Sanskar Gurukul Weekly Update

Class Name:Dhruva Week# 16: Jan 26, 2014

General Assembly

Geeta Aunty started the GA with three Omkars followed by the Shanti Mantra.

Today, India celebrated its 65th Republic Day. This was the day in 1950 when the Indian Constitution was signed and put into effect. On this occasion, Jay Uncle shared a video about India's freedom struggle and the sacrifices many people made. One of the leaders of that time was Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. Unlike Gandhiji, he had a more militaristic approach to try and get India freedom from the Britishers. He formed the Indian National Army. During the 2nd world war he supported the Axis powers ( Japan, Germany and Italy), whereas the rest of India was more aligned with the Allied Powers ( US, UK, Russia etc. ). Jay Uncle showed a video on this speech in Tokyo during the 2nd world war, in which he asked the Axis powers for their support of India's freedom struggle. During the 1st world war, the Britishers had promised India that if they would support them, India would be granted freedom. But that did not happen and that made Netaji Bose want to team up with whoever was fighting against the Britishers. So he was a true patriot, but his approach was completely opposite to that of Gandhiji and the other great leaders of that time.

Geeta Aunty ended the GA with a recital of the Indian National Anthem.


In class we continued the story of - in , discussed his concern with Radheya and Shakuni about his father being swayed by . He was concerned that Dhritrashtra might invite back from forest and would return them their kingdom. Radheya suggested to collect the army and to attack them in the forest. Rishi Vyasa arrived just in time to stop them. He warned Dhritrashtra that your sons are doomed. He suggested to make peace with Pandavas.

Sage Maitreya came to the court after rishi Vyasa’s departure. He was coming from Kamyaka forest after meeting Pandavas. He tried to convince Duryodhana that his attitude was wrong towards Pandavas and instead he should show affection to them, but Duryodhana didn’t pay any attention to sage’s words. He pretended to not caring for his words, and kept tracing the pattern on the floor with his toe. Maitreya got very angry on his insulting attitude and cursed him that he will lose his life when Bheema will break his thigh.

Vidura then described to Dhritrashtra how Bheema killed rakshasa Kirmeera, brother of Bakasura and a friend of Hidimba.

We then reviewed the part of the story from the video that we watched in last class, where Lord

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Krishna visits the Pandavas in the forest and consoles them. He tells them that Yudhisthira will be a king soon and asks Arjuna to prepare for the Great War.

Pandavas left the Kamyaka and proceeded to Dvaitvanam as suggested by Yudhisthira. In Dvaitvana, Pandavas had an illustrious visitor, the great Markandeya. Markandeya had a boon from Sankara that he will always be sixteen years old. When he was with the Pandvas, suddenly his face lit up with a smile. Intrigued with the smile, Yudhisthira asked him the reason for the smile. Markandeya told him that he reminded him of Lord Rama. Lord Rama also had to spend fourteen years in exile with his wife Sita and brother Lakshman at the command of his father. He also strode the forest dressed in tree bark and deer skin. Even in his hard time he would never swerve from Dharma. Lord Rama ruled the world after the exile and so will you. Markandeya blessed the Pandavas and took their leave.

Later in Dvaitvana,Yudhisthira told unhappy Draupadi and Bheema that they should control their anger and must practice patience. He also told them that he understood their frustrations, but no one can make him swerve from Dharma.

We ended the class with ending prayers.

Homework 1. Please view following interesting videos:

* TED Talk – Indus Script

* Mauryan Empire

2. A small write up on any topic / personality / event that inspired or stayed with you.

Announcements We will have history session on 2/2/2014.

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