SUPPORT FOR THE 2021 SEASON OF THE TOM PATTERSON IS GENEROUSLY PROVIDED BY LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Welcome to the . It is a great privilege to gather and share stories on this beautiful territory, which has been the site of human activity — and therefore storytelling — for many thousands of years. We wish to honour the ancestral guardians of this land and its waterways: the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Wendat, and the Attiwonderonk. Today many Indigenous peoples continue to call this land home and act as its stewards, and this responsibility extends to all peoples, to share and care for this land for generations to come. A MESSAGE FROM OUR ARTISTIC DIRECTOR WORLDS WITHOUT WALLS Two young people are in love. They’re next- cocoon, and now it’s time to emerge in a door neighbours, but their families don’t get blaze of new colour, with lively, searching on. So they’re not allowed to meet: all they work that deals with profound questions and can do is whisper sweet nothings to each prompts us to think and see in new ways. other through a small gap in the garden wall between them. Eventually, they plan to While I do intend to program in future run off together – but on the night of their seasons all the plays we’d planned to elopement, a terrible accident of fate impels present in 2020, I also know we can’t just them both to take their own lives. pick up where we left off. The world has changed; we have changed. Something Sound familiar? It’s the story of Pyramus huge has happened to us and within us. and Thisbe, as told by the ancient Roman How do we express that together? poet Ovid, one of Shakespeare’s favourite authors. Most of us know it from the comical In one significant sense, 2021 sees us play-within-the-play in A Midsummer Night’s return to our roots. Two open-sided Dream – but it’s also essentially the same canopies, one erected at the Festival story Shakespeare told in . Theatre and the other on the grounds of the new Tom Patterson Theatre, shelter It certainly resonates with us today. We appropriately distanced seats. Sharing know what it’s like to be isolated in our the same visually gorgeous design, these homes, separated from our loved ones, structures enable audiences to gather in reduced to interacting through online safety and comfort in the open air. equivalents of a hole in the wall. And we know about other barriers, too: walls of But more than that, they bring an inherently prejudice, mistrust and hatred that can be festive quality to the season. Just like our as fatal as any pandemic. original tent in 1953, these new canopies signal that a very special event is taking But there’s more to Ovid’s story. The blood place here in Stratford: a new artistic of the lovers, seeping into the ground, beginning. is absorbed by the roots of a mulberry bush – and turns its berries from white Meanwhile, we have also been able to to a deep and vibrant red. And with that make provision for limited-capacity indoor metamorphosis comes the families’ performances at the Studio Theatre. As realization of the tragedy their enmity always, your safety, and the safety of our has wrought. artists and staff, is our very first priority, and all three of our 2021 venues will operate That idea of metamorphosis, of awakening in strict accordance with public-health and new growth arising from loss, informs guidelines. our 2021 season. Our artists, like the rest of us, have been living through a time of But far from placing limitations on our seismic shock to their psyches – but it creativity, the need to work within the has also been a time of transformative parameters required of us – with shorter regeneration. It’s as if we’ve been in a performances, smaller casts (no more than eight actors per show) and physical distancing on stage – has stimulated our artists to new feats of imagination as they devise novel modes of performance. Our 2021 playbill encompasses Shakespeare, music, modern classics and new work, presented in ways you’ve never seen at Stratford before. And it’s not only the pandemic that has opened us up to new ideas and experiences. The Black Lives Matter protests of last summer brought home to us how far our society still remains from overcoming those other dividing barriers of systemic inequity and oppression. So our playbill celebrates difference as well as universality, widening our definitions both of a classic and of who we are. To learn more about our work on anti- racism please visit our website. The pandemic has taken a dreadful toll, both in lives and in lingering psychological effects. We at the Festival may be powerless against the former, but we have a crucial role to play in addressing the latter. If theatre has anything to teach us, itis about the resilience of the human spirit. Our new season was born of our determination to emerge from this crisis more inventive, more inclusive and more creative than ever. I hope it will excite you and engage you, bring renewed joy into your life and inspire you as we dream together of a world without walls.

Antoni Cimolino Artistic Director


OUR THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING FOR THEIR GENEROUS SUPPORT Proud Season Partners New Play Development Support is generously provided by The Foerster Bernstein New Play Development Program Festival Theatre Support for the 2021 season in the Festival Theatre Canopy is Production & Program Sponsors generously provided by Daniel Bernstein & Claire Foerster Tom Patterson Theatre Support for the 2021 season of the Tom Patterson Theatre is generously provided by Supporter of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion initiatives, with thanks to Sylvia Chrominska.

Stratford Festival On Film Sponsor Performance Hosts Burgundy Asset Management, Famme & Co. Professional Corporation, Sommers Generator Systems, Sylvanacre Properties Ltd., The Woodbridge Company Limited

The Stratford Shakespearean Festival of and the Stratford Shakespearean Festival of America are registered charities in Canada and the U.S. respectively.

The Stratford Festival gratefully acknowledges the generous support of these contributors to our success:

An agency of the Government of Ontario Un organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS AND MEMBERS WE COULDN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOU…

Our generous donors and Members have recognized that this is a critical time for the Stratford Festival and have stepped up to do their part to help us get back on stage and to ensure that we will continue to produce the excellent theatre they have come to count on from the Festival. Our deepest gratitude to all our donors who make gifts and pledges to support the Festival in so many ways. See below for current listings






LIVE IN LAZARIDIS HALL Be among the first to experience a performance in the new Lazaridis Hall, designed as the home of The Meighen Forum in the new Tom Patterson Theatre. ONLINE The Digital Meighen Forum brings expert commentary and artistic insights directly to your device. Dive into the play before your Stratford trip, or revisit and reflect after you’ve returned home.

Check online for details and for a schedule of events. STRATFORDFESTIVAL.CA/FORUM I AM WILLIAM: DIRECTOR’S NOTES THE WONDERMENT OF “WHAT IF?”


What an honour and privilege to be bringing Rébecca Déraspe’s play not only to English- speaking Canada but also to young audiences. I Am William is a joyous romp through Elizabethan England that turns the myth of Shakespeare on its head. I personally love the Bard and can safely say his plays have changed my life. The deification of him, however, especially in a time where many in the country attempt to decolonize the canon, has left a bitter taste in the mouth of many a student who has been force-fed textbooks about his superiority. I sincerely hope this play can provide a counter to that. As I do with all the plays I direct, I began to dive deep into many research topics circling this play: Tudor England, the rise of Elizabeth I, the Shakespeare family history and the endless conspiracy theories surrounding authorship. What did I discover? First, that those theories marginalized Shakespeare himself. Most are based on the disbelief that a boy not born of the nobility could possibly have been educated enough to write such incredible stories full of exotic locales, complicated plots and noble pursuits, let alone wax poetic about the contradictions of mankind with such beauty and poignancy. History, Rébecca and myself say “NON!” That is BS. It does not matter where you come from. We are all a part of the human condition and have our own narratives, our own stories. Anyone can and should write them down. Anyone can change the world with their life. My second discovery was that, in the long run, none of my research really mattered. I Am William is creating an alternate history. Besides the subjugation of women, there is no historical basis to the main plot of this play. Rébecca used her imagination. She inserted herself into the story – because that is what writers do. She wrote this play so that children, especially those who feel unseen, unheard and unable to speak out, can feel empowered to write down their own stories. What if … a girl wrote all those plays? What if … I could write all those plays? What if … I picked up a pen (or, more appropriately for today, started typing) and wrote about my life? What would happen? Maybe nothing. Maybe everything. And that unknown, between those two extremes, is the pure wonderment and hope of youth. That is where imagination, fairies and I Am William live. “I didn’t write those words for praise or fame. I wrote them in order to exist, to heal myself, to make the world reveal itself to me. Not reveal myself to the world.” – Margaret Shakespeare TAKE PART IN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING AND ACCESS RESOURCES FOR: STUDENTS AND TEACHERS YOUTH AND FAMILIES POST-SECONDARY STUDENTS AND SCHOLARS THEATRE ENTHUSIASTS OF ALL AGES!

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When I was in school, I never noticed the the world. For their dreams. For the great and inequalities that still remain between men beautiful strength with which they envision and women. That battle, I thought, had been the future. I thought about them. Every day. won a long time ago. I thought that I was I thought of their struggles. Their desires. free to pursue my dreams: that no one would Their battles. I thought of their insatiable need prevent me from doing whatever I wanted, to wrestle meaning out of the ordinary ups just because I was a girl. Then came the shock and downs of life. I thought of young people of reality. I hadn’t gotten it completely wrong: because I, for one, still feel very close to these it was true that no one was going to stop me passions, this heartbreak. And I wanted all of from making my own decisions. I realized, us together to tell this story of history, where however, that hundreds of years of inequities reality and fiction speak to us of the present. between men and women have affected the Mine. Theirs. So that we can look at each basic structures of our world. We still carry other as men, women ... humans. Without baggage that subtly influences our perception making any distinction. of things. The glass ceiling; violence against women; the role of the mother within the I want to salute the exceptional work of home – all of them feed the imbalance director Sylvain Scott on the original version between genders. of this show. We created this text together, and you can read him everywhere between I wish that, as a child, I had learned about these lines. I am excited and deeply proud to the lives of great women who made history. see our Margaret and William come to life in Because of course there were women Stratford, under the direction of Esther Jun authors, scientists, painters, composers, and and her amazing team. Theatre is sometimes a philosophers well before the middle of the series of accidents that creates new meaning. 19th century. Yet “Young Me” had no way of I feel as if my characters themselves have knowing that they had existed; had shaped orchestrated everything, without me even the world, each in her own way; but had realizing it, so that they could be here with then been forgotten, hidden away, tossed you today. And I love them for that: they found into the garbage can of our past. When it their own way to you. comes to recording significant events, “The Timeline of History” can be an unreliable Finally, a huge thank-you to the fabulous narrator. Nowadays, more and more books Leanna Brodie, who has accompanied me for are being written to try to redress this erasure almost ten years. She translates my pieces the by honouring the achievements of female way one silently understands another’s heart. pioneers. I am proud that I can share them She has, and will long continue to have, my with my nine-year-old daughter, showing full confidence. She is a magnificent accident, her examples of remarkable women blazing and one of the most beautiful, on my journey new trails. as a writer.

I truly believe that I Am William is for everyone; however, I wrote this play for young people. For their intense need to find their place in I AM WILLIAM: TRANSLATOR’S NOTES PLAYFUL AND PROFOUND


Rébecca Déraspe is one of the leading example, between exceptional women playwrights of her generation in the vibrant who get buried by the cultures they live in, French-language theatre culture of the and the many kinds of people who have province of Québec (which may be familiar long been denied the chance to make to Stratford audiences through the work of a full contribution to society. Even when Michel Tremblay, Wajdi Mouawad, Michel someone from a marginalized group does Marc Bouchard, Robert Lepage, and Olivier beat the odds and accomplish something Kemeid – and which also has its own extraordinary, it’s startling how often their tradition of musical theatre, very different legacy gets scrubbed out of the mainstream from the Broadway/West End model). This narrative – written in our history books only is our fourth collaboration, after You Are in invisible ink. I am reminded of the current Happy (produced in Ottawa, Chicago, and New York Times series “Overlooked”: Edmonton, and published by Playwrights when editors realized that their obituaries Canada Press), Gametes, and The Lessons. overwhelmingly celebrated the successes of straight white men, they started going I am fortunate to work with several back through their vaults to see whom they writers of Rébecca’s cohort, translating had missed. As it turns out, the range of their plays from the rich, often earthy omissions is astonishing! Whenever I read expressiveness of Québécois French into those freshly unearthed stories, I keep my native Ontario English. They are a thinking of all the people who have long phenomenal group of artists. I adore the needed to hear them, whether to have precision and muscularity of their dialogue; their biases challenged or their hope and their fearless humour; their unbridled ambition renewed. theatrical imaginations. I think that what makes Rébecca unique is her humane When I was a young aspiring writer, my yet sparkling comic vision, the way her teachers and peers would sometimes use intelligent and playful wit interacts with Shakespeare as a weapon: “If women her fierce feminism and her deep well of writers are so great,” they would cry, “how authentic emotion. Just like Shakespeare’s come there are no female Shakespeares?” characters, those of Déraspe feel things You will hear Rébecca’s answer to that very profoundly and passionately – but as problematic question in this play. My answer in Shakespeare, the intensity of their is, I don’t know – I only know that we’re desires as well as the rhythmic pull of the lucky there is one Rébecca Déraspe. language ensure that they can’t just lie there wallowing in their feelings. Not while Thanks to the Stratford Festival; Esther Jun there are songs to be sung and deeds to and her wonderful cast; Sylvain Scott and be done! his equally gifted cast (Édith Arvisais, Simon Labelle-Ouimet, and Renaud Paradis); What I find particularly compelling about Théâtre Le Clou, which commissioned Esther Jun’s vision of I Am William are the my translation (supported by CALQ) as ways in which she connects the dots – for well as the original play; Emma Tibaldo and Playwrights Workshop Montréal for their translation workshop featuring Kym Dominique-Ferguson, Patrick Keeler, and Sarah Segal-Lazar; my Vancouver writing group, The Pod – Carmen Aguirre, Elaine Avila, Lucia Frangione, Meghan Gardiner, Shawn Macdonald, and my beloved spouse Jovanni Sy; and Kong Kie Njo, who went far above and beyond in order to help me render Rébecca, Benoit, and Chloé’s songs in English. To all the Margarets and Williams: hang in there, we need you!

* * * “Universal History, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here.” – Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle, known for developing the “Great Man” theory

“For girls, you have to see it to be it. We stand on the shoulders of other women who have come before us.” – American composer Jeanine Tesori, from her Tony Award acceptance speech: she and Lisa Kron were the first all-female team to win Best Score, for Fun Home.

“So while I can challenge Shakespeare, in truth, he’s really a part of me. I’m part of this culture. It’s part of the foundation of my own mythology, so me challenging Shakespeare is me challenging God, in terms of literature, because it’s something that exists inside of me.” – Canadian playwright Djanet Sears, author of Harlem Duet (which reimagines Othello from the perspective of Othello’s African American first wife) PLAYWRIGHT RÉBECCA DÉRASPE Rébecca Déraspe graduated from the Playwright-in-Residence at Montréal’s Théâtre playwriting program of the National Theatre la Licorne. Her work has been awarded the School of Canada in May 2010. She is the author 2010 Prix BMO (for You Are Happy); the 2017 of several plays which have been translated and Montreal theatre critics’ prize for Best New Play produced internationally, including Deux ans de (Gametes); the 2018 Montreal theatre critics’ votre vie (English title: You Are Happy); Gamètes prize for Best New Play for Young Audiences as (English title: Gametes); Je suis William (English well as the Prix Louise-Lahaye (I Am William); title: I Am William); Faire la leçon (English title: and most recently, the Prix Michel-Tremblay, for The Lessons); Plus que toi; Peau d’ours; Nino; her new play Ceux qui se sont évaporés. She Le merveilleux voyage de Réal de Montréal; is also the writer and host of the web series Partout ailleurs; Nos petits doigts; Ceux qui Le lexique de la polémique, produced and se sont évaporés; and Fanny. She is currently distributed by Savoir Média.

MUSIC CHLOÉ LACASSE Chloé Lacasse, an award-winning singer- English-language alternative group CHANCES songwriter in the Francophone music scene, (Traveler, 2018, and Connection, 2021) and creates contemporary alternative pop with lush the Nikamu Mamuitun collective, an artistic arrangements drawing on pop, folk, classical encounter between First Nations and settlers. music, and ambient rock. Winning the 2011 A trained actor, singer, and classical pianist, Francouvertes led to the release of her first, Chloé Lacasse also works as a performer, self-titled album, followed by LUNES in 2014. In accompanist, composer, producer, and sound 2015, she received the Dédé Fortin Prize and designer. Her third solo album, Les eaux claires, presented the critically acclaimed show Les Vies drops in September 2021. possibles. Ongoing collaborations include the

BENOIT LANDRY Benoit Landry is a director, singer, musician, the art director of the film Sept moments de joie and actor. His work balances creation with (Cirque Éloize) and the immersive exhibition interpretation in multiple fields: based in Sous les glaces with Mario Cyr (Éloize Expo). He theatre and music, it encompasses circus and also directs for television, notably the variety dance. He has been a performer or musical show En direct de l’univers (Ici Radio-Canada). designer in some thirty productions, in both He is the co-founder and Artistic Director of the major Montreal theatres and international tours. multidisciplinary company Nord Nord Est. Directing credits include: Serge Fiori – Seul ensemble (Cirque Éloize); Chansons pour filles et garçons perdus (Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui); and André Mathieu’s Événement 50e (Francofolies, Maison symphonique). Most recently, he was ENGLISH TRANSLATION LEANNA BRODIE Leanna Brodie is an award-winning playwright Cherry Artspace, Ithaca, New York) and Wildfire and librettist whose work has been performed (Upstream Theater, St. Louis, Missouri); Annie from Halifax to Auckland. Schoolhouse just Brocoli’s Stella and the Time Machine Journey opened the 30th season of Two Planks and a (Lune Rouge, Arlington, Texas); and Joe Jack et Passion Theatre in Canning, NS; Ulla’s Odyssey, John’s Violette (Espace Libre, Montréal, Québec). composed by Anthony Young, recently toured Brodie is currently an MFA candidate at the the UK with OperaUpClose. Brodie is also a University of Calgary, with multiple translation noted translator of Québécois playwrights. commissions and a Stratford Festival/Banff Last season alone saw four English-language Centre commission to co-write Salesman in premières: David Paquet’s The Shoe (The China with Jovanni Sy.

The book, lyrics, and score of I Am William were I Am William is produced by arrangement with: developed during the creation of the Théâtre le Agence artistique Corinne Giguère Clou, (Montréal), production directed by Sylvain 2025A, rue Masson, #102A, Scott. This original production is still touring in Montréal, QC H2H 2P7 both French and English. and The translation of I Am William was supported Kensington Literary Representation by Playwrights Workshop Montréal, as well 34 St. Andrew Street as the Arts Across Canada programme of the , ON, M5T 1K6 Canada Council for the Arts. A PLAY WITH MUSIC



Margaret Shakura Dickson William Landon Doak John Allan Louis Earl of Leicester Mary Shannon Taylor Queen Elizabeth I


Conductor, Keyboard Njo Kong Kie Cello, Trumpet Ben Bolt-Martin Percussion Graham Hargrove


Director Producer Stage Manager MUSIC Esther Jun David Auster Kat Chin Music Arrangements Music Director Casting Director Assistant Stage Manager and Preparation Njo Kong Kie Beth Russell Madison Kalbhenn Njo Kong Kie Choreographer Creative Planning Director Apprentice Stage Manager Director of Music Alyssa Martin Jason Miller Scarlett Larry Franklin Brasz Production Assistant Music Administrator Co-Designers Assistant Director May Nemat Allah Michelle Bohn Sadie Epstein-Fine Janice Owens Samantha McCue Production Stage Managers Assistant Set Designer Meghan Callan Lighting Designer Joshua Quinlan Elizabeth McDermott Arun Srinivasan Assistant Costume Designer Sound Designer Joyce Padua Technical Director Maddie Bautista Greg Dougherty Assistant Lighting Designer Dramaturge Imogen Wilson Kamana Ntibarikure Dance Captain Shakura Dickson BACKSTAGE PRODUCTION CREDITS Head Carpenter Director of Production Technical Director Peter Holland Simon Marsden – Scenic Construction Head Electrician Associate Director of Andrew Mestern Christopher Wylie Production Technical Direction Assistants Head Property C.J. Astronomo Laura Coleman Zach Fedora Rory Feore Scene Shop Manager Frank Incer Head Sound Evan Bonnah-Hawkes Transportation Verne Good Associate Technical Director Dirk Newbery David Campbell Crew James Thistle Cameron Jolliffe Production Administrator Wardrobe Head Carla Fowler Inez Khan Wigs and Makeup Head Julie Scott

PROPERTIES SCENIC CARPENTRY Sewers Monica Berg Head of Properties Head Carpenter Krista Nauman Dona Hrabluk Ryan Flanagan Bijoux/Decoration Assisted by Assistant Head Carpenter Tami MacDonald Ken Dubblestyne Paul Cooper Michelle Jamieson Boots and Shoes Assisted by Jennifer Macdonald Sarah Cook Simon Aldridge Dylan Mundy Paul Hyde Dyeing Heather Ruthig Scott King Sylvia Minarcin Properties Buyer Corey Mielke Costume Breakdown & Paint Kathleen Orlando John Roth Lisa Hughes Jody Satchell SCENIC ART Scott Schmidt Millinery Mark Smith Kaz Maxine Head Scenic Artist Cliff Tipping Costume Buyer Duncan Johnstone Erin Michelle Steele Assistant Scenic Artist COSTUME Michael Wharran Head of Wigs and Makeup Costume Director Gerald Altenburg Assisted by Michelle Barnier Lisa Summers Construction Crew Blair Yeomans Cutters Lena Festoso Johanna Billings Dave Kerr Kim Crossley Julie Scott


Special thanks to Dr. David Thompson, MD, Stratford; Dr. Jennifer Anderson, MD, MSc, FRCSC, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto; Heather Gillis, PT, M.Sc. Anat., FCAMPT, Darcy Trefiak, PT, B.Sc.P.T., FCAMPT, Physiotherapy Alliance, Stratford; Dr. Simon McBride, MCISc, MD, London Health Sciences Centre Vocal Function Clinic; Dr. Brian Hands, MD, FRCSc, Vox Cura voice care specialists, Toronto; Dr. Leigh Sowerby, MD, MHM, FRCSc, St. Joseph’s Hospital, London; Dr. John Yoo, MD, London Health Sciences Centre; Dr. Thomas Verny, MD, DHL, DPsych, FRCPC, FAPA, Stratford; Dr. P. Neilsen, Goderich; Dr. Laurel Moore, MD, Dr. Sean Blaine, MD, Dr. Erin Glass, MD, Dr. Jacob Matusinec, MD, STAR Family Health Team, Stratford. THE COMPANY


BEN BOLT-MARTIN 2021: Cello, Trumpet in I Am William. 20th season. Elsewhere: Cello with Stratford’s INNERchamber String Quartet and Ensemble; cello for Roy Lewis’s Moments With You for Here for Now Festival; arranger, Dayna Manning’s Morning Light.

SHAKURA DICKSON 2021: Margaret in I Am William. Stratford debut. Elsewhere: Alana in Dear Evan Hansen (Mirvish); Sugar in Trout Stanley (Factory Theatre); Scarlett in Girls Like That (Tarragon Theatre); Phaedra in Jerusalem (Outside the March/Crow’s Theatre); Beverly in Other Side of the Game (Obsidian/Cahoots). Film/TV: Appears in Grand Army (Netflix), Private Eyes (Global TV), Coroner (CBC). Radio/Recordings: Beverly in Other Side of the Game (CBC Radio). Training: Sheridan Music Theatre. Awards: Dora Award for Jerusalem (Outside the March/Crow’s). Online: @badgalkooks. Et cetera: Shakura is honoured to be making her Stratford debut in a time when theatre and community are so sacred.

LANDON DOAK 2021: William in I Am William. Stratford debut. As Actor: Shazam! (New Line Cinema/DC Films), Murdoch Mysteries (CBC), Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan (Bad Hats Theatre/Soulpepper), A Woman of No Importance, Dance of Death (Shaw Festival), The Drawer Boy (Essential Collective Theatre), Life in a Box (Toronto Fringe). As Composer: Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan (Bad Hats Theatre/Soulpepper), Life in a Box (Bad Hats Theatre/Toronto Fringe), Romeo and Juliet (Old Flame Brewing Company), The Welland Canal Play (Essential Collective Theatre), Pippi! (Fourth Gorgon Theatre). Awards: Dora Awards for Peter Pan (Outstanding Ensemble, Outstanding Production), Life in a Box (Outstanding New Musical). Other: George Brown Theatre School graduate, Associate Artist of Bad Hats Theatre, RBC Apprentice with Musical Stage Company. Instagram: @landondoak.

GRAHAM HARGROVE 2021: Percussion in I Am William. 12th season. Stratford: Orchestra: Little Shop of Horrors, The Music Man, Guys and Dolls, A Chorus Line, Crazy for You, Man of La Mancha, Wanderlust, Kiss Me, Kate, Evita, West Side Story, Forum. Onstage musician: , The Taming of the Shrew, Love’s Labour’s Lost, , Fuente Ovejuna. Elsewhere: Graham has performed professionally on four continents. Recordings: Several soundtracks for Stratford productions; two duo CDs with percussionist Nicholas Coulter, Reinventions and Theme and Evolutions; four CDs with the Evergreen Club Contemporary Gamelan; also one CD, A440, with his band, Dan Stacey and the Black Swans. Training: Bachelors (UVic), Masters (U of T) in Percussion Performance. Awards: 2017 and 2019 All-Ireland Bones Championships – second place 2017, third place 2019; two Guthries; one Dora (2015). 2021 PRODUCTIONS STREAMING THIS FALL WATCH FOR DETAILS: STRATFORDFESTIVAL.CA/ATHOME THE COMPANY


ALLAN LOUIS 2021: John, Earl of Leicester in I Am William. Second season. Elsewhere: Dr. Chauvet in Here Are the Fragments (The Theatre Centre); MC in Oh, What A Lovely War!, Sandor in Grand Hotel, Baudricourt in Saint Joan, Willie in “Master Harold”… and the Boys, Dracula in Dracula (Shaw Festival); Leonato in Much Ado About Nothing, Duke Vincentio in Measure for Measure, Caesar in Julius Caesar, Egeon in The Comedy Of Errors (Canadian Stage); Buddy Black in Helen Lawrence (Canadian Stage, Edinburgh International Festival, Brooklyn Academy of Music); Luther Dixon in Baby It’s You (Broadway). Film/TV: Stomp the Yard, Dynasty, NCIS, Castle, Grey’s Anatomy, Chuck, recurring on Person of Interest, series lead in Privileged.

NJO KONG KIE 2021: Music director of and Keyboard in I Am William. Stratford debut. A picnic and ping pong enthusiast, Kong Kie enjoys making music for dance, opera and theatre. His compositions include music for solo violin for the play Infinity (Volcano, Tarragon Theatre); comic operas knotty together, La Señorita Mundo (SummerWorks); concert-theatre Picnic in the Cemetery (Ansan Street Arts Festival, Canadian Stage); song-cycle I swallowed a moon made of iron (Canadian Stage, PuSh Festival); music theatre Mr. Shi and His Lover (Toronto Theatre Critics Award: Best New Musical, Tarragon Theatre, National Arts Centre, Cervantino Festival). Kong Kie was the long-serving music director of La La La Human Steps and his compositions have been used by choreographers in Canada and abroad. In development: new opera creations with Anna Chatterton, Douglas Rodger, John Greyson and Liza Balkan. Et cetera: Patrick Conner Award. For mom.

SHANNON TAYLOR Birmingham Conservatory, 2014 2021: Mary, Queen Elizabeth I in I Am William. Sixth season. Stratford: Mother’s Daughter (Mary), The Crucible (Elizabeth Proctor), (Olivia), The School for Scandal (Lady Teazle), Shakespeare in Love (Viola), The Hypochondriac (Angélique), The Diary of Anne Frank (Margot Frank), Oedipus Rex (Priest), She Stoops to Conquer (Rose), The Sound of Music (Liesl), Inherit the Wind. Elsewhere (selected): Room (Grand Theatre/ Mirvish); A Doll’s House (RMTC); King Charles III (Mirvish/Studio 180); The Road to Mecca (Soulpepper); Pride and Prejudice (NAC/Theatre Calgary); The Jones Boy (Surface/Underground); Salt-Water Moon (Thousand Islands Playhouse); A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Little Women: The Musical (Citadel Theatre); The Madonna Painter (Factory Theatre). Film/TV: Private Eyes, MayDay, Eloise. Training: Birmingham Conservatory; Ryerson Theatre School (BFA). Awards: Mary Savidge Award; Dora nomination for Outstanding Performance. Et cetera: Thank you for supporting live theatre. ARTISTIC COMPANY


MADDIE BAUTISTA 2021: Sound designer of I Am William. Stratford debut. Elsewhere: TOKA (Theatre Passe Muraille); OIL (ARC); bug (Luminato); The Winter’s Tale (Shakespeare in the Ruff); Eraser: A New Normal (Theatre Direct); Private Eyes (lemonTree Creations); Our Fathers, Sons, Lovers and Little Brothers (b current); Through the Bamboo (Toronto Fringe). Original Work: Kersey Kamayan Gets Woke (fu-GEN Theatre); 4inXchange (xLq); Love You Wrong Time (Bad Muse Collective). Residencies/Training: NoteWorthy 2021 (The Musical Stage Company & Prime Mover Theatre); Humber College, Theatre Performance. Awards: Dora nomination for Eraser (RISER 2019); nominated for the 2020 Pauline McGibbon Award; recipient of the inaugural Walk the Walk Commission 2018. Online:, @bautistamaddie. Et cetera: For Ma, Pa, Anya, Douie, and John.

MICHELLE BOHN 2021: Co-designer of I Am William. Fifth season. Stratford: HMS Pinafore (associate costume designer). Off- Broadway: Costume designer: A Four-Letter Word (Classic Stage Company). Designer: Richard III, , Macbeth (New York Classical Theatre); Orpheus (Next Wave Festival). Off-Off-Broadway: Costume designer: Displaced Wedding (New Worlds Theatre). Selected Regional: Designer: Could I Have This Dance? (Rebecca Cohn Auditorium). Costume designer: Jukebox Hero ( Theatre); Measure for Measure (Canadian Stage); Theory (Tarragon); The Nether, Between Riverside & Crazy (Coal Mine); The New Canadian Curling Club (Blyth Festival); , The Gamblers (Talk is Free); The Lieutenant of Inishmore, Kimberly Akimbo (Southern Rep); Coriolanus, Henry V (Shakespeare Festival at Tulane). Film/TV: Costume designer: Save Me, For the Record (CBC Gem); NOLA; The Red Thunder (short); Good Sister (short). Training: MFA (University of Missouri – Kansas City); BFA (Concordia University). Online:

MEGHAN CALLAN 2021: Production stage manager of the Tom Patterson Theatre Canopy. 21st season. Stratford: In Meghan’s 20 seasons she has served as production stage manager at all of the Festival’s stages. Some of her favourite productions have been Paradise Lost, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2014), (2010), A Little Night Music, Jesus Christ Superstar and Tommy. Training: Meghan holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Production from York University. Elsewhere: Meghan has most recently stage-managed The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia and The Virgin Trial at Soulpepper Theatre. She has worked at the National Arts Centre, Citadel Theatre, toured New Brunswick (twice), and stage-managed car and industrial trade shows and concerts. Not since her beginnings as a stage manager at Canada’s Wonderland has she worked in an outdoor theatre under a canopy and she’s grateful to be back.

KAT CHIN 2021: Stage manager of I Am William. Second season. Elsewhere: 21 Black Futures (Obsidian/CBC); TomorrowLove (Sheridan); Something Rich and Strange, Don Giovanni, Idomeneo, Actéon & Pygmalion (including tour to Palace of Versailles), The Return of Ulysses, The Marriage of Figaro, Lucio Silla, Orpheus & Eurydice, The Magic Flute, Der Freischütz, Iphigénie en Tauride (Opera Atelier); August: Osage County, Bed and Breakfast, Cowboy Versus Samurai, Kim’s Convenience (including national tour, Off-Broadway),Death of a Salesman, The Sunshine Boys, The Aleph, Double Bill: (re)Birth: E.E.Cummings in Song + Window on Toronto, Glengarry Glen Ross, Black Comedy & The Real Inspector Hound, Uncle Vanya, The Odd Couple (Soulpepper); The Snow Queen (CCOC); Grease (Irregular Ent.); acha bacha, CRASH (TPM); acquiesce (Factory/fu-GEN). Et cetera: Member of the CAEA SM Committee, and the US SMA International Cohort. Upcoming: New Monuments (Canadian Stage); TOKA (TPM/lemonTree). ARTISTIC COMPANY


SADIE EPSTEIN-FINE Langham Directors’ Workshop, 2021 2021: Assistant director of I Am William. Second season. Elsewhere: As director: Eraser: A New Normal (Theatre Direct); Eraser (Why Not Theatre’s Riser Project); Mamma Mia! (Nightwood Theatre’s Lawyer Show); The Stray Sheep Cabaret (Nightwood Theatre, staged reading); Cleave (Theatre Direct, staged reading); Motherload (Rhubarb! Festival/Buddies in Bad Times); Tire Swing (Filament Incubator/Epigraph Collective). Literature: Spawning Generations: Rants and Reflections on Growing Up with LGBTQ+ Parents (editor/contributor, Demeter Press). Training: York University, playwriting and devised theatre. Awards: Eraser: nominated for five Dora Awards in the Theatre for Young Audience category: Outstanding Direction, New Play, Production, Ensemble and Design. Spawning Generation: nominated for a Lambda Literary Award (Anthology); two Forward Indie Awards (Anthology and LGBT Non-Fiction). Online: Et cetera: Sadie is the former intern artistic director at Nightwood Theatre.

ESTHER JUN Langham Directors’ Workshop, 2016 2021: Director of I Am William. Artistic Associate, Planning, and Director of the Langham Directors’ Workshop for the Stratford Festival. Third season. 2020: Assistant director of Richard III. Stratford: Assistant director of John Gabriel Borkman. Elsewhere: Director: Planet Munsch (George Brown); Pal Joey, The Gamblers, Amadeus (Talk Is Free); The Promised Land (Soulpepper); The Omnibus Bill (Counterpoint Players); Theory, Girls Like That (Tarragon); The Private Life Cabaret (Theatre ARTaud); The Last Wife (The Belfry, GCTC); Rococo (Shaw Festival); Bremen Rock City (Song Trolley Productions); Cowboy Mouth, Trout Stanley (Heart In Hand); Yellow Face (Hart House); Fear and Misery of the Third Reich (DeusXM); First Hand Woman (Fire Up Productions). Actor: Originated the role of Janet in Kim’s Convenience (Soulpepper). Training: BA (Honours) Directing, Drama Centre London. Et cetera: Assistant Artistic Director at Tarragon (2016-2018); Co-Artistic Director of Directors Lab North. Thank you to my friends and family for their never-ending support and love, especially Mike and Lola.

MADISON KALBHENN 2021: Assistant stage manager of I Am William. Fourth season. Stratford: Much Ado About Nothing, To Kill a Mockingbird, production assistant for Avon and Festival theatres. Elsewhere: Julius Caesar (Crow’s Theatre/ Groundling Theatre); Riverboat Coffee House: A Yorkville Scene (Soulpepper); Anne of Green Gables (Thousand Islands Playhouse); The Wedding Party (Crow’s Theatre); Actéon and Pygmalion (Harris Theatre/Royal Opera Versailles/Opera Atelier); Idomeneo, The Marriage of Figaro (Opera Atelier); acquiesce (Factory Theatre); Crazy for You (Capitol Theatre). Script supervisor for Ross Petty’s A Christmas Carol and stage management intern for Wicked (Broadway).

SCARLETT LARRY 2021: Apprentice stage manager of I Am William. Third season. Stratford: Assistant lighting designer of Wendy & Peter Pan, production assistant for the Avon Theatre and Langham Directors’ Workshop. Elsewhere: Apprentice stage manager of Julius Caesar (Crow’s/Groundling Theatre); stage manager and associate lighting designer for Kiviuq Returns: An Inuit Epic (Qaggiavuut, National Theatre of Greenland, Tarragon Theatre); writer/director of The Stage Manager’s Guide to Dating Assholes (self-produced at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and Toronto Fringe Festival). Training: York University, MA in Art History and BFA in Theatre Production. Awards: Outstanding Global Achievement Award from York University, Guthrie Award from Stratford Festival. ARTISTIC COMPANY


ALYSSA MARTIN 2021: Choreographer of I Am William. Stratford debut. Stratford: peasantz (research process in the Laboratory). Choreography & Direction: Bin Chicken (Toronto Dance Theatre); hollow mountain, fantasylover, Dolphin, string quartet no. 14 in g major, MANICPIXIEDREAMGIRLS (Rock Bottom Movement); FUTUREDANCE (Rock Bottom Movement/Canadian Stage); STARSEED, that infinite feeling (Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre). Choreography for Theatre & Musicals: Pal Joey (Talk Is Free Theatre); Girls Like That (Tarragon Theatre); Nashville Stories, Cherry Corsage (David Bernstein). Film: Bin Chicken (Toronto Dance Theatre); sixty seven moo(n)s (Canadian Stage); Love from FARM to SummerWorks (SummerWorks); Stevie (Ante Kovak). Training: X University BFA Honours in Dance. Awards: Dora Award for Outstanding Production and Ensemble for hollow mountain; Canadian Stage Award for Direction for fantasylover; Jack McAllister Award for Alumni Achievement. Online:, @rockbottommovement, @itsalyssamartin. Et cetera: Deepest thanks to Esther for bringing me along!

SAMANTHA McCUE 2021: Co-designer of I Am William. Second season. Elsewhere: Costume design: Honour Beat (The Grand Theatre), Aqsarniit (Confederation Centre for the Arts), Kamloopa (Western Canada Theatre, The Cultch), The Monument (Factory Theatre), Thanks for Giving (Arts Club Theatre Company). Costume design assistant: Fool for Love (Soulpepper), Louis Riel (Canadian Opera Company). Training: York University, BFA ’17, Theatrical Production and Design. Online:, @sammccuedesign on Instagram. Et cetera: Samantha is Anishinaabekwe and Ned’u’ten. She is pleased to be returning to Stratford, and would like to thank her family, friends and partner for their support. Chi-miigwetch!

ELIZABETH McDERMOTT 2021: Production stage manager of the Tom Patterson Theatre Canopy. Eighth season. Stratford: Production stage manager, Festival Theatre, 2020. Assistant stage manager: Billy Elliot, Othello, The Music Man, To Kill a Mockingbird, Shakespeare in Love, The Hypochondriac, The Sound of Music, The Taming of the Shrew, Love’s Labour’s Lost, As You Like It, King of Thieves. Elsewhere (selected): King Lear, Twelfth Night (SiHP); A City, Divisadero (Necessary Angel); Cracked: new light on dementia (UW/Collective Disruption); Comfort (Red Snow Collective); The Road to Paradise, Night (Human Cargo); Miracle on 34th Street (STC); Bella (HGJTC); Anne of Green Gables, Canada Rocks! (Charlottetown); Falling: A Wake (Blyth); The Barber of Seville (Soulpepper); Binti’s Journey, Head à Tête, Old Man and the River (Theatre Direct); Danny, King of the Basement (Roseneath); Othello, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Twelfth Night, All’s Well That Ends Well (SLSF).

NJO KONG KIE 2021: Music director of and Keyboard in I Am William. Stratford debut. A picnic and ping pong enthusiast, Kong Kie enjoys making music for dance, opera and theatre. His compositions include music for solo violin for the play Infinity (Volcano, Tarragon Theatre); comic operas knotty together, La Señorita Mundo (SummerWorks); concert-theatre Picnic in the Cemetery (Ansan Street Arts Festival, Canadian Stage); song-cycle I swallowed a moon made of iron (Canadian Stage, PuSh Festival); music theatre Mr. Shi and His Lover (Toronto Theatre Critics Award: Best New Musical, Tarragon Theatre, National Arts Centre, Cervantino Festival). Kong Kie was the long-serving music director of La La La Human Steps and his compositions have been used by choreographers in Canada and abroad. In development: new opera creations with Anna Chatterton, Douglas Rodger, John Greyson and Liza Balkan. Et cetera: Patrick Conner Award. For mom. ARTISTIC COMPANY


KAMANA NTIBARIKURE 2021: Dramaturge for I Am William and Associate, The Foerster Bernstein New Play Development Program. Stratford debut. Kamana Ntibarikure is an award-winning multidisciplinary artist and content creator with an undying love for musicals. She has headlined the Just for Laughs Festival in the lead role of Sister Mary Clarence from the musical Sister Act. She also curated the eighth edition of the Next Wave Festival, showcasing new musical theatre. Her recent directing credits include Manman La Mer (Théâtre Catapulte), which was chosen to represent Canada in Abidjan for the 11th edition of the MASA (Marché des Arts du Spectacle d’Abidjan), Rendez-Vous with Home (Black Theatre Workshop) and the inaugural French translation of the play Angelique (Black Theatre Workshop and Centre du Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui).

JOYCE PADUA 2021: Assistant costume designer of The Rez Sisters, I Am William and Serving Elizabeth. Stratford debut. Previous theatre credits include: Costume Design: Defined by Bone (CanAsian Dance Festival), The Life and Death of Fred Herko (Rendezvous With Madness Festival), Orlando (Theatre@York), Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat (Crescent School). Assistant Costume Design: Alice in Wonderland (Bad Hats Theatre), Marjorie Prime (Coal Mine Theatre), Much Ado About Nothing (Canadian Stage), Sweat (Canadian Stage). Head of Wardrobe: TOKA (Theatre Passe Muraille), 21 Black Futures (Obsidian Theatre Company), Acts of Faith (Factory Theatre), Lady Sunrise (Factory Theatre). Upcoming credits: Back in ’59 (Thousand Islands Playhouse). Online: @joycepadua.jpg. Et cetera: Joyce is thankful for the support of her friends and family, and hopes to continue creating art that opens doors and broadens horizons.

JOSHUA QUINLAN 2021: Assistant designer of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and assistant set designer of The Rez Sisters, I Am William and Serving Elizabeth. Fifth season. Stratford: The Front Page, Othello, Billy Elliot the Musical, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Paradise Lost, The Rocky Horror Show, An Ideal Husband, Napoli Milionaria!, HMS Pinafore, Treasure Island and The School for Scandal. Elsewhere: Set design: Beauty and the Beast, Love and Information (UWindsor); Giving Up the Ghost, Book Club, The Drawer Boy (PSFT); An Enemy of the People, Don Giovanni (OSU). Costume design: Stupid F*cking Bird, Spring Awakening (OSU). Associate set and props design: Swan Lake (National Ballet of Canada). Associate set and costume design: Bed and Breakfast (Globe, Blyth). Training: MFA Theatre – Design, The Ohio State University; BA Honours Drama, University of Windsor; Off the Wall Theatre Production Arts Program. Awards: 2019 Tom Patterson Award, 2017 Ian and Molly Lindsay Design Fellow. Online:

BETH RUSSELL 2021: Casting director for the Stratford Festival. 13th season. Broadway and West End: As Senior Vice President, Casting and Creative Development for , Beth was responsible for productions including , , Candide, and Kiss of the Spider Woman; as well as productions of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Show Boat, Sunset Boulevard, Aspects of Love and The Phantom of the Opera in Canada, the United States, Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong. Elsewhere: Co-Producer of CBC-TV’s Triple Sensation, National Casting Director for CBC Radio Drama and Artistic Associate for Toronto Arts Productions (now Canadian Stage). Also, as an agent, Beth has represented actors, directors, choreographers, writers and composers. ARTISTIC COMPANY


ARUN SRINIVASAN 2021: Lighting designer of I Am William. Second season. Stratford: Wendy & Peter Pan (2020). Theatre: Canadian Stage, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Cahoots Theatre Projects, Factory Theatre, The Globe Theatre and Expect Theatre. Dance: Desrosiers Dance Theatre, The Danny Grossman Dance Company, ProArteDanza, tiger princess dance projects, Tribal Crackling Wind, Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, Canada’s National Ballet School, resident designer at Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre. Music: Art of Time Ensemble, Nagata Shachu. Training: York University Theatre Program. Teaching: York University, Ryerson University, University of Waterloo and The National Theatre School. Awards: Seven Dora Mavor Moore nominations for Outstanding Lighting Design in the dance and theatre categories. Et cetera: Arun is thrilled to return to Stratford for a second season.

IMOGEN WILSON 2021: Assistant lighting designer of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Rez Sisters, I Am William and Serving Elizabeth. Fourth season. Stratford: Assistant lighting designer of Billy Elliot the Musical, The Merry Wives of Windsor, The Front Page, Long Day’s Journey Into Night, Brontë: The World Without. Elsewhere: Lighting design credits include La Bohème: A National Tour of Opera in Bars (Against the Grain), What I Call Her (Crow’s Theatre), Dark Heart (Thought for Food). Assistant lighting designer of Caroline, or Change (Musical Stage Company), How to Fail as a Popstar, Let’s Run Away, Every Brilliant Thing (Canadian Stage), Bat Out of Hell (Mirvish), A Beautiful View (Festival Players of Prince Edward County). Imogen is also a scenic artist and proud member of IATSE ADC659. Et cetera: Imogen is honoured to be back at the Festival this year and is grateful for every day that we can gather to tell stories. THE BIRMINGHAM CONSERVATORY Janine Pearson is the Director of the Birmingham Conservatory. In January 2022 she will begin her leadership of the newly reimagined two-year professional training program that nurtures talented young artists for a future career in live theatre. The program includes, among other activities, classes in voice, movement and text with Festival coaches and distinguished guest instructors. The Birmingham Conservatory is made possible by the support of the Birmingham family, the Stratford Festival Endowment Foundation and the Department of Canadian Heritage. Support for the 2021 in-season work of Conservatory participants is generously provided by the Marilyn & Charles Baillie Fund.

Past Birmingham Conservatory participants include And contributing to STRATFEST@HOME: these members of our 2021 company: Dan Chameroy 2003 Sara Farb 2013 Ijeoma Emesowum 2015/16 Eva Foote 2019/21 Jessica B. Hill 2014/15 Paul de Jong 2000 (coach) Chilina Kennedy 2009 Andrew Iles 2017/18 André Morin 2014/15 Beck Lloyd 2019/21 Emilio Vieira 2015/16 Kennedy C. MacKinnon 1999 (coach) Antoine Yared 2012/13 Jonathan Mason 2019/21 Lisa Nasson 2019/21 Thomas Olajide 2014 (associate) André Sills 2005 Shannon Taylor 2014 Sara Topham 2000 Amaka Umeh 2019/21 Micah Woods 2019/21 Mamie Zwettler 2017/18

THE LANGHAM DIRECTORS’ WORKSHOP Overseen by Antoni Cimolino, Artistic Director, and Langham workshop alumnus Esther Jun, Director of the Langham Directors’ Workshop, this program seeks the most promising directing talent and provides them with fertile ground to explore, play, and hone their craft. The Workshop endeavours to help cultivate the directors’ interests, refine their aesthetics, and enable them to create inspired and boundary-pushing work – not only for the Stratford Festival’s stages, but across the globe. Participants this season: Marie Farsi, Sadie Epstein-Fine, Christine Horne, Sara Jarvie-Clark. Alumni this season: Jessica Carmichael, Ravi Jain, Esther Jun, Julia Nish-Lapidus, Peter Pasyk, James Wallis. We extend our thanks to the Department of Canadian Heritage and to the Philip and Berthe Morton Foundation. The Langham Directors’ Workshop is sponsored by THE STRATFORD FESTIVAL LABORATORY Founded by artistic director Antoni Cimolino in 2013, and overseen by Antoni and ted witzel, the Laboratory is the Stratford Festival’s research and development wing: a suite of experiments and investigations that drive our artistic and organizational evolution in an era of exciting cultural change. Advancing inclusive and innovative practice, the Lab: • INCUBATES NEW WORKS for our stages by supporting long-term and unconventional development processes. • CONDUCTS EXPERIMENTS through our resident Lab Ensemble, to build our capacity to support other forms and cultural protocols, and to create new relationships with artists from across Canada and beyond. • BUILDS CONNECTIONS with the national artistic community by hosting and supporting gatherings of makers to share practices, questions, challenges and strategies. • FOSTERS ENSEMBLE by offering full-company sessions to encourage horizontal learning and build a shared spirit among the huge group of artists who come together at the Festival every season. • OPENS DIALOGUE, internally and externally, by creating spaces to reflect on the Festival’s role as a heritage institution and the growth and change necessary to ensure that it remains a vital asset to Canada’s cultural ecology. Like any successful R&D wing, the Lab will be agile and flexible in its response to the changing landscape. The scope of its activities will expand and shift as we identify new challenges and opportunities to serve our community of artists and audiences, locally, nationally and beyond. Support for the Laboratory is generously provided by the Dalio Foundation and by an anonymous donor. The services of the Metcalf Foundation Dramaturgy Intern were made possible through Theatre Ontario’s Professional Theatre Training Program, funded by the Ontario Arts Council.

Funding for artisan apprenticeships is provided by the William H. Somerville Theatre Artisan Apprenticeship Fund, funded by the J.P. Bickell Foundation and by Robert and Jacqueline Sperandio.

A member of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres, the Stratford Festival engages, under the terms of the Canadian Theatre Agreement, professional artists who are members of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association. Stage crew, scenic carpenters, drivers, wigs and makeup attendants, wardrobe attendants, facilities staff and audience development representatives are members of Local 357 of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE). Scenic artists are members of IATSE Local 828. The musicians, musical directors, conductors, and orchestra contractors engaged by the Stratford Festival are members of the Toronto Musicians’ Association, Local 149 of the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada. Toronto’s Premier International Dance Festival



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FAF_StratfordProgAd-2021.indd 1 2021-06-08 5:26 PM STRATFORD SHAKESPEAREAN STRATFORD SHAKESPEAREAN FESTIVAL FESTIVAL OF CANADA – 2021 ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION – 2021 FOUNDER BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tom Patterson OFFICERS BOARD OF GOVERNORS Interim Chair: Daniel S. Bernstein, Westport, CT OFFICERS DIRECTORS Chair: Carol Stephenson, London, ON David Adams, Montreal, QC Vice Chair: Robert H. Gorlin, Northville, MI Robert Astley, Waterloo, ON Treasurer: David Adams, Montreal, QC Paul Brisson, London, ON Secretary: Joy Wishart, Stratford, ON Peter G. Restler, Brooklyn, NY Cathy Riggall, Stratford, ON GOVERNORS Kim Shannon, Toronto, ON Ikram Al Mouaswas, Toronto, ON Nargis Tarmohamed, Exeter, ON Karon C. Bales, Stratford, ON Chip Vallis, Stratford, ON Yaprak Baltacioğlu, Ottawa, ON John K. Bell, Cambridge, ON The Stratford Shakespearean Festival Endowment Barbara E. Crook, Ottawa, ON Foundation Board mourns the loss of Director Robert Franklin H. Famme, Stratford, ON Badun, a member of the Endowment Foundation J. Ian Giffen, Toronto, ON Board from 2017, and as its Chair from 2020, until his passing in April of 2021. Rob is remembered by Nancy L. Jamieson, Ottawa, ON his fellow Directors for his unwavering service and Pamela Jeffery, Stratford, ON unique combination of expertise, wisdom, leadership Jaime Leverton, Toronto, ON and humility. John D. Lewis, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI Harvey McCue, Ottawa, ON Address: c/o Corporate Secretary, Stratford Festival, M. Lee Myers, London, ON P.O. Box 520, Stratford, ON N5A 6V2 David R. Peterson, Toronto, ON Peter G. Restler, Brooklyn, NY STRATFORD SHAKESPEAREAN FESTIVAL Brian J. Rolfes, Toronto, ON Martha Sachs, Juno Beach, FL OF AMERICA – 2021 Kay Schonberger, Toronto, ON BOARD OF TRUSTEES Alan Shepard, London, ON OFFICERS David Simmonds, Toronto, ON Kristene Steed, Stratford, ON Chair: Linda K. Rexer, Ann Arbor, MI Lawrence N. Stevenson, Toronto, ON Vice-Chair: John Gardner, Mishawaka, IN Harriet Thornhill, Oakville, ON Treasurer: Kate Arias, Chicago, IL Secretary: Kevin Turner, Birmingham, MI EX OFFICIO TRUSTEES Artistic Director: Antoni Cimolino Executive Director: Anita Gaffney John D. Lewis, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI Past Chair: Sylvia Chrominska, Stratford, ON Christie Peck, Birmingham, MI Mayor of Stratford: His Worship Dan Mathieson Cindy Person, Rochester Hills, MI Chair, Stratford Shakespearean Festival of America: Mary Stowell, Winnetka, IL Linda K. Rexer, Ann Arbor, MI EX-OFFICIO Address: c/o Corporate Secretary, Stratford Festival, Past Chair: Gloria Friedman, Chicago, IL P.O. Box 520, Stratford, ON N5A 6V2 Executive Director: Anita Gaffney, Stratford, ON Chair, Stratford Festival of Canada: Carol Stephenson, London, ON

UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR SCHOOL OF DRAMATIC ART Congratulations to our past students and graduates at the Stratford Festival this season: Antoni Cimolino, Artistic Director Andrew Iles

UWindsor School of Dramatic Art Undergraduate Degrees in: • BFA Acting • BA Drama • BA Drama and Concurrent Education • Drama in Education and Community (Applied Theatre) Turn Passion Pictured: Cast of Beauty and the Beast by Laurence Boswell, 2019-2020 Season. Directed by Monica Dottor, set by Joshua Quinlan, costumes by Esther Van Eek, lighting by Kirsten Watt. Photo by Melissainto Stewart. Purpose FESTIVAL STAFF

Artistic Director Head of Voice Human Resources Manager of Information Janet McFarlane Antoni Cimolino Kennedy C. MacKinnon Manager & Technology Larisa Orlova The Head of Voice & Coaching positions Krystal Holmes Paul Muncaster Nancy Plummer Executive Director at the Stratford Festival is generously Wesley Pope Anita Gaffney endowed by David Green & Mary Winton Green Associate Health Systems Administrator Sherry Priestap & Safety Manager Andrei Martchenko Jane Rowcliffe DIRECTORS’ OFFICE Head of Voice Emerita Wes Mazur Tara Spencer Ann Skinner Help Desk Technician Producer Payroll Manager Tristan Hughes Clare Stockley Glen Sutherland David Auster Alexander Technique Kathy McKellar Jeremy Meagher & Movement Coach Sandy Thistle Creative Planning Kelly McEvenue Payroll Coordinator Senior Developer Rachel Tourout Director Marcos Guimaraes Bryan Richardson David Wick Jason Miller Movement Coach Brad Cook Payroll/HR Assistant ROKU & Android Stage Door Guards Casting Director Leah Vandermeulen Developer Trevor Bannon Beth Russell Voice, Text Pintu Jat Ryan Cleveland & Dialect Coaches Company Mandy Illman Director of the Foerster Nancy Benjamin Accommodations Facilities Kyle Llewellyn Bernstein New Play Supervisor Jane Gooderham Facilities Manager Darlane Payne Development Program Janine Pearson Cindy Cnockaert Bob White Jeff Heggie Casual Stage Door Speech-Language Assistant Facilities Guards Director of the Pathologist & Voice ADVANCEMENT Manager Mattan Jones Birmingham Coach Senior Director of Val Bielecki Ihor Orenchuck Conservatory Lori Holmes Advancement Janine Pearson Rachel Smith-Spencer Assistant Manager, Singing Coach Facilities Services MARKETING, Director of the Jennie Such Playwright’s Circle Sandy Davis AUDIENCE Laboratory, and Artistic Manager DEVELOPMENT, Associate for Research Text Coach Sharon Butler Carpenter COMMUNICATIONS & Development Tim Welham Micah Hussey & CORPORATE Membership Manager SPONSORSHIP ted witzel Chief Engineer Professional Ceairy Free Director of the Langham Development Program John Luesink Senior Director of – Voice Coaches Major Gifts GTA Marketing and Audience Directors’ Workshop, Shift Engineers Peter N. Bailey & Campaign Manager Development and Artistic Associate Richard Arnold Michael Adams for Planning This program is generously sponsored Heather McMartin by Douglas and Janet Watson Paula Burns Esther Jun Chad Wheeler Digital Projects Major Gifts Coordinator Guest Coach & U.S. Patron Manager Associate Producer Ginette Hamel Electricians Hamid Oki Bonnie Green Christine Seip Tony Iacobellis Associate Producer of Music Membership Coordinator Ryan Wagner Audience Development Digital Programming and Director of Music Susan Mavity Head Gardener The Meighen Forum Franklin Brasz Director of Audience Membership Anita Jacobsen Julie Miles Development Director of Music Administrator Seasonal Gardeners Sarah Hamza New Play Development Emeritus Donna Hyde Joelle Bullbrook Associates Berthold Carrière Playwright’s Circle Elizabeth Lazear Front of House Carmen Aguirre Administrator Manager of Patron Kamana Ntibarikure Music Administrator Student Gardeners Janice Owens Jennifer McCaw Services Mũkonzi Mũsyoki Maxwell Britton Kris Bernard Ronan Curneen Casting Associate ADMINISTRATION FINANCE, FACILITIES Jacob Dekok Senior House Manager Marcel Stewart Administrative Director & INFORMATION Madeline Mortimer – Festival Theatre Manuel Muncaster Casting Assistant Shelley Stevenson TECHNOLOGY Sam Tynkkynen Jennifer Emery Finance Archives Head of Maintenance House Manager Director of Finance, Ron Brown – Tom Patterson Theatre Company Manager Archives Director Hilary Nichol Facilities & Information Mark James GiannaMaria Babando Technology Maintenance Staff Dar Del Chiaro Corporate Secretary Darryl Huras Studio & Forum Archives Coordinator Blair Holden House Manager & Executive Assistant Christine Schindler Thomas Lemenchick to the Artistic Director Controller Terry Hastings Cataloguing & Emily Rooke Myrna Lewis Joy Wishart Larry Shurrie Ushers Digitization Archivist Paula Bentley Executive Assistant to Stephanie Vaillant Finance Manager Art Tucker Leanne Atkinson Karen Brooks the Executive Director Housekeepers Marion Burr Archives Assistant Jen Culligan Nora Polley Senior Accountant Lori Adcock Jessica Darling Producing Coordinator Todd Bridges Robert Barrett Kimberly De Haan Shira Ginsler Education Marc Boisvert Sarah Elliott Accountant Lynn Brown Beth Fischer Director of Education Alexandria Pretty Laboratory Coordinator Lois Adamson William Clelland Hayden Fischer Rachel Wormsbecher Finance Assistant Jeff Daigneault Keagan Goforth Education Administrative Shelley Assayag Diane Dench Judy Hart Production Coordinator Manager Catherine Dishman Debra Holota – Digital Projects Katherine Laing Information Jacqueline Dodier Charlie Kevill Gregory McLaughlin Patti Hinz Holly Matthews Education Associate Technology Christine Koehler Beverley Meyer Forum Assistant Stephanie Johns & Application Alexis Rowlinson Shawn Larder Cam Ohler Development Robert Lee Wendy Orchard Human Resources Interim Director of IT Marjorie Lundrigan Nancy Patterson Coaches Director of Human & Application Sebastian Marshall Valerie Pinder Head of Coaching Resources Development Laura Martin Nikkie Priestap Paul de Jong Dawnette Baldeo Darren Worswick Haille MacLeod Mary Rankin Pat Ranney Cafés & Catering Social Media Manager Dale Ratcliffe Catering Events Manager Stephanie Leger GUEST SERVICES Terry Raymond Victoria Parkinson Pat Reavy Groups & Schools FOR ASSISTANCE AND Victoria Sandquist Executive Chef Sales Manager ACCESSIBILITY Carol Schlemmer Kendrick Prins Heather Martin We’re here to help. If you require Susan Steven Marketing Manager, Larke Turnbull Head Chef assistance, please ask the House Kevin Hallman Analytics Lois Tutt Adrienne Steer Manager or any other member of Victoria VanDenBelt Event Coordinators the Stratford Festival team. Milton van der Veen Carlie Bero Graphic Designer Faye Wreford Lynne DeWys Shelby Boyd Caroline Yates COVID-19 SAFETY Cafés & Catering Staff Tessitura Administrator Masks are required at all venues, Parking Lot Attendants Michele Keutsch Maureen Abbott as per government health Tracy Adams Amanda Boemer Ian Elliott Reporting Coordinator guidance. Please respect physical Sara Brown Leanne Herbert Malvern James MacKinnon Don Campbell distancing and the direction Ardeshir Sasani Lisa Campbell Video Production of Stratford Festival staff and Gavin Stephenson- Meghan Fritch Jackman Coordinator volunteers working to keep Arrianne Fulig Sarah McNeil Brent Sylvester Katherine Hopf everyone safe. Bob Wells Kayla Jantzi Groups & Schools Officer Stephanie Kropf-Untucht Joanne Schalk CAMERAS, CELL PHONES AND Ticketing Amanda Langis OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES & Membership Corinne Montgomery Social Media Coordinator Associate Director, Lori Noon Isabela Stille We welcome your photo memories Ticketing & Membership Janice Pavelin Marketing Coordinator of your Stratford Festival experience; Jo-Anne Hood Tidman Wendy Seguin Melinda Timmins however, all cameras, audio and Fraser Tamas video recorders must be turned off Manager, Ticketing Liam Taylor & Membership Joe Walsh PUBLICITY during the performance. In addition, Patrick King Publicity Director please turn off all mobile devices, as Customer Service Stratford Festival Ann Swerdfager their sounds and lights will disturb Coordinator Shop Publicist actors and other guests. Bev Nicholson Interim Retail Manager Amy White Victoria Parkinson FOOD AND DRINK Special Orders Coordinator Merchandising THANKS TO OUR We offer a selection of snacks and Colleen White Coordinator VOLUNTEERS! beverages. However, in accordance Chaslyn Stevenson- Box Office Supervisors Hastings The Stratford Festival with COVID-19 protocols, guests Debbie Steinacker acknowledges the must be seated to consume any Christine Teeple Avon Supervisor members of The Friends concessions. While masks can be Cindy Ramier of the Festival for their Ticketing & Membership continued contributions. removed when enjoying food and Representatives Sales Associates This dedicated group beverages, they are encouraged Gay Allison Kristina Baron-Woods of volunteers provides be worn at all other times. Drinks Myrtle Baker George Bertwell thousands of hours of can be enjoyed throughout the Cindy Bissell Michele Gillan support annually. They Anna Burton Shelly Gilson can be found everywhere performance, but no food may be Hilary Culp Theresa Gleadall – welcoming patrons to consumed while actors are on stage. Christine Darragh Tania Harvey the theatre, answering Susan Davis Sherry LeSouder questions, working on LATE ARRIVAL AND Geena DeWeerd Kristina McCann special projects, assisting READMISSION Chardon Dingwall Ashley McGowan at Meighen Forum events Paul Duncan Shireen Sasani and so much more! We If you arrive late or leave the Frank Etwell Kim Switzer are so grateful for all auditorium during the performance, Martin Fielding they contribute to making we will make every effort to seat you Graeme Gionet Corporate each season possible. Suzanne Grandy Sponsorship at a suitable break. Please follow the 2021 President: Lori Hicks Associate Director of direction of ushers at all times. Jennifer Hord Kim Thompson Sponsorship Marianne Hord FIRST AID Yvonne Hord Lorraine Patterson 2021 Vice-President: Barry Becker Janice Kastner Sponsorship Coordinator We take patron health and safety Anna Kowalchuk Heather Martin seriously. Any member of our team Donna Lawley will coordinate first-aid assistance Cameron Leyser Marketing Maria Loghrin for you if required. Automated Director of Marketing external defibrillators (AEDs) are Jane Mallory Trudy Watson Aislinn McCauley available at all our venues. Meredith McCauley Associate Director, Brand Savannah McIntyre Carly Douglas IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Ruth Ann Miller Janice Mitchell Video Production In case of an evacuation, please Cheryl Moses Manager follow the instructions of Stratford Kelly Nicholls Genna Dixon Festival staff, who will escort you to Tara Nimmo Kathy Partridge Graphic Design Manager safety. If you discover a fire, please Barbara Redden Christopher Kelly activate the fire alarm and notify a Raphe St. Pierre Direct Marketing Stratford Festival team member. Sheila Taylor Manager Susan Varcoe Jessica Klumper PROTECTING YOUR PRIVACY Distribution Centre Interim Video Production To view our patron and donor Mailroom Coordinator Manager privacy protection policy please Candy Neumeister Kaitlyn Krestiankova visit

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All the world’s a stage — welcome back to it. REBECCA NORTHAN

We are proud to support the Stratford Festival and the artists who have been captivating audiences with exciting, innovative and entertaining productions since 1953. BMO is the 2021 season sponsor of the new Tom Patterson Theatre.

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21-1821 Stratford ad2_Ev1.indd 1 2021-07-09 2:16 PM