FACULTY PROFILE (To be uploaded to the website) 1 Name of the Teacher Dr. NAGANNA D 2 Present position held in Associate Professor Department / University Department of Kannada Studies and Research 3 Date of Birth 01-07-1965 4 e-mail
[email protected] 5 Mobile No. 97389 79269 6 Department Department of Kannada Studies and Research 7 Qualification M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D. 8 Field of Research Chandrashekhara Kambarara Sahithya : Ondu Adyayana Kannada Sahithya Vimarshe 9 Teaching Experience 26 years (UG and PG Programme) 10 Professional Recognition and 25 years experience 11 Research recognition 1. Ph.D. & M.Phil. guideship – 15 years M.Phill. = 6 Students awards Ph.D. = 3 Students awards and two students submit. 2. Chandrashekhara Kambarara Sahithya : Ondu Adyayana 3. Kannada Sahithya Vimarshe 12 Academic / Membership in 1. Chairman, Department of Kannada Studies & professional bodies Research (2009-11, 2015-17). 2. Nominated as BOS Chairman for UG Programmes, KSOU (2017-11, 2019-22). 3. Nominated as BOS member for UG and PG (2005 to till date) 4. All India Radio Programme for BA/B.Com. language and optional (1999 to 2005). 5. BOE Chairman for UG, KSOU (2005, 2007, 2011, 2019). 6. Both Chairman for PG, KSOU (2006, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2019) 7. BOE Chairmen for UG Programme in Musical University, Mysore (2014-16). 8. Bangalore University BOE Member PG-2008. 9. Shivamogga University BOE PG–2010 members etc., 13 Areas of Interest Sahithya Vimarse (Old and New Literature Kannada Poetry, Novel, Drama, etc.) 14 Research Interest Old and new Kannada literature (Poetry, Novels, Drama, Short Story and Folklore Studies) 15 Workshops/Symposiums/Conferences/Orientation and Refresher Courses attended Sl.