RANGELEY HIGHLANDER — Rangeley, Maine AU G U ST 16, 1957
Burns VOL. 1 NO. 9 RANGELEY LAKES, MAINE AUGUST ft, 1957 PRICE 10c Mountain Lion Phillips Woman Popular Award Winner Seen On Rt. 17 The last mountain lion killed in New England * “ was shot in the Magalloway area in 1929, but Lions Club they are again on the increases due to the large deer herds. Holds Meeting had seen as to color, shape and The semi-monthly meeting of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long, di everything. Mr. Long Sr. who First Prise Winner at Art Show rectors of Camp Symana, tutor was born Maine and Is very fam the Rangeley Lakes Lions Club ring camp established this year iliar with the woods, is positive was held Tuesday night at Bemis Ian Ormon’s “ Alley” , a metlcu- on Dodge Pond, saw a mountain he and Mrs. Long saw a moun Lodge on Mooselookmeguntic. — Miss Priscilla Montgomery of lous watercolor, was third. Mr. lion last week on Rt. 17. Driving tain lion. Fourteen members -were present. Phillips and Cambridge, Mass, is Ormon, who lg employed at the south, about a mile north of the One visiting Lion, Dick Horter of the winner of the popular ballot Barker, also captured fourth and Height of Land at 7 p.m. in good Woodbury, N. J., ..attended the ing at the recent art exhibit put fifth place with two oils, “ Dere daylight, the Longs saw the ani Cobb Urges meeting. on by members of the Rangeley lict” and “Before the Storm” , mal cross the road approximately The. 3/4 Century Club will hold Lakes Art Assoc, at Goodsell’s Miss Lucy Pionfkowski’s “ La fifty yards ahead of their car.
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