2019 ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT www.HonestReporting.com We believe deserves fair treatment in the news. We know public opinion is shaped by the media. We empower the grassroots to respond to media bias.

Join thousands of others demanding fair media coverage for Israel honestreporting.com/signup

HonestReporting USA Board of Directors President of the Board: Robert A. Blum Members of the Board Martha Barvin • Daniela Bendor • Max Blankfeld • David A. Barish, Ph.D. • Morris F. Mintz • Sharon Mishkin Executive Staff Daniel Pomerantz, Executive Director International Staff Simon Plosker, Managing Editor • Jerry Glazer, Director of Finance and Administration Suzanne Lieberman, Director of Missions & Donor Relations • Laura Cornfield, Director of MediaCentral HonestReporting Defending Israel From Media Bias

2019 ANNUAL IMPACT REPORT www.HonestReporting.com

This annual report is also available online as a downloadable PDF with additional content hyperlinks at www.honestreporting.com/2019-annual-report/

HonestReporting Annual Report 2019 • www.honestreporting.com 3 Why HonestReporting?

We deliver real solutions to We mobilize at a real problems. moment’s notice.

Media bias is a global problem that affects Israel and The longer biased news is out there, the more people it Jewish communities around the world. With our will misinform. That’s why we activate rapid response. monitoring, critiques, education, and social media We monitor the news as it comes out, and respond to presence, we put the media on notice and hold them to inaccuracy and bias as it happens. Corrections begin account. to appear within minutes, and we keep news agencies on notice.

We have leverage. Our team of non-profit professionals make every The most valuable assets for news agencies are their reputation and credibility. They know who we are, they dollar go the extra mile. know about our reach and our impact. We put the We monitor the events and news coverage, we reach out media on notice: they have to do their jobs right, or risk to our community, we provide education and events, we being exposed. engage with the media, and we get results.

Our track record is We don’t just critique the unparalleled. media, we also educate the wider public. For nearly two decades we’ve been obtaining corrections, expanding our community, and pressing the news media Our staff have intimate knowledge of the issues and are to do their jobs with fairness and accuracy. able to effectively disseminate accurate and relevant information. Our news literacy materials are an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to advocate for Israel today.

We are on the ground, in the heart of Jerusalem.

We are the only organization that is directly involved, in person, at every stage of the news cycle: before, during and after.

4 HonestReporting Annual Report 2019 • www.honestreporting.com Message from the Executive Director

At a time when antisemitism is on the rise, and some journalists try to portray Israel’s multicultural, democratic society as an apartheid, racist, colonial state, HonestReporting is not only more necessary, but also more prepared than ever before.

I’ve been in the role of Executive Director for just over a year, and in the following pages, I’m excited to tell you what we’ve done!

» Our new Director of MediaCentral, Laura Cornfield, a 30 year veteran of television news, is already drastically increasing output and building stronger relationships than ever with journalists on the ground in Israel.

» Member of the 19th Dov Lipman, joined our team as Senior Manager of Community Outreach. Did you know that Linda Sarsour attacked him in front of her followers on Twitter when he exposed her lack of knowledge about Arab Israelis?

» I’ve increased my own proactive, public appearances, including an internationally televised debate with BDS co- founder, Omar Barghouti, in which I exposed his lies and hypocrisy.

» We’ve achieved massive increases to our YouTube video output, often beating CNN’s ratings, and now including our newly acquired access to professional “b-roll” footage from wire services: this allows us to respond to breaking news with the same speed and visual quality as mainstream networks.

» As always, we continue to achieve corrections, retractions and implement respected oversight in the mainstream and digital media.

» Finally, we’ve improved our financial position, streamlined our spending and resources, and put ourselves on a strong footing to begin a successful 2020: for Israel and for Jewish communities around the world.

Despite our accomplishments, we are in the early stages of what promises to be a long battle: this work is as expensive as it is powerful and our adversaries include well-funded outlets like the television network Al Jazeera, and its youth oriented digital channel, AJ+, which produce content that is both anti-Israel and antisemitic. Our goal for 2020 is to “scale-up” and become truly competitive against these information forces.

Our work delivers: we track meaningful and measurable results, especially among young adults who are most vulnerable to this antisemitic mythology, which is an important factor for defending Jewish communities: in America and worldwide. I hope you’ll enjoy reading about those specific details in this report.

Thank you very much for supporting Israel, and for supporting HonestReporting.


Daniel Pomerantz

Executive Director

HonestReporting Annual Report 2019 • www.honestreporting.com 5 STATS


253 156 64 53 Featured Daily News Email Corrections Articles Roundups Campaigns

Social Media

Facebook Twitter VIDEOS 6.05 7.38 3.92 million million million people reached impressions views 1,500 45 Tweets Videos

Website 2.4 million pageviews

6 HonestReporting Annual Report 2019 • www.honestreporting.com During 2019, HonestReporting achieved 53 significant corrections. MEDIA Our results demonstrate our ability to not only effectively monitor the CORRECTIONS media but also our credibility, as editors respond to our requests and those of our readers when errors or bias occur. Media outlets that issued corrections include:


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Oxford English Dictionary

HonestReporting Annual Report 2019 • www.honestreporting.com 7 HR IN THE MEDIA

» Simon Plosker and Emanuel Miller appeared on HonestReporting’s weekly slot on South Africa’s Chai FM radio.

» Simon was also quoted extensively in two South African Jewish Report stories, one about a BDS activist comparing Israel to the Nazis and another critiquing an academic’s anti-Israel op-ed in a major South African media outlet.

» The Algemeiner continues to publish articles penned by HR staff, including five from Pesach Benson, eleven from Simon Plosker and six from TOTAL 22 articles Emanuel Miller.

» When Democratic politician Ilhan Omar caused a scandal with antisemitic tweets dressed up as anti-Israel criticism, HonestReporting sent her an invitation to join the organization in Israel to see the country for herself. HR’s initiative was covered in .

» The Jerusalem Post also cited HonestReporting in a story concerning an anti-Israel activist’s address to a UK Holocaust Memorial Day event.

» Daniel Pomerantz appeared on Israel’s Channel 10 morning show to promote our new Business Ambassadors program.

» Daniel appeared twice on i24 News discussing topics as diverse as the State of the Union, Israeli Elections & BDS, and Martin Luther King Day, the New York Times and more.

» Daniel was published in The Federalist concerning Donald Trump’s peace plan.

» Daniel appeared on the Nahum Segal JM in the AM and twice on the Dr. Drew radio shows.

» JNS cited Simon in a story about international media coverage of the Israeli elections.

» HonestReporting was cited by JNS, Israel Hayom and Washington Free Beacon following the publication of an antisemitic cartoon in the New York Times.

8 HonestReporting Annual Report 2019 • www.honestreporting.com » Israel Hayom cited Simon in a JNS story about international media coverage of Palestinian rocket barrages from Gaza, while Daniel appeared on i24 News discussing the same topic.

» Simon’s op-ed critiqued a BBC documentary on Jewish Telegraph Friday May 17, 2019 | COMMENT 11 Gaza in the Jewish Telegraph. Simon Plosker [email protected]

HE sense of trepida- civil war. That the BBC notably failed to tion from pro-Israel say ‘teargas’ as it had done earlier advocates was pal- in the programme undoubtedly pable leading up to left viewers wondering if Israel » the broadcast of was using chlorine or something The Jerusalem Post published an op-ed by TBBC One’s This World — One Gaza film will not far worse than a legitimate means Day in Gaza. of crowd dispersal used by other After all, when it comes to nega- western states. tive coverage of Israel, the BBC is But what about the positives? a serial offender. There were some significant take- And what better way to bash aways. Emanuel on the Breaking the Silence organization. Israel than the issue of violence on For the first time, an outside the Gaza border that has cost the change any minds media outlet has effectively con- lives of more than 150 Palestinians firmed the Israeli version of and injured thousands more? at the fence itself, but through events. While the Palestinian The story has been framed by video cameras controlled from a March of Return may have started LOSING THE PR off as a peaceful grassroots initia- most of the media and non-govern- BATTLE: Colonel base somewhere in southern mental organisations as Israel’s Kobi Heller, Israel. tive, Lambert makes it clear that disproportionate response to commander of While we are treated to the emo- by May 14, 2018, the demonstra- Palestinians peacefully protesting the Southern tional and humanising testi- tions had been infiltrated and co- to return to ancestral lands now Brigade around monies of Palestinians who were opted by Hamas as well as the in the State of Israel. the Gaza strip, is either injured or lost family mem- Islamic Jihad. So did the BBC stay true to interviewed in bers, Lambert did not feature any We see the open incitement from » The interviewed the leaders of those organisations South African Jewish Report Nahal Oz for One form? Yes and no. personal testimonies from young Freelance documentary film- Day in Gaza Israeli soldiers experiencing real and even the efforts to bus Pales- tinian women leaving a mosque to maker Olly Lambert deserves fear in the face of thousands of a dangerous area near the fence credit for not defaulting to a rioters surging towards the secu- against their will. transparent attempt to prove an rity fence. existing thesis that places sole Israel has been losing the PR We hear the admittance from a Simon concerning an anti-Israel opinion piece in a responsibility for the situation on battle on this issue precisely Hamas official that the Israeli Israel. because there have been no com- shooting on that day started as a parable images from the Israeli direct response to armed Pales- side of the border fence. Egypt is also This is somewhat understand- able given that the IDF, for opera- Openly stating tional and security reasons, has major South African media outlet. blockading not allowed journalists access to that area. So the sometimes his desire to Gaza border grainy IDF video footage trained on the Gaza side of the border is no murder a Jew is also blockading Gaza. in which four IDF soldiers were match for that from the other side. The end result, however, is a pro- Incredibly, in an age of easy info- wounded by an explosive device While the IDF footage may have tinians firing on IDF soldiers gramme that doesn’t really chal- graphics, there was no geographi- when they approached the fence to helped Lambert piece together a finally laying to rest the myth lenge its viewers or force them to cal image or map onscreen to give remove a Palestinian flag Hamas timeline of events, either the BBC that all of these Palestinian pro- face hard questions. Those with the locations of the numerous had placed during riots in the or the IDF missed an opportunity. testers were unarmed innocents. strong opinions, be they anti or Israeli border communities Strip? The Palestinian testimonies This myth is further buried by pro-Israel,❝ are unlikely to have threatened by a potential invasion Indeed, throughout the inci- themselves have caused an outcry the❝ multiple testimonies of Pales- » Daniel was published in the Daily Caller changed their minds. of Palestinian rioters. dences of regular violence on the from the pro-Israel community. tinians openly stating their inten- But what about the majority While one of those communities Gaza border, Israel has competed Anyone with a rudimentary tions that day to breach the secu- without strongly-held convictions is described as being only 250 against graphic footage and knowledge of Arabic would have rity fence and enter Israel. in the first place? metres from the security fence, imagery coming from the Gaza noticed the translation of the We are informed that a substan- The title of the programme the concept of distance and threat side of the fence. word ‘Yahud’ to ‘Israeli’ rather tial number of the dead that day itself is testament to its biggest to Israeli civilians is therefore The BBC was given access to than ‘Jew’. were claimed by Hamas as opera- weakness. Gaza’s problems cannot somewhat abstract. IDF video footage to piece togeth- A deliberate mistranslation to tives of its military wing. addressing the Palestinian Authority’s be compressed into “one day” or The construct of the fence itself er its timeline. Ultimately, howev- cover up Palestinian anti- We see footage of deliberate dis- even several months prior to May is barely touched upon and view- er, all of the available footage was semitism? The Palestinian inter- information being spread through 14, 2018. ers would probably be astonished focused on one side of the fence — viewee was openly stating his the crowds encouraging Palestini- the Gazan side. They require a level of context to learn that this is not an electri- desire to murder a Jew. Not an ans to swarm the fence that they absent from Lambert’s film, which fied fence that could keep a T-Rex Numerous media outlets report- Israeli, but a Jew. have been falsely told has been only briefly skimmed the surface contained in Jurassic Park, but ed and recorded from inside Gaza. While that may have been breached. of the history needed for an unin- something far less robust. Palestinians with mobile phones missed by most people, watching mistreatment of its LGBTQ community. formed viewer to understand why captured huge amounts of raw Sadly we also watch Palestinian Likewise, the events of May 14, Palestinians seemingly convuls- testimonies from people, possibly Gazans find themselves in such an 2018 cannot be taken in isolation. footage. ing in agony towards the end of abysmal situation. Why then did the documentary the programme was an assault on brainwashed, desperate or delu- The Israeli footage as broadcast sional, who are prepared to ‘mar- The BBC is infamous for its not reference or show footage of by the BBC was sterile in compari- the senses. tyr’ themselves for the cause. selective omissions when it comes previous incidents of armed Pales- son. A single interviewee from the The narrator described Israelis to Israel and here it didn’t disap- tinians breaching the security Israeli border community of Nir- deploying ‘gas’ against the Gazan � Simon Plosker is managing editor of point. For example, when referenc- fence, one example of which im. An interview with an uniden- people in much the same way that HonestReporting, the world’s largest ing the Israeli blockade of Gaza, occurred only a few weeks before? tifiable IDF intelligence officer the Syrian regime has used chemi- grassroots organisation defending Israel » Daniel was featured in the Israeli financial there was no mention that Egypt Or an incident in February, 2018, who experienced the violence, not cal weapons during that country’s against media bias. Honestreporting.com newspaper the Calcalist as “one to watch” for 2020, profiling his own personal story and the work of HonestReporting.

» Daniel appeared on China’s CGTN TV where he exposed Omar Barghouthi, the face of the BDS movement, to a potential audience of 4 million.

» Daniel appeared twice on ILTV to discuss incitement in the Palestinian education system and the Israeli election results.

» Simon explained Israel’s attitude towards UNRWA on RTS Radio Télevision Suisse (French language).

» Simon’s speaking tour of New Jersey was featured in the New Jersey Jewish News.

» HonestReporting was cited by JTA (republished in Jerusalem Post and Times of Israel) after The Independent published an antisemitic opinion piece.

HonestReporting Annual Report 2019 • www.honestreporting.com 9 NEW STAFF

Dov Lipman

We were delighted to announce that former Member of Knesset and American “oleh” to Israel, Dov Lipman, joined our team as Senior Manager – Community Outreach. His work includes outreach and fundraising in the many communities that support us around the world. Dov made Israel advocacy a significant part of his work in the Knesset and we are excited to have such a high-profile person on board!

Zina Rakhamilova

As new projects and new technologies come to fruition, we are constantly looking for dynamic young experts in their field to join our team. Zina Rakhamilova has worked in the Jewish non-profit world for over five years. After graduating from York University, one of the most anti-Israel campuses in Canada, Zina began working as a campus professional, supporting and educating pro-Israel students all across Canadian campuses about Israel.

She then took her skills to support Israel online, working to create content for social media to ensure Israel's voice was being heard online. Zina now heads HonestReporting's YouTube project, making videos that explain Israel's geopolitics beyond the headlines.

10 HonestReporting Annual Report 2019 • www.honestreporting.com IHRA ANTISEMITISM DEFINITION PETITION AND THE NEW YORK TIMES

Daniel Pomerantz outside the office of the New York Times.

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism has already been adopted and endorsed by a growing number of governments and organizations (including HonestReporting).

But beyond the governmental level, there’s another sector that needs to adopt the IHRA’s definition of antisemitism: The media.

By choosing what to cover and how to cover it, news services set the agenda for public discourse. Guided by the IHRA, journalists would make better-informed decisions in covering hate crimes. Coverage of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS), especially on local campuses, would be better nuanced. With a consistent standard, editors would be able to better judge op- eds and letters while moderators could keep website comments more civilized.

And in a time when public figures on the right and left engage in varying degrees of antisemitic rhetoric, the press will be better poised to fulfill its role of holding leaders accountable.

That's why HonestReporting launched a petition, signed by thousands of people, calling on the international media to adopt the IHRA definition.

HonestReporting took an active lead in calling out the New York Times after it published a blatantly antisemitic cartoon in its international edition. HR was cited in a number of media outlets on the issue (which you can see earlier in this report).

HonestReporting’s petition calling on the international mainstream media to adopt the IHRA definition is a constructive way to address issues such as the New York Times cartoon.

That’s why Daniel Pomerantz visited the New York Times headquarters to deliver the petition to Editor-in-Chief, Dean Baquet.

We intend to present the petition to other significant media outlets in the near future.

HonestReporting Annual Report 2019 • www.honestreporting.com 11 After six years of providing readers with the Israel Daily News Stream, it was time HR LAUNCHES to rethink and revamp the roundup.

ISRABITE NEWS In May we launched IsraBite – a bite-sized Israel news roundup.

I want you to know that your updates and research mean very much to me in the sea of nonsense which abounds.


Thank you for coming back! There are indeed other sources but I think HonestReporting has best format, easily accessible. In a time poor world, I can skim, read, and still get to work on time. I wish HonestReporting great luck.


You have a knack for getting through important items which can be found nowhere else. Keep up the good work.


EDUCATION We’ve upped the amount of content on our website to include topics that people look for when they want answers about Israel and the Middle East.

Here is just a small selection of the in-depth posts that have been written and published by HonestReporting staff and guest writers during 2019:

» The Truth About the Security Barrier

» The Anti-Israel Bias of the UN Human Rights Council

» Israel-China Ties: The ‘Sticking Point’ With the US?

» The Hebrew Language and the State of Israel

» What’s in a Name? The Origins of Judea, Philistia, Palestine and Israel

» The Jewish Connection to the Land of Israel

» Iran’s Land Bridge: A Threat to Israel and the Middle East?

» Debunking the ‘Jews-Only Roads’ Charge

» Understanding US Foreign Aid to Israel

» Just What is the Jordan Valley?

We’ve also continued to educate about media bias itself. One of our posts was even picked up and tweeted by the Society of Professional Journalists. We couldn’t ask for a better endorsement!

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Our YouTube project continues to go from strength to oYOUTUBE po ha postrength, reaching vio out to young people where they are, in a ha havPROJECT n vi OVERmedium . they MILLION understand. im in o a During this year, we produced 45 videos that reached over 3.9 million viewers, the majority of them, some 59%, in the ha al 11 MILLIONall-important minutes 18-34 age demographic. watched Topics included the question of whether US Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar should have been banned from visiting Israel, which was viewed over 1 million times, and a look at the UN’s treatment of women’s rights.

HonestReporting Annual Report 2019 • www.honestreporting.com 13 This summer represented our largest ever intake of interns from a variety of HR'S LARGEST Jewish Agency MASA-affiliated programs.

EVER SUMMER Reaching the younger generation is important to us and our interns don’t INTERN INTAKE spend their summer serving us coffee. Our interns become part of the team and make valuable contributions.

Some of the results can be seen on our website as the interns demonstrated their abilities by producing quality articles on different Israel and Middle East topics.

So it’s thank you to:

» Margo Dickstein, University of Michigan

» Tyler Kotler, Washington University in St. Louis

» Batya Stein, Princeton University

» Alyssa Dwek, City University, London

» Griffin Judd, University of New Hampshire

The one word to describe how I feel after my time working at HonestReporting is Empowered. HonestReporting has empowered me to think critically when reading news media. It has empowered me with Tyler Kotler and Margo Dickstein an amazing platform, allowing me to share my ideas and thoughts with an audience eager to listen to what I have to say. I am forever grateful to HonestReporting's staff, who taught me the ropes, and along the way valued my input. I never felt like the "intern." I was a member of the team. After my summer at HonestReporting, I can't wait to take what I have learned and bring it back to my community at the University of Michigan. Thank you, HonestReporting!

Margo Dickstein

Alyssa Dwek, Griffin Judd and Batya Stein

14 HonestReporting Annual Report 2019 • www.honestreporting.com 52 people from countries including the US, UK, Canada and Australia joined MISSIONS TO ISRAEL us in May/June and December for our two HonestReporting Missions of the year.

Participants enjoyed luxury hotel stays in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, learning about the history of the country from its birth to the present, examining some of the key issues as well as receiving some practical advocacy and media bias training.

Only weeks after the first Israeli election of the year, Lahav Harkov, the Jerusalem Post’s top analyst and reporter in the Knesset gave her take on the unfolding (and later failed) coalition negotiations. December Mission participants were able to catch up on the continuing political deadlock with ’s political correspondent Raoul Wootliff as the country prepared for an unprecedented third election in the space of a year. And who better to give a tour of the Knesset building than HonestReporting’s own former MK Dov Lipman?

There were field trips to see some of the best of Israeli ingenuity atthe Center for Israeli Innovation, a VIP tour of Magen David Adom’s Jerusalem headquarters showcasing how Israeli technology saves lives, and the Jaffa studios of i24 News where participants got to see live TV in action and hear Mission participants visit the Machal Memorial at Sha’ar HaGai. from the station’s CEO Frank Melloul.

Experts in their fields and guest lecturers addressed the Mission such as former spokesperson to the prime minister, Col. (Res.) Miri Eisin, leading military analyst Elliot Chodoff, JPost Arab Affairs correspondent Khaled Abu Toameh, Jerusalem’s Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, and Yoram Ettinger, former Ambassador in-charge of Israel’s relations with the US Congress.

Mission participants also heard from real people with very real stories such as Kay Wilson, the survivor of a brutal terror attack, who gave inspiring words and introduced her Palestinian friend trying to build bridges between Jews and Arabs, while Amna Kanana who is working for improved women’s rights within Israeli-Arab society hosted the group in her Kfar Qara home during a field trip to see how Israel’s non-Jewish minorities live in the Jewish state.

Participants received practical training on media issues from HonestReporting’s dedicated staff and learned how to better advocate for Israel from educator extraordinaire Neil Lazarus.

Don’t miss out! HonestReporting will be running our next Mission in April 2020. You can find out more here – https://mission.honestreporting.com.

HonestReporting Annual Report 2019 • www.honestreporting.com 15 SPEAKING EVENTS


HonestReporting’s Simon Plosker and Emanuel Miller were invited by Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs to the #DigiTell19 conference joining organizations and individuals from 17 countries considered to be the most impactful pro- Israel advocates on social media. The three-day event built on and expanded the network that was created at the first Digitell in 2018.

Simon was honored to present the work of HonestReporting and relay best practices to the audience of advocates during a panel discussion on responding to anti-Israel media bias.

The media bias panelists at Digitell19.


In a first for HonestReporting, we held a seminar in our Jerusalem offices entitled, “Learn how to get your point across.” Daniel Pomerantz broke down examples from television debates, including his recent appearance with BDS co-founder Omar Barghouti on international television. He used these examples to explore how we can communicate without losing friendships, and how to be persuasive yet respectful.

In addition to a live audience of about 30 HonestReporting supporters from Israel, we also did a live stream of the event to supporters around the world. This live stream included the ability to send in comments and questions. So no matter HonestReporting supporters gather at the home of HR's board chairman where in the world you are, we hope you’ll join us for the live stream. next time!

16 HonestReporting Annual Report 2019 • www.honestreporting.com Daniel Pomerantz in Houston, Texas. Daniel Pomerantz and Simon Plosker addressed numerous groups including:

» Community events in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts

» Panel discussion on Israel advocacy moderated by the Israeli Consul General for New England at Boston Limmud

» New York community event with former Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat

» Israeli American Council (IAC) in New Jersey and Boston

» Jewish International Connection New York (JICNY)

» Private parlor meetings in New York and Houston

» Forgotten People’s Fund, Netanya

» Israel Government Fellows Program, Jerusalem

» Bnai Zion Foundation journalists’ Israel trip, Tel Aviv

» Montefiore Endowment Fellowship program, Jerusalem

» Federation of Zionist Youth Yearcourse, Jerusalem

» Midreshet Amit, Jerusalem

» Media in Conflicts Seminar (MICS) at the IDC, Herzliya

Daniel Pomerantz addressing the Media in Conflicts Seminar (MICS) at the IDC, Herzliya

HonestReporting Annual Report 2019 • www.honestreporting.com 17 “I learned so much today about the power of news media to shape people’s views. Now I see how important it is, for each person to play a part in standing up to anti-Israel bias. Thanks, HR!”

– Arielle, Golda Och Academy

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Tired of seeing Israel slammed in the media? honestreporting.com/signup HonestReporting Defending Israel From Media Bias

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HonestReporting is a U.S.A. non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Our ID# is 06-1611-859.

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