Rogerson Foray Alph. on Genus+Species Coma Alph Genspec 1

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Rogerson Foray Alph. on Genus+Species Coma Alph Genspec 1 Rogerson Foray alph. on genus+species coma_alph_genspec 1 pop2 pop genspec synonym A1 11asco Acanthostigma sp. A1 11asco Acremonium sp. C2L 1gill Agaricus abruptibulbus C2L 1gill Agaricus arvensis C2L 1gill Agaricus campestris (=andrewi) C2L 1gill Agaricus comptulus C2L 1gill Agaricus diminutivus? C2L 1gill Agaricus haemorrhoidarius C2L 1gill Agaricus micromegethus C2L 1gill Agaricus placomyces C2L 1gill Agaricus semotus complex C2L 1gill Agaricus silvaticus C2L 1gill Agaricus silvicola C2L 1gill Agaricus silvicola complex C2L 1gill Agaricus sp. C3L 1gill Agrocybe acericola C3L 1gill Agrocybe erebia? C3L 1gill Agrocybe firma C3L 1gill Agrocybe paludosa C3L 1gill Agrocybe sp. B9 3polyp Albatrellus caeruleoporus B9 3polyp Albatrellus cristatus B9 3polyp Albatrellus ovinus B9 3polyp Albatrellus sp. C5L 1gill Alboleptonia sericella (=Entoloma) A1 11asco Aleuria aurantia A1 11asco Aleuria rhenana (=splendens? cf. swiss1) A1 11asco Aleuria sp. C1 1gill Amanita N34 (=NE34) C1 1gill Amanita N47 C1 1gill Amanita N48 C1 1gill Amanita N49 C1 1gill Amanita NE19 (=NE19) C1 1gill Amanita NE43 (=NE43) C1 1gill Amanita NE44 (=NE44) C1 1gill Amanita NJ36 C1 1gill Amanita NJ5 C1 1gill Amanita NJ50 (=NJ50) C1 1gill Amanita NJ6 (=NJ6) C1 1gill Amanita S3 C1 1gill Amanita W7 C1 1gill Amanita abrupta C1 1gill Amanita aestivalis C1 1gill Amanita albocreata C1 1gill Amanita atkinsoniana C1 1gill Amanita bannningiana (=NJ16) C1 1gill Amanita bisporigera C1 1gill Amanita brunnescens C1 1gill Amanita brunnescens v pallida C1 1gill Amanita canescens C1 1gill Amanita ceciliae (=inaurata) C1 1gill Amanita cf. porphyria C1 1gill Amanita cf. vaginata Rogerson Foray alph. on genus+species coma_alph_genspec 2 C1 1gill Amanita citrina C1 1gill Amanita cokeri C1 1gill Amanita cokeri ? C1 1gill Amanita crenulata C1 1gill Amanita daucipes ? C1 1gill Amanita elongata C1 1gill Amanita farinosa C1 1gill Amanita flavoconia C1 1gill Amanita flavorubens C1 1gill Amanita frostiana C1 1gill Amanita fulva C1 1gill Amanita gemmata (=russuloides, crenulata, NJ27) C1 1gill Amanita jacksonii (=caesarea v americana, hemibapha) C1 1gill Amanita lepidella complex C1 1gill Amanita longicuneus (=NJ28) C1 1gill Amanita longipes C1 1gill Amanita murrilliana (=NE5, NJ5) C1 1gill Amanita muscaria v formosa C1 1gill Amanita near rubescens C1 1gill Amanita onusta C1 1gill Amanita onusta ? C1 1gill Amanita pantherina v multisquamosa C1 1gill Amanita parcivolvata C1 1gill Amanita parva (=SC3, VA3) C1 1gill Amanita peckiana C1 1gill Amanita porphyria C1 1gill Amanita praecox (=NJ32) C1 1gill Amanita praecox ? (=NJ32?) C1 1gill Amanita pseudovolvata (=NJ41) C1 1gill Amanita ravenelii C1 1gill Amanita recutita sensu Coker C1 1gill Amanita rhoadsii (=NJ17) C1 1gill Amanita ristichii (=SC1) C1 1gill Amanita rubescens C1 1gill Amanita rubescens v alba C1 1gill Amanita russuloides C1 1gill Amanita salmonescens C1 1gill Amanita sinicoflava C1 1gill Amanita solaniolens C1 1gill Amanita sp. C1 1gill Amanita sp. near ceciliae C1 1gill Amanita sp. section Lepidella C1 1gill Amanita spreta C1 1gill Amanita submaculate (=NJ18) C1 1gill Amanita subsolitaria C1 1gill Amanita umbrinolutea C1 1gill Amanita vaginata C1 1gill Amanita vaginata complex C1 1gill Amanita vaginata near alba? C1 1gill Amanita vaginata v plumbea C1 1gill Amanita virginiana C1 1gill Amanita virosa C1 1gill Amanita volvata C1 1gill Amanita volvata complex Rogerson Foray alph. on genus+species coma_alph_genspec 3 A4 12deut Amblyosporium spongiosum A1 11asco Apiosporina megalocarpa A1 11asco Apiosporina morbosa (=Dibotryon) A6 14myxo Arcyria cinerea A6 14myxo Arcyria denudata A6 14myxo Arcyria nutans A6 14myxo Arcyria sp. C3 1gill Armillaria bulbosa C3 1gill Armillaria caligata (=Tricholoma) C3 1gill Armillaria decorosa C3 1gill Armillaria ostoyae C3 1gill Armillariella mellea C3 1gill Armillariella tabescens A4 12deut Arnoldiomyces clavispora A1 11asco Ascotremella faginea A1 11asco Ascotremella faginea? B5 1gill Asterophora lycoperdoides (=Nyctalis asterophora) B5 1gill Asterophora parasitica (=Nyctalis) B11 9gast Astraeus hygrometricus B4 8jelly Auricularia auricula (=Hirneola) B10 2bol Austroboletus gracilis (=Tylopilus,Porphyrellus) A6 14myxo Badhamia capsulifera A6 14myxo Badhamia obovata A6 14myxo Badhamia sp. C7 1gill Baeospora myosura (=Collybia conigena) C7 1gill Baeospora myosura? B7 6tooth Bankera carnosa B7 6tooth Bankera fuligineo-alba B7 6tooth Bankera violaceo-alba B7 6tooth Bankera violescens A4 12deut Beauveria bassiana A1 11asco Bisporella citrina (=Helotium,Calycella) B9 3polyp Bjerkandera adusta (=Polyporus) B9 3polyp Bjerkandera fumosa A4 12deut Blistum ovalisporum C8L 1gill Bolbitius callisteus C8L 1gill Bolbitius fragile C8L 1gill Bolbitius sp. C8L 1gill Bolbitius vitellinus C8L 1gill Bolbitius vitellinus? B10 2bol Boletellus chrysenteroides (=Boletus) B10 2bol Boletellus russellii B10 2bol Boletinellus merulioides (=Gyrodon) B9 7pore Boletopsis subsquamosa (=leucomelaena,Pol. griseus) B10 2bol Boletus auripes B10 2bol Boletus auriporus B10 2bol Boletus badiorufus B10 2bol Boletus badius B10 2bol Boletus bicolor B10 2bol Boletus bicolor v subreticulatus B10 2bol Boletus caespitosus B10 2bol Boletus calopus complex B10 2bol Boletus calopus group B10 2bol Boletus campestris Rogerson Foray alph. on genus+species coma_alph_genspec 4 B10 2bol Boletus clavipes B10 2bol Boletus edulis B10 2bol Boletus edulis v clavipes B10 2bol Boletus edulis v. aurantioruber B10 2bol Boletus erythropus B10 2bol Boletus flammans B10 2bol Boletus fraternus B10 2bol Boletus fraternus group B10 2bol Boletus frostii B10 2bol Boletus hortonii (=subglabripes v corrugis) B10 2bol Boletus huronensis B10 2bol Boletus illudens (=Xerocomus) B10 2bol Boletus impolitus (=fragrans,obsonium) B10 2bol Boletus inedulis B10 2bol Boletus longicurvipes B10 2bol Boletus luridus B10 2bol Boletus miniato-olivaceus B10 2bol Boletus miniato-pallescens B10 2bol Boletus nobilis? B10 2bol Boletus oliveisporus B10 2bol Boletus pallidus B10 2bol Boletus pseudopeckii? B10 2bol Boletus pseudosensibilis B10 2bol Boletus pseudosulphureus B10 2bol Boletus pulverulentus (=mutabilis) B10 2bol Boletus retipes B10 2bol Boletus roseipes B10 2bol Boletus roseopurpureus B10 2bol Boletus roxanae (=Xerocomus) B10 2bol Boletus rubellus B10 2bol Boletus rubeus? B10 2bol Boletus rubinellus (=Suillus, Chalciporus) B10 2bol Boletus rufocinnamomeus B10 2bol Boletus sensibilis B10 2bol Boletus sp. B10 2bol Boletus spadiceus (=Xerocomus) B10 2bol Boletus speciosus B10 2bol Boletus sphaerocephalus B10 2bol Boletus subfraternus B10 2bol Boletus subglabripes B10 2bol Boletus subluridellus B10 2bol Boletus subtomentosus (=Xerocomus) B10 2bol Boletus subvelutipes B10 2bol Boletus trisporus? B10 2bol Boletus variipes B10 2bol Boletus vermiculosus B10 2bol Boletus viridiflavus B9 3polyp Bondarzewia berkeleyi (=Polyporus) B10 2bol Bothia castanellus (=Boletinus,Boletus,,Xerocomus) B11 9gast Bovista pila B11 9gast Bovista sp. B11 9gast Bovista sp.? A6 14myxo Brefeldia maxima A1 11asco Bulgaria inquinans (=polymorpha) Rogerson Foray alph. on genus+species coma_alph_genspec 5 A1 11asco Calcycellina punctiformis B4 8jelly Calocera carnea B4 8jelly Calocera cornea B4 8jelly Calocera viscosa C4 1gill Calocybe carnea (=Tricholoma) B11 9gast Calostoma cinnabarina B11 9gast Calostoma lutescens B11 9gast Calvatia craniformis B11 9gast Calvatia craniformis? B11 9gast Calvatia cyathiformis B11 9gast Calvatia elata? B11 9gast Calvatia sp. A1 11asco Camarops petersii (=Peridoxylon) B5 1gill Cantharellula umbonata (=Cantharellus,Hygrophorus) B5 4chan Cantharellus appalachiensis B5 4chan Cantharellus cibarius B5 4chan Cantharellus cinnabarinus B5 4chan Cantharellus friesii? B5 4chan Cantharellus ignicolor B5 4chan Cantharellus ignicolor? B5 4chan Cantharellus lateritius B5 4chan Cantharellus minor B5 4chan Cantharellus sphaerosporus complex B5 4chan Cantharellus tabernensis B5 4chan Cantharellus tubaeformis (=infundibuliformis) B5 4chan Cantharellus xanthopus A6 14myxo Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa A6 14myxo Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa v poroides A1 11asco Ceratocystis ulmi B9 3polyp Ceriporia tarda B9 3polyp Cerrena unicolor (=Trametes,Daedalea cinerea) B10 2bol Chalciporus piperatus (=Boletus,Suillus) C6 1gill Cheimonophyllum candidissimum (=Pleurotus) B9 7pore Chionosphaera apobasidialis A1 11asco Chlorencoelia versiformis (=Chlorosplenium) A1 11asco Chlorociboria aeruginascens (=Chlorosplenium) A1 11asco Chlorosplenium chlora A1 11asco Chlorosplenium versiforme A4 12deut Chromelosporium coerulescens A4 12deut Chromelosporium sp. C8 1gill Chromosera cyanophylla B10 2bol Chroogomphus rutilus (=Gomphidius,viscidus) B10 2bol Chroogomphus vinicolor C8 1gill Chrysomphalina chrysophyllum (=Gerronema) A1 11asco Ciboria peckiana (=Rutstroemia macrospora) A4 12deut Cladobotryum dendroides A4 12deut Cladobotryum mycophilum A4 12deut Cladobotryum sp. A4 12deut Cladobotryum varium A4 12deut Cladobotryum verticillatum A4 12deut Cladosporium sp. C5L 1gill Claudopus byssisedus =Entoloma) B6 5coral Clavaria miniata B6 5coral Clavaria purpurea? Rogerson Foray alph. on genus+species coma_alph_genspec 6 B6 5coral Clavaria vermicularis? B6 5coral Clavariadelphus ligula B6 5coral Clavariadelphus pistillaris B6 5coral Clavariadelphus sp.? B6 5coral Clavariadelphus truncatus A1 11asco Claviceps purpurea (ergot) B6 5coral Clavicorona avellanea B6 5coral Clavicorona pyxidata B6 5coral Clavulina cinerea (=Clavaria) B6 5coral Clavulina cristata (=Clavaria) B6 5coral Clavulina zollingeri B6 5coral Clavulinopsis aurantiocinnabarina B6 5coral
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