AZA Ungulates Marketing Update 2016 AZA Midyear Meeting, Omaha NE RoxAnna Breitigan -The Living Desert Michelle Hatwood - Audubon Species Survival Center Brent Huffman -Toronto Zoo Many hooves, one herd COMMUNICATION Come to TAG meetings! BUT it's not enough just to come to the meetings Consider participating! Presentations from 2014-present Details on upcoming events Husbandry manuals Mixed-species survey results Species profiles Content needed! TAG pages Update meetings/workshops Other resources?
[email protected] DOUBLE last year’s visits! Join our AZA Listserv [AZAUngulates] Joint Ungulate TAG Listserv
[email protected] To manage your subscription: Thanks to Adam Felts (Columbus Zoo) for moderating! Find us on Facebook 1,402 followers! Thanks to Matt Ardaiolo (Denver Zoo) for coordinating! Joining forces with IHAA International Hoofstock Awareness Association INITIATIVES AZA SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction) AZA initiative Launched in 2015 Out of 144 nominations received, 24 (17%) came from the Ungulate TAGs (all six TAGs had species nominated). Thank you to everyone who helped!!! Marketing Profiles •Audience: decision makers •Focus institutional interest •Stop declining trend in captive ungulate populations •63 species profiles now available online Marketing Profiles NEW for this year! Antelope & Giraffe TAG Caprinae TAG Black