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Subject Index 18 e SUBJECT INDEX References are to entry numbers, not pages. Numbers in itazics refer to pdctoriaZ matter. Firms are entered under s-e, e. g. .BEID (WALTER) & COO A. , S.E. See SYKES, A.Ee9 1837-1928 A.L.P. See LABOR PARTY A.N. Z. BANK See AUSTRALU.AND QEW Zl3ALAND BANK A.U.S.N. CO. See AUSTRBLIAN WITED STEAM NAVIGATION CO. ABEL, GEORGE WXLLIIAM 195 &EL SMITH, Sir HENRY 4571 ABORIGINES 1-15, 26-25,. 1042, 2349, 4420 Education 4609 Food 15, 4125-4126 Languages 2, 6 Race relations 983-984, 2198, 2257-2260, 2801, 4248, 4250, 4252, 4255, 4258, 4260, 4419-W+28,. 4429, 4430-4437 ABOU'I (Ship) 2172 ACCOUNTANTS Bradford, William John, 1876-1919 345 Br.amble, John George, 1854?-1934 180, 346 Gray, George Henry, 1908-1967 649-653 Kenna, Joseph, b. 1864 822-823, 824, 4520, 4604 Thompson, J,A. 4305 Thompson, William George, 1863-1953 1237-1241 ACHESON, G.C. 4603 ADAIR , "COPEY" 292 7 ADAMS, CECIL THOMAS, d. 1916 196, 4914 ADAMSON, JOHN', 1857-1922 197-199 ADOLPHUS WILLIAM COPPER MINE 3048 ADULT EDUCATION 26-28 AERATED WATERS INDUSTRY See SOFT DRINKS INDUSTRY AERIAL AMBULANCE 34, 65, 70 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS 29-34, .5136, 5149 AFFLECK, REGINALD .4633 AGED Dwellings See HOMES FOR THE AGED AGNES STREET Children's Hospital 75-76, 2898,, 2899-2901, 5128-5129 Residences (Headrick, Mrs. A.H.) 4465 Residences (Keilbach family) 4466 AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY 1721 AGRICULTURE 1721, 2956-2966 See also BANAN&; BEEF CATTLE; BEEKEEPING; COTTON; DAIRYING; FRUIT CULTURE; MAIZE; MARKET GARDENING; PINEAPPLES; SORGHUM; SUGAR CANE Maps 2967-2968 AIR FORCE OFFICERS Hobler, John Forde, b. 1907. 737 AIR PILOTS Fraser , Harold Livingstone 1891-1950 65, 624, 2016, 2020-2021, 2024 Moody PoH. ("Skip") 2014 ALR TWSPORT 2014-2022, 2023-2024 Maps 2013 155 SUBJECT INDEX AIRLINES OF AUSTRALIA 2018 AIRPORT 35-37 , 2021 AITKEN , , b. ea. 1875 4633 AITKEN, A. 4854 AITIlEN, MARIA ALEXANDRA (McClelland) 200 AITKEN, T. 4854 AJAX COPPER MINES 3049-3050 ALBERT STREET Residences (Standish, R.A. ) 4467 ALBION (Ship) . 658, 709, 710- 711 ALEXANDER, J. 107 ALEXANDRA RAILWAY BRIDGE 1357-1359, 2568, 2573, 2594, 2607, 4994, 5107, 5112-5113, 5115, 5118, 5128-5129, 5132, .52'36, 5138 ALLEN , , Mr. , fl. 1910 194 ALLEN, , MKS e , fl. 1938 4484 ALLEN, EDWARD GEORGE 201 ALLEN, WILLLAM, 1828?-1925 202, 4852 ALLENBY, J. 70 ALLENSTOWN 202, 5014, 5096 Merrijig Hotel 2931-2932 St. Mark's Church 1845 ALLENSTOWN STATE SCHOOL 2574, 4623 ALLEY, J.E. 4921 W. 1581 ALLIGATOR CmEK BRIDGE 2109, 2130, 2147-2149 . ALMA HOTEL 2916 ALMA STREET Grosvenor Hotel 2927 O'Reilly's Hotel 2523 AL"ACS 38-57 ALTON DOWNS RAILWAY . 2091, 2095 AMBULANCE BRIGADE 34, 58-59, 60- 70, 85, 111 , 2588, 5138 AMERICANS IN ROCKHAMPTON 1042, 1912-1916, 1917-1920, 2879 , 2881, 2882-2885, 2887, 2889 AMUSEMENTS 71-76 , 77-78 See aZso BALLS (PARTIES); CIRCUS; MOVING PICTURES; MUSIC; RADIO BROADCASTING; TELEVISION BROADCASTING; THEATRE ANDERSON, ANDREW CANNING ("LOFTY") , 1873-1957 203-204, 4866 ANDERSON , J. 4864 ANDREWARTHA, J. 4856, 4857 ANDREWS, WILLIAM 4422 ANECDOTES, FACETIAE, SATIRE , ETC. 3096 ANGLICAN CHURCH See CHURCH OF ENGLAND ANGLISS, Sir WILLIAM ARTHUR, 1865-1957 3409 ANIMALS See ZOOLOGY ANNIVERSARIES See CENTENARIES, ANNIVERSARIES, ETC. APRIES See BEEKEEPING APIS CREEK 2220-2247, 2248, 2249 APPLETON, ARTHUR S. 1710, 4545 APPLETON, H. 4866 ARAUCARIA BIDWILLI 4514 ARCADIA MOVING PICTURE THWTRE 88 ARCHDALL, Mrs. H .L. See ARCHDALL, HENRIETTA MARIA (Mills1 (Mrs. H.L. Archdall) ARCHDALL, HENRIETTA MARIA (Mills) (Mrs- q-L. Archdall) 205 SUBJECT INDEX ARCHER., ALEXANDER, 1828-1890 206, 207-208 ARCHER, Mrs e ALEXANDER See ARCHER, MARY LOUISA (Mackenzie (Mrs Alexander Archer), d, 1890 . ARCHER, ALISTER, 1890-1965 209-211 1738 ARCHER, 'ARCHIBALD, 1820-1902 283, 212-216 , 217-219, 1338, 4328 ARCHER, ARCHIBALD, fls 1972 220 ARCHER, CEDRIC, d. 1918 221, 222 ARCHER, CKARLES, 1813-1862 223-226, 1735-1736, 1737-1738,. 2736, 2738-2740, 2746-2747, 2752-2753, 2758, 2790 ARCHER, COLIN, 1832-1921 227, 228-230, 2788, 2792 ARCHER, COLIN, Son of David Archer 105 ARCHER, DAVID, 1816-1900 232-232 PRCHER, DAVID M. 233 ARCHER, EDWARD WALKER, 1871-1940 235-239 ARCHER, GRACE LINDSAY (Morison) 240 ARCHER, JAMES GEORGE LEWIS, b. 1836 241-242, 4852 ARCKER, Mrs. JAMES GEORGE LEWIS See ARCHER, LOUISA STUART ("Louie") (McKenzie) (&sa James George Lewis Archer) ARCHER, JANE ANN, b. 1831 243 ARCHER, JOAN MARIE (Archer) (Mrs. Alister Archer), b. 1890 244 ARCHER, LOUISA STUART (%ouie") (Mackenzie) (Mrs. James George Lewis Archer) 245-246 ARCHER, MARY LOUISA (Mackenzie), (Mrs. Alexander Archer), d. 1890 247-249 ARCHER, R.C.M. 4524 ARCHER, ROBERT STUBBS, 1858-1926 250-253, 3325, 3335 ARCHER, THOMAS , 1823-1905 254-261 ARCHER, WILLIAM, 1818-1896 263-269, 1735-1736 , 1737-1 738, 2736, 2738-2740, 2746-2747, 2752-2753, 2758 ARCHER FAMILY 270-277, 278-280, 1735-1736, 1737-1738, 1749, 2317, 2337, 2730, 2739, 2745, 2749, 2776, 2793-2794, 2804, 2809, 3506, 4199, 4458, -4503,4504 -4525 Fiction 3957 ARCHER ( Ship ) 2 700- 2 701 ARCHER FOOTBALL CLUB 4867 ARClYER MEMORIAL, TOONOOBA PARK, RIVER BANK 2747, 1749, 4098 ARCHER STREET Hartley Memorial Methodist Church 5122 Q.C.W.A. Hostel 1449-1450 ARCHIBALD, ALEXANDER, d. 1869 185, 281, 2261-2269, 2270-2271, 2809 ARCHITECTS 1408 1412-1413 Eaton and Bates 2934 Flint, James 2904-2905, 2906, 2921 Nixon, Francis Hodgson, 1832-1883 1035, 3882-3883 Voysey, A.W. 1865 Wilson, John William, de 1915 1324 ARCHITECTURE: See BUILDINGS ARGYLE HOTEL 292 7 ARMED FORCES 134-146 147-254, 2 769 See aZso ARMY CARETS; NAVAL CADETS; UNITED STATES. ARMED FORCES AP&fISTICE DAY, 1918 2872 ARLGTRONG, GEORGE WILLIAM 282 ARMSTHONG, J-AMES ("JIM") b. 1845 180, 283 ARNSTRONG, W.F 4604 SUBJECT INDEX ARMY,. AUSTRALIAN See AUSTRALIA. ARMY ARMY CADETS 1940, 1942 ARNOLD, J. 2508 .ARNOLD,J.T. 4868 ART See FIXE ABTS ART EXHIBITIONS 2507-2511 ARTS, FINE See FINE ARTS ASBESTOS 4129 ASH, FORTESCUE LEO, b. 1882 , Bp. of Rockhampton, 1928-1946 284-285 ASHBY, Mrs. A.J. 4483 ASHBY, PAMELA 4483 ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1765 ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL See FOOTBALL ASSOCIATIONS See CLUBS, SOCIETIES, ETC. ATHELSTANE BOWZING CLUB 4843, 4845, 4848 ATHELSTANE STREET Residences (Baker, G.H. ) "Lorne" 4468 Residences (Bishop of Rockhampton) "Lis Escop" 4469, 4470-4471 ATHERTON , , Mrs. , fl. 1890 4859 ATHERTON, Mrs. EDMUND 185, 286 ATHERTON, JAMES 185, 287 ATHERTON , Mrs . James 288 ATHERTON , JOHN, 1837-1913 289-290 ATHERTON, JOHN MOTLEY ("JACK") 291, 292 ATHERTON, REBECCA 185, 293 ATHERTON, TOM 185 ATHERTON FAMILY 294-295 AUBIN, MYRTIL 4419 AUCTIONEERS Curtis , George Silas, 1845-1922 283-184, 442-444, 445-447, 4276-4277, 4392-4393 Curtis Auction Rooms 1499 Dawson, D.D. , b. 1876 506 Dibdin, Robert Lowes , d. 1916 517-518, 519 Fyfe, Alexander, 1827-1903 632 Macpherson, John 949 Rattenbury, William, 1870-1933 ~16 Stevenson (J. ) & Co. 1625 AUMULLER, , fl. 1870 190 AUSTIN, W.J. 4604 AUSTRALASIAN ARMY OF CRUSADERS See CRUSADERS AUSTRALASIAN MEAT INDUSTRY EMPLOYEES UNION. QUEENSLAND BRANCH. CENTRAL DISTRICT COUNCIL 5224a AUSTRALASIAN UNITED STEAM NAVIGATION CO. 2174, 2175 AUSTRALIA. ARMY 137 AUSTRALIA. ARMY. CAPRICORNIA REGIMENT See AUSTRALIA. ARMY. INFANTRY. 42nd BATTALION AUSTRALIA. ARMY. ENGINEERS. 11th FIELD CO. 145 AUSTRALLA. ARMY. INFANTRY. 42nd BATTALION 134-136 , 141-142 AUSTRALIA. NAVY 149,151 AUSTRALIA. NAVY. RESERVES 150, 252, 153 AUSTRALIlA. PARLllAMENT See POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT, FEDERAL AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND BANK 155, 156, 5129 AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES See ABORIGINES AUSTRALIAN ASSISTANCE PLAN 4777 AUSTRALIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 5128 AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING COMMTSSION 1416 SUBJECT INDEX AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT. ROCKHAMPTON BRANCH 1942 AUSTRALIAN JOINT STOCK BANK 157-158, 4990, 5100, 5129 AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY See LABOR PARTY AUSTFULIAN NATIVES ASSOCIATION. ROCKHAMPTON BWCH 1943 ATJSTRALUN RULES FOOTBALL See FOOTBALL AUSTWD (Ship). 2171 AUTXQRS See WRITERS AUTOBIOGRAPHY See BIOGRAPHY AUTOMOBILE PARKING 5049 AUTOMOBILES 5051 AVIATION See AIR TRANSPORT AVIATORS See AIR PILOTS AVONLEIGH (Residence) 1417, 1418-1419 AYLING, A. 152 AYREY , JULIA LOUISE See MACDONALD, JULIA LOUISE (Ayrey) (Mrs a Peter Fitzallan MacDonald) AYRSHIRE CATTLE 3065- 3068 BACK, ARTHUR WILLIAM 3458 BAILDON, J.O. 296 BAILEY (W.H.) & CO, 1474 BAILEY , WILLIAM H. 1474 BAILIFFS Baildon, J.0: 296 BAJOOL 2404 Ajax Copper Mines 3049-3050 Eenarabin Stud 2978 Salt industry 3468-3473 Silica 3474 BAKER , ''CRANKY" 185 BAKER, F.R, 69 BAKER, G.H. 105, 4452, 4468 BAKER, JOHN, fl. 1869 2206 BAKERS Bartlem, John, b. 1841 1475 Bartlem,~W,M., b. 1838 1476 Krdning, Augustus , b. 1848 1557 Rickart, John, b. 1859 1604, 1605 Schwarten, John James 1183 Smith, W.T.D. 1621 BALFRY I) fl. 186-. 185, 297 BALLARD, ETRENNA 105 BALLARD, LEU See WHITE, LEU (Ballard) (Mrs. Charles White) BALLARD, ROBERT, 1839-1912 298-299, 300, 1699, 2048 BALLARD, Mrse ROBERT See BALLARD, TAMAR (Mrs. Robert Ballard) BALWD, TAMAR (Mrs, Robert Ballard) 302-303 BALLARD FAMILY 4482 BALLET DANCERS See DANCERS BALLS (PARTIES) 79-81 82-86 BANANAS 2969 BANDS 106, 4408-4409 Lakes Creek Band 204 Rockhampton Boys ' Band 108 Rockhampton Pipe Band 107 BAYFFSHIRE (Ship) 21 73 SUBJECT INDEX BANK OF AUSTRALASIA 156 BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALFS 159-160, 434 BANK OF NEW SOUTH WmS, 1861-1865 162 BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1865-1892 162 BANK OF .N'EW SOUTH WALES, 1892-1968 163-164, 5128-5229 EAIYKERS Archer, Alexander, 1828-1890 206, 207-208 Cox, Charles Henry James 434 Hall, Thomas Skarratt 192, 675, 676, 3170-3171, 3312 Larnach, John Alexander 860 Robertson, , fl. 1881 184 Salmon, Harry 284 Standish, Richard Austin, b. 1870 1207 Wad, Gavin, b. 1886? 1276 BANKRUPTCY 3496 BANKS 2742 Australia and New Zealand Bank 155, 156, 5129 Australian Bank of Commerce 5128 Australian Joint Stock Bank 157-158, 4990, 5100, 5129 Bank of Australasia 156 .-. Bank of New South Wales 159-160, 434 Bank of New South Wales, 1861-1865? 161 Bank of New South Wales, 1865-1892 162 Bank of New South Wales, 1892-1968, 163-164, 5128-5129 Commercial Banking Co.
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    Status of marine and coastal natural assets in the Fitzroy Basin September 2015 Prepared by Johanna Johnson, Jon Brodie and Nicole Flint for the Fitzroy Basin Association Incorporated Version 6: 01 November 2015 Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 1 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Coastal natural assets: status and trends ....................................................................................... 5 2.1. Estuaries .................................................................................................................................. 5 2.2. Coastal wetlands ..................................................................................................................... 6 2.3. Islands and cays .................................................................................................................... 12 3. Marine assets: status and trends .................................................................................................. 14 3.1. Coral reefs ............................................................................................................................. 16 3.2. Seagrass meadows ................................................................................................................ 21 3.3. Species of conservation interest ..........................................................................................
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