The Five Themes of Geography A Framework for Studying the World

North Carolina Geographic Alliance PowerPoint Presentations 2007 5 Themes of Geography Geography is the study of the earth’s physical features and people’s relationship with them. Theme 1: Location Two Types of

• Where is It? Location • Why is It There? •Absolute

•Relative A. Absolute Location

• An exact point on the Earth’s surface • Uses a grid system of and • A global address • Latitude is a map feature that measures the distance north or south of the . • Longitude is a map feature that measures the distance east or west of the . • A map is a flat drawing that shows all or parts of the Earth. The EQUATOR: an imaginary line of 0 degrees LATITUDE that divides the earth into a northern and southern hemisphere. The Prime Meridian is an imaginary line that runs through Greenwich, England (0 degrees longitude) and divides the world into eastern and western hemispheres North Carolina Absolute Location North Carolina Raleigh 36° N Latitude 35° N Latitude 79° W longitude 78° W Longitude DRMS Latitude and Longitude: 35 54 N 78 35 W

B. Relative Location • Where a place is in relation to another place • Uses the Compass Rose and directional words to describe – Cardinal directions North, West East South What is NC’s Relative Location to the Atlantic Ocean, , and Tennessee? • North Carolina is bordered by Virginia on the north, South Carolina and Georgia on the south, and Tennessee on the west. • The Atlantic Ocean forms North Carolina's east coast. • North Carolina is one of the Southeastern States ● Theme 2: Place Physical Characteristics • Land Features • Mountains, plains, and deserts • Climate • Bodies of Water ● Human Characteristics of Place

• People • Culture • Language • Religion • Buildings and Landmarks • Cities North Carolina: Human Characteristics

National Geographic Magazine

Top right: Cape Hatteras Physical Characteristics Biomes: All of these forces work together to form biomes, or areas of land with particular flora (plants), fauna (animals), climate, and inhabitants.

Theme 3: (HEI) Human Environment Interaction How People Interact With Their Environment • Adapt: People change their behavior, eskimos build shelter from ice • Modify : People change the environment cut down forests for farming • Depend on Their Environment- soil to grow crops Depend On, Modify, or Adapt to 1. The Aleut use ice to build their homes in the Arctic Circle. 2. The people of NC use their air conditioners every day during July and August. 3. The farmers of NC cut down trees, cleared fields and planted tobacco in the 1700s. 4. The Egyptians used the flood waters of the Nile to fertilize their crops. On the back write 1 How does the Hoover Dam change the environment?

2. How do people depend upon the environment based on this image? North Carolina: Human Environment Interaction 3. How have humans modified this environment? 4. How did Washington Duke modify his environment in Durham, NC? Examine the image and list ways that people interact with the environment

Theme 4: Movement

The Mobility of • People • Goods • Ideas

How Places are linked to one another and the world North Carolina: Movement

Theme 5: Regions

What Places Have in Common • Political Regions (red and blue states) • Landform Regions • Agricultural Regions • Cultural Regions How have these men adapted to their environment?

Teacher: See questions in “Notes” below. Review: Describe the Physical and Human Characteristics of Place How have these people adapted to their environment? Review Movement The Lost Boys • What were the push factors that contributed to the movement of the Lost Boys? • What were the pull factors that contributed to the movement of the Lost Boys? d-grew-tired/from-sudan-ggtu/ es/god-grew-tired/responsibility-leadership-ggtu /

Climate Regions We’ll See Humid Tropical Warm and Wet Rain Forest Tropical Warm, Wet and Dry Grassland Savannah

Desert Dry Sand and Rock

Steppe Hot and Cool, Little Rain Short Grass, Shrubs

Mediterranean Dry, warm Scrub Woodland, summers…Mild, Wet Grasses Winters Humid Hot Summers, Mild Mixed Forest Subtropical Winters, Wet Marine West Mild Summers, Rainy Evergreen Forest Coast Winters, Ocean Influence

Highland Elevations Mountains