English Books in Ksa Library

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English Books in Ksa Library Author Title Call No. Moss N S ,Ed All India Ayurvedic Directory 001 ALL/KSA Jagadesom T D AndhraPradesh 001 AND/KSA Arunachal Pradesh 001 ARU/KSA Bullock Alan Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thinkers 001 BUL/KSA Business Directory Kerala 001 BUS/KSA Census of India 001 CEN/KSA District Census handbook 1 - Kannanore 001 CEN/KSA District Census handbook 9 - Trivandrum 001 CEN/KSA Halimann Martin Delhi Agra Fatepur Sikri 001 DEL/KSA Delhi Directory of Kerala 001 DEL/KSA Diplomatic List 001 DIP/KSA Directory of Cultural Organisations in India 001 DIR/KSA Distribution of Languages in India 001 DIS/KSA Esenov Rakhim Turkmenia :Socialist Republic of the Soviet Union 001 ESE/KSA Evans Harold Front Page History 001 EVA/KSA Farmyard Friends 001 FAR/KSA Gazaetteer of India : Kerala 001 GAZ/KSA Gazetteer of India 4V 001 GAZ/KSA Gazetteer of India : kerala State Gazetteer 001 GAZ/KSA Desai S S Goa ,Daman and Diu ,Dadra and Nagar Haveli 001 GOA/KSA Gopalakrishnan M,Ed Gazetteers of India: Tamilnadu State 001 GOP/KSA Allward Maurice Great Inventions of the World 001 GRE/KSA Handbook containing the Kerala Government Servant’s 001 HAN/KSA Medical Attendance Rules ,1960 and the Kerala Governemnt Medical Institutions Admission and Levy of Fees Rules Handbook of India 001 HAN/KSA Ker Alfred Heros of Exploration 001 HER/KSA Sarawat H L Himachal Pradesh 001 HIM/KSA Hungary ‘77 001 HUN/KSA India 1990 001 IND/KSA India 1976 : A Reference Annual 001 IND/KSA India 1999 : A Refernce Annual 001 IND/KSA India Who’s Who ,1972,1973,1977-78,1990-91 001 IND/KSA India :Questions and Answers : from Blueprints to Bricks 28 001 IND/KSA years A Progress India in Pictures for Children 001 IND/KSA International who's who of woman- 7th ed- London 001 INT/KSA District Handbook of Kerala : Idukki 001 KER/KSA District Handbook of Kerala : Kozhikode 001 KER/KSA District Handbook of Kerala : Thiruvananthapuram 001 KER/KSA Kerala Travel Guide 001 KER/KSA Kerala 1972 : A Comprehensive reference Book and Tourist’s 001 KER/KSA Encyclopaedia Kerala an Authentic Handbook 001 KER/KSA Lady bird A B C 001 LAD/KSA MLA Style Sheet 001 MLA/KSA Curley Karmer Modern American Literature 001 MOD/KSA Mysore and Kerala 001 MYS/KSA Nair P.N and Nair C.S Index to the Important Forest Plants of Kerala 001 NAI/KSA Carducce Giosue Nobel Prize library C-D-E 001 NOB/KSA Gide Andre Nobel Prize Library G-H 001 NOB/KSA Hauptmann Gerhart Nobel Prize library H-J 001 NOB/KSA Hemingway Ernest Nobel Prize library -H 001 NOB/KSA Jimenez Juan Roman Nobel Prize library –J-K-L 001 NOB/KSA Kawabata Yasunari Nobel Prize library K-L 001 NOB/KSA Mauriac Francois Nobel Prize Library –M 001 NOB/KSA Reymond Ladislas Nobel Prize Library R 001 NOB/KSA Seferis Giorgos Nobel Prize library –S 001 NOB/KSA Ojha N N ,Ed Chronicle YearBook 2009 001 OJH/KSA Ojha N N ,Ed Chronicle India 2009 001 OJH/KSA Ojha N N ,Ed Chronicle Year Book 2007 001 OJH/KSA Ojha N N ,Ed Chronicle Year Book 2008 & Chronicle India 2008 : a handy 001 OJH/KSA Compendium Ojha N N,Ed Chronicle Year Book 2006 001 OJH/KSA Ojha N N ;Ed Chronicle India 2011 001 OJH/KSA Ojha N N ;Ed Chronicle year book 2011 001 OJH/KSA O’Neil Patrick M Ed Great World Writers twentieth Century 13 VOL 001 ONE/KSA One Hundred Questions one Hundred Answers G D R 001 ONE/KSA Our Muncipalities : Punalur 001 OUR/KSA Ajit Kumar Mukherjee Peacock –our National Bird 001 PEA/KSA Pitman Isaac Shorthand Instructor and Key 001 PIT/KSA Manoj Das Pondichery 001 PON/KSA Prasannakumar Friendly Approach to computer Programming 001 PRA/KSA Prime Minister Indira Gandhi Visits USSR 001 PRI/KSA Rajasekharan P T Nobel Laureates all 001 RAJ/KSA Rajeev Iringalakkuda Mults and Missions in Kerala 001 RAJ/KSA Rajeshvar Prasad Our Birds 001 RAJ/KSA Gupta K L ,Ed Refernce of Asia V1-3 001 REF/KSA Ravi Bhushan,Ed Reference India V 2 001 REF/KSA Road guide to Tamilnadu 001 ROA/KSA Sanskriti Awards 001 SAN/KSA Sewell Robert Siddhantas and the Indian Calendar 001 SEW/KSA Shreedaran Palliyara ,Comp Some great Mathematicians of the world 001 SHR/KSA Shreeram Chandra Dash Orissa 001 SHR/KSA Sinha R.P.N Our Trees 001 SIN/KSA Stastical Pocket Book of the 001 STA/KSA Sujata 1000 Literature Quiz 001 SUJ/KSA Niyazov Pavel Tajikistan 001 TAJ/KSA Tamil Writers Directory 001 TAM/KSA Tenth Kerala Legislative Assembly 001 TEN/KSA Muthiah ,Ed Traveller’s Companion 001 TRA/KSA Phanibushan Achariya Tripura 001 TRI/KSA Trichur 001 TRI/KSA USSR :100 Questions and Answers 001 USS/KSA USSR : 100 Questions and Answers 001 USS/KSA Cahturvedi P C Uttar Pradesh 001 UTT/KSA Vijayanath V Book of Trivia (Current Quiz) 001 VIJ/KSA Sachdev S k Vikas Objective Test General Knowledge 001 VIK/KSA Menon T S Volume and value Tables for round or squared timber and 001 VOL/KSA scantlings T Janaky ,Comp Volume Tables for round or squared timber under metric 001 VOL/KSA system.Part I-II Dutt K C ,Ed Whos’ Who of Indian Writers 001 WHO/KSA Who’s who of Indian Wrietrs 001 WHO/KSA Who’s Who of Indian Writers 001 WHO/KSA Who's Who of Indian Writers 001 WHO/KSA Who's Who of Indian Writers : Supplimentry Volum 1990 001 WHO/KSA ChOpra P N ,Ed Who’s Who of Indian Martyrs V-1-3 001 WHO1-3/KSA Wrietrs and artists yearbook 001 WRI/KSA Writer’s Directory 1980 -82 001 WRI/KSA Ziyaud-din A Desai Mosques of India 001 ZIY/KSA History of Humanity: Scientific and Cultural development; 001.3 HIS/KSA vol:VI MLA Hand book for writers of research papers 001.4 MLA/KSA Oliver Paul Writing your thesis 001.4 OLI/KSA Ahuja, Ram Research methods 001.42 AHU/KSA cauvery R Research Methodology(For students of social sciences) 001.42 CAU/KSA Mc Neill Parrick and Chapman Steve Research methods 001.42 MCN/KSA Shashi K Gupta and Praneet rangi Research Methodology(Methods Tools and Techniques) 001.42 SHA/KSA Vijayalakshmi G and Sivapragasam Research Methods.Tips and Technics 001.42 VIJ/KSA Sreedharan E Manual of historical research methodology 001.432 SRE/KSA Bibliography of the Writings of K V Sharma 010 BIB/KSA Bibliography of Malayalam Works Translated into other 010 BIB/KSA Language Bansal R S ,Ed Books of India 010 BOO/KSA Imrithyas Ali Arshi Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in Raza Library 010 CAT/KSA Catalogue of Malayalam books in the British Museum 010 CAT/KSA Catalogue of Persian and Arabic Manuscripts of Saulat 010 CAT/KSA Public Library Catalogue of Sanskrit Manucsripts in the vrindavan 010 CAT/KSA Research Institute Part –III Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts 010 DES/KSA Descriptive Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the 010 DES/KSA Government Museum Descriptive Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts to the 010 DES/KSA Government Easwaran Nampoothri E Sanskrit Literature of Kerala 010 EAS/KSA Govi K M Modern Indian Literature: Bibliography 010 GOV/KSA Kesavan B S,Ed Indian National Bibliography 010 IND/KSA Indian National Bibliography 010 IND/KSA Indian Scientific and Technical Publications 010 IND/KSA Lists of Manuscripts collected for the Government 010 LIS/KSA Manuscripts Library National Bibliography of Indian Literature 010 NAT/KSA New Catalogus Catalogrum : an alphabetical register of 010 NEW/KSA Sanskrit and allied works and authors V1,V3,V4,V5,V6 Canning John ,Ed One Hundred great books: Masterpieces of all time 010 ONE/KSA Henry Oxford companion to German Literature 010 OXF/KSA Paul Harvey,Ed Oxford Companion to French Literature 010 OXF/KSA Philip Ward ,Ed Oxford companion to Spanish Literature 010 OXF/KSA Press in India Part II 010 PRE/KSA Ramaiah L S Tribal Linguistics in India 010 RAM/KSA Soviet Films Catalogue 010 SOV/KSA Augustine C A ,Ed 25th All India Library Conference 020 ALL/KSA Atherton Pouline A Putting Knowledge to Work 020 ATH/KSA Dewey Melvil Dewey Decimal Classification 020 DEW/KSA Kerala Library Association 020 KER/KSA Krishan Kumar Library manual 020 KRI/KSA Library: Atemple of learning and knowledge House 020 LIB/KSA Raman Nair R Information Technology for Participating Development 020 RAM/KSA Raman Nair R Computer Application to Library and Information services 020 RAM/KSA Ranganathan Classified Catalogue Code 020 RAN/KSA Ranganathan S R Colon Classification 020 RAN/KSA Sehgal R L Computing & Disc Operating Systems for Librarians 020 SHE/KSA Smith Datus C ,Tr Guide to Book-Publishing 020 SMI/KSA Tejmurty A, Ed Library and information Science education and teaching 020 TEJ/KSA methods Thaper Ramesh Book Development in National Communication and Planning 020 THA/KSA Vohra Armrit Lal Handbook of UGC Schemes and Central Assistance to State 020 VOH/KSA Universities and Colleges Krishan Kumar Library Organisation 020.6 KRI/KSA Muller, Jeanne Froidevaux A Librarian's guide to the internet 021 MUL/KSA Krishan Kumar Library administration and Management 025.1 KRI/KSA Girija Kumar And Krishan Kumar Theory of cataloguing 025.346 GIR/KSA Krishan Kumar Introductiuon to Cataloguing practice 025.346 KRI/KSA Krishan Kumar Theory of Classification 025.42 KRI/SHA Dewey Melvil Dewey Decimal Classification(VOL.1 Introduction Tables) 025.431 DEW/KSA Dewey Melvil Dewey Decimal Classification(VOL.2 Shedules) 025.431 DEW/KSA Dewey Melvil Dewey Decimal Classification(VOL.3 Relative Index) 025.431 DEW/KSA Satija M P Exercises in the 19th Editionn of the Dewey Decimal 025.432 SAT/KSA Classification Krishan Kumar Reference Service 025.52 KRI/KSA Ranganathan S R Reference Service 025.52 RAN/KSA Abootty,O A dictionaryof amusing english 030 ABO/KSA Academis of Indian Languages 030 ACA/KSA Aggarwala All India Educational Directory 030 ALL/KSA Moos N S,Ed All India Ayurvedic Directory 030 ALL/KSA Crystal David ,Ed Cambridge Fact Finder 030 CAM/KSA
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