NEW GIRL "Winston's Birthday, Again" Written by Jessica L Miller
[email protected] (503)269-2039 NEW GIRL "Winston's Birthday, Again" 1. ACT ONE EXT. ROOF. DUSK. JESS, NICK, SCHMIDT and WINSTON are gathered around the gold telescope, pointing and laughing at a building across the way. JESS I really love this telescope. WINSTON Yeah, seriously. This was the best birthday present ever, Schmidtty. SCHMIDT What can I say? I’m a thoughtful guy. Nick snorts a laugh. SCHMIDT (CONT’D) What? When I saw it, I immediately thought of Winston. (to Winston) You love spying on the buildings in the neighborhood. Winston nods with certainty. WINSTON I really do. JESS Pssht! You didn’t even mean to give it to Winst -- Jess slaps a hand over her mouth. Schmidt glares at her. WINSTON What’s she talking about, Schmidt? Nick tries to hide behind Jess. SCHMIDT Nothing. I don’t know what she’s talking about. Jess stares at the ground. NEW GIRL "Winston's Birthday, Again" 2. WINSTON Jess, look at me. She shakes her head. WINSTON (CONT’D) Jess. Now. Look at me. She raises her head. WINSTON (CONT’D) Do you mean that this telescope wasn’t supposed to be a gift to me? Did you guys actually forget my birthday last year? JESS Sort of. Winston throws up his hands. WINSTON Sort of. You sort of forgot my birthday? JESS No. I mean, yes. I mean... it was Cece’s wedding! WINSTON Unbelievable. Y’all are unbelievable. SCHMIDT (to Jess) You swore you’d never tell, you fink.