MMA MASTERLIST - Sorted Alphabetically

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MMA MASTERLIST - Sorted Alphabetically MMA MASTERLIST - Sorted Alphabetically Sunday, December 10, 20Taxa Count: 2115 Page 1 of 26 Agaricus abruptibulbus Amanita amerimuscaria Agaricus arvensis Amanita amerirubescens nom. prov. Agaricus campestris Amanita atkinsoniana Agaricus haemorrhoidarius Amanita aureosolea nom. prov. Agaricus micromegethus Amanita battarrae Agaricus pattersonae Amanita bisporigera Agaricus placomyces Amanita brunnescens Agaricus semotus Amanita ceciliae Agaricus silvaticus Amanita cinereoconia Agaricus silvicola Amanita citrina Agaricus sp. Amanita citrina f. lavendula Agaricus subrutilescens Amanita cokeri Agaricus xanthrodermus Amanita cothurnata Agrocybe acericola Amanita crenulata Agrocybe aegerita Amanita crocea Agrocybe dura Amanita elongata Agrocybe erebia Amanita excelsa var. spissa Agrocybe firma Amanita farinosa Agrocybe pediades Amanita flavoconia Agrocybe praecox Amanita flavorubens Agrocybe sp. Amanita flavorubescens Agrocybe tabacina Amanita frostiana Albatrellus caeruleoporus Amanita fulva var. alba Albatrellus confluens Amanita fulva var. crassivolvata Albatrellus ovinus Amanita gemmata Albatrellus sp. Amanita jacksonii Alboleptonia sericella Amanita longipes Albugo candida Amanita murrilliana Aleuria aurantia Amanita onusta Aleuria rhenana Amanita pantherina, cf. Aleurodiscus amorphus Amanita phalloides Aleurodiscus oakesii Amanita porphyria Amanita abrupta Amanita praecox nom. prov. Amanita aestivalis Amanita pseudovolvata nom. prov. Amanita albocreata Amanita RET T01 Amanita amerifulva nom. prov. Amanita ristichii Amanita rubescens var. alba Arthrobotrys oligospora Amanita russuloides Artomyces pyxidatus Amanita sinicoflava Ascobolus carbonarius Amanita solaniolens Ascobolus crenulatus Amanita solaniolens, cf. Ascobolus furfuraceus Amanita sp. Ascobolus stercorarius Amanita spreta Ascocoryne cylichnium Amanita vaginata Ascocoryne sarcoides Amanita vaginata var. livida Ascocoryne sp. Amanita vaginata var. vaginata Ascotremella faginea Amanita velatipes Asterodon ferruginosus Amanita volvata Asterophora lycoperdoides Amanita wellsii Asterophora parasitica Amblyosporium spongiosum Asterophora sp. Angelina rufescens Asterostroma medium Angelina sp. Astraeus hygrometricus Annulohypoxylon multiforme Athelia sp. Anthracobia melaloma Auricularia americana Anthracobia sp. Auriscalpium vulgare Antrodia heteromorpha Austroboletus gracilis Antrodia serialis Badhamia utricularis Antrodia sp. Baeospora myosura Antrodia variiformis Baeospora myriadophylla Antrodiella semisupina Bankera fuligineoalba Apiosporina morbosa Bankera violascens Apostemidium leptospora Beauveria bassiana Arachnopeziza aurelia Biscogniauxia nummularia Arachnopeziza candida-fulva Bisporella citrina Arcyria cinerea Bisporella sp. Arcyria denudata Bjerkandera adusta Arcyria incarnata Bjerkandera fumosa Arcyria nutans Bolbitius callisteus Arcyria sp. Bolbitius coprophilus Armillaria caligata Bolbitius reticulatus Armillaria decorosa Bolbitius sp. Armillaria lutea Bolbitius variicolor Armillaria mellea Bolbitius vitellinus Armillaria ostoyae Boletellus chrysenteroides Armillaria sinapina Boletellus intermedius Armillaria sp. Boletellus projectellus Armillaria zelleri Boletellus russellii Arrhenia epichysium Boletinellus merulioides Boletopsis leucomelaena Boletus subsensibilis Boletus albisulphureus Boletus subsulphureus Boletus auripes Boletus subtomentosus Boletus auriporus Boletus subvelutipes Boletus badio-confusa Boletus variipes Boletus badius Boletus vermiculosoides Boletus bicolor Boletus vermiculosus Boletus chippewaensis Bondarzewia berkeleyi Boletus chrysenteron Lycoperdon coloratum Boletus coniferarum Bovista pila Boletus edulis Bovista plumbea Boletus edulis var. clavipes Brefeldia maxima Boletus erythropus Bryonora sp. Boletus ferrugineus Buchwaldoboletus lignicola Boletus flammans Bulgaria inquinans Boletus frostii Bulgaria sp. Boletus glabellus Byssocorticium atrovirens Boletus huronensis Cacumisporium capitulatum Boletus impolitus Calcarisporium arbuscula Boletus inedulis Callistosporium graminicolor Boletus longicurvipes Calocera cornea Boletus luridiformis var. discolor Calocera laetea Boletus miniato-olivaceus Calocera viscosa Boletus miniato-pallescens Caloscypha fulgens Boletus ornatipes Calvatia craniiformis Boletus pallidus Calvatia cyathiformis Boletus parasiticus Calvatia gigantea Boletus pseudopeckii Camarops petersii Boletus pseudosensibilis Cantharellula umbonata Boletus pseudosulphureus Cantharellus appalachiensis Boletus purpureofuscus Cantharellus cibarius Boletus rubellus Cantharellus cinereus Boletus rubropunctus Cantharellus cinnabarinus Boletus rufocinnamomeus Craterellus infundibuliformis Boletus sensibilis Cantharellus luteocomus Boletus serotinus Cantharellus minor Boletus sp. Cantharellus subalbidus Boletus speciosus Catathelasma imperiale Boletus speciosus var. brunneus Catathelasma sp. Boletus subfraternus Catathelasma ventricosum Boletus subglabripes Cenangium ferruginosum Boletus subluridellus Cenangium furfuracea Cenangium populinum Cladonia ochrochlora Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa Cladonia rangiferina Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa var. fruticulosa Cladonia sp. Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa var. poroides Cladonia squamosus Ceratiomyxa sp. Cladonia stellaris Ceriporia spissa Cladonia uncialis Ceriporia tarda Clavaria argillacea Cerrena unicolor Clavaria aurea Chaetomium ampullare Clavaria cinerioides Chaetomium globosum Clavaria fumosa Chaetomium spirale Clavaria oronensis Chalciporus piperatus Clavaria purpurea Chalciporus rubinellus Clavaria rubicundula Cheilymenia stercorea Clavaria sp. Cheilymenia theleboloides Clavaria vermicularis Cheimonophyllum candidissimum Clavaria vernalis Chlorencoelia torta Clavaria zollingeri Chlorociboria aeruginascens Clavariadelphus ligula Chloroscypha seaveri Clavariadelphus pistillaris Chlorosplenium aeruginosum Clavariadelphus truncatus Chlorosplenium cenangium Claviceps purpurea Chlorosplenium chlora Clavicorona taxophila Chlorosplenium chlorolasa Clavulina amethystina Chlorosplenium versiforme Clavulina cinerea Chondrostereum purpureum Clavulina cristata Chondrostereum sp. Clavulina rugosa Chromelosporium aurantiacus Clavulina zollingeri Chromelosporium coerulescens Clavulinopsis fusiformis Chromelosporium fulvum Clavulinopsis gracillima Chroogomphus rutilus Clavulinopsis helvola Chroogomphus sp. Clavulinopsis laeticolor Chroogomphus vinicolor Climacocystis borealis Chrysomphalina chrysophylla Climacodon septentrionalis Cintractia carcis Clitocybe aeruginosa Cladobotryum sp. Clitocybe americana Cladobotryum varium Clitocybe aromatica Cladonia chlorophaea Clitocybe badio-ferruginea Cladonia coniocraea Clitocybe clavipes Cladonia crispata Clitocybe compressipes Cladonia cristatella Clitocybe crispa Cladonia macilenta Clitocybe cyathiformis Cladonia maxima Clitocybe diaphana Clitocybe diatreta Collybia iocephala Clitocybe eccentrica Collybia kauffmannii Clitocybe ectypoides Collybia luteo-olivaceum Clitocybe fellea Collybia maculata Clitocybe flaccida Collybia maculata var. scorzoneria Clitocybe geotropa Collybia pinastris Clitocybe gerardiana Collybia polyphylla Clitocybe gibba Collybia putilla Clitocybe glaucocana Collybia sp. Clitocybe graveolens Collybia spongiosa Clitocybe leptoloma Collybia subnuda Clitocybe martiorum Collybia subtergina Clitocybe maxima Collybia tuberosa Clitocybe odora Coltricia cinnamomea Clitocybe phyllophila Coltricia montagnei Clitocybe pinophila Coltricia montagnei var. montagnei Clitocybe robusta Coltricia perennis Clitocybe senilis Coltricia sp. Clitocybe sinopica Comatricha pulchella Clitocybe sp. Comatricha sp. Clitocybe squamulosa Comatricha typhoides Clitocybe subconnexa Coniochaeta sp. Clitocybe subditopoda Coniophora puteana Clitocybe sudorifica Conocybe apala Clitocybe tarda Conocybe bulbifera Clitocybe trullaeformis Conocybe filaris Clitocybe truncicola Conocybe filipes Clitocybula familia Conocybe sp. Clitocybula oculata Conocybe tenera Clitocybula oculus Coprinellus micaceus Clitopilus prunulus Coprinopsis atramentaria Clitopilus sp. Coprinus angulatus Cokeromyces recurvatus Coprinus cinereus Coleosporium sp. Coprinus comatus Collybia acervata Coprinus congregatus Collybia agricola Coprinus domesticus Collybia alkalivirens Coprinus ephemerus Collybia biformis Coprinus lagopus Collybia cirrhata Coprinus narcoticus Collybia cookei Coprinus niveus Collybia dichrous Coprinus patouillardii Collybia earleae Coprinus quadrifidus Coprinus saccharinus Cortinarius distans Coprinus silvaticus Cortinarius elatior Coprinus sp. Cortinarius evernius Coprinus stercorarius Cortinarius flavifolius Coprinus sterquilinus Cortinarius flexipes Coprinus verrucispermus Cortinarius flos-paludis Cordyceps militaris Cortinarius fulmineus var. sulphureus Cordyceps sp. Cortinarius gentilis Corticium minnsiae Cortinarius glabrellus Cortinarius acutoides Cortinarius glaucopus Cortinarius aggregatus Cortinarius glaucopus var. olivaceus Cortinarius albidus Cortinarius hemitrichus Cortinarius alboviolaceus Cortinarius incognitus Cortinarius anomalus Cortinarius infractus Cortinarius anthracinus Cortinarius iodes Cortinarius argentatus Cortinarius lepidopus Cortinarius argutus Cortinarius lilacinus Cortinarius armillatus Cortinarius lucorum Cortinarius atkinsonianus Cortinarius malachius Cortinarius azureus Cortinarius malicorius Cortinarius bibulus Cortinarius michiganensis Cortinarius bolaris Cortinarius mucifluus Cortinarius brunneofulvus Cortinarius mucosus Cortinarius callisteus Cortinarius multiformis Cortinarius callochrous Cortinarius muscigenus Cortinarius camphoratus Cortinarius nigrellus
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