Department of Cultural Affairs Govt of Kerala Kerala Sahitya Akademi ISSN 2319-3271 MALAYALAM LITERARY SURVEY Vol. 36 Issue.12016 March Rs. 40/- RN 29431 / 76 2016 March Printed and published by R.Gopalakrishnan on behalf of Kerala Sahitya Akademi and printed at Santhibhavan Offset Printers, Kannamkulangara, Thrissur Kerala-680 007 and published at Kerala Sahitya Akademi, P.B. No.501 Thrissur, Kerala-680 020 Editor: R. Gopalakrishnan TributeTribute toto ONV Kurup & Akbar Kakkattil MALAYALAM LITERARY SURVEY MARCH 2016 KERALA SAHITYA AKADEMI Thrissur 680 020, Kerala Malayalam Literary Survey A Quarterly Publication of Kerala Sahitya Akademi, Thrissur Vol. 36 No. 1. January - March 2016 Single Issue : Rs. 40/- Annual Subscription : Rs. 160/- Editorial Board Perumbadavam Sreedharan - President R. Gopalakrishnan - Secretary & Editor Chandramati - Convenor Members John Samuel R. Lopa V.N. Asokan - Sub editor Cover Design : Vinaylal Type setting : Macworld, Thrissur Printed and Published by R. Gopalakrishnan on behalf of Kerala Sahitya Akademi, Thrissur 680 020 and Printed at Santhi Bhavan, Kannamkulangara, Thrissur, Kerala and Published at Thrissur, Thrissur Dist., Kerala State. Editor : R. Gopalakrishnan Proof : Soumya Murukesh Reg. No. 29431/77 Phone : 0487-2331069
[email protected] Articles published in this journal do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Kerala Sahitya Akademi. The Editorial Board cannot be held responsible for the views expressed by the writers Editor’s note Death seems to be the theme of the year 2016. The year has so far been rather unkind, especially on our artists and writers. We have helplessly watched so many talented people stolen from among us - from Umberto Eco to ONV, from Ettore Scola to Rajesh Pillai, from Harper Lee to Akbar Kakkattil...; the list would really be longish if all the losses are to be recounted.