Outfit Of The Day: We Want ’s Little Red Dress! by Laura Norkin | 3:59 pm, April 12th, 2013

Not that doesn’t deserve all the props she gets for being the “adorkable” star of Fox’s , but time and again, Hannah Simone steals the scene. Last night at theVERTE Grades of Green annual fundraiser for environmental education, the star proved to be just as stunning as Shmidt’s elusive love interest is on the show.

Spring temps heated up a bit this week (let’s not talk about how terrible it is in New York right now), and got us all in the mood for little dresses, lace and scalloping — all of which Simone delivered in her look at yesterday’s fête. The short, belted A-line is a refreshing break from the constant stream of body-con club get-ups that her character Cici rocks on the show, and it makes us think that Simone might have more in common with her nerd-chic co-star than the series lets on. However, you need more than just acting chops to pass as a model on TV, and in the photos below, it’s pretty clear that she gives good face. And can we talk about that hair? It’s quite possible we’ve never seen such a perfect pony.

Check out her look, and then run out to buy more bronzer so you can mimic our outfit of the daythis weekend. That’s what we’re doing! In the videos below, Hannah and Zooey talk about the show, and there’s New Girl clips galore. Happy Friday!