

INTRODUCTION During the past decade the American amateur mycologist has emerged Twelve years of service have taught the leaders of N.A.M.At some facts American is in from eclipse and is now closing the gap between himself and his European about the amateur. Almost every member interested mycophagy from Until the early sixties no large nationwide myoological society the more timid that eat only morels and "store-boughten" to counterpart brash existed that was solely oriented to the amateur and his problems. The well the most who eat certain and most everything in between. Nearly known Mycological Society of America admits amateurs but places its emphasis ninety percent of the members are interested in the photography of mushrooms and than half of these regularly photograph the fungi they on the problems of the professional. Their publication, "Mycologia", prints more collect with their Almost member is interested in scientific papers often beyond the ken or interest of the amateur. own cameras. every degree. fifty in Since the Civil War several dedicated men attempted to raise the level of to some About percent are interested only the particular have for interest of the American amateur mycologist and rnycophagist. Among these they on hand or they want a name a favorite slide or photo. The other fifty bit will spend were Atkinson, Kauffman, and Peck. Other botanists and plant pathologists percent are a more interested and considerable time, money, elusive Of have since contributed to the popular literature. But the best loved and well and labor to track down an . these, only a few get so rabid invest in costly microscope, lab material, and the monographs available. read were those amateurs that assumed the herculean task of publishing guides as to a N.A.M.A. like raise all of in to their great hobby, mushrooms. Examples of these dedicated amateurs are would to the percentages by interesting everyone fungal photography a personal basis, the collection and study of the M. E. Hard - the school master, Charles Mcllvarne the engineer and author, on promote . literature as well as attractive fungi, finally to lead the studious members and W. S. Thomas - the physician. All of these were well read and respected more for decades. "The Field Book of Common Mushrooms" by W. S. Thomas still into specialization and contributions to amateur by the creation of an amateur literature. enjoys widespread use. Perhaps the brightest star in this array is that of Charles The above just dreams but being carried Mcllvaine for it was he that tested the edibility of many of the fungi he statements are not programs out by European mywlogical societies and today! Many of the collected and wrote about. He cooked and ate many of the questionable amateurs most varieties. sought after authors in are amateurs. A large corps of professional mycologists does exist in Europe it does in America. The activities of these early mycologists were responsible for several clubs not as The great universal interest in mvcophagv there has created and societies becoming organized in the east, but only the Boston Mycological many amateurs that write the literature and do it well. Club has enjoyed a continuous existence. The New York Mycological Society very A concerted effort by both professional and myoologists in was organized early but became defunct only to reorganizeand grow into a very amateur America could long towards the remedy of backward active group in the past decade. During this same period several large clubs have go a way our present been formed in the West and small springing situation. numerous societies are up We believe country-wide. that the relationship between the amateur and professional in America is all time high. The amateur the professional A novice might ask, "Why have Americans remained so far behind the now at an respects for his training and knowledge. The professional in return gets valuable Europeans in this most rewarding hobby?" The answer lies in several areas. collections and information as well as field expertise from in First, America was colonized by the English who brought their Anglo-Saxon many amateurs widespread areas. However much remains be done improve this superstitions with them. A reference to "Ve Slimey Toadey~Stoole” is made in to to relationship. Through of training the professional becomes proficient Chaucer as well as several in Shakespeare and Spenser. Secondly the industrial many years in language and is often obscure and foreign the growth of this country tended to the people in large urban and a system that as to amateur as group centers Chinese dialect. well in the rapid economical advance made food available, hence fungi a Since professionals communicate so this dialogue, the more was fact the understands little is often A neither sought after desired as a dietary supplement. Later however the that amateur so overlooked. few advanced nor learn the language of mvcplogy early great industrial growth caused an influx of central European immigrants from amateurs and apply themselves with remarkable results. We seek therefore, gain the such countries Italy, Germany, , Poland, etc. These people brought to understanding of both as and professional in vexing their love of mushrooms with them. Many soon learned that American fungi amateur this problem and to approach the whole structure with awareness and understanding. Specifically the language of were not carbon copies or the well known ill or Houby" of the fathervland. rnycology might be simplified with reference it is used by the The result was a widespread latent interest in myoophagy; particularly in the to taxonomy as East around the large manufacturing centers. Todays' second and third amateur, It would be well if those taxonomists who wish dump all in generations are forming a great potential for the expansion of the wonderous to their eggs llumpers) wish smash hobby of mushroom-lore. one basket and those that to every last egg down to the The North American Mycologiml Association and its affiliated local smallest possible atom (splitters) could get together and spare the amateur and each other much anguish. societies are striving to this backlog of potential and active amateur mycologists and mycophagists into a cohesive unit. IV

lt is entirely possible that a great surge of vigor might be instilled in American amateur mycology in the next decade, providlng a sensible course is pursued by all. THE MAN WHO ATE MUSHROOMS The great American ideal of instant success will not work well in rnyoology. Patience is the watchword. The professionals have spent many long in America will hours learning this lesson and the amateurs must do so turn or No figure in the history of mycology is more venerated by mvcophagists picking superstitions of pilgrim fathers. never rise above the toadstool our and amateur myoologists than Charles Mcllvaine, author of ONE THOUSAND AMERICAN FUNGI (1900), commonly called "The Mushroom Bible." Harry S. once Knighton Mcllvaine's singular and magnificient contribution to the field was that he ate the wild mushrooms he gathered. He proved that a number of mushrooms which NtA,M.A. President, had been labeled toxic for decades were actually harmless, and in some instances in . they were delicious exculents. He gained such a reputation that even today the midst of a group of mycophagists if one were to ask "Who was the man that ate mushrooms?" there would be instant recognition of Mcllvaine. His reputation, however, is not widespread enough to rate a place in any of the standard encyclopedias. and he is known through secondhand sources, largely by quotations and occasional misquotations from his legendary tome. I It was in fact while was reading Sheila Burnford's delightful celebration l of nature some years ago, THE FIELDS 0F NOON (1964). that was first impressed by how far this second-hand knowledge of Mcllvaine has spread. However, inasmuch as ours is a two‘copies-of-Mcllvaine-,we must admit to certain advantages over Mrs. Burnford who freely admitted to never having FUNGI. in of seen a copy of ONE THOUSAND AMERICAN Consequently one classic her quotes from a secondary source she used a bastard version of a Mcllvaine statement. The correct wording is “The writer saved the life of a else lovely woman by feeding her upon it ( oreadesi when nothing could be retained; and of another, by feeding Corprinus miooceus, after a dangerous operation." The particular point Mcllvaine was trying to make was that certain wild in mushrooms are easily digestible: he had introduced them experimentally the diet of postoperative patients in a Philadelphia hospital where, he claimed, their use was highly successful. RAISON Even among persons familiar with the volume whim became his of D’ETFIE, there are few who know anything more of Mcllvaine the man, when he lived and worked, other than that ONE THOUSAND AMERICAN FUNGI appeared at the turn of the century. AMERICANA, There is no mention of Mcllvaine in BRITTANICAor nor indeed in AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE, but WHO WAS WHO IN AMERICA, 1897-1942 (1943). does offer the information that Charles Mcllvaine was born at Springton Farm (Penn Manor of Springronl, Chester County, Pennsylvania, on the last day of May 1840. His father, Abraham Robinson Mcllvaine (1504-63), was a successful farmer and a devout Quaker. as well as a prominent politician during the 1830's and 1840's, serving as a Whig in the Pennsylvania state house, as a land he modest man), the Palmer article launched Presidential Elector (Whig), and as a Congressmanfor three terms in the 28th, could not say was a was that 29th and 30th CongrESses (184349). During his service in Washington he made the most singular career in all the annals of mycology. There be little doubt however that it was because the acknowledged a determined stand against the war with Mexico; it is for this that he is can if is leaders in the halls of academy cast doubt upon the value of his studies, that remembered today he remembered at all. His most memorable speech was I Mcllvaine hesitant describe himself mycologist. know of delivered on February 4, 1547 when, with considerable courage he rose in the was ever to as a no in which he himself. Others have called him a mycologist, House of Representatives to denounce the President (James Knox Polk) and to instance so described have him his brand the United States of America the agressor, saying that "poor and imbecile although they too most often referred to by military title, and it his against Mexico" had not the least intention of invading anybody. Congressman may well be that this was by own preference, as a crutch the Mcllvaine himself listed his Mcllvaine saw as the chief purpose of the the addition of territory academicians who doubted his fitness. occupation war new is in his and he expressed opposition to the annexation of "another inch" of what he as ”author," and he so described on his death certificate, because own feared might be slave territory. time he achieved a popular success writing nature lore stories under the pen Charles Mcllvaine, never politically active, was a life-long Republicm, name, Tobe Hodge. his lasting Although the Mcllvaines were country gentry, young Charles attended Two volumes, destined to contribute little to reputation, were LEGEND OF FOLECAT HOLLOW only rural Chester County schools until 1851, and thereafter until 1853 he was born out of such writings, A (1884) and OUTDOORS, INDOORS AND UP THE CHIMNEY (1906), published a pupil at the Northwest Grammar School in Philadelphia. He was not a the latter his Under his he much of university man and took academic degrees, which was later to prove an just three years before death. own name wrote verse, no Burns his embarrassment to the acceptance of his work in mycology. it in Scots dialect (none of which ever threatened to tumble from in Mcllvaine worked briefly for the East Brandywine 84 Waynesburg Rail pinnacle), as well as numerous articles on mycology scientific journals, and, ONE THOUSAND AMERICAN have been Road (1859-61) and nearly twenty years later was employed (again briefly, of course, published FWGI. There 81 of ONE THOUSAND AMERICAN FUNGl: in 1900, 1888-89) as chief engineer for the Jamesville Washington Rail Road. In the but a handful editions of 1902, 19 original of 1900 appearing under the interim period he married Sarah G, Mcllvain, who, please note, gained an "e" as 1912 and , with the edition Bowen-Merrill Company of Indianapolis, and the later printings well as a husband. imprint of coming under the aegis of the but with the house changed At the onset of the Civil War, he raised a company of volunteers in same company name Hobbs-Merrill, The edition a limited printing of seven-hundred and support of the Union, which he attached to the 97th Regiment of Pennsylvania to first was fifty copies, each signed by Charles Mcllvaine. It is of the least Volunteers Mcllvaine himself mustered in as Captain and sewed in several numbered one likely volumes for the heartiest of mushroom hunters choose for a responsible positions on the staffs of Major Generals Alfred H. Terry and even to Joseph R. Hawley. field trip as its bulk approximates that of a Manhattan telephone directory in hard Generally studies Mcllvaine home. In 1863 Captain Mcllvaine was appointed Major in the First South covers. one at K. MacAdam is with co-authbrship, and Carolina Cavalry (Colored), but declined the promotion the grounds of Robert credited on the title page on it is he long assisted Mcllvaine With his experimentations, but ill-health and returned to the family home in Pennsylvania Exactly whose true that no one doubt the bulk of the friendly, chatty of ONE THOUSAND il|~health was involved here is in doubt: WHO WAS WHO suggests it was seems to that prose that is Captain Mcllvaine's, although it is certain that his father, the ex-Congressman, AMERICAN FUNGl Mcllvaine's. Charles Mcllvaine achieved in ONE THOUSAND AMERICAN FUNGI a was dying in 1863. work although his enemies in the Establishment failed to recognize it as As late as 1873-74 Mcllvaine still had not settled into an occupation nor master such. Typically unsigned review in THE NATION (November 30, 1902) had he as yet developed interest in nature lore; he was, in fact, touring an an by for amateurs." Europe during this period. According his he first began dismissed the volume with the words “written an amateur very to own statement, Marshall, studying and eating mushrooms while “living in the mountains of West This same carping reviewer compared Mcllvaine unfavorably with Nina another “amateur," and Professor George Francis Atkinson (18544918), 8 Virginia. . .riding on horseback through the dense forests of that great unfenced BONA FIDE botanist; in fact the only kindly word expressed for state," where in the period 1830-85 he “saw on every side luxuriant growths ol was Mcllvaine’s by he did of description fungi, so inviting in color, cleanliness and flesh that it occurred [to him] they ”completeness," which not mean lucidity amazing of described. His attack ought to be eaten." In his own mind he recalled that a mushroom article had but rather the number mushrooms on appeared in POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, and which had earlier caught his Mcllvaine for allegedly copying most of his study of the Boleti from Professor Peck unfair: Mcllvaine the first admit this debt Peck was fancy, so he began a search of back issues. Eventually he turned up the May was was to that to 1877 copy which carried a feature titled "Toadstool Eating" by Julius A. indeed great. Palmer, Jr. However homely the title, Mcllvaine claimed that his re-reading of this piece “was not without immediate reward," but what he in all modesty Quite early in his career as a mycologist, Mcllvaine formed a close Peck Among the repulsively odiferous mushrooms Mcllvaine ate, the members working relationship with Professor Charles Horton Peck (18334917). botanical department of the family Phillaoleae are outstanding: he not only pronounced them himself had an enviable career in science: appointed to the Legislature in created edible but good. Fearful things have justly been written about the of the New York State Museum in 1867, the State l883 1912, in which latter Amnnita; as for the phalloids, almost with the exception of Mcllvaine, only the post of State Botanist for him, From 1868 through the fungi unkind and unflattering words have been penned. And anybody, having once he was seventy-nine years old, he published an annual report on year smelled a stinkhorn and observed the and blow flies infesting it, York for total of forty-six reports. There are several instances in of New State a insultaing words Professor Miron E. Hard (Mushrooms Edible which Professor Peck served as a buffer against those who doubted Mcllvaine's comprehends every and Otherwise, 1908). a of Mcllvaine, wrote of Phallus dupiicatus, mycological findings. The bonds of friendship and mutual respect between contemporary “A few of these plants insisted upon growing near my house, these two men of science remained until death intervenedt years ago one Mcllvaines's formerly With the effect of almost driving the Philadelphia is the city most closely associated with where a fence post had been, One hardly imagine beautiful a plant giving off such mycological endeavors, where he formed and for many years headed the family from home. can so “As odor." Or of Phallus Rivenelii,” might easily think that all the bad smells Philadelphia Mycology Center. A primary purpose of the Center to an one in world had been turned loose” where they are found fruiting. In fact instruct by leading forays in search of edible mushrooms, but Mcllvaine the Professor Hard probably expressed the feeling of a majority of mycophagists also counseled medical men on treating because he was, when he of the Phallus and are said to be very good by choice, probably the most frequent victim of mushroom poisons who ever wrote, "The eggs when fried properly, but recollection of the odor of the plant has been too lived to tell the tale; his advice was sought by physicians throughout the my vivid for them." Curiously, Professor Hard, failed to mention whoever country. As a result of his contributions in this area, he was elected to honorary me to try had said phalloids good edibles, out his was undoubtedly membership in the medical societies of Salem and Gloucester counties in New that were source Mcllvaine. Dr. William Strugis Thomas (FlELD BOOK OF COMMON MUSH- Jersey. If were looking for Mcllvaine memorabilia, Philadelphia would one ROOMS, revised 1948), writing about , says, "Mcllvaine probably be the best place to search' our 1902 edition was found there and our 1923, is in admitting he had it." first edition bears the bookplate of a former owner in Flemington, New Jersey, apparently alone that eaten Mcllvaine Mcllvaine phalloids in the stage, which those familiar It was in Chautauqua County, New York, however, where met gathered ovum to is nearly repulsive. He described the as “like and instructed a great cross—section of Americans in the gentle art of gathering with the mature plants, as eggs condi~ wrld mushrooms; he was President of the Chautauqua School of Mycology, and bubbles of some thick substance" and adds of , "In this be if there in some of our own grandparents must have learned the basic tion they are very good when fried. They demand to eaten at this time at summer, firm, edible rules of amateur mycology from the great man himself. Mcllvaine asserts that any." Mutinus conimis he found gelatinous. tenacious, rather the first»formed mycological club in America was formed in Chautauqua and good when sliced and fried.” County, although that club, the Westfield Toadstool Club is now apparently Among the , there is also to be found a very bad odor » R. is defunct, and the Boston Mycological Club generally conceded to be the oldest foetens, or the stinking . Mcllvainc found little to say of it that was continuously active group in the United States, and save for the British commendable, and anybody familiar with the odor of this common mushroom Mycological Society, the oldest in the world. The Boston club dates from 1897. will have a vivid memory of its fetid, extremely acrid odor. Mcllvaine compares The third locale closely associated with Mcllvaine is the small town of the odor with that of cherry bark, and concludes "The verdict is against it. has been several times in the I enough convince Cambridge, Maryland, which in recent years Cooked it retains its flavor. , .“"On two occasions ate to national spotlight as a center of racial unrest. Cambridge is where Mcllvaine me that it was not poisonoust" of chose to live during his last years when he was suffering the distresses of Mollvaine caused considerable consternation when he ate of another the arteriosclerosis. He died, a widower without issue, in his sixty-ninth year on Russulas, R. emetica, which by its very name suggests that it is poisonous- or at Wednesday, August 4, loos, and a number of people have observed that this least does not promise to set well on the stomach. He not only ate it but said it of wild was a rather remarkable age for a confirmed eater mushrooms to was good; that it was one of the very first mushrooms he had ever eaten and attain. ‘ that it had been part of his diet for twenty years. Mcllvaine‘s critics insisted that It has been said that Mcllvaine tested some eight-hundred different he was misidentifying another harmless member of the genus as R. emetim, and varieties of mushrooms for toxic properties by eating them. Considering that so he took his usual recourse and sent off samples to Professor Peck who wrote each test properly required at least two days for even the safest of mushrooms, back, "it seems to be H. emotion as you state. It certainly is hot enough for it." it by standard family and even more time for those which proved to be toxic, was any But to return to the foulsmelling mushrooms, let us consider the of a lot of mushrooms to test . While there are exmllent varieties within the many genera this family, nevertheless here are to be found two of the most undelicious odors of all mushroomdom - Tricholoma sulphureum and T. saponaceum. Mcllvaine undertook the task of eating both, and of the former he reported," , . when . Mcllvaine by his own admission poisoned himself often by his experimen~ quite T, snlphuraum is showy and inviting. lts smell is discouraging, its young I tal testing; he ate a specimens which physically he later regretted No of cooking its unpleasant flavor. have great many taste forbidding. amount removes having In the of his testing, however, he proved his satis- of its satisfied after eaten. course to own tried to eat enough it to test qualities, but was strenous evil such Mcllvaine’s.) faction that certain mushrooms with reputations as Boletus Satanus, efforts to mark it INEDIBLE." (The solid caps are B. B. if is luridus and erythropus, and many others, thoroughly cooked, were not Of T. - the soapy Tricholoma . he wrote, "This fungus not saponaoeum only harmless but delicious despite their dramatic color changes. When out the extremely unpleasant when eaten ~ like T. sulphureum, but no one will care to flesh of the lurid Boleti within seconds changes from neutral to a startling eat it. There is nothing in the flavor to recommend it or to inspire a cultivation greenish blue. In a closely related mushroom, the pine mushroom of taste for it cone or ~ Strobilomyces flocoopus, the color from neutral white Mcllviane had kinder things to say of one of the milk mushrooms range passes gray or to pinkrfedsbrawn-black.It is delicious mushroomt Lamrius camphoratust Members of this group exude a “milk" when the mush» a is Incidentally S. flocoopus was a favorite edible of Mcllvaine and of room surface is broken which in appearance very similar to the.sticky Julius A. Palmer, Jr., well - which substance put out by an iniured milkweed stalk. Some members of the genus as the man who wrote the article first interested Mcllvaine in fungi. We howevert of field considered table delicasies, but L. mmphorntut is a notable exception due to know more than one recent are in which its is its camphor-like odor. However, Mcllvaine defended it, saying "lt has guide edibility disparaged and can only suspect that the authors, strong like the late Gavin Maxwell in RING OF WATER high but pleasant flavor. if the flavor is too evident to suit some tastes, it is well BRIGHT (1951). actually suffer from a knowledge mix milder with it." Another member of the genus, L. pipemus, of how to cook mushrooms properly. The latter almost to dismisses the delicious Contharellus desirable which smells pleasantly and is not poisonous, was mildly disdained by Mcllvaine as table fare. Today, despite Mcllvaine’s experimentations, of the lurid Boleti for its fiery taste which is always entirely destroyed in cooking. "It has been only not B. arythropus is admitted in be in countries, "wrote Mcilvaine, "yet a few writers some guide books to wholesome. The eaten for many years most still is is is hungry others are described most often as dangerous and even deadly, or at least it continue to against it. . .It edible and good food when one warn will be claimed that they do good. It be that decades of warning and get better. it is best used as an absorbent of gravies." not taste may can not have prejudiced against them although personally know Odor is of the maior fascinations of wild mushrooms, and of course us we people who eat one them and agree with Mcllvaine's verdict in their favor. It be the if they all had odors as disagreeableas those we have been discussing, few would may name Satanus itself is too forbidding, even though in this regard Mcllvaine urged care to gather them and fewer would want to eat them Many mushrooms in the us to keep In mind the fold saying, "The Devrl is not as black as he is painted." wild state simpiy small as most people think mushrooms should - a nut-like However long Captain Charles Mcllvaine be known the who musty odor of earth. But there are those which are branny or fishy. And who may as man ate mushrooms, it is not true that he ate indiscriminately and with wild abandon can describe the honey-sweet, smoked odor of fresh morels found in the wet of the deadly Amanites. the seriously toxic , do find that dew of a May morning? The odor anise is a common one in several quite diverse 0f we not Mcllvaine A. » varieties of wild mushrooms. And there are times when nothing seems lovelier ate of any except muscaria the fly mushroom - and even this he treated with the it deserves, only large hazel than the little garlic~flavored Marasmius tcomdonius added raw to a green salad. respect eating a portion "as as a nut” sitting, dizziness hangover. Lenlinul lopideus is anisie-scented mushroom that used to be found at one but enough to cause nausea, and a an Although Mcllvaine that A. muscaria intoxica» growing railroad ties, although it obviously has grown on other dead wood was aware was supposed to cause on tion and he such in both before the coming of and after the passing of railroads. Mcllvaine in his sometimes hallucinations, does not mention experiences detail, but merely indicates hangover railroadingdays had ample opportunity to find this mushroom which is delicious that the was of mammoth proportions. Mcllvaine was, after all, reasonably cautious. He warned: While species and tender when young (it is in fact similar to the oyster mushrooms, and both which contain deadly poisons are few, their individuals produced in are sometimes classified as different genera within the family Tricholomltaoeael. are great number. Nicety in distinguishing their botanic variance from edible species but which with age attains something of the texture of the rail ties upon which it closely resembling them is No charm Will detect the Eating may This fact, however, did not halt Mcllvaine's gathering of quite aged necessary. poison, grow toadstools before belonging is specimensfor food, which he grated, added to soup and pronounced good. their certain identification as to edible species, neither bravery The should slow." Even today the only to determine the edibility of a mushroom nor common sense. amateur go way There is nothing amazing about the scientific data in Mcllvaine’s within the shortest of time is to eat a small portion of it; the experiment} work, space perhaps the quantity of it. Still ONE THOUSAND AMERICAN FUNGI tions by eating through which Mcllvaine gained fame are still being carried on. except is probably anybody's favorite volume for searching minute scientific And the excellent rules laid down by Mcllvaine for testing mushroom edibility, not out detail, We have in library perhaps hundred other lighter in avoiding bravado and based caution and are still as valid our a books, weight upon common sense, for the such be in his time. most part, wherein information may found. Rather, one reads today as they were own Mcllvaine for sheer delight. i At least would like to think that Mcllvaine knew he was not writing a classroom textbook for budding botanists. He expressed regret in his preface WATLING PAPERS that he had had to cut 50,000 words from the text to satisfy the publisher. But in his unhurried prose which remains he expressed a hope that Mycology would someday produce its own Izaak Walton to glorify the ”gentle art" of This series of papers IS based on the hand-out notes given to students mushrooming. attending Dr. Watllng's one week field course in higher fungi which is held Unless Mcllvaine had his in life no understanding of purpose at all, he annually in Scotland: because they normally follow a series of lectures, many surely have had his must realized that what he written it magnum opus was sections are in abbreviated form. The students attending the course range in age a chat, a gossip upon the homely but often exciting art of gathering wild from high school seniors and college students to interested amateurs and biology Both Walton Mcllvaine mushrooms, and mastered only an ordinary prose style, teachers. A course for more experienced persons runs concurrently with this and yet fishermen would not be lost if Walton had never written THE introductory one, COMPLEAT is ANGLER. That because Walton's achievement was not to write The notes have been modified in to allow those not attending the a handbook, but an attempt to express the SPIRIT of angling, This, l‘think, lectures to understand the history and development of the study of higher Mcllvaine also consciously attempted for the good of the souls of all mush- fungi and the methods employed in examining mushrooms and toadstools. The is roomers. it doubtful, considering the cruel reception his book received in notes have been formulated to stimulate interest, investigation. and to indicate he certain quarters, whether ever knew how successful he had been in mycology is not such a chaotic mixture of ”facts and latin names" as might be emulating a seemingly uncomplicated old man who went fishing within the at first supposed. Although the agariocologist does not really require to know shadow of Winchester who has long lain Cathedral and buried within its about all fungi in general, the notes have been compiled with the belief that a precincts final not far from the resting place of Jane Austen, a very great writer greater interest can be stimulated in the by introducing a slightly wider indeed. field than normally adopted for mushroomrpickers. INTRODUCTION The Fungi, now considered to be a rather heterogeneous group of organisms are classified as part of the Thallophyta . those primitive plants with a thallus, i.e., no differentiation into root, stem, and leaf. and which is unicellular or multicellular, conSIsting of branched or unhranched filaments or more or less flattened ribbon-shaped structures. Are fungi only green plants without chlorophyll? No! Some colorless plants are in fact found in our floras, 8.9. parasites such as Cuscuta and Lathraea and myoorrhizal orchids such as Neottia. Are fungi algae without chlorophyll? No' Some colorless algae do however exist. e.g. Dunaniella. Algae are to fungi as follows: photosynthetic as to non-photosynthetic; cellulose in the walls of algae as to chitin in the walls of most fungi. Green, yellow-green, brown and red algae are to fungi as blue green algae are to bacteria. Fungi includes: mushrooms, toadstools, shelf fungi, , etc. etc. , mildews, etc. rusts. smuts. bunts, etc. , BIC. They are simply organiled plants made up of cellular filaments known as hyphae (). lacking specialized pigments for carrying out photosynthesis, reproduclng sexually, and/or asexually with the formation of which are often produced in enormous numbers. e.g. 16 x 1013 for a puff-ball 24 cm. in diameter. FUNGI may be saprophytes of parasites May decompose plant and residues thereby leading to an increase in soil structure and fertility. May cause plant or animal diseases e.g. peach leaf mrl, ringworm of (A) Homo-basidlomvcetes: From the Greek for same- i.e. . basidium lacking septa. May form mycorrhiza, a rhizophere, a rhizoplane or a phyllosphere Hetero~basidiomycetes1 From the Greek for different-basidium Le. with higher plants. basidium separable into different cells; longitudinally or transversly May decay food. fabrics, etc. divided or developing as two arms. Many are utilized in brewing, baking and production of organic (B) Hemi-basidiomyoetes: From the Greek for half, e.g. Ustilaginales chemicals e.g. citric acid, antibiotics and drugs (hallucinogenicfungi). and Uredinales. See "MUSHROOMS MOLDS and MIRACLES" by Lucy Kavalar, 1965 : From the Greek for membrane, e.g. Aphyll- ($6.50). ophorales, Tremellales and in their widest sense. Basidia CLASSIFICATION born in a . "D ing-Iines are the creation of man", Gastro-mycetes: From the Greek for belly, e.g. puffballs, earthballs. The facts on which the classification of fungi is based are in some cases earth stars. Basidia borne within the fruit-body or earpophore. arbitrary whilst others are founded on hard fact. Nevertheless the interpretation (C) Hemi~basidiomvcetes: From the Greek for half, Ustilaginales, of information is always subject to bias and certainly does not take into account basidia and degenerate. Tremellales. all possible variation. Classification should be taken as a guiding line not as Proto . From the Greek for first, Uredinalesand gospel! Exceptions to the generalizations occur and unfortunately take upa lot Eu - From the Greek for truly or Auto - From the Greek for of time and affect the end product. self, equals Agaricales and in the wide sense, Classification is dependent on man; a series of objects can be classed into and the Gastromycetes. is different groups in many different ways. e.g. pictures can be grouped: a) on the The Hymenomycetes composed of two groups according to many is artist hi on the painting medium c) on the size of the frame, etc, authors and split thus: wide One can obtain distorted ideas on a group of organisms if material from (A) Eu-homobasidineae . Agaricales and Aphyllophorales in the only limited areas is studied, The classification of the fungi was almost sense and Gastromycetes. Greek of completely founded on West European material. The basic plan was then (Bl Exobasidineae - Exobasidium, Exo-based on the for out expanded to incorporate new finds from the New World and the Tropics. Even or external. in now the majority of tropical countries are largely unexplored and there is In order to cover some of the structures outlined the text, students are H. little doubt that radical changes will be required in the future. However referred to the following figures in “GLOSSARY of MYCOLOGY" by W. (aertain fundamental concepts have been incorporated into the classification and Snell and E. Dick, Harvard Univt Press 1957: have been retained. Basidium Plate IX, fig. 6 - this is very schematic and does not represent the The three major groups of fungi are: structure as seen in nature. sides of gills 1) Besidiomycetes - 'Basidium' fungi Agarics, fleshy fungi with a hymenium distributed on the the or 1-3 incl. showing gillvshape, | 2) Ascomycetes - ‘' fungi lamellae - agaricoid, Plate VI, fig, Sections Plate (in all 3) Phycornycetes » 'Algel' fungi early works were placed in Agaricaceael, fungi lining (in early works classified with Two further major groups of fungi are incorporated into the basic classification: , fleshy with hymenium tubes in fruit-body) Plate ll a) Deuteromyoetes - ‘e. Lacking perfect state. the but differ markedly their fleshy, putrescent fig. 2 | 8i b) Myxomycetes Myeetozoa » Slime fungi slime animals (Slime and Plate fig. 3 8, showing sections of tubes, (boletoid). Polypores, or or 8» mold) woody fungi with hymenium lining long or short tubes. (poroidl. Plate V, fig. Suggested general texts: 10; Plate Ill, fig. 15. All wereformerly placed in the family Polyporaceae. E A Gauman, THE FUNGI, English trans|., London 1952 Hydnums, toothed fungi or hedgehog fungi with hymenium covering teeth or E. A. Bessey, MORPHOLOGY and TAXONOMY of the FUNGI, Toronto spines; fruit-body either stipitate or resupinere, see below (all species formerly 1953 ($15.00) classified in the family Hydnaceael. C. .l. Alexopoulous, INTRODUCTORY MYCOLOGV 1952 ($12.95) Fairy club-fungi with hymenium covering simple or branched club-shaped hymenium distributed all trim-body very little differentiation Myoetes a fungus, from the Greek for sponge or mucus, structures; over or into Le. amphigencus (formerly all classified in the family is a of agarics and Myoenae is the land about Argos (See Homer) stem, etc. group Clavariaoeael. The Basidiomyoetes can be split in different ways depending on the fiesupinate - general applied apileate members of the Aphyllophorales. emphasis placed certain characters by a given author. Thus we have the a term to on Fungi lower surface (the cap) is attached the substratum and the following systems which have been adopted in the books the amateur may where the to surface developes the hymenium, where those with toothed surfaces are come across. . upper excluded, constitutes the former family Thelephoraceae. , excluding Rusts, Bunts, ielly» Smuts, and are usually . The lichens like when moist; easily maiority of the are a symbiotic relationship between an seperated into three distinct groups based on basidium alga and fungus. morpholog an ascomycetous The lichens can, with a little modification be housed in the existing scheme of classification of the ‘l. basidium longitudinally and when from above resembling septate seen Ascomyoetes. Some lichens have perethical fruit~body a hotrcrossed bun a but the greatest .. number produce an apothecium. However, please note the in 2. basidium transversely septate; basidiospores developing different presence at our floias of a few Basidiomyoetouslichens, e.g. Corisciumand Botrydina levels and pushing up to a common level by elongation of the sterigmata »~ Auriculariaceae with Omphalina luteolilacina and 0. Iuteuvitellina as their perfect stages. thcomycetous fungus/alga relationships are also known, 3. basi 'um resembling a tuning-fork in shape and consistently producing PHVCOMYCETES etc. Not further dealt with here. The student is referred only two spores. Dacrymycetaceae to .. the texts already indicated. ln Gastermycetes the basidium often bears than four and more spores, the NOMENCLATURE see International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, and G. placed spores are symmetrically on the sterigmata, or if asymmetriuthenthe R. Eisby "Introduction the Taxonomy and Nomenclature be sessile to of Fungi", spores appear to or on very much thickened sterigmata. Commonwealth Mycological institute, Kew, England. 1953. Puff-balls 8i Earth-stars, l. Lycoperadalesoften with a soft membrane The main divisions adopted in nomenclature, in order of importance, which forces spores out of the fruit-body when pressed inward, follows: 2. are as Earth balls, Sclerodermatales with a thick outer skin which cracks Mycotina and breaks. ~ — mycota Division 3. Birds Nest Fungi, Nidularialesso-called because of their resamblence — mycetes sub-division to a bird's the peridioles nest; containing the spores resemble eggs — ales order within the nest. aceae family 4. Stinkhorns, Phalles of often a group outrageously shaped and/or The epithet is the second name of a fungus. colored fungi, with offensive - many an odor. The epithet when tied to a generic makes the species 5. False truffles, below, name name e.g. see Amaniu musoaria, Agatiuis hisporus, Etc. Epithets often assist in remembering one of the characters of that species: HYPOGEOUS FUNGl a] habitats etc. see ecology. b) edibility 2.9. Morchellaesculeiita, deliciosus. ASCUS antatius BASIDIUM ci size e.g. gigantea, minuta. ASCOMYCOTINA BASIDIOMYCOTINA RESTING ’' d) shape e.g. Stropharia semiglobata,Cantharalluia umhonata, o 2) color e_g. Boibitius l Bolow soil aniow toil Below vitellinus, Russula rubra. sun.»- soil fl Tuborales Ellphomyc-wlai texture e.g. souarrosa, Coprinus flooculosus, Hymsungmersiu turfaco g) Bi False "urn“ Enooqune odor taste e.g. Lactatius camphoratus and Panellus stimicus. Phycomyclto h) resembling others e.g. Amanita ohalioides, Cortinarius pseudosalor. An epithet may be named after a person e.g, Melanophyllum eyrai — (note the lower case for a person's name when incorporated ASCOMVCETES includesthree artifical, though convenient into a species name). groups: Starting for of Pyrenomycetes, Disoomyoetes, and Plectomyoetes Le. flask fungi, point dates classification the fungi are: cup Lichens and Myxomycetes; C. Linnaeus, Species May 1, fungi, and those fungi with a rudimentary fruit-body. a Plantarum, 1753. Differences in the way the truit»body develops and the differences in the hi Gasteromvcetes, Rusts, and Smuts; C. H. wall structure of the ascus are used to separate the Asoamyoetes into Persoon, Synopsis Methodica Fungorum, December 31, 1801. fairly natural units. Examples of characters are: Uni ~ or Bitunlcate asci: cl All other including Agaricales; E. Fries, Mycologicum Operculate or inoperculate asci, the type of operculum in the ascus when groups, Systema January 1, 1821. present - slit e.g. Aseozonut; true operculum e.g. Peziu, door with trap COLLECTING AND hinge e.g. Satcnswpha. The development and origin of the sterile cells PRESERVATION ai Collecting (paraphyses) which separate the asci when the fungus is mature is also an important character. For the serious study of fungi it is always better to collect only a few specimens well than a large range of specimens badly. Collect specimens in plastic containers or 'twists' of waxed-paper. 14

smaller species and larger containers Boxes are preferable for the delicate Bracket fungi must be dried for much longer periods than the will abrasion between specimens, are ideal for the larger fungi; this reduce fleshy specimens because although they appear dry from the species and loss of turgor. Very large more contamination with spores of other outside they may still retain within them considerable amounts of russules be placed in twists of waxed- bulky specimens e.g. boletes and can moisture; larvae may still be active within the tissues. it is Fragile and slender specimensare collected to paper or brown paper bags. also wise to keep woody fungi quite separate from the other dried which can be kept upright in a advantage in tubes, preferably plastic, material when in for are known to be active for many used for such fungi a large can should storage container. If waxed-paper twists are within certain fruitrbodies; fumigation is often necessary containing specimens upright, thus years at be carried in order to stand the twists regular intervals. sizes of boxes, tubes and packets can be arranged reducing jolting. Various Small fungi such as cup-fungi and their allies, Including lichens, is convenient use such a basket than neatly in a market basket; it more to should be allowed to dry at room temperature, if possible on a be kept in particular order and out a plant vasculum for the specimens can a window-sill, whereas plants on which rusts, smuts, and shot- with minimum of jogging throughout sunny so retained in the same position, a hcle fungi are observed may be treated as if they were flowering- the collecting period. plant specimens it must be noted here that if fungi are attached to Dig complete remove from the substrate along with' up the specimen or wood then larvae may still be present in the substratum; such pull off with the fingers, in fact try to a little of the latter; do not up or material should be treated in the same as woody fungi. has be handled before it is way reduce the number of times the specimen to Note: Collecting and Caring of Botanical Specimens, Whole do pull the 0.5.0. examined in the laboratory. Collect specimens, not cap Saville Publication No. 1113 Canada Dept. of Agriculture. is collect specimen: in their peak of from the stem. It always desirable to IDENTIFICATION condition because decay, even of the freshest material, is often very rapid One of the fundamental points to accept as a field the specimens have been brought indoors. most once is that is really of secondary importance. It is far, b) Field Notes mycolcgist a name in all its the fungus has collected, so It is particularly important in the study of fungi to note the date of far better to know, facets, one recognize it again in of its variations, than to try collecting, kind of substratum, and the host on which or under which the that one can any it. If undetermined specimen is carefully specimen is growing. When in doubt over the identity of the host or and attach a name to an sketched and/or painted, accurately described and material cautious- substratum bring back ample material for later identification by an observable ly dried and kept, then all the information possible is available for expert. Note any color changes of the fruit-body which are is the experience gained over a period of years may in the field with the naked eye, and the odor if this distinct (try to the future when will the collection be identified; failing this an expert is sure to relate this latter character to some household commodity). Taste be allow to assist, is offer the right information to useful character but should only be assessed when the student is be able to and one able to a occasion arises. familiar with his toadstool groups and genera. Ecological notes are very such an expert when an collected, Careful, observations and reporting is far more import- useful e.g. frequency of rain in the day before the fungus was accurate in than perhaps in other branches of botany for degree of shading, exposure, plant community, soil type, etc. ant mycology colors, form, etc., are soon lost on drying and mycologists have c) Preservation accumulated less information about their species than the flowering fungi should be dried fairly rapidly to discourage putrefaction: Flethy plant taxonomist has in a comparative group of angiosperms. Use a of their form and color as possible. Ventilation this also helps retain much hand-lens in the field to detect small irregularities 2.9. presence of is is being carried dry over radiators or essential whilst the drying out; out hairs, wrinkles, Fries, the father of mvcology, did not use a and with the door open. Delicate etc. in an air-oven at medium temperature but the of his classification has stood the test of placing the surface of fresh silica gel or microscope essence specimens can be dried by on (over hundred years) with the introduction of windowsill. Robust specimens, like time one even simply placing them on a sunny microscopic characters. Although microscopes have been used to sliced assist either silica gel method or an boletes, can be to drying by the study fungi for several generations, it is only recently that the results the fungi fairly brittle so great care must air-oven technique. Once dry are from their have allowed a rather different approach to classifica- Specimens be transported use be taken when handling them any further. can tion. packing them fairly tightly by placing them in twists of waxed-paper and Once in the laboratory observe the specimen carefully under the in cardboard boxes. When storing these twists containing specimens are Place low power of the microscope and note any salient features. the with liberal sprinkling of paradichlorobenzine or best accompanied a can lpileusl gillsdawn on a glass-slide in a shallow container and beetle attack. naphtha to discourage leave for an hour or so; after this period a faint trace of mature basidiospores will have formed. For the color of the spore-mass a 16

deposit obtained overnight on a slide is required. The spores should is E. H. then be scraped into a small pile with a coverslip and the latter be Hyphal analysis of polpores a technique introduced by J. placed the of the pile so formed; only then can the deposit Corner and has been since taken up by several authorities: three on top in fungi be compared with a standard colordran. main types of hyphee are to be found woody (1i generative (2) (3) MICROSCOPIC CHARACTERS hyphae. skeletal hyphae, and binding hyphae, A fungus possessing only the first type, e.g. Polyporus adustus is Myeelium aggregation of hyphal strands (hyphae — singular. 1 an called monomitic. A species containing types 84 2 is called dimitic, — the unit of growth of a fungus). e.g. - annosus. A species containing all three types of hyphae Myceiial may not be complex. thus in yeasts the systems may or types is called trimitic, e.g. Polystictus versioolor. is reduced in form and divides by what is known as mycelium cf. structure of Discomyoetes i.e. texturs globosa, textura budding, prismatica, angularis, intricata; Fl. Korf, A give rise textura textura see Mycelial systems may to: Monograph of the Arachniopezizeae. Lloydia 14: 129 180. a] Oidia, a term applied to (l) arthrospores and (ll) spermatia 7 of heteruthallic Hymenomycetes. Spores The is a general applied the reproductive bi — thick~walled, non-deciduous, intercalary' term spore name to propagules of commonly single celled, but or terminal asexual spores. cryptogams, most not A is unit of dissemination c) Stroma a mass of vegetative hyphae in or on which spores infrequently multi-celled. diaspora any 7 and he fragment of mycelium sclerotium. or sporebearing bodies are formed. may a spare, or a :1) addition a produced in an Sclerotia — firm masses of hyphae with or without 7 spore ascus, — produced basidiurn. of soil or host tissues; normally having no spores on it or in a spore on a — is after the it. any spore which forcibly ejected cord~|ike composed formation of a droplet. e) Rhizomorphs 7 a thread or structures of intertwined and anastomosing hyphae, 2.9. GASTROSPORE — a spare which develops within the tissue of mollea. certain woody fungi. — general for asexual f) Rhizoids — root-like structures. e.g. Rhizopus. or Conidiospore term any spore g) Pseudorhizae rooting portions of certain fruit-bodies. e.g. except intercalary thickvwalled cells ( and sporangio- 7 is of Oudemansiella spores see below). Conidium a term applied to a spore the radicata Fungi Imperfecti.7 Specialized hyphal units such as appressoria and haustoria for Various systems of spore-terminology have been suggested for invading plant cells found in certain parasitic fungi. are the Fungi Imperfecti depending on (3) their ecology i.e. dry or slimy Clamp-connect ////////////////////////////////////////////////n - ”0 spore‘mass; Xero» and Gloio (b) number of constituent cells; Phragmo 7 in) the in which they Amero 7, Didymo —, —, etc. way are formed and/pr borne; Phialo —, Blasto Arthro etc. (d) their When they are said to characterize basidiomycetous fungi 7, 7, present shape; Helico Gonio —, Stauro etc. (e) color; Hyalo and although they absent from many otherwise typical Easidio- 7, 7, 7 are Phaeo — and if) their relative size; Macro and Micro —. when two clamp-connection-like are found at the base of 7 mycetes; structures of are produced by the same fungus. in of the fruit-body of types spare asci in several Ascornycetes and certain parts For the the following spore-terminology is used: truffles. When clamp-connections are found on vegetative hyphae it SPORANGIOSPORE— an asexual spore produced in a , of the Basidiomywtes. indicates a member e.g. Muoor. Hyphal analysis ZOOSPORANGIOSPORE ~— a motile sporangiospore. is The flash. of most mushrooms and toadstools composed of APLANOSPORE — a non-motile sporangiospore. swollen filamentous hyphae which in some places may become or ZOOSPORE a motile spore or gamete. the 7 not but always giving a uniform tissue, excepting one group, ZVGOSPORE — a resting resulting from conjugation, e.g, is spore Russulaoeae. In the genera Rutsula and Lamrius the flesh Mumr. cf. the alga Spirogyra. 'packets’ of spherical composed of filamentous hyphae surrounding OOSPORE a resting spore resulting from fertilization of an egg- distinctly brittle flesh 7 cells (sphaerocysts); this produces the cell, e.g. Saprolegnil. cf. the alga Vaucheria. characteristics of this group of fungi. In the the flesh is Specialized spore~terminology: said to be heteromerous and the other agarics are homoiomerous. An asoospore may be more than one-celled and then may l1) — cells, Coprinus fragment; each separate section is then termed a part-spore. eg. brachycystidia spacmg eg. spp. (2) material cravioeps Ergot of Rye. gloeocystidia — those containing oily (3) oleocystidia — those encrusted with material Many rusts have a series of different types of spore in their lite- resinous (4) macrocystidia those which connect With the vascular history; Dycno —, aecidio —, telemo and uredospores. Some up -, and lacticiferous usually discolor with aldehyde species of dispense with all but one spore type. - system; basidia in have reagents, e.g, Russula spp. and often called pseudocystidia. The basidiospores and the smuts lost their true ( function; indeed authorities do believe they are true Note also Aoanthophyses — hyphldial some not (a) basidia. Cellules en brosse of French authors. broomrcells (lrom their resemblance to brushes). OF SPORE AND BASIDIA To look for in fleshy fungi: CHARACTERS (in) Coscinoids cells containing sieve-Ilka perlmatetl plates SPORE (C) ‘ Hairs hairrshanetl cclls whlch Cannot be related to their a) number and comple of walls v of cystidia. b) position the basidiurn types on (u) Cystidoles aborted haSldia sterile ohcn papillaie c) pigmentatiOn or basidia arisinge from the hymenial layer. d) absence of presence or germ-pore (e) Basldiolcs basidia in which nuclear division is taking e) prominence of apiculus » place. (often incorrectly applied to spacing cells under the f) surface markings names pseudoparaphyses or paraphysis). g) reaction with Melzer's reagent, Lo. (bluish, indigo, or Techniques for observing macro and micro structures are purplish black), dextrinoid (purplish brown or rich red brown) . 4 illustrated and dealt With in greater tlepth in Part ll. and non-amvloid (no reaction 4 golden). BASIDIA USE OF TEXTS AND KEYS a) whether of one or more sizes Texts: lull fungi, b) whether borne on the fruit-body surface Some texts are designed to cover the range of whilst The dlfier c) 1, 2, or 4~5pored others relate certain groups one to the other. latter may d) inaequihymeniferous versus aequihymenilerous gills in their coverage, cg. order, family, genus. or section oi a genus. CYSTIDIA These are usually termed monographs When approaching itlemihca the general Cystidia are sterile, more or less differentiated cells found on and iion one should first locate the genus of the specimen in in the fruit-bodyt Their classification is based on (a) position, (b) text book, then seek the species by keylng it down and finally looking structure, and (is) function. confirm your lindings by reading the descriptions and at the (a) Position colored plates in lhe text or searching the bibliography for a (1) dermatocvstidia i.e. cystidia on the outside of the fruit-body monograph on the group. Keys: pileo — on the cap lpileus) and caulo — on the stem (stipc). gill Naturalness is often sacriilced in a key fol A key is (2) pleurocystidia —- those on the face. convenience. gill designed primarily for and certainty cl Identification and not (3) cheilccv — those on the ma , ease If the cheilocystidia and the pleurocystidla are alike then the gill to reflect evolution, although there l5 no reason why a key should so! If however, art: lairly natural and is said to be subheteromorphous. If the cheilocystidia and the not do subgenera and scctlons clear is why be pleurocvstidia are unlike then the gill is hetetomorphous. If only cut there no reason they should not separated out as in key. A does give phylogenetic cheilocvstidia are present then the gill is pseudoheteromorphous. groups the key not intend to if the gills lack distinctive cystidia then they are homomorphus. associations, Quanilatlve characters are better than qualitative one (b) Structure but mycologists have so low charactels at their disposal; measure- basldla, frequently resorted (1) chrysocystidia — those with inclusions staining yellow in ments ol spores, etc, are to. In mycology, unless the character is decisive and easily aqueous solutions of ammonia and deep blue in cotton blue in very lactophenol. observable Single-character keys are difficult to use, Because of the which be color (2) lamprocystidia — thick walled cystidia often called metuloids. ease with otherwise obvious characters may lost, eg. when usually characters given assist ll’l e.g. Plunus spp. Inmbe spp. young, two or more are to deciding ollereo the (dichotcr (3) Ieptocvstidia — thin-walled cvstidia. between the two alternatives in key Function mous). Unlortunately some keys have three alternatives ltrichoto- my) and confuse the beginner particularly when the keys run to 20

using key its several pages, Always take great care when first the to note An example of a key in which the number of signs for opening couplets particular format, for different types of keys exist in the literature. becomes absurd is found in the ingenious "Nouvelle Flore des champignons de France" by Constantin 8: Dutour. (.7) is it ..Z or Suggested reterences for the beginner: .3 European: M. 8t B. Hora, Collins Guide Mushrooms 8t Toadstools, is it indent2d i?) 1.....2 or bracketed 1.....2 or bracketed 1.....2 Lange F. to London, 1963, $5.95 without moves with moves E, M. Wakefield & R. W. G. Dennis, Common British Fungi, 1950 out of -....3 indicated (7) print, used copies sometimes available. A, Pilat 81 0. Usak, Mushrooms, Spring Books, London, 1954, $19.25 2....x 2(1) ...3 Mushrooms and Other Fungi, Nevill, London, 1962, a $15.95. American: A. H. Smith, Mushroom Hunters Field Guide, Revised Edition, 1963, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 56.95. 3121 ,4 L. R. Hesler, Mushrooms of the Great Smokies, Un. 01 Tennessee, 1960. J. Walton Groves, Edible 8t Poisonous Mushroomsof Canada, $7.75. Rene Pomerleau, Mushrooms of Eastern Canada and the United States, no. $7.50. is it a synoptic key i?) G, F. S. Atkinson, Mushrooms, Studies on American Fungi, New York, 1903, reprinted 1961, $15.00. Outlines of Edible 84 Poisonous Mushrooms of Wisconsin, F. W. Hainer, $2.50. L. C. C. Krieger, The Mushroom Handbook, 1935, Second Edition 1967 with appendix by R. L. Shaffer, $3.50. Advanced Students: C. H. Kauflman, of Michigan, U. S. Geol. Survey, Lansing 1918, now in the Second Edition. M, Moser, Kleine Kryptogamenllora von Mittleuropa Band II, Stuttgart Second Edition, 1955 (in German). Third Editlon, Stuttgart 1967 (in French). Fi. Kuhner 81 H. Romagnesi, Flore analytique des Champignons super- ieurs, Paris, 1953. D. M. Henderson, P. D. Orton, 81 R. Walling, British Fungus Flora: Agarics 8t Boleti, 1969, publication coming out in parts BIC. Edinburgh a covering all the lamilies; full descriptions, etc. Published by Her In all these cases completely contrasting clauses are advisable and & Majesty’s Stationery Office, Edinburgh. but are always found in texts, e.g. Kuhner Romagnesi under necessary not Fl. Singer, Agaricales in Modern Taxonomy, Second Edition, Weinheim the genus Omalina. Gare must be taken because the paucity in the number of usable characters in the fungi often makes it necessaryfor the same species 1962, $30.00. W, G. B. Hora, 8r P. D. Orton, New Check List of Agarics to appear more than once in a single key, this overcomes variability; it can R. Dennis, F. still however that the species is autonomous. & Boleti, Supplement to Vol. 43, 1960, and associated articles, supersedes mean Pearson and Dennis. Obtains In bracketed keys the move may be placed in parenthesis after a new Revised List of Agarics and Boleti, 1948 by Mycological $2.50. couplet, for easy reference. This allows a back check to be made on any able from the British Society, MOVE. R. L. Shaffer, Key to genera of Higher Fungi, Univ. of Michigan, 53.00. A selection of mnogrlphic works of North American Agariules: Belem“ c) H. Romagnesi, Petiti Atlas des Champignons, Bordas, 1962. The Boletaoeae of North Carolina, W. C. Coker 8t A. H. Beers, Univ. of d) R. Heim, Las North Carolina Press, 1943, $9.50. Chempignnnsd‘Europe, Paris, 1957. e) H. Kleijn, The Eoletoideae of Florida, R. Singer, in the American Midland Naturalist Mushrooms and other Fungi, Oldborne Press. London, 1962, colored and Farlowia. photos with texts. $11.95. F. Muller, Wild Mushrooms, A Contribution toward a Monograph of North American , A. H. 0 Zeitlmayr, London, 1963. g) H. Smith 81 H. D. Thiers, Ann Arbor, 1964. Haas, The Young Specialist looks at Fungi, Burke, London, 1969. Cortinariaoeae h) E. 84 H. Hvass, Mushroomsand Toadstools in Colour, 53.75. L. H. HBSIEr St H. i) North American Species of Crepidotus, A. Smith, Hafner J. Ramsbottom, Mushroomsand Toadstools. $7.00 la general account) New York, 1969, $12.50. j) C. M. Christensen, Molds and Man, $5.50. North American Species of Gymnopilus, L. R. Hesler, Mvcologia Memoir kl W. P. K. Findlay, Wayside and Woodland Fungi, London, 1967, $12.95. No. 3; obtainable through the New York Botanical Garden ‘and the A useful guide to the literature for the identification of British Fungi is Mycological Society of America. included in the Bulletin of the British Mycological Society, Vol. III (11 March 1969, North American Species of Phoiion, A. H. Smith at L. R. Hesler, Hafner, obtainable from the British Society. It includes many references New York, 1969. valuable to anyone working with temperate species of fungi. Hygrophoracelc Note: Physiological aspects of fungi are dult wit Hygrophorus of North America, L. R. Hesier 81 A. H. Smith, University Physiology of Fungi, L. Hawker, Univ. of London Press, 1950. of Tennessee Press. The Fungi, Vol. II, F. A. Wolf, F. W. Wolf, J. Willey, 1949. See also: A Monograph on the Genus Galarina Earle, R. Singer & A. H. Smith, a) Advance of the Fungi, E. C. Hafner, New York, 1964, $23.50. Lange, 1940, $4.25 (a popular account on Lepiotaoeae Plant Diseases) The Genus Lapiota in the United States, C. H. Kauffman, papers Michigan h) Fungal Genetics, J. Fl. S. Fincham 84 P. Day, Blackwell, $9.95, Academy of Science, 1924. :2) Mvoorrhiza, J. Harley, Biology of Mycorrhiza. Rhodophyllaceuu d) Biology of Fungi, C. T. Ingoid, Hutchinson Educational Series, 1961, of South Eastern North America, L. R. Hesler, 1967, $20.00. $3.00. Russulaoeae e) Dispersal in Fungi, C. T. Ingold, Oxford University Press, 1953. Various of Lactlriux. L. R. Hesler & A. H. Smith in Lloydia. groups see f) Soil Fungi & Soil Fertility, S. D. Garrett, Strophariaoeae Oxford, 1963. A. H. Smith — Mycologia 43. INSTITUTES: St Where A. H. Smith R. Singer — Mvcologia 50. materiai will be checked and expert opinions given. Triefinlomatacue a) Commonwealth Mycological Institute. Ferry Lane, Kew: micro-fungi. 1:) North American Species of Mywnl, A. H. Smith, Univ. of Michigan. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond: fungi and relatives, Dr. Gt H. cup Aphyllnphorales Gusteromvoetes W. G. Dennis. Aphyllophorales, Dr. D. Reid and Gasteromycetes, The Polyporaceae of the United States, Alaska, and Canada, L. 0. Dr. D. Dring. Overholts, $20.00. cl Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh: Scottish mycological flora and its Polyporaoeae of North America, The genus Poria (1966, $2.25) and The ecology, D. M. Henderson: Rusts and smuts, parasitic fungi. Dr. R $1.50), L. Lowe, New Wading: & genus Fomes (1957, J. Syracuse, York. Agarics Boletes and experimental techniques applied to Stipitate Hydnums of Eastern United States. W. C. Ooker & A. H. Beers. agarics. North Carolina 19.51.316.00. SOCIETIES E. It is Thelephorawae of North America, A. Burtt, 1926, $22.50. always advantageous to join a society in order to meet other amateurs, beginners, Several popular foreign books are available, some with excellent illustrations: and the professionals. Experts on particular groups in these organ- 3) & Nordisk Anderson, Kylir Nannfeldt, Svenska Vaxter Krvptogamer izations will often assist in identification. (If you are not now a member of Rotograw, Stockholm, 1953. NAMA, see the introduction of this journal). 1:) a) Mycological 1 1 Michael Hennig, Handbueh fur Pilztreunde, Jena 1958 (3 parts). Society of America MSA publishes a news-letter and a journal, holds an annual foray. Professional. Dr. R. L. Shaffer, Secretary — Treasurer University Herbarium CULTURING FUNGl University of Michigan The isolation and cultivation of lungi in pure culture constitutes an essential Ann Arbor, Michigan procedure in the study of the structure, development, physiology, genetics, ) b North American Mycological Association ( NAMA publishes a news» etc. of these organisms. letter and a journal, holds an annual foray. Amateur. Many different techniques have been developed for isolating and growing Mr, Neil Waterbury, Secretary fungi in pure culture. The choice of method depends on the fungus under 3 Ginger Hill Lane observation and the type of study being conducted. Toledo, Ohio It is impossible herein to describe cultural techniques and readers are referred small "Class Work with Dade & issued c British Mycological Society publishes the Transactions and a bulletin. to books as Fungi" by Gunnell, 1966, Holds lecture meetings and Spring and Autumn forays. by The Commonwealth Mycological Institute. Kew. Price $2.25. Secretary, R. S. F. Macer DEVELOPMENT Plant Breeding Station, Rathwell . Angiocarpic (hidden): Gynocarpic (exposedL W. Castor, Lincolnshire, England a) paraveiangiocarpic d) French Mycological Society, publishes the Bulletin and holds several b) monovelangiocarpic al forays in different parts of France annually. c) bivelangiocarpic [ ) d) piieaangiocarpic e Boston Mycologicai Club BMC Farlow Herbarium, 20 Divinity Ave. e) slipitoangiocarpic Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 f) bulboangiocarpic a) gvnoangiocarplc f New York Mycological Society ( NYMS ) h) metavelangiocarpic Mrs. P. J. Grebanier, Secretary il E. strictly gynocarpic 1366 4th Street i) mixed development Brooklyn, New York 11223 A, F. M. Reijnders Club (SMC) see: 9 Spokane Mushroom “Development des Agaricales” Mrs. King. Elton Secretary Junk,Hague,Netherlands1963 N. 1812 Stevens Street e ' f) Spokane, Washington 99205 i h Mycological Society of San Francisco l MSSF ) 4 Randall Junior Museum \ & L Roosevelt Way 16th Street San Francisco, California 94114 i) Additional Sodetles: Colorado Mycological Society 909 York Street Denver, Colorado 80206 Tri-Cities Mycological Society Mrs. Berle Eezzio, Secretary 614 Cottonwood Drive Richiand, Washington 99352

hymenal tissue / %- extra vulva natural 27

ECOLOGY Frequently macro and microscopic species of fungi have very characteristic habit of these mycorrhizal fung again sometimes reflected in the epithet, habitats. Various terms have been coined to cover some of their habitats; e.g. Boletus pinicola — under pines. There are a few fungi with very constant these often appear in the species epithet, e.g. —oola meaning ‘I live' as in habit requirements but we know little about the factors involved, e.g. fimicola, dung inhabiting and Iignicola — wood inhabiting. See also —phila Naucoria audioloides and related species, and Paxillus filamentous are con» meaning 'l love' as in coprophila — dung loving. fined to the wat logged soil about alder trees. praticolous, i.e. grassland species, e.g. pmicola. Alpine communi es in many ways resemble those found at lower altitudes i silvicolous woodland species, e. Aglricus silvatiiz 8: A. silviocola. although the higher plants in the community are rather more specialized; muscicolous i.e. growing in mass, erg. Leptoglosum musoigenum. thus there are pratioolous species and silvioolous species growing amongst When particular species of mass are involved the moss genus may be incorpo- Salix spp.. Betula nana, etct, erg. Amanita nivalis (white from the place where rated into the epithet, e.g. Omphllinl sphagnioola (Sphagnum), Galerinn it lives, near the snow line, not the color). Also found in these high altitudes hypnoium (Hypnum), etc. are fungi which grow on bare peat, e.g. Omphalina lumtilacina and 0. coprophilous, i.e. growing on dung e.g. Deconi- coprophila;I or timi- luteovitellina, apparently always associated with algal scums, or the lichens colous, e. g. Panaeolus fimicolo. Corsicium and Botrydina, carbonicolous, Le. growing on the site of old fires, e.g. Pholiota carbon- Often a distinct succession of fungal colonists can be recognized if a single ' Hebeluma anthracophila. substrate is kept under conttant observation; the coprophilous habitat is a good See M. R. Watling, growmg in dunes — 'dunensis’, e.g. Conocybe dunensis. example. J. Richardson and ”Keys to Coproohilous Iignicolous, i.e. growingon wood, cg, Boletue lignicola. Fungi", Bulletin of the British Mycological Society, obtainable from that Lignicolous species may grow either (a) on any woody debris or may be society. confined to a particular type of wood, e.g. (b) hardwood or (cl only on wood Fairy rings are the result of radial growth of many pratioolous fungi, the of a particular species, e,g, oak —quercicola. They may also differ in the part presence of the fungus brings about changes in the vegetation both in its in of the tree which they colonize: (a) on all types of woody debris, (bl only on growth rate and its species constitution. (C) twigs, only on branches, (d) only on trunks, (e) only on shanks. if) only Time of Appearance: on stumps, or any combination of two or more. (see Cartwright & Findlay, Many fungi typify a particular season, others are to be found whenever "Decay of Timber and its Prevention”). favorable weather conditions prevail. However, it is a fallacy to say that Fungi growing on substrates other than wood may have a preference also, higher can only be found in the autumn; certainly the fungi are in greater e.g. only on leaves or leaves of a particular plant, e,g. Marasmius hudsonii on numbers at this time of year and the more familiar larger species observable, Holly leaves, M. buxi on Box leaves, and M. androtceus on pine needles or but throughout the year successful collecting can be carried out. For instance in heather leaves. Some are only on fruits, e.g. Flammulaster Inrpophila on Spring there usually occurs a distinct flush of fruit-bodies; a dung heap in Spring Beech mast, Strobilurus oonigena on Pinus cones, and S. tenaoella on Pica- can produce up to two dozen higher fungi, cones. Never-tirelesscertain species have been said to indicate the particular stage of is regarded Some agarics simply live in or on leaf litter humicolous, these are same- the season. Tricholomoptit platyphylle as the indicator of the phytes. Some however, prefer base rich humus,- i. brown earth conditions fungus season; Hygrophorus hypothejus on the other hand is called the (mull soils), e.g. Lepista nude, whilst others prefer acidic soils, i.e. raw humus ”Herald of the Winter“. (mor soil) e.g. Myoena sanguinolento. The associated plant cover often The four seasons frequently appear in the species epithet, e. g. Ptatltyrllla (spring), influences the magnitude of fruitification of the fungi present in an area; vernalis Boletut unit-lit (summer), Galerian autumnalis (autumn). this has been demonstrated by removing heather from areas of woodland and and brumalis (winter). so enhancing the production of agarics, European Mapping Scheme: This is Two other major ecological groups of agarics can be defined, those parasitic a pilot scheme formulated to encourage mycologists throughout Europe 100 species on higher plants. erg. Honey fungus, , Oudelnansiellaspp. on to map spooles of the higher fungi. The chosen include by trees (0. Indicate on roots and 0. mucida on standing trees) and those some Ascumycetes, but far the greatest number are Basidiornvcetes. parasitic on other fungi, e.g. Nymlit on Russula spp., and spp., and Certain species have been chosen because they show habitat preferences, Salem: Intuition: attacking Earth-balls (Sclerodernta spp.). A less definable some because they show a southerly or northerly distribution, others because group of agarics composes those which are termed mycorrhizal fungi. Farticu- they show continental, atlantic, cosmopolitan, or circumpolar distribution. Iarly those whim have an underground symbiotic relationship with tree-roots EVOLUTION (ectotrophic). This group includes many "embers of our more obvious It is impossible in a short space such as this to discuss at any length ideas on genera, e.g. Russula, Lomrius, Cortinariut, Boletus, and Amanita. The evolution; never~the~less it is felt important enough to mention here at least something about the basic ideas and so stimulate an interest in the fungi over and above those species which may be seen in the field. It also will indicate that mycology is not static, but an expanding world of knowledge. Various Gestramycatee fit into this pattern and where the rusts and smuts might be theories on the evolution of the fungi have been put forward, but the main placed. Gaumann would evolve the former from the 'conieiurn' stock to ideas appear to be variations on those of three school of thought. Firstly that finally give several groups where the palisade of reproductive tissue, although of Atkinson, a theory which can be mentioned and passed over rapidly, not borne in a definite fruit-body, often in every way as complex as in the agaric because it is basically wrong but because it is simple in outline; here the fungi or , is completely enveloped. Singer on the other hand would not are considered to be a homogeneous group of organisms (monophyletic), the accept a parallel development in the two groups but would evolve the agarics different developmental patterns exhibited being simply parallelisms to those from the gastromvcetes. found in the algae. The other two hypotheses agree that the fungi are heter- There is little doubt that there is sufficient information available to show that ogeneous ipolyphyleticl; the only ways in which the theories diverge is that several patterns are taking place and have taken place; some information the proposed origins are to be sought amongst rather different origins. supports the view that some agarics are giving rise to gestromycetous fungi by Phycomyoetes: The presence or absence of cellulose in the and the non-expansion and sealing off of the lower part of the . position of the flagella on the zoospores are important points. Four types are The rusts and smuts pose a much tougher problem. Bessey would develop to be noted: them in parellel to our primitive 'Cortioium' ancestor from the Hemiaasco- 1. Anterior flagellum lost Chytridiomycetes mycetes from which point they developed similar structures to the jelly fungi; 2. Posterior flagellum lost Hyphochytridiomyoetes the last group would be considered a branch of the '' line. Gaumann 3. Both flegeilae retained Oomyoetes & Plasrnodiophoromywtes on the other hand developes the same groups from the primitive ‘Corh'u'um' 8t 4. No zoospores formed Zygomyoetes Trichomycetes along with all the other fungi with a septate basidia. What many mycologists closely Some authorities think the Zygomycotina and Oomycotina are forget is that some of the ‘missing-Iinks' are either present and not related, the latter having given rise to the former; others think that the two recognized,or lost, even in the fossil history. groups are quite unrelated. There are amazing parallelisms between the Fossil fung filamentous yellowgreen algae and some of the lower fungi and this appears Few contributions to our knowledge of fossil fungi have been made by to correlate in part with the presence of cellulose in the cellAwall. e.g. myoologists; the field has been left to geologists but unfortunately frequently Vnucheria: Slpwlegnll. their knowledge of fungi, although exceeding the mycologist's acquaintance The parallelisms between the red algae and the antheridia/oogonial systems with geology, s still very inadequate. found in many Ascomycetes led Corner and Sachs to believe these two From Devonian onwards there were parasitic and saprophytic fungi, however, groups were closely related, probably with a common ancestor. Thus the most records are from the Tertiary and Quaternary. (See F. A. Wolf and F. W. true cup-fungi were connected to the red algae, with the "Laboulbenio- Wolf, 1949). mycetes" as an off-shoot very close to the separation of fire two groups. The The following facts may be listed: rise by closing and hardening Myxomycotina 1. 'Discomycetes' gave to the 'Pyrenomvcetes' 7 ‘Phycomycetes‘not more than 50. of the cup and from the latter by reduction at least some of the ’Piecto- Asoomycotina — over 100 species of have been described and mymtes’ were thought to be developed. The second school of thought, how- over 50 species of Rhytismites and Plienidites. ever. would seek the origin of the 'Discomyoetes' in the Zygomycotina Basidiomyeotina — Shelf fungi Polyporus vaporarius f. matinee from through some of the 'Plectomvcetes‘, e.g. Asporgilluleumtium-Iike fungi and Palypotites brolml (Lower Cretaceous of and then derived the ’Pyrenomycetes' in much the same way, suggested by Montana). Polyporites bowmlnu may be a fish scale. Sachs. In this hypothesis members of all groups would give rise by reduction Rhizomorpha sigillariae may be an insect burrow. to fungi which would be classified in the heterogeneous group, the 'Piecto— Polyporites filiatus from the Tertiary and Pseudo- mycetes', e.g. Downy mildews, Erysiphe spp. polyporus carbonic-u: from the Carboniferous. What is usually unamimously agreed is that the Bus iomyootina because of Several rusts and smuts have been recorded: their similarities in wall-structure, cell-development, etc., with the A500 Cllvaria turbinata from the Quaternary. myootina have in fact been through Taphrina

3. (2) Basidiospores ornamented with amyloid ridges and trama cap 17. heteromerous.... Russulae-u. (14) Cap cuticle a palisade of inflated cells or only of Inflated 3. Basidiospores smooth or ornamated and it with amyloid ridges 1 isodiametric cells, or less frequently covered by cells of and ornamentation then cap trama homoiomerous. .4 similar shape from a veil ....18 (3) 5 (7. Cap cuticle composed of strictly filamentous cells mixture 4. Gill-tram: bilateral ..... or at free, ellipsoid cells and filamentous cells . .21 18. (17) Spore-print 4. Gill-trama inverse, regular irregular ....9 :l: some shade ol red»brown 19 or 18. 5. (4) Spore-print pink, or with a flush of green or grey....6 Sporerprint purplish brown, chocolate to black 20 cream, 19...... 5. Spore- print darker in color, brown, black, etc., and spares ()8) Snore-print rust to hazel brown Bolhitiaeeae. distinctly colored under microscope. ..8 19. Spore~print not so. more cinnamon or olivaceous brown Conlnariaeele. (5) Gills, thick, waxy; basidia typically long, cylindrical often 6 20. (18) Gills veil than five times as long as the ..Hygophoraoue free to remote; well developed, usually leaVIng a more spores.. ring 6. Gills rarely thick if so then the spores ornamented Again-cue. or waxy, or 20. with spines, basidia shorter Gills attached to stipe or it free then veil absent or rudimen- 7. (6) Gills free or nearly so; veil often well developed and then leaving tary .. Caprinaoeae. 21. (17) Gills a ring and/or volva Amanitaoeae. fre fruit»bodv not deliquescent, hymenium frequently 7 inequihvmeniferous 7. Not as above ..See Tricholomataoeee. 22 8, Sporepririt almost black; gills decurrent .....Gomphidisoeae. 22. (21) Gills deliquesoent .Coprinaeeae. 22. Gills 8. Spore-print brown with a ilush of chocolate or olive...PIx- not deliouescent; hymenium dequiphymenilerous 23 23. (22) Basidiospores ...... illaoeae. truncate and/or with a distinct pore at the apex, 9. (4) Dasidiospores angular or longitudinally ridged ...10 purplish brown in mass, purplish sepia to olive-yellow in KOH 9. Basidiospores smooth or if ornamented never angular ....11 .. Strophariaoeae. 23. 10. (9) Basidinspores with longitudinal ridges, angular in transverse Basidiospores neither truncate nor With a distinct pore at the section only Tricholoma‘ueeae. apex, rust in mass, golden honey color in KOH ....Cortinariaoeae. 10. Basidiospores irregularly angled, cubic, rhomboid, etc, angular 24, (1) Spore- print distinctly colored .25 24. in all optical sections...... Rhodophyllaoeu. Sporeprint white or paie but never darker thanIvory 29 25. (24) pink ..... 11. (9) Spore-print pink, vinaceous, tawny, tan, buff, but never cream or Sporeprint ..... 26 white. 12 25. Spore-print brown to purplebrown, spores smooth to punctate _ 11. Spore-print either white, cream, or dark and then ferrugineous, never angular in optical section. .27 russet, purple--hrown, etc 4 E 26. (25) Basidiospores angular'in ail optical sections .Flhodophyllaoeae Basidiospores 12. Spore- print pink; gilltrama InverseVolvlriaoeae. 26. angular In transverse section only .Tricholoma 12. Spore- print never pink or if flesh colored gilltrama\ never taoeae. inverse 13 :l/ 27. (25) Sporeprint purplish brown, Strophariueeae...... _ 13. (12) Spore-print vinaceous, buff, etc., 'scalp’ of pileus composed of 27. Spore-print snuffabrown, bulf, rust to fulvous 28 isodiametric cells Coptinaoeae. 28. (27) Spore»print pale snuffrbrown, buff or fawn .Cortinariaceae. 28. 13. Not as above Tricholommoeoe. Spore-print rust... .Paxillaoeae...... , _ 29. (24) 14. (11)i Sporeprint white or cream perhaps flushed With lilac, green, Fruit-body tough when dry and reviving on moistening; gills split crisped along edge or grev.. ..15 or the ...... Schizophvllaoeae. 14. Spore-print dark ferrugineous, brown. chocolate, purple- 29. Fruit~bocly fleshy and not reviving or if woody the gills triangular brown‘, or black ...... 17 or wedge shaped in cross-section, never crisped or split. ...30 30. (29) 15. (14) Gills free: veil well developedi forming a ring... Lepiotloeae. Fruitabody tough; basidiuspores cylindric, allantoid, to eiong- 15. Gills adnexed, adnate, or decurrent; veil absent, rudimentary or ate ellipsoid, non~amyioid.....Pleurmceae. if lo!t....16 30. Fruit-body putrescent; spores ellipsoid to avoid, amvloid present soon 4 _ or 16. (15) Gills thick and fruit-body often brightly colored, basldlu not Tricholomataoeae. waxy, 31. (2) ...... live times long spores....Hygrophoueeae. Fruit--body with distinct, short or long, tubes Boletaene. over as as 31...... 16, Gills neither thick basidia shorter than above Fruit--body lacking tubes 32 nor waxy, .. (31) ..... Tridlolommu. 32. vaenium furrowed with the majority of basidia replaced by a powdery mass or chlamvdospores; fruitrbodv parasitic on Tridmlomataeue. < Russulaoeae u covering anastomising gills depressions, or if 5 32. Hymenium or mummy normal fruit-body saprophytic...t.33 E turrowed then basidia and x 33. (32) Fruit-body growing on vegetable debt ; cap small, less than e os 15mm ,.Trir:holomateeue. u .. 34 33. Fruit-body terrestrial; cap greater than 15mm ...... 34. (33) Spore pale white to cream and with hint of pink srRoPHAmAcEAE therellaeeae. PURPLE ”Paxillaeeae. 34. Spore-print rust color.“ ypnarnm. swam”.

Pllnslcn‘ The classical approach adopted by Massee, Peck, Worthington, Smith, Cooke, and Kauffman is now considered to be inadequate to relate genera of n Agarics which are now considered to have strong natural affinities. If was Peck, the of Massee, that canrxmnmcaas during the period of Fries and later that etc., ccnrlNAmAcEAE of majority of our most familiar roadstools were named, As the classification the earlier persists in many text-books and in order to allow the amateur to

Cmnidntm table is added. It must also be Nobelnme immin- inter~relate the old with the new the following Pint-aim Phnnou run noted that the earlier mycologists considered that the majority of the agarics lumrclnuliu-unn (my n... were members of the large family Agarimae.

ralCNOLoMAtAcEAEr nHonovHYLLAcEAE mono-mun“; RuonoPHvLLAcEAE monomvuncus



Ciauflflmil and “can”

Pluuul um







Trisholnma .... um"... mum”, mm

Arm Am A or


vulva m...“ E5 no mmw m... "or m- :2 mm wand!!! mm ring S in mum“ run only Stem .v may m 5 n ‘0. s. a. - rn- l. Acetahullria is a confused concept. Amanitnpais is included in Amanita. is chitonia the same as Clarkeinda — Agaricaceae. Psalliota is new Agarieus s. stricto. is now included in . Hiatula is the Commu- same as Film is Leueoeoprinus. included in . Flammula is in part in thyra placed Pholiota and part in Gymnopilus. Anellaria refers to annulate species of Panaeulus. Annularia is a mixed concept. The white spored Paxillus are Lepista in the Tricholomabaceaewhile the brown spared Paxillus in Paxillaceae. are Tapinia the Both genera are no longer used; Paxillus Is retained for brown spored species. Farms and Lantinus are now split into two genera, each depending mainly on the reaction of the spare wall with Melzer’s reagent. See Pleurotacaae, Tricholomataceae and Auriscalpiaceaa. The horizontal groupings which although interconnecting unrelated genera nevertheless dc reflect some form of pamllelisms in gill attachment, etc. This can be done by using the name of a constituent member of the series; thus such small, fragile fruit bodies with sinuate gills are termed mycencid after 1 BROWN uxutucus Myoena. Genera in column are usually used in such references: tricholo- noid, pleurotoid, clitocyboid, court-emu collyboid.

ammu- lnocvb- GENERA 2m... of the APHVLLOPHORALES and AGARICALES (G Gasteromycetes) m a) Aphyllophorales - In the main mcdified from M, A, Donk, "A Conspectus of the Families of Aphyllophorales", Parsconia 3, 1964. Auriscalpiaceae, Maas Geersteranus Auriscalpium and Gloiodon; Lentinellus (placed in the British Check list of Agarim and Boleti in the Pleurotaceae). Bankeraceae, Dunk Benkera and Phellodcn

raucuammucus Bondarzewiaoeae, Kel. & Pouzar Eondarzewia and Amylaria


nussuLAcEAE , .l. Schroeter (as WHITE outlined in the British Check List, Sehlxnnlwllum a rather mixed concept)


Llnllnuu , Craterellus 2 Landl- Xlrnrm s Runni- rum Clavariaoeae, Chev. 1) Pteruloideae Pterula v 3 2) Clavaridideae, , Pistillaria, , etc., after removal of E those species with monomitic :nlnr structure and non-inflated hyphae. uni Clavulinaceae, Dank

murals-Inn! mm" brim-w fmmmn Clavulina cull. Coniophqraceae, Ulbr, mm can Coniophora, aft-n Gyrodontium, Gyrophora, mu Serpula, etc, an v- m Corticiaceae, Herter — r-K-nl a rather artificial assemblage of genera (and species) E u is, u, Sistotrema, Aleurocliscus, ,Odantia, Mucronella, etc. Peniophara u' ~ mixed group of species. Corticium and residual genera, Petersen suggests the inclusion of Cristella, Ramariopsis,and Tulasnella (formerly placed in the Tuiasncllales: ]. Echinodontaceae, Dank Eehinodontium Fistulinaceae. Lotsy A and pseudofistulina summary of the hymenial pattern, i.e. whether poroidl agaricoidl etc., over Ganbdermataceae the famlly of the Aphyllophnrales is illustrated by the following table; Dank, 1964 is followed closely. in these families examples given illustrate the Ganoderma. Amauroderma e 2. are to Gomphaceae, Donk diversity of hymenium within that family. Ramaricium, Kavinia, Ramaria. Lentaria, and Beenakia. Gomphus o 2 and possibly Clavariadelphus (Gomphus in the British Check List has been classified in the Cantharellaeeae). Lachnocladiaceae, Reid Lachnocladium, Dichopleuropus. Vararia, and Asterostrbma tmomhtn unpoarly M..... 3:33;“ W...... M..... M..... Hericiaceae, Dunk 3mg“ surface m...“vein: Hericium, Creolophus, Clavicoma, Laxitextum, Dentipellis 81 Staecheri- Fm... num M..-W. M..... xM.....m ,Chev. a problematic assemblage of possibly 7 unrelated genera. a...... mm... x x Hydnum + 5 (might have to include Steocherinum now in Hericiaceae. Cammreliaceac X X Hymenoehaetaceae, Dank Cxatavmneac X > X 1) As sterostmmatoideae: see Reid’s Lachnocladiaoeae Clawimaceic Comouhalaceau 7 X X X X 2) Hymenochaetoideae: Asterodon, Clavariachaete, vaenochaete. . x x x x Hydrochaete and Phellinus + 10. We... x Podoscvphaceae. Reid FistulmaceaeEmma”... X Podoscypha, Cymatoderma, and Cotylidia. Gandadeimatamar X Polyporaceae, Corda, probably a artificail assemblage of unrelated 5...... very t...... xm... x 5...... genera. am.Hemmerxae X XM.. X (Polyporoideae) many of our common polypores: Polyporus, Hydnaccan X Pycnoporus, Piptopams, Trametes. Fomitopsis, oxyporus, Poria, va‘mochactiwae X X X X X Pmlosuyphau‘an X etc. x (Pleurmoideae) see Pleurotaceae below — Lentodium (G) FunctulavmceaeMW“... X V Punctulariaceae, Donk Schwophvliaceae X Spawssloaceae 7 X Steibiceae X Schizophyllaceae Thnlcuharaceae Lenmopsis Theleol‘ora Tflnlfllllélll Nydnwllum Baletapsls Polyuzellus Sohizophyllum (placed in the Pleurotaceae in the British Check List). Plicaturiopsis, Stromatoscypha, and Henningsomvces may have to be eliminated from the family. Plicaturiopsis (as Plicatura)- has been referred by the British Check List to the Cantharellaceae. Sparassidaceae, Hener Sparassis "X” indicates at least one genus of the family possess this type of hymenial Stereaeeae, Pilat configuration. and segregates, e.g. b) Agaricales, adopted from the author's personal notes. Chondrostereum s 2, Mycobonia + 1, for Cotylidia see Reid's Agaricaceae, Fries Podoscypheceae. Agancus and Melanophyllum: Endootychum (G) and Gyrophragnum (G) Thelephoraceae, Chev. (BoletopsidaceaE) , Haze Tomentella, Caldisiella, Thelephora, and Scytinopogon. Amanita and Limacella Hydnellum, Sarcudon, Boletopsis, Polyzellus, and Lenzitopsis. , Singer Bolbitlus, Conocybe, Agrocybe: see also Panaeolus: Galeropsis (G) and Gasterocybe (G) , Chev. Eolems and segregates; Strobilomyces: Gastrolmletus (G), Truncocolu- mella (G). and Chamonixia (Gl ? Coprinawae, Haze Exobosid Exobasidium (G) Panaeolus: Pan- Exobasidiale: well; Caprinus, Psathyrella, and Lacrymaria: Montagnites Septobasidiales, Donk Seatobasidileeae; aeolus: Panaeolopsis (G), Tromellales Sirobasldlneeoe. Tramellaceu and Hyaloriacea; Coninariaceae, Ron incl. Pseudohvdnum, , 59mins and Ex- and Nivato» cartinareae: Cortinarius, Galerina, Pholicta, Thaxterogaster, idi- gastrium (G). Naucoria, and Simocybe‘ Inocybeae, Favod: Inocybel , Uredinales Melnmsporauae, Pucciniaoeae. and Graphiolaoeae Singer Phaeomarasmieae, Singer Phaeomarasmius sensu (rust: of various higher plants) Gomphidiawae, R. Maire Ustilaginales Ustiiaginauae and Tlletiaoeue (hunts and (G) muts Gomphidius and segregates: Brauniellula of various higher plants) Hygrophoraceae. Roze Snccharomveeules Sporobolomycetaoeoe: Sporobclomvus (yeast-like Hygropharus and segregates n Lepiotaceae Hymenogastrlles (G) Mel-nogasuaoeae. Hymenogastraceae and Hydran- Lepiata and Leucocuprinus (Lymperdon??) giaceae be in the Tricholomataceae Cvstoderma and Chamaemyces might better (G) Lyooperdacene, Geastraceao, Astreaceae, Mesoph- Paxillaceae, R, Maire elliaceae. and Podaxaceae; also see Agarlcaeeae (G) Phylloporus Paxillus and segregates: Paxillogaster and Austrogaster above. along with Paxillus: (placed in the British Check List in the Boletaceae Nidulariales (G) and Arachniaceae (Xerccomus). placed bv many authors close to Boletus Phallales (G) Phallamaa and Clathraceae Rhodophvllaceaa, Singer Protogastrales (G) Protagastrweu and Hemigastraceae Flhodogaster Entoloma, Leptonia, Eccilia, a modified Nolanea, Claudcpus: Sclerodermatales (G) Calostomataoeoe, Tulostxmzoeae, Sclerodermaur (G) nae, incl. Pisalithaceae, Glioschodermataoeae Secoteaeeae Sphaerobolales (G) Sphaerobolmae Neosecotinm and Secctium; Endaphvchum previously placed Tricholomataceae (including many laterally stipitate agarics ichens Dictyonemataceae; see also Tricholomataceae and List vaenol in Pleurataceae and those placed in the Clitopilaoeae in the British Check Clavariaueae be distantly related. an assemblage ol genera many of which may only - Hygrophovopsoideae Hygrophorgpsis and Cantharellula Lyophyllae Lvophyllum etc. Tricholnmatnae Clitocybe, Lapista, Tricholoma, Melanoleum, Lamria,etc. Hydnagium (G) 7 Panelleae Panellus Crapidotaceae Crepidotus in part, Pleurotellus Rhodoteae Clntopileae Clitopilus Volvariaoeae Volvaria and Pluteus: Brauniella (G) SYNOPSIS OF THE REMAINING BASIDIOMYCETES Astarosporales ‘ (G) Russulaceac Flusmla and Lactarius: Maoowanites — astro- gastraceuus series Auricu~ Auriculariacean and Phleagenacaae; incl. laria and Helicobasidium Brachybasidiales, Dank Brachybasidiacaae: Brachybasidium Dacrymycetales Dacrymyoetaoeae; Dacrymyces, Calooera and Femsjonla A REY the lo orders and families of the Basidlomycetes, maiority is lncludlng ual|unfil§um of the the untrue-um agarics, here offered as an attempt to allow students on and relationships between to the different groups.

agaric families has been 1 ‘l. Basidia eseptate during numm formation of basidiospores, clavale, or ventricose, thln~walled, although cylindrical possibly becuming [thkEnEd even proliferating with age‘ or Easidia (Homobasldicmyceridael 2 septate with transverse to oblique, walls or if or longitudinal to Oblique eseptate then inflated, pvriform subglobose, from a thickened to or originating propagule. (Heterobasidiamvcendael Thallus reduced, 7D yeast-like colonies produced group of cells consisting of single cells, or hyphae-like filaments ' Satan/«womlsvfl sterlgmata which on spores are forme ,- absent, Sporobolomyutaceae lSacchavomycetales) Thallus consisting of hyphae it reduced plants, or then parasitic on vascular Fungus parasitic vascular 3 Fungus on plants; true frull-bodles lacking, saprophytic if 4 or parasitic then not simply of tissue or basidia pushing forming a palisade Basidia through stomata, pushing through st

clavate, 4 less , spared, frequently 2 - sporecl and not constricted, Fungi Exobasidiaoeae (Exobasidialesl intimately associated with Fungi algae (Hymenolichens) not associated with algae 6 Fruit-body of loose 8 construction showing no distinct an agarlcoid or clavaroid fruibbody organization into Fruit-body well differentiated, Dictyonemalaeeae stipitate, agaricoid Frui body club shaped (clavaroidl or clavaroid, 7 see Clavaviaoeae in Aphyllophorales Fruitbody like a toadstool lagaricoidl Agaricales see Trichulumataoeao in Spores‘ amyloid, flesh of lruilrbody round Cells in composed of distinct a matrix of filaments (heteromerous), groups of closed or not, hymenium en» Spores if (Asterusporalesl amylaid lacking distinct ridges, 9 never heteromerous cresls and/Dr warts and flash Fruit-body typically agaricoid 10 Fruit-body less well differentiated, Russulaceae completely or in part hypogeous Senotianeae Spores either borne directly p.p. on the basidium or if symmetrically sited and forcibly on sterigmata then not discarged 11 ‘The word in spore the Key refers always to basidiosoore. 24. fleshy Hymenogastraeeae 10. Spores borne asymmetric on sterigmata and forcibly discharged from 24. Gleba cartilaginousto gelatinous Hysterangiaoeae the basidlum 36 25. Columella forming or fusing with the apical structures, no marked stem 11. Fruit-body at maturity resembling a bird's nest or simply a slippery formed Hydnlngiaceae subglobose ball within a receptacle or sac 12 25. Columella forming a stern, often very well differentiated and clearly 11. Fruit-body not resemblinga bird's nest 14 seperable base from fertile tissue [Seootiaoeae 26 12. Bird's at pp.) nest-like or simply a sac containing packets of spore producing 26. Hymenophore tube-like, typically boletoid Boletaeeae in Agari- tissue spores (Nidulariales) 13 cales 12. Fruit-body with a single. slippery, internal ball containing spores 26. Hymenophore Iacunose or irregularly Iamellate,spores various 27 (Sphnerobolales) Sphaerobolleeoa 27. Fertile distinctly brown, black or purple 28 13. Basidia in areas contained numerous thinswalled packets escaping from the 27. Fertile distinctly colored 31 enclosing areas never so receptacle by it irregularly breaking Audiniacua 28. Fertile shade of brown 29 13. Basidia in areas some contained lew to several thick-walled packets which give to 28. Fertile shade of black purple 30 the fruit-body enclosing areas some or the appearance of a bird's nest, when the 29. Fertile brown, smooth, Bolbitiaoeaa, Cortinariaceae, receptacle areas spores see opens Niduluiacnu Paxillaceae in Agaricales (cf. Strophariecaao) 14, Outer membrane of fruit-body rupturing by expansion of the inner Fertile rich Cortinaviaoeae tissue areas rust brown, spores ornamented, see to expose a slimy, often evil smelling, spore-mass, (Phallales p.p.l in Agaricales 14. Outer membrane not splitting due to rapid expansion and exposing Fertile purple either boletoid becoming purplish olive in KOH, slimy areas or spore mass, but fruit-body usually with central simply powdery see Gomphidiaeeae and Strophariaoeae in Agarioales area 16 Fertile areas black or purple black, not boletoid and unchanging in 15. Fertile of area fruit-body at apex of unbranohed, columnar structure, alkali, see Agaricaeeae and Coprlnaonae in Agaricales Phallecne 31. Fertile areas pinkish, spores irregularly angular in all optical sections 15, of Fertile area fruitebody covering branched or lattice-like structure, see Rhodophyllaoeae in Agaricales Clathrleole 31. Fertile areas pale or if with pinkish cast then spores not angular or Fruit-body with single, regular internal hymenial layer, faintly so and then only in one plane. Seootiaceae p.p. Progastrales 17 32. Fruit-body stellately dehiscing 33 Fruit-body with several internal hymenial layers or if a single hymenial 32. Fruit-body with irregular dehiscence 34 layer then its surface strongly convoluted 18 33. Hymenophoral chambers lacking, columella absent Astraeaoeae Columella absent, hymenial layer produced around a spherical central 33. Hymenophoral chambers present, columella present Geastraceae cavity Protogutnceu Stalk well developed, basidia occurring in clusters on glebal hyphae Columalla present, hymenial layer lining an annular cavity, and the latter partaking in the final spore-mass Podaznceae Hemigastracul Stalk absent or poorly differentiated 35 Fruit-body with Iacunose internal arrangement of fertile structure, 19 35. Fruit-body rupturing irregularly usually with a three layered Fruit-body at apex or with ooralloid internal arrangement of fertile structure, 21 peridium, basidia borne on radially arranged hyphae Masophelliamae Fruit-body hypogeous and internal cavitiesfilled with gelatinous matrix 35. Fruit~body dehiscing by a specialized apical pore or if rupturing with irregular of basidia, or masses Mel-magnum irregularly then basldia borne on tremal tissue which soon disappears Fruit-body epigeous when mature 20 Lyooperdame Fruit-body with distinct fibrous to woody stern Tulostomataoeu 36. Fruit-body distinctly cuoshaped as in the ’Discornywtes‘ with the Fruit-body lacking if stalked then stem or stem poorly differentiated hymenium smooth wrinkled, stipitate or not, central lateral gelatinised and 21 or cup or or composed of anastornosingstrands ('Cyphellnoeae') 37 Capillitium with. annular spiral to thickenings present amongst spores. 36. Fruit-body not distinctly cup-shaped 40 Calostomataoue 37. Spore-print white faintly colored 38 21. Capillitiurn lacking or or very poorly developed, difficult to find and 37. Spore-print darker dark 39 never distinctive, or spores Sclerodermatlculi' Cups partially fused and agariooicl 22. Fruitvbodyhypogeous grouped together so as to form an or almost so, simple in construction 23 fruitification with what be splitting gills (Sehizophyllaoaael 22. Fruit-body epigeous 32 appears to and often well differentiated Cups if grouped together than retaining individuality giving the 23. Columella absent never 2‘ of an agariooid fruitification, see Tricholomatncue 23. Columalla present 25 appearance 'Including Fisolithaceaa and Glischrodermataceae 49. Spores Dmamemed with amyloid crests and spines, gleocystidiaabsent; 39 Spores ornamented, echinulate or min. verrucose,dlstinctly brown s.rn. hymenophore clavarioid or with tubes"... ,.Bondarzewilcelc see Cortinariaceae in Agaricales 49, Spores amyloid, smooth to minutely verrucose but lacking crests or 39. Spores smooth, with purplish or olivaceous flush s.m. see Stroph- warts, gloeocystidia present. Hymenium toothed or Iamellnte...Auri- ariaoeae in Agarlcales «alpine: p.p. 40. Hymenium on distinct gills, see key to Agaricales above so, Shelf-fungi with hymenium consisting of congregated but seperate cups 40, Hymenlum on the inside of tubes or depressions or on furrows or or spores thick walled and amyloi .mm51 strongly anastomosmg gills 41 Fruit-body various hymenium not producing thick walled, amyloid 41. Fruitsbodv fleshy and putrescent and hymenium borne on the inside spores and not consisting of separate cups"...... 52 of distinct tubes 42 Fruit-body hard and tough with corky, orange red flesh, hvmenium 41. Fruit-body putrescent or not and nymemum borne on folds, furrows, toothed, spores thick walled, amyloid; hyphae clamped and thick if teeth or warts or tubular then fruit-body distinctly woody ...43 walled, dimitic r. . Echinodontiaoeae 42. Fruit~body small and subtropical to tropical; white or Fruit-body fleshy and juicy; hymanium consisting of separate cups, non-amyloid,‘ faintly colored . Tricholnrnataceae p.p. spores smooth, hyphae 1 clamped, monomitic and thin 42. Fruit-body variable, usually quite fleshy; spore print variable but never walled at most only slightly thickening. . Fistulinacele if 52> inside With white; yellow, then distinctly so .s...Boletaceae . Hymenium distributed on the of tubes and spores non» 43. Hymenlum furrowed With the basidia replaced by a powdery mass of amyloid thick walled, and complex or fruit-body various with gloeo- chlamydosnores; growing on fruitrbodies of members of the Ru:— cystidial elements and spores smooth to spiny and amyloid..... “.53 52‘ and if sulaceae,..., . .Trianolomalaoeae p.p. Hymenium variable; spores rarely ever amyloid, gloeocystidia 43. Hymenium if basidia furrowed then not replaced by a powdery mass present then never so characterized .. of chlamydospores and fruit-body never growing on members of the i 53. Fruit-body with tubes; spores thick walled due to complex internal54 Russulaoeae ' . 44 structure, large, greater than 7 mm in length and spare print brown. 44. Fruitrbody although possibly quite small typically (usdsmolsllk ' Gallodermam hymenium 53. furrowed, or on anastomosing gills and then always lacking , Fruitbody variable: spores amyloid, globose to ovoid, faintly orna- gloeocystldi . 13.5 . 45 mented small to minuw to 6.5 mm). spore print white... 44. Frultrbody if with gills and resembling a toadstool then gloeocvsxidia Hericiaoeae present, otherwrse poroid, with teeth or warts, stipitate or not 54- Spores smooth although uneven in outline, brownish to olivaceous, 45. Fruit»body growmg on vegetable debris, small with cap rarely greater48 less frequently buff in print or if eliptic and smooth hymenium crisped than 20 mm broad, gills or folds considerably reduced in number., or consistingof curved platcs which infold on drying 55 Tricholomataoeae p. 54. Spores if uneven in outline then distinctly ornamented, white or faintly 45. Fruit‘body terrestrial cap greater than 20 mm 66 colored in mass; gills when present never crispcd. 56 Spore print brown, hymenium on anastomoslng gills or on an irregular 55. Spores white or faintly colored, smooth and not irregular in outline, poroid system...... Paxillaoeu p.p. hymenium crisped or on 'splitting' gillsm Schizophyllamae p.p. 46. Spore print pale, white to pale cream or with hint of pink, hymenium a. 55- Spores ornamented, brown or if pale then outline uneven... Thole- on less well developed gills, often simply ridges and rugulosities... .,..47 phoramc 47. Spores smooth with very low or no affinity for cotton blue 5a Hymenium dispersed on cushions scattered over frultrbody and Cantharelliceae p. separated by sterile tissue and irregular fissures, or fruit»body cauli- 47. Spore ornamented with high affinity for cotton blue. . Goin- floweralike, a mass of flattened, crisper! or waxy lobes with or phaoeae p.p. without fertile base. 57 48. Fruitrbody stipitate, Iamellate or distinctly toothed with distant 56. vaeniurn regularly distributed on fruit-body, or if fruit~body con— gloeocvstidia and then spores smooth or minutely puctate, or if sisting of branchud club-shaped structures then not forming a cauliv gloeooystidia absent then fruit-body clavari id flower-like porold or and spores mass ...... 58 ornamented with conspicuous and strongly amyloid spines and crests. 57. Hymenium on the underside of flattened, crisped and waxy lobes or irregular ascending flesh .i 49 amphigenous an structure; not or indistinctlv 48s Fruit~body various but never lamellate and if gloeocvstidia are present stratified. Sparusidaoeae spores never amyloid. Then fruit-body not stiwitate and spores if 57. Hymenium layer gelatinized, basidia distributed on small cushions ornamented never with extreme amyloid nrnamentation, at most spiny which are separated by sterile tissue and irregular fissures filled with amyloi Fruit-body variable, typically effused never stipitate, cottony, chemical deposits; flesh distinctly waxy, stratified...... Functularinoeae membranaceous, gelatinous but never leathery, tough, spore print white Fruit-body stipitate, hymenium on distinctly toothed structures; spores to distinctly colored .....68 smooth ornamented with low for ..... or or no affinity cotton blue...... 59 Metabasidium L separated by a wall from the sterigrnata; epibasidium Fruitrbody if stipitate then hymenium not on toothed structure unless inflated above or below middle...... Tulmllaeeae pIp. have high affinity for spores cotton blue and are then distinctly Metabasidium eseptate, lacking wall at base of sterigmata, clavate to ornamented... 60 fusiform never inflated... .69 Fruit-body with strongly . aromatic odor, particularly when dry; spores Fruitbody waxy, oottony, mambranaceous or gelatinous; hymenium subrglobose, echinulate and spore print white..... Bankernoeae when irregular on cushions, papilla, rugulosities...... Cnrtir:iaoeae if or Fruitrbody inodorous or odor present never aromatic; spores Fruitvbodv soft variable but with pits, tubes, and depressions forming sub-globosc ellipsoid, smooth and to spore print whitish or buff... in some part of hymenium ...Polyporlceue p.p. Hydncceae Basidia tuning«fork shaped WIth apical portion each equal in length to Fruitbody funnel shaped or club shaped and basidia 2spared; spores the basal part, 2-spored...... Dacrymyoetaceae (Ducrymycetalntl with high low affinity for or no cotton b|u2..woody, ..61 Basidia not tuning‘fork shaped and if 2~spored then sterigmata shun FruItbody various, if funnel shaped then if shaped or club and distinctly septate or cells disproportionate in size...... 71 then basidia 4rspor2d and spores with little affinity for or no cotton Basidia eseptate with or without a wall separating the sterigmata; blue..63 epibasidium inflated above or below middle 72 [Tulasnellalesl Basldia 2-spored: fruit-body club shaped, branched simple, or smooth Basidia septate, more rarely esaptate and if so developing from or into rugulose or pale dull colored (white if basidia rugose, or or gray). a thick walled cell or propagule; epibasidium if present rarely swollen 4»spored then large globose spores and ..... Clavulinlceae and then only at 73 Basidia variable, Espored; apex...... up to fruitvbody strongly branched to funnel Epibasidium swollen, globose to ventricosecylindrical with septum shaped or almost agaricoid, distinctly often strongly pigmented ..... 62 separatingrit from hypobasidium... ..Tulasnelllceae p.p. Spores smooth with little or no affinity for cotton blue, fruit»body Epibasidium confluent with hypobasidium... .Ceratohasidiaceae neither clavaroid with FeSO4 . not green Clntharellaceae p.p. Basidium longitudinally or obliquely septate... 74 (Tremellales) Spores ornamented and with high blue cotton affinity; fruit-body Basidium transversly septate or eseptate... .75 green with FeSOd, funnel shaped or clavariod branched Gom- Basidia catenate; epibasidium lacking...... Slrobasldlaoexe phaoeae p.p. Basidia not catenate; epibasidium present... 76 Setae dark colored in KOH if lacking present, or fruitrhody setae then Spores asymmetric on mucronate sterigmata.... Trnmellauee consistlng of simple or branched club shaped structures lclavarioid) and Spores symmetric filiform sterigmata... Hylloriaoeaa hymenium on .. amphigenous.. ..64 Fungus saprophytic, infrequently parasitic plants; basidia arising Setae on not absent; fruitbody never clavarioid and' hymenium never am- from thick walled phigenous65 Fungus parasitic vascular basidia arising 77 Fruit»body on plants; from thickened club shaped; hymenium amphigenous . cells. See Rusts, Smuts and Eunts; not further dealt with here. Fruit-body possessing setae; hymenium amphigenous....Hymen- not Fungus parasitic oncells...insects or forming a symbiotic relationship, fruit- ochaetacue body rarely gelatinous; hypobasidium well developed often thickened, Fruit-body distinctly regular poroid, pores to irregular, small to large; rarely slightly absent and epibasidiurn one to four celled... Septohdsidiaoele spores thte or colored, typically non-amyloid rarely pseudo- (Septobasidiales) amyloid and rarely amyloid more ...Polyporacue p.p. Fungus associated with rarely Fruit-body smooth, irregular, plant material, simply saporphytic, Iuberculate or toothed...... 66 various, basidia lacking Fruit-body smooth, toothed parasitic; fruitTeliospores formed in the outer layers of the host or united into crusts, Making a sketch, coloured if possible, of great use for on drying the material ' shrink ' cushions or waxy columns, lacking stalks and produced singly or in will and lose most of its colour and shape. Table one is included to assist groups of 2 m 4; aecidiosporas frequently parasitising . a i" decidins in WM War “1 Examine the "WWW- Melampsoraoeaa Instrumentation . Teliospores stalked, simple compound a stalk held Once the external features have been described the microscopic characters 0, on common or ‘ can together in gelatinous masses, rarely sessile and then produced as simple be sought; the series of steps described below and their accompanyingsketches or compound mm; which escape dry or embedded in slime‘ hosts ‘. show how the problem of examining the specimen to see its microscopic strut:- various, aecidiospores rarely produced on conife's'h' Puminim rures should be tackled. Two scalpels, or two razors broken to different sizes, Promycelium present; walled tel-05pm}: intercalaiy or arising as lateral fine forceps, and a needle are all that is required; only with a woody fungus does ' outgrowths from hyphae or originating from "ansformed hyphae with» one have to resort to any force, but even then the principles are the same. in the has. fissue; fruit-body "we, cupume; hosts various.... ""32 A good student’s microscope is all that is required to see the structures which will Low— Promvcelium and in ‘ be described in this nd high~power dry objectives are absent. reliospores m compact sari; formed vertical Z paper. most rows interspersed Wim sterile hyphae budding to we four sporidia frequently used and only when exami rig in detail or measuring spores, hyphal which lorm thick dark walls; fruit-bodies cup-like; on palm leaves. "’amemsandWSW“ “a" °”*i"‘me'5i°" °bi°°“ve'9q“"9d« Graphiolaoeu Preparation of trash material Figure Promycelium septate forming a series of cells usually four in number > one shows the cuts required to furnish suitable sections. Figures 240 each producing a single spore; ””05“,,” formed within no“ tissue, ‘ illustrate various structures and patterns of tissue which should be noted. 1. (A8) and never expelled forcibly, coidia absentm. ....Ustilagnaoeu , Carefully make a complete longitudinal section of the fruit‘body wiraw~ Place Promycelium eseptate, simply producing four to many cells (spores) this. gilljface down under a low-power or dissecting microscope. 4 Will at apex; teliospores intercaiary or as lateral outgrowths and formed Cystidla on the cap, if present be made visible by focusing up and down (Fig.2 and/or stern Fig. 3). When of the fruit-body is being within host tissue; conidia also produced and “pen” from com . any part wt not idiophores. g exammed retain it in a chamber containing damp paper or moist moss; this will 7mm!” assist the cells in retaining their turgidity, for they frequently collapse on drying and are difficult to observe except after performing often lengthy and special techniques. if only one fruit-body is available then cut along CD and mount in a tin box on a slide in order to obtain a spore-print (otherwise see 6). 2. Cut off a complete gill (El and quickly mount on a dry slide. Under the low power of a microscope, the cystidia on the gill margin will be visible (Fig. 4): it will also be seen whether the spores are arranged in a particular pattern (Fig. 5) and whether the basidia are 2-spored or 4-spored. In whitevspored toadstools it is difficult sometimes to determine whether the basidia are 2- or 4-spored so one must confirm the observations by other techniques (see below). A section of the gill accompanied by a small piece of cap tissue as in E will 52 53

confirm the presence or absence of noticeable cystidia on the cap. Now mount the section bounded by F6 and HI in a drop of water containing either a drop of Teepol and/or glycerol: the Teepol helps to expel any water which may tend to cling to the gill-margin amongst the cystidia and the glycerol stops the mount from drying out whilst further sections for comparison are cut and examined It is this time at that the structure of the outermost layer of the up can be ex amined, e.g., whether it is made up of turf-like structure; the presence or absence of pileo‘cystidia can be also confirmed (Fig. 2). it is frequently necessary to tap the mount in order to spread the tissue slightly and expose the elements; this can be done very efficiently by light pressure from the and of a pencil to which an eraser is attached. Cut off along lineJK to eliminate cheilocystidia from non- fusing the picture and mount both pieces separately. 3. Cut out a wedge of tissue from the fruit~body (L) so as to have several gills attached to some cap tissue; until one is familiar with the variability of facial and marginal cystidia, carefully out along PO (note: the cut is made one-third of the distance from the cap margin, thus eliminating the possibility of large numbers of marginal cystidia being examined in error and appearing as if they were facial elements). Mount second portion of tissue similarly. Mount on a dry slide with the plane through F0 face down on the slide and observe under a low magnification, which will allow one to assess whether cystidia on the gill face are present or absent, and if present their general shape and whether numerous or infrequent (Fig. 6). Mount in water/Teepol mixture as outlined above and tap gently with the rubber attached to the end of a pencil; even pressure should be given. If the gills appear to be too close, then rotate the rubber a little whilst pressing in order to spread the tissue. 4. Using a low power of a microscope and looking down into the plane HS of the unmodified block M or a similar block, one obtains by this simple technique a very accurate idea as to the structure of the hymenophoral trama (Fig. 7). The organization of this tissue is very important in classification, some groups of toadstools having what has been described as regular trama (Fig, 7c) others ir— regular (Fig. inverse (Fig. 7b) [=bilateral 7d), or divergent (Fig, 7a)] . This same tissue may be thick or sparse to wanting, coloured or not. Such sections are often better than attempts at very thin sections unless either paraffin or freezing- microtome sections are made Very thin sections of the cap produced by hand often show the drag effect of the razor edge and this is far more disastrous to the mount than if the specimen was a piece of flowering plant material; there are few satisfactory thicknesses between the two extremes. 5. Take out a small block of tissue T as indicated in the figure (Fig, 1). Mount immediately and repeat as in 3. This will allow the outer layer of the cap to be more clearly seen (Fig. 2) and also the structure of the flesh (Fig. 8). The latter may be composed of a mixture of filaments and ”packets" or “nests" of round- ed cells (i.e., heteromerous) or of filaments, only some of which may be inflated; but when individual cells are swollen they never form distinct groups (i.e., homoa iomerousit It is by very similar techniques that the polvporaceous fungi were shown to have flesh composed of one of four tissue types depending on whether 1. dissection FIG. The of a toadstool as recommended by the author. For us planation see text. distinctly thickened cells are present with the actively growing hyphae or not, whether hyphae are present which bind groups of hyphae together, etc. 6. Remove stem along line CD and remove small blocks of tissue as indicated (U, V and W), Mount immediately and examine as in 3 for cystidia, etc, (see Fig. 3). Whilst all these sections are being cut and processed a second lruit-body, if available, should be set to drop spores; this is done by cutting off the cap from the placing it stem and either entirely or in part, and with gill-edges down, on a slide in a tin 7. X is a ”scalp" of a cap; a thin sliver from the cap is placed on a slide in a drop of water (modified with Teepol, etc, as above). After placing a coverslip over is the tissue it tapped gently: this will show if the cap is composed of glohose to elliptic elements or if it is composed of strictly filamentous units (Fig. 9). Care must be taken not to reverse the section when transferring to the mountant, either by turning the scalpel or by allowing the surface tension of the liquid to pull the section upside down. The construction of any veil fragments will also be seen in this mount. 8. Examine the stipe of the fruit-body used above under a low power or with a dissecting microscope in order to ascertain whether there are any remains of substrate, veil and/or vegetative mycelium. If found, mount immediately in Melzer's solution and examine. Herbarium material and chemical reagents With dried material the same procedure described above is carried out by mount» ing directly in fluid and examining under high power dry- and oi|~lmmersiorl objectives and so dispensing with the use of the lower magnification. With such material it is, however, very necessary to allow the tissue to return to something like its original state by incubating for not less than five minutes in a 5‘0 per cent aqueous solution of -880 55 ammonia (some people prefer a dilute solution of caustic potash or caustic soda: stronger solutions are used when studying the reactions of the flesh of fruitvbodies). Frequently colour reactions of the tissue take place when chemicals are used, e.g., with alkali many species of Gymnopilus release a deep chrome yellow pigment, certain species of Hydnum appear to have blue black granules on the hyphae in caustic potash, whereas the cap tissue of certain species of Conocybe (particularly those of the subgenus Plioliotinn) be- come a beautiful cinnamon brown. The alkali simply swells the tissue to approximately the size and shape it was when the fruit»bodv was fresh.

FIG, 2 A. longitudinll section or ' cellulu cuticle Cormoybe B. La. celluliu ' ‘ sn. oi cuticle or Coprinul m. c. 1.x. or hinmentou. cuticle 'ol' of Gakrlrlll :1). FIG. 2- Sketch tn “Inmate the vniou zones or the can tissue: a viscirl isyu which may be plosent or absent, the noun-non lnyex (‘ cuuele '). the unduly-n: time (ntbcutis) and the one (menulin ot nileus man). FIG. 3. A. 1.5. of mm or Carlocybe 5». showing elulocyslidil and cylindrical hymue constituting cortex or mm; a. tun-verse section or mm at species shawl“: coulo- cynidi. Ind cross—union of hynnne. nine FIG. 4. Gin—edge or Conocybeso. allowing erouo or chu‘locytndh. FIG. 5, Pottern produced by developing handle. sap-man or not. by immune cell: (pieumey-tidini, uni conned when lookln: down on to the gill-ince. lnfluxing mounts of fresh or dried material with a solution of cotton blue or of trypan blue helps to accentuate areas and allows one to pick out actively growing hyphae, and gelatinised or thickened walls. American mycolugists prefer an alcoholic solution of phloxine to cotton blue and this colours the material, and removes unwanted air in one stage. Cresyl blue (Kiihner, 1934) when influxed into the section accentuates the tissue containing mucilage. Melzer's solution, stains soulled amvloid material grey, blue, indigo, blue black or purple blue and “dextrinoid” material a rich red brown; a negative reaction or a pale golden colour is said to be non-amylcid. The Melzer's reaction is very important, for amyloidity of the flesh or of the spores, or both, are used as key characters, In certain members of the family Tridmlcv mauceae and Cortinariaeeae the basidia and often other mils appear to be filled with little black to dark purple granules when mounted in acetocarmine. The presence or absence of these granules is used in the classification of the white- spored agarics; they are known as carminophilic granules. Oxalate crystals occur in and on the cells of fungi. As oxalates are soluble in mineral acids, treatment with approximately 60 per cent aqueous cold hydro» chloric acid allows one to distinguish between crystalline material, detritus, and actual structural ornamentation of the cell wall, a technique necessary when studying the veil constituents of Caprinus son. It must be stressed, however, that not all crystalline material is oxalate, regardless of what is so frequently reported in the texts. Dried material can be treated with a whole array of chemicals to accentuate certain microscopic structures (Singer, 1962). Ammonia will stain certain types of pleurocystidia yellow, and because of their reaction, such cystidia have been termed chrysocystidia; they are often more obvious in dried material than in fresh fruiting bodies.

FIG. 6. Surfing hum block of Fit. 1. Lite gins sew-tea out-lined tn the text: the sketches momma the patterns nix-mud when looks" down umount the oepmtgd mu, e.x.. pl-ummdh. :- or 4-mmed hoddln. via, 1, out sum-tn": A.d.iverlult. E.inV¢Ifl. cumin. ninuuiu. no.3. Flesh iyim: A. homoiomeroua with nui- hedktous hwha (Baler-u). at hoummemumuuuiax . FIG. a. cap - sea-in ': A. ' GfllILI-X ' Illlh mounboae to euipsic connfluents (Bolhitilu). B. ' momeninus ' um. pumy filamentous imm (Galerlna). FLESH — CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE colour in cap when wet when dry IDENTIFICATION OF PILEATE HIGHER FUNGI colour in stem when wet when dry colour changes, if any Locality Grid reference presence of or not: if present colour on gills and on handkerchief Habitat notes Soil pH type TASTE Vegetational community Solitary, troops, rings — of cuticle of flesh Macroscopiccharacters SMELL — la coloured illustration or line sketch is preferable; vertical section showing a before cutting the gills. flesh, etc., is very useful) after cutting CAP CHEMICAL REACTIONS (of flesh) 10% 10% NaOH 10% Generalcharacters — aq. F980“ aq. aqt NH‘OH . Conc. mineral diameter shape consistency acids 2% aq. Phenol Melzer's reagent colour when mature when immature Aniline water or Aniline oil (inc. Schaeffer's reaction) 40% formaldehyde colour when wet (hygrophanous, expallent or not) ac. Microscopiccharacters ladd drawings) ' Cuticle ' — dry, moist, greasy, viscid, glutinous peeling easily or not BASIDIOSPORES — smooth, polished, rough, hispid, velvety, scaly, matte, pubescent, etc. colour in mass colour under microscope amyloidity Marginal characters — shape size ornamentation : shape, regular, wavy incurved or not germ-pa size, position shape, smooth, rough, sulcate striate or not apiculus: size, position Veil (if present) — BASIDIA colour — consistency abundance and distribution shape, size sterlgmata number and size if marginal filamentous, appendiculate, dentate Pl LEUS TRAMA lGILLS] (or teeth, etc.) — pores, 7 type of cells remote, free, adnate, emarginate, suodecurrent, decurrent crowded or distant distinctly forked or not GILL TRAMA — interveinedor not separable from cap or not type and arrangement of cells consistency (brittle, pliable, fleshy, waxy) PILEUS thickness width shape SURFACE — of cells making layer number of lengths colour when immature at maturity type up outermost gill-edge characters presence or absence of cystidia STIPE SURFACE STEM — central, eccentric, lateral, lacking length presence or absence of cystidia and/or hairs thickness hollow or not CYSTIDIA — consistency (fleshy, _ stringy, cartilaginous, leathery, woody) Presence absence g immatdre or on lace colour when at maturity special features: shape, size, thickness of wall, pigmentation if surface characters (dry viscid, any or fibrillose, striate, scaly, smooth) Presence or absence on g edge (Include characters of base) special features: shape, size, thickness of wall, etc. volva, if present veil, if present if ring, present (single or double: membranous or persistent; fugacious; mobile; superior or inferior) :333 12.2. 3qu «$2.9... 2:30.... Eggs...“ 1280: «333m 3.9.233. «mm 55...: .musm 30561:». 33:12. 333qu RES. w :5: 5m .39.: I235? w< .m .32. m. 45 .3 .55.. 33.2 >359. 0:6: 3:3: 3333.: 9m... 33. .03 no r35: :5:qu 3.383. a. 33.2. 78:. 12m tn 3:05. 33m. 332.». m ._< 2... 83:33:32.. 38...... 8: :3... 5038.: .25 m 2.03 .3 :45 a. 4:: 9.2.23 .3; .93. a: 2.62.33 <25 :39 2...»; 33:332.: :98 35:30:.“ .55. «amaze: m.:8 .. ya o:_< 935113 .: 03m: ca :03 333:3 mm :5 :wSm "SEE. ra< 3a 90:3 3 3.: 3 :35. 3:3. an?» <1. 3.3.2 cm m:3.umu: 2:»: a... :32... saw 3.00:... 333mm €52»... 3 “no...” .35: much...“ z 9:: a...» you: :23: a. one: in} 5N. man :3 9.233.. :5 a 3§.fi .2 :5 0.3:.3 cam. «3:. 45 m: >32...” 9m 35215: <23? 0:: $29.35 3:25.... 33:»: 3:53 ca .52. 2.30.: 8:313. 32:. m o. 00x2 .Ioorml. E3 .35 $33 0: 939.52. an; :m339... 3:23 3.... 3:5. 333. .33. 3w... 3. can .... SEE a. 23. E... 33.5 Om 952.. :5 3553: .: .: «3.2: :6 9.. 25 202: 45 3:3 563 15 3‘ m...“ 9...: 3mm: an 0. vmnr 9: ZOIHIumdm—uz cruqunawwafi :03. nonoiifia . :3. on: 396.: £01... 8 m: >an...n:u. .m 9. 33. :32. $3.3 95 3.. <3." .m 53%. :33: 8 35:3 £8952 2:0. 5:70.: .55 a...» 26...... :5. 3m.:_< as. a. 863.103 283.232: 25:?! m:: >358 2 3:523? SE macaw CBS: _: 2.... 31.55305. 3:2. 3.3 :5 =m3>z_._.> n:m< 105mg... “58». mi >:.n::uun.. 9»: :::..v¢_. :3: , gm .= 29.9. mean 3:, 365.0: 2.3 U< 33...» n<..:n.:om.. can. a 5... 33.. 26 m 0... man :3: u._.m. :92 man as .: :28 085:6 0:33. imam 1.... 2...: 3.53303». m3 nFuuafimao: 55:2 5 8323. «an 3m n2. w< 2.8 .m :mawa c:_< .5; _: 522mm. a :m:m__< :u :13: 5:5. :80. Su:< 83:13. 1305.33 c.6313 5...: :5 33...... » :2: .9535: a. :2 5.“ man 253. 33.: 31.2 mg 82325:. :3 Ami 32:33:: 33m. .5... m3 Um .33. 532 :5 a... 8: 35.222. :5 u 35:0:.: .3» :me up: .38.. m m :55... .o 27m? :25. .255: mama; 2.3.: .: .530: i... 3min .30 :32. 55.5 2:3: .... o. min: E. 2.: a. S .: 5... n: an: $5 3m :5 5a 3n US 5m :2. :4 :< 9. m» an .: m .w ... m l7 — Tall species, whit - cap campanulate and umbonate; stipe stout and KEY TO SECTIONS AND SPECIES fibrillase; bulb mate. 16. A. virus: 17 — Smaller species, wh e; cap convex; stipe slender; bulb round and somewhat 1 Spores non-amylaid; cap margin clearly sulcate or striate flattened..... 17. A. bisporigen 1 7 ...... — Scores amyloid; cap margin even or faintly striate 18 7Tall species; cap brown olivacious; virgate, at times whitish; stern Z 7 Stipe without visible annulus (Sec. Amanitopm stout. White and soon brownish stained; bulb large, marginate and 2 — Stlpe with a persistant or tugacious annulus ..... split vertically. 18. A. hrunmseenx 3 Volva membranous and composed of filaments . 18 Smaller and differently colored 19 7 .. spoons: ...... 3 Volva iloccose, thick, composed of large spherical elements... 7 7 19 — Cap yellow or pale yellow, with a few white warts or patches 1. A. inaurata 19. A. citr- and I 4 Tall species; can copper brown, dark gray brown on the umbo 197 Cap violaoeous brown or grayish brown; covered with gray pulveluience; _ paler elsewhere toward the margin, brownish or ..... stipe whitish and marked with gray or dark fibrill5.. 20 A. porphyril 2. A. umbr'molutea 207 Flesh becoming reddish stained, mainly at the base of the stipa 4 Medium small species: cap differently colored 5 (Sec. 21 7 or ..... Amplariellal. .. 5 Can slate bluish 3. A. vaginata v. typing 7 gray or gray. 20 — Flesh unchanged 22 5 Cap tulvous, chestnut colored...... 4. A. vaginata v. tulva 7 or rusty 21 — Medium or all species; can whitish or brownish, reddish stained and 5 Cap white or whitish . 5. A. vaginata v. alba A. 7 covered with gray wart . 21. 6 Volva membranous and persistent (Sec. Amanita) . 7 7 21 — Medium or small species; can lemon yellow or brownish yellow,mmcovered 6 — Volva iloccose and fugacious (Sec. Amanitarial 8 with yellow warts 22. A. flavoruben: Cap umbonate, deep red or red; stipe antl gills yellow;volva white, ..... 77 orange 22 — Stipa subbulbous _or with a small bulb 23 large and almost entire caesarea v. americana 6 A 22 — Bulb stout and rooting 24 7 Cap convex, pale or dark brown: stipe white or grayish; volVa sheating .. 7 23 — Volva and warts yellow 23. A. flavoeonia and lacerated 7. A. spreta ...... 23 — Valve and warts grayish; can umber brown or whitish... 24. A. swim 8 — Spores spherlcal or shortly oval 9 ...... 24 — Tall and/or medium species, pale brown; bulb large and turnip B — Spores elliptical 10 ...... shape... 25. A. adtinwnllm 9 Cap gray, mealy or dusty with a grayish meal dusts... 8. A. farinosa 7 cr 24— Medium or small species; can with pyramidal and gray warts: bulb 9 Cap yellow or orange, with lloecose and yellow warts... 9. A. frostiana l?) 7 11 long and rooting...“ 26. A. nnum 10 Medium species . 10 — Large species. 12 11 , — Cap orange or rosyrcolored, with floccose and pale yellow particles, . 10. A. wellsii 11 Cap pale grayish, with 7 whitish, cream-coloredor or without you patches...... 11. A. gemmata Cap red, orange or yellow, with fluccose, whitish or yellowish 12 12. muscaria warts. brown A 12 — Cap pale or whitish on the disc, paler toward the margin with nyramidal and whitish warts 13. A. cothurnata 13 Volva membranous or semi~mflmbrandus 14 13 7 and 20 Valve floccose often iugaclous ...... 7 14 Spores elliptical cylindrical (Sec. Amidella] 15 7 or ..... 14 — Scores sphelical or shortly ovate 16 157 White species can smooth, but partly covered with iloccose and white the volva thick and whit squamules or debris mostly on margin; peckiana 14. A. volya and 15 7 Retidish hrovvn species; cap scaly or squamuiosc; membranous reddish 15. A. Valium brown...... 16 — Bulb round and not marginated (Sec. Phalloidae) 17 16 — Bulb marginated and flattened (Sec. Mappael. . 18 7. A. tpreu Peck BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS AND OBSERVATIONS Large species; cap convex, more or less striate at the margin, umber brown; gills White or cream colored; stipe stout, fibrillose, cylindrical, whitish; annulus Genus AMANITA Pemon ex Hooker membranous, umber brown below, white above; volva membranous, white, persistent; spores elliptical. Saprophyte, terrestial, stipitate, fleshy, angiocarpous; cap separable, Flare in Quebec, in mixed woods, growing under pines and oaks in gills free; gill glabrous or warty; trama bilateral; stipe with a persistent or eastern and central United States. volva fugacious annulus, bulbous or not; membranous or floccose, persistent or A. ookeriana Sing. (A reclrtita sensu Coker) may be a form of A. spreta. fragile; basidia 4- or 2-spored; cystidia absent; spores white in mass, spheriwl, Section AMANITARIA Gilbert oval or elliptical, amyloid or not. Stipe annulate, bulbous; volva floccose, thick, forming a sheat on the stipe Subgenus EUAMANITA Konrad Mauhlanc et and leaving warts on the cap; spores round, oval or elliptical, nonramyloid, Spores non-amyloid; cap margin striate or sulcate. 3. A. farinosa Schweinitz Section AMANITOPSIS Rule emmend Gilbert I Small species; cap covered with grayish dust or flakes; margin striate, stipe also named Vaginatae (Fries) Quélet usually without an annulus, dusty and with a small bulb; spores round, oval or Annulus absent or vestigial; bulb absent; volva membranous floccose or elliptical. friable; cap margin sulcate; spores spherical, non-amyloid. Rare in deciduous forests. ‘I. A. inaurata Secretan This interesting small species, mainly collected in the southeast, has been Usually large and gray species; cap conical or campanulate, wrth floccose found once in Quebec. The inclusion of this species in a district section and gray warts; margin suioate; stipe long and stout, gray and souamulose; volva (Amanitella Gilbert, Ovigerae Singer) appears unjustified. floccosefriable, gray, composed of large round cells; spores spherical. 9. A. frostinna Peck Occasional in deciduous and mixed woods; also on shaded lawns. Medium or small species; cap orange or yellow, with yellow warts or A small white form is also found, but its volva is friable and composed patches; margin faintly striate, stipe bulbous, yellow or white: volva flocoose, of large round cells. Gilbert has called it forma specialis americana. yellow; spores round or oval. 2. Ar umbrinolutea Secretan Rare in Quebec in mixed woods and stands; more common south. Tall species; cap umbonate, campanulate, copper brown on the disc and Difficultto differentiate in the field from A. flavoconia and A. flavovubent toward the margin; volva membranous, white, composed of filaments. which are also yellow with a yellow veil. The non-amyloid spores is the most Flare in conifer stands. distinctive feature. 3, 4 and 5. A. vaginata (Fries) Vittadini 10. A. wellsii Murrill Medium species; cap convex, umbonate, deeply sulcate at the margin; Medium species; cap salmon or pink colored, covered with yellow stipe slender, not bulbous; volva membranous, white. particules or flakes which are often fugacious, margin forming a sterile edge and Cosmopolitan and very common in woods, thickets and fields, appendiculate with debris of the veil, distinctly striate at the end; gills pale Three varieties are recognized in America: yellow, with yellow particules on the edge; stipe bulbous, pulverulent or floocose Ku’hner pale fugacious, yellow; volva floccose, yellow, typica a Romagnesl (livida Peek): cap bluish gray; yellow; annulus delicate and fulva Gillet: cap fulvous, tawny or rusty; spores elliptical. Occasional in alba Gillet: cap white deciduous woods. This and amanita is only known in the Other varieties are also known in Europe. beautiful pink pulverulent Section AMANITA Gilbert northeast. We have identified entity found in Quebec and in northern New Hampshire A. pam’voivata (Peck) Gilbert, a species oocuring in North Annulus membranous; bulb absent; volva membranous and persistent; cap as Carolina. The latter is also reddish and powdery with yellow particules and sulcate at the margin; spores elliptical, non-amyloid. devoid of annulus, the margin is strongly striate and pyramidal warts are G. A. caesarea (Fries) Schwei t2 var. ameri-na Gilbert an but often found the Therefore, the A. wellsii should be retained for Large species; cap convex and umbonate, deep red at first, red and on cap name orange pink amanita found in the northeast. the end, sulcate the margin; gills golden yellow; stipe the orange at at stout, (Fries) Gilbert cylindrical, yellow; annulus large, yellow volva membranous, large, 11.A.gemmata or orange: Small species; color, drab whitish, entire, persistent, white; elliptical. and medium cap yellow, cream or spores flowosa patches, and with margin sulcate striate; The beautiful Ceasar's mushroom during in certain oak adorned with a few white a or occurs summer volva floccosa, fragile, white, stands and occasionally in other woods. stipe with a globular bulb and a fugacious annulus; forming a ring a above the bulb and legging patches the stipe; spores The American variety differs from the European type only by a very or crown on oval elliptical. distinct umbc on the cap, or Rate in deciduous woods. Cosmopolitan and common in mixed and conifer wood. This species is well characterized by its scaly cap and its persistent brown This is a complex species with several forms that have reveived various veil. names: A. iunquillea, A. crenulata, A. recutlta, and A. russuloides. OTHER SPECIES 12. A. musmria Persoon ex Hooker A. abrupfiformit Murrill might be a form of A. volt-ta; A. roanukensis Cap usually orange or orange yellow, occasionally deep red when young, Coker et A. malt-hills Beardslee are close to A. pedtilrla. rarely white, covered with yellowish or white floocose warts, margin sulcate; Section PHALLOIDAE (Fries) Ou'elet gills white; stipe long, with an oval bulb and a large white and membranous Annulate stipe with a round bulb; volva membranous, persistent, annulus, adorned with concentric rings or fluffy scales; volva floccose and saccate; cap bare or with large patches of the veil: spores oval or elliptical. evanescent; spores elliptical. Deadly poisonous species. Cosmopolitan and very common in mixed and conifer woods, Poisonous. 16. A. virata (Fries) Ouélet The most common form in eastern America appears to be differegt from Medium to large species; cap conical, then campanulate and umbonate, the European one by the color of the cap which is deep red in Europe, however, white, smooth, sometimes with a large patch of the veil; stipe long, white, extensive variations in color have been also noted in Europe (Romagnesi, 1956; fibrillose or squamulose, with a membranous and fragile annulus and a globular Cerruti, 1948). bulb; volva membranous, saccate at the base at the stipe and separable from the 13. A. oothurnata Atkinson bulb; spores globular or oval. Large and medium species; cap olivaceous brown, paler toward margin, Frequent in mixed and deciduous woods. sometimes white with a cream colored disc, ornated with pyramidal warts or This deadly poisonous species is pure white and distinctive by its conical with large white patches, suicate on the margin; stipe slender with a round, or campanulate can. It is probably responsible lor most of the phalloidlan oval or pointed bulb, adorned above the bulb with concentric collars; annulus intoxication in North America. large; volva white, pendant, lloccose sheating on the bulb; spores elliptical. 17. A. bisporigera Atkinson (A. warm var. bisporigen lAtk.) Coker) Occasional during in oaks. summer deciduous woods, mainly under Small or medium species;: cap convex, white, smooth, often with a patch of American species its pale olivaceous The identity the with brown or of the white veil; stipe slender, cylindrical, white, with a short and round bulb is also Whether it is species white cap, a problem. a distinct from the European and a membranous annulus; volva membranous, adhering to the bulb; spores A. pantherina, with a “bister brown" cap remains to be established. A. velatipes spherical; basidia 2- to 4-spored. Atkinson is only a form of A. oothurnata and not of A. gemmata. Rather frequent in deciduous woods. OTHER SPECIES Also deadly poisonous, this species differs from A. virosa and A. verna by A. pubesouns Schweinitz its small size, its slender stipe with a little round bulb, and its 2-spored basidia. in A rather small and rare species found the Carolinas which seems to be A. tenuifolia Murrill is seemingly a synonym. a form of A. wthurnata. OTHER SPECIES Section AMIDELLA A. phalloides, the deadly poisonous species of Europe does with without of inner green not stipe or an annulus; cap smooth or with debris the in North America. It has been mentioned the West Coast, of the double veil; volva and occur eastern on but part thick sheating; spores elliptical, amvlold. this remains be ascertained. 14. A. peckiana Kauftman to A. magtivelaris Peck, considered by Gilbert as a form of A. Medium species; white with floccose mealy particules, margin yarn, cap or is probably a good and distinctive species. A. gwyrliana Coker be a form smooth and often with Iacerated debris of the veil; with may stipe stout, white, a of A. magnivelaris, and A. elliptosperme Atkinson is probably similar. Concern- large bulb made of a thick volva; annulus fugacious:spores cylindrical, amyloid; ing the of A. Verna in North America, studies remain be pyrlform cells on the edge of the gills. occurrence more to done to accept this Very in sandy soil, under eastern white pine. name. rare Semion MAPPAE This very distinctive species, with its cylindrical and amyloid spores, and its thick volva, which includes part of the bulb, belongs to the section which Stipe with a large marginate bulb; cap warty; volva tloccose or semi includesthe European A. ovoidea. membranous, adhering to the bulb; spores globular, amyloid. 15. A. volvata (Peck) Martin. = (A. agglutinata (B. St C.)L|oyd 18. A. brunnescans Atkinson Medium species; cap reddish brown or whitish, scaly and olten with Large or medium species; cap conical, then oampanulate, viscid, olivacious patches ol the reddish brown veil and with dusty debris at the striate margin; brown, paler toward margin, with innate dark fibrills, and covered with a few gills whitish, becoming brownish; stipe whitish, becoming brown stained when warts or patches of the grayish or white veil; stipe stout, enlarging toward the touched; bulbous at the base, without annulus or with debris ot the ; base and terminated by a large and marginate bulb, usually split 3 or 4 times. volva ample, saccate, white, then brownish: spores elliptical, amyloid. Occasional in mixed and deciduous woods. Sometimes whitish, becoming brownish, provided with a white, membranous and ample considered dangerous, but this is not certain. This species is characterized annulus; spores globular. by the reddish color of the flesh at the base of the stipe. It is Common in muted and demduous woods. often mistaken for A. frostiana or A. flavooonia also provided with a yellow tloccose veil. This entity has been known for a long time as the American form of the European A. phallaidas. it belongs to a different section and does not contain 23. A. flavooollia Atkinson Small amanitatoxin. Obviously it is a close relative to the two following species. and medium species; cap chrome yellow or orange yellow, with A. brunnescens var. pallida has no taxonomic value. yellow and floccose warts; stiDe with a membranous and yellow annulus and a 19. A, citrina S. F. Gray small round bulb; volva yellow ilpccose, leaving patches on the stipe and the Small and medium speCIes. cap convex, almost white to lemon yellow, bulb: spores oval to elliptical. in with a few patches or warts from the white veil, viscld; flesh white, with a strong Common mixed and coniferous woods. odor of raw potato or radish; stipe white, with a yellowish, pendant annulus and This small species with a yellow floccose veil differs from A. flavorubens by a large marginate bulb: volva membranous, forming a narrow rim on the bulb; the unchangingcolor of the flesh and from A. frostiana by its amyloid spores. spores globular. hyalinus is also parasitic on this species. Cosmopolitan species, frequently found in mixed and deciduous woods. A. spiua (Friesl Kummer Que'let, Formerly known as A. mappa (Fries) it has been considered Medium size species; can bister brown with grayish warts or large patches is is poisonous. it not so but only disagreeable. This species distinctive by its of the floccose or pulverulent veil; flesh white, with anis or radish odor; stipe light its of radish bulb. yellow cap, odor and its marginate with a rather large bulb, fibrillose or squamulose. whitish or grayish; annulus 20. A. porphyria (Fries) Secretan ample, white, grayish balow; spores elliptical. Small and medium species; cap viscid, bister brown or grayish brown, Rare in Quebec in deciduous and mixed woods. sometimes with a purplish or lilac hue, with innate fihrills and covered with This bister brown amanita has received several names in Europe and here. powdery or floccose debris of the veil; flesh whitish, with a slight odor or radish; A. ampla Persoon includes: valida, cinerea, cariosa and exoclsa. stipe slender or short, with a membranous and pendant annulus becoming black, OTHER SPECIES and terminated by a large marginatc bulb, with ashy fibrills below the annulus; A. exoelsa (Fries) Kummer Common in mixed and deciduous woods, cosmopolitan Disagreeable. Medium to large species: can whitish to pale brownish, with pyramidal Two forms are known in North America; a small with a viscin and one warts or flocculence, margin somewhat striulate; stipa slender, with a bulb purplish brown and a middle-size with a pulverulent Cap, more cap one gray sometimes or less well marked, whitish and with flocculence; volva fragile and often called A. tomentella Krombholz. The circumscisslle volva around the bulb disapearing. has no taxonomical value since all intermediate farms occur in the same areas. In mixed and grondose woods. Section AMPLARIELLA Gilbert We in have seen this form Massachusetts, A. man Peck and submaculuta Stipe with a membranous and pendant annulus and a non~marginated bulb Peck are probably synonymous names of A. exulsa or A. spissa. which is often pointed below; volva nooeose, fugacious, cap smooth at the Section LEPIDELLA = (ASPIDELLA Gilbert) margin, with floccose patches; elliptical and amyloid. warts or spores Stipe usually with a large, napiform radicating bulb and a membranous 21. A. rubescens S. F. Gray or annulus; cap with a projecting or appendiculate margin; veil thick, leaving Medium or large species; camoanulate, whitish brownish, becoming eap or pyramidal warts on the cap and llocculence on the stipe; spores elliptical and reddish tinged, covered with grayish and lloccose war lesh whitish, reddish amyloid. when broken, particularly at the base of the stip . stipe stout, with a 25. A. atkinsonilna Coker membranous, ample, white or red stained annulus, and with a non-marginated Medium to large species; cap pale brown or whitish, covered with bulb marked by one or two rows of dark spots; volva floccose; spores is 4 numerous pyramidal warts, flocculent toward margin which elliptical. projecting and fringed; stipe stout with a napiform less radicating bulb which is Common in deciduous, mixed and coniferous woods. or more or ornated with rows of brown scales; annulus floccose and fugaceous; flesh white This cosmopolitan spemes is well known and frequently eaten. It is often or rosy, with a more or less strong odor of chlorine; spores elliptical, amyloid. delormed by a parasite; Hypomyoeshyalinus (Sch.) Tulasne. Flare in certain oak stands. 22. A. flavorubens Berkeley and Motagne This beautiful amanita is well characterized. The collections made Small and medium species; yellow and brownish the disc, with every cap on year near Quebec city correspond with the description and photos of Coke! pyramidal, floccose and yellow stipe with a less well marked warts; more or from material found in the Carolinas. Also known in Massachussetts and bulb, and with patches of the yellow ve , flesh at the base of the stipe reddish Michigan. or madera brown; spores ovales or elliptical. man—m. 1:981. 332:3. 30.50 838:. 23:335. .58.... 8:81 >. >. 203132 33m c.0234. >. c< .2: 30 5.7.3 :52. .w 331:. 8.2. >. m:n_m:a .33..» m #8:: $9.: Na. >. C .03. 1 P 53—01—535 33.1.2021: 010m. .21. 1.001%... ul-cgm 35:1... 8.5 m. 5;. . >. 00810:... >nooa.:a 2.2.2:. 4.75 38:3 $3.5 5.10... may: .3 4:; <3. 8.58: 30.81:: 0:53 b. >: 82:... <3 m j... In; can. 50333305. 1.2.8333. 010. 52.1: :16. 13.: 5.... is... 3 3:2. 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E135. mzn. 9.. 31.032... 9.3.0303 025:. 11...: 1.: 3mm 33:23. 313:: 13 ”3:55 m:::.:. m:::.:m :3 5...... 0:53 .56.: 8:61 331.: 32.1 muonmm 3 can: 20:. <15 02.: .32 51:. 9.1. m o- 2 .m 8 a KEY TO NORTHWEST MUSHROOMS A. rhoadsii (Murrill) Murrill AMANITAS This amanita, with strongly pulverulent-flocculose cap, adorned with a Puget Sound Mycological Society large conical warts when young, and with a deeply rooting tusirorrn or By F.S.M.S, napiform bulb, is more frequent in south eastern states, penniulon cl A. cinereopannusa Bas Medium to very large species; cap convex, whitish to smoky buff, with scattered felty patches; stipe subcylindrical, with a fusiform, warts or who collects mushrooms should learn recognize the slightly rooting bulb, fibrilloserlacerate, brownish annulus fugacecius Anyone to eat to gray; he avoid all of its species, This is difficult, grayish; odor Siighl. genus Amlniu, so that can not too of them rather conspicuous mushrooms. Collected under pines, from Massachusetts to North Carolina. It is a as most are well characterized species. A. limbatula Has, A. praelongispora (Murrill) Murrill, A. parva iMlAI’fIi” Murrill These three species of small amanitas, rarely collected from New York State to Florida, are characterized by microscopical features. A. mutabilis Neardslee A medium size species with a white cap bearing whitish patches, and with a napiform and marginate bulb at the base of the stipe, has been found rarely in North Carolina and Florida. A, roanokensis Coker, A. inodora (Murrill) 835 and A. alliacea (Murrill) Murrill These three closely related species, collected in the Carolinas and Florida, are mainly characterized by their long bacilliform spores. A. hesleri Has A distinctive species, found twice in North Carolina and in Tennessee, is characterized by the gray~brown to dark gray fibrillose scales on the dry cap. At praegraveolens (Murrill) Singer A large species With a strong odor and a white to pinkish can, collected Ami-nun unnthen'na rarely in Florida. Amanitas have four distinguishing features which are usually fairly obvious namely, volva, ring, white spores and free gillst The first and most important- of these, the so-called “death cup" or volva, is a thimb|e~like or sackr in SELECTED REFERENCES like structure at the base of the stem, formed the following way. The very young, unexpanded "button" stage of an Amanita is completely enclosed in a layer of tissue called the . As the mushroom grows, the universal veil is ruptured, part of it remaining at the base at the stem to form the valve, B:s.C Morphology and subdivlsinn of Amanirn me a managrann on its the being carried the surface of the where it breaks into small ilcllon. Lepiuella J J Grout en Zeum, N. v.~ Laid-n. Netti. an. 575 rest up on cap, i959, patches as the cap expandst Sometimes all of the universal veil remains at the Atkinson, o F, Studies of American fungi. Mushraemsedible, poisonous, Etc. base of the stem to form a large, sack-like vnlva, in which case the surface of the Nemy Halt aria Co. New Vork up. 323, i903 (2nd Ed.) will be devoid of patches. Another layer of tissue extends from the margin calm. w c. the Amanius of Epstein United States IN J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc cap 33,1733. 1917. of the cap to the stem, pulling away from the margin as the cap expands, and Gilbert, E J i, 2 and :1 m aresadoie, lconographla myculneru 27 collapsing characteristic skirt-like ring. The Ain‘nitlcue1 upon the stem to form the pendent, 200.2201 427,D|s. 1-72 i940 me real. 1. ring is well developed in most Amanitas, but is lacking in some species. Healer. L. R. Some mushronms of mum Tennessee Amenitas. m J. tennnssee Acad. SCI 5 i2) 335:. 1930. The other two distinguishing features, white spores and free gills, are not Kauuman, c. H. 7n: Agarieaeeae of Michigan in Mich. ceale. Ind elai Sunday difficult recognize. Free gills are gills that do quite reach the of the is) 1-92A. 191B. to not top as in if is split Murrill, w A, The Am-nnat of eastern North America IN MYColugiu 5127951913. stem; case of doubt, the mushroom lengthwisedown the middle, the Agnrreales, in North Amman Flora in 77444. i911. relation of the gills to the top of the stem is Easily seen. The color of the spores Pomerinau,-.. ,,_la. Les Amnmtes au Quebec, IN Naturalism canadlen 1966. in sleet-am..l. be determined from a spore print, following the directions to be found Singer ,,R, the Agarreeies in mount» tnxunpmy. 2nd Ed orsrner, Weinmrn can PD 915, I952. 74

”Nd- . Volva saocate (see illustrationl 2 the introductory pages of almost mushroom handbook. It is important any to Volva saoeate (see illustration) . 4 is . not . remember that an Amanita characterized by the combinetion of the features Ring ...... present . . Iruaginata just discussed. Very many kinds of mushrooms other than Amanitas have white A. . Ring absent— cap lead colored . . . 3 spores, many have a ring, some have free gills, and a few have a volva, but the ...... inches . A. — cap 1‘5 to 4 across, first rounded combination of volva, free gills, and (with ring) "gin-ta white spores or without a occurs eventually flat, with grooved lines around the edge Stem only in Amanita. white, slender, 3 to 4 inches in length, base deep in the soil. Amanitas are to be found at time of when conditions any year are favor The saccate volva envelops the young fruiting body in an egg able for the growth of mushrooms. You will them lar frequently in meet more shaped form. Usually found in, or on the edge of coniferous the forest than outside of it, and of seem prefer growing under most ours to or woods. - near conifers. The ten species presented in the key are the ones most frequently found here; they range throughout western Washington, Oregon and British A. (A. virosa) . Entire mushroom white ...... want: Columbia. The two that predommate in most localities are pantherina and . A. Verna (A. virosa) “" — Cap pure white and musoaria. Bom normally have the covered with white, wart-like patches, ...... cap on sticky to touch, first rounded, eventually flat, 4 to 12 inches a brown surface in pantherina and a yellow, red surface in on orange or across. Stern 4 to 10 inches in length. This very deadly mush~ muscaria. They are easy recognile, hence avoid. Fortunately for to easy to us, was identified in May of 1968 Battleground, Wash- the in Pacific is room near rarest Amanita the Northwest verna, the beautiful, pure white ington. ”Destroying Angel", responsible for so many fatal cases of poisoning in North America and Europe. It has only recently been found in Washington,thus far in AIIIInita phalloides, which is the most dangerous of the genus just one locality. Let us hope it does not find our climate and our forests to its and found in both coniferous and hardwood forests. has not liking. yet been found in the Northwest. It is greenish yellow to It is true that there are some edible Amanitas, out they are too easily con- greenish brown, sticky capped, 5 to 6 inches across, with fused with the poisonous species to risk eating them. The wise mushroom hunter ringed white stem and saocate valve on a bulbous base. will shun anything that he even suspects might be an Amanita; with so many good. easily recognizable edible mushrooms growing all around, why take Cap yellow or orange — often with large part of chances? veil on can AJaIyptrodarnu A. ulymrodima — Cap first rounded than broadly expanded smooth,...... except for pieces of veil stuck to it, sticky with etched lines on the margin, 2 to 12 inches across. Gills creamy- white to yellowish. Stem creamy-white, short, rising from a large, white felty cup (volva). Found in mixed woods in fall. HOW TO USE THE KEY FOR IDENTIFICATION (1) Entire mushroom white (1) Note that at the left of the column, the numbers are arranged in pairs. At least cap not white shape. Bulb tapering In Stem two Starting 1, read choosing which downward carrot or with number both descriptions, the one times long width. often smells fits the unknown. more as as can ofchlorine.. Audit-a Note accompanying number at the right. A. soliuria...... Cap pi kish ...... Find of - ring A. silvieolz this same number at the left the column farther down, which Not as above — stern shorti slight ...... appears as another pair. A. Iilvicoll “Woodland Amanita" — Cap rounded,...... then flat 3 4 inches dry and often fluffy with remains of Again choose the description which fits. Note accompanying number to across, at universal veil. Gills white. Stern white, short, bulbous base the right, and repeat the process until the name is given. showing fluffy remains of valve but no distinct cup. Found in coniferous woods or along their edges in fall. 7 Cap yellow . . . . . Cap not yellow . . . . . 8 ...... A. Volva with single di . . . gunman (A. iunquillel) A. (A. gemmata junquillea) 7 Cap pale yellow, not Changing significantly in color as it matures; pieces of universal Veil, White to cinnamon In age, scattered over surface, often of large sile, but these may be washed off in a rain, 3 to 4 inches across, llnally flat, surface sticky. Gills white to cream culnr. Slem 4 to 5 inches long, one lnch or more in diameter, With ring, base bulbous and volva distinct as in A. pantherina. 7 Volva wlth several concentric rings A. muscarla (yellow formssometlmestan) 8. Cap red ...... or orange . , . . . . , . t A. muscaria A. muscaria “Fly Amanlta" 7...... Cap brilliant red or orange, sometimes yellow, [an or rarely white; pieces or the yell are. scattered over the surface like cottage cheese, 3 to 12 inches across Gills whlte to cream whlte. Stern white, with ring, bulbous base. Found In coniferous woods in fall, sometimes spring. Dangerous but not often fatal, 8 Cap brown 7 Graylsh brown wrlh purple tinge — warts few, smooth 2 4 to inches across 7 stem white with grayish patches (6) w base flared to ilattish shoulders with Wide cracks, CAESAREA volva have ilap free slide ring may on one 7 gray 7 no yellow color anywhere — potato sprout odor. . . A. ocrphyria 4 7Tan to dark brown, to 12 inches across sticky — warts plentiful and white — Stern ring Valve white, with 7 with distinct rolled edge very poisonous found 7 7 A. under , mostly in the fall A. pantherina 7Dark brown black, 2 4 inches sticky to to across, 7 warts may 7 stem 3 to 5 inches long, yellowish above rlng 7 ring gray with yellow margin — found under conifers In the (all A. GEMMATA (II) A‘ PEKIANA (N) a:

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