bates, the veteran baseball critic, wide, railroad ties. After should be before the show is SALON. the North Platte we given early IMPORTERS’ v rites: crossing River found condemned. I am positive that had not on the side of a Every few days some adolescent critic opposite the bridge long, THE IMARMOH the condition of the mar- incline with depressed money >f the national bobs with steep rubble sandstone as big k Fine Decorations at the Garden for game up serenely "A Mechanical Masterpiece.** Z® ket prevailed the records of the show Inst be assertion that baseball is becoming so (is cocoanuts for a roadbed. I didn’t be- would have lieve car ever January been eclipsed this Show icientiAc nnd mysterious that only those any built could ever make As it over $1,000,000 worth of Big lhat- grade, but year. was, n touch with the individual players and Hayes, my driver, said AIR-COOLED AND WATER-COOLED business was done by the thirty-two mem- NEW YORK, Nov. 30.—Tlie plans for hose familiur with the intricate problems ! wc could mako it, and we did. W'heu (1 within one-half mile of RICKEY bers of the licensed association and the the decoration and arrangement of Madi- hat confront the rival captains in every Fort Steele we MACHINE GO. electric vehicle makers who exhibit each Is I found we had taken the wrong road. Be- 92 EATON son Garden for the fourth Im- jattlc have any conception of what PLACE, East Orange Sigiare fore we knew it the car was down year with us. The attendance, too, was but ■eally going on in those busy brains down rushing Grove St. Station, I.. & W. H. U. J porters’ Automobile Salon are so widely a bank for Opp. D., jH 10 per cent, lower than the seventh national m the diamond. It is, in fact, becoming ! steep straight the Platte River. TELEPHONK 15701-II. the for other Garden Hayes, the show. different from plans lulte the popular thing to refer to the driver, however, brought us up and so nearly within feet of exhibitions of the past, brilliant- luseball of a few as a sort of eight the water, and years ago l think the ly unusual and original In conception, that iralnless sport, in sharp contra-distinction maneuver was the finest ex- of control artists have :o ample perfect that“Tever saw. r the designer and his staff of the wonderfully artistic and mystifying "“When tame that is All this Is, of Hayes reached Sage, Wyo., B40 EVERYMAN'S been taxed to the utmost to complete the played today. miles from he AUTOMOBILE 'ourse, the sheerest nonsense in all the Butte, found the roads all preliminaries of the decorative scheme in under water, and was to world, as every faithful devotee of the finally compelled on the actual con- ship the car the rest VICTOR „d order to begin work ?nme knows full well. The science of of the distance by rail. This was some, Brush struction. mseball is was limited certainly going and, Runabout edison limited today, as it much to | my surprise, the car was In abso- $500 The work Is now sufficiently far ad- lack in the eighties and the nineties, to lutely perfect condition when It reached various studios :he ability of one player to outguess an- 47 William ETC. vcnced at. the decorators' Butte, and it still is Street. PHONOGRAPHS. RECORDS, jther and in is all the handsomest car of the plastic and scenic art to give a I player, that, brief, In town.” :here is to the whole proposition. It was 8549-R, NEWARK, Stock at the definite Idea of what the appearance of I ^TELBPBOXB J Complete luite as necessary for a pitcher to know Garden will Every owuer a the Interior of Madison Square vliat not to offer up to Brouthers and An- of Rambler automobile in America who has he when, on December 28, the cream of ! son and Browning as it is for the modern j furnished proof of hav- driven his car cars make their fourth «n-1 pitcher to know what particular balls to 15.000 miles or over NEWARK Imported will willm/5. be made Bear in Mind BRANCH, teep away from the Wagners and Cajoles a charter member of the nunl bow to the American public. most unique and CONOVER WIND SHIELDS today. The guessing contests between the exclusive automobile club A brilliant scene will greet the eye of in existence. That you can't find better PAINTS, baserunners and the catchers were fully It will be known as the ---AND- the visitor to this Importers’ salon. Be- I Rambler Fifteen CORNER as exciting in the days of Harry Stovey Thousand Club. Hundreds OILS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES neath a corona of many hundreds of elec- or .owners, and Charley Snyder as are in the representing every State In the MITO TOPS tric lights, the delicate color scheme of they Union, will THAT FIT anywhere, for the price, than you lays of Ty Cobb and Billy Sullivan. Was be included. Yet the auali- ivory and blue with fleeting glimpses of uwuwuo *ui Made to "Old Hoss” when, single- e*ecuuve positioua are its Order, Covered and Repaired. can find right here. We pride our- NEW AND green will be one of refined beauty. No Radbourne, most HALSEY handed, he won the for Providence, original features. TUe president grand opera ever had a more costly or | flag must have selves on the up-to-date and select less "scientific" in the great qualified for membership with Essex Co. Co. more beautiful stage setting than will outgtiessing the least i Y. AUTO TOP of expenditure for fuel, oil and re- AND SUPPLY CO, Brewing stock we Cash or Credit. hatters those days than are the Browns that always keep on hand, Open Evenings. the ears of the fourth Importers' Automo- pairs. The and Pfeisters and Donovans in outguess- vice-president will be the 28^ Tel. 4+49-1, BREWEB8 Or — bile Salon. There is about the Halsey St., Newark. and that our are nothing owner of the oldest Rambler car still in prices reasonable ing the Cobbs and Crawfords and Flicks --1_—— decorative scheme that is bizzarre or daily service. The second fair. and of today? vice-pr^ideucy and Douglas tawdry, but that harmony in color will go to the owner Were Bennett and Ewing, who has actually As pursue more the LAGER lighting which Is consistent with good Kelly aiyj covered the they closely policy HIGH-GRADE BEER. when. In slum- greatest distance. The sec- a scene will their day. they,hipped the of looking carefully after the satisfaction Phonogt^i^^i^wvj^^ taste and brilliant, prevail. retary must have accomplished the most have an ocular feast bering base runners at second and third of users of 63 to 85 Clifton Avj. All motordom will successful and economical of their cars, the American manu- J. J. Co. con- by the dozens, less “scientific’' than arc single trip awaiting It when the salon will open, greatest length. The treasurer will facturers are to greater extent Hockenjos tho Kllngs and and Clarkes, who be becoming tinuing until the closing day. Crlgers the conservative and sane of 'Phone 317BB. Newark nil 829 Broad N. J. driver who has patrons imported materials for cert a n La D. 5t.f Newark, The decorative scheme of the nowadays make such plays two or three never been assessed general a (toe for speeding. and of some methods. A Interior of the Garden for the salon will times a season? What “science" of the In parts foreign no- competition for these positions a woman a scene on a game. Indeed, does of 1907 table example of this fact in a 190S car thnL be a representation of grand any may claim the office of president. Miss the possess that has made a in the fete day along the Champs Elysees, Jimmy Fogarty, Billy Cange. Helen E. Wood, of Philadelphia. Pa., has stir Is found Rainier, to which Curt Welch and did not famous Parisian thoroughfare, Jim MeAleer driven a Rambler 1906 model over 15,000 Building the new 45-60-horsepower model, French as have fifteen or What the visitor to the gay capital twenty years ago? miles in less than two years. Her closest the same designer of former Rnluier needle to naturally turns as the magnetic outfielder of today in either league would competitor is Dr. E. Ross Elliott, of models has Incorporated imported F. ,v the north. not willingly surrender all he now knows Montgomery, N. Y., a physician, who has 8. bearings, while the main engine hear- and I The crush of fashion beauty throng- of the game in exchange for that par- used one Rambler for four years, traveling ings are of babbit metal, enclosed In ing the aisles of the Garden, the scores of ticular ’’science” that enabled MeAleer to 25.000 miles at nbout half what it had bronze casings, which Is In accordance magnificent "steeds of steel,” the exqui- know by the very key in which the crack cost to keep a horse. Dr. Robert Hutchin- with the best foreign practise. It Is this site harmony of color, the pouring efful- of the bat was attuned exactly sphere to son. of Capron, 111., now drives the vie- sort of broad-mindedness in seeking high- gence of lights, the music, all will contrib- go for the ball? Baseball is now. has been tonous Rambler made famous in the re- grade materials that gives classiness to a Co. to be run ute to make a brilliant scene, long for thirty years, and will be, let us hope, liability of October, 1903. Many com- car. i» claim 5 EagleOF Brewing NEWARK, N. J. remembered. for all time to come, the great and glorious petitors records well over 30,000 | msster dec- miles. Rambler well-known S. R. Ball, the American game. So great ahd so glorious owners have caught the At the tirst Chicago show, held late in whoso has transformed of the Fifteen orator, magic a game is it that it needs no box office spirit Thousand Club idea September. 1900. there were three steam, Madison Garden and other places and Thomas B. tie Square boomers, no press agents of the club own- Jeffrey Co- are reap- four electric and five gasoline exhibits. so In the past, Is leaving no Ing a harvest of testimonials which wonderfully ers to contribute to its prestige. Especial- prove Of these gasoline exhibitors the \VTnton corner of his mind unsearcbed for Ideas to the efficiency and of the is the one PILSENER AND ly should the i men whose fortunes are popularity company only that will exhibit FRANZISKANER excel every effort he has ever made before. Rambler in all sections of the United at the show of chanced on the game pray to be soared Chicago November 30 to I It la his business to make ugly things States. December 7, 1907. from those critics In knickerbockers who beautiful—to make the Illusion perfect—and seek to Illuminate the present by throw- Winton in tills Importers’ Automobile Salon he nas The Six-Teen-Six made a big Because one tire is heavier than ing a shadow over the past. Fortunate, the another perfected perfection. hit at Baltimore show this week re- ts no reason for it to be more Indeed, will baseball be If It lives to see its New durable If The floor plau of the Garden hss been so peating York and Philadelphia Is not the quantity of pure the reincarnation on Its diamond In brains rubber and altered for the Importers' salon that there successes. the number of layers or NEW YORK and in science of tho fabric In a the & will be a wide aisle down the centre, par- Charley Ferguson, that make It heavy, but Ales rather Porter cum the peerless pitcher and all-around player; of an Beers, allel to which and on either side tbere will “It is ill-wind that blows no one position used In the tread. In the shortstop of the Fisk be two other aisles, making three longi- George Wright, greatest good.” and some benefits accrue » tire, for example, there Is and of all during more fabric and Cleaning tudinal aisles tn all. The same amount of nny age; of , the master slack season. Two or three 1n> more pure rubber cushion at bis interesting than In others j 20-40 HAYES N. J. ground floor space will be available as at hnckstops in keeping a pitcher ventlons have been worked out by retail that are heavier; It is Office, STREET, Newark, thicker, at the 1 show la the best; of Clarkson and Whitney and Bulfin- dealers but I* D. 774. Home 0003. the last automobile Garden, automobile recently. same time lighter, than the general run X Telephone Worts of Morrill and of Comlskey, of Evans Dyeing but without the Impediment of overhanging ton, of tires. The difference In the de- and and and E. wright platforms on each side, snd other ob- McCarthy, of Dunlap Denny J. Lord, of Honolulu, Hawaii, has pends upon the use of white lead and floor will he of all tfca grand old heroes of the game a other structions. The ground given purchased six-cljrinder Six-Teen-Six Ingredients for the tread, which hos I Pannlch & Kiefer, Sraas ST to the exhibition of ears, who out and put in action tho through the Winton branch at San Fran- to be fouling Dept, over entirely thought compounded, because pure rubber wblls the superstructure, or platform, ploys that w* applaud today. cisco. would not stand the wear. £ / m