June 7Th, 1972
th June 7 , 1972 639 No.16. Council Chamber, Winnipeg, June 7th, 1972. Council met this day at 7:55 p.m. Present: His Worship Mayor Juba; Councillors Marion, Baker, Cartwright, Cherniack, Coopman, Cropo, Dennehy, Dixon, Dowhan, Ducharme, Fuga, Galanchuk, Gee, Hallonquist, Hudson, Johannson, Kaufman, Klym, Taft, Kotowich, Leech, McGarva, McGonigal, McKenzie, Mercier, Minaker, Munroe, Parkhill, Penner, Perry, Pierce, Rebchuk, Rizzuto, Ross, Sasaki, Skowron, Smith, Stanes, Stapon, Robert Steen, Warren Steen, Wade, Wankling, Westbury, Wilson, Wolfe, Yanofsky and Zuken. In attendance: Mr. W. A. Quayle, City Clerk, Mr. H. E. Sanger, Deputy City Clerk, and Mr. T. Pomes, Committee Clerk. Councillor Wade moved that the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 17th, 1972, and the Special Meeting of Council held May 19th, 1972, be taken and read and confirmed, which motion was carried. Councillor Ross rose on a point of privilege and requested that a moment’s silence be observed in memory of the Duke of Windsor who passed away on May 28th, 1972. ORIGNAL COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS The following communications were read and disposed of as under: - 811 - From The Honourable Saul M. Cherniack, Q.C., (134) Minister for Urban Affairs, Province of Manitoba, Submitting draft By-law No. 91/72, a By-law of the City of Winnipeg to amend By-law No. 1558, being a By-law to regulate and restrict the use of land and the use and location of buildings and structures in the St. James-Assiniboia Community. Advising that Mr. Gerald Haslam, 1088 Crestview Park Drive, filed a written objection with the Minister against the approval of this By-law, and after careful consideration and pursuant to subsection (2) of Section 617 of the City of Winnipeg Act he approved this By-law.
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