Doing Binary

Colin Walls Mentor Graphics Embedded Systems Division

When thinking about this blog, I was reminded of an old joke: There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who do not. Sorry, but it still makes me smile Now to the blog. Embedded developers often need to work ?close to the hardware.? Stated another way, the raw bit patterns used in control registers need to be visualized and manipulated. Clearly, the way to represent such a register would be in binary, just ones and zeros,? Continued...

IoT Development Kit Guide Help for embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) design engineers to efficiently identify evaluation kits for system prototyping.

2017 Top Embedded Innovator: Bill Mensch, CEO and Founder,

Brandon Lewis, Technology Editor

A pioneer of embedded design and manufacturing, William ?Bill? Mensch was a major contributor to the designs of the 6800 microprocessor (MPU); MOS Technology 6502 MPU used by the Apple II, Commodore PET, and Atari gaming system; and Western Design Center (WDC) 65816 that served as the basis for the Ricoh 5A22 employed in the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. One of Embedded Computing Design?s 2017 Top Embedded Innovators, Mensch also helped establish the fabless semiconductor business model upon founding WDC in 1978.? Continued... Intelligent displays and connectivity come together in the IoT

Markku Riihonen, 4D Systems

The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to march forward with, in most deployments, an army of sensors providing data to cloud-based control and analysis platforms. Promising to deliver new ways of conducting business, and making possible a raft of new ?pay as you go? services, the appetite for IoT can be felt in many industries. But as the IoT matures it has uncovered a number of interesting challenges previously not considered. For example, while cloud computing can provide economies of scale for raw compute? Continued...

Making the leap from Arduino to Raspberry Pi: Why change?

Jeremy Cook, Engineering Consultant

I?ve been using Arduino development boards for several years now, with great results. Whether powering a unique camera fixture or controlling simple robots, their ability to take inputs and process information works quite well in many situations. In fact, you can see my overview of the Uno , Nano , and Mega boards in the linked posts, outlining some of their advantages and disadvantages. [The Raspberry Pi 3, Model B | Image by Jose.gil, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons .] Though Arduino does? Continued...

Making embedded storage fault-tolerant

C. C. Wu Innodisk

Fault tolerance is the holy grail for embedded systems, especially for military, and industrial applications where real time operating systems are common and downtime is costly. Yet minimizing downtime is easier said than done ? especially when it comes to storage.

Iot Panel Webcast - Biggest IoT Security Threats and How to Address Them Sponsored by: Ayla Networks, NXP, Parasoft, RTI May 16, 2pm ET

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